Minecraft FULL MOVIE – I Survived a Roleplay SMP (Bloodlines SMP)

Video Information

This is Bloodlines a role play and storytelling SMP where a group of people are building a new home and are trying to discover the magic of Minecraft for the first time enjoy the Lore Mysteries and drama in the full movie of bloodlines in this video we started in a brand new

World with new builds and amazing friends we have also been driven from our homes by evil pillagers and our lost starving and devastated just thought I should mention that we all used to live peacefully and spend our days being simple villagers I was a gardener I made

Sure the village is full of flowers and Greenery but then the pillages came with their crossbows and their magic and destroyed Life As We once knew it I fled my hometown and came across other people who had made the same fate at least we have each other on this dangerous New

Journey to find a better place to live hi I’m saveris I’m a poor peasant girl but trust me my story is going to get a lot more interesting than that everyone who survived the Pillager attack gathered at a strange ruin in a far away land and we have brand new peasant skins too

Myself you realize we said peasant skin right not pheasant skin we found a mysterious book at the ruins in the realm of dragon Kings power from elytra Wings mortal Bloodlines will be destroyed dragon’s blood from in the void being simple peasants we didn’t understand any of it but

Around I mean it’s not like we’re gonna die or anything there seems to be a lot around here for us too a lot of resources I think we should worship the book welcome to Bloodlines it’s Dragon City baby it’s Dragon City baby dragons now that we are stranded here it is time

To get from Rags to Riches so we can figure out how to build new filthy peasant homes and unravel The Mystery of the book because I’m curious that way first I will have to forge armor to defend myself from the monsters of the night this spot here in the forest as

Well was set up my incredible new home no not this one this is just a temporary filthy peasant Hut so I don’t get creeped I’m using the wood that I harvested from this forest and planted some Greenery I think this is the shabbiest yet most beautiful peasant Hut

I’ve ever made well the first peasant Hut I ever made actually not that I have a safe home and an organized storage um I could go back into the caves to upgrade my tools these shiny rocks are known to make the best tools in the world Alice came across this shining red

Ore I turned to dust when I minded it seems intriguing enough to take some of it home to experiment what it can do I like discovering new things you know I also found a huge iron ore vein which is going to be really useful One Step Closer from turning my pole peasant self

Into a wealthy peasant I had just returned home when my neighbor’s doubles came by hi Sev hello there neighbor and we both went to see our other neighbor drift I just have some things that I want to show you both I’ve been on an expedition lately and I found some

Really interesting exotic blocks from far away lands drift chode is a unique Hall and I knew that I had to get my hands on some of those blocks for my wealthy peasant home she gave us the directions and we started traveling to these new lands these lines were strange Stranger than

Any land I’d ever seen naturally I had to harvest some of those blocks to use in my house I never strayed far from my old home back in the village but I’m starting to love the adventure and the wonderful new things that come with it after days and nights of digging and not

Much sleeping I returned home the brave Explorer people had already started to build huge structures while it is my turn now now I have a random assortment of all kinds of strange materials and my peasant hat is close to Breaking with so much stored inside I’ve always had this

Dream of building a magnificent home that is so big that you can spend hours exploring it and still haven’t seen everything but for something like this to become reality I need more than diamond tools and a shack full of blocks I need a miracle and it came I received

A magical book from blockdown which makes my shovel really fast now I’m going to excavate the sand and create a huge flat platform for my new house to sit on Now that I have a flat area to work with wait what I turned around for a second and there’s a freaking Forest now I guess block dance magic book did come with a prize I wonder how a mangrove tree is gonna look in front of his house

Very groovy if you ask me I’m gonna build my house here anyways I already have a lot of blocks but I found this mud and I don’t have anything to turn it into something pretty good that I have a farmer next door so I have this mud and

It looks poop as you can see since you have so much wheat I was wondering if I could have some to like turn into something that doesn’t look as poopy as this of course I have heaps of white as you can see down here I’m actually Ned I

Think about three stacks with Brooke’s help I was able to turn the mud into pack mode which is perfect for my house before I can build the house though I just need to gather some Moss from the Lush caves chop down a few jungle trees and strip the wood and farm some

Mushroom blocks I also had frog crafting take me into a drip Stone cave because I was scared ever since a green creature creeped on me when I was mining underground so frog helped me gather these strange looking blocks to use in my build okay that was actually a lot

More grinding involved several double chests full of grinding as you can see I also decided to strip Spruce Wood using a very dangerous method and it ended with me breaking my ankles from the fall now let’s finally get started with this base I’m going to do something special

For this one I’m using a gradient going all the way up the walls using all sorts of unique blocks like grips on a mushroom then I’m going to add calcite windows and a dark oak frame around it the roof is made out of moss and beautiful flowers it was also time to

Tear down my poor peasant Hut a reminder of my humble beginnings in this new land but with this new home my life is going to change to the better then comes the second part of the build the entrance hall it is smaller than the other build

But it still has a gradient and a lovely roof the next part is going to be huge so I worked on a little fence and flower bed first I start with another gradient wall but on the right I have a beautiful narrow roof with a chimney on top

Whereas in the middle I have a window framed by dark oak and something like a nice roof balcony on top I think it’s the most beaut beautiful part of the build now I’m reaching for the stars with a huge towel right in the middle it is very different from the rest of the

Build no dark oak Moss but a deep slate roof with an acacia trim and odd choice but it kind of fits my unique Vibe and then I jumped down into a puddle of water because I had just built something amazing but I wasn’t even close to bringing this house to its full potential

So here it is the biggest and best house you’ve ever seen if you ignore the other amazing builds in this area that look just as beautiful speaking of amazing I had so much help getting resources for my house from my lovely neighbors you know because I couldn’t walk a lot with

My ankle being broken from falling off the spruce pillar so I want to give everyone a little present I was a gardener in my old land so I know that flowers and kind words can mean so much more than giving someone diamonds or iron so I left my most unique flowers

With the loveliest messages I could think of at everyone’s homes I might not know them for a long time but I know them enough to tell that they are amazing people now let’s get back to work because there’s still so much to do including finding out what this

Mysterious Red Dust is I think this base is missing some essential features Greenery if you ignore the roof a path and water yes water it’s really important to have water near your plants so I’m going to pump up water and filter it through a giant water wheel I’m going

To detail the wooden wheel as much as possible so it fits the style of my base I had a creeper watching me the entire time Anna saved the day again before I get to the water pad though I need to dig out some sort of Riverbed for the water to

Flow through and also build a wall around the wheel so nothing spills out where it shouldn’t I love how this tree is growing right into the wall but so I can still get to my base I’m going to make a beautiful wooden bridge using all sorts of spruce materials I think this

Is the cutest Bridge I’ve ever made I’m also going to add a second bridge right here just a tiny small one made from Stone okay now that we have our way across we can let the water out oh this is so exciting and just like that it

Fills out the entire river that I dug out but if we pump up more and more water it will fill up and flood our home so I needed to lead somewhere like down to the ocean I just need to make it flow down this hill and all our problems will

Be solved look at it go I think the water part is a success now comes my favorite part planting flowers and Greenery everywhere even in and around the water this looks amazing doesn’t it look at all these beautiful flowers and leaves and also added a cute overhang in

This corner and a bird bath here because I love birds now the house looks magical on the outside but not so good on the inside I want this room here to be my storage for all my important and unique blocks as you can see I already made a

Start I just need to add a couple more chests and now it is perfect I even labeled them using a lot of item frames from poor unfortunate cows but now it is all organized in here then there’s this room here I think right here I want to

Display all of the flowers that I collected in this land this room is so beautiful and Lush now let’s share this beauty with the world and let everyone come in here to pick out their favorite flowers to use for their base so I made a flower stand right outside my base and

A sign giving directions to the rest of the plants I decided to name my little flower room Gardener’s Delight people can take anything they want and donate something if they like this house has so many hidden rooms it’s perfect for exploring I love to just sit here and

Look outside but there is no time for that I need to work on the most important room an experimenting room it is going to be above the flower room but there’s a small room in between brain that has a secret ladder hidden in a wardrobe genius I know and here I can

Finally taste this red dust once I’ve given this room a serious makeover so I experimented all day until late into the night and made many interesting discoveries you can spread out the dust in a line and it starts glowing when you push a button and it never stops glowing

When you flick a lever I also created a torch and a block out of it this is a huge scientific discovery this red dust will start a new era of mechanical machines I am sure of it I was so exhausted that I went straight to bed afterwards at night I was plagued by

Strange dreams of the moon and the red dust whether it meant something or not the dream gave me an idea for my house to finish it off I want to add a little Moon statue on top of this roof and why not add one to the back because there

Isn’t much going on here I think this looks gorgeous now the Moon is so magical I think I want to study it so we need a platform to observe it from and a telescope the telescope is easy I just need to combine one of these crystals

