Minecraft Disneyland Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World Gameplay Review [Walkthrough]

Video Information

So this is the minecraft walt disney world adventure we’re going to be showcasing it we’re just going to start by presenting the different skins that are available so you can see we’ve got mickey mouse minnie mouse we’ve got the 50th anniversary mickey costume we’ve got the 50th anniversary mini

Costume we’ve got daisy duck and there should actually be some more here we go donald duck we got goofy that that actually looks great we got the chip and dale we’ve got the eeyore costume oh these are fantastic oh winnie the pooh piglet we got tigger we got dopey and grumpy

We got all looks like a lot of the dwarves the dock part guest one yay park guest park s3 4. we got the hitchhikers we’ve got more park guest options and it looks like that is our selection there of the skins that are available for this one so i guess we’ll uh

I don’t know let’s be let’s be mickey and yeah let’s just be regular mickey we’re gonna do that so anyways uh let’s get rolling we’ve got our mickey character here ready to explore the magical kingdom which should be a lot of fun and this is ever bloom

So you know what’s going to be a really good map they make some beautiful designs so we’re going to turn creator mode on yes i’m sure i want it on anyways i’ve turned the music off anyways because you know disney stuff but uh yeah welcome to the disneyland so

It’s a creation of orlando florida 20 magical rides and attractions that are available so we’ve got shops and restaurants we got autographs to collect copyright notice for streamers and stuff so we’ve got that turned on so we don’t have to deal with stuff and a little bit of a credits which is great

And then yeah use headphones for the best experience so anyways i hope that is null as an issue but i i guess with that we just get to kind of go and uh start our journey in the magical kingdom here so that should be fun eeriely

Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday tomorrow and fantasy big thunder mountain frontierland we go in this way no okay the haunted mansion so again i would imagine you’re going to hear some really cool like sounds when you’re going in here it’s a small world you’ve got to be

Kidding me so this is actually just going to be a lot of fun to kind of enjoy this little adventure here and we’ll probably do a little bit of creative later on so that you can kind of see the you know the like how it looks from up

Above and stuff is there wait up on this place okay that sound kind of uh worries me a little bit because it’s supposed to be nothing ambient environment i’m hoping that that is the creator mode applied here one sec guys we gotta go take a look at the audio on this

Because this is uh this is playing some music stuff raider mode on yeah that definitely looks like creator mode is on certain areas of the park feature copyrighted music if you don’t want to hear enable at spawn we recommend this only for content creators and servers for the turn creator mode off okay

Well creator mode is uh was on and ready to go so i guess this should be good music if not i’m going to be sending everbloom a a stern tweet of disapproval anyways so here’s the magical shirt like this actually is kind of fantastical with that draw distance you know what i mean

It’s kind of really neat so i guess we should look at the different stores and everything it’s kind of like a big tour of this place tony’s town square restaurant hey it’s sneakerbell Thanks for the autograph tinkerbell one out of 28 nice do you kind of visit the different places i guess you can’t go in there hello there oh wow he’s got food nothing like having a jumbo turkey leg on my adventure so i don’t think that there’s specific like you know

Challenges and stuff to do but it’s more like hey you’re doing like the different rides you’re seeing the different sites of it let’s see what we got here i like the music that they set up it actually is kind of charming i do find it a little bit weird that

It’s not attached to the music off setting though in minecraft can’t go in there let’s see so it looks like they got a lot of little stores i don’t know am i supposed to like go through all these stores in order to find the autographed people i would imagine that’s a thing

What about the isn’t this supposed to be a theater thing no okay so i’ve done disney world i’ve never done disneyland emporium main street i think we just keep going into the emporium main street disney clothes what’s in here it’s that one guy working at the till that’s kind of cool

If we go off the beaten path here see what we got anything secretive down here it seems like a really weird off the beaten path area but yeah it’s kind of majestic in terms of like the street design and everything i really like it and then you get the long view of the

The castle over there i’m just trying to like make sure i don’t miss any of the autographs if that makes sense because i want to try to collect them all oh i’m actually out of food all right well that’s good let’s see that really is quite majestic i’m

Assuming mickey and stuff is yeah mickey and minnie around here let’s go let’s go say hello to minnie i should have grabbed more food from the restaurant i guess with the cast member to start the fireworks should we see the fireworks where interact with the cast member

