Minecraft Mods FTB Infinity – “REAL” BIG REACTOR [E13] (HermitCraft Modded Server)

Video Information

What’s up guys welcome back to another episode of feed the beast infinity on the hermit craft server of hue guys welcome back so I’ve been doing a little bit of stuff here we got this whole thing completely done last time this is where we’re gonna be putting our power

And things like that since then like I just said it needs to be wider so I expanded this out a little bit this is where the old wall was right along this block right here so I expanded it out like four more blocks over here and yeah

I did this on both sides so it’s significantly bigger it really doesn’t look like it I mean when you make something just a few blocks a bigger when it’s already pretty big it’s kind of hard to tell right right so yeah you ended up going through a few more stacks

Of the laboratory blocks and expanded this out a little bit now the reason why I did this is because we want to put big reactors here nice thinking if we have one reactor right in the center it’s gonna be kind of pain you’re walking over here to the power room and you have

To go around it every single time yeah you just don’t really want to do that so I’m thinking what we’re gonna do is we’ll probably set up one reactor on this side one reactor on this side and then yeah well do like the turbines and stuff and depending on our power needs

If like two of them are more than our are not enough later on we can go ahead and add more over here and have more turbine so I’m thinking would do like reactor reactor reactor reaction and the four turbines on the inside I think that’s kind of where we end up going

With this project I don’t know I’m still deciding first things first though we’re only gonna set up one we don’t need for these especially with the turbines going just yet we don’t have a need for power so what I want to do I kind of marked

This out so I want to have this like one to three blocks away from every wall and then we’re gonna have like a row of like caution tape around it so it’s gonna be like four blocks this way and then we’re we’re gonna have a three-wide pass so

It’s gonna go one two three we’re gonna have three around and then you know a little walk we kind of a deal anyway so yeah it’s gonna be like four blocks away from every wall and then that’s gonna be the start of it so if I have everything

Laid out correctly I should be able to go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 then we’ll have like that row of tape and then three away from a wall right so yeah we should be able to do that so that’s 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 so I think we’re gonna do an 11 by 11 and I’m out of blocks already yeah a main enough so I could kind of outline this and figure out how big this platform needed to be but I think we

Have this so we can have one reactor here and one reactor on this side they’re both gonna be equidistant from the walls and symmetrical looking I think this is gonna look pretty cool when we get this all done but yeah as you can see I need more of these reactor

Casing blocks and things like that I started preparing by making more graphite bars and all of this stuff so I tell you guys what I’m gonna go ahead and cut here I’m gonna frame out the big reactor and we’ll go from there so I’ll see you guys in just a little bit all

Right guys so I spent some time here I crapped up a whole materials and we have a big big reactor going on here what this is is 11 by 11 by 11 so it’s a total square completely 11 by 11 by 11 so yep so we have the allure iam fuel

Rods in the center here they still need yellow area obviously we got two control rods on top basically what we’re waiting for right now is what can i cool and we’re gonna use now I know there’s a big debate people think you know the liquid enters the best some people say gelid

Cryo diems the best problem is if we already use jelly cranium we can’t stick jelly cryo theum right here and just leave it one layer thick because it sinks so we have to fill in each and every single block in this thing full of cryo theum do I want to do that not

Really liquid ender on the other hand you can just put along like the top row right here and I’ll just flow down and that works just as good as having like the liquid enter in every single spot so the way this is we have eight fuel rods in

The center here so there’s also another thing where if you put jelly creatine between fuel rods it actually helps it out as opposed to having liquid enter in there so I think that’s what we’re gonna end up doing so as testing this out a little bit in a creative world let’s

Actually leave the server for a moment and we’ll go into a single-player feed the beasts infinity yeah I wanted to try this out in a creative world just to make sure which way was the best to make these reactors so I have one here why are you doing a backup a single-player

See I have one here it’s 11 by 11 it’s got the eight fuel rod or no this one’s a five this one’s got five in the center so I want to see what was better was the liquid Endor versus cryo theum this took forever to fill up by the way even in

Creative mode so with this going right here we got five fuel rods going with just the liquid Endor and they were making 29.0 krf per tick so same exact setup here let’s take a look at the top remove some snow so we can actually see

So yeah just the five by five in the center and this one is making 31.3 so yes you do make slightly more RF per tick by about two thousand more in a setup like this but is it worth it to make all that jelly car you even take

