Master Arcane Engineering

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Hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of create I almost said above and beyond once again Arcane engineering brought to you by our beautiful server hosting sponsor hosting the server that we’ve just updated to the latest version Apex hosting if you check in the description of the stream

Of the YouTube video wherever you’re watching you can find yourself some discounts of 25% off your first month of server hosting maybe play some create Arcane engineering and play along with us and make some progress and do good things have a good time gous vanilla Minecraft for another mod pack check

Them out links below and thanks to them for sponsoring all right Pete what it’s worth I’ve uh also called this series create uh above and beyond despite having never played it before and I think only hearing that name from you talking about don’t know how that happens I’m sorry for ruining you so

You’re not alone in that so you’ve been uh you’ve been hard at work since last time it looks like yeah I made a cave dude I love caves is my rubber cave oh that’s why rubber ducky cuz rubber cave oh that you’re one ah fire no this is so

Cool so the rubber Roots into here presses turns into the stuff and then gets fired and then goes into the stand still man stand still we’ve got 3 and 12,000 rubber my God this is insane dude that sounds trying to figure out how to pipe everything from these extractors was uh

Tedious to say the least but you did hidden cabling all the pipes that are underneath because they’re working off of Gravity cuz if I had them going at like a side angle they’d end up like pumping into each other because of how close together all the pipes were so I

Just have them like working on it downward and then going up to the Basin over here from underneath not know that gravity could flow through huh I didn’t know that cre allowed for gravity it’s not like gravity it’s just like instead of it going like left and right

And possibly being able to fill others it just all goes down and there’s one pipe that then just brings it up so actually there nothing to do with gravity sorry there like got it got it disc future there was like discussion yesterday about like oh gravity might

Work and it went on for so long that that term is just kind of stuck in my head now but dude it it was uh quite something to get that to work but yeah anyway um well good job I’ve been dealing with actual um you know cable rooting in real

Life with setting up my new desk that I spent 8 hours doing yesterday and uh oh God yeah I still I one one display port cable not long enough finally just arrived as I started streaming so after this I got to I got to finalize it get

The final cable ties in and make sure it’s pretty oh I I’ve said sorry CH I’m repeating myself but I I do all these cable ties and stuff stuff around I’m I’m using a monitor like a triple monitor stand now instead of the each monitor standing on its own and uh I I

Do all these cable ties and then I finally look in the manual like how do I rotate the displays so I can level them and it’s like by the way there are cable rooting channels inside of your monitor stand and I’m like oh oh yeah that’s pretty common in the monitor those are

Always so finicky I don’t know I don’t like those yeah but it it’ll look nicer having them hidden if I can manage to make it work or I’ll undo all of my cable ties try it and I’ll be like oh this isn’t working now I have to redo it

Oh I don’t like this as much okay yeah we’ll see but um so I would buy like 10ft variations of any cable that I need because if I change anything and it’s like too short that just ruins my week yeah I I uh that’s what I had to buy I

Had like a six foot and I got a 10 foot so yeah I found a pretty Universal solution to like these issues for me so I’ve been really happy with that just not having Cable Management oh yeah I just don’t bother oh yeah me too do you really do

You like actually you don’t strike me as someone who would I thought the whole thing in Minecraft was like a bit I didn’t realize it was just a continuation of real life what do you mean I I I managed cables fairly well in Minecraft no s responded to that it

Wasn’t directed yeah it wasn’t it wasn’t like how dare you imply that I’m I was W to see if was going to respond to it or if was going to ask like P is he talking to you I assumed he was I I sorry I was I

Was main charactering right there um so I think you’re taking accountability more than main charactering I I apologize there uh I’m I’m working right now to see if I can show the people the cables um but I I actually did uh yesterday I got my main computer back up and running

Yo let’s go so uh uh yeah it turns out um soft tubing for water cooling much easier than hard tubing like yeah phenomenally dramatically indescribably easier I can’t believe that is the case I can’t believe this anyway uh to the people this is these are the cables and deal with

It um dang I thought you would be like pretty pretty intense about your cable management in real life that’s kind of just I I figured but whatever anyway hey you guys do you want me to show you looks like do you want do you want me to

Show you uh what I have done since last time I mean one of you can see we have an enchantment setup which is cool and all um if you’re interested I did just you know manually throw in some diorite into the mixer over there just so we can

Get more uh andesite Alloys queued up so that we’re not like waiting around when we need to make new machines M um you can just go into there very nice I also um have done a few villager cycl if you come over to over here towards the east

Um and you wish to buy some um books and stuff then you may enter the Villager chamber which is in possession of a Sharp five a mending and an Unbreaking three so far um very nice they’re giving books like that and this is how they’re living I just haven’t done the

