just peachy – LET’S PLAY: MY SERVER 🔴 Minecraft Livestream

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Thank you Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign I don’t want to be a streamer anymore hold on hold on I got a new husband this is what I get yeah I hate it by training right Yeti which is my my mic it doesn’t take up my mic that picks up my headset so when I plug in my headset

With a cord like oh yeah you have a headset but not a mic so it’s like they might just disappear from existence like my poor Mike give me some mic left please sorry guys hold on give me a second I’m trying to figure this out I I am technologically challenged

It’s difficult for me audio wait did I fix it ah oh my God I think I fixed it oh my god I think I’m a pro oh Dawn wait I think I fixed it I don’t know what I did but I think I did okay I’m so done with this I’m so done

I need to turn this down foreign welcome to the stream I’m so sorry that took so long um to give you guys a little update of what happens basically I got a new headset and I there’s no way to connect it through the cord it only works like

Through Bluetooth at the moment for like streaming and stuff I’ve tested it multiple times and it’s it’s a pretty difficult connection um I may have to end up returning these headphones because as great as they are they do have a lot of technical issues and I don’t really know what to do about

That because I’ve never really had to return an item on Amazon so quick but yeah um figured out how to stream with them though so that’s a plus I’m so sorry for the weight also thank you Sophia Marie for 10 gifted memberships I’m sorry about the late thank you but I was so

Busy I didn’t even see it thank you so much let me know if you guys can hear me okay because I can’t hear myself I have a feedback setting on my mic where I can hear my own voice and hear how loud I am and hear everything in the background so

It really helps with that but I can’t hear myself so I like if I get really close like this so I’m like I’m like oh my God how close am I really getting to my mic you know so let me know if I accidentally give you guys ASMR anyway so today we’re

Going to be doing a little bit of building and upgrades here and we’re also just gonna be looking over some different builds that I am planning to do and you guys are also going to be helping name animals so if we come over here um oh wait you know what

It was over here so this is like Rachel’s little ex like uh what would you call it experimental rabbit breeding area I forgot the word brain empty I can hear you great okay perfect thank you hi everyone I’m sorry I didn’t say hi to everyone it was a

Very very stressful moment for me peachy spawned the Wormy the Wormy spawns the Wormy spawns you want to see the Wormy look at the wormy’s still over there like a little ornament like a little Chandelier also I brought Sushi over here do you know how Sushi got over here

By the wagon do you guys want to see my new wagon horse do you guys want to see Hagrid the the Discord members got to name him this is Hagrid that’s Hagrid just editing the music because it’s I forgot it’s like a louder song

So you guys may be able to maybe able to hear that really well so this is Hagrid the members on Discord if you guys are a member on my channel and haven’t accessed my Discord I do have a member area where I give like polls and stuff so

This is Hagrid and he’s my new driving horse and I taught him how to bring the wagon over he’s really nice and then we have this big boy rabbit over here do you guys see how big this rabbit is and he is a year old and then where’s the female

That’s the male this one’s the female she’s pregnant currently so she’s pretty close to having babies you can see this little white meter is like how far along she is and this little black meter right up above here like the little Gap is how much time she

Has left she doesn’t have a lot of time left before she has babies so I kind of sort of have to build something for her before she has babies um I don’t really know where to put it I was thinking of putting it over here but

I was like you know what I don’t know like a cute little like garden and like rabbit area I think that would be the cutest thing and then when the server eventually does open we’re not even going to talk about the server opening plans because I feel like every time I

Talk about it I get stressed but when the server does open I can like distribute little exotic bunnies to the world you know yeah name a rabbit big chunker oh my God we should go look at what you and Rachel named the rabbits because I’m kind of curious let’s see let’s see

Val and Rachel named these rabbits where are they at where did she put them did she put him in here no these are her OG rabbits OMG no no I’m sorry you’re being exposed today I don’t even know where she put them so I think you’re safe for now like I don’t

Know where she put him off to she may have put them in another place temporarily I know this is her cat room oh my gosh wait no is this them okay so this is uh CPS this is oh Missy moo I named Missy moo Hopper carrot okay never mind those are

Not them one of them is named CPS though I want to say where’s tax fraud I want to see tax fraud where’s taxify the rabbit I just saw him yesterday okay you guys are safe for today also this right here is like the the mama and this is I think the baby

Yeah this is the mom and then this is the baby like look at the size difference between those two it’s crazy I mean it is a it is a bowl so anyways we’re gonna go back to the show bar gnome how’s everyone doing today though what do you guys plans pedicurious

Who stable that was Rachel stable um she’s building on my VIP she’s a long time friends so I let her build on my VIP world did she move them she may have yeah because I know she wanted to make like an actual rabbit area credit card debt oh my gosh yes

I will do that okay do you guys remember how long it took me to build this place like I keep on forgetting that it took me to it took me a long time to build this place and I I get I forget sometimes on how long it actually took me to like

Even just decorate this place like it took me I think like five or six streams to do everything but I don’t know it felt like it was such a long time ago even though it wasn’t only the OG’s remember but like that’s the thing is whenever I

Go back and look at my show Barn streams whenever I’m like feeling like unmotivated and I’m like I need to build but I don’t want to and then I go back and look at myself I see so many like you know names and stuff that I still see today and makes

Me really happy we’re gonna have a little wholesome moment a lot of you guys have stuck around for like the longest time and I promise this isn’t like a I promise isn’t like a I’m quitting like bye but it’s just like a wholesome thank you moment of people sticking around and

Being really supportive and I don’t think I’d be able to continue doing this without the people who joined my stream time and time again so can you show around the place I actually have a um barn tour that’s up currently so if you want to go look at that you can I’m not

Going to be showing around the entire place but it’s this is it like you know from the map view it’s a pretty big place and then I have like a little cross-country course that I’m gonna be um finally building what I’m doing today is I’m going to I

Guess I just decided to build a rabbit hutch over here I don’t really know or a rabbit area I don’t know if I’m gonna be building a hutch as much as I’m building like a little area for them if you guys are in support of that unless we can do something else

Um and then in a little bit I’m gonna bring Hagrid back over to the ranch in his wagon because I’ve decided to keep him over there for now um because that’s the full and Mama horse pasture he’s in so foreign am I going to yes I will be riding a

Little bit later in the Stream I’m sorry for those who are waiting for me to ride right now I just I want to get some building done as well so if you guys are not into building I’m sorry how did you get world edit to work with swim mine won’t work

Um you have to install the right version which I’m sure you’ve done before um I always just get on and do slash wand and test it like that because if if it doesn’t show up when you do slash wands then you know you did something wrong Foreign Like a hydrotherapy I do not that’s actually a good idea to make something I was thinking of making something like over in this corner that could be a good idea though have like a water therapy start right here right and then like wrap around and the exit to be right here

That could be a good idea I didn’t even think of that see the thing is is I don’t know if the genetic animals mod I don’t know if the rabbits like naturally breed and I’m kind of scared that I’m going to put these animals in this Garden on you know on

Chaperoned and then I’m gonna come back to a bunch of baby rabbits but I don’t think they do what if they do I don’t know I’m gonna do a mixture of this brush cylinder we’re gonna do um and then we’re gonna do a little bit

Of gravel sorry if you guys can hear my phone buzzing I need to meet these guys I got added to a group chat get out of here I I’m not mad that Emma’s added to a group chat by the way it’s it’s people that I know but it’s still like so much

Notifications so many oh that’s why it’s not working hi soosh oh my gosh ASMR time come here come here come here wait okay no hold on wait wait wait no no we need we need Sushi ASMR while looking at sushi here’s little sushi and then here’s Big Sushi oh no sushi

You hit the mouse you hit the hit the mouse good girl yes provide me content turn to the mic make them subscribe no kidding that’s horrible manipulate them I’m sorry I always love to include her in the clutter in the mix who am I riding later I’m not sure I’ll figure that out

Okay we got that done and we’re gonna go over here is this your main Barn um I don’t really have a main Barn to be honest So currently I have two barns I have um the ranch right over here and then I have my barn this is Rachel’s Barn

And this is Joel and Jessica’s Barn um Jessica just got her PC to work so I’m sure by next week she’s going to be working on it more because she’s out of town at the moment ah thank you I’m not here yeah honestly it’s scientifically proven that uh cat purring

Can be a stress reliever so I’m happy I I could relieve somebody else’s stress is this a flat world no it’s actually a Minecraft World with just a place is removed for building so also we’re going to ignore the flat tree right here I’m going to be removing this

Tree later but um it’s just like a Minecraft world and then I just pasted stuff in the place there are some inconsistencies like right here for example there’s like a biome like switch I don’t really know how this happened right here but other than that it’s a pretty pretty nice

Minecraft world but no it’s not a flat world I don’t really like flat worlds I just feel like you could world edit a blank space and then build so I don’t know let’s find leaves I think I’m just gonna put these guys is it six did I say yeah foreign tree honestly

Um I have two two barns but I’m building some more in the the schematic world for other stuff need that uh oh are these erasing are these leaves erasing please no oh foreign yeah they are oh my gosh okay we’ll just do that for now leaves go bye bye I don’t know why

They’re going bye-bye though okay we do need to clear out some of these trees anyways because I need to make a space for the rabbits and their areas so it’s okay that some of the trees go bye-bye um I’m like oh you saw Avatar 2 oh my God

Such a good movie I think Avatar 2 is one of my new favorites I don’t know like cinematically it’s just so peaceful so so peaceful so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to we’re gonna gate in this area we’re gonna take away this tree because it just doesn’t match up

With the lining there we go it’s kind of blocking the lining a little bit you know what I think that these no they’re not okay sorry I’m gonna change the setting it’s annoying yeah I will be adding um the leaves in custom in just a second kind of put Bears alongside here

