JeromeASF – I Survived 100 Days Against The STRONGEST Mobs In Minecraft Hardcore

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All right I might actually be in trouble this time guys if you know me for a long time you know I’m a pretty humble guy dude you guys are playing checkers me instead are playing Pac-Man we’re on a different playing field than you what’s wrong with should have should have done

One of your talents to give you like strength or something but healing dropsy that way I don’t die like you pushed off the edge man I died from Chorus fruit oh interesting interesting okay oh that’s game oh you yeah that’s game let me tell you what Mister but this time I may have

Gotten a little overconfident and may have managed to paint a big Target on my back so now me and my friends need to prepare for the most ferocious mobs in the game to come after us will we be able to defend against the most overpowered monsters to defend ourselves I sure hope So bro you’re getting a kind of a head start over there man Jerome what’s up well yeah I mean I’m kind of in a little a little bit of a rush here uh you know all right right listen I trust you guys I trust you guys so I I broke into this

Year’s annual meeting of the mobs but the problem is I did it disguised as myself uh and anyway disguised really honestly yeah right I I didn’t think they’d see it coming but uh either way uh I ended up uh screaming at them and calling them weak and basic

What yeah and so uh anyway there may be an army of super mutant mobs coming our way now to come kill us all right good luck guys okay everything strip the town clean check the blacksmith’s house there might be some iron and stuff in there no there

Was only apples no there’s nothing just apples what kind of a blacksmith are you I’ll kill you literally three apples I stole the bread already oh you’re the culprate no it was just bread Steve it was like four pieces of bread there was nothing value in there wait Guys these

People’s houses are made out of wood why would you cut down trees and you just cut down their houses oh way ahead of you on that one they’re probably going to be our houses when we take over wellstead can get this one that’s missing the corners I wouldn’t worry

About it it’s just going to burn down the houses yeah I’m just going to burn it down drone what do you mean look at this guys E I don’t like how the wood pickaxe I was just thinking that this thing is hideous what do they look like

I got Stumpy can’t be that bad oh no they’re bad dude they look Stumpy also I’m using the walls of this guy’s house for the Cobblestone same I can’t believe put us all in danger it’s not that I put us all in danger it was secret agent Jer guys exposed abandoned M shaft that’s big that’s big I just is big I just have to make my way over there without taking too too too much damage also we got to be careful once we’re inside it’ll be great for looting but at the same time a lot of mobs will be

There and maybe even the evil mobs from the mob meeting so uh yeah we got to playy cool got to play cool all right that’s a dead end we’re off to a great start haha not a dead end oh no that’s another dead end all right guys this is

Uh this is not going well this is not going well I mean it’s going fine we could build out to a drum I’m looking over it I’m I’m in the tunnel right now still looking I’m looking at some suspended Parts but yeah just on in dude yeah just jump right down instead you’ll

Be fine yeah yeah just jump right down J yeah let me just jump right down stroll um I’m glad you guys understand yeah you’ll be fine dude you know gravity doesn’t affect stead there’s no gravity in Minecraft what do you mean oh guys I found a cave spider

Spawner and kill it before it’s SP yeah yeah boy kill him before you can call him basic you probably already did at the meeting mon yeah oh the the representation of cave spiders was there they heard it seemed like it was an all-encompassing basic of yeah pretty broad broad Strokes really across

The board I just kind of hit them all with the basic yeah did you go one by one or they’re also going to hit you with a broad stroke drum right across the jaw yeah that’s why you guys are here you’re my muscle body sheld yeah Shields Exactly ah Shrek with the knife mini Shrek with the knife babies no what are you talking about what hell bab not this guy again get get get baby sh of the knife out of here okay cap I I do have a special request for you what

Okay so um I remember the meeting of the mobs I told you about you know obviously because it’s the whole reason that we’re here for this 100 days uh why are you running away from me okay anyway uh I’m kind of scared so uh I I may or may not

