Leafy McTreeface EXPLODES in Pixelmon Battle! #clickbait #minecraft

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For for for for for for for for for hello hello my darlings welcome welcome back to the Stream to the land of the leaf hello um pay no attention to the um messed up groud on behind me he’s totally fine there see can’t you can’t see any destruction at all I have not

Been slowly tearing him apart and piercing him with ice at all hi welcome everybody Welcome to the stream I see all kinds of people having silly conversations I like it the very much hello random ha person General Eclipse yes ter Ying us with his sneaky spinus I

See a sleep hello sleep uh you’re doing an all nighter tonight aren’t you to try to uh get yourself back on track a little bit that’s kind of a little bonkers I hope I hope my stream will not um you know put you to sleep I don’t

Know do I want to put you to sleep or do I want to keep you awake I’m not sure um so we’ve been doing some work on the Groudon um we’ve we we’ve successfully blasted his half of his head off uh yeah we got a crack here I need to add some

More detail to the giant ice Spike uh that I’ve got kind of piercing through him here it’s kind of exploding out the back um I also thought we needed to destroy his tail a little bit uh so so so yeah he’s he’s missing half his tail

Uh yeah so you know things things are going uh yes I do yes yes I do uh they are somewhere they’re somewhere hold on uh where did I oh wait no I think one of them’s up here uh where did I put one wasn’t did I

Leave one up here I have my pink one oh hold on was it in here where’s your shulkers I think I put them in the box of boxes did I put them in the box of boxes oh here they are they’re all down here Brandon right here look no ice no ice no

Ice no ice I’m may have used up a lot of [Laughter] ice uh yeah the ice I’m carrying is all the ice we have left but I don’t know if I’m going to need much more I mean I think I’m almost done um I don’t know if

I’m going to have anything coming out this side of them I don’t know I might do another little hole over here or something I I don’t know maybe I’ll do another just a couple little ice spikes coming up out of the ground might work to kind of make more

Sense of the one that’s coming there so we might need some more ice but uh yeah I need I’m going to have to go buy a whole bunch of glass to to uh add some detail to this but oh we’ve got a num hello num sing it sleepy song

Of the silly Jigglypuff Pokemon to yes to yes make it go sleepy sleep and P Panda Hello Panda box is yint excellent okay all right so today uh since LOL is still out skiing and hopefully not running into any more trees hey there’s Brandon uh we’re going to go join up

With Mr go Googles and we’re going to have goggles help us uh do some destruction it’ll be interesting to see what he thinks of what we’ve done so far um I don’t know how much of this he’s seen yet um but I could definitely use his help with the Groudon there’s

There’s certainly more stuff there to do oh actually I could have him work on the lava stuff that sink started that would be uh that he would probably be really good at that yeah so there’s lots of stuff that we can we can get done on um

I think we also might do a little bit of a fun you know QuickTime battle thing too which is going to be fun can the leaf play the audio of the man named s who announces things like uh and the Subscribe action yes yes it’s PTSD from

Little knocking you over are you are you a tree now huh and yes I can absolutely play Mr Sam here he comes everybody listen listen listen he’s got the best voice ever wait hold on sorry he’s he’s muted he’s he’s got leitis for a second hold

On let me let me rewind hold on I got to rewind it hold on hold on he’s almost done okay let me hit this button and then I’ll hit this one here he comes hi announcer man Sam here to remind everyone to hit that like button if you’re enjoying the

Stream and don’t forget to subscribe and turn on notifications thank you so much for all your support and have a wonderful Panda you’re not your normal Panda self my goodness yeah well it does kind of make sense that LOL ran into you seeing as he

Is a bird and if you’re a tree Brandon Brandon what you’re being so zoomy why are you zoomi Punchy oh my goodness oh God you are zoomi you’re no longer a panda you are you you’re very red are you an inside out Panda uh the mask kind of looks like a

Red plague doctor mask are you a plague doctor are you an evil Panda are you a demon Panda demon panda run away it’s a demon Pand it’s a demon Panda tree Nam huh applauds the man named sand who announces things like the following like subscribe have a day that was very good

Yes are you a red well look this is Panda Panda’s very red so that’s why I was wondering if he maybe got inside out I demon Panda sure perfect okay I’m going to go uh unmute and I’m going to go see what uh Mr goggles is doing I

Don’t know if he’s still muted or not maybe I should actually go down to where he is he is okay so he’s going to come in whenever he’s ready I’m going to unmute now and he’ll just pop in whatever so until then I’m going to go put some ice in some places

Yeah I’m going to do that yeah cuz see I think I need some like the light blue staining glass to kind of add some extra EXT ra detail around the edges of the Ice uh you’re sorry that you kidnapped James wants a thousand or plus Subs yes

Yes we need a thousand we need did you see though we’re down to what like 68 more subs uh yeah I’m I’m probably G to going to need more ice Brandon because I think I’m going to want to put some ice uh ice like smaller ice spikes coming up out of

The ground so it’s not just this one giant thing um and then I’m still putting ice around here so an appointment with Mr K wonder what Mr K is up to today he is also streaming tonight we will be joining Mr K tomorrow for our new raft Series be sure to check

It out tomorrow night rafty rafty rafty oh and I think okay so I think by the fact that you guys voted so heavily for fortnite to be played today um and it was actually a very very successful stream like we we had a lot of people in today which was fantastic I absolutely

Loved it um I think I’m going to say to heck with you know you know my schedule I think I’m going to put fortnite back on Sundays I will just be streaming four times every weekend for the foreseeable future because y’all seem to love the fortnite on the

Weekends uh so I think that’s just what we’re gonna have to go with what what do you guys think hello who’s that LE leafy hi is that you it is me I was I I heard like something about fortnite I was like oh here we go again well yeah because um

I was streaming fortnite on Sunday afternoons but because of our new series on Sunday nights I’m like dear God that’s four streams every weekend uh that might be a bit much yeah so I’m like okay well let’s let’s move fortnite to Wednesday night but because LOL wasn’t around for the Saturday afternoon

Stream I’m like okay guys what do you want me to play instead and they all voted for fortnite and it ended up being a massive success so I said you know what I think I’m GNA have to put fortnite back on Sunday so I’m yeah yeah

So I’ll be streaming four four times a weekend for for a little while so that’s exciting so yay um hi goggles I’m I’m I’m I’m doing stuff okay do you want to do a battle thing first or do you want to get into building stuff and destruction first well you know what uh

First thing I want to before I I I noticed like behind my base I looked over and I saw a couple different little changes I can only just about see it cuz my render distance is about 12 chunks I can just about see a little bit of Destruction yeah

So Samurai CH skin CU you know hi Eclipse uh should you go spy and steal out of go B whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold up what no the answer to that question is no I don’t um has been playing up as the Spy recently uh that’s okay he he doesn’t

Have perms or nothing at your base so it’s not going to be quite as easy uh around around here bud uh but like do you want some weapons yes I’m going to need to protect myself if people are going to try to steal my stuff yeah apparently um yeah so things

Have been happening because like I said I I have limited fly tokens so uh pretty much every stream uh I have been and like in between streams I have been working on doing stuff over at this base uh so many many much has happen so

It’s up to you I can kind of give you the tour and then we can we can I don’t know I I don’t really care right now I’m I’m freezing over Groudon right now uh all right well yeah we can we can take a a quick little look um

Also something else I was going to say I’ve just immediately forgotten it I don’t know I have a bunch of little chores that I got to do at my place but I’m going to do that like late in the Stream yeah because you know I usually

Don’t stay for like a million hours so yeah um oh and who was it who say oh so num no I still won’t be doing a fortnite stream tomorrow because I have an evening I have a FL family thing in the evening um and I don’t know exactly when

We’re supposed to leave so I don’t want to have to like just leave in the middle of stuff so we’ll we’ll we’ll play Just For Fun a little bit but it won’t it won’t be streaming all right why don’t you come and meet me I’m I’m over where the Whooper used to

Be okay so shall I tell you the story of the multiple Armageddon that have happened here uh yeah I suppose also I’m just letting you know even though like it doesn’t really matter too much to you but I got shaders on shaders special nice white outline because it

Doesn’t show colors with this one but yeah pretty okay so this yeah we’re we’re joined here by my Entourage we have Brandon and we have Panda this is Panda okay okay and lava samurai oh look at you you do look all different it looks cool I like the skin change I like

What do we poorer so this is what happened oh I forgot um see when we do this when lol’s around LOL does weird things so guess guess who made the high sign I am not I would assume it’s him yeah okay so do you remember how G was

Here yeah I do remember that I was G got out oh no and and ate everybody and as and now now well you can see where he’s ended up he’s he’s over here now oh is he yeah Go’s over here oh is he wait what um what’s going on here like he’s mid

B that is brilliant I don’t come on how can I destroy his Tyranitar I could not do that oh that’s so good leafy so this is the imminent destruction of Tyranitar the imminent destruction of Tyranitar the mouth is so good on that thing I had so much fun when I actually

Finished building it and I stood back I’m like oh my God that’s it’s so obvious what it is you know it’s just yeah go that’s brilliant Go’s Go’s going to town yeah so so goom came out and ate everything oh whoa agage oh are you over

At the Groudon I can I’m like I’m at the the Groudon is the work in progress right now so we are basically you know the war between Groudon and Kroger uh KY by the way for anyone’s confused yeah KY Kroger yes it’s Kroger that’s that’s we’re we’ll just call that a leaf ISM

It’s fine I don’t say things right so we’re just slowly bringing the war to its gruesome uh end uh so Groudon uh do you have do you have any fly ability right now so I don’t okay hold on hold on how no no no hold on I’ll take you

For a tour how do I turn off the what is it P Rider SLP Rider I have absolutely no idea okay there here hop on I give you a ride I can okay okay we’re going on an adventure okay so flying this is awesome all right so this is what’s happened to

Pour Groudon oh um it’s like I said it’s still in progress yet we need some more uh details there’s going to be water coming out of most of these holes it’s amazing uh what so this like I said I have been busy the last while but this

Yeah so I kind of took off half his head um what has happened to that rapid Dash that again we’re trying to like take lol’s Bas apart what does he do he starts building more stuff and then just abandons it so he started building this instead of helping us with the

Destruction builds and then just leaves it a headless rapid Dash don’t headless rapid Dash yeah and then we talk about how we’re going to destroy um so the Kroger isn’t done yet the Kroger the Kroger is going to basically be the opposite so he’s also going to have holes

Yeah just looked over at it yeah I wasn’t going to turn around yet uh so LOL this is LOL helping it just sets the whole thing on fire yeah but okay so imagine I I we took one fin off so I want to have him build the fin like over here like

Rebuild just the fin as if it got broken off and it’s kind of floating away you know okay yeah so imagine the Kroger full of holes like the Groudon only they’re all like on fire and burnt and crispy and uh similar to what I did to

His door which is over here yeah so there’s his door yeah the door is completely gone oh my gosh yeah so this is what the edges of the Kroger is going to look like all of his holes are going to look like that okay I like that so like the salt and

Like magma and stuff yeah exactly except um like I used Bol cuz to me it looked more like like coal like burnt wood uh with with the crow I think I’m going to reuse a lot of the stuff from the volcano which is like the the black

Concrete and that kind of thing that make more sense so speaking of the volcano so the story of the volcano you know how it had the little the little portal inside yeah okay so the volcano erupted the portal exploded oh gosh it let loose to ghast which um which then started

Blasting things off I don’t know this is supposed to be a mirror of some sort or a cake a mirror what I don’t know built that um and and he’s blasting Fireballs which have destroyed the courthouse oh my gosh and Heatran was just kind of lost amongst everything I

Love how it’s like we can’t get the gas to face diagonal let’s add a mirror and then make it yeah I know it’s just that’s that’s kind of the way it ended um so I still I still have the the castle to do this is going to be one of

My little pet projects I don’t know how too many people going to be able to help on this one but imagine with this one is going to be oh oh gosh thanks leafy uh sorry I thought that was uh them teleporting to me not me teleporting to

Them did did you die I’m sorry yeah uh sorry lava brought me to his Groudon under the Groudon gosh I I just oh gosh I just teleported to NE nerd’s base hold on hold or you hold on just just you you come back I’ll I’ll send the TPA to you yeah yeah yeah

I’m back where I was in front there we go okay come here I’m loading in my game’s going to be a lot slower because I turned on shaders H it’s all good it’s all good it’s all good there we go oh oh my goodness sorry sorry I

Have not been looking at my chat I’ve been giving a big uh a big T here um yeah so imagine with the um this thing here let me turn my F5 off here this is going to be a black hole is going to form within the castle and it is going

So I’m basically going to destroy just the inner sphere of the castle and and so all the outer bits are going to be intact but then there’s going to be this big black hole in the middle of it that’s cool yeah so I got I got to do that and then he doesn’t

Really want us to do too much for the Blastoise because it kind of started the whole thing so we’re thinking we might just age him so like put in lots of like cracked like cracks and mossy cobblestone and and that kind kind of thing can we give him a

Beard oh that might be good too yes a big gray beard I like that I like that burnt wood leafy that’s called Ash yeah yeah it’s fine it’s also burnt wood I like the beard idea uh yeah so right now it’s the the Groudon um I definitely I I do definitely have a

Couple things that that I could use your help with okay so it’s just a matter of if you want to delve into stuff like that or if you want to do a bit of uh a bit of like cookie battle stuff too so we can do we

Can do like the the battle challenge if you want first I’ve also got uh keys to open for this month so that could be kind of exciting and yeah I mean I definitely want to I want to do a little bit of everything um and I think that I

Definitely would like to at least take part in this yeah yeah yeah know just I’ve been having so many help with L gave me permission to give permission for perms and whatnot so I’ve just been like yes you can help yep you can and everyone’s got oh yeah lots of people

Have perms here so it’s all good um Brandon got a thing oh you got a thing from wonder trade what thing did you get oh you got a you got a you got a lar I’m assuming one of it’s got to be one it’s

Got to be one of Ls it’s got to be a lar probably probably yeah it’s a LOL Larvitar of course it is uh all right so then I’m going to put uh these gym guys away yeah he can he can stay up there that’s fine that’s full and I’m going to

Find like an empty actually I need to go to my where’s my get rid of stuff page I should do a wonder trade too there it is what should I wonder trade today should I do let’s see how about let a rowlet what very random I

Don’t know I don’t know I’m going to throw a r boot I’m throwing a reboot in there uh don’t give me perms I will start doing arson well yeah okay I’m gon to check a level 14 Rin in there there we go uh oh I got a karaja okay I need hold

Up I got a rowlet that’s in a master ball oh interesting caught by me okay uh okay Leaf do you like the leaf that I post on the server allows us to communicate Anda as chat writings that people use to talk I do I do I do I’m

