Minecraft Survival: Day 1 Masterclass

Video Information

It worked oh oh my gosh it took me so much effort to try to get that working that was like 40 minutes I had to update Graphics drivers I had to bind IPS I had to log into YouTube accounts oh my gosh well I’m live I did it yes

Look there’s a notification on my phone I did it I did something for once be proud of me Mom I’m she is proud of me anyway so oh um welcome to a live stream yes right live stream got it okay yep there it is live okay sweet um I don’t know why my

YouTube control panel isn’t showing the correct thing like stream yes yes go to this one there we are okay I’m going to um well play play Minecraft right that that’s that’s why I’m here um video settings I’m going to go ahead and put this in full screen

Apply right okay there we are full screen and I can come back to here put this ah there we go okay full screen so fnord as it says right here fnord welcome to fnord this is the I’m doing Minecraft at this point all right just just hop into it I’m going to be

Playing better Minecraft now for those of you who don’t know what better Minecraft is it has if we where is it options no bye bad um no no it’s here it is this button this is It’s a mega mod pack where it’s Minecraft but everything’s better so

Here on the left you can see every single mod that is in this there is a ton a just unbelievable amount of mods and these are some of the best mods I’ll be honest with youall but there is um 278 mods in this I think which is crazy

Crazy large amount um I’m going to I really quickly need to change some settings keybinds jump blah blah blah blah blah Tom simple storage what um where is it I need to it’s a specific I don’t want that to take screenshot toggle cinematic camera that’s going to be

My don’t want that F2 ah full screen perspective okay button for I like I like my button I like my button five um where is it where is it fancy menu what reload menu Control Plus alt what okay I there’s so many different things because of the sheer amount of things I

Need to find the um there’s a specific one I want ping wheel I don’t care about pinging vein mining this key allows you to what there’s so much stuff in here oh my gosh oh skip back I don’t I don’t know what happened this stuff means I need to go

To the uh zoomify secondary zoom zoom that that’s the that’s it reload shaders uh reload shaders control r no just just R okay all right uh I think I did that properly hang on where was the uh it was up here the map mini map uh and whatever it doesn’t matter

Let’s let’s hop into it oh fov I’m a quick Pro person all right World create let’s do this I’m going to sub I’m name it subscribe because I’m subscribe yes subscribe subscribe okay mode survival difficulty will go hard because no H just normal um world I’m just going to leave this as it

Is all right ah we’re going to create World let me check I have zero viewers dude I’m so excited to be streaming I haven’t done this in a hot minute I haven’t streamed in a hot minute I’m so excited to finally be doing it welcome to your live chat remember to

Guard your privacy blah blah blah yes I know oh I’m in advancements made I made some advancements let’s go I need to F3 right all right okay we’re getting I’m getting okay yeah there they are so I can there’s my zoom button yes okay the zoom’s correct

Um I’m in a very desolate biome I do I want to respawn no there’s a village ah ah ah village with oh this is going to be an abandoned Village before I continue I need to uh um video shaders um complimentary reimagined pastel okay what is it complimentary reimagined I

Don’t I’m going to apply these see what these look like and I’m going to compare oh I hear my uh oh what what if it okay there it goes okay so th that’s this one compare it to this one give my game a second it’s like oh

My gosh what are you asking me to do almost no difference okay then what does this one do the pastel shaders do zip okay that’s that’s much softer lighting oh yes soft lighting and I’m still getting 237 frames sweet okay the water put the whoa are those jellyfish I think that’s

Jellyfish under the water all right yeah the game the game looks pretty sick um uhoh what have I done how’s okay my GPU is at 17 it’s that’s interesting okay I don’t I mean I I like this but I I want the fancy water so I’m going to probably switch to

Complimentary here in a second it’s got much harsher lighting but yeah um chest I’m on quick Pro I am and I’m going to go ahead and switch back to the proper complimentary reimagined plus the four patches plus yeah I’ll do the patches I want the one with

Patches all right yep there’s ah yes the sun Here Comes the Sun okay um I will go ahead and take all of that alus table okay so this is do I hear a hawk is that a hawk wrong button okay there’s that over there yo okay these are the um I I recognize

These um so okay so if I if I get whatever this is it’ll give me this like a yeah and there’s the rare one so if I get two emeralds 23 coal I’ll get a spy glass not worth it because I have this feature I don’t need a spy glass I

Probably could double Zoom now that I think Igloo okay wait oh these aren’t Igloo these are just houses anything in there wait what oh yeah also there’s like a billion there’s like a billion blocks in this if you can’t tell there’s so many I’m going to I’m going

To steal bed it’s probably smart move on my part look at the reflections oh it’s so pretty um I’m obsessed with Reflections and stuff I’m going to take a torch I’m going to put this in my off hand for lighting usually that stuff comes important um okay our frame rate

Is doing good rabbit sweet don’t know why I have rabbit I’m going to put my emeralds over here nope these are the Wast okay sweet okay so now that I have this claimed I can teleport to like any of three that I can get all right let’s see

Do you sell okay for Emerald I can give you 10 brick I don’t want that come on I’m I’m going to rob you this is a stickup wait lanterns would give me something better but I don’t have the ability to mine it is there anything in

There okay yeah I’m I’m I’m robbing you I’m robbing you what’s up re reg regenia I don’t know wait corn asparagus dude dude I need I haven’t explored this mod pack at all there’s a lot of cool stuff in it isn’t there like a okay it’s not it’s not this one here

I’ll St hey I’ll stop I’m going to still raid the houses but Su um I don’t want your wool but I’ll keep going do y’all just like killing rabbits like seriously what have they done to you um house I’m going to all right I’ll take

That and speaking of which I since I’m a monster I’m going to destroy this villager’s house I need wood I’m also drinking hot chocolate how’s going hang on I I okay I have parents asking me to do stuff I will be right back I have to go do something well

Great I have a house that’s half destroyed that’s always fun uh I shall just give me give me like 10 seconds okay I’m back see 10 seconds that’s it was 10 seconds also I see in my OBS software here let me pull this up six chats I why can’t I view

Chat come on where’s chat where’s the chat box uh view um seen lless mode BL blah blah blah blah stats I want stats close I can’t see comments no I don’t put put that back put that back I’m messing stuff where do I where do I view

Comments I I I don’t don’t know let me pull it up on my phone then um I’m sure I’m sure they’re on their phone and somebody’s all like what are you doing and I’m like I don’t know or not maybe I’m crazy okay make sure that’s muted all right let’s actually play the

Game shall we all right I’m going to need all this thank you very much I will be stealing all that and I’m going to I’ve already checked I used I’ve played this kind of not this world but I’ve played better Minecraft before those have nothing good on them except

For maybe whatever that is underneath there but it’s not it’s not actually worth it iron I could get iron uh let me I haven’t been over here oh chests yes sir I will rob you of everything you are worth wava or no that’s pronounced wava I’m assuming I will take your

Amethysts there’s nothing in there what is this enchant I like that um nice don’t have that I’m sorry why is this fun hi I The Village y’all don’t have jobs okay y not productive get a job stop leeching off the government let’s see are there any jobs I just no these

Are all like hunt mon but dude that’s some good that’s some good rewards if I could get that I can’t get some of that other stuff either B buug um is there a crafting do I really need to make a crafting table in a freaking Village all right I’ll do

That okay um I’m going to make a sword real quick that way I can go take out I need to take it so I can go take out the um Golem yeah have a chat chat rate why can’t why can’t I see my darn chat I want to see the chat

Surely I should be able to see the chat top messages yes no stop settings chat filter all messages oh it was that’s annoying come on show me everything I want to see all the messages I’m going to go kill this Golem need some dirt first yo Darth Connor D hello H hello it’s

Like 10 hours talk to me you take so long you suck do better chill bro you what I’m sorry it was it was not popping it was not allowing me to see you I’m so sorry Hi villager I have no clue if you’re still there or not but hey that’s just a

Theory um where’s that iron gol where’d he go all right hi buddy do you have oil I’m you come on there we go dude I bop bop oh he has 100 gee whiz nice so can I jump attack no okay I do it’s not worth it though I do extra

Heart okay let’s go we got ourselves some iron so that’s going to be very useful we got five iron okay that’s that’s that’s good I also really want to get out of this frozen tundra even though it’s like a probably a good idea to stay here because the

Villagers are armed I don’t want to stay here like at all I always seem to get the winter Tundra okay here’s the map and it goes on for like Infinity um I’m going to keep heading this direction is that lava that looks like lava that looks like lava don’t know what’s

Here it’s not what I want um okay just going to go this way o oh wait this is the uh fire stuff like I touch yeah yeah I I touch that and I start bur I start burning if I touch that hold that torch out in

Front o o look at that there’s a house over there okay it’s nothing I’m going to go see what’s at this house I’m also apparently about to starve oh that’s not I’m so used to hitting tab to open menu I play too fortnite okay this is a um oh oh oh oh

Whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey we can talk we can talk hey let’s talk psych I’m going to beat The Living Daylights out get over here gosh you’re fast I don’t know what I think he’s putting stuff in my head right F yo pretty that that’s actually that’s

Actually sick all right tot from freezing equip this oh okay uh yo what’s up Connor Darth Connor how you doing nice to see you joining the chat here today make sure to like subscribe hit that notification Bell so you don’t miss any more daily awesome video okay I’ll stop I will stop

Right there I’m also going to all right I think I’ve seen these before um yeah they they got pouches which I still don’t know how to use after like six after playing this a couple times let’s see do I cook anything yeah I can cook some stuff this

Is a smoker put two of those in there I’m going to sleep the night as well oh look at that my map if you look at my map there’s a there’s a Cave System right underneath us let’s look at that whoa what is this sorry that’s not what I wanted

What’s this over here okay so we have snow golems Snow Golems okay so is it friendly is it going to be friendly I don’t know I I have to go check that out uh set spawn point okay um I’ll take that wait yes I get that okay

Sweet oh and I I said I was going to take this I need to take that do I let the goats Escape hey I I guess I let the ghost Escape oh well no one saw that no whoa hey hey hey buddy chill wait do I have the resource it’s

Probably going to be a wise idea for me to go ahead and make a iron sword no I’m not doing that cuz I’m probably stay away stay away just like you strongly probably going to die if I don’t I don’t know if you saw that Connor but I did respond to you saying

Hello oh I was like where where is it okay I saw okay there’s a lot of isers over here so I think that’s what they’re called maybe something like that it looks like I’m about to have to take on this entire thing by myself or I could go visit the lonely

House wait who’s what’s that what’s that up front oh no that’s just that’s not there’s nothing Yo yo this is sick um anybody in here is there something supposed to be here I’m going to destroy the floors just to make sure so slow cuz you know how Igloo work there’s like usually something hitting under carpet or trapo this is an igloo I guess um let me

Check chat what was that so find a frost loders frosters Castle okay that’s what I got I at a frosters castle is that a chest but that’s oh whoa whoa okay okay hey all right so they’re all on me I wonder if they like spawn infinitely or if I can like actually

Pick them out pick them off one by one well we’re about to find out you oh almost missed that oh that would have been bad all right if I can get inside this building I think I have a much higher chance of surviving that’s going to be where I end up isn’t it

Uh I have a bed it’s probably going to be a smart idea that’s that’s pack snow just go up here and set spawn point for the dangit ah how am I what okay so I use the totem mining fatigue weakness and speed okay that’s definitely not good that’s gosh

What no no no don’t do dang nabbit dang nabit well I got a score of 24 okay luckily that was just like literally right outside the front door which just happened to be packed snow uh take all items okay let’s see I got experience nugget no clue what that did but I got

It so let’s go are those like frost Birds maybe what what are you you’re a blue jay I how cute okay so this is like training so that mean I okay Frost dipped arrows yes I need these what is this stack from container okay I needed this I needed this a lot

So thankful I got that all right let’s uh there’s there he is I got the bad I got bad Omen for an hour and 39 minutes honestly could be worse just got to make sure I don’t like yep that all right let’s get the uh arrows

And stuff out of here um arrows I’ll move you over here I don’t need the crafting table currently probably should leave those in my I’ll take those those and you know what an extra bow is not bad okay let’s do this house dang oh dude oh there’s somebody in here too or maybe

Not so how do I thaw out I do quite a lot less damage I do quite a lot less damage uh does this Tha me okay yes this does Tha me so I can just stand here by this and I will slowly heal that’s good to know all

Right all right should I free them I probably should seeing how they’re trapped in here they’re probably not friends of the isers yo the echo though I’m going to go ahead now worth it doesn’t um let’s see dude there’s like 600 of them in this space I’m going to

Die I need to mark this on my map and keep going what’s down there stray so the Strays not friends what’s what’s like the lore of the ice solers like there’s there’s got to be lore that’s that’s a bunch more that’s a bunch more I’m going to die all right

I’m I’m going to go grab my bed and I’m goingon to I’m going to do something here okay yeah they’re just going to keep spawning until I take out like a bad I guess so I need to get out of here so I’m going to go ahead and place

My torch down grab my bed eat a little bit okay there’s my I got my stamina back now okay I gotta get out of here um we’re gonna actually let’s make sure we know where we’re going to go okay so I can’t really go this way I need to take

Out him but I can’t probably get to him okay so I could there’s a ruined Bridge down south and that looks like green trees so maybe if I go I could create a waypoint just I just want I just want to set temporary we point okay X I need to

Get to there that’s where I’m trying to get to in order to not die right because we don’t we don’t like dying here dying is not fun all right let’s go we got this come on go go go go go there’s the bridge there’s a well I’m going to pit stop at the

Well oh my mini map I saw Bears on my mini map mini map I need I need I need to have a base I need to have like an actual base Bell can I not ring the bell huh I want to ring the bell okay yeah this looks like we’re going into Spruce

Forest so snowy so we’re in snowy TGA snowy plain snowy tiger is it TGA or tiger actually have no clue all right now that I’m here delete you and I’m going to keep going okay I probably Should die oh it’s got the thing where you can it’s got the thing where I can hit through that’s sick so useful oh I’m sorry that was worthless didn’t give me anything should I take on a bear wait wait wait wait berry bushes right I can sneak I don’t want to place you

Can’t can’t I sneak through these yes I can oh do I not take damage oh I’m so dumb but I will take all these berries these are um blueberry bush right yeah okay so blueberries do have thorns so that’s a baby bear which means there’s a mama bear

Somewhere I know enough about bears to know you don’t poke the baby without getting the mama so I have to deal with her luckily I have a bow and arrow forever she at look at that light Ray that’s so sick um where are you was that you okay there

There they are there they are sup Mama yeah come at me okay I can’t hit him from up Here let’s go okay got a bear do I get anything from that got a lot of stuff experience nugget okay that’s okay that’s cool that’s a cool feature it’s turning night I need shelter okay I can check my map and see see where my en the enemies appearing

Are that’s nice oh look at the sky pretty um got to keep is that a spider jockey up ahead maybe yo the snow though trippy I’m in a dense snow Forest that’s lava I admit this is like a pretty this so there’s this is obviously a this is