Underneath a cauld man are you kidding me there’s no way you just put that back like that I I just haven’t deal Pete would you like to beautify their home today oh you guys want to get to the villagers no don’t worry just break the cauldron and see empty one on the right

Pete would you like to beautify their home sure you you made a nice cave maybe you can make a nice cave for the villagers yeah I’ll put a bed down there too well hey we are going to need more breeding of them so um it’s you know

Something that will need to be done at at some point um also I was mentioning this before we started the recording but with the updates um there is a very Nifty thing where the default keybind is C which you may want to switch if you

Use zoom but if you have items in your inventory that you’ve just gone out and collected you can do a Terraria Auto stack to nearby chess by hitting C or whatever you rebind it to which is very nice um and then on top of that uh Zen do you

Know much about sophisticated storage or whatever else was added in the update that’s worth talking about uh it gives us um bigger chests okay like that’s it’s really like that as far as I like that um as far as I’ve seen like it’s just literally the the upgraded

Chest uh stuff so I mean we’ll be able to use a lot fewer chests and have a lot more items in them but I don’t think it’s necessarily like um I mean maybe there is but uh there there’s some upgrades and stuff there’s a controller deposit and pipe

Items too so the from what I can tell with the controller is it basically Works similar to a drawer controller where you can use it to put all the items in or if you have a filtered item pulling out then you could do that on a

On a extraction but it’s not like a grid or crafting or anything like that that we can use to interface to all the items but uh so we don’t have like an me system just have easier deposit yeah yeah yeah which now is less of an issue

That we can hit a button and stack to nearby chest but yeah um normally I uh I I you know we don’t always always necessarily follow the latest upgrades but the developer actually came into my Discord and was like hey please please apply this and uh you know like for my

Sanity to I he had been working on it or I guess they had been working on it and uh uh you saw that we were playing and decided to finish and push it out and so this this was the the sparkle pen update and uh convinced me when when when they

Told me that there were bigger chest in it then I was like oh I I like big chest so let’s do it up top brother uh-huh so um you know that’s where we’re at uh I I guess I shall having I like how this seat is just dead seat it’s not a seat

It’s a dead seat yeah I’m not sure what the what you know that came from or anything but I got it from a a randomi and I was like sure might as well do something with it yeah uh oh God we have to do this again H there is now late game Waypoint

Crafting but not early game so that was also added with the update I kind of like the novelty that you just had to go off the environment once but that’s interesting I mean I I don’t mind that you know like late game because late game you’re like okay I’m trying to just

Get stuff done and and you know you’re you’re I guess over the novelty as it were but uh here here it still makes you you know Play and Learn and all that so um but I have to get rotation and another machine and all of that going

Yeah you’ve got um you’ve got a task of menring and rooting it into the setup um I also noticed that Peter did um get rid of a villager house just broke broke it down completely demolished it if I had to run around that thing four times it’s going down

That’s my new rule meanwhile he’s mad at me for my villager accommodation he just he just eminent domained him nobody was living there anymore man it was abandoned what do you want from me all I’m saying is that’s pretty rough Pete it’s pretty rough you evicted them

To the east side of the village I was just cleaning up okay you know what I’m going down the caves and I’m just mining coal and iron for an hour we need resources so we don’t have many of them wait but but I mean we need um

Whatchamacallit uh uh uh we need the villagers to have better accommodations don’t we we’re doing a d tonight aren’t we oh okay got it understood understood I mean surely they have food to be able to last like an hour down there right at least you fed yeah Pro yeah absolutely huh I did

Okay the copper Age The Copper age you’ll never catch me copper copperberg m still mad you can’t get that in the US me too yeah you had them bgs aren’t they they’re good they’re the best they kind of are man they kind of are copperberg I have no idea it’s oh well that’s

Disappointing um I thought this is like a burger of some kind or something of the like it is basically like a uh it’s it’s like um cider but like budlight tier cider for people who are in Europe and stuff it’s not something they think or care about but it’s so good and you

Can’t get it here and so it’s just oh I love it oh interesting so you like Bud Light by uh European Bud Light basically uh yeah I mean basically yeah yeah huh never had it before but if I somehow come around it I will give it a

Try find if you find yourself over in the UK you know it’s a thing that you can consume well now I’ve got a reason to go there yeah I um that’s completed in case fan I may have to go there again and you know get a new seat or something like that you

Know it’s tough it is tough when your seat gets soaked with gasoline needs to be dud my computer blue screen hello what bro it sounds like this might be a bigger PC issue than than just the Minecraft launcher thing how did that not give me more

Saplings game is dumb as hell I’m tired of this dang tell me how you’re really feel yeah he’s not uh he’s not messing around anymore my saying of whenever this happens I’m this much closer to getting the log cabinet in the woods and going fishing for my living is uh not a bit

