Insane MLG Minecraft Moments – RLW Gaming

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A little bit we got it no it still doesn’t look good all right that looks fine oh it’s dark holy [ __ ] you over here just staring at my ass what the [ __ ] hey hey hey hey hey what the [ __ ] what are you doing ass assault let’s get some

Sleep what now he’s going to be a creeper in the [ __ ] window maybe go to bed that’s I’m going I’m going over here going bed bed go home go to bed going to go home and go a bed yep going do this go home take your [ __ ] he was actually saying that stuff

Too when he was at work he’s I’m G to go home and go bed I’m go home do this and go bed go home do this and go bed all right so I was building my Farm What’s up got dirt and seeds dirt melon seeds what’s up God you are being a creep this guy I just don’t know what I want to build yet leave me alone Be can we be friends what asking I don’t want to be friends with a B I’m sorry hell no all right so that’s I was doing I was going to make it to Qui C let’s put all these Away did the water just not reach all of them like why is it like partially and then not there like my watermelons didn’t grow in all the parts it’s almost like some of it’s grown some of it’s not [ __ ] water man haven’t played in a long time they never

GRE that is true how long does it take to Grow how long does it take to grow don’t know like a day I need know this um okay uh so I have my cows over here got my pet I don’t know how the [ __ ] that pet got in there but anyways what was I doing working on a basement I was

Getting the trees I had enough trees for all that stuff I was uh I was that’s what I was doing I was trying to think of how to get XP for the [ __ ] the for the diamond pick that’s what I was doing just put this away I don’t need this

Watermelon watermelon where you at I don’t even think I have this I do watermelon 64 64 and all that [ __ ] cool let’s put these seeds away all right so I need a shovel or a hoe I need both and I need a Sher where’s the

What mobs oh I said it on Peaceful I forgot there we are there’s mobs all right let’s go replant these oh this is in the way this is start not this is the reason why I need that [ __ ] god oh I couldn’t just do this no that looks fing weird ah Oh my fire I need A [Laughter] okay got all these taken care of I gotta get used to the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude damn got 56 seeds [Laughter] yeah cuz I remember trying to [ __ ] like I was saying that I wanted to grow like an entire Farm of this and I was going to do more

Uh what’s it called more animals over here and I going do that I’m expand this out make pigs uh [Laughter] sheep do all that [ __ ] no i’ say to keep it up as a realm if you want to do that but I know you wanted to wait like I know you you guys

Are always on anyways I mean like by the time I get home you guys are always on anyways so I mean if it winds up getting to that point I can I don’t know how you want to do it if you want me to pay or like you me pay for that

Or it’s only I’m saying if we if we wind up getting people that’s what I’m saying if we [Laughter] do oh you want just worry about worry about when the time comes I think uh this one if if it’s just normal and it’s going off like like we’re playing

Right now I think like 10 people can play it’s basically the same as the real very enough okay just the difference between the realm is when like all of like when I get off or you get off the ser right right oh damn it is growing holy [ __ ] as

Soon as we got in here this one grew up wow all right so I got to e those now what else can you grow obviously besides trees I’m going to go chop down I’m a chop on these trees you grow your hair you said grow my hair

The [ __ ] I got plenty of Hair what you talking about fool got plenty of Hair I ain’t that old yet [ __ ] well you said what could I grow and I was just saying all right put that away put the hose away [Laughter] n here we go no but seriously what else can you

Grow though I know you can grow uh because the only seeds I have right now are uh I got glowberries I don’t think those are [ __ ] seeds I got bamboo which I already got upstairs sugar cane sugar can wheat seeds I what else do I have right now I

Only have the the wheat is downstairs the bamboo is upstairs or the sugar can is upstairs I got those two besides maybe I can do some animals let’s get some sheep clear all that stuff out so let’s get some uh wood let’s get that’s what I was

Going to do okay so let’s get some sh shovels put away I’m going to get some axes breathing on the window [ __ ] creepy as a [ __ ] dude I got to start memorizing where all my [ __ ] is again pics don’t need the pic I need whats I don’t think it’s been that

Long I know it’s been a while but it hasn’t been no [ __ ] like four five months May been a couple months but it hasn’t been no [ __ ] like four five months May been a couple of months it’s been it’s been a half a year it has let see your oldest Minecraft

Video [ __ ] half a year over here I don’t think I really don’t think months so I was I was two months off okay okay three months sounds reasonable what’s up lazy how you doing today yeah I know it’s been a long time three months does seem like I was still

On the Discord server so it’s not like I necessarily left you guys I just [ __ ] was on there I mean I still talked to you guys I just was seeing her every single night so by the time I got home I didn’t want to do anything because we were door dashing every single

Night and even then when we go to Door Dash I can always do it on my days off but even on days off like I could have done it on those days off and I just didn’t feel like doing it now I’m like I’m like kept on telling myself all

Right well I don’t want to get myself into it if it’s not you know what I mean I just that’s the reason why it was already so long and I’m like are you on as sleep or no didn’t show on my thing is that on your thing now yeah it

Told me that you finally went to sleep oh I was already sleeping well I was probably in the menu something no it’s all good and you just woke up bro Jesus Christ all right let’s go try some of these trees I’m so what is my thing became like the

National thing for everybody or what no I just hang around here I don’t know what I want to do I’m just watching you try some trees no do dumb stuff now that’s what it is I I got I have one person watching woo he pulls out of [ __ ] launer and

[ __ ] starts chilling drinking a beer Oh I thought I was going to turn around you were going to be sitting up now you are he just perched right there I was trying to fly but I fell it’s all good I’m going to do is I know I want to do

This clear out this leave those things for that and replant the trees oh here’s a chicken you want a chicken I hear bees [ __ ] those bees man I’m trying I’m trying to get this chicken but I don’t got no there’s wheat downstairs take some weed down

There yeah but I got to walk all around fair enough no I just take this we go well I got a [ __ ] what’s it called I got to get the borders for it anyways got my seeds God these things take up so much oh [Laughter] chcken oh

Cows about that too I’ll take that I need more meat bro I need to [ __ ] gross oh I already got some cows don’t I’m [ __ ] dumb I already got cows over there that’s the one thing I actually did have Jesus we got sheep over here I know

But I got to get [ __ ] like here one second I got enough right now I got 12 where did they go I don’t know I’m G I’m wait until I get to uh I’m waiting to get more before I do it so I’m going to plant some more these like go down cuz they’re starting to rid of them now how far did I plant cuz I know you

Didn’t want me to go over here you wanted to keep the look of that and I get that so iOS to supposed to do something over here oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I remember that I can’t remember what we were [ __ ] doing but I remember saying yeah let’s build

Something over there cuz you were saying all right well we can build more stuff and I was I can always come up with an idea of what to build because I just have the time and now I have time so I have another dude to play Minecraft

With us too I just I gotta tell him to [ __ ] like I got to get him in the Discord because he’s he’s been I don’t know if you play it but he’s been playing a lot of payday he likes playing payday he plays payday and he plays

Minecraft is what he said but him and his buddi like play it together and I was like all right man well I I gotta get his [ __ ] number to do everything but to say hey man I’m like my most fun time is [ __ ] uh playing with friends

If it’s like CU I remember the best time that I had so far was when [ __ ] we had that 10 people on the server and we were all playing at the same time and just having a good time all building our own house and doing this and like some

Of us were talking like playing on Discord and like I don’t I don’t want to have like a little kid on here talk you know what I mean I don’t want to destroy it [ __ ] have that be like all right the age limit is

13 you got to be at least 13 to 14 to be involved I don’t want to have [ __ ] people come in here but I him again all right having their mom and [ __ ] [ __ ] in the background you know what I will always love that people always have going off

In the background their fire alarm you always hear the trip the trip huh yeah you know when your fire alarm like tries to alert you telling you your battery’s low and it CHS oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah seems like everybody has that in the backg that is true I

Have I can’t I can’t deny that one I have mine I have that one on mine too I didn’t know if it was uh because I had that when I first moved here I don’t think I have it that much anymore cuz it drove me nuts cuz me and Kendall are

Both sitting there going like what the [ __ ] is that and I remember it from my other house when I had the trailer I remember going off and my friend was like no I think what it is uh it’s your batteries going low I don’t think that’s

The case because I mean when I replaced it and I put it back up there it’s still going off the same thing let me place these up I see a horse move horse remember yeah and then people’s backgrounds going like that move horse sitting there get annoyed like [ __ ]

Man it’s not even Annoying It’s just that high pitch sound all the time it’s just every like one minute you hear it yep they attacking me I knew that was going to happen I’m getting attacked by like four bees I got it I get it I get it I get it I

Destroyed okay I get it I get it well I’m sorry I was trying to [ __ ] they’re they came in my home first place in the first place I without the we that is true I’m making a new home for him see I’m not being a dick I’m [ __ ] replacing your home leave me

Alone don’t worry about the other brothers and sisters of your family that I killed I didn’t kill them I just destroyed their home well you killed like several bees like way back then oh yeah yeah hell yeah was I didn’t mean well I did but as long as they weren’t

In the vicinity of like what I was trying to do then I’d be fine but they were in my Vicinity there’s nothing good on fortnite down T I got hoping something would come out today but it’s garbage hello julam I can’t I’m gonna butcher that name what’s up J uh juli hams how you doing today bro thank you for the follow I appreciate that I’m glad you’re having a good time

Bro [ __ ] this horse move horse move move every animal over there I am first goes with bees I [ __ ] I hate bees out of all them I hate [ __ ] bees I hate bees with Passion okay so that is replaced and I have about two stacks we go with that by the way you have a door over here H you have a door oh I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] Jesus J Christ I do have to worry about my health right now

Right yeah yeah so I go get some food I got that watermelon hell yeah I got two and a half do I even have a category for food let me see probably not I do oh I got some cooked beef I’ll take it oh you got three I’ll take that

[ __ ] over here stealing my [ __ ] he’s like yes sir yes sir yes sir I got something for you do I even want to know all one second what the fck are you clapping for me what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is you doing one second look I’m going to put myself not

That give me one second got itada bing bada boom what are you doing dude what the they have emotes for Minecraft now always had it I didn’t know that what the [ __ ] I used to be scared of bees and Ross now I’m only scared of boss I’m scared of both man I [ __ ]

Hate them all I hate them all I no man I’m I’m good I don’t like any of them but that’s just me with them until they fly in my face and then I freak out my God all right so let’s make some of the doing is I was making fences

So I can get some uh so I can go teame some uh some more [ __ ] that’s what I was doing I thought you I thought you said you were going to like put them all in that one no no no no no no no cows I was

Going to put them all the cows in there and then I was going to [ __ ] I remember he saying like you’re gonna just put all your pigs or whatever in it the same thing no I mean yeah all my pigs but well no in the like one main

Big thing I don’t remember yeah no no no I was but not like all my animals I wasn’t going to put all my animals in one I kind of wanted to have it like how yours was where [ __ ] you had what’s it called you have the the Bee or the

Bees I’m fing [ __ ] the cows the pigs the the do you have horses or no I don’t think you have horses no I do you do have horses yeah so horses two or three except for there beam never stung me except for when I was three I got stung by a whole