Clearly Narnia just from the sheer amount of snow on the ground hasn’t thought in like seven years I’m probably an Antarctica honestly that’s what it’s looking like okay can’t don’t want to dang nabit um at least this one doesn’t have the cold feature where you can die of

Cold that would be frustrating that’s an Enderman like I can sup sup Bud yeah I know you brother no oh that’s a flood never mind I was so excited then I realized oh snap that’s a floody Cate kind of like that’s a that’s a baby zombie that is a baby

Zombie no one likes you stay away I just like you strongly stay away stay away stay away back back monster what’ I get oh appears with experience okay those are those are regular zombies not nearly as terrifying Ducks there’s ducks on my mini map I’m pretty sure that’s what

Those are I mean I have played this mod before but never like actually tried to play play the mod oh there’s like a okay that there’s Force there’s actual Force this way yo what’s good okay we got coal down there the reason I have the torch in my

Off hand is cuz if I don’t it’s like that whereas I prefer to have at least light around me spider they don’t stop chasing you if I wonder if they patch it do they still keep chasing you fox yo what’s up okay I finally getting out of the oh

That’s a that’s a that’s a type of villager or is that a I I don’t care that’s a uh that’s a type of mob on the map that I haven’t seen yet oh is this like that’s a structure that was a Structure yeah yeah that’s a structure what if I come

Across I hope you’re friendly hey are you friendly you’re not friendly oh come on oh what the actual okay uh I was not expecting that let’s check the map all right I need to go all the way to there is it worth it is it really worth

It what the heck are you I think it is I’m going to go up here grab a bed and keep running let’s go this never mind um I’m going to end up dying oh no oh no stop stop stop stop I died I get it I died I suck at this

Game protect me villagers maybe I should have just stayed in the village and what what did I have that was actually of value an iron sword I had that and a lot of random and a lot of other random stuff back yeah I don’t think it’s actually worth

It would it be nice to get on my stuff back it would but there’s an iron golem going to spawn in this Village anyway so it’s really not even worth It mushrooms can only be place on blocks where there’s no D okay you’re not useful Old Death latest death let’s put this view on so I can make sure I’m not about to those are Strays come on I hate the winter environment I always seem to spawn wanted winter environments I will say

That dang na it [ __ ] I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die die die I had i’ frost arrows but those didn’t seem to be too rare based solely off the fact of the enemies just used them all the time and since I have those locations

Forever marked on my map I can always just go back and get him which is nice hey hey hey hey back back back back back okay yo I got a twig this gives me two yeah I need a torch you have a torch in here you do

Not where did I get the torch was it in there’s no way it was in the igloo that doesn’t make sense there’s there’s no shot that that’d be an igloo oh I sold all their carrots recite seash shell thing no clue what that is um where are

You are you like supposed to be something anyway I can always come back here um there’s look at the sheer amount of the sheer amount of mobs surrounding this I don’t really want to go get that follow mode on talk Dimensions cave mode oh I can wait I can view the caves dude

Okay so there’s a there’s a something over here that’s a m shaft okay I feel like this is mildly cheating yo this is sick I can just full bro off layered all right layered separate cave map into multiple layers depending on okay off I want off mode I go under stuff it

Should show it anyway what do I need hey I hear you I hear you you’re somewhere I’m going to get hey would you mind stopping that there you go y’all have you do with them I’m just going to kind of to casually just run away because I keep dying over here oh kitty

Cat I’m going to steal this I don’t know what this does but it’s fun run away run away and then right before I die I place my bed just casually has an arrow in his forehead I don’t need I move faster on water okay I’m going to go ahead and really

Quickly make a crafting table we’re going to place you on the ground we’re going to grab you we’re going to make a boat yeah I don’t know if I like the old boat recipe where it cost a shovel I feel like that makes sense because it

Gives more use to the useless shovel as it is whoa okay this is how it’s going to be huh when the free bird kicks in oh this is this is hard to control this this hard to control so slick so slippery dang that it what is that

Thing I’m going go they call me Bear Grills what are you what are you what are you are you like a slime but you got to be jellyfish yeah Oh okay I can unmute now let’s see yeah I’m literally I quite literally am on day one technically it’s like day three if I check the uh statistics somewhere where is it where is it show day I I I still haven’t got these things memorized I’ve played this game for Years anyway it

Says somewhere on here day I think I’m like day three and I keep dying because I can’t get out of this cursed environment that absolutely sucks and there’s j e drop you don’t drop anything I I’m trying to get out of this environment but I can’t it goes

Literally forever my entire known map is literally this I’m struggling so hard okay yeah open open let’s go no no no no no oh come on I’m going the wrong way I want I want to go this way sup Polo so repetitive yo what are you message oh Message in a

Bottle what I hate litter bug literal garbage I’m I’m going to keep that actually I actually want to keep that yo why does the water look like that that that’s sick here I’m going to respond yep I have to manually type it in on my phone because I don’t

Can’t I see signs of life this is good this is very good especially when I can’t do literally anything else a yes I know it’s not much but it’s better than nothing wild flax not complaining I will take those seeds I I need stuff I will take all

This I will take it all it’s all mine uh what am I doing I have no clue I’m I don’t need those extra seeds yes yes we’re almost to the ocean that’s a man of war that’s no my bad it’s a lion’s main jelly you got to you kidding

Me was this close to the Open Water there’s no way I need a better spawn I need a better spawn this some this spawn sucks I’ve been going for 40 I’ve been going for 40 something minutes menu did everybody else leave I I don’t know I don’t know if they did

But that world sucks so so I’m going to name this one plz better spawn no no that’s the seed this is going to be you got to like the video no my bad like like and Subs subscribe I give up um world hang on was what what what did that say

Leave blank for random SE um get better spawn please I don’t care it says Le who cares please okay please be better than my last one um I do see your comment I said it seems so it seems so oh my mic my mic’s loud I’m going to turn that

Down oh my gosh this is so much better Winter Wind okay great you you love to see it already I’m already dying I just like just just right here there’s just like a wind current like right here just just just right here oh interesting why is my map doing

That trophy oh no those are bees okay let’s let’s get it dude I love this feature I can look at all the underground stuff this is pretty cool I don’t know why it says that I was having I’ll be honest I was having troubles display above ground even when the cave mode

Is cave mode layer every cave Maps into multiple layers depending on the use of top y top y I don’t I messed this up map switching Ops I I just want to reset I don’t know I I can I can take away the next three streams they aren’t meant to

Be that was a miss that was a mistake I can I can I can change those back it was an accident it wouldn’t let me start the stream for multiple times because I had to update Graphics drivers because yeah my Graphics do need to be updating

They’re so bad I don’t I don’t know why it made me do it it it infuriated me it took me like 20 Minutes all right this is a much better spawn or the caves like this just off there that should fix things I’m going to m a tree this is not a complicated game I will mine a tree and get wood in order to make a house spelled h u a Au U

S house what is that that’s went I will make sticks and an axe I will then proceed to use axe to cut down the tree not complicated okay how need to I agree with you on that here I’m going to Midstream go over to YouTube Del those other three because that’s going

To bother me as well now that you brought that up YouTube Studio content live that delete forever I understand this will delete this I will delete forever yes it is done they are deleted and will not come back okay I moved that that wasn’t meant to

Be moved okay we’re back also I love this feature where I can just chop down one oh it’s so nice it’s so satisfying too and it go it goes through the outs pretty quickly but saves me so much time and then the stick feature you love to see

It yes give me all the wood and the leaf particles too it’s pretty sick oh my oh my gosh there’s no way it’s Mr Beast Mr Beast is in my comment section oh my gosh can you give me a million dollars I want a million dollars right

Now give it to me or I will hunt you down in North Carolina I’m joking buddy it’s good to see you here we’d love to see it did you just get back from Wells or something I don’t know what you do in your spare time play Minecraft in your spare time no clue

I I don’t know I will take those cows let’s go XP orb XP orb let’s go um TGA TGA TGA Meadow TGA Meadow I want to be able to respond to chat why can’t I why can’t I respond to chat Studio mode no frustrating let’s see I don’t know I don’t know what

I’m doing yo we got another guy jenter kmer sharmar hello I can’t I don’t know if y’all can hear me can y’all hear CU I could hear myself when I enabled the stream but I can’t always respond gosh darn it fire in the hole I already I hope

Y’all can hear me that that would be nice if y’all could I’m going to try to respond while playing the game nope you’re from India I Didn’t Know M oh you’re from India well that that’s sick you ever been to um what’s capital of you ever been to New Deli that’s the

Capital of India right New Deli yo sick I’m doesn’t India have like one of the largest populations of any country in the world like what what is it it’s like 500 million or something I’m sure it’s pretty cool over there I’m an American y I donate to

Uncle Sam he takes like half my money in fact if I make money off this video he takes some of it this isn’t a video what is talking this is a live stream oh my gosh oh and that’s I’m gonna go over there that looks nice but I’m going to

Build a boat a boat I don’t want to make that much wood we’re going to take that there we go boat I’ll mine this now I’m gonna mine this now such a nice feature I love that I love that about this mod pack oh it’s so nice let’s

See all right and then under the water anything under the water nope but it looks pretty sweet sweet oh yes oh no snow I dang I can’t escape the snow there’s always snow um where do I want to go we’re just keep we’re just going to keep going until I

Find a good spot to build a base but this is pretty nice it’s pretty nice right here I’ll admit that much up there but this this is like an island oh there’s a okay so that’s like a am I correct if I put this over here that’s plants that’s Meadow okay so

That’s the reason it’s doing that is it’s going to Meadow first make wood for pickaxe then just make stone tools I agree with you why don’t I have stone tools yet I so I’m just trying to find a how place to build but I agree I need to make a

Pickaxe there we go I’m going to mine this it’s probably going to destroy my yep there goes oh that’s so so perfect um I’m going to have to break into this it looks like and then we’re get ourselves a I’m mine enough to get stone tools specifically an axe sword

And pickaxe so that’s going to be one two three for the axe then it’s going to be three more for the pickaxe so I need five more one two three three four five there we go that’s eight sweet so that’s what I need let’s go make I

Agree with you let’s make some more sticks oh I don’t need to make sticks this gives me sticks uh here we are so I’m going to do that just like that don’t the pro streamers do something like this they make a stone Axe and they just go like

Bam bam bam bam bam yeah I think that’s they they do something like that but now now I have stone tools I don’t know I kind of like this like little island here in the middle of it’s surrounded on all sides by water which is pretty

Nice um I I could probably build my first base here and expand out because it’s got all sorts of waterways and stuff around it it’s probably good idea I’m going to build it on top of this house Mountain not house there’s no house here yet let’s clear the area first so I can

Build oh this inst this insta destroy tree feature is so nice wait do the leaves fall no there’s there’s there’s wood down here and the gr is there yeah I don’t know you if that’s what you do you know me Bart are you talking to me are you

Talking to somebody else in the chat I don’t know maybe you meant to say Beast instead of Bart I don’t know um but personally I don’t know you but I’m glad you’re here because it gives me somebody to talk to much easier to just talking to myself because here I am no

Friends yeah Mr Beast does Mr Beast know you dude wouldn’t that be sweet yo yo the particle effects oh I love I’m I’m a sucker for visuals grab all this stuff oh my my gosh there’s so much of it I should never run out of wood

Because of this I should have plenty of wood plenty of wood plenty of it let’s see here um okay I have gosh I have plenty of wood I just keep saying I have plenty of wood okay so I need to make I’m G to make this out

Of spruce for the spruce for the wood oak logs for the that doesn’t look good Spruce looks better than oak I can make my floors out of Oak that that’ll give it a nice contrast Birch do we use Birch for anything nah Birch Birch ain’t worth

It Birch don’t got the worth all right let’s see okay so judging by the shape of this do I want to square do I want two rooms um let’s okay let’s go ahead and start I need that the Dock’s going to be down there I’m going to make a dock down there

So what is this this row so it’s going to come up to here and over To here something like that okay let’s go ahead and start just filling it in just just a tiny bit I could probably build a craft a stone I need Stone first I’m going to make myself some Stone shovels I have 40 yall got plenty of sticks there we are two of these make

Two shovels and I’m going to leave the crafting table mine out this block of dirt that way I have a better SPI to work with riting content you know what I mean just be mining dirt that’s what people do I mean what are those YouTubers Brian Flappy cheerers Che cheerers G

Gaming yes gaming I am gaming right now this is intense gaming I am currently up down up down left right left right AB AB start maybe I enter creative mode if I do that who knows I’m using the wrong shovel it’s not the my pick that that’s that’s OC right

There I’m the only one here you’re the only one here there were there were just people here there were there used to be more people here that’s all I’m saying just like two seconds ago this guy from India and Mr Beast were like talking it

Up more e peeps I don’t know what that is or why they respawn I don’t know if you’re talking about more commenters I don’t know I’m not very educated on slang terms or stuff that’s a pickaxe okay phew that took a lot longer than I would have liked I need to make a

Furnace how much stone do I have I need I need torches let’s see nine okay sweet I can go in here and I’ll take those go ahead and make that boom um I could do that but I don’t need that all right I need enough why are you

Collecting dirt I’m not collecting dirt I’m merely trying to move it out of the way in a orderly fashion I I really I was clearing it out so I can build a base you joined right after I explained it what I plan on doing is I’m going to build a dock up up

From there and it’s going to come up and this is going to be the front of the house and I was just leveling it out to make it a much nicer area to work with that’s what I was planning on doing all right let’s go take this and take my

Charcoal that I have make four torches and I can put these in my off hand put those in my off there we go oh there we go so much nicer to see um I’ll do that that make more torches I want that in my off hand I want these

Very epic I know super epic destroyed that but it’s once again my day one episode I’ve technically been streaming for like 45 minutes but I got such a sucky spawn last time that I had to restart over I was in the middle of the um Arctic Badlands where there was

Just Lin main jellyfish and I allers everywhere I couldn’t I couldn’t do squat I do I want it that high yes I do uh let’s see oak logs for the flooring oh oh dang now I did not mean to hit that that’s a 628 2 for

252 planks gosh that’s a lot um well I guess I better start building with them let’s see how am I to do this we’re going to have it’s going to come out to here we’re going to turn around the inside of this how long will you stream

I until I probably rage qu at the game or I get tired and go to bed um so seeing how I’ve been streaming for about an hour it’s highly possible I go for a um another hour who knows I might go this could be a 24-hour stream I just play the game till

I die who knows I’m more responsible than that thankfully so that probably shouldn’t be what Happens creepers gosh I’m at half a heart that’s not good that’s not good uh let’s see let’s use some of this excess wood I have and cook me some meat air cool are cool I know right I was at half a heart too if IID taken any fall damage that

That would that would have been bad I swear I can’t hear creepers like usually I can hear them they’re like but I didn’t I didn’t even hear the sizzling bacon he just like exploded but he was just like I’m your daddy and it was like hey yo

But he made like the average American F no I can’t make that joke that’s that’s that’s bad that’s that’s that’s that’s rude probably shouldn’t say that I’m canceled canel already canceled first stream on in like months and I’m already canceled oh I have plenty of