You is that like is that your uh long-term kind of dream retirement goal I don’t know I really do love nature and I definitely don’t love computer problems so lean one way when uh I was working in ISP any anytime anything would go wrong we’d

Talk about how we were just going to you know turn it all in and just go get uh uh like mool Lawns for a living like it’s surely fewer things can go wrong just mowing lawns and Sur surely yeah so I understand what you’re saying I’m sorry about your pain give you the

Electric lawn mower soon I I I you know what I’m going to I’m going to work on me and just get the little push one it’s going to be the 50s the you know that I just push forward I actually tried that it’s really hard and obnoxious and very

Very difficult to get a good cut so I wouldn’t recommend it actually cuz I had that genuine thought back in U uh several houses Ago Pete would you still have your I like how only now did Pizza Hut leave the game it was a little bit of a delayed reaction I was there for like a minute wow yeah had to you would you still have your car and go for rooms or

Would you just go like totally Off the Grid no electronics just completely fed up with Society oh I like driving far too much oh okay did you go for any fun drives in in the LA area while you were present when you say fun drives do you

Mean like take it to a track no like a nice through the mountains kind of dry over the woods over the hill and through the woods I mean a lot of like uh the road trip was through quite a bit of mountains and stuff so I kind of got

That fixed already um I did go down like kind of close over near Santa Monica and go coastal driving for a bit because I used to do that when I live in Santa Monica for a while and I love that drive uhhuh um but other than that yeah know I

Didn’t like seek out areas all too much I mean I I kind of did like get a new car and then throw 5K miles on it in the first three weeks so dang no it wasn’t new it was it was a certified uh pre-own no but new it was

That new to you oh yeah no I bought it like a week before the road trip pretty much dang um so I kind of got my fix in of driving during that trip yeah that’s that’s fair I suppose after you’ve driven you know like 5,000 or 2500 miles maybe the last thing

You’re looking to do necessarily is seek out further driving once you’ve arrived so that’s fairly understandable what was so weird is that so the car that I got has like you know so many of those driver assistance thing it has like stop and go uh cruise control adaptive

Whatever it’s got Lan keep and traffic jam that whole deal I had never driven in a car with any of that before cuz my main driveway was just a 2012 it had none of that not even like blind spot warning right it’s really the worse isn’t

It not having it or oh having all those Electronics I hate it oh you don’t like it okay I hate he is so Kian over it cuz I never thought like I would be I would want to drive in a car like that cuz i’ had seen like you know like Tesla

Talking about like here’s completely automatable assistant and stuff and I was so nervous to try it out and like have the car do something for me but I got acclimated to it real fast uh-huh like it did not take long for me at all to be like oh yeah this is really nice

Like being able to be on the highway and like I don’t have to step on The Brak or gas literally once like my car was come to a complete stop for me if it needs to Y it’s crazy y like it’s got like break assist too I press a little button and a

Robot like scans the area and then flips my wheels around for me like yep wait flips your wheels around what well like it’ll turn the steering wheel on its own it like shimmy the wheels whatever way it needs to go to do like a parallel park and stuff I I can never

Bring myself to trust any of those systems because of how bad they are so often how bad he thinks they are from back when they were originally not that great but are now much much better I have driven car’s Tesla on numerous occasions and I like it is a perfectly good

Car but I would never want it okay um now obviously I’m like big outlier and I’m weird with all my preferences uh when it comes to cars but I just don’t I do not trust it at all when it comes to the automated stuff so

Like we had the exact same mental like I thought the same for years but I was saying like it’s crazy how quickly I was like oh yeah no I couldn’t have done this better if I tried nice it’s it’s just yeah I don’t techn I

Me Maybe I maybe you it’s an was it an Audi did you say you got there’s an Audi Q5 yeah okay I mean maybe they have a A system that that works in a way that I would like better I I don’t know where should I put the smelter you guys got

Any preferences here by any chance no oh wait I need to do this though hold on I got to do this thing that’s why I was getting all that how big of a smelter are we talking is this like a create multi block structure or well for the time being I need to

Just start with the little mini micro smeltery thing um because I have to cast I have to cast the thing right so it’s just fun let’s just do oh is this uh Tinkers yeah um cuz we need brass we need brass for like the deployers and stuff um where is there it is

I opened a mine cart chest and my game lagged slightly and I got a pop up for a new Java installers available and I thought my computer was dying again he’s having a good time sensitive right now he’s having a good time having a great

Time um okay we got that and then wait what was it to do the Thing okay so I need to make that it’s good thing you made all this rubber thank you Pete this is very good what’s the rubber being used for right now uh making the sealed mechanisms so that I can make the smeltery oh nice okay okay ow that hurt a lot new zo uh

