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Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh O Oh Hey What’s Going oh my God Um we only have one side of my mic uh give me a few give me a few I need to restart OBS all right hey what’s going onone sorry about that uh my mic was acting up uh because it was only giving one side of the um you know you were only getting audio from here right here which would not have been fun so I decided I’ll just

Restart OBS real quick uh good thing with YouTube is that whenever you you know close OBS it doesn’t straight up kill the stream like twitch but hey what’s going on everyone this is me your Studio D bite and welcome you all back to the stream I hope everybody’s having

A fantastic um Thursday so far welcome more to another Stream is the title regarding Walt Hunters correct what do you mean uh what’s the title yeah it is correct based designing and creation anig uh that’s what we’re going to be up to today uh anit welcome to the stream Rahul welcome to the stream how you two doing uh I hope both

Of your Thursdays uh have been good hello hello uh my mic was only giving me audio from you know sending the audio from the right ear so I had to kind of refresh things so just close my op relaunched it and it seems to be working fine

Now today’s stream is going to be working uh on our bases design and creation shinanigans because I had a new idea for the base and this is going to be the final iteration to it because I’m absolutely you’re doing wers today no man I I told you I would prove you guys

Wrong here I am so um I got a new idea for the base and it’s going to be amazing it is in inspired by uh so I revisit I Revisited uh what is it dead space uh remake yesterday uh the remake of death space uh and I kind of just wanted to look

Into the game again and one of the things I really really like that they did is the addition of a tram running through the entire like isg ishimura which is like the giant planet cracker that they have you get to building it I don’t know how to I how do I get started

With building it right right so there that uh let me take my medicine real quick and then we’ll get to this God damn it I dropped half of it Well 10 11 12 13 14 15 there we go rig one chat zero H Nice I agree valid valid Rahul but um hey that’s the best part of streaming you know I I can get your um guys’s um updates and ideas homopathic yes it is homopathic medicines uh I’ve got the right here I also do need to take two more but that

Needs to be after a gap after this so we’ll wait a little bit and then I’ll go take the uh medicine all right we’re in game so I think first so we’ll leave this area as the okay no we’ll use this area as the build area this is our

Little experimentation corner here and I think the first thing I want to figure out is how create a trains work because I kind of the central ring we were thinking about rather than having that as my base area I want wanted the central ring to be like sort of like a

Train station with have which has like different stations which will lead to different parts of our base so the entire like um Circle that is going to be around our space um yes 15 to 20 minutes exactly uh but do remind me I need to

Take my meds uh so I kind of want to get started with the train system because I don’t know how uh create trains work and I’m thinking the ring uh like the ring instead of being the base will be like sort of like a c Railway thing right and I really really

Like that idea and it sort of came inspired from that Dead Space um because uh that’s what they do inside like their um isg shimura they have like an entire tram running through the thing and I kind of really really like that idea so I thought you know what that sounds like

Uh that sounds cool so first we figure out how the train works and then we get started on the build because figuring out how the train works is the easier part I think so there’s a train Observer there’s a train signal a train station train casing a train

Track um and I think and train controls so let’s ponder about all of these and let’s see what they do so Train control first let’s say we have a train train controls are required on every train Contraption you’re never ever going to use the railways I am never ever going

To use the railway but I want it to look cool I might never use it but it’s it’s going to look good and I like the idea of it and who maybe I’ll use them sometime who knows so it’s basically uh right click the block to start driving accelerate and steer using the

Movement Keys using the mouse Wheels okay so the train track is laid down a new type of rail designed for train Contraptions Place rows of tracks in bulk click on existing track then Place uh or select a second track okay even if I don’t use it it

Looks cool and I think I will be using it just because it’s going to be a CO cool addition to the base and that’s the thing I gave myself a challenge to like just discover more about each mod right so that we kind of

Can make use of them in the all uh ATM 9 all the mods so it’s kind of just think of it as preparation for that because uh trains are also really good at transportation of liquids and stuff so they are going to be useful in uh all the

Mods oh this is nice that is nice so those are tracks the train station how does that work select a train track then place the station nearby so it’s going to the Train’s going to stop stop there uh are the waypoints of your track network uh open the UI and switch to assembly

Mode no schedule stange will approach this station H interesting new Bogies by using train casing on tracks okay so you can shift between uh Boogie designs attach blocks with the help of super glue assembl trains will move faster if they can find fuel fuel stored in walls will not be consumed by the

Train train controls on board and second allows depart stations in both Direction assembly process Okay cool so we know how it functions sort of so let’s do a little test run so if I do that do I need to how do I select this so I select that oh oh oh

This is nice too far away so we can like sort of like uh and so click here and turn too sharp okay can’t turn too sharply we just going to do this as kind of like a test and see how it goes and then we’re going to hop onto

The we we going to build I think we’re going to try to like get a idea so Chad do we want do you guys want me to start the build directly in survival or do it on the on like creative world first hey I think Hunters this is wal Hunters this

Is wal Hunters don’t you see the unspent skill points and unspent expertise points that can only be in one mod pack that is so can I connect these two no whatever like bring it till here and then to shop um weird so I’ll just destroy like

A section of it and what what now stickly click to reset and then go to shop test first making test word yeah it’s it’s it’s my test World um but the thing is with test world I don’t know how to get started the turn is still too sharp what do you mean the

Turn is too sharp you can make all these zigzag turns you can’t make a simple like straight turn to that thing okay what if we just like bring it to like here and then either say don’t too sharp I am not sure how I’m enjoying I’m I’m going to enjoy this this is

Uh don’t to shop there we go so sort of like a weird uh train track that we got here uh and then we so you add train stations by putting this there and then putting that there then I guess you can have multiple train stations like let’s say one

Here and we’ll add like one more like right here and then station is Idle cre Bogies assemble rain cancel assembly close window um open all doors so you can select the uh uh Hey ABAB what’s up welcome to the stream uh isn’t your uh name aushi

Though on the um YouTube thing uh so open all North Side East Side West Side so you can choose what doors you want to open um I guess so we just uh train casing on the highlighted block so we place the train casing click again to cycle types click click what

Again oh so you can cycle the Boogie types try making Bridge train tracks that looks nice so you can can you add more like casings to this okay uh like switch styles for all of them kind of looks like a train and maybe add like uh fors laabs and maybe stairs to climb

Up I’m I’m not sure how this is going to work yo ra ronok welcome to the stream it’s good to have you here how you doing today how how are you supposed to like get up onto this thing so this is so our platform is probably going to be like something like

This then like so let’s say this is the uh platform right so we have the train come in uh we have like a platform built right uh this is going to be one of uh one of the Platforms in the sphere I’m going to have this thing this

Thing right so this is the train um no but then we can go for full blocks you just straight up go for full blocks uh thanks for subscribing to the channel uh AI Ki welcome to the stream good to have you here uh so we just kind of fill that

In right so I think this needs like a steam engine or something uh steam engine steam whistle how does this work so you we setting up steam engines steam engines can be placed on a fluid tank shaft creates the kinetic output uh yeah you know we we’ll do the

Moving I’m just trying to figure out how it works with sufficient heat water and boiler place they will generate additional rotation Force so how does this work on a train chart again how do you how do you how do you get this to walk on a train how how do

You like Power it there was like a section here I didn’t entirely understand it so hold up C ponder so we have um fluid tank right steam whistle item walls I don’t see any engines though is just flu tanks and the steam vile um I I don’t know has anybody made

A train in Steam so far if okay just put the okay that does do that that does something so we add water what do you add to this water what is this what is this function so you basically move this one step away but then how how are you going

To get on top of the PL the train right because the train comes here right uh let’s say we add a door I think it’s just called train door or what it’s called something create C where is create what the hell where’s create um excuse me

Wait let’s just look and create now we is it in building blocks oh yes train door so we place down like a train door let’s let’s see we had like no we’ll add one then let’s say we add a wall I’m just I’m just this is just a testing