The time to place in this and that I don’t think so so I’m very happy with going with this setup right here with just liquid Endor along the top letting it flow down you get just about the same as you do with one that’s completely full jelly cryo theum so then I was

Thinking okay so if we switch it from a five it’s like a star pattern with five to an eight which way is better with the jelly cryo theum in the center whoops I didn’t mean to break that let’s see I need to go to reactor

Gimme yep so is it better to have the jelly creo theme in the center or is it better to have like would ender in the center well the one with liquid empty ender in the Senators making 4.6 this is obviously a lot smaller scale I got

Tired after it filled it up full of jelly creo p.m. yeah this one’s making four point five nine four point six this one over here with the jellied creo diem in the center is making nothing cuz it’s off let’s turn that on why is that off I

Don’t know why I turned off that shouldn’t have been the case oh you know what it turned out because I broke that glass tin and I think that’s what it was so this one’s making four point six it’s still going up so it’s a little bit four

Point six six again it’s kind of like minimally different four point five versus four point six but I’m you know I’m okay with making eight buckets worth of jelly creo theam just to get a little bit more out of it as opposed to like filling up that entire thing because that’s just ridiculous

So I think this is way we’re gonna go we’re gonna have liquid ender along the outside and I’m gonna get some jelly cryo theme I put in the center between those control rods or the yellow yelled Auriemma fuel rods and I think this is gonna provide us a decent amount of

Power now we’re also gonna have to figure out how to do the turbine reactors because I’ve never done that before I guess that’s the actively cool instead of the passively cool I’ve never done this before yeah so we want a decent amount of power for the start I

Don’t know if we need this much power when we go to the turbine setup but we will come to that later when we need more power so anyway yeah we’re gonna go with this setup right here the ender lung the outside cryo theum in the

Center okay guys so in order to use the liquid Endor molten ender we’re gonna need ender pearls so I went and I made myself a site the site is made of man Yulin so it’s got a slightly higher attacks in most other sites sites will attack things in like a 3×3 area in

Front of you so attack multiple targets at once I put looting three on there and I put one thing as sharpness I don’t have a lot of quartz I’ve been using all my quartz for making those laboratory Blanc’s so yeah I need to go quartz hunting again so we

Got one thing I sharpen this on there we got flux so it’ll always recharge and we have fortune three so another thing people have told me is about these caches these are from thermal expansion and these are really cool they’re like a barrel they hold one single item except

The very cheapest one holds ten thousand items and it cost four ten and one log that is so cheap the hardened one the next tier up takes the basic cache that we just made and you just wrapped an in bar and then it holds 40,000 items that

Is incredible the reinforced ones I have not made yet this holds 160,000 items and then finally the resident the highest tier one will hold 640 thousand of the same items so I think we’re gonna be making a bunch of these and hooking these up to apply it in argistix later

On I think these might be better no actually I think the deep storage Gena’s might be better for the higher tier ones instead of these but these earlier ones 10,000 for a 410 and I’ll and then just a little bit of invar like quadruples that I like this a lot so

Anyways I made one of these basic caches you don’t have an interface on there you can’t tell how much items in there it does have a little progress bar and as this thing fills up the progress bar gets higher and higher until it’s completely full the only way you can see

What’s in there is when you wrench it you need a wrench actually I picked that up or I lose its items so you wrench it and then you’ve like you hold over the tool tip it’ll see what’s in there let’s actually look at a few of these Enderman

Real quick it’s up guys well that’s up guys oh by the way dad tell you guys we turned out the NPC’s I know I said we were thinking about it we did turn off the NPC’s so looting three with a scythe with flux so yeah this thing’s never

Gonna run out of power we’re gonna be looting these guys really beginning all sorts ender pearls this is great okay oh I just got a new hat sweet okay so let’s look in here so here’s some ender pearls we can go ahead and click those in there

So that’s full of ender pearls has like about three stacks you can’t really tell there’s nothing on the progress bar so if we were to take this and wrench it okay so yeah we hold shift it says it 44 ender pearls but there’s no Lake label

On the outside that says how many pearls are in there just that little progress bar okay well I’m like go ahead and continue to do this we need to click the whole bunch of ender pearls so yeah I’m gonna do this for a little while try and

