Multiplayer Vault Hunters Day 12 (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack

Video Information

Welcome to the Mischief I’m Valen I’m kashka and we’re today plans for Vault Hunters hi everybody how you doing sorry for the long intro there got distracted it’s been a weird week hi peeps got it stitches thank you thank you I’ll drink to that thank you very much

You have a place a full set of basic Vault gear congrats siren that’s awesome uh let me say hi to everybody real quick we got um hello to nerd pie some crazy skunk told slow guy Kion magic Astro Burger Starlight 1206 siren moons Sirius creeper uh jumped in there Rowan fullar

Whole slogan I can’t remember if I said hi hi to you uh Stella myandra hello look at you with your little mouse is they’re super cute Ray G7 how you been all right good to see you and sakis psyche excuse me saiki 1500 hello how are you

And once again thank you prestigious oh it’s already started yeah you can’t you want to explain that did you get the thing I got the thing excellent wait we can explain this momentarily I just want to say thank you to fastidious for this for the sub and forth very much for the

Twitch baby of nine months of support thank you very much for Keon Redeeming the tea time as well because I appreciate the tea time tonight I’m gonna need a lot of it oh oh [ __ ] okay got another one got another one we got two a place of great power and we got these

Guys I hope you have a great day thank you unatria and hello and thank you for the salmon for two months thank you so much thank you oh my gosh we’re already a third of the way there koshka okay okay half oh something like that okay thank you siren for the hundred party

Bits and the dead man Valen um for kicking off the hype train yes for kicking off the hype train so for those that are curious what the heck is going on with the hearts and the elephant sounds um uh step one that is kashka hi there you go okay

Okay uh let’s move on what are we doing today kidding I’m kidding can I get a 2bm in return though you just need to you know put put the the point redeems oh my gosh okay we’re up to five remember the trumpets are hilarious put this new buttons yes

Mr Stella says Hi I already said okay not more okay they’re pretty good yes so the idea is is that when we get nine of these we can make a compressed block of redstone times nine we wanted something at the end we’re up to six already and we

Wanted something that people could help us obtain the gorgonite because if they haven’t patched it in the game we’re gonna make a way to make it work and we’re 69 of the way to level 100 uh anyway um so this is our this is our vault

Hunters patch where you guys can help us get the gorgonite help and we may change it in the future but but for now this is the only reward for that and it is thank you Cyrus for the 100 pities and the Skelly bro popping up in my face

Actually I just realized I don’t have any arrows well timed um so that’s the idea we just need three more of those we can craft that last one I’m gonna put them in the put them in the frames just hold hold do it do it do

It do it you you do it do it well then give me the blocks here take it do it do it do it come on do it quick they’re they’re throwing more of them at me there you go nope there’s one more casket they go what’s up

So we’re we’re very close and it pretty much has infinite use as long as you’ve got Channel points but it’s really expensive it’s 15 000 Channel points to claim and give us one of these things and we wanted it to be something that we weren’t really going to use I mean we’re

Not using the Redstone we have so this was and yeah we were not going to use it to craft these yeah we’re planning on using this just for our own yeah how it’s working us um we’ve got this thing over here thanks Kelly bro get in my face again

Break the thing so I I found my button for a couple of frame drawers instead I beg your part my button my button you swapped it out yes so now let’s submit the thing in the drawer and then you get the the whatever in the chest let’s just submit a nine times

Compressed block of redstone again didn’t want it to be something that we could just like Nab in the world seemed a bit op can’t have too much LPS so that’s too much oakiness so that’s how thank you all right the last two we can um compress these into a nine times submit

It and get it or tonight yep hello xaps how you doing Jesus is like need audio peanut freaking elusive yep so it I mean I’m hoping that they’re gonna include some kind of like trading mechanic where you can trade up other gems that you may have larger quantities of foreign Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised oh you’re bouncing on a gumdrop okay gosh oh did you think it was a slime yes yes I did and then instantly I was thinking I mean oh it’s like the light oh [ __ ] I got your head ah you got all my [ __ ] too I got you

Hey take that off right now uh I’ve tried placing your shulker before it doesn’t end well uh you’ve got a chest up here don’t you I do oh spun around right round baby like a wizard where’s your chest do you not have a chest I don’t have one

Hold on okay all right I’m gonna use the middle one oh I kept my um oh there it is there it is I got turned around though well let me put the rest there there’s your head and all I have left in my inventory is

The last piece so did you keep your your pouch you did because I kept everything in my curios spot strangely I plan to I I was hoping to get my stuff but that’s fine it’s in that middle chest up there now I’ll come back I’ll

Come back for it I’ll come back for it right now I need to grab the stuff from such a satisfying wall two make the things that’s how I get that’s how it works I’ll press it I’m glad that it doesn’t require a mod to compress I didn’t even realize to try

And test that so we’re lucky all right into are you coming oh um sure it’s a cool room you need to be in here look at that I made the jump yeah it’s perfect okay so all right here we go so in the chest is nothing oh

Okay okay let’s do this so we’re gonna oh yeah let me let me switch it over and in the chest is nothing and this is this is the the knowledge closet where we trade things for knowledge uh as well as as low so I guess this is also the Love’s closet

Anyway so I I just clicked this in here right yeah submit I could even see it on the left look it says my tax score can I jump the love shop I got a big heart thingy look at this where’d you go were you in there look gosh look I see it

I I hit you with love it’s lovely oh my gosh it’s happening it’s happening it’s like that gif of that guy it’s like it’s happening look there it is that that’s a Pog right there we’re gonna take all these oh you’re a shocker I’m gonna I’m gonna shove them in here

One Paul oh no no you cannot steal the pog is too pug for you oh [ __ ] stuck in the corner yeah no thank you very much thank you sir for 300 lovely bits are you slapping them so much yes 300 gorgonite bits dang it bro yes really

Got it okay I ran it over and then punched it okay um I have one one pog and now I just need these things and then I actually need to take that out of there too um you said Center chest yeah let me grab this no regrets exactly

Okay hold on hold on I just messed that up I need a trap door here so I can actually get back there to get it got it oh come with Brad me do not listen the bread bad bread punch you if I take that gifting that sub to poggers thank you

Okay all right put this away I have this now I have it now uh put this down I’ve got the things I think there it is before I pull that out of the table I’m gonna have a drink thank you all so much for the hype train thank you

Click update level one oh look on a tree I got caught your little kitty aim out hey you can try and push me away from that but it didn’t work I have the droll controller push me off my Gumdrop though it works it’s there it’s there it’s

There gg gg oh my gosh so now all we need to do is like just right click on this a little bit and then walk over here and like quick stack and and that that’s that’s everything well I mean we dump it out of our backpacks into our inventory but yeah that’s oh

Are you okay that helps that helps a lot I think the Zone will be very pleased I hope so pretty batter I heard you you said you better put these on there we go and what did you do with the rest of the heads they’re in here all of them

Stop putting some like around there okay oh shoot that’s not the same spot I fix Ed uh you fix apparently it might oh you’re just far enough away that you’re not affected by the magnet but I was or by the oh anti-magnet but I was hilarious

Quest over we can go home now well we’re gonna leave it up so if you guys donate more yes we can still get more gorgonite yes because seriously look at this we’ve got 19 wutadites 2bm we got 16 serious you have a problem not getting these I know this 19 Ash

Games 25 is to play that’s almost as much as the rare two Echoes though that’s kind of and look is it the black Opals I know we’ve been using some of those could use more though okay we’ve been thinking a lot about how to do this and uncommon um not to put

Pressure on for an extreme but we do have quite a bit of quite a few ideas for more CCI stuff yeah we’ll see Echo is the rarest yeah I believe it uh no we just proved that they’re gorgonite in Gorge Knight is enjoy your lurk Navi and hello

Dead like you oh I didn’t even see that the corpse pop in a very limited time offer for those guys let’s do this PJ white hello how are you good to see you as always let’s do this very cool this this what was this oh that’s right I was I went looking for

A um there’s a Watchman a lush cave under that bed so kashka and I are looking for those Blues did do a little bit of vaulting between sessions at some point yeah and I did get the donuts dagger which is a trinket it’s the first trinket we’ve got

It says use is 12 but keep in mind that a use is taking it into the Vault that is one use so each time I do that so I can take it into 12 volts before it’s done thank you for resorting that that that oh I just fixed that just

Just became a Blade Runner what game of Blade Runner do tell more VJ I would like to know more is is this like table top or is it RPG curious now so why do we think a desert might be I mean there are these little bits oh a desert I’ve been to one

Up into the the desert it’s very far Southwest oh okay do you want a waypoint um sure okay Share yes there you go thanks I just clicked on the map where the desert is that’s all okay well I just meant I don’t know what y level it might have given so yeah Elijah wow yeah we were thinking about like maybe time to go to the end oh yeah

That’s right you could fly to the with an elytra you just need to make some fireworks right I do sure I could oh free League put out the Blade Runner RPG it hit print over the holidays oh no oh that’s awesome yeah every League stream go boom

Oh suddenly I want to like get my inventory filled with junk just so I could put stuff away easily now what’s that you could run a ball well we both need to be in there otherwise CCI gets turned off um oh that’s right and I need to do something about

Watermelons and I was thinking oh thank you you want to run the game now too it’s like you have a black one still it should work let me let me take both these out they’re both gone black wool went in there and the chest chest went in there that’s good

It’s very good oh and I did I didn’t even use Quick I could just use Quick stack and it’ll still use this now I don’t even need to click on this I just need to click quick stick oh my gosh forgot about that so I just stand here and click and done

Is that a drawer control yes VJ everybody in or many people in chat donated a large quantity of Channel points so that we could buy one yes and it worked yes and we have a drawer controller now gorgonite gorginite finding it and obtaining it in the world still impossible but

Through the powers of chat chopping awesome it has become a thing I’m still playing around with the witch remod I am disgusted with the amount of power betania flowers give the tall ones and the floating ones give nothing at all okay I can’t I can’t actually see the name there it is

Dr Kevin Caviness Caviness Dr cavanus that’s what I’m going to say maybe it’s because I look and looted all there is none left excuse me I sneeze so possible it’s quick hello freefall I’m down to 57 000 points oh no Rowan that’s the lowest I think I’ve heard you is it at Night

By The Power of Grace uh chat talking about the altars sorry I forgot to say that would you like me to sleep um sure that would be nice are you sure I don’t know if you want those drops or not but I don’t care it’s not asleep I’m

Right here okay let’s see what Kitty has that dude looks like he has a triangle hi Kitty do a snooze on he sure does all right time to get out the water good kitty you stay here back up on the Shelf with you there you go good kid yeah I’m running low on