This might look better in our world for now it’s just a test thing I just want to see how it functions oh that’s is too short for a human to stand in maybe an ant will fit though I I’m still not sure how this entire steam whistle thing

Works like how how does this function so let’s say we have this right and we go in then we need uh controls for this train controls is that oops place that there uh and let’s say we add I don’t know uh glue it did say to use like

Super glue to stick the entire thing together so we click here no no that hold up that connects to the tracks so this uh might be correct what the first few blocks though hold uh we forgot the black back blocks uh YouTube stinks YouTube is fine

I think oh no that’s on the ground again how do I get these linked up that’s done then I need to do these and this so that’s everything Glu together so now if I click this button three boogies assemble train Carriage one two many boogies

Attached uh so do I just like no no no no not the track don’t remove the track um Shoot I I think we did an oopsy front most most Boogie must be at station Master we just do we just remove the back boogies how does this work okay now oh so that that opens up that that looks so that looks so weird and then

You hop in and then you now controlling unnamed train what how is this but it’s not running how does this work then um how do you f fuel this there’s no power coming here uh how do you how do you fuel this thing how do you make it run um interesting interesting interesting

Interesting I’ve never messed around with like the create trains I know this looks pretty bad uh uh fuel train can be fueled with the temporary boost trains will accept any fuel of fness will do something so you need some way to like boil it I Guess hang God you didn’t go into railroad engineering okay man this is the ugliest trade I’ve seen hey man it’s not that bad all right it looks fine right Co h no but how are you supposed to my question is how are you supposed to power the thing so we

Assembled the Train the train is assembled how are we supposed to like power the thing you can’t just attach a water wheel to it that’s not going to work it says Blaze bner what if how how does a blaze burner power it just like dump it Sentinal

Fireplace or a mob seated in the front can’t break it if you apply for designer in any field you might get banned I might yeah this assemble train so now you disassemble the train and you just like pump that there what do I do next do I add like ho and

Stuff did that do anything food tank is empty let’s add some water to it why does it still say fluid tank empty game you’re broken okay assemble train okay see now it’s going now it is Mo stop controlling Contraption what happened hold space to approach uh train station arrived at track station

Oh hm so it does okay the design aside it functions I supposey it’s not the best looking train all but it gets the job done I still don’t know how it functions so if I if I I don’t even know if removing that works so let’s say we hop in again we

Can control this so if you hold space you just pass the the station so we hold space okay I don’t know how this works you hold space it arrived so stopped controlling attration so so let’s see we close the door right we hold this and now we start holding

Space you can seat a villager instead of you behind the train controls yeah I that that works uh I know that works you had let’s say create a cushion right I need like see cool yeah let’s say This oh my God we need to okay you need to dissemble so you can’t make any additions once the train is assembled it doesn’t do anything oh my God I hate this this is frustrating so it works automatically that is great we can just leave it there

Um I still don’t know how like how the empty oh my God we didn’t stop again okay my camera is not having a fun day today um is all kinds of weird okay how how do you stop stop just stop the train stop the train stop the

Train good so now I guess we can just go disassemble the train and then what happens if I just plop this uh this is this is the this is this is like the sketchiest train I’ve ever seen if I see any will that work this this seems extremely

Sketchy it doesn’t seem it is extremely sketchy honestly I would not trust anyone uh driving this train sit down sit sit um whatever remove that you control the train now it’s not moving mean the villagers is looking at the go do your walk it’s Not useless wait what the hell what wait huh the Villager disappeared inside the train well uh I can still see you all right let’s let’s let’s try something simple we no we we place that there we place a parrot on it what what about then yes now D you I need

Pooc no you don’t use foco seeds use seeds Okay no sit where did the P go where’s the P gone it’s on my shoulder I it’s not exactly on top of that thing okay now just sit just sit down Sit cool now do you there’s the second

One now do you control this train how how do we how do we uh how do we how do we make that control thing happen uh you going to do some you going to do you you know okay you pi oh oh hello he flew off I don’t understand how this

Functions so hold up controls petrol parro controlling train very realistic very realistic in read so you can ass assembled whistles can be activated with the sneak key Hold up what is this so we have a fluid tank in the front right but they don’t so the whistle is not necessary what if we just have a fluid tank in front is it going to work does that count as a train I swear if this

Works so it is very slow but it does work it is a functional train so you do you not need power for this to work I I have no clue how the trains work in this okay so we don’t need all of those Contraptions we just need apparently a

Fluid tank and it works maybe if you you don’t even need a fluid tank and you know you can just do without it and it works right okay that is anyway Su welcome to the stream it’s good to have you man here man how you doing today uh let’s see either uh train

Controls so no um train stations uhad open the station UI disassembled when Maps tracks no P Signal not driven by players so you can put a bomb in front of the thing I have no idea how it functions but okay see we I just want to see if if we can make this automatically driven and if thaten happens then um we have a

Winner on our uh on our end so do so I can play the place the controls anywhere what if I like place it here and then I place this here like I put a parrot on top of this no not me I put a parrot on top sit you sit right

There no I don’t want to glue it pain ass assembled so the par sitting there now how you need to you need the train schedule for mobs to be able to drop have you played create and the Train by directional oh okay so it can basically move in both directions okay that makes

Sense so you need train schedule which oh travel to station uh track station wait 5 Seconds add actions travel to station track station wait 5 Seconds what what all can I add update schedule Li title limit max speed so Loop forever reset progress skip current St stop now where do I put

This where where do you put the schedule can I like Ponder on this shedules allow trains to be controlled by other drivers you can just play place a blaze burner there and that’ll also increase the speed and drive the train hold up hold up uh let’s read this for a second right

Click with item in hand to open it interface we did that once programed the schedule time get handed to a train driver oh okay so uh let’s say now we assemble no not disassemble assemble the train I’m pretty sure parot is alive there we Go how do I how do I this but it’s but it’s not doing anything okay hold up die can’t even break stuff ah I hate this game so we take a place B this time rep place it right now we assemble the train train follows this uh schedule

Okay so now now how does how do we how do we start it I should have probably seen the entire uh instr for this thing right now we do is an El eligible Controller so you leash it to um okay and then you give The why are you why is this stuck why aren’t you departing I just station wait 5 Seconds Loop forever reset progress current Stop but it’s not moving wait this is the only track station though so what if I name it like track station one and then I do hold up did close the door station one right now I think we need to do this for every single d uh station or what how does this

Work okay add action travel to station track station one track station 2 track station track station thanks for the help by the way Su I appreciate it I don’t since when have you been playing Minecraft have you have you played the create mod pack no no change the godamn

Thing o yes and then travel to station station three so now now do you walk now now do you just straight up walk information train unnamed train no suitable F to next schedule destination never the trains with the the mod pack a few times a so we go two

And then one I guess that should work the train is now following the schedule so so it’s quick it’s it’s quick uh it it’s pretty Speedy so it comes to a stop here it stop here for like 5 seconds so I can close the door um stop there for 5

Seconds come to stop open the doors okay this works it works amazing all right so that’s the train experimentation done so I guess we can get started with the builds now uh and actually uh the base uh design so we will have this going it hold up I think

Rahul had a valid point can we even make this track right click on the uh on the Boogie why oh you can name it from maybe and maybe change the style so that all is like unnecessary uh I think right now we just get started with like the

Base otherwise we’ll get distracted you have played create before huh we should do some Minecraft once we get to College because I don’t think we’ll have much uh internet to do anything else yeah yeah there’s this and then there’s this two designs designs doesn’t really matter I’m just thinking we’ll just have

It like kind of like this uh like kind of just like the platform and the train kind of disguised I hope the super glue doesn’t stick like to the thing that doesn’t have its instructions so let’s see no the platform doesn’t stick that’s that’s good to hear you always say this and

