ItsFunneh – WE’RE ALL GOING TO JAIL! | Krewcraft Minecraft Survival | Episode 32

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Hey guys welcome to crew craft live now today’s is going to be a very special it’s like the holiday season so we’re gonna decorate Freetown and this stream sorry this episode is gonna also be three hours long Hey look at the rotting flesh in the lake we should probably know All right hello everybody we have some time low stream long time no stream yeah last we got very sick so I could have talked so now if all of them were sick except for me don’t jinx yourself yeah as we were saying let’s decorate crew town to make it more magical because

Look at our cute outfits horrible but no cute decorate our favorite the deco bench I like the new stream music by the way oh if you guys have any questions or want to talk to us hashtag funny Friday on Twitter bTW Friday we won’t be hashtag funny Friday today’s a Friday

It’s a good hello three hours I’m good okay hey what do you guys already have decorations right yes yep a little bit you guys I go in the cat what’s your favorite thing like what’s your favorite thing to do for the holidays mine is probably like you didn’t hot chocolate

Mine’s eating ready yeah gingerbread house yeah yeah okay mine is opening presents you’re so humble I was think who gets excited before they make a gingerbread house and then halfway through they’re like I give up smash Right Polly yeah leave a comment do you suck at building gingerbread houses during the club I think um out of all of us rainbow and lunar have the patience the recipe yeah but but it sucks gonna take like four hours yeah alright enough stuff guys we have

Like an antique Christmas tree I’m not sure what that means but let’s please they means it’s old oh okay well let’s put it in the center of town right here drop has reached max eyes I don’t care go yeah can you not plug your town while

We’re streaming hey at least my town has a max size you have a bunch of people I don’t even have home the comments are saying I like the same thing this one is better oh this one I like tacos better – guys it’s lagging really bad because all of

These villagers are sticking together you guys please stop the leg is saying we need to have a purge it’s cuz he did it okay now now anyways if this tree is pretty cute let’s look winsome wreaths on the doors everyone follow me hello everybody it’s true you guys know

Jack o town is not accepting new citizen well they’re coming whether you like it or not good night drag those villages over to those houses they need houses don’t make me build a wall let’s go over here you guys already some people get them a house Oh guys by the way if you

Didn’t last oh yeah let’s just maybe you didn’t watch the last can craft live we actually figured out that dominga is married to someone in those houses I don’t know if they’re still there I’m gonna find him today oh yeah you saw speed knock through the street but you

Were so triggered yeah I was like you guys let’s just bring the villagers up here into the hotel that we were supposed to build them but we never finish in a hotel if you have henhouse oh wait where’s all the sporting a bunch of villages okay you guys ready for admission

I’ll miss you and get everybody a house if they don’t get a house we all fail and we must kill each other but if we want to find me everybody at home okay we celebrate with cake and cookies okay let’s kill each other you people sleeping under a tree follow me all

Right let’s go we’re also gonna do some exploring this is dream so yeah everyone in the chat is telling me to check up on my adopted kid you’re right we should go back to the bunker after yeah I see this question a lot so let’s just answer it right now at

The beginning of the stream potato the says are you going to make more blogs blah blah we know what yeah okay guys settle down settle down and awesome where is funny you can’t see her there you got some shocking serious news for you very shocking very shocking

So a lot of people like where’s your blog I thought you guys went on a trip like weeks ago you know how if anything it takes very long time the 25th of December you will see something the end you can call it a private but you want

To know you guys want to know secret you are almost gonna not see anything because we won’t lost the footage yeah wait I think it’s time for story time taco yeah let’s tell this story because let’s talk to drop that fire everyone into the pink house gather around

Ready for they’ll bring the villagers gonna like you ready almost your gold okay don’t bring the message Jack go sit down and tell your story okay where am I sitting yeah right there okay go do you believe in gremlins have you ever lost something and then it miraculously appeared on a

Table your lack I swear you weren’t there yes no I didn’t lose my own stuff any short story long story short drakul lost the footage thank God we found it or else we wouldn’t he’ll have a vlog yes wait Draco’s fault okay but yeah it’s clogged coming on the 25th right

Guys can you stop carrying these people they are legging okay you guys got to drop them off houses wait didn’t you guys find that other you have exploring in the last stream we do who are my people following me stay here this is your new home Merry Christmas okay you

Know what we should check up on my kid you know what you stay here you stay here everyone stays VMware is dominga we should check up on them oh and give them some holiday spirits let’s go here’s a tea from both mail she died my favorite thing is messing up gingerbread house Guys over here we’re following vodka look so cute oh you guys here start decorating already Oh turn around and which okra sets mean this guy looks like your dad Jack oh right I thought Jack was following really I thought this guy look like Drago right here no chuckles dad all

Right you know what the stream has to decide let’s put these two dads beside each other guys do you mean that looks like Percy what do you need Rocco’s dad this does Arnold the miner look like Joe’s dad or does Marion the warrior look like jackals dad look at Rocco can

You stand beside the sky right now Marion looks like Percy okay whatever stand beside Arnold look like none of them what do you mean do you know what a splitting images no hey you know what stop stalling any idea your dad we need to bring Kendrick the

Cleric into the bunker and then Zakaria the butcher is gonna be the bodyguard for the bunker okay but he’s a butcher you know why he’s pretty bloody you know what for you wait I just got an idea can we go sing carols at Dominguez house I don’t know here sure anything carols um

Um who placed these that two wreaths here not me no Pete yeah I did okay so you can’t open the door oh oh oh you know what I got a baby now Congrats your dad again oh I forgot to get oh I forgot to adopt a baby too okay let’s go over here

Wilfred and Franzi my second daughter that looks exactly like don’t make I should I like even test my chances today and talk to another kids guys what do you guys think comment if she should adopt another kid from kissing a pet no kid I wanted to look like

Dominga and Brandi okay Brandi stay here your parents are gonna well a dog mom you’re going on yeah you guys I also have a request from Twitter for this episode okay are you playing it Denzel from Twitter says build that hotel you guys you said you would it’s incomplete I’m working on it we’ll try to I don’t I mean do you think it’s really smart to build a penthouse because like what if a tornado hits it like you know last crew town tornado just goes swish and then it falls all over the town you know more to

Me I intend on done with tornado mods for now unless it update yet earthquake god tsunami earthquake I need food alright let’s finish with the decorations this town feels man honey their chat is saying adopt another fine and this whole stream is gonna be adopting a doctor baby be okay so I is

The cleric in here mr. clean me up he’s down here we should make him a baby room he’s telling Brandi about her sibling okay what are you saying – my dominga looking Dada an apple a day keeps the zombies away good job cleric okay let’s

Adopt a baby so we also have to find a Mingus husband oh yes my baby is Jolene she is a girl and she will be putting in my inventory there you go my baby’s dead Chrissy Chrissy yeah Lulu you are not a lot of dominum will be okay you I like

You and the chat knows you adopt too much babies you’re gonna start like a petition against you why do you even adopt them Oh everyone is saying let’s go out exploring can we need some new nuts you know let’s continue from where we left off we didn’t decorate let’s go down

Great Dominguez house first you call this decorating for Christmas kind of lazy we need more we decorated in October for our stop-motion so yep I think and everyone was judging me and lunar because we had to go five more iterations before Halloween she was like you don’t understand we have to film

Something very cute and it only took three five hours and thirty seconds of footage and thirty seconds a very stretched footage whoa oh I found Brandy’s twin guys look it’s brandy twins over here over here look like Drac oh this is so confusing okay Brandy’s twin Traci

I’m are you gonna say tracer for a second hi Tracy her face doesn’t look like Domingo though right no brand-new diet Randy let’s gift you a piece of bread a gift for me how nice Wow Wow these are my new children there’s some kind well let’s go decorate Domingues

House there’s a bloody butcher who invited that guy to our town hey guys okay sweet saying Arnold is dragos long-lost dad duh so Jacko oh we were exploring no Lambo wants us to decorate yeah we need more Christmas cheer all right don’t make this house doesn’t look like know

Being scrooge mcduck lens whatever his name it could be the Grinch we just like tip stuff over somebody put a Christmas tree here yet now you just kill me just like the Grinch angle they’re saying that they want to see how many babies lunar can adopt in this episode fine oh really

Okay I’m sorry Luna what while we do stuff just literally go adopt babies and bring them on I can’t I can only have one at a time yeah that is pretty cute whoa okay so upon the witch on twitter has exact time stamps of when Domingo got married in

The last stream and we missed it Wow she said like at 116 30 seconds and between 125 22 she got married and she had rings at 125 what oh yeah I create all that yeah you guys have I’m stuck in a Christmas tree okay Domingo you’re still married aren’t

You don’t married a Clyde we must find Clyde can I have my own away from our house that would be cool this is your house to be laughing about then your polar bears very obnoxious you know what stay here with tacos done let’s settle and here’s a small Christmas tree for

The Christmas cheer I think the Polar Bear needs a Christmas tree living okay I’ll get them 1 2 where is he Merry Christmas polar bear right – Lauren yeah all right Christmas year has been spread but where we go guys for everyone wondering how to become a

Channel member I get some cool emotes this is how you do it but a boo that’s the joined by you become a member to our channel it’s like I think YouTube’s updating it soon I think you could be a member for like $2.99 I’m not sure yet

But update my role out in for every way but yeah so now that’s how it looks let’s go you ready yeah question well my gosh whoo yeah I’m ready you darlin says how old are your puppies or puppies puppies is one use old no I’m kidding

Yeah they are one one two wait guess who’s the oldest I wish it’s doggies on Instagram flu is the oldest then Dembe and then right hi guys why aren’t we using the waystone to travel yeah or else we’ll just travel the same way again Jackie smart Jacko is smart

Oh I think my ones like you yeah you heard people’s ear yeah but thanks to my audio I’m a lot better I thought you Nancy may not be nasty on our three hours stream and then I don’t think they can stand draught oh yeah can you listen for yourself

Guys you can’t kill my daughter though the records are nice imagine if we let all of our fans in the crew craft they would go straight for something and I’d be like wait where we going the way [ __ ] okay hi bird Oh are we ever

Gonna go back into toilet for us is that too laggy it’s definitely going to prove it I thought we bring home all the villagers how much left ah no it’s okay we can’t have more people all right following your compass which way should we travel

Where I want to go Oh North fine you know I will let the stream decide guys are we heading north are we heading south leave a comment right now live chat view where’s gold you guys like I found the clear goal did you not make it yeah I’m

Here I just had a baby girl oh wait I grow up my kid nope not yet Jolin will grow up soon and gold is capturing well I don’t know what it is it’s really small and hue let’s see what it is oh here’s a ghost question from sassy

Potato I think that’s a naked bird it’s so cute it’s an albino two can go on rainbow oh um sassy potato asked where do you get your live stream songs live stream songs I buy them from audio general audio jungle audio Joe YouTube audio music you

Do provide a lot of free music for theatres so yeah you could check that out sponsored by goose you ready whoa I don’t know which way hey apparently it’s a lot of those people’s last day of school today before Christmas break wow that’s amazing yeah what happiness right my ass nice

Happy everyone thing head north and one Ruby likes head south I’m sorry Ruby everyone wants us to go north we are headed for Game of Thrones doodle all non kidding ego nor into the Cold War and for the ice that is so cool we start seeing like snow just in time

Hey would you let go Norris north from now on we will always travel to prevent ourselves from going oh my god we lost gold I see your little feet right let’s go north lead so she doesn’t get lost oh don’t go nuts guys it’s a nice ok I’m in balance stream how did

