THE BEST SKILL SKY WALK! || One Piece Conquest Episode 16 (Minecraft One Piece Mod)

Video Information

Hello everybody ginger shadow here and welcome back to some more one piece conquest where were you yesterday who me are you where were you look at that thing you weren’t here what happened there i was at what oh and you decided to do it without me really i thought you know to pick

Someone i mean that’s also true yeah and i was there too actually uh yeah so there’s a thing by myself i’ve recorded a thing by myself i thought he’s just like uh brother is doing a thing on someone i’m not recording it as a series

I am in it but it’s mostly because i’m playing around with like ideas and stuff for ideas for future series and bits and pieces uh but yeah so basically if you want to watch a pixel 1 series thing i’m in but like i’m not actually like doing as a series

Brother’s doing on his channel and i guess you’re rotating that in like one piece and stuff yeah pretty much kill that squids kill the squid and take its stuff actually where’s your sword we’ve not enchanted it yet have we no we have not that is something we

Should look into i was trying to enchant oh yeah uh so uh i think i did between episodes i was looking at the stronger weapons and stuff looking for uh you know improvements and stuff to do them and bits uh one of the big things obviously is we’ve got to put

The black metal on them to give it the highest level sharpness that kind is but i was also taking a look at the capital i string shots obviously you’ve got a little one yeah i’ve got the bigger one and that you can get infinity on this i was like

Trying to get a book of infinity for it didn’t work but i was trying so that’s the thing oh i think i gave you my last infinity book probably pretty sure you did actually yeah i put that on your bow so i can’t really test his weapons i do

Want to see how strong it is but for now for now for now i’ll just have to wait yes we shall um right so i also went to the nether okay that was a rejoice trip i got some glowstone and stuff so i could glow places up in that

Didn’t really find much of interest there but i did raise some interesting ideas of whether we should make think of making the trip to the end i mean i’ve never been there correct so what could possibly go wrong ah you could fall in the void and lose all your stuff

Ah that’s what could possibly go wrong i could see that happen yeah so that’s something you need to be really careful of if you’re going to the end is like you’re falling in the void it’s the biggest concern but um yeah like oh god i’m coming to five oh

Where are you up in here again yeah i was getting but yeah so that’s a big concern i don’t know people have already beaten i can’t remember if i left it turned on in this world so i have to turn it on later but it’s something we should look for

Because there are good stuff in the nether okay good stuff worth getting and plus just killing the dragon itself is an experience and one you’ve not had before but with our like our current armor our bows weapons and stuff we should be able in theory to beat it like that march butler

Okay um should we think should we do weight lifting right now yeah we probably should before we back her off and other things yeah we thought i’ll lose my brick in the neighbor yeah i mean we’ll be putting the bricks in energy so i really super okay well uh

Anyway weightless thing if you remember the channel yes go on you should never write listed mud picker brunette should be underscored where it belongs and i so i don’t remember if you did whitelisting last time but you certainly never had a book for it i think i did it but i just

Wait yeah i didn’t have a bit this is the first name on my book so far okay sure i weightlifted someone so um the person that i’ve listed is joe zero okay so he’s never weightlifted and in my case i have white listed that god for real you’ve been into the white list

Mudbacker people should be underscored where it belongs one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there we go right so we’ve got a couple options here because that is other stuff to look for and his other bits to do okay and what would they be well for one

People were talking about fishman place a kingdom of sorts they mentioned so as well let me go and take a look at that yeah we could go to aquaman’s village yeah no i don’t quite know what you’re talking about was that um i never talking about the same place

Here or not yeah i thought why not i’ve just been i’m an aquaman yeah apparently this place has air in it apparently they built like an underwater thing so it’s wherever it’s where we’re gonna take a look apparently somewhere near spawn okay so you’ll be okay but you won’t die

Hopefully when we go here i mean i’m not going to go in if i could die so there’s a funner here’s the one holding the devil fruits yeah don’t die yeah exactly what the hell was that noise following me swimming next to you know mapping i don’t know

God yeah there is there yeah this is something is this the thing you saw oh this is the thing i saw i swam over here just before we start to recall now oh someone’s built a big thing under water here yeah they were mentioning this thing so it’s like where we go take