Yeah don’t give any spoilers from someone who almost got spoiled almost had the movie spoiled for her do not get spoilers without spoilers the movie is so much better oh my gosh this is like a Claire’s type song sounds like something you’d see and Claire’s

Um I have a mods video where I show all the mods I use it’s called my mods list if you want to go look on my channel and I also have them listed in the description as well and I also have a curse words page

So if you want to go and look at my mod pack that’s all the mods I use yeah there’s still a lot of development that’s going on in the server um for the members who haven’t seen I’m going to be posting it today on the mem or a members tab members tab

Um I’m gonna be showing you guys the world that is being built right now for the server for the survival part my goal with the survival part and I’m saying this very lightly because there’s still a lot to be planned and I don’t want to solidify anything so what I’m about to

Say don’t take this as oh my gosh it’s gonna happen I can’t wait you know but at the same time I do want you all to be excited I’m planning to make like a big explorable world with like different areas maybe like a few kingdoms that type thing and then

Like areas for you guys to go and take your little pixelated horse and RRP and have fun with friends and go explore and ride around that’s what I hope to have because I feel like especially on different Minecraft servers we don’t have a lot to the servers

And I mean I say that with full respect to everyone who has a Minecraft server because it is very difficult to own a server I don’t even have people on my server yet other than close friends and trusted people and I’m already like I don’t know how I’m gonna do this scary scary

So that’s my goal with it um there’s a lot that’s being built at the moment um I’m showing members today I’ve already shown on the Discord but I’ll show on the YouTube Community tab since some of my members can’t and don’t have Discord um I’m having a special little

Terraformed map part put into the server it has like amazing structures but I’m only going to be showing the members at the moment because there’s no reason to show anybody else because the members are going to be the ones accessing the server um but I don’t want to give like an

Estimation of when the server will be done because I don’t know and I don’t want to get anybody excited and then wanting to buy the membership and then they can’t access a server once they bought the membership like that’s the worst thing I that I could do is

Give you guys hope that the server will be released like tomorrow and you guys are like oh my God I need to buy the membership and then you guys feel scammed like that is not what I want to do um I understand a lot of people just

Want to become members to access the server and that is perfectly fine like completely understandable no shame in that no shame in that love we’re building a rabbit Garden I probably won’t spend a ton of time on this because I want to get onto some other things in the Stream we’ll also be

Looking at my Discord server um the Minecraft area I know there’s a lot of updated swim horse photos so we’re going to take a look at that as well we have to do it this way also for those who haven’t seen um I did put a notification on it

About it in multiple places um I do have some voice actor opportunities provided in my voice acting channel on Discord I think it’s a good idea for those who are wanting to get experienced in that and want like an opportunity for that wait that’s not what I wanted to do

That’s genetic animals mod all of my mods are in the description I recommend going and looking at that so you’re not confused or anything look at that shine from here oh it looks so magical already Okay so we need to put a lot of grass oh actually

Oh what did I just type hello we need grass air there we go so you have space for other things too like flowers we love flowers also another thing I hope to implement on the server um obviously like later when I have the time to plan out mods because I do want

To get a few mods developed here and there they are expensive I looked at some of the pay rages for the mods that I found online or the developers I found online they are freaking expensive but they do a good job so like it’s you know

It’s very obvious why they get paid what they do but I just don’t have the money for it right now but once I do I want to get like a development made for cattle and stuff and like selling cattle and stuff like that um people listing cattle online maybe like

A little auction thing I’m really excited for that like a little Marketplace and also a calendar system I think that would be really fun if you could like log on and figure out you know what kind of shows are there today and all of that because not a lot of

People like just to go online and stuff and look at that um gonna get all of that done because there’s no like working calendar system for 1.16 or 1.18 okay so we have all that done let’s put this up against the path a little bit we’ll make little decorations

Did you mean late Laurel or are you just apologizing okay I was like are you apologizing because you’re white hold on okay sorry sorry yeah and like I also want like different themes for the calendar so the GUI menu can look different like someone can have a different theme for their calendar I

Also want a mod this one will be a little bit tricky and probably pricey I want a mod that oh oh my gosh the babies I’m sorry I’m distracted give me a second oh this looks just looks like my rabbit Daisy when she was born oh my God

I don’t have Daisy anymore she passed away but it looks like her and look it’s a little blue-eyed baby do you even have blue eyes where did the blue eyes come from okay sorry I got distracted let me build their little area so they can Venture freely

I am gonna make a few like areas back here for them to not run around freely for some that are like babies or something you know anyways so um what I was trying to say is I want a mod that’s developed to kind of design the swim horses a little bit with like

Like Awards and stuff their earnings kind of basically just show like the show side of the server but I also want ones that like show what stage they are in a competition like you have a different like maybe like how do I say this they basically just show like the

Progress the horse has made um I also want a mod that could this is completely separate to the idea of the other one a mod that also has like new ways to train certain animals not just swim horses but like genetic animals vanilla animals and stuff like a training area oh my God

Value shed I’m tempting you right now so there’s a lot of things in mind that I want to get developed for this server but at the same time I’m kind of I’m kind of cautious on it because I’m like that’s going to be not only a lot of

Money but it’s just gonna be very difficult to try okay so we’re gonna put the mama and babies in here for now because I don’t know where else to put them we’re also going to remove this you know what I’m gonna do I’m gonna settle a pad grid come here Hagrid

You’re gonna transport the bunnies over there for me this may be a long shot and this may be overdoing it but I’m gonna bring him and trans get him to transport over the bunnies okay hi Joel welcome to the Stream but yeah I have a lot of other mods in

Mind that I want developed but like there’s a difference between wanting them developed and actually you know making progress and contacting developer and getting it done and then paying the insane amount to get it developed um and I say that with like full you know love towards developers that work

Hard to make different mods for different people you know they work hard and they get paid for it so they deserve to be paid the price that they charge sometimes I did see some mods that were really overcharging but at the same time if that’s what they believe they need to

Be paid then can’t really fault them on that all right Hagrid we’re gonna back you up here all right all right Hagrid my boy Hagrid’s a good boy okay all right I have a video coming out with Hagrid in it okay so you’re the dad you’re not coming with where’s the mom

Was the Mumsy this is the mom because it’s following them around or it’s it’s being followed around come here you are so cute oh my God you’re all so cute come here everyone’s going on Mama wait actually I need to place Mama down first oh my God please

No I actually put her down please it’s so difficult to put pick them up with all this grass why is it putting her down please she has her little collar on so I know it’s her hi little baby you’re going on Mama oh I can’t put them on Mama okay so

They’re going on Hagrid come here oh my gosh please you’re also going on Hagrid oh I can’t wait yes I can okay that one’s on Hagrid where are the other babies Liv sadly I I built it with a lot of mods that are included I’m pretty sure you’re safe to take out everything

Except for supplementaries swdm SUV LM and swem and then world edit I think you’re safe to take everything out you can always just take everything out except for the ones I just listed and see if it works and just have like a backup if you need to come here

Okay I really like this one I really like the little lining on it we’re doing a little little baby bunny stack right now hello I’m gonna bring all of them over there hi Acorn welcome to the stream are you a fine Acorn don’t worry excuse me hello

Okay well that didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped oh my gosh this is so difficult to pick them up come here okay come here okay I can only stack a few amount of them okay we’ll just go with that for now and then we’ll come back for the others

Excuse me I don’t want to hurt you guys excuse my stay in there okay we’re bringing mama and two of her babies over with Hagrid it is a stack of it’s a stack of baby bunnies actually I think this rabbit right here is a full-grown rabbit I’m pretty sure

That’s just a full-grown rabbit I don’t think that’s one of her babies oh thank you wolf hi can I pick you up please oh or just pick up the entire cart that’s fine too come here mamas no you can’t run you can be let out when your babies are

Grown up okay you need to nurture them for now okay and then you need to come down why aren’t you being picked up thank you I know that’s a baby that’s definitely a baby okay I’m sorry that’s not a foregrine rabbit hi okay we’re gonna go ahead and put this

Down and we’re gonna get an animal cart because I feel like that may be better I think you can stack multiple animals in the cart don’t rear like that please Hagrid oh we have that glitch again there we go oh my gosh vowels on the world hello Val

Yeah I only read marketing for swim and I only create content I’m not not in charge of swim I don’t develop some so if you have any problems with swim itself you need to go to the Discord please and thank you okay let’s get the babies I was tempted by bunnies

That’s how to get Val online just show baby bunnies oh my God please it is so difficult to you know what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna leave them all over there it is so difficult to select them when there’s grass in the way oh my gosh come here please come here please

And there’s one more baby over here oh that’s a blue-eyed baby this is right here this is the male rabbit so that’s a full grown rabbit that’s the one I was talking about earlier but I thought one of the babies was that one yeah the wagon is ass sticker carts

It’s also in the description the harness has swim hello oh it’s in the wagon now okay sorry I’m getting used to the hotkeys I’m clicking the wrong ones over and over again there we go all right the remaining babies and you know what I did I think that this big

Boy over here deserves to be in the rabbit little area too this one was meant to be put in this pasture to be with the foals by the way so that’s the reason I’m not bringing him I promise he has a place here oh please why can’t you get on the horse

Thank you okay we’re gonna bring all of these rabbits over to the little rabbit Garden area which I will be designing in just a little bit the flowers are not a mod they’re texture pack they’re also in the description oh no come here come here

You can’t get away that fast see what I love about the big rabbits is they can’t run fast they have to go kind of slow okay I thought they were that they were disappearing how are you guys doing back there a little glitchy that’s okay we can deal with that

Gonna Park that right there I’m actually gonna move this out of the way really quick to stay off the path we’re going to close this we’re at 90 viewers hello everyone hi Scarlet thank you so much for joining I know big chunk he’s he’s scary but I promise

