Intense Fairy Tail Minecraft Battle!

Video Information

In this world wondrous creatures dragons and wizards all live in harmony the sorceress joined together in four guilds mastering all kinds of magics and spell-casting givenness Mario Grimm sent the wandering coins and the protectors all compete in the grand magic games to become the paramount Wizarding establishment welcome to fairy tale origins Oh hey guys didn’t see you there welcome to fairytale origins ah everything’s great perfect normally stream time for those who missed it there’s been a delay or six getting this stream started because I’ve had a really long recording but yeah it’s gonna be a fantastic recording it’s gonna be a

Fantastic recording how’s everyone doing hopefully you guys are all good I really hope Kyla you typed in psycho silos loke sleeping before you saw me literally do the sleeping intro but yeah I’m tired but here we are in a great land of origins so let’s get ourselves

Back to the protectors guild yes man whoo it’s good to be back good to be back so Chad I have a question for you who’s been here waiting the whole time who has been waiting the whole time seems quite a few of you so yeah sleepy

Kitty the stream might not go the full hour tonight because I do have another recording shortly after but I think we’re gonna be perfectly fine so what is there to do it today I did want to fight that Patania boss again but I’m going to need a little more power just a little

More let’s see salim sleeping yup totally sleeping not recording you know the grand magic games nothing like that of course not it’s gonna be a good episode though guys don’t you worry about all that you know it’s a good record hold on hold on yeah look at that sweat mmm

You may think it’s gross but I think it’s a battle scar of a solid recording and struggles so yeah role plays are hard role plays are hard to do hopefully I noticed a lot of people in chat as I was saying like oh sorry guys it’s delayed another hour

Most of you guys are fully understanding in that and I do really appreciate that so it’s good to have you guys around I think one do now is make sure that daylight cycles on so we can do a little bit of this magic if it comes down to it

Game rule dual daylight cycle through boom not even gonna sugarcoat it it’s like nope game roll was off we’re gonna turn it on yeah it’s moving sweet so what happened we’ve got a serious recording done some good stuff I have been yes I’ve been working since 10:00

A.m. good stuff I managed to sneak some food in about an hour and a half ago so I have got to eat today it’s good stuff yeah it wasn’t all one recording by the way I had a recording for Supernatural at 10 oh no I had a recording with Jay

Key for some stuff on fairytale origins at 10 a.m. then some stuff with him and some of the vampires on supernatural shortly after that and then I had another thing at 2 p.m. and I had to finish up my video for something up right now yeah I didn’t finish a video

So yeah that’s right out of time right on time be sure to add a lot of bloopers this time that’s the worst part guys I’m not editing this one the last grand magic games that was on me this one someone else stepped up so you know Brian might be in the fight

With me and he volunteered to edit the scene and yeah I I said okay okay so today is national Brian appreciation day let’s see what would it take to unmod Jason and Maude that’s tough because he you know you kind of just paid to win

Here hasn’t he I do it just for the joke pretty funny can I do it on this accountant no I’d have to go on to that let’s see if it’s convenient for me right now cuz that’s a funny joke let’s see and that’s not letting me at the moment

Remind me again about that idea another time and it might happen hold on there half of the job is done now I can’t unmod at the moment unless he’s in chat but after the stream I can sneakily go into the backend and unmod him for you just so you can get your

Jokes off oh no he’s right there hold on wait we got this guys it’s important and boom there you go achieved that’s all it takes guys a good joke and your modded you do it for the memes you know so everyone Jason has just been usurped

By his fiancee Bailey long may she reign good stuff good stuff let’s see Fire Dragon roar the like button right yeah if you guys want to do something silly go ahead on Twitter or wherever you can contact him just uh let Brian know happy Brian appreciation day that’d be nice

That’d be nice yeah Jason you got you got you surf bro you got you surfed check cubes zoom and buy them freezing completely yeah I noticed that a little bit as well let’s see do youtubers get food breaks most of them do and I do most of the time but

When we got recording scheduled back to back to back to back like we legitimately had to cancel a recording tonight just because I have much this this scene was going it’s people should be food but we we don’t always get to we don’t honestly I’ve mentioned it before twitch and

Streaming and YouTube they’re definitely the longest hours you know longer hours than most jobs but at the end of the day they’re a lot more fun than most jobs so it’s a fair trade-off it just means I don’t get to have a life it’s fine Jason Athey can you twits ups anymore oh