You know that North was right here North was the right way do you want to go on the case nope no oh is it safe to climb mountains with your kid yes she’s a mountain climber ok she’s getting snapped into ice but whatever mountain climbing this

Is so fun if we following me now we need to find sheep on our trip no one guide please you know what would have been smarter we should have just bring the way stone with us guys up here up here climbing this mountain sword now didn’t

We learn a lesson last time we could have just went straight yeah blowing around yeah but climbing is more fun yeah I said up here isn’t it prettier up here Luna it is lazy potatoes just now we’ve got a big leap but we have alright my

Daughter is ready to grow up you ready to see Jodi yes Wow she doesn’t look like dominga no Jolene she’s wearing a belly button shirt okay everyone I can be so cool Christy Chrissie okay well I like you know you whoever less people me anti not following me Jolene baby number two whoa

Good thing you brought your guards crew can we speed this up with you guys climbing the mountain Oh almost there his goal keeps breaking the ice my new baby his name is Hiro Hiro okay yeah I like for me let’s keep traveling what North I

Don’t want to I can relate now my room Hyrum no I mean from your party comics I don’t know I thought you guys would understand go pan you don’t know okay we need to have more mods and cuca I know for that time we like once that minecraft update happens we’re probably

An upstate creeper yeah I think we’ve explored all the lines guys you got some so slow at exploring what else is there Drago what do you do I’m a child oh my god it was me gali Mian – she’s my daughter yeah she did it no

It was it this is on be killing you okay let’s go you had too many babies do you even know whose babies guys if you have questions hashtag funny Friday on Twitter we’ll be reading it rainbow will be reading it through out Street guys we have a mega get out of here Skellington

Right scat it Scali anybody have a boat oh do we does anyone have what are do we not bring what are guys you ready Oh over there let’s not touch that it’s time for superhero time what are you doing all the way okay guys it’s time I

Have one make us votes or give us some Wonder Woman killed him guys we float over here to some place with trees we should have got some logs set a wheel with a killer whale oh wait I gotta wait I think I would we’ve been through this actually I think we have a

Raft mod can you make a raft oh yes yes we need the string how many people can say I have six oh I have I have one string oh wait I have cobwebs okay let’s see we just need I don’t know like if the wood is very specific it is because

There’s different colors here’s a great question from eclipse fanpage crew what does Yeats mean I don’t know man okay so everything is they eat you know when your boards honestly Google you’re better off fishing on track no Joe just says it’s a form of a tracker dictionary is in a real

Neri Rocko’s dictionaries turn ready this is Anna’s dictionary did the de diamines die multiple times in rate I played a soundboard if you didn’t know oh okay this is banjo on Twitter said in all caps I dare you oh you cut off you can oh I might have been yelling too

Loud she said I dare you to make a new town I didn’t crash season 2 season 3 where some season line what’s the season okay everyone on the boat bring the kids wait you didn’t make a raft I can’t seriously you guys aren’t using I wanna

Go on the raft there’s left where’s my kid I want go in a boat your kids in the back good hijack my kids on the funnies okay does everyone have a boat yeah yeah there why don’t they go in the boat because my kid is there on the baby

Stop trying to squish them so you guys all have babies guys are we going or oh because she wants to read sweater that’s a fine yeah okay all right yeah travel north let’s hope we don’t find any sirens sirens are bad head south I’m sorry cookie cat

We’re heading north it’s too late if there is a fire engine I look Oh a question from Elaine she said Android are Apple babies Android pride joy but recently Apple baby who gets question number two from her who gets the most presents out of the crew equals sitar dogs yes all those

Have so much stuff a carafe now question number three while funny mimics track Oh perfect segue are you always competitive yes yes I mean is anyone not competitive yeah good question and then also a fourth question where can I become the sixth sibling lol I love you alright six sibling slide requirements

Do you have food do you own a potato chip factory what is your not no contact you do we contact you don’t actually no no I’m joking this is a joke this is obviously clearly a joke wink okay guys this raft is um okay I don’t think it does anything

The boat is better yeah lunar can you try to don’t you wait guys applause I need to grab some more liquids some water best lady combine your action entertain the stream No okay figure it out can we combine I don’t have another raft Oh funny took all of our strings

Dude this is like a Titanic style grab breath we’re all dying we’re all gonna drown and drivers gonna leave us question when will Domingo get a job I don’t know I’m not her mom there’s nobody we refer to get a job you guys what remember how funny said um her kid

Jolene doesn’t look like domain god it kind of does look like don’t all I know is how are you she looks Gucci we should we should tell funny that yeah we should um what other questions do I see can you do a Christmas vlog why is rainbow standing

In front of the camera rainbow hello oh I don’t know dude I’m literally just falling because they were inspecting your kid funny and we just all said that she does okay so for lenka the 10 seconds or 20 seconds I was gone rainbows face was just covering the

Whole YouTube screen nice good job was it funny what Jolin does look like domain oh you’re crazy look her face she has that like overshadow and everything where’s the cleric I need ad tops another baby um he went on his own boat and he ran away like these people be creative going

North guys I want to see treasure funny funny your kids drowning Rainbow get off my boat you’re gonna kill my kid you lazy patata guys she’s also be heading north Jolin does not want to go on the boat with you yeah Jolin pick a boat don’t you lean okay there you go let’s

Go all right let’s go this way everyone in the chat said kill the manga guys she’s guys we got a head nor Justin from Twitter to read the discordant I’m so I will pay attention to the discord chat all right look in the general discord chat I would

Look at that’s right guys going west that’s not know if you’re going go waste okay you know what you leave the direction go well yeah I am I’m over here I was leading what’s gonna find Santa on the quest to find Santa Claus there’s no Santa in this server nothing

Cool thinking Donald like a Christmas mod or something yeah but it was too late how about we make the walrus over there wait dude at nighttime do the walruses turn into Marines or sire do they say wait a minute what if these you right cuz they’re just laying there wait

Can we um take like do they give me like no walrus meat yeah maybe I want to see what they spawn why would you want Wallace exactly attack for me oh it didn’t let me try another one oh my gosh they dropped a small sea urchin

Oh Oh there you go no thanks I’m good I seen this question multiple times so I’m gonna answer it now everyone’s asking do you guys record in the same room or your own guys in our own room we record in the same room you know guys if we report in the same room

Oh my gosh I hit my kid so okay I did not mean to kill her wait till I tell Domingo what up guys whoa what chocolate want to go anywhere where is my gosh Oh funny killed her kid yeah yeah we have two all right she doesn’t care anything I was trying

On my kids dolly she a free ride now rainbow sorry I’m trying to see what I didn’t want Bob’s have sorry mr. turtle nothing okay so none of these mobs carry anything all right well I last little rip funnies kid everyone pass a funny skit everyone’s

Crying on the street it was an accident guys I was trying to aim for that whale but every time I shot somehow it smacked Jolene and then I don’t know why she ate all the arrows guys it’s a new biome something chasing you just keep going

Just keep going we are here to land where’s the new biome yeah it’s my land ho Oh No yeah funny by taking you to jail as soon as we get back into town Eagle jail yeah and funny you should call of me I’m gonna revive my kid This biome is known as the cold beach you guys meet my new son meet my new son Hyrum wait you have I have no idea ok how many babies are we counting for two so far but since I lost the cleric now I need to find it does it even

Matter because you have no baby left I know I know I have to get another one you can adopt Hyrum if you want no thanks isn’t it cool this is like a snow leg yes cool alright let me get all the materials then why the way you guys

Aren’t allowed to go home until you touch down yeah we know or we die it’s always guys you aren’t heading north oh I’m happy yeah you’re not heading north but I’m collecting materials you guys we need materials I wish we had like an axe plugin yeah can someone find

Flint where do you are you gonna burn down the forest no burn down the forest going to make a campfire silly people and burn down the forest no honey what is the number one rule in Minecraft chop trees not ugly no floating trees you know what pieces floating tree okay then

Help me chop it out you guys you’re know you started it I’m sorry I’m leaving you’re like fine I will chop down the hole clean up your own floating tree mess fine I just want to make a fireplace you know let’s know I don’t destroy this oh

Man these trees are like Killa really have you guys put me on a lead like that I can read Twitter okay so let’s find like a pig for rainbow and then leave a pig oh so since I was talking about discord fans are asking what’s our discord oh our discord

Is in the youtube about page guys it’s or you can just do it’s funny and then you’ll join this process that is all it is a we partner disappoint server which is amazing yep we have a it has so many plugins mystical there but I do know

This is from fry hopper Piper on Twitter she said can you guys sing your Christmas carol from well hi H was beautiful yeah Mary Mary joy joy jingle bells dome copy reindeer reindeer by the way no we did not good we buddy is littering I am

Trying why don’t you guys help me I also keep seeing record for us to play overwatch I did not know that you want to be funny be tracer I’m a very bad choice but yeah I don’t know boy are you guys if you like okay oh my gosh out dollars

This dream regrets when you’re writing one of these saplings home if it takes like five hours in the stream I’m gonna be chopping this tree okay lunar here’s a great question for you from snicker what does Luna do when she’s not in your videos hold it see

That question again Reba yes you have to having a more epic story okay what do you do lunar when you’re not in the video Dramatic that was the longest it all leads to anime everybody there it is but I haven’t been watching anime recently now I’ve been playing Smash Bros has anyone there are you happy I did it I’m very happy and I’m bringing this sapling home so you can have your own very big

Tree all right let me play some stuff in my inventory does anyone have my backpack space no all right let’s go can see the North Star tree trees over trees over trees I want to be in this biome when it’s nighttime yeah wait guys I found I found Christmas

Dinner there’s turkey explode there’s a creeper I didn’t see it they’re minefield we gotta bring this back to Crewe town hmm wait can you actually get tricky from them yeah oh my gosh guys is the Northern Lights hurry before they fade away join us to craft live we really appreciate it

All your legs get put into a box and sealed up in the 2018 like forever Oh like kind of glitching for me – remove the pads yes it’s so pretty funny but we have to get out of this forest or we’re gonna die come to this novela oh it’s fading away We lose everyone you got me nope me and Drago I’m coming clouds quality trying to find did you just side drogyn or move clouds my video okay rainbow who they’re getting bright again who’s saving me should we just keep running until the Northern Lights top yes yes

You can’t run to the Northern Light where’s gold I’m falling track oh this way people oh yes you brought stickies we’re gonna have a nice tricky dinner why did we build our house here yeah this is pretty like which bets on dart skating rink are those penguins I know but still the

Cuddles like penguins what bird is bad geography animal tell me go why did he go it’s a seagull see ya doesn’t see glad to see you it’s just dark you guys the northern light is disappearing we got to keep following alright oh my gosh hey we got a bunch of snowballs you got

Some bugs okay there’s two Monday Maps get the win take it home that’s not a baby turkeys lent uh rainbow is dying keep traveling I want to find like treasure where’s our dragons oh yeah I haven’t seen any dragons or sirens or anything to take your life what happened to our

Boats are we just swimming now in the cold water uh we’re just keep going I’m like garbage in my inventory does anyone want to do a swap No hey that wasn’t me Oh Jack what’s your favorite white it’s a centipede now you have shot that

Song stuck in my head why I’m lame to talk to talk how some really catch you all right so looks like it’s very snowy Oh guys what did you find we’re gonna dig straight through our North Pole really I don’t know what you guys want my pickaxe is almost running