Never play dude I am you know I’m always up for Minecraft you always know I’m up for Minecraft I don’t I I I can’t say the same for the rest of them I am always up for Minecraft if you ever want to do some Minecraft let me know I’m

Always up I’m most of the time either playing random MMOs or Minecraft like recently I just started another like random MMO so it’s either Minecraft or a random MMO so you know it’s it’s just hit me up we’ll do some Minecraft obsidian uh this there’s some

Cool obsidian designs uh I I don’t think I have I can make can I make crying obsidian I’m pretty sure I can look at this I love how this looks okay let’s get to work on the base I suppose um I did message uh Aditi

You if Aditi is free and we have our inspiration with us yo blue star how you doing welcome to the stream it’s good to have you here what’s up how is your stream did you end or are you still streaming what’s up what is up what’s what is up just

Sending all right all right interesting I saw you were doing like um what was it um you’re doing something I forgot so uh let’s decide the blocks first I think I’m going to be using sort of like a gray so there’s a few options there’s this thing the smooth gray

Pastel and there’s of course gray concrete uh we can I think I would prefer Terra cot honestly gr pastel is like the rough sand texture thingy it was fun Rish recommended r/ place uh is it still active I haven’t checked it out oh there’s like chipped versions as well um with terra

Cotta oh I forgot great terra cotta looks Brown for whatever reason Terra I I have never been able to understand why terra cotta looks like look this is Canan terra cotta and G this is great terra cotta terracotta’s naming sense has never made much sense to me personally uh it’s

Just it’s weird like it makes no sense it was fun glad to hear that let’s just see so we have let just do like sort of like a spear kind of thing see hold up 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1

2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 three how does that look how big is it so we do that that is like one corner then um it has like a strip of black and I think I’ll do so for that I kind of want to do obsidian some version of obsidian

At least I think crying obsidian will look nice honestly obsidian obsid obsidian if you can just type obsidian crying obsidian this would look amazing like kind of like have this I think this will be like two blocks high then maybe so two blocks this high right and then is p have one more

Layer of either two or one blocks high then you have like this obsidian coming in how does crying obsidian look should we use something more muted or should we use like obsidian crying obsidian is pretty bright let’s just say put it that way then do that this is going to be

Like the entry way then we so we make the entry way slightly bigger so 1 2 3 4 five blocks wide uh another like Gateway ah honestly a little bit of Prim obsidian is good but a lot of it just looks weird uh then we can use these right oh yeah eliminated

Blocks yeah I’m not a huge fan on the entire crying obsidian now that I think about it it looks weird obsidian so use like a chipped version of obsidian so there’s this why kind I like that is there any like darker Shades though the obsidian bricks We can use compressed blocks of obsidian I don’t think I’m going to have that much obsidian but you know if you if you have the money why don’t you use it getting obsidian won’t be hard I think we can just m produce obsidian I’m not a huge fan of this entire like

Purple thing uh extreme purple thing I mean it doesn’t look bad I would say it’s exactly my color but it looks nice Decent I Mean I mean I don’t know looks it looks funny it it looks funky I will give it that much so I kind of want what I have planned for this side is just the same wall uh running through here so two tall

One here uh 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 we experiment chart that’s what we do then we have a middle wall uh because I’m I’m thinking the entrance is going to kind of going to go like like it’s going to go underground

From here uh because that’s where our like main um sort of like reactor would be so I’m thinking we like make a elevator what do you mean I’m trying to build all right hey if you’re trying to build something and if you’re actually going to spend time building it I I kind of

Want it to look right because you’re actually spending time building something so you know we have like a what is there any like blackish blocks that look good this black concrete powder this I kind of like the texture of powder but wait hold on there’s going to be black concrete powder chiseled version

Uh no there is not there’s Only what with this one I had to lean extremely in conard welcome to the stream how you doing it’s good to have you here welcome aboard welcome aboard how’s it taking long how’s your Thursday been I kind of want to stick away from like just plain black though

Like going to have like this strip going through the middle here good plus playing Valor hold eh nice it’s been a while since I’ve played uh valorent uh what is this this is going to be our where we are building our the new reactor and also like uh where we

Going to be shifting a little bit of our base uh ronuk that’s why I wanted it to be look uh to look good because we’re going to be using this place a lot why don’t we why don’t I see the white light um find it’s just called illuminated light yeah that’s

Fine but I’m I’m I’m we’ll replace this black concrete with something let’s find like a darker shade so there’s black stone black concrete powder there’s wool black concrete Uh this is got an interesting texture we can let’s see how this looks wait what if of this we use this no I think the San terraa looks fine uh wait hold up let’s also try the pastel because that also has a smooth gray and a gray

Texture kind of like how that looks like it’s slightly grainy and not just like a flat texture flat color it has some texture to it so does terra cotta but it’s more grainy I’m not sure how it will look in a wall honestly it doesn’t look that half that bad it looks like

There’s chips in the wall or Something that makes sense you looking lonely I can fix that okay n welcome to the stream man it’s good to have you here how’s your Thursday come long what’s up what’s up uh I don’t know chat I don’t know what blocks we are Using H screw it I’ll just go with c terra cotta it might also be easier to get I’m not sure which is easier to get but it’s kind of just go with that for the these though I can’t decide between black concrete and if the modern and also 20 years old ex that’s

True honestly this texture of concrete look at it there’s not much difference to it so you really can’t see it until you like I guess zoom in on the Block wait that is that is San terra cotta do we want to use like a darker Color Rush what’s up welcome to the stream man it’s good to have here how’s your day come along what what are blocks of coal chat huh honestly it uh I don’t know man lcks of coal look H honestly it doesn’t look half bad uh the block of coal it’s going like a

Weird I don’t know as I said if you give me something to build it’s not going to be built anytime soon because I just overthink things a lot I’m going to be stuck here for like the next 2 hours deciding on what block I want to use instead of like actually

Doing something productive trust me that’s going to happen and I don’t think there’s much you can do about it it’s just it’s just how it is going to happen how you doing Rush how’s your Thursday Come Along by the way welcome to the stream good to have you here how’s your day come

Along I polished uh Black Stone nope n one minut one month experience here bro we know okay okay my inventory is on Tab keep Forgetting it’s not I’ve hold there’s so many blocks to choose from all it hold up it’s good down all with the top top but I kind of want to the San terra cotta looks weird as well it’s too light Pale this is this is this build is happening next season chart next next next month for sure for sure so between that and that what looks better I think that looks better right the gray concrete uh let’s try the same like chisel version that we using for black concrete now So I think it’s this One I know I know me I I like it in the for the black I I’m not sure about the gray so much what is that even supposed to to be it’s no ah this is pain see this is why I never do building this is this is why I

Never build anything just no I can’t settle on anything I I can’t decide for once every want oh this is the color I want oh no this is the block I want no switch again sorry that’s not the one always happens uh but I kind of want to finish this that’s the

Issue I don’t want to take too long on this because then I want to make the reactor itself as well because we’ve been holding out on that for a while we’re going to want to get this done as soon as we can I know it’s still going

To take some time building it but I don’t want to waste too much time thinking about it rather than just hop onto the see because I don’t want to do it with the schematic that’s that will be painful so I’m I’m thinking we just

Hop in and we hop on the server and we mess around there I think that’s a better idea than than doing it in a creative world I that’s at least what I think that we hop onto the server and we try making it over there if it goes

Wrong we break it and we make it again honestly it’s much better than the Terra Cotter now that like the entire entire thing comes together it’s like much much better than the Terra Cotta we have this come in here then we have I don’t know like this too high

Again right we have this like go one up Um of okay what we can do is uh remove that layer heard a new season uh yeah I heard a new season is coming as well hope we can finish by that time oh yeah it’s going to be done by that time no props oh

