Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2 – Creepy Crypt! Secret Mission!

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Hello zebra herd welcome back to my crab dungeons in the last episode we began our wonderful adventure we made our way through the squid coast and the creeper woods as you can see they both have checkmarks Mike’s next to them now and we could go at them at higher

Difficulties at some point if we wanted to you know just keep pushing with things I don’t want to do that at the moment but it looks like you know I’ve gotten a lot of the gear drops but you can get even more of them so that’s

Really cool to know about I’m not gonna be tackling too much of that right now but I do want to look around our main area before we get too far into things we can have these little dummies we can beat up just to you know test I I guess

Our damage and stuff that’s cool and we also got these new boots last episode as well so I was trying to see if I can’t look around the map here but it looks like this drawbridge is up now so if I wanted to go get some of the extra

Rewards I missed in those levels I would just have to replay them I can’t find them here still a lot of fun that is running around I do want to see like what’s over this way there’s like a nice little farm okay not really too much you

Can interact with but that’s sort of what I’m curious about is just seeing if there’s maybe some way I can find more things around here I love it though cuz these areas Oh what is this about oh it’s like a nice little house can i craft there’s a crafting bench but I

Can’t craft there’s some little pigs in that in the little forum area what’s up this way Wow so maybe we could get like more items and decorate this place that would be so cool loft the wait and see cuz like this whole wall is a little bit

Empty if you ask me also it looks like some of our arrows go away I head over like 300 arrows before but now I only have 74 so I guess that’s something we got to keep in mind huh anything over this way then not really looking like it

So yeah very fun to explore but that’s about it for here okay run run run it doesn’t last very long but those boots of swiftness are useful but yeah for right now then like I said before we checked out this blacksmith in the in the last episode we could make a trade

For a tea but I think that will deceive what we have right now until we get to a higher level so we want to go somewhere else there are different places to go but um the main story mission we’re supposed to go to I guess is here this is the creepy crypt

It’s a secret mission actually new five missions of you what’s next so we just have like all of these options so basically we can go wherever we want and then once again there’s a difficulty which we can’t really do too much with we can’t really change ah until we beat

The game I suppose anyways so we’re at the creepy craft there’s actually this isn’t so we can’t even do default one that is below the minimum difficulty which is default to so we we have enough power to do this one and it looks like we could get some cool stuff out of it

Maybe some artifacts we don’t already have if we get something we already do have I wonder what happens can we make upgrade it or something I don’t know so let’s go to the creepy crypt and find out traveling to the creepy crypt we’ll see how long it takes us to get through

This if it takes us a while maybe this will be the only place we check out in today’s episode I’m not really sure but first it looks like I could just go right into this Creek but if there’s other things to explore maybe I should venture off into here first because

There’s going to be a lot of chests and apparently I’ve already found one of the three secrets what was that maybe this is the secret but that’s the way I have to go so that’d be weird okay that is very odd isn’t it anyways I’ll keep using these boots of

Swiftness oh but I can’t go this way this is the same area that we were in last episode right maybe not I don’t know it’s weird but yeah that is SuperDuper odd anyways we’re gonna try going this way and we’ll explore this creepy creepy crypt wow it’s huge

Oh my we got a first Sambi right there so which way should I go it’s like a giant maze what did I do that oh my gosh Oh got a spider got some extra stuff out of that pretty cool I want to like take a second to look which oh my gosh I’m

Such a dingus there we go I have that username for a reason don’t I um I’m just trying to find out which way is the dead end and which way isn’t and that’s where it’s gonna take some extensive exploring to find out and that’s what I because I did about okay

Anything interesting in here not really so let’s use these swift boots as much as I possibly can I just need to constantly do that so that we can get through everything cuz I’m impatient at least when I can be I usually am okay let’s go through this fight this is

Actually what’s gonna lead to a whole bunch of stuff that I will want to get to you just not now yeah I’d rather go over here okay hey now don’t get mad at me I might want to just run up and use the sword a little bit while I have the chance it’s

Definitely just gonna get rid of all that but it didn’t seem like there was anywhere where I could sell my items so when it comes to like recycling them it really might be better off that I just enchant them or not enchant them like there’s a salvage them and that’ll just

Turn them into emeralds right away so that’s something I’m probably bound to do in today’s episode because I’m pretty sure I’m close to a full inventory okay this is pretty intense so far but okay this way okay so this way is more of a dead end than I thought we couldn’t

