Insane Valorant Live Gameplay + Crazy Minecraft

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Yo nigga boys stream um we are starting with Minecraft and I know that’s not well run but we are ow hold on we are yes we are starting with Minecraft let’s check it out later away I’m going to play valerant all the rest of the stream but

Okay yeah so first yeah we are starting with Minecraft we then switch to other games let’s go uh where launcher there we go board plugin Labs blah blah I’m taking too much in mic so yeah let me fill that up take it up let’s get it little done close that for

Now T launcher is on give me a minute nigga it’s starting guys hold up give me some time give me give me give me some time to see give me some time to play multiplayer oh I forgot to turn on the server damn it let’s let’s go in here

Slash hold up let me just check it’s hidden it is hidden okay let’s go and it crashed Yo okay let me just share the stream real quick let me just share it to my Discord chat till then we’ll just start Minecraft close that start okay yeah hold on I have Discord open why is it not opening we have Discord open right here um where finishment yeah starting with Minecraft later

Wow Let’s go for blah blah blah nobody’s on my Discord actually right now so that’s fine ow okay yeah okay that’s good for now attack time okay so so let’s get into Minecraft start already bro I’m going to do some PP we’ll just get done with that but play let’s

Go we are in which Lobby are we in okay PP lobby let you go that is what we want we’re going to play B fight play unranked Archer am I going to make it or no I don’t know okay so he sucks I do too I haven’t played in a while got him oh I’m dead I am dead let’s go back in no I could have got him okay that was a though GG I’m still good at bedwar hey

What yo what the hell okay what do we play boxing let’s go boxing I don’t think I should have gone for boxing now I let get Click hey it’s getting combos now what the fuck you’re going to lose nigga he’s actually playing well let’s get in let’s not going straight he’s getting he’s getting straighted let’s not get straight with him we got to go a little sideways you know what’s the score he’s 24 pretty

Good go go go go go Cosmo someone of my one of my friends just joined the server okay he’s actually good he actually good at boxing let me just play with him a bit I got to be behind him most of the time so I can get some

Hits I’m just getting bonus hits from behind him already given him a lot of hits let’s try to get some back no that’s one for one that’s not what you want right now we want more hits more HS More let go let go let go go okay we getting it we actually at no we are just same okay he got pretty good hits on me he’s getting combos now time to get some free hits let’s go sideways on him no no no I give him free hits I give him

Free hits I give him free hits no no no no no no no no no no Mister not today not today mister not today no no no come on no no no he’s actually actually he is actually a so much I got to get them

Back look be head got got no no no no no I’m doing a trade I’m doing a trade out here no no no I’m going to lose I’m done I’m I’m so lost I’m so lost no I went straight on him bro okay boxing was a bad decision let’s go grapple okay

We got some for grapple where the fuck is he wait what already win GG’s he just got five CPS so yeah that was e win disconnect that close that quck game cuz I’m not looking at the YouTube chat well there’s no chat in okay I am back and I sound too low

Hold on filterer get yeah we need a yeah Val okay how much should I get it up though this much this much is good let’s turn on monitor for that okay yeah that’s good that’s I voice like that’s good yeah close that close that anybody online no close

That time to H let’s go what time it Is okay it’s just cutting my voice now sound a low I should be able to sound a little low that’s good close that get into valerin Let’s get someone watching let’s goy B live oh someone’s online already talking hat let request to join oh he’s already in a mat

No that shift player two of zero rank iron two that’s actually going to be good better than a teammate better than a random yeah you guys going to play compy no it says I’m live from an hour it’s been an hour already yo what the hell

No okay now I haven’t been online from an hour bro hold on I think I forgot to end my last live okay no that’s a saved video okay yeah let’s say wait for guys to come let’s wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah broy I’m right what the

Fuck I have the lowest level out here okay no I’m not the lowest he has level 22 let’s see he is unranked lab is unranked yeah he is unranked I didn’t see no you are iron to bro you should know he doesn’t even know he’s he dropped his rank King you dropped

This okay till he like manages that just let me check out my Xander filter how much do I actually sound without that shilter right now do I sound actually like good then I won’t actually use it right by what the hell okay yeah what the hell bro okay the expander is not actually

Helping yeah yeah I remember wow just get neon while playing comp yeah you will yeah okay what doesen with I got I play women Mains women pett basic but yeah I’m good at that I don’t TP on their face I TP behind them what can I buy with 5,000 nice

One what do I buy with 5,000 Kingdom credits Can you buy anything with 5,000 Kingdom credit I’ll get him low a little he too excited for the game yeah right okay did I actually forget to like turn on the Xander why do I sound a little low close should be out there expander should be legit a n welome to stream

Legit I fucking dm’ you nigga you didn’t join I was waiting for you to join nigga okay close that legit you’re going to join you want to join the party you will need one more friend then or I’ll have to leave the party oh you are un TR anyway not for you

Today I’m going to play compi I need a compressor to I don’t think I need a compressor okay close let’s go let’s go check out our no he’s not exit That a win still close but almost a win I say let’s go into shooting test let’s try some bad aim actually I’m I mean I’m I don’t care I don’t I don’t the Range bye Bulldog ow that was bad I forgot just yeah I’m waiting okay actually s getting better at it okay aim for heads we got it not too late no I’m aiming at the legs okay nope I just what the hell did I just said nice one head

Shot no too late too slow no No okay now that is so bad score right now not trying this G again um we getting this one let’s try this one okay let’s go hand pretty free now okay should have guessed wow what could we have expected H what g a i didn’t get it wow wow I’m just getting