We got a park map oh wow that is fantastical that is that’s kind of crazy and i’ve got oh it’s a minnie mouse that’s actually pretty well done kind of reminds me of disneyland connect adventures where you’re kind of grabbing the autographs and doing some of the mini games

I always like the space area so i’m thinking we should head over to like is it called tomorrowland then again we’ve got the magical castle right here that looks pretty cool let’s let’s take a look at the magical castle first i think i think that would be a lot of fun

Let’s let’s dive in there and take a look at this one we actually go inside no okay oh wow look at the the tapestries that is really high quality in regards to the visuals of like the tapestry design there hello there they have plushes minnie mouse black shirt 50th anniversary shirt sorcerer backpack

I can have a stitched ear thing or this toy story alien cap yo oh that’s funny okay well thanks for your stuff there emporium guy oh it looks like it’s getting dark out hello please sign my autograph thing oh yeah i think we should wrap back

Around here but i think first we should we actually stay here oh no you’ve just got food take some more chicken legs maybe a cheeseburger i’ll grab a hot dog that’ll be lovely yeah i like how i have armor now because i’m wearing a disney hat i’ve got the uh

The martian hat on okay let’s go and see the fireworks i guess i think you do the fireworks right it’s time for this to get cinematic guys it’s time for this to get cinematic now that’s where we’re at we’re at cinderella’s castle bring it out oh wow that is really cool That was awesome thank you anyways looks like we got a nice statue of walt disney and mickey mouse what i know that’s pretty amazing oh the fireworks are still going on i thought they were done you know how long this show is oh wait for it to end okay it’s still going

Or should we be like is it more cinematic to have walt disney there and mickey There we go that looks majestic i like this You know sometimes it’s hard to believe this is minecraft I know i’m mickey mouse please no autographs go bug the other mickey mouse he’s over there Oh it’s it’s it’s still going on that is uh that is fantastical Oh still oh okay yeah Oh okay that was that was wild cool yeah that was good okay let’s go that’s kind of nuts okay where’s the next part of our magical journey we’re going to the tomorrowland area i think it tells you where all the cast members are too with the red dots

So i’ve just got my mickey plushie here and we’re going on our way to the next part of our magical journey to tomorrowland i’m assuming buzz will probably be around here oh look it’s the monsters inc thank you mike scully holly yeah solid you got some more autographs isn’t there

Supposed to be like a buzz lightyear kind of exhibit around here no there’s one right around the corner is this gonna be like space mountain because that would be kind of awesome oh it’s the uh buzz lightyear space ranger awesome hey this this line isn’t very long this

This is very unrealistic i’ve been to disneyland oh this is really cool because this is kind of like how it actually is they’ve even got like glowing dots on the side this is fantastic he’s the laster to aim for disease this is literally how it is

I don’t know if it’s like 100 accurate in regards to like you know the different robots and stuff but uh you know the spirit of it is 100 like this when you actually go at least for disneyland it was uh it was definitely like this because i

Think this is this is modeled after disney world and it keeps track your score awesome you literally get to see your score on the machine that is fantastic like just like the designs of all the like the creatures and stuff and how they move i honestly can’t even believe that this is minecraft

Like they all like react to the shots too and they make the sounds and these little creatures and stuff oh wow this is so neat foreign the emergency escape hatch so are they gonna remodel this when uh not like the game but you know the area when the new buzz lightyear kind of

Movie comes out i wonder that is so cool how did they do this am i supposed to destroy this thing like that is wow this ride is like top-notch quality hey look it’s buzz lightyear how did i do i got a hundred and six thousand four hundred points

I guess i am a planetary pilot i feel like a bit of a casual i guess that’s it here well that was a fun ride all right let’s see what’s next on the map we’ve got i think space mountain that’s probably over that way hey buzz

There we go seven out of 28 meet your favorite oh is that stitch where is lilo got the whole collection going on here so yeah i believe there’s another ride so we got those two there’s two more rides here that we can do welcome to space mountain oh this is

Going to be cool flashing lights and colors you have been warned and we like just paid for the ultra express pass i feel like we paid for the ultra express pass or something this is uh very ominous i kind of like it alpha or omega does it change

I don’t does it does it change what the the air like the ride is if i do alpha or omega so curious you have opted out of copyright sounds you can change this at the park entrance okay that’s good so that means it is hopefully working oh this is gonna be so cool