Sorry I have not been looking at chat but I’m done my tour now Leaf has a f family thing yes I do have a family I have many leaves in my family uh your family you’re you’re the heavy here in chat are you tiniest little Togepi oh Eclipse says he doesn’t even

Have Minecraft on PC so he’s just being a spy in chat so it’s fine all right um okay goggles has a ton of money what the heck what um yeah L gave it all to me well gave me about like half of it and then he’s like

Yeah now I’m poor goggles buy me stuff like what oh Eclipse stole your intelligence apparently and he also may have just at a Pokemon hover bird all right I’m I know you said it a long time ago okay sorry I was doing the whole story of Armageddon here okay it it happens sometimes

I I’m going to fly back to my base I’m going to get a fly token cuz I feel like that’s probably going to get used today don’t worry I’m running off of a 7day one that’s why I’ve been here like in my off time and whatnot working on crowd on

I’m like I am almost out of fly tokens and I keep like I oh my God my stupid things reset I logged in at 6:35 and you know that the the server resets at like 7 and I needed to log in and once once it reset that reset my my stuff I’m like

I was 5 minutes late for for get for keeping my dailies up so mad that oh I wanted to cry so now I’m I’m kind of back at the beginning now whoa whoa whoa hold up lava Samurai just sent me something it’s it’s it’s a little mouse thing called

Parasite those little M things do kind of get everywhere who copper rot giant elephant monster is this anyway oh it’s panda Panda I got your I got your elephant I got a pandant gifts there we go I got I got a box for gift Pokemon uh where is yeah I I just did

Like a major like revamp on my stuff here your boxes yeah getting very very full where is is hovering that’s Brandon that’s random things I’m just hovering up here in the sky it’s fun all right I’m going to use a three-day fly token Where’s My Big Buddy where is

He should be able now fly oh gosh it’s raining no oh is it raining and it’s night time yeah okay well well you know we have to go look for baby Kroger then right oh do we where’s the which biome uh deep ocean which is I’m which is

Basically like the Tyranitar and very hungry [ __ ] which LOL also put his three tiny goomies on top of it too so the goo has like a small very small army of other goomies where did he get all those uh from from the uh April Fool’s Day oh

Yeah yeah I wasn’t here for that do you have uh Togepi in in your first slot in your party I got him in the first slot now well you need to you can’t get baby Kroger if you don’t have a baby egg I uh

Do I need an empty spot or is it good no no it’s just if Kroger spawns if you have a toab be in the first spot there’s a chance it’ll be the baby Kroger Y and I actually I actually have the other two babies I just don’t have the Kroger

Baby I don’t have any of them slender cool though I still love this like Derpy potato thing he has that’s my favorite skin of his we got to chill here so what’s the okay where do we should we have a vote like have chat Vote or like people in

Game vote on what biome we should do that that battle thing I assume we’re going to do like a a biome battle uh yeah and then we can just and then what is it you know like 20 minutes in that biome catch the best stuff you can that

Kind of thing yeah we could do that maybe like 10 minutes maybe well yeah whatever okay well here I can do do you want me to do a little chat thing here like we can both start a chat we can both start a poll maybe so SL poll

Oh I’m actually just going right in my YouTube chat so what biome battle okay so as desert oh I know I never learned how to do that though oh gosh let do desert jungle I guess what like PLS do um do what’s it called uh bad

Lands that be kind of interesting oh I can only do four options unfortunately okay I’m gonna do four different ones in my chat as well okay so you know what okay so I’m doing desert jungle Plains and snow I think those are pretty very different things so what’s another yeah

So I’ll do those four hold on I was going to do bad lands nether because that’s technically its own thing what other ones did I do numb feels numb so by all bu what are some opt what are some other biomes uh there’s what the the the Savannah Um I mean we could say like cuz I mean it depends on how specific you want to get like um like do we want to say like taigo or mountains or we could be good oce um oh what about the end like we could even say just the end or the

Nether I’ve done I’ve already done nether bads Nether and mountains bad well then why don’t you put the end in there too that might be kind of cool and the end okay we’re start a poll you guys vote hey oh Brandon’s got yes this is

Going to be is this going to be like these four are going to be like what I end up going to and then the other four could be like one of those could be where you go oh that could be we do different ones oh if we go to different B

Biomes uh okay well we’ll see because like if one of us ends up with like ocean and one ends up with fire then I think the ocean might have the advantage so why don’t we we’ll see what they come if anyone wants to vote in um in my

Chat as well you’re welcome to if you if you want yeah so there’s there’s a link to goggles channel in my description there’s also a permanent link to him and all the other creators on the server in my feature channels because for some reason sometimes my links don’t work but

They will work on my actual YouTube page your child craes puten sakes a we got a z zenta that formed well that means we’re not going to get a Kroger now stink okay I’m gonna copy and paste so guys in my chat this is the link to uh

Leafy’s stream right now if you guys want to go vote there as well see which biome she is going to get all right let’s see how’s my how’s my pole doing right now can I not there we go okay right now jungle is winning oh no it’s kind of going back and forth

Here there we go okay we we got a tie between jungle and snow they’re very different biomes all right well since a a legendary has already spawned that means we’re not going to get not going to have to no we don’t have to worry why don’t

We while we’re waiting on the poles for a little bit why don’t I open yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s go let’s go do your keys maybe I’ll have to go a little bit maybe I’ll just have to go do some some shopping here all right let’s see I have to go

See which ones I want to get though that’s the whole other thing all right well I’m going to check out and see what are in these different crates so O Okay so the first one is the admin Choice crate for this month looks like some pretty cool stuff there’s the crates are

Really really good yeah this is a um agents crate yeah this one’s really cool I like the the niilo or niilo whatever you want to say uh the Nils is pretty cool the octopus cat got a hidden ability ho in there what’s the hidden ability for hoo I have no idea to be

Honest nether do I it’s got his uh his laruto primarina that flare made for him the tails is pretty sweet looking oh I got the copper sulfate Slugma he’s really cool oh man I want to get that if that’s like going to be like one of the earlier ones either that really really

Neat the Dratini looks pretty neat um and I like the the steel as well see oh oh Brandon says it’s regenerator generator okay so basically that ability is when you switch it out of battle and then you bring it back in I think it heals a little bit yep that is it okay

This one got some of the good ones in here so you do you still have your crate keys or not no but um I I might go shopping that’s why I’m looking at what one I might want to buy some stuff for so okie dokie yeah this one’s pretty

Cool I like probably my number one in this would be either like the The Meta Groudon yeah the groudon’s looking pretty sweet although the shiny volcon like that’s a very different looking Volcanion that’s crazy the Ashen Houndoom looks fantastic you got uh oh yes the shiny

Gibble I need oh you know what I should do I should I have shiny tokens I need to make a shiny [ __ ] on I mean dude I stream with shiny flag on I really should have one yeah and then this one over here the Rock and New Year crate we’re still

We’re still Rock new it say nobody got the shiny diag Dialga I can never say that but I got one all right all the Pikachu maybe reset it for the month or something I don’t know I don’t know maybe it wears off There’s a pikachu these Pikachu ones

Are pretty cool I know I don’t have the pop Shar Pikachu yet and the Creator Eevee what’s up brand shiny Legend oh and the missing no in there too this this is like the metag Groudon like actually sent out oh jeez that that’s that’s Brandon’s isn’t it yeah Brandon has like every

Cool I know it looks awesome man like I I got to say like there’s so many really cool like legar yeah like if oh gosh like Groudon like when you just look at it like want I mean the chances of me getting the metag Groudon are pretty

Slim it’s pretty slim 0.1 is a pretty low chance leafy it’s a pretty low chance oh God is that all h I mean this one’s agents still has some pretty nice ones but I do have a lot of the ones already from Agents the fact that it’s

Got a spirit Eevee though like H percentages are they aren’t these percentages accurate like if you would add all these up does it come to 100% because like they start up at like 1.5 yeah I don’t know 30 different things like they do not add up to I I don’t

Know I really don’t know you just like get nothing that would be that be the worst the agent I think I’m I really want that pop star Pikachu all right well leafy I think I’m gonna end my poll uh I think Mount so the mountain biome won it for me I’m

Still tied between snow and jungle hey guys if you guys haven’t voted on leafy stream click that link go check it out go and vote a spirit Dy Creator I’m having a hard time choosing between this although shiny Coco would be good uh H these ones are good so many so so many

Shiny starter things I think I’m going I’m going to warm it up I’m going to do a little warm up here I’m going to start off with some vote cray Keys as I always oh yeah I still need to do those too I’m so on the

Ball it’s awesome if you guess what I get you get the item on the vot on the vote CR Keys all right first guess what do you think I’m gonna get uh vote Hammer okay here we go the first one is spinning i’ like to get money that would be

Nice I no way I got a vote Hammer shut up I don’t you hit a vote Hammer okay I should have asked for like money that’s like the first time that’s ever happened all right second one leafy what do we think um you’re going to get you’re going to

Get what am I looking at what am I looking at um um I’m kind of thinking you’re going to get the the claim blocks I’m going claim blocks this time okay I know if you can give those away though click here to open the okay well I know I don’t think

You can but you can just give me money all right it’s going to be no way not okay you were one away from getting the claim blocks I got the aura token oh well that’s okay you can another one of those Rock New Year’s Eve I think that’s what I’m whenever you

Use whenever you use the aura tokens like a lot of people tend to crash out of the game oh yeah no that’s me I I get like Epileptic shock seizure things flashing on my screen and then everything goes invisible LOL crashes every time I send out

Derek it’s the best he’s like all right lol listen here man bad uh I think I’m gonna get on give me a random Pokemon yay random shiny oh whoa whoa whoa I got a random shiny Pokemon admin crates do I want to get no I think I’ll wait till

Next time okay I’m going to do this y Shin shiny shark shiny shark careful I’m GNA eat you no no I’m being shark shoved you’re shark shoved I want to be shark shoved I mean leafy I mean leafy did that work there we go all right just I’m just doing some stuff

Final vote key here we go fine you’re going to get I’m not thinking of it I don’t know nothing you’re not gonna get anything that was that was me I got another or token I couldn’t I couldn’t make up my mind in time what you eat leafy feed me eats you

Goggles what what eat leafy feed me eat you oh wait who oh yes you eat leafy and feed me eat e you that makes perfect sense I get it now yeah because you were just eating me and feed me eats you so it’s fine W try to make this what what I

Told you I was going shopping I was just like you know you got to eat your greens oh jungle ended up winning jungle ended up winning okay so be in the jungle I’m going to be in the mountains you didn’t get my thing about you got to eat your

Greens you got to eat your vegetables cuz you’re a leaf no okay why why would I eat my I don’t no I was eating you you’re the leaf you’re the vegetables I’m not a vegetable okay you’re not a vegetable but you’re like you’re broccoli which is one of my favorite vegetables oh I’m

Broccoli now like broccoli yep broccoli I do like broccoli as you hold bamboo this is my magical teleportation stick excuse me very much I have a feather yeah touche what do your feather do it makes me teleport oh no no no no no this this I this is like my TPA

Accept stick people I can teleport people with this stick if I want to do what you do I have magical saplings see oh she’s crazy oh oh but you know what’s crazy this this sapling has has power this this has crazy power I just you just like zipped I have teleported to

The roof of the nether multiple times um oh she’s breaking the game how’d you get back oh well I guess um I I once tried to teleport I think I was like teleporting like like from like here to about here and I ended up where the stop lights were

Outside uh yeah um I once fell um right through the the floor and ended up in a half block like crawl space what’s scary is when you use it and you teleport into like the the back rooms that’s not fun I have a whole short of me teleporting

Into the back rooms because I did fall through the world I was literally I had teleported a couple times and then I’m just standing there and literally I you can see me fall down into a block and a half space under the ground and I was like swimming around under the

Ground I I I I don’t I literally fell through the world it was what is going on with the massive amount of lightning what is Connor doing I don’t know I’m turning off stuff man like I don’t have weather on it’s just let’s just get spinning good God that is not normal

Somebody is spiting Connor like mad o o come on give me the thing oh Eclipse I don’t know if you want to be stealing from play man I got the SPI nice yay it’s a Pocus fi isn’t he awesome he’s great I wish you could write him it’s like someone stamped his

Forehead if you if you evolve this thing does it like carry on being that color I don’t think as a I don’t think it keeps it keeps it a cuz remember how how flare had to like make the the jump stuff for the Gyarados and the The Little Octopus

Guys it’s probably the same thing with here right where the jump whoever did the jump thing cuz that’s what these are they’re jump Pokemon um they never did the Evolve versions it was flare that did the Evolve versions and I don’t think she’s done it for this cuz it

Would have to be what Celio and wall rain like that’s a lot yeah I would love to see a wall rain like with special colors like that that’d be super yeah but then he wouldn’t look like a Pokeball anymore that kind of defeats the purpose of it he is a amalgamation

Of a Pokeball okay that’s even cooler but then wall would just functional but W would just have like someone branded gs on his head and he’ll be wearing a little black belt exactly how great is that all right next crate okay I’m I’m going to I’m going to

Do I’m going to do one one of my crates as I got keys too now I want to do it at the same time okay I got a shiny NL yeah but they’re pretty look he’s all like Bluey actually matches you oh this one you can ride well you can actually ride

And there’s not too many unevolved Pokemon you can ride look at this why is this so fast it’s a camel like it’s not I don’t know look at this guy he’s going like 20 blocks per hour he be zooming you’re watching Karen’s get arrest I love watching Karen videos

I love it oh look at this it’s like a little wall the thing the scarf what spiels do I have a few spiels now um I have that one cuz Brandon gave me one I have oh my okay what do I I have the Premier Ball

One the Poke Ball the master ball and the GS ball and then I and then I have shiny and the the scarf one is that awesome I have so many SPS oh yeah I do have some look I I have uh I have this one I got the Premier Ball one and I

Have got those ones they’re so I love the feels they’re so cute yeah I know it’s a really good concept I like like when they hello they change up Pokemon but it’s just for like Pixelmon it’s kind of fun I just I still think it’s awesome how much flare is like just seriously

Gotten into making so many like uh custom Pokémon for this place I love yeah bro has the curse of Zeus’s anger I think he’s talking about Connor oh yeah prob oh are you doing one of these I’ll do one of these I’ve got these Keys oh okay spin it quick okay

I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going oh yeah I forgot there was shiny ditos in here too oh you’re going to oh you’re going to want to trade you’re going to want to trade I just know it don’t my God what did you get I got a shiny

Squirtle I got this I have to see this this thing oh my God it’s so cute oh I have to have it I have all the other Pikachu I have to have this one I have to have it what what do you what do what

