Looting an ANCIENT CITY in Minecraft Hardcore! (#66)

Video Information

Today i went on a very long journey to find an ancient city and i faced the warden in hardcore minecraft but before i did that i started today’s journey afk at my gold farm oh that’s a lot of gold with the goal of stockpiling a ton of

Golden carrots and i also made a lot of fireworks too now that i’ve got shulker boxes back again i am taking things very seriously and i am fully equipped for a long time so minecraft got a new update so today’s game plan is to go explore some new chunks and hopefully see

Everything the new update has to offer time for me to explore 1.19 aha okay this is a horrendous portal spawn anyway out here we should have some new chunks and i’m hoping to find a mangrove swamp and then also an ancient city and this shouldn’t be too difficult because

This time we have the elytra and when i say this time it’s actually because i’ve already done a video exploring this new update separate to this series mostly because i was too scared to face the warden for the very first time in this hardcore world okay pillager outpost this could be good

Oh no horn are you kidding me wait there could be an alley though there’s alleys i found la’s okay guys hang on it’s gonna take me a moment before i can rescue you this is never ending okay so i found these alleys but i don’t

Know if i’m ready for these guys yet but the good thing is i know i know they’re here they’re extremely close to the portal so i might take note of where these guys are and come back to get them later now i want to try and drink milk before i go and

Accidentally start a raid what’s that milk you think i should ask them the question well all right have you checked to see if you’re subscribed recently you may watch my videos all the time and not even know you aren’t subscribed and if that’s you consider pressing that button it’s completely

Free and it tells youtube you like this content i then started looking all over for the new mangrove swamp and peeking into any large cave entrances to see if i could stumble into an ancient city no skulk i don’t think that was cool even with the ability to

Fly it does not make finding a mangrove swamp any easier why do you have to be so challenging game just just give me what i want oh wow we’ve got another pillager outpost now please give me a horn in this one i really want a horn i think they’re so cool yes whoa

Whoa oh that’s awesome i didn’t know that these things had different sounds i thought there was only the one sound all right pack it up we’ve got everything we wanted from 1.19 we can go home now but besides finding the best item in the game so far i wasn’t having much luck with

This new update i even spent some time underground looking for an ancient city but still no success no ancient city in that cave and then after 30 minutes of flying this happened we found the mangrove swamp this is a tiny one but we found one nonetheless alright and now that i’ve found this

Biome i am not here to mess around let’s collect as much wood and saplings and blocks from here so i don’t have to come back here again and there’s my buddy the frog i just realized something i forgot to bring slime balls out here no

Okay i’m gonna have to find a swamp as well as long as i pick up a ton of these mangrove propagules i shouldn’t have to come back to this biome ever because all there really is to get from this biome is i mean the wood and i guess the mud

Hey why not let’s pick up a ton of mud while i’m here as well so i tore apart the mangrove swamp and harvested every block and sapling i’ll ever need so i’ll never have to come back 30 propagules i think that’s plenty to take home with us

And now the journey continues it’s time to find an ancient city So i think now we just find the first cave we can and just search underground until hopefully we find an ancient city now this was the start of a very long search for an ancient city and i started off very naive i knew nothing about how ancient cities generate and all i knew

Was i had to find skull we must go deeper please leave me alone okay please show me some skulk this does not seem promising i guess i’ll take some pity diamonds but i i really don’t care please just show me an ancient city i carried on going deeper underground

But after reaching enough dead ends i had to give up on my first cave alright let’s try over here this cave entrance looks promising but my second cave was no better okay i’m a little overwhelmed despite finding much bigger caves that went deeper there still was no sign of the deep dark

Anywhere and i was starting to get mad i actually hate this update so far all i’ve done is just run around looking for stuff come on i’m losing my mind and if only i knew just how far away from finding an ancient city i really was at

Least things were going to get a bit more interesting as i entered my next cave oh ooh this cave is big oh come on i mean if a cave is going to lead to an ancient city this has to be it right i’m i’m in shock