It even makes the sounds of the rails this is very different from the space mountain i know again i i did the disneyland one this is so cool because they even kind of like show you the tracks you can kind of see them lightly that is fantastic actually going really quickly too whoa

That was uh that was pretty cool i think mickey had a great time i feel like i’m doing quality control for the parks that’s why there’s no lineups do we get to go out the merch store in the back they’ve even got like little displays going on in that that is just

That is so neat what they’ve created with this oh i am running into a wall now through the gift shop what do you have oh you can get like a stitch plushie now should i get a balloon oh it’s an actual balloon what that is fantastical okay where are we

Going next we’ve got okay so ride 17 should be around the corner here i’m assuming it’s like a racetrack one or something like that what is this star traitors oh yeah it’s the speedway okay i’m ready to do the speedway of tomorrowland interact the wheel to speed up

Nice what’s your typical racing thing makes sense pedal to the metal yo we still got a lot of autographs to get to this is uh more complex than i thought it would be it looks like there’s a whole kind of track system you got going on i’m assuming if you have others though

It’d be a little bit more you know competitive if that makes sense like you’d have others to be racing with in the local co-op if you invited someone or online as well oh that’s not part of the track or am i off the track i finished okay all right well that was cool

What’s this reset ride okay let’s see we’ve got 15 down this way it looks like there’s an eatery to my left oh it’s the starlight cafe okay might as well just uh refill on the the jumbo turkey legs don’t want the the food to run out there right you got to keep fed

And i got the mickey plushy what okay so there should be another ride coming up here is this it is the teacups it is the teacups i think yes the teacups would be the next one hello i’m here to do the mad tea party to spin your teacup

Oh i could spin it by oh this is gonna make me nauseated it’s like doing the strawberries where i live we have this kind of thing like this but it’s like strawberries and you like spin the middle wheel and make the strawberries go around oh wow yeah i’m already feeling it i

Feel i feel the dizziness i feel the nauseation on that one this is uh this is killing me oh but it’s cool though right i have like a teacup ride makes me want them to do another amusement park of just like their own wildest creations because this is just fantastical

Again i gotta nope okay i can’t jump every time i leave it takes me to the other one i try to leave the ride and i just jump into another teacup huh okay okay we’re good i think we’re good it’s like a dizzying effect to me okay so we should quickly snag

The autograph here and then come back up and go to the top area because i think there’s there’s somebody with an autograph that is down this way i believe slightly yeah okay let’s grab them and then we’ll wrap back around oh look who it is merida so we got nine out of 28

Autographs so now we’re going up to 16 right there yeah okay i like how they have a map that actually works shows your location like this is just like really next level minecraft stuff to be honest like it really kind of transcends minecraft a little bit design wise welcome

To the storybook circus storybook circus i’m not familiar with this so we got one ride on the right a gift store and uh an autograph i’m assuming we can actually like get on the dumbo thing do you think dumbo’s here let me see somebody around the corner over there

Okay let’s let’s do the ride though oh you can just get on that okay interact with the cast member to start the dumbo flying i want to do dumbo the flying elephant look up and down to control your elephant oh you go up and down yo this is fantastic

This actually is probably the best amusement park type thing i’ve done in minecraft like everything can be like basically like kind of moved inside it’s really cool thank you for the ride all right let’s go see the autograph here and continue on our way we’ve got a whole park to visit

And ever so little time goofy what are you doing over here okay so i think this area is complete but let’s take a look at what else is um you know kind of around here looks like there’s a back spooky area that might lead you somewhere i don’t know

Yeah it just looks like a closed off area but i definitely you know i appreciate the fact that they went for the authenticity what do you have to offer oh you’re just doing more plushies and stuff i’ve already got a balloon the one and only storybook circus

Okay so we’re wrapping around this way and we’re gonna go knock off i think two autographs over in this spot so i wonder what these are gonna be and again i’ve only been to disneyland so this is actually quite a bit different like i’m not super familiar with all the

Areas here they look like they’re uh unique to this oh it’s ariel hello there Got ariel’s autograph there’s another one around this way i’m gonna run out of uh turkey legs i’ve only got uh cheeseburgers now ella’s gusto thank you okay so we knocked that off now we gotta go one more there and then we’re gonna get into the main square i think we’re

Gonna do the mountain ride then we’re kind of making our way over to the other area i gotta say i am genuinely shocked at how much content is in this be our guest restaurant it’s an eatery we do need to get more food so we’ll quickly grab that