A look or not also i want to shoot those people i want to shoot them hold on get my bullet oh i don’t feel like it was but oh yeah it does have staircases no i had to take it down there oh no no no no no let me shoot you let

Me shoot you oh yeah where are you at your trials by the way um hey quest yeah to do that quite easily so we’ll do that later yeah then that way next thing you come across the guy you can get like one or two of the uh

Attacks yeah as long as i don’t have them again did you get did you think we hit 10 targets this guy no i’m at 70 percent on that one okay so it’s still an ongoing thing yeah and then he ran away from all these people dead now there’s a few

More coming you should be killing these people as well by the way because you will get experience for it and dorky and stuff for it yeah these big guys in particular uh if you kill them you get tons of dorky ever closer to learning some fishman karate

Yeah that is the plan and i would like to learn it so if you could let him come and kill them that’d be good i am going to hit them for that though really need to put power on your bow yeah we do it takes so much i want to back away

Yeah i’m good i know what i’m doing you say so die come on how much health do these this have like a fair bit more than the regular ones they are bigger ones dead all right i know what’s that dude come on now here we go two dead

Yeah i should be putting your bow uh what is your dork yet um doric is it 8 40. you might have a move at this point check abilities oh yeah ability so it’s here now uh nothing and then a big like a drop of water okay yeah yeah click on that

Oh what tumor is uh what does that say it’s only the one move yeah just one here okay so you see eight little boxes down below yeah so click on the first box then click on the move and it should link the move to the box yeah yeah now if you click

R you’ll go into combat mode and if you click one you’ll use that move yeah i have oh i just killed a pig from that distance a pig yeah a pig you have pigs are they not a pig it’s a very funny pig wait that i kind of want to leave

Hey then he killed the [ __ ] by my bubbles are you all right are you feeling okay today no that was a [ __ ] one time i actually wasn’t watching i just seen something like get obliterated because i wasn’t expecting it to go that far oh god uh right okay wait wait

Wait getting in and out of here um yeah those steels those are staircases down those ladders you mean yeah all right let’s have a look then two seconds i’m killing it which means i’m all about training now you’re gonna have to be yeah pretty much yeah we’re not this the

Ladder over this side sound like that yeah okay so get lots of entrances and exits for like water people to like go through yeah i don’t know how to deal with these places though always fun with a water person yeah i know i don’t know a plan did they

Just plan to make this place gradually bigger or if they’re planning to do something under here or what it says like plot two up for grabs and stuff so i take it you can build i don’t know i don’t know owned by gold dragon i don’t know i don’t know if

You can think that means like they’re doing a thing so you can like buy areas i mean i think you have to trade for it and stuff probably oh yeah you seen this thing coming what thing what elevator oh those are not recommended oh they’re horrible horrible things to me

Yeah i did not enjoy that if i’m on it yeah you’re a fisherman you’re fine you can bloody use them all day they are not an issue to you i do have these really don’t i kind of until you’re dealt with it also right take a look at all my different moves

And stuff i’m trying to figure out like what best thing for me there’s water here what i got here okay we’ll go back all this stuff hmm i’m just looking at my moves and stuff and trying to figure out like what i want to do because like you’ve just unlocked your

First move i’ve got a bunch yeah i have bubbles so like how strong is my man ow is this strong i mean not really oh yeah i can’t expect that i’m not switching between the hell it’s a button for this maybe a button for switching between your combat modes you get two pages

Okay i didn’t know that okay previous combat next one oh it’s f okay so it’s okay so air s switches between them okay that makes sense so yeah you’ve only got one now because you don’t really need a second one yeah okay apparently now i’m gonna switch though why did i

Not need a second one because you only have like a couple of moves you don’t need a second one because you can’t do anything with it yet good point valid point i’ll give you that okay what i’m going to do is i’m going to put that there and go there

Go there probably set my moves up really quick just please prepare myself for whatever’s to come hello oh oh yeah i can shoot bubbles underwater phantoms kill them yeah we haven’t slept in a little while yeah it tends to happen you shoot them out there with your water