Saws I hate it when I walk over saws have you ever thought about the fact that the stone cutter you can stand on and nothing happens but you take one little walk into a little a little saw blade and create and all of a sudden you’re dying why don’t the stone cutter

So it hurts you huh why also you guys think you can Blast Furnace glass it’s crazy you can yeah how do IIs that is a modded thing yeah okay okay that’s really cool um do we have brass or are you still working on it uh I that’s what I’m working on right

Now okay how am I supposed to plant I can’t get in fact I’m wondering if it was added like with this update cuz I feel like guess why would I have tried I misclicked the brass into the blast furnace or the glass into the blast furnace and I was like wait it’s

Working what why I don’t think that uh I don’t have a deploy I can’t get a deployer so I don’t know how I’m supposed to replant the Minal e yeah that’s what I’m working on so I mean we’ll we’ll get there but yeah but I mean I still there’s still a lot of

Other steps that I can work on but the actual literal planting I cannot do yet okay um while I’m on it I’m hoping that within this episode we will have brass production uh going vroom vroom very good oh wait we had a lot of like lava

Buckets didn’t we I don’t need to do that and let’s see and then yeah laot bugs are in the nether chest you haven’t found it already ah oh I there I put some in the tool I was in the I was in the midst of kind of

Coughing as I said that and it kind of screwed everything up so yeah don’t make fun of me it’s not nice okay man I’m not making fun of you man I thought that like me saying that like just ruined your Vibe oh just completely threw you

Off all right no you could never ruin my vibe man so with all this rubber our belts still like brutally diffult to make or is belts easy to make now oh belts are we’re we’re good on Belt way more than we thought I thought initially

That you needed a belt item a piece for every single block bro oh no oh no okay good um good well yay belts and thank you Pete for being awesome hooray all right we getting smeltery controllers up and running there we go boys okay so um how here

We you guys have any thoughts or I should just away here no thoughts head empty okay got no thoughts do we want to make it like a you know a 3X3 base or are we feeling spicy should we go bigger what do you guys think is this the actual smelter or

The fake smel this is the actual smelter um I would say put it in a space where you can expand it I mean you can do like a base like 3×3 or whatever but have room to take it up to a 5×5 okay I will do it here

Then for Server admins clear items nice huh I just got diamonds and then got that advancement or that Quest don’t know what it was but it’s done now it’s done now yeah this is definitely feels like it’s intended for brass time oh yeah no it definitely is that’s

Why I’m on it that’s why I’m on it yeah CU like Donkey Kong it Zen I’m curious does your stream have a fart count no oh okay should mine have well are you whoopy are you whoopy cushion attached no oh okay you see I’m whoopy are Cushing oh yeah I’m whoy cushioning

Oh oh oh oh oh Story Time little story time from the comments from the comments okay L on me brother um uh apparently someone was in bed next to their sleeping uh spouse oh yeah I saw this and uh uh they were watching you I I don’t know whether you know and

And you did something and created a whoopy cushion type sound yeah to which this person who’s watching did not recognize that it come from the game and instead was upset with their partner or their spouse for having released uh in in such a crash and unattractive

Way and poked at and was like how dare and all that until they heard you happen again at which point they realized it was coming from the the video they were watching and not from said partner who was very confused and wondering why he was getting poked awake and and whatnot

But so that was funny but here’s the kicker here’s the part that made this whole thing great is that their name was Moon mist and I felt like that was so appropo if you thought about it a little bit yeah that that it just really really

Tied it all together with a bow um so Moon Mist uh I hope your husband’s okay and uh sorry for the the confusion never thought about Moon Mist moon like what that is that could be a euphemism for for flatulence a flattest if you will that’s crazy I’d never thought about

That have you I’m not going to say any names but have you seen the and and do you recognize the person who comments on almost all of your videos with something completely utterly uninterpretable there is there is there is one person who I have seen many of

Their comments and as soon as I’m like three words in I just stop reading because it is is it like does it seem intentional or is it like they’re trying and you just don’t understand it’s like word the the the it’s like the thought if you played Scrabble with the words you could

Eventually arrange it into a sentence uhhuh but I’ve never seen it in that form and and and taken the time to try and well I mean originally when I first was I was like what is this saying and then I started digging and the more I

Looked at it the more my brain bleeds got worse right so I but do you think they’re doing it for uh effect I have no idea I don’t want to make presumptions like maybe they’re doing their best in which case good on you keep working at

It you’re almost there um but I I I’ve just I I’ve I’ve come to skip over uh like but it’s again it’s like you know I’m not usually looking at names when I’m looking through the comments but three words in every every video I’m

Like nope I I and then I kind of glance at the name double Jack and I’m like ah yeah and uh I don’t think it it doesn’t even feel like language barrier uh maybe you know and again if so then I’m sorry but it just it it’s I I cannot explain