Dirt H some people don’t die you got you got me right there flappies I agree we don’t die because we’re built different huh that’s interesting that’s why I’m in the inter no bro got stuck in the ne because he’s not a sigma no we don’t like we don’t love to

See that no don’t go to the light oh dude I it always amazes me people on the internet how fast they can come up with Woody answers like that like comment sections are so fun to look at because they’re just so witty I need to replace that that got destroyed let’s see

Boom tree in the way get out of my way get out of my way take all you that okay let’s see I’m gonna I’ll go out to here need dirt I don’t need I don’t need sticks in my inventory I’ll put food uh dir pretty okay not sure what that

Means that like a personal attack or something um Bri Larson like 20 something something let’s see corner corner so that’s the corners yo thumbs up emoji you love to see it you love to see it thumbs up emojis hopefully I can stream more often because I really enjoy doing it even if

I don’t get viewers I just feel like so professional doing it usually I just make cheesy skits and stuff and then I take them down after being up for like two months because I’m embarrassed that they’re on the internet but hey that’s just a theory a game theory probably film Theory

Honestly let’s go ahead and do this just going to work on my base until morning probably because what can I do I’m going to die and luckily there’s no monsters on My Island there are some over here this is going to be like Monster Island I guess whoa whoa um but

You know how it is I don’t know have you ever played this mod pack it’s called better Minecraft it’s like personally like my favorite mod pack because it just amplifies everything great about Minecraft more handsome than mat Pat dude facts I can even do the mat Pat

Voice I’m not going to do it now because there’s people sleeping in the house but it’s like hello Internet welcome to game Theory or something like that but hey that’s just a theory a game theory dude it’s so funny I love his voice he took theater and that’s why he’s got that

That’s why he’s able to do that so nicely I’m G to probably do theater someday yo Mast figure what’s up why you wearing a mask are you like pulling a dream trying to hide your identity because you have that exceeding jawline I keep I had 256 planks I’m about to run

Out of them that’s crazy bring the house out to here yeah we’ll bring it out to about here receding hairline yo Elon Musk got his hairline to regrow out of pure respect he got so rich his hairline restored itself out of pure respect you should

Look at old pictures of him it’s like oh it’s a secret oh dude they’re lore is there lore to the mass figure do he got lore do he like undercover CIA operative trying to take down the SCP Foundation something like that go to this corner boo do

Maybe maybe hey it was just a theory I guess stop saying that um let’s see go out to here like that I like that a lot this is going to be a massive house why they call me Mr Beast Be dang na it almost day I know it’s almost daytime

Well can I check my light oh my gosh there’s so many buttons I don’t know dang that it baby zombie no one likes you get out of here H I can’t die I don’t have a bed yet I need to find sheep is there sheep nearby there’s ducks I don’t need Ducks

I need sheep is there sheep anywhere nope doesn’t look like it oh well that’s going to be annoying and it’s finally day let’s go at least I can see where my base is yo my base is on the map like for sure on the map you can see from space

Now watch out Great Wall of China I’m coming for your position there at the top though it’s technically not like really really it is a really good Island I agree it’s like perfectly situated in the middle of this so I can go like down this River and it wraps around and

There’s this big cave over here right here that I can explore no I’m not going near ice I’m I’m tired of seeing ice and I keep thinking there are like trophies tell me does this not look like a trophy this little icon it’s a b but when you look

At it real quickly it kind of looks like a trophy that’s all that’s all I’m saying it’s tricked me like six times um okay there’s there’s my base base I need to go I need to go find resources so I’m going to put my Base building on hold

For now and I’m going to work on it at night I’m going to go find more resources for the day so it does I I know I’m I’m not crazy you see it too I’m not crazy so this is going to be my this my trail down to the

Water right here like this let’s go um okay yes oh this is going to be a pain to Traverse I’m going to put in a patch to um better Minecraft and say hey y’all y’all’s be icons look like trophies could you make them look less be and more TR or make

Them look less Trophy and more be yeah yeah yeah this this is going to work out just nicely I’m off by one oh my I should do some off camera mining yeah hang on I’m G to I got to do some off mode I got to do some offline I can’t

I’m on I’m on Survival no cheats enabled but I got to do some offc screen mining real quick hey guys um just just just hold just hold for a second give me just wa what is this [ __ ] I’m gonna click it oh I saw it does huh interesting I like the day just

Gives a little bit more pop you I don’t did I just choose bright mode hold up did I just choose bright mode dude you never you’re never supposed to choose bright mode show prma um let’s see crafting table I need doors and stairs that’s that’s what I mean yo best

Place for a crafting table right here in the middle that way nobody ever misses it I want my door should be made of spruce Spruce Spruce Spruce Spruce spruce tree is there no Spruce are you freaking kidding me well I guess Birch door it is oh no

No not Birch that oh I’m not I’m not I’m not that I’m not that crazy I’m not that much of a psychopath yet I’m I am losing sanity as I play this game but I’m not I’m not there yet Birch doors nightmare nightmare fuel how do I want to do

This why did it do it like that dude why is it why is it like that a spruce door would spruce up my yes y clap and a half you didn’t hear the set half clap but I did half a clap okay I like that and then we’re going to add

Some there now no one can get into my house oh I need to place my crafting table real quick that’s a furnace never mind oh well but like I was saying this house is now impenetrable because it has doors no zombies walking in there okay so chest I’m going to make a chest

Because I always make this mistake I never make a chest and I end up dying I’m going to make a double chest oh no it doesn’t have uh fancy that’s a bummer here let’s uh move all these up here I’ll I’ll leave these I’ll take the apples oh I need these I

Like these little these little um things experience nuggets just little experience boosts I’m I’m going to place these because these these can be defense I’m just going to place them there for now okay hey stop that I’m going to go to the planes let’s go see what’s over here

Okay some pretty ah some pretty cool stuff looking say so there’s stuff over here I don’t know if I want to go over there yet and there’s a Cher Cherry do that mean there’s cherry trees dude I’m going to go over here yo look at the reflections on the water first of all

Like dude that’s it’s like a meere reflection that’s what happens when you turn RTX on the best part is somehow my computer’s still getting 170 frames a second I don’t know how it’s complimentary shaders for you I don’t know like why can’t fortnite do that for real okay so it’s not it’s just

Different Leaf colors is there anything good underwater can’t see it oh I don’t I don’t like the water why does the water look like this hang on what is this the one that gives me the sick looking water what’s the one with the cool looking water oh that’s that’s awful I

Want to go back to the one with the patches that yeah that’s that’s nice okay do the the shaders come with Mod so these shaders as far as I know yes because I loaded in the mod and this is a 1.20 I don’t think I have any 1.20

Shaders I can open the open the you won’t be able to see it but I have the shaders packs folder huh okay now this is I’m looking the sharers packs right now it’s under it’s under better Minecraft so yes it comes with these shaders so yes it does

In fact come with these three and I don’t know these let me let’s see check settings um High very high Ultra what is patches let’s see yo what potato okay let’s let’s look at graphic differences I love doing this this is fun so here’s the potato here’s G to be the potato

Shaders okay oh my computer okay so this is for potato computers it looks like and I mean it the the leaves kind of look weird from a distance but overall not bad and look at that my friend frame rate’s at 300 running this I’ll look up we get like

400 would I rather be itchy or sticky dude itchy can be D like how how itchy are we talking that’s the question are we talking like mild iritating like like uh you um it’s like that tag that’s on the back of your shirt itchy or we talking you got poison ivy itchy and

When we mean sticky do you mean like you got a little bit of that glue stick on your fingers or are we talking you’re fullon just like stick trap cactus in the pants itchy first off how did you get cactus in your pants that’s that’s awful or so

I’m assuming it’s cactus in the pants itchy or you got or It’s Like Glue trap sort of glue or sticky um honestly gallon of glue honestly this might sound crazy but I’m going to go sticky because you got Spider-Man’s abilities now all of a sudden because

I’m going to assume that even if you get your hands dirty if your hands get dirty I’m assuming that they’re still technically going to be sticky so you got Spider-Man Powers that’s all I’m saying which is I’m just saying that’s G that’s GNA be fun so let’s check what happens if I

Put these on high oh my computer’s killing me yo oh I don’t think my computer likes this oh no there it goes It goes back to nor Ultra let’s try Ultra I’m want to see what Ultra looks like I’m bored at this point let’s see the ref usually can

Check Reflections don’t die on I I don’t need to die I agree my computer’s Frozen there we go I didn’t notice the difference what is this what is your Forest patches and my PC will become a microwave BLS dude BLS shaders actually don’t run as heavy on

My computer as I thought they would but the ones that do do I don’t I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of it but it’s called I think it’s called voxels or vixel and it uses Real Time Light tracing which means if you’re holding a torch and you’re walking around a block

It’ll cast a shadow and it’ll parallel you to that block kind of like a flashlight moving around a rod and it is the most intense yo look at the water o I like that but it’s like the most intensive thing oh dang it I I like

These I like these it it gives a nice look to the water look at that I like I like that Rippling in the water oh there’s a salmon and there’s Cod things yo the flowers are like glowing yo whoa whoa whoa everything has texture now

Whoa oh it’s it’s got the uh I know have the uh thing where you whoa whoa what’s happening that that’s weird I have the thing where it’s you look at a is it what oh it’s like hyperfocus H dude I can hyperfocus in when I crouch all right I forget what that’s

Called that’s called um depth mapping not depth mapping something something and it’s crazy it’s it’s it’s crazy but I don’t usually enjoy it because it kind of aggravates me because it’s like oh I want to crouch now but like it’s clearly not perfect just by looking at this it’s not perfect

But I can do that I’m gonna leave it on for now it’s not that big of a problem until I’m like trying to creep around a warden and it’s like I can’t see squat also what’s my computer doing 140 okay okay not bad not bad whoa hey

Yo focus in on that I’m gonna go die let’s do this I’m gonna go die I’m ready to die I’ve lived long enough I’m gonna go take on whatever this is over here and absolutely Get Wrecked whoa is That Yo the plants move what I walk through them and they like

Move I don’t know why I’m getting caught up on this sort of stuff it I i’ I’ve always been a quality over qu kind of guy like I love amazing visuals like the freaking water man I’m I’m that guy I like the copper shaders this is not

Hardcore you can tell by the hearts because I I I can’t do hardcore like I can do it where I’m trying to that’s a that’s that’s a Pillager that’s a Pillager I can do I can play hardcore but I don’t want to because I can’t risk I don’t want to risk losing the

World it’s not worth it to me okay PVP wizard dang dang it there’s two of them dang it dang it dang it dang it I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m gonna die I’m gonna die all right I’m gonna come back here in a second got to regroup eat some

Meat okay there’s how many of them look at my map there’s okay there’s three but only two are chasing me I’m going to use my axe my axe will do more damage to them you shoot at me okay you’re charging up oh Emerald I’m going to run around

You till you shoot okay going for the kill there we go okay looking at my map there’s only one left okay oh and oh it’s an evoker it’s an evoker hey that’s a birdie little birdie hi birdie okay um let’s see I’m gonna I’m gonna move my

Axe yo Steve you you’ve seen better days I’m I’m sorry Steve but you you’ve seen bro bro he got like seven arrows in him I feel so bad for him that’s the Empower axemen yeah the axe does nine attack while the sword does five I can get if I

Get I can get an axxe hit in on him and then I can go for the uh finish with the sword I’m gonna do it I’m full health I I got this I’m not doing that he’s running he’s so fast oh my gosh he’s so

Fast yes let’s go I did oh I don’t like that let’s go um you sound like like you know how to spell backwards to spell backwards I I know I did it I did it I took them all out and let’s see what we got let’s Okay what

Are the chances it was worth it and whatever I’m going to find in this chest was worth the trouble I know I did it with no armor I’m I’m hope I bet there’s going to be like emeralds and chain mail armor and I don’t know Iron nuggets oh trap chest is

It trapped hang on I can I can look at the object chest it top Corner top left corner it says it’s just a chest so it’s not going to be trapped okay I’ll take that okay we got five apples got got some good it’s not not

Bad I’m going to take the chest though I will be taking the chest and the campfire we I should have seen that coming you can’t bu a campfire dude how stupid do I get okay is there any maybe I think these things usually come with two chest made oh dark dark

Oak Glocks these are rare these are going to be rare around here I’m I’m going to take these hang on what’s this Platinum chunk Platinum hang on I’m going to search this plat how do you spell Platinum pla Platinum okay I can make a platinum

Infused Hatchet how do I how do I make that show me the recipe cheating no hang on what what’s cheating oh no definitely not uh more I don’t know but I can make a platinum sheet okay there it is can I not okay I can’t make it doesn’t appear I

Can uh oh how do I get out of this okay there we are so it does oh it’s getting dark it’s getting dark I need to get home I need put put this logs oh that’s okay yeah I need to get home I’m going to die the dark yo look at all the

Butterflies um let’s see I need to get home I need to get home let’s go go go go go go go all right yo what kind of fish are those um anyway yo the water the water looks amazing I I’m such a sucker for visuals but so nice looking all right yo

The sky though y like SC like back screen saver for an iPhone maybe like oh it’s Cod those were Cod yo they must have updated the Cod texture for this mod pack or something that’s probably what this is I know look at the lights on the

Water I age like I’m I’ll admire it when I get back to my base and I’m not dead so yeah look at that in the water oh if I crouch it blurs everything I don’t like that I’m going to go figure out how to disable that oh the the light Moonlight

Reflection I got I don’t know if y’all want to hear me talk about that it’s just I’m going that’s that’s a trident bomb and weave no no no no no don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me don’t kill me that’s a trident that’s a trident that’s a trident I’m going to

Die dude Trident zombies Trident zombies are the most terrifying thing CU they do like 13 damage luckily I’m in normal mode so they won’t like I don’t think they can one shot good thing my door’s up they can’t get through that um just quickly gosh where are you there

You are shoot there you are okay okay let’s go yo there’s another dang NAB it dang NAB it no no no no I was this close I haven’t died yet get body NB you literally dog water you’re free so free free the McDonald’s bom which is where you long okay I need

A I need I need one wood I got one wood oh no I left in the chest uh Birch I’m not e no no I’m not building out a birch I refuse to even if my life is in danger I will yo yo yes yes take him on take him on take

On I did it and I kind of wish I could collect these but I can’t I did it I didn’t die yes let’s go also what is this I’ll take that um I’m going to put okay so I got copper I got a copper in it that’s random that’s that’s

Completely random I’m going to go ahead and like I need to just build an upper layer at least for my house so I don’t end up dying I know I don’t have to I know it’s such I’m so glad I did that I don’t now I don’t have to worry about the dumb

Trident zombie until he respawns and then absolutely murders me in my sleep I need I need more There oh I’m out luckily I’m I I got I got a pickaxe it’s shift I I I hold shift ah how do I how do I how do I go into crawl mode I hold shift right where’s it’s alt okay it’s alt there it is okay I did it what hey