Out we uh we went straight right here right here right here here we go Hey young trees what’s it what is that yeah so are we gonna dig straight through sure my pickaxe only has like 20 blocks lovely thing yeah mine’s not looking too hot either mine’s pretty good okay let’s go challenge accepted guys in life you see a a giant mountain you don’t need to

Climb the mountain you’re just gonna dig straight through easy ugly dig dig a time no need torches I can’t see okay while you guys dig I’m gonna look into this board and see if I can see anything dig my mouse where’s Rocco Rocco what go to the location boy every animal was too

Slow only the baby goat could catch up the true animal okay baby goat you know what you’re part of that I’m just like Marc Marquez I hope I don’t waste all my torches in here thing’s not gonna collapse oh we made it All right let me just nice rainbow can stay back there keep digging dig straight through guys the wine tunnel oh my gosh literally the whole discord chat right now is just let me talk guys we have one tik-tok on there we made it the title fighting no create

A tic TOCs is fun but then I think we made an example that we thought they were too dumb so then we didn’t post No Are you really gonna keep trying to go through water yes goals get with the program I hope this time you stay on this channel okay why would the tunnel collapse here’s a question from kitty potato pancakes challenge will we ever do it maybe guys you know what I was

Thinking I was like 2019 we should have some different content on the channel yeah it will be somewhere in 2019 happy holidays maybe dude we don’t know okay okay but like the issue is for a pancake challenge right you need like what those pancake machines which we don’t have

Many packs gradle great okay so we need a bite don’t you pancakes on a pan don’t you yeah but it’s not but you can’t make it on a pan in a video – ewwww I should almost be at the end okay so what you need like to griddles those

Little things by me it’s not just discord even YouTube another stop hit-or-miss no thank you I took it baby goats eating we gotta wait for it why is everyone dying out here okay fine eat little baby goat you’ve been eating are you just dancing as a fortnight dancing no more

For a night baby all I want for Christmas is to support you all right guys it is time to go on your boat so yes it is powerful gamers birthday on Christmas Eve so we’ll see happy early birthday right now happy gay lots of games stop Jacky like if you have your

Birthday close to Christmas you still get a birthday yes don’t you mean you still get a perfect present wait what chat box the discord YouTube chat box yeah the YouTube your curbs it’s going so fast that’s why if you want to get noticed Twitter a discord it’s going a

Bit slower that’s still going pretty fast I’m trying to read through it but yeah you guys are crazy okay so this is the chat right now and all the chat says is hit or miss who do it started at I’ll kill you yeah I actually don’t know why do we

Even start talking about Senate ah Thank You Ben what is that what look it’s a new mob it’s in the ocean it disappeared right there it’s like a big sea sea horsey more it’s a big horse you see it yeah hey y’all can I jump on the boat I need crapper okay sure

Accidentally you know lunar needs a ride too but apparently goal has to take a goat with her look at it Rocko your rap fits extra people put lunar on it what happens if I have kids oh yeah what happened to your son no what happened to your sons [Laughter]

Actually funny this has been a goat it’s a cow okay golden ergo hey guys I know you like to move but we got to move guys that’s not Norris that’s Easter you’re going yeast guys stop Skye stop logging he’s the bumper boats or something bumper boats stop children Jaakko do you know where you going you’re spitting you keep bumping into me all right we’re gonna keep going let anyone have a jokes on YouTube will read your jokes right now as we are on see all the jokes I will possibly try to read eat or miss this is a funny dare

From Sami they said rainbow I dare I dare you to let me start crew craft guys craft has so much mods that it takes like about five minutes to start up yeah so long and everyone’s asking me to say my puns but I can’t right now I’m sorry

Guys I don’t have the calendar me at this place why did the cows cross the road joke hit or miss smack no you tried trick me oh my gosh all the jokes are just hit or miss guys if you did that joke you get an applause so original

Who wants a cat’s favorite whoa you know if you press em it opens a mini-map I did not even know my god we can see our really bad travel route okay we made a sword dude that’s cool okay let’s keep going let’s get this map filled all the

Way up keep going why okay let’s see why do cows go on dates be run by memes oh maybe you like a funny I guess like a funny custom email that we can make is track OS tracer happy funny what I don’t like being tracer what I think emergency

Not trying to be but I don’t think anyone look replays tracer sorry trace so yeah only in mystery heroes and then we die oh no no no totally silence please all these beautiful mermaids not again great they’re singing their beautiful siren song I don’t hear them I hear them they’re like they’re there

Hello why are you guys on the raft they’re like this funny we need the way I’m tired of leaving alright I’ve been leaving the whole stream where’s my boat you have a raft now you don’t need a boat oh yeah leaders get the rash okay guys once you find that town we’re going

To return the crew town and start building okay I’m gonna die no no no no no go go go everyone just oh my god you’re abandoning me okay go go go follow me follow me this way this way you’re not following me it’s too late you’re already dead today we die all because

Jacqueline why do they even die is it pop it’s also a guardian that’s not helpful at all I am on your boat now hello okay let’s go Wow what’s wrong Drago I don’t know how every time I right-click it says ask to you a lot hey

Don’t litter the ocean do not litter it understand I’m just eating the fish bugs I didn’t see no bug what block you crazy we needed guys we need luck leave a like for some luck we have to find pound oh whenever going back on the map it shows

No I’ve been traveling for quite some time right yeah it doesn’t show things on the it shows things on the maps you’ve already seen okay it’s not useful for discovering anything wait how long have we been traveling for I don’t know dude made more tweets read more people read more tweets and

Everyone is saying when log is out on December 25th Mary hopefully it’s a long one we try to record a lot of footage so that we’ll see if it’s long it’s like a combo vlog it’s like a vlog X vlog is that thing people do that okay I’m gonna let you

Guys just because you’re special and you’re watching the livestream but we played a little prank on funny it was gross but yeah it’s gonna be in the vlog except she kind of like stood in front of the camera you covered the camera yeah well why wouldn’t you put the cam

In such a dumb spot tiny island you guys we’ve been traveling for so long that the baby goat is growing well you have another goat now so we can have another baby oh oh no my backpack guys that’s too much inventory what are we gonna sit

On this boat so you guys come back here’s a great pun from crew miss what do you call a cloud wearing an undo Oh need to pirates underwear I think okay everyone send us your best puns buzz the crew know it was it was crew misses joke apparently puns aren’t

Cutting it today so send us your best joke where is it is it’s funny guys just type that in and you can do a knock coop service let’s go mm-hmm just like make coffee for the sirens no thanks I think that’s a bad idea no they I mean they’re allowed to eat coffee

Wait let me hop on your boat oh wait no wait if we give them coffee do they turn human or they turn to actual mummy Ariel Keep going our map is starting to look ridiculous okay we’re gonna hit mine soon let’s just first that’s just wood gotcha Skylar said the haiku plebs I wanted to say that I named my two puppies after Kim and Alan that’s so cute what kind of puppies are they three

Just a photo we left yeah little puppy photos we should make a puppy chain mail for him everyone follow me on the disk or Chad would you just have like oh my god just like a daily dose of cuteness acuteness Oh XR welcome cats kitties guinea pigs but Oh

Cruelly following I am yep mm-hmm we really really need to find a town what the flower field I don’t need any more flowers my story is full let’s go over here when you call a beautiful dog a hot dog funny that’s all good that’s always fun

Good job YouTube what don’t you hear the nice ocean so relax where’s the you going the same way Oh this place is fast town habited by walruses hello Caleb don’t kill at night I don’t think anyone lives here hello Norris I don’t believe I don’t believe it exploded on its own what are you trigger it out we didn’t do anything hello farmer man cookies and

Milk does sound delicious right now oh I love the way they talk oh wait I just realized I’ll never weigh stone in my backpack Hey guys let’s go back to Crewe town okay I hope you have enough experience you know what Kunsan needs to be named something cooler because all these people have cool names that are really hard oh wow love these words majora well jerker much McCullar rock medrefer

Okay to travel here guys look at that squiggle over here that’s our original town we are making the sword let’s go to town what are we gonna do back in crew town adopted we ain’t have to snow that’s enough kids baby we’re gonna build something whatever is the chat

Once YouTube leave a comment right now and we will build in time another kid [Laughter] alright my kid is baby boy his name is Willie boom Domingo I love this creative belt Yeah we do since I’m gonna make a nice fireplace we did need more like space always fit my baby okay I don’t know why I lost at this pun or a joke but it’s kind of funny I feel like only teachers would get this teacher okay no I’m not

This is from small trash they said I’m a big fan of white okay yeah okay oh my gosh I’m interrupting my junk I’m a big fan of white boards I find them quite remarkable because you can be marked them yeah Jaco it’s not funny anymore if you’d

Explain the joke oh oh this is from cupcake bill to jail bill yes that’s a good I’m difficult bill to jail for funny right babies D right on YouTube’s at Walmart everyone a lot of people on YouTube actually are saying bill to jail okay okay should we build it in the

Bunker or outside outside of the bunker because we can’t have a joke in a bunker that’s true you should build it right beside Omegas house next to the Mingo house and then dominga could torture the the criminals with her meme is where should the jail go I think it should go

Beside Drock what’s our Oh Thank You Tube I was getting shot they said buddy you left your baby in the chest building the deal you’re going in there first funny see that’s oh yeah because they wouldn’t dumb stomach murdered a baby so she has to go to jail

Hey no way it was an accident fine oh then we should have a courtroom in front of the judge and okay fine let’s make a courtroom let’s make a jail I don’t don’t worry I’ll figure out how to get the rest of the crew in jail by the

End of the street Wow are you just gonna make up fake laws I am one part of funny town and I say everyone who wears blue is bent I’m not wearing blue no gold show them your outfit your pants get out CJ lever also has green eyes gets bent

That is oh my god because right here beside the hole cut nuts about a girl over there recite Dominguez house yeah literally besides I mean yes you could make her watch the people in jail yeah and all wondering where Domingues gonna she get

A job and now yeah so you get a job or deal yeah yeah I’m seeing people like build a Walmart like I’m seeing so much Walmart’s I know guys I know guys but we have to we have to build a jail first it is they need city justice and then town

Why have someone steals from Bob I will call it too much yeah this swampy place kinda looks like it belongs what okay all right yeah oh man this is so cute there’s a little figurine on the boy let me go put in Oh mangas house

Before she goes to jail Hey look put a mistletoe in the house woohoo it’s for dominga and her new husband No did you find her husband Clyde is somewhere in the town I don’t want to look for him I look for him last time can you call your husband or something

You know I’ll go I’ll go find Clyde while you guys build a pretty nice lunar go find Clyde rest of the crew Oh let’s fill the jail Marco Martinez Sunita said make dominga baggage oh no bias yeah she definitely put funny in jail like yeah

Jail how does this jail need a lock so this Jill’s gonna look like pretty Bobby right beside me down technically we only need one stuff because okay yeah I don’t think anyone else is as bad as you yeah real polite you you know what you guys make the courtroom I’m making the jail

You know five star TV you know maybe a TV in the jail I don’t think funny knows what jail is you guys I’m putting up the walls to the jail room Paul the room needs to be a little spacious so let’s give it three blocks I don’t have our

Device no no fine I got this this is called feed jail building guys okay there’s Dale break what where’s Joe Oh like an area so he could break out of jail yeah you should make this in this deep wait where’s the courtroom rik lepine in the jail yeah justjust outdoor

Court maybe up here what if you put the courtroom in the jail so then they could be like you are guilty welcome to your new home you’re I’ll be in jail looking pretty good so far make a fancy restaurant but dominga in jail funny you deserve a giant