Quite see it whoa that’s a sword but it’s worse than what I currently have okay good keep in mind I’m trying to make my way up to two points so that I can upgrade my bow and arrow that’s my main goal right now but over this way

There’s definitely a lot the scene I know I pulled the map a lot in this game so far I think this is sort of the best bet just afford it sort of figure things out a little bit oh hello probably could have used – oh no oh no could have used

The thing there there we go so it does seem like there is a finite a limited amount of mobs in each level because last episode we would complete a level and I would say you know 90% of all mobs and he was 99% for that last level all mobs defeated so let

Me make sure I try to find everything I wanted to be as complete as possible you know that was I could have been better could have been worse oh so I found one chess this should be another one yep okay so we got a new bow for that awesome but that’s where it

Gets scary do I really want to enchant anything if I’m going to just give better gear constantly I mean maybe that’s the point and that’s what we’ll have to sort of wait and see I’m not really sure what the best course of action is for that but for now I’m

Definitely equipping that because we just went from 1 to 14 that’s insane the only problem I have out right now is that I’m a little limited on arrows anything interesting here nope what about here Oh statue you can’t do anything about it yeah that just is the

Thing that happens around here in this game you’ll just have things that don’t really do anything anyways this is 10 to 25 damage we can already give it improved power oh we know that’s my other bow yeah okay Wow so yeah this has two sets of enchantments poison cloud phew shot

Accelerate so I’ll look at this stuff in a moment once we get our next level up we’re so close to it let’s just keep moving until we get there but how exciting is that a super powerful bow now I’ve explored all of this so I’m

Basically good to go back the way I came in and it looks like that basically one Explorer off to the right side now yeah okay sorry it’s very confusing this is why I sort of wish that the map was on the screen I might want to check the options

At some point to make sure that’s not something I can do because it seems like a weird choice almost every game in this genre will have that but just because another game in the genre has it doesn’t mean that this one has to it just means

That it would make a lot fill a lot of sense okay here we go well that’s not he’s not doing what I meant to do sometimes I get the buttons confused oh okay we’re fine there we go probably shouldn’t done that to the creeper of all characters level

Up there we go but it did stun him can I get down there whoa whoa whoa okay so I guess I was supposed to be down there when I did that it was a little a little weird we also saw all these guys then

This is cool so can I get that armor at some point maybe it’s on the floor okay not bad well when we get a chest for that I only get an arrow bundle right over that way not bad that was certainly interesting but was that a

Secret it might might have been so I can’t quite get through this it’d be really cool to kind of lock a shovel at some point anyways with our level up let’s go over here and check out some steps so we have poison cloud has a 30% chance to summon a poison cloud that

Deals damage to enemies in an area for three seconds accelerate increases the attack speed for each consecutive shot resets one second after the attack I don’t think I need that and piercing fired arrows sometimes gain the piercing effect which allows them to fly through multiple mobs I’m thinking of all these

The poison cloud sounds the best to me and then over this way we have a second set of enchantments few shot we’ve seen multi shot grants the chance to fire five arrows at once and then finally growing the fire chock rose in the air dealing extra damage the two distant

Targets I’m thinking this one would be cool and most effective overall so let’s also take this time to salvage some stuff older gear that I might not need oh so do I get my thing back whoa really that’s so cool so I actually don’t have to worry about upgrading

Things I’ll get it back okay so since all this stuff is weaker I definitely want to actually Hey where’d you come from guys he’s been wandering around that’s why I gonna be careful about all that well there’s our five shot that is so cool I love this game so this is

Better it gives me more health plus ten arrows per bundle plus 30% to range damage maybe this would be worth equipping them and then we’ll just salvage that yep just like that I’m so what can we upgrade here we can either do cool down or just cool down time

Between uses of your artifacts that sounds amazing whenever you take damage you deal damage back to the attacker so that’s thorns and then swift-footed rolling makes you move faster for three seconds mmm I think we’ll do this one for now but those are all good so this axe can be salvaged so there

Should be a sword here that yeah way down there that I can also salvific another point out of so that is so good to know that I never that was like the biggest thing I was concerned about was like okay well won’t this be a waste not

Really and our Emal’s are going way way up so we’ll definitely be getting some gear at the end of all this this is someone fun they really did a good job designing that so we have one extra point I definitely put that into this they can either be weakening your

