SavvyNik Gaming – Veloren ANNIVERSARY EVENT… ONLINE Open Source VOXEL Game ( VOXEL / Minecraft / Cube World )

Video Information

Hey savvy people it’s savvy nick here welcome to the stream a very special one today we are celebrating one whole year of from when the savvy crew met we got some of the tried and true cop cat officially the first one in the savvy crew right here dancing around

Having fun and then we got trustee cali cats as well here joining us today we’re gonna have some fun we’re gonna have a great time welcome to the anniversary all right kaneki welcome to the stream thanks for stopping in we got the magenta eyes and then we got the long blonde luscious

Hair here from cali all right what are we doing today we’re going to celebrate that’s what we’re doing today morning there insert edgy name i like the name all right let’s invite some people to the party whoever wants to join us let me know in the chat welcome chat thanks

For saying hi make sure if you are in chat to say hi say hi back lots of highs being thrown around all right we got cali invited cop cat i cannot believe it’s been an entire year since we started playing this game i guess i’ve played it for a little longer

Than uh a full year who we got here so let’s see who’s this oh an entire year the game has progressed so so much in the year it’s been uh absolutely fantastic can’t uh can’t thank the devs enough for what they’ve done how much time they’ve spent

And how they’ve been progressing in the game it’s made a lot of fun for all of us users here in game to play we got derek let’s add dairy as well uh let’s see maybe dairy accepts maybe not we had an epic battle last time yes it has cop cat amazing

This past year it’s fun getting on on the weekends playing with everybody investigating what’s new in game exploring things having interviews with the doves and the art team and everybody else involved in the beautiful world of bellerin and developing it just the landscape has changed everything has changed in the game the

Skill sets we got skill trees now if you hit p a whole bunch of more crafting added armors we have various different um weapons different ways of crafting in towns merchants i mean i’m just thinking back to all the stuff it’s uh it’s quite crazy i’m sure i’m missing a ton of

Stuff but nonetheless it’s becoming a pretty awesome game to play honestly so today we’re going to be exploring a little bit i’ve always wanted to kind of go to this lake here at the top north west corner of the map but i’m willing to listen to anybody um

Let’s get some music going and start exploring all right northwest let’s start going we’ll see where we get maybe we get caught along somewhere i hear that they’ve changed the dungeons up a little bit so now instead of level zero to five it’s one to six that’s an interesting uh move

Yeah i guess uh not everybody likes counting up from zero i guess it made sense to the programmers though arrays usually start at zero so they’re like oh yeah you know no c’s just like is there a do you want to check out uh

Do you want us to check out a c sandro we’ll make you happy frank and ace welcome to the stream actually i’m gonna have to do franken i guess i could i guess i can make that announcement for um the main channel i just uh finally was able to get an editor and

It’s gonna be great because hopefully it’ll help me get some more videos out i’ve been busy and editing is just something i can’t do uh welcome welcome frank franken is there a c in this game uh if we check out the map i mean this is technically a c i would think right

Oh actually these are c’s right here here’s a c this is a c where we’re going is probably the only one that’s not a c or maybe it’s just not named it technically is a c as well so we are going to a c we are gonna have fun let’s see

Wait a second did anyone else realize we’re going the wrong way north west not south uh we’ll keep going we’re adjusting our trajectory real quick how is everybody this week how is everybody chat good morning to you too well i guess it’s probably not morning wherever you’re at but good day good evening

Good whatever fellows my fellow ladies and gentlemen i’ve got a bunch of wolves over here with some alpacas just hanging out i don’t know that i’ve ever seen wolves in the pack is just hanging out and then you got the tusk graham as well you think they’d be

Uh fighting each other a little bit or something if i’m missing oh snow leopard jumping in we got a crew of wolves trying to fight off the savvy crew i don’t think so that was no big deal uh boden attacking us all maybe i should add bowdoin and i didn’t

Realize they were following us around bowdoin i’m adding you i’m adding you bowdoin don’t worry geez don’t attack us all now we didn’t mean it poor though poor thali almost died good weekend tasha what is this great we got key tnxd joining us waves to everybody in the chat

Oh my one full year of playing this game with the savvy crew and we got the oh geez cali and cop cat joining us today it’s been so much fun this year just uh being able to relax a little bit on the weekends with everybody

Super glad that we keep going to do this sometimes predator and prey are in a truce so they can be side by side yeah trying to kill us i see how it is the alpacas cannot be trusted according to sandro hopefully the microphone is getting better i’ve been i’ve been

I moved into a new office and i’ve been trying to sound proof some of it it’s been quite echoey in the room hopefully i’m making some progress are we going on a venture we’re always going on an adventure we just don’t know where the adventure is going to take us bowdoin

We just don’t know we might hit up caves we might hit up dungeons with that mentioned what else do we have here mountains dungeons let’s see towns where are we right now okay we’re on the mountain here we got men pool that’s a funny name e-net pond

Oh what a bunch of names you know what let’s go through uh let’s see on our way up we can hit up in need c there’s a couple caves over there i’m i’m liking it we’ll we’ll do that on the way it’s kind of west of us but it’ll be good

Let’s mine the caves where is my spanner spanner what does that mean uh let’s see hello some random guy welcome welcome to the stream let’s see where are we yeah just keep going kind of north northwest ish we got this we got this dairy uh that is game or movie logic will only

Focus on killing humans no matter how stupid it is you know what it would be kind of cool if the ai was intelligent enough to like distinguish other animals and decide want predators and whatnot and then you can see various different things just killing each other out in the distance

I guess it was kind of like that earlier um because like the humans and stuff did not the mobs they’re not like the humans or the um other characters you know like merchants and npcs and whatnot that just are running around travelers i guess they call them wrench spanner

I still don’t know what that means where’s your you missing a right you’re trying to throw a wrench into the stream what are you doing here’s a little fire everybody make sure you’re hitting it up before we end up dying oh my little cabin in the woods i’m not picking up what everybody’s

Putting down chat quit confusing me nil news online we’re gonna add nil real quick another tried and true cronk part of the savvy crew we’re growing in numbers day by day a spanner equals a wrench it’s british of course is british i didn’t i did not realize that spanner

What do you need a spanner for exactly what are you trying to what are you trying to do here kt and xd chat is revolting they’re bringing wrenches post in the chat how long you’ve been playing bellerin if you’re playing veteran i’m interested to know how new everybody is

I know cop cat’s been around here for eons with me cali as well but some of these other people uh what do you think six months a couple months ah you have a wrench on my other channel yeah so you can ban people you’re a mod ktnxd a mod

I don’t know i can’t add mod right now i need to i do need to give a mod out you’re supposed to help me fix things not ruin them don’t throw a wrench into this not playing bellerin not my type of game kind of close to it though all right

What is it missing then sandro i want a band banana oh my gosh look at this or just hanging out doing whatever cop cat’s not letting it live now not not getting away from cop cat i’m on fire just roll remember all right i think we’re getting close to it e d e

Need c hey there joshua welcome it’s been a year i’ve been a year since the wonderful savvy crew became a thing we’re picking up chess let’s see what we got we got a wishing rod i thought it was a fishing rod there for a moment i’m like they added fishing no no fishing

Skyrim and witcher but not minecraft gotcha never considered if there is lore or story to this game i don’t know that they i mean i don’t do they maybe joshua can answer that one do you guys have a lower team someone coming up with some kind of a

Background story for the whole game or anything like that it’d be interesting to see here is there something going to be pulled all in together yeah i can’t believe it either cop cat it’s it’s so wild how time flies like that a full year since we met

Can i interest you in a trade can i interest you in a fight oh i accidentally traded somebody i didn’t want to do that no number on run getting attacked whoa lore will be procedural in time when we get better history generation well how in the world do you do that i it

Procedural like it comes up on its comes up with its own lore that’s pretty cool i didn’t even realize you could do something like that how dare you cross me again poor nemeron’s just getting attacked left and right we’ll protect you as much as we can goodbye

I’m gonna have to explain how that that wall works all games i fell for love all the games i fell for had a deep lore a reason i loved warcraft 3 before reforged but disliked wow man i i’m a sucker for mmorpgs i don’t care about lore i just care about