What do you want what do you want okay well before okay listen listen before we before we do a trade maybe let’s wait you might end up getting can I just have have first in line to trade okay you’re first in line first in line okay I’ll

Take it I’ll take it I’ll take that I like that also with these shaders for me I don’t know if it’s for you but like all the the Pokemon have like little outlines like little lines on them oh that’s weird can you see like if

Somebody has um uh glow on can you see them through walls no I don’t have that oh that I have I have total wall hacks oh you don’t have your glow on I can see you through the wall but not just my glow like my entire character I can see your

Entire character yeah Behind the Walls you don’t have glow on I can’t see you through the wall ha that’s how I know you don’t have glow on I looked I looked Weir see I go over here and now see I can see Brandon Brandon’s like that’s how I love I I Ser like

Jumping on the thing I know like I took a picture of LOL with with like Brandon and you guys on his shoulder remember yeah that was there’s my big kitty you’re not scary I know it’s so like it’s like a very big bass sound right in your ears

He’s not going to do it is he now now that I’ve said that yeah he will come on buddy speak now you have to turn around turn your back to him then he’ll do it okay speak he didn’t do it he just ran away no oh there you

Go it’s almost like the archus one like it’s pretty crazy yeah I don’t know do I even have a do I have a shiny Squirtle it could be the same voice actor or something I don’t have a shiny Squirtle do I have a shiny war tle no what to go to Blastoise

Uh no this is my very first shiny Squirtle that’s kind of exciting oh he has to go on a fancy shiny page I don’t know where I think that was one of my first ever shinies that I got that was like on the old server I got like a a shiny blast toys

Oo had it forever like what’s his name again I totally forget it doesn’t matter all right do you have this crate over here all all I’ve got is the rock of New Year’s cuz they come in like little packs of five oh you made him so oh he’s so tiny

Oh God he’s so cute oh man yeah that one looks weird Okay this dude keeps on making sound effects shush kitty kitty okay I’m turning creatures off shush we go whenever you punch it all right well Panda you’re going to have to make me turn my sounds off Panda cut it out just

Turn off friendly creatures that’s all you got to do okay I’m gonna have to do that panda Panda are you going to make me turn this here friendly creatures I turned the friendly creatures way down there yeah we’re going to be doing UHA the mountain biome unfortunately

Nether didn’t win it all right we’ll do another one of these These are these are pretty cool all right okay I’m bouncing I’m spinning I’m bouncing I’m spinning that the I the tactic last time I did like a bunch of spins I got like something really good I don’t know I’m

Just bouncing and spinning I’ve done about like four spins I haven’t been counting I’m being random random is lucky random is chaos 10 I’m doing 21 oh that’s a lot 12 13 14 we got to work for it 15 16 Doom player send his energy 18 19

20 are you going backwards one and a little extra bit all right three two one okay go oh now I’m dizzy I got a good feeling you’re going to get something good you think so I think I’m going to going to get this little guy right here yeah I

Got a shiny min oh you got a shiny shins I got one of them last time I got this guy pretty cool now there’s I I don’t know how to make it go battle form I don’t know how to do that basically the way it changes form is you have to get

It into the yellow zone with its Health like it has to be in the yellow and then it breaks out and then it gets really excited this is his Defense form okay yeah okay I don’t I don’t think that’s going to work Brandon but kind of a

Little shy at the moment you got a golden kitty yeah Kitty oh we got to give it a nickname someone in chat either in leafy’s chat or my chat give it a nickname oh I have a shiny Venipede um somewhere okay hold on we’re gonna find it is there Shin

Somewhere down there uh where’s that I don’t see it on the map there’s so much just like stuff in this this area you can’t really see it on the mini map uh oh Panda’s chasing Peach I don’t know I don’t know Peach I don’t know

Peach is in my chat though I’m going to look up on the Roof do you do you have that one or are you missing that one what the shiny venonat or was it venonat or Venipede Venipede wait what is it oh yeah it’s a it’s a Venipede that’s the little shiny bug thing right yeah he’s like a he’s like a

Little shiny bug I don’t see him see a Woobat I see doesn’t really help but I see I also see woats and drill Birds I see like the shiny particles and it’s all your shinies everywhere oh sorry uh I see a carvana that probably doesn’t help I think it

Oh Brandon found it it’s a boss oh it’s an ultimate boss what ultimate boss well feel free to feel free to Doom Slayer it o i it’s ultimate like is that the Brest one yeah those are like the super big ones that that drop the the super fancy

Thing okay cool he dropped some string and he dropped an orb okay sure why not C oh I have I have junk to put away good Lord I just looked at my little backpack all right well I still got more crates actually I don’t how many we have

Left uh I have I’m Bo I think I have I have three New Year’s Eve ones to do I’m going to do one over here you do one over there we’re just going to spin I’m looking at you I’m looking at you oh is this the new is the new strategy this

The new meta okay actually like you ready three two one go box go all right come on be something cool oh there’s a shiny Mew and the Pikachu shiny me oh shins oh I got another shiny Squirtle I got some really cool oh my God LOL will sell you his soul for that

I got the blocky sand Isle do you know how much LOL wants that I don’t he oh my God if he didn’t already give you all of his money he would have like this is what he wants I will rob the man blinds he will give me every cent he owns he

Absolutely will he will give you anything and everything you want for that oh no he’s been like really nice to me in the past I can’t be so cool uh I got another Squirtle oh you got another squirt I got another Squirtle oh it’s even

Tinier oh yeah I to I totally need to evve one of these okay uh let’s evolve let’s evolve the teen what do you think evolve the teeny tiny one oh no keep the Teeny well should he be okay how small is it how small is it what’s itze uh

Probably just pygm me yeah it’s pygm wait what yeah you what the heck is this why is there a weird X thing besides squirtle’s name who what’s that look at this thing leafy look at this Porygon it’s like super glitchy what oh like Al let me help you think you can break its

Shell uh to trade for a squirtle well it depends on what you’re looking to trade for the Squirtle oh that’s a weird looking thing I don’t know cuz I don’t have any shiny Squirtles and I don’t have any shiny War tles so I was going

To evolve one of them we’re going to put these into box seven for now uh for now uh don’t worry about it Brandon I’m just going to put the little minor in there for now I’m just going to put him away I’ll keep my little Squirtles out all

Right let’s see I got uh let’s see I got two of these left and then I think I have one of the one of each of the one of each of okay so you do you do some of those okay I’m I’m going to carry on do

My spins I think you should just like spin as well doesn’t even matter if you’re going to open I’ll I’ll spin around the middle the middle Pokeball thing here everyone spin all right everybody spin we’re doing good luck spins more spinning the sil well chat can be silent that’s okay LOL will sell

His uh his door for the sand is he probably will sell you some do he will give you a lot of he’s a door he’s a door too salesman hey so I I think it’s it’s become decided that even though LOL does have a bit of a storage

Room uh apparently he never uses it and I think I mean his storage is worse than what yours was so I’m when all this destruction is done I’m going to build him a storage room and I have an idea what I’m I have an idea of of what I’m

Going to of how I’m going to make it too do all right I’m going to open thisi uh I kind of have a VII to be honest there’s not much I’m missing there’s not too many things I don’t have oh I got okay I got another one of the fields

Oh I love how your thing is like you build storages now well it’s not my thing it is my I don’t like oh my God you’re just it bothers me I lost sleep after I watched your stream looking at your storage are you kidding me I had I was going to

Make one I just hadn’t got Lord so I’m like all right well now I know what I’m doing oh Brandon only has a premier ball field so he might be willing to trade for a GS ball field cuz he tried to trade for mine but I I I only had one

And your Christmas one I I’ll do a trade with you Brandon we’ll we’ll we’ll figure out something in a minute I still got another three spins and leafy how many spins do you have three uh I’ve got two two spins all all right I’m going to

Do another one of these ones I think this is my last new I’ll I’ll do one of these while you do this one cuz I have these ones oh can you imagine if I get another Squirtle I’m going to have the whole set do you want the whole set that’d be

Kind of fun and of course you know the Blastoise should be the tiniest one don’t you think squirt I suppose yeah you call it like super so or something uh shiny G would be tempting I’m thinking I actually need um I know I was saying shiny Gibble before it’s

Actually the shiny trap inch that I need cuz I need a shiny Fly Gone um when are we going to stop doing this I’m just just just wondering um asking asking for a friend two one that’s not the right now just go now okay what do we get what do we get

That’ be nice that’d be nice that’ be nice okay well now I got a Shiny Bulbasaur you got shiny Squirtle I got the Squirtle that you needed I do already have a I think I already have I know I’ve got a shiny Venusaur I actually don’t think I have a Shiny

Bulbasaur uh I actually you know what I do have a shiny charmander though hold on do I have a Shiny Bulbasaur no I don’t the full set all of but I do have I do have a no I have a shiny Charmeleon and a shiny Charizard I actually don’t have a shiny

Charmander so I do need that one but I have I have two of them so far I have two of them I’ll take two of them I swear I had one at one point I got one shiny charmander yeah you’re you put didn’t you put your shiny charmander up and called him

Zerm oh that was that was that was l l did that so there’s there’s that that one there’s that one I think he actually called it reram no he had one named Zam I because I wasn’t that the one I I I won zerm yeah this one cuz CU I I remember I

Won that and then I I Ved him this is this is zrm he was a shiny Charmander and now he’s a big shiny charizard what’s UPA it must have been during that giveaway yeah see I kind of have a glass year already too honestly there are not many things I

Don’t have which I know is kind of a pain um when you’re trying to trade with me but uh I don’t know if you’d have the things that I do actually need where does this one go where does zum go you trying to get a full shiny deex no I just

Keep no I I just keep shinies that I don’t have I don’t actively go looking for them but usually most of my double shinies I I either I either like if I have a lot of them I’ll keep like one for each evolved form if I get extras

But all right I’ve only got one key left so I’m just going to go I’m G do this solo and then I’ll have one more key and then we can do it at the end okay I’m just going to rotate around here um yeah so Pokemon that I that I do actually

Still really need um I need I need a spirit eeve so you know have fun with that um there’s a lot of strike Pokemon that that I want do I have that one what was that was a shiny zerum or something wasn’t it uh zeum has got to be heavy I don’t

Have a zerum at all is not that’s not yeah that’s the zeum think that tail would be heavy it it looks a little heavy yeah yeah although that could be why he’s standing upright and not on all fours possibly yeah right all right I’m I’m going to go for

It you actually have to hold on hold on hold on Peach hold on a second do a spin where’ my giveaway box go o yo is this special hold up look what I got leafy you want to see what I got uh always should giveaways there it is what what’ you

Get oh shiny Heatran very nice yeah what why lava why that’s why that in here 0.3 why would you do this lava’s trying to steal my children what he gave me a droon and it’s named child Napper oh no that’s really bad that’s horrible that’s not

Good oh my god um okay so what was I looking at here I had I put this away that one where did it go I have a bunch of different stuff I thought I had a I need to sort through some of these boxes it’s a bit of a mess a little bit

Messy SM your flon L leafy is the thing oh well that’s still bad um do I know I thought I had a reram do I not do I not have a Ze either I don’t the elev I thought I had one of them escalator didn’t don’t I

Have am I crazy Brandon am I crazy I thought I had a a thing or do do I have him already put into the mushed up form I wonder if that’s what it is what’s the mushed up thing uh keep me away from that person that gave you that

Balloon uh that was lava Samurai who gave me that experience Giants no no no not again no oh km oh that’s what it is Kai yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so and he is oh and he is shiny too okay so I do have one of

Them okay so that means I have the reram and a zerum then right actually wait is that what that means cuz I do have one why why are you giving me multiple child Nappers why you have why do you have so many of them why are you trying to give it to

Like the one person on the server who has children there’s something not right with that anyone has like a regular like oh I have a ram and a shiny kyum okay is that what it is I don’t say things right why do people name things in weird

Ways if anyone has like a just a regular Ze or a ram I don’t let me know what I just looked for but apparently I have one shiny and one regular where the heck did my shiny box go I have gone through my entire PC here where the heck did it

Go there it is okay get in there you evil children Nappers good God only have two of them just for you oh just for me oh thank you good one for each kid is that how it’s going good Lord I okay we got we got one more spin it’d be

Really cool if you could get like a you could evolve that pixelated Sandile get like a pixelated version of like the evolutions is going to have a contion when he sees that you got that you know what you need to take a picture of it and ping

Him like I’ll probably do that ruin his whole uh ski trip make him so antsy to come back and talk to you all right I’m I’m good whenever are you are you going are you going okay okay I’m going spinning I’m spinning something cool okay we need the Charmander now

That’s not that’s not a Charmander I got a dog I got a cactus I got a shiny dog what which one did you get you the Absol I got Shin a dog that a dog it doesn’t kind of a dog it’s kind of a dog it’s a interesting thing I don’t

Know it’s kind of a dog uh someone like say like what what AB Soul’s based off of it’s kind of a dog let’s see ab soul do I have a shiny one of them I don’t I have the Valentine’s one I have a Choco dog well

That’s cool I got some good shinies then I got a lot of shinies that I didn’t have before so that is very very cool kind of like a bunch of cool stuff that like I don’t know I mean I kind of want to keep I these are probably like by top

Four like the the Heatran Pikachu well that Pikachu is not going to be there for much longer and the steel what great I just filled up another okay yeah but see I kind of need to have the Pikachu like you know that I need to

Have it cuz I have this and this and this oh you got like the full gang I have traded many a thing for these I must I must have them I must have the Pikachu all right I’ll have to trade you man you have to tell me what you have

Then because like all right uh I’ve got like a whole page of stuff that is that is to be that is free for trades here do you want to do do you want to do an off stream or do you want yeah that’s fine

Here I’m going to take a um what is it here I’m going to take a screenshot of my my little giveaway page and I’ll send you a screenshot and then you can just kind of pick CU pretty much anything on here now some of these are shiny as well so if

You pick one out I’ll let you know if it’s shiny as well so all right um okay let me put my little Pikachu back they go on a page not that one they go somewhere got a bunch of just like random stuff to go through that one in these boxes also have Streams not that page where did they go they go somewhere gifts nope not that page definitely not that page where’s my I oh oh oh oh oh wait here it is here it is one two three there we go okay all right I’m good put that away yes okay so I’m just

Going I’m just going to pop back to my house for a second uh to put away some junk apparently I’m carrying that needs to get put away all right I’m going to do the same well I basically just have these Ora tokens and then do you want to

Start building or do we want to do the battle biomes uh probably do the battle thing and then we can just build till whenever we’re feel like being done so okay sounds good to me I’m Randon um put that thing away I have this this figure out so what Pokemon are we using

To capture stuff because it has to or does it not matter I don’t think it matters we used to capture things like that’s cuz that’s it’s not like you’re using that on your team or anything right yeah what was this thing again all right that was for like a paradox thing