Hits match confirm suck I just suck yeah I’m with you we’ll try we’ll get my best let’s see random teammates just really suck they can’t give aim at least you can give a aim that’s a good excuse approvable Excuse excuse me come on bro excuse me come on no how many

How many days you’re going to be out I am the beginning I am the end neon neon neon no no no no no Yu Um you good okay what you take Sage Reay you good at anything else okay yeah bro come on that’s fine yeah we need a Healer we actually need a we are all attackers we actually have Raina but Rea will just heal herself she could have taken Sky I’ll do the blind

I pretty close right oh we are fighting Yu ow I hate Yu let’s see we’ll try you just use your alt wisely you take care of your radiant healer is with them I can feel her pull against them Natural Balance oh nice go go go especially SL like smoking smoking B cover going out not ready yet Spike planted one enemy remaining one remaining go go all down all down death bro never mind my bad what the hell they have no right to do this what the C

Here the backs will be towards at least one of us L bro Sage Sage wall again Sage wall again Shadows tring it’s V it’s V here stay sight Spike down B Spike planted one enemy remaining is camping last player standing is camping bro what the hell don’t don’t just like come out stay

There hold on good love to apart it’s going to be again they’re actually noobs they are smoking it wrong they can’t smoke well cover going out it’s a I guess Spike planted he say thank I need heal to now it’s fine it’s fine we were just all together we got

Hit in a bu like we got hit in bul we don’t stay all together Tolit 2it they’re actually camping so take care at the blind SPS they’re actually like camping it’s again Spike down a spike a there not ready yet Spike planted last player standing he’s okay what I will take back what is mine Omen why smoke begin care reloading they are mid coming from

Mid lab enemy spotted Spike planted here we goare for Hell Fire you to eat be short me begins one enemy remaining reloading last player standing how did you what another death nice very nice deep breaths everyone for real I’m carrying you guys need a drop open smoker a smer please let’s make some

Chaos Shadow tring everybody everybody the point of going forward Spike planted ready watch them run last player standing one enemy remaining grenade they nice I defuse things in my sleep nice one nice I could have beaten twice the number good never lose your voice actually one shotgun is compulsory for this

One Ean hello welcome to the stream why did I say it on group chat though anyway welcome to the stream bro I’m just caring in compy yeah bro who’s next back back stay back down mad en guys it’s going to be B it’s going to be plant B rotate I’m out of here Reloading you 500 Subs yeah that was a good one out bro I gave a call it’s plant me why are you just waiting you didn’t give a call I think you said it in your yeah I said it in my team CH I’m saying it to my team again not you

Guys bro what the hell is this team enemy one enemy remaining from Heaven Haven bro last player standing this team bro my advice don’t get shot it’s okay it’s okay it’s not okay bro is not okay nice call but the team is slow but they are not listening I give a call

It’s I heard a foot what the hell are they actually listening to I don’t know yeah don’t know yeah I know one you will not kill my my Ally down mid nice how did you for you thanks your duty is not over no okay yeah good one team nice nice enemy Spott my crossair was not aligned well that’s a problem I guess guys stay at the spike right they not at the Pike you can smoke the SM and hide in

It the smoke you can react faster than yeah but they will just shift walk right and the smoke how I know 30 seconds left it’s going to be a standing bro time pass just just keep firing just keep firing do random fires don’t go down oh no he’s planting a he’s planting

A spike planted uh go back go back and check go back and check shoot sh Sho you have a shotgun yeah that’s actually better we’ll try this team bro this these people they just I don’t know can I can someone get this thank you they kind of suck yeah she’s just having the spik she died twice the same way she is still like I’m out of here

Okay just I’m just going to smoke any I am everywhere everyone don’t leave planted shot it’s hard with shotgun you’re doing great with smoke I’m trying well one enemy remaining out oh she’s bad with just death just begin just death just death you’ll do it he cover just fire

Impressive there is know how to S they’re all like a siren prare yourselves yeah bro fight once again need a drop did you say something rock thanks I’ll just get someone’s gun I’m out of here that’s fine for me let me Guys Smoke B for now NE everyone it’s a okay

We where are these guys okay a no oh nice one nice one there spik planted what the hell what the hell was that don’t go all window go from down bro there prepare for Hellfire one eny our nice okay it’s aw fight’s not over I don’t think the

Team is actually listening to my calls but can someone get this that’s fine okay I’m I’m going from down probably he hold on cover next let’s wait right okay Yo’s coming out somewhere [Applause] enemies come on I heard a y here I heard a Yu here last player standing it’s all on you

Brother no give a jump shot last round in the half okay how much did I do damage though spend all I need this I got a Al where do I though I need this thank you yeah my ready let’s just wait here they’re actually good at camping right oh shit Bro L

Everybody why the sage W if she knew it all you will not kill my allies Spike planted the H begins I don’t think there’s going to be anyone out here nice your y for real from behind last standing one enemy remaining ah nice try switching sides okay we getting ghost I’ll be

Okay I’ll smoke window there okay let’s see can someone get this he’s just say me where does he want the smoke we going to give it right there okay okay I will be the night Shadow not ready yet down last player standing no they split I survived obliteration I Will Survive

Them that’s not how you play you don’t ask people to stop something I’m out of here he’s asking R to stop grenades what I leave the shield I’m going to is dead Spike down B en spot our carrier is dead down a no charges last player standing you were a

Mistake I have the spike smoke Spike planted shadowsing no just wait just let limiting Omen what the hell get ready I go fast yeah cover going out cover going out go plant you can it’s clear reloading enemy Spott My ultimate is ready dead Spike down A one enemy remaining last player standing she’s de she’s dead on your right hold hold CH wallet go on the wall it’s okay nice try bro listen up kill them before they kill us I’m out of here can I have vle please can someone get this thank