Attacks decrease the attack damage of all and nearby enemies for five seconds or stunning chance to temporarily stun enemies I like that one so yeah now our move should be restoring faster which is cool oh you know what let’s use one of those moves right there and there’s our

Poison cloud it’s all sorts of stuff I’m figuring out at the moment I am taking some damage I do it to be careful I’ll toss that down that way and there’s rubber I wrote away hahaha what is this whoa whoa okay we open the door but now

We’re finding a bunch of enemies cool okay keep it going and then get our firework that didn’t quite work the way I wanted it to that’s fine okay we got our eye shadow pushing they don’t know where I am now I think that was all of them well not God has a chest

It’s another sword that sort is actually weaker than the sword I currently have so I will definitely be exchanging that that is amazing so that was secret two of three I think so many chests left to find so I can go ahead and salvage that I probably don’t want to you know go

Through that every time I get a weapon I probably would have built up a little bit so what was in that last room over this way anything not really okay so I think that means we’re good to explore some other areas this one’s a bit more

Of a dead end as well so I don’t know what that damage marker was about okay let’s get these guys so far so good so it looks like this game is a little bit different in some ways I haven’t really talked about too much this game doesn’t

Seem to have classes or anything like that instead you just sort of get to choose as you go with your abilities which honestly I sort of like better that way you have the flexibility to change as you go if you want to try new things you don’t have to start a whole

New character at level one to figure those things out I think that’s fantastic okay not too much going on over the spy but once again I’m trying to defeat all 100% of the mobs this time so it is worth doing and we get experience for it and sometimes potential loot so no

Matter what it was worth doing you don’t I mean anything you’ve interests over this way not really will get that shadow brew user swiftness a bit more and I think that means that we’re good to skedaddle out of here for now did I ever go up

This way no I have not so that’s where it gets a little tricky I had thought that maybe I did because I’ve been in surrounding areas so much so it sort of covered this part but I’ve never actually been in here now I have luckily there wasn’t too much except for those

Two mobs but if I want to get all 100 percent of them that’s where that really matters so we only have the main center path to go down now so let’s try figuring that out a bit not too much in there okay but I’m already I

Can tell this is a game I’m going to play so much for you guys because I just I love this type of game it’s very addicting it’s very satisfying so I can see myself playing this a ton so stay tuned for it I hope you’re enjoying all of a sudden everybody’s least favorite

Game ever except for me that’d be a problem well this is the kind of game that like I would if you know for whatever reason not too many people were interested in it which I don’t think is gonna be the case because a lot of you

Oh no I died oh whoops I guess I because of the TNT and I got stuck by the web that was bad so I got her to arrive two more lives left oh gosh that’s scary but anyways what I was saying is that this is the kind of game that I would

Definitely play on my own even if like you know not too many people are just sitting this year isn’t it which I don’t think it’s gonna be the case since so many of you are like me and love minecraft but I would probably just you

Know play the game on my own time if I had to don’t think that’s gonna be a problem now okay so let’s grab all these guys take them out as much as I can boom okay hold on let’s do a little bit of that oh that

One through – I’m out of arrows Oh No so that’s a big problem luckily I have a fishing rod to help me out okay so we get a new bow TNT which I will use later not now and let’s check that out that was a worse bow than what

I currently have cuts our current bows 14 damage so once again we can just salvage it get 17 emeralds for it so worked up 882 emeralds at this rate we’re probably I didn’t mean to do that Easter’s running away from it – so definitely wasn’t worth it hmm I

Certainly have to be careful now that I don’t have any arrows which is crazy because in the previous level we got off like 400 but it restarts you after a while I suppose alright so I do have to firework again probably want to use that

Soon I don’t need to use it again it’s just one enemy you know the boots restore so so quick now I can basically just constantly pressed upon oh here you go guys don’t mind me what about in here anything not really okay gotcha oh there are some arrows for me Oh

Oh my gosh I’m scared I just really don’t wanna get explored it out I don’t want the spider to throw any more web on me neither of those things seem like a good situation so I have 50 arrows now but I’m really trying to save them especially when I can use the firework

Here and there oh not happening nice nothing of interest over this way – creepers sacking up here don’t let them get me okay here might be good just use one arrow at least oh there’s another arrow bundle a couple more emeralds Oh sometimes I gotta remember what buttons