No we connect that there we make it like this up a bottom layer add these it’s looking like something so I guess instead of having like a we can like dig this area out a little bit and have this and uh this may Be one here and then There is a orange version as well I wonder if orange will look better I I think there is yes there is a illuminated orange light for H yeah that looks fine Yeah I don’t actually know when the uh next season is coming out for World Hunters uh I did hear it is coming out though so there’s that going have this sort of thing in the front we can have like plants and stuff or like something here I don’t know uh looks off

It’s like this area is not connected right this one place there we Go Uh the new update uh did hasn’t released yet but isal was streaming it I think update 13 I haven’t seen what all it has but um can’t wait for it to actually come out so we guys uh we get to experience it uh let’s see when it comes out uh and when it

Releases uh I think that’s when we oh But how can I guess this block was not there and I just goes okay so I think I just want this right yep I do want that then this is just like uh one high extension so like a one high extension So this is how it’s going to look from the front chart like at least the base part wait house oh my God this is one lower this is on a different level I like this doesn’t seem even it seems pretty uneven it is uneven so this is how it’s going to look from the front and I got to it’s not bad I’m not sure about these like things though

I think I might just remove these um I might keep like the front things but like I’ll remove these like connectors in between and maybe even the this block this block um yes supp was The Works uh we can also what we can do is like have like something

Like now actually screw it just don’t have this part connected at all I was thinking like if we have this connected then we just make it go like up this part I know welcome back Rahul yeah so this is how the front uh place is going to look like at least at

The start like without the rest of the structure uh this is the base this is the Mega reactor SL Bas both because uh this is going to be where so we’re going to have like we’re going to have a uh create elevator taking us to the top which is

Going to be our base and like the uh Railway thing and uh take uh the bottom will be where the reactor is I think that’s what I’ve decided I’ll do so let’s H in the server we’ll start Gathering resources and we’ll start making it over there I don’t want to

Waste time like experimenting in single player and then making it in on the server it’s like double the work I’ll make it on the server if it doesn’t turn out to be good then so be it we’ll delete it and make it again yes reactor is going to be hidden it’s not exactly

Going to be hidden it’s going to be accessible it’s going to be underground accessible by an elevator uh because I realize that it’s just better to have it down there uh rather than you know because the thing is um underground you just have a lot of space without like

Things poking through like uh walls and stuff so I can like put things anywhere without like having a CH this is poking through the wall outside the Base so we need to get a lot of black black concrete and um gray concrete so suppose we get started with that uh let’s put our backpacks away that we don’t Need this is going to store all of these things we don’t need this this uh these two chunk identifier card pouch uh potion as well there we go reor it yeah yeah that’s what we going for uh how much sand do how much gravel do we have none we have no gravel that

Is not good how how do we make concrete so what I need to do is where is my crushing uh Factory yeah we need to go here uh so this is the export one right yeah just delad gravel um we’re going to take Cobblestone and we’re going to turn that

Into gravel uh new filter item stack um bam Cobblestone save okay uh extract from this uh we extract gravel and put it into the crushing Factory and we do have gravel coming in now uh nice going to chunk Lo these real quick so that this is running uh while we are

Away um we also going to need a lot of black dce so I’ll I think I should go start my squid Farm um gr eyes just bones how many how how much bones do we have bones we don’t have a lot of those as well and we need ink sacks which we

Don’t have a lot of as well uh let’s assume this uh build is going to uh need like a lot of uh things let’s just um proceed with that right so we are going to go back to our base we’re going to turn on the mob spawner with some Squids Don’t tell me I don’t want want like oh my God we have like 8,271 vaping wies amazing we also going to need illuminated lights and I don’t think they will be too hard to get so let’s what if we only have that many nether Stars uh so we’ll be making more

Spawners there as well and I think that will also be like underground I think I’m not sure yet we’ll decide if the if I want it to be like in the sky somewhere uh connected to our Railway thing I’m thinking I’ll have it connect to like more towers and stuff there’ll

Be more building but we we we’ll tackle that thing when it comes to that what did we have in it uh salmon spawners that doesn’t help anyone uh we need squid there we go we turn that on uh we turn this on and then we turn this

On we don’t need this as well the focus we’ll remove it let’s hit the my God the lag has gotten uh pretty B two chunky for spawner uh because one chunky only loads one chunk and my spawner spans like two chunks in total across two chunks so one

Part of the spawner is not loaded if I don’t have both of them on let’s see what m is up to well through his uh world where is this man his basement hello Rite who the hell is that yo Mania how you doing what’s up you look uh

Interesting I look interesting yes yeah you do I look like a m mantis yeah yeah yeah a samurai mantis so to speak uh yes yeah join group join group uh okay let’s see I’ll hop on you look like Transformers but with Kaa wings oh yeah yeah I

Agree hello yeah hello hello okay okay okay yep so what are your plans Rick for tonight let’s see I was thinking I’ll get started on uh building uh the thing uh uh but I couldn’t figure out the blocks so let’s see go through my

Storage and see also I I am like I am working on the town the basement but I’m working it in single player I will P that I’ll need help from almost everyone like who joins like just to you know I want the suggestions ke what blocks

Should I use how they want uh it to be texturized there will be two rooms okay one room which will have a wall Center wall artifacts so that everyone can contribute and we can do we we would know artifact so one we should have gravel coming in right and the other two sides

Will be bar plates to everyone’s houses and if if we could get statues from Exon we’ll put statues also because sign board it’s very yeah yeah so I had like two plan uh like ideas but like one of them is of course more work it is a little bit more work it’s

Basically grabbing Maps right I have like a big room with like entire like spawn area of the server mapped out and every B like where it is located on the map that’s a nice idea yep but it’s going to be slightly more time consuming and it’s going to

Require more space because the maps need to be like zoomed out St like zoomed in sorry not zoomed out but the thing is uh what I’m thinking is a map is a size of one block right yep and if you put V plate on that map

You won’t be able to see the whole uh map right you will be you will be able to see here’s the thing now you put it like under glass like to like blocks below the glass got it got it got it yes got it got it okay idea we can do

That sort of like a map room H that is a nice idea so we can make the flooring out of map yep yep that’s yep flooring out of map like to block glass and then glass Cooper like the W plate I think we decided somewhere over here right yeah across also a nice

Idea but we will have have to make a huge map because yep yep yep yep that’s why I said it’s it’s it’s like a time consuming thing because first of all we need a huge space for it and then we’ll have to like uh you know like map out

Everything uh Maps pretty inexpensive we can we can put Maps somewhere at least not like let’s put map somewhere yep yep yep I forgot I this needs to have feeding up I told you wall will be artifact side uh there will be uh War plates let’s say

Char and uh the the fourth side will be a tunnel like when we enter the Vault tunnel which leads us to the main room so exactly like that a tunnel which will lead you to the portal room and the wall port room oh okay okay yeah and of course

The uh the contraption where the goblin comes and uh so I’m I’m doing a little changes like the Goblin and instead of like getting one guy he will he can get two guys you can pull two guys inside H okay okay interesting something like that

Crystal joining us for a oh my God uh no no no I’ll be building today wow nice Dedication dedicated player are you sure though yep I’m sure I’m sure it’s a end void Vault with plentyful catalysts it’s fine it’s fine I’ll be building I don’t think I need anything plentiful Vault yet you sure yep I’m sure I’m sure I’ll do it I was just

Kidding uh how much gravel do we have uh we should we should have a good amount good amount 2,000 we we used all of our gravel to basically make sand that’s what happened uh so let’s get started with making the D first I guess so we need uh black Dy which is

Just we just take oh what what what is the thing um I forgot the thing’s name um ink sack just my question is why is there no insects coming in uh Ina yeah this number is not increasing hold that is concerning know that do we get larimar in mind

Rooms uh no not a lot of it no I have done like two M rooms and trust me I didn’t get like any lar out but like zero or if if if I had I would have gotten a would have been like really insignificant basically so we don’t