No I don’t think I can you know you serve him on Twitch just because he he’s pretty much owns you know 50 percent of the channel by now he might have bought me out so I don’t know if I can do that but it worked here I mean yo you come in

Here trying to troll your fiance I am with you easy your cat has become Papo Papo is great you shut up man this is really annoying thing happening here as you can see when we get into this area we get absorption and protection it’s because when we are

Setting up the second origin release I had a little ritual thing going here and it’s not here anymore but it’s still doing the doing the ritual now unless I still have the ritual going up here I don’t know no there’s it’s just doing the ritual without the ritual actually active it’s

Mildly upsetting and there goes chat again it’s okay I’ll just I’ll just pretend to talk to you guys if I can’t see here let’s see praise lord kitty-cats lawful damn cat Jesus I want a divorce are you guys mad I thought that was still to come

Or dude just had look I don’t know your lives as well as I pretend this trick Jason here’s to you one joke yeah pretty much hello do I have kids I do not think so I don’t know for I don’t know perhaps I mean I know of a child that low for may

Or may not have had but she’s not revealed yet she’s not revealed you missed papa all right we’ll go take a look at Papa I did just feed him now so he has plenty of food tell what would it take to unmod her and mod you nothing it’s impossible there’s nothing you can

Do I could so easily give you a dollar amount and know that you would hit it but I won’t just because it’s that much more rewarding just to watch you squirm phrase loud pop Oh pop oh hello papa how you doing how you doing put on different wings but these are my wings

I’m not going to chop them off and put different wings on let’s see let us Patti papa little little chin scratches for Papa it is what Indians very good very good yeah muds don’t get too stressed out about the breaking chat most people in chat are usually pretty cool and if

Chad’s break in anyway then well any nasty targets in chat won’t really get seen so you know just casually mud don’t stress out about you still breaking I try not to stress that about YouTube break and imagine if I did there’s so many times when I’m you know we’re about

To record yugioh video Mario comes in it’s like huh YouTube’s acting weird right now it looks like the the videos not getting any likes or something dumb that YouTube does and I’m just like it will eventually will be fine and it gets me through so much just don’t worry

About it at first don’t worry about it at first do I have kids in real life I do not I’m still a young man I mean I guess I know plenty of people my age that do have kids But I don’t have seven wives like love or anyone smell go around here it’s probably nothing probably nothing let us see that is just a part of the song that gets loud okay very well very well you’ll know I’m always about that audio balance will Papa be in the fighting

Scene I hope so if he ever wakes up you might be dead I’m just kidding he’s not dead your chair hasn’t broken yeah it’s like on and off about how it’s working is fine oh I may legitimately cause divorce papers to be brought out doesn’t mean they’ll sign them but they’ll use them

To threaten each other oh all right so yes we’ll double-check things you start your YouTube channel I’m scaring you I mean I’ll say it again it is one of the most fun jobs you could have but that doesn’t mean it’s the easiest job you can have I mean it’s so

Many hours if you’ve got plenty of time on your hands tons of free time and a lot of inspiration do it if you have you know if you just like YouTube or you just like videogames or something but you don’t have a ton of inspiration or free time I wouldn’t

Suggest it because it’s just a time commitment you know so today you know considering the stream I’d consider it working it’s going to be 14 hour work day it’s a lot sometimes it’s well okay rarely it’s more than that at least I try to make it rarely more than that

Some people definitely do more than that but yeah I try to limit myself to like 10 hours what I could but you know ya know do I have many friends in real life I wouldn’t say many many acquaintances in real life and honestly like the good friends I have haven’t spoken to enough

Recently don’t get me into this dark rabbit hole don’t get me into it let’s see what mod pack a reason for a supernatural origins it’s a custom-made one yeah we may call the origins mod packs ourselves let’s see no more constellations in this guy had

To just make sure you know all right now it wasn’t sure if I wanted to do this on a video or do it right now but since you all waited so patiently I may do it right now I have reached the ultimate power of level 30 max level in astral

Sorcery so we could reach speck it and get the perfect layout I think we might as well cuz I can always show it off in a video or something you guys can get the sneak peeks the shifting star that I made will reset me to zero but with all

Of the levels still do a stitch impression no I will not there was such impression ohana means go home I never talked to me I learned I could probably better if I listened the stitch but it’s generally the same thing as our jobs are well so Tata there’s that one a long