Computer I know who broke that over there that was you I don’t know who did that this place is the demand okay more food to go all the way back to the bunker for titled negligence on YouTube ah yes everyone’s going on the jury I

Mean on the I mast and you don’t have a roof I have a good idea YouTube can be the jury and then the judge could be I guess filming yeah like guys okay fine I’ll ask you a question like does Domingo get to be a judge let YouTube decide for that one if

Not I’m gonna find someone else and we have to justify all of the crews crimes wait wait that’s what you think rainbow we’re gonna pull up the jury okay the YouTube channel got nothing on me yeah I’m with rainbow I think it’s just you you’re just normal

Yeah I guess we’re all going to trial here you hear ye nope not yet just stop let’s finish building before we all go to trial I already I already see in the discord chat that people are saying funny should get thrown on jail you know I disco chat also figure out

What else the crews in trouble for and we’ll take a look-see they’re for disturbing know like make your baby the judge not Domingo no wait you understand two of those are my children don’t mean gay is my child no the domain goes my kid um no no sorry

Their mental manga witzel manga in jail they said no no don’t let go mango be the judge okay everyone saying okay what domain gonna be the other side oh there’s a comment from Barry’s tempura I’m saying put rainbow in jail for making creepy funny haha everyone in this town thinks they’re innocent but

You’re not mine was just awesome okay yeah so technically you got caught red-handed there’s happy by vogue lick your toes an arrow flung right into my own oh wait are we gonna like represent ourselves are we gonna be our own yes okay just make the trade it’s gonna be so funny

No but even if you didn’t kill your own kid funny you you are a bad Maron legal and although I’m one-fifth of the mayor I’m not a part of this I have Drago town okay I’m one-fourth of a man I can’t find this is dandy I didn’t see

She’s gonna get put oh yeah lunar you’re just as guilty funny why didn’t even know your kid’s name no I’m not talking about my kids this is dough mangoes husband guys funny I don’t even know who domain a married to yeah I do Clyde boy how do I make him i sound like

Enough i don’t make leader i remember it was very easy do I need all they switched it okay I just had in the wrong position leave there you go I don’t like the way the doors placed Oh our fans are sending over cute doggy dog Oh pictures oh how adorable all right

Guys get a lot of crew clips if you are a big fan of Chris Craft then you know that everyone here is very guilty but thank you for the jury decide which is you guys we’re gonna make this jail pretty big one jail I’m gonna make it

Little cute oh yeah make it a Christmas jail on the lake we don’t have them whoa a what oh it’s probably one that would Adam looking let’s place this year this looks okay I mean jails are supposed to be pretty anyway but I thought you said this is a

Fancy top of the notch jail nobody you need more bars there needs to be more bars like maybe in the front or something so we can see oh yeah or else how will we know if the criminal escaped you know are you trying to escape huh

Wait can I build the inside of the jail no why just stay outside man just go make the jury card rainbow see if Domingues even still married to Claude no is it’s Clyde why do you keep saying Claude no I’ve seen too many clods why are you gonna put Clyde in jail for

Marrying domain go with Health honey’s permission yeah okay more materials fence fence fence fence okay what’s up rainbow trying to escape oh my gosh what are you talking about why are you being so quiet weird I’m not being weird why isn’t anybody helping me build the courtroom boys I thought no he’s just

Standing there Jaakko stop I think he is afk Drock who are you why is he okay the only reason you can afk is to read chat we got water he’s calling on all right on all of our adventures the only thing we brought back was like wood and stone which is

Not rare enough part of us is it nope so we have a slide in jail like a phone for taking a phone yeah a tick-tock phone oh for you to make like take talks while your employer the only thing you could watch robbers tick tocks okay the same tick-tock the tracer tick-tock that’s

Torture sorry I locked myself in good you let me out you don’t let me out I’m jailbreaking okay okay you’re very annoying open it up Drock laughs to decorate but you belong here hey don’t fake the doors that’s pretty ok the jail looks pretty good so far

Oh wait funny check out check out your baby it has to grow up you’re right Willy sudden grow up all Willy’s so cute I don’t have a point hey what’s going on I don’t have a point Wow we’ll use very passive chat I don’t have a whole point

Can we go camp it please okay you want follow me why do you keep saying over homeboy oh my god he jumped in the water oh hey sure thing it’s funny that’s my full name I’m kidding oh all right move freely little Willy what was i doing oh yeah jekyll finch deco badge

Let’s go to some jail items not art okay we do need a bathroom in the I’m gonna go hopefully you’re fine Clyde okay fine yeah they also need a bathtub in jail keep in mind this is a different jail from other jails just because I’m gonna be in it it’s gonna be more

Luxurious definitely in the yarn kit I don’t have a soul but I’ll take a shot at it in my times in my talk times nope Oh a dungeon let’s get a brazier no treasure map needed some jail keys and we ran a link to another buckle bench so

So far from the YouTube chat dominga is not allowed to be the judge walls go to jail and buy something and not a lot to be a judge and everyone is saying Willy looks like the opposite version of the Lingga really yeah okay we need more

Jail item so Birds room oh and the jail needs a very comfy bed fine you know what a hey Ben we’ll keep it in themed jails don’t have comfy bed Shh okay I’ll do it hey bed a litter box that’s pretty funny we have a litter box maybe beside the

Toilet line that’s funny maybe some pets could go to jail too if they break the law maybe a skeleton in there to keep it all creepy and stuff chained a toilet a toilet yeah yeah I got toilet maybe another skeleton door and fences okay we do need some wooden spikes to keep like

That creepy effect of the jail jail is what you don’t need to know what jail at first she said it was a luxurious jail and well now I do like making a real gel this gel needs to have pizza and wait a minute I found Percy why are you still looking

For Clyde and I found a Percy and it says it’s my son yeah but it doesn’t look like Percy I’ll bring him I’ll bring him to you know like in like crew crafts like near Episode two or three he’s you never saw him die yeah we just he just disappeared we

Never saw you ran away from his marriage hm I’m adopting another baby are you the CEREC special a dot baby I have a new baby their name is Morris are all of my babies looking like dominga so far yeah we have so many like people saying all

The bad stuff be done huh discord chat is saying take rainbow to jail because of her bad pun yeah trap dracco the gut trap taco is Jail make sure you have lots of monsters take his weapons away watch the buffer on live stream well that’s pretty dark the guy that dies

Very dark can use her name I think that’s funny though wait where did words Percy go stop following me just Long Island said I want dracco and Wow a lot of people want you in jail man it’s not looking good for you look look finding you just walked past Percy look it’s

Percy and he’s our son yeah he’s it’s luck you can check yourself he’s my he looks different right that’s so insane we found Percy did he why where have you been Percy ask him where he’s been oh I think he dyed his hair and he got furniture he’s got contacts

Golde where’s your candy you have to remarry her Donna I’m kidding she run away I like how gold just said oh wait you all go to jail for child negligence no here’s my kid my kids right here we’re rainy all your other kids it’s my daughter hazel you know what guys

Where’s Clyde raised looks like oh it’s good anyone maybe we should throw a party saying Clyde’s birthday party like how to trick someone Bobby’s over that phrase a loser locks to show how miserable jail is why am I making this sad for me oh it’s because I know the

Crew is gonna go in here too so we all suffer I’ll make a secondary jail a good one let’s get some wooden spikes around here looking look more scary fix this I need to get on the roof this is gonna look so bad thank you everyone everyone

Says the jails looking pretty nice you guys aren’t even finished the judging room yet to build a jam Hey he’s in charge of the judging room thank you guys I’m working on it this coming around barbed wire Oh if someone Ruby barbed wire nevermind oh

God shape to the gym so far so good maybe we should use obsidian but obsidians too expensive okay so it looks like this jail as a face it looks really weird the more creepy this is like a modern weird jail look III don’t know um destroyed this part don’t even look for

Me right away I will find probably too much we’re getting quite a few requests a burned rat gota can’t burn Drago town that would this jail looks scary I don’t want to go to jail well that’s not up for you to decide is it okay you guys

Aren’t gonna like jail no and you I don’t think jail is a place you’re supposed to like truth are you sure don’t make it didn’t make light up no how could she make somebody are you following yeah disgusting no dracco town is the best time we have

Some people cheering on drop the town but we have some people hating on track or town that’s why I’d result this way you know what I think I’m gonna if I move the deco benches are gonna crash maybe we do not want the stream caching do we maybe

A mere and there are little mere four goals so she can look at herself while she’s in jail hey no I’m actually coffee I’m not crying clay come on guys let’s finish this up um what was I getting a lot of these like a ton I’m just gonna get a

Bunch now oh no no I ran out of I’m gonna run outside there you go okay good crash the stream no it’s not a good idea people are saying Clyde is a warrior where do they where to put over I don’t know somewhere they’re everywhere some people on the chat are saying blow

Up dracco town and then some are saying make a peace offering with dracula town dracco we already settled this like mirrors I don’t remember we had a war I think it was you and gold fighting I mean a champion yeah and it didn’t turn out so well let’s just say that some more

Spikes let’s do some spikes here hi everyone that just joined hello everyone we have 15,000 people watching wow what a tie y’all happy that you don’t have school I know saying it well I think I made it for you guys I think I did a pretty good

Job I don’t like how the top looks kind of empty I’m like well it’s all supposed to look homey so very true quite a long time we are an hour and 25 minutes in I just finished building this there you go this looks so cool I am so proud of this bill

I’m so happy to be going to jail I guess take a look guys go help gold builders they know just stand around Luna go huncles I’m not I’m reading stuff yeah I know she said doing nothing Luna your mics broken wait her mic is recognized sorry I was on mute were you talking

About time a little bit not really okay we’re gonna go over there this is my gym way that’s why I take take a take a poop oh yeah wait where’s the jail cells washroom hey there’s a washroom that’s your tub that’s your sink oh wait funny this is actually wrong do you know

In jail you actually don’t get to have a bath yeah I know so get rid of that bathtub nope the toilet is where you do everything this is low we be the tub get out no it’s not this is jail woman’s and we don’t get out I’m dropping you in

Here and you can not bathe for ages there’s a bathtub there’s Rapids okay rainbow I’m gonna have to ask you to step outside I need to finish this jail Oh fine instead of you being crazy I’m just trying to help you interior decorating yeah chase I wondered else’s roof on the courthouse please

I’ll do it need to make tables one simple table manner running out so much oh I have your potato and sweater just said something dramatic she said what if Clyde is from dracco town it’s like Romeo and Juliet I’m pretty sure I would know Clyde in my

Choco town are you sure it’s not one of yours no okay we’re gonna get I wish I could you know what let’s make a little slap here jails almost done guys I hope the courtroom looks really good it’s time to judge everyone Oh wait should we have ahead tougher we’re not gonna use it oh she’s gonna get it I don’t know why you guys positive it exists it’s the crew town death machine yellow team guillotine where let me go get it I’m scared funny you want to hear a joke sure none

So what is your job Barney your baby you guys keep reminding me all about baby baby I cute forget it y’all grow my baby I’m so bad no you’re lying you must be telling lies oh man I swear every child’s you know what before no I’m not choking my baby looks like

Domingo you know what I’m gonna go find five like everyone who doesn’t want to do anything beside the door doing nothing I will smash I found a cliff I found a Claude I found the claw are you everyone I don’t know why my kids all look like domain gods do

You like calamari at least you don’t use better gifts oh my gosh it’s don’t mingle as a boy I’m doing it as a joke but it’s not a joke guys all the kids look like so manga alright wait but then all the kids that don’t look though like