The phenomena that leads to the arrangement of words that are frequently posted okay about the brain bleeding man yeah that is unfortunate get um um okay so we are we are now brass we are now brass cuz well we can make blocks of brass I haven’t made the

Gold cast yet but if we would like to do that then I can get it cranking I need let’s see if I can all right I’m going to get it cranked I’m going to get it cranking oh dear oh that does not fully fit no way I

Need to make this bigger this is not big enough it needs to be bigger also needs but yeah there’s a this is this is quite the caninum I’m got to really brain it over here for a second second uh-huh I love braining it

A now as I is there I think I do too oh Pete by the way I have a if you want to do any more tree sucking um I have another possible task for you oh my lips are open and available what do you need me to do um so

Basically you can make nether heck bar bark trees and then you can make more extractors and you can run them into the smeltery fuel tank and then we will have infinite lava in the fuel tank oh yeah no that’s not it oh my God not the zinc

Wrong I could go working on that soon it’s up to you like or if you want to make the villagers have accommodations or something you can also do that so many options a he’s empowering you to choose your destiny uh I don’t know villagers or tree sucking uh some great

Choices yeah hey one of us got to do it do we have I don’t think we have Ender tanks guys like how would we get how would we hose pulley from the Nether um in create our uh above and beyond I ended up creating a train that would go

Back and forth between the Nether and my base oh it was cool did not actually know that you could that yeah no the the the entities passed through the nether portal and and everything so yeah I it I completely had automated Lava retrieval uh via train and it would like

Latch onto the tracks once it hit the yeah it just goes through through and apparently that’s a vanilla thing like that that was people were like oh yeah you can do that and I was like really cuz I had never tried that I was over

There startled in all a Gog and all gas but that’s there it was wait what the freak I thought I grabbed the zinc didn’t you just yell at it and say not the zinc yeah well because it dumped out the wrong thing like a dummy why is there leftover zinc I

Thought it was one to one copper and zinc but I guess I was wrong so I’m going to get regular saplings the berries um I guess I could sushi belt it sushi belt suck but that could maybe work oh it’s copper Ingot versus Raw oh raw gives one Ingot and three

Nugs are we actually happy here that we don’t smelt into you know nuggets or whatever whereas in Creative above and beyond oh heck yes you didn’t get many things heck yes all right Zen zinc is now in the modded ores chest okay well for deployers and stuff well

Then need are brass or zinc oh sorry brass I meant to say brass but I said zinc proudly and so you were like why is he proud of the zinc like that’s awesome I’m happy to hear it why do I care uh yeah no it’s it’s good this is a good

Thing this is a good thing I need to make the other tinker’s construct stuff though so we can start doing other other Tink tinkly construct um tinkly tinkly construct they should rename the mod honestly what is the thing the forge yeah the tool wait what it’s not wait

What’s it’s not called a tool Forge anymore what’s it called did you say what’s a snob called No a tool Forge part Builder we need that I can’t sushi belt because then the washing won’t work I don’t think oh I want sushi sorry uhhuh yeah yeah it sounds Good are you hungry too Zen right it’s the tinkle Anvil right not so much the tinkle Anvil didn’t just dead stop me so anyway what was up nothing what was up with two oh I don’t know if there was anything up the night sky the moon the Aurora Borealis it’s very

Nice you got the aora balis above you right now MH sounds pretty nice in Southern California at this time of the year must be nice yes precisely must be nice to have Hamilton on your side huh so berries crystallized and proper you not do just an iron anvil huh I guess you can’t

Need to be brass oh dear oh dear so well um we doing spry like I guess I’m going to be making more brass brass what a pain in the brass this is is it like this okay Zen do you remember um we other than Tinkers Anvil part Builder pattern

Chest storage something or rather pattern chest or what it uh heart Builders pattern chests storage pattern storage it’s not a pattern chest it is called something else apparently um oh yeah I should use the RO Hopper crafting station part Builder oh yeah crafting station that that the I think you need the tinker’s

Anvil uh yep tinker’s Anvil is coming apparently there’s a modifier worktable and then there’s Tinker chest and part chest and part Builder oh and cast chest as well chest oh okay there we go and parts chest oh part Builder that’s what it is unless it’s called a part chest hamon on your side

Oh we’ve no I already did the part Builder um stencil table right no that’s not a thing everything has name changes it’s so scary uh it’s not sensible it’s pattern isn’t it I already did a a pattern or a part Builder yeah but there’s pattern

There uh all right hold on hold on look let’s see pattern yeah pattern it just shows there’s the pattern itself and then there’s like no table unless I’m missing it in ji but Um if you search pattern in ji tell me if you see something because I do not see something maybe it’s just an interface in the part Builder or whatever I don’t know let’s see part CH wait Tinker chest and part chest oh those are different things yeah there’s three chests oh okay