Get rooms this is kind of slow yeah you’re talking about the Omega rooms right you’re talking about the Omega rooms right yeah Omega mind room you you have Crusher at your laboratory right yep yep yep what do you call it uh advanc crushing cring Factory yep yep yep

Cobblestone CR uh hold up I’ll just turn that off I used all of my gravel to make sand uh through my xnet table oh xet can transfer blocks also wirelessly transfer everything not wirelessly there’s there’s a wire behind it hold up somebody’s give network cable okay okay okay got

It just wanted to crush a little bit of flints into Gunpowder oh I had to take that okay I’m back man uh you can take out the Cobblestone uh no that’s that’s why that’s why some I to take my Med I open the stuff in oh oh it’s going into my storage uh hold up I need to disconnect that as well there you

Go thank you no worries gun powder is oh it is placeable right yep thank you no worries so let’s enable that let’s enable that so now that we have black not like okay you can place gunpowder yes you can gr eye to make gr eye which

Is okay we are already out of some materials noes we just need white to die which we can make in bulk oh no in There oh did you guys see about the update 13 uh no I didn’t I I did see iscal stream I don’t know what it’s bringing so bro there are some crazy changes what are the what’s the changes what’s the changes monolit are going bye-bye monets are going

Yes R I guess uh what do you call them brazer light the brazers it’s technically I don’t know if you can light it up with I don’t know light the brazers now and uh uh it’ll be it is interesting uh the thing how it works is uh it will be like like the

Like Z out of 11 you have to touch 11 brazers and after completing your objective 11 brazers about you have an option oh I forgot to mention one thing that uh every brazer you touch will give you a positive modifier and the modifier will always be positive and it will

Never be negative like you get 50% Soul CH Soul chance uh plus one Swift uh things like that oh that’s good the then yeah and the other thing is uh after you complete your objective like after you complete 11 uh brazers mhm you can still touch uh more bra brazers yeah so it

Will be like page or exit the Vault so you go touch the brazers mobs uh and you have to kill those mobs and there will be uh some rare loot it can give you gems also like ash gine those it can give you armor it can

Also give you Omega armor it can give you anything it can also give you drift wood it’s like that and every brazer you touch it will get difficult difficult difficult we Al we already have like a good amount of gray concrete yeah I I kind of hoped it would be like uh the

The old version how they did it in the old version uh like 1 like version 2 May uh the older wal hunters or what they had was like very uh fun was they had like boss fights so you would light up the monets and then at the end like a

Boss would spawn I kind of thought they would do something similar with that so I was watching es scal stream and he said that that will come but maybe in update 14 or maybe after that they’re planning to like that but uh he said that it is not

Working in his brain it’s not there yet which I kind of like that because there was like a lot of like unique mobs uh there so this is the Importer that’s the exporter okay we need cake vault is changing completely what they what the what are

They changing so like every time you eat a cake there will be layers added uh I don’t know what layers is technically more modifiers and things just normally into phytogenic that thing and uh there will be pedestrial in every room now cake pedestrial but the thing is uh let’s see

If you did 10 pedestrial you ate 10 cakes you did 10 pest pedestal it’s technically highrisk High reward D pedestal d k k and D pedestal right click you will get uh little bit loot if you do 20 you will get more loot if you

Do 30 you will get more rare loot and more amount of loot but as you go higher and higher if you go 10 uh pedestals uh like like 10 cakes 15 cakes the amount of uh chests that spawn in that room will be will also increase so in like

Let’s say 25th room or six room there will be a lot more chest than it is in the first or second room like a lot more it’ll be filled with chests mhm mhm interesting and vendor rooms are gone what oh no vendor rooms are gone but

There will be vend doors in every common room so techn technically a small room in every common room where you can enter and uh there will be two to three small vendor pedestals and you can buy stuff interesting I like that that is that is nice that is nice and there are

15 more dungeons added huh new dungeons new dungeons as well I like that I like that the thing is uh how the dungeon like if there’s a bigger dungeon there there will be larger dungeon yep yep and larger the dungeon the chances of getting modif that’s already that’s already yeah

That’s already the case um that’s how it works in this update that’s how it works in this also yep the bigger the dungeon the higher the chance of like a modifier table or a uh the alchemy table to spawn here must yeah it’s a it’s going to be a good

Update when do you when uh when is it like coming out do we have a date a 14 15th I guess 15 December uh sorry John December by time travel time Travel up update 1 I mean let’s see I don’t thinka up yeah whenever the happens yep but I don’t Think honestly I I don’t so I tried making this in Creative but at the end by it’s double work and I’m just like bro brain is not braining I’ll just screw around an eyeball it in the bra is not braining double work because you need to build it there and you need to

Build it same here here yep that won’t be the case if you learn building uh if you learn what building gadgets yeah I have uh nope I have not used building gadets at all building gadgets copy paste but it isn’t the copy paste in the

Same world no no no you can do it uh inter World from your single player world to the server oh and it will paste instantly but the only thing is you will need all those blocks in your inventory yeah that’s that’s a slight issue yeah I don’t know if that’s I don’t

Think it will pull it from the backpack as well like backpack or basically cobone so if your hot bar Cobblestone runs out it’s going to just refill that with Cobblestone so it’s not going to help with like the building thing uh but if it if it like pulls from a

Deep inventory like the backpack then to then I can just dump all the materials with like stack upgrades on like the backpack in inside my backpack there must be something like this because because if it just takes items from your inventory theno let’s say you know Concrete in my build and if

I use I can’t hold that in my inventory there’s no way to for me to hold that in my inventory if you try to do break it in Parts you can’t do it I guess yeah yeah but I’ll just do it in survival why not that’s totally on

You and the the addition of Angel block at least means that I can fly um schematic Cannon is very slow Rahul schematic Cannon is so slow it’s not viable it’s not feasible it is very very slow works on a snail space man how much uh gravel did we collect need

To do scav 5,000 good scav uh scav the uh schematic andon is way too slow remember I made like the entire Reactor with it um but yeah bounties right Yep a count so what should we do chat should we make it in Creative or survival uh you guys uh can uh let me know as well what you guys want to do what do you guys think would be better a survival build a creative build also I’m glad they found the

Solution for this uh extra charms which we can’t recycle uh what they found you can apply that to the Crystal and you will get that much Affinity of that card oh nice uh a be current update or like the is it coming the new one uh current

13 so it’s it’s not here yet I mean 13 12 yep yep yep that’s what I’m saying that’s good uh because uh I just used to trash it I kept it bro I haven’t done anys I’ll do it probably but the thing is completing Paradox world is very difficult very difficult

Bro how can you find 45 blessings of one God and yep yep it’s the same it’s basically a scav run but instead of finding scavenger item you find the god blessings the only solution what I feel like is dungeons because I found two impossible dungeons yesterday in my Paradox Vault

And I managed to reach 2930 of valara and vendar so let’s look at some block inspire Iration uh yeah yeah if you have I don’t have a proper design in my mind but by creative maybe I don’t want to like spend time making it in Creative I

Tried going in my build realm and I tried finding Dungeons and I was like oh I’ll mark the all of these D I think it refreshes and changes every single time that the rooms right so yeah so no no the rooms won’t change the rooms will be the same rooms

Be and the key door treasure doors they also okay soy everything is is an interesting block that’s just a slope I wonder what is that block okay I need uh this thing uh here is what you’re looking at enabled a smokey quartz blocked this is edged frame slope for what block I don’t

Know so let’s see the fly around let’s see if I can find some good blocks that’s just laboratory blocks laboratory blocks look pretty clean as well and I don’t think I can use them okay how do they compare in terms of like how do they look compared to gray

Concrete Crystal yep yep these are these are just black chipped concretes okay cool I think I’ll just use black concrete for the lines uh that I decided but let’s see laboratory and gravy which is better oh he has like a V on top no anything nope nope I was just looking around at