You murder them yeah I know everybody it was an accident I’m top ting another day oh my god funnies cursed if it doesn’t look like go manga they die Roman follow me all my dominga children we must bring you to court soon does the court need does the

Courtroom need food no no hey I’m a wait I’m not the judge um judge I think this guy should be the judge Kendrick because he looked like a judge he’s very serious follow me did you kill the baby he gave you guys reminds me what Clyde looks like again

We don’t even know it’s open up Twitter Bosley he’s a warrior yeah I took chat can you show me a screenshot of Clyde Domingues lovely you tell us where you last saw him maybe you should ask some help from discord discord I know I’m asking right now

Let’s I yeah I mean discord could help you out when was where was he last spotted please help us find Clyde does all of these guards look the same my kids got my other kids too well you know everyone’s saying he was in the blue house but he’s not here anymore

Even he has to be around the by now remember what he looked like oh we never know we never we don’t even know what he looks like I saw Twitter like his name yeah but I don’t remember yeah no hmm no Hazel’s don’t like it oh man

Cool J looking at the little pink bats that’s adorable alright here’s my daughter and uh where’s the shiny one there’s a Carlo there’s a chancy widest one in the belly guess he is Domingo really chose a keeper because no one can find him ok ayran we need to make a whistle what

Kind of a children whistle call all my children to courts follow me kids all the courtroom looks nice thank you alright so mingi sandy it’s not a joke that all look like omega okay call all hey do you have to go to Drago town apparently everyone keeps saying

Jackals and it’s from Drago town they saw him in the armory thing ok there’s no way he’s in Jackyl town but I will go check no way I’ll go check with your hometown Siddhant or they’re saying Clyde is in the town that dracco took the shrine from well yeah that’s the town he

Originated from where he married dummy oh yeah we yeah we know that yeah and then apparently Domingo was like oh my god Mary baby you have some baby chairs oh yeah I have my kids gold use all my kids wait I line them up okay making a baby change

Clowder just said funny just got really loud you probably face-planted the bike did you do that I did I was like Ferris angry all my spending all my children are we’re okay clay I found another Percy I am trying to gather up my children okay uh there’s can we get a

Description of Clyde we have a missing person notice we get a drawing you get up stop sleeping you in the car I need a missing-persons notice it’s happening here oh do my kids don’t listen to me I want a new daddy what there is no Clyde in my town okay

Everyone stay yeah stay here it’s a courtroom not a daycare you should take your kids hey wait bring them for sympathy yeah stay there happy child follow me all right here you go I’m dedicated I’m scrolling all the way down to Twitter I don’t all the way

Until three weeks ago to figure out what why don’t you look at my um replies I refined in like a trigger emote if you like it doesn’t matter I don’t use that much Jess I think this probably yeah guys this courtroom is looking good so far right right leave a lady guys

Anybody fly I’m trying to push him up here these are stairs I don’t think he could have a chair there you go pushing you up he died where are you that home stay here make you look this way really no no don’t stay there okay wait I see you

Push him funny too baby oh my gosh wait did we even stream crew crafts on funny Friday before yeah we did don’t know yeah it wasn’t on a Friday I think it was like it was something okay I need help what is wrong with my daughter I

Don’t know maybe they just don’t like yellow okay they they can sleep there for a while the courtrooms looks good looks very good but me some holiday theme to it let’s go let’s go well it’s a hat it’s a holiday court room done rainbow to jail for pink hair

That’s not about things killing me oh all right we’re almost ready for judging it’s the moment of truth everyone not until I find Clyde I have to find Clyde before I go to jail let’s go and crew members I mean a bunch of YouTube members what’s up

All right don’t have that much dye left but we can still make this a party handy carians my inventory is offal oh wait no those are my Donuts don’t need this anymore I don’t need those skeletons and I do not away I need on keep you Anna

For judgment I will put on this pirate Stoke rag okay you ready for judgments No yeah sure is something wrong rainbow uh-huh I can’t fight Clyde it’s like he disappeared off the face of the year they can’t even find him in your mention exists I don’t know right he might he might

Just be a ghost okay where am I looking where’s Holliday oh there’s garland Christmas lights milk and cookies let’s do that oh they have Easter now stalking stalking Advent wreath um let’s get a reindeer and maybe a snowman to lighten the mood in the court and we’re out of

Ink okay we’re ready funny your baby I like how I really every couple of minutes you guys warn me is it having ten minutes the babies grow up I think so yeah everyone saying Bebo is like a detective she’s trying to find question yeah I’m like going through

Everything just that poor rainbow sides on the courtroom route alright so looking at this card they’re saying Clyde has brown hair and green eyes another person is saying Clyde is still in the town I know oh okay town town there’s even a baby bottle I don’t even

Think they should be who put a lamp here that’s cute I did it okay and a type room court they should have like a typewriter here cuz it’s the person who oh yeah I’m servicing but I put cookies and milk wait I thought that was the chair of

Truth where they had to sit and tell it oh yeah fine we’ll put and stop get high golden is making more festive if you want the typewriter they can go on this side because there’s room over here yeah you can make the scriptor person does maybe the writer hello yes or no rainbow

Has one wish that is to find Clyde yeah I don’t entertain him to his family yeah Oh nuts in the courtroom candy canes and an adversary’s do you want me to move my kids and yeah if you could okay Joan I’m heating up a lot of space

Oh I put my whistle away let’s go watch lists live was murdered by Sonny no Tiffany I would never or would she candy snow she said did some digging quite has brown hair it has a what a normal face I mean normal phases okay let’s do this I give up

Fighters missing in action I don’t know I want pizza I want food here’s some food so my food I don’t want minecraft is imaginary oh don’t mingle married an imaginary almost here guys a really nice play on a desk all right think we’re almost done

Let’s do this you know we also need a mini Christmas tree no oh in the jail yeah oh also in the jail everywhere there’s a pot of soup I don’t know if the jail deserves pizza feel like it this makes it move dominga move hey wait I’ll call my children call

Follow me children put some pizza outside of the car this pizza doesn’t fit anywhere you know what floor pizza alright this courtroom is the cutest I’m excited to go to do not be excited most people never say that cuz I’m innocent so I don’t care I don’t think we should leave baby bottles

Everywhere it’s kind of dangerous but what if the babies get hungry then they could gossip it’s on the board okay I mean push all right there you go look this way they follow and then okay this a courtroom or a chapel looks like a place people get married no it’s a

Court room last kid come on let’s follow me guys go get some villages put them on the other side this side is only for my children I have a lot follow and stay look at this family photo guys can we get a screenshot right now wait I need to be in the picture

Me and my f – there you go screenshot of my family all the children you like and the child is saying grow up Truman Truman oh he doesn’t look like a domain god what does he look like he looks he’s adopted your kids are all adopted I

Know but uh so all of them look alike and then there you go stay there Truman cool I’m gonna go adopt another kid before I leave courtroom time we epic music Romeo baby I lose my baby oh yeah I miss my children we must adopt one from the

Judge hi I’ve come to get my sentence why are there children in the courtroom okay guys you about five minutes to get dressed for your courtroom meeting I’m ready already trash torch at YouTube chats with a chat for Twitter hashtag funny Friday for YouTube or the jury and

For discord just be discord you guys are all the jury and if you’re enjoying this crew craft so far I would highly recommend you to hit the like button just show some appreciation we really appreciate it all right go get dressed go and have to get some more tea somebody’s dress for me

Yeah here guys I missing this baby chair you could talk to the stream of how nervous you are for your on no aren’t you gonna get no goodbye why don’t we get chairs no pillow okay here you here you all scoundrels must come to the court room

ASAP or you get thrown in jail you’re not a judge yes I am ia person if anyone is not here in two minutes you’re all going to jail jail time you know that is nope hmm nope dude does anyone know where Clyde is nope nope

Lunar do you like cookies yeah oh yeah I saw some questions before asking what animes you like if you want to answer them now if you want to ends what’d you say what an amazing want like to watch mmm no origami hero I know I said Oh

Funny you’re late so you get to throw in an automatic jail mmm-hmm no guys no you want to step outside it’s judging time hey take off your armor who is Katie’s that on the roof come outside oh that’s not my kid this is bad finger a court hearing

You’re super annoying you let your kid grow up on a roof to be independent no okay everyone in the courtroom we need the music to be more like scary don’t worry we need scary music okay let’s go so the crew today goes into the courtroom to justifies themselves Twitter YouTube

Ready destroy our the jury you push the judge out of his spot everyone sit down sit down please oh we have a bunch wow Willy grew up okay who is up first well let the chat decide is it gonna be rainbow gold dracco lunar or i

I’m so scared I’m not guilty of anything I think a courthouse what happened arminda let’s see other friends because you built the courthouse you thought you done now you didn’t build all that I help ya very little I don’t know let’s see we’re gonna wait for the votes to go in but in

While happy holidays everyone okay I can fantasy lunar hard I see tracker jackals are whining destroy weight funny did you notice all the kids grew up yeah I know YouTube so it looks like lunar is winning on YouTube and then what yeah well it’s a good thing they’re growing

Up because we need your help Bebo what does Twitter say just cause there’s not many Twitter’s coming in you guys hashtag funny Friday who’s going up first but I think it’s too late alright abuse I don’t hit my children okay guys we shouldn’t throw that term around we’re gonna get like be monetized

Because you guys are being silly but this is only in Minecraft sooner Luna’s going first I will transcribe Good okay can you stop eating and just listen to the courtroom yeah all right sit down gold I would ask everyone to sit down into the courtroom sitting and good facade music as she eats cookies so lunar do you know why you’re here today on the pedestal nope okay Wow

You’re up here okay guys what your things under why lunar is up here I’ll be reading it right now for negligence too many babies and not taking care of them can I show you exhibit a Exhibit A you let your child grow up on the roof

Like Tarzan when he fell on mother lunar [Laughter] Okay like one bathroom okay okay what do you think about your mom my dream is to build my own village but I’m too lazy okay now I know why he was on the roof all right man cries and milk sounds delicious right now while your

Mom is eating them on the coin yeah I suppose the weather okay yeah he did roof good job he’s normal thing to say about you did you pay him call other children yeah children have a whistle here before you what a brigade of children in the coin

Let’s just see how his children yeah yeah all right spawn the children whoa one like dying or tornado okay Luna give the whistle back hey your children die nerd tornado – all right chat tell us now do you think lunar is guilty or late action does does she

Gotta justify yourself before they judge sure sure yeah yeah okay go you should you should say my crimes first then I get it just okay child negligence putting your kid on a roof any day endangerment of babies of babies they weren’t babies lunar is guilty she

Is sassy nope there you go alright hey no and yourself yep wait guys my defense is who will take care of this baby everyone in the chat is saying guilty on out journalist everyone giant chocolate like a crazy person alright you know you’re guilty I’m a lunar what baby-killing Percy okay

Lunar point call your armor in the chest and leave you have to go to prison right go sit here well everyone else gets justified all your studying you you literally just committed murder you you literally murder – okay whatever you know go sit there on the big chair

You’re bad everyone we’re guilty chairs even the crowd thinks you suck mm-hm all right who’s up next let’s take a gander at Rocco since they said your name the balls to sit down Jacko what sit down rainbow please move fine oh okay all right Rocco you were up here for being a

Poop betraying eyes are not the Mac speak to my lawyer you are your own disconnected disconnect lunar she’s laughing so crazily she okay go all right here Jacko so far no one has found anything good for Drago to be guilty of so I’m still looking but just