Hey hey hey we can we can talk about this Hey Hey sir sir oh dang na I’m going to have to take you I’m going to have to take you out you should admire this real quick um how how did you miss that you I’ve never seen a that like hit

Me that like hit me but it bounced off I’m Invincible literally Invincible okay I’m going to need to fix this I don’t know if I necessarily like it this close to the entrance but I don’t need to worry about that right now uh I heard A monster nearby back to game let’s see

Here do I got I don’t want to use that wood though it sucks okay I got Stone okay that’s good I’m going to grab the Twigs go here Twigs there we go axe okay now we can go mine some trees I need to replant the forest hashtag team tree

Yeah I get so much stuff from that okay I’m going to I’m going to mine this floor Bush too yo dark oak okay dark oak saplings maybe I need four is that that’s three come on one more is there another one of those I would really like another one of those

Worthless okay I got that um okay I think I can keep building my house it’s still dark I have torches I need to place these around my house here let’s just quickly okay there we go okay now now we’re all lit we’re all lit up once again no zombies breaking through this

Base okay uh I’ll take these again and I need what do I need to do I need to make I need to reinforce my walls for those underwater zombies all I have to say is breathe air they obviously haven’t watched Andrew Tate then again neither have I

So I like that I like the exposed logs so I’m gonna do that yeah accent walls yo that’s that’s I feel like I feel like that’s cheating to be able to crawl through spaces how powerful is your computer how powerful is my computer so I actually built it about a

Year ago I saved up for a while and then as I was about to pay for it my dad said Merry Christmas and it was my essentially my Christmas present I was like dude you can’t do that I’m buying this and he held me at gunpoint said I’m

Buying this for he didn’t hold me at gunpoint he that’s that’s a joke um but um look you can look at here in the settings over on the right it’s a um I use a 2K Monitor and it’s an RTX 380 with 32 gbits of RAM and I have a 12th

Gen itel Core i5 12K Pro CPU and then I have a I would assume decent motherboard with a terabyte of storage and then I said it 32 gigabytes of RAM right I think I have that somewhere in there I don’t it’s somewhere on here and yeah

It’s um it’s it’s really nice I went from playing on a literal Walmart PC and when I say a Walmart PC I’m talking like this thing is literally from Walmart in the gaming section labeled Walmart gaming PC like it’s the most generic offbrand gaming computer you’ve ever

Seen literally that had a oh Dam it to to this monstrosity of a computer and it’s like oh my gosh like when I first switched I was like dude this is what those streamers play on and it is like this is what you’d see somebody like I don’t know I don’t watch him

Dream he doesn’t he doesn’t stream anymore does he I don’t think he streams anymore did he ever stream I don’t even know I don’t know but it’s it’s it’s a really nice computer and uh I like it a lot I’ve used it I use it for all my

School because I’m I’m homeschooled I use it for all my school to write my papers and then I also play at night with the boys on it and none of the boys are on tonight so I was like hey I’m gon to stream Minecraft because that’s more productive than not

Streaming and also makes me want to play the game more and I just love Minecraft too it’s one of those games I always come back to because I just enjoy it so much I think I’ve play I’ve played since um I played since the um do I stream

Daily actually this is this is my first time streaming in a uh hot minute I can look on YouTube if you look on YouTube I don’t think I’ve streamed since like the summer because I’ve been busy with school and then I just never found time

To I mean I absolutely could have but I never did and I don’t know why I just love doing it so much so I don’t know why I never did it and look Here Comes the Sun but I do plan on streaming probably like daily because during the school

During school weeks when I have school I usually go to bed in order to start a good day at least by 10:30 but by 10:30 I usually end up staying watching like Game Theory or movie Overlord or the movie cynic or anything really related to movies in general until like midnight

Then I go to sleep but um where was I going with this I don’t know anyway will I stream daily probably not don’t get your hopes up but I will maybe every other day unless it’s or on weekends probably what’s going to end up happening a weekend thing or when I have

Break or I’m not doing school I it just whenever I’m feeling like it I probably it’s probably the best way to put it and all do I have I can make bone meal here let’s let’s dang na it I didn’t want to do that I will take I will take all that

Stons you plant a tree and you get 10 in return G Whizz 10 and return and I I can keep I can keep doing this like it’s like infinite tree hack from Minecraft what’s up guys welcome back to your daily tree hack videos with or hang on what’s the

Obnoxious your voice what’s up gu it’s it’s like what’s up guys and welcome back to another video inside today’s video I’m going to be showing you how to get infinite number of trees in Minecraft Survival team tree right what what was I doing oh my gosh I’m distracted bro what that was like

Delayed that was weird okay I should have plenty of I should have plenty of this wood now I’m going to go ahead and plant more trees team trees I agree with you buddy I agree Jack this is going to team trees for every dollar donated I’m going to plant a tree in

Taiwan specifically in Bangkok or maybe I should plant it in Beijing instead of Bangkok because they have like of the worst air po I don’t think the Chinese government would let me now that I think about it they’d be like no just flat out no the leaves falling is

Awesome yes I destroyed one of those you know those Mega trees that spawn like the mega Birches like those that big one I’m G to zoom in so you can see that Focus I destroyed one of those and like leaves fell for like a solid oh here’s

Here’s a here’s a mega one I’m gonna I’m going to come destroy this one just watch this this is like this is like those sort of things watch these leaves fall wait is it turning autumn am I no that’s just Birch leaves okay watch this just just just leaves it’s so cool

I know it’s it’s the mod pack I think it’s called better pixels or something I think I think if I land in water too I make a little splash effect okay no I don’t I don’t that’s a different that’s a different thing I love it too um so

All these mod packs I obviously didn’t put this together myself anytime I’ve tried to put more than like six Mods together they never compat they’re never compatible um and I spend years trying to get it to work and I never do and I just waste so much time in my life but

Um yeah how tall should I make this should I make it four blocks tall or should I make it not three I don’t want my head banging that roof I want to like just like no jump space it’s just like two blocks tall H this is so aggravating

Should I go three or four I agree I agree four five I think I’m GNA go four and I can always upgrade to five that’s frustrating please don’t destroy all this have to run all the way back around jump back up here I guess I have to destroy these two

You need the headp space I know for that big brain of mine so I saw a meme earlier today that’s like still think you could beat Steve in a still think you could beat Steve in a fight I’m probably going to post it on my channel the um post

Section at some point I got to start doing that sort of thing if I want to grow and engage with the audience and yada yada yada but it was like think you can still beat Steve Steve is 6’6 his arms are 10 inch thick he can carry like

66 million kog of gold and still jump and Sprint he can he can live forever without eating and it was like he can he’s got a 48 inch vertical I think those were all of them so it’s like no you couldn’t beat Steve because

His arms are oh snap oh I was like oh got nervous there ah yes the weird thing okay let’s look at my map what do I want to do why is there like a perfect circle here okay is this a house that might be a house I don’t

Know I don’t know if that’s a house but do I want to go do I want to go back up here I was just up here Meadow I didn’t explore the meadow that’s where the butterflies were that’s a meteor dude what if there is like meteor

Stuff I don’t know how this works the circle here I’m going to set a temporary Waypoint what time is it is it it’s noon I have no food I have food I got to have food yeah I have apples and rotten flesh I’m I’m not that hungry I don’t need

That but I need sheep there’s like no sheep around here and it’s driving me crazy I’m going to go I’m going to go I’m going to go investigate it and hopefully not die um so leave one like equals one extra percent chance I don’t die was isn’t that what Alia does

One like equals one hot for this guy my name’s Alia right that’s what his his his intro is like something like that I think oh my gosh there’s a lot of drown underneath me there’s a lot of drown yo I had a boat why did I try to run home last time

Was so dumb okay let’s see what’s over here okay we’re about to get here maybe there’s going to be something good oh I don’t know if you were here when I did it but I found a glitch to where I can see all the caves thanks to this mod

Pack that’s it’s pretty much like x-raying but I’m not cheating I think I have an x-ray I think I have x-rays I do think I actually have an x-ray mod pack okay it was you seen other people do it and it was a meteor okay let’s

Let’s go see if it was I believe you you don’t seem like the type of guy to be like press Q over The Lava to upgrade your pickaxe no um but there is a cave maybe the meteor went down in the cave um I’m going to really quickly take out the

Waypoint because that’ll get annoying maybe there’s something that’s what I oh the the cave Ambience dude dude uh no worries that you’re wrong wait I think I think I can make copper Golems I’m going to make I’m going to see if I can make a copper Golem so I’m going to mine this

Copper I know the echo I forget oh I hate that I need to turn that off um the echo I for I think it’s called I don’t know the name of the mod pack but it’s so fun so I saw a YouTuber I think you probably heard of him I think it was

Skip the tutorial he did a video where he featured this mod pack to make it the Minecraft as scary as possible but he also did voice chat what’s that game this is Minecraft but if you remember he I don’t know if it was in that video or another

YouTuber but he explained that if you do that and your friend runs far off and starts screaming it ech goes throughout the cavern so it’s like yo bro I’m going to go explore over here real quick and you just hear them going and it’s either the most funny

Thing you’ve ever heard or the most terrifying thing because it’s like dude what’s happening over there more than likely he’s getting blown up by a creeper or he just found the most terrifying monster in the cave ever okay I’m going to mine this copper and hope I can make a copper

Golem I I think I can I think this mod pack supports copper Golems okay what what’s this is there land over here and while I’m on it I’m going to go explore the so we have glacer and TGA TGA and forced all on the same island yo

Crazy hey sub you yo thanks Cari dad guava did I say that right guava no no that’s that’d be yeah it’s guav Gua Gua I I don’t know I’m probably butchering your name I apologize kav Gua something like that or can I just or is it just Cary Dad it’s probably not

Car Dad Gua I didn’t even say that right dude I I’m American we we don’t we don’t pronounce names right at all if you go to a beach and there is a natural spawning glass on the ground then it’s meteor yes that makes sense I agree with

You on that that makes total sense same with real life if you go to a beach and there’s just glass on the ground actually it’s probably a broken glass ball bottle but it could be a meteor um let’s see what’s over here is oh cave sweet oh it’s one of these dumb

Caves is it yo water Echo this is a mod this is the better Minecraft mod Y the light though yo I’m going to mind this any more coal I go over here oh oh oh oh that’s that’s a um well but I I care about the grindstone yo

Look at the Shadows going up the wall that’s so cool so it’s called better Minecraft and this is the um well well well you’re so clever um you can zoom a don’t know that okay so this is part of the um shaders packs the um I believe it’s a specific I think

It’s a it’s a specific mod pack it’s a there’s a specific mod pack I believe not mod pack there’s a spefic specific mod that allows you to do Zoom at will um which is what I’ve seen people like Forge Labs use it and I always went yo what is that mod and I

Found it and I yes so then I took it and now I use it and I want this is there anything good is there going to be anything dang na it I’ll take I’m going to take the levers as well probably worth it oh mine in

Here whoa hey hey hey oh oh snap silverfish probably they’re not as annoying as Phantoms but they are kind of annoying I will say that yo what’s up Jerome oh he’s trapped I didn’t see that I need to fix this I don’t like this field of depth this weird fov thing it

Does all right it’s getting dark I need to head home but Hardcore Parkour oh you think there’s a chest in the bottom I’ll come back I’m I’m going to go look again maybe there’s a chest in the bottom like do you think I need to dig

Down a little bit to get to it you need to get back up there somehow also the or oh yeah this the um complimentary shaders the ores glow which is so nice it look it’s so so useful well we’re about to find out together and then you and I will know

And everybody watching that it does or does not work that way where’s the well I completely destroyed it so okay we’re about to find out what is that is that just Stone I can’t tell it’s too dark hang on I’m yeah it’s just stun okay got to go grab

That you need support gaming with what do you mean you need support like emotional support you look really you you AKA it looks really cool hey I don’t know you look where’s my boat I need my boat you might real I don’t know oh oh it’s all backwards let’s go I

Think lanterns actually give me more light yeah that gave me more light yeah it’s giving me more that’s giving me more light I mean it’s a support with subscribers and viewers okay when it I don’t know quite what you mean Iron iron iron iron okay so support with viewers

Um if you’re saying you would like a shout out I mean I can say subscribe to gaming with jacking but um if I say that the problem is is my viewers might not be the exact same type as your viewers and it might just end up being hollow subscribers because you want subscribers

That will watch your content and not just subscribe because somebody told them to but it’s like absolutely just say yeah you I I don’t know what you do but you want to find the correct viewer for what you make and then make content for that viewer that’s the best way I

Can explain that um personally I don’t usually I’m not usually the best when it comes to making videos but I did have a YouTube short once that got me 1.2 million views and that’s where all my subscribers came to came from watch the content watch the

Content what what I don’t know I don’t know what you watch the content how many viewers have I gotten once honestly in a live stream personally this is I think I’ve gotten seven Co I’ve gotten seven current viewers as the as my streaming software says at once that was probably my Max at

Once this is my most viewed live stream currently which is hilarious to think about I have 39 views on it but um this is definitely my most viewed Liv stream in a fat minute but um my most viewed video was a video from 2021 or 22 it was either last

Year it was in July it’s no longer available on the YouTube channel because I no longer make cont content relevant to it though I am now the game master I’ve swapped so many times but it got me 1.2 1.5 million views 4,000 subscribers and it was um the fastest way to die in

Fortnite that was that was what it was titled and um it was it I went to bed not expecting anything because my previous video had only gotten 3,000 views I wake up the next day to hey you just got a massive amount of views you got to be kidding me um

Massive amount of views and it actually brought up another video that got 500,000 it’s now sitting at 600,000 also no longer available to watch I don’t have them I have them privated unlisted whatever you want to say but I have in fact gotten quite a large number of

Views and I’ve never been able to replicate it since the closest I got was I made a Minecraft time-lapse video just to see what that would get me and I got 33,000 views off of it how much money have I gotten okay that’s a um difficult question actually it’s not I’ve gotten

$100 that’s flat out simp I hate doing that um I’ve gotten a $100 out flat so what I mean by that was that YouTube short that got me 1.5 million views back this was back when the shorts fund was a thing it um I got notified and it said

Hey because you got so many views you are eligible for a $100 uh just just $100 that was essentially what it was and I claimed it and I got $100 for that but they no longer do it like that because YouTube shorts is much different than it was a

Year and a half ago so while back then it was just like hey if you get 2 million views we’ll give you $100 now it’s like okay depending on how how long that was shorts shorts get you about 4 cents currently they get you about 4 cents for every thousand views

So if I guess you divide 4 Cents by a million it probably come out close I don’t know whereas compared to um a long form video 1.5 million views on a long form video would probably be like honestly probably at least $2,000 easily I think that’s what it could easily come

Out to but I’m not monetized actually at the moment because I don’t have yeah they’re not they’re not good for money I would not recommend you trying to make money off of short so what I’m trying to do currently is I’m trying to grow my following by making

YouTube shorts because they get a lot of traction like they get a lot of attention so my videos I’m going to make are going to be YouTube shorts in order to grow my channel but um I don’t plan on making money from them I hope to um