Kitty food so if you come across any fishes could always use more of them okay hang on not like you need to do that but just saying if you if you run across a bunch okay one second did end up picking up Last of Us Part One today congratulations serious cripper that

Sounds like fun I was considering playing it again your horrible thing was uh it’s not too hard I’m trying not to die try it you okay yeah yeah he’s he’s played it like several times aiki but I mean he just got the new version but like the remaster I think it is is

Done now and I’m just gonna pretend it didn’t happen oh yeah so I was thinking serious creeper I would take a page out of your book work on making like a a melon slash pumpkin farm remaster is another version part one is the new one wait what they redid part one with the

Engine that they use for part two I think okay maybe I’m I don’t know but it’s it’s still the same game just extremely pretty now right I mean not that it wasn’t before I mean look at those cordyceps right look at that yup okay okay so I need some sits pretty and some

Changes in the UI and the crafting system from part two I swear I just heard a parrot what is that okay let’s start pranking us for the parents uh it’s not even showing up on my mini map what where the [ __ ] is this grass block or you know what I mean yeah

A torch I don’t what is it above it must be above no it could be above oh wait there’s a red dot just showed up okay it is above there’s there’s a parrot up there somewhere I’m gonna grab some seeds maybe I can entice it that that looks like a horse or something

Foreign oh there it is hi dude wait a minute are you are you my no you’re not my parrot I tamed a parrot a while ago it is my parrot how’d you find me oh gosh I loaded the chunks on the way there oh oh and he teleported

Oh I said GG parrot it’s been a while Ben a all right my friend my friend come with me come on we’re gonna get you a new spot come here where are you going come back here and he just flew off these Pirates dude you’re gonna you’re

Gonna land and disappear on these giant shoulder pads it’s a thing you could do oh I just pooped out another drink the light just no wonder this bird is like [ __ ] off oh got him worked come up got my parrots nice I look very very parody oh parody of myself these Britannia flowers

We have any chance of getting Britannia soon because creates coming first thank you BJ for the 100 Bitties by the way okay um you know what I’m gonna leave my parrot friend underneath the mob farm I think because he’s probably not like it out here but

[ __ ] [ __ ] as I get shot by a whole bunch of Skelly traps oh my gosh you sure because goats I just want to remind you goat uh well there’s also a bunch of skeletons on Skelly horses just showed up nice I have never experienced that in Minecraft before Charlie as soon as I

Leave my friends show up I’m gonna die parrot was shot by villain crosswave reviews [Laughter] This is how my week has been folks just doing a murder foreign oh my God if you find another parrot don’t bring it back I’ll just end up killing the damn thing oh rip parrot indeed engineer lady thank you for the tea Rowan oh you sound so depressed now

I am it is my favorite color parrot too and I TR I I actually tamed it with one seed can you breed parrots What would that a bit sometimes my brain keeps going Arboretum and it’s like no that’s trees idiot a big bird lived in a nest Aviary thank you

Okay anyways I was close before I uh accidentally killed my friend um also works that’s what we make our bedroom could be a bird to draw nice all right so you’re a witch just like randomly hanging out over there I dropped feathers too oh oh no at least it didn’t drop like a

Chicken or something that would have been really heartbreaking oh man you got to eat it and then you had to be like cold bird parrot pinky could be like where are all the rest of the arrows going because two birds entered the the arrow stash is getting less and

Less wait is there a drawer for this for the arrows I didn’t I don’t remember making one there it is oh this is why her chest okay this is gonna sound really bad but I’m gonna say it because it sounds really bad this is why callisto’s chest kept getting bigger and bigger

She had a bunch of her own stuff in her personal chest and because we’ve been using quick stack we’ve been dumping tools and armor in that chest stay same same with the Zone he’s got three stacks of another right in there or not another right another rack

Anyway let’s take out all the arrows out of here storage and put them in here there we go install find me no no I want to eventually eliminate a bunch more of these chests and have more drawers just so that it’s that much more difficult to reach this stuff

Ended up being killed eventually though I do intend on still having them uh excuse me sir what you call it storage attached to this so we can then just craft straight from it yeah simple storage you keep saying you want simple storage at some point not yet I’m very pleased

With the fact that we have this the drawer controller simple thing about white stones yep we are okay oh waste them uh let’s see here so anyway I was thinking about making a melon and pumpkin farm uh serious Creeper Style for some I’ll take some of these to start with

I’m gonna need a bunch especially because we protect uh you know right are they Vault rocks before they’ve been you know enhanced put one of those on the altar yeah they are volt rocks and um and it wanted like 38 melons and it’s like oh [ __ ] again

Yeah we’ve already been down that road and we had pumpkins that somewhere in between there as well and we’re like okay [ __ ] this we’re doing pumpkin all the time time to do the farm sort of like peanut butter jelly time but it’s pumpkin melon time um

This the sound that in the sun is so pretty yeah the Sparkles the Sparkles yeah that’s good um so I’m gonna need Observers I’m gonna need Pistons um I forgot a shovel I know I’m a terrible person I can’t look at it because you’re mining sand with a pick

Is it a vault pick as well no okay amending now the right picks I made works pretty good I have a farm I manually do and then have them doing it automatically what what do you mean by farming siren light like easy villagers type stuff or are you

Talking like this where where these guys are making us badge oh my gosh which is absolutely overflowing by the way oh I just uh that’s how I got all the enchants on my ax there is Kitty bad kitty one second while I I trade with dude duder uh this

Four oh wait that no no why are you doing that why okay so now I’ve only got like two and a half stacks okay there we go now I can do it okay done with those this okay it’s a good start thank you but a nice running away from you

To save those to stop them from getting put away by accident nice all right I see I’ve switched to mining sand with Brett happy be there so what are tonight’s Adventure goals Adventure goals I’m making I’m making a melon and potato melon and pumpkin farm

Even if it’s just a small one I plan on making at least one of those um and then maybe doing about it we’ll see koshka is getting sad stalls Sandstone for what reason I don’t know would you like me to sleep I’m sure do that asleep right here

Isn’t it Peanut Butter and Jelly Time jelly time is required it is required that’s all you need to know yes like that okay I have it as three nine by nine areas ah gotcha so much happier mining it so fast it’s so satisfying well that’s funny because I’ve been

Putting more and more points into uh Fain Miner like how many do I have now actually the stock okay I have a stack of vein mining oh I got a a straight stack of sand so yeah I’m at six blocks right now which if I wasn’t doing the fortune version I’d be

At 12 but it’s still really nice to hold that down and you get to do the super fast mining oh it just rips through anyway there’s anything else we need while I’m out and about oh um I don’t know I can’t think I’m gonna grab these grab some redstone

You can’t get dead bushes you need shears or silk touch I’ve got I’ve got some touch on oh I don’t no I do on this ax then okay then on the pick on the I’ve got it on the pick no yes because you just hit it with the pick

Yeah I’ve got it on the ax but not the pick oh and it didn’t work with the ax oh no okay well then it’s definitely shears then oh that’s a villager um I know I’m kind of wonder if they’ve got like a little uh space that I could

Smelt up some iron let’s make some shoes just do you have some iron no I would have to find some oh um why am I in here oh there we go need that can I be asked bucket of water I have an iron golem I could kill I feel

Like he would kill me that’s a very good possibility that I need dirt digables give me them digables and get some digables there we go he’s got bananas [Laughter] dig both no digables not dig balls gosh value Richard dig balls gosh this is a dark area it’s gonna spawn

Dudes but how can I find some iron down there oh seems like that’s a pretty good spot huh yeah I mean you got you got an Electra right okay funny guy what did what’d you say funny guy Hey Oh I thought you said yippie Kay oh all right so

Let’s start here break out the bread again bigger than that um oh that looks like terrible that looks like Bad News Bears terrible terrible Bad News Bears oh we could have I could have two different Farms one for pumpkins and one for you know that other vegetable thing what no

Melons it’s not even a vegetable yay at least it’s not butt balls like in certain but I would say okay there we go dig balls jeez um so that it needs to be every other so that’s terrible what it’s like four skellies over there and then

Need to have a ring of dirt around because I am right over there though right there maybe if I just like they will never notice YOLO oh man we just do this so if I do just like that that’s all I need all right [ __ ] I need the call as well done

Yeah I can make that work that would work okay goodbye friends yeah we’re gonna do this time to die what why why die I’ve started mining this I have to finish right that’s the rules unless you get attacked or blown up or something oh that’s a call let’s put this down

Okay and I think that was good enough good evening okay all right friends um do you perhaps have a furnace I could so like all that mining you don’t have some Stone back off or a crafting another bucket of water things Dangs I needs the water bucket go no water bucket go

Got it I got it I got it now shots fired what good evening Cash convert hello Joe praband hello yo gang how’s the vaults level 11 slow down buddy your power leveling over the hey for me this is very much power leveling especially considering that we’re filthy casuals how you doing there Jenny

Oh these Villages very disappointed in your village villagers and I think they’re very disappointing you could always use my own crafting table we could just show them the inside of your pocket bring them home shove them in a chest and you don’t need to worry about their distaste anymore haunted villages

So I can put this like a beast yeah Um and I think I’m gonna get some some Grace digables just need Uno grass at the corner so it doesn’t get destroyed by the bads I think Jen is coming after us with a pitchfork there boom I’m making a a what do you call it melon and pumpkin farm or at least I’m going to attempt to and I’m going to be uh getting a lot of my inspiration if not copying directly from serious Creeper’s Farm because it was very effective laughs got three chickens is there such a thing

As an original Minecraft design anymore I don’t know if that exists I don’t know talk to ether is this an auto Farm or manual this is gonna be Auto uh automatic yeah um oh I didn’t make any of The Observers or the Pistons she’s a p I should at least plant some

Stuff okay and that sounds like a good start right get these over here and those over there and Zoe is doing a big time snoozing what’s actually had a busy day she has had a busy day lounging around doing punk things as pugs do um we’re trying to like get some eggs from

The turtle jars or something build a turtle that way keep this just because I’m going to need more Redstone than this for this farm and what is it to make an observer oh oh quartz we got that we got that all right give me that combo back I want my comment back

To be fair just having a bunch of observers and pistons is pretty basic yep I mean I didn’t come up with a design well done kashka you survived I just remembered roughly how they work so I gave it a shot and it worked great okay I made mine vertical except I have

A problem some of the dirt I can’t hoe oh no why not is someone like holding you hostage for that they’re like no cannot hoe actually I need some torches um as well for this farm at least back on the terrible mission where the [ __ ] did all the Torches go