Get a whole bunch of those going on and make some old ender and we’ll be right back guys right so if we’re gonna make jelly crow with you and we need to get a few things going here so I was looking at the recipe for this so in order to

Get jelly correo theam like a bucket of it we need cryo theum dust and you only get 100 mil of buckets for one of these so we need 10 for each bucket so we’re gonna need a total of 80 cryo theum dust for the 8 buckets worth that we need

Anyway to get this you need a snowball nighter or saltpeter a redstone and Blizz powder let’s see there’s probably was there another way to do this hmm I could’ve sworn let’s see let’s go back here I could’ve sworn there was a way that you can take a snowball let’s see

Uses for the snowball you take a snowball in you yeah you do some destabilize the Redstone onto a snowball will give you a blizzard just the same so we got plenty redstone we don’t have any snow so I’m gonna come over to X B’s B’s just right across the way there’s my

Pink trees right there Corrales is doing some stuff over here but yeah we’re over here at X bees base because he has a snowman and I happen to have a shovel and he’s got like a little vacuum hopper set up here would they change the vacuum

Hopper did this only be one row before maybe it was always was 2 rows I’m thinking of the regular hopper anyway he’s got a set up here that’s taking the snowballs sucking him directly into this chest all we gotta do is just be em art well I guess just hold down or left

Click and we are instant mining that’s no that is so good is that backing up in here nope how’s that doing over here yeah it’s filling up his chest pretty good so we need what did I say 80 so that that’s like a stack that’s 64 and then was that

Like 70 80 I think that’s what we need I’m gonna take a little bit more because I think we’re gonna need more than that for the second reactor whenever we get around to it you might as well just make up a little bit of extra while you’re at it

So yeah I’ll go ahead and use a snowman a bit more collect a little bit more snow for him how’s this doing over here look at that it’s almost like full again that’s amazing see yeah I’ll just go ahead and refill what I took that’s pretty close I don’t

Know yeah I’ll do a little bit more but yep that should get us to the point where we can start making our jelly cryo theum also to make that stuff my game will stop lagging a little bit yeah in order to make this stuff I got a sheep in my friend yard

We need a magma crucible and a fluid Transposer the magma crucible will melt down redstone into the molten redstone and then the fluid Transposer will take that fluid redstone and or I guess molten redstone man my internet and put it into the snowball which will make our

Bliss powder okay so I’m gonna start melting down a redstone we got plenty over here yeah I’m gonna start doing this and we’ll be right back guys all right guys so it seems like the longer this video goes on the more I’m working in this world and online the words my

Internet’s getting it was just down to two bars a second ago I guess it improved to three bars anyway I’m going to try and finish up the rest of this episode here in this world today so we have a resident ender drum and we have a this keeps swapping around my hop all

Right jelly creo theme drum so yeah both of those are what we’re gonna use for our big reactor here so I got everything laid out and they have a dirt floor right here so we can fill this entire thing up with a resident ender we have something to place that on

And then we can break out the dirt and it’ll all flow down as far as the jelly cryo TM I’m gonna have to come down here and place each individual bucket but since there’s only eight spots to do that it’s not a big deal okay so I’m

Gonna go ahead and start working on this I need a place let’s see do I have any blocks on me I don’t I need a place oh by the way you can change the color that your comic chest David Sheff right click on it you can set it from color mode

True and false he can read the tooltip there it says click it with a red green or blue dye to change it so I made mine completely blue so let’s see here I need some blocks I guess I will just use some syrtis quartz blocks or I guess I could

Make another yep I could just go ahead and make myself another bucket but I think we’ll do that yeah you can see like how weird my Internet’s working right now everything is taking so long for things to happen so I’m gonna go ahead and place a chilli crate with iam

This is gonna take a decent amount of time since yeah my Internet’s working like this yeah let me go ahead and fill this up full of the jelly cryo theum get the resident ender on here and we’ll be bad guys okay guys so that took a little

Bit longer than it should have taken but we got it done we got it done so I don’t want to jump in this if I do with like teleports me randomly outside that snowballs down here because the jelly cryo Thea made some snow the resident ender broke that snow and then it made

That item teleport so yeah we don’t wanna get down there because we will teleporting around spaces we don’t really want to throw our tools in there I think it has a possibility of teleporting it off the site over there and into the void yeah it’s definitely something we don’t want to have happen