You you should say after losing pistol round or your economy is quick speed okay Shadows traveling no 60 down stuff out go go go okay we doing it I think it’s a win already there I was just trying to distract them he’s from a move last player standing know

Bro strike at their weak points if one link breaks the rest will follow bro I have a Al come on give me the spike I’m out of here give me check for a check for a need up Shadows traveling cover going out enemy a hey let’s R

Let’s I’m out of hereare for help watch them run guys rotate come on [Applause] planted get out of here someone’s attack SP last player standing campers out here comes the he one enemy remaining for me grenade he’s on the left okay okay that’s a win that’s a win yes yes yes yes clutch

Yes I don’t think we’ll make it nice nice anyone have any splints I may have jammed my fingers multiple fingers can someone get this reloading reloading over cover going out Shadows traving here we go many enemies B one enemy remaining for me neon neon go go go go go

Rotate let’s go let’s go neon rotate fast cover going out smoke smoke smoke shading pett things neon you just anyway I was there fight the no matter what your screenshot reset every day Che it out why you feel my guardian actually I’ll cover going out they are all a just planted

Bom see my ready please heal please Siege sieg SI youry down no chares one enemy remaining cover going out stage plant stage plant I’ll cover you 30 seconds planted Shadows traveling for you he see look at my HP enemy SP myad R I got that loing let them try to get through me

Um okay let’s go a yeah please can someone get this someone take the spike not me not me you just Spike I’m Going rot rot rot guys can you come back I’m out of here they all rotated to B enemies is dead Spike down a disappear back last player standing yep Omen come on you got This finding 30 seconds left no campers Okay match point no one beats my fire power I got this okay I’m not I’m losing my rank go go go I’m coming on yeah let’s go a teammate can someone get this move need a drop staying sight fire in the cover going out no

Moreare for Hell Fire you all are dead holy down Spike down B I have the the H begins Spike down B I have this Spike you will not kill my allies pled Shadows traveling hey Omen watch Heaven Omen watch’s here for now but they are made so probably Heaven someone Heaven

Someone cover going out one enemy remaining free killed here he’s going to two they’re going to scatter from my stuff super easy to pick off neon my thanks got to go I’m out of here guys go be I just need Sage here stage wall please okay Shadows traveling cover going out

Here watch them run CL h no last player standing Defenders win well I’m losing we got H hold on hello hello welcome to the party I just lost that match not currently on the stream okay I’ll speak in party chat yeah hold on don’t start don’t start

Just a minute legit you want to join n you joining I don’t think so check your shop by the way okay the normal shop we got Vandal Guardian I don’t think anything good how about no not Night Market doesn’t change okay read out the skin name it’s end vendal on

Guardian Sentinels of light operator and no limits ghost you got that didn’t like did you hear it what Vandal did you get endeav vendal andavo the I just watch the stream I would say you you have this out yeah yeah sure is it actually that good like it seems so yeah it’s 2000

175 ow insufficient funds anyway if you don’t use op then don’t buy it yeah that’s the point but that’s a good skin whatever yeah that’s fine okay yeah we got a warm up sure match found Death Match warm up okay I sound there okay that’s good I

Guess I got to sound a little okay now hey what the H someone got my kill ow this is crazy it feels like we’ve been doing this forever anyone else feel like that just me fight okay don’t hold back how does he have a AR already oh I can buy

No got my free kill no you don’t what that guy’s getting straight hits bro no that I Wii okay no dominating No GM zon’s out ow okay 10 kills remaining actually played well yeah come on down st’s out five kills remaining Okay okay that was a good one one kill remaining oh got a kill come come come come come yeah come to the stream guys I only like 10 to 11 viewers right now okay what just start T join the Party hey what hey hold nigga okay yeah he’s unranked bro he’s a little far from ranked I want to play rank okay see you next time Tangi get some rank bro will I like get bronze 3 Lobby don’t tell me change it to Singapore don’t tell me I’ll get bronze 3

Lobby just play unranked nah man I want to get the rank I want to get to Immortal I want to get radiant I’m not match found you play CS2 enjoy your CS2 rank I’ll join you later your teammate B though no he’s on bronze 3 nigga I am the beginning I am the

End just just see his game play if you want to check it out you’re going to have fun hey anybody got a tracker for the opponent team I can play yourish ow okay can I entry what’s that uh you don’t need to L what I can entry what’s a dual

Though someone got to explain that I played with him when did you play with them Bri I got some hot tea as my desk let get some boost I already feel their hope dying and we haven’t even begun this will not take long reloading here on my way on my way cover going

Out many enemies my pter broke here bromst down enemy B I’m a good shot decoy careful there one enemy remaining Spike down B Spar spotted B Team Ace they died underneath our boots one step closer nice one guys rain take them all down Shadows traveling my broke Shadows traveling enem

B one enemy remaining Spike down B out gun why now nice skin though let’s teleport and spook those guys sorry getting carried again I’ll go away what I will go away I will take care of these guys let’s go and let’s take care of this guys cover going out where I got no

I’m EXC cover going out up gir last player standing no my aim Spike down B not time for up I want their life not yours I’m doing Bulldog need back up I don’t need backup I do it good Shadows traveling no what time so close I’m at last right I am at CL

Out teleport ready reloading bro bro last player standing oh shit Spike planted bro right now what are you doing is fire down we know what we’re doing trust each other and we’ll be fine let’s go cuz I want here push them out cover going out enemy spotted enemy B