Make shorts and long form videos that are very similar to my shorts and streams that are just enjoyable chat conversations like this where I am engaging with the I’m G to beat that kid up for doing that you interrupted my monologue but um yeah so my videos and shorts are going

To be dang na it are going to be connected to each other whereas my streams are going to be more just about everything else well will you eventually pick me up this is just going to be a psych W there are no no windows it’s just all the exact same monotonous

Repeating pattern for all of eternity never ending never ceasing no I’m going to I’m going to put Windows on it I don’t have sand though and shorts are the only thing because of Tik Tok is that how we spell it I’m bad spelling tick well you accidentally typed o but

I’m not going to judge I spelling typos I I feel you there you’re right shorts only exist because of Tik Tok and um Matt Pat are Game Theory I the game theorist is actually what they’re called just released an entire video about how shorts is actually damaging YouTube and

I completely agree with them 100% um that it is very damaging for the platform even though it is very useful to grow and and I’m taking full advantage of it right now or I’m going I’m going to I I haven’t found much time to make content but hey I’ll take that

But I’m going to and I’m going to use it to its potential but the problem is is it it just not because YouTube’s a search engine and shorts kind of ruin the whole personality thing because it what the whole argument is yep they do damage attention spans

But the whole argument is it’s like YouTube is you connect with a Creator and stuff like that where it’s like you come to YouTube to make connections with creators and like that’s why you follow like I only follow like six creators I follow all of the Game Theory Game

Theory film Theory style I don’t think I follow style I think I follow style it’s not bad um and I actually follow GT live I love GT live the most because I I love watching matapat play games that I’m never going to play and it’s really fun to watch him but YouTube

Shorts right they are very good for connecting but shorts if I were to ask you how many shorts creators you remember from your scroll you probably could say well there was that one guy who made that video but could you name me his exact channel name probably not

And that’s the problem is it’s not good for building connections it’s just good for driving up numbers which is why it’s damaging because it’s it’s just not sustainable three I don’t know what three means three viewers three three is all you can remember like I I I can remember

A couple I know I I recognize the name Jaden Williams um Jaden Williams oh come on I can’t remember anybody else I’m not going to really count somebody like Dude Perfect are there Phantoms in this mod pack dude you’re right what day is this I haven’t slept since I started this

World we’re at Day come on where is it basing client local biome dude how can I not oh my gosh where is it where do it mention it how can I not find it two it’s day it’s only day two okay day three right don’t they like

Start appearing after like day three and not sleeping the problem is is there’s only ah there’s only these little trophy bugs around there’s no sheep I probably should explore this area and there’s probably going to be sheep I’m going to go to the meadow that’s what I’m doing today I’m visiting the meadow

Wait a minute wait a minute this looks like a ravine I’m gonna put a marker here edit way point uh Ravine that’s not how you spell ra here let’s Rine Ravine Ravine there we go yes that’s exactly how you spell that I agree ravini um I agree we

Probably all need more Phantoms in our life no we probably don’t that’d probably be terrifying you don’t then again in real life you can’t not sleep for three days oh my gosh my you’re right my house needs Windows this is horrific um let’s see chest hang on I’m

I’m going to drink some water quick my throat’s parched talking non-stop parched throat your parents facts though mine they um I’m usually the last one to go to sleep because they’re tired like today we did a lot we had we have family over for Christmas and stuff

So we have cousins over and we just everybody went bowling this afternoon and we were all out so then they’re like even though I technically drove half the people in our in one of the cars cuz my mom didn’t want to drive she’s like Daws

Or drive and I’m like okay dang it I just I just I just dropped my name in the chat don’t wor you wouldn’t have to look too hard to find it on the Internet it’s probably out there somewhere already any I live in Texas there is no snow in Texas

Sadly which is probably why I hated Minecraft because it’s so annoying to me uh let’s go oh I meant to place chests I meant to place chests that’s why I got them cursed chest placements be like do I need any of that I don’t think I do you don’t have snow where you

Live no snow in Indiana um this summer I was in Columbus Ohio over the summer for Fine Arts because I made it to Nationals with a promotional video because I love video and um one of the things I’m not even joking in in Columbus Ohio mid this is end of August

Starting no this is at the end of July July 31st August 1st it felt like when you walked outside the air smelt like fall and I was like dude it’s way too early for that what’s going on over here what’s going on up here in Ohio dude

Only in Ohio oh waa water hey yo hey yo water effects but dude only in Ohio is it fall in the middle of July that’s all I’m saying only in Ohio but guys I will say the means are true Ohio is one wacky place I know I it’s so it’s so cool all

The little water droplets too I’m try oh it froze it froze the game that’s so nice I’m gonna go in here and I need to um performance settings camera it’s gonna be in camera it’s gonna be is it this applies dark no I I’m fine with that motion BL

Yes I know I shouldn’t have free the Indiana from lens flare yeah I’m fine with that TAA where is the um world blur is this it depth of field off no way distance blur gets applied like fog depending on the distance Focus point I don’t want distance

Blur okay I think this is what I want scales the word of blur on the camera no okay I think I do this right okay so it looks to right yo whoa the ground got Reflections while I’m here I’m going to mine some sand whoa whoa whoa hey hey hey there’s

A lot of my mini map showing a lot of stuff I know just it’s it’s the little things right like the little things like the water the water droplets on the water the fact that it fades to sand even the reflections on it’s it’s just a nice little

Touch also I now I know what the fade the fade to do so the distance it fades to F the distance how strong is my PC um look you can look over here on the side on my left I have a CPU a 12 gen Intel

Core i5 CPU core 2K 2K monitor RTX 380 graphics card with dlss um with I also have 32 GB of RAM with a terab of storage and a motherboard obviously and I’m running all this at 128 frames a second not what I wanted to do which is um really good

Like incredibly good spec just like I can look at this right now and I’m getting 135 I can look straight up and I get like 190 it’s so cool I’m going to I’m going to check out some of the underwater wild what’s going on down here that looks dangerous what is

This ratfish what do you do are you coming to attack me die okay you don’t give me anything what if there are sharks I think there are let me look let me look are there sharks is that a shark no that’s a fly fish those are flying fish

I think sharks might only be in the deep water but I think there might sharks okay so let me explain this in more simple terms I have a f i have a nice graphics card which is how I get these really V the graphics card allows the

Water to look like this and the reflections to look like that the CPU allows me to no the ram allows me to live stream and play the game at the same time it allows me to multitask and then the storage just allows me to store the game of Minecraft the storage pretty

Self-explanatory and then the um I think I think that’s I think I explain that I think I covered everything and then the um oh I hear a zombie put my headphones on one head okay I don’t see anything down there see I like this

Like okay I’m I’m going to see if I can get down there let’s see should I should I should I lava bucket should I lava should I lava it’s like water bucketing but with lava oh another little thing the grass moves when you walk into it which I

Think is really funny to look at wait a minute is there water there’s actually water yo is there anything good down in there is that is that that’s copper um yeah watch out behind me and look at this there’s a vine right here that I can

Just I like how even the with Mod is this mod anyway I still look yes okay so this is a the reason it still looks like Minecraft is because this is a mod pack called better Minecraft and their whole their whole goal was what if Minecraft just went all

Out I agree let’s make a canal so it’s called this mod pack has 278 mods in it but it still looks like Minecraft because that was their goal they wanted it to be like vanilla Minecraft on steroids that was the goal of the SP P so it’s not like rlcraft where it

Completely changes the game rather keeps it the same yo the echo though can you’all hear the game all right if if I need to I can always turn the game up a little bit okay is this what is this this is blue Knight what is blue Knight

Okay so like it it just does small things like add more blocks like this like I got four blue KN like what does this do I want to see I want to see I want to see the like where are the crafting IAM whoa okay Quest there’s Quest there’s quests

Dude welcome to oh I remember this if if I get click me I I forgot about this dude quests okay tasks are things I need to Rewards or what okay okay pretty simple sweet now how I okay pretty simple read my description to make okay press R while having over view the re

Okay uh hold to use a tool with the vein mine enchant Cherry yes I got cherry wood I don’t know I have no idea is this oh is this just explaining basic stuff waiver sweet I’m just I’m just claiming this sword of things I since I’m not I don’t have multiplayer

Enabled I don’t think I need that um at the bottom of the inventory you may have noticed there’s a search bar roughly enough this is roughly enough items if you type wood okay sweet I I actually need this a lot whoa seasonal comped yes Yes I don’t yes now I have the uh now I have these dude sweet I’m G I’m going to look at this yo wait listen to The Cave sounds dude ASMR for this would be awesome um I I’m not a fan of ASMR but dude Minecraft

ASMR sounds dude this is an blah blah blah blah blah locks Okay no Okay uh I’m can why can’t I open this oh well I’m in the middle of a cavern I probably shouldn’t be researching books like looking for the lost city of Atlantis feel with treasure I lost it say is that

What the guy says what the you looking for is it lantis okay y wait what’s that what’s that what was that weird light like what was that weird green what’s this green light there is there something around me or is it that’s that’s interesting it changes huh I wonder if it’s like water

Reflection I don’t know o iron okay let’s see just mining it I me I did not mean to throw that is there anything in here lava I’m pretty close to the surface though so not worth it not worth it it’s also becoming night I should probably get back

First oh I enabl motion board that’s why that’s what that is dude and they it just mic is such a relaxing game sometimes I would like to specify sometimes when I say that because it can definitely not be relaxing if you’ve ever stumbled into the deard hey how would you feel if you

Saw another player tag uh I’d be like what the heck because that shouldn’t be happening because it’s a I’d be like oh my gosh it’s herob Brian but we all know he’s not real he can’t herob Brian can’t hurt you he doesn’t exist right like he doesn’t like we’re 100% sure he doesn’t

Exist like it’s been proven that he’s not real right or is it wait a minute is that what the mask hey hey hey behind me yep there yep got to check my there’s no more Ms here me I get string I got one Str I want hey

Hey Skelly let’s let’s talk about this okay I’m I’m gone is this my Island this is not myland is I’m just going to get where is my okay my Island’s over on the other side yo whoa whoa whoa hey whoa what was that I was busy reading

Comments um I think that was an Arctic wind maybe I think there’s a air balloon thing all right here R isn’t real I know isn’t that funny that they put that in the the um y there’s another one there’s another one of those I guess that’s just a weird

Re thing I agree if he isn’t real then why do they patch it yo what oh Seasons it’s becoming winter that’s what that’s what this means or is it becoming fall I think that’s what that means right seasons are changing so they’re it’s going to slowly get colder and

Colder yo yo really quickly the fact that it this game is smart enough to know that I’m wearing a quiver that’s pretty sick not going to lie for all oh wait yo yo yo there’s Dynamics look at that hey no I I want to play with the uh can I put this

Somewhere there it is all right equi a quiver and a trinket slot sweet no clue what that’s going to do okay so the season’s changing as I want to read The Season’s Copa it’s not working oh well so what I if I’m correct what would the seasons here look at this

So it it affects the grow speed of different things so like in the winter stuff doesn’t grow I guess outdoors I bet you can build indoor things in which it will grow I don’t know what I’m doing what is red this is for like late game stuff we’re talking late

Game dude that’s such a funny idea for a mod and I love it it’s so fun yo TBS guy yo what’s up I hear I hear a drown right outside oh he’s got a trident he’s got a trident and I don’t have a spawn point

Set do I risk it or do I wait till he burns in the sunlight yo all we need right now is the interstellar theme playing I’m doing great personally nice to see you TBS guy um I’m can I get I’m going to I’m going to say TBS stands for to be seen

But start just play the interstellar track over this yo wait lens flare I enabled lens flare it’s hard to see but I got lens flare yo the the reflections though so sick I know it’s so sweet where’d he go I’m not I’m not where is he where is he okay he’s over

Here he’s over here I’m going to I’m goingon to beat him up oh it’s a Roblox game he plays robu he plays robu instead of doing M glad took care of that that could have oh snap oh snap oh no oh no oh no come over here well that’s

Unfortunate yeah that was Stephen he that’s my Stephen he impersonation that’s another YouTuber I was thinking of that I couldn’t name earlier Stephen he why you so bad at math Timmy can do Neuroscience with his back of his mind he’s nine uh yeah I practiced my Asian accent all the

Time my average Asian Dad accent yeah I’m I’m really that’s something I’ve always been good at even back in kindergarten I could back when my voice was not so deep I could mimic certain girl a certain girl in my class’s voice and it would creep her out she’s like

How do you do that and I would say it back I’m like how do you do that it was exactly in her voice and she’s like okay um May the power of Christ consult you the strongest Battlegrounds it stands for the strongest Battlegrounds I also got 6.7k dude dude

Hey it’s like you’re already leagues above all the other guys trying to get women that’s all I’m saying he’s got 22 years work experience he’s nine how is that even possible he won he’s he works five jobs and started one on the side with his left

Foot the the only job you’ve ever gotten is failure um but um yeah that’s pretty good hey you have a good KD ratio that’s all that matters if your KD ratio is something like at least three dude you’re like a you’re a nine or 10 out of

10 man like you’re going to you’re going to get all the girls that’s all I’m saying like I think my fortnite KD ratio is like five I I have no life which I’m also will stream fortnite that is something else I will stream in the future but um

I’m playing Minecraft tonight how long have I been stream streaming 2 hours and it’s only 10:30 too late I stole them all oh you stole the women he knows how to get the maidens all right let me look at my map I am surrounded by creepers creepers

There’s a lot of creep what are these I wonder if these are just like unrendered entities maybe okay map switching Ops options the number one has about dude whoever is number one needs to go touch grass that’s all I’m saying okay so really quickly look at this

Here’s fun I can toggle cave mode watch this this is fun I can view this is the current layer I’m sitting on so this current stop um this is the current layer so I can see all around me so I can see there’s caves and stuff over here but I

Can do this thing where it’s like just show me all the caves and I can see so I’m right here and I can see all the caves around me this is pretty much um You can call it hacking I guess I see G so we have Lush caves over here and

There’s a yo this is a um I’ve seen these before this right here that’s off screen is a um it’s a um Pillager underground Labyrinth dude if I if I started making enough money I’ll be honest with you not I’m not asking you to donate because I I

Don’t I never ask for donation but I’m saying is once I make it big as a um like YouTuber which I can see at least doing I will make a server for better Minecraft absolutely I think it’d be so much fun I would turn I would turn off PVP during

For like your first 10 days of playing you don’t have to worry about PVP or something but I would I would allow PVP on it maybe not griefing maybe have a limit I don’t know I’d have to do it but anyway the problem is is there

Was let me check um about the Pillager thing the problem is is this is such a this requires so much what’s called memory and um I would say to run this I running this on nine gigabytes of memory this this whole I have 32 but I only

Need nine to run it in fact it says I can’t go over 10 you have only three Subs hey that’s three more than most people but um the uh oh what was I saying oh I for I completely forgot what I was saying oh well anyway um

Cave was I talking about cave systems what was I talking about I I I get distracted easily anyway look at this reative interactive lighting oh right I was talking about RAM and stuff you play Xbox Minecraft you Bedrock user get out of I’m Banning you from this Channel right now get out