Have been bragging to them before I started uh insulting them it told him about that I had a really cool house and cap I’m homeless uh is there any chance I know you’re a good Builder but is there any chance you can build me like the sickest house ever just so that we

Come in they be like wow this Jerry guy is really cool he’s not basic you know what I’m saying okay okay okay tell him I’m hip tell him I’m hips with it and and and down diggity dog I can do that for you Drome but all good things come with the price yeah

That’s why I mind up these four diamonds for you no no no I am not a man of material wants or needs oh thank God compliments you’re cool there you go C the house thanks buddy no no no I require 50 puppies all with immunity from you and every other bu everybody on

The server none none shall die is a reasonable thing to ask but how about we lower that number from 50 50 puppies is how many it takes to kill the warden though and I feel like that’s essential and I I you’re going to have to really

Sell me on less puppies if you want want your cool house is all I’m saying okay how about you can’t adequately love 50 puppies equally don’t you underestimate me bro everyone knows that the the a man is only capable of loving seven puppies equally how about seven no no no no no

You you can’t you can’t take me down to less than like 10% of my puppies like you’re going to have to hook me up with like at least 25 puppies then that can that can take the w down to half health and like we can totally square up with

The warden and it’s like you can’t it’s like you’re going to have to do better than seven is all I’m saying F fine how about this cap what if it’s seven puppies but they will be armored and named armor armor wolf armor oh you drive a hard bargain sir 50 armor

Puppies I’m just kidding I’m just kidding seven armored puppies is enough okay also how did you know that the name of my car was hard bargain hard bargain I thought that was the name your race horse all right you have a deal cap let’s make it happen let’s do It there it is guys the wolf Traders camp now hear me out here we have to be extra stealthy cuz the last time I met him I may or may not have called him basic and got a fight with him so he doesn’t like me anymore okay I’ve been

Having a bad string of things get an AR hey dude how’s it going Steve no Steve how are you doing St no no no drum he just I’m just communicating why are you hitting him he’s such a nice guy take the puppies oh sweet I got coins see you

Guys all right L the C guys so cap here it is in the chest as promised I knew he’d have him right here cap look he’s got name tags for you he’s got wolf armor for you cap you’re missing all the goodies buddy I’m I’m at the goodies I’m

At the puppers who do you think I am bro hold on a second here one 2 3 4 5 seven this is way too many dogs no Jerry run there okay you you only got you kill two there all right that that seems like seven you’re fine

Now cap come on out here buddy and take a look at the goods they are too angry at Jerome now here yeah they’re very angry I’ll make you a little carpet way out of there so you don’t have to you know get them all angry at me again here

Cap until until your boys calm down oh God oh God J it’s fine Jerome kill it oh my God so C here it is Buddy over here go that immunity okay cool here’s all your horse armers wait there’s a perer yeah he’s my baby here let’s see if I I definitely

Want to protect a puer so look look he’s got diamond armor you’re going to burn the cap some of your dogs are bra out bro I’m sorry I didn’t know it worked on the puppies too look at him yeah okay there sit good boys good boys cap that’s

Wonderful look at I actually you know these dogs are not are you burning down the forest no there’s one mode with this guy I swear it’s always arson it’s burn okay soting arson in 1.4 seconds instead are you burning the forest dead standing next to an entire Forest of flame that’s mine no

All right cap so a deal is a deal right you’re going to build a really cool base some when the mobs come to go wow this guy’s really awesome hey man a deal is a deal and I’m a man of my word cap can I have one request I have a request please

Make it fireproof so yeah I was going to say can we make it stead proof you want to protect you want to make it yeah it’s sad when even wants it protected from he just lack selfcontrol he like please all right cap uh sounds like it’s we’re all

In agreement here maybe please won’t make it out of wood or will I who knows whoa this is a lot of work that went into this place hello guys uh did you H Dr did you build this all for me uh stead had a lot of input he he like