Hot Jesus Christ from a treehouse oh my God the [ __ ] that I feel stupid right now I have to remember how to make this [ __ ] oh my God I’m going off wood I need sticks I need a wood I need wood got it and then I need sticks and

Then that’s what I was doing there we go Bens I need some fancies no I’m inside would been funny that now let’s go and make this more fences oh it’s raining right now I can do the uh super fast speed thing all right so I

Don’t I we can try 33 and 18 see if that works see if that works all right I don’t think that’s going to be enough are we sleeping or no I’m in the nether I mean oh not anymore uh I mean hold on you can sleep

And I’ll go back through the ne and it should you to sleep well if you can’t sleep in the nether but I mean do you think it would just be you can sleep when I’m in the ne okay there go so what are you working on right now

H I want I wanted to go get my rib tied because it’s raining right now [ __ ] these skeletons dude [ __ ] these skeletons no it’s not raining [ __ ] these skeletons dude my bad I’m 30 never raining like rain so little and then finally get my my bad a apologizing the

Rain yeah because I I didn’t mean to [ __ ] like have you stop doing everything to make it go to do that I you’re not the one that sto the rain still oh my legs oh my God I can’t get a desk too I can get those both at Walmart now I

Can get them delivered oh my god dude once I get the money I’m going to get me a monitor I gotta get Cascade too I gotta get that in the next day I’m not I wasn’t going to do it now I could do it now actually have it delivered the next

[ __ ] like probably hour like 8 n o’ at night no I’ll do it tomorrow I’m not going to be a dick what’s up huh because I felt too lazy to go get it even though my house is literally right there he’s like Bruh Bruh I swear Man games are what the only

Thing that makes me sane I didn’t have games and music I don’t know what the [ __ ] I would do I swear I really really really don’t know what I would Do hear this I would need NE right that’s going to cost 16 to do that sure my XP level nice big thing for it I got something fast for you yeah what I got oh I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing well the good thing is all right

Where’s the entrance to my [ __ ] thing I can’t jump this I know the Sheep the those can but where’s the uh thing to it wait Did you already finish yeah there wasn’t that hard I to do is [ __ ] go there and chop some up

I’m good You Got Dirt no I was I was G do the fast look at this oh you replenish the guy yeah replac the replenish the [ __ ] uh your nether yeah my super god uh I know this is unsolicited but do you do you pester yourself a lot what do you mean

You mean like down myself a lot is that what you mean all right do I want to put I’m thinking about where I put the entrance I want to put the entrance here want put the entrance here I can put it right here I’ll put it right there know but I’m put right

Here in there don’t trck myself in there and then get [Laughter] a if I do I mean I I don’t know how to answer that bro because I mean like I I guess I do but I don’t like I don’t purposely try to do it it kind of just happens you’re

Talking about like an I don’t know man I don’t know how to explain it it depends on which it depends on what part you mean if it’s like my house or like things around the house I’m not like necessarily like OCD about this [ __ ] but if you’re saying P to myself a lot

Like make sure like everything is good in this game and gaming yeah if I’m like doing I love tyon games and I love building games like this so I like everything being like my way in a sense that’s the reason why I have like my portion over

Here even though the houses don’t have to be [ __ ] Cubes but I can’t made fun up for that cubes oh I need the wheat can you bring you still have the wheat go downstairs and get it I dro the here I got one there you

Go that it still works I got seeds I just don’t have no like when you make a mistake I mean it depends on what I make the mistake on here I can go grab you some no it’s all good I got I got enough uh I got enough uh

Seeds the seeds I thought I was using the seeds for the sheep or no I need wheat for the Sheep don’t I the [ __ ] no you’re right I don’t let’s make another one over here too I’ll clear out this part thank you now he got to find some

Sheep well there was some somewhere like over where were they at that’s what I’m saying I got to clear all this stuff I’ll leave that one portion for your Sky thing yeah they were like somewhere over here yeah remember I think I saw some of them yeah I think damn

It all I need is one man that’s all I need let me get this sheep uh oh damn you gave me 64 holy [ __ ] I wasn’t expecting that much mer see boy come here boy bring that ass huh one come here buddy I was going to say I don’t think

He even knows where to follow SE two different weights like where the [ __ ] do I go still follow me buddy okay cool come here come here come here come here come here boy you ever seen wild and Out H you ever seen wild and out me yeah there’s a show with Nick Canon [ __ ] it’s called wild and out [ __ ] like every single time that one character comes up there and starts like doing something he goes like bring that ass here boy did you make a door yeah one

Second where the [ __ ] did it oh he’s right there he went the opposite way come on budddy can’t jum down I did I made it stay right there or you did oh he jumped he jumped I didn’t ium I made the stairway over here now all you need is uh wool and

Then you can jump on H yeah here guys ready mate mate mate mate give me a baby thank you thank you I I love you thank you thank you they up so quickly they grow up so fast oh what the [ __ ] oh you use the bow meal on you [ __ ] no I didn’t

Use the B I used the wheat used wheat to grow up use whatever you use to make the M can i m again no you go to wait for the other two to get ready again gotcha this is this is going to some like issues in the

Family oh cuz the girl is going to be [ __ ] like another guy or girls guys [ __ ] a girl no it’s it’s the the son or daughter the parents let’s [ __ ] up that’s how animals go bro that’s how animals go man they’re not they’re not compated as

Us no hell no or not I do need a shovel no I got a shovel never mind I got a shovel I need a uh oh so it’s time to clear out that that’s what I was doing so I got the Sheep now let’s get the pigs out of the

Way so I think this is this is big enough for faking pigs right yeah this is big enough for pigs why did you create a wood one huh why did you create a wood it no I didn’t create it it was already it was already in my [ __ ]

Thing so I just took it oh I was like why did you cre a wood cuz this is I need to oh my God why are you trying to M with the shovel cuz I’m [ __ ] [ __ ] or like Avery says I’m having a [ __ ] seizure all right let’s go here

Let’s go sleep cuz it’s getting too dark on do you have any wool in here uh I don’t think I do it would probably be think yeah it would be in random you got that I got some no you have oh you have one one wol that’s gonna [ __ ] help

Me Oh you mean for the corner to jump in and jump out to feed him no I was trying to find W for myself just wait from to spawn I mean grow look at some how did that be get in my oh it’s cuz my windows are [ __ ]

Open you oh my God you [ __ ] oh there we go coming oh my God my [ __ ] ear oh my God my ears from my headphones are hurting man oh my God why is it hurting so bad I seriously cannot wait till I get that 20 that

[ __ ] put this fing back and then get myself a desk and I’ll be basically set I can’t wait all right what you making a bunk bed for yourself yeah he’s like [ __ ] it I’m making a bunk beard hey that works man why the [ __ ] not just set one here so I can sleep

Over here that is true I’m just making mon beds I have one in Panthers I have one at your house now he’s just being thrown around everywhere man that’s what he’s being he’s just being thrown around everywhere just living in everybody’s houses that’s I’m saying you’re just [ __ ] throwing

Yourself around man being used and abused I don’t even live in my own house over there you got a nice ass house Though all right let’s get this oh no strer danger there a creeper a second all right I got that now I just got to get one more thing all right I just need like two up fences and I’m good all right so let’s go make some let’s get some pigs for the next

One I’ll make that I need the that’s I need I need a I need a pick I knew I came there for a [ __ ] reason p uh uh I have no picks but I have Cobblestone and I have more picks I don’t I don’t want to use those

I don’t want to use those until I can get those picked that’s random yeah what I was GNA say did you ever get any more diamonds uh you can check it I get a diamond I did to be in there I got 15 I saw that oh dang you just a

Diamond I don’t trust myself with it man like I can get more self and do all that stuff but I don’t want to like waste a diamond you know I know it’s going to last for a long time but I don’t want to waste

It I want to find out a way to make sure diamond and then diamond yeah you already have diamond and Ne no I got you I’m just saying I want to be I I kind of want to I know to myself that I can make I know

How to make the Cobble things and it doesn’t take that long to make it that’s the reason why I usually use the Cobblestone to do it I don’t do diamond it takes me a long time to get diamond and get it so I would have to use my

Diamond pick to go down there and get more Diamond unless I’m actually working downstairs to do it not use I could use iron I don’t if do I have iron I mean if you have 18 diamonds you should have tons of yeah let me check that’s what I’m looking

For on the right I’m say I’m trying to memorize where everything’s at iron in this one all right so let’s go make the iron into there we go yeah there’s three in here you don’t you can just create here all right one second making some iron real

Quick I’m waiting for the terrain so I can go super fast why do you have to wa for it to rain so I can use my uh rip I can only like fly when it’s h isn’t there one where you don’t have to be it doesn’t have to be rain to do

It well I can fly with my eler by itself but like the rib tide you have to wait until it rains so I can like throw it and it sends me flying my God damn that was fast that was fast that was fast that was

Fast all right how many I got right now I got 17 yeah not really let’s make some iron ingots what make let’s make Pick shovel right now I’ll make two of each just right now put this wood away I don’t need the wood right now do I have a wood tab okay what what yes why do I I’m not even going to ask I do have smoke fence as well God I gotta organize this

[ __ ] uh don’t need the bone it’s going to go in random like diamonds and like shovels sounds like [ __ ] what’s it called all the wood shovels man doesn’t even want to create Cobble ones he just wants it to go straight to Wood I told you

Worse oh the [ __ ] if I know wait’s on the right remember the we yeah there honestly at this point you should put a door right here now honestly that would probably be if you wanted to P it and put the door over here I I can you know I can do you

Can have two over there and then like another one over here so you go through this yeah because I go through here a lot more than anything else I get that all right so what was I doing I was putting the oak samplings away I don’t need the oak samplings [Laughter]

Let’s put that in the [Laughter] armor God I got some [ __ ] I’m not using to [ __ ] like my eyes have to adjust I’m kind of getting sick but I mean like it’s cuz I’m not used to the [ __ ] like seeing an entire screen of [ __ ] like playing

Minecraft I have to like keep on hopping back and forth because it’s like hurting my eyes a little bit I’ll get used to it I’ll get used to it just just taking me a little bit of time that’s all don’t your eyes ever have to like adjust from playing like game to

Game no he’s like know said I’m fine right now no I’m pretty sure you used to it though like going like this and playing on PC for so long like I’ve only been playing on PC for like the last like what like year I was playing on Xbox for a long

Time or PS4 whatever the [ __ ] we’re GNA need a couple of these there you go I got another door thank you oh you did put the piece up there I didn’t okay pieces still left for that one PL though yeah yeah yeah where I get the pl

All right now I just got to get what is it the [ __ ] like to tame a uh a pig carrot oh yeah that’s one thing I don’t have how do I get carrots how do I get a carrot I think I have car somewhere yeah

But how do you get them though just so I know have find them in villagers gotcha I’m thinking about messing around with the [ __ ] settings and like take my headphones out and head it towards like off my off my computer because my head I sorry my head my earphones are starting to hurt

Me good I gotta go to bathroom so all right do what you got to do and I’m G set this up real quick let’s see if it works at all you can see this but I just want to make sure to though okay the audio this is going now