Of here you’re gone mods mods ban this guy ban this guy he doesn’t respect the game but um this is Java Java’s like a billion times better it’s not clear this is Java but a Minecraft server running couldn’t a could this better Minecraft could not run on a free Java server just

Because it would be too heavy and it would not be able to render it wouldn’t be able to process the amount of information this mod pack comes with dang damn it I want want to get gunpowder aha well you see three people subscribed to you now most people don’t have any

Subscribers because it’s just a channel to watch YouTube on make sense so you have three subscribers whereas most people don’t have any it’s Java well yeah because y’all have I that’s why I like I’ll every once in a while I’ll play I have friends who play um nintend yo that’s beautiful I have

Friends who play Nintendo switch and um there’s no there’s no hit delay like on Java you can only hit so fast but on Bedrock I have this mouse and I’ll just be like and I will just Spam click people into Oblivion in bed Wars and it is so

Fun God why are so many creepers why are there so many creepers I mean I appreciate the free the free mining labor I guess exploiting creeper labor creeper lives matter I don’t know obviously they don’t think so cuz they they the ones killing themselves are blowing themselves

Up I I I play both because I have I have some friends who play only can can only play Bedrock but I’m a Java fan personally I think Java’s a little bit more fun specifically because I can do this just this in general I’m going to take

Away that way point it’s kind of getting all my nerves now let’s see I need to go I’m going to go explore I’m going to go explore this wait is that a village dude how did I see that before not to mention Bedrock Trident are powerful as neite swords but remember we

Have no cool down in I know right but what’s cool about the Bedrock is it’s got a I I think Bedrock has a better combat system personally because of the cool down I’m going to start a farm real quick before I go to that

Village I need I I need a farm I also need to plant saplings Cherry Bomb next to the Village to the left oh there was I have a cherry sapling from that intro also have bones I have bones uh I’m going to put the uh where’s the bones where’s the bones

Where’s the bones I have two chests I need to move all my stuff over dude oh dude this feature is so useful the speed at which I did that was in inconceivable to the human mind let’s see where’s my bones there they are not my bones but skeleton bones which I

Guess technically Steve’s more maybe a fallen Steve here’s the thing do I plant this here and do I leave it or do I break it get Cherrywood and stons it I’m going to stons it oh so beautiful cuz yeah now look I got so many more cherries I personally love the cherry

Trees what do y’all think I think the cherry trees are really cool imagine one day Mojang hang on I’m getting shot at I’ll read that here in a second dang it skeletons I need to light this island up there’s too many skeletons around all right imagine one day Mo J

Is is that how you spell Mojang whatever imagine they combine b rock and Javin together don’t keep players both apart yes I agree you wish Minecraft was like this I I agree too I it’s little things too like I I can I can I can hit that I

Don’t know why that’s so fun to me also the feature where I can tap it opens both doors at the same time so I don’t have to open them both individually um what shaders this is complimentary the compliment shaders also is this wet hands is that what music track is playing I’m not

Necessar my favorite is um my favorite Minecraft um song is beginning to I love the like it’s not like a drop beat but like the um Power of it just like the just how like cinematic and awesome it is that’s my personal preference what about y’all which is your favorite em Mojang song

Not talking about that new stuff I’m talking about C4 we’re talking classic um do I have chests I don’t oh well well uh screw Farm no I I I need a farm I need a farm I’m G to I got to think ahead think of my

Future apples I can’t live off apples I can live off apples forther actually I need I need a Uh moo City moo City I’m not familiar with that one I’m going to have to go listen to that here in a second I’m gonna well not like now but after I get off when I’m sleeping tonight I’m gonna ask the a XA can’t say it out loud or else it’ll start playing

Stuff to um play that I got I got I got to know what that is okay every the average starter Farm be like other side is mine other side dude I I know wet hands dry heads Sweden do I not know any other Minecraft music beginning beginning to is there I

Don’t think there’s a beginning one it’s just beginning yo I was about to be like why is that why is that tree so foxy yo it’s like perfectly placed too um let’s see I’m going the wrong way I need to go down to wait I can teleport hang on hang

On you’re telling me I should have just stayed in the boat I can here I’m about to check was there a tree bio right next to a meadow and a and a dark force dude let’s go and it’s got dude the Cher this actually no no this

Isn’t this is the Cotton secure gr it’s it’s a um it’s a special it’s a special this is I’m going to I’m going to go there here but real quickly unknown unknown air self is okay I don’t I I don’t know I agree I thought that was a cherry biome too here

Why can’t I teleport there maybe it’s not rendered in here I’m going to see can I um okay I can’t I’m wasting time we’re wasting daylight here people did I set a way point I did not let’s uh set temporary way point where is it there it is pretty far

Away but um I should be able to get there I have two apples I’m going to sip on some w while we’re moving so um oh oh yo what is that I’m gonna I’m GNA go touch it tuna get over here get over here what what T

Chump what do you think is the most important item all right what do you mean what do you like in Minecraft in general I oh jellyfish if you’re talking like in general definitely would in my opinion wood is probably one of the most the best items in Minecraft but if we’re not

Talking like technically speaking I think um I don’t know I would say one of the Min the minerals I think the minerals are nice did I get the boat I did okay like red stone diamond like neite is good but you need diamond for neite so oak

Wood I I’m a yo Fox yo foxes I need some berries I need to tame a fox I need to absolutely tame I live on an island hey you like tuna guess not I need to take these back you need wood for everything yes okay here’s some of this stuff I can’t

Touch this this hot sun light hang on is my phone GNA die soon oh my phone’s doing pretty good CU I’ll literally catch on fire catches you on fire mushrooms yo they updated the red mushroom I like this I like this I like this one better I like the red mushrooms like

That’s the classic but I like these variations of it that’s really nice yo I found a village or I guess I didn’t find it is this one of the villages just with like the guards anyway I’m raiding I’m raiding yes exactly what I needed I’ll take it I’ll take the bed Yo yes sir oh this is the um bot B bnst thing poppy poppy PL don’t raid in front I’m stealing your stuff um let’s see Rose P yo the the Ambiance though oh wait their trades go up well that’s a that’s a you can’t dang it I I walked into

It the um you can’t trade with these guys here watch I they have names and I love the fact that they have names like lva I love that that’s so sick um no one saw that oh these things on the last word I found one of these I have no idea what these

Do but it’s for villager enchantments but I think they look sick so I’m also taking this note block don’t these take those take diamonds to right I’m going to steal all the chests too I’m so petty were you shooting at me no oh yeah get him yo they yo they took that zombie

Down okay I don’t want grass I will take emeralds and I guess poppy oh is this a whoa uh old gr Birch Force okay I think I know what that is and I don’t think it’s hostile that’s a that’s a I think was that you I’m just standing on fire I’m going

To cook let itat cook okay um can I put potatoes I can yes sir I’m going to go over here that’s why I love campfires dude they’re the best campfires I it took me probably a couple months it was a couple months before I realized I could do this

Which is hilarious to think about but the um the big the big mushroom can I see it from here staring right at it it’s um it’s it’s not hostile it’s I believe it’s got a it’s got shops under it cooked tuna chunk I want that okay sweet sweet baked tatoes

I’m going to sleep in the village tonight there it is I think that’s like a um gnome thing like a Gnome Village I think it’s the lavender bed I like that I actually like the lavender bed a lot it’s a pretty color but I’m going to stick with my blue because my channel

Colors are blue not purple I think this has a um this um mod pack has a better is better Minecraft but I think it has better cooking hey yo what what’s going on in here Paris all right so eggplant I got to I got to get an

Eggplant I will I will take six bread yes sir I don’t is that worth it I don’t have it’s expensive get out of my way why are y’all all in here okay that’s that’s fun I’m going to let him out Run Free Run free My Pretties except for you you have to stay

In there oh HEC so can I can these stack Enchanted basement you Stack you might not it’s sushi time yes yes yes I’m actually going to eat a baked potato hang on how much does it tell me how much they restore it doesn’t eat sushi I think I can you want to you want to watch me eat it um I think there’s a

There is cooking there is a yes yes yes this is part of the farmers light I love this add-on it so you know how you can turn like nine iron ingots into a block of iron well in this one you can turn like nine cabbages into a block of

Cabbages but it’s a crate okay yeah here it is here’s the kitchen okay what did I just eat yo roast chicken whoops I completed a quest how do you know hang on also there’s a deer right here I’m going to what is this canvas rug cooking pot dude I’m stealing all this

Innovation I don’t need dirt get out of here salmon I will steal why is this taking so long it’s an achievement okay like like an achievement here uh no that’s not it let’s check you’re right dude way to go which one would it be oh sweet basket

Yo okay I can craft here sweet what what what was it I was going to craft hi you’re new W welcome TAMU Chan wait tamaru Chan Tamarin I’m assuming that’s how you pronounce your name Tamarin let’s see cabinet cabbage leaf C like I need all this I need a lot of this

Stuff but I don’t want to drop some of it I don’t need Stone I take tomato seeds that’s going to be vitally important yes eat I will now eat sushi sushi okay yo the brick texture let’s see onion I need onions grass is easy to come by do I take the

Chicken chickens are also easy to come by sushi I love the enthusiasm um I need a new axe let’s make an axe that’s what I needed to craft what do I drop I’m going to drop poppies I don’t need poppies oh oh oh Bounty bir oh wait wait wa wait yes

Sweet so now I can instantly tapanes the Japanese are proud of you wait collect an emerald get free knitted orange wool yo sick I’ll take that and then I just like I can just literally I believe yeah it’s hilariously easy all right that’s I think that’s the only one I can cheat like

That now I now I have 19 orange wool whoa the the the uh rope bag of rice I’m taking that sure I can take rice but I want the bag of rice right the bag of rice is like nine rice yeah it’s worth more wait I can separate the rice yeah collect the

Crate drop the potato um I got I got all these special dude why are you what’s going on why are they all trapped in those um Belle that was mean now they’re all going running hi buddy I’m G to take I will take all the bread I will take all the bread I eat everything with chopsticks yo yo Sigma Sigma mail here I can’t use chopsticks if my life depended on it I suck at

Chopsticks oh another B here here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to take I think I can take the Bounty boards yeah I think I can destroy these and take them yeah I could just take the Bounty boards with me and do them at any

Time oh I can only carry one oh well that means I’m gonna because I don’t want to break the game I’m gonna quests quest Quest I know I will but they were they would the quests weren’t like quests I can complete they were like 13 wool and I’m like okay

That’s why I got this I don’t I don’t need that throw these out Lantern I will take the lantern I’ll take this okay I got one oh but where are they the problem is I can’t just quests think they’re not like Auto pin huh decree okay chat is this real chat is this

Real um let’s see yo oh that I was like what are those particle effects oh oh oh I I don’t want all that on the side I don’t want all that on the side key reference okay overwhel okay I should have seen that coming let’s I’m going to throw

This decree what is a decree bring this to a bounty board okay what is this I what do I need okay chat what does a decree do Clerk’s supplies what does that mean oh oh this is the different things it can give you because if I take the

Farming one out or I can’t I put this one in all of a sudden I get things for a clerk right I go out I come back in and I get things for clerk which is these things and if I take this one out

I go back in in it’s only okay okay I’m going to take the clerk that way mine bounty board I farming I can come back for it let’s see he’s younger than me okay we arguing over who’s the oldest are are yall those types of people hey yo Party Party in

The USA uh Party in the USA let’s see y y bro I need 18 emeralds I shouldn’t have traded them all okay that’s a pretty good sword better e you’re you are a scam 20 emeralds for only sharpness three but this guy for 18 gives me all that all right damn 50,000 years

Old I’ll do that can I make that can’t Chili Peppers are a thing sweet whoa do you believe that um I have no idea if that’s directed at me not oh another botney house no this is back at the beginning I um I’m going to stay at the

Village till night then in the next day I’m going to go over to the other place and I’m okay in the morning I’m going to go over here and go to here like in game not like in morning morning that’s not an axe not a pickaxe okay have I been whoa sign Chef’s

Delight yo I like that sign I’m not going to break it cuz I can’t carry it I want that sword so bad head home to empty inventory you know what you’re right I agree I’m also going to mine these chests do you think pineapple belongs on

Pizza okay so I hear this argument a lot and I’m honestly neutral in it I guess I should say I’m not a firm believer in the fact that pineapple belongs on pizza but I don’t think it’s a problem that it is yo I could I could kill the Iron

Golem now get the I don’t have room never mind okay which way is home home is create can I I’m gonna do something this shouldn’t I be able to claim this like don’t I can I can I not claim territory I think I think I can claim

Territory can you have mod I don’t know you so not it’s not personal anything but I’m not going to uh share location in chat claim I can okay I can’t claim it uh I need I just I’m gonna quick I gotta delete this one create another set temporary point that way I

Can find my way home okay I have 49 bread I’m good can my okay my monitor can raise oh oh that’s so much better for my posture y’all stop gosh darn It no hey no hey hey hey stay away from that stay away from that stay away from that hey hey hey it’s okay it’s okay come here hey hey I got berries I know yall like berries Fox you like berries get back here or not don’t worry it only it only like

Fire for like two ticks it doesn’t do much yo the lens flare it doesn’t belong on pizza now my mom the other hey hey um my mom a couple weeks ago made ham but put pineapple on it and it literally the um the um acid in the

Pineapple pretty much melted the ham to where it was like you couldn’t cut it it just kind of turned to um shreds like pulled pork almost like really tender pulled pork whenever you tried to cut it and it had a very citrusy taste which um everybody else liked but me

But um I’m assuming you would do the same to your pizza so maybe it helps you digest your pizza more I don’t know do I have a bet I do yo Happy y Flappy chamers you’re back you were in here earlier like an hour or something ago I’m I’m still here I’m

Always here I never get off I play Forever and Ever not I’m mentally stable I’m mentally stable okay boat hack no there we go that was more painful than it should have been yep but I survived I always survive that’s Darth Maul right Darth Maul is

The one who goes I always survive but if you’re William Aton you say I always come back right right work harder not smarter nah n no no I say work smarter not harder you know what I’m saying minimum wage to match the age they strike you strike them back that’s Jayden

Williams let’s see all right I’m going to do this and I’m going to run to the bathroom and I’ll be right back Chad I took my um headphones off for light I’m and um here I’m going to move my listen listen to my computer humming right now thing sounds like a um blow

Dryer all right what did I miss hear me out yeah oh what happened I don’t know he said he will be right back I think he’s AFK oh okay hear me out well y if there’s Mo you guys I don’t know what Zodiac signs are I’ll be honest with y’all I’m back

Um I have no clue about zodiac signs nor do I care um that’s just me it’s I’m haven’t cared I don’t care about that stuff let’s see empty inventory I want to do some fun stuff with this though they make great decorations so I can have like a storage

Room or I can start storing the crates over here like this and it’s pretty sick looking I can also just not what I wanted to do put this over here I can put all my I’m going to grab the sand don’t worry I’m going to grab the tuna I’m going to