He was like let’s make a castle protect us from the mobs I say toally see ste’s influence here I mean it scares them off right yeah but I kind of told them that it was a homie place and that this is you know this is kind of what do you

Mean steadfast is totally a homie well yeah he’s a homie but this is not very H so you want like a couch a TV and everything that’s what you want honestly I think the best thing to do would just be to start from scratch bro you want

Peasant quarters got it no not peasant quarters just not like so you want this made out of quartz yeah I want this to not look like edgy stead made it I want it to look like a home I mean I was going for a fear but okay exactly it’s

Not fear it’s supposed to be like a home you shouldn’t be afraid of your home I’m afraid ofstead in my home you know like New York apartment or are we talking like so you want it cramp I said home not a dungeon Cappy Jesus here I’ll go out and get you some

Materials and I’ll be back okay guys okay okay okay Steve you go ahead and supervise him make sure he doesn’t get trash I got This hello hello oh this is a really cute this is a really cute guest house for my main home this is really nice you’re a SL you’re a Savage get out of my life dude I how can I never get this right for you you’re just like oh I don’t want a giant

Castle but I also want a mansion it’s not that I didn’t want a giant castle I just didn’t want it to look so evil you know how about we have like a big like like imagine this Vibe but just a lot bigger and plus it has like holes in the

Windows there you know I swear to God I’m here I got these for you walls on my Adventures there you go buddy okay okay St C’s going to let the air flow right through J everybody oh I wouldn’t put this down here we’re not going to use this home here we’ll start demolishing

I’m going to kill you kill you I don’t care if it’s hardcore I mean yeah there is one issue we requested it be stead proof true true let it rip stead oh no the roof is already burning the roof the roof is on fire all right well uh here

How about this uh take monk with you Monk’s a good Builder he knows what I’m talking about take monk he’ll up you out me and Steve will keep going out of the Wilderness and uh eating things now you don’t want to stub my toe Again now this looks like what I was talking about Ste are you the alligator in the mode no I’m doing my daily laps drum oh good good that’s healthy that’s healthy Behavior I like Hello Cappy I would like that was not me that was not literally

Me it was Dr it’s not even the right word anymore oh jeez Steve you animal I only picked up one this is beautiful look at this place okay you guys absolutely killed it cap where can we set up shop with an enchantment table and everything dude uh

Right here works pretty good like just in this general area in here here a good area unuse it okay well do you still have it cuz I gave you guys it yeah oh please tell me someone took it from the old home before we burned it down hold on what is this

We I got it on me right here okay so Cap’s okay cap got it cap got it yeah so place it around wherever you want I’m going to work on something really cool guys now I don’t know if you know there’s a ton of different really cool custom weapons like steel Hammer so

Steel Hammer does 12 attack damage 1.2 attack speed and believe it or not it’s actually extremely easy to make steel it is literally just remelting iron again so you smel a block of iron you get a block of steel it’s literally that simple so let me go back out here and

Use one of your blast furnaces you got going here it is one piece of regular there we go oh the full blocks of Steel though do take their time that’s so so slow it’s going to take five ever oh well I guess that’s the trade-off that

You make the good news is though it’s super powerful and largely inexpensive to make this all right well once that’s done waiting and once we get that all made we can go and enchant some of our gear and then from there we can get ready all right so I should have

Everything I need to make the steel hammer and that is going to be way better than our diamond sword like oh my go much Better Way Steve let me go and enchant up my diamond armor here let’s see if I can ow who just shot me in the

Back of the head yeah what the heck who would do that dude I’m not getting any good enchant opportunities with that let’s try the bow for unbre dude what is with these enchants I I’ll just I’ll just throw efficiency on the diamond pickaxe let’s see if that’ll reset some

Of these you could enchant a few books to reset them true true true true here’s like six books dude this is insanity I’m getting no real okay Power two bow now we’re talking now it’s going to there we go got some protection on there steel Hammer okay sharp one yeah we want that