Yelling Drac who you are you go I know what he is guilty for it he’s guilty for betraying crew town stealing our supplies wasting it on his town I did not steal your supplies yes you did you have no proof play the cut no we don’t have a club

Anyways um they saying a betray crew town dracco ate the cake bad Rocco what cake see you ate cake – I did not eat no cake and your gamer cred said it’s because you’re not even taking care of crew town basically you can’t convict me

For not taking care who time this is it my sorry in court I got to go to court in my own you guys criminal no you can’t convey everyone in hiding to UM to charge you know what to come back jackal just come back actually I have something

To say as a guilty person dracco does not have a mayor permit how could he make a drum there’s no such thing he did not get a permit you know jail and since I will do myself last I will be the last one bolds vs rainbow who’s going up next

Rocco is guilty to being smart and Rocco he is a seed Rocco is guilty for abandoning the crew and creating their own town that’s what discommode saying okay not have a perfect rainbow or gold vocals I’ll give you something for me to be guilty for I don’t at all but you

Better not be just improving the playground yeah guilty of griefing everyone in both channels are saying rainbow okay sit down ooh cookies delicious rainbow what use are up here for child negligence joke’s on you coma children are dead from old age in the first episode of

Crew craft you lost your farm boy son what and lose them he disappeared different rainbow yeah bad puns well that’s like an opinion you know well it’s again I need something no stealing is stealing food okay you know what it’s judging time it’s rainbow guilty or not

Guilty leave a comment I see an innocent innocent innocent yes no wait we’ll wait I’m guilty for ruining my ears what’s that one all right everyone is saying on both channels rainbow you can say on that side yes I don’t get to go to detain guilty whoo-hoo thank you not

Gonna let you guys are very good Terry members I hope you let me just okay well vote Golda funny who’s up next baby shot rainbow where’s Drago he is supposed to be going to jail in five minutes Luna there stop you know I touch anything okay all right

Okay I’m up for a judge thing cool let’s go Gold’s do you want to do the honors yeah funny with like many domain go children why do you think I am sitting on this chair because I’m an amazing parent and I feed my children cookies

And milk every single day wait I got a sound board I’m so bored is it a laugh track because that was all a lie all right everybody read what the jury has to say why funny is off this chair all right we had she is guilty for murdering my child so guilty for

Murdering her newborn child that was a glitch she’s also guilty for almost suffocating her child in a chest what else is miss funny goofy for here’s a funny almost John Doe manga no dominga wanted to swim on our own okay Wow okay it’s time to judge its judging music

Judge funny is she guilty or innocent Ltd everyone on YouTube has my back the same innocent but I know I am innocent yeah wait the chat legs remember the chat way fine you’re saying those are all for Remo I don’t know I think it’s just no I thought you update saying

You’ve killed my okay this Court is saying I’m guilty and YouTube is saying I’m innocent okay YouTube is really think it is that’s bias so they’re all bias you they also said you’re guilty for killing ferocity oh no a frost he killed himself he had a war with another dragon kill every one’s

Killing themselves when you’re around funny yeah it looks like it’s a 50/50 vote here I don’t know I don’t know what to do let’s see what sweater size let me know let me ask him yeah I suppose the weather’s nice today do you think I’m guilty that’s the best

I’ve ever heard last one is gold gold sent up go ok gold you know I’m happy nope courthouse with my own two hands so you wanted to create animal kingdom all the animals killed each other in your kingdom you brought animals homes and they attacked each other I said I have

Another thing to say yeah Jesus smuggler guilty Luna has another thing to say she did pay me for helping building her room you don’t get paid your criminal your criminal but she stole from me before I was even at your criminal currency together anymore anything you say don’t gold you’ve also been accused

Of kidnapping animal I always saving animals than an animal kingdom and animal kingdom with South you guys let’s bring in one of gold animals that she saved and funny so I mean just Gold’s guilt or innocence it’s gold guilty or innocent leave a comment Chaco come over here no

She’s guilty for leg in the server with hey hey how much enchantment do you have okay I’ll stop I’ll stop like that cheater I’m staying away okay I don’t want to thank gold is instead okay okay salt this is the thing called YouTube is saying and it’s innocent guilty and then

Just going to say yeah you’re better care all right I won’t follow me follow me follow me come on I don’t have to follow you I’m not no I know but come on photo photo over here dropping everyone in gold hi you chew you have to go in yeah why

Are you in rainbow rainbow get in I’m sorry get in push golden yeah actually everyone saying Gold’s guilty so I’ll get it no actually to be in prison my what’s your range both get her in here oh you go in or you die all right

We have to stay in here for one day okay wait I think dragon lunar should get a hem here okay guys you have to follow the rules okay okay follow the rules of crew town we must be bought gifts you wanna catch me you have to find the new Dracula town hide and

Seek know that you’ll never catch me there a rainbow since we’re today is uh like we got to go out of jail for bounty hunting right uh yes I do okay you gonna kill Drago know what Morgan Morgan looks like Percy can trust me I’ll meet you guys

Yes why want Rocco dead or alive Jacko we’re coming to your town where aspire to me oh and by the way if you die you have to go to jail it’s part of the rules yeah so you better run lunar go find flames if you

Die okay then I’ll just go back to life and kill you again easy II I really do need to find Flynn herself Drago is not guilty so yeah is Jaco guilty or not guilty guys he is real crew meet me in the bunker I’m hungry there’s no easy way to settle

This we have some regular chest is there food in jail not like I’m hungry in real life oh you could go grab I don’t care Oh grab me one too are you Mina we can’t leave what’s streaming no you’re in jail all right this it’s time to go bounty I didn’t in

Dracula town jackal thinks he could hide in this town drakul you’re only a lot of hide in your town that’s the rules yeah that’s what I’m doing I’m hiding in my town uh-huh you have a baker here drakul you’re not gonna like what I’m doing I don’t care well it’s my dance

Seek okay so rainbow just went into my room and I don’t know she’s giggling I don’t know what she feeling I don’t know someone if you’re giggling behind loosing track or disconnect on YouTube one mission destroyed rapper town oh I’m sorry where’s jackal jackal you come out and you go to jail

I can pick me up please just let them wake me up really quick I II don’t I just go with somebody baby I’m gonna kill you well we’re gonna die guys now deco really huh that was the worst well rainbows really bad at being uncle wow I

Wasn’t even scared alright you want war boy dragon lunar yep ketchup we put cap you try to crash this destroy your town I remember good place to catch up and Drago town my town dude on a baby on me [Laughter] You wanna make more is our city started you’re the one who start I can’t grow my baby guys drakul keeps killing me all right slide it straight jump so bad did you ever notice that our dragon behavior whew I don’t have time to talk to you I

Have to save my family have a baby Luna oh thank you funny very safe right now [Laughter] any food no hey no Opie weapons dude that’s cheating no cheating it’s not went in the deal Harvard oh he is doing zero tapping actually you can’t burn this building

It’s stoned you gonna burn all my stuff out of the baby told you to bring your baby to a war hey you know what we need a truce Rocco you don’t deserve to go to jail if you’re very innocent also if we get a truce you’ll clear my war crimes

I don’t know YouTube declares war on YouTube is saying that everyone should charge you know what no we’re all gonna kill you – my guards you killed my citizens oh my gosh Rocco’s town is on fire Yeah right I don’t know guys choco town the wall begins jackal must die out of arrows

Your armor no it’s not it’s just basic protection for why I slept in my bed before I died you have to press admin look at your mini-map and go back we have to charge in at once everyone said drakul must be stopped I need armor yeah also people said your

Baby burned to death you burned your own baby you burnt you you don’t even have lenses deal wait that means track who killed you burned your own baby like a 5000 pound you know no I’m not giving you guys go blue track us down oh my god

You dropped your baby you left it on the battlefield it’s an orphan this is just laying there we have no more armor you destroyed all of our work there’s there’s armor and it’s not clear my war crimes no one’s clearing your war crimes you thought I am a war crime snow drop go

They said get ketchup we do need a dragon I remember I catch up us place right outside the Dragons left like the dragons are so to let you guys wait a minute guys we have something better than chocolate ah you have Garland’s all right you’re gonna die Jacko once you

Die Lu your town like town is in shambles are you laughing hey Joe a lot get off his stupid little power you’re evil oh yeah what are you listening to funny about going in together yeah I don’t think you should have you over I’m not giving you a handicap this war you

Boys I forgot I even made this room this there’s diamond swords and the I believe in the bunker ah there’s none okay let’s go together everyone dragon should have got a dragon stack guys ready yeah I’m kind of dying and I need my stuff you

Punk I don’t know where you are and I don’t think it’s smart to power jump in front of Jocko with that okay guys we have our group I’m just gonna go grab something your armor is way too LP We’re gonna get some special some special sauce dump it on him yeah a special love oh yeah I’ve seen some diamond armor near the what you seen it oh it’s over you know what you doing you’re gonna die boy oh I’m not there’s diamond armor a nice

Nice okay that’s not enough air horn boy this will do okay that’s charging at the same time all right wait wait wait for me I’m coming okay you gonna go are you exploring funny we’re not exploring right now we’re trying to kill dracco so Hugo we’ve already explored this is just

Worn out yep straight out war because I don’t have a bow and arrow no you’ll never get past my army what army Oh gold can’t find us I’m looking on the map I’m just slowly making where are you yeah dracco don’t die we have some people cheering you on

Drago who town will wind Rocco down a little burn Mullins tragic that in this coin what an awesome community we have on let’s go where are you and where’s my family you’re not waiting for gold nope Drago can you leave my stuff back please no no no it’s my war loot your

Rondon boy yeah you are rotten I guess he’s rotten dracco know why YouTube thing travel must die lunar I’m right here I might hit the tree this stove I can you please revive me she’s running away doing a loop-de-loop Luna goes I get back here okay

Stop it stop it she’s like leggings put it on the floor hey you’re like Perelman that’s zero no you literally zero Jeep I say cheap shot yeah this isn’t count dances – cheese – yeah no one wants to play with you driver hey Chacko you’re literally a cheetah where’d you go

No I don’t want a very funny MCA I told you he’s getting a little damaged I just noticed I thought the biggest town in the map was um our town but it’s actually Drago town not anymore if you click em you know what I give up

Hey Jacko I think yeah Jaco on guys usually my war crime continued but for now I think we’re going to have to you make peace I bring the dragon fruit u-turn no mining again Rocco come here all right guys we bring a truce all of your bad doings into town will be lifted

We forgive you we forget you have our over power everyone so don’t give up it’s okay guys Rocco’s towns ruined anyway I’m Achilles villainous yeah we’ll get him back no no it’s not over what Jack who are you right I have a piece a piece where are you right here

Behind you is nice no I burned it you poophead anyways Wow only this hat and you killed my baby no your baby soul her down on the floor where unless it burned in a fire that lunar lit oh no it’s gone I feel like we should go to that town

Where we where Drago found them that slide now we still have like a couple of hours with 30 minutes let’s scream yeah I know that’s why I said we should go find class okay because since the war is over for now Rocco yeah peace but those super bosses

Mean that you can’t beat and you get mad okay Bertie my stuff I’m gonna kill you there’s nothing hey can i massage where is that thing he literally burned all my gear what is making it even burn your gear I don’t have fire home oh then who took my stuff

But hey you want everyone said if he is cheating cheat back well here dude goal just got here and she can’t she can’t she can’t spawn so don’t kill her yeah don’t be rude it’s over guys no my gosh what are you doing gold punched me I mean