Down there’s a light chest where’s the light chest there it is okay torches um hmm what to use for those what kind of what is this oh wow they’re all the way over there Lantern six let’s look at the internships oh yeah Lantern maybe we got something that looks really cool

The algal Lantern looks kind of cool and it uses some of the algae stuff I did plant a bunch of cow the tunnel planting is a good start of a farm thanks thanks still let’s get ready for the copyright claimed on his copying you yeah I’ll get villain right after I get

The guy to copy my mom Landslide I won’t let get hold and I would remove the dirt and use different stack of dirt I don’t know it won’t flip and get hold huh that’s weird uh hmm makes me wonder if that’s like a oh you know what siren moons

Um but that that makes me think it might be a quark thing uh use a smaller radius hoe uh like a a wooden one and you might have better luck because it might be trying to hoe a larger area and it’s not harvesting something so it’s just trying to harvest something

Instead of actually till the ground um so just try I wouldn’t want to maybe you’ll be lucky and it’ll just do the the single spot maybe hey Brown would you mind sleeping I say while I look at a bunch of creepers who just spawned in front of me I don’t mind

Thank you I’m doing a solution thank you I just keep borrowing callisto’s sleeping bag all right Observers Ary girl ten should be a good start let’s get more complicated this 11 21 I got a black jack of observers I like this this is good he’s good like this

A bunch more Redstone also I’m going to need Pistons just take a bunch of them and I’m gonna need some blanks oh right that’s over here now oh look at this these are jungle so we’re gonna take a stack of those and try to make some distance oh

Oh I’m actually out of Cobble oh God I bring these melon home uh 16 seems like a good start what am I short on Cobble again what okay I just made like two stacks of Cobble there’s someone one time got a bunch of turtlenecks last night I know nothing about turtles okay aside

From like sitting and cooing at them occasionally you’re so cute but we’ve we’ve made them before yeah halfway we we did a turtle farm it was on uh devcraft it was a very long time ago but I I do remember us making a Farm off of it

Got some seagrass yeah that’s the one thing that I do is um is how to breed them hello dinosaurs oh and that I need silk touch to pick up the eggs oh one more thing I know that zombies like Stampy on the eggs yeah I think that’s right yeah because zombies are

[ __ ] so you can use it to draw zombies to it as well to grab more lights I didn’t grab any that’s right Zoe just Spam fed like five of them in a group and they just kept laying them that’s pretty cute not just zombies I like scallies as well they’re all bastards basically

All right so the idea here is that this is facing down so like that sand castles oh that one gave me a sand castle actually yup I sure did oh thank the light dude you’re taking up my space thank you very much thank you Harps for the 100 biddies how you doing

Can I actually do this yes and then I think it’s just a redstone across the top isn’t it um you’re very much asking the wrong person I was just talking to myself sorry okay okay so then if I play something down yep simple enough Okay so

Let’s grab that and then I just need to put these down I I remember series even used quarks key lock button uh what was it lock shift lock no rotation lock that was it okay uh we’re gonna put this works not the arrow yeah sure done uh

Yep that works okay oh the light did that drop two or just one thank you VJ for the 100 lucky Beats I’m running out of space in my inventory already oh crap I’m not gonna have enough space to store these things right okay well I’m pulling over sir um mystical flowers

Put these down no good reason facing down facing down hey Charlie hello how are you spawn eggs cheater well it’s it’s the farmer thing and yeah I told you we’re filthy casuals man but not even we’re even worse than filthy cashels we’re a filthy cheater that’s right I mean chat bought us a

Gorgonite gem earlier in the Stream So we could have that controller yeah we um we have what’s the what’s the thing called is it culpableton denial or what’s the thing culpable deniability is that it where we can deny that it’s our fault when we involved a lot of other people anymore hey

It works yes because it works oh that’s that’s oh so good okay just name rename the channel Mischief of cheaters I mean the same thing so hello isability see we made you guys stop it so it’s not our fault oh that explains this not our fault at all it’s

Actually you guys’s fault that was a mistake okay um okay got out of there okay got it so now can I put this this back in proper all right Turtles where the heck are you there we go and this there we go better and then Redstone for everybody

Oh and seagrass I need some serious this that’s a good start actually that’s a really good start um these ones all seem to be facing the wrong way yes I’m glad I made those shears I’m glad you made those shears too wait where’s the these guys going here if I aim down

Yes okay thank goodness for for this function 10 bits of Secrets let’s see it really it really helps with vanilla stuff a lot more than I had anticipated okay um I see him Turtles Turtles of course you’d switch things glad I stopped right there thank you thank you in my head

What do you think it’s called a Mischief right all right Turtle friends hi I have enough freaking pistons and one for you now where are your other friends but I do have some more space for some of this oh have you got any other friends I see

Don’t make him feel self-conscious if he doesn’t have friends you know well I’m trying to find him you know kind of rude a friend with their quotes friend okay I’ll be right back I need to drop off hang on hang on buddy some stuff we’re gonna go tempt this turtle

Come cheese all right all right well let’s try it let’s try it let’s try it okay let’s go Turtle friends the only thing I I want to I don’t want to lose those uh let’s put this other stuff in my put put this on and where’s my boots

There we go we’ll let’s favor that too and okay favorite this can I switch things off yes let’s switch this stuff off my Hotbar because this is this is a hot mess right now um excuse me where are the eggs the the eggs Turtles are you looking oh oh the eggs hey

It worked oh I just heard some eggs actually I’m gonna need more red six some Woods all right if I if I touch X on these things is that gonna be okay I don’t know probably I think we’re gonna find out the tree looked better Channel Point sounds are not working for what

Oh the creeper fuse hold on a second hold up connections everything is connected let me uh reconnect just for just for good measure okay I still haven’t liked your ex yet turtle as long as the eggs don’t require a specific tool then yeah hey Richard mine’s sleeping see what I can do

Yes I can sleep yeah do it Turtle so rebuilt my mob farm and forgot to light the top of it of the in construction build came back to a creeper and platform yidding yay not except touch pick can Farm grass blocks hello my self-touch butt can Farm grass blocks

Right 897 welcome to the Mischief thank you for the follow you now have access to a few of our follower emotes get moused so touch X work never jeopardize the eggs morning subby how you doing I’ve uh turtle eggs acquired I’m gonna need to smelt upstairs so um you guys selling cooldown

Put those in there those in there I guess not wow these Turtles are like up for it like there’s goo Maybe oh coconut all right let’s make some more Pistons because I’m gonna need them anyway oh oh negative things don’t happen in the vault so no worries subby but thank you so much

For the sub and for 29 months of support my friends thank you that’s amazing Oh no I forgot I had these in my offhand so let’s do this there we go out all right I just feel like that show was impeding your um get impeded kashka get impeded it’s just bound to happen okay so now I can go put down the rest of

These push tunnels and we also grabbed the leftover remains of my dead corpses they’ve peed out of us these these oh oh no I forgot this needs a device underneath collecting stuff I sense a soul that’s gonna be a problem we don’t have the space for that I don’t think you

Have to boost it up a bunch hello I’m Moxie how you doing welcome to the mystery thanks for the finals might be done after all you think my what the turtles might be done after all You Killed The Turtles no but I think they’re kind of you know done with my shenanigans oh

What did I just get oh I got a chest filled with bread and zombies yeah zombred best bread thank you Hanson and hello how are you that’s true uh so what is it for do you know how much space there is underneath before it happens in the store so that

Uh if you go look at the oh um you know the um sugarcane farm yeah yeah that is um there’s a minecart running under there oh then there should be enough space you might need to lift it up a bit but but but what because you need the minecart underneath the minecart you

Need a hopper yeah oh I see this whole thing is lifted up oh fudge biscuits yes I’m gonna need to raise this whole thing up yep okay so is zombred like zombrix maybe let me grab this this last excuse me nothing else right yeah okay yeah okay relaxing and being underwater

You get the sun rays coming in and stuff it’s good um so I guess this is a good reason for having uh what do you call it um pain liner sure I go for snack okay we can find you a friend to give a snack too oh I don’t have a bucket for

[ __ ] sake I go get a bucket turtle lanigans turtle nanigans buckets I grabbed two buckets and no they’re just not enough they’re done I think run flesh too there we go I just don’t go out oh did you just say I just heard what I just heard ow that’s

What I said oh [ __ ] I tried like flew over my head get out of here sorry Thomas I’m an abandoning ship okay you can stick Turtles and animal pens yeah but then you don’t get the the there they’re honking magnificence just slapping around oh [ __ ] well that that’s grass block so

I’m gonna leave that alone not everything else thank you I mean I guess I could it’s just a portion push the button pushed about I need to see if I can find itself touch anything down here um this yeah the book is super cheap um but there might already be a tool so

Fortune efficiency on braking so touch X perfect and it’s a golden ax no less the old Sega Genesis video came in the most recent update you can stick Turtles and animal pens much more easier nope you got to use an animal jar on them yeah just like we’ve got our sheeps and pigs

And stuffs as kashka red already of course but I didn’t get that how’s it going let’s go I’m all right that’s good um I don’t think I actually got all the seeds back that’s weird huh so I’m bringing back by the way oh almost killed him back a bunch of chunky

Cow because I am a hoarder because chunky killed um I’m bringing back a bunch of sandstone so we can use that as like a decorative block in that area just so you know okay that’s fine um I was planning on making a ring of used to the stone thing

Where it is just like no no I was planning on making a ring of grass around this if you don’t just one block of grass how dare or not just kidding I don’t need to it’s okay I can make it work um oh man perfect

So I’m gonna need rails I should do that before I do this this is gonna be so difficult to try and get down there if I don’t have rails down there already I’ve had the stacking through a couple of times as well jelly it is really weird

I thought it was related to um to what you were bringing in and out the vaults with you you know because it takes that snapshot of your inventory but today I have not been in in or out of a vault so I don’t know not that I would really even know

What to do with that info if I did pregnant I suppose just reported but thank you for the heel unatria I feel like they already know about it I have it happen all the time says siren if I could like if I was able to reproduce it like I did this and it

Made my inventory weird then I definitely report it but now it just feels like sometimes I have a stacking issue okay okay so I probably should have got more sea grass while I was out there yeah okay what kind of tea today it is the stuff in the blue tint Lee Bush Rooibos

Can you tell that I’m having a bad brain day but it is hell it’s how I do um anyway uh rails we’ve got some we’ve even got some powered rails look at that usefulness okay what is it to make these nowadays do we have any sea pickles