Time worth art is the same thing just higher pitched when you think about it stitch and Gollum are the same voice prove me wrong prove me wrong stitch golem and jar jar are the same person if only Elora the Rings was owned by Disney they would have the trifecta but

Yeah we got to live with toidy let’s see I turned my sword yeah that’s he was my favorite character on Fairy Tail the anime ooh that’s a good question because I’m definitely no expert on it by any means but I know of characters I’m gonna

Have to see who would be the coolest I don’t know I don’t know if I have like a specific favorite it’s definitely not Lucy she annoying not so just kind of cool but you know it’s kind of kind of plain with this just anger all the time

I like gray sense of humor I like like ours as well I need to get like an outlier what’s a character that I actually know in Fairy Tail that’s like a really cool one at the same time something is not common okay so I can’t name that many more

You know I should do professional voice acting I’ve actually um gone on websites and done casting calls before it’s just voice acting was always like on my list of potential careers so that was always something I would definitely consider doing it’s just the voice acting world

From what I hear is like just as taxing as YouTube there’s a lot of work that goes into it you got an audition after audition after audition much like actors do and unless you suddenly become a huge name in it or something so honestly I

Think if I were to later in my life become a professional voice actor it would probably more likely come from me just continuing to grow my youtube channel at doing some of it on the side and then getting recognized for that individually so so I don’t know maybe it’ll happen one day

I do love voice acting clearly we’re actually working on another new series that I get to try out another voice I’m gonna be talking in this kind of accent so it’s gonna be fun it’s gonna be a lot of fun gosh oh gosh cool yeah I like

Asher he’s all tough and angry but then he has those moments you know like best moment in fairy tale series is when God she was like I want a flying cat too guys he was just like all the other dragon slayers he knew had it had a

Friendly cat by their side so it was this entire arc like in the background where he just wanted a cat and it’s great this is big tough guy he just wants a cat and then he’s also a jazz singer in his off time yeah that’s my

Favorite we’ll pick him CN I know the stuff I know the stuff I’ve seen multiple episodes they’re probably Panther Lily yeah like at the time when I um made this character concept I had no idea who Panther Lily was but after it was described to me wait you’re saying

There’s a cat warrior from a distant land that uses a giant weapon okay so maybe I maybe I hit that little close maybe maybe loaf always a little similar you know making the weapon acts odd this sword it’s good it’s small but I am quick so it works quite well quite well

You’d prefer zeref yeah I don’t really know enough about there if I never seen zeref before heard of Adam being a super evil dark was her bad guy but I don’t know the character personally there’s a new series New York roleplay no and I think I can safely say that there is a

Zero chance you can you can guess my character concept for the new series like with like 300 people in here give you a two dozen guesses you’re not gonna get it he ain’t gonna get it you might guess the series just because play you won’t get the character concept it’s not gonna happen

Let’s see anime is supercool but it gets dark real quick yeah I don’t know just it’s hard for me to get into anime I’ve tried many times because you know obviously tons of people in the YouTube community and the nerd community love anime I’ve just never been able to get attached to it

Like when I first tried to watch Fairy Tail I stand by it today the first 10 episodes of Fairy Tail are awful they’re horrible like it took me three four attempts just to get far enough to get to stuff that’s actually watchable but you know that’s just me that’s just me

Anyway let’s see what levels we can get shifting star I should say the no.4 voice shift being star I did it I did it all right now hopefully that didn’t completely reset all my levels is that not the right shifting star it’s not not that Nadia tuned one I wasn’t the attuned one

You could just reset it all this is the right one I’m not tired I’m not exhausted you are well that’s probably a cheat or something to fix that right we’re fine it’s good stuff it’s icing on the cake baby icing on the cake that’s tough I’m just gonna cheat it

Back on okay okay I’m gonna cheat it back no no long it took date 30 I’m gonna cheat it back honestly the first like 10 levels are the hardest that’s funny reset the server now there’s probably a cheat there’s probably a cheat let’s see I can probably even find the cheat help astral

Astral sorcery a tune but my crash my game now I think I’m crashing my game now apparently there isn’t a to him command some ribs all those levels yep yep and it did crash me cherry on top that’s how I reload the pack reload the pack make an accent oh you know make

Accents you learn accents so it’s no scum yeah literally trying to cheat and it’s like crash okay fine and it was at this point he knew he messed up you’re right you’re right when I asked you say you’re fine but you’re not fine I play my piano