You he’s he’s a good rabbit he’s the father to these babies what is that what is that song um it’s cuff and season but all the girls that needed a big boy I want a big boy I want a big boy is Val here Mal I don’t think Val’s here hello

No Val is in here I was lied to okay well that works too no do not hop away with your friends you guys are not making this getaway come here you’re going in with your mom and your dad oh my God this one’s so cute please thank you

Okay all rabbits are in all rabbits are good and accounted for it now we need to name them this one’s this one’s big chunk um you guys can’t hear in-game noise and it bothers me a little bit but I think that’s just because of my my sound settings

And I don’t know how to change those hi KS welcome to the channel big chunk you like the name big chunk I’m so glad I love the name big chunk for short oh I can see her in the background I don’t like that stop sneaking up like

That why you look like that yet come here come here wait I need to get the the special weapon come here oh you can’t hear it you can’t hear the noise no uh wait I’m so sad you can’t hear the noise oh I’m a murderer I’ll take the XP though gladly

Wait if you like put this on can you see through it oh yeah I think I can have that bag you can have the pan too actually do not have the pan open around rabbits if one hit and those rabbits are gone okay so we have big chunk

Why did I do that by accident oopsies why did I do that by accident wow that’s a statement why’d I do that we’re gonna delete the grass around here so I can actually select the baby bunnies oh I’m gonna make sure they’re not there when I hit because I don’t want to

Accidentally hit them oh well Val’s watching okay hello Val hi baby bunnies hello hi okay how’s my look at how small mama is the baby bunnies are almost as big as her wow look at this tiny baby bunny look at her this is the mama and these

Are the babies and that’s the dad like imagine how big the bunnies are gonna get oh my gosh can I name one of the rabbits Wilbur of course is this like the for like the streamer dude we’ll burst it that dude you know this looks like a Wilbur

Girly we can name one girly Um this one kind of looks like a little a little girly will they be as big as chunks see that’s the thing that’s the fun of genetics we don’t know we don’t know if they’ll be as big as big chunks so like if they are My ears [Laughter] thank you for subscribing but oh Lord my ears hello wise subscribe so loud I’m scared to test it oh buy your drums why was that so loud in my headset was that loud for you guys too okay well either way thank you KS for the subscribe Darby

Has a ring to it I like it which one of y’all is gonna be Darby you know I feel like this one’s a Darby we like Darby um which one’s the gray one this one right here that one’s like this one which one is this one the gray one I think you met

This one right I have zero space for them how do you get the heart I copy and paste it Ctrl V Princess Peach good idea uh oh I forgot to add the heart I’m gonna add like genetic genetic one or genetic one um like first first line symbols to them soon I’m

Going to name this one Princess Peach name one pillow okay sounds good enough um you know what the mom’s name is gonna be pillow anyone Lily um I don’t know how many I have left I don’t even think I have any lefts uh oh I don’t have any left to name

Let’s go find the other ones to name really quick Val State you can stay or come with me it’s up to you I’m not gonna tell you to stay there I know there’s rabbits over here I’ll name this one Lily I’m gonna bring these with me

I’m not gonna fly them through the air don’t worry I’m actually going to manually walk them if anybody’s like no peachy don’t do it don’t kill them I promise I won’t I’m just gonna be bringing them with me I’m Gonna Leave You here you’re supposed to be in this pasture

You’re also supposed to be in this pasture you’re coming with me these are all the Exotic ones we found oh these are like new babies these were just bread I’m Pro bodysitter okay this is the other big big baby foreign these are all the Exotics we found come on let’s go guys

I’ll come back and grab the other ones that I missed in just a little bit I’m not too worried about them this is going to be a little bit of a process guys you’re gonna have to we’re gonna have to do this slowly I’m sorry I’ll look through the names in just a

Second let me just get them there first this is genetic animals mod all of my mods are in the description oh block where’s Val you need to join a call so I’m literally you know what I’m going in my brain right now just to stay entertained I’m going to

I’m in staff call Val please I’m literally so bored like my brain is just it’s on autopilot right now please don’t spam the names I can see a couple of you guys spamming the names please don’t do that um only a few of my trusted mods are allowed on the server

So just because you’re like added to the mod team doesn’t mean you’re allowed to the server accessible to the server look at this little bunny Army we got going on hi Val oh wait I can’t hear you hold on why can’t I hear you play some video input oh no

Can you hear me yes I can hear you oh my gosh thank God okay I think my sound settings are just really messed up fine no it’s I say that so sarcastically at this point that’s like my [Laughter] Riley don’t jinx it how can I kill one

Of them how can I kill one of them I’m making sure you don’t kill one of them uh you want to bet no I’m kidding I’m sorry I’m not the fan right here oh no not the pan okay the entrance is over here this is the only way because I can’t carry

Multiple that would be so cool though like somebody can put them on my shoulders but if you walk underneath a tree it’s done they’re dead they’re gone okay we’re just gonna release these guys into the garden but first i’m gonna tie them up hear me out I’m gonna tie them

Up and I’m gonna name them and then I’m gonna release them into the garden so once they’re named they’re released into the garden to have their nice little rabbit lives why can I not tie them to this oh my gosh thank God all right so let me go through the name recommendations

Please don’t repeat them because I see them up in the chat how long are we streaming I have no idea all day for 12 hours straight no um Dobby yes I support that decision you you want to help me pick which one Dobby is since you’re the the Harry the Harry Potter nerd

Me do you like Harry Potter um this one right back here you know this brown I don’t know bunny colors but the brown and blue this one yes all right be free oh wait do we have to put a collar on him should we put a collar on him

I’m gonna put a white collar on the females and a brown collar on the males just to keep them separated what are you oh you’re a boy perfect it fits your free house self Dobby oh look at his little ears oh that’s so cute they’re like they’re like our

Brother and please bring him back my brother in Christ oh this one’s so cute oh I love it look at his little nose oh it’s a little boy too okay so let’s find a name for this one um name one Samsung fridge you know what you know which one I’m naming Samsung fridge

You this one this one oh my gosh this one looks like a Samsung fridge big boy it’s a boy too okay so that’s perfect okay Samsung fridge you’re free you’re free to hop around finally I’m free okay um let’s see name one Lily of course I’ve always loved that name

Um this one looks like a lily are you little girl you’re a little boy okay this is um uh I should have checked the gender hold on let me let me get another name um Teddy Teddy and Lily this is where’s Lily where’s where’s the fake Lily right here

It’s like please I’m having an identity crisis [Laughter] oh I’m lagging so much oh really because of the babies the rabbits I think I think so oh God there’s not gonna be many more than these like I don’t think I’m gonna breed and if I do I’m gonna be putting them

Somewhere like in pastures okay we’re going to name this one is this one a girl yeah this is the girl we’re gonna name this one Lily guys give me a second you guys are you guys are requesting a lot of names goldfish oh my gosh no no it’s it’s gonna curse it

Oh my God I’m gonna name it goldfish it’s gonna say goldfish has died in chat like it’s it’s literally gonna be cursed oh my God okay all right you know what we should name one what oh my gosh JJ maybe fine which one which one am I gonna hate for

The rest of his existence you it’s a boy too it fits get out of here JJ she’s got red eyes yeah it fits I actually don’t like hate the character I think it’s just I think it’s just I have like a thing I have like a thing against

Like the the his his lore I guess I don’t know I didn’t like the I like the actor I like the actor Rudy he’s he’s a like I’ve seen him in short films he’s a cool actor it’s just his character that I’m like oh that annoys me I promise it’s nothing against the

Actual actor if he’s if he’s watching this is someplace he’s just watching a little horsey stream I doubt it anyone carrot it’s such a good idea I’m gonna look back at the older request don’t worry for those who requested earlier I feel like this one’s a little carrot oh my gosh it fits

So well it doesn’t really matter if it’s a boy or a girl I like the names that don’t they’re like unisex they can be little little boy rabbit or girl rabbit you know I don’t think it matters either way like I don’t really mind’s naming a boy rabbit something girlish

Um I saw Tiger Lily earlier you requested it so I’ll do that let me get literally out of the little um I love all women oh um Dobby how’d you get up here Betsy wait how are they getting out can they go through the barrier blocks oh wait it’s right here

Easy fix yeah I was about to say I was like wait let me can you check really quick on the border and see if there’s any more yeah I was about to say because I don’t if one gets out the rest are gonna try and get out this one’s already been

Okay this one looks like a tiger lily it’s a boy okay so Tiger Lily the boy that’s that’s fine that actually you know what someone needs to break the the barrier of gender equality you’re officially rabbit mother I know I have so many rabbits um

Is this how do you say this is it like m-a-m-a-r-q-u-e is it Mark or Mark Q or what like I don’t I don’t know how to say it and I’m sorry if I’m saying it wrong I don’t know how to say that I there’s a part of me that want to say

It’s Marquis but that’s not how like that’s not how I know Marquee is spelled yeah I’ve seen Marky spelled I think it’s like um I think it’s like foreign because I’ve or like you know not American because I’ve yeah I’ve heard or at least not English I’ve heard Marky spelled like m-a-r-k-i-e

But I think that’s like the American spelling so many boys I know Prince oh I used to have a cat named Prince rest in peace though um which one looks like you know the black one right over here actually a little gray blue eyed look like little prints oh it’s a girl

All right so um please tell me this is a boy okay I was about to say I just I named it before I even looked that’s so stupid stupid thing to do so many boys I know so many boy rabbits okay we need to rename the little what did I

Oh is it may Bank okay okay fine um let me rename him you know what he he could have this end of his name it’s fine oh my gosh apparently it’s pronounced mark okay good I just don’t want to pronounce it wrong in future streams or videos