Oh no I know exactly where you are my is ready portal closed Spike planted on my way a I have them get out of my way last player standing no I’m playing against gold Robby I’m so sure okay which gun to pick this time are gold help a girl out they are

Dead I’m SA multiple enemies on my way Shadows traveling seek them out what stealing sight Spike planted you’re done last player standing gone cover going out cover going out one enemy remaining My ultimate is ready I feel the strain block it out Omen close one yo I got sniped I even need a

Sniper ground enemy midy Shadows traveling Shadow traveling out enemy spotted B I standing where you are Spike planted watch them run blinding no I thought he was blind I’ll make them remember they’re only human reloading oh we actually R we are so dead here no they have my attention cover going out enemy

Mid enemy spotted B back off on my way decoy here prepare for Hellfire idiot Spike planted cover going out one enemy remaining last player standing these guns we use are okay but I will also bring my own no offense I know bro I I just got

Luy I think I’m playing in bronze Lobby I will rip the light from them Shadows traveling cutting through Spike down B no I did I go blinded hold are closed H out one enemy remaining nice one show guys reloading bro my Ace you had Ace Last Hero messing things up I’m getting

Shotguns is going to be ready soon cover going out cover going out enemy out spfe Spike down no more one enemy remaining My ultimate is ready it’s my now get it I feel something over there can’t place it like us but Bro Look at that skin everyone here has a skin

Bro no I mean the opponent’s team everyone has a skin I already saw like three skins we survive Shadows traveling Shadows traveling decoy plant I know exactly where you are it’s pretty hard all of them are there cover G last player standing nice one last round how all them spend everything we keep

Nothing can I have the skin bro shut up does anyone have funds does anyone have funds does anyone have funs the Hun begins fuck again need backup wait all B again multiple enemies one de get up cover going out J where you bro one enemy remaining last player standing get out of my way 30 seconds left stealing sight Shadows traveling don’t die don’t don’t die don’t good go 10 seconds left nice one switching sides these new friends of ours are not too friendly Spike here Shadows traveling cover going

Out time to hunt reloading what you back uping over here back up P out reloading plant the spike plant the Spike spike planted Shadows traveling I’m here healing over here out of healing reloading reloading here reload one enemy remaining did you enjoy the show yo that was so cool bro excellently done chamber

Oh I didn’t even buy what language are you actually speak in to try not to die Shadows travel yeah enemy a time to hunt cover going out kill their Sky Spike down a I got the spike no charges 30 seconds left Shadow no time plant 10 seconds left cover going

Out last player standing one enemy remaining time to jump anyone else thinks they can kill a god pick aim zenfire let’s not complicate it shot gun’s pretty cool for this match the crouching is so slow where you ENT you look a dog there the person who need to entry Shadows traveling enemy

A guys is is B clear let me plant I win again cover going out [Applause] Reloading enemy spotted M reload down Bing s reload last player standing to wait for the sky slash and more first than you can your en it helps with accuracy Spike here I just planted me I who will I spot first cover going out enemy mid Shadows traveling out enemy spotted

B enemy spotted B heal up Squad H out reloading brimstone’s dead my for hunt Scout destroyed enemy spotted B reloading out plant the spik SP planted fire all cover no I know exactly where you are last player standing he on the spike and the yeah wow

Are we losing no we are not yet losing that’s great should save let us see what they have planned for us this time like by less here on my way Focus now eyes off me enemies mid cover going Out heal up Squad out you lose enemy spotted Miss enemy spotted plant the spike watch them run en one enemy remaining I’m the last thing they’ll see before they die lucky help a girl out would you Che mate can you tell me where to actually smoke can you like mark it on the

Map I’m having some trouble see traveling I the spike granted Shadows traveling one enemy remaining a hey oh thank you thank you you are too kind GG’s bro if you are not not doing well keep trying we must keep up appearances that’s like a bot lobby for you or

Something is it like a bot lobby for you like too easy for you okay yeah H wind are not looking time to jump cover going out enemy mid cover going out enemy spotted B reloading enemy spotted a how you I’ve got your Trail finding last player standing Spike down a steing sight

Pathetic they are all there I don’t think so it’s going to be Z 30 seconds left we are left yep no not getting this one what the hell she’s not even listening to us they think they know pain they can’t begin to comprehend it that’s probably just uh he mad at me l

I think it’s it’s his brother playing right now in we go shut up enemy Shadows traveling here H out enemy spotted reloading down seek them out found one PL the f one enemy remaining SP planted H out Shadows traveling last player standing nice one please do not mistake my smile I

Take this all very seriously oh thanks didn’t know that so dead my aim I got to practice my aim more what do I get let get shot I need a drop yeah I actually have a Minecraft habit like moving while hitting I got to fix that c theun begins okay I one out

Enemy spotted ultimate is ready one enemy remaining Spike down B cover going out reloading I have the spike down get out of my way SP down B last player standing match point I’m so sure now actually plane right now reena’s brother is playing for him now I guess I need a

Drop who will I spot first Shadows traveling enemy their vision H out Spike down midy give me the spike I got the Bro last player standing 30 seconds left we’ll go play some under it’s more fun there uh uh what just B I want to hop on a Fun what too much CH going out there one down okay I’ll cut through here enemy mid cover going out still in sight enemy spotted a you’re not Spike down B I know exactly where you are last player standing 30 seconds left you think we’re going to lose not the round I mean the

Match make sure to follow my pack in they’ll lead us right to the enemy I’ll have the spike just give me a call when I can TP and where got it we win we survive actually am bro cuz I don’t TR to aim perfectly in this one Shadow reloading reloading SE there’s