Is the the easiest way to afford a trip to disney world i will stock up on that we’ll take mickey waffles some of that some of this the gray stuff oh thanks for having me in your restaurant i guess if you had like friends you

Could do like a whole sit down and role play of the the disney experience and i’m being told the characters have an interaction if you interact with them after you’ve got an autograph oh welcome to the gun show eh that’s funny let’s see i’m gonna be so disappointed

If i get like copyright on this audio stuff they they assure that it’s supposed to be good so hopefully that is the case um so we’ve got we did that one right because we got oh no did we do this one is there something this way autograph wise the pinocchio village house

Crap was there did i miss something over to the left i can’t remember if i got that or not oh i almost missed you thanks bill i got like a little fun animation thing hello there So we’ve got okay we’re gonna do 14 now and then we’re gonna come back oh well we might as well get everyone we can here thank you it’s like an all you can autograph buffet whoa it’s the cast of frozen elsa anna and that other guy the vo in the prison in pirates

Okay so i will turn off the audio for the pirates ride hopefully everything else is good though because you know how youtubers feel about demonetization oh it’s pooh bear i totally forgot to see if elsa does the thing where she flicks the snow away because that would be pretty exciting

Oh he’s got honey Oh you’d be surprised quiet audio doesn’t always mean like even if it is quiet it doesn’t mean it’s not captured let’s see 14. so we got these guys let’s do this right here i think this should be pretty cool wait how do you where do you get into

This one okay there we go i love how i can skip the lines kind of a little unrealistic i’ve got my ultra fast pass as you can tell i’m mickey mouse kind of a bit of a celebrity around here you might have heard of me i’m on all the pictures and stuff

That’s exciting go go go oh geez i gotta say this is probably again the best amusement park i’ve ever done in a minecraft game and maybe ever bloom’s finest work perhaps oh wow that looks absolutely incredible Hmm this is crazy I like how they’ve added the wind makes it feel really fast kinda cool Oh look they’re going for a dance and snow white and the dwarves what very cinematic oh oh that’s not a good sign well thanks for the yeah we’re done okay thanks for the ride how do i get out of here so we did the dwarf mine train we got

The autographs from these two let’s see where we’re going so we’re going to tackle 13 in the middle and get some more of the autographs there as well we got these two done as you can tell my autograph collection is really coming along it’s it’s quite lovely Pocahontas is done we’ve got let’s just see elsa does she do the flick thing with the snow no she’s supposed to do the the snow never bothered me anyways and go a little flick of snow should come flying out we’ve got to be authentic here i think i’ve already oh the mouse comes

Out oh my already got her done so there’s someone to the left let’s do oh let’s let’s do the this is the ride oh you can repair and name things okay well we might as well get the ducks thank you donald duck we’ve almost completed our collection the regal carousel

I’m ready to go on the ride bring me the action Am i like am i going on the ride or wait for it to end is this not working did i do something wrong yeah it’s definitely in ride mode because my fovs changed mickey mouse wants to enter the ride what is going on here mickey mouse is sad with his balloon

This isn’t the last you’ve heard of the mouse the mouse will return i’m i’m assuming this is uh just not working on this one all right let’s try it again although i’m not seeing that there’s a physical ride here so i’m assuming that might be part of the issue yeah this is uh

This is not working i will just uh we’ll we’ll just call it on this one just pretend there’s a carousel here it’ll probably work in both situations okay so we’ve got another ride it looks like 12 is over here somewhere oh hello there i’m currently participating in another attraction peter pan’s flight awesome

Yeah i guess we could retry that one we’ll wrap back around afterwards i have opted out of the copyright sounds i do appreciate the messaging on that that’s actually again very appreciated when doing video stuff i’m very excited and i’ve got all my autographs going on they’re all personalized i can’t believe

Again that this is a minecraft experience it’s windy wow okay i gotta say the real magic here though is being able to be the powerful mickey mouse and enjoy this experience it’s like london area i know from microsoft flight sim And that’s the island oh wow This is very well done Oh Ah pizza pan and hulk They’ve really got all the characters here oh and oh that is glorious that is just fantastic that was a fun ride okay well i guess actually we are in the vicinity let’s give a quick look-see and see if that area is back working now oh it’s it’s working now okay let’s give

It a whirl it does you just gotta leave the area and come back and it fixes that’s nice i kind of like carousels they’re very easy going you know not too intensive thank you for the ride okay so we’ve got most of our autographs done so now we gotta wrap around here