Wait got it oh Tinker station that’s what it is Tinker station yeah that’s what I was doing it’s it advises that I do exactly what I’m doing it’s reassuring yeah okay I believe I have all the things now there’s a lot to remember and not remember okay so we will

Do first thing is part chest and part Builder Tinker station uh then tinker’s chest crafting station tinker’s Anvil is that everything okay yeah we got them all we got them all cool I should move this a bit you should move the be have we found an emerald at least

One I believe we have quite a few inside of the perfect vanilla thing yeah okay cool oh Tinker Anvil is an upgrade of the Tinker station oh yeah yeah yeah so I guess I don’t need that cool cool cool all righty there we have it where did the part where it’s off

Center by one but when we expand it by one to a 5×5 then it will be on Center all right I’ll just do that instead since did we have a storage drawer configuration tool did do we have a linking tool or is that not made

Yet I have not done that new okay I wasn’t sure who made the configurator and if they had it in their inventory but there we go he’s all good all right let me expand this freaking thing so it’s got more storage I need to get I need to get more uh clay

I guess is it sand no I have sand I have Clay I have gravel never mind I can make more of the stuff more stuffs can you blast furnace rout bro can you just Blast Furnace everything here um Jordan I I still have your stream up on my left monitor from

Earlier when I was looking at the thing that you were showing me uhhuh I like how you went up to a sign and you accidentally typed e yeah it looks like a lot of people have done that yeah you backspaced the e but you didn’t

Backspace the other E I just wanted to I just wanted to keep the personalized touch you know thanks man is that what you did there and and you didn’t delete it oh yeah okay got it that’s cool I appreciate it oh so um how’s the are you working on the

Villager home or are you working on other stuff I just came back with iron I’m going to get some coal oh cool cool cool no coal coal Coal co co coal yeah Co coal I need to mend my pickaxe okay I got a bit of that got a bit of that

That I need more seared glass wait does the uh lucky scarf work on if you don’t have fortune on pick I have no information to give it this time uh yeah yeah yeah it just adds a level of Fortune no matter what so I was using a standard pickaxe with no

Fortune on it and I uh was getting lucky sorry you okay there happens man everything’s fine everything’s fine everything’s fine and he said he was a baritone is that a creeper or did something machine like explode no it was a creeper I fell down into a pit oh okay

I thought the machines were in danger but as long as it’s just you wow that was a statement you just s made yeah yeah no problem I thought it was a creeper but it turns out it was just you is that what you said no no he said he thought the

Machines were danger but as long as it’s just you uhhuh meaning he doesn’t have to care because he doesn’t care about me that’s the implication mhm what would happen if Zen’s up and vanished tonight huh um then we’d have to absolutely no implied means then we’d have to run through some

You know uh find find his player data location and triangulate his coordinates and then we get to the bottom of it Susan he would go out looking for you that was the nerdiest thing I’ve ever heard anyone say the what I said that’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard anyone

Say oh yeah I’m sweet like that oh all right there we go now it’s a big boy smeltery let’s freaking do it Perfecto Perfecto we got brass all day long as much brass as you could ever want that kicks brass yes sir it does all right I’m about to make some

Deployers and prep the end of uh chapter one I suppose or have you made any deployers Z do you need me to start you know working on some deploy skis I have not deployed any deployers I have been in primary design can I make a do we have a

Dedicated metal press for metal stuff so we’re not losing things by dropping anvils um if you wish to make one go for it I didn’t know if it’ been made I will make yeah yeah yeah no problemo I am here for this oh yeah I mean mixer I mean mixer duh mixer hardly

Newer sir what it’s inappropriate up top that was a sound of a high five what that was the sound of a fart the sound not come through okay he didn’t want to talk about it okay so let’s see huh nothing what who someone you me why not you who

How many deployers are we going to need we’re going to need three deployers okay okay that’s easy that’s easy we got this okay so that’s not strong enough and going the wrong way oh my God go away you wild and stalker sons of [ __ ] sorry sorry whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa no he was right hey pussycat whoa whoa whoa dude we are mass producing these now oh man let’s go if you throw logs down on a conveyor belt and it gets blown by hot air does that turn to Charcoal uh yeah oh I have a plan

Possibly what you doing oh yeah you don’t need coal you can just do that that does sound nice mhm take a little tree farm get that hooked up oh baby um or we can smelt things inside of the Furnace I mean smeltery I should say by the way you were you sending your

Raw iron into the um into into the furnace instead of uh making more of it making more of it well with the smeltery it doesn’t or double but it does do you know oh yeah no I was just sending it straight into the furnace if