Another enemy B my ready on it they will for hell one enemy remaining GG’s hello welcome to your stream it’s been a while seeing you make sure to like the Stream I think you haven’t been on the stream since like 450 Subs under it right cared my ass out for real bro can you hear me well I welcome sir

Yeah okay yeah how do I see my like strats how I did I want to check okay career I got 11 kills Nice One S play I to go okay see end next time uh you just have fun yes tank here to goofy want to go

Compy oh you have bronze one as your as your wish compy both okay let’s go compy bro but I’m on a cold okay yeah okay that’s fine I guess okay the fixer what do you mean Swift play you want me to play Swift play but comp is better right let’s have some

Compy match found I want to get bronze soon so I can add it up to my stream title you know we got just two viewers stream not going that good but it’s going good I am the beginning I am the end was that my mic I think so I want to

Like you want to join you play valow I am playing ranked great match yeah man Lobby that was good at least better than the current lobbies we are getting like the randoms are really suck like they they just don’t know how to play yes give your ID it’s just I don’t

Know what’s my ID there it is you can see it on stream h capital b capital 4244 puffy B add me later we’ll play with you why not oh they’re fighting for what that player’s name I forgot I don’t even know the players name wow U I forgot what what you asking V

To okay yeah you mean for the players I had a phoenix he was just like walking not even shifting and he was firing at enemies like that but he just wants like fire button will kill them we got zero kills in that match yeah that’s right

Suffix why is the suffix a fixer now I I can’t see the s l a fixer is actually better than a fixer but as you wish three viewers let’s go you you guys and me and aiban I actually passed my driving test today so I’m soon going to have a

License maybe we can get some dash cam videos you like those Moto Vlogs I don’t have a bike though request sent did you oh I’m in this thing let me accept it bro by the way the mic is connected to the stream so take care about that if you join we got

ISO we got gecko we got TOA and Rea let’s see if Raina does well accept the request I will once this screen is off there’s a raise I sense her laughter to laugh again hey goofy bro by the way I’m live I’m live so I’m just going to be at

The back up cuz I can’t play well don’t want to show off my skills reloading going B reloading reloading reload I’ll I’ll smoke B reloading Shadows traveling standing ahead enemy B Geo got a head shot reload somebody there stabilizing right there reloading take flight reload wingman’s going to SP enemy pled thanks reloading

Reloading hper low reloading quiet now one enemy remaining rest what do we learn by fighting ourselves Thinking Out Loud guard it bro reloading reloading reloading [Applause] reloading light ch standing ahead nobody’s nearby let’s go not ready yet Spike down B I have this enemy spotted B dropped cover going out experiment complete

Sight enemy spotted B one enemy remaining no more to oppose us One Step Closer you do it bro because they still good for planting and all I can buy some Shields now reloading need a drop Shadows traveling Shadows traveling take flight ah I’m good for three enemy mid cover going out one enemy

Remaining the spik wings last player standing bro I had a shotgun I couldn’t get you flash flash flash flash flash flash flash he sherff up and away nice one bro sad fools standing in our way yeah for real just cting us bro yeah it’s fine it’s fine no problem do you smell their

Panic enemy spotted revealing area cover going out Shadows traveling enemy Spott I’ve got your Trail we planting enemy [Applause] down planted thanks WIS finding one enemy remaining no that was the easy one though breaking them that was satisfying nice here that’s reloading I should probably go short yeah give it the V bro

No give me scared let’s do what we do deploying drone see nothing cover going out Spike down B [Applause] enemy one enemy remaining last player [Laughter] standing [Applause] nothing 30 seconds left I have this bike 10 seconds left planted br hey what what the because we are together don’t forget

That what the fuck is that wow that’s what we need actually she she what bro she killed himself herself cover going out take flight I am the Hunter oh yeah monster on the loose steering Sad reloading our carrier is dead Spike down B My ultimate is last player stand can you try your wow one enemy remaining I have a reputation to maintain just trolls no they are trolls look for my Shadows they will hide you oh sorry man I didn’t see your chat i S what I’ll find them I spelling it right though me it me me is it right though not spelling it but is it right I have down B just Iman just tell me if it’s right me May am I spelling it right Shadows traveling watch them run spik planted Shadows

Traveling uh Google Translate no not not not that bro Ean just tell me if I’m spelling it right that’s the thing cover going out run run run run last player standing clutch you forget your place so close every fight is a lesson need a drop there Google transl

No no no I just okay anyway hold on hey ISO is he on actually can someone by me me nothing bad um man I’m just think I’m just thinking if I’m pronouncing it right is dead Spike down B enem like it it won’t be fun if I pronounce it

Wrong it’s fine I will get it reloading ouch I was unfocused okay let him let him die okay I’ll tell you later after you win just said B me May okay okay I will surely it that’s did right did D is it D or is it

D first the second one use double tap double tap use double tap it oroc me okay 30 seconds left me is good me is not good though is it me am i1 or me last player standing is it me Spike down B me me okay 10 seconds left what yeah

Me me me it’s me single life M why me how do you I just pronounce it may may may you mean my me my me my did me my no embarrassing D me my okay okay we’ll get it this time okay welcome to my world I forgot to buy bro I suggest you

Move that that’s something funny for sure but yeah will say it anyway let me my ouch that’s fire in the Bro they’re spamming wingman’s going to plant SP SP sing thanks little man I’ve got your trial Shadows traveling Shadows traveling right there okay yeah yeah I will say it let me end the

Game what the hell I didn’t even have to buy I saw someone from my chat said did me my I had to say it to you I so do you get it sorry inside joke I so this me my what is that something weam I don’t know oh yo no