Yeah for those who suggest it most of them are like self-explainable like Bella how do I pronounce that Bila Bella Where Have You Been Loca oh my god oh every time I hear Bella all I can think of is that the vampire lead do going to Bella and it’s like oh

It bothers me it bothers me it does things to me no I’m kidding I’ve had friends I’ve had friends who like that man and I’m like um he looks like he used a foundation two shades too light where’s JJ where’s that he’s very nice rabbit I I hid him from you

Um okay we’re actually did you actually I’m not gonna hurt he’s like he’s a brat he’s a little cute rabbit I’m not gonna hurt him here put him down put him down oh wait don’t don’t do that don’t put him down oh no put him down okay um um oh not Misha Misha

This one looks like Amisha please be a female oh my gosh I keep on messing up I’m gonna cry I need a check before I name them is Misha a boy this is a general neutral name is it I know I know there’s an actor named Misha Collins who’s in Supernatural okay

And he is in fact a boy so okay it’s gender neutral um it’s not fair okay perfect Leo just make sure not to spam because I I see a lot of spam and I’m not going to be naming the ones that you guys spam I’m sorry I’m not going to congratulate spammers

Maybe she has a neutral name okay perfect okay popcorn but this gray and brown one looks interesting I know you know what you’re getting into popcorn I have to like manually put the collar on stop going into the Grouse oh my gosh she’s purposely doing this I promise

There you go popcorn be free I should really be placing them away from the other rabbits I’m sorry that’s it’s okay where’s Misha oh my God I like how you’re silently doing it without saying it to me like place them somewhere else you’re just like picking

Them up after I put them down and playing them keep on pressing the wrong keys my carry-on button is very awkward it’s my left bracket button and I have to completely take my hand off the mouse because there’s no other button near mine that I can press comfortably that

Doesn’t like have another button set for that’s fine I set mine to right all because I only use it when I’m on this I’m only use it when I’m on the sewing horses and even then I barely use it because I can’t play like that so I have minus right all

Right I can’t like I can do um no that’s gonna crash my Minecraft oh yeah I can try like R and then just do like right r let’s see if that works oh that works fine but I didn’t name you I get back in line okay um I’ve already named Popcorn

It’s a female so I’m gonna name you I’m gonna be Faye come here oh my thing’s not right bracket anymore I’m sorry gosh it’s so confusing okay what are you okay your little boy rabbit I’m gonna name you Leo oh this one’s so cute I love this one

We’ve already named all of them over here guys why why are you attached over here go I literally put all of you guys in the middle of the path why did you come back what does Orchid mean hey oh a hurricane okay I’m just I’m I look it up I don’t

It’s not that I don’t trust you I look it up because I’m scared I’m gonna name my rabbit something and then I’m gonna get canceled because I I don’t I don’t know what it means you know this looks like a hurricane little little hurricane on a map okay we have one more

We have the last the last one um I’m not sure what to name this one is it a boy or a girl it is a male okay dragon drogue dragon whatever it’s called drogue yeah drogen okay because I think that’s from Google pronunciation I think that’s from um words um

What is it the Game of Thrones Timber okay magic I will make one I will name one Timber Just For You but please stop spamming thank you um don’t look up the pronunciation of it that was like a Gago why ‘d you go go wait really that’s how it’s pronounced

It’s good I’m gonna do it I just went to like Google translate I put it in um Dragon oh my God that was so loud wait where’d you find it how to pronounce it I I just I just Googled Google drogon I said everyone’s saying drogon

A Song of Ice and Fire that’s what it means cool that’s so pretty everyone there’s like popcorn Samsung fridge and then A Song of Ice and Fire so pretty we’re gonna name this one timber why is there a little bunny stuck in there oh my God stop trying to escape

Hey can you come over here um Val when you’re done over there oh um whenever yeah there’s more whenever I name this rabbit or whenever I name a rabbit can you carry it over there let me put the collar on hold on oh this is a little boy oh it’s okay you

Can pick it up now okay thank you oh my gosh my little worker beam that’s the only reason I have her on the server I’m kidding that’s all that’s all I’m here for him okay do you guys see these rabbit coats name them after the coats I want this

One name something I don’t know we’ll name this one ivy this one looks really like the with Dobby’s but with white on the back come here how are you how do you have so much like length on this lead what the heck are you guys okay is this a girl it is

Okay either way Ivy I feel like Ivy would be a good boy or girl okay there you go thank you grilled cheese say less we’re gonna name this one grilled cheese I think grilled cheese is a mini I think it’s a mini because we spawn these it’s

Two years old oh it’s it’s staying like that that’s as mature oh my God size oh grilled cheese is tiny tiny did you get a collar yeah okay yeah it just Blends in with its coat hello you’re so cute that one stays in the pasture though a lot of these stay

In the pasture you do not though come here oh my gosh this one is so cute look at this baby one this one’s full grown as well it’s a little boy rabbit okay I feel like having a mini one in like a horse pasture way to get trampled

Right that’s why I have a rabbit Garden the only one that could trample them though is um Samsung fridge uh yeah Samsung fridge and a big chunker too yeah we need one for oh true big chunker well he’s in a cage for now that’s why he’s in the cage

You know this one’s also pretty big but this one is meant to stay in this pasture here’s my little pasture bunny or she I don’t know we can name that one as well we could just put him in here and release him after we need one specific to these bunnies

Though oh my gosh this one is it a little boy or girl we should do it tiny with ease like little this little Dalmatian looking one could be Pongo because it’s like Pongo and perdita from oh yeah is it a boy it is here I’ll name it this here can

You take this little baby one she may be or he may be hard to catch Little Timber oh that says a little tiny wait wait bring them back I need to change his name now all right all right guys uh little Timothy but we’re gonna do a little

Timothy with two e’s because Timothy Shelby oh my gosh I loved you in the movie Dune come here stop going oh my God please okay finally caught him okay you’re good oh my God I’m a big fan and then pong goes good to be take it back there when you’re done um okay

Maybe men that would be a good one we need to name this big one as well me where’s the oh it’s over here how did you get yourself in the situation these are all boys there’s so many boy rabbits oh my gosh is this one a boy too

It is I may start putting them in pastures bucket bet okay bucket come here this one can stay in the pasture uh M’s nah I’m naming one femur now um the last one that needs to go is this one right here the little one mitten and the other one can be released into

The pasture to do its own little thing and then we have the little jackrabbits that are all over the place um these are Rachel’s I don’t know what she’s going to be doing with them she’ll probably be relocating them I think we’re good on rabbits though I

Don’t I don’t want to make any more I can definitely breed some but be right back to submit this discussion for sociology no you’re fine let me just sit here princess Peach is a boy and Wilbur is a girl I’ve slipped up I we’re not going to talk about that

Princess Peach is a pretty little princess you know what keep it like that I’m going to I’m going to come on guys you can go out of the pasture now you guys can be free with the other rabbits foreign we’re done with name recommendations for now guys

Oh my gosh wait we have this one we have one more I didn’t see we’ll name this one Willow okay please let this one out I think I need to right click the wagon right yeah oh wait no that’s JJ religious no no I didn’t I didn’t rename

Him but it’s because he got in the wagon when they run up to the wagon it puts them in automatically he was stuck oh this one’s cute we’ll name this one Willow is it a boy or a girl it’s a boy okay well Willow the boy

Rabbit I don’t even care there’s so many male rabbits at this point it’s not out of the ordinary oh my God I mean it’s true oh my gosh bye Samantha all right where’s your horse hat Bell is it still at Rachel’s um I actually took it back to mine I can bring it

Back no you can just hear you can just um hop on in there you go foreign okay we’re gonna delete this chair so they don’t they’re gonna try to find a way out with this I can guarantee you they really are they they really are wait why can’t I please please

Am I lagging yeah it’s because you’re on the thing yeah okay we just have to do a really quick pick up here can you hop out again I’m sorry I should have gotten you to close that okay I’m just gonna pick you up again okay it glitches oh oh you didn’t see that

How do you tell if it’s a boy or a girl um up in the top left corner there’s like a there’s like a you know obviously a gender symbol a male and female the difference I’m here for you come here hop off really quick again okay you can hop back on

Okay we’re on our way back I still have my hamster yes I’m actually cleaning out his cage today I still have miso he is past a year old I kind of wanted to make like a little birthday live stream for him not that he doesn’t deserve one it’s

Just I was thinking like he’s he doesn’t like being held for very long he falls asleep in my sweatshirt sometimes but he’s a very like simple creature oh do you see my b do you like my B oh I brought him over here on my video what yeah a little box little bump

Um give me five stars on Uber by the way uh I provide snacks here there’s a rabbit spawn egg snack yeah I’m not talking to question it they crunch uh also I can play music do you like this artist it’s my favorite artist yeah I Aspire I aspire to be like the artist

That artist someday you know oh my gosh oh my gosh stop it I’m actually the artist thank you I feel like you’re talking to a kindergartner and it’s bothering me oh my God wait did my headphone glitch out did it no I can hear you okay you just

Didn’t answer me wow that’s awkward okay I have to write how the covid-19 pandemic Alters dominant American culture this is great there’s a lot to write about hey Molly hi Molly um yes Hagrid is a driving horse that is his that is his task here oh

Get up oh there we go let’s say get off the horse um I’m gonna I’m gonna parallel park ready for this ready for this absolute skill I’m ready okay I’m gonna I’m gonna even though I could just drag it that way I’m gonna parallel park this way

I pass my driving test oh my gosh wait I could just look at this I could just I could just French drive it I didn’t park this one as well oh the dog oh no wait okay there we go oh oh the rabbit no see that’s what I’m

Saying it just goes It goes into the yeah okay well [Laughter] um if you just oh if you just right click if you just shift right click the wagon the Mabel stop if you go in there I’m leaving you in there okay bye okay I’m gonna go put him in actually I