I actually don’t know if you could maybe kids oh one hit me trouble mod run what’d you just do what i know i just heard something happen i was i thought you’d done something um i didn’t do anything god i feel like ornaments probably important get that on oh

Put that away it’s not gonna be using that more regular god okay so i love the fact that in a second menu but it is kind of annoying having to kind of rotate between the two so i’m noticing okay well i’m set up now i think

Okay so what are we going for uh i mean we’ve seen the fishman island now so wait what was there anything i was thinking of i had an idea in my head i don’t know what it is anymore go to the end that was one idea there was another

There was another thought process i had you said this go come here and go there and that was it can’t say something else no hmm there’s one more idea another thing we could do it probably is but you never say that all right let’s just go do the anything so right

How does this work so we need to go back home first i don’t know this is really good to end today at the very least if we could try and track down work oh no okay i was gonna take you to get string that was it oh yeah yeah we’re gonna finish that

Okay have you got a sword like a proper sword like a regular sword not a one-piece sword grab like a stoner wooden sword or something no everything’s like cutlasses yeah grab a regular one i unsword you want me to put all my other stuff away no it’s not really that super dangerous

Where we’re going just you need that sword to get the string oh okay so this is yeah here we are underground are you there yeah i’m coming oh i’m curious oh that’s easy so i just break it with these and i get it nah it didn’t work

You stepped in this water for a second can you let me click step in the water how much is barney oh why why why why i got a comment suggesting you should carry a water background which normally anyway and use it to use your burning water technique so i’m essentially just throwing burning

Water at people though so you boiled water i’m putting water down and then boiling it skull oh my god yeah you didn’t tell me there’s a guy down here i mean i figured you’d notice something’s in here earlier yeah i don’t watch them now right you want to fight him no i nearly

Walked into his room why do you know why father you could totally take him there right i want to get my well ah if you think mastering i’ll fight him the string all over the place so you just have to look for it oh there’s smoke

Top has not a big dungeon down there i mean then i just been mostly listed at this point but there’s a big dungeon down there and what would be dungeon ah typically there’s lots of chests and things so i guess we’ll go look around that a little bit

Because there’s no mobs anymore really but there might be some more sweat around um just as him as the last guy i mean yeah dr you have to dodge his first things you might live a hit now because you get better armor but i don’t i wouldn’t take

My word on that you might want to dodge anyway yeah i plan to dodge it oh god oh god oh god yes it’s simple you you dodge his original strikes then he goes to the one down the ground you go behind his back and him

Too slow okay you didn’t die in one hit you might want to heal though if you’re really injured now get behind them no you can do a bit i didn’t say like running like yeah i do not have that right now are you hungry yeah i’m hungry and i just

Wait why did you walk in hungary no he had me to turn off my house straight away okay but like why you said you’re hungry why aren’t you able to run no my health was dying right that’s it right i don’t know what fancy dying down here

But all we came for was some strength but why aren’t you running i don’t know like a sense of urgency we’re trying to fight a guy maybe run behind him yeah oh no oh i landed water i knew the water was there it’s how i get down here

Oh i thought you’d done that intentionally there until you started panicking no i was just pure panic there bloody hell how did i get up there i see lots of string up there yeah uh hold on well pick up that wait and technically you can get that another

Uh down arrested be i can come up here where have you gone if you’re [ __ ] run away hold on closer run away i was looking for stuff yeah come here it’s not that staircase somebody explaining all those like cobble here you can climb up like usually up here and we’re back

Slightly cut there although well let the cup for a second i did bugger off and find some diamonds so that was a thing uh right string there’s tons of it it’s annoyingly high up yeah i’m grabbing some dark blocks right now there’s cobble here too you don’t need tools do you no

I have like very very freaked the tools i thought you got tools no i have a axe and a shovel that’s it you never gave me a pickaxe oh you just left me without though well we can sort that out later i suppose yes so basically they’ll go up to one of the

Big clusters there just break the wall and jump in and grab it and you know easily you have 30 string in no time there’s tons of it here there also tons of mobs around here which i was getting good uses of because one of the forms of hockey