Thank you after searching for so long i had finally found what i was looking for the deep dark let’s start exploring oh hello achievement so it was time to explore okay we’ve got the sneak 100 that is our first trigger i am going to take every

One of these things out that i can that i can possibly take out no wardens allowed that’s another shrieker down goodbye shrieker even though i know there’s no shriekers around just hearing all the uh the sensors go off it it freaks me out a little well i guess now

It’d be a fun time to do some experimenting with what blocks we uh can and can’t pick up skulk sensors are a yes with silk touch i’m sure i’ll probably need these things in the future for some complex automatic farm so i’ll just pick up a few of these

While i’ve got the chance and what about the catalyst this block can i pick this up i can okay brilliant but now i’d had my fun it was time to find this ancient city it had to be around here somewhere right well prior to this i had the understanding that skulk would only

Generate around ancient cities so i thought finding skulk meant it had to be here i was wrong i was so very wrong and it wasn’t until i searched every little nook and cranny in this deep dark that i decided to do a quick search on the internet for some answers okay i’ve

Resurfaced but now i’ve got a better plan i think to find the deep dark right so we need to find biomes like meadows and mountains like this here honestly all right let’s give this a shot okay this is where we need to be okay it actually works searching in mountains

Actually works i still don’t see an ancient city though which is making me a little nervous but we did find more deep dark oh what did i just do what what just happened kill a mob near a sculpt catalyst oh of course because when you do that it spreads the skulk doesn’t it

That’s a purple achievement which means it’s kind of difficult and i just did it on accident oh this deep duck goes on forever this has got to be an ancient city this time right oh can you activate shriekers without the sensors because there’s no sensors near this thing yeah this might be dumb

But no you are useless this deep dark is so much bigger but i still i still can’t see a city is it really gonna be across the lava i’m not confident but that’s my only hope right Oh no oh god okay i got too confident okay we’re entering like a different section okay it keeps going all right i haven’t fully given up on this deep dark yet i think we still could find a city and then after hours of searching it finally happened i finally found a generated

Structure in the deep dark oh great yeah know exactly what i was after thank you thank you why did i hear a zombie no stop you’re gonna spawn something that you don’t want to spawn okay wait this is kind of cool though i didn’t realize it made that little bubbly particle effect three

Shriekers side by side like that one if i can okay please don’t i might have made a mistake okay i think i’m in the clear that’s scary though but despite being much bigger this second deep dark didn’t result in an ancient city either but now

I knew how to find the deep dark finding an ancient city shouldn’t take that long right it’s kind of annoying me that i don’t just instantly see an ancient city right now okay again we found skulk you can tell things have changed because i’ve stopped getting excited every time

I find deep dark now remember when i thought all i had to do was find this and now this is like my seventh time finding this a new ancient cities only generate deep underground which is why when i reached my sixth deep dark i finally had the idea to dig deeper oh

Okay wait i know there’s deep dark down there that could be an ancient city but digging means i’m making noise and i’m gonna spawn a warden okay there we go there’s a warden somewhere down there and now i need to get as far away as possible so it despawns and then i can

Go back down there and investigate okay don’t smell me please but even when i did get down there there was just another small corridor this i did it again all right where does this thing spawn right there oh god but of course i still looked around in every direction oh

That’s a lot of shriekers and at one point things started looking promising oh god i’m so anxious and i’m actually so annoyed that this is not an ancient city i went on to search this entire open area and i had a couple close encounters oh okay you’re gonna spawn

You are gonna spawn okay yeah you stay over there no stop walking this way you chill there and i’ll chill over here it’s fine we’re fine right oh the bat’s gonna get it the pat’s gonna get it oh no it made the wooden angry run bat run oh no see that’s what you

Get if you if you mess with the warden unfortunately there was still no ancient city and then two hours later i found this jagged peaks biome all right we’re back in business this is exactly the kind of biome we need i guess this is too still too shallow we’re barely even