So all this dirt that I three down here is gonna be touching the resident ender and it’s gonna be teleporting randomly around so it’s gonna be kind of like find the dirty leader but that’s fine that’s fine so should all fill in with the resident ender and be one solid thing hilarious

Give me that dirt give it yes I I think you can teleport it up to ten blocks away or something maybe you won’t be able to teleport underneath it unless it was on the very bottom or something but yeah we shouldn’t have a decent amount of this dirt back got once Kelly kinking

Out there all right yeah it’s still dirt everywhere that’s funny okay so this whole thing is full of the resident enter now whoop okay I just have fell in there so we need to put a cover on this we need to cover up that very center spot and our big reactor

Should be complete let’s see do we have any stuff in here they can do this with sure we’ll put reactor glass in the top center I’ll grab some of this reactor casing we should be able to use our builders wanted to quickly welp let’s not throw it in there please should be

Able to use it to quickly fill in the ceiling here just do this a few times you got to do it in stages of three now actually I guess we can kind of do more if we do like that and then over here and finally there we go

Alright so now we’ll just put this reactor glass on the top center just so we can see the jelly cryo theme down there and the whole thing completes awesome so here we go here’s our reactor controller it’s offline I have in the back here this is where we’re gonna

Extract the site night and this is we’re gonna put in the you Laurium so let’s uh throw a little you Laurium in there so you have twenty ingots here I’ve been putting these into blocks if you smelt that you Laurie I’m in the tinkers construct smeltery you get the flu of

The Year Laurium and then you can cast that which I’ve done yeah I’ve casted I Trinity two blocks okay so let’s go ahead and throw this in there I think all of those will just be knobbed sure was uh how many more do we need than that whoa okay that’s good

That’s gonna eat a lot of fuel let’s go ahead guess well do that I think we’re only gonna spin up one of these reactors if it’s gonna take that much fuel to get it going whoo okay we have five more of those let’s just put that in the ingots

All right so how are we doing over here offline everything looks good let’s go ahead and turn it on we will get our buffer going right here full of power and we are making well it should be the same thing as what we’ve shown in the creative world right so it should be

Like about 40 or so actually you know what we never did this particular model in the creative world we had a five in the center not eight in the center so yeah this is actually gonna make a significant amount of power 40.6 RF a tic forty point seven let’s go ahead and

Turn it off since we were not using this power that’s stored up but yeah look at that we already made 10 million RF so I think this is pretty good 469 % reactivity that’s not bad either I think there’s probably ways that we could improve this design but honestly I’m

Very happy with the way this has turned out so I think we’re gonna end up using this until we run the low on power we might build another one or we might look into the turbines next I haven’t decided but yeah we now have a steady power

Supply here in our age we’re gonna need to make some tesseract so we can move that power around otherwise we’re gonna move where we have to run power cables everywhere I think the next stage is to look at getting a plight and argistix hooked up after we have a way of moving

This power around so yeah I think we’re gonna go ahead and end the episode here today guys I think it’s gonna be a little bit shorter but my Internet’s really acting up so I can’t do too much today but yeah we’ll go ahead and end it today thank you guys for watching

Remember leave a like on this episode if you did like it and we’ll see you next time thanks for watching guys bye bye you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mods FTB Infinity – “REAL” BIG REACTOR [E13] (HermitCraft Modded Server)’, was uploaded by Hypnotizd on 2015-03-02 14:00:00. It has garnered 90872 views and 2078 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:48 or 1308 seconds.

Want more FTB Infinity? Hit that LIKE button, peeps! ♥

Minecraft Mods FTB Infinity HermitCraft Modded Server is a white-list invite only server. The IP address is not available.

——————- Today we’ll work on getting power setup in our base! We’re not going to setup a silly Big Reactor like we did for our quarry. We’re going to setup a proper one that will produce a lot of power! Let’s get started! ——————-

► PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLriprjos26ptzROSrRxUdegN-wwNESpfe

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► LINKS http://twitter.com/hypnotizd_ http://twitch.tv/hypnotizd_ http://hermitcraft.com

► MODPACK/MAP INFORMATION FTB Infinity v1.1.0 Seed: -5982705374213673881 (BIOMESOP)