Least I’m not lagging anymore at least no mean not in your base like bro spawn I’m I’m not even talking about that I’m talking about the internet lag that I was facing oh okay yep yep yep oh that bro that happens with uh my ISP also I’m pretty sure it’s ISP

Scene Rob but spawn has become a pretty bad in terms of FPS eating creative my building just doesn’t feel like too much fun is what I’m saying uh that’s why I would rather build in survival than uh creative it just doesn’t he has fun hey if if you make a mistake you

Just break it down and make it again it is tedious it might get frustrating for me but for now we’ll just do it manually in survival not in Creative because it just it just feels boring and I can never finish a build in Creative [Applause] ever it’s something interesting this

There’s also people on the server so you can just chat with them uh while you’re doing things solo Minecraft if I have to play I’ll go all the mods right we have a we have a few mod packs we can do uh solo we’re doing world we want to do

Like it’s a multipl thingy I hate this a [Applause] shoveling [Applause] [Applause] uh no fire Fury I did uh try to ask fire fury on stream itself but fire Fury was uh didn’t really respond uh I did message her on Discord uh she said she

Would be free after 9:30 today but I did message her again and she said say she had some work uh so I didn’t really discuss anything with fire Fury uh we’ll do it later on uh if she hops on uh tomorrow or today let’s [Applause] see no no there we

Go yeah I guess this is a decent starting platform sizewise uh to build the thing oh my God I hate this shoveling is the worst thing to have on a pickaxe yeah makes um but that’s the only reason we can mine dirt even uh as quickly as we

Can I have I love having like my inventory with me at all times it makes life so much easier I’m quickly going to go sleep uh because the mobs are going to be nothing but the hindrance yeah I didn’t really get time to discuss the build with the fire Fury

MH it’s been a while since we have slept on the server I I never I never sleep on the server never take a bed or a sleeping bag with you I’ll be taking a sleeping bag with me we don’t have one we’ll just take a bed we flying there anyways why am I

Here let’s see the uh let’s see if I I might have some laborat laboratory blocks around yeah I do have uh so we have base and then why is it why is it two stacks one is I think a shiny version so guys what do you think which

One do you think would will look better uh for the build uh the one on the right I think looks better I’m not sure about that but it does look pretty neat it’s a it’s a slightly lighter gray I think it’s it’s it’s I don’t right so we’ll go with maybe using both

The blocks randomly I don’t think think Rahul texturing is going to look right I don’t think it’s going to look right like both of it’s just not going to blend together with like these two blocks it has to be either it can’t be Both it has to be either or or you I I it just can’t be both you can’t have both it’s not going to work With both the blocks okay I think first things I do is grab buckets right what I need a bucket for and a normal bucket for is because I can uh pick water up with it so I just want to get rid of the grass here [Applause] th and all the flowers and

Stuff I’ll I’ll show you how the texturing looks as well give me a few let me get rid of uh the weeds in in our backyard so to speak I’ll also work on a design for the train uh I think I’ll just uh take an inspiration from the

Uh what is it called the um Dead Space trams I think I’ll use those as an inspiration I like how they look I like how they feel first of all I’m a huge fan of the world they build for Dead Space uh it’s it’s really really good I like it I enjoy

It God damn it this is uh there’s some manual reading involved here as well so let’s let’s let’s let’s just like texture with these this is how it’s uh this is how it’s going to look we uh texture HW strain I three got a station now we’re doing a SciFi we’re not doing

High magical something if I had to do a magical thing I would have taking inspiration from D and D Dungeons and Dragons um but yeah not doing that either it has to be either or or we can’t we can’t mix there’s no mixing happening here either this or that is

How 1 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 then we give a 1 2 3 4 5 yeah text not looking good I said it won’t look good 1 2 3 4 5 then we ran out of space already on

This side right one looked better right one is uh this now the concrete that’s what saying look better right see this and this that is right that is [Applause] left what Cobblestone would look good if it had like a little bit more smoother texture it’s kind of rough I like the

Color of it but wall Stone how does wall Stone why is there a random block with like one of those yeah no just because of this like the random purple green green texturing that you get nope nope can do uh we’ll just do use gray concrete we

Don’t have any more coming in for some reason oh there’s also scorcha I didn’t look at scorcha it’s slightly greenish a different unique color let’s stick with concrete for for now I’ll just use vanilla blocks I don’t have much experience with the uh modded blocks

So it’ll take me more time to figure uh those out and it’ll just confuse me more than actually helping me ah it’s fine we place it manually what’s the issue I don’t want to pull out Builder tool and fix its mistakes uh by placing you know by using

It it does make it does like sometimes place just outside the boundary just enjoy some of the vena building content I guess [Applause] e I want see how big this area is if it’s not large enough it’ll make it slightly bigger uh the scale of the thing magic

One okay we’ll use the Builder block uh building uhet I should probably place this down there we go 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 whoops 1 2 3 one 2 2 3 1 oh that’s those was exactly five blocks of concrete huh

This should be 1 2 3 4 five blocks there we go So this is how the base structure is going to Look see at least we’re getting some progress made uh that’s one thing um by building it in survival because I’m pretty sure if I build it in Creative chart I’ll spend most of my time just thinking rather than doing and I think I want to spend more time doing rather than

Thinking if that makes any sense I think half of the time I’ll be stuck thinking do I do it right now should we build it should we get started oh this is what I want to do uh maybe this is what I want to do and there will be nothing

Finalized so that’s why I like like this part of just like building in survival CU you have actually started doing the thing rather than just oh thinking about it there we go Uh I don’t know what like magic tool you’re talking about anit magic one Tool but I think I’ll be doing more day streams uh like I think tomorrow I’ll be streaming around lunchtime um like four I I might have guitar class we’ll see uh copy paste won’t work uh oh no shoot uh good reminder uh Rahul I

Do need to take one more Med uh give me a few chat I’ll be right back I need to take my other Med there’s only one left so I’ll quickly have that and be right back with You Back chat copy paste can work just build one section copy paste that section it’s fine we’ll build it by hand this is fun the building Process do I want this to be more spherical though because this is not exactly a sphere so to speak this is more of this of a shape it’s still still pretty decent my my my keyboard disconnect well hello keyboard you want to work uh okay do we want it to be more spherical

Chat hold up that looks something like I can insta break things which is nice if we just remove one of one section right we’ll keep the place placeholder blocks for now five uh like signifying the five

Gap you do 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 so that’s what we do it’s a more spherical appearance look at that so it makes it more of a sphere rather than you know this shape

That we have over Here looks like building a wall instantly I think it’s uh world are you talking about world edit let’s experiment uh we’ll break all of [Applause] [Applause] these we have a magnet we don’t need to run around so yeah y yep turned it

On 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 so we can just do four yeah we should just do four we we should just do four of like five here we’ll just do

Four um and then we do a five Gap and then we do the rest that should be fine So so four here 1 2 3 4 one here uh remove this one there we go so 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Five you can do that with this thing the building Gadget uh I’m trying to do a circle we trying to achieve a circle is thing yeah I think I like this shape better what do you guys think I think this shape is better right yeah I like this shape better kind of like a cleish it’s kind of like how my webcam

Looks like a square with rounded edges is how the shape Looks Yep it’s much better than the previous one you learn from mistakes you make improvements it’s not a circle that’s what I said it is not a circle it is a square with it’s a square it’s like my webcam it’s a square with rounded edges is what

It is it’s not an exact Circle it is like my webcam it’s my webcam isn’t a circle it’s a square with rounded edges that’s what the shape I just made Is it’s not a circle because we we don’t have the uh we the distance in the middle is not right because we using like you have like a huge Entry Way five block entryway there uh that is partially the reason as well trust me what trust you with what blue star

You want to watch this clip right now on stream okay send me the clip on your on my Discord you did let me have a look Uh the uh which one the which one of the Twitter links are you talking about let’s watch it on stream then uh should be seeing Chrome on stream yeah you you can see the thing now I just got back it’s first stream first stream of the week all right it’s