But it broke too yeah also I don’t think I could play that song maybe if I learned it but I don’t know it yeah we see you send a message dragon never crash number one right cake to the frosting to the cherry yep Jason salty I

Know when it happened I’m sure it was more disbelief when it continued I’m sure he was just getting confused but I’m sure the worst point was when I told him he couldn’t buy his way out of this or it’s so easy you know yeah one of my keys was busted

So I tried to go in there and fix it and I broke it more I’d do that sometime so dude that was my car like few months back last year Shawn oh now my car you just as long as you don’t go in the passenger side door it works fine if you

Do the alarm goes off you know you know let’s see so we waited for hours I know that’s why I’m streaming I was thinking just calling it cuz I got another recording scheduled for like right now but nope you guys been waiting so you’re getting a stream whether you like it or

Not hey look super natural origins now if I tried join us it won’t let me but it’s a similar mod pack so it actually shows up same forged version rather how many mods do we have oh not a ton I think a healthy amount let’s see

Astro sir ATX fee yeah I was on my way to finding it thank you thank you for the command exp player name said okay cool so let’s see if this crashes me cuz we did all the work just in a sleepy stupor we messed up say an accent okay

Spanish I said one let’s see so what are we talking about have I can say rejoining the yu-gi-oh RP I mean I have a new season eventually this is taking a little break from it that’s the astral sorcery exp xylophone e over 9000 set maybe just nuts it hey sweet oh wow

Over 19,000 oh wow over 99,000 seriously madness scales no wonder it takes so long 199,000 seriously 499,000 almost five hundred ninety nine thousand Paradis okay so we just cheated in six six hundred thousand levels how do y’all feel how do y’all feel say something in an accent they

Don’t want they’ll say something in an accent let’s see what accent do I need to learn next guys I think like none of my accents are flawless or anything but we got the Russian accent I think we got the solid Spanish accent I got a real weak French accent I got a debatable

Middle Eastern ish accent that’s a like spear I it’s a lot American accents are a little easier for me but maybe I should try to learn a new American accent because of course I can get all kinds of southern real easy that’s one of the easiest ones to me and recent I

Don’t know how recently but you know picking up the New York style accent you know I don’t that’s the thing I know it’s a City accent of some guide I don’t know if I’d call that a New York accent it’s my generalization of American East Coast City accents there’s got to be a

Little bit of my filly in there cuz I’ve been told I have a little filly in my normal accent there might even be a little Boston in there and there’s definitely plenty of New York in there so I don’t know try German I shouldn’t try German British I can do some British

Accent as well that’s another one that’s not too hard but there’s so many different British accents that I don’t know which percent British accent I’m doing I can differentiate between a northern one and a southern one and that’s about it and then some of the

Weird ones yeah but I’d rather do like a different country than like multiple British accents that’s the Australian oh man Australia have tried before it’s not an easy one for me to do it’s not easy to get the get the right twang right it’s difficult as a didgeridoo plays in the background but

Russian accent they ever had Russian accent Chinese accent I was talking about this with jakey because for those who don’t know jakey is Chinese so I was like yeah that’d be fun do a Chinese accent at some point the only downside like I love Chinese culture you know

It’s a very interesting language that I have studied before however in current modern-day media and comedy it is one of the languages that is just made into a racist joke very easily and I I don’t do accents to be offensive to people I do them because I

Love how people sound but that’s just one of them just because of how you know modern-day media is could be misconstrued as me doing a racist joke of some kind and I don’t want that to happen that as well as an Indian accent the very same thing those are two

Accents that people very often go to for the wrong reasons so those are some that I may just avoid Plus would be a little difficult in Irish accent I have been working on the Irish accent a little bit I know that the second tee was too hard

That is one I can do a little bit as you saw in my video I did Lachlan MacLachlan I don’t think this accent is that bad it’s all about the mouth positioning you just keep the tip of your tongue just right in a bit of your mouth and a lot

Of cadence in the speech as well let’s see Oh an Irish accent I’m a mermaid I was supposed to be bubbles not farts seemed more like farts don’t do an Irish accent very well stop spam and iris and get it now oh she’s getting better

Yeah um with all accents I think as long as you know what you’re doing wrong with them and you keep practicing that’s how you make them better the only downside is you know with all the amount of accents I do and joke around with there’s not

Really um you know I mix accents too easily is what I do i mix them way too easily and that’s my problem so finding the differences between accents and differentiating them is really what I need to work on because honestly playing low pho has been so good for me because