Getting items and pvp over the past year we’ve definitely had a ton of fun and i’m trying to capture encapsulate that in uh our uh shorts coming out with more and more of those um actually got plenty uh in the back up right now ready to be posted

I just love picking out little portions of it where we were having fun i go back through the videos and when i’m editing it’s like it’s a good reminder good reminder of all the fun we’ve had over the year all the laughs one specific one that i looked at just the other day

Was um at the time we we generated some fish in the game in the lake and then we rode the fish outside of the uh we rode the fish outside on the land and then it was like hopping around and skipping it looked like you were riding

A bull or something it was hilarious gotta post that one at some point uh just caught that i i like re-watching some of the streams just because it’s it’s good memories it’s been a really awesome year although it’s been a hectic year of course went to mia for about a month

Had stuff to do couldn’t post so i’m just excited to be back oh god the fish that’s right joshua you know exactly what i’m talking about they’re so awesome you mount that thing it’s hilarious oh pretty c here we go sandro he needs c as you requested

We got you here we’re gonna go swimming a little bit in the sea explore the vast beautiful world remember when we got the horses to ride and the raptor killed mine i feel like that’s experience with every single thing you ever mount in the game it’s like you last 10 whole freaking

Raptor was the the raptor like spartan kick it into the water i think i remember this now savvy nick just seen a 989 ti being sold for 400 is that pounds wow that seems like a that’s a ton i think i got my 1660 for like 300 and something yeah i remember that

Cop cat callie remembers riding up the fish up a mountain oh man chad that’s crazy yeah i remember all that that was hilarious we tried keeping those things actually lasted a while the lore is just interactions that occur between civilization throughout time interesting oh we got a balloon up ahead ooh

Honestly that’s like the first that’s like the first uh balloon i’ve actually noticed do they i assume they’re still uh airships as well we should see what’s why can’t i go under oh yeah there we go there’s nothing in the sea it’s a bear and see kt you buying it

Buying it what happens to the 2060. 26 it was actually a decent deal can you drown the others now you can’t drown anybody zero why you look so huge dary that armor makes you look massive i love swimming in the game fun cronk’s puking great we’re not even on a boat cronk

2080 but from what i’ve seen on youtube that performs on par with a 30-60 seems like quite the deal then huh wow oh my fred not sure not sure what you’re saying there but welcome to the chat welcome to the stream what does everybody think about

You want to go through to one of these underwater unders underwater caves i’m thinking i’m thinking yes yes has more vram and is newer well well then does it have the same amount of uh onboard memory mean i would i would never get a 30 60 anyway i mean it just sounds like

What what in the world do i need it for i play very valerian that’s about it oh man maybe i could uh uh up my uh production uh editing rendering time i mean oh my have you uh have you let everybody know yet gotcha 30 60 has more re yeah okay okay so it has eight versus 12 that’s what i thought i think i got six on mine i haven’t run into a bottleneck quite yet but i don’t really do the the the position you have been granted you’ve made it quite far in the game for

Last year too We’re killing it on the likes today thank you so much for smashing that like button it really does help me out and keep doing it for me that’s how we get more people here enjoying bellerin with us joining the savvy crew after a try and true year we’re still

Kicking it prop i’m just gonna go and say it we have to be the best crew in the game nobody comes close are we passing this up i’m not seeing this cave is this cave probably is there an actual entrance down here i doubt it Anybody find the entrance yet perhaps it’s one of those enclosed i guess that kind of has been fixed hasn’t it yeah remember when they used to not be it’d be like all of a sudden there’s just the wall of water and you just pass through it into the blast through i like that

I like i like joshua’s idea chad’s kel chad’s coming up with ideas let’s uh try blasting through the next one if we can’t find an entrance tnt boom explosions let’s see it says we’re like right above it let’s see here do we have a stale boom yourselves oh no

No we can’t blast or anything here i don’t think this is gonna work we just char the ground more tree species chestnut cedar i almost said cheddar cheddar trees where the cheese grows um and perhaps some others oh i’m gonna get some different colors out in the woods and the forest oh my

Sounds fantastic to me everyone knows cheese grows on trees i mean come on kt and xd duh you don’t even have to say it it’s a given let’s go find those cheese trees in search of the cheese trees oh look at these gazelles oh no nemron’s not having it nemron does

Not like the beautiful gazelle nevermind antelope take that back hello antelope you are so pretty number one flying through the skies just deleting these things from existence they’re all running it was a blood path what a cool skull something big died here perhaps a dragon welcome to the dragon skull of valerian whoa

Every cheese comes from trees falsa agrees you guys are stuck everybody’s starting to make me uh question myself now where does cheese come from if it doesn’t come from trees perhaps i was living my whole life blind a lie derrick trees derrick where art thou all right let’s get a good picture here

This is this is a good uh yeah we got some fireworks going off in celebration of the anniversary one full year bellerin welcome let’s watch those explode in the sky the beautiful fireworks go from bee’s knees bees cheese knees let’s see there’s a gazelle hanging out with us

Everybody see this thing over here just like i want to be part of the picture thanks all right all right well we’ll add you in let’s get a good pick here probably get this lantern out of the view there we go zooming in now why’d you turn around now bruh what

Was that was that the antelope you hear that tell me you heard that here we go what a pic absolutely beautiful thumbnail worthy i’m thinking we put some lettering right in between all right gazelle calm it down antelope whatever you are from the moon cheese plants on the moon everybody knows that

Silly silly savvy nick tricks are for kids all right i’m aware now i’m sorry apologies everybody i didn’t realize the moon trees are where we got our beautiful cheese from now we know so does that mean that bellerin’s going to get moon trees you could travel to the moon and uh

Pick up cheese that’d be a that’d be a nice easter egg fly a rocket to the moon maybe one of those uh what what you call it uh balloon balloons air balloon to the true to the beautiful moon air balloon to the moon what did they even teach you in american

School apparently nothing besides uh nothing nothing nothing to do with cheese clearly poor americans we know nothing nothing about the cheeses of the world have you been to space yet uh what what what what what how do i joshua don’t be blowing my mind like

That right now what do you mean to the moon how do i mean to the to the space how do we get to space oh my i have not i mean i’ve i guess i’ve zoomed out to get into space you can do that whoa i love the moon and the just shaking

Whoa there we go in harmony we’ve gone far we’re completely dark screen now let’s go in back down Welcome back to earth yeah i’ve done that a few times just go really high just get really hot uh nick is american oh my is he though are they what happened to cop cat cop cat left us oh noes cop cat knows this anniversary stream cannot continue without cop cat

Oh day’s back cop cat’s back we got a quack following us with a bunch of antelope did it what in the world cockatrice oh somebody tamed all those animals oh no it’s all up on fire get that fire extinguisher all right get the fire stickers no three two get healed heal it ah

We lost an antelope sad i went too far into space and crashed cop cat america oh my squirt guns huh oh my so rolling rolling see where we’re at on the map fest the town of fest it’s kind of a cool deal between two ridges sometimes i wish these places in

Bellerin were real how dope would some of this be you know what i was thinking the other day i’m kind of lucky there’s not a bunch of tall grass and uh bellerin would be taller than us we’re just like sifting through it can’t see anything getting attacked by wild i don’t know

Polar bears and wolves and stuff random eagle oh this is kind of cool where the ridges meet yeah it is faster than walking in real life now i can’t roll like that it’s a shame because uh i feel like i’d get around a lot quicker crog just rolling rolling rolling

We are in the midst of ridges look at this how cool a little town to the south east of us a beautiful ridgeline another one to the left i mean to the west trees all in the middle what a cool path that’s your only fear landing on something sharp with your spine

I don’t think you’d have a spine after about four rolls sandro’s right now in their room trying it out i got this we got antelope part of this savvy crew it looks like a hydrocele running with us somebody’s just collecting pets loving it so in a little bit i’m thinking we

Move things over to a little bit of a pvp one on no not one on one every one versus everyone event just have some fun with hammers hmm what are you thinking so when the sword around like i know what i’m doing over here um hammer time waypoint hey there nosy

Welcome to the chat made it in for the wonderful anniversary stream one year of bellerin with the savvy crew what do you think about that we’re explorers you know pioneers some say whoa what was that love the armor dairy looking fresh they refresh oh someone just got an upgrade to debian