It looks like we got ride number 11 and 10 coming up over this way so we got peter pan again i want to like the design like even the artwork on the outside of these places is just so magical it’s a small world oh no this is a ride isn’t it oh no

How do you get in there oh over here interact with the small world cast like how do i get over to where you are it’s a small world after all this is this was quite an experience that i will never forget back in the day yes it’s a small world after all

I don’t think any audio plays but i i gotta say when you do hear the small world music it’s pretty terrifying just imagine the most haunting experience of uh it’s a small world with all this stuff going on i feel like they’ve really captured the smaller details here though you know

Like all the little visual things in the different figures i should really look into like the legacy if it’s a small world and who came up with this sometimes yeah it’s a small world after all is it weird that i’m kind of terrified oh that looks really neat hmm foreign uh is

Is that a cactus person on guitar oh this is a very long ride little creepy so hmm i remember it being terrifying i don’t remember it being a long terrifying experience are they on fire over there oh oh there’s there’s more it’s a world of laughter a world of tears oh

They need like a speed-up option it’s great that they are really able to capture the majesty of its small world because it feels like it’s a long world it’s like they’re yelling it’s a small world after all at me i think we’re i think we’re almost here we’re almost at the end

It’s it’s right there the end is in sight we’ve almost got this it’s great it’s it’s great mickey mickey is pleased but but mickey wants to mickey wants to escape okay now it speeds up they should have had this speed the whole time let me out let me out

I think he was uh mickey accepts the small world but fear is it Okay all right let’s let’s get back on pace oh geez that was very authentic very very authentic okay okay so we’ve got the haunted mansion there’s like a store in the middle here though okay so this is the haunted mansion let’s do this is this the way in or the way out

I’m very excited for this launching bench i think this is the exit i need some caramel apple here all right got my mickey plushie very excited you know the muppets did this eh there’s a muppet special disney plus about this well like a show thing that’s pretty cool ooh the haunted mansion

It seems like it might be stretching and again typically you would have like really cool audio stuff but i have the creator mode on whatnot this is a very cool effect that they were able to capture here i think it looks like kind of fun i think he’s winking and stuff nice

Loved ones by the hands it’s just me here on the ride and marble busts of the greatest ghost writers the literally literally literary word world has ever known oh geez all of our ghosts have been dying to meet you this one can hardly contain himself aha unfortunately they all seem to have

Trouble getting through we find it delightfully unlivable here in this ghostly retreat every room has wall-to-wall creeps and hot and cold running chills listen very cinematic calling the spirits wherever they’re at wrap on a table it’s time to respond send a message from somewhere beyond goblins and ghouls from last halloween

Awaken the spirits with your tambourine i think music usually plays here creepies and crawlies toads in a pond oh it’s a whole chill thing let there be music from regions beyond yeah definitely it’s like the uh the muppets experience that is so cool they have the characters

Going through the oh that is a very well done representation of the ghosts freaky ever so freaky she’s got a thing with an axe doesn’t she oh that looks awesome Um um hitchhiking ghosts oh that is a very cool effect very very cool here to bring your death certificate okay i think that’s the end of the ride again you would be playing this and you’d hear all this cool like audio and stuff that’s authentic and now we get to escape okay

So we still got this lower half and quite a few rides it looks like so let’s continue our adventures we’ve almost got all the autographs done though i think this is a ride yeah this looks to be right i think or maybe i’m mistaken and it’s just like a boat that’s stationary hmm

That’s cool is this supposed to be right like i see on the map it says that this is like a ride here but i really can’t tell just looks like it’s a lower area although i might be mistaken on this one maybe it’s just like an like a spot you just go to

This is a steamboat i don’t see what the ride would be here though maybe it’s just like an attraction let’s see can’t see the number we’re on either because we’re on it to number nine liberty square riverboat i don’t think it’s an actual thing i think you just kind of go on it

And that’s it for that one okay so we’ll show off the square here quickly and then we’ll wrap back around and continue on we don’t have we still have like a number of rides left but we are winding down on our adventure that’s that square

And then i think we come over here i think this is like frontierland or something like that we should be coming up on if we go around this way now do we want to go to the back end and wrap back around or yeah let’s go we’ll kind of do it like a