On the hammer Pro two on the leggings all right we’re getting we’re getting the good in chance now hold on a second here and pro two nice all right a sharp Hammer just be an a no I mean Steve why you asking these questions wait wait Dr

We can throw them in the prison we can throw them in the prison wait you built a prison in here no we have a prison though I don’t know I just stumbled across it how far down did you build this cap oh my God don’t worry about it

Wor about it all right Town prison get in Steve I don’t want to get in there wait wait take his stuff this is some prison you got going on here we got to take his pickaxe guys take his life all right guys now all we need to do is wait

For a challenger to approach but all I’m saying is with fully Enchanted gear the steel hammer and Cappy’s dogs on guard I don’t think they know what’s coming their Way guys the first challenge approaches this is the king of the creepers The Eccentric TNT wait cap you don’t want to bring him close by I think we FL I hit him that was a good shot no stop stop hold your fire you oh my God you guys

Are the worst people what we need to do is him because when he blows up at the end he’s going to really blow up wait a minute all right go get get okay so just keep him away from the castle we have a moat around the castle for

He’s bigger than the mo Steve do you not see him if we let up higher will he explode oh he’s coming oh my God he’s rolling rolling at him get away from him get away from him he’s going to blow oh God he’s bringing oh my God dead we’re good well what did

We all learn uh not to trust big TNT shoot first don’t ask questions all learn the wrong lessons go what was the right lesson do you want to tell us the right lesson was wait for the strategy to come in and then we attack on the strategy right that’s going to

Happen guys look at this even though drop’s not here she built a portal for us a wow that’s great of her that’s so kind of her yeah I mean she’s not wrong though to be fair we do kind of need to get get ourselves some netherite scraps

And we also probably should get a brewing stand for the nether fortress so oh God instead it’s necessary no this biome is the worst biome to spawn in it’s fine I brought us beds just in case we need stve don’t you dare I’m staying away from Steve

I I don’t trust him what that uh let me see you know C don’t know and I’m I’m tempted to go explore it but I also don’t want to die but I I know I I got to know is too I’m with you all right

Let’s see how we can get down there is there like a safe way down no slowly but surely sorrow seal okay we are not dealing with sorrowon oh God ow it hurt me already it hurt you okay we got guys I think s seal run spread out try and find

Netherite scraps or a fortress anything it’s better that we want the other way from oh that’s War Forest don’t know exactly what I’m running from sorrow See a fortress I found one all right guys we got to make our way over there so let me go and start collecting this if anyone else has a pickaxe as well help me out just get some building blocks cuz we’re going to need a lot of them yeah I’ll start the

Building process but I don’t have very many blocks so you could have asked I have Cobblestone guys oh yeah to be fair I actually do have Cobblestone too I didn’t even think of that all right cool uh Steve you good over there Steve’s already speed building yeah I accidentally I accidentally jumped when

I should have placed don’t worry we’re good we’re good TR this man try get us kill are we sure we should be the the guy that we literally coined to term Steven it should be the guy who’s building the pathway up for us well that’s all I got so all right well I’m

Going to all right all right we’re okay here guys everything’s going to be fine everything’s going to be fine all right guys we’re almost in I think from here we could probably just yeah mine our way up bust through the wall yeah all right perfect so remember we’re looking for

Blazes so that we can make a brewing stand and other than that I don’t know if there’s anything lootable steal from it obvious obviously I mean it’s usually chest full of like diamonds and stuff here’s blazes all right we don’t need to kill many of them for the brewing stand

We just need like one Blaze Rod really and then from there we need a couple extra blaze rods just to power it obviously so I don’t know if we walked away with like three or four blaze rods I think that’d be fine hey jome Steve bed no beds I I got us beds

Jerome all right I have three blaze rods let’s see if we can maybe sneak one more be EAS easier said than done uh done I literally had it done before easier done than said I had it done before you said easier said than done so I think for