I think we’ve got like one or two we’ve got two two sea pickles just laying usually yeah the easiest to find at night because you know so that whole light thing there’s there’s my bed okay so I’m gonna need some rails wait this weekend we have to go take a fun stuff

Oh yeah yeah as you can tell violin is thrilled about this person yeah yeah yeah well it is it’s overall um hey would you mind sleeping sorry I’m sorry hope you get to chill and relax on the weekend at least now not an option blocks of redstone or lovers

Oh that’s a good good call good call you’re right I’m gonna need to level that up a little bit with this stuff let’s grab a few of those we don’t have any plans for Sunday oh but we’re streaming on Sunday uh stick yeah but we’ve got a whole day

That’s true there we can just lay around we can lay like broccoli you and your broccoli flowers uh there grab some sticks craft some stuff we can even just be completely lazy after we’ve taken the fence down tomorrow not Pistons that’s true zero obligations this beyond that uh

So do I I need to have the Hopper car running across all of the spaces don’t I for it to pick up stuff I think that’s more than enough of that I think so I’m gonna need gold oh wow look at all these nugs I just realized how many nugs we’ve got

Unpack this oh that’s awesome serious replace the glass ceiling on my base with magenta glass and thanks to the shaders it colors my room all magenta now when the sun shines through sweet I’ll just slab in the lower half of the water spots to prevent washing the rails I see your point

Yeah and it wouldn’t hurt to actually have it just exposed above I was hoping to put a light source in the middle though I need to look at what light source we should have is it just me or does anybody else find Dolphins creepy it’s like leave me alone

Try the boat here God damn it personal space wait Lantern um what do we have that would work with pumpkins and melons is there a melano uh melanoma Lantern hmm did you need me to sleep again night time I don’t know it’s raining uh it is

I don’t know it’s nice 9 30. I don’t know if it’s sleepy time or not I will try I’ve gotta I’ve got nope it’s day oh that was some lag okay done with those can I make these Plus there we go that should be enough all these that should be enough

Um lanterns dolphins are awesome but are you saying that just to be pedantic I think you are please Lantern uh maybe a bit much we could just make a Jack-o-lantern actually that that might be the most appropriate it does need to set on something though no you love Dolphins okay take a couple

Of these I’m gonna take out a pair of shears taunt Kashmir I I made myself some [ __ ] I love it I’m still taunting everything failed to f plus so I passed [Laughter] where is it here lights um a couple lanterns oh that actually breaks just breaks things up

Excuse me pickles uh Navi butts dolphins is there warning you of the Vogons the Vogons again every time space freeway coming through gosh can never get away with it can you bogons space freeways and it’s just really killing me I’m gonna need to go back down to get

More stuff but I don’t care um so let’s grab some dirt here and find a Center Point for each of these there I think this is going to be the water and then it’s going to come down uh Hmm hmm trying to think ahead is hurting my brain uh let me put down this and if I remove this it stays yay okay so that means we can put the uh the thing in there I don’t have slabs though that was a mistake let me get the slab

And we can keep it oh jungly um if I have any in there it’s the end of the terminal now Okay so slab here and then I can put dirt around it oh can I actually and there’s a thing right there don’t let me put this down on top it does okay

So then let me get the book it oh that’s right clap I personally I could do that and now if I break this oh yes works fine okay I just need to do the same thing again in the middle yeah right there oh no you don’t want that there what no it

Was just that good Lord there’s a lot of turtles around here darn Turtles get in everyone’s face suddenly Turtles that that wasn’t intended come here before you get in the water please consider the grass And your friend okay there we go we could have just facing this way actually I think I’d like that better hi would you like to come up here you’ll ever be friends with this Turtle friends Turtle friends oh that sounds pretty good that’s fun there we go oh my gosh I’m like where’s

The other one now just shift click it into your inventory pocket turtle I mean that would be quite amazing just like pop out a baby turtle whenever you want just look at my friend he’s so cute take it back up Turtle front come here come here come here no don’t swim away

Come back come on come back so let’s see here uh both of you that’s gonna need to come out here yourselves from the water think how this how this actually works uh like that type stuff yeah okay you and you oh God sorry baby yeah you probably don’t want to see that [Laughter]

Can I actually mine this okay and replace a threadstone I think so yep it’s like this but let’s mine that that mistakes were made uh let’s put this oh I saw a sign being flung for a second there yeah I thought that would happen okay so I’m I’ll need to put something back

There instead but for now that should still work the way I intend it to but I might instead just want to have the Redstone in the middle that might be the better choice sounds are definitely not firing I’ll be the silence pew pew foreign also [Laughter] I’m very convincing

Sorry for the the lack of switcheroo yeah I don’t know what the deal is with them they were working earlier I’m gonna blame twitch because I can um so let’s do this is what’s your mind’s sleeping now sorry have you found any sheep yet crap I know

It’s a big old coconut crap you want sheep no you do to make a sleeping bag oh bees oh no Beast for you coconut crab you’re pretty cool which you wanna you wanna watch the sunrise together it’s that way yeah there you go oh we can watch the turtles

The turtle is laying eggs I can watch that happen together or you could just walk away wow so rude like I’ve got other stuff to do and it doesn’t involve you oh just too I close this time whoopsie oopsie indeed I mean you saw nothing Turtle you saw nothing no stop

Stop this silly shenanigans and I was here for was sea pickles oops mistakes were made there we go oh I forgot these two hey stop stop why must you be so difficult tracks couple of oh my gosh and then I just thrusting oh and then okay

Like a river or do you think that goes through too yes It goes through to another chunk of option though maybe yes and then we can do oh actually I need to put down Redstone there and then this paper chunky cow and I can break that wait what is something there of the turtles and the coconut crabs you’re killing you’re butting these Smalls

And I need more Redstone rails for that I let’s see if it works um oh I don’t have a stone I didn’t bring any of the levers or buttons that was those uh mentioned earlier ERG exactly uh put some of these in here I’ll take that back

Got the Redstone put that in there too Give me the give me that those buckets are done you know I’m still gonna leave them just in case you need to move the water so I need to make oh rail cart just compost that’s what I needed oops do you have any cards

Huh no cards no Hoppers what wow that would be a Compass by itself oh God which I’ve got the iron but I don’t have any red stuff what’s frustrating about that is when I fell down in that Sandy bit I saw some Redstone looked at it and went I don’t want that laughs

Of course you don’t kashka why would you um what is that is that like a little witches you just get one for now is that just a weird tree I think it’s just a weird tree it’s like I mean I know I’m in the Cube game but that’s a very cubic tree

Perfect it’s a walnut it’s a bit nuts you’re a bad Max yup what of it all right uh um Redstone so I could either boat around a bunch more try and randomly find a reef or I could try and find some Redstone to make a Nature’s compass uh yep those are some options

I can’t I can’t teleport things to you able to I can’t help you I’m sorry uh let’s leave the sticks that I brought with me okay back up again and a butt nut tree but not tree huh right blank go down to that oh God actually I could have this

Coming out here they’re happy about that okay here like this that’s my s word there it is that’s still gonna stick uh so that should make it out which one should be careful first oh I’ve been spotted right trees double swipe okay I didn’t make a freaking cart oh my gosh

It’s dumb redstone as much as you guys can try and help me you really can’t that’s just how it is you coming up here yes let’s put this here look I’ve made a little path for you nice what yes oh you’ve got your tea

What if I just have this just go to the end does it actually like go back automatically gold I found gold cool you’re gonna say you don’t need that I don’t but I it was thrown at me so I took it oh all right people all right hang on maybe we can

In this lot yeah up here it works at least since Lee gets back here we’ll see what happens it works okay so I just need to work on that part but the rest of this should be good uh if I seal this up before this is done though

Just gonna wait forever for this lava to yeah let’s just go hurry up come on don’t go keep going you’re not done yet no you’re not done yet oh fudge’s sake oh no thank the lights not here thank you Harvester thank you oh no it’s a messy one too

Oh at least I have just enough of my inventory to do that thank you there we go and then I can move this and that okay and I’m gonna put the eggs in here space Todd got it thank you BJ for the hundred bits this one’s got less stuff total but thank you

All right oh [ __ ] so I’ve got my Redstone what else do I need for this I need dirt more than anything uh I could just like murder also needed okay so I can leave that for now really [Laughter] kiss Thank you damn it at least it’s not

The way it’s close to being in the way but it’s not in the way thank you very much for the honey biddies thank you thank you PJ thank you nightcast just in case thank you Harvester yes thank you all three of you foreign draws this way the surface and then along ah

Oh that’s right I’m like Oh my short one block it’s because it’s a grass there we go thank you we’re actually 19 of the way into level one life dream wow I think that’s like the starting point for it okay so I should be able to till this now

Put that in there oh thank them all thank you siren Birds you knew I was jumping up there didn’t you no thank the light the same things again so I might be able to I got everything on that one okay might be able to get something to stack oh that’s another one um

I’ll need those and though I heard you and these and these it’s like what can I do God damn it it’s like the light I don’t have this one I’m leaving him there okay it was what looked like this right no no it wasn’t like that [ __ ] oh really I swung too fast

Hey all the the rails stayed where they were that’s interesting huh unexpected right I needed very pleasant just a single tree thank you siren Moons for the party bits Vijay Wyatt for the cargo bets jelly for the love love dub Bitties and BJ for another 100 biddies thank you thank you

Very much thank you we are now 38 corpses everywhere thank you very much it’s How We Do um take this okay probably like not a popular opinion opinion yeah yeah I don’t like this alternative as aliens well I don’t like your opinion of it thanks a lot this is one slow hype train

CJ thank you very much for the 100 Bitties oh chaos oh God [ __ ] God damn it okay there we go that’s currently full and I can’t put anything in there okay uh so let me take some seeds come on it’s too regular pretty and then some of these

God that scared me so much are you okay oh the creepers spawning up out of nowhere I turned around every time I forgot you oopsie all right these that scared me huh let’s not do that again okay take the card off put that on uh oh Jesus thank the light thank you dieters

For the 200 cargo bits thank you very much thank you and I don’t I don’t know that I even have enough space for this right now for these I’m going to try placing this but I know that I’ve got a corpse in the way it’s like yeah that

Oh that’s gonna be a problem I’m gonna die she told me to sleep classical classical Bluetooth hello to you too get daytime to kashka thank you [Laughter] any more of these here don’t stare at the end of it do not stare at the end of it here

I put one how do you do no thank you for the heels thank you folks for healing kashka squirrel literally she bites you um actually I could put down a bunch of like chests or something I feel like all these trees the zero ones which you’re