Too late to join now it’s never too late vabinell we just well i don’t want to say we just started i’m not exactly sure one let me see let’s check the youtube the youtubes we’ve been going for 30 minutes 30 36 minutes exactly exactly come join we’re gonna play for another hour maybe

We got time join and have fun on this wonderful anniversary stream of bellerin one year of the savvy crew kicking it pioneering exploring battling protecting modding building collecting crafting the savvy crew is upon you welcome welcome how was my work week or my week party safe welcome welcome hey there

How was my week it was great can’t complain saw some friends had some fun worked did the good old video did a couple videos on the main channel got a new editor for the main channel slowly trying to get stuff finished around that i’ve been struggling

Gotta set up some new accounts some new things hopefully hopefully we are going to get more videos out there i’m excited it’s exciting i’m trying to sound proof the room hopefully it’s working i don’t know i’m i’m sweating right now just did some yard work barely made the stream

I was worried there for a second i was gonna be late i turned out late but not that late you know what i’m saying it’s all good that’s all i’m good why your voice is like linus i think you are linus with a hidden channel linus linus torvolds

Linus we know this is you no no sorry sorry to disappoint everybody no linus here yeah see wait linus has a canadian accent which linus are we talking about no not chat’s got me confused well somebody somebody uh let me know what line is like he meant linus tech tech tips oh

Really i sound like that dude oh man i don’t know if that’s good or not yeah see we’re all we’re all confused the whole chat is confused right now which one are we talking about because linus torvalds is not canadian i have no idea if uh linus the tech tipped guy

Is from uh is he canadian i thought he was from i thought he was american i guess he is canadian i don’t watch them i don’t know although i’m lost right now ah linus tech tips all right oh gosh i hope i don’t sound like linus

Tech tips i don’t i kind of find his voice annoying so oh great ruin my day here knows he knows he starts in by asking me how uh how my day is and then he tells me i sound like linus tech tips oh my sad sad

No i’m just kidding i really don’t care but it’s kind of funny to hear that oh man apparently i changed my voice a lot i throw my voice purposely you’ll never figure out who i am can i join i’m level one of course you can join party

What are you talking about can you join you’re part of the savvy crew let’s go join and let me know what your name is in the game i guess it’s party safe i don’t know just let me know when you’re in game i’ll add jan see here we got a little creek

A little creek here some stream castle fiend castle we got a dungeon level one oh look at this this is kind of cool let’s go over the ridge and hit up these uh caves before we do our epic battle around the lake is that let me see here zoom zoom

Kelly do you have the ability to teleport people now can i tell everybody friendly voice all right i’ll take it i’ll take it we got a giant tree hello we got our spot we got a castle on the ridge a bunch of caves a cold tea level six dungeon we’re about to

We’re about to take it all on everybody all on we’re going to sis crib we’re going to hit up the giant tree i mean we couldn’t have found a better place over here how excited this chat let me know are we on our main characters yes our main character is baba nil

Chat’s making me blush blushes blushes in chat sure give me a message uh i was wondering if we could teleport people i don’t know what you mean by give me a message oh okay okay give you a message in the okay so officially callie katz is a moderator for the game

Congratulations everybody thumbs up in the chat thumbs up and game awesome to hear cali cats a mod well deserved they’ve been playing bellerin a lot they clearly care about the game and how it’s turning out protecting our beautiful world of velaran congratulations callie love to see it i’m so glad for you

It’s super awesome now we got a mod playing with us so we can get some teleports hopefully if they’re gracious enough congrats congrats t f f x s yes you can join the group if you are in the stream that way you can listen to what’s

Actually going on i don’t have to type i know i’m being selfish but i don’t care let’s see we’re gonna we’re gonna add uh man let’s see t t t t t wait why don’t i see you why don’t i oh t f tf tff alfie alfie’s played with us before they’re

Part of the crew they know what’s up vamanilla i’m adding you sorry working on it vab we’re going to vap on those haters all right mod abuse we got a bunch of thumbs up we got some kind of a a streamer being set off by joshua ktnx abusing the mod

Wait what are you talking about abusing my you’re the first you’d be the last one who should talk abusing those mod trying to one time i remember you trying to blackmail me in my own chat is there any update where we can build houses or something on this game nope

I mean you there’s technically somehow i’ve never actually done it in solo play i think you can enable uh building blocks so you can like get blocks and you can build stuff with it but it’s just like one type of block although it’s pretty cool i know mods and admins

Can enable that in game too so i gotta say that’d be kind of cool that’d be a really easy addition to the game where they could just flip the switch on and we can start buildings oh my gosh did you see that mammoth jump down to kill itself what in the world

How i’ve never seen a mammoth so big with what was that anybody see that there’s a new persistent to build mode experimental oh my joshua you spilling the beans right now are we gonna get that and in in real game irg in real game yo in real game are we gonna get that

Though let’s see uh i think the devs are working on building on server someone told me a long time ago no idea if there’s still plans for that yeah i don’t know either we might be getting clues right now in experimental mysterious mysterious all right people getting real active about that

It’s not intended for general purpose player though so general purpose players cannot build but will we have the ability to eventually build is the real question we’re all dying to hear it are there plans to be able to build stuff in the real online world of velerin and then it just

Kind of disappears after a while or something i don’t know however that works gotta collect materials and oh all right let’s see where we’re at we’re on the ridge oh no no no no no no no almost died almost died almost died almost died we gotta stay on the ridge what a cliff

I just went straight off the cliff not paying attention everybody look at this right here that yeah what a fall though i’m mid-air while i still had the map open i barely survived because i threw down a uh through threw out my glider right before i died miss

In the miss all right let me let me see here real quick so we’re getting closer we’re gonna keep going down the ridge line we got somebody nemron way ahead of us uh towards the giant tree we’re gonna hit up the giant tree first then we’re gonna hit sis crib we’re

Gonna go over the castle do an event real quick then we’re gonna keep making our way to the cave we got a lot of stuff to do let’s get on way chad is super active today thanks for everybody who is showing up and having fun here in bellerin make

Sure to smash that like button for me right now don’t forget if you aren’t subscribed to the second channel subscribe now we’re trying to get people coming in exploring bellerin for us with us and enjoying the savvy crew as much as i do one year officially since it was started welcome to the

Anniversary stream bling is a no-no for maz well of course we got kisses going off in chat i need to buy a decent pc soon to play i can’t imagine your pc that can’t play right now what happens what what fps are you getting there nosy in general though

We don’t want to allow players to deform everything in the world because it’d be quite game breaking yeah absolutely i agree with you but i was wondering if you could have something like it’s just temporary as soon as you like leave or something it kind of like just disappears bye-bye

Too bad so sad shouldn’t have left bellerin or maybe they can like pay for ooh ooh maybe you go like pay for land and uh you so you got to purchase the land first and then you get little you know trinkets of land where they can just destroy your destroy your um

Log cabin that you build or something and you can’t build past that there’s like a l there’s a height restriction i don’t know sort of like in real life right you have to have a certain limited amount of land you have to pay for the land you can’t go too high recess

Resources are limited you have to purchase them pog micro transactions pog yeah i know i would definitely have building events then that’d be so cool i guess we could probably get away with that now if we were if i was coordinated enough to to get that all going oh man

You just you make us all excited josh that’s all joshua just makes us all excited oh check this view out whoa whoa come up last second yeah we want to encourage players to build oh i found out hey everybody found a little waypoint make sure to hit it

Right up below the cliff if you haven’t seen it and if you need it make sure to hit it bowdoin coming it not uh let’s see yeah we want to encourage players to build actual structures rather than just random crap all over the world yeah i agree that’d be so cool

To see like random players just stuff just hanging out but something that actually work is like worthwhile or looks good cat little little mini cabins huts you know cool little you can build villages oh that’d be sick maybe just give them like pre-purchased villages pre-purchased uh uh what you may call it

Oh my we’re trying to hit the giant tree up pre-purchase like huts houses and then you gotta buy plots for villages then you can start a clan inside the village oh my gosh this is i’m getting goose bumps over here what are your coordinates so i can find you

Well first off are you in the stream are you on the stream tff oh my can somebody throw coordinates in the chat for him i can bring it up in the stream if you want if you’re in the stream say something clan wars purchase the land and attack