To press cuz I tried to press the swift boots button there when I was trying to dodge the spider not the right button the press was there anything over here once again there’d low that makes weird noises I don’t like it but I guess we can’t go over that why that’s fine Oh

Chest over this way out okay don’t let them attack me like that I wonder if at any point we can get like familiars like like a little pets it might follow us around and help us like an ocelot that would be cool I don’t know we’ll have to wait and see anyways

So we’ve already found six chests this should be chest number seven yep and then we also picked up hunters armor it’s a little worse than what we currently have so I will salvage that I’m sure at some point we’ll get the ability to upgrade things but maybe we

Won’t even need if we can salvage it and immediately get some of our points back if not all of our points and we might just not even have to worry about that at all okay so over this way we are stacking up with more arrows now I’m at 144 and if I

Know they’re going to go away by the end of the level I do need to use some of them just make the most event okay I just try to figure out I guess I should just pay attention to the marker but oh here we go again with this oh all right

Now they got to be careful about oh that is not being careful let’s use that I have so many arrows in me wah wah wah wah Wow come on now let’s get closer to him the girl running away cuz they know they’re in trouble but that is something to worry about is

This big groups of enemies like that so here is another chest for us and that’s eight okay cool and that’s three out of three secrets so we did that we found all the secrets in a level I’m so happy about that okay got some of that and what about over this

Way we got another one so so far the creepy crypt is proving pretty beneficial for us I just I don’t like how those fall all I get it’s scary it’s like an Indiana Jones kind of thing or something what I thought this is lever now that’s like a torch the torch

Does look a little bit different in this game than they do in Minecraft huh what is this not really anything what about back up this way hmm open gates that sounds like an intimidating thing to do so I’m going to explore first and see what kind of cool

Goodies I can find before I open the gates of who knows what was it four gates over this way ah I’m guessing that is going to an alarm a swarm of enemies so I would like to do that now let’s try open the gates oh my it was a trample

Isn’t it oh my hey stop that that was rude hit you with an arrow and you I don’t want anybody hitting me from a distance oh I definitely want that potion over there though um we’re gonna run that was a swiftness potion so now I’m running faster than ever

Well Wow keep it up and I can use Swift this on top of my swiftness and that seems to work quite well and that was it Wow easy peasy I would get a pickaxe what can I do with that it’s just just like a sword achievement cha-ching all

Cuz we got a thousand emeralds look at us okay it’s a picks up the pickaxe has been the iconic tool of adventures and heroes for as long as anyone can remember so we can put this over a sword and we don’t have any points at the

Moment but I am very curious about this can we no it’s not like we can run up and actually start mining things that would be so interesting now right anyways let’s keep going this Way’s a bit of a dead end so we want to check this out first nothing I

Can do over there nothin I can do this by ok hmm they’re just trying to figure things out thank you nice oh that was silly of me back out of all of them I’ll wait except for this guy be careful that pickaxe s quite the strike to it so

We have six more chests left to find we’ll get there we’ll get there in the meantime what is this about not much I can’t get them from this angle whoa I love that but can we like maybe no I can’t I was hoping that maybe we could

Like those weird little dirt box pots get rid of those but now there’s so many enemies over there and they they’re looking for me they really want to get me right now I don’t like that cool so let’s first is try that out a little bit and while they’re all running over

I’ll grab some emeralds Wow and only got rid of so many of them this pickaxe is amazing now so this is also a dead end might be a good chance to take a look at this I’m thinking I don’t need this yep salvage that get her point back and see

What our options are now leaching defeat a mob defeating a mob heals you small as a small portion of mobs max health so this’ll like lifesteal and prospector find more emeralds unfallen enemies I think that will keep with the leaching for now because I just I want to try to

Survive more than make money who knows how tough this game I end up getting I can always grind up for more stuff so it looks like I can open the gates one way or another but what if I wanted to go the other ways hold on that’s not right

How did that how can you guys get me when I can’t even get you okay that works there’s got to be a way to get in there maybe well we’ll have to turn back or something well right now what is this about there we go oh this guy’s big got him

Yeah let’s use that fishing around a little bit but let’s be careful and do that oh you guys are in trouble now big trouble big trouble just don’t get me in trouble too there we go so that opened that door and these doors oh it’s a good thing we’re also in trouble