Spamming get all this time um who on this PM I want chance I was all come on cover going out enemy B I no reaction bro pretty bad reloading enemy Spott hey what the hell BR use your TP man I did what you said finished oh nice one one enemy remain hey nice

Spamming um can you see not the spike wings no um can you look in in SOA is sp planted thanks wings are you speaking Vietnam no that’s look in SOA behind so there are I oh oh yeah yeah yeah so from FR they from Spawn he she’s at spawn playing with they FK

Yeah last player standing bro what the hell was that aim wow that suck when we go out there someone dies hey what’s MB I don’t know what’s MB you know some TS I guess nope I don’t think so anyone’s listening to me ah this suck this suck this suck this Suck wa what is MB cover going out no head shot 54 down they will the rush I guess goofy hold the wing man’s defusing hello hey hold hold one enemy remaining last round in the half spend everything we keep nothing hey can you guys give me a location to DP do what you

Do I got my but where do I TP no distraction enemy bace Shadows traveling cover going out wingman’s going to plant Spike spike planted thanks W oh yeah monster on the loose enemies are you staying sight is ready enemy Spott one enemy remaining I just got back oh

Okay I thought so you left okay I said it to I so but no reaction sides he didn’t see anything in the chat or anything until I blind them to strike hey what GG I was playing rank right that was rank like was a rank win wow we got the fixer

Join don’t sh don’t sh don’t sh hey don’t sh don’t don’t shot wait wait wait goofy you got a teammate it will be four I guess if you add him hello s first time what’s up bro what’s up all good anyways you got background so keep

Your mic a little bit down it’s a party of four we can’t play we need one more sorry sorry you guys got an teammate okay sir start oh you are not ranked sir yes yes bro we going to play compy bro sorry but bro my not level is 20 okay

Get there soon we’ll we’ll see you on next stream maybe but we’ll still be four members then okay okay okay bye bye you be left with only three I’m also level 7 then you guys play I guess you guys have fun together maybe no no no okay

Yeah but still you can play unranked and get it down can you make me the leader I know Hindi but I’m streaming right what the fuck where do we do any from the stream want to join they all went Swift play in party playing swift play okay let just start

Then uh I don’t want to play with randoms let’s go this play Let’s no let’s actually go escalation let’s get better at my aiming I really got to get used to let’s go escalation hey someone commented in I don’t know what what that language is what is that I actually got to translate

It let me just translate whatever that guy said in the Stream hold up I’m just going to waitting you you till then Hey inq come on now get mine get mine bro you got a friend you got a friend to playay compy we going to playay compy you have a friend hello I can’t hear you I guess oh yes long call do I start uh yo what’s that name Shar

Roa invite me can you play compy bro hold on someone from the stream is joining can you wait a minute just wait a minute okay sh uh add me add me to your thingy or just get a party code uh generate code just drop the party code in make it quick

Though make it quick just a minute but someone from the stream is joining just give me a minute yeah thanks I really want to see that comment what the hell did that guy comment on my stream now someone commented on some video I want to see that where is that if was on

Live I guess yesterday is live I guess here let’s see comments no comments how about here no comments where was that comment actually 51 Subs thanks for the sub bro um make it quick bro join the party soon hey wait at friend right come on just

Join gr runs three oh we going to have a bad Lobby oh we are fucked anyway let’s start welcome to the Stream Al thanks for the sub I you speaking something I can’t hear you no I don’t speaking I’m not speaking okay okay it’s fine cont no commment

Oh it’s lethal gaming stream okay let’s go to the stream is V3 so remove what it’s fine bro we’ll we’ll try you don’t want to I mean maybe he’ll carry us we w’t get that bad Lobby Lobby will be hard that’s fine bronze 3

Is not that high and you play well I saw it bro come on you’re the coolest blog I ever watched let me get back to stream I wasn’t looking at the chat C cry c c c i see your message sh only clip or something yes

I’m going to post it today I have it already edited match found I am going to post it today can someone actually track the opponents for me I really want to know their rank bro he tracking like illegal or something am the beginning I am the

End yes I got a insta lock come on I suck but I’m actually lucky so I will maybe get some kills it’s going to be easy for me four viewers let’s go guys come on hey if you get a two pair of two you can join the

Party and your rank is close to bronze ones I don’t want a Immortal Lobby right now already fighting bronze 3 Lobby that’s going to be shit e man you said something on the Discord I have already clipped a valent video uh of me getting promoted to rank

Plastic for of the game right now so I had a shitt clip I just sced it as soon as the stream ends I will post it out don’t worry as soon as the stream ends it will be out let’s see goof is going to pick at the last

Moment pick pick pick pick pick okay 144 FPS that’s going to be 200 that’s going to be easily 200 FPS do I actually like limit the FPS or do I let it go as high as it can what do I do again for viewers wow welcome to your

Stream drop a chat I just want to know wzi I I don’t need you to sub me I just need your a chat have some talk keep the stream active you search for the good in all things anyways at the map you can just skip the stream right now I actually hate this

Map yep someone actually skipped that’s fine you should watch tutorial how to smoke and a smoke I think you taught me well but yeah I will check it out I don’t actually have time after the stream I had to edit a video and I really got to make three clips of my Val

Live stream I didn’t get any this stream but yeah last stream it was pretty good Shadows traving I had some clips last stream some things I should have already gotten I think enemy SP B it could get better yeah I mean um I got enemies B strategies might help like this one

Look that is so cool right I love this place reloading reloading Spike down B enemy B one enemy remaining spikes do not fight us didn’t had to get a kill easy win hey manners I’m sorry Sage she didn’t mean it one of each El no not shotgun not this map this map