I studied Spanish accents so hard so I could differentiate it from like my Z low voice and I think I finally nailed it that was mute discord like with my hockey and I think it’s meeting this dream it’s like nope I just coughed off

To the side eh at least it was off to the side and that into the mic please try finish character that’s what I need to try to learn I need to learn like Northern Europe accents because honestly they are so hard to pin down the specifics of them you know Danish

Swedish obviously Finnish sounded so much like because younger brothers in Irish all right the Irish accent pro-q blip-blip blip-blip see how’s my Canadian accent I don’t do a good Canadian accent I can joke around about Canadian accent I what you’re talking about eh but honestly Canadians are such a

Very light accent in most parts unless you unless you talk about the newfies Newfoundland they apparently got some serious stuff so folks gonna learn one that’s probably where I would go train Nordic accent ya Nordic accents that’s something I might try to learn because I do love Nordic accents it’s just they’re

So hard it’s really hard to pin down them but you know it’s one I would love to learn like take Skyrim for example they are notorious for having terrible Nordic accents they just are that the game just simply is because it’s a hard accent their professional voice actors failing it left and right

Puerto Rican accent yeah they’ll just be more of a variation on my Spanish accent there’s a very different cadence to Porto Rican speaking normally let’s see my Pokemon accent oh man chat fix it seems like it doesn’t it yesterday I’ve been like doing a little bit of Australian like shouting at my

Brother every now and then really I’m just trying to get the no pronunciation right no cuz there’s like this I feel like it’s a slight are I think I just need to like study an Australian accent before cuz like there’s many accents I’ve studied to try to get them right

Such as the low flow accent because I wanted to differentiate it so much so I know some of the things to avoid and not Australian I’ve never done that before and it’s just like there’s so many sounds are beautiful but I just don’t normally make them so that’s a tough one

Obviously though you know it’s just to an American it sounds like a variation of a British accent that just has you know very different mouth position you know try Jamaica and I do love a Jamaican accent that one is just very easy to a Pokemon impression yeah yeah

That happens that’s making me go it is fine ah it’s just a horrible over-the-top Arnold impression definitely not an Australian accent he’s just I’m done that’s another one that to me and my brother’s favorite to shout at each other try German I should try learning to

German sighs I have a lot of German blood in me from you know way way back so that would be fitting to learn but that’s when I just never really even tried so that would be when I would need that’s the thing like as I said anything

In like Northern Europe I’m just I don’t have a chance I need to really pick up on one and then I can use that those roots to carry me into the other ones maybe mr. mime sounds like Jar Jar he does he sure does this dream is just

Talking about accents yeah star stat yeah yeah you right all right so we got Ava toss so let’s get those health points maximum life all right elemental resistances yes please all right increased armor sure what else we want to hit more life let’s see Altaria is more experiment pickups spectral wings

I already got my wings don’t you worry about them save itas looking strong here crease dodge chance going into armor repairing itself that doesn’t sound bad regenerating life may remove a negative status effect it’s you know really good increase life recovery yeah let’s see let’s get that stuff right cleansing

Let’s see I did want to get some viseo yeah like the added reach that’s good for your warrior oh yeah I’d have to go to the middle to get that eh that’s a lot but that’s three additional perk points oh I say we do it and it’s more

Effectiveness all along the way yeah and then that all connect us up to all those it’s good so we won’t get the Cydia for now we stuff nine points available nothing let’s see can me and boat fight sure sure say try Dutch what is just normal English yeah let’s see your part German

You can probably say a few words in German but you’re commonly used word is when you tell someone no oh yeah when you say no and then 9 yeah like I don’t even know how to pronounce an item properly just 19 let’s see increase life recovery yes

Please plants around me grow faster we won’t force that on the world we grow enough plants here all right any other things I should do sand toys I don’t know the sands unfortunately never played undertale myself see I know what it’s from though don’t roast me alright

Dodge chance sounds good but that’s more maximum life let’s see that’s some more experience we don’t need that I’d still don’t get the concept I have any experience once all the way at the end when you need all the experience to get their mining stuff yeah we don’t need

None of that more damage always fun see what else I should make a tick-tock where I do voice impressions till I get verified maybe I need to like make my phone start working properly though chasing this quiet it’s true he’s plotting something he’s plotting this man ain’t never quiet all right

Added attack speed that sounds good I’d need a effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness attack speed yeah I might go for that and what are the other options really done our morrow would be the other options do we just increase our resistances I think we might all right