I want to make sure the m so I’m not going to mess with that let add another thing There you go canang Both I didn’t exit out what the [ __ ] ah God damn It NS I need you to send me another invite Is N are you in All right well I’m I I’m going the Bathroom Oh For all right you back y you back can you hear me all right that’s why okay one second already enabled what the [ __ ] all right talk again keep talking for a second all right a little a little more got it okay we’re good I got it I’m starting to figure this [ __ ] out we’re good I got it I need another invite though i’ I’ve been sending invite to you my bad my bad my bad

Dog I think you have to open the game bar and join me for that all right one Second why isn’t it why isn’t it showing notifications that don’t make no sense you may have it turned off so it doesn’t bug you when you’re play games here I’ll just set it to friends only so you can join that way Yeah it’s G me the option to send to it but it’s not letting me join but you should be able to join now made friends by the way your microphone on on stream is really loud [ __ ] all right all right all right better uh yo I’d say maybe like just barely like

Slightly down then it’ be good like barely all right how about now it’s barely in the yellow when I talk now is it my Voice or is it the what’s it called the game sound yeah it’s I I feel like it’s better now is it the game sound or

Me it was you like it was like earpiercing when you talk all right so it’s good now yeah andour Melody where are you from go ahead S I was going to say I forgot that I had the stream up and and all of a sudden he blew my eardrums out of over

Here that’s how I felt when that one when his [ __ ] brother got on there well what’s up Melody how’s your day going all right now I was going to go look for some pigs I think we found yourself one you’re standing right there oh you’re an [ __ ] this guy

Hey I don’t have a dead body yet okay I’m not I’m not fat all right this is about probably about 30 more years you’ll have a beer bellet yeah probably give less than that I do need a shovel so I can knock out all this so I need a pickaxe to

Clear this part out from here she went on a vacation who Melody I was just taking it off that [ __ ] like she said uh I’m going to go off she’s a girl but she sounded like she’s saying bonjour so usually that’s Italy or like around there how the heck do I do this

I there we go wait so what are you putting over here aren you grabbing another set of animals I’m guessing um you have’t you don’t have chickens yet I don’t have chickens no I’m debating about which one I want to do let me get the let me get these ones out

Of the way first and then I’ll go from there are you putting grass there yeah I’m going to feel like a dick if I just make it to where okay liberal okay oh I’m not I I’m not really I don’t know man I don’t know the liberal and all

That crap I don’t I just I’m just me I can’t wait till I get the [ __ ] 27 in though I would want to get it right now but I don’t know if I have enough money to get it so that’s why I’m just chilling back back for a minute I

Bet I spent like just enough anyways clear this up get this out I’m going to need more than 36 in here yeah only get any more than 36 here you go here’s your stack I just got that now a [ __ ] I’m just kidding I am one of I

Don’t know right that’s what I’m saying I don’t know people ask me that like sometimes and they say like oh are you a liberal or whatever what the [ __ ] the other one is what is it liberal or whatever what is it I don’t know people ask me that and I

Was there going I don’t know I’m just me then they bring it up oh do you like this like dictatorship and this and this I’m like as long as nothing affects me then I don’t care sure I don’t I mean like do I believe in having a [ __ ]

Like dictatorship or having a [ __ ] president I’m not saying I don’t as long as they’re doing their job correctly then I’m Fine anyways I’m not going into politics I’m playing a game all right so I just cleared that [ __ ] out in two seconds Jesus Christ uh yeah I cleared this out over here well I’m trying to think of it in my head picturing it in my head and what I

Wanted to do was [ __ ] have a uh like a thing of obviously animals and then one for [ __ ] my my farm but like I don’t know if I want to have it like if I want to move this Farm because I’m honestly thinking about moving this farm

And then putting it to over here move it huh I say you move it over am I moving it where you were over here yeah I’d say I’d say like all over here yeah that’s what I’m saying like put it like right there there and then

Make more of the farm over here like stop right here and then like what’s up how you doing today I think I did pick a bad place put in this stuff but I would I would have to like redo I mean the water doesn’t take that long I just have to [ __ ]

Like get my bucket and move it over here it takes two seconds it’s just the fact that covering all that stuff up and then getting the dirt to like process all that stuff over there do this I’m not worried about the dirt bro it’s the it’s

The work to do all of it get the seeds across there this is all your crap I’m I’m dropping all the stuff I took from your chest that’s your [ __ ] this guy well I had to create your doors and I had to get the Cobblestone to make those the stairs right

There fair enough okay so where have my bucket do I have a bucket it’s got to be in random yeah I think it’s at random yep I do got a bucket we’re good I need a shovel and I need a I already got a hoe I got a shovel we’re

Good I just need seeds I can I can get the seeds back right yeah don’t you have to like go in the crafting bench or whatever to get the seeds from the melons uh yeah I got plenty of watermelon let me see yeah I think you create the seeds from the crafting bench

Yes see yes I do got 37 seeds we’re good clear this part out she do text me I’m pretty sure she’s gonna ask I’m gonna go door Dash and I’ll probably just [ __ ] pay her for it this week I should be getting my credit card I got to use that gas and

I’m going to have to go door dashing throughout the week so I can’t I just can’t [ __ ] be I got a pinpoint the days that I’m going to stream Melody where’d you go oh there you go see food’s done H oh your food down [Laughter] nice all right make sure all this is

Cleared out before I move it all right so let’s clear all this stuff back that’s cleared now I just got to cover this up and move it so let me move it let me start covering it from over [Laughter] here the last part I don’t even know where the [ __ ] thing is

At cover it all the way up okay now what would be a good idea to like maybe like right here what the heck I’m jumping on it there we go like right here I thought maybe you were going to start like from back here no I know I’m

Saying like that not this part this part like how far like right here looks good yeah I would say water there water there water there water there then water here yeah oh you’re doing all the way down there okay I thought it was just going

To be like a i me do an entire Farm Patch I just I’m trying to you want that much we can always move it over we can always like take this out of the way and make it further like this I mean like it wouldn’t be we can make it to where it’s

Not just mine we could use it where everyone can use it have like a universal thing well I don’t use melon so I don’t need it no I’m just saying in general for like a look and along with everybody else I keep on saying everybody else

Like more people use it only me and you go on this server I already have done the food every elsewhere I got that whole village over there that I built with like tons of wheat I have my own Farm over there with carrots and stuff yeah why we all start

To [ __ ] make it to where like I was saying in the very beginning of having like some like railroad tracks everywhere so we can like have a place to put it if we’re like say like just for instance if we’re working on a if I’m helping you with your

Castle and use a [ __ ] like a railroad thing to bring out there so we don’t have to keep on going back and forth to get dirt and get get whatever the [ __ ] we’re getting you know what I mean I don’t think you know also I don’t

Know what you mean but it’s kind of pointless cuz you’re going to have to tear it down anyways after you’re done with that to tear it down because you’re never going to use the mine cart again cuz you’re not building anymore no I’m saying like to have a

Place where if we’re building like around that like that vicinity once it’s built yeah we don’t need it anymore for that part but all we have to do is extend the the M the mine cart to somewhere else wherever else we’re building too kind of like a like the world like

The world has [ __ ] once one place is built and then you have it in like a city and you build up that City and then once that’s done you have that card still there so if you need anything else for that like say if something breaks

Down or what the [ __ ] it is you have it there and then you build for one sa that’s why I did the nether I I didn’t want to do mine carts because it would take forever that’s why I did the nether you did it in the nether no I

Said I did it in the ne yeah I did it in the nether I linked those portals oh the portals what you’re talking about yeah it’s quicker to do that instead of building Railways like a thousand blocks where you can just go in the Nether and that makes sense you’re right that makes

Sense either or if that works too then either or as long as we’re able to get our [ __ ] and go back and forth and have that stuff as long as we’re able to have that then I don’t care as long as we have it anyways what I was trying to do is like

Make it to where like obviously have this part of the farm and then have like plus that wouldn’t work anyways that that R cart idea you have why because you would still have to go with the cart with your supplies because uh after a Certain like after the uh mine cart goes out no okay okay I think it can’t go any farther cuz you have to be in the render distance to keep it going on right no what I’m meaning is is like kind of like how you already have for the basement like you

Know how you had me go through the ne and get to this the heavy basement then you have for your house itself you have all your chest and whatever you need it sends it to it kind of the same concept I don’t have any chest going to my

House yeah you do you showed me the other you showed me there uh when I came back here last time you said hey huh I said that’s the that’s the community house that’s what I’m saying that go it goes from the basement to Community House to fill up those chests up down

There that’s basically the concept of what I’m saying to where if you have it down there we fill up all those going downstairs and you had the things going down there so we don’t have to keep on going back and forth it’s the same concept I know but what saying is it

Won’t work because mine carts don’t go after a certain render distance you have to be near it to keep it going so you’re near the okay so you’re near the Minecarts all the time yeah uh like after a certain after a certain amount of blocks it just stops rolling because you

Have to be near it I get it okay I get it I get it I understand it Freez is in place this water is going to dry out in the morning so let me get we are I do need to get some pigs I can put in here

So I don’t think there’s any pigs out there but what else do I need so I got pig or sorry cows sheep do some pigs we need one for for chickens I don’t think I have anymore 360 so what’s this one going to be chickens is this all the animals yeah

Not all of them saying we’re still going to get pigs I’m still going to get chickens and whatever like basically every pigs huh I said I forgot about pigs yeah pigs uh let going let’s see how far this go it’s going to be right right here so

Chicken Pig how far does this go right here let me see so it’s going down that block just making sure it’s it’s within your okay now let’s put the entrance zombie behind you [ __ ] caught my ass on fire Jesus Christ I’m debating if I want to go door

Dashing the night if I door Dash it be probably in the next like hour or so usually that’s the time the [ __ ] like money starts coming in and people start ordering at night if I did I don’t know man I just don’t feel like going out there and doing

It I know she needs help with the money That’s All right so let’s go to sleep real quick homie you there yeah I was looking at gotcha love how we just have [ __ ] bunk beds in this [ __ ] don’t [ __ ] I forgot I need carrots to get well I can get a chicken how do I

Tame a chicken how do I good I made a video on that [ __ ] it’s wheat right yeah it’s wheat yeah it’s heat it’s not it’s weed sorry it’s seeds yeah all right you want a carrot though is that what you want yeah please God this is [ __ ]

Beautiful wow never messaged me that you guys were on I told you [ __ ] no you didn’t you didn’t mess me [ __ ] I didn’t message you I messaged in the Discord [ __ ] message me directly because I don’t get direct notifications for disc get direct notifications [ __ ] here here you Go my bad my bad dude I thought I I figured you already knew you just going to get the notification and get on I didn’t get on don’t work for some reason I didn’t get on right after you left though I got on maybe a couple hours after so that’s

Partially my fault you’re fine that now yeah the next week I’m G to go out there and get that [ __ ] uh the monitor okay where are these [ __ ] chickens at dude Avery you want to jump on here or no yeah what you playing normal M we’re playing on a server yeah we’re playing

On a survival well he’s asking oh I forgot my LEDs I got a new I got I got a new uh keyboard is you nice and I don’t know are we playing Java or are we playing uh so yeah if you look at the Discord I can show you real quick