With copper and there we go signs I’m right now I just need a lot of wool and Spruce Wood because I’m going to make a hot air balloon above my house I also mix in some calcite with the ball and detailed it with a lot of spruce wood now I can study the moon as much as I want to from up here I can look at her entire Village and the amazing houses we created maybe us being chased from our

Old homes gave us a chance at a new beginning now how do I get down from here I think I broke my ankle again I was thinking this build needs a name it has gradients and it is gorgeous so Castle Grady of gorgington it is sounds just as wacky as my science theories now who’s selling pink banners in my front yard this has blocked and written all over it

Upon close to inspection I realized it was a sign up to a pig race which seems so ridiculous that I had to take part in it it was a great distraction to just have fun but of course accidents happened I think he hates me now

Yes he does now I finally have a use for these Stables I made it will be the new home for my pig from the race her name is Cordelia I hope she will have a great life here the word has been going around that there’s a magical enchanting table

Just next door in stubble’s Tower if I can make my tools just as fast as my shovel let me just go get messed up what was that I was very loud where’s everybody else anybody else hear that no I don’t think so what was that what was

That noise did you guys do that uh yeah yeah that one was that what did you guys do made me a magic pickaxe look at this wait a second what’s that on my tower why is there obsidian on my tower what were you guys doing oh that looks creepy what is that stuff

What is that what are these um kill him this one’s in Redbox no that’s not really it at all that’s something else but the enchanting of your tools may disappear huh that’s kind of sauce nothing’s gonna come out I’ll keep you guys safe should I go in do we

Do we go in now I don’t think we should go in there yet no that doesn’t sound like a good idea we just need somebody to guard it then I can do that I can handle this today was the day we all realized magic always comes with a prize

This is Amber Hollow a place that stands for new beginnings and Second Chances but these new beginnings are overshadowed by a thread and we don’t know how to defeat my name is savares and this is Bloodlines this portal is dangerous and we all have to make a decision that will change our lives

Forever and here I am in a room full of strangers not knowing where I belong and what I should do all I know is that we should Stand United against this portal that has infested our new home does it not concern you to be honest yes it does

This is all your false doubles my fault how was it my fault it’s come from your house we started arguing whether we should go through the portal or destroy it how are you guys going to stop her from getting I’m gonna just put notices all around town that people who go in

Stink like block down I’m thinking of moving away from it I don’t want to be around when whatever happens here I’m not gonna live here as long as this stinky portal is up I’ve never felt so alone then In This Moment instead of working together we are fighting over

This stupid portal but Brooke was right we shouldn’t live anywhere near this thing but my plans of Escaping The Curse of Amber Hollow had to wait another terrifying curse found its way into my house I don’t care what it was but it was creepy as dumb as it may sound but I

Was trapped in my tower and whatever I tried I couldn’t open the trapdoor to get out and I swear I didn’t just lose my keys or something I hate this I want to leave I lost count of how many days I was in there eating stinky fish from

Lockdown but after weeks someone finally read my call for help oh my God service up there help I am trapped please bring cake it’s Savage trapped up there oh my God I don’t know what you’re doing here I’m locked here this is a curse the

Portal it must be the portal I can’t get out I click on this it doesn’t open no matter what I do really we just came through this what I think she’s I think going crazy excuse me this is a perfectly good hole right here this trap

Door it works you can go through it’s because I swear I can’t go through black she has completely lost the plot let’s get out of here yeah the something’s going on here oh my God what is going on freedom oh my gosh I’m out Seth I’m out of your house

What is happening Sev I’m free no my cake I exploded my cake here’s some fish for dessert oh no the curse has been lifted but at what cost I blew up my beautiful Tower and to make things worse I might have just left the keys stuck on

The other side of the trapdoor and there was no curse after all and I don’t know how but the cake survived the explosion doesn’t matter now it’s all in the past I need to let everyone know that I’m back is anybody home hello broker you home even wax and stubbles have gone

This town is empty and all these new places have popped up around town I don’t even know where to go but I don’t think I should stick around if everybody else is gone be I can’t believe there’s actually someone else here I’ve not seen anyone in ages yeah yeah like nobody’s here I

Think it’s the portal it’s kind of scaring people off and I mean don’t get me wrong I absolutely hate it as well but I kind of want to keep an eye on it as yeah um I was actually just on my way to go get a horse you know what I should

Get a horse too at some point because I’m Gonna Leave This Town is cursed I’m out of here bye bye before I got trapped or cursed I had plans to leave hoping this portal would disappear on its own so we could all return but everyone just abandoned their homes I don’t want to

Stay behind in this ghost town I’ll leave that to Mr B and I blew up my bedroom so I’m basically homeless it looks like I’m gonna be on the run again this time not running from the pillages but from a cursed town I need to find a

Safe place to settle down where I can live in peace be a gardener and maybe even unravel the mystery of this red dust that I found underground a while back it has some very interesting properties I packed everything I need but to travel safely and bring my belongings I’m gonna need a travel

Companion are you here to steal horses all right do you see what I would never steal are you the owners of this fine establishment we are we are I’m interested in purchasing a horse do you happen to have a cute one they’re all you can find a selection over here we

Have three lovely horses and they’re priced at three diamonds or we can negotiate resources as you can see I’m a very poor and filthy peasant I don’t have a lot of money but you know what I can pay those diamonds at least okay okay two diamonds and and I put it on

Top magical red oh what’s that it’s magic what is that I have found it in the mines I’m gonna take this boy here and then I’m gonna run away bye I literally scanned them and paid one Diamond list and this is my new friend say hello to Philip the horse and so

Another Journey began I found shelter here and there to stay safe at night but no place felt like home but there’s something about traveling these lands that is truly magical like when you climb a hill and at the top away to a stunning view now I’m certain I will

Find the right home for me it was just me and Philip until one night during a dreadful thunderstorm I came across someone I’d hoped to never see again the pillages those monsters were the reason we lost our homes and had to hide in the cursed lands of Amber Hollow but this place

Seems abandoned maybe we can find shelter here It’s a Pillager that’s what you get for killing all my friends I think it was only this one guy here and as much as this place disgusts me it is dry and safe and I can lock the doors if anything tries to come in but I couldn’t sleep that night because the

Full moon was keeping me awake I wonder if I will ever find a new home maybe I should just return to Amber Hollow hello hello who’s there hello I think it’s coming from over here thank you I was trapped here by the pilotros what are you I’m gonna lay how

Can I repay you for freeing me from my prison well I’m searching for a new home to be a gardener and study this mystical red dust do you think you could help with any of that I know this red dust it is sacred knowledge only known to us

Alleys I’m not sure I can share it please is there anything I can do to convince you to share it I need to know its secrets I’ll make you a deal if you can build a safe home for me and social relays in this world I will teach you

How to build machines with the red dust you know what I think that sounds like a plan and so this mystical blue creature known as the LA became my traveling companion to find a new home but first I want to trash this place so no pillages ever come back here

After a few more days of traveling we found it look at this beautiful place this is perfect and it will be so easy to make it safe for both me and the olays I can’t wait to start construction of the first houses in this area I want

To use some unique and special building blocks for the houses so let’s see what can we mined around this area there are forests on all sides except this one there’s an ocean here what is that shadow in the distance oh no you got to be kidding me for real my perfect new

Home is right across the cursed town and the evil portal I must have gone in a circle this is so stupid but I can’t give up this new place it’s just too good at least now I can grab tons of building blocks from my old house saves me the grinding oh hi

Seth what’s going on long time no see how you been oh I live somewhere else now actually I’m just back here because I need to look for some unique blocks for my houses look at these I have so many cool blocks I have fungus oh man look at all this

Also this warp stem that is wood it turns into some blue wood it is super nice guess what it came from the portal it came from the other side yeah no came from the other side yep I don’t know I hope you enjoy it I hope you enjoy it

Bye thank you you I’m scared I’m literally speechless so he went through the portal and there’s another side this is beyond frightening but I must admit this blue color is intriguing and if wax had it the entire time it can’t be dangerous right let me just grab some

More cool stuff from my storage I know I’m gonna need lots of different wood and of course the flowers this place is gonna feel like home soon let the building begin and so I started construction of the first house I will only Mark the beginning of a magical

Home this little cottage is made of so many different wood types like dark oak and sprues and I used wax’s creepy Blue Portal Vlogs to make a beautiful roof it might be cursed but it’s pretty I also had to add another little Moon statue on the roof I still think there’s something

Magical about it and of course flowers everywhere look at this amazing first house well it looks good on the outside so let’s add some interior inside this is what I call a Cozy home and then when we go upstairs we have a cozy little bedroom and lots of plants and

Flowers I think I’m gonna let the Olay stay in here for now while I figure out how to make this place creep and secure don’t you dare lock me in here all right all right I was kidding the second building will be something special I’m not gonna live there but instead I’m