I might hold on to that down here I need to sell some of these orbs I have 16 orbs I don’t I don’t think I need 16 orbs 16 orbs yeah like empty orbs yeah that’s a lot I would try to maybe sell them or like anyone yeah I

Already have some for sale in uh in one of my stores so I’m thinking um I might I might actually just sell some of them to the shop because that’s that’s a lot I think welcome back to you need help eclipse is flare after you maybe you shouldn’t like do things what’s up

You have a shulker box yes I know you have a Spiel I’m actually going to keep that in the front all right I’ve kind of got my team I got a flying Pokemon a catch Pokemon and something to poison them with if I need to oh that looks so

Weird all right that looks very weird oh yeah I’m going put away randomly TP to a a biome oh oh God strawberry gift wait leave you kind of cut out love Samurai is just sending me strange things I got a water oh my Lord okay sorry I missed what um there they

Are you have a lot of these like things here oh God lava Samurai you’re oh I appreciate the good laugh that’s fire corner all right that guy’s going right in there okay uh I really only need this one guy wh oh my goodness who’s punching me

Now oh yeah oh for the GS ball the GS I saw love lava Samurai the note is what made me laugh so hard see let me find it oh Lord let me find it where’s my Bulbasaur page there it is this is where I was okay so you’re going to sit there you’re

Going to sit there you’re GNA go here you can’t all we’ll just do this one oh yeah we’ll use the page okay uh do you need uh quick balls uh I think I have a few hold up I’m trying to gift uh brand and we’re doing a trade

Here uh do you have quick balls there we go uh um here have uh do you want like three stacks of quick balls that’s a lot of quick balls yes please thank you do you want more I Brandon and I kind of Brandon and I have a have a have

A problem with quick balls I mean you get a lot of them from the the vote crates every day yeah we do um I still have like three more extra Stacks in here there we go um I got a little steel party now and then of course I’m carrying Three Stacks so yeah

I think I already had like a few in my uh in my backpack well I’ll take them back if you don’t want them it’s a gift you can’t all right are we going to randomly teleport to a biome then uh yeah where am I going I’m going to Jungle I think

That’s what won right you made a silly yeah I guess I’m doing jungle okay and what’s our our okay so we should also say so there’s no like you can’t use candies on them um you can use you can use lucky eggs to help level them up

I think that would be fine oh okay yeah yeah I got to go to my house to do that yeah I don’t I don’t see any reason just to help get some moves on them and stuff right um no items unless you catch them with the item with an it I think that’s

Usually our kind of standard thing to do um anything else I have oh I got I got a few lucky oh yeah I almost forgot too um I might want to um also get your services with making a couple banners I have a few that I need to

Make okay and I don’t know how to make them so we’ll we’ll talk about that lat I teleported in a tunnel that was weird um okay you’re in a tunnel okay well no I teleported I went back to your place and then I ended up in like a small

Tunnel under your house uh that’s probably one of lol’s LOL has made a few small tunnels on in my house yeah I pretend that they’re not there but they are so there’s that uh do we want to I think we should should we stay on call

While we catch stuff oh I don’t see why not right I mean we don’t have to necessarily like say oh I caught a this but we can just be like you know o I caught something that’s going to destroy you why not all right okay so it is I’ve

Got like quarter two right now do you want to say well if we go right till yeah cuz you’re are you in the same time zone as I am I can never remember I’m at 9:47 right now no you’re an hour ahead of me okay all right so do you want to

Say like uh we go to to the hour so like 10 o’clock for me 9 o’ for you that gives us that gives us like 13 13 12 13 minutes 13 minutes is that yeah that that should be good there should be plenty all right all right so oh I did

Tpr not r TP RTP going that’s all good I didn’t even go to where I wanted to go anyway here we go all right got go to Mountain there’s not even a TP for mountains uh well you can do maybe tiger or wood wooded mountains I don’t know what mountains there should

Be a mountain thing isn’t there a mountain there’s not a Teleport to Mountain actually I think Brandon has a mountain yeahand Brandon has everything Brandon will take care of you please quick I’m on of timer call all right see see I got to look either

Up in oh God you’re such a low level you’re going to be garbage uh what about okay what about you what about you see I’m going to have to see like is is this thing in a tree is it on a tree I am really glad I can

Fly right now cuz I have I have a mountain oh wait oh no this is the mountain I’ll take that all right all right all right I’ll do this that’s not bad uh what’s up huh what is my opinion on Parmesan cheese um actually I don’t have it very

Often it’s not bad um my Mr leafy swears by it if if he could put parmesan cheese on everything he would uh he absolutely loves it you found a house I found a house I just randomly teleported to a a mountain also I’m I’m catching this thing because this looks good things

Things can be very good things can be good I need to get over here yeah he puts uh have a bird okay can you just go to sleep you silly little thing that you have 1.3% hit points and you won’t go in the ball you better go in there you’re

Sleeping now where is Crazy Little Thing I swear I just saw yeah P cheese I don’t know I’m I I don’t know it’s it’s not my personal favorite but please there we go okay and oh yeah I need to get out some of these where’s

My quick there we go you get that okay what’s next what’s next uh absolutely Peach absolutely I have no idea if you’re in chat though two three yay got it okay you my sir uh yeah Peach you’ll have to let me know if you’re actually in that is like the worst nature okay

Now let me ask you this are we allowed to get rep oh re hello repeats if is that what you’re saying I don’t see why not like I mean we just basically have as much time as we can and to get you know whatever you can get in the in the time

Limit you know like if you catch a level five and then later on you find a you know level 50 I don’t see why not okay uh what level are you I really hope this thing goes in come on man this would be awesome to have on the team

We’re already down to like 10 minutes I so stress like during the oh I know I know like the the way um uh I had another way of doing this where if you just want to do like a big catch and battle thing you literally

Spend like an hour hour and a half just filling up an entire box with all the best Pokemon you can find and then at the end you do kind of like a like a battleship kind of thing where you pick like row like like I would pick out Rose and columns and

Those would be the guys that you would be that you would be fighting with so i’ be like okay you have to use the Pokemon from you know A5 something like that oh we got to we got to do that next time or something that could be fun so yeah it’s

It is pretty cool because then you’re literally picking completely random things and now we usually try to pick things um like I think Brandon and I did one for we did only like um um like a team not like an entire box but we usually try to limit to limit it at

Least somewhat so you’re not going and literally just pick picking anything and everything where is this little buer whatever I’m going to go for someone else uh oh maybe one of these guys this could be interesting struggling um so yeah Brandon and I did one where we we were only allowed to

Pick red and green Pokemon for Christmas oh Peach you are in there okay good all right so I can uh you can hear me then all right that’s good that’s good that’s good I’m not even looking at um really worried that like your Pokemon are going

To be are we going to like set it for a like Li oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay thank goodness that’s a little bit more fair you could be in a biome that like spawns in like higher level than me oh for sure for sure I don’t know if that’s

A thing but I feel like it would be uh it could be I don’t know okay I want to find someone else interesting something interesting must spawn around here somewhere right okay we got we got some interesting stuff here H okay nice if a pokemon would actually show up oh well that’s not well I mean it it did spawn here so I mean I guess it’s fair play it’s not really something I would normally see in a jungle but okay I’m not getting like too many spawns in all

Honesty I’m getting a few but let’s see yeah I don’t know how many you you get there should be a fair amount of stuff like I would think you’d be finding some like good fighting po come on out there I can’t I can’t hit this little come here you little stink oh God

Only level disadvantage but we’re going to see we’ll soon find out I could be right could be wrong let’s see trying to find some some cool looking guys now of course I don’t know I don’t think I’m going to be able to evolve any of these guys we’re like

Halfway through our time already but yeah um I’m going to take a quick moment to look at some of the stuff okay a couple of those moves aren’t bad uh let’s see what have you got oh God your moves are awful back what was that please I saw okay you’re good oh oh

That’s cuz you’re so low low level fun and I want to you yeah you’re good that’s not what I saw I saw a really cool thing on the mini map this could be good I either want I think I want to find a better one of

You it’s a Nick oh my God it’s a qualoo what the heck God you’re telling a whole thing what of course it’s a lowered do I eat my pizza with ranch no Heavens I think some people I don’t do that but that is a thing quag is doing strange

Things very very strange things okay I wish I could evolve that one Pokemon that I just saw that would have been like an epic thing to have all right I see I want to go after this guy I see over here where are you are you

Better come on oh yeah you are actually come here you this guy’s already evolved I’ll take him get in there get in my ball quickly yeah that’s very very where did have you heard of some like running from Shia lauff horror song like what is

This this this is this is what my chat does well no I should say this guys spelling in chat I know it’s not easy but just do your best oh that’s no you can’t make people spell okay I don’t think you don’t have good moves I think that’s not going to be helpful

Either uh I think I’d rather have you than the other guy how many have you caught so far I’ve caught five but uh I’ve gotten what 1 2 3 4 seven I’m just looking for like oh you’re you might be can I tell you what

Gosh that’s a weird thing can I tell you what spawns and then it immediately despawned before oh oh no did you lose something what’s wrong yeah you want do you want to tell you what I lost yeah yeah go for it I lost there was a breakes in that spawned oh would have

Been ooh yeah that would have been nice okay what does this guy have this could be I I’ve never really like the other I don’t know if I’d use him or him I don’t know I think I need to start actually I found a crafting table uh I

Think I need to start actually going and like attacking a bunch of stuff and not just catching [Laughter] everything that’s true yeah I should although I kind of want to catch this one too I don’t know which one I want want to use uh left shoe or right shoe first

That’s a good question what one do I normally do I don’t know if I have like a preference which one I normally do that’s actually a tough one uh no okay I don’t think I’m going to worry about him all right I think I might actually have to start killing some

Things uh what else is out here wait what’s oh I would see this thing could be good too all I’m finding all of a sudden these new things and I’m like oh which one do I want night time like that we could have gotten some cool stuff do

We want to go for longer leafy we can go for longer if that that’s fine with me if you’re having a like don’t worry about it this is kind of cool oh what do you getov I didn’t know this spawn this thing has moves I’ve never even seen

Before all right let’s just let’s just calm down yeah yeah yeah I I have I got I got one of them I got one of them Brandon it’s okay I have one of him um I’m just trying to think cuz oh I could use this guy maybe instead of him way

Not bad idea and then these guys it’s not a bad idea I’m finding a bunch of cool stuff it’s okay I I have I have one of these guys I’m I’m just going to come in here and and smack them I’m going to start leveling up some of my guys uh oh

Yes it it is adorable and it might be oh ooh ooh I’m scared Ley just found something like decent I want this I want this I found this you’re back from checking your pings and you have zero Pokemon C why did I just fall through the world

That it is uh that’s not going to work on it so I’m just gonna have to do this and like we only have like two minutes left you want to go for a little bit longer well no I said that’s fine if you want to if you want to go through the

The nighttime thing that’s that’s fine I’m just curious like there’s cool yeah to see like what other kind of neat stuff no it’s a good idea to actually do like a day and a night cycle right yeah we probably yeah that’s not a bad idea I

W this thing please go in the ball and now watch me like die to whatever massive monstrosity you catch at night I don’t know it’s like I still got to train these I haven’t trained take off oh yeah no I I’ve just been catching things I’ve only actually knocked out

One thing okay you’re coming down here you are definitely getting used okay now I need to start uh destroying things cuz I don’t think I’m seeing anything else that’s like super duper Shadow tag is a fun concept is it is it really okay this is kind of cool um what

Moves do you have oh this could also yo this could be really this is a nature for this thing okay oh you’re actually looking at Natures man I’m just looking at some move sets and that’s it nature looking at natur it ain’t coming down to Natures

What is this does that do anything okay you’re staying on the team I need you uh who has better what do you have what does this do stuff that’s not really helpful I don’t okay you have now huh it is actually kind of cool to to to get mail

I I will admit granted bills are not the funnest part but mail is cool I like getting mail okay I’m not going to use that these two could also be pretty solid oh oh no not another shiny [Laughter] tripon okay no going to steal your children this might give like a decent

Amount of experi went to Time Square dude that’s awesome what was Time Square we got to go you got to go we got to kill stuff yeah killing stuff is fun okay what take that out of are you kidding me I’ve been saying so much messed up stuff recently people

Have been asking me to start a quote Vault or my own thing that could be fun uh what was this oh sorry oh oh sweet oh my thing is doing a thing your thing’s evolving I bet it’s evolving oh my God Nick you must have gone

Boners wait hold on did you oh we found a good one yeah we found a good one I bet your mine’s better okay you might be right but at least I hopefully the level isn’t going to come into this because I know you get one of okay okay I’m getting another existential question

Here okay let’s see do you ever wonder if dogs secretly judge us for talking to inanimate objects oh I swear my dog gives me that look every time I have a conversation with my blender wait are we allowed to go other places to train question mark I uh I

Usually don’t like if you’re thinking of going to warp training yeah no I I generally do not go to warp training uh just that no I think I’ll leave that one alone Flash oh yeah that instead of that here we’re going to go until let’s see there’s some dudes over here where are

They this is the fun part of like are they in the trees or are they on the ground wait what was the other one okay you’ve got to be there you are too come here you I’ve got like too many now to choose from oh I know I’ve been I’ve

Been replacing them as I go okay that is not the oh I’m going to take that what did I just get I got a I got a thing what is this oh I don’t I don’t have one of those why would that’s dumb

Think oh oh oh I see a thing oh oh oh where are you come here you big pretty thing I see okay no we got we got a train then I want to look at you you look pretty don’t look at the pretty thing I don’t think I’m getting too much

Experience uh so many cool stores do I actually have to use it in battle to get experience with a lucky egg I do don’t I what no so long as you’ve got one of those like experience share all things I don’t have one of those you don’t going back home why why

Why why on Earth would you not have one of those things oh I just did the wrong attack oops I was not paying attention I did the wrong Attack where is it do that oh I can’t believe I just did that I did a stupid thing oh wait wait never mind there’s another one over here let me get this one this one’s going to be the better one anyway right sure this one’s better

Anyway okay I got it on there we go oh you got away from the shiny drifloon the one shiny nobody wants there we go oh huh that’s a bad joke okay you like bad jokes right me you like bad jokes you appreciate bad jokes puns and whatnot

Sort of kind of yeah sort of whoa hold up something crazy just spawned okay do you have yeah that’s better okay yep we’re catching this 100% uh we have I tried to make a belt out of watches but it was a waste of my time where’s this guy where are you I

Never know if these guys are oh there you are hi so you’re an evolved guy too I don’t even know what this guy would have this is like one of the brand new Pokémon so I have no idea what this guy’s going to have I’m still too busy catching stuff