Bit of a maze thing we got a few more autographs to collect as well the diamond horseback cool place oh it’s woody thank you for the autograph woody that means there should be a i think a ride coming up here as well a wild west good

Time oh look who it is jesse hey if you tap them they do a dance thing it’s not a ride okay see what we’re looking at here so 8 is supposed to be something it is the big country bear jamboree so that’s the exit only is this like a show

I think it’s like a show event i don’t know if we’ll necessarily launch it i don’t know we’ll see what it’s like all right so it’s a jamboree thing they do like a presentation with music and that just gonna it’s gonna opt out of this one

Because it’s like a show and it’s best with the sound and stuff if you play it yourself but yeah because if they’re just gonna play like music and then i don’t have music going on it’s oh i can’t escape can’t leave oh no there’s no escape from the bears

The exit’s right there but it won’t let me out all right well this is what we’re dealing with now we’re strapped in for the show guys hope you guys don’t mind if i take a look at the map so we’ve got two rides up there and like five down there wow that’s a

Lot of stuff a lot of content in this wow that is that’s quite something off thanks for the show can we can we go now thank you really appreciate the efforts what’s over there it was like the gift people anyways let’s continue along on our adventure

I think we need an autograph from you 26 out of 28 we’ve almost collected all the autographs tom sawyer island we actually get to go oh we actually get to travel to the island oh that’s cool is it like a a game thing or is it just

Kind of like a tour of tom sawyer’s island that’s kind of neat do you usually get to go to tom sawyer’s island again i’ve just done disneyland so really not too familiar with tom sawyer’s island actually being like accessible is it i have no idea in real life but

It’s cool that you can visit it here hmm That is really cool ford langhorne got some horses oh a secret escape that’s kind of a fun little thing here having the island i i think that’s a cool touch and again like i have no idea if you can actually do this in real life or whatnot but that’s just awesome

And a little info thing about the island that’s really really neat huh little cave it’s a very creepy cave hmm a blindness from entering the caves well i think that didn’t happen very very cool okay how do we get back to where we were i think this is the exit here

This is a real thing that is very cool huh just a lot like a disneyland thing then interesting at least not to my knowledge that was fun all right so we’ve got uh obviously the big frontier type right up here which i think is gonna be like a coaster right

Oh this should be fun i can’t interact with you from here i think i went the wrong way yeah i gotta go through the front this is a very authentic experience of going through this thing where is where i’m headed this is this is too authentic almost so off we go

I’ve got a bad feeling about this oh those look really cool good use for those things they very aesthetically need i took the long way that’s funny didn’t have my express pass mickey is pleased with his empire oh that’s pretty cool i love how you have the authentic sounds of the

Tracks as you kind of climb oh jeez was that like a like bones there a little hungry when i’m on the ride you know it is thank you okay we’ve got a few more autographs left and a few more rides we’re almost winding down on our adventure i gotta save this pack some

Serious content value to it all right what do we have here i’m assuming this is going to be the uh the pirates experience here okay so for this one i’ve been instructed to turn the audio off so keep that in mind that the sound will will be off for this one entirely

It’s gonna enjoy some wiki models or wiki models mickey waffles okay let’s do this pirates of the caribbean which funnily enough was not functional when i went to disneyland when i was younger so i never got to experience it here we go dead men tell no tales thunder q thunder

No fair have ye of evil curses says you are ha ha properly warned eb says i who knows when that evil curse will strike the greedy beholders of this bewitched treasure the skull says that seagulls fellow in the distance explosions cannon shots big pirate battle oh looks like somebody’s getting dunked

There’s lots of laughing going on this is very animated you feel like you’re in another world it looks like there’s a bit of fire going on in the distance i love that yo ho ho it’s a pirate’s life for me the village weaver i love how they’re just chilling out and

There’s all this like fire going on now look there’s piggies oh pig’s just chilling out yo ho ho it’s a pirate’s life for me this seems very authentic i can’t imagine how much time this actually took to put together and they’re trying to get the uh

The key from the i love how it shines to the key it’s such a neat effect it’s johnny depp jack sparrow let’s see he’s got some good gold going on oh it’s the end of the ride mickey is pleased you can tell all right i guess the audio can come

Back to life what i know right crazy and you can exit through the gift shop okay i think we’ve got a few more areas left yeah we got a few more spots a couple more autographs and then we’re wrapped up on our adventure in disney world pirates of the caribbean hello there