Juice Galaxy what is juice Galaxy it’s free oh it’s free on Steam hm but anyway this wasn’t the old keyboard I was using if you’re s there’s a pig right here did you give me a no you don’t [ __ ] I didn’t know where you were you’re good you’re good I

Got I got a new keyboard I’m over by my trees yeah oh my God I see you why are you hiding in the [ __ ] tree I found how I got down here I was looking at I was looking at the keyboard over there huh thank

You yeah I got the I I I’m GNA have to say goodbye to the pretty pink keyboard that’ll stay there I got this new Logitech keyboard hell yeah like the laptop Keys that’s what I really missed about the key you [ __ ] that pig literally just spawned as soon as I [ __ ] walked away

Are you kidding me you got to be [ __ ] kidding me man no that pig literally despawned it was right over here it was literally right here like two seconds ago why’ you kill the chicken I was Mother I forgot the chicken that’s what you get I the cheap for my own

Mistake why don’t you just steal a chicken for my cuz I don’t want to do that I want to BU I want to build my own do you see any over there what you on P what version are we on we’re on Bedrock okay it’s the latest oh [ __ ] on B Rock

Nasty we have to play it to play with crossplay and stuff so oh yeah cuz Panther plays on it too oh yeah pan are too broke to get Java he doesn’t have we’re all too broke to get [ __ ] you kidding me I’m not that broke well you’re the

Only one out of all of us hey I like how you say broke but I I just spent like $60 on vbucks over here I mean I spent money on myself I’ve only spent about $200 on myself that’s it that is kind of a lot but still come on buddy you’re almost here

Almost here all right do I want to put him there or oh you [ __ ] says it’s only allowed for friends yeah he’s probably not friends with you on [ __ ] Xbox app that’s probably what the thing is is friends only now’s not even letting me open the

World you should be able to join if you invite him all right one second one seconds I’m being stuck connecting to multiplayer game so I can see the game but it’s just Stu loading he’s sleeping Jesus Christ unable to connect me my brother better not be on that

Either now again any anytime she’s on he uses internet cable to connect his laptop that has built-in Wi-Fi it [ __ ] over everybody on the internet instead of getting his oh 300 megabits per second download he’s getting 600 he gets double at the cost of having everybody get [ __ ] over on the

Wi it’s some utter [ __ ] I don’t know about that man I don’t know if you’re the brokest one of all of us pretty sure I I don’t know you got to make sure yeah I don’t say this we’re all broke [ __ ] how about that how is your internet that bad to

Like when they plug in there 15 people on the internet that’s why oh my God wait how I 14 how do you have 14 people on your [ __ ] internet sorry I meant 16 people and in the house 16 people each person has multiple and I do mean multiple devices running almost

Constantly yeah there’s a reason why the internet’s getting [ __ ] my download and my upload speed are [ __ ] 42 megabits per second for download 14.2 for upload that’s what I get for when I’m downloading fortnite on Epic I’m like zero but I don’t know some of you are in

Debt so maybe not I am in debt I’m not I mean I’m not really I’m in debt but I’m not in debt that makes any sense that does not make any [ __ ] sense no sense has been [Laughter] made uh I’m paying off my student loan that’s

The reason why I’m saying I’m in debt but I’m not in debt I’m paying off my student loan but I’m still $4,000 in debt from them uh let me try to connect again I restarted the game let’s see if that fixes it if not I’m going to throw the [ __ ]

Xinity used to be mortgage I kind of I used to be Mor I’ll say that it used to be Mor but it’s school it’s school that all right I need weat you guys you allowed it to be set as friend of friends because this shit’s kind of being

Jewish all right uh what’s your am I friends to on here you are friends remember we played Bedrock while you were drunk what’s your name dlet Prisma it’s got to be in here then unless now Microsoft’s forcing you to have Xbox Live or some [ __ ] Play No

That’ be no you don’t I don’t think you have to have that but you’re not coming up on here really two online friends if you’re online it’s boxed by fixie and then di it’s not there but I’m looking I know I had you on here I didn’t delete

Anybody I don’t know why you’re not popping up romeo4 Romeo 28444 yep 74 just two uh one second three fours not four fours three fours yeah Romeo 28444 yeah you’re said as a friend already H I’ll screen share no I’m just wondering because I mean I had the same problem with other

People trying to join on here and it just does it didn’t show I don’t know why it’s not showing you online like sorry it’s not even showing you on my friends list it’s showing me online there we go see even you NS you’re not it’s not even showing Noobs on my friends

List that makes no [ __ ] sense how is it that let get I forgot what I had in my holy [ __ ] pickaxes you’ve done a little bit since I’ve been off uh you mean a lot cows you’ve farmed still waiting for them to add the an alternative for uh farming so like a

Replenished enchantment that allows you to replant crops constantly what the [ __ ] is with this wheat placement I’m going to slaughter people oh my God showing that defeated the Ender Dragon and proceeds to fail at makes no [ __ ] sense that makes no [ __ ] sense why is it showing that you guys are still

Friends on my [ __ ] thing and it’s showing you guys are friends but like I’m might going when I invite game it doesn’t show you guys on my thing unless I have well either way you’re in the game it’s showing everybody it’s not showing you either so it’s got to be on the Xbox

App only thing I can think of it’s got to be on the Xbox app I it’s got yeah it is on the Xbox app cuz now that I open up Xbox on here it shows that both you guys are playing survival mode so yeah that’s got to be

It either way we know the problem okay so what was I doing I was going over there making I was getting what did I have over here why is there a big fish is there what made a sand Farm yet a sand Farm no I haven’t made it

Apples guys got food I I am like a child right now starving okay what you got to learn is that like this is my house I mean you can take whatever you need to but like it’s not this this hasn’t been Community like it’s not like a this is just my

House no no okay bro I think you’re misinterpreting what I’m saying you’re coming in here and saying like have this why don’t you have that but I’m saying like this is only my house like I didn’t have any of that stuff on here if you want to do that like I’m pretty sure

Noobs has all that stuff I don’t my sword don’t worry I’ll be right back I’m gonna go spe run okay it is community though man you can don’t you have a house here no I think you had a house it was a little one and we just kind of we destroyed that one

House oh the one that I started building it was it was little man we only we had Panthers up there I think we destroyed someone else’s but it’s only people that weren’t on here for a long time we like if you had a big house we kept it but if

It was only like a 6×6 or a 4×4 we took we just oh than a 6×6 do you have a sword in yourent wait a second in my inventory check my armor well it wouldn’t be in there yeah it would I got the iron sword and the armor

No it’s a it’s a netherite sword oh no Farm did you die with it no I think I clicked Q on accident somewhere gotcha damn what the [ __ ] pink pet Here Lies by noobs died from Sweet Taste of a cookie oh he killed a par all right dude well do you have a bed or do you need a bed in my in my house or no I should be good go to bed I’m looking for my

Sword he’s got like five minutes to find a sword before it despawns probably already gone go grab a sword and [ __ ] I’m sorry man I hate this game I hate this game but yeah if I can get some bread because I know you got a big ass Supply

Bread especially from that farm I see down there let’s go down in the basement grab all the I’ll Farm I’ll Farm yeah so well I got a wheat farm downstairs and then I got sugarcane upstairs oh perfect I I Swit to a different skin for a reason and you’ll

Understand why in a second the only thing I ask that if you take from either or then just replace it yeah I was going to replant that we can uh but we can do a make a bed over here make a bed over here with me and

Noobs n’s got a belt over here give me my sword back you got it freaking skeleton stole it a skeleton stole it I think I dropped it on accident and then a skeleton picked it up that was that was scary well terrified that you lost your

[ __ ] your sword yeah it has it has the best it has sharpness five I’m breaking three looting three fire aspect how do you think I when [ __ ] I [ __ ] lost my pic bro I mean I had [ __ ] all that mending and [ __ ] on it and [ __ ] just I wouldn’t be super mad

If I lost it but it’s still irritating to lose it oh yeah I get that because I have to can can we sleep now you got that are you guys going to set up a composter or some [ __ ] like that um I don’t know what you mean by

Compost unless you mean the farm over here which what farm do you need compost I mean right you can turn leftover plants into bone meal because you guys keep getting like two extra stacks of [ __ ] seeds you can get a bunch of bone meal and pretty much make farm of

Bone meal but that takes so long to put seeds in thec bone no you don’t you just grab a hopper automated oh yeah yeah can we sleep though do we have extra wool for make a bed for him I actually think they added the ability to wear only a percentage of

People have to sleep no they unless we can try it but everyone has to sleep everybody still has to sleep [ __ ] I don’t think I have any wool yeah well I got sheep over there I can [ __ ] do that but I don’t want to do that just right now I’d rather wait I

Don’t see look like you’re in need of a little bit of space yeah what you guys look like you’re in need of uh a composter do you do you have uh fuel coal what do I have no he’s asking if I got coal yeah I need cold here I I’ll

Just give you those and that iron and I’ll Ste some of your yeah I think I have coal up here I’m just gonna still some of your your iron instead okay I mean it’s going to our daytime anyways I mean he’s got that so I just

Wanted to I just wanted to get this out of the way so I didn’t have to worry about the people it’s all oh now I remember why I [ __ ] hit my controller because now my wrists already start to hurt I gotc what’s going on you have your schedule no not

Yet oh hey Brandon I was it saves me some time I was going to go in early tomorrow if I didn’t have it like probably a 10 all right one second if someone else has it no yeah I got it I wish I did I would given

It Ray do you happen to have it I’m checking to see well I mean I had Mondays so I mean like today’s Sunday so we have I got it for Monday one second I can check oh wait yeah it’s not the new schedule yet man it’s still

Monday oh I’m dumb I’m sorry no you’re fine man you’re fine I’ve done that plenty of how yall doing now doing ‘s at 10 Pete’s at 7 I’m at eight Denise is at 7 and you work at noon you work at noon to 6 interesting has it been fine has it

Been fun while it was not working has it been what fun I mean it’s been the same as it usually Is hasn’t really been any different it’s been the same as it usually is there’s different people and different conversations all it really is well I mean the the workwise yes it’s like it’s because usually you’re mopping or doing something else so it has been little different with that because I

Like I wind up having the mop the other day and then what’s her name swap I had Madison sweep and then the other the other girls don’t seem like they want to [ __ ] mop or like they only want to do the tables or do dishes so I wind up having to do both

Bit but it’s okay I ain’t complaining I’m cool with doing whatever man just no I know you’re no no you weren’t there I’m saying it was the day that you had off oh I’m going to the bath land good luck for you guys I’m I’m exploring well good luck for you I’m

Going to get me another Chien get me some is that chickens or pigs over there there pigs I need another Pig I’m head out all right man later Pig he left before you could even say goodbye it’s okay it said no I’m out being another pig bro it’s all

Good I want to clear all this stuff out though what do you have your house made of again I don’t I feel like I should mix mix it up and have something else in there besides just [ __ ] Cobblestone made what my house yeah uh plat con no

It’s I think it’s gray concrete gray concrete than all right let me get this other sheep over here might as well tame this sheep while I’m here [ __ ] it I guess right well for the I mean the only reason why I’m doing this is because I can’t find any [ __ ] pigs so