Other lands or defend the land yeah that’d be so dope ideas ideas everybody it will be hard to regulate griff griffin what’s grifing the plot idea makes sense yeah i mean whoa was that a bomb you blowing up the tree over there oh my oh my everybody we are amongst volcanoes mountains

Giant trees what a beautiful escape right now let’s get everybody in a circle around me oh never mind nemron just destroyed destroyed my idea i was hoping to keep this fresh let’s go over to another block right here let’s get everybody like in a semi-circle around me and we’ll get a

Good picture let’s see what backdrop do we want i think we need the mountain backdrop right over there so everybody in a semicircle that can hear me uh i guess a full circle works too but i was hoping to semi circle like behind me yeah behind me there you go cop cap

And then facing this way oh yeah there we go we’re getting there we’re getting there we’re so close yeah yeah we’re so close yes yes yes what a beautiful okay everybody say cheese get the lights out a little bit i’m gonna get a little closer here we go

How do i turn around now hold on yikes whoa what was that there we go there we go some great pictures we got quite the crew here it’s been absolutely fascinating this whole entire year playing in meeting new people enjoying the online streams we’re good let’s go thanks for the picture everybody

Let me think about this for a second how many people we got three six seven eight nine people joining us today that is a great screenshot we’re gonna have to ship that out everybody uh what the heck people destroying everything in the sake of destroying yeah definitely you’re

Gonna have those people but hey it’s fun to build uh i3 is i3 a tiling window manager or a floating one it’s both you can have it in floating or tiling mode it doesn’t really matter what floating ones are there i mean it’s not met open box is probably

The best one for you if that’s what you’re looking for um oh i forgot to say in a few days giant trees should be a bit more fun whoa why are you why are you teasing us what does this mean what we can’t just throw that out there

A little bit more fun what do you whoa we got a hollow shaft here what is this someone’s building it down there all right we’re going to the next place everybody syst crib right next to us level six difficulty dungeon we’re gonna take it on with the savvy crew celebrating one

Year in bellerin let’s go we’ve grown with the game we’re having fun right into the dungeon what a cool place we found here yeehaw cygni coming in yeah all right we hit the waypoint up everybody ready let’s go down joshua’s got us all hyped up i wonder what’s happening with the giant trees

Here soon we’re gonna have more fun apparently inside of him i don’t know what that means we just know that we’re ready for it an example is the xfce window manager okay i see what you’re saying you want full-blown uh floating floating window support you don’t want floating tile like

I mean almost all window managers have floating windows support they’re just really not meant to be used that way they’re meant to be used more with the keyboard instead of a mouse but you can you’re not welcome here you’re not either so uh we’re gonna have we’re

Gonna have some problems here cold test that’s your real name boom there we go some dwarvian cheese that comes from trees as we figured out earlier in the stream we got a hype train going in the chat the savvy chat going getting hyped over here because josh was telling us

The secrets of veteran cultist warlock don’t think so bud you’re going down some more cheese all of these guys throwing all just throwing cheese on and never on on fire duck roll roll duck get on the ground row most traditional old desktops come from uh floating window managers yeah fair enough

If you want something stupid minimal that has very good floating support i suggest open box check it out don’t expect some massive overhaul but there will be at least a reason to climb the tree in challenges along the way are tree houses i know what this is it’s tree houses confirm

Chat confirm it’s tree houses isn’t it who else has an idea i’m thinking tree house that’s my bet you’re gonna go to a tree house you’re gonna get uh maybe a treasure chest you’re gonna oh wait a second is it gonna be part of the oh i think i might know

Maybe it’s part of the side deals now dragon scale dragon scale elementary os huh oh no now i need it it’s a good idea huh it’s hilarious well i’m excited to see whatever it is i’m sure chad’s also excited we’re all excited to see what’s going to

Come regardless of what it is i’m sure it’s going to be great as usual we’re never disappointed in bellerin that’s for sure hitting up elementary os huh i’m a fan i’m a fan too lazy to install arch even with their new um there’s an install script makes it a lot

Easier on you party i don’t know if you’re aware of it oh no bowden poor boden died why voting why so man overboard i used to run used to run open box on pop left it for debian 11 then they stopped supporting your drivers and went back to pop oh my gosh

Oh my eyes so what sorry you when you’re back to on pop are you back to using open box or you’re just using whatever they got no my guess is the default got another skill point let’s go becoming a sword master the master of swords they call me

It’s about all i use in game you know gotcha yeah i’ve been actually uh thinking about uh hitting up pop a little bit myself it’s been a little while need a little bit of a change in linux distributions been using arch for quite a while although i’ve seen some really nice

Customization stop files grices whatever you want to call them um i’ve really been wanting to implement them but i’ve been way too lazy to do that it will happen one day we’re just going through this dungeon like no other the savvy crew who else taking on a level six dungeon

They never stood a chance it was so sad go install again two now that ain’t happening i’m not that bored not that bored i rise my papa west real nice on open box alfie are you on a discord because if you are make sure to share it we

Definitely want to see it in the showcase channel love seeing love seeing those um rices so does everybody else we like to we like to um compare and contrast come up with numbers ratings how well did you do not but i have a matrix though does

Matrix allow you to get on discord i don’t know anything about matrix honestly know it’s i know it’s for chatting that’s about it though arch is nice but it has gotten a bit annoying to me to fix random things every few weeks yeah exactly that’s my

Biggest as soon as this is how i know to quit using um arch as soon as the drivers break for my graphics my graphics drivers as soon as those break as soon as they start causing some kind of screen tearing or something’s not working or lag becomes crazy because it’s updated

Some brand new drivers i’m out all right that’s kind but they’ve been so stable lately that i haven’t had to move i mean that’s it it’s usually every few weeks like you said it’s just like boom done sorry you used me too long my name jeff install gentoo nah i just

I don’t have the time i i’m not bored enough to do that right now maybe in the future i mean to say i haven’t thought about it is uh alfie arch st am i with arch stable no no i’m always updating it i’m rolling i’m rolling in the arch you

Know what i mean i remember five years ago i would almost permanently have broken stuff in fairness yeah yeah i agree with you i mean just in my experience it’s definitely gotten better like i said a few years ago i mean it was like it was just a pain

You had to be a masochist victor says it never has it broken on him i wish i could say never i always install some packages i’d end up screwing everything up let’s go mineflare you’re going down but we’re at the level six dungeon right at the bottom right now taking on a mind

Flare taking it on with the savvy crew one year of playing in game in bellerin having fun we just destroyed the mind flare no big deal didn’t last a freaking second here my oh my got some dragon skills why not you just you don’t scare me i’m not just about to get scared

All right how was it so easy vabino because we are the savvy crew this pen pentagram or whatever the heck it’s called doesn’t scare me doesn’t scare the crew doesn’t scare anybody we just took on a mind flare in a matter of moments no big deal level six dungeon

Just like that now we’re gonna go home we are gonna hit up a wonderful sned stronghold my potions alfie no no alfie no alfie’s dead alfie poor elfie up potion up pushing up number on not numbron now we’re good have you tried open bsd no i haven’t

I haven’t tried any of the bsds have you chat who in chats try to bsd all right let’s go to the top to the top everybody we’re going to the next place why is there wait a second there’s a little bit of lag going on anybody else experience the child you experiencing lag

This is the time i take to tell you smash that like button for me to subscribe below if you haven’t already got 200 members already on this side of things on the second channel that’s not bad that’s not bad it’s a decent savvy that’s a decent savvy crew when you

Really think about it 200 people hanging out fairly active too so thanks for supporting the channel everybody just want to shout out everybody for doing that especially the crew whoa that was really close in all right we’re going uh west west ish west dish everybody jokes on you i already did rude

Why’d you stop streaming on the main channel that’s a good question i go back and forth on this the reason i stopped first off i did a poll and it was really a separation of content because the other channel is a little bit i mean a little bit i mean it’s all

Focused on really just linux and then throwing a little tech every once in a while i’ve never done engineering although i i would love to but uh i’m already doing enough can’t do it all you know what i mean so basically youtube just does not reward you for doing different types of content

When i say reward it just doesn’t show it to enough people and i was like well maybe i can create a separate channel with a separate audience i mean youtube is very audience focused so if a channel shows one type of category so like let’s say tech