I got aladdin’s autograph so i think yeah let’s knock off the autographs and then we’ll do the last couple rides hatchet carpets of that’s funny jasmine and again they do animate if you tap them which is kind of fun and isn’t there oh no i’ve got all the the things

Postcard is available to download so there you can see we’ve got all of the different characters all 28 of them captured forever okay so we’ve got the up and down okay so let’s go do this one we’ve got three rides left time for the magic carpet rides

Oh cool so you can do the up and down again seriously i’d love to see an original ever bloom amusement park thing that would be so cool let’s go for like wildly whimsical it definitely seems to at least for me capture the the magic of the disney world and up and down

Look at the postcard where do we look at the postcard let me see this even boat’s now a minecraft everbloom.com autograph reward so you can do that folks okay i think that means we’ve got uh two attractions left how do i get out of here so i’m assuming this is the jungle

Cruise here good thing we got these mickey waffles haunted park and rainbow park oh they do have original parks the haunted park and the rainbow park it’s hard to keep up on this stuff so many maps these days the minecraft marketplace it’s really grown jungle Bring cruise and we’re off like my sense of comedic timing welcome to the world famous jungle cruise everyone my name is clayton and i’ll be your skipper for as far as we get we begin our adventure deep in the rainforest where it rains 365 days a year you know that’s almost every day

The amazon carries four times as much water as any other river a lot of it comes from waterfalls like this one oh an actual autograph in our inventory that is really lovely very well designed too totally missed that that is really really cool so much love put into this map

If you all enjoy your jungle cruise today we recommend renting a canoe for your own adventure they won’t rent to me anymore not since the incident oh look it’s a giant python wait a sec this isn’t the rock We’re now entering banana country so keep your eyes peeled because we might need to split now we’re on the longest river in the world winding across more than 4 000 miles but don’t worry i know a shortcut up here on the left i can’t believe it it looks like an african bull elephant

You could tell by its large sloping forehead enormous ears and huge tusks this animal is extremely rare we are very lucky to be able to see one i guarantee that you are not going to see another one of these never mind never mind yes they’re everywhere along the jungle cruise

Here it is the great african belt home to a huge ray of wildlife it looks like those lions are settling down to their favorite treat zebra on the rocks and as usual they’re sharing their dinner with pride oh boy right over here you’ll see absolutely nothing you will necessarily find

Chased by a rhino if nobody sees it nobody has to do the paperwork that’s fair i respect that over here is ginger a careful ginger snaps she’s one tough cookie behold schweitzer falls named after the famous explorer and founder of the jungle navigation company dr albert halls we’ll go over that later

Ooh it looks like some hippos Oh no i mean hey i’m happy to announce that we are now offering half off cruises to the hippo pool but don’t worry folks only five were mine this one belonged to skipper felix i wonder what happened to the front half of felix’s boat oh just as i thought

Washed ashore only to be taken over by a family of chimpanzees i hate it when i’m right looks like one of the chimps has taken the mic let’s listen in that’s great i’m going to have to remember that one and now the moment you’ve all been waiting for the amazing the colossal the

Stupendous the eighth wonder of the world the backside of water that was some amazing water there’s no telling what we’ll find in here so you keep your eyes open i’m going to keep mine closed Ah what do we still have everybody if you’re not here raise your hand i’m here look what we found the secret bathing pool of the indian elephant it’s okay to stare they have their trunks on ah look at this guy i think the big one has been in the shower too long

Look at all those wrinkles elephants are really mischievous creatures sometimes they like to spray our boats as we go by uh oh he’s coming back up that was close they really get the theatrics going on this one looks like at the end of our jungle now what’s a jungle cruise without a

Jungle crew souvenir here we have the official gift shop you may be asking yourself why does it say lost and found well i’ll tell you lost our treasures left behind by the adventures before you found our amazing deals at rock bottom prices it is quite an experience it’s literally touring disney world

I think we have one final one final event left to do my name is felix oh thanks for the ride jungle cruiser that was actually very in-depth okay so we’ve got the final ride ride around the corner definitely a chunky experience offers a lot of stuff it’s like a literal whole

Trip to disneyland oh no i passed it swiss family tree house oh i don’t know if it’s a ride maybe it’s just like a tree house you go up definitely looks like a tree house oh and they’ve even got like you know trees to kind of match the whole distance over here too