In deep slate level this was one of the biggest deep darks i’d found so far and i spent a long time searching every corridor i could this seems like it’s going in the right direction and it didn’t matter which way i went i would always find more deep dark oh wait a

Minute did i go i definitely didn’t go back this way i wouldn’t have left the shrieker right there if i had just get me as far away as possible oh don’t tell me there’s nothing here okay more skulk down here oh i finally did it i’m actually

I’m actually so relieved it’s been hours six hours it took me six hours to find this ancient city and by the time i did i was so mad i logged off and went to bed okay i am back and it’s time to take on this ancient city now i’m just gonna

Apologize now uh because it’s gonna get extremely dark down here and i’m not always gonna be in a position where i can put down a torch because this is hardcore i’m still gonna do everything i can to not spawn a warden so my mission while i’m down here is to loot all the

Chests and i’m actually looking for the swift sneak enchantment the only way to get this new enchantment is with the enchanted books found down here all right we got to start trying to loot some chests here though and of course these chests are surrounded by shriekers

I’m gonna try and go for a triple that didn’t quite work that didn’t quite work so now we just get out of here as fast as we can and then we come back later to loot the chests look i know how to safely uh explore this area and

That’s just to simply ignore the warden at all costs or spawn two of them since this is hardcore i was playing it very safe and the plan was to pick off shriekers one at a time until eventually i could move around more freely right you know what i’m gonna go for another

Double kill here that’s gonna spawn a warden right on me and each time i did spawn a warden i’d just slowly crawl away until it despawned we’ve got a safe little pocket back here with no shriekers which is good makes me feel comfy is there no shriekers around this chest i think

We’re in the clear oh no that’s not the enchanted book i wanted again i don’t think there’s any shriek is it on uh on this chest either come on okay this chest is insane two god apples we also get an echo shard which is mostly useless to me now i’m

Using wool to uh get around this area because it actually doesn’t make any sound when you place it and it won’t set off any sensors so it’s very helpful to uh getting around i knew there’d be a shrieker around here all right now what is down here got some snowballs

And some extra food all right we’re gonna spawn a warden here but you know for my future self let’s just take out both of these and make our way out of here i hate how close to the warden i am right now oh it’s coming towards me i’m so uncomfortable oh god

Oh that’s not good that’s not good i forget water i forgot water makes noise now we got two of these things after me i cannot explain the relief i feel when i hear the warden go back on the ground like even though i know i’m safe it’s still so nerve-wracking hearing that heartbeat

Yeah i think i’m in the clear to loot this chest yep another god apple getting really unlucky with the no disc fragments or no swift snake books but three god apples so far is kind of insane i’ve only looted like four chests also i’m curious can you pick up shriekers with silk

Touch this is a good time to experiment i think you can if i was to put this shrieker somewhere could i just spawn a warden wherever i want i will have to experiment with that later and then i just carried on looking for chests and i wasn’t having the best luck please swift

Snake please no we’ve got another nice solo shrieker here i’m gonna pick this one up with silk touch as well silk touch should honestly pick up blocks silently i feel like that’s something that should change because you know you’re so delicate it shouldn’t make a single sound right can this be my

Lucky chest Of course of course what are you doing up there yeah i think i’ve done a full loop i think this is the first place i uh destroyed some shriekers let’s see what these chests had there we go only swift snake won but we finally found a swift sneak book we

Found a mending book as well and another god apple at this stage i had broken most of the shriekers which meant i could move around more freely and it also meant i had a lot of chests to loot there we go swift sneak level two feather falling four no that’s such a

Good book but i don’t need it what is this mess why is there just a ton of different blue wool scattered in this corner there’s got to be like a secret chest under here or something right there’s a campfire right minecraft secret easter egg the campfire gives you infinite items

Yes swift sneak 3 that is huge despite how anxious i was feeling at the time i was really under no danger with just how safe i was playing it i made sure to stick to my golden strategy and i never messed with the warden alright let’s