Dedicating this entire house to researching flowers especially azaleas I also made a path connecting to the other house and planted lots of bushes and flowers now isn’t this beautiful I was so excited to start growing some flowers that I already spent hours in my new Azalea research lab preparing everything

I love the Lush atmosphere in here and then up the ladder is my secret attic where I’m gonna write down all my research notes while I was busy decorating my new home and being excited about flowers the Olay was coming up with instructions for my first machine

Using the red dust a it’s a boy only what’s up well I’m ready to build my first machine here is everything you need Fair moments oh no hypnosis with wrong items this is literal rotten flesh what the heck here is everything you will need to

Build this Farm you just need to find a place where flowers grow oh I know a place where flowers grow alright this beautiful new home of mine is full of them and this place needs a name how about the Moss Grove kind of groovy am I right now let’s grow some flowers

Underground in a dark and Shady room hidden away from the world this will be enough space to hide a giant machine I think and this machine will be hidden right under my Azalea research lab it’s only fitting that the flower farm is underneath the flower house with an

Entrance in the flower field we just open the strap door and go right down to the creepy hole now how do I make this flower machine I’m going to need a lot of this red dust but going mining won’t be a problem especially because there is

A huge hole in my lawn and it’s super creepy and I’m scared so then I had the worst caving trip of my life first I fell down and broke my ankle again and then I got creeped and attacked and it was so scary and I only saw one single

Piece of the red dust so not worth it and then I found tons of the red dust in my old storage room I’m such an idiot I didn’t even have to go down into the caves to run the farm I need bone meal and lots of it and our good friend Mr B

Has a place where I can acquire some bones wow check out this amazing staircase into this giant cave that Mr B made that’s so cool look at this nice bone no I’m not going there again this nice skeleton room I will kill them all for the flowers it’s for the flowers

Guys now I just have to craft the ingredients using the recipes from the Olay those devices look so strange like from another world like look at this thing now let’s go back to the Shady room and build the machine following the olay’s instructions as I place down

These strange blocks I realized I might be the first person to learn about these magical Contraptions from the elas this flower farm is incredible take a look at this I use this lever and it comes alive producing all sorts of beautiful flowers this red dust is truly magical and this

Filthy peasant just got smart ah yes I see you know your Redstone well it’s so good I need more you haven’t been eating it right well about that I’m kidding I’m not eating it now what better way to celebrate this scientific Victor three than to plant beautiful flowers all

Around my new home I want this place to be full of color and life I love the atmosphere that flowers create so wherever I go there must be flowers I love the Moss Grove it will be the most beautiful place in this realm and it is

Full of secrets too I’m not sure anyone should find out about the LA and the machines under my house just yet maybe one day I will trust them enough but for now I need to keep it to myself I don’t like to visit the town very often

Because I still feel the curse of the portal Weighing on this place but stubbles has called us all to a meeting about the portal once again what we need to discuss is very important and it involves all of us okay I’ve been in the portal was my fault I got dragged in

There blocked down what drift and wax pulled me out of bed and forced me to go in there okay that is not okay I thought we agreed not to go in the portal we went in the portal um had a little look around everything’s going fine 100

Success rate and we did stumble across what looks like someone living in there I want to say and we also saw some really weird bricks like I’ve never seen these bricks before guys you’re obsessed with the bricks do I need to rescue them like what are they doing in there the

Bricks what no the person oh oh yeah yeah I say leave them we don’t know how to close the portal yet maybe whoever’s in that house can help us out and here we are again everyone came together last to face this threat I’ve been running from this portal long enough it is time

To be brave and with my friends by my side we can uncover the mysteries of this portal and the cursed world that lies Beyond guys there’s monsters coming from all sides they’re so if we ever make it out alive the Moss Grove a peaceful Home full of

Secrets and flowers but if you flip the world upside down and see what lies underneath it is not so peaceful anymore you’d have to be a real idiot to go through a portal into this evil underworld that’s what we are idiots and stinky peasants very very stinky they’re

Everywhere there’s so many we need help someone help oh no but even stinky peasants deserve to be rescued right help came and saved us from the evil skeletons and we all retreated into his house worry all of you guys what a people you’re actually wait are you real

Wilson yeah we’re real is he talking to his pumpkin are you real don’t don’t mind the pumpkin okay it’s it’s a Wilson just don’t say anything turns out this guy has been trapped in this land for years I really want to leave now but maybe it’s not too late for him and we

Can take him back through the portal we know the way out yeah we have a lovely town the Overworld is so much nicer than whatever this place is let me just meet my friend again my friend rofo he also happens to be the guardian of the deep

Dark the team what did you say deep dark what’s the deep dark it’s deep it’s dark it’s full of you know treasures and stuff you know what if you want to go check it out I got a map over here what is that what is this

Blue box this is my shulker box you make this you make them you just go to the end you just kill a killer shulker he’s here if I give you the recipes you don’t know how to make one what do you mean the end you keep saying the end what

Does that mean the end the end the end Dimension where the Dragon King sleep you know there’s a dragon there’s the shulkers there’s the elytra you know the end you realize he’s talking about what was in that book of The Ruins right in the realm of dragon Kings power from elytra

Wings mortal Bloodlines will be destroyed dragon’s blood from in the void my friend rofo can’t tell you everything about it if you guys want to you know go and hang out with him ask him I mean I do have a map I suppose I could always go find him but this place

Is just weird everything’s weird can we go now I’ll lead the way okay I’m right behind I’ll guide us back I hate this place we finally made it back to the Overworld and said goodbye to Bruno who is now free to live his life in this beautiful world and then block down

Burnt his pumpkin what are you gonna do to Wilson oh no that was beyond cruel going through this portal was an adventure all right but instead of getting answers we just got more questions and I think this Portal’s here to stay so I’m out of here

This place is cursed maybe now we can leave all this madness behind and start a peaceful life if only they were in the curse ruins and the prophecy of the Dragon Kings it might be real since Bruno mentioned the elytra that is also mentioned in the prophecy but he could

Also be crazy he talked to a pumpkin like I’m curious I want to know what it means but no one is giving me the answers I only get more questions you can’t do this to me but hey now we can craft some cool blue boxes that’s gotta

Be good for something right but to be fair they’re actually really cool instead of getting distracted by creepy prophecies I decided to make my home more accessible from the cursed town of Ember Hollow you never know people might want to visit and see my flowers thank you

This bridge is almost entirely made of plants but it is completely safe I am a professional Gardener and I know my plants well this definitely didn’t just happen you saw nothing I also planted some lily pads and there is Driftwood floating around this place is so Lush

And green now I love it I made a staircase leading up to my home with a beautiful flowery path and on the other side is another path leading to the cursed portal how lovely I hated here while I was running in and out of town getting materials for my bridge I heard

Of a great Scandal I completely forgot to tell you something stobbles came and he wanted to buy a horse but he didn’t have money so he offered me information and he showed me something really creepy frog has dead people in her basement what I went there and I saw them what

Yeah I think we should investigate there’s only one way to find out if she’s an evil man yeah you know I did think that too coming up on a house oh imagine we’re living next to someone who has dead people in her basement now that

I look at her house it’s kind of spooky looking it looks like a haunted house I’m kind of scared maybe that’s what the smell is coming from morose remember like how we all kind of thought it was her for a bit but it might just be dead

People oh maybe it isn’t blocked on stinky fish that smells maybe it’s her basement and the dead people she keeps inside I can’t see that I can’t see it from this angle what are you guys doing what oh nothing just admiring I would just text her look at this this is so beautiful

These Vines it’s incredible yeah why do you have spy glasses looking into my balcony I’m gonna be honest with you stubble showed me the Deep people in your house what is it true then yeah no um that was a pretty susque reaction I’m not gonna lie do you want to look in my

House I don’t have any dead people in my house it’s down here wait this is where I used to keep my Christmas decorations before I moved it’s just a closet wait what where’s the the staircase and the the dead people Brooke are you there yeah yes I’m okay stubble showed me the

Dear people in your house it’s just a closet my love it’s just a closet in there but there were people down there I’m not crazy I I don’t think you are maybe do you think that starbles had some kind of like magic spell on you or something

Like maybe he made you hallucinate he has a wizard but it felt real I’ve been feeling really weird ever since that portal opened I don’t know I haven’t felt like myself I’ve been feeling off honestly Frog’s right about this I’ve been having really bad dreams ever since

We got here yeah he’s saying it could have been just some kind of magic hallucination sort of stubbles or I mean I don’t really know Star Wars that well he’s and anytime I’ve talked to him he’s been kind of a jerk I mean it’s his fault that the portal opened in the

First place maybe he’s just trying to divert attention from that this is either a massive cover-up Story by frog so we don’t fight out her dirty little secrets or stubbles are spreading nasty gossip around town like an evil little Wizard or it’s just the curse of the

Portal I’m telling you there is a curse well while you’re here my shop is now open and it’s a borrowing shop so you know we have lots of different building blocks and upstairs we have lots of Magic books portable XP lanterns and there’s some magic food on the way out