Should put him in a stall I should make him a cute little stall were you just riding on the back oh my gosh oh my God it’s great this is Matthew’s horse he still needs to get on and like name and stuff if he wants it if not I mean I can

Just put in a posture putting animals on the back of a swim horse oh my gosh this will not be a public server okay don’t don’t look at it don’t look at it wait where are you oh you’re over there oh yeah we’re not that okay this is this

Is this is pre-carryon mod phase okay this is why we this is why the carry-on mod was added do you want to read this part right here Rachel babysat him and I killed him within minutes within minutes within minutes he was like oh Mom and then nothing because within minutes he was gone

We’re not going to talk about that live stream I still haven’t named this cow up here where’s the cow this one I was gonna name a strawberry milk I’m not gonna lie it’s really cute okay good it’s a girl I was about to say oh strawberry you know what honestly

Strawberry milk could have been a boy yeah I don’t know I was envisioning as a girl I’m not gonna lie that would have been awkward if it wasn’t oh sorry big gun um I’m trying to think of what else I could do we have we could ride for a little bit well

Actually I need a tray do you want to train with me because I have I have these horses in the in the paddock that don’t have a a blanket and stuff right here or behind you oh you just repeated me okay the ones without the blanket they’re untrained if

You just want to pick one I’m gonna pick I’m gonna pick Tucker oh oh he’s not they’re not even tame yeah yes ma’am oh maybe I should tape them so you don’t um you don’t claim them there you go that one should be tamed now um Tucker

Um I forgot that there’s no gender I was like a sucker like subconsciously worried that I named a Miriam boom no idea will not be I think Tucker should be blue oh Violet your name is violet I need if you make her anything except like

Magenta or purple I will fight you I was gonna make her pink okay that’s a good idea but isn’t Violet like a purple yeah that’s why I’m changing it SMH I’m just gonna be over here in the arena I’m just gonna get them trained up

Yeah I really do hope to make it a public server someday I first I want to release a 10 members before I even think of opening to public but see the difference between a members and a public server is members and my at least in my perspective is a little bit more manageable

Um and I also made the server for members it wasn’t made with oh let’s make it so members can join or sorry you know wasn’t made so that I can get more members it was made for the pre-existing members so if members do join because of this that’s

Fine but I also wanted to say it like as a thank you to my members one second just handling something oh it’s so loud thank you Amber for the subscribe okay there we go I thought I could get away with that oh did you try to drop your horse

It’s two blocks it’s two blocks you never know I do know because it’s not even oh wait what wait how does it work they’re not even jump level two I’m jumping over the oh she didn’t like that one well no but I jumped over this one just fine how is that working what

Is this one jump level two this is Jump level one this is supposed to be a Pony by the way when the pony models come out what the heck how what the heck that’s oh my God these horses are just newly bred what the heck I have I have a magic touch with

Training horses I don’t know what it is they just like to do the stuff you know okay I just did the same jump you did be quiet oh wait oh I was about to say thank you Jennifer to subscribe I was about to say if my horse

Kicks your horse is done for him sorry oh my gosh what a pro I’m just I’m just naturally gifted at training to know the horse every time [Laughter] no I’m kidding I gotta boost my own ego sometimes yeah no it’s okay I’m always here to ruin it don’t worry laughs

Don’t worry just let me know whenever you’re there boosting your ego and I’ll be right behind you backing you up and putting you down I’m kidding that’s horrible someone’s got to be on no I’m kidding I’m sorry just gotta be honest with you no

This is all jokes I just I I believe all for fun I promise I love how we all love owl I mean I don’t know if that’s true but oh we need to we need everyone to say at least once we all love Val we love Valor

Something like that okay I did see somebody in the chat earlier go Queen Val and I just wanted to say that made me smile thank you it tugged up my lit I tugged up my lips a little bit and maybe smile a little bit it makes me happy when I like I invite

People to stream and my audience is they’re so welcoming and it’s like how did I get such a loving community and um we love Val okay I’ll take it also just one person I’ll take it oh wait it’s coming it’s coming in hold on you gotta trust the latency

Okay you gotta trust the problem says oh my God I love you guys too I’m doing I’m doing heart hands doing heart hands hi Emma welcome to the Stream I have I have like 20 minutes to get this in oh no okay okay okay okay yeah

Just just focus on that for a little bit are you done with it I I I I wrote one sentence you’re What It’s gotta be it’s gotta be 200 words it’s fine how many five words already oh my God okay thank you lenza for the subscribe thank you

Paroka paroka sorry if I’m saying that wrong feel free to correct me I always want to say your guys’s names right hi son welcome that’s why that’s why we have Discord and I announced the streams but no worries if you’re a little bit late how much longer will The Stream go on

I’m not sure I’m kind of just training horses at the moment we have a bunch of newly um bread horses that I’m training and I’ll probably be transporting to the plot world this is Tucker the horse she’s on is violet we have a couple more that we

Bred in the last stream that I was playing on swim with so oh my gosh this one is um this one is meant to be a pony when we have the new models which I’ve I have no idea when that’s gonna be but at the same time I’m I’m preparing for it

Being like you know prepared yeah you know Tucker from racing stripes I’ve never watched that oh get out get out we don’t love Al anymore we’re canceling Val I’m kidding you okay we okay you need to watch it but you need to what I I suggest watching it by yourself for the first

Time just so you can cry alone and you know you don’t you’re not scared to cry because that that movie did some things to me I watched when I was little though so I kind of it was right for me to cry okay I was Tiny

Uh Liv donated five dollars and said we love Val and peachy see Val look at that oh love you too Liv oh I don’t even have my donation box up oopsies I’m not gonna talk about that Oh my God that’s so loud Oh please thank you zen zen joins Royal Peach for two more months and said we love Val and peachy oh my gosh Val I hope you do I feel I’m gonna turn the alerts down way down just because they’re really loud and every time they play I jump out of my

Seat it’s not your guys’s fault it’s I’m I’m the problem my my new headset is the problem um the problem it’s me I’m just gonna go ahead and refund my headset and then just buy a bigger like earpiece pair I’ll probably end up spending more money

But I don’t mind like I can’t play for longer than two or so hours without my ears hurting and it hurts yeah but it’s okay hi Amanda welcome look at your Trinity you’re being so sweet welcoming everyone oh okay this horse is not liking me okay we’re at tolerant which is good

Oh Liv you got the donation go a lot more thank you so sweet we’re at nine percent for January which is okay because I upped the donation goal since last month so I don’t really expect it to get like that close I’m grateful for whatever percentage is at hi noodle

Welcome to the Stream it is a sassy Pony my gosh you know I have coffee next to me and I haven’t sipped it once this entire time I mean it’s like only one third of the way done yeah wait can you guys hear the glitch when

When my headset bugs can you guys hear that or is that just my headset bugging I’m just curious if you guys can hear that glitch be honest um since the server has Java only mods it’ll only be available for Java if it ever does open to public

Someday I do want to make like a bedrock server but that’s way in the future how beefy is your PC um I actually have the specs of my PC Joel my brother also ice Knight in the Stream he’s one of my mods he gave me the list of things

Um that my specs are you don’t hear it okay good yeah yeah perfect okay it’s like a little like digital glitch and it happens pretty often so I think I’m just gonna end up returning these but I feel I’d never really like returning things just because it’s like I don’t know

Scary okay I’m gonna put it by my equipment okay I’m going to update the description really quick because I actually got asked this multiple times today and I’m just gonna put this here before I forget all right I put it in the description if you guys want to go check it out

It’s up to you though if you’re looking for my specs and everything I use yes then this is the this is the um member server this is my barn I’ll be doing a member stream very very soon showing the map and everything that was built and the progression of it I’m

Gonna be showing you guys everything like I’m not just gonna be waiting till the end of like like oh everything was built you guys joined to see there’s going to be a lot of things that are obviously surprises or like you guys won’t be able to see

Until you join but I’m going to be showing you guys a lot of the processes there’s going to be vulnerability I may cry a couple of times hopefully no apology videos with tears oh really the pictures see I kind of just want to show one I kind of just

Want to show one to the the stream even if they’re not members I said I think you should I think you think I should I’m gonna show I’m gonna show this one just so you guys know this is just a little snippet of it this is not even like the full the full map this is literally just a small small portion of the map okay where did I save this where did it show up please

This is my home entry please sorry every time I think of that okay so we’re gonna do oh my gosh this is you know I’ll show this in one other because there’s another part of the map that you guys need to see I haven’t even shown the um the the the

What is it the Crystal Cave or whatever that he made I haven’t even showed that to members yet oh my gosh what did he make hold on let me go look he sent me pictures last night he has so many like Little Secret locations because I asked for them the Crystal Cave yeah

He made a little Crystal Cave and I love it I’m definitely gonna need to play that map with shaders on there’s no there’s no way I can’t yeah and he said it some of them some of it does look trippy with shaders but he said you know it should it should be fine

Oh that was so loud I know there’s so much more to it like members have seen everything there’s there’s more like landscape um there’s gonna be that’s where the little little fairy Village is gonna be it’s gonna have a little Village for you guys to walk around

There’s going to be like tons of things for you to do my hope is by the opening you guys have enough to do that it’s not just like okay we’ll we’ll have more next month it’s like we’re just gonna keep on building from there that’s why I’m holding off for so long

So you guys will have plenty of room to you know bring your horse around on trail rides have picnics meet up with friends there’s going to be events um I’m trying not to hope for too much like I don’t want you guys to be like expecting this basically brand new game

And brand new like thing but it is going to have enough that you guys are gonna be able to do a lot with friends um I’ll probably be making it either I wish YouTube and patreon or patreon or um coffee had integration but they really

Don’t and I need to look that up because I kind of want to make it so that if people want to be a member on both YouTube and coffee and only pay one subscription that’s possible but I don’t think it is but I want to say this what’d you say yeah