That didn’t get anybody whoops there we go run run run run yeah now I don’t have to worry as much about health stuff if I have this leaching ability so that’s cool laughs a lot oh boy that’s gonna be fun so yeah which way am I supposed to be

Going I’m a little confused by that cuz it looks like I could just get out all right through here is this like the the end of it yes it is that’s cool and everything but leaving that for later I don’t wanna end the level if there’s

Still so much left to explore cuz yeah we still have wait it went up it was 16 before it’s 17 now what is with this ever ever raising bar of completion okay wow that was a a five-time shot firework era that was cool I want to see more of that

So yeah let’s hope we can actually find that many more chests and whatever’s left of this level but yeah that’s the lost home I just don’t trust doing it yet while we move so quick I love that oh hey hi guys get rid of you I gotta

Stop checking the map as much I just wanna get lost or easy to do that okay and this area I mean maybe doesn’t end there maybe that’s just some kind of thing cuz doesn’t say like the exit ow that was unnecessary so maybe I should I know I’m

Being very uh indecisive at the moment I just don’t want to accidentally end the level that’s my only worry but that seems very unrealistic that we have this much level left and that this would end everything because there’s no way to get to the area before so you know what

We’ll go ahead and grab what we can okay now the goal is to leave the crepes that was cool but we do get a chest out of that so that was eleven oh seventeen diamond sword whoa look at this 18 to 29 melee damage extra damage the diamond

Sword is a true mark of a hero an accomplished adventurer sorry pickaxe it’s been fun but I need my stuff back boom yep and then this is a little bit more powerful basically the same thing but gives more health so also will salvage at so we gets three points in total what

Can we do with that so with our diamond sword we can have to get poison cloud weakening or fire aspect I’m thinking fire and we will stack that up I don’t have anything for this one now which is sort of a shame but that’s okay well what is this one surprise gift whenever

You use the healing potion you sometimes create random consumables and also explore for every 100 blocks oops poured on the map you gain a small band of health I’ll be we need that help regeneration that badly so this is so cool this games a blast okay getting

Tons of emeralds too I want to make sure I’m getting off and some of them are sort of hidden so I don’t know what that tome is used for the game that really explains it but it’s probably something for the story with the hidden tome we can do something cool

Ah oh no okay that did not get rid of one of my health things oh that’s good why did I start way over here the world may never know but let’s get back to explain so I don’t know if we’re supposed to leave the way we came in or

What but I’m certainly just going to keep exploring for now here’s another chest and that has a sword not a time is what I got a double stack TNT seems like it’d be pretty heavy so I will have to figure out what I want to do with that

But man we are just tearing it up with this diamond sword so far it’s wonderful see our cooldown is not gonna be as low as it was oh this little pig at the chest I’m sorry a pig but I had to do it I have three TNT now how many kill me

Jug will always throw them all at once that would be so cool to do against like a big boss or something I really hope though there’s like cool boss fights in this game sort of be a missed opportunity if there’s not so it wants me to go that way then I’m going this

Way maybe I should go back and go to that area to the right then yeah looking like that’s the best idea oh this game is so cool I just love exploring it sit back over this way what’s going on in here it is hard to tell ow

That was not what I want luckily my potion was at the ready mm-hmm what are you doing mr. zombie he’s running when you when you really go for him no like I’m out of here ah okay that’s not what I wanted okay the poison finish them off there

Another chest there’s gonna have a couple of emeralds not too much oh they didn’t quite get them I gotta be careful they’re starting to bite back a lot more so not this way but this way there should be more for our self we got these two not too much

Else we’re still doing good on arrows we have a hundred and sixty of them so I got to start using them a bit more and we get some TNT it’s gonna toss that over right away excellent wow that’s that everybody flying so we also don’t have our life

Skill that we had from the pickaxe anymore that’s like one of the big problems when you do upgrade is you might get different you know always when you get a better weapon and you exchange it is that you just might not get the same things which is fine let’s say that

These things are worse but I just might take it some adjusting to my strategies so that was another chest for us that got us another a bow and arrow but nothing too wild and in here ah look at this so looks like we’re gonna have some enemies to defeat

Oh get some extra arrows thank you very much this guy’s pretty big okay watch it okay that got me a little bit with that one is that everybody I think so we get an extra chest it has a pickaxe not quite a diamond but it’s a