That’s kind of cool i’m assuming this is a disney world exclusive kind of thing you can see the castle on the distance too oh wow very cool and i i think that concludes our our trip of of disneyland right we i think we got all the stops we did one two three

We did all those we did that one we did that we did all those up there we did the top ones we did all of tomorrowland i i think we got everything in the game done we did all the autograph stuff all right let’s unlock the world

Template settings and go to creative so we can give a bird eye view of everything like that so anyways i thought this was absolutely fantastic yeah we did the fireworks right at the beginning of the game we started with the fireworks actually but uh that is kind of the ride so you

Can do like there’s a whole amusement park show we’ve done the whole stream we did all the different uh rides and everything like that i think this really captured the the style of of disney world here i think there was a lot of content in this one i think it’s very well done

You know if you’re coming in here and you’re one of the younglings and whatnot you’re going to spend quite a few hours working through this and again you don’t see this view i’m just doing this so you can kind of see the scale of it like this is

Really really impressive they’ve done a just a beautiful job capturing you know the magic of disney and whatnot i think it’s definitely entertaining so many different rides different things you can do activities they uh definitely put together something that was really really cool to see and

There’s this one area back here that i was kind of curious about on the map i wanted to take a look at quickly oh no it’s just like a little factory thing but seriously it’s just like jam-packed with things to do and different you know rides and activities and

The music and the audio and everything like that absolutely fantastic and well done i would say this is one of the best uh minecraft maps i’ve actually played just in terms of like what it’s got going on in it it’s uh kind of crazy that this even exists like it’s

Basically you know it’s it’s like a real creation of something but in minecraft and it’s all you know authentic in regards to what you can do and the different things you can interact with and i appreciate the creator mode as well but if you can’t actually visit disney world this is uh

A cool way to kind of do it so i hope you enjoyed this tour of the land and uh have fun kind of doing your own adventures and tours if you jump into it

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Disneyland Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World Gameplay Review [Walkthrough]’, was uploaded by Skycaptin5 on 2021-11-18 00:53:33. It has garnered 16351 views and 179 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:35 or 6935 seconds.

Minecraft Disneyland Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World Gameplay Review of this incredible packaged map that provides options to play. You’re working through the magical kingdom story following this wild group of character while enjoying a range of unique characters in this rather exciting & expansive DLC pack offering. Get excited since the yellow characters are here to party. It features dynamic story missions, collectibles to gather & mini games to enjoy.

Review: .

Minecraft Disneyland Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World gameplay review of this adventure world that tasks you with exploring a vast environment in order to find lost secrets, come across many friends and attempt to save the land from the many problems that are found within the environment. This is on the store for Pocket Edition IOS or Android, Windows 10, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 5, Playstation 4 and Virtual Reality.

Site: https://gamerheadquarters.com Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/skycaptin5 Discord: https://discord.gg/JTY29Wx Twitter: https://twitter.com/Skycaptin5 Instagram: https://instagram.com/skycaptin5

This is from the special Minecraft Store which features intense community driven experiences that various groups have created. This will greatly expand just what you can do within the game from special add on mods, to texture revamps and even special skin downloads. They range far, completely changing this with new adventures, special survival spawns and even more to witness.

This helps support the creators, give players new experiences and greatly expands just what sort of worlds that players can engage with no matter what version of Bedrock they’re playing. It has a ton of content to explore with a wide offering of choice that can be grabbed with coins which is the chosen currency. You’re never sure what sort of new things will be added and this #Minecraft review showcases one of these special maps and goes over exactly what type of content to expect from it. #Disney

00:00 Disney Skins 01:30 Opening Info 03:40 DisneyWorld Tour 09:00 Fireworks Display 15:30 Buzz Lightyear Ride 21:25 Space Mountain Ride 25:55 Racing Track 28:20 Teacups Ride 31:12 Dumbo Ride 38:40 Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs Ride 45:28 Peter Pan Ride 49:30 Carousel Ride 51:16 It’s a Small World Ride 1:05:10 Haunted Mansion Ride 1:18:40 Bears Concert 1:21:20 Tom Sawyer Island 1:25:40 Frontierland Coaster Ride 1:30:00 Pirates of the Caribbean Ride 1:39:40 Aladdin Magic Carpet Ride 1:41:53 Jungle Cruise Ride 1:51:43 Tree House 1:53:00 Disneyland Disneyworld Review Thoughts

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    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

Minecraft Disneyland Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World Gameplay Review [Walkthrough]