Well because coffee is not only tax deductible versus YouTube but it also gives me full profit YouTube only gives me 70 percent coffee gives me almost 100 profit and I think that’s really is rare for Brands to do that so I lose a lot of money and it’s like I

Said it’s not about the money for me but for me to continue going it is it has to be somewhat about the money because I can’t work full-time off of 70 profit for some of the profits that I make like every donation someone makes I only

Keep 70 of that off YouTube it’s very but twitch do you only make 50 so I’m fine I’m grateful um but I want to say this now before anybody gets confused hear me out um we don’t know when the server will be ready and I say that with

Full transparency of we’re still getting the server ready we want it to be perfect for everyone to start off with there’s of course going to be some developmental issues there’s going to be some issues that we’re going to have to figure out further down the road it’s

Going to be basically a beta experience for the first couple of months maybe even the first you know four or five months but we’re going to be growing with everyone and we’re going to be figuring out how to lead a server but thankfully I have a lot of

Uh experienced people backing me and it’s been really nice and a really educational experience for people to help me through stuff and show me how to do things nicely I feel like whatever I used to ask for help with certain people they’d be like I guess these people actually like you

Know walk me through especially Riley Riley has been so beyond helpful with everything um Matt swims Matt or previous swims Matt has been so sweet he helped me make the data packs um he helped me with a lot of things he walked me through a lot of topics which

Was really sweet of him so yeah I have a lot of nice and experienced people helping me through this but yeah so we don’t know when the server will be done so if you guys become a member today all you’ll see is your usual perks so seeing videos

Early getting um to help with a lot of the uh words are so difficult right now a lot a lot of the choice like in the processes the choice the choosing so horse name stuff like that what videos will be coming out you guys will get two two uh

Live streams a week Members Only and then you guys will also be getting a lot of different perks like emojis um spoilers so you guys will see the new map and you guys will be showing it frequently you guys will be able to choose different things for example a

Lot of the big processes and big choices on the map but developing you guys will be able to help choose that and I think it’s really important because if you’re going to be accessing the map wouldn’t you want to help choose it so yeah yes I will be releasing Builder apps and

Volunteer applications very soon I’m trying to get the template right on Google Docs because I’m trying to make like a page that you guys fill out and then you can submit it that way but it’s very difficult I may just make a Google forms but I feel like it doesn’t cover things directly

Yeah a lot of my applications will be 16 plus sadly just because my team is just an older team and I don’t want you know I don’t want any of the younger influence in there making it say I’m you know making it sound like it’s not a safe team I’m not saying that

I just I’m kind of like an older influence with it we do have some younger YouTube mods that before I added the rule they were younger and they’ve been very respectful and we’ve been very respectful to them so how long do you want the stream to be I don’t know

I’m not sure okay Tucker’s doing Global training I’m gonna bring him back Val is currently working on an assignment so she’s not going to be training Violet for a second which is fine how dare you value education over pixelated horse’s vowel get it together I don’t want to talk about it okay

Wait when Harry Potter comes out are you still going to be in school yes oh you poor soul no I know what we’re doing today Ferb oh my gosh yeah so how it’s gonna work currently and this may change but I’m gonna say it for those who are confused baby peaches

Will have access to plots only Royal peaches will have access to plots plus the Adventure World the Survivor world so you guys will be able to go and explore and go to different locations if we do hold events on the survival world um baby peaches can visit and interact

And compete in the shows we’re not going to gatekeep stuff like that but they won’t be able to like roam around like this Royal Peach as well so baby peaches can still participate in things but they can’t actually like openly free roam um the survival world for now but there

Will be stuff in the plot world so it won’t just be like plots it’ll be like more than that it’ll have activities and stuff to do so there will still be enough for you guys to do um in the in the plot world sorry brain fart my if

You can’t tell my brain is shutting down right now I don’t know why I promise I’m figuring it out okay [Laughter] did I kill the chicken nah it’s fine I didn’t run over a chicken did you really just ask if you killed a chicken yeah because somebody said I ran over

Chicken but I forgot it doesn’t kill them it just they just move out of the way it’s Minecraft um are we gonna be allowed to board at different Barns and board at your barn um my barn is going to be on the VIP VIP world that’s off limits but I will be

Building other barns that you guys can board out um we’re gonna have a few barns on the plot world that you guys can keep your horse at but it’ll be limited by like one horse per person and you guys will have to care for the horse um we’ll probably be having like a

Rescue or like a an area where you guys can surrender horses the only problem that I can foresee is this is going to be a member a member only server so I fear that people will be gifted member or will by member and then can’t continue it and can’t plan the server anymore

And as simple as that sounds like oh if you can’t pay you can’t play it breaks my heart because when I was younger my parents didn’t have like a ton of money to spend on gaming stuff so they couldn’t really like pay for subscriptions I know my

Grandparents paid for a good bit of them um and it was really tough on my my brain and I was like why can’t I play with the other kids who like can afford this and it it broke my heart so um just thinking of that made me really sad so I

Really do hope to make this a republic like I said I made the server for members um for them to play on so it wasn’t made with like members only in mind but it was made like took you know gift them this sweet little reward for supporting my my channel and everything

So there is that little hiccup of if you stop paying you can’t play and I promise you that I’m gonna try and figure it out as soon as possible because I really do want everyone to play no matter what their financial situation is I don’t think anybody

Deserves to be shut out from a game because they can’t afford it or because they’re just in a tight spot financially and I don’t want kids to feel guilty because their parents can’t put the money towards games so we’re getting deep here for a second I’m sorry but like

A little like little peachy moment when I was younger it was It was kind of hard I really wanted to Animal Jam membership okay listen oh my gosh um about Animal Jam um I uh that was the first game that I ever actually had membership on yeah same

That game was uh I was you were either My Philosophy is you were either a movie star planet kid or an animal jam plan or Animal Jam playing an Animal Jam kid yeah like it yeah there’s no between yeah Club Penguin was the in-between but I

Feel like well actually no I had a I wasn’t allowed a membership on Club Penguin but my mom did sit down and make me like an account and everything and she watched me play yeah the penguin was so fun I’m so sad to shut down I know there’s

Like a replacement one up right now but did you submit your your thing I did yeah okay good good I was about to say you better stop riding if you didn’t submit it yet bye animal lover yeah I was I loved I was obsessed with Animal Jam or you’re too old Riley

My my dad was not obsessed with Animal Jam but you know what it was not my money at least correct Emery the first one I I plan to make it public eventually and the Very very far future the only thing with the public versus member is you have to prepare for the

The player count and the traffic right okay so imagine I make the server public immediately there will be a lot of people playing which sounds great but am I prepared for that amount of you know uh am I prepared for that amount of players

No no I’m not I don’t think my mods are either like Val would you be prepared of like 200 people join the server right now no yeah exactly I think my mods would cry quit and then cry more like I do not want my boss to go through that plus I

Don’t have a lot of space for like for our plot world that’s kind of set up for Members Only so yeah but I will be putting out a video showing the development of it and before the server is released hear me out before the server is released I will be

Telling you guys when it will be released and I’ll be showing you guys exactly what’s on it I will be fully transparent with what’s with oh with what is on the server I can’t speak so I I promise you that you guys will know before the server is released so don’t

Worry about oh I won’t get membership in time like I will tell you guys in advance when the server will be released for right now we’re focusing on getting everything done we’re focusing on getting the server completely developed that way when you guys join the server it is

Flat out just there for you and you guys can do whatever you want whatever your perk uh limits you on and then we can work on going further with the server and developing more and more there’s a join button next to my subscribe button

And if it’s not on PC then go to mobile and if it’s not on mobile go to PC oh my gosh she’s sounding just like me you’ve heard it so often haven’t you oh my gosh no you know what I was so mad about do you know the little Puffles on

Club Penguin the little puff buddy things I wanted one so freaking bad and they only gave you the generic like orange one and I wanted a different colored one I think my brothers had the Club Penguin membership or like one of my brothers did and I was so jealous

Like I said though like I I understood why I couldn’t have the memberships but it was just like I want one and then we had food hats oh my gosh food pets I loved food I remember that um he didn’t hear this from me but um The Club Penguin rewrite actually has

Free membership on it like you don’t have to put like everybody has it just starting out so okay well I’m putting on my schedule for today I know I tried it out and I was like wait I don’t I don’t have a I don’t have a membership I don’t have

To get a membership there’s no there’s no locks oh my gosh there’s also no filter I’m pretty sure yeah that’s uh that’s probably a downside um yeah no it’s pretty funny the things I’ve said I’ve seen said on the server obviously like um there’s some inappropriate things said but like some

Of the funniest things I don’t know there was this meme that was going around for like the longest time and it was like a Club Penguin dude he’s like um he’s in like the little pizza place and he was like no the pizza isn’t free and the man’s like I’m gonna burn your

Teeth or something that’s really weird but it was the funniest meme for the longest time oh my God oh Emery good luck on your test I’m gonna get her to the 2K one and then I’m about to yeah get a different horse hi Kelly I have no idea when you joined

Or when you left before so I have no idea what you’ve missed but there is um there is a a backspace button so you can watch the VOD after I finish as well and you can re-watch a backspace button like a you know like a you mean a reworking yeah

Yeah that I don’t know my brain is shutting off and I can feel it I don’t know I promise I’m I’m working on it okay like I I was describing to someone and they’re like it sounds because I have I have like undiagnosed and I say this very carefully

I have undiagnosed add which it goes by ADHD now that’s not like a diagnosable thing nowadays it’s just ADHD because I was I was told by a counselor she didn’t diagnose me but she like she can’t legally diagnose me but she borderlined it and she was like you you need to take