Once you got all those items from is a mystery to Me Maybe it has something to do with the dead people thing if it’s true she tried really hard to convince us otherwise and that makes us sus but enough of those rumors I’m not a detective I’m gonna spend lots of money

In a shop to stock up on food and I want to enchant my tools with those magical books now getting building blocks will be easier faster and a lot more fun I do hope I didn’t just curse myself again because we all know magic always comes

With a prize ooh she sells bricks drift is really gonna love those but I think Frog’s shop gave me an idea I wonder if I could get people to throw money at me if I give them flowers everyone loves flowers right I made this cute flower

Shop in my home in the village called Gardener’s delight and wax through tons of money at me to get flowers I am in the market for some I need some flowers I need one of each should you happen to have it looks like you have everything

If you want I can give you some diamonds looks like you are already have all the diamonds you need but I’ll give you some more if you need them and produce lots of them because I’m a scientist or more like an idiot who gets all the science from a flying Blue Fairy

This flower found the LA helped me create a smile way out of this stinky peasant life but to start my perfect business Empire I need to do a few things first I need to get all the flowers in this world including the big ones and I need to look like a

Successful businesswoman like seriously I can’t go walking around in these Rags ew they smell too time to take a shower the LA showed me how to make this he said I smell now I can finally dump those peasant rags in the trash this is another machine the LA helped me build by the

Way it burns my trash so I don’t have to worry about it anymore but take a look at my outfit I know it’s a bit wacky but I made it myself and this was the best I could do it has flowers everywhere just how I like it you know I think blockdown

Could also use a shower there’s always this fishy smell around when he’s near Seth you caught me over here I have a surprise for you it’s right over here just stand here yeah it’s not gonna kill me no of course not I would never ah I’m soaking wet now well drift said

You smell really bad and I can confirm like the fish stench is all over you so I thought I make you a shower I’m I’m drowning isn’t it lovely when you help out your friends now I need to get my hands on a lot of tall flowers and I

Think I learned enough about this red dust that I can try to make my own little machine let’s see if it works well almost I would say let’s try this again and after a long time of placing the red dust that looks like weird lines of blood I finally figured something out

It works I’m a genius no more filthy peasant only smart big brain ideas and flowers lots of flowers I added a little extra room down here for the tall flowers and look at this oh people are gonna love those oh what does he want again back for a shower is

He this place looks Seth you there what do you want it’s me I’m looking to make a machine and uh I have no idea what I’m doing so you need magical Red Dust components hmm I might have the right thing for you let me check only the best

Of the best but this will cost you cost me I’m a poor peasant I have nothing oh dear uh ignore him he’s smart yes uh very smart I mean nothing I will give you a magical Red Dust components but in return you owe me a favor I can definitely do that

I mean you know ah yes no violence in my house please don’t let the light Harvest your brain on your ways out he took your fishing rods I’m not I’m not a fisherman I’m not a fisherman well what’s gotten out that I know how to use the red dust there’s no

Harm in sharing it with blocked on is there I have many regrets anyways it is time to open the shop here in the village all I need to do is stock the shop in my house with all the flowers but I’ve been thinking of a way to get

People to shop here and I need to do some advertising which means I get to Snoop around people’s faces and see if there’s anything such going on not that I’m a detective or anything I’m just curious let me just leave a couple flowers and a note saying my shop is

Open that will get everyone to come and buy my flowers I love this place by the way look at the giant sunflower I worship you so this is where frog lives I see I see maybe she does have dead people in her house let me just peek

Through the window what are those people they’re definitely not dead but why are they in her house she might not have dead people in her basement but creepy bald people in her living room something I hopefully don’t have to worry about because I’m just gonna worry about my

Flower shop and look I already made my first sale and someone paid with fish block down I went home to the Musgrove to celebrate my victory but the LA had other plans for me I need your help I found out from my friends from being held captive I am not strong enough to

Rescues him by myself please take this map it’ll show you how to get there I will do my best to save them I promise this seems like it’s going to be dangerous and it’s probably gonna involve a lot of pillages I think I need a brave and Noble Warrior who can

Protect me and I know someone who still owes me a favor for the red dust components zero Stars frame frog smelled bad oh block down hi Sev I need a brave and Noble Warrior to slay some stuff be a human meat Shield you know that kind of stuff I’ve

Got a pretty good review on the um don’t worry about the notice board that’s why you’re the guy for the job yep yep I’m the guy for the job I mean you know I’ve had you know a lot of success missions so I’ve been kidding

Like you know a lot of mobs been getting a lot of mobs and uh here’s the proof I’m not a fisherman but first I train my combat skills at blocks adjusting Arena and after a long journey we arrived at the most horrifying place I’d ever seen it’s about time I can’t handle block

Don’t smell any longer Sev what the hell is this it’s a mansion I didn’t know it would be this huge this is where pillagers live and they have captured those magical blue creatures that gave me the villages yes we need to free the blue creatures from the evil pillagers

This isn’t what I had in my I thought it was gonna be easy it’s gonna be easy you’re a brave a noble Warrior I’ve seen how many mobs you killed you can do this easy yeah um okay uh well let’s go everything’s fine oh my God oh it’s coming already oh

I don’t know somewhere in a prison everything’s fine I’m the hero oh simple touchbook free loot or music disc I think I found them oh I think I found them there they are it’s the lace we need to free them shiny blue boys they’re free Run delay I mean away oh you Brave Warrior you saved them you saved us all thank you you’re welcome 100 success rate um I definitely wasn’t scared I’ll see you later yeah stupid cow finally home the Moss Grove will be a safe place for these blue fairies I don’t think they speak my

Language like the first delay does but I will make sure they’re happy here while I was peacefully sleeping in my bed dreaming about flowers the olays were hard at work Something magical happened in the Moss Grove tonight I can feel it magic is all around us it’s in the world we live in in the Sun and the Moon and in the friendships we made and my home the Moss Grove has suddenly become a source of magic informed for mysterious

Structure that appeared overnight It’s not every day that a giant blue crystal appears in our homes how did it get here and what does it do there’s only one thing that seems right now flowers I planted a huge flower field around this magical crystal using all my favorite flowers all the colors of the world in one place flower Fields as far as the eye can see there is nothing more beautiful to me when I see those colors that’s when I’m truly home home in the Moss Grove

I love the rain this area looks so magical now while I’ve been planting flowers I noticed more and more or less have appeared around this area they’re in the trees and hiding in the grass maybe it’s the magical Crystal that calls them let’s take a closer look at

It this Crystal is beautiful and I can feel so much magic coming from it do you think the lathes made this but whatever this Crystal does I don’t think we have anything to fear from it it makes this place even more special you know I’ve been meaning to ask the Olay about that

Magical blue crystal but he seems to be ignoring me do you think he’s angry that I shared his sacred knowledge with blockdown well there’s nothing we can do about it now the secret is out and I don’t want to keep secrets from my friends they’re helping me too but I

Know that I made a promise to build a safe home for the elas and this place doesn’t seem safe just yet there are huge holes full of monsters and who knows what’s hiding in the woods at night so I want to build them a huge home that has enough room for them all

To live there because I need them to stay and teach me more about their magic and the Magical red dust look over here is this beautiful beautiful hill with a huge backdrop down to a river this is where I will build the safest home ever

I just need to flatten out this land and make sure no dangerous caves are nearby like this cave right here what is even down there I don’t even want to go look down there it’s just creepy oh my gosh the wolf is trapped there we need to

Rescue him come on boy you’re safe now oh he’s so happy enjoy your life wolf bye we take care of every Rock and creature here in the mosgrove but it’s also important to take care of ourselves and I worked so hard on those flower

Fields that I think I need a reward so I gathered my favorite flowers from my Gardens and went to work on something special I hereby Crown myself flower Queen of the mosgrove there has to be some fun in between all the darkness and curses over there in the town right but

Now let’s get back to work so I worked on the landscape and transformed it into something beautiful I can build on this is gonna be a big house for all the smaller lays but before I had the chance to work on the build my scientific knowledge was needed once again I have

Waited for an opportunity to show Brooke a machine that I’ve worked on in secret and now it is finally time oh Brook oh save hi are you real am I real of course I’m real are you real yeah are you sure yeah of course can I are you sure oh you

Feel real I’m dead sorry real yes I’m real what the heck is going on uh I’m sorry don’t worry about it what brings you here well I have a business proposition for you I have a machine I developed a magical machine that could help you as a farmer with your pumpkin

Production oh pumpkin say and what about melons as well or oh yes I kind of need I don’t need both I help you build this machine and in return can I maybe have some of your crops maybe some leather yeah of course I mean yeah I really need

Pumpkins and melons at the moment but I have leather and steak over here and crops in here so I guess you can help yourself if you help me build it but how do you what is is this machine how do you know about it don’t call me crazy