Like well yeah that’s just it what the heck does this guy have nah he doesn’t have all that great stuff okay all right I’m gonna go back to looking up other things and smacking them I gotta get rid of you I think for this because oh yeah no this thing is least

We’re using that uh I don’t know if I want you these guys generally aren’t good what kind of the point what’s that I’ll take this all right we’re going we got to can I use this no I don’t want that oh what is growling near me there’s something

Growly something growly I don’t know I just heard something growl is that you Brandon are you hungry of course you do of course you have a lily Latin cat okay oh why did I FSE swipe that I heard the Big Growl oh my God you know what it is it’s your little

Dragon that’s what I’m hearing it’s you on your dragon yeah I am getting scared okay oh you’re jeez what is suppos me finding all these like evolve stuff I don’t even know if this guy’s going to have anything good but I’m getting it anyway it’s a growther

Growther growth no a growth don’t spawn in the jungle no it was Brandon riding around on his on his baby dragon that’s what it was uh this guy what do you have oh you’ve got garbage go I don’t want that at all well yeah you don’t need to use a a

Fly token now why would you give me that give me that I need catch it’s morning time H let me catch this quick give me this thing this would be epic no okay what was my sixth one going to be because I’m just using this guy I

Think I was going to put in I think I was going to put in this one wasn’t I or was I going to do this one I don’t care I’m using it I wonder if I should I really want him to level up some more though okay maybe I should switch him

Out for a minute I wonder if there’s any any chance I could I have no idea what what level this guy levels on are we still going or have we stopped or are you I don’t know do you want time to level things up a little

Bit I think I kind of have the Pokemon I want to use but yeah leveling might be a thing all right do you want to go I don’t know it doesn’t matter to me all right I’m just going to add that to my team yeah let’s do like another

I’m going to set a timer for it let’s give our how long do you want for just training it doesn’t matter I’m I’m just still just killing things in the jungle here there shall be no monkeys left I’m going to give us another 10 minutes oh all

Righty but mostly kind of just a train well yeah for sure and you know if if some crazy legendary happens to spawn on me so be it oh imagine uh that did happen to me the the one time um I we were doing what was it we were doing I

Was down in the the what battle were we doing and I was down in the oh God what do you call it the Safari Zone I think I was fishing for stuff and I had an eternus spawn on me oh my goodness oh yeah and my my oh

Right we were doing one where we we had to catch only certain types of Pokemon um my type happened to be poison um which turnus is so I’m like dude like it’s a totally legit thing right I mean he spawned on me and he’s the type I’m allowed to use so GNA use

It did you I assume you won uh I did but I I did not use the eternus though I mean he was in my party but I’m like I was only going to bring him out for like last Last Resort kind of thing what a flex yeah maybe a little

Bit yes okay I got something evolving at least me too I’m doing that right now what at the same time yeah it’s evolving right now man what are the odds like we both just got it to happen at like the same time that was a good that’s amazing good

On Evolution that was a good one huh I huh is doing more funny funny jokes okay this time it was uh I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high she’ looked surprised okay I think this thing is probably about where I want it to be so I’m going

To put that in there uh what else do I want to go pick on I’m I’m to just picking on stuff I’m just flying around the Treetops picking off the little monke but this is like a trade Evolution though oh yeah that’s not going to work there

Always how about this though I’m really hoping this one guy is going to evolve but I’d have to find some other pretty high level stuff for it to happen you have okay he I have a precious little baby oh okay yeah I’m I’m getting kind of exciting or excited this team is kind

Of like it’s it’s coming along it’s coming along it’s doing some stuff it’s doing some things what is this over here getting there yes I will add you to the team wulu you have to have a wulu we should enforce like a rule if you find a random shiny you have to put

It on your team is it actually a shiny wulu no it’s not it but but yes if yeah if you get a shiny you have to have it shiny see I’m just flying around killing all the mankeys uh what is this I’m changing my

Role in chat for oh oh oh God what what is what what I don’t know I’m stuck in something oh my God what the heck what why are there like 17 whale Lords here oh yeah yeah uh flare does that sometimes FL what on Earth why done that to me

Before why in a bunch of whales why is this a thing okay whale party um I found your whales why am I using Bal swpe why keep on doing that okay there we go uh okay there’s a lot of whales I found a whale oh God did she

Get you too wait can I battle it yes I can battle it for experience let’s go oh dude can we actually do that oh that’ll work let’s do it I’m doing it oh yeah oh there goes that goes that one oh my gosh there’s like 20 oh let’s do it let’s do

It I’ll take leather all right it’s a little oh what does this do what okay that’s a good move oh I got some fresh water oh my goodness okay wa wait wait wait wait wait hello can we not battle this one okay I can battle this one okay what is

It not letting you battle the whales well I think I hit I didn’t hit the hit box okay yeah you just kind of kind a guess for the middle that’s kind of what I’m doing and oh no that wasn’t it oh uh what about no that wasn’t

It uh how about this one nope ah you know what I’m not going to learn that I was getting the hit boxes of them but maybe it’s just cuz they were stacked so many on top of each other yes dude I’m getting all the evolutions this

Is I got a couple of them yeah you know never look a gift whail Lord in the in the mouth in the mouth in the blow it’s got a pretty big mouth so wait why did that one just disappear who’s who’s taking out my whale Lords would you like to know what that

Saying means by the way never look a gift horse in the mouth yeah sure it’s basically back in the day um when you used to so people like they would use to barter instead of like for money so like either that or you would just like give

Like someone a [ __ ] and they would normally check its teeth make sure that it has good teeth basically okay and if you look like a gift horse in the mouth and say oh it’s got like bad teeth or whatever it’s not really a good thing to insult a gift

Basically no way okay leafy you’re this is is crazy oh wait no did I already have this oh I might have already had it I was going my Pokemon have poke [Laughter] r Wait you found more whales Brandon did you find more whales oh Panda found

Whales I need this thing to evolve I took out all my whales oh no it just died typical run away run away took out my whales now I just have to I can I’ll I’ll take out this guy he’s evolved I already have one of him so I can take

Him out does flair know what she or what we’re doing or is she just like she just randomly I I don’t know I have no idea call her out agent call her out I mean this kind of works for for me man well yeah that was some nice leveling right

There I haven’t finished quite yet I still got like another five to kill oh really jeez how many did you get she spawned in like over 20 what I don’t think I got that many unless well I want more whales I’m sorry I’m getting rid of this though

That move that was a rubbish move got more whales than me that’s fine I have like this one thing in my party that will not have all maybe it doesn’t want to maybe it’s shy it’s kind of weird I’m really hoping I can get this

My are G I’m really hoping I can get this last one guy one last guy to evolve we I don’t know what we still have another two minutes minutes to get level two minutes all right I’m sure beating up this tiny unevolved thing we’ll do it oh a shiny flittle that’s actually

Pretty cool what how are you not dead what are these Pokemon a FL that’s one of the the brand new ones like it was just added in the last me don’t tell me cuz I yeah no I’m I’m just saying it was it was added in the last update that

Gives you no information whatsoever yes it does it was it was added in the last update that’s information right there leafy where is this Pokemon what is that I want to know what this is oh it’s another one of you what does this evolve wait what if I

Take off oh no that’s an experience all I was going to try to take it doesn’t matter uh I need more stuff come on that’s my broon what are you doing there buddy get out of there I still didn’t have another how how much more experience does this

Thing need gosh it needs like two oh no the dog catcher ate everything now I have to go find new stuff got less than a minute okay oh can I get a picky peek out of the air nope I don’t think I’m going to be able to oh well I got to

Level up on something I don’t think think I’m be able to uh evolve this thing in time but we’ll see oh is that is there one more are you a okay here’s this is probably going to be my last guy here that I’m going to go after we got

30 seconds okay I fought one guy oh he was only oh that’s actually a good move uh okay my one at least my one guy just learned a really good move where’s where’s this one where’s this one where are you I’m just looking for like oh

Here we go you here we go um okay just spawn disappeared out 10 seconds oh why does it have sturdy typical last like 10 seconds this thing has sturdy oh God uh I don’t even know can I find anything in 10 seconds I hit thing uh oh it’s

Over g off I one last thing all right okay uh I I don’t think I can use any of things here so I don’t know if I want to use this now because like it didn’t evolve so I’m going to take you out you’re coming

In but I think the one I’m starting with oh wait was it hold on is it you oh that could be oh that could be amazing if you like that’s good but you’re probably not going to that’s annoying I have a Pokemon if it was holding an item it would probably sweep

But I didn’t get the item oh my God all right I think I’m going to start with you you’re going to be my like yeah I would have needed six more levels on this guy to have him he doesn’t have the greatest moves where is my yeah he doesn’t have

The okay okay let me let me have a look team moves we got that okay what’s a flase uh spell it I think I don’t think Peach spelled it right I I don’t know what that is okay well I think I think I’m going

To leave my team as is I’m not going to go to Bonkers um we you want to have our Super Battle Royale my my little mini thing or the uh Smallville battle theater uh let’s do it at your place slash TPA I think wait I’m just going to TPA here or

Like send you uh I I I did it oops oh no what happened well look where you are oh oh this is okay we’re battling here this is where we’re battling then what the heck did I type I hit slome home what home what home did I do this

Is now your home this not I did Slash home and then I did Slash toop and apparently it brought me here is the empty Abyss that we are battling now perfect okay here we go this is you got to admit this is a pretty cool battle

Scene this is actually kind of Epic so all right all right are we ready oh fantis okay not Fates it’s F mantis okay I know what a f mantis is all right yeah party on top of the nether here we go all right oh my oh oh my

Goodness just appeared I saw the name of that the big cheese very nice okay you ready yeah you you you jumped over it okay uh battle rules yes that that heal and level cap all that’s fine are you are you selecting it no it says you are okay all right we’re going

To change this so level Cap’s going to be 50 feel like that’s 50 um six single I think everything else is good all right we’ll go with that pulled out an archus yeah archus isn’t as hard to get as you’d think here I actually have I think three or four of

Them all right we’re just going to it’s really only the first one I need to pick so all right I’m good all right here we go here we go you got a colossal nice wait why are you level 37 and I’m level 30 I I H hold on we’re going to have to

Quit it yeah I swear I changed it to uh to level 50 caps well that’s okay apparently I wasn’t paying attention so all right let’s try this again okay raise raise okay so level cap 50 raise to cap and then the heal that’s all we really

Need okay okay go now let’s try this again there we go there I was going to say I’m like wait first of all you were higher level than me okay I’m going to put the out first all right we’re going to start off with this move

Mhm okay okay did did you just do the exact same thing I did the exact same thing um that’s dumb why did you what do you mean it’s dumb oh so not fair okay um you IDE you you going to be weak to what you going to be weak to what do I

Have that you’re going to be weak to I’m just saying they totally missed out like they they had like a Minecart Pokemon in like a region that was based off of England and they well not just England and they decided not to evolve it into a

Train like come on guys what are you thinking okay I want that okay we’re going to go into this oh okay well done yep oh that still hurt you a lot though that still did a lot oh okay okay um scared um I feel like this is still going to do

More let’s just go with That your defenses went down as well yeah but oh that’s going to that’s oh dang you have that Holy okay okay all right it’s fine that’s fine that hurt more than what I thought it was going to sleep is not sleepy well isn’t that good because you want to stay up all night

Aren’t you resetting yourself H ow don’t like it that’s like the only move this thing has okay okay did you do that close combat thing again I did my defenses are very low okay let’s let’s try let’s do this and Let’s do let’s do

That gosh what do I do here um you do nothing ow I okay that’s still decent I just had to okay we got to switch here you’re supposed to be tired we G to go into this yeah Connor does have a lot of money go go take a

Bunch of it what are you gonna do about this dud Braviary too oh no oh that did a lot oh no well yeah cuzz I’m kind of I was like locked into uh to that right um you’re probably going to I was going to say you’re probably going to

Kill me on this one I don’t even I don’t think I’ve ever used this I’m going to try this I don’t know if it’s oh yeah right of course I’m confused after using outrage oh wait it doesn’t affect me I didn’t even know what that was did I

Just miss uh yep I just missed are you joking all right we’re doing this instead you know I’m just going to do this I’m still confused oh and then I yes heck dang okay all right all right see I’m this oh gosh okay do I have anything to oh yeah

Like I now realize it but like I am very weak to Flying aside from like my rock dude but well we don’t really have to worry about him anymore do we I am going to go into this you could join this join the server sleep you know

You’re more than welcome to oh you got a dragon dude nice I got a dragon dude that’s very cool very very cool um do I want to do anything against your dragon dude we’re gonna do this that move Um oh we should have gave him nicknames oh well it is what it is what would be good against him I don’t know you you sure I’m GNA try this guy maybe oh you have oh you need a PC okay what Galvantula yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah um I think I’m just gonna I’m going with this strategy sticky web yeah oh you do have a dragony thing oh ow oh that my oh yeah this was kind of super secret thing here I I found AO that’s really cool unfortunately he’s got like garbage

Moves but we’re gonna go with this g a drain it’s not very effective though which sus ow dang wait why didn’t you switch out dragon tail always forces you to switch out your grow vile I don’t know does it init ability or something I have

No idea spell Us in chat cuz that that actually well it’s out now jeez I got so lucky I think you’re yeah you’ve got you got some really really good ones um I think I’m just going to do this to try to have any oh my God my strategy here was to

Like because dragon tail always like forces you to switch your Pokemon so I set up the stealth box and so you would just keep on taking damage apart from that because that’s flying yeah no I think I think you got me on this you got some really good

Guys I’m gonna go with outrage well done and what do you mean I can’t I I don’t have a new Pokemon to send out why does it think I’m trying to it it’s telling me to choose a new Pokemon I don’t have any so I’m I’m done

Like I can’t I didn’t have anything else oh man you wiped me on that who else did you have cuz I I even think I saw all your guys I had colossal now the thing is with this I didn’t get a chance to do it because you brought in like something

That was going to immediately kill it this colossal had um it had a move called rapid spin so I could have gotten rid yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that would have got R to clear the field for sure I also have uh the star rptor which

You saw the yeah I was weak to Flying I hadn’t I had thought you’d have as many birds cuz I’ve got the well I mean the primate is fighting grow grov is like play and then the execute is like plant the Galvantula is bug like they’re all weak

To Flying I was afraid you going to have a lot of grass types so I was happy that I got like the no the jungle doesn’t surprisingly have a lot of grass type really yeah I mean there was a lot of like the

Ones oh a Go goat yeah I had a Go goat and I had this oh yeah yeah yeah I thought like I mean there was a lot of birds I also had a chatt a perin an apom jolic grubbin slacko graler and grapher graph ended up