I’m like I already got the Sheep I might as well [ __ ] take them in why not right I think I’m going to switch to controller to be honest I like playing Minecraft this but my wrist is starting to hurt doesn’t your wrist ever get irritated from doing this all the time

Nope M didn’t rage no [ __ ] this guy this guy that’s a really good Dude Where’s the entrance to this I found it holy regenerations what’s up I got tons of potions for regeneration no one wants a potion of uh regeneration [Laughter] well if we can figure out a way to [ __ ]

Uh get the Nether and The Mending and all that stuff like faster I’d have no problem doing that I would use my my diamond I just don’t want to [ __ ] like break it fast just get some armor on and then go in the basement and then some things

With the I know but I mean like I was I’m I would do that what I’m afraid of is I’m going to get lost down there because I’m not going to know where the [ __ ] to go and I’m gonna forget where the [ __ ] I’m at so I don’t want to die with all

That [ __ ] especially with my Nether and all that crap that’s what I’m terrified that looks nice I like that I swear man it’s all my dog dark all our dog does is [ __ ] just sleep when he’s here I feel so bad he’s still sleeping he’s probably just chilling

He’s happy he is he’s just bored man just because I a’t got nowhere else to [ __ ] go around here so it’s like like I said he usually runs around there why is there a brown sheep over here in the middle of nowhere oh I see a chicken they spawn naturally right

Chicken someone pooped on Jesus Christ chicken chicken come here buddy seeds come here B oh I’ll take both of y’all come here D doing my my video even doing how to tame a chicken [ __ ] even got some views Jesus Christ uh I think I just got myself lost yet oh

I found it never mind come here guys jump up no stop running away you [ __ ] come here jump don’t be lazy jump jump are you I’m on the other side I’m by your guys’s [ __ ] I’m by a panther’s uh Panther’s house I’m already nearly dead just jumping around on V

Stone Jesus Christ I don’t see you me or him you coming around the corner now you should see me you said you near oh there you are you’re not near Panther’s house Panther’s house with the lava across it Panther’s house right there the castle right there oh I thought you

Meant his other no his his other it has that that’s his castle yeah [ __ ] did I did I make an entrance I didn’t even make an entrance to this here I I I have an entrance there we go I want this [ __ ] here guys thank you there you go

Guys all right now I need a pig the [ __ ] are you hitting me for trying to feed that one right there I got a GI for you do I even want to know got on the ground right there man dude that’s not even H it’s a gift

But at the same time it’s kind of like man I don’t want to get myself happy with getting that well just L it because uh it’s it’s it’s good but like I was just giv it to you because it doesn’t have mending on it so might as well just use it until

It’s dead that’s what I’m saying I want to get myself excited for that one it’s [ __ ] going to die in a little bit well it’s full health so it should last like a while well thank you can you help me find a pig well I’m staring at one right now

[ __ ] Can you tame these cats yeah fish you guys have a mob grinder set up where where where where are you me yeah you said M already made it about 400 blocks out where over the direction bad well not 400 I’m getting close to it though I’m guessing you went this way

ORS the Badlands all right I’m looking on my controller to this this is this is getting [ __ ] annoying this is hurting my [ __ ] hands I’m in search of a cave like this one I see water I’m trying oh I think I know where you are I

Think there we go oh I feel so much better there skull oh there’s M anything good nope he said anything good nope there we go okay can you you said you can’t tame these uh I don’t even know what the [ __ ] this is is that a cat no

You can I think is that a cheetah yes PR experience oh [ __ ] why is there holy [ __ ] run diamonds okay why is my why is my thing so small not small uh contr sensitivity I’m just waiting for it to rain I’m flying around D that made even [ __ ] worse the heck is up

Here all right I’m getting home before it I don’t understand why the [ __ ] God damn it I don’t want to get killed all right are we sleeping guys I’m stuck underground right now [ __ ] I can air support I can air drop you bad I’m I how you turned around very to look at

That no I got to eat [ __ ] eat work oh my God I only do one block amethyst Crystal [ __ ] just plug that hole what in that hole I got to plug it gotta go downstairs and get my [ __ ] where’s all my oh found it okay so let’s go here go up

Here I need to change the sensitivity man what it too low for you or too high too low right now man I want it to rain come on rain going to see if it’s better yeah it’s not the best but it’s better can I go lower it another Diamond has been successfully

Found I’ve got four di far seem like it’s harder to move that’s fine all right well I got to wait for you to do that so I’m going to I was going to go there and get some chickens but I got a chicken I need one more Pig

So I can start getting that out huh why don’t you just breed the chickens these two chickens they they can be bread now again oh [ __ ] my bad my bad buddy my bad my bad my bad my bad I’m in the SK Caverns right now you stupid skeletons stop hitting me

Man that poor I hate the new Minecraft music for the skull Caverns it’s giving me P aniy did you just say that poor Pig Yeah my God you go join him [ __ ] oh oh oh that’s nice yes sir two diamonds how many do they need how many of the how much wo or

Wheat does the sheet need to [ __ ] not wool wheat I think it’s like sometimes like it can take 50 I think Jes Christ he was trying to raate like uh grow a uh baby sheep up quicker with the wheat it takes nearly a full stack and

It doesn’t even fully go down all the way that’s the issue all one sec I’m bringing him over here I don’t want him destroy my [ __ ] house I’m bringing him over here come here buddy I used to be afraid of you and now I’m not afraid of you anymore come here

He’s that’s you afraid of that’s a zombie he dude I still feel like he’ll [ __ ] blow it up so I’m [ __ ] bring I’m out here he kills me two seconds that that’s just a zombie the uh the creeper is a one that blows up gotta uh I’m stuck underground Dam

It I six diamonds in you well I can dig I want to see your house I want I want to see the design of your house what my house yeah see sign herrow so yours basically is the same as mine except what when did you take down yours

What do you mean that was like I took it way down a long time ago and you were you saw when I did that oh I don’t well I feel now mine’s bigger than yours and I didn’t think that I was G to be I forgot yours took yours now I I

Forgot you took yours down I don’t live here so I cut down you live in the don’t you no I live in the uh the other house like way like thousand blocks away over there the Nether to go there through over there quickly the castle no I mean the Castle’s pretty

Cool but I live like over all the way over there and even then you’re like never home yeah because I’m always over here hate this [ __ ] music it’s causing so much anxiety for me God damn still trying to find an owner for this house nobody wants it nobody wants what his house

House I wanted I wanted the second floor to be toen but [ __ ] I want you running it out for man free free oh [ __ ] oh this is going to be fun and technically you still you get free food also there’s food down there all right so what was I

Doing besides working on that and going up there and getting a pig for all that CU it’s the daytime I can get a pig now I got the bamboo here oh yeah I was supposed to help you find a pig and Then so I got plenty of sugar can for paper I think that’s the reason I was doing I was doing that for paper that way I could get uh The Mending and all that [ __ ] and then I was going to I forgot what the [ __ ] I was supposed to

Do did I build a cap yeah I did build a no sorry you cleared that out you cleared off the top of it had that wind up having the top of that that works and we have a basement all right did we find a pig this what said why don’t you jump in

This over here where you at right here I’m not jump I’m attive 27 underground over here Romeo guys want to Jo join me not right now I’m doing my own thing I don’t I don’t even know where you are gonna get this pig over here do you actually have a pig or are

You being sarcastic I have I have a pig all then where you at a walking talking pig over here uh I’m right next to the castle the lava Castle I thought you me to jump in the lava I thought you were joking no I I I was joking about

Jumping the lava but then I found a pig over here [ __ ] uh seed are wheat it’s it’s carrots or potatoes or did they not allow multi I thought no I think I died with the carrots and I think I lost the [ __ ] carrots po I go down there and check again but I

Think I lost the carrots I think it’s already been five minutes [ __ ] I mean you can check still it may have not been minutes okay stop walking that way grind is real just getting to the surface I’m just waiting for one of these times someone’s going to be mining

Around my house and they’re just going to break into it didn’t I already do that no done it I swear I did that already no it disappeared it’s not here here you watch the pig I can go get some carrots for you how do I get carrots again

Though you have to find them in Village you can’t grow them d zombies no I don’t think [ __ ] skeleton all right go ahead 30 [ __ ] Diamonds In The Wall you can’t grow them because I I have I have them growing right now the surface [ __ ] [ __ ] hey stop running

Away I try me now [ __ ] get me now what you rich over there guess like what 10 diamonds I’m guessing you sure do have 10 diamonds I found a lush cave are Oreo lay down thank you by the way if you collect the eggs and throw it they get more

Chickens there is no more eggs well I I grabbed the eggs but I was just saying if you grab the eggs and me throw them in the pin sometimes get Chi out of it how does that even get chickens out of it they don’t eat their

Eggs and you can throw the eggs and I could hatch a chicken from it oh gotta all right well I got both of them I got what I want to get we got [ __ ] chickens we got the Sheep got the pigs got that is being way too needy huh

A dog is being way too needy my dog’s [ __ ] sleep we trade it take hope hyperactive [ __ ] vibrating dog no I’m good Parkinson’s dog there you go there’s the proper name for it Parkinson’s it looks like it’s got Parkinson the [ __ ] shaking it does is unreal gravel trap I like setting these

Off oh I need better food all right so right now I got this now the whole entire point of doing all that stuff was to get now let’s get a shovel I got seven diamonds not 10 I think I died with them God damn it wait you you lost the shovel I

Already gave you yeah was Qui told you man I’m sorry no no I I got the no no no no no I got that shovel I just don’t have my other the iron shovel oh well who cares about the iron you got the the Diamond I know but I don’t want to waste

It but you should have put mending on it honestly well that’s what my I gave him an extra Diamond shov like I don’t care if it breaks that’s why yeah but it’s a diamond is the issue I have tons of diamonds I’m saying I don’t trust myself

With the diamonds because I know if I don’t have any mending on it then it’s going to die fast uh I have a here that hm I said you can kill that one all right let’s get some dirt over here so we can grow some

Stuff and I got to get that bucket way you don’t need dirt for water what do you mean no oh I’m [ __ ] stupid I didn’t think about that to be honest I really didn’t think about that to be honest you only need it on the sides for the watermelon

Okay I did lose my bucket son of a [ __ ] you lost everything I didn’t lose everything I I lost like guess like somewhat compared to what uh I found a m shaft did you yeah it’s a big ass M shaft where’s that iron make one of

Those I I oh I left iron in the uh the furn by the way the one yeah the one lazy said call it sarahy reor poliy you mean name your [ __ ] crippling issues right okay yes Crips you know that right yeah I used to work for someone who had Cy or

Cy whatever C Ze Ze cere cere oh my God it’s zebra pulsy my God okay you try to have him say something it’s like zebra py what the [ __ ] it’s sir Cal Cereal yeah cerebral he said call him cerebrus the demon dog oh cus holy [ __ ] you’re mispronouncing everything that’s [ __ ] hilarious you can see what he’s typing typing what can you see on the stream what he is typing because he’s the one talking to you no okay I’m not looking at the screen I’m