Don’t call me crazy they’re a magical blue fairies and they know about red dust and how to turn it into magical machines really can I can I see the fairies oh wow your face is so pretty oh these are the Mr cherries yes the magical blue fairies the alas you’re so

Pretty I won’t punch them to check they’re real and I saved them you know we have a common enemy the pillagers they hate them too you know I could really do with the helper on the farm I wonder if I could get one of these you

Want to bring one with you you know if you give them a safe home I mean your Farm’s pretty safe they can stay with you help you out I’m sure they want do you think so yeah sure I would love I would love to have one it gets kind of

Lonely on the farm I gave her a flower yeah does she like me yeah I think now she’s gonna follow you around oh you can definitely have anything from the farmer’s market now perfect now let me show you how to make this machine Ha foreign And this is the finished Farm oh look at the bee it loves the thumb that’s so precious and the Bee wants to show us where all of the melons and pumpkins go now Brooke is going to have tons of crops for her farms and now I can also

Help myself to free food I’m so happy I knew I was a genius but damn I’m turning into a scientific Mastermind do you see why the Allies have to say now they can teach me how to create these magical machines that can help other people like we just helped Brooke Farm her pumpkins

Faster if only I could figure out the secrets of the blue crystal to clear my thoughts I went for a walk in the cursed town of Ember Hollow it’s been a while since I came here and I know it was the right choice to leave because the curse

Of the portal was driving me crazy and gave me bad dreams but the portal turned out to be good because we helped Bruno Escape after he was trapped there for years it gives me a lot to think about meh whatever this thing is cursed and it

Stinks like horse tongue I am out of here my new life is here in the Moss Grove and now it is finally time to work on that house I’m going to make use of all the beautiful wood that nature gives us when I cut down a tree I get saplings

To plant three more trees and that is the secret of growing a forest we take and we give back I feel like using that weird blue wood from the creepy underworld again so let’s head back through the portal don’t tell Mr B that I went in again you know I’m kind of

Glad we didn’t find a way to close it because now I can take all of this wood to create a beautiful house and so I got to work on a magical Masterpiece of a house it’s funny how simple my life used to be before the pillow just destroyed

My homeland all I knew was gardening but now I discovered how to be an incredible Builder and I have the power of science on my side with the magical red dust and of course I plant tons of flowers Wherever I Go Thank you from the flowers and the windows to the little bird at the top over the Blue Roof and underneath the bridge with the little hanging moons this is the new safe house for the Allies I split it into two buildings with a bridge connecting them both such a beautiful

Home isn’t it now I just got to show the elas how their new home looks like on the inside oh no I forgot to do the inside and now there are monsters here but I cleared out all the Vermin from the house so let’s bring the alas they’ve been hiding in my Azalea

Research lab this entire time come on my friends follow me this is your new home on this floor is all the storage for all the things they want to keep and a little area to sit of course I added my Personal Touch of flower pots I think

They will like the colors and up the stairs over here is a big table for them to have meetings just like me my friends have meetings in sobel’s house and they still leads to the bridge isn’t this view just absolutely stunning and this door here leads to a bedroom with cute

Blue beds and lots of flowers for the Elise to live here I also added a staircase to this town with a big chandelier in the middle and a cozy sitting area at the very top I want to hide up here and read books for hours

This house is so magical I wish I could live in it but it’s for the LA’s oh no there’s an evil spider that wants to hurt the elas no there’s two perish leave my friends alone I also declared this Cliff here at danger zone but it looks like the wolf can’t read because

He is trapped again alright now you’re free again well what he pushed me down that’s what you get for helping other creatures betrayal anyways the house is done and the delays will be saved but just as I thought I could finally take a break until our local magic denier came

By I wonder whose this is looks very oh is that Sev do I see yourself hello there what are you doing here I was lonely there’s no one in the village yeah I know it’s really lonely I mean you have your Michael right I have my Philip we’re not lonely but what’s going

On over here this looks a little bit scary you know how I feel about magic it’s magical I didn’t build this it was magical blue creatures that built this but don’t don’t worry about it don’t worry about it it’s safe magical blue what everything’s fine don’t worry right

Okay so so you do like like magic you’re not afraid of magic no I love magic I love discovering new things okay well in that case how would you feel about possibly coming to the deepest Darkness deep dark thing I’ve got this map that Bruno gave me but that guy talked to a

Pumpkin he was crazy hell yeah I’m coming I’m coming this is gonna hey that’s what I like to hear the thing is although we’ve got me you and wax if maybe we should try and convince someone else oh I know who we should convince yes doubles oh he’s so wizard he likes

Magic he likes making evil portals up here and cursing the entire town so everybody leaves he likes knowledge and stuff as well I mean did you want to go now did you want to come with me should I go find stubbles sure let me get on my

My not Michael horse okay cool I mean as beautiful as this place looks it’s I don’t know there’s like a weird a weird tingle around it I think it’s the magic oh it is the magic the Moss Grove is magical I have no idea where stubbles

Might be do you know where anyone else is living by chance anywhere else we can go check out I’m not sure but maybe we should check out block Dance Justin Arena maybe Stoppers is there fighting jousting Arena that just sounds like fun either way are you sure you know where

We’re going my horse doesn’t jump it’s not even a horse it’s a mule what is that up there that’s not the jousting area that’s something completely different let’s go and Snoop around I want to see if there’s anything creepy in there oh it looks a bit ominous it’s

So creepy oh let’s go it is Are you guys doing on my turf this is yours I thought you lived in a village well I did but then me and somebody did not have a secret project to do actually never mind about that um no this is where I live now that definitely raises

A few questions but that’s not why we’re here that’s not why we’re here um we were actually looking for use doubles what do you need long story short we know that previously you went on on an adventure into the into the the portal and I know you didn’t want to go and you

Were dragged out of bed in the middle of the night blah blah blah but we thought we’d be a little bit nicer about it and just come to you direct and be like look at this creepy map do you want to come find out what’s on it what is with this

Village and it’s inhabitants wanting to jump into deadly situations why can’t we just relax because this world when World winner there yeah you’re coming with us we’re drinking all the knowledge yeah think of all the knowledge that would be down there that’s an appealing

But at the same time I did kind of want to deal off nah don’t worry about that look I’ll tell you what if you come with us uh we promise that lockdown won’t be coming let’s go to the magic I lost my horse yeah this is awkward isn’t it um well

We haven’t got any camels so I’ll uh I’ll see you back at the Village so yeah okay see you there bye I’m stuck jump Philip you stupid holes I hate this I think we’re all here we’re all here wax is joining us as well so we should

Should be good to go and um I think we should probably leave our Steves here because it doesn’t look like it’s too far judging by the map oh this could be it what is it like okay we’re we’re right on the marker the way down this

Looks like it hasn’t been used in ages whoa this is oh no huge uh we found the hall but how do we get into this thing I think we need to jump what oh no no that wasn’t what I was gonna suggest uh what I was gonna suggest is

Uh I just loaded this rope ladder I’ve got yeah honestly this seems this seems a lot easier I oh that is looking deep and dark okay everyone or something gloomy oh what is this oh pretty I like this foreign I’m sorry I’m sorry we made a terrible mistake oh yes yes we did I still kind of want to know what’s down on there maybe we should come back with more people yeah yeah we need reinforcements for sure 100 we need a brave and Noble Warrior who

Can die yeah instead of us yes so about that promise our major stubbles I hate this Village we all knew we had just seen something dangerous that had been hidden in the dark for a long time what they don’t know is that I picked up some of those weird Vlogs because when

These weird things went off I saw something it was faint but I saw it red particles this must be somehow connected to the red dust maybe I should ask the LA surely he knows but I’m not so sure if I should This is Gonna Be My

Discovery for I am a Scientist and I’m going to study it right under their noses without the alas knowing anything I left this room below their bedroom empty for a reason because now I can secretly study these weird blocks so I began experimenting and I turned out to

Be right it was all connected to the red dust these weird tentacles seem to be triggered by sound and activate the red dust I stood on one side of the wall and had one of those tentacle blocks on each side and when I made a noise it sent a

Signal through the wall what in the world is this madness this is gonna be really useful I must get more of these blocks we you must tell everyone in town about this place anyways and while they investigated I will grab more of these blocks so our group gathered once again

To talk about the map that leads to the deepest Darkness we we didn’t get very far we didn’t actually find the city but we we followed the marker on the map and it did get quite deep and quite dark and then we came back because we thought we

We didn’t want you guys to miss out so uh cool you guys need to come like check out this stuff check out this one whoa whoa whoa whoa what is that oh that’s so cool why is it yelling at me why did you bring that back it’s magical it has

Scientific properties I need to use it put that away it’s magic it’s good it’s not evil it’s good trust me trust me we need to go down here it doesn’t sound good okay but hang on that wasn’t the only thing we found down there right what about that big monster that chased