Grab the tuna I I want that Cuna how was it do you feel comfortable did you I mean I feel much better now that I used the bathroom let’s see stove I can create dude I can I can create a whole Kitchen System oh

Oops and I can put a uh Lantern here and I can boop boop the lantern Boop it let’s see and then I’m G to make a bounty station right here with uh I got these things so why not use them as a pedestal I like that I think that’s

Pretty sick that’s pretty sweet looking I mean it it’s kind of weird and then we and then we can put this on top yes the most hideous Abomination that’s a joke I’m not I’m not doing that let’s see so this has this and I can put this so we have

Shepherding that’s why we have so much wool stuff and decree I have no sheep I don’t need this so when I run back to the town I’m going to trade this one out for something like butchering and stuff o that I’m going to take these back I need to get that I I’m

Just gonna empty my inventory I’m going to take the emeralds back because I need oh you got to go hey well thanks thanks for tuning in I really appreciate it a small streamers we appreciate every second wait shepherding I got I got another decree sheering did I not put it

In I thought I put it in oh that that’s that’s that one okay duh I don’t need this I don’t need this don’t need that don’t need that okay this is all I need yep well sad to see you go but hey I didn’t you can’t stay on forever

So I will hopefully I I’ll stream again soon um it’ll be I guess about the same time as this which for me is night time I don’t know what it is for yall but I’ll just you know I’ll keep streaming I was reading chat sorry I stopped there sorry

For the type about this guy guys make sure to make sure to like And subscribe to this guy he’s the go okay um we’re we’re going to the uh mushroom let me set let me set a waypoint uh set temporary Waypoint he’s he okay he was my favorite

YouTuber angry Emoji why do we have Angry emojis guys spread love peace and joy unless you’re F I don’t I I’m just I’m just talking at this point okay that took an egregiously long time to destroy all right let’s go I probably should have just took the water route would have been much

Quicker who remembers the Nintendo switch um Super Mario mod pack that was only available on Nintendo switch and Wii U consoles do you does anybody know what I’m talking about oh you dude I’ll be honest the music some of the music soundtracks slapped like the um I think it was Mario

64 am I running the correct dire I am I was like dude this does not look familiar I I’ll be honest I had the we whoa that was weird yeah that’s that’s that’s weird anyway um I had the Wii that was like my first ever gaming console and then we

Got an upgrade to the Wii U years later and then I actually like the Wii U A Lot everybody seems to hate on the Wii U I liked it a lot oh my gosh it’s a sheep I don’t eat it now but okay I forgot I already had yo what’s

This we can all agree though Mario Kart on the Wii was Banger until they introduced um Mario Kart on the um Nintendo switch and it was just like there’s no comparison it’s in my mind Nintendo switch Mario Kart is the best honestly Nintendo has created some great gaming systems I think we can

Agree like the Nintendo switch is by far their best people seem to not usually like the Wii U but eh I thought it was good I think we do we I think I still have a Wii U control are you are you are you friendly you don’t look

Friendly my cat’s okay so here’s the mushroom is that a fire what’s that why am I Whispering what is that guys we’re here in the wild and up in this mushroom this is glowing Tower kind of looks like a crysalis for a caterpillar guys I I I don’t know about

This guys it’s it’s kind of scary but honestly I’mma go touch [Laughter] it let’s see I’m going to do this famous last words right isn’t that that’s gonna be on his Tombstone someday I’mma go Famous Last Words I’mma go touch it oh I hang on I it’s hoglins there’s there’s there’s piglins

Gosh what what the what the heck oh there’s an entrance what are you piglin oh they have custom helmets too okay I need to uh build up hat suck it y’all can’t get up here Noobs they took fall damage it looks like anybody play VR I do not because

I’m I like I like I like games like this more I don’t I’m not really sure about the immersive stuff but I’m sure it’s a lot of fun like if the second I get if I ever do get a VR system which I might Someday I’m absolutely going to get from

What the looks of it help wanted to FNAF help wanted to i’ I’ve seen a bunch of gameplay that game that that was so much fun oh like beat saber oh snap oh come on Minecraft VR dude I see so many people oh I I need

Health he D he dropped me I thought that was a health potion it looked like a health potion so these guys they can’t they can’t Sprint it looks like my cat’s um it’s night time so my cat’s going crazy he’s like attacking stuff and bamboo that’s now a wood for isn’t

It yo yo the sound of break it breaking though like for reals huh interesting okay I have no sword but I have an axe okay what are you holding interesting you have the you have the deluxe edition okay I love I dude the soul ANS I like that blue light

Okay I’m going to go up here and die real quick yeah okay there’re um you know what never mind I’ll come back some other time it’s night time I don’t have a sword but I can get myself one I’m going to go over to this

Uh you know what I’m going to go back to the Village I feel safer in the village take the lanterns dude you’re right why why didn’t I take the lanterns this dumb I need to take the L that’s a skeleton come on dang nabbit there were two of them oh well um luckily

Uh um there’s a it shows my death so I know exactly where I died right here um and here’s a good thing I did not have like anything necessarily quote unquote valuable with me I left it all in the chest here um but I’m I’m about I’m going to

Go back I need I obviously need to get my stuff back I’m going to take I’m going to make some iron tools I have I have iron somewhere not why would it be in my food chest Where’d I put it there’s there it is oh sleep sleep sleep yes good idea

Sleep smart man doesn’t even think to sleep at I would I would have absolutely just taken off in the middle of the night all right here’s the copper wait do did I do I still have my copper uh I’m going to put this here I’m going to worry about that in a minute

Minute also Platinum Chunk from the illers sweet sweet you’re a woman that that’s cool hi I’m a man um nice to meet you anyway let’s see my boat I don’t have a boat I need to make a new boat I’m gonna make it out I want to make a cherry

Boat you know what I mean Cherrywood Cherry Wood’s nice color let’s see and with this Crystal do I need what do I need I’m gonna I need to do this so I can get my stone it’s 11k snake chicken what Chad is this real let’s see I need wood to smel

Stuff collected it cuz no one like likes Birchwood we’re burning the Birchwood let’s go ahead and make ourselves an axe hang on okay there we go Stone axe hurry back I do I have 30 minutes till it despawns see I can go doesn’t show it I have I have

To why is there a wayo no oh this is the one from earlier experience thing I think that’s fun that it gives you nuggets of experience I’m going to make myself a iron pickaxe that’s the best way to spin my iron okay and then I need a

Sword I’ll leave the final iron nugget here so and away we go I have 57 whatever I have tons of sticks it doesn’t matter ah hey thank you for being here tobs guy um we really appreciate it or I really appreciate it myself just by you

Watching this stream helps me out a lot for purple banana yo purple bananas they slap you ever had a plantain it’s a um like green banana except riper I guess um bye hey thanks thanks for joining in you watching increases my not my viewer retention and my avd average

Year duration as well as um puts me closer to monetization cuz I need 4,000 hours of watch time not counting shorts okay am I going how close can I get yet I’m going to have to hop off here oh there’s another tuna yo there’s tuna over here could hunt the tuna or I

Could go get my stuff back okay I can’t am I going to be able to get out of here okay let’s go ahead and do this you’re going to keep playing after you get the stuff uh yeah probably let’s see what time is it currently for me it is

11:19 I’m going to play till 11:30 p.m. and then I’m going to get off so I will grab this stuff and I will um what what should I do what should I do as a last R ra before I get off I mean I have been streaming for three hours whoa whoa

Whoa okay I was about to be like what happened there that that that that scared me for a second that scared me Blue Jays yo what’s up well I haven’t I haven’t had everybody else in my house is asleep so it’s like not like I had anything better to

Do hey but it you might think it’s weird people sometimes think it’s weird it’s like you watched a stream for two hours and it’s like yeah you watch TV for two hours there’s no difference at least one is a little more interactive than the other take off bye I’m on oh that’s a

Bo I’m going to go in here see if I can grab these real quick hang on is there oh they haven’t spawned yet they haven’t spawned there’s nothing spawning is that it was that was that is this what’s spawning them no clue I I can’t read chat I’ll read chat here in a

Second D it no no no no no no no no no no I want I need I want to get that chest come on Hi okay that’s a Spa back down all right I can’t win now I win right I destroyed the spawn they should keep spawning I like the fact that Crouching one of those guys are they like stuck down there oh they are because I there’s no way they’re still spawning they shouldn’t still be spawning I’m gonna grab the chest and Di I’m gonna die come on is there more is there another spawner up there I think there might be Y that’s what it looks like yo 100% worth it 100% worth it what is this uh spawner fragment I got I got diamond armor that and obsidian I got an iron sword got lots of good stuff um and there’s another one so that means I’m going to get double wait what is this

This is Spruce Wood okay I don’t know if this spawns stuff so I’m going to destroy it oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap oh snap I fell I fell I fell I fell I didn’t mean to get that low there aren’t left stop jugging

Me you got to be kidding me I mean he it’s not bad but I kind of wished for better after all the second one has such better stuff in it like way better yeah I think you’re right I think I can craft spawners really quickly you wait I’m experience level 24 huh

Anyway I’m going to oo that that was close that was close that was close if I had one wish what would it be uh let’s see I’m assuming we can’t do stuff like whatever I write down on a um piece of paper comes true or wish for more

Wishes how did I not how did I not see this before I want that there’s just there’s just blast furnace and then there’s this guy hang on where was all this earlier I looted this place I’m going replace you you I will take the gold for the feathers and I’ll

Take I don’t need bamboo leaves I’ll get more of those in a minute two of these do I need why not um okay back to the house first off I got to make sure I’m not missing anything over here like that that’s some crazy good loot all right I guess I’m not missing

Much hey what’s sir sir what do you offer huh you’re you’re the 18 Emerald guy for the killer you got to go all right well don’t worry you’re not about to miss much once I make it back to the house I am also going to end the stream so dude

Hey thanks for watching I appreciate it a lot means it does actually mean a lot to me because it makes me acknowledge that people are acknowledging the fact that I do stuff let’s go hey you’re signing off for now see you again soon all right I got to make it back to

This house and then I’m also getting off so I guess you all right not gonna do much from now on just gonna get gota get back safely insert dramatic music here that would have been bad if I fell into that um I also don’t know why I stopped

I got really lucky stopping just right then MLG but boat MLG boat clutch I did it ha a professional I’m a professional Lads make sure to like And subscribe to my YouTube videos for infinite good luck that’s that’s what they say right not something something like that I’m not

Sure yo the sky is looking pretty sweet tonight uh let me check does it show me what season we’re in don’t think so frog just just a frog Emoji just just a frog all right yep my house is coming along great um oh yo look look at the like Dynamic grass

Blocks I’ll admit that’s that’s like much better than it just being like a stupid flat ledge like normal Minecraft and then I can just go Bo that’s so fun okay look at this we got this I can now Place another one of these I have sheering so farming I

Will where’ the other one go oh I replaced it right anyway I now have a really good I got one of these I have two emeralds okay what’s what’s the two Emerald one I’ll take that thank you very much potion of healing for free you are

A man of few wordss I got two yo that that’s that’s literally free that’s free so having these in my house is going to be very useful in the long run um I’m going to sort some stuff I’m going to need I’m going to next stream I’m opening it up with like a

Fullon ohuh that’s useful I didn’t no I I didn’t realize there was a stack and container inventory sweet I’m going to go ahead and sort this one real quick sort um all right and I can in the kitchen area this is Blast Furnace this is going to be smelting smelting is

Going to be like we’ll put smelting I’ll just leave it here for now uh well that is going to be oh I need to put this here dude there it’s all those little yo why is it so big in my hand all right there we go and

Then I tap these and I can particle effects how fun anyway thank you so much for watching my um first stream I have been doing this for uh 3 hours and 8 minutes gee wiiz it’s been a while but um thank you so much for watching um to or tomorrow next

Time when I stream don’t know when it’s going to be we’ll pick up where I left off and um which is going to be sorting inventories and then exploring the ocean and these cotton secure Groves because there’s going to be some fun stuff over here and what not and look at this

Broken bridge that’s going to be explored in future episodes oh and look at this there’s a little house over here so yeah lots of fun stuff to look forward to future episod episodes streams whatever yeah I’m doing the whole yep see you in the next stream Tamir

Tamaru Chan anyway signing off for now I’m the game master see y’all next time

This video, titled ‘DAY 1 |Better Minecraft (Survival World)’, was uploaded by The Game Master on 2023-12-30 05:40:03. It has garnered 110 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:09:25 or 11365 seconds.

Got Bored so here is a minecraft stream

  • Aquarium Upgrade: GW’s Minecraft Makeover!

    Aquarium Upgrade: GW's Minecraft Makeover! In Minecraft, the aquarium’s in need of a change, Let’s spruce it up, make it look less strange. Start with natural blocks, like grass or dirt, Add spruce stairs, give it some flirt. Barrels on the sides, upside down they go, A frame, a slab, a banner to show. Fill the gaps with spruce blocks tight, Glass for the water, clear and bright. Fences and walls to keep it secure, Cover with barrels, make it endure. For a simpler touch, add a shelf or two, In this Minecraft world, let your creativity brew. Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server! Are you tired of the same old Minecraft experience? Looking for something new and exciting to spice up your gameplay? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. From intense PvP battles to creative building projects, the possibilities are endless. So why wait? Join us at Minewind today and experience the… Read More

  • Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less!