Your daughter to the psychologist show my mom that and my mom’s like nah she’s fine so she never did um no hate to my mom though like obviously she didn’t it was kind of a scary diagnosis back then because every kid had it to her so she was like

There’s really no reason for it so I have a psychiatrist appointment tomorrow and I’m terrified because yeah I hope so um I’m terrified because I can feel when my brain shuts off like I can feel when I just I can’t form words correctly I don’t speak like I was speaking before

And it’s like it’s the most frustrating thing because I promise you like it feels like a part of my brain is just cut off and I can’t access it anymore no I was moving out of the way so you could jump oh oh I am so laggy for some reason

It’s literally a red bar where my my pain on the surface literally red oh my God one I should say one because I have a texture pack on thank you Billy for the Subscribe um why didn’t you go to the other bar to jump well because these guys aren’t the other

Barn and it’s too much work to bring them all the way over there so I have jumps here I’ll probably be moving sunflower over to the other bar and she looks like a an English horse my opinion I don’t know okay you know what sunflower that was unneeded that was unnecessary love

Please let me over oh my gosh there’s a chicken on a horse I know yeah that’s um that’s her support chicken if she doesn’t have the chicken then she loses it did you not hear about the the great accident of uh Oasis Ranch 2022. um yeah I uh

She blew up no I’m kidding I’m sorry I don’t know I don’t know if I wanna know the yeah there’s still like a crater in the ground over there if you look I’m kidding no I’m actually kidding I don’t I just put it on her back opinions on hobby horsing I think if

It’s like it’s a hobby so I feel like it takes a a very specific person to like understand it I don’t really understand it completely like I I know it’s just like um a hobby and a form of art but like I don’t judge anybody for it

Can’t really fault them for trying to find fun and stuff and certain things I did have somebody try to sell me a hobby horse and like they advertised it as an actual horse and I was kind of weirded out by it but at the same time I just told them that

I’m not into that and they just left me alone they were like okay thank you it was like an actual page like an actual hobby horse page they had like thousands of followers and I was like um I don’t do that I’m sorry but they advertised it as like a warm blood

And I was like this is a this is a fake horse but at the same time it’s kind of like people who are into like Breyer horses or brayer horses I don’t know how to say it um I don’t know maybe people think the same about people who have model horses you know

Everyone likes what they like and I’m not going to judge for it oh wait wait speaking huh how long were you speaking for I I know that I I just said that was the only thing I said oh okay I’m sorry I just I think my audio cut out

Okay yeah I just said people like what they like and who am I to judge for it because I like true I like JJ Maybank okay that’s if somebody was in your DMs trying to never mind I’m not gonna say that was like trying to sell this man I was like

Wait that’s kind of weird oh no no I’m gonna tag Batman on Instagram I’m gonna tag Rudy and be like listen we have a rabbit named after you we have a pixelated wolf pup named after you we have a like I don’t I listen I don’t know you we

Have a member of my staff team who um will not stop talking about you she needs help honestly yeah like I I have a YouTube that has a lot of pixelated horses on it I can’t judge I’m not what a judge yes Delphi you know how I fixed that I

Put the Emoji and then I type behind it and it usually fixes that but I’ve contacted YouTube about that multiple times because I’ve seen that happen so many times and I have no idea why it does it it happens to me like once a stream and

Then I just give up I’m like I just stop using emojis yeah I just stop using emojis especially when I say love you guys bye and I just Emoji sons and I’m like it just looks like I just sent an emoji it’s like it’s literally not even me

Trying to use an emoji it’s me doing like the colon smiley face and then it turns into a wink and it’s like okay thanks oh I think what we’re talking about is when we set an emoji and it only sends the Emoji oh yeah no that happens to me like I’ll

Say like uh please don’t use cats and then I’ll do a smiley face but I won’t do like an emoji smiley face and it’ll turn it into an emoji smiley face when I send it and that’s okay from it oh so like it sends the entire message though

No oh it just sends a smiley face yeah I don’t know I I one time I said I was like I love you guys bye like have a great day and it just sent the heart but I closed out the tab right before I could like resend it

And it was a painful moment oh wait where’s Samsung fridge right there no that’s big chunk where’s Samsung fridge I just saw I’m at the rabbits I hope they’re not getting out I don’t see them getting out oh no he’s over here yeah I checked the I like triple checked it oh

Girly girly girly come on you have you have this whole entire place to yourself she got stuck on the thing it was just hopping right here yeah they get stuck in Corners a lot look like you just threw him out of there get out now I’m just trying to get them out of

Here because I’m going to make it a reading only thing and I don’t want them in here also that I feel like they’re stuck uh Princess Peach what a what a pretty little boy princess because I actually named her nail wrap it princess my bad I’m actually I’ll make Fun Skates right here

I’m not gonna braid on this stream though for rabbits because not only will you guys have to wait because it takes a while for them to like because gestation is gestation is enabled so genetic animals has gestation so that you can’t see the rabbits right when

They’re bred but I also have so many rabbits in there I do not want to breed anymore right now if I had like if I was on my laptop I’d be lagging so bad I also don’t know what what to put over here I was thinking about putting like a

Either a hydrotherapy pool if my other idea doesn’t work out or some sort of like another like forest garden or something oh my gosh I need to rescue this bunny oh am I getting froze okay get out of the water I think I’m gonna be adding like a

Little pond in the rabbit thing as well what if they drown though um I just rescued one from bouncing and whose is this pyrallas’s pasture in the water and I mean I didn’t see it drowning but maybe even like slabs like for the ground and then waterlog

Them yeah I think they can float imagine you just see in the you just see in the Minecraft chat log because we have a Minecraft Discord chat log if you just see JJ May boxes or Maybank has drowned you get on it it’s like removing the Sims 4 ladder

From the pool oh my God you just see peachy is logged on and then JJ Maybank has died and then PT logs off like bye you are I I checked my phone for one second and you kidnap him are you wait is Teddy boy okay wait is he a boy

Yeah I think we should breed JJ me I’m not gonna breed in this dream also me I need to go breed JJ oh no please JJ if you if he dies I’m good I think we should breed JJ and Bella okay since they’re like both like neutral tone wraps actually should we

Get a spotted one it’s actually got a spotter ones oh Samsung fridge is a male what about Darby oh Darby’s Darby’s adorable wait Darby’s uh a darly bowl okay guys end the stream uh thanks so much for joining did you hear did you hear the little wheels in my head going

Okay we’re just gonna oh they’re so cute okay it’s gonna take a second for her to get pregnant like she doesn’t show up as pregnant okay they’ve already been bred Val calm down breed Why does he have to have red eyes I just guys why didn’t you have to choose the red-eyed one he’s cute though I like the red-eyed one he is cute I want to kind of want to go steal one of Rachel what I’m not gonna see no no

No no no say it say it I’ll I’ll say it in uh DMS because I don’t think okay that’s fine so when she’s pregnant it’ll show up as like pregnant right here but she’s not pregnant yet it’ll take a moment it’ll take a little bit we’re just gonna I can’t spell it’s fine

Oh my gosh you know okay Darby’s really cute if I had a bunny I’d want it to look like Barbie I love her one blue eye and one brown eye I had a thought I had a rabbit named Daisy and she had spots just like her

I had her for five years I love how her nose look at how her nose moves her little nose pixel right which is his mood too she’s she’s five days old ah we can’t breed her that’s why she’s not getting pricked oh my gosh we’re horrible people we are

Horrible people he’s he’s two years we just oh my gosh the age Gap this is illegal okay wait Lily Lily is uh two years old oh she was pregnant five days old and she’s already ready for your kids oh no no no I didn’t know she was five days foreign

Um when she has the baby she’ll be like she’ll be she’ll be older I promise to look at the age okay how how long is five days in rabbit years oh 14 years oh that’s five months [Laughter] oh one week is one year oh no she’s not

Even a year old human years Darby I’m sorry I’m sorry Darby oh this is so bad I’m sorry guys you can’t make worm babies it’s a it’s one model okay you know what guys we’ll come back to this we’ll revisit this in a little bit um

It’s only a mod okay that was that was my fault but also why is the mod allowing me to breed a human year one year old Minecraft the house crazy things okay JJ Maybank the rabbit getting canceled on stream bro wait wait maybe maybe it’s like a sign

That that’s what he’ll be like in season three hahaha okay so um we’re gonna end this stream on that because why not me getting canceled right Okay so do you want to get in here let’s take a bite of stream oh you just joined I’m sorry Santa welcome but goodbye all right so

Yeah it did I’m sorry wait oh wait I want to show my my beat did I show my B blanket yet it’s a b I have a b blanket because um on my Throne wish list which is in my description if you guys want to check it out and gift me something

Um I got a B blanket it’s like a it’s a little like Minecraft V blanket and then it has like a a pixelated B plush that sounds so cute yeah oh I accidentally wait linked item there I can I can get it that way thank you

I’m so sorry I thought I mute I muted for that and then I accidentally removed that’s okay how dare you that’s okay how dare you yeah it’s okay how dare you gotta switch it up on them sometimes you know okay the B is upside down in this photo

But like look at the that’s not my picture this is a um this is a review photo but look how cute this photo is that’s of the blanket that’s the blanket and the Bee and the B plush is pretty big Sushi loves the blanket so far oh my gosh that is so cute

Oh my God yeah that is adorable what I’m gonna do since the antennas don’t really have like any stiffness to them and they just look like eyebrows I’m gonna get little pins and I’m gonna um pin it to like the front of the beat and make the antenna stick out a little

Bit and then I’m gonna put it on one of my shelves because I’m terrified my dog is gonna get a hold of it and then just rip it apart because you give them any sort of stuffed animal and it’s gone within moments so yeah my my dog has