Wednesday my dudes 25 from 7 I’m not doing this with you I’m just not you’re trying to get another clip I’m not doing this all right I think I’m I think I’m being a shot in game give me a few yep it’s night time time to go to

Bed you may not rest right now there are monsters nearby okay hold up said monsters just exploded I can I can still not sleep what up chat I’m I’m battling away with zombies I I still can’t sleep okay now I can sleep all right let’s get head back to the Sleep uh clip

25 6 minutes in did he uh did he like do voice activation for his like uh I’m literally going to deduct your pay bro all right I’m going to have to like no I did not blow up the there needs to be there must be consequences of what you’re doing all

Right I like this I love this I love this his scene his scene just keeps changing some I think his editor or whoever is like responsible of like changing his scen just keeps changing his scene amazing uh what’s the first one oh that’s the Discord thing okay cool streamer versus mod

Easy yep uh that was hilarious good good good who whoever had like control to that uh stream man especially that’s why I don’t keep like loud music in my transition I just don’t like uh like two certain like loud sounds and there just like that was amazing thanks blue star

Thanks that was that was something by the way blue do you have stard Valley uh we can do some Val if you want someday I don’t know if you like the game or not but I love it like I would enjoy doing some Star Valley right now we need black concrete

Which we don’t have a lot of wa we just need to swap out one thing right let’s just do that black I don’t know how how much you like like games like that but T is like pretty chill and that’s why I love it it just

Uh it it looks pretty close to a circle all right it doesn’t look exactly like a circle but if you look at it on like on the map it come on that’s pretty close to a circle if you look at like it zoomed out it’s pretty close to a circle it’s not a

Circle yeah yes but it’s pretty close to a circle I’m happy with that oh I just took a bunch of damage there cuz he flew into a tree one don’t own it but it’s on Game Pass uh yeah it is on Game Pass I have it on

Steam uh if you want to play it uh it’s a fun little game uh I have put a few hours into it anyo right we need to turn our black concrete powder into uh conrete no complaints sir XD okay so now oh my God this is why I hate building gadgets think

By this see this is why I hate building gadgets oh no that’s building gadgets not my storage concrete so we put that there um new no don’t do anything to it stack black concrete powder save and I think we need to do the same here there we

Go there you go yeah have some black concrete powder uh uh sorry black concrete being produced at maximum speed um so can you can you teleport me anytime soon sir yes thank you P go H wait uh do I need to be there or is it going to is it chunk loaded that’s what I want to figure out so let’s just stand here for a second and see if it’s actually doing something concrete I think I do need to stand

There and that thing might not be chunk loaded because there’s no black concrete uh black if only we could post memes in the chat L that would be fun see this is why like twitch twitch has um a lot of emotes that you can use and they’re basically like

Memes and there’s no limits on limit on the emotes once I I think once I get membership unlocked I can add emotes to the channel as well I don’t think you can do it before that uh from what I was discussing with maniac we’ll add some like memes I

Guess just going to wait for the uh concrete to be done it’s going to take a little while I suppose uh because of the fact that we only have one machine running uh machine running doing this I think I think where we are building I

Think I have like a few cool things one is like just a concrete uh to uh like powder to concrete uh thing I think I will just use like an arrow of these machines and just like use those uh to um make it and I think that would be fun

Um because I I’m pretty sure like one of the limiting factors is just the amount of fact that the water is is only five um M 5,000 mb per uh tick I think is what like the liit limit rate on xnet is uh I’m not sure if you can increase that

I’m I’m pretty sure you can’t but what we can do however is use the ultimate pipes and I’m pretty sure the transfer late on that is pretty good uh the fluid pipes I think they’re just called ultimate pipes or are they called some something else let’s just search

Up ultimate and it’ll show up so mechanical pipe yeah so this has like a pump rate of 32 bil bucket per tick it’s going to be way faster than just like using xnet of 5,000 mli bucket per tick which is kind of slow and and if you if you look at

This thing right it’s kind of struggling was like are we are we already done with our black concrete H it’s it’s pretty fast okay it’s not I I take my words back it’s it’s not slow but it could be faster is all I’m saying like instant put some black concrete powder

In snap your fingers and you have a concrete that sort of thing I think that’ll be fun if only it’ll be fun if like there’s a there’s a m we just build that and as soon as you put like concrete powder into the system it just turns into

Concrete and then you have to disable it because if you need concrete powder then what do you do that’ll be fine oh we actually need to make the chiseled version of this so we’ll also have to make the chiseled cut table or whatever it’s uh it’s

Called Uh so let’s head here let’s make a chisel W table Uh concrete so how do you get how do you get this so it’s a Mason stable all of this is in a Mason stable I think we can make a Mason stable let’s see good night everyone all right good night Rahul I’ll see you around thanks

For hopping by it was good to have you here um I’ll see you around in the next one till then keep doing what you’re doing stay safe and take care I’ll be doing a stream tomorrow I think I’ll also be ending the stream soon uh just go relax which black concrete were we

Using oh my God it is so hard to see the texture in the menu that I’m pretty sure I might craft the wrong thing you can’t see me right now uh because I forgot to turn on my webcam but I am literally a pixel away from like my screen

Because I can’t see which chisel we need to make oh my God this is pain this is this is this is absolutely painful it’s this one now I know it’s that one now we can make it it’s the correct one I say that and we made the completely wrong

One three chipped concrete five we need chip concrete four no but four is not the right one is five the right one let to concrete five what do you mean how we going to build if you don’t have these and we have gray concrete no I understood the me m side good it’s St but something very wrong happened here I think we missed up big time oh yeah we might have to break everything again let’s go it’s it’s not a five block gap between them apparently because this I like how this one looks right this is so much Gap and we had one

Block where did we go wrong let us find out if this uh loads in I think it’s seven blocks then no it’s more than seven 3 3 3 it’s nine blocks gap between the uh gaps so let’s see this is where this ends copy I’m not copying it man we do it

Manually we go one extra for this line right we go five blocks here and then we go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 nine block this is fun we made a this entire thing goes down now I’m glad we got this we’ll make one section and then

We’ll copy uh copy paste it around okay I guess that that’ll be Faster [Applause] [Applause] at least destroying things is like instant like so quick all right so St again 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 one 1 one 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 So now how do we copy this he let’s see what these folks are up to pretty silent in here Cy it needs a building Gadget which needs these which need these so 1 2 3 4 there and then we need scad we need these there de Puppy light issue I don’t think I have that many Angel blocks unfortunately uh meaning how after copying how do you paste the uh thing using the copy paste Gadget uh you need uh template whilea right wait where are you what do I undo hello I’m hold up I’m messing around with

This you can just anchor it no so technically whatever you copy from there will copy to clipboard and then you just paste it buing template manager I think this should still be faster manually you go to rig yep yep you go to template manager and you do

Paste Pap you do paste temp it will be how do I position this there you are okay thanks man now this looks more like a square that you were talking About remove the this cuz the overlay and valid but now we have done it now you can’t RSE Back Time it’s fine man if you have to build something if this wasn’t moded you have you would have had to do it by hand right just think of it like

That we didn’t have mods we would have had to do this by hand just doing that it it it it keeps me um occupied there we go now it’s R I think I think you should ask I think you should ask port and me like how

Um I think how much we have tried to get that ma% bro something is good can can we roll lucky headit like in implicit y but it’s it’s bro I have rolled so many helmets I’ve never gotten it let me try it is very rare cuz I have also

Rolled thousands of helmets I never got it plus I have for 46% still haven’t I’ve fallen behind as have just said copy this entire section why am I even building it because I am enjoying the process while listening to stardum music I’ve done most of my builds off

Screen the uh till now right so I thought it would be good to have one that we do on stream rather than off stream you guys can see what we are cooking that doesn’t that doesn’t poke out I need a uh we need orange dye