So did we get the armor or do we get the attack speed those are our two options more armor or more attack speed what are we thinking yes we’re saying the Nordic accents probably one of my roughest zones I need to work on do a Batman voice you know as

It is let’s say you only quietly yeah maybe all right if you want to say something German you would but you don’t know there’s someone who knows all the swear words in a different language by the sound of that thing armor okay let’s do the armor seems like most people want

To focus down automata alright so I hadn’t looked at it but I’m probably having big ole mess of hearts after this aren’t I so more armor more armor that more armor then we can get more resistances and more life which is kind of our jam or more armor and more dodge

Which is also kind of our jam we have three points so we really can only go down that path let’s see so resistances or dodge I’m gonna go with the resistances cuz like that’s magic attacks and that’s my biggest vulnerability yeah now we have one more point we’d get the don’t

Really need all these free experience stuff increased experience we don’t need those anymore we could just get one to massively increase effectiveness let’s see where the hearts over oh baby oh baby you know let’s do it just to fill it this to add a little bit more where’s

A 15% thing right here there we go maxed out look at those hearts look at all that armor and no one going to bring down low for a nobody going to bring down low for oh please let that half a heart fill and at the end oh I hate that

Chest yeah I guess so gonna go see Bart you have a good night well let’s see not want to get told to keep it English I mean when a conversation is about different languages and accents I don’t think anyone’s gonna call you out for speaking in a different language

Generally the only reason that streamers don’t like you speaking in a different language in their chat is just because it makes the people who don’t spill speak that language feel unincluded so that’s usually the big reason why not to do it cuz and like especially if the streamer doesn’t know the language and

The mods don’t know the language you don’t know what the person could be saying I don’t think anyone legitimately is you know hating on someone else’s language whup or some bad eggs out there who are but that’s usually what it is that’s usually what it is

No boys thank very strong kitty man look at that extra little half an armor thing that is crazy I wonder what’s gonna look like if I go over to that uh fake ritual thing happening buzz whoa Oh so that’s what he’s doing that that’s what he’s doing

He full-on shadow wolf dust yeah look we’re almost at three rows now with that yep very Thank You Kitty very nice I like it xyla do an impression of a faux doing a Xylo impression okay so first we are know for doing a SAG impression hello this is the one and

Only xylophone e hearin dude then we are going toward play yo-yo or something I think that’s respectable or something yeah you gotta have a hard time hitting those hidden those sounds there it is there it is a carving vise hey guys hopefully you’re all having a wonderful

Day no no Corvin voice I did the Garvin voice let’s see they love or try to do silent person I just did it it’s done it’s done how long it took you to dig up that account yeah we knows your absence it happened they do say cats have nine lives

Yeah and in this case 27 I don’t think that’s accurate 26 and a half I was close I was close and those are our lives I guess so more of like two into thirds lives of a normal person I should know how to say I am so far behind in

German yeah shirts shirts think but yeah I guess okay let’s vote the new accent I would definitely be done to do some maybe I should try to perfect one of the accidents I have before dipping into something is something that’s Northern Europe mm-hmm cuz that’s gonna be a whole new ball

Game that’s a whole new ball game well Corvin appeal and RL Kraft he’s on the list bottom let’s see you know for yesterday don’t be admiral Betty bottom stuff doing impressions of people doing impressions let’s see actually you guys know how jakey sings in this video sometimes right here’s little music

Videos on them well let’s just say that uh the photos gonna be a big music star soon and singing in love foes voice not easy not very easy and it’s not the accent that makes it hard it’s the rasp enos of the voice cuz love for you know

He speaks with you know a certain inflection and his throat speaking this is how he goes but you know see Scottish Tennant me and I can do a bad Scottish accent but yeah I don’t think I want to learn well it was like if I was gonna learn an english-based accent it’d

Probably aim for Australian let’s see me answer questions let’s see what about Captain back yeah I mean that’s just a very generic pirate accent which is kind of like a um you know Irish influenced English accent of some sort with a few other weird quirks to it I think that’s

How I would define a pirate accent let’s see yeah Australian would be on the list some nordic place would be on the list i probably want to narrow it down german this one i should try to learn let’s see you fight the guy guarding please oh yeah let’s do it

All right what do we need to fight the guy i guard yet i think I have the warp set there rapping would be easy for low foe he could murder a beat please do a guilty bub haven’t heard Johnny Bravo in a while but he speaks kinda like that