Once it was actually easier done than said Steve drum I heard scary noises coming from that way go let’s go check it out then come on I don’t know what it is but there’s something down here I’m in danger cap I don’t know what Adventure you’re going on but you need

To be careful my man I’m fighting weepers and Griever this is the same block that the SAR seal was in Jerome I don’t think we want to get go in there I think we do want to go in Steve oh uh ow I’m withered okay uh loot around um

Punks really the chest is empty we should probably break the spawner huh yeah yeah if you see the spawner break spawners yep I think we’re in like a very similar dungeon right now dudes yeah I might be in the similar places you guys to be honest but all the chests

I’ve checked so far are empty so I don’t know if it’s a waste of time or what wait there’s an obsidian one right here all right guys let’s just get out of here the chests don’t have anything in it for some reason so hold up I’m blocking it off all right o ancient

Debris oh good good grab cap that’s what we came for also a respawn anchor oh so I don’t need my beds anymore I don’t think you ever did you never did heads up Steve behind you no behind you all right Netherrack geod can you open those

Uh normally that’s what you do with geod it says what could be inside right click holding a pickaxe in the off hand to crack open oh dude what that’s cool all right so we got the pickaxe in the off hand and here we go okay gave me some

Like gold this is cool oh is that is that netherite scrap dude dude it drops netherite scraps too so it drops all sorts of stuff netherite scraps gold we need more of these geod we need a lot more of these geod guys all right split up and let’s find

Them dead why are you staring so menacingly through the other the I don’t know freaking me out man I’m I’m just trying to go home man I was waiting for you all right all right well the good news is we can finally what is the magician oh guys another one how did

They get in I don’t know he’s the magician King there’s a button on the door and he’s the magician King so it’s kind of magical ow I’m on fire oh my God why is everything on fire kind of being a butt you that much dude jome there’s a

Cloud above you ow I he’s in the corner get him the cor dude we’re laying it up look at that keep hitting them in the head uh there’s Shields oh watch your watch your spots he’s in the wall what are we the door down I think the magician King is suffocating Drome look

Up we’re winning wait why is he healing we’re winning we did it he’s not healing stead he’s doing the opposite of that he was healing I saw his oh now he’s dying he’s suffocating in a wall guys he’s like I was saying about these guys uh

What’s the word I’m looking for here oh yeah basic basic and weak all right well I’ll put him out of his misery mine his legs out so he keeps suffocating is he in the ground he is in the ground he has a shield how do we get

Rid of The Shield oh he’s down they’re down get him just keep hitting him yeah any of get rid of the fire so we don’t lose drops here I got this it’s a scripture really he dropped that yeah uh press M to pick magic type hold right

Click and release to use your custom magic what heal mode what that just gave me resistance strength and regen three for 5 seconds what awes that is so strong that’s insane actually thank you Steve we’re going to keep this thing on us all right now to the best part guys I’m going to

Go ahead and craft myself up a bunch of netherite the whole reason I wanted to do that right like the whole reason you’re about to see is that you can get a really good sword called the breaker blade requires a decent amount of the right but it’s all going to be worth it

In the end I hope so it sounds like a cool blade yeah dude so first things first get the full set of armor next thing we need to do is make one big solid block then I need to make a diamond sword turn the diamond sword into a netherite sword and then from

There you infuse it with an entire block to get the breaker blade 20 attack damage 1.3 attack speed look at this bad boy oh my God that thing is so cool that look cool we’re going to be ready for anything that’s thrown our Away all right guys I’m pretty sure the next boss is going to be one of the hyper creepers so we need to be extra careful and I what’s wrong with that pork chop I don’t eat pork I got this you said super careful is the lesser of

The meats h no what are you no no no no no let them let them all right he tried to Dr so anyway guys we need to get ourselves obsidian cuz believe it or not you can actually trap some of these bosses in obsidian and makes it a lot