Currently playing Minecraft you’re I’m bro I meant like on your phone usually what I did is I had it on my laptop and I watched like whatever streamer like Netflix on my phone actually right now I’m still watching my stream on my phone oh [ __ ] rain I need rain I can use my

Thing rain let it rain oh you got a trident with channeling yeah no well no Riptide oh give me the quch to That Base by the way which base uh Rays I forgot to take Mark of it it’s it’s it’s fly over there I got

314 oh I see that I see that now never mind I meant to click over there you come back you in there why is my game lagging so bad cuz you have 16 people on your [ __ ] at the same time no it normally ain’t that bad [ __ ] I got and after my

Ass don’t need the any them yeah you still need them it’s uh no I I mean no I don’t need them oh why are you guys building like floating ships in the air didn’t know was there there this the seeds and then chicken I need to get wood how much wood do I

Have get don’t know you should have them start mining with a fortune 3 pickaxe for coal and once you get like maybe four stacks of coal have them go around with torches well good good luck getting him to keep the fortune three in agree with that okay then here noobs you want to

Make a gold Farm gold Farm I I don’t think I need gold what do you mean we can get the golden carrots I think I already have enough gold I think how much gold you for I think I have like what was I Gon Do BL what the [ __ ] what was I

Doing I just saw a zombie [ __ ] multiply bro said [ __ ] that times three get that [ __ ] rotten flesh out of here where’s that where’s the uh what’s it called the uh you got a golden zombie outside your house I got you son [ __ ] you stole the chest plate damn I want to be

Pretty my job where that trash B at that you had I think I deleted look at my pretty ass here follow me all right one second one second follow this booty follow this booty follow this God did he say oh my god wow not the sense SL holy sh why is

There so much deep slate I I need a chest for deep slate but I can’t find it an open one holy gold what I LEL all those using my [ __ ] house I’m just looking for oh you you oh oh no I forgot oh God forgot how much Netherrack armor like nether

Armor how much of a pain it is now move oh yeah move your ass well I said you asked why we’re sitting here in your house I’m waiting for you because you said you wanted the trash bin you said trash bin close this way isn’t it right right in front of

Your house or by your house yeah I think it’s still there cuz I know this was going to be like our main cor like main thing yeah it says throw your junk right there yeah I know this isn’t your that ain’t the thing though this is the

Trash all right both you guys can get in I don’t it you know I’m G to throw this iron away also you know oh what the [ __ ] what check this [ __ ] out why is it oh my torch where’ my torch go sorry I was I was water but I was water

MLG I did that from the roof now all we need is the 2005 uh Dorito bags and weed every day on the screen my God I’m doing it consistently so I mean well do you want to have this thing be like that here Fu do you still want to have this

Being the [ __ ] main corporation there’s coal in here yeah this is the community chest room and this needs some organization holy [ __ ] it doesn’t need organization it’s just a community house you just throw your stuff in here I’m organizing this bit [ __ ] dude every chest is full of [ __ ] Cobblestone and deep

SL every holy [ __ ] [ __ ] dudee we’ll grab this chest and we’ll dub this one the valuables we’ll dub a valuables chest holy [ __ ] dude make that the [ __ ] like deep s and Cobblestone room bro holy [ __ ] well this is the room from the basement this all the stuff that’s

From the basement goes in this room that’s all from the basement yeah I know I know I know you tell me about that but I’m just saying if we want to have like a secondary mining shaft for like well not going to say a mining shaft I’m just saying like if we ever

Need it we can have like it make it bigger and [ __ ] like put like like I said the trees and all that crap in there but then again we usually come to my house for it so apparently my house become the [ __ ] H Am I Wrong ho look in these

Chest what chest these chest this is all the stuff that’s coming from the basement right now it’s not that much which one that’s not that much well it only drops like one or two each time it passes so it gets caught up you want to see the amount of copper we have in

Here lot I’m guessing holy it’s I’ve had I’ve had more than that wait was there diamonds there those were the ones I put in temporarily like was there was diamonds in there seven Romeo I left I left well I can tell both of you I I left diamonds down in the

Cave yeah yeah you told me I remember that diamond door yeah oh yeah it’s probably all the ones that I found have you seen the basement what the crap down there have you seen the basement down here what did you guys do did you TNT this or were you

Hand mining that [ __ ] hand mining it hand mining it what and and Romeo did it with Cobblestone pickax holy [ __ ] it’ be funny if he actually contributed the most like that like I’m not gonna lie I did I did do a lot of that he did he did a big portion

But I feel like I did a lot of that I was down there for a while doing that but do do you want the diamonds down here yeah I’ll take the diamonds but one second I’m trying to clear all this [ __ ] out I wasn’t talking to you you’re fine

Oh wow damn yeah I’ll for the diamonds you can have the diamonds also there’s like three stacks of them down here oh [ __ ] all right I need to make some sign do I even have any signs going to say I was speedr running and I got seven diamonds without Fortune

So I mean Prett nice there’s there’s one right there there’s three right there three right there one two right there holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I’ll add my seven to the 11 that’s already in there oh was did I leave diamonds up there yeah no

Oh oh no I’m far away oh here’s my chest yeah I left diamonds in here I knew it I thought I had a bed over here oh no you guys destroyed my bed yeah where your little sh crack Shack was God damn it how do I do it

Again where I can write on the side and put it on the thing again how do I do that again uh you got to use your keyboard I think no I should be able to do it I should be able to do it off my freaking controller no because it’s it makes you

Go to keep one second it’s not like Xbox where it pops up like an overlay to type things on it [ __ ] wrong floor need feather falling or you need the lra yeah that too but you collected only one of them I guess by a great chance the other one’s

Probably resered for Ray I no we have several uh cuz Panther lost like three or two from holy [ __ ] and I think I still have like another two or three still at home no I got it we’re good I got it the diamonds are over there though

What are you even making of the sign oh no I see what you mean okay the keyboard’s not popping up so I have to click on there that’s what it is that’s what you mean okay I was going to make a thing for wool thanks to my brother having [ __ ]

Ethernet for [ __ ] WiFi on his [ __ ] laptop that has already onboard WiFi he shouldn’t need it I want to convince my parents to just [ __ ] take the Wi-Fi router out of his room to prevent ethernet abuse from him ethernet abuse no he straight up plugs his laptop that already has a

Great Wifi service on it he runs with really good speeds on it and he just plugs an Ethernet in oh what happened to my bread I don’t know might have just lost it as all I’ll take rotten flesh as a food for now oh yeah are you [ __ ] kidding me

I’m going to drop him in his [ __ ] head honestly he’s being annoying every time I keep trying to connect I get disconnected I’m unable to join you guys you just buy your own land cable and run it across the house I’m up in the second story he’s on the first floor on the

Other side of the house well you buy 100t I think I have 100t yeah I’m not running it through the [ __ ] walls I’m not running it through there without parents permission and parents are going to say no well I don’t have mine running through the walls I have it running across the

Flor yeah and you got it’s your own [ __ ] place man well it’s it’s under the rug and then it’s like on the side of the stairs I don’t have rug throughout my entire house so I can’t run that [ __ ] fully D I’m I’m very tempted to rip the router out of this [ __ ] room bring it up to my parents room and just plug it in there and just say sorry [ __ ] [ __ ] speing an ass the

Only thing I could think of fun fun all right what was I doing are you trying to reconnect now still working on it yeah I’m you know how I was telling you I got 30 megabits per second think so I have six God for a download speed

That’s how let me tell you my upload speed is doing a lot better than my download which is not good all I can say is that’s the reason why I’m glad I got my own place man I’m probably gonna move in with you goddamn [ __ ] a yeah can’t do

That people in the same house goddamn [ __ ] start slaughtering people I’ll be right back I’m gonna go start now quickly take out my brother’s Computer all right uh that’s I’ll install it I guess huh no I’m just installing the game what game thanks I’ve I’ve been trying to fill up my uh my hard drive space dude is it free what SRO no [ __ ] dude if you could find a game that’s free that [ __ ] me and you

Could play together [ __ ] it’s other than this one let me know I have space in my hard drive now the only game that I would like I think that you and me would be interested in D that always talk about but is what game dying all dying

Alliant dying dying light oh Dying Light yeah I’ve heard of that is that the one second one is that the when you were playing the other day playing the other day no that I was playing seven days today gotcha all right I can’t find out like I

Said as let me know I don’t know if it’s seven days die if it’s number one then sure I don’t mind getting it like I said as long I just got to find free games can’t be any money right now yeah is it free no he’s like

No most free games are going to have like microtransactions and stuff so yeah why can I not get a bucket dude I have iron why do I need more iron I think you need three iron to a bucket three iron ingots or iron bars iron ingots son of a

[ __ ] you already have six iron inot Oh I thought I needed blocks no you you have you have the thing on where it says uh you’re showing items that you can’t craft right now just turn on the it like the switch to show only items that you can craft at

The moment and you’ll see it got it I feel dumb now oh I already made two I’m good all right cool we already know both know I’m a dumbass in some senses I am sorry now that I got water and I can go take all this stuff out this A God damn it stupid what happened over there nothing I thought that was an unlimited water it’s Not just just I can’t scoop it it’s not unlimited I got one upstairs well grab that water right there then put it in the corner over here and then go grab another water source and just put one in this corner over here they don’t have

Limited uh Walk to Walk to Walk walk to Walk to Walk where the [ __ ] is my liit water is on the other side yeah it’s probably over there oh I found it here jump off this you’ll survive you probably won’t you’ll probably die oh he’s bad you tell me

That as I jumped you [ __ ] I I said it right before you jum but you still went ah and jump dude the water disappeared what the [ __ ] I know no I grabbed it you’re a dick all right uned supplies I’m good okay so what you do is you place this

Water and then you Skip One all right so you place that and then you skip one and then you grab that and then you skip one and then you grab that one and you just keep skipping back there we go this is so much better I [ __ ] turned off his computer all the

Way he turned his computer off I’m getting yep I got 100 megabytes per second download uplo he has 40 Google tabs open OBS Studio open multiple multiple other tab windows open Discord open everything’s actively loaded at the same time my upload went down but I mean that’s just my

Side maybe was like download like five games over there but downloading all the CP or some [ __ ] I don’t know 97 megabits per second my upload now at 40 like look at this [ __ ] all because I turned down his [ __ ] computer I don’t even know what to say

About that dude I need seeds though you should just go and like when he’s not using his laptop you should just set like a like the the thing where it like can only like use this much uh internet I’m back I could you had elas by the way oo yeah but not for

You a I think I do I I’ll give you one uh there’s a staircase towards hell [ __ ] was that lightning strikes outside Thunder uh was I GNA do I need a shovel to get the seeds I’m about to say who stole my Dions I’m like no anyone that was me I stole my demons I thought I crafted a diamond pick but nope I still I forgot to grab those 12

Diamonds that I left down in the the cave Damn not like I need them anyways but all right hear me out we’re making a farm I already have a farm he already has a farm I mean you can make one go ahead sorry I broke into Panthers oh no the chickens died and got struck by

Lightning damn the ones in the cage I got a bunch of cooked chicken come over here you need to check this [ __ ] out I’m grabbing the elytra hold on okay okay let’s check this out damn those SE went fast I’m grabbing the copper and smelting it I’m going to make some copper lightning