Right oh yeah you’re doing it all day new tried singing them voices before it’s so many things to focus on the same it really is yeah it’s the different breath enos cuz like when you’re singing your own voice you know you’re used to the way you breathe but different voices

Breathe differently and that’s like a large part of singing alright so where’s these Gaia spirits I think we need these I’m scared and be back I know I know I don’t know how many of these I need so we’ll just grab for sure for it is right

Now I am unlimited power so let us go over to do I have it in here Farrah is Gaia that is probably it I it is alright I still have magical circles there from last time I got murdered wonderful do you see low accent oh yeah when I was

Singing though that made me figure out the clearest difference between Lefou and Zelo Zelo is very full voiced well Z well the foe is not I think that’s the biggest thing please say the infamous Icelandic name hey yeah yeah like Icelandic names are phenomenal even just

Like the easy one like Reykjavik that is massively cool and that’s one of the easier ones zoo uh he helps out with a lot of the role plays and stuff you know he’s currently playing the characters with Mario he does a little body acting for

Us he was in the yugioh world place it’s one of the guys I met when I went to England I wouldn’t say he’s a good guy but I know him just cuz if I said he was a good guy he he would be angry at that

That’s the only reason I’d avoid it like that all right how do I do this I think I use a guy spirit on this ha yeah I forget completely out of so I’m gonna sing how do I summon this thing should learn to fish’s accent I can do a water

Accent is that does that a good enough accent for you sing a song and Icelandic obli you got a bone to pick do that tells you what I said about yeah I did I did tells you I snitched on you so hard just because like I knew the big group

As oh if I’d find it funny I was like so sue you you’ve just been put on the level with Austin and Richy for forgetting for making things worse or whatever it was or messing things up how do you feel you so offended guys spirit

And oh yeah I do need the guy spiriting it’s you right you’re right let’s see cool all right I need to go back home how on earth do I do that water drop sound it’s a way you get air out of your mouth in the first place so it’s like

You just kind of like keep your lips really tight and then you force the air out very quickly now when you do this it just adds more base to it so it’s even faster so I think it’s all about the amount of speed of what you get that air

Out of the small hole in your mouth it’s a kind of a form of whistle that was a good one now yes surprising the guy who knows how to do funny things with this voice can also make for weird noises try that massive award no that’s my handsome

That one yeah I’m good I’m good was that recorded no I don’t think it was let’s see so I think we need Terra steel for this as well I might just have some of these on deck let’s see are they in this bag this is where I put them no I don’t

See them alright so let’s look we need ingot and it needs to be the fairy ingot thing what are they called again the person who knew it I’m a talented man I have sound talents I suppose I can do sounds yeah I don’t think that’s a hard

One to do I think that’s one that most people can probably pick up if you can whistle I think you can do that one I’m not that great of whistling guy spirit and get there it is Terra steel surrounded by that sweet I knew the four numbers meant something all right so one

Two three four and let’s be good let’s make a backup because we knew we got Oh Rex to buy these thing last time alright here we go now stream actually might go the lock of them mean tempted by hey we meant to fight this boss the whole time we didn’t

Do it so we’re talking about silly voices so let’s do it stairs steel ye alright yeah Tara steal someone’s the easy boss we’re trying to beat the hard one we’re only gonna have one attempt that’s all I’m willing to do right now okay wait we have to we’re

Probably two attempts all right so our armor is slow it’s low but we have the Stars on our side we have this crystal sword a 14 attack damage through attack speed we have this crazy good thing I don’t know if this is gonna be a lot of

Good to us but we’ll keep the healing will for healing it’s gonna be useful the terrorblade let’s keep that on the side and I think this is gonna be our best bet to beat it yeah go let me just make sure my jukeboxes are off because I think that’s

Where the music comes through um let’s find a stop this music you know what let’s let it ride let’s put it to 10 percent and see out if this works cuz it’s gonna have some intense music there it goes you brought Bruce that up a little more alright panic

Oh is harder at night oh boy I got stay out of the fog the fog is everywhere how do I stay out of it all right hearts are looking good yo the bonus region is actually what’s killing it yeah we got it just keep zapping around we can’t

Even see this thing but as long as we keep doing this we’ll keep hitting it oh man look at these hits all right get these guys out of here I’m really doing a pretty poor job at avoiding the way they’re damaged but it’s okay we got unlimited regeneration powers now or at