Doesn’t support shotguns we’re going to get Guardian I’m good at Guardian I practice it for a while you’re going to love the clips though you mean the clips I’ll post you’re going to love it for real no no no no cover going out what what cring enemy spot a enemy spotted

A spike down a a enemies a one enemy remaining Flawless wow pity the man who dies meaningless my team is scaring me if they mess with one of us they mess with all of us okay let’s go don’t want to get carried that much what the hell is

That what if I like smoke this high will it actually scare them hold don’t push Shadows traveling nice enemy Spott Spike down mid weapon here down I’m good for spike is here one enemy remaining no need to practice M you are in our way spot I’m not sure you even need a Healer

Oh wow that’s a nice skin I still love your delulu Scream the skin anyone anything okay 3,800 cats but zero kills that’s bad got to kill some stuff got Shadows traving no just come to me me me spe smoking me got one I ready these guys are actually playing so one enemy

Remaining down mid here ooh nice one you will not kill my allies sp sp sp I’ve got your Trail spike is here spike is here come here last player standing 30 seconds left bro that ATT we doing this or what I think they could be out of time okay

Come on little homies Let’s Get It cover going out that’s a nice smoke right I can see the legs hey Goofy enemy a reloading Spike down a one enemy remaining 30 seconds left hey what behind Me I survived aeration I Will Survive them what okay oh he’s speaking in Hindi bro you can’t even type at least type it will that spelling ow my eyes well I would say I didn’t expect you are Indian Shadows traveling it’s enemy Spott enemies last player standing that was a easy win

Though Spike down mid bro oh he actually Dred it but yeah more into battle I’m not tired are you the guys are actually good time to explode cover going out enemy spotted a Shadows traveling enemy spotted a K on my mark enemy spotted mid sh healing

Me S sheing me S enemy spot reload okay yeah who’s next 30 seconds left cover going out Shadows traveling hey go go go y Spike planted removed your duty is not over thank you r one enemy remaining my ready isus oh I could have saved okay I only have like 78 grenades

Left hopefully that’s enough okay that’s actually good that’s a good score five two on a bronze 3 Lobby let’s cover going out enemy spotted mid bomb out cover going out grenade colorful enemy in attack SP enemy remaining spotted hello 30 seconds left paper cancel last player standing hey who seconds left time to Yeah bro pretty good yeah enoad enemy enemy spot Shadows Spike down mid spotted mid enemy spotted mid I’ll take it one enemy remaining nice one guys I know what must be done cover going out where are you from though bro I’m from enemy spot head Shadows traveling Spike planted enemies hey hey enemy

Spott rot last player standing n bro I feel the strain block it outen they actually camping for you like C going out enem Rea feel camping Precision kill enemy someone’s attack you’re mother has game bro W 30 seconds left don’t push don’t push it’s allom one enemy remaining 10 seconds

Left nice just be friends huh last round before the switch anyone need something gun here anyone need something Shadows traveling Here Comes theor enem Spott s teammate who’s next nice okay get a kill and revive en planted last player standing one enemy remaining who is low motherfucker flash

Out shut up and let me Work switching sides switch I make them remember only B may okay what I’ll take the window then you also fall you say Vall come youall you wall first you wall first go Shadows traveling the spik wings sing thanks little man not ready yet thanks wings wings do be flying from Spawn

Enemy holy H last player stand standing brim is just like no that’s not brim what’s that play FLW something none of my stuff has malfunctioned yet can we celebrate that the Raina is caring them cover going out wingman’s planting pled thanks stay last player standing spaa have any PS emed yet just let

Lose Shadows not ready yet enemy spotted a two guys from the window two guys from the window going to plant Spike enemy spotted stealing sight Spike sticking thanks last player standing what the fuck Bro no I have the lowest stats in the team zero kills what am I even doing their weak points one link breaks the rest will follow uh what do I good spam spam from window bro they spamming from the window cover going out not ready yet enemy last player standing who’s

Next you will not kill my allies is bro man up let’s it let’s go b b b push let’s have some fun where do a smoke can you cover going out our Carri dead enemy Spike down B not ready yet I have the SP [Applause] grenade last standing

Will be toward at least one of us bro my mind hit them fast hit them hard I have this Spike down a Shadows traving cover going out your duty is not over thank you Sage get out of here is dead Spike down mid no I’m to two point far Shadows traveling

Reloading it’s all you 30 seconds left cover going out I have the SP 10 go go go go okay out of time out of time like why can’t we just hug it out cover going out not ready yet there [Applause] clear now right there wingman’s planting I got Wis

From oh what you doing bro need a smoke no no no no no run run run run look for my Shadows they will hide you Omen getting carried om you yeah yeah okay bro uh take take all the hes yeah there will one at I’ll yeah my will be

Ready cover going out don’t P don’t push don’t wingman’s going to plant Spike s thanks little man staying sight two mid two mid Rena low last player standing enemy down bro nice one GG this this is what I train for neon camper ne ne neon camping at the window there there I

Saw okay it’s 35 now two left M ready Shadows traveling who’s next one enemy remaining bamers com here come here coming everyone might tring the wings G reload all right homies chill we’ll go again damn you love being here way too much bro bro can you give Odin Odin Odin

This one I will buy thank you bro thank you done done done bro SP I got Al bro yeah take it take it Wing man is better actually om Omen you go B Camp B okay okay okay cover going begins enemy one enemy remaining GG’s if you’re not being shot at you’re

Do go ah go go actually they needed a come back anyway their teammates are back reloading this party gun here gun here Shadows traveling cover going out enemy Spott a k blind Spike down attacker spawn your duty is not over thank you Sage Spike Spike Spike Spike Spike spike sp sp sp