Just go with a double kill for now all right and as soon as i get enough distance on this thing i’m just gonna run now let’s go for these two why did you spawn there you are so close to me i do not like that Please nothing spawn there’s another one there i think i’m in the clear to open this chest three music this shards few echoes i might be able to open this without disrupting those shrinkers that’s huge that’s getting us closer to the max enchants well hang on a second

I’d now been searching the ancient city for about an hour and this whole time i was under the impression that the maximum swift snake enchantment was level five but then i went to combine my books wait huh wait can you not combine these wait a minute yeah turns out i didn’t read

The fine print on the wiki that any levels above three can only be achieved by commands i guess getting the highest level enchantment was easier than i thought because now i can add swift snake 3 to my pants oh yeah i should have added this a long

Time ago now we can get around here fast and now that i’d achieved my ultimate goal for this video all there was left to do was to secure the rest of the ancient city watch how quick this escape will be see you warden see you bud see ya

Besides the main structure i don’t think i have much left to conquer i i think we’re fine i think i have fully secured this ancient city now all right but there’s one final secret in this place and i don’t know how to get to it but i’m pretty sure it’s under here somewhere

Here we are we’ve got some like testing chambers or something down here whoa whoa this is weird okay we’ve got a wooden shovel and 24 deep slate in here so this is like all the experiments they did with the skulk before i imagine it spread too fast and the whole city

Got destroyed kind of interesting i guess now that i’ve completely warden proofed this entire ancient city and no other mobs can spawn in the deep dark this is now one of the safest places in this whole minecraft world and now that this whole thing is now safe it makes it

Perfect for a future project where i can now transform this entire ancient city into something awesome but we’re not gonna end it there this is the 1.19 video and there’s one more thing we need to do well first we just got to get out of here safely You saw nothing you saw nothing there were actually two things i had to do and first was to save the allies i found earlier come on come with me allies come on okay oh god please before this gets too ugly all right now we just need to take these two guys back home Now how am i gonna get these la’s through that portal alright if i glide slowly then i just gotta circle the portal yes wait did it just go through All right come on in don’t be shy i’ve now got two la’s in the center of my village here and the final thing i was forgetting was the frogs that’s it make some frog babies you know what i’m just gonna sit here and stare at these eggs until they hatch

I have literally nothing else to do at this point our tadpoles have hatched so we only got two this time around but that is i mean the perfect amount and now that i’ve done that i have an important announcement i am moving to the uk in literally two days so the next episode

Won’t be for a while but i’ll be making a couple vlogs on my travels so go subscribe to my second channel and follow my instagram and twitter to keep up with where i am in the world

This video, titled ‘Looting an ANCIENT CITY in Minecraft Hardcore! (#66)’, was uploaded by WadZee on 2022-07-21 18:53:10. It has garnered 4054841 views and 147867 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds.

Today I explored the NEW Minecraft 1.19 Update in my hardcore world, and I set myself the goal of exploring the ancient city in Minecraft Hardcore. It took a very long time before I found an ancient city.


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▸ RETURNING HOME to my 2 Year Old Minecraft World (World Tour) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PudNeMfDrHQ&t=22s

▸I Completed EVERY Advancement in Hardcore Minecraft (#8) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWuGeAonob4&t=197s

★ Watch the series from episode 1 (2019): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7z9MJwIFnY&list=PLXYjxAo4KISJqoE1rkt3OXmM5rCrstpoV&index=3&t=0s

♫ All music by Kevin Macleod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/​…

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-​…

Artist: http://incompetech.com/

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    Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Live!!!😉😉 || Road to 700 Subscribers!! || #Problizz #live #verticalstream’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-04-29 22:41:40. It has garnered 522 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:37 or 6877 seconds. 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw? Don’t forget to hit that Like… Read More