Us out I think blockdown should go down with you guys yeah yeah okay there you are coming this I don’t care yeah I think I think you should all go I think we should all go we went back to the okay looking for answers and maybe even

Some adventure and fun but the deepest Darkness had other plans for us okay guys I think we should go home is that a city me and my friends bravely explored the deep dark and came across an ancient city instead of doing the smart thing and running away we jumped right into danger what

Are you ready that hurt what’s over there and then we realized someone was already waiting for us [Laughter] what is this place and are you Bruno’s friend hello it seems you’ve found the deep dark what are you doing here we were just sent down here we were told by

Bruno in the nether to come find you and that you could help us get to the end ah yes yes that’s right I remember do you know much about the end I do are you familiar with the Eyes of Ender any of you have you heard of them can’t say I

Have no if we want to go to the end we need the eyes yes exactly that how do we get these eyes what are these eyes in order to find such eyes you need to combine fire and darkness sorry can I just ask why are you telling us all this

Well you were sent here by a friend weren’t you your Bruno’s friend yes yes of course you’re real full oh I’m sorry you think I’m rofo yeah oh no no no no you’re mistaken who are you I live here I am born of the darkness this is my home the deep dark

I’ve been here for centuries we might have made a mistake here guys I’m scared you think you’re leaving I don’t give out information for free no no no no no don’t you see I have a children here and they’re um hungry I have some golden carrots no no no no I I

Think you misunderstand they’re more interested in um live meals whoa whoa whoa whoa okay what’s this what’s this what’s this what is monsters guys what is that what is that thank you so much for feeding my children and then everything went dark I didn’t want to tell you guys but I’ve

Discovered portions they’re totally harmless they’re not going to kill anyone and that was a little bit of a Teleport wait can I see the ingredients list because I’m allergic to Soy [Laughter] anyways back to the story I think we’ve got more important match to discuss I

Mean for you know first of all what what did that person mean fire in dark what does that mean fire and darkness can create Eyes of Ender only one place where that is the nether but who would actually go to this Dreadful Place me of course yay danger who who is coming um

Five of us I’m not coming had invented a potion that saved us from the wardens but since no one actually sang to him for saving our lives he took off like a salty Little Wizard I’m gonna go to bed because this is getting a little bit too weird again it’s another

Day another crappy Village put my life at risk for you idiots and I’m just fed up I’m just doubles wait hey hey this is all your fault it’s over your fault dude the nether Expedition has to wait though because we all need some rest we were

Very lucky to escape this evil witch and her demon children no one would ever think about going back down there right well about that I’m brave and I can do this okay I think the warden children are asleep I just need to do exactly the opposite of what we did when we came

Here for the first time I need to be quiet and not touch anything the deep dark has all sorts of weird blocks that respond to a redstone which makes the ancient city the source of all these magical Contraptions so naturally I had to go back down there let’s just not

Make a sound and hope I can find a clue about who created these skulk blocks wait can you hear that sound the warden children are near I need to hide oh there’s an opening quick inside and hope they haven’t smelled my fear yet close this up and then I’m safe what

Redstone why is that here and there’s more over there it’s set up to form some sort of contraption and this one wait I think I know what it does yes it turns on the light there’s so much Redstone down here this discovery is huge okay I need to leave this is

Getting too scary wait what is that oh a chest let’s see what is in it wow an enchanted hoe this is good well then there’s another one I’ve never seen most of these items before okay I need to stop being greedy and get out of here

Oh no that sound is not good I need to go fast just quickly peel her up and run for my life when I first came to this place I learned that the LA is now all about Redstone and the machines it can create but seeing old Contraptions using

Redstone in the ancient city makes me wonder if the lights actually are the ones who invented it uh what do you want who even are you okay bye thanks for the leads I think it is up to me now to share the Redstone knowledge with the world me and my

Friends have been working hard to create a beautiful new home for ourselves which means we need a lot of resources I use the red dust to create a flower farm and a pumpkin a melon farm for Brooke but there are far more important resources out there that I can Farm to help myself

And my friends I need to start with something unfamiliar with though like plants okay how about sugarcane it’s pretty useful right you can turn into paper and sugar okay it’s not that useful but it’s a start looks like I don’t have any of it in my storage

Though it’s time to go on a little Quest but first a shower ah I’m done okay sugarcane Grows by the water so I took my boat and we just need to find a river or an ocean oh wait what is that hole that is not what I’m

Looking for and it’s scary too well if I have any more Redstone at least I know where to look a river I found it and that seems to be the Watchtower of infinite drift but I cannot see any sugar cane looks like it’s sailing time there’s nothing here the drift eat all

The sugar cane wait a second I see something yes it is sugar cane I’m gonna take all of it it’s all mine and I have no idea how to get back home what is that thing a pumpkin on a tiny baby Island I would steal this if it wasn’t

So random and cursed yeah that’s scary okay bye now where should I put this sugarcane farm I still have no idea how to make one by the way we just have to wait and see oh this looks like a good spot I kind of want to build the farm

Into this hill but I need to clear out all of this dirt though this area is big enough though I think I’m gonna need water of course sugarcane needs that then the plant itself and the red dust over here gonna need a lot more than just that I also need to craft some

Pistons okay Pistons added and then something that can see the sugar cane grow like an observer where is my quartz quartz from the Nether and observers done I think I need to smell more iron because the next part is going to require a lot of it why

Is there rotten flesh in my furnace because I need Hoppers a lot of Hopper Minecarts and rails okay she’ll be all of it I just need building blocks now let’s build the farm oh it’s night well forget that let’s do the thumb tomorrow okay first I need to

Set up the collection system like all the Hoppers I’m gonna put a chest here and all the Hoppers leading into it then I need to place all the hopper minecartes over each Hopper then break the rail and push a grass block into it using a piston it’s very complicated I

Just need to do this eight more times I got an even smarter idea and just use one Minecart for two Hoppers by pushing it in the middle of them and it works really well I just saved some iron and I will rethrow something onto the grass the hopper Minecraft should immediately

Pick it up and then transport it to the chest yes it’s all there it works then I need to carefully dig out a trend for the water without moving the Minecarts okay it’s safe and Now cover it up quickly now that the water is in we can already

Plant the sugar cane and I planted nine of them I think this should be enough then a row of pistons on top of the oak planks and then go to the back and place observers on top of the Pistons and now we just need to connect them with red

Dust now when the sugar cane grows three blocks tall it will activate all the Pistons and break the sugar cane now it just needs a protective case so the sugar cane doesn’t fly everywhere oh this is looking lovely now the sugarcane is producing more and more automatically and I can focus on

Building a beautiful house around it at some point I made this chest full of resources and never used it I can really need it now though hi Philip the horse bye Philip the horse so basically I already have most of the wood I just need to grab more Oak because I don’t

Have enough good that there’s a whole Forest to destroy that sounds so mean though sorry trees well there was a forest here it magically disappeared and it has definitely nothing to do with all those logs in my inventory you saw nothing I’m so excited to build this

House but first I need to expand this land a bit though I’m gonna start with a barrel then three Spruce locks another barrel and two more Spruce logs and then strip them then I’m gonna have a huge open window here yeah that is lovely I think I need to

Get glasses though because I only brought five glass and this is definitely not enough for this window I’ll just melt more sand really quick oh what is going on out here please go away oh creeper man wants to help with the windows but for him that means exploding

Them how dare you try to lay a hand on my glass I just spent 10 minutes smelting it do creepers even have hands anyways it’s class time and then add some Planks on top and done yes it has a nice hobbit hole Vibe but I also want to put something in the

Windows to look at something like a plan oh why not sugar cane since this is the thing we’re farming here and I’m sure the farm is already produced so yes it has oh wait I need water to actually place this down it’s gonna grow three bucks tall anyways but I think I can

Still add some variation to this yes I love this it has a bit of an exotic jungle look where’s that zombie growling coming from hello are you down there oh zombie growl again so I can kill I mean hug you there you are ooh spooky cave okay bye spooky cave and

Zombie who’s no longer in the spooky cave now I still have to do the entrance and the walls on the side of the bag and for this entrance I have something special in mind foreign This is beautiful isn’t it I decided to have a double roof over the entrance part and use stairs and slabs to make some sort of branches connecting to the roof here I tried to make it look like a rising sun because we have this Moon theme going on throughout this space

Like here on my starter house and the tiny baby moon over there so I thought sun and moon go well together it just needs a bit more decorating yeah that’s more like it and I even did the back well sort of don’t look at this part don’t look I see you looking oh

Look it’s a tree I need to get some nice blocks to put on the roof which means it’s cyan time I’m gonna steal the cyan shape from drift don’t tell drift I’m gonna take this guy over to my home the Moss Grove because I might have just

Come up with a genius idea let’s do this in the new sugarcane house shall We Alright Mr sheep you will be my test subject that was my crazy science lab I’ve been practicing it’s almost done I just need Mr sheep to go in this hole come on Mr