Pickaxe yeah it’s like can you really go back from getting a diamond sword like well you can’t get better than this we never like we had stone swords before we never got iron or gold it would just it just jumped right up to Diamond makes me

Think like what can you really do from here except for enchanted I mean there still might be Wow Wow okay I’ve never seen that guy before but there’s still going to be higher damage higher level swords cuz obviously if I get later in the game they’re gonna start giving me

Stone swords that have way more damage in this diamond sword oh that’s that’s the sort of how that these kind of games work so I probably will still be upgrading and degrading down to different things all right we got Arab under bundle hunters armor and that was

Chest number 60 it went up again it’s 16 of 19 now how many chests will there be and when will I actually reach that about what does anyone for me this never want me to be satisfied that’s what they want is my health restoring over time not really so let’s

Use that potion now it does take a long time to restore so we definitely wanna do it during that sort of more calm periods yeah I’ve gone all those other ways now we gotta go this way grab that okay I was gonna say did I miss something I didn’t and get rid of

You too that’s all we can find here and over this way there we go Wow lots of enemies I don’t quit my firework so I’m trying to sort of rush them so here’s the end of the level I don’t know if they’ll really be more or less after that who knows but

Right now we have one less little area over this way please tell me this laughs something we don’t have enemies so that alone makes it worth it but wow I love the five shot thing that happens and that’s it so we’ve made it through the entire creepy crypt and it was not only

Creepy but also very extensive and challenging but full of wonderful loot and we only found 16 out of the 19 chests where the other three are we may never know but they might be outside of the Crypt maybe they’ll give us some for you know completing everything oh yeah

Where are we now leave the crypts I thought that’s what we just did I guess maybe this is sort of like the courtyard of the crypts something like that anyways definitely use another potion okay so I’m supposed to go that way interesting not much I can do that can’t

Fall in and land back into the crypts again well yeah there’s so many different cool biomes that I hope we go to I don’t feel like frozen or you know mesas or even like I said before the nether or the end there’s this I really hope they don’t they don’t hold back at

All even like a mine shafts or ravines things like that would be so interesting so I really hope this is a pure minecraft adventure because that was something I was a little bit worried about is that it’s just sort of a point-and-click action RPG kind of thing

And it’s like it just has a Minecraft skin and doesn’t really feel too much like Minecraft but so far I feel like it has a good mixture of everything okay uh there we go so far so good getting a lot of those five arrow shots out let’s grab

That Apple server generating some my health ally there’s no chests out here so far just a bit worrisome aha here’s one so let’s hope this will get me up to 17 and not jump up the final tally it’s gotta the 17 19th cool so far so good done

Don’t see anything over there there’s a creeper I have 300 arrows the farther you get into the level the more arrows that starts to give you and that’s where it just you know that gets crazy and here’s another chest boom so 18 pound of

19 okay we might be able to do this son wow I feel bad that I took out the sheep that didn’t mean to promise oh you know what I do remember this area sort of kind of from last episode so maybe it is sort of the same spot maybe it’s

Different who knows once they come I can go over this way but nothing new okay let’s go up the steps the music’s getting more intense as we continue to explore but that’s the exit so I really well actually there might be more after that nope victory it’s always weed where there’s a

Little thing at the end so we missed one chest out of all of that somehow I mean it could have been simple chest it only had emeralds just because we miss a chest doesn’t mean that we didn’t like really get everything there is to get but as you can see creepy crypt

We missed six percent of mobs so it shows you you were there with me I explored that incredibly thoroughly but somehow I missed something anyways we took 700 damage we opened up 95% of the chests we only got down to once interesting well let’s see what we get

In our victory chest it is going to be a tasty bone 11 damage are you here distant howling as you hold the tasty bone in your hand is that a artifact yes he’s so cute okay but do I want that more than I want I mean I can always just have this in

The inventory I have a feeling this might be helpful for secrets at some point so we might want to hold on to it do I want this more than I want this they’re identical in terms of stats the only thing that would be better is maybe the potential thing so this one has

Electrified rolling zaps three nearby enemies with lightning bolts dealing damage thorns we’ve seen and recycler being hit by damage inflicting projectiles will occasionally craft a small quiver of arrows so I think that that would be better because I just I mean these are fine but they’re not things that I’m going to get