Least some really high regeneration powers keep jumping that’s how we avoid it I know that music ain’t that loud at all I expected more no not too much not expected a little more not not like kill me more wrong yo we’re killing it dude all right out hearten again we have here

Heard his weapon is this laser beam is sold good for this next time we fight that day time who knows maybe night time weakens it uh it now reaches its final form all right let us do this I forget how fast I can swing this thing

You just hit me with a positive potion Oh Don poison poisons not generally conceived as possible I just don’t want to accidentally use up my resources to cast the arranged spell before the thing even comes down there’s so many other targets we will defeat you the darkness cannot

Defeat the light up you have just ran out of components this will get interesting yeah where you at spooky ghost man there is I see you over there I heard you over here oh boy oh boy we get a low came with more flowers but so

Am i all right this is the night and day compared to last time I bought this thing I didn’t have a chance in the world but now I am more powerful aha oh you can do that no please thank you very much hi so some things fell onto the

Ground it’s a little bit of loot alright let us toss of this Oh 16 Gaia spirits overgrowth seeds mana pearls and the dice of faith is the greatest treasure alright so I see that only won’t open up the dice of fate today just kidding

We’ll open it up let us get over to the protectors give I think we’re safe to open it up all right were you really spamming earlier yeah you kind of work maybe it was just cuz chat was breaking alright no foe has a greatest fear himself I think so

What else is there to fear but fear itself you yourself alright dice of fate now this is what can have some of the most valuable items ever so let’s find out what we’re getting in the dice of fate three two one oh we can turn our music

Back on I suppose there we go chance cubes and the ring of Thor yes but I have the ring of Thor the die signs on the phone you know such transforms into something sweet for heroic feat we got the ring of Thor sweet he’ll be back a few months you

Know you know alright let’s put those there tons of Gaia spirits good stuff good stuff he’s completely serious very serious let’s see next room behavior comes back look he’s really actually very upset by this could you please I changed my mind just change back change it back five

Seconds later aha you fell for it I hacked her account ha ha there’s so much they could become of this so much so much alright but I think that’s where we’re gonna wrap up the stream success we got the ring of Thor all kinds of good stuff if you guys have enjoyed the

Stream then there’s a like button you can hit there’s more videos you can watch and there’s probably wonderful charities you can donate to help people in here I’m not really related but it’s a good thing to do yeah so I’d like to give a whisper out to Jason and Piper and

Zachary and Bailey and Raptors and iris and bad wolf and Camille and at ena and Kim and code and MC and Pascal and Emmett and Beyond and Hana and Sethe and space and Zachary and the rest of you thank you all for watching see you next time Kill you kill you stupid cough zoo ruined my recording yeah sounds about right wouldn’t you like shimmy mm-hmm what I was doing recording in the middle of it the zoo ruined cool oh no wait wait how long was your livestream then an hour okay so what’d

You tell him at the beginning while you were so late I was busy giving mouth-to-mouth to a hippopotamus it’s safe did you know but that would have been funny to say okay so what were you trying to record right now huh um your utter down hey hey hey hey hey I’m still

Alive yes again so they heard the hippo joke yes wait you’re still lying a heart they heard the hippo joke why are you still up cuz the button apparently doesn’t want to work anyway

This video, titled ‘Fairy Tail Origins LIVE! BATTLES OF BOTANIA! (Magic Minecraft Roleplay SMP)’, was uploaded by Xylophoney on 2019-10-25 03:18:23. It has garnered 10357 views and 512 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:40 or 3880 seconds.


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#Minecraft #Origins #Xylophoney

Intro Song: I Hold on – Chris Coral

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  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

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    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACKS - AYUSH DON REVEALS ALL! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥😊☺️’, was uploaded by AYUSH DON on 2024-04-21 10:49:57. It has garnered 474 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More

  • Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192

    Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192Video Information what’s up everybody welcome to another all the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy and as we did yesterday we finished up the dimensional seed uh with our Emerald five times block and now we’re just working on our uh so there’s a way we can do this that will actually be quicker than just waiting for these to do their things um which actually I need to make sure these have 6400 so let’s do let’s do this real quick prediction let’s make about 10,000 more of them if we can we can’t because… Read More

  • Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housing

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  • Endless Minecraft Streaming Until Victory

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  • KitaMC

    KitaMCWelcome to KitaMC, a thrilling survival adventure where you can explore a vast and ever-expanding world filled with endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a community-driven server that revolves around the unique concept of embracing your individuality. Read More