Sheep please be nice and close it up quickly ta-da I made a sheep farm and when Mr sheep eats grass the machine will collect the wool and put it in here and while Mr sheep makes some more wool for us I can get all the other cyan

Blocks I could go to the nether to get Warped wood but why go to that Dreadful place when I can just grow it here I kind of stole this from wax fraud please don’t tell him I’m gonna bone meal this mushroom to get the Warped trees oh

That’s such a cute tiny baby tree what this is like the complete opposite of the first tree it is huge I also want to make this house look a bit more like a factory a cottage core Factory which means it needs a chimney or maybe even more than one Yes that looks lovely a cottage core Hobbit Hole Factory which doesn’t have an interior yet I’m gonna use the same brick and Granny blocks I used for the chimneys as the floor then some extra storage for the sugar cane over here hi Mr sheep and some more plants

Of course this beautiful build needs to be connected to my road too yeah that’s better but something is still missing and I don’t mean the back side don’t look at it I will fix it soon oh I know just gonna make a little hole here you gotta trust me it’ll look amazing

Then add the water and now you can tell I’m making a pond coastered around it and then some sugar cane and of course I had to add tons of flowers and bushes because you know I love my gardening this area looks perfect now and I didn’t

Even have to go to the nether for the warp board oh wait the nether I completely forgot I meant to be joining broke drift wax and frog to search for The Eyes of Ender in the nether I need to hurry they’re probably waiting for me

Hey guys this is uh this is the new home this is the the other side and uh we made it a little bit more comfortable crazy wax there’s no out this way okay let’s go guys I don’t know guys I’m actually stuck oh no okay so this is a little bit unfinished

I’m sorry about that drift and then we were attacked he’s screaming he’s screaming I’m on fire what was that whoa hey guys aren’t we looking for eyes that kind of looks like an eye we had something dark now we needed fire wait guys remember remember when we were

When we met Bruno a guy who smelled really bad yes yeah yeah I remember there was Monsters there that shot fire maybe maybe they dropped something that can be used then everything went wrong again there’s one right here he’s rising up oh oh there he is he’s shooting fire

Oh God these guys are scary Bar maybe we could go take stuff from that guy’s house oh let’s see if he had anything let’s rate his house oh it might be a hill if something dark and fiery oh my God it stinks in here oh it was horrible it smells like sweat it and

Blocked down in here oh the sweat I can definitely smell let’s get him Sev um Look at that that’s so cool what is it and then we finally got our fire oh whoa what is this drift would you just pick up oh a nightlight look nice did that come from that fire guy Blaze Rod wait it makes a thing that looks very fiery

Slice powder on fire and darkness what do we do here we go maybe maybe we should bring this back to doubles in the the gang if we ever make it out of the nether alive so what happened so far we escaped from Evil pillages built a huge starter

Village then we argued about random stuff and left it was stubble’s fault then I made my own village for me and dlas and there is also some creepy crawly bad stuff going on this is fine we had just come back from the creepy underworld where we tried to find

Ingredients for the Eyes of Ender whatever those may be the adventuring never ends here when we came here we found a prophecy that spoke of an N Dimension and elytra wings it sounded kind of fake to me to be honest but it’s actually a real thing a crazy guy in the

Nether told us so it must be true but no one was ready for what was actually going on it’s another beautiful day in the most Grove and I spend my morning walking through my home and watering the flowers what a peaceful time it is oh wait I

Have to meet everyone at the scary ruins so much for peaceful morning let’s see what the next drama is gonna be oh not this it’s stop us what is this oh rapo’s here rofo the uh you know the dead guy he’s here the guy is here

Where where’s he gone it was just right here did you imagine there’s no dig guy here ah those idiots now they’ve completely gone mad I think these guys are going crazy they totally made it up for attention no no no no no look look right behind us look what that is no

Don’t freak out but we’ve got another portal in the village doubles and have you done another one wasn’t one enough this one wasn’t me and I think it’s been here the whole time that we’ve been in the village I think this is what’s been causing all of the crazy things around

Here okay well anyway block done do you want to tell them what real thought told us hey yeah um he said we need to combine blaze powder and ender pearls to get to where we need to go I don’t know what they are so um wait basically use this information we

Got some of them a few of us went to the nether well he just said you just like combine them together and then it makes like the key can I just stop you there is this really something we want to be doing after all that’s happened already

Can’t we just can’t we just chill and just live in a lovely Village and just not touch anything else yeah this is kind of what we’ve been working towards I think this might be the final step just put an end to all this madness madness that you started

Right oh whatever yeah let’s just meet back here in a week do our preparations let’s just do it let’s go straight in okay as long as we all stick together I think we’re gonna be fine okay so we are going to go through another scary portal

I’m not liking this at all but we are a team and I know they won’t make it if not all of us are there but I’m a gardener not a warrior and I have a feeling we will have to fight again like we had to in the scary underworld at

Least the new portal isn’t as creepy crawly looking as this one no no no no no it’s fine see I’m not a warrior I’m just a clumsy Gardener I’ll just go back home maybe I should get some more battle experience oh I can fight the zombie and

He set me a fire what if I go in this cave here uh maybe not nope I’m not sure this is even gonna help me I’m not scared or anything but I feel like this isn’t the safest way to practice I’m so scared wolf don’t even think about

Falling in this cave oh my God she actually fell oh my gosh no no no wait is he still alive well oh my gosh I think he’s actually gone oh my gosh this place is not safe at all I need a practice partner who can learn alongside me lockdown is so bad at

Fighting Mr B is so gonna say no and I’m not even gonna ask stobbles oh drift she’s an Explorer and I feel like we can learn a lot from each other Rift hello drift oh hi I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever yeah it was just like a

Couple days ago at the creepy portal I know but it was so scary that I kind of like you know I like I’m trying to block that out yes I am actually that’s why I’m here because I’m scared and I don’t know what to do and I don’t want to go

In the portal but we have to I don’t want to go in either why’d you come to me I don’t know Oh I thought maybe you were like Brave and can like help me train or something no I’m really scared too but maybe since we’re both scared we

Can help each other get over our fears maybe we could use blockdown’s Arena oh does he have an arena he does maybe we can sneak into his Arena together he doesn’t have to know so he doesn’t need to be involved in this maybe we could go do that and become strong brilliant

Warriors yes we’re gonna be brave let’s go okay Steph so if I remember correctly it’s just right here and it’s this Arena thingy oh my gosh what is this I don’t why would he even build this it’s terrifying yeah like he he pretends to be brave and then he builds a playground

For real it does kind of look like a playground doesn’t it do you want to play there most definitely each of us have to go into these rooms you drop your stuff off in this chest and then what we do is we press for one of these

Boxes and you have to fight with whatever’s in here well let the battling begin you gotta be brave pretend I’m just like a big bad enemy oh my God sorry Seb you have to learn how to you have to learn how to survive ow well I’m the one who

Died no you have to learn how to survive huh where are you I see you now you don’t you see nothing yes I do and suddenly I discovered my inner warrior get around here get get out oh I’m not sure you need training I think you need to teach me if anything shall

We go for another round I’m not scared I’m gonna teach you how to be a warrior I’m not scared oh I gotcha I am a smart Warrior perfect game if I’m doing it I can take on anything I’m not scared let’s go how are you feeling after all

This I’m feeling kind of Brave um I mean like I’m still kind of scared but I think this actually kind of helped me a bit yeah it did I like I thought I was a coward but actually I’m brave and honestly I feel like I learned from you

I realize that I’m really bad at combat but I think you taught me a couple of things yeah and I realized I’m actually good at combat and I can murder people you are so maybe like with whatever happens maybe I’ll just hide behind you because I know I know that you’re strong

And you’re capable yes we’re gonna protect each other and you’re gonna be brave too I think I will we’re ready I think we’re ready guys I’m ready I am brave I am strong and nothing is gonna frighten me ever again there is still a couple days left until we have to meet

Back up at the portal but before I go anywhere I need to let the Elise know they gotta take care of the Moss Grove in case I don’t come back allay are you here hello L.A he’s not in the house that is bad timing oh and it started

Raining oh no it’s a thunderstorm all the mobs are gonna spawn no quick let’s run over to the a house and check if the other allies are here hello Elise are you home hello there is no one here are you guys up there where are they they’re

Always here maybe they just left I didn’t have much time for them lately maybe they thought they weren’t welcome anymore wait this wasn’t here before it’s like a tiny baby Crystal well it is raining this zombie no no no no we need to hide bye zombie let’s see what amazing things

The LA’s made down here oh it’s like a secret underground home what is this place look at these machines oh my gosh are they late’s gonna teach me how to make these oh my gosh I’m so excited let’s see what else is here what’s that was that a trap for the

Zombies well play delays well no no no no please please please please please oh my gosh they made a lava trap that was scary oh my gosh they really must be scared of monsters getting in here this was a jump scare okay let’s get back out