They reward you for posting tech all the time right so i was like running into a problem where my streams just they didn’t do anything all my live performances performances my live streams i’m acting like i’m a band or something uh my live streams just weren’t getting views at all so i was

Like if it’s not gonna get views i might as well post it on a different channel maybe i get a different audience over there and maybe it maybe it grows a little quicker and the people who enjoy the content will actually watch the content and i the i guess the

The jury’s out still i don’t know i don’t know if this has really been performing that well the shorts have one of the shorts got 20 000 views on a on a channel with less than 200 um 200 people which is insane all right

Okay so i do have an event for us what we’re gonna do here is uh hopefully everybody has a hammer um hopefully everyone knows how to swing the name of the game is we’re gonna shoot from here this side all the way over we’re going to take turns here batting

Well myself and you’re going to try getting me as close as as close as possible into that circle right so it’s going to be like a hole in one you’re trying to get a hole in one i’m going to go to the i’m going to try of course going to the

Same position every single time you’re going to bat me over and see what happens i have a hammer it made logical sense have you ever tried qtile as your window manager no i haven’t is there something special about q-tile cute tile do you only use dwm as your uh wm no

Actually i’m using x monad right now as you speak x monad okay this is where i’m gonna stand the ledge we’re gonna who wants to go first up and back we’re gonna see who can get me the closest into that circular chair uh circular stairs

You know bat me now i’m gonna have to leave how do i leave the party here group group i’m gonna leave the party uh here we go leave group i don’t know if you’re all in a group still or not but uh send me over we’re first gonna do let’s see

Number on you’re up whoever wins wins 10 000 coins oh man i’m gonna fall nemeron you’re up go ahead do your best to get me as close as to the other stairs as you can oh no that’s almost the hole in one all right we’re about the third step so

The perfect place to get me of course is right here i ended up landing right here with numron not bad at all nemron nice job nice job uh maybe there’s something youtube doesn’t like about your second all channel actually the progress on this whole channel compared to my original channel is much better

So i don’t i don’t think it’s that they don’t like something it just takes forever on youtube to really get anywhere which just sucks ah crap callie would you be so kind to like teleport me that sucks or i mean i’ll walk up that’s not a big deal i just that’s just going

To take me a moment so that was nemeron hitting it up with the very first swing of the hammer bunting me very close it’s gonna be hard to beat that one gonna be hard to beat that one oh tp thank you so much all right we’re gonna try again here bowdoin

Bowdoin you want to you want to take a swing oh oh oh dary dary are you the next one dary darrett you are up let’s go dairy you don’t have a hammer it took me about it took me quite a few months to get up to

Shoot it took me like half a year in order to get the thousand subscribers on the main channel daria i guess derry doesn’t want to go up never i just fell off this bowden hey what are you doing bowdoin all right bones up oh not so good not so good

You gotta you gotta choose your uh club wisely you want to get your best hammer out you wanna i know boden not too good but that’s alright good try good try the light was in his eyes the light was in their eyes sorry bowden better luck next time

All right who else who wants to go who is next actually i ran up pretty quick probably doesn’t have any skill points invested in hammer all right we’re going darry’s going to knock me out and uh oh oh oh so close oh so close so this up here actually counts a little

More than down thank you for the teleport that was really quick so i have to say that um nemron so far the best not bad dairy not bad at all all right who’s next step up to the plate we’re playing an event right now do you do boot windows or are you using

Windows inside of a kvm i dual boot i dual boot my windows windows 11 right now crank up batter’s up right a girl too hard way too hard there krog just whoo blasting blasting no no oh i almost died uh tp please thank you that was quick you’re on top of things

Come on okay back to our spot who’s up who’s up is that the cop cat is the cop cat up and boom where we go oh way too hard way too hard oh my we got a tp back thank you oh my gosh that’s a little bit of a bug isn’t

It so if you’re gliding and you get teleported you actually lose health because you i guess you land hard interesting we just found a bug i mean it’s not really a bug kind of to be expected honestly who’s next so far nobody stands the chance against nemeron actually someone got close fabulous and

Batters up oh so close oh right on the edge of the hole right on the edge of the stairs not bad you’ve done pretty well at least you didn’t send me off to oblivion vabinell not bad not bad at all all right we’re going for another round here who

Who do we have here callie is it your turn no did gallon you’re trying to just kill me what was that is that a false start what happened i think you used the wrong skill let’s let’s try again try again i think you just use the wrong skill there’s precision here

There it is oh not bad not bad a little hard no a little hard there you whoa what was what in the croc what did did everybody just see what cronk did chad did you just see this so maybe the reason is that all your comment or

Content is based on bellerin which is not popular game so the algorithm doesn’t recommend your channel as much see it goes back and forth on that right so a lot of people say a lot of people say that staying to a very specific form of content is exactly what you want to do

Because then you’re you’re very narrowed and people know what to expect know what to come back to and the algorithm knows exactly what people to suggest it to but maybe you’re right yeah velaran doesn’t have a lot of people watching it but in my mind it is very much

Um you know a a nice free open source voxel game available to um all really platforms for the most part and um it’s it reminds a lot of people of minecraft and cube world so i’m surprised there’s not as many people who join oh elfie what are you doing what are you doing

Alfie are you up you want to try you just gotta knock me out okay go oh elfie not so good not so good yeah i mean it’s gonna add stress to the game but it wouldn’t oh man i died sad um it’s of course it’s gonna add stress

To the game but then we have to put caps on no big deal you know we put caps on we make sure that the savvy crew gets in we’re premium we’re premium holders at this point i would hope after playing for a year get in have fun people love watching

They don’t have to play they don’t have to play with the crew yeah it’s it it’s it’s an interesting balance victor i mean it’s the same with linux you you wouldn’t think it’s i mean when you look at it and the share the market share is only like one percent

And then you see how many people are actually interested in it they they do a pretty good job of finding people anybody else want to give a shot because i think nemron won this first first try stand here all right hold on i can do that oh my gosh yeah

Cutting through with the gliding let’s go with professional gliders here all the way through the trees nothing’s stopping me all right that was awesome yeah victor i i honestly struggle with the whole thing i don’t want to combine the content i know it’d make for more content on the

Other channel but then other people just kind of uh don’t enjoy it don’t watch it doesn’t get as many views uh just as hard to make hopefully i reach a different audience here but time will tell and that’s all i care about i mean honestly for how long i’ve had this it’s probably

Right on par with the main channel about how much it’s grown so not a big deal not not necessarily what i’m looking after or for anyway i don’t need a big following it’s just nice to get the word out really so nimrod won the event congratulations nemron you did a fantastic job what

We’ll do is i’ll throw 10 000 coins your way so whenever i see it we’ll trade let’s get to the lake for our second event tff that’s really nice of you beans are you gonna eat some beans let me see here right here perfect let’s see i do have i should have

Uh doom doom doom doom too much trying to split the coins real quick there you go you need some chi oh i don’t need all that cheese keep the cheese there you go congratulations nimron winning the event that was actually a lot of fun yeah i gotta say uh

There was that one spike i don’t know if you remember joshua where um it got it got pretty crazy with how many players we had online because that uh one streamer uh uh mind shoot how did i forget that it’s another linux streamer he played it what was it what was his name

Mental outlaw that’s it mental outlaw they came like running in and that was a bit of a mess for a little bit the server was all all um oh yeah i need is someone else wait no no one we dropped the whole group i thought someone would be in

Charge of the group now oh my bad i’ll restart the group let me get callie cop cat yeah the one with the cat yeah so um but no it’s it’s been steady awesome i mean even the streams have grown we we started with barely anybody in uh

And what we got nine people today that’s just it’s awesome i love the support i love the game growing we have 52 people online that’s that’s a feat in itself you know it’s growing consistently it’s becoming funner and funner alfie legend cronk i’m coming

I realize we lost a group how do you got to figure out how we um vabinell who else am i missing Poor rats got one health left [Laughter] look at this it’s trying to attack it’s like feed me i’m hungry feed me rat feed me i’m a rat bone and poor boden the shepherd getting attacked by their own pet rat number one i’m adding you in hold on one