Getting a graer so like there weren’t a lot of grass types it was bugs and like flying stuff these were some of the other options I could have used um I I did end up getting like a me low this thing spawned uh which I’ve seen before

But it’s kind of Tinka and then also uh this oh the little salty boy yeah oops Yeah jungle I don’t know like it it wasn’t bad but they none of them had none of them really had great I was really hoping the grile would have had some better

Moves yeah but I mean like it probably would have got like decent moves like once it became like a seti but like he had slam gigar drain detect and Assurance that’s all I could get him with so I mean not great moves I I managed to get like that Stealth Rock by

Leveling up which was cool yeah let me take my little Eggies back I mean I got I got this cool item I got a lucky punch off of one but apparently it’s an item to be held by chansy I’m like I don’t I didn’t catch a

Chy that that doesn’t help me does it still increase attack or something maybe I don’t know uh it UPS its like Critical Strike it’s something it’s better than nothing I yeah I don’t I can’t imagine I’m going to keep really any of these guys

But I’m going to get rid of the ones I I end up getting a pretty solid honestly those whs didn’t show up like probably half of mine would not have evolved I wouldn’t have had the thear Raptor I wouldn’t have had the hackam uh I got a couple moves out of it

But most of my other guys were already like evolved yeah uh where are my other dudes that I just like keeping on here all right uh look all my B on the PC and I don’t know where they are why do I always go the wrong way nope that’s not the right

Page did I put him in here there there it is there it is uh oh no not that one this one all right so you go first oh we’ll tuck you away in there wait where’ my other where did lavish go all right I got my team set up we’re

Good this is a cool area to battle is well don’t nor we get a uh okay shall we go uh should we go building yeah cuz it’s already like 10:30 all right let’s let’s oh if I could if I could give you at least one

Job because it would be like a huge huge help if I could give you one job to uh to do while I work on my roud on a little bit that’s okay you can just TP to me if you want want all I’m have to uh it’s all good I

Teleport uh you can’t sleep so you’re just watching this oh good you stole all of Connor and goggles money perfect that’s the that’s perfect no I’m at 182,000 still nice no one anything so these boxes are what we’ve been putting the blocks from our tear Downs

Into okay so feel free to use anything from here to to build with um what I was hoping that you could do is inside the volcano um you know how the the lava is kind of like random all these kind of randomy yellowy orangey things yeah I

Was kind of hoping in a few places we could have it come up and over the edge a little bit because it is you know like an erupting volcano Dowing out the side like over on this side yeah like just in a couple places have it coming up and

Over the edge it doesn’t have to go all the way to the ground but just show that it’s it’s pouring out a little bit so I need to get a lot of buckets um and then go to the ne no no no no no you don’t have to use actual lava I mean

Like cuz this just use all yeah continue this pattern of random blocky things and we’ve got tons of each and just bring it up and over the edge all right I can do that is that cool and everything you need should be in the chests that we were just at all

Right I’ll start searching for it also there’s a little mini boss here as well a claer boss there oh God did you bring out you oh God you brought out what’s a space didn’t you I did okay everything just flashed and then I ran away hold on

Am I I I’m invisible okay I’m putting him back it it doesn’t matter I I I have I’m also invisible I I have to reload my game now because everybody and everything is yep all the shulkers are now invisible no sorry I’m invisible I don’t know where you are I’m also

Invisible and I can’t really see the chest very well you yeah no I oh no you’re right the chests are all invisible yeah oh I can open them I have to relog no I have to completely crash the entire game is what I need to do I can’t

Just okay one moment y’all get to to look at the be right back screen I’m also going to be right back I’m going to take a quick restroom break as well at the same time while we reset my B I put it away all right I yeah but why do you

If you know it crashes people why why do you for me well it just did it doesn’t crash for me I thought you just crashed I just left the game all right I’ll be back in a second guys oh my God all right hold on that’s okay I’ve got my be right back

Stream let got playing some funky music all right I’m going to yeah yeah no no go do your thing I’m reloading it’s all good all right I’ll be back in a little bit yep you like my BRB screen I worked hard on this I mean I totally used the BB like

Template thing um but I I did the animation for the little bouncing Leaf the only unfortunate thing is it’s my old logo I have I have I forgot I have to change that to the one with the new smile I have to do that on that too

Oh I hope I’m going to be able to do that in Gina see my leaf has a nicer smile now all right back in That oh you know what this is also another good time for why don’t have on here what I don’t have answer man Sam set up to play on the screen that’s unfortunate oh well iix that that’s okay come back to this announc man Sam and now you can listen to announc man

Sam all right let’s get rid of all of this stuff that I don’t need I’m going to take all this stuff back out oink all right oh and now I have to set my fly again right there we go you went outside in socks and

Sweatpants did I cut Sam off I didn’t I didn’t think I cut Sam off do you want I’ll I’ll play him again hi announcer man Sam here to remind everyone to hit that like button if you’re enjoying the stream and don’t forget to subscribe and turn on notifications thank you so much

For all your support and have a wonderful day I would never want to I I would never want to cut Sam off Sam does good work can’t we can’t cut them off okay uh what was I working yeah no I was working on this part here right all right we’re just going to

Bulf this out a little bit let’s break this up I want to have some pieces come down a little bit More one there and maybe off this part too right like little icicle bits so you got to have icicle bits when you’re a big frozen Groudon you have to have icicle bits oh you oh it’s is it you’ve got it dry outside interesting we just have we’ve been

Getting snow like all last night it snowed today it was snowing I don’t even want to know how much is actually out there like how much actually accumulated but yeah we got a we got a ton of stuff lots and lots uh I think I think

Maybe this looks like a good spot to do a nice chunker Roi thing like that where he’s all blasted apart again oh this poor Groudon he he really he got taken to the cleaners big time or thing all right I think that’s pretty good that’s

Not too bad all right now we got to fill in the rest of this uh which I don’t I might have to go get one more thing of light blue concrete to be honest CU I don’t have whole lot we’ll fill in some of this random you wish it snowed in Texas you

Wish it snowed in California oh y’all can have all the snow I got I am I am not I am not a fan of snow well no it’s I’m not a fan of a lot of the cold that it makes yeah all right I’m back hi um also I found out or well

I I was thinking about it and I think I’ve sused out uh why we crash Whenever I send out oh okay or anything with particle it’s it’s with the shaders you have the shaders on it’s something with the shaders yeah when when people were bringing it out before um LOL and I just

Had we had to turn our shaders off and Y well mine are still on so all right I’ve left mine on as well but do not worry I will not be we don’t need to see Derek Derrick is fine we we all know of his existence he can just stay where he is

He’s fine that’s you’re going to hurt his feelings leafy I don’t mean to hurt his feelings but his awesomeness is too overwhelming it’s too much we just handle it we can’t handle his awesomeness exactly just just tell him he’s he’s got to tone it down a little

Bit it’s just too much I’m getting blocks for the lava Let’s see we got oh this this uh this chest here’s got yeah there there should be multiple things I think and if you do need to buy something if you can’t find anything just let me know cuz I have uh L’s

Money all right in fact I’m actually I’m going to buy a of concrete right now CU I know I don’t have enough right now I might get a tiny bit of like regular lava at some point for now I’m just going to use the blocks like I see like there’s

A yeah like I use some lava for the for the nether side because it’s the nether you know yeah you know uh I actually I forget what it was but I can remember like L like dropped an item like something happened like I had like and I hit it in this

Volcano oh wait wasn’t that what was it like Edith or something wasn’t it no that was that was um something else that was mad fires yeah okay okay actually it might have been that maybe I don’t know that’s only concrete I thought we had more from the Kroger

Destruction no okay well I might have to go how long is it taking you to uh to get to the point where we are now with this destruction how many many streams oo um when did I start I think I started it’s been a Thursday Saturday Tuesday Thursday and

Now Saturday so this is so like five streams and then a little bit of and then like some off camera stuff yeah yeah okay so I mean like I’m I’m working as fast as I can because got oh my God all right I need to oh God

What am I going to do with this you know what you know what I’m going to do I’m going to be smart I am going to put out some of this fire on this Kroger or else I am going to catch on fire oh hey uh leafy I was going to tell

You uh that I beat 100% uh Super Mario Bros Wonder nice I completed it last night’s stream we got so the way like you like you know that you 100% of it you get um what are they medals and there are six medals for you

To get and each one like I think you get one by like defeating Bowser so you probably have that one uh probably that’s that’s probably the only thing I honestly have not even had a chance to go back and play it um I would I started this like Friday Funtime random thing

Where like I was just going to just play random fun things Fridays and I started with a couple games on the one Friday and then I’m like I really kind of want to play Zelda but I’m like I don’t necessarily want to do tiar of the Kingdom cuz all I

Have left to do on that are mainly like side quests a little bit of exploring so I went and started a brand new breath of the wild Master mode run so now my Fridays where I probably would have done uhoh um more Mario wonder is is is now just

Zelda well I mean hey that’s all right you know take a break I’ve taken a break from a because I got a little bit overwhelmed because there was a lot of other series doing I started doing like three things or three or four different like things all at once that I couldn’t

Catch up like keep up not not catch up keep up yeah yeah um so I had to stop it was the uh I was playing a Pokemon game um it was uh what was it Pokemon reborn I believe it’s called oh yeah yeah yeah you were doing like a

You were doing I remember seeing that yeah yeah yeah a shiny Nuzlocke I can only use Shiny Pokemon and all the shinies are different in that game yeah yeah yeah I remember hearing about that one yep and you have like a really increased chance to get shinies in that game that’s the

That’s the only way you’d be able to do it yeah yeah oh and I fell down it’s like it’s a little bit over I think a one in 100 that so it’s still you know a little bit of a challenge yeah we were doing we were doing like I was doing

Streams where I would get the uh the shinies on streams and then I we’re actually doing the content in the game yeah because and then and then you were doing like FNAF over like Halloween time and Super Mario on top of that and then Pixelmon on The Saturdays and yeah

You were doing a lot we got another so since I finished uh the wonder I’m going to start up doing um Splatoon 3 oo that’s fun it’s a game that you can play like multiplayer obviously yeah and that’ll be fun to do with fans and also um I have played myself personally I’ve

Played one and two and like well this is like I wasn’t making videos on them it was just like casually yeah yeah yeah just playing yeah so you’re like an Pro now an Old Pro I I remember like uh it’s it’s a fun game but it can get like I

Can remember getting heated on it oh yeah yeah yeah CU there’s a lot of stuff that’s like team play stuff too right yeah like always your yeah yeah can sometimes get very crazy I was so good at like uh using the sniper like I can remember once leafia

This is like this is like the best thing I ever done and I probably will never pull it off again I got a triple I got a triple kill with a sniper like in one shot killed three people at once it was lined up I still have the switch clip I

Still have the switch clip of it my God you should make make that into a short or something like when you start the series if you’ve got it as a clip that would that would that would make an awesome short I’ll have to I’ll have to see if I

Can post I did like another one I think like I killed two people in one go it’s a lot easier to get two but three is like crazy there’s only four people well yeah fight a game oh my God I have to say I have I have never played Splatoon

It’s a fun game I think you would like it I I might I mean like for heaven sakes if I play fortnite you think I I would be into Splatoon as well oh yeah SPL you definitely would play like you you could definitely do Splatoon if

You it’s basically like I it it’s like it’s not as crazy as fortnite it’s a little bit more control the fun thing is that the weapons that you use obvious paint related things yeah it’s all paint guns yeah I used to watch um Zach scottt

Games play that a lot oh yeah yeah yeah cuz he usually he usually plays all of those ones and another fellow Zack yes you have to let me know uh what you think of the lava spewing out so far I’m kind of like doing little streams of It yeah yeah that’s cool yeah that’s what I was looking for because I wanted it to look a little bit more like it’s actually erupting yeah right so having it spill over the top that that’s just what I was looking for yeah all right perfect I’m

Going to carry on doing these yeah what do you think of my portal exploding does it kind of give you the idea that it looks like it kind of blew up yeah I can I can see I’m like how do I do this I think it looks pretty good and of

Course you got like the G what is this this is probably another L thing oh this was here even when the um the volcano was here this is that was the ultimate crafting bench me and him did that yes yes so that that is like indestructible

So we I’m not touching that that’s fine that that was the thing that crafted Edith or yes exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I I felt I shouldn’t touch that so that that’s just there oh Connor gets a groud on that’s funny it’s okay Connor can have a groud

On he likes groud on uh let’s see a little bit of orange in here but yeah I’m excited I’m excited to start that series you know because like with um as you know with like the the Mario Wonder y player but it’s not exactly ideal you’re looking yeah yeah multi yeah it’s

More of a you know it’s it’s not too much different from just like if you’re just like talking on the phone with your friend and playing the same game it’s it’s a lot different when you’re actually playing the same game like you’re actually in interacting yeah we’re actually like you can see the

Persons in the other level hey the thing is though I tell you Le um I don’t want to give like too much of a spoiler if you are going to go back to that game um in the special world yeah there is a there’s a couple levels which are really

Tough and like all really tough yeah no but these these took me like one of them took me an hour oh my God so I oh God so I should probably not do something like that on stream It’s the final I will say it’s like like I did it on stream it’s

Like the final final thing oh yeah yeah if like you’re getting all the wond seeds and that special the final final but um it’s a lot of fun um but the thing is you could probably play it you know like the navic Char and like the Yoshis yeah they don’t take damage those

Characters you could probably use them as kind of like a handicap I didn’t I was like all right we’re doing this yeah you don’t do that I go for this hardcore stupid stuff go big go home you just you just put your big boy pants on and you just went with it but

Yeah what I was saying was like the you could like in multiplayer do you know the little standies that you can St up yeah yeah yeah um they actually have a purpose if you die and you like become a g go to you can re yeah you can you can

Go to like a stand that someone’s put there and yeah so I mean that is that in itself is pretty handy that helped out a lot in that level I had to that because like I the thing is like okay I got right to the very end but the

Last section of the level so terribly bad like oh no cuz there was like no checkpoints I’d go so far back and it was like I hate that I know there was like no checkpoint so I go all the way back and I was like

Okay you’re going to have to set up a Sande there that I did the level legit that was yeah like I always had the hardest time in Super Mario Odyssey yes it is the Odyssey one um their final level in that was like that there were there were no

Checkpoints it oh my God it was it was horrible I had such a hard time with it I I like it though like for me like I like a difficult hard challenge that not everyone can do wants to do yeah because it makes me feel like a accomplished I guess I don’t

Know I like things that are hard um I I don’t mind a challenge but I’m also not um against easy things yeah deep I see you deep how long have you been in there deep it’s actually coming along really well I’m happy with the way this I went and sheared off some of

Kroger’s head so that I could get some free blue wool well he was going to lose that part anyway you’re killing two birds with one stone or killing one Kroger with shears yeah however it works it’s all good all I’m going to make that look like it’s like Midstream kind of there