Found my squishmallows like my mini ones because I had a case of like 16 mini ones and oh no now they’re hers let’s just say that oh my gosh no okay well um you know what I may plan a surprise stream tomorrow I’m still deciding but if I do I’m gonna do

Minecraft building because I really do need to get a lot of stuff done so yeah but I am going to be posting a video oh a video premieres at 3 P.M Central today so in 40 minutes forgot to mention that it should be on my Discord

And it should be on my community so you guys have seen it if you guys are on my Discord but yeah be prepared for that it’s in uh 40 minutes actually let me do a can I even do this hold on sorry I’m learning like so many things today

I’m a pro streamer I promise redirect there we go oh my gosh reader I’m such a pro okay anyways um thank you guys so much for watching today’s stream I’m hoping to stream tomorrow but if I don’t just keep an eye on Discord um and then on Tuesday I have my member

Stream So if you guys are a member remember that I have two member streams a week on Tuesday and Saturday and then on Wednesday put that away put it away thank you how dare you threaten me on stream um and then on Wednesdays I have Red Dead Redemption 2 Thursdays I will either

Have no stream or surprise stream depends on the week Friday ow why are alerts so loud oh my gosh my ears oh thank you Liv for another five dollar donation um Lee if you send me if you send me the details on Discord or whatever I can I

Can definitely make her some sort of Monument on my property um sorry that was so loud on my ear anyways um words and then Friday I’m gonna be doing Sims 4 Saturday I do member only like I said and then Sunday which is today I do my craft every Sunday so yeah

Um I may change my schedule in the future but I do stream almost every day of the week so if you guys are interested in knowing any of the details on that join my Discord for notifications thank you Val for joining today’s stream and being my little rabbit Karen servant yes of course

I’m so sorry about uh JJ having red eyes I apologize and him being a team father like I said it’s kind of on brand it’s fine it’s okay y’all um but yeah We’re gonna so she wants to say goodbye okay anyways all right guys have a good rest your day bye not the pan not the pan let’s see let me change the transition distraction okay it’s Direction distraction all right we’re just gonna yeah this never happened okay bye guys suicide Foreign Foreign

This video, titled ‘LET’S PLAY: MY SERVER 🔴 Minecraft Livestream’, was uploaded by just peachy on 2023-01-22 20:55:00. It has garnered 2378 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:51 or 8571 seconds.

Let’s play some more – this time with building animal areas + naming animals!~

🍓 All of my links in ONE place: https://linktr.ee/onlyapeach 🎁 My Throne Wishlist: https://thronegifts.com/u/justpeachyplays 🧸 My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/justpeachyplays/ 🌼 My Twitter: https://twitter.com/justpeachyplays ☁️ Join my Discord and chat!: https://discord.gg/nbYm4gXvbW ✨ My Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@justpeachyplays 🍑 Channel Member Perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbreLzVIqzOyklyXwWGBi2w/join ☕ Ko-Fi Donate: https://ko-fi.com/justpeachykofi

🦋 Business Email: [email protected] (Business enquiries ONLY)

🎁 Want to send me something? Here’s my P.O. box! Just Peachy PO Box 1082 Berryville, AR 72616

˚ ༘ SHADERS & TXP ♡ ⋆。˚ Stoneborn・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/stoneborn-dwarven-fantasy-inspired-gear-overhaul/ Betterleaves・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/motschens-better-leaves Henry’s Pots & Plants・❥・https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/henry-s-flowers/ Complementary Shaderpack・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders

˚ ༘ MOD LIST ♡ ⋆。˚ Star Worm Equestrian Mod・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/swem Star Worm Decor Mod・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/swdm Star Worm Lighting Mod・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/swlm Genetic Animals (Cows,Sheep,Pigs,ETC)・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/genetic-animals AstikorCarts・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/astikorcarts Geckolib (required for SWEM) ・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/geckolib PlayerAnimator (required for SWEM) ・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/playeranimator Optifine ・❥・https://optifine.net/home Supplementaries ・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/supplementaries Xaero’s World Map ・❥・https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-world-map Chisels & Bits・❥・ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chisels-bits Signs ・❥・ https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/signpost

⋇⊶⊰ Remainder of mods (all on CurseForge) ⊱⊷⋇ ♡ Macaw’s Doors ♡ Macaw’s Fences and Walls ♡ Macaw’s Furniture ♡ Macaw’s Trapdoors ♡ Macaws’ Windows ♡ Comforts ♡ Pam’s Harvestcraft 2 Crops / Food Core / Food Extended / Fruit Trees ♡ Paintings+ + ♡ 3DSkinlayers

* ੈ✩‧₊˚ Video BG presented by EpidemicSound Support & Download Poke & Chill ~ http://smarturl.it/pokechill Skyrim Relaxing Music ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwIA8qS1mv0&ab_channel=WeeFreeMusic Cry Cafe, Shadow of Colossus Music ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcWjbHYbaTA&ab_channel=CryCaf%C3%A9 “Rivia” by Daniel Schmitz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YQZ0GSc7aU&ab_channel=Daniel

♡ My Equipment CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800x 8 core CPU Cooler: be quiet! Dark Rock 4 Motherboard: MSI B450 Gaming Pro Carbon AC Memory: 32 GB (2×16 GB) Corsair Vengeance RGB 3600 MHz Graphics Card: MSI GeForce RTX 3070 Ti Ventus OC Power Supply: Corsair CX750 Bronze rated Hard drive(s): Seagate M.2 SSD

Microphone: Blue Yeti Nano Streaming software: Streamlabs Recording software: GeForce Experience Editing Software: Sony Vegas

* ੈ✩‧₊˚ VIDEO TAGS swem, star worm equestrian mod, modded mc, minecraftonly, minecraft, minecraft horses, equestrian, equine, equestrianmc, moddedhorses, minecrafthorses, horse game, barrel racing, english, western, discipline, riding style, saddle, tack, texture pack, moddedmc, modded minecraft, horse mod, horses, horse, horse breeding, foals, genetics, horse games, vlog, riding footage, new horse game, minecraft, peachy’s pixel place, equestrian, coats, textures, coat, pattern, new, tobiano, skewbald, roan, dun, grullo, bay, markings, blocks, models, animations, realistic, top, viral, fyp, minecraft equestrian, sweet feed, breeding horses, horse genetics, secret, secret coats, roach, epona, peacock appaloosa, agro, shadowmere, galaxy coat, van gogh, solitaire, ponyta, swift wind, secrets of swem, cheats, cheat codes, special, exclusive, insider, dev blog, explore, trails, exploration, christmas, snow, holidays

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  • Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay

    Talking Angela 2: Zoonomaly vs Minecraft vs Angela Cosplay In My Talking Angela 2, a cosplay showdown brews, Angel Angela versus Devil Angela, who will you choose? Witness the clash of good and evil, so divine, As Angela transforms, her powers intertwine. With radiant wings, Angel Angela takes flight, Her grace and charm, a heavenly sight. But beware of Devil Angela, with fiery wings ablaze, Her mischievous energy, in a darkened haze. Join Angela on her journey, through challenges untold, In a world where light and darkness unfold. Will purity prevail, or mischief take the lead? Watch the battle unfold, in this epic deed. Subscribe, like, and hit… Read More

  • Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft

    Creating a Portal to Another World in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Mipan EXE Portal Join UzeMing in the exciting world of Minecraft as he embarks on a new adventure to create the Mipan EXE portal. This portal, inspired by your requests, will take you to the realm of Mipan, a character with a pink Minecraft skin and a mysterious backstory. Follow along as UzeMing uses obsidian, steel, pink walls, and Redstone blocks to construct this unique portal. Exploring the Mipan World Once the portal is activated, UzeMing steps through to discover the world of Mipan. The landscape is filled with blocks made of Mipan’s essence, creating a… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Stardew Valley Shenanigans

    Crafting Chaos: Stardew Valley Shenanigans Minecraft Adventures in Stardew Valley Exploring the Mines and Making Friends In this episode of Stardew Valley, our protagonist embarks on a journey to the mines while engaging in fun discussions about Minecraft and Pokemon. As they delve deeper into the mines, they encounter various challenges and monsters, showcasing the thrill of exploration and combat in the game. The protagonist interacts with the villagers, gifting them items like cauliflower and cookies to build relationships and earn their favor. From Jody to Emily, each character has unique preferences, adding depth to the social aspect of the game. Crowd Control Chaos… Read More

  • Crafty Chaos: Hamster Havoc in Minecraft

    Crafty Chaos: Hamster Havoc in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a hamster’s tale, With Bronze, Gold, and Epic, they set sail. Iranian Youth, with hearts to win, In this quirky world, where do we begin? Bronze Hamster, naked and bare, Dropping kin, with a quirky flair. Gold Hamster, shining bright, Coins dropping, a delightful sight. Epic Hamster, with ketchup pants, Coins galore, in a joyful dance. Iranian Youth, following the trail, With hearts and coins, they never fail. In this Minecraft world, a hamster’s delight, Adding charm and fun, in the day and night. So let’s enjoy this quirky scene, In the world of… Read More

  • 100 Minecraft Builds Blitz

    100 Minecraft Builds Blitz 100 Minecraft Builds in 100 Minutes Embark on a whirlwind adventure through the world of Minecraft as Minecrafter Joe takes on the challenge of creating 100 unique builds in just 100 minutes. From whimsical structures to functional Redstone contraptions, each square tells a story of creativity and determination. A Creative Odyssey As the clock starts ticking, Minecrafter Joe dives headfirst into the challenge. The journey begins with a copper goblet and swiftly transitions to a peaceful forest, an archery range, and a mini ancient city. Each build unfolds with its own quirks and surprises, from failed bed traps to… Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darayanlp​​ ○ Discord: https://discord.gg/SSK6yzyk9H #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

just peachy – LET’S PLAY: MY SERVER 🔴 Minecraft Livestream