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    Unleashing Terrifying Monsters in Minecraft 2 😱Video Information जल्दी से अबे मेरे में इतना दम नहीं है कि मैं इसको इतनी बड़ी स्ड से मार दूं यार लगता है मुझे ही मारना पड़ेगा गाइस लगता है मुझे स् ओ मिनियन ने आखिरकार अपना अपनी ताकत दिखा ली इसका साइज तो देखो गाइस मिनियन का साइज तो देखो जरा इस मिनियन का साइज देखो और इस स्ड का साइज देखो इस मिनियन का साइज देखो भाई अबे रहने दे अब तो छोड़ दे अब तो तेरी जान निकल जाएगी अबे तू तू जमीन में दस जाता भाई बच गया वो तो तू गाइस कोई बात नहीं आगे… Read More

  • Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!

    Insane Skywars Win Streak with Pro Players!Video Information [Music] the [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘Hitting 43⭐ in Skywars (Uncut Teams ft. 2YP)’, was uploaded by Joshpacks on 2024-03-08 13:36:46. It has garnered 1276 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:31 or 1231 seconds. —————————————————————————————— About ➜… Read More

  • Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!

    Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been in the wonder I’m thinking to grab the clip two three [ __ ] is dead before they can dip I’m not in the blastous ACT we see the brothers they act Federal tracks They Splat in at your back hit them You’ been waiting watching with this [ __ ] blood a PL the [ __ ] [ __ ] C before we hit slide up on the [ __ ] holy water on the clip I just hit the [ __ ] for his glutting and I dip slick Sky skinny Scissor… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack – #1 in the Game?

    Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack - #1 in the Game?Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft best Minecraft soundtrack??’, was uploaded by Greenlord on 2024-03-21 15:36:28. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Propeller Bedwars

    Propeller BedwarsThis is Propeller Bedwars This server is java and is open to all versions from 1.8-latest If you have any questions or concerns make sure to submit it as a ticket ⁠in discord. At Propeller Bedwars, we ensure QUALITY games. Currently, the only bedwars maps available are the 1v1 map (speedway), the solos map (lighthouse), and the 2v2 map (airshow). We value our players. Join today at PropellerTrio.com PropellerTrio.com Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

    Join Robo’s World SMP today! Looking for a small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla Minecraft server that never resets the map? Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our dedicated community of Vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts who value teamwork and creativity. Just like the iconic Hermitcraft SMP, our server promotes a friendly environment with no stealing, griefing, or hacking. Everything is done in survival mode to encourage collaboration and fair play. With a map that never resets, your builds and ideas are safe with us. We support crossplay, so you can join us on both Java and Bedrock editions. Apply on our Discord server today… Read More

  • Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you and the boys are trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting it on fire instead. Whoops, looks like we need some fire safety lessons in the virtual world too! #minecraftfail #boyswillbeboys Read More

  • Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary

    Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary Welcome to CasualEnjoyer’s Minecraft Adventure! Introduction CasualEnjoyer, a 17-year-old YouTuber, embarks on his first Minecraft commentary video. Despite facing challenges like a loud game volume and a quiet mic, he dives into the world of Minecraft with enthusiasm. Exploring a New World CasualEnjoyer starts by creating a new world, encountering crashes whenever he dies or tries to sleep. Undeterred, he sets out to gather resources, dig for stone, and build a base. Future Plans In his commentary, CasualEnjoyer shares his plans to play classic games like the Fallout series and System Shock. He seeks viewer input on game choices… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!

    EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello welcome back to the Citadel of Noms today we have a special Mission we’re going to join a SMP Minecraft server so there’s going to be other people there um which is exciting because you know I have uh you know how I’ve been playing on a single player world for the longest time just you know exploring our own Minecraft world and it’s it’s Unique for me because I’ve never done a multiplayer you know modded multiplayer Minecraft ever so this… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay let’s see does it go all right what is up everyone welcome to the stream it’s your girl kayb boo welcome in and happy Saturday hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and also happy Mother’s Day weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mothers out there you guys are much appreciated um happy Mother’s Day weekend what’s up Deborah what’s up and Marque what’s up Craig I appreciate you what’s up Daniel what’s up duplicate how you doing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!

    SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!Video Information hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to talk about the most popular game in the world having been purchased some 200 million times on various platforms like many of the best games it is simple on the surface but has a surprising amount of depth with unlimited play time the limiting factor is often how you choose to play it which sounds an awful a lot like life to me this is the first five things you should start doing in Minecraft otherwise it wouldn’t be fun number one which is everybody has a different experience and… Read More

  • JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!

    JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!Video Information all right y’all welcome back to the laggiest episode of Minecraft the modded Minecraft series this is episode 21 quick recap from last episode we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra um hopefully the stream is not lagging too bad but we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra and we ended up finding another n city who is your munting buddy not sure what that means L is bad lag no way hold on there’s no way we’re lagging this bad let me see uh all right are we back… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACKS - AYUSH DON REVEALS ALL! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥😊☺️’, was uploaded by AYUSH DON on 2024-04-21 10:49:57. It has garnered 474 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More

  • Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192

    Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192Video Information what’s up everybody welcome to another all the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy and as we did yesterday we finished up the dimensional seed uh with our Emerald five times block and now we’re just working on our uh so there’s a way we can do this that will actually be quicker than just waiting for these to do their things um which actually I need to make sure these have 6400 so let’s do let’s do this real quick prediction let’s make about 10,000 more of them if we can we can’t because… Read More

  • Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housing

    Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housingVideo Information perfect how’s this look from the outside I’m curious like imagine you’re coming in and you’re like I don’t know you’ve been like shot down from the Seas you come up and you’re like wow look at that that’s pretty cool actually that’s got a Vibe right there I’m liking it it’s pretty cool [Music] yeah I think probably just flatten out the top piece maybe make it a little more stylish on the top a bit of a nice roof pattern maybe but for the most part it’s looking good so yeah eventually cuz my brain works… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Streaming Until Victory

    Endless Minecraft Streaming Until VictoryVideo Information okay oh wait okay we’re live let’s get the music going let’s get the music going let’s get the Good Vibes flowing and we’re going to be speed running Minecraft today uh I’ve gotten better at speedr running I’ll say it I’m kind of the goat now uh but my issue is I’m still bad I’m not the best in the world had what is up had okay we’ll do speed run I hardly know her that’s not I can spell hardly either okay we are speed running today we are speedr running today um we need every… Read More

  • KitaMC

    KitaMCWelcome to KitaMC, a thrilling survival adventure where you can explore a vast and ever-expanding world filled with endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a community-driven server that revolves around the unique concept of embracing your individuality. play.kitamc.net Read More

  • MCSnips2 Modded Whitelist 1.18.2

    MCSnips Season 2 – No Bonemeal! Join us for the final week of Beta testing with custom loot tables, a unique storyline, and revamped fishing tables. We are in the process of configuring a few more mods before we reset the world and launch the official version. Experience tons of animals, dynamic trees, creative machines, biomancy, a revamped nether, deeper oceans, enchantable pets, artifacts, and NO BONEMEAL! Say goodbye to instantly obtaining infinite resources with bonemeal. In our world, crops will have real value in an economy system. Contact us for a Discord invite to learn more details and get… Read More

  • HellHoleSMP

    WELCOME TO HellHole NetworkWhat we offerAre you looking for a unique Minecraft SMP experience that supports both Bedrock and Java editions? Look no further! HellHole Network offers a cross play environment, allowing players from both editions to come together and enjoy the game.What Makes HellHole Network Special?- Plugins: Enjoy special features like tpa and teams to enhance your gameplay experience.- Active Owner: Unlike most SMPs, our owner is highly active, ensuring a vibrant and engaging server environment.- Voice Chat: Engage with other players through voice chat, fostering a strong sense of community.Bored of survival we got a solution!Join us on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “We’re not racist, we just like skins”

    It seems Mojang values everyone, except for this poor meme. Read More

  • Aquarium Upgrade: GW’s Minecraft Makeover!

    Aquarium Upgrade: GW's Minecraft Makeover! In Minecraft, the aquarium’s in need of a change, Let’s spruce it up, make it look less strange. Start with natural blocks, like grass or dirt, Add spruce stairs, give it some flirt. Barrels on the sides, upside down they go, A frame, a slab, a banner to show. Fill the gaps with spruce blocks tight, Glass for the water, clear and bright. Fences and walls to keep it secure, Cover with barrels, make it endure. For a simpler touch, add a shelf or two, In this Minecraft world, let your creativity brew. Read More

Minecraft Mods FTB Infinity – “REAL” BIG REACTOR [E13] (HermitCraft Modded Server)