Hey hey no leave it alone Jocko oh no something tacky now I gotta kill ketchup you’re out of control Wow lunar just friendly fired no Luna don’t don’t it’s not must wait that was epic though hey you killed ketchup will murder you just well tell her to get ketchup out Hey

I can’t charge up stock with the building you have to make space for ketchup ketchup this thing all right Luna break ketchup I Love You Man just run away and let catch up live everyone said like ketchup live yeah don’t kill ketchup ketchup saves the day they said

Rocko you got any other guys these are only dragon left yeah Jack oh you’re like okay now you’re like those evil king what do you mean you’re the one who brought your dragon here and pound that’s exactly what it even literally is you like oh my gosh you kill touch up

What he’s still alive as hell swagging destroy the building why is ketchup on can’t get out I mean I think that’s your fault lunar you kind of flew him into it though ketchup okay I think he’s flying in my camera oh it’s just glitching yeah I

Can’t okay let me let me see what’s happening maybe we should just an act just an actor yeah it’s too much happy yeah get your baby funny and your stuff I can the baby is gone it defines the baby has this bond it probably didn’t look like don’t make

Brought a baby to war see this no ketchup ketchup snot that guy’s alright just write that thinking alright so I think we have like 20 minutes until the stream ends but guys if we had 10k likes right now we will extend the stream for another 30 minutes

How does that sound and we’ll kill jackal this dream cadet Sankei likes will extend it for 30 lunar could you move your dragon out I’m trying to you’re like too much I can’t move they’re really stuck I will get snacks what do you mean you’re on ketchup to

Spy no you can’t Bomi can’t move I think there’s a baby okay so ketchup is like the top feed you go to jail Drago you have to go to jail I’m not going to jail they’re angry shot this matter Robo satsangi likes 49.8 wow those legs

Are fast can we get 10 ok we’ll actually do stuff if we extend extreme instead of going around and breaking into hey yeah food really yep he’s like rebuilding everything it looks cool oh wait wait honesty Jack oh is it Wi-Fi you can burn it no give me food give me food

That’s so cool he’s gonna fix everything happy dumb I don’t have food oh honey also I found this on the floor where your battle was where we hit send key whoo let’s go okay so we’re gonna stop this is swings by where the battle ground was here oh it’s a toy train

Morgan it’s funny you killed Morgan you killed Morgan hey I wonder why Morgan yeah do you really want a rover yeah yeah I mean there’s a there’s a Minecraft comes alone okay let’s go Gold can you want to use the minecraft comes alive command to revive your there oh no

I think it’s gonna crash the service I don’t think no crash no no okay lunar just fell off her dragon come on gold why did you give me this a lot the only food I have okay Silk Route down okay guys back on to actually doing stuff instead of killing each other like

Choco town is getting really we did good we destroyed this you guys can watch the next episode up again alright let’s go we need an enchanting table blah blah blah bragging if we actually travel out right here there might be a dragon but I don’t know guys

We should continue rainbow and all those guards did not help me at all they were useless follow me my people are you guys dead nope okay guys grab your mats and we’re going to continue traveling from grab our what Oh grab materials we continue traveling

From this town we’re gonna go up I’m not see if we got any legs I know it’s amazing right sorry I’m actually eating no yeah she was dude sounds like oh my god I’m gonna go grab something ayyy Me too no no you guys you’re gonna finish whatever now I’m gonna let me you’re not gonna like the snack I’m eating anyway it’s just kale chips no matter the kind of chip really any crunch all right I just heard the crunch guys I don’t have time for your food

Necessity hey you try guys get a hunger okay yo you can all go grab food well maybe if flu nur is illegal but your farm was still alive you all have food all right let’s go travel we need a lot of stuff we have them with Diamond

Thanks for watching are you burnt all my exp hi supposed to travel with no exp care about him it’s fine you can explore the other side of the map that you never explored okay let me kill this polar bear no no no it’s gonna kill remember you

Said on this channel you never give up oh yeah guys it’s time to go exploring can I find you guys where are you oh we’re gonna go through the teleporter and I lost my backpack Oh everything thanks a drakul did we find Clyde no or is that a lost cause – all-stars episode

Lost cause if you like the episode she because war actually no jackals to be in we have to go biting yeah we do well guys it’s time to go in the mines go in guilty guilty is charged you know what you should do what up you should go mining Corey nice oh wait

I want some of those wait dracco you pickled got another smack go get another sector he was gone for so long I know why didn’t you tell us you were getting a snack dude tell me you gave me a snack you know snick no how about you come downstairs

You get this now I’m kidding okay guys let’s go let’s go mining okely-dokely come on Oh clean Oakley and I’m surviving on one fake now I feel like I am a prisoner like a real prisoner hey what time is it for everyone right now oh go and eating

Marshmallows oh I’m jealous Peter I’m jelly where is funny anyways um guys I think we should all meet in the mill sure put them in I’ll bring food please spread I only have blueberries and mingle um butter I would give you food but you burnt my farm butterfly what do

You I said coin not saying use fire charge for now time you get back remaining jackal time will be good as new getting rebuilt disgusting good they’re a bunch of leads hello I am here Xavier all gold his armor a nice lunar we’re besides that the the nursery okay

Yep and the win adopt another baby hi Colin guys everyone adopted baby come on for me one a not adopted baby 526 19 for everyone about around like PMS for everyone so this is like after time oh it’s like God like some people have to go guys if you’re leaving the

Stream early happy holidays we hope you have a happy holidays and Merry Christmas I hope you have a good time with your family and your friends and you eat lots of food for me I’m actually starving right now I’m so hungry I don’t have a pickaxe I

Could borrow mine old is about right here guys where is wait I feel fuzzy you should go fix that track Oh fix it on the stream right yes all right let’s travel this way to the negatives ready hello yeah ready wait where’d you are travelling West

We’re gonna fill up our home huge novels South 7:20 a.m. in Korea right now wow that is early whoa whoa time seems like insane right now it’s like 421 p.m. for us stream is gonna end and thirty 40 minutes yep no wait you mean five no we extended it because

We we started at 130 no no we extended it because we’re raising snacks no I know but started at 1:30 so we should be done at 3:30 I mean yeah okay quit smiling okay quick black no eating and talking with your mouth open we started at 133 ours is 4:30 and then

Another half an hour’s five okay right sure I’m just looking at silly gooses I think you should be low to YouTube timer any few can have food these pretzels tasted wire writing pretzels are you eating kale chips oh my god she’s got a second snack that’s why she was gone [Laughter]

Aren’t that good so I do have something else but then these aren’t that good yeah so it’s like kale chips I don’t like it’s okay well no dyes of vegetables rather you’d like just kale by itself and come into a chip I think it’s wrong [Applause]

Hey guys welcome to the armored to a dude what are you all my can someone help me I’m at the bottom of the cliff please see the action on me it could be track Oh this dragon dragon Oh someone Oh what we got with two weeks come on

Why did you fall into a hole can someone pick up gone I can oh my god I don’t even know how he’ll rainbow just just yet to shift and like there’s a what you’re out of not working out rainbows that yeah Yeah how much HP does this thing have there’s so much Oh might you have next you feel it you married dad thank you totally didn’t want you to die or anything and let you bleed out and probably stop you kill you know okay where’s the rest of the crew right and

Ramos come back here I died maize rainbow still down this yeah she’s hungry i funny after if I have a nice dinner y’all yeah okay I hope it’s good it is wait guys you sure you interested can we 5:23 em 5:23 p.m. in LA there’s so many creepers cool rainbow mini trailer

My rainbow gave me no rainbow gave me granolas for some corn nuts okay don’t touch me while I was getting you snacks oh you’re dying yeah I’m still here by my where they want Oh back to Crewe town just click them at all our horses shouldn’t have died yeah that’s all I

Have to say guys oh no it’s bubbly and the chat saying it’s been hours since I’ve eaten you cut yourself some food go eat something it’s not fun being hungry buta bug yeah yeah and mine credits like bugs but not in real life are you bleeding I don’t know I just

Want to go back to town so that was very unsuccessful let’s never go west again [ __ ] all yours grunting guys you gotta go hungry and you know what eat some food Oh oh my god ones that tick tock me boys so this thing is like I made good for no

Other thing okay for Nolan Minnie is that really good I call this tour not sponsored we just like eating oh and you guys you’re crunching strong hungry and discord everyone said I haven’t ate clearly okay where are we gonna go find Clyde like oh yeah okay let’s go let’s go find Clyde we

Have half an hour with you who is punching munchies so loud did we find already or not got fun Clyde let’s go oh no everyone’s hangry no I know I want food everyone in this porchat hangry Oh something and YouTube thing now I want okay how long like we had like 15,000 people

Watching out straight through but I feel like some of them dipped go eat now we have eleven thousand so how do you guys eat it lady I guess it’s like the stream in so long so yeah there’s manicotti eating tomato ketchup potato chips Angelus I wish wait where’s money and everyone let’s go

Let’s go find classy Nia drags her town way because the town I stole the Waypoint from is near just add search am time then to the Hunts I can’t go to truck Hauser town just towners and shambles I don’t have exp because I have the experience of dying you guys need to

Kill something or if you want we can walk all the way over there no thanks no no no thank you I’m gonna why is everyone in my chat talking about time anyone like I was hoping to see pie in my you know what no one in fact I was

Hoping to see pie in my triggered I like apple pie with ice cream dude I tried for any time letting banana he’s like I was telling the whole crew like each Thanksgiving I was like guys we need to get a pie it’s like traditional can you

Get a pumpkin pie when you get a pie but she’s really annoying about why I never eat she eats one today’s one bite she’s like didn’t I feel it’s not like what I imagined yeah yeah like she doesn’t like it every year but he gets excited to

Have but this year I stopped okay I said yeah you know what I’m not a big fan of it so yeah who likes pie now the chats all about I want food do you guys have enough exp yeah three I need it to be dark

I can go mining to get XP you know that right I know I’m just too lazy ooh exciting news we’re gonna go watch spider-man today I’m excited nobody spoil everyone’s gonna spoil my Oh me guys did you watch it that was it feels no spoilers oh yeah

Everyone keeps hyping it I did and I don’t know don’t you guys think like the animation style like art style is so cool like it literally looks like a comic book I don’t know Oh what did you do creepers keep following me dozen for XP once they don’t like maybe not

Everything maybe everyone thinks they like pie and then a tripod really like me could have done without it could have lived without it you know just scored how you guys feel about pie let’s see what is spider-man looks super awesome do you guys have actually up no mining

Right now oh yeah you don’t need no mining it just come Bob’s there are no moms but most importantly guys what’s your favorite snack time chips potato there is no monsters around here well let’s look for it oh my baby’s ready to grow up baby boom good job baby here’s a joke I’d

Rather have cake why are all my children come down near rainbow what are you drop out I read to Viet if you will never dress up we would have not had to do yeah if he were just minding his own business Yakko and accept it so people are saying

The fade snacks are chips potatoes pizza fries potato chips potato chips are good yeah it’s like literally the only thing we like to eat are you already know just go without like it’s not dark so there’s no mom I’m just minding endlessly his discord saying what’s your favorite type of

Chocolate I’m gonna steal from Fox’s a food ball cuz I need it I’m sorry Fox News take this come on y’all we ready just go without us no no we’re families together I mean that’s the way I’ll kill you fine I’m just gonna you must wait till

Dark we can kill time yeah question you know guys yeah if you have any more remaining stream cut off a little bit but yeah if you have any questions leave comments now this course twitter twitter all that we have like three you ready to find Clyde now all we