Not gonna drop the saplings that I need that’s so annoying well that’s not that’s the wrong ax well I only got two there’s the third one okay and then I can tell this there we go so cute how do you do I do good classical Bluetooth how how’s it going for you

I’m currently just making a little farm up here I’m up in a little tiny corner on the side you’re watching kashka’s view right now come on uh let’s see okay give me Gib uh I can’t wait or I can put one here and let’s do this this

Look in the Shocker and see you’re like what did I bring with me a bunch of crap foreign cow you are not helping maybe it is and you don’t know no it really is not all right got space for unumas stop pushing stop it oh I put that down before I

There we go crazy cow is being utterly annoying oh my God it doesn’t know it yet but oh look it’s it’s making the greens the greens are being made oh my gosh my inventory is absolute Mayhem right now this tree’s getting cut down too uh put one down there one there

Everyone there yeah yeah yeah yeah the Sheep just wants to know if you will be his friend oh no oh no no no no no no no no no you did not just no you didn’t it’s another bird to stop playing so I just need two more

I think that takes care of all of them right for now I mean there’s still some possibility around the outside edge but I feel like I can put some string out here or something to stop them from growing on the outside you look like look like a live likely oh there we go

This one all right that that’s it for the for those I’m gonna need a few more observers though feel a bit sheepish about that last one oh no it is it is good it is going he’s going for the the low-hanging fruit as well oh yes it happened in fact that joke was

Not too bad hello crafty talk you know what I just realized is that I have more chests and I can just dump this stuff put some of this stuff in here yeah take these things off of me the trousers on and my chest plate there we go

Okay let’s try that again I would like to wait what one more time this time with feeling goes out for a minute about all this junk in here Nature’s compass oh for [ __ ] sake I forgot I need to make another furnace oh because you didn’t take it with you I didn’t take it

Can’t take it with you kashka what this string actually might need some of that um XP orb and that’s good okay so I was thinking putting this here yeah I think that would work it’s not really going to be that visible I need more of it ever get some string oh

We don’t have as much as I thought we did so just a heads up if we find string in the future we should probably start collecting it because we don’t have as much as I thought strength right never mind I wide unintentionally okay compost cat oh craps now what is it called um

Carl no what’s it called I don’t know what warm hey Keith sir lukewarm ocean no what you talking about more moist moist moist ocean is it warm ocean is that it one motion promotion is one motion three thousand blocks away and space South easterly Direction okay

Oh [ __ ] sake thank the light thank you BJ thank you BJ you know what take that right because I do not have room in my inventory for some reason I’m refusing to throw out the Battalion plants foreign Oh and there’s a what are you doing in there okay if you’re not transferring this stuff I’m just gonna take it all oh it’s gonna take a second to open that are you searching for a biome right now nope uh uh I can’t open up this chest oh you just

Exited the game all right folks CCI is offline connection lost timed out you’re done what the heck was that done so can I reconnect my hair X your magnet’s still on I know Stefan leave me alone pitch him set them free oh welcome back are you sure

All right it’s that you joined but I guess maybe not entirely true low adding Terence okay apparently clicking on my dead corpse uh didn’t did not agree with things do not shovel Corpses today I learned drop that to those this boat trip may be very short you’ve been gone for like an hour

I disagree just went out to get some cigarettes I’ll be right back oh no I’m gonna go get some milk okay okay sure in a geological sense is that you all right so we need some more observers as well so let’s go get some of those um I don’t remember what they’re made

From rocks and red stuff did you grab a drink with a friend a week ago no regrets no regrets no I’m saying okay can we make this oh we don’t talk about Acacia here it’s pronounced a Cha-Cha we don’t talk about that either it’s your Credo now wait a minute

To wait what are you saying Credo or or are you really saying credio yeah no I’m saying I feel like I’m missing something like it was a joke in there that I missed why did that do that that shouldn’t do that why you do that no Cha-Cha is the most beautiful word in

Minecraft I disagree I would even take what is it warped Crimson or whatever instead ugh grommet is is possibly worse than a Cha-Cha no don’t no don’t do that no I can’t believe that build out of both of those things I was right there what is this what is what is this one

It’s it’s placing it on the side now I don’t want do not want no why did my Quark stuff get fudged up what the heck you know what I could just leave that off and do this manual it’s fine it’s fine fine to go like oh this right oh [ __ ]

That’s the wrong way that’s for Pistons it’s gonna be loot in that chest and I don’t have room for it I got it that’s nothing any good Lube oh that’s not placing down okay no it’s awful no got it you know what there we go it wasn’t actually any good though Jolly like

If it was good loot I probably would have but it was just kind of golden group golden crap golden crap did you it’s like a big old it sounds more and more like Elden ring all of a sudden golden tinged poo do I need to I really need to go across that

You can just dig a trench kashka like a trench bun now you take a trench and I’m in search of sea pickles this seems familiar like I remember between this on the sfc and finding out the TFC is kind of a bastard about salt water versus fresh water

I mean that’s the best of ways because it totally makes sense but also was not expecting that level of detail so it got a bit skirt on the old sea pickle front I need this oh you got two beam in a mystery box and an echo gem congrats

Was good it was very good that is like and it missed an echo gem in a mystery box wow that’s pretty nice it’s quite impressive hey very lucky I could do oh speaking of I just got gifted a chest um let’s see if I can no why why can’t I that was weird

I think it was on the wrong spot all right let’s put down some more redstone and then I’ll check out the contents of this the knowledge does for create 16 more bunny attack and got the knowledge status for create oh nice that’s awesome what level are you now serious

Five because he’s like that good all right let’s take a look at the contents of this one sticks and arrow oh that’s right I can’t and an emerald 2m two arrows and never mind actually it’s not that bad we could sort that there’s sticks in here

I’m trying to figure out like what the benefit of oh [ __ ] I have to drop something what the benefit of oh [ __ ] I think the flint and steel gotta go okay all right so that’s all those Moon look good just need to plant more plants look at the mobs I’m gonna die oh God oh forget the heel chat get daytimed I got creeper too let’s get that too okay so that should be good now to figure out how to do this this part I have no idea about

Um around the hill this way torch behind me I do I’m just gonna keep running just gonna put that there oh this is mobs by Moonlight Sounds by it sounds like a band wait what did the oh that’s just that’s just the tick of it growing yeah that’s just the tip

No that’s the tick of it growing I said Miss mind in the gutter geez okay this here siren tip two what’s the second tip be as lewd as you can possibly be that’s my second tip for you so I don’t remember blue itself just the tick spoon

Um so I don’t remember what it is that you had set up over here you had hmm for this to offload stuff you had it somehow stop as well is there a certain kind of rail that you used I I did not have it stopped

Is it an activator rail I did not have it stop activator dick foreign two sticks and a redstone porches I have to go across the desert but that I need to stick dudes um this and this and got it and then I think I can make this nope I

Need more sticks oh I left three sticks over here talk about perfect so right so what are you up to I’m trying to make it so that the um the cart will offload oh that rabbit just running and I can’t remember if it uses the activator oh

Hello okay never mind we’ll stop for Luke just ask me a question to be facetious I see put this away is that a spider eye it is okay diagonal unpowered rail on top of Hopper then comparator reading from Hopper invert the signal and send it to the rail

So if nothing is in the hopper it’s powered if something goes through the hopper it turns it off I’ll try to rail kicks entities out of Minecarts and it ignites TNT cards she’s so it activator oh so I don’t need the activator rail at all well I don’t use an activator rail at

All I just used a powered rail at each end and that’s all I needed I was talking about the the offloading thing that serious creeper had built I was trying to reproduce that as well and he he did explain in chat though so I’m going to try it I was just also

Sharing what I did because you seem to be interested okay and what I had done I’m going to type that again so that I don’t need to shout it in chat watch I’m going to need yeah this is such a whoa look at that it’s pretty cool we should have looked

We should have built our base over here too bad too late so sad oh come on make more more than that place there we go and then some Stone and and what thank the light all right thanks thanks for the hundred betties and then the corpse that I’ll have to

Clean up later look at all the fishes oh look at that that’s cool okay and I think I’ve got a Hooper upstairs so I’m just going to use the hoop up there miss this this is cool it’s got like the drip leaves or maybe Lush something interesting desert inspired yes

Wait I can take these and convert them into more Melones there smash um and I will continue back here here here okay oh my God Melone is fluff and lily pads got my melanin pumpkin farms third level done I’m still working on a first level of course I’ve never made one of these

Before and I’m trying to go off a recollection of what Sirius did before I feel like I’m still doing good um so diagonal unpowered rail on top of hops look at that that’s really cool oh man yeah look how cool that is yep oh that’s so upper the comparative Um we have to move house time to move kashka this is this is the biome okay where’s that okay so butter unpowered rail so I need to unpower this uh oh there’s that extra string on you yeah so that’s good that it doesn’t hopping all around otherwise I would be

Like I wouldn’t even be coming back it is the bio exactly capitalized and everything all right actually we are here for sea pickles so reciprocals and I said some circles there they are they found reciprocals oh my gosh look at this this is a gorgeous biome right on the edge of this passage

Dead ly pads would drive me crazy well only for so long before you ended up destroying them all you know as you uh progressed I’m just checking my coconut husks in the water you know all right so I need to invert this though so wait a minute I did have look

At that tiny Arch ball the unpuffed the unpuffiness unpuffiness oops I accidentally just stepped off my boat what I need to put this dirt back put the dirt back well and there we go okay and then I do need one of those powered rails I I need to invert the

Signal is the thing um I’m guessing shares all right ouch Bowl I’ve got them I’m I’m entering the ocean no no stingy nice thing I stink bonjour they were oh they’re over there you see the little eyeballs floating around the hanging out where all the sea pickles are

Posted a pic of the hopper bit in Discord if you want oh that would be that’s very helpful thank you so much oh gosh what’s going on you got some silverfish you got different kind of ouch balls thank you Titus gotcha thank you BJ oh you’re right you’re right it was it

Was Diana’s things excuse me for the sneeze dinos and thank you Vijay yep there’s the name tag on them too look at that for the the help of here sorry you’ve said this already I don’t expect you to come back thank you BJ for the 300 biddies Electronics oh [ __ ] there goes

Let’s put this back where are you going boys oh ow no Sega diet asked for the 300 now out on the water base I know what’s it because I often get hit by all three of them and not just one holes oh do a little mild bit of ouch pull stuff no stinky

No stinky he’s not he’s not doing it uh let me go back over here and look at the Discord wow that that that Slide the Darko penguin I have to be close enough I know but if you get or get him in the mood oh look at stalking him it’s not does