You can like do stuff with raw ores in a smeltery I’m unaware of it I’m not too versed in fer smeltery stuff or or doubling you’re not wait have you never have you never or doubled before do Tinkers yeah no I’m not really messed around with Tinkers uh

Oh I did not know this yeah so I just didn’t know I didn’t know he’s learning so many new things about me I’m plattered uhhuh um yeah I did I had no idea I had no idea got to get some Kongs and how do I get man I need more water without it being stupid and pouring everywhere though bro with vin Miner 3 if we ever need diorite I’m just going to be able to send it actually when Once Zen is done with his stuff we won’t need diid anymore

Ever it’ll be done it’ll be old news sorry my stuff’s taking so long this is no you are so slightly more comp I had desired you’re doing so good man you’re so good Sal Goodman you are literally Sal Goodman yeah so what we wait I thought that was uh

No balls no balls no glory no balls all righty at what point are we going to run out of stress I’m just curious if that’s going to pose problematic some point here H uh make a stress uh stress ometer and yeah H H also need to get some belt skis up in

Here oh there were a lot of belts in that chest that does make sense okay how shall we route this route what was that nothing St Z get him oh God my throat oh God you okay you okay Grandma you’ve been smoking or something that’s what

That’s what happened to me when when we were like talking and was like excuse me what did you say now now we know how it feels you did this Z you got this there we are it’s going to last for like another month I already know

It oh is that is this like leftovers from the say like that what what do you mean don’t say it like that dinner leftovers uh I on up dinner’s ready but yes I believe not to answer for him but to answer for him I believe

He was saying that this is from got it got it oh nice dude nice you could have been with us short all I had to do was say yes to that dinner what oh he’s a Zen dinner got it oh man was a good dinner I thought you

Were talking about like dinner when you came to LA and he was like we were going to do but then we didn’t do dinner and I was like you didn’t give me an option to do dinner oh no no that’s what I was saying we could have done dinner and you

Would have sounded just like me well if ID stayed at twitch Con well no but you you were just like you you had said I’m feeling sick I don’t think this is I don’t think dinner is is in the cards or something like that I was

Like oh this is sad but okay I didn’t even know there was an option to be like no I’m just let’s just get sick and potentially get the other people sick you okay Yep everything’s good everything that’s awesome just great you mean to do that no of course not Jordan come here real quick come down to the menro area okay all right so got stress coming in uh the saws that are going to chop the tree right there the tree drops into the

Chest it drops into the Transformer that comes on to a since we don’t have uh brass funnels yet um that comes onto a sushi belt that’ll pick up and and put the items that I just need filtered away otherwise these ones that need to get washed get pulled off here and get

Placed onto this belt which will then wash and then will only be accepted in as rejuvenated once they’re finished washing and then I can send the rejuvenator through the mixer and return it back to the spruce uh or the menal sapling and we’re good

Right yep oh I I didn’t like look at how this part worked I was just kind of counting on you youing just explaining oh oh okay okay so you said you you had like a bit of a question mark Accent on the good and I was like that was like

Did you did you understand what I was saying roughly yeah yeah okay but I’ve just built all this and then I uh needed to hook up the pipe just to make sure everything was working right oh and we are Who I uh what was not expecting what I got did this happen oh God I’m dying oh God I’m dying we seem to have some glue issues I don’t know I uh so uh gotta that was not what I expect that’s how I was when I I was

Like this is this is more comprehensive than I really felt like it needed to be but did you use like oh it’s because you were like radial chassis did it grab the gra what the I don’t know it’s got to be radial I think you need a linear chassis

No I mean I like I just shorten it so now I now I just shorten these to where they’re just two and that should be like oh nice okay cool yeah but it just was like a a little bit of a of a oh surprise

Moment you know I and and so I wanted you to experience the surprise as well I appreciate that Pete did you get to see that I saw okay now oh I almost died this needs to change to be down one so that I can pipe out of these I almost died

BK it’s not fast but at least it’s not using a lot of stress it’s very slow motion isn’t it I should just throw a bunch of these in yeah that we’ll have a que that’ll be good and this way it looks like a machine that’s like trying to emulate slow

Motion purposefully I can still have things coming off of here all right well it’s enough for a deployer right there there is Okie do it’s very exciting oh wait I need to do some iron as well o well then oh it’s just and aite oh it’s not iron let’s go that’s

Good yeah we got it all right boom Zen did you already make employers for yourself I have not if you have a spare market for be most ideal uh one or do you need multiple I think I only need one okay I am on it what a

Guy and there you go it’s deploying time thank you no problem Bo and then deploy goes here well guys um is there anything else that we want to wrap up before the ending of the old episode huh uh nothing on my end nothing on my end all righty well we’re not going