Charges cover going out you will not kill my Ally en thanks WIS enemy watch them run got one enemy remaining Shadows traveling enemy there enemy spoted B match point we got them beat knock them out can I get a drop thanks take them Shadows traveling cover going out enemy I’m

Pissed good job good job mple enemies a our carrier is dead back Spike down attacker spawn enemy spot I have this fight here Elin right right de Spike down a I have our Carri cover going out last player standing 30 seconds left one enemy remaining bro 10 seconds

Left BL BL BL FR and Camp fight planted Shadows traveling Shadows traveling don’t go don’t go don’t go distract her distract blinding Over switching sides my burden never ends I need this I have your back I got eyes here cover going out get him cover going out sky killik down mid here blow him up up top one enemy remaining next time switching sides match point they think they’re better than us I can tell bro

Spike Shing Shadows traveling here Wings stealing sight cover going out D what you f my is ready attackers win about to go J sh startle

This video, titled ‘Let’s Gooo Valorant live funny gameplay” | Minecraft | lethal industry | valorant’, was uploaded by Huuffy Buns on 2024-01-04 12:59:06. It has garnered 44 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:39 or 12699 seconds.

Lets Goooo


!!!!!!!See ya here!!!!!!!

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    Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack - #1 in the Game?Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft best Minecraft soundtrack??’, was uploaded by Greenlord on 2024-03-21 15:36:28. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Propeller Bedwars

    Propeller BedwarsThis is Propeller Bedwars This server is java and is open to all versions from 1.8-latest If you have any questions or concerns make sure to submit it as a ticket ⁠in discord. At Propeller Bedwars, we ensure QUALITY games. Currently, the only bedwars maps available are the 1v1 map (speedway), the solos map (lighthouse), and the 2v2 map (airshow). We value our players. Join today at Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

    Join Robo’s World SMP today! Looking for a small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla Minecraft server that never resets the map? Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our dedicated community of Vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts who value teamwork and creativity. Just like the iconic Hermitcraft SMP, our server promotes a friendly environment with no stealing, griefing, or hacking. Everything is done in survival mode to encourage collaboration and fair play. With a map that never resets, your builds and ideas are safe with us. We support crossplay, so you can join us on both Java and Bedrock editions. Apply on our Discord server today… Read More

  • Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you and the boys are trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting it on fire instead. Whoops, looks like we need some fire safety lessons in the virtual world too! #minecraftfail #boyswillbeboys Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!

    EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello welcome back to the Citadel of Noms today we have a special Mission we’re going to join a SMP Minecraft server so there’s going to be other people there um which is exciting because you know I have uh you know how I’ve been playing on a single player world for the longest time just you know exploring our own Minecraft world and it’s it’s Unique for me because I’ve never done a multiplayer you know modded multiplayer Minecraft ever so this… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay let’s see does it go all right what is up everyone welcome to the stream it’s your girl kayb boo welcome in and happy Saturday hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and also happy Mother’s Day weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mothers out there you guys are much appreciated um happy Mother’s Day weekend what’s up Deborah what’s up and Marque what’s up Craig I appreciate you what’s up Daniel what’s up duplicate how you doing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!

    SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!Video Information hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to talk about the most popular game in the world having been purchased some 200 million times on various platforms like many of the best games it is simple on the surface but has a surprising amount of depth with unlimited play time the limiting factor is often how you choose to play it which sounds an awful a lot like life to me this is the first five things you should start doing in Minecraft otherwise it wouldn’t be fun number one which is everybody has a different experience and… Read More

  • JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!

    JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!Video Information all right y’all welcome back to the laggiest episode of Minecraft the modded Minecraft series this is episode 21 quick recap from last episode we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra um hopefully the stream is not lagging too bad but we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra and we ended up finding another n city who is your munting buddy not sure what that means L is bad lag no way hold on there’s no way we’re lagging this bad let me see uh all right are we back… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACKS - AYUSH DON REVEALS ALL! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥😊☺️’, was uploaded by AYUSH DON on 2024-04-21 10:49:57. It has garnered 474 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More

  • Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192

    Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192Video Information what’s up everybody welcome to another all the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy and as we did yesterday we finished up the dimensional seed uh with our Emerald five times block and now we’re just working on our uh so there’s a way we can do this that will actually be quicker than just waiting for these to do their things um which actually I need to make sure these have 6400 so let’s do let’s do this real quick prediction let’s make about 10,000 more of them if we can we can’t because… Read More

  • Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housing

    Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housingVideo Information perfect how’s this look from the outside I’m curious like imagine you’re coming in and you’re like I don’t know you’ve been like shot down from the Seas you come up and you’re like wow look at that that’s pretty cool actually that’s got a Vibe right there I’m liking it it’s pretty cool [Music] yeah I think probably just flatten out the top piece maybe make it a little more stylish on the top a bit of a nice roof pattern maybe but for the most part it’s looking good so yeah eventually cuz my brain works… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Streaming Until Victory

    Endless Minecraft Streaming Until VictoryVideo Information okay oh wait okay we’re live let’s get the music going let’s get the music going let’s get the Good Vibes flowing and we’re going to be speed running Minecraft today uh I’ve gotten better at speedr running I’ll say it I’m kind of the goat now uh but my issue is I’m still bad I’m not the best in the world had what is up had okay we’ll do speed run I hardly know her that’s not I can spell hardly either okay we are speed running today we are speedr running today um we need every… Read More

  • KitaMC

    KitaMCWelcome to KitaMC, a thrilling survival adventure where you can explore a vast and ever-expanding world filled with endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a community-driven server that revolves around the unique concept of embracing your individuality. Read More