And then it’s left uh needs to come back like that I guess kind of sure this is a thing yeah I would say that that game was probably my favorite one that I played like besides Minecraft of 2023 well yeah Mario Wonder was was a

Hoot it it really is a lot of fun yeah like how many times in that series do you just say what the heck like what’s this what’s going on now the thing that I thought was amazing was that like okay so I’m comparing it to a game I

Ever Super Mario Bros we okay it’s very similar vibe to that and that that was the first thing off the bat I knew I was going to love the game because love that game yeah and the thing that I thought that was like really amazing fact that

They like a New Concept per level like ton of new enemies as well in that game yes The Mamas oh my God I love them so much they were good oh they’re just so cute you could transform into like a bunch of different things as well they had bubble

Power up and like the the elephant obviously but you could also transform into like a couple other things I think there was something called like a happy cat or a cat or something oh what it was like a hoppy cat like it was the little spiky floppy thing yeah yeah yeah yeah I

Don’t know what those were they were they were they were really cute yeah I like but I like that I like that you could transform that just like that you could also transform Goombas and a bunch of other stuff um oh no L’s here what have you done I have joined in the

Destruction LOL of course oh um how your should I show him LOL or should I show what I got or should I him oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you need LOL LOL oh boy okay LOL you’re going to be uh okay I got something

Oh my God I got something here buddy um yeah earlier in the Stream I got something here um take a look at this L buddy look what I got oh I got this little dude look at him look at this little guy I know there’s a bit of a stream delay but look

At this little dude I’m moving to Leafy [Laughter] stream I I said the second he got that I’m like oh my God lol’s going to sell his soul exactly so yeah I want uh LOL I want your bank account um info for this little dude yeah I think lol’s going to

Be broke now you think you broke uh oh sorry lol sorry I didn’t get him hi L nice yep he’s over here now oh LOL oh you would be very proud of a a flare LOL she caused some interesting chaos today uh we just finished our little random battle and Flair decided

To spawn a whole bunch of WHUR on top of us for no reason yeah that was good we got like level up experience for that yeah I was in the middle of the Jungle and I was on a mountain yeah that was a little bit weird all right so groudon’s now lost

Party of his tail what what what do you think here uh let’s come over here let’s a look we’ve got we’ve got the chunk coming out of his tail we’ve got the ice spikes out his back now uh we’ve got a little spiky thing there I’ve got to add the ones around the

Bottom I like the look of the cracks I’m almost wondering if I want to add another crack somewhere cuz I really like the look of these like these crack things um so what move what move did Kyogre use to have this happen I don’t know this is

Just these are the materials I have at hand and I just figured if one’s on fire this one should be kind of water but how do you show like just water you know so I mean yeah yeah I think the ice is good because it’s like I know he has

Sheer cold it’s fine my poor buddy I mean at least he looks cool he’s he’s outright cold honey he’s another block or different ice type scattered throat yes um I’m going to be adding I think some light blue glass uh to the outside of some of this and then I’m going to be

Building some smaller ice spikes coming up out of the ground down here um I’m kind of thinking I might want to do one more if I want to do any more cracks though like I’m kind of thinking maybe like a little crack here and maybe just a little one here

Like just just just little ones L’s Buddy needs hot chocolate well you know we’re going to be doing the same thing to Kroger oh yeah LOL I I needed some more blue wool so I started digging into the Kroger a little bit that that’s the part that Kroger’s missing Kroger’s

Missing his forehead it’s fine he’s fine he’s okay oh Groudon just spawned a flock of wing gulls out of his like head ho there you go you see there’s that’s a silver lining for him well he like thought of he was like thinking of happy thoughts and like

Wingles yeah well I had to put some of the fire out what do you what do you expect I had to put the fire out I was mining that stuff not about to go mining in I ice and stuff get rid of that there like your

Bonkers okay we’re going to put one of these here laptop low whilst hot cocoa which is I don’t know about the wool but the fire no you don’t care about the wool but the well I can’t Le I can’t take the wool and leave the fire that’s not how Fire

Works all right yeah I think I’m going to do one little crack here if we do like this and then like that maybe he needs he more there there’s there’s too much of the groud on here that’s that’s still intact we can’t have that maybe you should give like the the

Groud on a jacket he’s he’s fine I think like he would disagree with that think he would too but he’s fine he’s fine look lol asked for Destruction I am giving him beautiful Armageddon of so many different kinds I mean I shouldn’t really complain much I mean he’s giving me he’s going to

Be basically giving me like two months worth of content streams here it’s like well I got my projects for the next while what up L hey I’m making this lava pour down the other know you got to go bargain for that Sandile I know I got to see him pretty

Good actually I’ve left your lava trap down here in in groudon’s um underfoot this is a very LOL thing I like this yeah LOL you have left so many strange little things since we’ve started doing this L all your little highs everywhere like this weird little lava trap thing you got going

On I don’t know I don’t know what to do with I I want to wait there’s something I want to do that’s over to do with the r go visit Conor uh I don’t know what Connor’s do in the Stream for all my money and low what that’s my bank number

Okay that’s a lot of sevens it’s his Lu keep Bang Yeah I had wonder if that thing is still in the volcano that I put there I I don’t know I mean I really honestly haven’t touched anything if it’s in kind of the bottom part so that’s all pretty original in there

We go did I uh oh gosh it’s going to be like impossible to find wait well if you hit it it’s got to be somewhere yeah it’s G to be hard to find I’d have to be in like spectator mode or something that kind of the point

Yeah I should have made it a little bit more obvious dude you can’t go into spectator mode I know what what was it that you hid I don’t even remember so you put something somewhere I put something somewhere in a volcano and I don’t even remember what it was

I’m sure it wasn’t that important Mm hi Piper it’s fine away wow dick Apollo has all my money so I don’t spend it oh my God name a price on the sand dial what you got L what what what have you got uh he doesn’t have any more shiny legendaries cuz he Wonder traded them

All yeah that’s okay yeah Conor Connor yells at him for that it’s it’s a little bit funny if actually LOL if you have a um a zeero or a rer ram that could be that could be ideal uh I do need one of those oh if he

Doesn’t have one uh where did this thing spawn shiny oh there he is oh Brandon Brandon are you still around Brandon I both all right Brandon you come back do you do you have something ginormous and deadly and possibly named Dooms Slayer that can maybe kill

This that’s I think that’s okay do you think this is empty here I kind of wanted to leave a little bit more volcano oh Brandon okay I might oh you know what I might actually add like a there are you still around or am I gonna have to go

Find my stuff am I going zon’s two R Rams all shiny oh man all right that works for me okay okay I’m going to have to all right I’m going to have to uh try this one of each please where is my gym teams oh no that’s not what I want uh oh

He’s getting away he’s getting away normal gym no stop placing that there I want to I got to get it I got to get ahead of again okay let me gotta go uh who do I want to use uh I don’t know him him what

Are you trying to get him him uh garbage him bring him out okay good enough come back come back come back come here come here come here come here come here should I have nah it should be just coming from the top sh what the heck is

That bring over here why do I have a dang it that’s not going to work okay uh you okay I just like fell into the volcano it’s fine I’m fine it’s this thing first right ow don’t kill me please don’t kill me be right back all right no worries Little

No dang it I hate this thing what are you trying to do I’m trying to kill a Ultra boss but I need I need Brandon he’s got uh he’s got D I got stuff to kill stuff yeah I’m just picking all the wrong things that’s the problem where

Where’s you at uh I’m over the Connor’s uh lab uh all right hang on I’m making my way over almost got it dead oh it does oh he he’s got a thing that doesn’t affect l oh I got it I got it I killed him Ultra NEOS necros and a candy that’s that’s

It all right well it’s fine you already I assume you already had it yeah that’s okay I’m going to keep you you handy for fighting those guys I’m put that stuff away here we go uh I don’t know where my other guy went oh no he was just this little

Guy uh okay where am I now oh jeez I’m all the way over here goober jeez hi goober what are we thinking of the other lava leafy this is still one of my favorite little builds it just turned out so cute look at that little face oh that’s yeah that’s still one of

My favorites and oh Connor’s not fishing there where the heck am I in relation to where I need to go I don’t oh wait hold on here’s the volcano okay I’m coming I wanted to leave a couple blank spots yeah yeah yeah we don’t need it completely like over like completely

Covered but yeah just a couple blobs over the edge yeah that’s all it needed yeah that looks so much more like it’s actually erupting now perfect yeah yeah good nice okay noise noise near Bo all right uh oh Brandon did you ever go get more

Ice where was I icing things oh yeah the crack on his back right here this is what I was working on did you get more ice Brandon I don’t know what else Piper and Brandon are bullying you oh and eclipse is going crazy might have killed some Pokemon he’s hunting in

Wol form so he’s he’s he’s you need yeah okay that’s that’s fine all right that’s okay I was trying to make this like a separate little I love it when my chat gets weird a weird chat is a happy chat do you have any like little like

Sayings that you always do like um before streams or like during a stream um I don’t think so I always like whenever like I oun like um that I’m about to like do another stream one of my sayings is like you got to stay hydrated oh okay was

Coming out with that because I mean let’s be honest yes I hydrated well yeah that is important that’s that’s good advice yeah uh I don’t I don’t think I do I mean I know I say weird things a lot but I don’t think I have anything specific that I make habit of

Saying you got to get one leafy you got to get it saying oh I need like a catchphrase you need a catchphrase oh boy LOL we got we need we need we need answers from the lol this will be so Random you know you’re going to get like

Get some random thing but it’s like all right lol we need the I need a catch phrase we need the wise mind of LOL to give us a catchphrase here you didn’t hit any more trees today did you LOL we got 35k offer for the Sandile leafy play announcer man Sam what is

That oh you want announcer man Sam you have well okay um it what it’s not going to come through Discord but if you bring up my my stream I’ll let you hear an anounce man Sam do you want me to open up your stream or you tell well you’d have to

Listen to it though it’s only it’s like a 15-second thing that plays I I get requests for an answerman Sam all the time you guys in stream are not gonna be able to see it but I’m going to go to Leafy stream hang on find it

This okay I’m at Ley stream all right here here he comes hi announcer man Sam here to remind everyone to hit that like button if you’re enjoying the stream and don’t forget to subscribe and turn on notifications thank you so much for all your support and have a wonderful day

That was announcer man Sam I think I wasn’t live on it but it’s okay oh no oh you may not have heard it yet okay yeah I was behind it’s okay that’s okay it’s okay it’s all good I’m gonna go back to the replay I’ll hear it

Yeah oh yeah no I have I have people requesting an answerman S it’s um it’s this really cool guy who was in my my streams a couple times joined my Discord and everything and I’ve been on a couple voice calls with him and he’s got the most amazing

Voice and uh and I’m like dude like you’ve got to I got to have find something for for you to use that voice with like it’s just it’s fantastic and he’s like yeah totally and you have like a thing like a catchphrase that he says well it’s it’s a little quick thing

Where he just says you know hey everybody answer man Sam here you know if you guys are enjoying the stream please you know leave a like and uh don’t forget to subscribe and have yourself a wonderful day and it’s just just this quick little thing oh that’s

Awesome yeah like so he he recorded that for me and it’s it’s awesome and so I just I just named it announcer man Sam and now everybody wants all it they’re like play announc man Sam I want to play announc Man s okay all right that’s fine so I just

Have it on a little quick button so I can just play it whenever I want there you go that’s that’s that’s what I was talking about you know no you got a thing yeah well that’s it’s now man Sam he’s got he he’s the thing he’s the

Thing I don’t have a thing but that’s okay he can be the thing he’s got a nicer voice no seriously like I I keep thinking of I keep saying that it it it sounds like he should be doing some kind of like late night Smooth Jazz radio show thing or something that’s that’s

What I think of seriously and and welcome back to the podcast tonight we’re yeah but like like like like super deep voice too though like it’s crazy that’s fun yeah yeah no his his voice is really really cool so I told leafy a new thingy to say

Okay what did he throw it in your chat uh oh uh okay yeah everybody’s saying woo hello oh my God hello I is am the was to be the is cat MC leafy won’t beat LOL to 1K sub to him there you go that’s your new thing

Lefy I know L L’s in this you’ll be able to L is in a serious like like he really wants to beat me to a th000 and I’m like the way he’s going he’s going to do it too what the heck why is this here why does the Groudon have a trap

Door inside of him okay well I can just stay there all right also Apollo’s here hey Apollo all right can leafy play again uh tell go I can afford to pay 35,000 for the Sandile 35,000 I’ll do I’ll do like 35,000 and a I need to go get more ice Brandon got me

So much ice and I can’t believe I’ve already used it all I went through a lot making this thing and this thing isn’t even solid but it’s just there’s just so much of it but I need to do something to it to to add to it you know it needs a little bit

Something else you know cuz it’s just solid one kind of ice so I think I need to grab maybe some blue ice and put some like streaks of the blue ice and maybe some of the no I can’t do clear ice but I can do the glass the glass would work uh

Tell leafy so L’s at 796 subscribers and also he wants me to do 45k yeah5 or take 45k for this he’s at 796 Now isn’t that ridiculous he’s been just holy cow I cannot believe how much he’s he’s been going up is not absolutely ridiculous like it’s fantastic because I know he

Just put out well he just put out another um Tower Defense thing and so he gets like tens of thousands of subscribers from that it’s boners or of views from it uh where is uh oh I thought it was gonna show me have to thought it was gonna show me

A thing here I’m just trying to find something on the the YouTub right now it didn’t want to show me here all all right what what am I at right now what does it say I’m at 943 45k good or bad I mean like I would

I’m only beating him by like what uh 150 subs and he could easily get that I need 67 Subs that’s what I need 67 that’s all I need I would prefer l a uh like a Z press Mone but I’d still I would take

Money as well leafy I come to say I like your new catchphrase very much and should say it a lot every stream mhm I’m going to get right on that yeah all right we’re going to do ice there orange there I also need to throw in some of

This um all right so a little bit of a crack there I’ll offer my zero wait I’ll offer over over 40 oh here we go I’ll offer over 48 the blocky sand doll and the z l you have a you have someone to compete with now

Okay well here you know what I need to send you the little picture I got I got to send you the picture that I took because I want I want to help LOL get this thing too so where where is you I’m going to send you this upload where are my

Pictures there we go God I to go find it okay hold on guys oh that’s your clone instances Pixelmon so is he is is MAV fire doing the trade for you or is he against you uh okay so here goggles I’m sending you that screenshot of what uh what I what I

Have okay so you’re gonna have to go look at that because I I do want that that Pikachu but if there’s something in there that you if there’s like two things that you want to maybe go towards that that sand AIS because I know how much LOL wants