Second thank you for letting me know didn’t mean to hard to see everybody a lot of things going on all right we’d be overwhelmed by playing oh let’s see i think the worst uh thing for the project would be a very sudden boost and too much of us to manage yeah being we’d

Be overwhelmed by players yeah i think at that point you just have to get some um tried and true mods and then probably put a cap on and it is what it is you know sorry can’t play i can’t not everybody can play at once you know

Put a little cap on make sure that uh you know you can only have i don’t know whatever 100 and whatever the right number is insert here number of players oh dairy poor dairy no don’t die on us dairy i need to add dairy back in

But yeah put a cap on make sure that uh that we can’t overwhelm the server and still have a lot of fun one two three four five six seven eight nine i’d be willing to pay for some premium just to be able to enter in remember the release parties the servers

Kept crashing because too many people were online yeah i remember every single one of them never never seemed to fail although the last one wasn’t too bad last one wasn’t bad at all let pewdiepie play bellerin and have like 70 000 yeah could you imagine that not only would the server like

People wouldn’t they’d crash the website crash the server no man yeah i don’t know what the status report is like what do we get to like 250 people last time and it was pretty good until then i think we fixed the very worst of the bottlenecks what was that joshua

Chat needs to know weren’t you literally unable to join the last one yeah the last one i was i wasn’t able to join in the times before that i think i’ve been in three release parties i’ve tried streaming at least three the the first one was a disaster i’m not gonna lie

Oh that was just uh didn’t make it anywhere just kept like getting kicked out server kept crashing everybody would vlog in at once i’d get kicked out it was only like 50 players too the second one was much better it got over like 120 players and

I want to say the third one was like two over 200 like 234 players i streamed that one as well i need to put those streams back online so hopefully the future release parties will be smoother when are we going to have one are we we’re overdue joshua

We’re overdue now that i think about it i thought there was going to be one maybe in september hopefully um we had a bottleneck where a player logging in would cause the server to freeze for something like 100 milliseconds oh my could you imagine 100 what if uh what if 100 players all

Logged in at once would would that mean we’d be down for like 10 seconds is that right 100 times 100 yeah the number is definitely increasing periodically september the 11th oh my gosh on 9 11 what a day what a day to pick i’m surprised

As soon as you said it i think you realize it too still consistent with the last release though ah what can you do it’s all good i was thinking during the release party that uh i hit level 200 on the old leveling system i think you’re right yeah i think i remember that

Under the beautiful aurora borealis which wait a second has i haven’t seen aurora borealis in quite a while it used to be so much more prominent i used to always just look in the sky and i was like oh my look at the oh speaking of the sky it’s red it’s red october

Wow absolutely beautiful skies red skies coming across a beautiful lake here very soon we got 18 likes it’s got to be two more of you there’s got to be two more of you who can smash that like button for me because you’re enjoying the stream if you’re

Just listening make sure to tab in smash it stab right back out and keep listening wow i think i accidentally nerfed the aurora a bit yeah i think you did too because i haven’t seen it in forever now that i’m like thinking about it it was like those

The skies are all beautiful like quite often loving it oh we just broke the 20 we smashed that like button thank you very much everybody 22 likes this is a stream record over here on the savvy nick gaming channel appreciate you the crew is record-breaking this week wow

Wouldn’t mind doing a little bit of fishing right now across this beautiful lake mountains in the distance in the beautiful pink-ish reddish skies really illuminates the the rat die down we got two people on fire jumping into the lake at the same time that was hilarious moose trying to attack cronk

While they’re trying to um i don’t know what’s happening over here between the moose and the croc moose is swimming now two health left all right so does everybody want to do one last event here i just realized we made it to the lake yeah this is the whole

We got a nice campfire here let me find a little bit of ground oh the savannah this looks pretty ktnxd smash that dislike button right now let’s go to that castle real quick we’re close explore the savannah why not reported flagged flag reported oh great here we go again

What else can you do it’s a pretty cool looking mountain over there we’re gonna have to do uh one of those interview streams soon i’d love to talk about the team all right now we could talk about kt and xd while they’re gone cool pet frogs everybody’s got pets awesome

Yeah we’ll have to set that up had such a great time last time oh i’m i can find stuff to talk about no worries there if anything we’ll just play we’re going over to the castlevania where we’re gonna duke it out that’s what we’re doing there you go you always uh

Give us little tidbits honestly it’s just about playing having fun and sharing sharing some information i’d love to hear about the crew and uh all the developers and artists and sound effects people i want to hear how that’s all going how how the project has been progressing on that front i’m sure

Others want to hear about it some of the challenges we’ve had lately all that fun stuff it’s not all about just game development oh a castle castle with the well that’s pretty cool somebody built real close to the castle far back in the chat oh crap

What oh my gosh i am invite signing invite signifies i’m inviting you i’m sorry signee poor cygni at some point i think the savvy crew is gonna have to have a new leader i just can’t keep up with the chat and the chat on youtube and all that fun stuff

You know what else is nice that youtube added recently you now can actually turn on just for people who are subscribed to be able to chat with you which is pretty dope in my opinion we’ve got sydney joining the group we’re gonna duke it out over here on the castle yes

How in the world vavanil getting stuck ah that didn’t really work didn’t now yeah me as well i think this is the main one hopefully going to be a lot of work on there overhauling towns and castles yeah oh no see is this the one the highest one yes it is all right

Does everybody have a craftsman hammer craftsman hammer i see where’s mine at i think someone just died i heard heard it in the background craftsman where’s my craftsman hammer wait category sort by name coconut there we go craftsman hammer got it does anyone have any sandra you pay would you pay for that

Though sewing simulator that’s not a bad idea a sewing simulator could you imagine i put a little mini game in here all right everybody let’s get ready for the last event here in bellerin whoever wants to join in needs to get their craftsman hammer out we’re gonna fight it out

We’re gonna have fun it’s a it’s a free-for-all everybody free for all i’m gonna leave the group disband the group um let me think about this for a second i don’t know how close we are to a campfire hmm you know what i’m gonna set this out i’m gonna go up here and

Announce who wins the 10 000 coins i’ll be the um i’ll i’ll be a spectator watch everybody fight does anybody need a craftsman hammer that wants to fight that doesn’t have one i’ll let you i’ll lend you mine real quick let me know in the chat

I’m gonna count it down i’m gonna say go and everybody just fight it out to the bottom all right nobody asks for the hammer it seems looks like everybody’s ready everybody get to a corner i know there’s no real corners because there’s a circle but just get to different sides of the

Of the castle you’re about to witness never on we’ll take the hammer dual wheel no you can’t do a wheel of hammers welcome everybody to the anniversary event here in velron cali’s ready cronk is ready nemron vabanil getting close to being ready dar derek is ready

Anybody else sydney get into a corner if you’re gonna play make sure you have a craftsman hammer if you don’t please hit it out all right is everyone ready everybody to a corner cop cat’s ready cali ready nemron ready fabinho ready sydney don’t know what you’re doing jumping off they’re not playing all

Right we will begin in when i first drop the group i’m gonna count it down in chat everybody pay attention five four three two one go everybody’s going it’s getting crazy down there i’m gonna go join in just to watch and see what’s happening dairy’s out here getting ready to hammer

Everybody in we got cop cat following everybody around we got dario on top of people cali cats rolling through rolling out i think someone might have actually fell off the thing already we’re getting banged out vabanil running around i’m just over here using my lantern trying to get people to uh

Oh my is that dairy dairy’s creeping on everybody oh we got someone kicked out of the arena someone’s flying back in there they did not make it one person already out bye bye sorry for you it’s the name of a game it’s strategy you gotta be careful all

Right we got dairy cop cat nemron kelly oh no someone getting booted out are they gonna be able to make it they aren’t the glider isn’t helping them out it’s cop cat and cali cats left in everybody else has been kicked out so far we got beacons going on on top

Beacons on beacons up top fabinho sad face yes cop cat jumping around cali being very very aggressive towards cop cat right now oh cop cat almost tries to swim hits kelly is it gone is kelly gone no kelly gets kicked out of the rita cop cat the tried the true the one who

Helped start the savvy crew welcome everybody to the stream cop cat takes the win once again amazing job cop cat oh my wow that was a close call between cali and cop cat when i throw some coins your way awesome job cop cat oh my that was awesome a lot of fun everybody