Not count as getting him in the mood that’s fine wait where are my seat pickles there they are okay okay I don’t know where are you see pickles where’d you put your sea pickle card no risk [Laughter] oh my gosh I want to put your seat pickle um so

Oh I see you’ve got the chest coming out okay so I did have did I use all the chests nope I still have two left two left okay hmm so it’s a good thing maybe maybe I could have this going up higher look how cool it looks at night as well this

Hmm is this even gonna make it through like that will oh dang come on do it do it do it do it I’m doing it I’m doing it oh there it goes music with kashka’s view is perfect right now what you want me to sleep oh no look at this

You’re in the you’re in the ocean so I don’t think that there’s any concern at the moment but let me know when you do want me to sleep and I will I should probably yeah but you seem to be having a good time so can you put the bread in your off hand

To get an empty slot LOL that’s cute it’s like Um so I could have it here and have that oh man I still want to move there like that these be the chests that is connected to kinda like that right kinda and then I can dig down oh what do we got nickel I’ll take I’ll take my nickel okay

Let’s see here uh then comparatory oh shoot I don’t have a repeater I got one now foreign Nickel in the back yes there is nickel in the back look at that I got a bit of coral to put under my base had to go 5K to the desert for more sand oh Make some houses on stilts in the ocean with plank Bridges between them don’t give her any more ideas she’s already struggling can’t have to be an underwater base let’s come back as it is yeah man it’s really tempting because there’s also that frameless glass that would look really good it would

Look pretty good it would be silky and smooth Maybe we like Smoky he likes food no I can’t dig with shovel in the stone stop no I got it my chest plates on my head where’d my pick go oh almost there because that seems almost appropriate yeah yeah thanks Carlock and hello I

Don’t know why I picked up that if I even pick up that pick why why me why because oops that that didn’t go the way I wanted there we go Sunday stream will be at the beach someone on Callisto well I mean we could do way stones guys I know

So it’s it’s kind of a thing now right I’ll have my base out there like this and then this and this right they’re helping helping you’re healthy how high is this need to go just that is that too high oh no it just needs to go

Just on top of this okay so let’s that’s too much hey I noticed um we have oh hello hello oh thanks for uh reducing my suffrage there serious creeper I really appreciate it um I noticed from supplementers this um oh geez oh geez the last powered Rail and the rest what so here

So it doesn’t stay powered all the time but I thought that was the wait so is this just is this not supposed to have any power to it at all oh no no this is the last powered rail going in which direction well with my mob farm I get so

Much gunpowder I can just fly wherever oh mending on a launcher is that does that work gotcha uh yes you have mending on yours yeah I totally need to do that one so like this would work I think there’s an electro with mending on it in the chest already oh you put

Mindy on that one I think so I think I think I put on breaking and mending on it nice so like these yes maybe yep okay so I need my cart I can literally pass they are maddening oh got it the balance right after you only have to like row through them a

Couple of times and and then they’re done so let’s take good luck baby zombie a bunch of these throw them out here and hope that that gets picked up got picked up or maybe it’s back it’s back oh I’ve got a rail in there oh I picked up melon slices and it’s

Dropping off Cobblestone and stuff oh my gosh it worked serious creepier [ __ ] genius [ __ ] genius yeah yeah indeed and then it continues on oh my gosh I’m also like hitting every freaking lily pad that’s awesome Belle Chichi that that was that serious creeper that’s not me but I’m pretty happy with that regardless

Oh yeah yeah so there we go we’ve got a farm started I still need more uh melon seeds and pumpkin seeds which actually just got some melon let’s grab those 20 more I need one two three four five six Your presence honors me oh [ __ ] no ow thank you for gifting us up to even more melons like does that say siren melons no it’s even more mellow oh it’s in my boat no well then absolutely it’s gonna make it easier to kill now okay thank you for the sub

So thank you for the gift shop says even more melons can’t bounce to very appropriately named first Jesus Christ oh my God so downside about this biome is I’ve run out of river and it looks like it’s a bastard to find your weight you know are all those in place for that

Yes yes oh no no I’m missing one two pumpkin seeds okay I’ll be right back pumpkin seeds and I know that I’ve reduced the efficiency of my farm by by bringing that edge in so far but I suppose I could eliminate the string for now until I get it up and running my

Name is blue now sees is red I was reading in-game uh the name tag on on the mimic and I was saying um oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey I’m back oh [ __ ] no I don’t have no idea where I am Fastest route ever oh my God oh good I don’t have the the elytra with me pick your Harvester for the 700 thank you very much you son of a [ __ ] your boat it’s in my inventory no when I picked it up just because I needed to Crossland at that point oh

There’s a tree up there I’m gonna go I’m gonna go break just the bottom parts of the tree and use that and that’s it and leave it floating in the air just just to spite things or when you say things you actually mean me hmm it’s more like everything because

Wow these are some serious Peaks going on here isn’t that awesome I love it so it begins a tale of one man’s hardship on the journey home Kasha can you do me a favor sure can you plant two more pumpkin seeds on the farm closest to the edge

Should be only two seed spots left all right let’s go uh there’s a dead body there I’ve got some Cobble I can use this the best part was where’s your boat oh there’s no boat all right hatch it oops like here sorry uh yeah and in fact if you can

Remove the string around the entire perimeter that would be great foreign no no no no Vijay stop you’re hurting a lot BJ stop that oh thank you VJ for 300 salty bits who [ __ ] the tree again okay I got some logs oh is that that’s an azalea tree as well

I know see what I mean but it uses jungle locks so it’s cheaty two of those there we go and then this I has vote and then okay I thought those are all ouch balls oh my gosh where am I there where the [ __ ] am I how did you

Get the [ __ ] out what did you boat into here you were trying oh God never mind I’ll figure it out I went like oh [ __ ] you are there oh okay then I was gonna like make my way kind of yeah Thank you siren for the club oh it’s like what is going on with this pile of junk in the chest oh my God that’s from all the corpses I was going to sort them after I was done but it I kept wasting so much time going back and

Forth that I was just like you know what I’ve got a bunch of chests I’m just gonna work with this all right so this is this is the collection chest here yes okay I would have liked to have had it in a better spot but I wasn’t about to rework the whole Farm

Again okay I wanted to get it working okay okay okay it has way too much junk in this junk yeah have you seen this inventory this is ridiculous let’s get some of this stuff out of here uh at least I’ve got a sleeping bag with me um grab this

These down here where is that there we go oh I should finish putting that chunk away I need to go this way and maybe now oh oh I could use Edge actually where are my dead bushes there they are I don’t know where are you dead bushes I

Just got given a chest maybe there’s goodies in it two picks eight ingots four sticks and a loaf of bread you know it’s not bad Costco would have loved that that long ago Foreign that that could have been bad though oh wait wait I can just dump stuff in the controller now can’t I just right click and hold right click with an empty hand wait listen to what I’m saying right hold right click there you go and anything that’s in that wall has now

Been deposited oh like anything that’s better yet though quick stack works with everything on that wall now as well so you just need to be within range so just yeah that area you just quick stack and you’re good okay probably I find out we had a ton of sea pickles all along sure

Yep maybe not a ton but we had two okay you brought to 18 home I did why can’t I sleep it’s night time isn’t it oh no it’s not it’s only 4 30. it must be raining or something because I mean like this deserty bit oh my God um

So what have I got in my shulker aside from a bunch of junk I had a seashell really okay me hey that makes more sand castles don’t knock it oh God is that all just loose sand no oh there is a bunch of it though that could be dangerous

Can I actually I think I can cross over here oh it’s a Skelly boy keep your arrows to yourself you don’t see me sharing mine with you build the animal okay I don’t know about to do with these husks these coconut husks uh they are actually saplings yeah

What are those mystical yellow flowers oh I didn’t find yellow I take those I don’t know why we’re picking these up because they actually work as dyes where the shells are I think they’re in the digables okay that makes sense actually uh it’s a sand castle maybe I just make

A sand castle with them go away grippers go away I sleep lurk enjoy your luck series but thanks again for the help yeah glad I was able to just barely finish it before it sticks there are no sticks really holy crap they’re in the chests upstairs um this is quite

The height oh my gosh wow wow wow no it still works go that way I thought you fixed it fixed what all my levels gone oh oh I just died trying to catch the edge of stuff the thing out I don’t know why it does that the it’s a feather block but you

Die anyway so you got me am I coming what oh my gosh I just fell through my head will it be evolved probably no we’re just kind of um sticking around [Laughter] wow what was I doing thinking around foreign ways to go um what was I doing I was looking for

Sticks that’s right I came up here to we were just kind of more in the mood for a bit of a chill stream today Kim time to go here we go ready boating off the edge Oh what a landing what a landing I’m pretty happy with that that was good can I actually get through here though probably not I’ll still try we’ll come back go away lily pads it’s a very interesting biome but he is alive yep so cool but I thought you didn’t like the azaleas

I don’t like I love the texture of that bar it’s really good and I think it’s a shame that they’ve been usurped for jungle wood yeah is it jungle or is it I’ll just keep it no it’s jungle I don’t know I like that and I don’t like the fact that it’s been

Just like overridden okay actually you know what I’m gonna put Sandstone back in my shelter for a minute a lot of inventory space Sound time again oh God no oh I can’t do that Sirens melons thank you for the following welcome to the mystery hey now [Laughter] what other chunk pieces excuse me Sirens like what got a mind of Their Own no can I break it there we go oh it’s still just like you’re dying

Okay okay oh my gosh [Laughter] all right let’s go get some more of this junk oh my gosh this is so silly okay I can’t throw things out because I’ve got my magnet on uh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy foreign can I pillar across a little bit maybe maybe

It might be quicker going this way actually unless the server doesn’t catch up in which case it is not faster uh these and yeah it almost sounds like an exclamation Sirens melons great bituminous sand from thermal series I could just get a bunch of that because that’s not something we’ll find very

Often oops oh wow there’s tons of it over here this needs to be on my hot bar though otherwise that might wander off and then these need to be not on my hot bar so they can wander up foreign let’s begin the junk be gone junk

Oh yeah did you get you got sidetracked me yeah I’m mining some other stuff along the path that I’m going yeah you’ve got sidetracked well wait I haven’t seen any of this yet and I’m worried that we’re gonna need it for some Vault or something to get in

Oh my gosh there is so much of it actually I’m so surprised jiminous sand lots of it I understand though if I keep going kind of easish I should reach some large body of water and then maybe make my way from there where’d my pork chops go there they are okay