Needs is to be dark so we can get X have a little chest high that’s really good now I have more storage Diamond armor beat debate debate the pizza what pizza is a good snack some really a snack it’s food but it’s nice and places what’s

Your food food funny well it’s not a food potato chips I guess I have to choose a like a real food I guess I like sushi big fat how about y’all I feel like the crew are you dead no oh you dig who are you dead okay yeah okay my favorite food

That I can eat forever wait you where do you pee would it be hot wings yeah Korean hop I mean not Korea toffee okay MC hot wings you could eat that every single day in your life just sit yeah wake up in the morning yes KFC colleagues my gosh okay Cassie Holly

Yep alright teacher I don’t know okay Rocco’s favorite food is like depending on his mood it depends on the season okay wait did Lunars their favorite food yet hello hello okay it works oh yeah what’s your favorite foods lunar I like pork dumpling okay she’s a

Fourth baby ready to go it feels like it’s never gonna become night I don’t know what it is I think we should go look for Clyde without them let’s go find Clyde without them yeah you guys just gone just go on the Clyde mission first and it gets dark we will come and

Help fine all right Dracula’s gonna climb missing you leave at dawn okay really now believe now all right Brad razor let’s go you gotta go to dread Whizzer and then you go this way to the old town to the old town where Drago stole the waist ride from the famous

We’re gonna find Clyde bring Clyde back and bring him to court and Justin bye say why were you so hard to fight oh whoa yellow fast the Old Town’s dragon guard Oh oh my gosh it’s burning the whole forest no supposed to burn down for us Rocco

Where are you I’m trying to pass a my mother my mother’s I Monza I’m in the village to the left okay meet me there Rhonda try filling the yellow dragon No amazing hello dragon yeah but I don’t think you want to be friends with it’s burning down the whole forest going to

The old town and we’re fighting Clyde sotell manga could be reunited with her husband everyone is talking about KFC now I have arrived at the old town all right let’s see so our lunar Galaxy asked and you guys do more challenges like in real life

Yeah don’t want to it’s just I want to it’s just like it’s so time-consuming right now we need to get ahead of the videos I know you’re lying it was right wait does it tend to say he’s married to Joanna hey you guys a round of applause you got yeah doesn’t

Look like any of the guards arrived here bar for me amazing back what I can’t see you I see you what up no wonder I don’t make a pitch him he doesn’t look like any of vodka they’re so cool excuse me oh no he actually does not even a guard he’s a

Warrior yeah so his personality is confident he’s married to dominga and his father is Elmer and meta is its alma mater family okay hi what so is that like you gotta tell them that you’re Clyde the mother yeah hello I’m the in-law show-off oh great she’s a Jenna face follow me Elmer and

Clyde and they said brown hair with the green eyes right guys yeah round of applause [Applause] five our meta home og yeah buddy you’re gonna have to sneak me past the dragon well we owe you don’t have that teleportation shrine you lost no you took it okay I’m gonna go tell me

The good news let’s go this is insane lead the way um they’re not following make sure you know what you are letting they follow yeah I am one thing maybe they should do think we need to bring a guard with us though just in case they get attacked

Hold up let me are they following me no why I can’t bring a family of children oh wait they’re not even in the house they’re just oh wait yeah they are wait they’re not in the house oh yeah they’re all right mission let’s go this way you must sneak across Omega we found

Your husband wait where’s dominga don’t kill our husbands Oh Drago oh god this is creeper forest if Clyde tires wing is gonna hate me forever yeah my husband you’re gonna keep running come on guys this boy’s domain is ready in the courthouse Oh stay away from that dragon camp I

Think guys you’re gonna see quite make a celebration have balloons everything Let’s go guys come on there’s so many monsters here as I’m insane we’re almost there there’s a zombie villager no one collects Pete I have exp yeah but they’re my villagers so I got 3 XP ok we need to find Don’t run into the dragon well the dragon will give me a lot of XP No decline Acharya is he getting like they said he was a warrior not a guard well these are spiders This is ami villager whoa what’s that you know what Rocco can you take the back down fired no that’s this that’s the monster forest well I need XP men we’re not supposed to go we almost died in one way or another in the forest it’s already like all right guys into the Better hope you can find your way out of the forest go straight who has Clyde with the bringing back we just need three 3s do you go back just going to where I am I have two Skellington from this way okay we go back home alright

And we have a nice Oaks then we have our XP we are ready let’s go Omega says don’t bring Clyde back home she’s mad at me right now that’s why she left him there okay he’s alive okay let’s bring Clyde Clyde family Clyde and family this is the beautiful home where dominga lives

It’s very nice I bring you a live now we’re bringing you from your nice big home to this forget about your house this is your new house okay let let us show you follow this is it the beautiful Shrek house that we built what don’t Winger what do you guys think of it

Hide the lucky he said that’s layers Clyde is so nice to me man cookies okay so Clyde’s just really nice Wow don’t make us get such a nice skylight it’s true opposites do attract what Oh so Clyde is so nice dominga so mean where is Clyde I have no mingi rebooted

Which ones fine yes this one oh there’s Clyde green eyes there you go mingi stay here good stay in your house and it’s a lot of people living in this overhang okay where’s this family Elmer Elmer okay your farmer you set home move freely and who me meta meta wait where

Is she oh my gosh so many see that’s why he’s this one the one with the bow I can’t believe I found Clyde Thank You fanny you got a good job I really appreciate it I can’t believe we found Glyde oh man so when you take your children on

Adventures they marry people who know no who knew Domingo would find the love of her life on an adventure of Simon’s where’s golden lunar hello I just came back from the other town I’m in jail why why are you in jail you put yourself in jail now you wish I’m sitting Domingues house

Okay guys follow me I think all of the crew we should go to jail let me check um she is I don’t know I need my whistle it’s lost you for the track oh you lost the whistle that will help you find your everyone in drakul in the jail oh yeah

Get rid of to leave her there none of us mr. Scalia I’m trying to yeah don’t you burn it don’t get dry skate wait everyone okay so no one can escape everyone throw all of their armor and their weapons outside right now nothin can isn’t our plan to kill Drago in the jail

I can get you out of jail okay yeah let’s just um do questions we got like eight minutes seven Chaka was in jail now yep there you go everyone’s in jail finally your own reflection you know think of all the trouble you’ve done in crew town right yep yep

Give us some questions y’all give us your question all right look I just caught a lot I’m hungry help I’m gonna die up hi hello do you guys like any cartoons from knave on YouTube I growing up I really like spongebob still love it spongebob would be my fave anyway very fairly oddparents

Yeah fanny phantoms Jimmy Neutron someone’s a Knick fan boy so much more taste in cartoon adventure time we bare bears yeah what a me lunar I have one year old all the time me my child oh yeah I also am a big fan of Looney Tunes gold Fairly OddParents okay yeah does

Anyone remember mega babies oh yeah I talked to you guys make up babies is so funny I love it yeah it will these babies anime I think that’s like everyone I used to watch anime and one of my favorite gundam seed but not anymore they also like inuyasha sailor

Miss bleach Naruto Naruto but that’s probably like the basic Adam and it’s not even like you know you know the new hip and a generation anime oh they also liked Naruto yeah Luna what’s what you said do you like fortnight yes yes Luna do you uh do you have any anime

Recommendations this is the anime reviews channel now go watch my Q&A question look who’s laughing at you outside of jail oh my gosh – what is the most disliked video you’ve ever been in hey that’s that that’s still angry hey that’s a goal I’m gonna go mean

That’s pretty amazing right I don’t yeah the most like such a world record at least when it goes all down YouTube rewind has the most dislikes you know mm-hmm fun story that balance yeah yeah go ahead oh yeah no go ahead and tell your story

I’m gonna say yeah fun story guys so for YouTube rewind it took like a whole day to record it and whatever you saw that that was it but they they told me the bus driver was either gonna be tardy B or Janelle Monae but it turned out it

Was ninja maybe they were trolling you I did like 12 different lines I was like is it gonna be party it should have been Hardy yeah that’s like a little joke that you can know oh yeah go i sal EP said does domain de have a kid oh I’m so

Old now grandma crew crafts is over I’ll be like no to hold out a kite now that you found Clyde you might have a grandchild yeah let’s uh okay I’m just gonna take a peek let me just I see a rainbow how old are you I’m actually 26 not 27 or whatever Okay so you make a baby no baby boom boom baby boom baby on my friend’s dad is cooler and funnier than you are we should read this okay it’s time Eric’s a fly’s Dracul down to what is he immortal yep Rocko here eat some immortality bread well actually I’m not

I go from 1 to 1 months old so once I reach the end of 1 I go back to 1 month are you saying 1 month 1 month you can say I said I like it like that but that’s the thing that’d be so cool if I

Was sitting on a bus with car D but that’s easy yeah even though you really weren’t but if they added it I don’t know if they edited it you know I would yeah let’s see I you guys know I have it we have it sick did you notice how

Domingues watching you yeah Jack oh she’s just laughing at us um Lacey on discard when are you coming out December 25th as a present cupcake said who is your favorite sibling easy question always the same thing I know is good they just like speed questions for the

Last three minutes Jackie O’s a birthday is on May 12 beep-boop send him lots of bread on Twitter um Luna the wolf gamer said could you answer this question please funny uh who is your favorite daughter slash fun in crew cut her daughter has to be dominga because she’s just so

Loved so locked and face your son is the new one I adopted which I told you know his name he’s my favorite Almost done being sick guys Bonnie how old are you I’m 19 you’ll be a grandmother soon I know me I’m gonna be a granny in ah in true craft don’t thing go with my child I’m question from a Oita wolf question for lunar boku no hero Academy our

Foundations so bad okay boku no hero academia or noragami I’ve choosen well you have to choose one because AOA II said so I mean origami huh she didn’t origami okay rainbow cookies or cake cake cake yeah me Kat cake okay did you say rainbows cookies or cake she’s just curious

Cookies over cake get back in jail must be glitching or something I’m a drag we’ll get out of jail it must be glitching I’m in jail are you know you definitely games is he lighting on fire outside oh boy funny just disappeared oh she keep eating Wow Dan guys dies [Laughter]

Why would you disconnect you I don’t care kill it buddy it’s your chance no Jocko why did you escape a cheetah I didn’t escape TP Wow guys come back here that is everything the video three hours in 30 beautiful minutes if you enjoy a team make sure

Stream guys leave a like if you enjoyed um that was a lot of fun next week we are also streaming once again and then yeah happy holidays merry Christmas to everyone good yeah happy holidays everyone keeping from here so no I made that look this goes off anyone go come on

Never catch up bring it home we can’t be trapped someone made it really don’t leave me hey that was me I nearly broke the front door oh now all my traffic well guys goodbye

This video, titled ‘WE’RE ALL GOING TO JAIL! | Krewcraft Minecraft Survival | Episode 32’, was uploaded by ItsFunneh on 2018-12-22 01:41:01. It has garnered 12983181 views and 74752 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:39 or 13059 seconds.

Krewcraft Ep.32: We’re all going to prison… ► Subscribe Today! ► Krewcraft Playlist:

What is Krewcraft? Krewcraft is a modded survival series where Funneh and her crew must survive, build, and explore the magical world of Minecraft.

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THE KREW! Funneh — Rainbow — Gold — Lunar — Draco —

Credits Krewcraft Mods – Minecraft Server Hosted by McProHosting –

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  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

ItsFunneh – WE’RE ALL GOING TO JAIL! | Krewcraft Minecraft Survival | Episode 32