Of here now what is this oh my gosh it’s in la la oh my gosh she scared me Olay hey where are you going I need to talk to you wait should I really follow the LA when there are traps around here nah it will be fine do you lays are my

Friends oh I hate ominous looking doors but the ELA must have gone there so it is fine oh is this some kind of weird blue crystal magic hey L.A what is happening here what did the lights go on what are those is that you what are they no no they’re

Not friendly they’re not friendly for me I have to find the door before they get me please where is it the door yes oh my gosh oh my gosh I found it ah they can go through walls no what is this okay I need to run I need to get

Out they are still following me what were those creatures that was so scary I guess I have to cover this place up no no oh no they’re everywhere no I need to go my they took my home guys I don’t think the Allies are friendly anymore maybe there were these

Evil gray monsters from the start or maybe I did something to anger them but they were working with a Pillager and I thought pillagers hated Elise I just don’t know what to believe anymore there’s drift’s Watchtower I’m just gonna hide there I hope drift doesn’t mind I just lost my home to pillagers

Again but I was too tired to even be sad about it the days went by and I became Restless I couldn’t hide here forever so I packed my things and started walking I didn’t know where I was going but I didn’t care everything I believed in was

Wrong and it cost me my home again this area doesn’t look familiar at all I just have to keep going into One Direction and hope I find something wait what is that oh the giant sunflower of Brooks Farm I will be safe there no oh no no no

No no I just realized I give Brooklyn a light to take care of oh no what if it turned into a monster too Brooke is in terrible danger I have to warn her quickly Brooke Brooke Tiff where are you black rock hello oh my gosh what’s oh my

Gosh I’m so scared I’m so scared I was I was at my home over the Moss Grove and then and then the LA’s they were monsters they were monsters I have an ally here too as you know I wonder if she’s okay oh my God I’m scared should we check maybe maybe we

Should check it’s just one let’s go have a look she’s in the cottage over there you go I guess I’ll just do it okay we’ll just open the door and have a look oh there’s something there oh there was something oh wait get out I saw

Something oh it was there I was scared it looks angry it has a sword run away ah I want one for you no it’s evil maybe we should run back to the Village yeah Let’s Escape your farm was lost just like my home no oh that was terrifying

What was that it was so scary I hope so lost oh my gosh I guess we have to move back in our old homes now I guess so I suppose should just go to bed it’s getting late yeah I just want to sleep after this okay well talk later bye bye

I’m homeless but not really because I have my old house right here and there’s plenty of space but I miss the most Grove but there’s no time to try to take it back in a few hours all of us are going through the portal to whatever

Scary place this world has in store for us this time let’s hope all of us will be ready and there won’t be any more tragedies alright guys are you all ready to go I’m ready I guess I’m scared let’s go here we go what’s the Worst That Could Happen have

Fun guys whoa whoa where’s this place whoa what in the world is this big guys I’m scared there’s a door at the end no draw at the end is scary ominous at all why is it such a tiny door everything else here is so big and then there’s a tiny door

That’s not good vibes I’m hungry I’m kind of hungry too actually well I’ll go in I don’t mind Whoa I’m leaving uh-uh no don’t leave we need your help soon you have to come back and in that moment I realized that I had to be brave and save my friends you look smelly and yeah look at it it doesn’t look good and he’s ready it looks like I

Don’t even know what is that book the book of smell it definitely oh I don’t like uh let’s get the stinky ghost man with a stinky book and the stinky staff and the stinky eyes he’s stinky kill it she’s gone oh we’re gonna unlock the secrets to everything no I did notice

There was this thing over here do you guys bring the Eyes of Ender because it looks about it looks about the same size right oh yeah I think I found them right here should I do it now yeah man let’s do it all right let’s do it one two three God nope oh

Great yeah guys this is different from that yeah let’s throw some test Stakes down there I think we need to go through it nope whoa whoa he’s gone down oh no no no no it’s a dragon it’s a dragon it was in fact an actual Dragon why are there so

Many Phantoms there’s a lot of creatures but instead of panicking we figure out that if we shoot the Ops on the towers the dragon is going to get weaker and finally after a lot of screaming shouting and struggling lockdown did the final hit on the dragon and it was no

More I got him no oh wow you’re 10 o’clock I did it I’m the hero Stubbles doubles you’re right oh they got me good guys but look are those lighters on the ground wait yeah I picked one up it is is it the elytra the wings of Legend we had finally found them but at what cost Gone without me I’ll leave you guys let’s just let’s

Just try and help let’s is trying to help Is he gone stop us he’s actually gone maybe we shouldn’t have come here but it’s too late now and I mean if we can defeat a dragon we can definitely take her home back and with rockets I crafted from a sugarcane farm and block dance mob drops

We were able to launch ourselves into the sky and fly we defeated a dragon so we were ready for anything and with our wings we could finally travel the Long Way to the home the pillagers had taken from us without having to face the dangers of the ground we’ve come a long

Way since we were stinky peasants without a home we’ve created Mansions castles found some beautiful homes at first we felt lonely not trusting anyone but since then we’ve become friends blocked down the Crazy Fish guy who thinks he’s Brave which in the end he was Brooke the farmer who always

Motivated us to keep going and who wasn’t afraid to face magic good or bad drift who explored more places than all of us together and has the stinkiest feet in all the lands stubbles who we blamed for all the bad things that happened but maybe he was just trying to

Help he was my first friend in this place and I will miss him Frog who had a dark secret in her basement but was always there for us and for the villagers she built a home for Mr beard Stone who was skeptical of everything but was there fighting alongside us

Every time wax the chillest guy of us all who conquered this scary underworld and me who started out as a flower obsessed stinky peasant but then embraced magic and science and created a beautiful home in the Moss Grove we may all smell but we are a family now and

Wherever we go is home blooper real it could come my epic role-playing skills oh my gosh look there is a ruin in the realm of dragon Kings power from elytra Wings sounds lame you sound lame Dragon City Nation let’s go does anyone want to say anything else three two one

Okay okay let’s try this again okay okay wait I’m coming in again Really need to talk to you about this whole portal thing I’ll just smash the flower pot sorry oh my God because we don’t know what’s causing this sorry we don’t know what’s causing this is fine I’m breaking your pot Sev we’re on your side I know

I found this big fork in the water and I’m ready to eat so much spaghetti Place to go and let’s do this sorry just suddenly got even more creepy haste levels Christ that was a mute try again have you set your sponsor oh yeah fair enough what a cursed man cursed man no I’m not cursed I’m misunderstood ah you’re an evil little wizard no

No no no no no no no no oh you’re a little bit further I’m such a proof Ryan you’re wearing the wrong skin [Applause] oh yeah what effective time I gotta hide what is here I hope why is this place everybody’s horsing around in here said what we need we need to

Go he said we need to combine Blaze he said we need to not stolos whoa stubbles oh no anyway let’s go home guys so nice to see you Seth what have you been up to oh my God why would I ask you that hey Sev hi what brings you over here

Can we do that okay

This video, titled ‘Minecraft FULL MOVIE – I Survived a Roleplay SMP (Bloodlines SMP)’, was uploaded by Sevaris on 2023-04-01 15:00:44. It has garnered 5923 views and 300 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:36 or 5556 seconds.

In this full movie of Bloodlines, I am surviving on this medieval lore SMP with other amazing creators (listed below). We each have our own characters and build our dream bases while trying to uncover the mysteries and magic of this world.

~This is a lore based survival smp where Sevaris plays a poor peasant girl who was driven from her home by evil pillagers and together with other refugees builds a new home in a different land. There are tons of stories and mysteries to discover during the 5 chapters of Bloodlines! ~

⭐The others: – Brookella: https://www.youtube.com/brookella – Blockdown Builds: https://www.youtube.com/BlockdownBuilds – frogcrafting: https://www.youtube.com/frogcrafting – infinitedrift: https://www.youtube.com/infinitedrift – Mr. Beardstone: https://www.youtube.com/mrbeardstone – Sevaris: https://www.youtube.com/sevaris – Stobblez: https://www.youtube.com/stobblez – Fraud: https://www.youtube.com/waxfraud

⭐Side characters/Special Guests – Megiibyte (warden queen) https://youtube.com/@megiibyte – BrunoDanUy (nether man) https://www.youtube.com/c/BrunoDanUy – Kmond (allay) https://www.youtube.com/c/Kmond – RofoRex (dead guy) https://www.youtube.com/@RofoRex

🌻Shaders: Complementary

Server sponsored by: DedicatedMC.io Check them out here: https://dedimc.promo/bloodlines

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0pLfKSdPxb2PUIur5OJJVA/join

My links: Twitter: https://twitter.com/sevaris_ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Sevaris Jar Tips: https://ko-fi.com/sevaris

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  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/bsl-shaders/files ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: renascencesmp.org Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

Minecraft FULL MOVIE – I Survived a Roleplay SMP (Bloodlines SMP)