Anywhere we’re doing a dub folks but you know for those of you watching at home yeah yeah I mean if you’re on YouTube then um the next episode will will be available in the future but um we are leaving then so you know like psych but before we go we do want to

Thank our sponsor uh Apex hosting providing the server that we’ve been playing on and sponsoring this series uh be sure to check them out you can use the link in our descriptions to save 25% off playing a server with your friends whether it’s vanilla adventure packs or

Modded whatever it is you want to do uh give it a lookie again the link is in the description and thank you uh for them sponsoring and thank you for checking them out and supporting us also we do create these live you can see as it happens pizzahut and Captain

Sparkles come throw some follows and see all the shenanigans that happen that don’t necessarily make it into the End videos and if you are watching this on YouTube then please consider hitting that like button if you’ve enjoyed leave a comment letting us know what uh your

Least favorite food is and uh also what you’ve enjoyed about the video and uh yeah can even consider hitting that subscribe button turning notifications and all that anything for you to before we go it’s probably coconut for me yeah I don’t noton I do not like coconut at all not a fan of

Coconut oh oh you’re not oh interesting really are you a fan of coconut I don’t like seek it out but I’m also totally fine with it what’s your least fair food then uh I probably don’t know cuz I probably haven’t eaten it yet you know I’m a pretty Flex I’m a pretty flexible

That is the wow what that that just just the I can’t say what I like the least because I don’t know that I’ve eaten it yet like it’s both a brilliant answer and a completely useless one it was kind of baller though you know what I mean like you asked

Someone like hey what’s your like favorite memory and they respond I don’t know I don’t I probably haven’t had it yet I how do I know that I’ve made my favorite memory yet like how could you presume that my favorite memory has been exactly yeah okay folks see you in the next

Episode bye Guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded: Create Arcane Engineering – Ep. 4 – W/ CaptainSparklez & PeteZahHutt’, was uploaded by X33N on 2023-12-17 21:00:01. It has garnered 1159 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds.


Special thanks to ApexHosting for helping sponsor the series. Use code X33N when reserving a server and you can save 25% on your first month.

Did you know I’m much more of a streamer than a YouTuber? I stream full-time with additional Minecraft as well as many other games and events! I would love to have you come by. I stream on both Twitch and YouTube!


CaptainSparklez: PeteZahHutt:

Create Arcane Engineering –

Music provided by Ninety9Lives Outro Song: Dohi – Distrion & Cediv X33N Channel Edit: vsbmeza3 – Video: Download:

#X33N #minecraft #gaming

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    Minecraft Pacifist ChallengeVideo Information we are playing Minecraft but in pacifist mode this means that we cannot fight back we cannot attack or kill any mobs in Minecraft so it’s going to be quite hard but we’re going to have to try and survive we make some friends along the way and it’s a really cool experience trying not to kill anyone subscribe if you want to see a part two because this is not something you can do in one video it’s a very very slow challenge but if you guys like this I’ll do another one so enjoy Minecraft bu… Read More

  • AdiExtraa’s Epic 100 Day Minecraft Island Challenge!

    AdiExtraa's Epic 100 Day Minecraft Island Challenge!Video Information तो यार आज मुझे एक ऐसे आइलैंड में 100 डेज सरवाइव करना है जो पूरा का पूरा हवे में है इस वर्ल्ड में ना ही कोई बलेज है ना ही कोई स्ट्रक्चर और ना ही हम लोग कोई डायमंड माइनिंग कर सकते हैं अब मुझे नहीं पता भैया इस वर्ल्ड में मैं कैसे 100 डे सरवाइव कर पाऊंगा पर यार मेरे पास कुछ टारगेट भी होने वाले हैं जैसे अपने लिए एक फुली एंचांटेड नेदर आइड का आर्मरर बनाना सारे बंदरों के लिए एक बढ़िया सा ट्रेडिंग हॉल को बनाना एंड में जाने के बाद हमें उस काले… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block Challenge

    Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block ChallengeVideo Information I found a Minecraft build that literally took 1 billion blocks to make and me and my friends are going to show you the difference between that to a ton of other builds starting with this one block build let’s check it out it’s just a chest it’s like a box oh look at this oh wait a second this is more than one block I’m giving it a zero out of 10 I’ll give it a one for the one block it’s supposed to be I’ll give it a two cuz I like it but will it… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraft

    Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraftVideo Information [Music] R if you like your coffee let me be a coffee po you call the shots babe I just want to be yours Secrets I have held in my heart my harder to hide than I thought mayy I just want to be yours I want to be yours I want to be want to be your want to be your This video, titled ‘#ludo if any one playing #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ayush Sahani on 2024-03-14 08:13:24. It has garnered 437 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming’s Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadness

    🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming's Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-06 14:00:07. It has garnered 11630 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More