Easier to fight them and prevents them from you know like blowing up your entire house or anything who would do such a thing stead starters oh that’s so smart Jerome not I’m not the blasting man I’m Hey listen man I am in severely inhibited when it comes to blasting in this

Group let’s let just a of obsidian honestly like having like a stack or so will probably be needed so we’re going to be here a while one and who oh guys did you hear that outside the wall yeah I see it l he approaches all right guys is that a good

Thing get guys surround him in the obsidian like we about shoted on someone who’s the a Ste he’s on you all right right he on me we’re going to need his face his face whoever he’s on stop running so we can surround him monk stop running I did stop running over

Here I’ve got a platform laid out okay you got one bring him over to here bring him over to Cappy here we go you ready you now I’m running again okay I see how Dr there go get yeah get monkey get out there get out there get out of there mon

Get out of there monk monkey why aren you getting out monkey get out we got him trapped now now hit in the head a couple times look at that what a punk this is why I called you all basic what is that what was that that what what is

That oh god there goes Dr yeah yeah there I did go guys oh God I’m in here now oh God H stay Shield Cy just stay Shield he’s angry is he dead I got him guys I got an explosion Blast okay I I I can’t I don’t want to get you guys

But oh you can actually use the explo that’s so cool don’t hit me hit me oh it didn’t even do any damage really did that do damage I half a heart that did half a heart honestly monk I think I saw you at the mob meeting with

The you were there with all the basic guys weren’t you all right good work guys good work clearing it out all right guys these next bosses are not going to be complete Chumps so I want to go to a mansion where I know has these Buffs that we

Could use that’ll increase our attack and range damage we need it trust me St if we don’t get this we’re going to explode you mean like caps trying to do to the base no like having too many spicy burritos on a milk based stomach a milk based stomach What uh guys is that is that the ship from Among Us I’m going where i’mna go I wonder if I can hit it from here straight up the amga ship what what is it doing here you mean that one cat please don’t start a fight with the amus

People oh I’m going to fight them don’t fight the amus people I’m going up he just wants to know they’re pathing I’m going up leave Theus people alone no I got him ow nice do you really really want to go that bad yeah I’m going up there all right you can inconvenience me

And probably stop me out going to use most of my building blocks but I can get there m stop it I’m waiting for one of them to to get immediately like call to emergency meeting J I want to be clear guys I don’t know anything about this

We’re looking for a mansion we’re not supposed to be going I found the Mansion oh you did oh yeah it’s like too bad kind of hard to miss from up here yeah pretty hard to miss yeah all right well uh we’ll consider this a side quest guys

I don’t you just tell me what’s up there um I I only have obsidian all right if I know we were going this high up and would a bought a water bucket I there’s there’s a lake nearby there’s yeah there’s a river you got this Amazon

River come on you you’re good at parkour right jome I don’t know if I’m necessarily good at parkour oh so you’re saying you’re great at great at it dead that’s me oh my God drum there was there was someone in the there’s someone in the navigation

Hold on someone under Dr make sure you ask them all for paing he’s killing me get him I what just happened I got his knife Jerome you’re NE dude are this all good wait these ones are actually not dude so they were straight up an impostor and

The rest of them are all friendly I got the impostor knif what is even happening anymore how much damage does it do five attack damage a all right monk I’ll see you on the other side he welcome to the other side how can I help you oh wait what I didn’t

Realize you were ow all right let’s get to that Mansion come on all right guys here watch out for the Snak Sak oh my did that snake just explode what where are uh where are we exact it’s the to goist oh God blast oh God blast yeah

This is one of the guys I called basic imposter knife yeah this is one of the guys I called basic doesn’t look basic he is though basic told you basic or of magic how Orby is it I don’t know it’s pretty or put the fire oh you can make things