No surprise sandra says no surprise looks like the chat’s up for you there here we go all right everybody bro you need to start your inventory i need to sort a lot of things out right now but anyways thanks so much for everybody who’s joined in on this anniversary

Stream here in bellerin we had a ton of fun it was amazing thank you so much such a huge crew i’m gonna shout out to nemron cali cats cronk bowdoin the wise fabinil and cop cat signi as well everybody else who joined in on the stream today had fun

Alfie i knew you’re around somewhere i don’t know what your actual account name is there but anyways thank you so much for joining in thank you so much for having fun if i missed anybody uh sorry about that again ton of fun if you have any questions comments or suggestions please make sure

To post them in the comments section below also make sure to subscribe below and hit that notification bell for more bellerin videos to join in on these streams make sure you are subscribed because you’ll get a notice a little bit of a notice about uh when we’re going to launch the event you

Want to join in the streams feel free anybody’s welcome we’ve had over nine people in the party today a lot of fun um we’ll also have a hopefully a release stream here shortly it looks like september 11th is when it’s announced by joshua thank you so much joshua for

Joining in letting us know about the game also chat thanks so much everybody you make it so much fun and i will be catching you hopefully in the next stream well that’s about it have fun enjoy your week i know i will again thanks for joining goodbye

This video, titled ‘Veloren ANNIVERSARY EVENT… ONLINE Open Source VOXEL Game ( VOXEL / Minecraft / Cube World )’, was uploaded by SavvyNik Gaming on 2021-08-30 04:51:42. It has garnered 241 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:23 or 6083 seconds.

A ANNIVERSARY VELOREN EVENT!! Let’s revisit the wonderful world of Veloren. The orgins of Veloren with the Savvy Crew. Veloren is a free and open source VOXEL game like Minecraft / Cube World fun gaming.

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    Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation The Quirky World of Minecraft Logic When it comes to Minecraft, logic takes a backseat to creativity and fun. The game’s unique rules and mechanics often defy real-world physics, allowing players to build, explore, and experiment in ways that would be impossible in reality. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of Minecraft logic and uncover some of its most intriguing aspects. Gravity-Defying Structures and Floating Islands In Minecraft, players can construct gravity-defying structures that seem to defy the laws of physics. From floating islands suspended in mid-air to towering structures that seem to defy gravity, the game allows for… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Minecraft Vegas: Facts About Minecraft Residents

    Minecraft Vegas: Facts About Minecraft Residents Exploring the World of Minecraft Villagers Unique Traits of Minecraft Villagers One interesting fact about Minecraft villagers is that they are always bald. However, some villagers can be seen wearing hats, adding a touch of variety to their appearances. Each villager, depending on the biome where the village is located and their profession, has their own unique clothing style. Interactions and Symbolism When it comes to interactions, village villagers are not capable of counterattacking. Occasionally, iron golems may gift a villager a rose, symbolizing friendly relations between them. In ancient times, villagers would simply stroll around the village, occasionally… Read More

  • Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness

    Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness In the world of Minecraft, a haircut’s the talk, Before and after, the difference is stark. From looking messy to looking so clean, The reactions are wild, a hilarious scene. No diamonds in sight, just a mining quest, But keep on searching, you’ll find the best. A sister’s late for school, a brother’s in a rush, The chaos ensues, oh what a hush. Dad’s off to play cards, mom’s coming home, The homework’s not done, oh what a tone. But in the game, there’s always a surprise, A secret passage, right before your eyes. With 3D drops and diamond… Read More

  • Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge

    Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge Exploring the NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft The Minecraft community is always buzzing with exciting challenges and creative builds. One such popular challenge is the NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE. In this challenge, players of different skill levels compete to create stunning statues inspired by the iconic characters from the Five Nights at Freddy’s series. Building in Minecraft Building in Minecraft is a fundamental aspect of the game that allows players to unleash their creativity. From simple houses to intricate statues, the possibilities… Read More

  • Isaac’s Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2

    Isaac's Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2 Minecraft Bedrock Multi-Disc Looping Jukebox v2 Are you a music lover in Minecraft looking for a way to enjoy multiple music discs in a jukebox seamlessly? Look no further! The Minecraft Bedrock Multi-Disc Looping Jukebox v2 is here to enhance your musical experience in the game. Let’s dive into the details of this innovative creation. Reliability and Efficiency The latest version of the multi-disc looping jukebox aims to address the reliability issues of its predecessor. Now, you can enjoy your favorite music discs in the original order without any interruptions. The design has been simplified to a compact dimension… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft 1.20.1: No Commentary

    Surviving Minecraft 1.20.1: No Commentary Minecraft Survival Series 1.20.1 Version #2: Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Survival Series 1.20.1 Version #2! Join the journey to discover new lands, face challenges, and unleash your creativity in this popular sandbox game. Survival Mode Unleashed In this version of Minecraft, survival mode is at the forefront. Players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off dangerous mobs to survive the harsh environment. With limited supplies and looming threats, every decision counts in this intense survival experience. Challenging Gameplay Survival Series 1.20.1 introduces new challenges and obstacles… Read More

  • Crafty Modding Tricks in Minecraft 1.20.6

    Crafty Modding Tricks in Minecraft 1.20.6 Understanding the Logical Server and Client in Minecraft Modding Minecraft, a beloved sandbox game, offers players the opportunity to delve into the world of modding. In the latest version, Minecraft 1.20.6, Fabric MC introduces the concept of the logical server and client relationship. This programming concept plays a crucial role in modding Minecraft, guiding players to make decisions based on the logical side of the game. Deciphering Server Side and Client Side One of the key aspects of modding Minecraft is understanding the distinction between server side and client side. The server side refers to the backend operations that… Read More

  • Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024

    Ultimate Menu Setup in Minecraft 2024 Enhance Your Minecraft Server with Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API Are you looking to take your Minecraft server to the next level? Look no further than Deluxe Menus and Placeholder API! These powerful plugins can revolutionize your server’s UI and actions, making it more engaging and user-friendly for your players. In this article, we will explore how to set up Deluxe Menus with Placeholder API in Minecraft 2024, courtesy of Roiz Gaming. What is Deluxe Menus? Deluxe Menus is a must-have plugin for any Minecraft server owner. It allows you to create custom menus and GUIs, making it easier… Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted!

    Monumental Minecraft Masterpiece: Build Challenge Accepted! In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, To build a monument, a masterpiece to get. But first, some rules to follow, don’t forget, No apk downloads, only legit. You must be over ten, to join the fun, And build within the border, when you’re done. Record your creation, under the sun, And share it on YouTube, a job well-spun. So grab your blocks, and let your creativity run, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Let your imagination shine, like a blazing sun, And show the world, what you have spun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! 🔥 When you’re playing Minecraft and you accidentally ask for a “pedi” instead of a “pet” 😳 Guess we’re getting a pedicure in the game now! #oops #minecraftfail #pediornotpedi Read More

  • Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon

    Crafting a Portal for Rambley the Raccoon Minecraft: Creating the Rambley the Raccoon Portal in Indigo Park In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new realms, completing tasks, and encountering unique characters. One such character is Rambley the Raccoon, a quirky and adorable AI character in the Indigo Park game. Rambley serves as the main guide for players, leading them through various challenges and puzzles within the game. Creating the Portal To bring Rambley to life in Minecraft, players can create a special portal dedicated to this lovable character. The portal is crafted using materials like obsidian, flint, steel, purple wall, and black wall…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a vibrant community and endless adventures to be had, Minewind is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the world of Minecraft. Imagine embarking on a 100-day challenge like the one in the YouTube video you just watched. Now picture yourself doing it alongside fellow Minecraft enthusiasts on Minewind. The possibilities are endless as you explore, build, and survive in this exciting virtual world. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay – SpellBound #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft ModPack Gameplay - SpellBound #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-12 14:09:16. It has garnered 456 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: Read More

  • Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!