Much benefit honor and anything with this not any better so I’m just gonna go ahead and trade that out and this for sure and this and that so we’re up to one thousand three hundred and seventy six which means we can go to the blacksmith now and get around a piece of

Gear for only 84 that’s pretty cheap right so we get a crossbow the crossbow is a range weapon of the elders and is a common sight among pillager warriors faster projectiles okay so we can keep making some things out because that’s a rapid crossbow new Rijal OD’ing technology helps us crossbow fire more

Rapidly than those that came before it I want to keep doing this I kept attacking by mistake daggers the daggers are the weapons of Cravens or so folks say what a Cravens I don’t know we have so much money heavy crossbow the weighted crossbow is a damage-dealing menace and

A real threat from a range distance so these are all coffins unfortunately they’re all pretty low as well in terms of damage I’ll do one more keep ourselves over a thousand the glaive the glaive wielded by the servants of the nameless one is a weapon with style and

Power cool stuff so let’s try this out oh there’s not really okay that’s right we can go down this way and look at this Wow so this one has some good range to it to the point where I can actually attack these guys that is so interesting

Is it better than my diamond sword though not by much and I could salvage this and it would give me a half of what I put in back so that’s actually not too bad seeing how you’re getting and to figure things out with that so this is

Okay what’s going on with us well I’m doing the wrong one okay I say so this is a crossbow I only have so many arrows right now so I’m trying to make the most of this then we have the rapid crossbow which definitely fires really quick and

Then finally the homo crossbow out of all this this is the best still but it is good to keep all that in mind and then the daggers which I do want to try these out really quickly look at the speed but I still think out of all this

I appreciate the diamond sword the most this is a pretty simple setup but a pretty cool one I think that will continue mixing with weapons as we move forward for now I’ll keep them just for the chance event but I love that we have little of flooding now and he just hangs

Out with us what I I can call it again Wow and then he’s just sort of ours to keep in a way how cool is that now we’ve already been down here right actually maybe not either way not really too much to find I just wanted to see real

Quickly though is there any maybe extra guys that might show up eventually that would be cool we still have this house so not entirely clear what we can do with this I would hope something at some point yeah maybe if you know you can let

Me know that’d be cool I’m having a lot of fun with this game there for sure stay tuned for more episodes I will continue explore where are we going to be going in the next episode because now we’ve gotten the creepy crypt done of course and we might come back to these

Levels eventually like we have default for we could go up to definitely worth considering even though we have all the possible loot for that level and same thing for everything except for creeper woods there’s more to get but not gonna worry about that for right now I mostly

Focus on the main story so I think next episode we’ll do soggy swamp that’ll be fun for sure but for right now that is gonna wrap it up for today’s episode of Minecraft dungeons thank you guys so much for watching I’ll see you next time bye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2 – Creepy Crypt! Secret Mission!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2020-05-28 19:00:10. It has garnered 126449 views and 1636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:24 or 2364 seconds.

Welcome to Minecraft Dungeons Part 2! We begin our new Minecraft adventure with the Creepy Crypt Secret Mission! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! http://bit.ly/ZebraHerd

Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer More Zebra Gamer content on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/shop/mrzebragamer

More information about #MinecraftDungeons on the PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch played by #ZebraGamer: Fight your way through an all-new action-adventure game, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers and set in the Minecraft universe! Brave the dungeons alone, or team up with friends! Up to four players can battle together through action-packed, treasure-stuffed, wildly varied levels – all in an epic quest to save the villagers and take down the evil Arch-Illager! Discover a trove of powerful new weapons and items that will help you defeat ruthless swarms of new-and-nasty mobs. Fight or flee through canyons, swamps and – of course – mines! Any adventurer brave or foolish enough to explore this blocky and beautiful world will need to come prepared. So quickly, gear up! Dungeon Creeper! Battle new-and-nasty mobs in this all-new action-adventure, inspired by classic dungeon crawlers. Multiplayer! Up to four players can team up and fight together in co-op mode. Power Up! Unlock dozens of unique items and weapon enchantments for devastating special attacks. Options! Personalize your character, then fight up-close and personal with melee swings, hang back with ranged attacks, or tank your way through swarms of mobs, shielded by heavy armour! Epicness! Explore treasure-stuffed levels in a quest to take down the evil Arch-Illager!

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    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Walkthrough Part 2 – Creepy Crypt! Secret Mission!