    Minecraft Hacks in 2 Minutes or Less! Unlocking Minecraft Hacks with Meteor Client Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level? Look no further than the Meteor Hacked Client! In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to download and install this powerful tool in under 2 minutes. Let’s dive in! What is Meteor Client? If you’re familiar with Minecraft hacked clients like Wurst, LiquidBounce, Raven B+, and Aristois, you’ll love Meteor Client. This free and open-source client is designed to enhance your Minecraft experience with a range of features and functionalities. Plus, it’s regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial’s 2

    Crafting Chaos: Five Nights at Florial's 2 Minecraft Horror Mods: A Terrifying Adventure Exploring the dark and eerie world of Minecraft has never been more spine-chilling than with the introduction of horror mods. Players can now immerse themselves in a heart-pounding experience filled with jump scares and suspense. Let’s delve into the terrifying realm of Minecraft horror mods and discover the best ways to enjoy this thrilling gameplay. Unleashing Fear: Playing Minecraft Horror Mods With the rise of horror mods in Minecraft, players can now transform their peaceful blocky world into a nightmare-inducing landscape. From haunted houses to creepy creatures, these mods add a new layer… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Survival Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling experience of surviving a whole night in a scary house in Minecraft. While this may not be directly related to Minewind server, it does highlight the excitement and challenge that Minecraft can offer. If you’re someone who enjoys pushing your limits and testing your survival skills in Minecraft, then you need to join a server that can provide you with the ultimate gaming experience. That’s where Minewind comes in. Minewind is a vibrant… Read More

  • 10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together

    10 Reasons Minecraft is Better Together The Power of Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft has revolutionized the gaming world with its multiplayer feature, allowing players to connect and collaborate in a virtual world. This innovation has propelled Minecraft to the forefront of online gaming in the 21st century. Building Communities One of the key aspects of Minecraft’s multiplayer feature is the ability to build communities. Players can join forces to construct elaborate structures, explore vast landscapes, and engage in epic battles. This collaborative element has fostered a sense of camaraderie among players, leading to the formation of tight-knit communities within the game. Shared Experiences By playing together,… Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans

    Crafty Minecraft Shenanigans Welcome to the World of Minecraft: Vijivaniyani Yorvordik in Uzbek Exploring the Vijivaniya Qilamiza Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Uzbek-language Let’s Play video showcasing the majestic Vijivaniya Qilamiza. Dive into the immersive experience with stunning shaders that bring the game to life! Discovering Shaders in Minecraft Uncover the beauty of shaders in Minecraft as you delve into the Uzbek-language gameplay. Spend hours exploring the vast landscapes and intricate details with the latest shaders for a truly captivating experience! Immersive Gameplay with Shaders Experience Minecraft like never before with shaders enabled in this… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Mod Showcase Exploring the Latest MiniaTuria Mod Update for Minecraft The MiniaTuria Mod for Minecraft has recently received a significant update, transitioning from version 1.8 to version 8. This update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game, focusing primarily on decorative elements. From animal blocks to chest blocks, weapons, tools, backpacks, and more, players can now enjoy an expanded array of customization options. Additionally, the update introduces new building materials such as the golden series and rock texture series, providing players with a wide selection of resources to unleash their creativity. Key Features of the MiniaTuria Mod… Read More

  • Dad vs. Mom: Waking Up Kids in Minecraft

    Dad vs. Mom: Waking Up Kids in Minecraft Minecraft: The Difference Between Boys and Girls Calling Dad to Wake Up【My World Block Pavilion】 Welcome to the Block Pavilion channel, dedicated to providing child-friendly content and avoiding any elements that may impact their health and safety. The channel’s creator, Block Pavilion, is known for creating original Minecraft animations that are humorous and entertaining, spreading joy to viewers. Block Pavilion’s channel is the only official channel, and any videos related to him on other channels are unauthorized copies. Be sure to subscribe for daily original and exciting content to brighten your day and spread happiness! Content Categories: MC Funny… Read More

  • Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight

    Plane Crazy: Hilarious Minecraft Animation Flight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Our favorite news reporter, spinning rhymes that jive. Updates and news, all delivered with flair, In every verse, the essence of gaming is there. From funny animations to unique experiences, Each video brings joy, no room for grievances. With characters like Stress and OdoKentang in play, The world of Minecraft comes alive in a playful display. So like, subscribe, and share with glee, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, the channel that’s key. In every frame, unforgettable moments unfold, In the extraordinary world of animation, stories untold. Read More

  • Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!

    Control your Minecraft server with a Telegram bot!Video Information [Music] [Music] I’ve been in the wonder I’m thinking to grab the clip two three [ __ ] is dead before they can dip I’m not in the blastous ACT we see the brothers they act Federal tracks They Splat in at your back hit them You’ been waiting watching with this [ __ ] blood a PL the [ __ ] [ __ ] C before we hit slide up on the [ __ ] holy water on the clip I just hit the [ __ ] for his glutting and I dip slick Sky skinny Scissor… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack – #1 in the Game?

    Unbelievable Minecraft Greenlord Soundtrack - #1 in the Game?Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft best Minecraft soundtrack??’, was uploaded by Greenlord on 2024-03-21 15:36:28. It has garnered 29 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Propeller Bedwars

    Propeller BedwarsThis is Propeller Bedwars This server is java and is open to all versions from 1.8-latest If you have any questions or concerns make sure to submit it as a ticket ⁠in discord. At Propeller Bedwars, we ensure QUALITY games. Currently, the only bedwars maps available are the 1v1 map (speedway), the solos map (lighthouse), and the 2v2 map (airshow). We value our players. Join today at PropellerTrio.com PropellerTrio.com Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP, Semi-Vanilla, 1.20.4, Crossplay, HermitCraft Inspired, Whitelist, Squaremap

    Join Robo’s World SMP today! Looking for a small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla Minecraft server that never resets the map? Welcome to Robo’s World! Join our dedicated community of Vanilla Minecraft enthusiasts who value teamwork and creativity. Just like the iconic Hermitcraft SMP, our server promotes a friendly environment with no stealing, griefing, or hacking. Everything is done in survival mode to encourage collaboration and fair play. With a map that never resets, your builds and ideas are safe with us. We support crossplay, so you can join us on both Java and Bedrock editions. Apply on our Discord server today… Read More

  • Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Minecraft Bros on Fire! 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you and the boys are trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up accidentally setting it on fire instead. Whoops, looks like we need some fire safety lessons in the virtual world too! #minecraftfail #boyswillbeboys Read More

  • Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary

    Chill Minecraft Gameplay with Commentary Welcome to CasualEnjoyer’s Minecraft Adventure! Introduction CasualEnjoyer, a 17-year-old YouTuber, embarks on his first Minecraft commentary video. Despite facing challenges like a loud game volume and a quiet mic, he dives into the world of Minecraft with enthusiasm. Exploring a New World CasualEnjoyer starts by creating a new world, encountering crashes whenever he dies or tries to sleep. Undeterred, he sets out to gather resources, dig for stone, and build a base. Future Plans In his commentary, CasualEnjoyer shares his plans to play classic games like the Fallout series and System Shock. He seeks viewer input on game choices… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1)

    Ultimate Minecraft House Build (Part 1) Minecraft Hardcore Adventure: Building a Home with Ultra Shader (Part 1/2) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft hardcore adventure with a touch of Ultra Shader in this exciting gameplay. Join the protagonist as they navigate through the challenges of survival in the harsh world of Minecraft. Exploring the World As the journey unfolds, our protagonist has made significant progress, gathering valuable resources such as ores and cobblestones. Despite the limitations on diamond collection, with a full inventory, they managed to secure a substantial amount of materials for their upcoming projects. Enhanced Visuals With the addition of the Faithful 64×64 texture… Read More

  • EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!

    EPIC Dragon Riders SMP with VTuber Kishima Doffy!Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo hello welcome back to the Citadel of Noms today we have a special Mission we’re going to join a SMP Minecraft server so there’s going to be other people there um which is exciting because you know I have uh you know how I’ve been playing on a single player world for the longest time just you know exploring our own Minecraft world and it’s it’s Unique for me because I’ve never done a multiplayer you know modded multiplayer Minecraft ever so this… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP with Viewers!Video Information e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay let’s see does it go all right what is up everyone welcome to the stream it’s your girl kayb boo welcome in and happy Saturday hope everyone is having an amazing weekend and also happy Mother’s Day weekend and happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mothers out there you guys are much appreciated um happy Mother’s Day weekend what’s up Deborah what’s up and Marque what’s up Craig I appreciate you what’s up Daniel what’s up duplicate how you doing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!

    SHOCKING: SCARRED Minecraft Players Revealed!Video Information hi everyone in today’s video we’re going to talk about the most popular game in the world having been purchased some 200 million times on various platforms like many of the best games it is simple on the surface but has a surprising amount of depth with unlimited play time the limiting factor is often how you choose to play it which sounds an awful a lot like life to me this is the first five things you should start doing in Minecraft otherwise it wouldn’t be fun number one which is everybody has a different experience and… Read More

  • JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!

    JKPlays UNCOVERS Hidden Elytra in Minecraft!Video Information all right y’all welcome back to the laggiest episode of Minecraft the modded Minecraft series this is episode 21 quick recap from last episode we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra um hopefully the stream is not lagging too bad but we spent the entirety of the episode looking for the Electra and we ended up finding another n city who is your munting buddy not sure what that means L is bad lag no way hold on there’s no way we’re lagging this bad let me see uh all right are we back… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! MY BROTHER GOT A JOB! 😱🤯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🥺МОЙ БРО НАШЕЛ РАБОТУ😭#shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт #юмор #приколы #мем #рекомендации’, was uploaded by Yb1 on 2024-05-28 05:52:22. It has garnered 460 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🔴This video does not intend to offend anyone and is for entertainment purposes only, all materials are taken from open access on the Internet and used in acceptable forms. The author does not bear any responsibility for the rearranged material. There is swearing. All characters are fictitious and the action takes place in a parallel universe, do not take everything… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT HACKS - AYUSH DON REVEALS ALL! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥😊☺️’, was uploaded by AYUSH DON on 2024-04-21 10:49:57. It has garnered 474 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS # 32🔥 #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft viral tiktok hacks… Read More

  • Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192

    Insane Nether Star Farming Trick! | Hardcore Minecraft Ep 192Video Information what’s up everybody welcome to another all the mods 8 Hardcore Minecraft video my name is Joshy and as we did yesterday we finished up the dimensional seed uh with our Emerald five times block and now we’re just working on our uh so there’s a way we can do this that will actually be quicker than just waiting for these to do their things um which actually I need to make sure these have 6400 so let’s do let’s do this real quick prediction let’s make about 10,000 more of them if we can we can’t because… Read More

  • Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housing

    Architect dominates Dragon Quest Builder 2 in bridge housingVideo Information perfect how’s this look from the outside I’m curious like imagine you’re coming in and you’re like I don’t know you’ve been like shot down from the Seas you come up and you’re like wow look at that that’s pretty cool actually that’s got a Vibe right there I’m liking it it’s pretty cool [Music] yeah I think probably just flatten out the top piece maybe make it a little more stylish on the top a bit of a nice roof pattern maybe but for the most part it’s looking good so yeah eventually cuz my brain works… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Streaming Until Victory

    Endless Minecraft Streaming Until VictoryVideo Information okay oh wait okay we’re live let’s get the music going let’s get the music going let’s get the Good Vibes flowing and we’re going to be speed running Minecraft today uh I’ve gotten better at speedr running I’ll say it I’m kind of the goat now uh but my issue is I’m still bad I’m not the best in the world had what is up had okay we’ll do speed run I hardly know her that’s not I can spell hardly either okay we are speed running today we are speedr running today um we need every… Read More

  • KitaMC

    KitaMCWelcome to KitaMC, a thrilling survival adventure where you can explore a vast and ever-expanding world filled with endless possibilities! Immerse yourself in a community-driven server that revolves around the unique concept of embracing your individuality. play.kitamc.net Read More

  • MCSnips2 Modded Whitelist 1.18.2

    MCSnips Season 2 – No Bonemeal! Join us for the final week of Beta testing with custom loot tables, a unique storyline, and revamped fishing tables. We are in the process of configuring a few more mods before we reset the world and launch the official version. Experience tons of animals, dynamic trees, creative machines, biomancy, a revamped nether, deeper oceans, enchantable pets, artifacts, and NO BONEMEAL! Say goodbye to instantly obtaining infinite resources with bonemeal. In our world, crops will have real value in an economy system. Contact us for a Discord invite to learn more details and get… Read More

  • HellHoleSMP

    WELCOME TO HellHole NetworkWhat we offerAre you looking for a unique Minecraft SMP experience that supports both Bedrock and Java editions? Look no further! HellHole Network offers a cross play environment, allowing players from both editions to come together and enjoy the game.What Makes HellHole Network Special?- Plugins: Enjoy special features like tpa and teams to enhance your gameplay experience.- Active Owner: Unlike most SMPs, our owner is highly active, ensuring a vibrant and engaging server environment.- Voice Chat: Engage with other players through voice chat, fostering a strong sense of community.Bored of survival we got a solution!Join us on… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “We’re not racist, we just like skins”

    It seems Mojang values everyone, except for this poor meme. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • New Quests! Day 3 – PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft

    New Quests! Day 3 - PC Gamepass Challenge Minecraft Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge: New Quests Unveiled! Embark on an exciting journey through the Minecraft PC Gamepass Challenge with TheGuill84! This thrilling competition features daily quests and two major alliances, the Nether Alliance and the Overworld Alliance. Players must complete quests to earn XP for their guilds, contributing to their alliance’s success. Quests Galore Each day, new quests unlock, providing players with a variety of challenges to tackle. From weekly quests to daily tasks, there’s always something to keep you engaged. Whether it’s hunting down a Warden or exploring new territories, the quests offer a mix of adventure and… Read More

  • EPIC!! Visiting CRAZY Worlds in Minecraft Bedrock #shorts

    EPIC!! Visiting CRAZY Worlds in Minecraft Bedrock #shortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how’s everyone doing welcome guys and also on Twitch I see a new face Ark it is nice to meet you welcome and thank you for the follow and also pg-1 13ish over on Twitch familyfriendly on YouTube but how are you guys doing and welcome Evan Arc T Crossing and on YouTube we… Read More

  • Minecraft Pacifist Challenge

    Minecraft Pacifist ChallengeVideo Information we are playing Minecraft but in pacifist mode this means that we cannot fight back we cannot attack or kill any mobs in Minecraft so it’s going to be quite hard but we’re going to have to try and survive we make some friends along the way and it’s a really cool experience trying not to kill anyone subscribe if you want to see a part two because this is not something you can do in one video it’s a very very slow challenge but if you guys like this I’ll do another one so enjoy Minecraft bu… Read More

  • AdiExtraa’s Epic 100 Day Minecraft Island Challenge!

    AdiExtraa's Epic 100 Day Minecraft Island Challenge!Video Information तो यार आज मुझे एक ऐसे आइलैंड में 100 डेज सरवाइव करना है जो पूरा का पूरा हवे में है इस वर्ल्ड में ना ही कोई बलेज है ना ही कोई स्ट्रक्चर और ना ही हम लोग कोई डायमंड माइनिंग कर सकते हैं अब मुझे नहीं पता भैया इस वर्ल्ड में मैं कैसे 100 डे सरवाइव कर पाऊंगा पर यार मेरे पास कुछ टारगेट भी होने वाले हैं जैसे अपने लिए एक फुली एंचांटेड नेदर आइड का आर्मरर बनाना सारे बंदरों के लिए एक बढ़िया सा ट्रेडिंग हॉल को बनाना एंड में जाने के बाद हमें उस काले… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block Challenge

    Ultimate Showdown: Karl Builds vs 1 Billion Block ChallengeVideo Information I found a Minecraft build that literally took 1 billion blocks to make and me and my friends are going to show you the difference between that to a ton of other builds starting with this one block build let’s check it out it’s just a chest it’s like a box oh look at this oh wait a second this is more than one block I’m giving it a zero out of 10 I’ll give it a one for the one block it’s supposed to be I’ll give it a two cuz I like it but will it… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraft

    Unbelievable! Ayush Sahani plays #ludo while gaming #minecraftVideo Information [Music] R if you like your coffee let me be a coffee po you call the shots babe I just want to be yours Secrets I have held in my heart my harder to hide than I thought mayy I just want to be yours I want to be yours I want to be want to be your want to be your This video, titled ‘#ludo if any one playing #minecraft’, was uploaded by Ayush Sahani on 2024-03-14 08:13:24. It has garnered 437 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming’s Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadness

    🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming's Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-06 14:00:07. It has garnered 11630 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More