Rods to direct it away from the chickens strike me down God you do not have the balls oh there’s skeletons here they were not happy oh here you go and here you also go upgrades people upgrades oh they they’re on top of my house how dare you are you son [ __ ] get

Off my house oh help I’m stuck Oh shoot no no you’re good it doesn’t go all the way up you got to go through it again go all the way up come on dude give me like two hearts three hearts it’s all I need to kill

This guy well here they got STS of power up got him going put these all on a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah do we have a blast furnace no never mind do not I shall make one I’ll make one for here oh wait no I know what to

Do I’m gonna need a bit of iron I mean it’s kind of worth it auto uh just eight Hoppers I was going to make that auto smelter again actually yeah I’ll just run it normal need copper Jesus Christ holy [ __ ] yeah what do you think I’m making

Lightning rocks for tired of this [ __ ] that’s not what I meant I meant how F I forgot how fast these [ __ ] Diamond [ __ ] shovel are don’t want dirt I don’t want the bones I don’t want your Cobblestone I don’t want three bread nice dang it I don’t want the

Sticks I’m glad I died near my house Jesus Christ dude leave me alone holy [ __ ] yeah I’m fixing the issue right now got to remember how to make lightning robs don’t want this one iron um don’t you just need copper it’s just copper three copper all right let’s go put one on top

Of Panther’s house I can’t reach up there I don’t want to set fire to his house house let it all burn let it burn just put it on top of my house well it I also need it right next to the chickens next to the more valuable stuff there we

Go I should be fine there yeah breke me down juice you don’t have the balls I mean the tree may catch some fire but you know I’m trying to get shocked by lightning right now CU that would be [ __ ] hilarious oh I didn’t realize raining you throw a trident because I just got

Shocked no I threw mine now I legit got I love it CU you guys go zoo and I wasung I’m climbing trees now I’m run into a building all right now we’re all set you’ve experienced kinetic energy oh I think all my stuff went in the lava no you [ __ ]

Dumbass okay I think I saved some of it but most of it I think went in l I think my elytra burned where’s my boots they went everywhere God damn I don’t know where my sword went that was hilarious or should I make just a random wall oh there’s my diamond

Also how many pickaxes I have on oh my God I forgot how long this thing takes I think I lost my elytra though I [ __ ] is an elytra elytra is the fly with oh yeah I lost it how do you get it you fight uh you fight the Ender

Dragon then and then you go to the end and search for it AKA you’re never going to get it dick I’m not going in the [ __ ] Nether Again I mean I’ll do it but just don’t don’t go on the house don’t go in your house uh Ray why I built you a wall

Wall but it’s not an ordinary wall did you build me a border did you look if I can make it to where they can’t cross the border oh you did no he got blown up there was nobody near me there’s creep he hugged he he hugged an Arabic

Creeper I’m trying to find my stuff it’s it literally just freaking exploded everywhere where’s your death quartz I’m right near Panther’s house on at the castle Panther’s Castle oh no you [ __ ] landed in oh God damn I told you I landed in lava or near lava I I

Thought you were farther away no I got most of it you’re netherite is going to be just fine yeah I lost my I see you lost your leggings as well some Literally went everywhere I know it could the ocean check the ocean oh imagine there’s dolphins in there too uh so they just start pushing it around willy-nilly it may be floating under the the bridge right here the [ __ ] be out of my house Jesus Christ I think what you should do from

Now on is drop this lava Pit by a block and then put glass panes on top well I’m too lazy to do it where where did my leggings go though that’s why I’m saying they are in the lava I think I think what happened or they’re in your inventory I think I

Think what happen there’s a Pander bear I think what happened is I I placed them on top like the lava is all on top so it may have got pushed through the bottom of the the pit which if it happened that sucks you’re [ __ ] Hold on I may have a uh uh

What else do I need I what the the I’m just following you well it’s only leggings I didn’t have a mine cart so I’m just following it there’s a lot of head bashing on things you lose you lose your things dang bamboo all [ __ ] go downstairs okay I’m breaking okay I’m over

Here I’m gonna head to bed guys what’s up Xavier like actual bed or like Bob bed in here uh I ain’t a Xavier no you said I’m heading to bed yeah that’s why I was asking are you act like a bed bed or Minecraft bed hello just get to a safe spot

Uh throw your junk I’ll stay there what’s up Xavier how you doing today I’ll be back all yeah dude I forgot what this [ __ ] thing looks looks like man holy [ __ ] oh my god oh crap no you lost internet no what happened closed on accident D it sorry for the technical difficulties guys

Technical technical difficulties going on over here don’t worry guys we’ll be on in the GIF he says he says what’s up Xavier how you doing today bro oh my God all right I’m going take a piss and get a drink why you do that actually I’m going probably gas station what the

[ __ ] you good I disconnected again well we both did we all did oh noobs had to restart his [ __ ] God damn it Noobs is Panther hopping on he’s probably in bed mechanics are overated and’s the get be for shield and rather than instantly boing up toal he takes the opportunity

To return at this may seemic but the opponent STS CH to himself OPP is the fight rightow another return so what happened I accidentally closed Minecraft that was not the smartest thing no I’ve done the same [ __ ] how many people can you have on this thing at the same time when you’re

Playing on what on your world how many people can you have playing at the same time like nine I think n holy [ __ ] okay 15,000 I’m going s my daughter to college it’s only a car you do okay try now I’m already On okay I should be on it Cool all right sorry for the technical difficulties guys we back all right uh all right let’s see come on on noobs we got to make a gold Farm well I got I got to upgrade my armor again death ring go on the Lings death ster goes on the boots I’m

Debating I thought I had something on my LS though I have protection four Unbreaking three anding one something else do I want to build up or do I want to build down I want bu sideways make this bigger I want to build In yeah I’d have to build in if I did that father and daughter pants are size a couple of inches you grab the closest size in the thri store and only have di ad I have ch tells me the bra of the operation I can get busted by Social Services G do build up this I could start building up that and start going down to that and then we can make like a stadium that way are you fine with the basement being like wider yeah I thought we were going to do it wi okay I’m just making sure cuz I

Know just making sure we started a little piece of that but we didn’t do oh there it is now armor turn okay all right this is going to take me a minute I got a material so I need to put gold on it there we go so that that no that oh

Okay now where’s the thing that bring it upstairs that is that that chest what are you talking about the thing to transfer it up to your your hop or whatever the [ __ ] it is yeah yeah it should be the four chest up there the four CH where’s

It’s all the way up top right next the elevator working properly what do you mean first I’m going to end askk for something that’s [ __ ] useless where oh I see it now okay I see it now okay these ones bu items dump here to get taken up the storage

Gotcha okay well I’m going to put rip tie my rip tie thing up because uh that’s dangerous get channeling is channeling in yeah the one you fly through the sky no that’s Rip Tide Rip Tide that’s Riptide yeah oh channeling caus the thunder strike yeah whoops I already have R that’s how I

Died I was ping in the sky super fast like 100 miles per hour crashed into a bamboo tree Jesus and my my items just went Kon what Kaboom I know my Myra could be all across the world over there God I feel like I’m building a tunnel all over Again actually I’m G to look over here and see if over here no pretty funny how I died from that oh right I remember [ __ ] man [ __ ] me [ __ ] me are you digging down there yeah cuz I ran into [ __ ] water on the side over

There but I need to prepared cuz I have like I have my inventory like halfway full so I want to get rid of a lot of this I see the [ __ ] is this you got wheat and oh you do you do have [ __ ] carrots growing over here dude what are

You talking about what do you mean carrots what do you mean I asked you I said you I said can you grow carrots I thought you said you get them from a [ __ ] Village I yeah that’s where you get them you get them from Villages and then you grow them

Here yeah you usually say you don’t want any stuff oh I didn’t realize we had PVP on come here Romeo no I have no reason [ __ ] oh yay no my bad I just missed I misheard you look what you did you made me block I do know I’ll do it

Again AR you [ __ ] crash again I’m gonna laugh laugh my ass off if you [ __ ] walk into a don’t matter [ __ ] rocket into a wall well that’s how I died cuz I was going like 100 miles hour you still rock it into a wall well I didn’t I

Didn’t see the bamboo it like loaded right when I died that carrots potatoes carrots and potatoes I need to figure out what I want to do with this I don’t know but I got what I’m I got what I’m doing to get my concept yeah you do that’s a [ __ ] big

Ass Castle too man what are you eating bro what are you eating damnn it you want to make me a a silk touch ho no you can go buy your own I was going to say I’m going to get some skull catalysts why do you have a random wall in my

House what what do you mean oh it’s the wall of beans wall of beans beans it’s not even Bean it’s [ __ ] copper it looks like beans what does it sound like when you on it doesn’t it look like beans spray I mean yeah in a way it does it looks like poop

Poop you [ __ ] like you ate like earlier and you just pooped it out you ate green CN with I’m guessing sausage or something why is there a missing spot here where the floor right here right above me right here yeah there’s also another one right here hello and one right here hello yeah

Drop found okay here we all right let’s start mining some wheat you ready replace it yeah we’re replanting afterwards okay I’m just making sure you’re the you’re the one that made all all of what all of them uh dirt locks that’s that’s I thought you needed

No I’m saying you kept jumping on and don’t replant until after we get to the next section so we’ll break our way all the way down from here I’ll help yous oh shoot thought you doing the game I am I’m been help you in the meantime I’m

Doing this and then I’ll go down there I think I used all my seeds in the one thing so that’s why I was going to say I’d give them seeds or wheat but oh by the way I have you have a few seeds in the [ __ ] chest man no I know I’m

Saying I thought you needed them I have wheat I have a chest full of wheat no I’m I’m saying it after we’re done you can go sell your oh yeah cuz I think that’s what you trying to save up for also was to save wheat yeah

I needed wheat and I needed the the sugar cane upstairs for the uh for The Mending that was the whole entire Point all right let me get the seeds and I’ll start replanting it yeah I’m just throwing feeds around so when everybody walks around what are you watching me yeah so in halflife 2 they found the original plans for uh Left 4 Dead gotta so they’re talking about it I mean

If you want I can pull up a podcast about talking about Nas and what that is Nas that gets into super nerd you know what a Nas Is Right noobs yeah thank God I’ve been wanting to set one up but it’s takes a lot of

Work I could do Hardware but I can’t do software the [ __ ] is it what are you talking about it’s a type of server it’s just pretty much an online server that allows you to store data on a IP address so as long as you have the IP address you can access the

Files and it’s encrypted to only certain people with a passcode it’s pretty nice actually not going to lie so creating Your Own Thing creating my own data system or well data yeah I could create an online server it takes it requires me to Port a Wi-Fi smart enough to do this [ __ ] why

Wouldn’t you be able to like create your own [ __ ] internet or like start like coding and [ __ ] if you already know how to do all that the issue is with Naas is I’m it’s per it’s all no man’s land for me I’m not kidding it’s like asking someone who can

Make a car make a [ __ ] sandwich or make them like a [ __ ] you know what I’m meaning by you’re asking them to do something completely different here get the parts that are not filled up all I can get him I don’t know to me it’s sounding