  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker – Minecraft

    Escape Maze Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker - Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker Escape Challenges! Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft with the exciting challenge of escaping from various mazes as a Noob, Pro, or Hacker? Join the adventure as you navigate through intricate labyrinths filled with surprises and obstacles! Experience the Thrill of Escape Challenges Embark on a heart-pounding journey as you attempt to escape from challenging mazes designed for players of different skill levels. Whether you’re a beginner (Noob), an experienced player (Pro), or a master strategist (Hacker), each level presents unique hurdles to overcome…. Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Unleash Chaos: Zman's Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information we’re [Music] live yes we are live we are indeed live all right this thing is just being stupid here but we are live any who what’s going on everybody hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday evening it’s JY and today we are playing some aged Minecraft mod pack as I I forget where I was going with that but by request I should say that’s what I was trying to say some people were wanting to see me go ahead and play this mod packs once again so why not go ahead and jump right into it… Read More

  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

    Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Storm Light on 2024-05-09 06:55:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo minecraft shorts animation,minecraft aesthetic … Read More

  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

    Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!Video Information it’s time here we go guys are we ready are we ready are we ready are we ready to move the mobs to the nether through a portal and not die in an endless death Loop why is Minecraft not showing Again Minecraft why are you being elusive every stream you don’t show up for me come on show up for me today I need you it’s going to be a dangerous it’s going to be a deadly day thank you Minecraft showed up for us today big day important day remember guys there’s going be some big… Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Gameplay – MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Gameplay - MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIKE AND SUSCRIBE |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #gg |🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:26:51. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BINGO GAME w/ FRIENDS!!Video Information how are we doing ladies and gentlemen hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream it’s Bingo time baby and we ain’t play Bingo for a little while banging tune love it Mr bead Stone here again Mr bead Stone how are you doing my man hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream my friend guys welcome along Minecraft bingo today with the gang uh we’ve got myself we got PX we got Callum CPK we’ve got Oli the sound we got mythical sausage we got in the little world we got the whole gang playing a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game OF Thrones: Minecraft Castle Siege PvP SERVER [NEW] 1.12+’, was uploaded by ize__ on 2024-06-19 10:14:47. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. GameOfThrones New PvP Game CastleWars WAR 0.1 #IP: ————————————— make-kid.gl.joinmc.link ————————————— WEBSITE OF SERVER: https://t.me/+noxO1qZvuIszOGY6 #Minecraft #GOTWIC #Server #new #rp #castlesiege #pvp #war #war01 #PVE #CastleWar #castlewars #mineblaze #skycave #new #1.12 #+ Read More

  • Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6

    Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Versi Terkutuk #6 #minecraft #shorts #creepypasta #horror #mcpe #test’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-05-20 05:00:35. It has garnered 318 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Minecraft Mysteries: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849 Artis: http://incompetech.com/ Long… Read More

  • Axen Network

    Axen NetworkWe are Axen Network, a Minecraft server network with a gaming experience like no other! We have two server gamemodes currently: – Heaven & hell SMP, a Minecraft SMP with a twist; when you die, you can become a demon, however if you pray enough, your sins may be forgiven, and you will go to heaven. Beware, however, as if you die whilst being one of these, you become a ghost, cursed to haunt the living. – Knockback PvP, a spin on the classic PvP or Sumo server, where your only weapon to fend for yourself with being a trusty… Read More

  • CrabCraft SMP

    CrabCraft 🦀 A whitelisted, community-focused vanilla survival server. Season 2️⃣ commences 15th June, on 1.21 We are looking for active community members to join us. Vanilla Perfection! We emphasize keeping the vanilla feel of Minecraft alive, inspired by HermitCraft gameplay. Voice Chat: We use Simple Voice Chat and require all members to have this mod installed. Thriving Community! Join a close-knit group of players who share the same passion for Minecraft. Active Discord: Our server’s Discord is used frequently for communication. Whitelisted Security: Our server is protected with a whitelist for a safe and friendly environment. Chunk Backups: In case… Read More

Looting an ANCIENT CITY in Minecraft Hardcore! (#66)