With it never mind well this place is burning down guys yeah good they can put out their own fire I guess we go explore now stop no wait it’s going to burn down the Giant chicken guys no what do you mean it totem of undying ooh that’s pretty good actually

How did I and then someone stole it ooh there’s another chest over here o golden apples a wet stone increases melee damage by 15% I got one of those as well yeah that’s what we need keep looking keep looking there’s got to be more you would think these guys would put out

Their own fires by now instead I don’t why I would I would totally love a fireman like mob like a Snowman fireman guys I got a wet stone as well but even better than that I also got another totem of undying a notch apple and I got a sharp bone which increases projectile

Damage so oh I also got a sharp bone uh I’m going to use the melee damage one is anyone here prefers range damage cuz I can give you the sharp bones I’ll go I’ll go with range and l cap you have this lovely gentleman behind you get

Slapped nerd you hit me too were you talking to me or the Vex yes I found a button I I don’t true like I don’t know does do you think this has anything to single button yeah it’s just a single button in a chest I mean it just says Stone button

I don’t yeah it was just in here I I don’t think it yes then I don’t think it does anything oh my God this whole place is burning this is fine yeah who who could possibly have ever caused that in our group look I was told that they put

Out their own fires dude I think it was Steve I don’t know who told you that dead look out oh thank you Dr you saved my life first time for everything it’ll last I think the stones buttons in here telling me to take an L here D I found I

Found a chest of St button I found the one over there yeah I I’ve seen they’re everywhere dude for some reason they put Stone buttons in chests I don’t know what it means yeah but this one was just in the shape of an L well by by Minecraft Gods yeah hold it

That Monk has anyone tested or checked out the bottom floors here a little bit but I don’t think there’s much yeah that’s the impression I’m getting as well yep empty chest all right I think we’re good to leave guys we got enough wet stones for everybody that’s kind of

The uh only reason we came who’s that who’s what I I think we got a neighbor coming over oh no no no no no no no no close the door what you mean the door close the gates IED it a cap oh he’s already he’s right down here

That’s why he’s too close the super skeleton wait wait what I wasn’t even going to jump down in him is he this guy’s quite dumb all right you just keep hitting yeah he’s very dumb very beefy [Applause] though hold up no no hold the phone hold the

Phone no he spawns illusioners we can grind him for totems of undying oh Mye this guy is the most basic mob we’ve ever fought I thought he was supposed to be tough Jerome I thought so too but then again I didn’t call them basic so I

See why you called them basic now yeah dude imagine these guys have an annual meeting you know what annual meeting to be basic H evil things mostly being basic I’ve been thinking about not renewing my membership to be honest you they made you pay for a membership of

Course I have a membership how else I get in your basic no he left because they’re all basic and he’s extra it’s hardore mode I’m about to send you to a different realm pal oh he’s in the house bro that’s our house that’s great no but

We can’t that just open the door dude I didn’t know you could from the other side you think we getting back in this I don’t know breaking it I mean I wouldn’t put it past you animals what do you mean that that felt very targeted stead F

Just because you are doesn’t mean you are all right what is that even means that that statism just because you are the way that you is doesn’t mean I just want this battle so stops it with whatever talking bad guy does not mean he is bad guy all right guys walk like

Duck if you duck not duck he dropped something here he dropped an energized bone which can be used to craft a bone staff or skeletal boots with plus seven armor equipped to gain higher agility passively heal the guys I want this uh okay so all I need is netherite scraps

We have that ingots we have that bone so all right give me a second to get all this stuff together I’ll be right back all right so I should have everything I need for this so we got the iron boots here use the energized bone

And boom there it is now I want to see real quick I think I’m pretty like positive here I can actually enchant why is there a zombified piglin that just tried to don’t worry about it kill him I don’t even knowmore just accept Bob all right a you actually can’t enchant him

But it’s pretty cool I mean you get equipped to gain higher agility and passively heals the wearer so you know what I’m pretty happy with that and here we go boom and now we get some passive healing a little bit of higher jump and faster speed not