Is the form that i put over my weapon to make it darker you can also put it over your skin okay and use it like this part you can use it as armor or you can use it to empower your face sort of thing like it acts kind of as bugs

Oh god i picked one and basically if i keep punching stuff i should be able to get the one that empower goes with my fist so i’m just kind of punching all the mobs i see right now where’s my claw yeah try and jump onto that block

Yeah there’s a ledge probably you could probably get in there yeah i should be able to get a lot out hold on mobs up here ah oh hello hey get out there i just saw a very unique mob i don’t see very often it’s like a crystal crab thing yeah i

Could hear it like going yeah no no no that’s a zombie i don’t know where it is but it’s been doing that for ages i couldn’t find it no it’s this little crystal crab thing they’re very rare you find them on the ground and i just saw one however i approached

It just dug it it just went into a hill and just disappeared oh so it’s gone now apparently where is that it’s really annoying yeah i don’t know where it is i actually went looking for it and legit could not find it so i say just get the string and ignore it

I need to think god i hate marie i thought you meant me and i like jumped down you made me panic thinking i was doing something wrong wait wait wait what were you panicking about i was up on this ledge but like yeah so i’m stringing and you wait wait

Wait come down and wait i thought i was doing something like wrong i think we did i only wait i’ve seen something i was like oh no it’s up in the ledge with me i think there’s like some crazy thing on this ledge oh you’re me oh and i saw the crystal

Crab say yeah yeah yeah i don’t know where is that i think it’s just gone probably i know i’ve never really interacted with so much anytime i saw one i think i killed it so that one got away and just kind of dug in it borrowed into a hill and just

Just gotten it hello it’ll turn up at some point i know it will like they’re crazy apparently i don’t know what you can draw i assume they drop something kill if you kill them probably skeleton stop oh i do i do enjoy the fact that cause

Of my mask like you’ve got a mask of resistance so you take less damage i’ve got a mask of strength so my punches do like extra damage oh okay this is quite handy when i’m trying to build up my punching thing for this experience yeah that is about

I could see how that would be rounding one i do four apparently i held like up in this hill there we go now than that it’s just when you find the guy he’ll start the quest for hitting the things at the sky again yeah progress is at fifty percent and

Hit all the targets blah blah blah is it seventy percent so yeah that one can only get done when you find the guy anyway so that’s that basically that’s job done there yeah right so i’ve just finished beating these guys to death with my bare hands and we can be out of here

That was you let’s see where’s the skeleton definitely uh eventually i’ll get this fist unlocking thing right oh yeah these are all containers by the way these are containers yeah this this thing got listed yeah it’s called web you actually you could have put that down and broke it

And like it would have counted but i mean there’s tons of on the wrist that’s a bit pointless but yeah this playstation got listed well before i got here so wait what are these boxes why are they releasing these musical i don’t know exactly how they work but

Basically you can use them to make songs and stuff if you know how that kind of stuff works i don’t know why they’re down here yeah i don’t really do yeah i i don’t quite get how they work i’m not a music person so i don’t really get it

Yeah right well we’re done with here did the thing head back home so you can drop off all the stringing that you got in chest i shall do so i was quickly dumping some of the random bits i got so i i think this guard random it’s a call in other

Bits and pieces uh twos yeah i’ll package please yeah i’ll make it iron ones is it iron you’ve got currently i have a diamond axe and then have an island oh yeah i gave you my spare diamond dax i’m splitting up freeing up inventory space yeah okay that’s an iron pick

Okay so how the end stuff works i have 14 intervals i have no idea where i got them from but i apparently have them we’ll see what we do here is we use blaze powder where’s all my there’s blaze rods all right so basically what we do

If we jump up here ah hold on go to bed go to bed i don’t have a bed i mean you probably should but now but we really need to find a place to put it wait does that bathe that mattress that’s very passionate i was getting an offer by the way uh

Gina exists was whispering to him and he was like wait i heard that wrong i mean i’ll give you a trident for a black metal I tried it’s a useful till under water so it’s like no good to me yeah that’s the thing that the the sponges they throw them out yeah but what what what did he want a black male yeah which you know is really valuable well it is there isn’t like you can find