    Nuclear Monster Survival Challenge!Video Information I’ll try to go through all 10 stages playing as nuclear monsters starting with the radioactive barrel and ending with the acidic Godzilla while my team plays in hardcore mode first stage and I really became a radioactive Barrel I can run and I even have a superpower look I can roll pretty fast all right guys let’s run and evolve we have to evolve faster than my team around me were ruins in a huge sphere despite also being a monster other mobs were also attacking me and after dealing with them I went to explore the… Read More


    DAMIIR HARITONOV - CRAZY Anarchy Phone HACK! NO XBOXVideo Information Как с телефона зайти Покажи хорошо Сейчас покажу с тебя обязательно ла подписан погнали пишешь всё точно так же как и у меня и не медлишь и нажимаешь на кнопочку сохранить после выбираешь сервер Full Mine и нажимаешь на кнопочку присоединиться к серверу после входа тебе остаётся лишь нажать на NPC и выбрать любой из этих лобби Я выбрал первый и всё с этого момента я могу начать развиваться хоть с телефона хоть с ПК хоть с консоли в принципе можешь играть удачи Y This video, titled ‘ЛУЧШАЯ Анархия на Телефон! | БЕЗ XBOX’, was uploaded by Дамир… Read More

  • Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Tool for Perfect Chair Placement in Minecraft!Video Information hello welcome to episode 284 we are going to be doing some more seats this time we’re going to use two interaction entities so we’ve got more control over where they actually sit and we’re going to make ourselves some building tools so we can um place them really easily um when your map is running I mean it looks like there’s a lot but when your map is running these are the only command blocks that will be turned on all of these other ones are for building so if we do some examples if I got… Read More

  • 🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠

    🎈Hot-Air Balloon House Tutorial in Minecraft 🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘⛏️ Minecraft Tutorial :: 🎈House in a Hot-air Balloon 🏠 [마인크래프트 열기구 모양 집짓기 건축 강좌]’, was uploaded by 만두민 ManDooMiN on 2024-06-19 04:15:07. It has garnered 12061 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:45 or 705 seconds. Today we will build a house inside a hot air balloon! Sounds like a really good idea, right? ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⛏️ Mark Version / Minecraft Versions ⛏️ Java Edition (JE) 1.20.4 ⛏️ Shaderpacks / Shaderpacks ⛏️ BSL Shader ver 8.2.08 – ( ) ⛏️ 리소스팩 / Resource Pack ⛏️ Prime’s HD Textures -… Read More


    💎 LOST IN MINECRAFT! - EPIC DIAMOND HUNT!!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20’, was uploaded by ImShmoopie on 2024-05-14 02:32:57. It has garnered 125 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:06 or 12126 seconds. 🔴LIVE – MINECRAFT – A MINECRAFT SAGA PT. 3 – How to Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.20 ACCEPTING ALL HELP while streaming Minecraft for the first time! If you have any tips or recommendations, let me know in the LIVE chat! Me and the boys created a Minecraft Server for the first time… Read More

  • Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker

    Minecraft Police Station Build Challenge: Noob vs Pro vs HackerVideo Information today Noob versus Pro versus hacker will be battling it out to see who can make the most epic police station in Minecraft who wins you [Music] decide looks like Noob knows what the inside of a police station looks like wow [Music] Yoo here we go it’s PR’s [Music] turn all [Music] right knock knock who’s there subscribe right now that’s who Yahoo a hacker has joined the [Music] chat whoa this hacker means [Music] [Music] business [Music] Noob needs to be locked up he stole this idea from [Music] trash [Music] wow someone calls SWAT this… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4

    EPIC Minecraft Cat Duel at Dawn! Part 4Video Information yeah when we wake up we shall fight is it daytime yet yeah it’s daytime okay we shall fight to the death bring the bed over here no no no we fight with a whole whole town not just that stupid little black [Music] Castle live no and am mending okay [Music] [Music] [Music] want back here little boy a all right do myself over here okay that’s one out of let’s say best of best of five are you ready anywhere near 3 2 one um actually you can give it to me another time because I’m… Read More

  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

    Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!Video Information a huge Minecraft update just got released with tons of new blocks mobs items and even a whole new dimension that’s the 2024 April fools update poisonous potato update and as always Minecraft has gone above and beyond with adding so many cool things that I can’t wait to show you so let’s start right here on the new poisonous potato main screen and let’s generate a new single player world when a SP into the world you have a chest in here you can find a lot of potatoes but also poisonous potatoes but one of them… Read More

  • Chinchilla SMP

    Chinchilla SMPChinchilla SMP is a happy SMP about Chinchillas! We have a friendly community, so why not join now? We have many things to offer such as commands like /sit, /bellyflop, /crawl Read More

  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

    Welcome to Renascence! Welcome to Renascence, a server striving to create a welcoming and inviting community. Here’s what we offer: Features: Custom generated overworld, nether, and end with unique items, mobs, and structures Player warps and shops Dungeons and custom mobs Wide variety of mounts Player homes and anti-grief measures 12 different jobs and over 1,000 quests Referral system and daily rewards Discord integration Paid and in-game ranks Join Us Today! We warmly welcome you and hope to see you soon on Renascence! IP: Read More

  • Lava Craft

    Lava CraftJoin Lava Craft Now and experience something different.with out wide range of mini games such as mob arena, hunger games, parkour and many more win ingame money and cool items.Also check out our epic ranks to make your survival mode even better. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus! In the world of gaming, where updates fly fast, We bring you the news, with rhymes that will last. From Call of Duty to Minecraft’s new show, We’ve got the scoop, so come on, let’s go! Ubisoft and Activision, a merger so grand, Bringing Mario and Shepard to the land. Kendrick Lamar in Multiverses, a sight to behold, With Doom DLC and Fortnite stories untold. Helldivers 2, with controversy in the air, PC players and macros, causing quite a scare. Sony’s Astro Boy game, a treat for the fans, And Netflix’s Minecraft series, with creeper plans. EA Games in… Read More

  • “35 пропущенных от родителей – горячий майнкрафт мем” 🔥😂

    "35 пропущенных от родителей - горячий майнкрафт мем" 🔥😂 “35 missed calls from your parents? Looks like they’re trying to join your Minecraft server without an invite!” 😂 #minecraftparentproblems #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave!

    Deadly Mistake: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Minecraft Adventure: Choosing the Wrong Team Cave! Exploring the Football Team Caves In this thrilling Minecraft adventure, Sausages and his friends embark on a journey to explore the football team caves. Each cave represents a different team, with surprises and challenges awaiting inside. From Galatasaray to Fenerbahçe and Beşiktaş, the team caves hold mysterious rewards and traps set by the infamous Baldi. Challenges and Rewards As they navigate through the caves, our brave adventurers encounter various obstacles, puzzles, and enemies. From dodging arrows to solving riddles, each team cave presents a unique challenge. However, with teamwork and determination, they… Read More

  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

    Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!Video Information for Bruh Bruh did it ever end it never ended no it ended definitely ended did it ever end it never ended nope definitely ended for oh yeah it’s slpi toggle SE in 3 minutes what’s your IGN yeah I know what ended Peter very sad yo we got two tabs that’s two columns yeah two columns how do I do backwards momentum you you uh here here let me let let me do it let me do it I got you I got you hold up so you go to this front of the block right all… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

    Unbelievable Nether Adventure - Ep. 4Video Information for all right welcome back everybody we are back with some more monumental experience I need to make myself a Lobby screen or a starting screen where I’m talking and yet you could still see the game and I I haven’t done it yet I’m just too [ __ ] fat and lazy um I keep saying I want to do that but I don’t but anyway how how’s everybody doing um we are going to try and get a little bit of create done today uh it kind of depends on what we have to make first… Read More

  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

    Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Water Bending In Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:54:10. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Latest Versions Java or Bedrock Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

    Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-TuberVideo Information [Music] [Music] CR [Music] back [Music] [Music] we f it the CR [Music] [Music] yeah e [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah the Cru [Music] [Music] all right right good evening quac Lings and all welcome back to the nanashi stream my name is Nashi your favorite quaca chef and we’re back for some more Minecraft today but first off how’s everyone doing today I hope you’re all doing well it is a oh shoot it’s Monday isn’t it it is the start of the week um a lovely Monday afternoon or evening or Tuesday morning depending on where you… Read More

  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

SavvyNik Gaming – Veloren ANNIVERSARY EVENT… ONLINE Open Source VOXEL Game ( VOXEL / Minecraft / Cube World )