I’ve cleaned up the the chests did you drop something yes I did my old self as it disappeared Okay where’d the boat go Boat boaty mcboat Boat Boat Still Not Gonna Save Me nope I don’t think at least maybe I can go around here we’ll see oh gosh there’s so many of these freaking lily pads oh Dodge Dodge weave oh oh dang freaking lily pads there’s so many don’t want them

Do not want it’s just the thing that’s gonna happen a little closer okay that’s that I’ve just gotta get rid of these chests they are there and then do we even want this leather can we use this for anything I just think we can can we uh what this leather armor uh uh

If you really want to I was keeping one set but I don’t mind okay I put it in there yeah okay that’s empty so I can put junk in here like this so this oh that let’s single yeah that too get sorted get rid of those keep these and now I can’t remember

There’s another thing I needed for the sand castle plastic [ __ ] that was so stupid I put everything in the chest so I could leave it and then I chopped the chest and then everything went back into my inventory that was genius genius genius thank you okay Bo come here

Uh or is that chest now let’s do this again junk junk junk junk get out of here don’t want that either or that bye-bye and off we go to pick up more lily pads this is still not still not to the big area to the big body of water where are you

In a dark area do you want me to sleep I don’t think it’s oh yeah yeah actually if you don’t mind I do not mind our base goes from nice for well from an area that I’m happy with the the appearance of to complete Jank and like 10 blocks so bright hi dude

Oh I did it’s the wrong bit okay where’s my crossbow there we go oops let’s have a little pork chop sand some water oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] creeper that was close feeling better seems you’re all having a big brain difficulty today well I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better map

What the [ __ ] where the what is with these jackers to be walled off I’m trying to figure out so here’s the Dilemma that I have at the moment right it was getting too crowded in here with all those chipped workbenches like as cool as they were they were taking up

Two blocks worth of space for something that I wasn’t but I don’t think any of us were really using that much so for now I’ve put them all over here I just line them up against the bowl so what the heck do I do with these things

I I really like how they look they look really awesome I just don’t know what to do with them I I’m I’m really not a big fan of like just having things against the wall I don’t know gotcha I grabbed the elytra and fireworks and then we switch you guys switches hmm

That’s fine I’m almost to the big body of water so I just yeah I think I don’t know what to do with these you know so here’s the crazy thing that I thought about um it’s like I want these On a Carousel wheel it just kind of so you can just

Rotate it to the bench that you want oh I mean you might be able to do that will they move with sticky pistons tree what the what what kind of what what kind of trees are those they’re super tall and skinny the funky kind clearly but those are pretty funky

Marky Bart Marky Mark trees where the heck are you over by the Funky Bunch yeah I don’t know gotta switch places with me you tell me where I’m at oh they’re all acha as well really I think so it’s unfortunate yep super achachas I mean the super achacha biome still heading east

Looking for that big water biome look at all this different kind of colors of terracotta Terra makata Sun’s gone where nokoshka has gone before oh we’ll ever go giant attention I feel like I need hmm that’s not gonna work hi Pony he waved back okay one two three five six seven eight eight ten eleven twelve I think that’s too far isn’t it well hang on walk to a flow the cha-chas are the trees that giraffes eat the leaves of ah

I’m going oh wait now why am I going back West again no I see the water over there all right we’re turning this boat around me too if this was one taller at the back then the water could push the cactus over the edge onto the next block down and then

That could carry it the rest of the way forward Hmm It could maybe again a little bit dizzy here I’m gonna work from all the hippity hops huh oh shortcut through the mountain running are we there yet no but I do see some more floors hello I’m here okay uh something’s got to go that do foreign no okay map

Oh but this needs to be one height I’m getting closer remember the days of one 112 even 1 7 or 110 or 112 Minecraft where every Modpack had a glider in it it’s those days so this put that also killed servers so much because people would just they would what is it uh

They’d fly what’s that thing again boating down the hill roading down the hill can we stop the boat I need a Wii no you had your chance when we were at the rest stop I’m not doing it oh my gosh oh my gosh that scares the crap out of me

Thank you some crazy skunk I I has compressed block of redstone which a lot that is one piece of the puzzle we now need eight more to complete that puzzle and I need to get home oh [ __ ] sake let’s go this way so I can find that

Little tiny land bridge and cross there okay make that seven more because you guys are very generous thank you some crazy skunk and red dead monkey for trying to get us more gorgeonite thank you what do I throw out oh that of course I really hate how cactus farms look saying

Well make them look different uh uh this you know what okay sorry guys I’ve totally just changed my mind why do I not have any oh my gosh oh I’m not sleeping at night I’m gonna have nightmares about elephants attacking me thank you jelly for helping thank you

We’re a third of the way there oh crap darn Turtles everywhere I’m gonna have to clear those out someone got a bottle just kind of don’t you dare bottle them boob no take them with no boom pop to Cork I don’t have 15K Channel points but if you can get me into sc’s

World I’ll steal his gorgonite for you I suspend some Channel points yeah it’s we didn’t want it to be too cheating and we didn’t want it to be uh we wanted it to be everyone accessible just for for the supporters to actually support us you know

In a different way all those I was gonna say that sounds kind of bad like they weren’t supporting us right in a different way Oh my gosh thank you jelly for Harvester oh I can’t I can’t read that nerd pie thank you can you sleep it’s nighttime I’m in the water thank you nerd pie Angelic and jelly and all of you that have been been helping with the gorgonite or five ninths of the way there

That is a strange fraction thank you right lie I’m just boating hello dolphin friend are you gonna keep up with me oh boy oh boy it’s still keeping up just making sure I’m not gonna run into anything I like dolphins I don’t mind them I think they’re pretty cute they can lead

You to buried treasure as well yeah but they just they just what that swim boost sometimes I just want to boat by myself and they’re all like I’m gonna follow you bye-bye right now bye-bye friend see you later they’re curious they have no respect you have an

Elephant on your base at present nice I think it’s good reason to spend our Channel points and makes it so you don’t feel like cheaters by cheating the item in taking college algebra all fractions are strange to me oh there’s a school of them oh I got one of them at least

Keeping up keep on keeping up I’m yeah I’m just a Grinch when it comes to dolphins yeah yeah I think I just went oh boy don’t don’t sink I don’t think oh my gosh why am I doing it this way I can’t do it this way

Okay it has to be in a grid pattern it can’t be checkerboard oh my God oh my God me what the [ __ ] it’s okay still doing still doing a paddle one dolphin that’s a paddling two dolphins that’s battling like that oh Shoreline we’re finally there oh somewhere at least where where’s home there

Which means I gotta cross over some stuff but I can go around this bit thank you for the for the company dolphin friend it can be fair dolphins are kind of bastards they put us at ease with their Antics and occasional bringing people up to the surface but they can be mean

Yeah well so can anything with a decent amount of intelligence really especially the the human kind pretty fun okay so then if we have one there all right eyebrow hello helicopter games Hello as well hello hello sorry I did not greet you sooner okay let’s let’s go over here oh

Grab the boat Das boat I got dust boat in my dolphins are a special kind of horrible yeah are nice with me yes I like golf oh you can’t stop me uh I’m gonna need to cross over what’s gonna be the easiest way none of it probably right here actually five nights

Five nights what could we do oh my we get another pog oh my gosh what what can we do with another Park I haven’t even looked do we have all the other gems for another Park I’m pretty sure we do not 100 but I’m pretty sure uh map

I need to cross over here and then I can boat up and around yeah that works oh no all right I just read your earlier message oh I missed it what did he say that’s not good oh is he okay oh is he talking about dolphins no oh

Should I scroll back to read it he said he’d been married to the toilet all day oh no I’m sorry that’s awkward many of us have been there unpleasant at best look at their jellies of things that are uh way too small or even unwilling members of their own species

Yep I mean sounds like humans quite interesting creatures they learn games and teach them to other Dolphins the issue is the losers get beat up hmm is gorgeonite all your missing for POG uh that was all we were missing for a pug before um I’m not sure if that’s all we’re

Missing now I’m pretty sure that’s all it is but not a hundred percent not 100 percent oh I’m back oh with an elephant sound thank you okay we’re going up one floor so I can place all these two three six quick start ah um my prep is lost let’s see coordinate uh no

Pug okay what this that those oh gosh you’re scaring me every time still this to be oh you gotta put it in pink senium and Ashu okay hold up hold on pink ium and ashiam yeah yeah pretty much wait oh gosh oh gosh jelly thank you

One left uh let me get another Puck oh my gosh um but yeah let’s see we’ve got all the stuff here if we had an infinite amount of gorge Knight we would be able to get three pogs in total I think she just did it kashka that was rni oh no that was rni oh thank you oh we’ve got the size for another one all right I need you to cash that one in Rarity [Laughter] oh my gosh wow we’re a third of the way through already Oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay there’s a lot of people spending point we’re we’re two-thirds of the way to the to another one already I’m gonna eat a pork chopping celebration right okay go cash this one in how many do you need one three more for another gorgeonite gem

Okay two more for another court tonight alerts for some reason or not yeah sound alerts uh oh there we go we’ve got another one kaska inventory is so packed with [ __ ] right they’re lovely this is good okay I’m gonna dump a bunch of that stuff out uh this is actually a four

I’m putting it in the chest okay oh my gosh thank the light thank you BJ and thank you jelly you gotta cash in another one I know I’m working on it I gotta I had to empty out my inventory I couldn’t actually pick anything up oh

Let’s put one back makes me laugh okay I’ve got nine so now I need to craft oh gosh okay hold on there we go people like Yay Channel points okay compressed block nine and then I’m gonna go in here to the the learning closet slash love closet deposit and we get love yes

Thank you for that we put that in there or we can make another POG wait is there anything else that we we need this gorgeous gemstone Dear God I’m sure later on the drop’s gonna change or something but awesome oh boy thank you sir [Laughter] What’s up helicopter cubes you look unhappy you look you look mad it’s going to go through a few points I think the mission for finally adding a large point value item that’s wholesome and helpful well we’re pretty happy about it too honestly oh my gosh one more Vegas hubby no smaller nice thing

Thank you put that there for a sec oh the the tea time I missed that oh my God you guys are going nuts is there like a super POG what the [ __ ] is that you’re a superpower a pogging gemstone eight pogs and a perfect Alexandrite to make this oh Jesus Christ are you

Kidding me you gotta be kidding me there is an Omega POG of course there is thank you for the hundred bits and the third hype train begins heart of diamond eh I have to remember that uh maybe we can get a pick a ring out of there that’d be kind of cool

Oh wait a cryo chamber we could we could make Vault friends yes spell friends oh there you go infinite water bucket oh jelly thank you for those bits oh there you go two pogs for an iron farm that uh we’ve already unlocked with easy villagers or one POG for