Like an Elon mus [ __ ] like he wants to [ __ ] like it ain’t that huh it ain’t like that it ain’t Advanced like that no I’m just saying if you’re smart enough to [ __ ] do all this [ __ ] and like you know all this stuff then why I

Mean why not use it for like a good good and [ __ ] like make your own internet or something you can make yourself some money an internet requires a lot of [ __ ] work you don’t understand I didn’t say it didn’t I don’t even know networking entirely either do you know how to

Code no I I know like a small amount but that’s it so I noobs I think we should set up hoppers on the top and bottom and then a chest on the top and bottom as well to allow you to I just do this yeah what do you think

I don’t I don’t really use bone a lot so it’s useful yeah so what do you think should I make a little bone meal that’s up to you I swear man it’s like his answer to everything comes up it’s up to you it’s

Up to you it’s up to you it’s up to you what game you want to play today it’s up to you me the [ __ ] straight answer man it’s literally his answer for everything it’s also like what are you doing today up to you that’s what my a

Used to say to me I was pretty happy about that I’m like hey what would you want to do today what got get any plans no what would you like to do today it’s up to you my friends the one that hook me up with her and [ __ ] I was sitting there

Like all right well what do you I came up my friend I’m like dude I never met someone that [ __ ] like was like what do you want want to do I’m like sitting there going like I don’t know what do you want to do today and they’re like up to

You what happened to the demons the fman what diamonds I don’t know in my house NBS your diamonds yeah there’s seven diamonds in the mining chest that I dumped in there you [ __ ] there bro no there’s nothing but golden Redstone in that chest like a little bit of gold what which

Where remember the chest down in the stairs over by the mine you guys have what oh [ __ ] what do you want what do you want stop looking at me like that what do you want diamonds it’s fine did you mix any of your stuff with that yeah

I mix my diamonds in with it it’s whatever I’ll go find some more I knew that I had my diamonds down there so that’s why I grabbed it all all right see I thought that was just Community [ __ ] so I just dumped my stuff in there

I I forgot I kept forgetting that I kept leaving that stuff down there I lost half of it anyways God here I can grab you some diamonds I need to put some [ __ ] things in there Jesus Christ I need to put some I’ve been wanting to invest in uh Fortune

I’ve been wanting to get Fortune there you go I get her it but it’s covered for right now I have you 11 get it but it’s covered for right now you give the difference to Ray let him get some Dems what do you mean he’s not going to use it he has he

Already has like 12 diamonds up there and he doesn’t use them the heck let him uh give him to me I’ll work on getting silk touch pickaxe oh my God bro the reason why I don’t use it is because [ __ ] like if I knew how to do mending and it was actually like

If I knew how to what’s called recharge The Mending and do all that stuff faster than I would okay so you don’t recharge The Mending what you do is it’s called using mending which really all you’re doing is collecting experience while holding the tool in your hand I know or have sorry I

Didn’t mean to say that I meant to say like yeah I consider that like recharging because you’re it’s I know it’s mending I get that but I’m saying like I don’t know how to get like the experience fast the only time the only way I know how to do it is by killing

Things cuz I knew noobs was showing me that but like I don’t it takes me forever to [ __ ] do it that’s why like I was like all right well that’s why I had the option of going to uh kill animals to get the XP from that I got a better

Idea what would that be why don’t you just grab all these I have uh things oh here you go uh grab grab your pickaxe and come over here and you can just I have thing lazy told us to stop complaining he said all you guys do is complain I am not complaining at

All I think he’s talking about you Ray job is he said all you guys he didn’t say just me he said all you got he throwing people on the bus for no reason he has no right to throw noobs for anything under the bus okay he did nothing wrong I’m complaining about you

Complaining about complaining about complaining you complaining about this uh what I know you definitely aren’t happy with my tool setup I have two pickaxes and two hoes just walk out I have a sword oh I have a sword two pickaxes two hoes because I have a fortune hoe and then a

A silk touch hoe wait did you store your stuff in my house or what’ you do I didn’t store anything in your house no I’m asking like where did you oh where you put your God damn it where’d you put your stuff at didn’t put my stuff

Anywhere I’ve been kind of hiding away in the throw your stuff out area I make that over my house my old house no I’m taking over the throw at your stuff house this is my house I was thinking you should take this one this one’s pretty nice because it has an armor stay

Place come included with everything in it no I mean it’s upstairs you get the whole upstairs by to yourself up here oh the stairs oh I don’t get the downstairs no you get all this you get like a thr room type of your armor room oh I got Cobblestone oh yes

Cobblestone I guess the question I’m asking like what I want to know is how else do you get XP to be good so I can get the men so I can get the Ming and make it work well I get sweet berries no way ignored you’re like well I don’t I

Don’t know what else to say gu You Go Kill mobs no I’m saying is there any other thing we can think of that [ __ ] that’s way to get get XP is is mobs or you or you can here grab grab your pickaxe you’re mending one skull what am I

Doing you’re gonna I’m gonna get you tons of XP real quick okay come follow me no I dude I don’t want someone to [ __ ] do it for me I’m just saying like I I just want to show you this it it’s not me doing anything it’s just

You what you killing them and me collecting the XP no I’m not killing anything just grab one of your pickaxes okay follow me I died this Sweet Berry bushes die from the Sweet Taste of berries okay and then you’re GNA come over here okay and then just go down here and

Then go in these two chests while you’re holding it that and grab that wait what go go in these furnaces go on both of them and grab these and you’ll get XP from it and it should repair your pick halfway go into the [ __ ] F how the

[ __ ] do you go into the furnace just click on the furnace the smoker M and then you grab the the K that’s already burned okay I’ll have to kindly decline your offer man nobody wants the house he says no wants okay and you go to the other go listen

Listen it’s on the second floor there’s a reason why nobody wants it everything’s on the second floor where you want to live I like and it’s all Cobblestone this is some fancy smooth Stone there you go now it should be semi build and then just store all the kelp in this

One you grabb from that the dried kelp yeah it doesn’t look like it’s doing anything to my stuff dude it should have repaired it it didn’t you should have mending on it is that a mending one yeah mending one did it repair it at

All it got like a a mini bar but I don’t think like I think that was already there unless I’m doing it wrong you just say collect the dry kelp right yeah when it gets a 64 here drop drop the pickax for me let me see how full full it is pick back

Up I don’t know it should have filled it up a little D I’ll try it again did you get any XP from it I don’t know that’s I’m saying I wasn’t like paying attention one second let see I think there’s not any left you nearly launched my entire headphones off my head doing

That not should be cooking it’s not let me click it I mean you can try grabbing the 30 and the 30 and the other one no I mean it’s literally not letting me click that’s the problem why is not never mind why what the [ __ ] why is it doing this

I’m dumb because I was [ __ ] kneeling all right let’s hold that yeah I don’t think it’s working oh it’s not I thought any XP you gained it it did it I I thought I did because I remember like going supposed to I got tons of XP from it like repaired my

Pickaxe no I still didn’t get anything from it I don’t know then well thank you though it should have worked but that’s the only other thing I could have thought it’s all good unless I just have a massive stand of [ __ ] like just animals and just go

Through the entire thing and collect and collect wait are you cutting trees from over here h Huh are you cutting trees over here am I no probally not I was going to replant them after I was letting everything drop first any of the trees over here though I’m replaying them after why is

So much clutter cuz we decorated over here I have trees over here if you need trees bro I got a whole entire thing just go over here and cut over here dot dot cut here all this all this trees go ahead as long as you repl them

You can do them right here these ones the other ones are decoration up to about here and then all the back I I don’t mind him minding the other ones just don’t go to the right side because decorations I was doing all the one side I was

The ones that aren’t a part of the decoration yeah that’s what I was I was telling him that he can mine than the right side oh good I was going let’s try that we go try doing this let try killing these guys to see what happens have you

Have you finished your uh your yet my what finish your yet I got part of it I just having I was waiting for the day to come clear this up and I got kind of distracted by going downstairs I need to Che Again why can there nothing be good only partially cut out a tree I’m pissed he does that a lot I know I can see I I hate the ones where like the big ones that’s the one that Branch out yeah that’s the one I’m dealing with right

Now dude even killing these animals is not even it’s not even showing a bar going up where are you at let’s see let’s double check and make sure you have [ __ ] mending on it first I have mending one dude I guarantee I can literally see

Mending one on it I it’s a nether right pickax you [ __ ] okay noobs weot to bring up the fact that it takes a while for it One XP equals one durability the netherite pickaxe has what 800 durability or some [ __ ] like that yeah but I I I remember having the

Netherite and then going to the um the thing it like it should made it yellow you forgot they got rid of that ability right it doesn’t store like it used to they changed how their the XP stored in the actual [ __ ] now so yeah I knew that but it should still

Fill it up a little cuz I remember doing it here recently it’s not long ago well that happened me out we’re going to PL Birch saplings instead they’re less likely to turn into gigantic ases like that what bridge what’s up there’s a bridge all the way down there just continue fallowing

And long way bro go to the castle no I’m talking about the real long bridge across the ocean that oh my God yeah I’m good if you want I can Farm a bunch of emeralds oh yeah I got I got a give me this [ __ ] give me some fireworks

Man I just need like three where my PS go what the [ __ ] I don’t need that many oh they there yeah there you go there’s my bridge oh you stopped right here come on yeah it’s still long though what do you mean it’s a lot of

Wood oh crap no I fell in the ocean how long it takes to build a long bridge up like this oh there’s a villager Outpost I can make a farm with that good luck with that the farms on this this version are really weird

No I tried doing a a a iron golem farm and it was not working bedrocks systems different there’s a you saw the village over here right where the AAA Village across your little bridge I think I think we already heard someone well but but but it was an iron

Golem for the um for Bedrock I made a specific one for bedrock and it wasn’t working I think it’s destroy all the F heal their crops they’re running for crops we’re we’re robbing them blind where the [ __ ] is the lad at come on man hey you know what we should do

Noobs we should crease their JS what the [ __ ] dude oh blast furnace out of my way all right later lazy good night bro thank you for even coming on thank you for even coming on oh well uh there was a house here here this way I think that one’s already been

Searched or looted so I don’t think there’s anybody there anymore him I don’t even think I have any picks I have the one pick and I have that’s why is there’s [ __ ] dot on the map that’s annoying me dude what a shipwreck right there [ __ ] licking his lips over here Jesus

Christ no chest probably all the way in the bottom over here oh look at this there’s a trident right here yeah I already searched it what’s this trident doing here probably all right well I’m going to pause for the minute I don’t know what you guys want to do but you guys

Can keep on going but I’m gonna pause for a minute I don’t know if it’s going to kick me for inactivity I’m just going to run to the store real quick all right we’ll see when you get back I’m going to mine Birch I’m going to mine out that whole entire Oak area

And then we’re going to rebuild your little farm full of birch Castle over here is it going to kick me for inactivity do you know no fine yeah but sometimes it will a few times activity like hours and you still stay in a game okay

This video, titled ‘minecraft’, was uploaded by RLW GAMING on 2023-12-11 23:37:51. It has garnered 22 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:33 or 12393 seconds.


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  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More