Now we can only make 18 then we need uh Illuminated you can just use uh inverted these going of run out of glow stone I think I do have glow stone lying around though do this and Bam and oh we can just use the um other colored one that we have it doesn’t matter what The Rock orig is cooking h It doesn’t matter what the rock or okay thought it was a terrible I agree it was but some terrible puns are better than no puns at all h d L of black Concrete in my inventory at least we do have a lot in our backpack still so we can continue building no worries we’ll make make the gate section later we’ll focus on that later rather than now right now let’s just make the uh building sector and then we’ll focus

On how we want to how we want to connect like the gates to this but now let’s just focus on the building just one aspect of the build and then we’ll focus on the rest You do have more uh illuminated blocks these out areas don’t have to do the corners but doing it just [Laughter] because is [Laughter] Do we have any more in our back you gave me a heart I know was in the oh who are you asking what clay ball I have 31 Clay ball and 119 clay oh clay B like St the EAS way to make washing crust rock copper apparently or uh grinding down drip

Stone blocks thank You rig what does the emerald block under your chunk key does uh it basically increases the um chunk key as um thingy uh radius does it yep from how much from one chunk to nine chunks nine chunks adjacent or like the one chunk then 3×3 basically

3×3 okay it does diagonally end all now yep yep Yep uh you can use any blocks I just add more emeralds than anything I have I wanted to use but I don’t know that was it working with 3×3 under it CU I wasn’t having all my chunks loaded so I just made two different that’s why I asked you does it

Work I’m I mean I don’t know for me I’ve kept it there it seems to have been working options controls keybinds default I think it’s uh front slash sorry back slash uh default it’s back slash wait ah yep ooh now I’ll try then with wish me luck guys the Paradox w

Uh oh yeah it increased yep so um how’s this looking chart this is how it’s turn looking so far I think it looks fine I kind of like it it looks pretty decent guess that’s probably just because I’m building itated so we need to make more of

These oh I don’t want to turn these H okay black blacked uh we only got like 16 out of that they need more that means we need more Clow Stone looks good why the dot dot dot that is not convincing oh of course I’m already out of the illuminated blocks it looks pretty decent um so I guess it’s just uh move onwards doing the upper layers and then finishing the entire build right out of

Blocks uh so no we have glowstone and stuff right why why do we stop making it R torch bu hello Phoenix how you doing welcome to the stream it’s good to have you here how’s your day coming along welcome aboard welcome Aboard Whoers it’s not looking that anything in it’s not anything special is bleach what do you mean is bleach but from the side it it looks it honestly it looks decent from a distance it looks pretty decent of course then it’s like the real test but I’m pretty happy with how it’s

Looking right now currently in its current state like put a dome on top and no no we’re not doing that we’re finishing the entire space elevator and then consecutive Rings the main part I’m scared about is the rings on top that is the scary part for me

Oh oh I’m sorry to hear that I hope uh your morning does go better oh I’m happy you’re building why are you happy I’m building see this is why I said we should do it in survival instead of like copying pasting at least I’m building doing

Something oh my God the rain is annoying me I’m going to go sleep I can’t see Now I can see how this looks I think this yeah need to come under a core then go up one more up that will make the entire thing that looks fine so this up want to place one lamp Here I’m sorry to hear your morning hasn’t gone to well so far uh but I do hope your day goes better Phoenix uh good to have you on the stream welcome aboard I think we no we do have black concrete I thought we might be Out so I think it’s time to make more inverted one inverted thing Thing it’s Okay Uh you’re getting it ready for your appointment oh I hope it goes well Phenix uh there we go so that’s that done now we just need to copy this over There there no me uh the orang inverted blocks we need to make more yeah that sounds like a plan getting ready on time is always uh is always better than you know rushing uh so yeah there have a lot of these now I think I made excess Honestly is kicking in you have some asymmetric blocks where where’s the asymmetric blocks I think it’s symmetric right where is it not symmetric don’t tell me I built this entire thing and I have to break it again because it things are not symmetric come on all right don’t do this to me

Right where inside those things where I think it’s pretty even right Right oh on the inside ah okay that makes sense yeah on the inside I do have like asymmetric random blocks sticking around here and there like look at this there we go much Better we can’t make a lot of that I think we’ll have to ask fire Fury for the die uh because uh she has done more of what than me so sure she can help out more put some uh orange blocks We have to make more chip um this St if we going to be using the inside I’ll make it look pretty otherwise I’ll just leave it as it is honestly not bad of course the major part of the build is still yet to come but on the first look doesn’t look bad

TR with shaders At night even even share do it looks nice the majority of it is still yet to come it’s like the entire top Tower is left I still see some oh no oh no I’ll move them sometime uh but the entire top Tower is left the entire

Um top like sphere is left Circle and then like the train and the create elevator itself taking up us up and down everything there’s a lot of things left in this build uh that we need to do this is just the start this is just the base

But at least I’m glad we have something and I’m glad we did do some building it is almost 12 so I will be ending the stream uh I hope you all enjoyed today’s stream I definitely had a blast we’ll be doing more building the next time we doing wal Hunters tomorrow

However we’ll be switching back to all the mods 9 and I think wal hunters will be next week because uh Saturday I won’t be streaming um I think it’s um Saturday is the time I’ll be spending with my family because of my birthday and Sunday

Uh I think we’ll do the 100 day mod challenge so we’ll be doing uh dawncraft so we have a base now we need to build up on this and I think next time we’re doing Wenders we’ll just expand this a little bit to the top um and just you

Know just get started on the tower part uh so what I’m thinking the tower will have is Tower one uh sort of like petal looking thing is what the image had sort of like a circular room which will have um basically I guess like some of are like a

Stuff um and then yeah it’s it’s going to be interesting it’s going to be a fun let’s see how it Goes I’m loving it I think I think what oh dude I have I had a good yeah it could have been done that way it’s it’s difficult to explain what I’m trying to say but basically what would have happened is this layer this like line going to the top wouldn’t be like this

It would be like sort of like a flap covering the build but I’m not going to change it now I’m just going to roll with it uh I don’t want to do all the extra work that goes along with it um so basically have the gates and gates

Open say like there’s like just this flap going I’ll try to see if I can like incorporate that into the design the next time we stream but it’s going to be tough it’s going to be tough because will have to like reshape a few things in the structure fore structure itself

And it looks nice it it honestly looks nice the orange blocks add like sort like a warmth to the build and there’s of course there’s like these white strips running to the top it’s a good base BR up plan change M please hey man we did this in a day we’re going

To get this build done all right I’m motivated let’s head back to base we’ll wrap up the stream uh let’s head back for lab uh wrap up the I keep the bed here um we’re going to be building here again but yeah I’m happy I’m happy with how this turned out so far Still waiting on my Dash to reach out there we go lab here we come here’s our reactors by the way and here’s a lab it is choppy here that region is so much better have um gravel being produced here yeah so I hope you all enjoyed today’s

Stream I definitely had a blast um but yeah this was a Walt Hunters we did some building today uh we had some fun we did some shananigans uh now I’ll be wrapping up the stream I hope you enjoyed today’s stream uh I’ll be seeing you all in the next one till

Then stay safe keep doing what you’re doing take care everyone bye-bye I leave you some good music

This video, titled ‘Base Designing and Create Shenanigans! | Vault Hunters | Minecraft’, was uploaded by RIGBYTE on 2024-01-11 19:00:54. It has garnered 164 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:39 or 10959 seconds.

Join me in uncovering the secrets of a new Minecraft mod pack as we start afresh and tackle the threats and challenges thrown at us by the vaults!!! If you are new around here, consider subscribing, its free and it really helps me out! Lets get to a 1000 subs soon! 📷 Instagram • 🕊️ Twitter • 😃 Discord • 🕹️ Twitch •

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  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More