Bad you know guys it’s been a while we still haven’t seen the super zombie and he’s the last of the representation so I don’t really I don’t know what’s going on but seems kind of weird is he really super groom the skeleton was no to be

Fair I don’t think any of these guys are super I think they’re super basic but otherwise no I don’t think they’re super at all scatting The Horizon that did you put that chest down there what chest that chest I thought that was your mailbox Dr mailbox we don’t have a yeah

Some dude came by and put stuff in there the mail has arrived I I thought you had a mailbox Dr I hate it here there’s a lot of books here book and ququ wait Jerome all right let me see this one challenge a Jerome ASF you seem

To be confident in your base of safety but do you think you can defeat our strongest creation the super zombie in the end after from your base you have deemed us basic and weak but perhaps you are the true it said I might be the truly basic and weak one our super

Zombie has already dispatch the Ender Dragon so your battle will not be third partied go and face our champion if you dare first of all I don’t like the tone they took there there’s nothing wrong with third partying a fight as as you know as as my secret nickname uh third

Party man is it really a secret all right let’s go find the we get up to like fifth party man cuz there’s five of us and they only challenged you you know guys I’m beginning to think you guys don’t want to have adventure fun caught you thinking all right guys remember this is

Hardcore mode so there’s no respawning if you die in the game you die for real so everyone ready to get through yeah oh yeah I’m ready all right I’m a little scared uh anyone need a totem I have four I got you six I’m good thanks you

Were crouching I was hoping to knock you in let’s get him guys remember Crouch as soon as we oh we’re fine we’re fine yeah we’re fine the mobs were here before us remember no dragon even uh yeah I think we’re okay I meanie the baby zombies can’t be it is

That him over there where that is him I see him oh the guy with the blue yeah get him just hit him a bunch of times get him pile on him also I’m going to eat up my Notch Apple because why not is the final oh my shield is taking a lot

Of damage well that’s what you get for your Shield instead of a totem of undying all right fine you have a totem of undy oh my God this guy spawns a he’s weak but he does spawn a lot of creatures yeah does anyone have a bucket

Of water tired of this okay oh monk yeah good call good call Captain I always bring water to the end you guys SM did someone just proc a totem no I think that was I think that’s my book I I have a book that gives me strength and

Resistance like it’s totem he’s halfway dead this guy’s a jump weak and basic he just regen what yeah look look at his house and his arm changed color oh it must be and there’s one thing I know about boss battles they have multiple St oh dang St

Good job Steve you’re calling me basic stay in the water stay in the water stay in the water he can’t get us in the water you can’t tell me what to do you well when Steve got one shot monk yeah oh Jesus CH walk back back walk back

Wait monk try and stab him in the back with the impostor knife yeah get him oh he regen again his leg changed great so I mean if there’s one thing I know about arms and legs I think he’s only got one more left I don’t know about that one okay

He’s so low back up finally yeah g g well guys looks like we proved that the mob Association and Steve are all basic let’s head back home and say goodbye to our base guys I would Lov You oh guys is that giant baby Shrek with a knife he’s returned

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days Against The STRONGEST Mobs In Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-10-02 22:02:20. It has garnered 34738 views and 1858 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:45 or 2445 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days Against The STRONGEST Mobs In Minecraft Hardcore Buy My Shirts: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord here: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY CHANNELS 🎮Roblox – 🎮Gaming – 📸Real Life – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW ME ✅ ➡️ Follow me on Twitter: 📷 Follow My Instagram: 👍 Like me on Facebook: 📱 Check out my Snapchat: JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Friends @sitemusic88 @CaptainBlastem @dropsyasf @Monkey1n2 @SteadfastGamesYT ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #Minecraft #JeromeASF ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Production Music courtesy of

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  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

JeromeASF – I Survived 100 Days Against The STRONGEST Mobs In Minecraft Hardcore