An auto trader I don’t even know what that is like two of them thank you jelly for the lucky pennies grid stack upgrade tier oh last page okay suppose it was page seven yeah is there a heart of dot you can’t make the heart of diamond do you have to

Find that somewhere or something okay let’s see how much you guys gave three more dang there we go another two thirds of the way through going to the gem box oh my God okay [Laughter] two more look it’s it’s kind of heart like here I’ll do do this

Look it’s a heart no no it’s not it’s a very good okay thank you jelly very much thank you thank you all for that [ __ ] parks are high thank you I just keep punching until something dies whether it be myself or them I don’t know got it one of them

Oh [ __ ] and then of course there it is thank you for the heels thank you oh it honors me thank you again Harvester for the five-star Bob thank you thank you very much thank you thank the light oh gosh oh see some sound of alerts are working but

Other ones aren’t what the heck something broke I thought that was a Skelly bro no that’s this dude’s like wedged in between the chest he’s got crushed foreign thank you again Harvester for gifting Subs to Mech Maniac iFix big badova dark themed and friskane I hear it

I hear it are you still fighting oh oh I punched it with us with a pork chop as it died oh my gosh are they different audiophiles well I mean yeah because they play different sounds but it’s about a little short and it will protect up here and deposit oh it’s so good

Oh put that in there oh my gosh I’ve got so many dudes laying around everywhere all these dude Bros okay oh hi oh hi oh gosh thank you Starlight fine I guess you’re my little POG champ oh see what you said that works better doesn’t it nope okay

So last of it how we doing six pumpkins and 20 slices not as good as I would have thought especially after seeing serious creepers his was like going crazy town with how crazy it was going but then again he did like walk away for an hour

And then come back and that was a whole bunch uh I’m gonna go put this in the thingy oh we’ve got eight out of nine this this this might solve our gorgonite gorgeonite problems and then we’ll be equal with oopaline and gorginite being our our missed opportunities

We might have to go uh miscellaneous going forward so with Vault Stone there’s not many uses for them there are some recipes that require the smooth Vault Stone I can’t remember but that’s once you’ve broken it and turned it into Cobblestone and got the uh the chipped Vault Rock from it it’s not

As valuable bodies hit the butt okay let’s go on kashka going there’s a lot of junk in here let’s get rid of some of this stuff I thought I threw all these away already so here’s what I don’t understand what’s that off it will do the thing that I wanted to do not

That oh my gosh they’re bodies there’s more bodies thank you thank you guys for the hype trade indeed again oh good being able to do that okay okay and here I need another bucket of wood it’s a metal door right dude let’s see hit hit um for this and this and this

There we go still have my hat I still have my Shield oh the damn it again it’s the boat oh all the dead people so many dead people can I move some of this or I’ve got extra junk everywhere this this here and start emptying things out okay oh I can’t access multiples

Oh that was awesome look what you guys have enabled me to do you’re enablers oh no so it falls down there’s somebody’s not really certain you can polish it but that’s it yeah yeah let’s push it that way that way I don’t think 25 is gonna cut it 14 we have

Is there a way to harvest melons without silk touch and keep them whole because I’m kind of thinking right this one right here right now just to get us that next one we uh we switch out the pumpkins for more melons until we get enough and then we can switch it to be

Equal amount what you think you’re a fan of that right sure they’re much more colorful than the uh the pumpkin stems anyway especially since yeah I think I’m gonna have to get another bucket and put it right there which is annoying because this was like

Perfect to pop it into like a hopper at the end and what I kind of want to do actually is go get some of those like actually imitate that biome that we just saw a little bit although it’s got I don’t know the cactus might look a bit weird with that hmm

And then that’ll get sucked up eventually time for knobby all right all right Navi have a good well have a good night can we craft the melon we just don’t have the means to recraft it automatically it’s a choice now between going for way stones or saving up for create

For me at least that’s how I could uh the Zone said he didn’t mind if we went for it by the way it would be pretty good okay there got enough for two melons but it’s a double melon farm right now until we get that sorted and then dang there’s another ah

There’s another ah yes there’s another air I don’t think I have any in there but I can double Mound all the way what does it mean s put that up there okay what do you think Valen should I put another bucket back there and just deal with it um

If I put that there the water doesn’t although you know I can put hang on put one in the middle of the back that might be okay torches around let me go over and see what you’re talking about oh no because now that’s not great whoa oh no what’s going on

Oh now these bits are not flowing right um you just need to have them one in each corner should work actually one corner is usually best but okay but then this this square is like oh that’s your collection Square well you could have this ledge come back up one step

Just move this bottom half back one oh no wait yeah yeah that would work and I don’t think you’ll even need this these uh water blocks you’ve got in in the corners exactly okay if you want to get it so that it’s flowing the way that it would normally

You can stop the water and restart it like at this Edge because I noticed that it’s still it didn’t actually change but I mean it just needs to plug them oh bro thank you Kiana Brown maybe tea time oh thank you well done I was just meaning if you wanted to

Bring it back the the whole bottom area like the block you’re standing on even could go back one oh I see and then you’d have this row of uh like Sandy bits or whatever do you want these um these for sure there you go because that’s what I picked up by accident

Yeah just need to then do this something with the ceiling from the back wall and then yeah I’m a cactus look then I think I’m kind of cool right there if you don’t I don’t mind there’s three melons slice okay oh do you have uh what or

What do you plan on putting between them what oh to make them I don’t know string might be invisible or mostly invisible would that work I don’t know I’ve never tried I know a lot of people use fences or or a fence post yeah it’s pretty or a glass uh pain Maybe

I could um use glowberry Vines like if I grow them down oh from above that’s pretty cool idea that’s a pretty cool idea maybe I don’t want if that would work that’s pretty cool I like it keeps the cactus from falling onto another character a good point

All right I think I might play around with that though it’s a different time okay sounds good I might just go put a hot ly there’s no point it’s just gonna grow for now well that’s fine because then you know when you play some you’ll have something to play something

Against and then when you place it if it breaks you know it works so that that’s cool um oh there we go pork and chop ones more of these some of those right jelly thanks again everybody for like helping us out with so much stuff yeah uh it’s

Really good because look I can do that now it’s great oh there’s smooth sandstone and it doesn’t have a home because I took yeah there’s no one there oh it’s in there should it not be I mean it stands it’s a form of stone so I know all the other

Is that why that chest is so full okay Anyway um shall we call it them oh oh I like the light dag NAB it thank you Harvester oh so you guys were absolute like Champs today with with the points and stuff we got what three hype trains today and we got three Gorge Knights

Oh my gosh I think next time we’ll have to hook it up so we get like a mystery thing for anybody that wants to do that if we’re able to assemble it yeah work to do to kind of perhaps add a bit more sophistication to that I don’t

Think excuse me it’s right now is kind of like almost overly simple thank you Harvester we will never blame chat of bad things oh and finish that one off okay now that I’ve clicked it I must I must do this that noise is so great say that now you gotta craft it oh

You’re right but in the middle of the night while you’re sleeping if I play that really loud next to you you might not agree well that’s why it’s so great because it’s not really loud next to me while I’m sleeping oh I I push it that let me in let me in okay

The chest nothing in chest good night get hearts for all you lovely people indeed Hearts big big hearts hey yes hearts [Laughter] thank you guys thank you very much I bet the Zona cluster will be very pleased with this as well because I know that the inventory management is

A big thing with with our group and this will make it so much oh let’s go and Adventure today valid and still you blame us no I just blame you Harvester wow that’s a good one all thanks for streaming thank you we’re going to the credit screen now

Thank you again for coming out for the bits the subs the channel points the gorgeonite and uh most importantly for the Chit Chat and just joining us here whether you’re lurking or otherwise thank you for your company very much appreciated see if there’s anybody out on Twitch for

Us to do a little radio dude Okay excuse me who do we got today we’ve got Jenny B with ball Hunters fail the survive with Sky vaults uh we’ve got pack right with blood and bones uh we got that looks like it’s about it Draven Gardner with far loan sales boy that’s I haven’t seen that game in a

While that was a good one um you know we haven’t visited fail in a long time maybe we go visit him it’s right he’s a chill dude okay let’s go bring over some chill to him he is currently running a vault so what we were missing today you guys can

Now enjoy and he’s in a crystal room of all things so that works oh nice all right he’s probably gonna find like it’s actually pretty likely that if he stops to mine anything but but we’ll start that up thanks again everybody for coming out thank you so

Much for your company thank you for the repost siren sorry for the the Broken Sound alerts on some of those things but I’m glad the rest of it still worked out we’ll see yeah see y’all next time uh Sunday we should be doing some more Vault Hunters so we should have Zona

Callisto on at some point I think they’re joining us perhaps a little later but yeah I’ll be there yep we’ll see you guys then see ya bye

This video, titled ‘Multiplayer Vault Hunters Day 12 (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2023-08-04 17:00:00. It has garnered 17 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:52 or 12112 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at #MischiefOfMice2 #twitchstreamer #createaboveandbeyond This video is a recording from a LIVE broadcast to either Twitch ( or on our Discord in a mini-stream with our supporters. Join us! Mischief of Mice links:

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    EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game OF Thrones: Minecraft Castle Siege PvP SERVER [NEW] 1.12+’, was uploaded by ize__ on 2024-06-19 10:14:47. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. GameOfThrones New PvP Game CastleWars WAR 0.1 #IP: ————————————— ————————————— WEBSITE OF SERVER: #Minecraft #GOTWIC #Server #new #rp #castlesiege #pvp #war #war01 #PVE #CastleWar #castlewars #mineblaze #skycave #new #1.12 #+ Read More

  • Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6

    Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Versi Terkutuk #6 #minecraft #shorts #creepypasta #horror #mcpe #test’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-05-20 05:00:35. It has garnered 318 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: Minecraft Mysteries: Support me by: (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: Subscribe : Instagram : Tiktok : Join this channel to get access to various benefits: ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution ( Source: Artis: Long… Read More

  • Axen Network

    Axen NetworkWe are Axen Network, a Minecraft server network with a gaming experience like no other! We have two server gamemodes currently: – Heaven & hell SMP, a Minecraft SMP with a twist; when you die, you can become a demon, however if you pray enough, your sins may be forgiven, and you will go to heaven. Beware, however, as if you die whilst being one of these, you become a ghost, cursed to haunt the living. – Knockback PvP, a spin on the classic PvP or Sumo server, where your only weapon to fend for yourself with being a trusty… Read More

Multiplayer Vault Hunters Day 12 (Twitch stream) Minecraft Modpack