It I’ll have to dude okay I G have to check it all out like after stream but like there’s a couple things that are kind of cool there I love it my chat’s like I need help so do I my my my chat has problems apparently do I want put

One more like scratch across his tail here what do you guys think the offer L let me know what do you think do you think like I mean I I cut off the entire other side of his tail over here so I’m wondering if he if he still needs one more um CU

Don’t you think like this whole like this whole side of his tail looks like untouched yeah but he like a couple untouched like right here change this into like an ice Spike this thing oh that’s not a bad idea yeah yeah yeah if I just kind of just yeah add a couple

Icy bits or something right yeah yeah I will trade zerro in a shiny Heatran dude I got I got two shiny heatr I got one today man I got dude today dude come on now I think you might be taking the role playing a little bit

Too far you get it zro and my rushan for S all right lol I’ll do that I’ll do that trade oh my Lord oh I haven’t really gone very far Panda I’m still right here um I think I might add a couple maybe icy spiky bits right here

Though I’ll do that I’ll do that trade 100K in a Resturant and a that seems fair you’re you don’t oh my God you’re really going to take 100,000 from L are you doing that I need money okay maybe not that much 50 that’s come I need

Money man as if I’m out of ice okay hold on uh home it’s a struggle leafy there’s not really much lava on this portion to be honest so I could leave it at I I may have already taken some ice from that place but uh there’s lots more ice to be

Had lots more ice to be had I don’t think we have 100K okay go after bad people just okay A little bit of uh ASMR here to oh God it’s after 11 o’clock Jesus gy this is what happens when I have caffeine with my dinner is it goes past 11:00 and

I’m not like completely passed out this is oh my Lord gosh who what happened there it’s so late okay I’m just going to get a bit of ice and then I’m I’m going to I’m going to have to end things cuz I do need to try to S hey yeah we

That’s a it’s a dealo don’t worry man um but yeah honestly you don’t have to like give me money for it just like like yeah your restor thatr’s fine I don’t really mind I I am more than happy to contribute hopefully I’ve got something in my in my box there that

That you would want goggles cuz I want I want I want to have the Pikachu oh I’ll do it all night I’ll figure it out I’ll have a look I’m gonna I’m going to stop doing the lava on this side because there’s not much more like right here so I’m

Work on on this yeah we don’t you don’t really need too much lava I just wanted a couple blobs going over the edge just to showed that it was erupting see that’s kind of my thing I say things wrong I don’t just have one thing I just

Say all the things wrong isn’t isn’t that more fun yeah it’s fun it’s good I also like I think one of my like things that um it’s kind of fun it’s like I really like sandwiches you like sandwiches yeah like IRL like I absolutely love all these different types of sandwiches what

So it’s like everyone needs to eat sandwiches that’s that’s the thing everything everybody needs to eat sandwiches well I mean sandwiches are good we’re gonna get a t-shirt with goggles and a sandwich on it is is the sandwich going to have the goggles cuz that would be kind of

Awesome yeah yeah the which has the goggles merch coming soon no not really man I can’t wait till I can start getting merch out that would be awesome I want I want like a stuffy of my little of my little like of my little leaf

Guy that’s what I want to do I want to do a stuffy of my little guy my logo because I think he’s adorable that would be good yeah yeah I’d like to see that I actually asked my my sister who crochets if she could like crochet a version of him like make it

Like a little 3D version oh that would be good I really hope she can cuz like happens I want to see screenshots oh yeah absolutely um cuz like she she has made she’s made my kids a couple things like we have she every she brings some different vegetables crocheted

Vegetables and uh this year it was um we got we got a a carrot and a pickle um we also also have a an avocado um it all started with a potato we have a potato and a sweet potato yeah my my son kind of has this

Thing with potatoes he just likes to say potato and call things potato don’t don’t ask why it’s it’s just a thing this is this is my garden you know um fair enough so the one so the one you’re for for Christmas I’m like do you think you could make a

Potato from your crochet stuff and she’s like I could probably do that so she made a potato and then she made like my daughter a sweet potato and it was so perfect like it was so perfect and so now they just now they just get vegetables at Christmas that’s awesome crocheted

Vegetables it’s so good get a shiny de I get a gold nugget all right what not uh I don’t know where it is huckles issue we are now in serious debt to you mire we [Laughter] question yeah if anybody finds the the shiny geod dude y’all are welcome to it

You go hunting for it I don’t I don’t really need a shiny geod dude so you guys can go find it random question of the day for you leafy what is your favorite are you care uh oh it’s got to be Yoshi Yoshi I’m a big Yoshi fan but which color

Yoshi I kind of like the blue Yoshis cuz I like blue I know I’m supposed to say green cuz I’m a leaf blah blah blah blah blah um blue is my favorite color just cuz I’m a leaf doesn’t mean green has to be my favorite color all the time jeez

Guys yeah guys give need a break jeez okay there like that I like that there you know there’s a look a little bit better now they didn’t have it in the Wonder game but there is a pink y yeah that’s pretty cool I like the pink Yoshi a lot on that

One okay I don’t really like that that’s more kind of drippy isn’t there like a white Yoshi is that a thing a white I don’t know if I’ve ever seen any my God I’m sorry I just keep smiling every time I see that gy that I built I’m like I I really

Don’t mean I’m not trying to like Pat myself on the back or anything it just honestly looks hilarious this giant M I can just see in animation like someone just animate like a gy and just that wide like mouth and just bite oh it’s just it’s too funny oh my

Lord it’s just yeah I think it’s brilliant we’re gonna need more orange wool I get some more of that let go over there okay so I think I’m going to I think I’m good I think I’m going to leave things for now I think I finished

The one little gash there I’m going to start yeah I think maybe just putting like yeah maybe like making an icicle thing out of this might work turning one of his spikes to ice and then I’m going to add some ice coming out of like other

Ice spikes coming out of the ground and then I’m going to add the actual water and the blue glass that’s my next plan and then Groudon should be done and then we can start on Kroger and then I’ll be doing Kroger so that’s my next week

Sounds good I just went through all of those you know those chests over there there’s like about like you know 15 chests or so I like went through every single one and the final one I got orange that was really lucky that’s like the thing I was

Looking for I got nice oh this looks that looks great that looks so much better than than just the UN whatever you called it oh he got an ha mkey oh is that what he’s doing is he doing more hidden ability hunting he’s got so many

Of those all right we’re going to put a BL cool very very cool I’m glad you like the the lava spewing down yep it wasn’t too complicated of a task but I hopefully it looks good no but it was still kind of timec consuming you know like so like

Anything that I can get people to help with you know cuz like the stuff where I have like a vision in mind of what I want to build like the black hole thing it’s kind of hard to get people’s help with but for something like like this

Like before like I had sink um Build It Up from the original bottom center part and then he continued it up to the The Edge and uh cuz it’s like you I’m like okay see this pattern continue that just do more you know and then same thing like

Brandon helped me a lot with doing the Slime Trail and like breaking down a lot of the stuff because it’s like it’s not like a big Vision kind of thing to to do it but some of the other stuff is uh is a little bit more you know I’m kind of

Just you know going with it and I’m like no I I I know what I want it to look like and but the Kroger will be a little bit easier to help with cuz I’m like you know see the door and how the blocks are

On the door to make it look kind of charred and burned that’s what we’re doing around all the holes we’re going to put in Kroger so that one will be pretty cool too oh Groudon spouting more um more wingles yeah yeah he’s doing that you made the sleepless sleep robot

What oh my God sleep is sleep is doing some interesting things I love my chat I just I look over and my chat just just says weird things oh hey Apollo you yeah have you not have you not seen what’s happened to uh poke Zilla

Recently oh yeah Lil also put a chair on his head this y there we go yeah that’s where Lil sits now you know I have to say it is kind of like a stark thing to like come around from one side where you see his head and

Then you go around and all of a sudden his face is gone that’s that’s yeah yeah that that turned out pretty good oh this has been quite a massive turned out really good I was uh very surprised like how how much progress had been done I am working my butt off at

This I I want this to be I want this to be good for I mean this is LOL and these are L’s builds we can’t just just take them down you know we’re adding to the destruction exactly everything must have a a LOL esque um ending to

It yeah I know that I know the door makes him a little bit sad when he sees it though yes I know I am I am going Eclipse I’m going okay I am leaving things this is like good Lord yeah I’ve gone crazy tonight the build does it to me once you

Get building you just kind of can’t stop right so any who goggles I will leave you here I’m still going I’m still grinding on this lava like this is well I mean don’t cover the whole thing in lava we don’t need to cover the entire

Mountain in lava I’m not you can see on this other side like i’ it looks good yeah um but yeah I am going to leave here um I know you said you had some little uh chore stuff to do on your Island anyway so uh I am going to leave

Y’all here in the destruction that has been brought we’re having fun fun uh LOL did a lot of you know amazing things and so we have to destroy it amazingly which funn enough involves a lot of building that’s that’s great dinosaur you’re finally here oh sweetie I’m I’m I’m saying good night to

Everybody oh dinosaur I’m so sorry oh this is later than how I normally go on on Saturdays um you leave for five minutes to come back to goggles becoming a cat what are you becoming a cat no what what is this talk about cats I don’t know this is

LOL what do you mean I’m becoming a cat I don’t know where that one came from Lil did you hit another tree never mind oh you were 20 minutes behind in stream okay okay okay and now sleep is asking to be given the cat okay all right honestly I think my chat is

More attent entertaining than I am I’m sorry dinosaur I’m so sorry uh I will be back tomorrow uh to okay so tomorrow afternoon um I’m I am going to be playing some fortnite um I’m not going to be streaming it but I might be sitting in a chat because I know um my

Son wants to play for a little bit more tomorrow it’s when I normally stream fortnite uh but I have a family thing in the afternoon so I’m not making anything formal uh yeah so and then tomorrow night though I should be back in time for our raft stream that’s our brand new

Series it’s fun and exciting it’s um uh Connor Flair agent and I are are playing raft okay yeah chaos and sees you know uh I think we I think we’ve all died at least once so far Bruce has been wellfed yeah all right so I yes Eclipse

I’m going I will try keep an eye out for the parasites I will absolutely uh yeah goggles it’s been fun yeah thank you so much for for kicking my butt at battling and I will see everybody uh hopefully lucky I’ll see everybody hopefully tomorrow byebye goggles chat byebye my

Chat also if leafy’s chat does want to carry on you’re welcome to carry on with my POV if you like yeah absolutely um like I said you guys there should be a link in the description to goggles stream uh if that link for any reason doesn’t work just my main page at the

Bottom has feature channels and go Goggles is right there and you can go uh go see what he’s up to you should actually because if he’s going to go to his Island you guys are going to like his Island it’s really cool he’s done a

Lot of work on it so I will see you guys later gotta finish all right two to lose my darlings we’ll see you tomorrow bye everybody bye leafy

This video, titled ‘Pixelmon Livestream! Battles and Bombs! #livestream #minecraft’, was uploaded by Leafy McTreeface on 2024-01-14 04:43:21. It has garnered 72 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:42 or 10902 seconds.

GoGoggles and myself team up to wreak havoc on lowells base and maybe even fit in a battle or two! Check out GoGoggles channel – https://www.youtube.com/@UCKMgQs0CdAzHgHbXu9EoVCg Become and Official Member of the Garden! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNeqUlA4JmvHSQ6i3MHarmw/join

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  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Unleash Chaos: Zman's Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information we’re [Music] live yes we are live we are indeed live all right this thing is just being stupid here but we are live any who what’s going on everybody hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday evening it’s JY and today we are playing some aged Minecraft mod pack as I I forget where I was going with that but by request I should say that’s what I was trying to say some people were wanting to see me go ahead and play this mod packs once again so why not go ahead and jump right into it… Read More

  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

    Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Storm Light on 2024-05-09 06:55:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo minecraft shorts animation,minecraft aesthetic … Read More

  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

    Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!Video Information it’s time here we go guys are we ready are we ready are we ready are we ready to move the mobs to the nether through a portal and not die in an endless death Loop why is Minecraft not showing Again Minecraft why are you being elusive every stream you don’t show up for me come on show up for me today I need you it’s going to be a dangerous it’s going to be a deadly day thank you Minecraft showed up for us today big day important day remember guys there’s going be some big… Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Gameplay – MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Gameplay - MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIKE AND SUSCRIBE |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #gg |🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:26:51. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BINGO GAME w/ FRIENDS!!Video Information how are we doing ladies and gentlemen hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream it’s Bingo time baby and we ain’t play Bingo for a little while banging tune love it Mr bead Stone here again Mr bead Stone how are you doing my man hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream my friend guys welcome along Minecraft bingo today with the gang uh we’ve got myself we got PX we got Callum CPK we’ve got Oli the sound we got mythical sausage we got in the little world we got the whole gang playing a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game OF Thrones: Minecraft Castle Siege PvP SERVER [NEW] 1.12+’, was uploaded by ize__ on 2024-06-19 10:14:47. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. GameOfThrones New PvP Game CastleWars WAR 0.1 #IP: ————————————— make-kid.gl.joinmc.link ————————————— WEBSITE OF SERVER: https://t.me/+noxO1qZvuIszOGY6 #Minecraft #GOTWIC #Server #new #rp #castlesiege #pvp #war #war01 #PVE #CastleWar #castlewars #mineblaze #skycave #new #1.12 #+ Read More

  • Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6

    Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Versi Terkutuk #6 #minecraft #shorts #creepypasta #horror #mcpe #test’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-05-20 05:00:35. It has garnered 318 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Minecraft Mysteries: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849 Artis: http://incompetech.com/ Long… Read More

  • Axen Network

    Axen NetworkWe are Axen Network, a Minecraft server network with a gaming experience like no other! We have two server gamemodes currently: – Heaven & hell SMP, a Minecraft SMP with a twist; when you die, you can become a demon, however if you pray enough, your sins may be forgiven, and you will go to heaven. Beware, however, as if you die whilst being one of these, you become a ghost, cursed to haunt the living. – Knockback PvP, a spin on the classic PvP or Sumo server, where your only weapon to fend for yourself with being a trusty… Read More

  • CrabCraft SMP

    CrabCraft 🦀 A whitelisted, community-focused vanilla survival server. Season 2️⃣ commences 15th June, on 1.21 We are looking for active community members to join us. Vanilla Perfection! We emphasize keeping the vanilla feel of Minecraft alive, inspired by HermitCraft gameplay. Voice Chat: We use Simple Voice Chat and require all members to have this mod installed. Thriving Community! Join a close-knit group of players who share the same passion for Minecraft. Active Discord: Our server’s Discord is used frequently for communication. Whitelisted Security: Our server is protected with a whitelist for a safe and friendly environment. Chunk Backups: In case… Read More