It underground and i do have a spare one it’s like i should have how many do you have one but the thing is you need nine to get in sharpness name no no no no no yeah i need 15 to get sharp this thing that was nothing

Okay yeah right what we can do though um you take hold on i think ender pearls you take blaze powder you mix the two together actually you have a go at this uh mix these two together uh you do the crafting bit you shove it to them be it doesn’t matter what order

In what the crafting table yeah like you just mix them like they’ll just they’ll go together if you’re mixing something it doesn’t matter what it’s in oh i have ender yeah so basically we need the eyes of ender so what you do is you right put your hand you right click it

It will fly into the sky and move in a direction then it will explode like it won’t do damage but it will pop you’ll not get it back or it’ll drop and you’ll have to be able to collect it and basically this thing will guide you to wherever the end portal is

Okay so i have to press right click on this yeah there there we go right there so it’s going that way to the north east so we do it at that point so this is what i think i need you for specifically if we’re over the ocean

I need you to pick them back up sorry what would you do don’t click it again for a little bit go northeast a bit okay and we’ll click it again randomly and basically if directly to wherever we’re meant to be going okay and basically if it changes direction

That means that we’re basically past the important thing what the hell do you look over here no but someone has a house underwater has a legit full-on house under the water yeah it’s always specialty and they’re attached to the boat this is stuff you could totally do

Because you’re a fish man i know like they’ve actually if they fill on transform they have their vault over don’t steal fresh standards this stuff looks a bit less fun that’s what they’ve done here ah you’re going to need your audience how are you getting rid of this i’m just

I’m just hoping my boat doesn’t fall in the water and just get over yeah i’ll need to grab it if it falls so that is pretty much one of the reasons why i need you nearby i’m doing anything over the ocean it’s just i pretty much are relying on

Hoping you like are around and grab the thing that falls because i can’t get it yeah that should be fun bro go another 180 meters that mean we’ll be about 500 meters actually now go to this little island here this will work pirates and marines kill them okay um our fate model

Actually see how much it does yeah there we go um so you can tackle it with weapons and stuff just be careful with the big guys they obviously are a lot stronger i’ve got on i’ve got i’m on one ah as long as you don’t die

Yeah i won’t yeah i don’t like that water stuff actually does i imagine it’s not super powerful no it takes quite a lot to get one of these big deals on top of that like you’re only on the first one there should be i think like a handful of them fishman okay

Yeah i don’t know exactly how much stuff it will be but like yeah there’ll be a few things oh yeah i got sharp deal ah by the way big guy oh no oh no oh no enderman move people yeah there’s quite a lot of guys here

I know i can take them all easily is this more for you did you get training yeah i’m on it no no no no no no he’s finally dead god damn that what the hell this guy’s got techniques oh yeah yeah this guy’s literally doing something

I don’t know how you feel about that i know what he’s doing he’s doing something anyway that hurts all right there’s a lot of deads our big lad over here god they’re annoying in the war this is why i’m kind of glad i went to sniper the sword techniques are not as much

Help running over the water yeah actually that one’s got hockey oh these guys pick up handles they will fit i’ve never seen if they could it would be an interesting feature if they could but as far as it all they can ah i suppose it would be interesting to

See one of these readings running a bit way just a very powerful thing i don’t quite know how they would function that is like a thing but like it would be something if they managed something similar to that i mean there are characters from one piece that have devil fruits

I was assuming as i’ve watched hold on i’ll quickly google and find out oh let’s draw a apple piece devil fruits are there uh total so far they’ve been shown there’s 189 that’s not all of them that’s literally just the ones that have been shown oh my god some of them are like

Non-canon okay so i’m not part of the manga but they’re just like there’s hundreds basically yeah i kind of thought it would come up this three months i was like i thought you were gonna just actually see the same amount that’s in the game no no no the majority of them aren’t in

I don’t even know it could be oh god there’s a naga oh okay no i can’t we can kill a manga you’re a fanca yeah i don’t know what that is yeah if you come over to where i am i’ll lift keel i left some oh boy be glitching out

Boy you’re really glitching out the hell alright so you see that giant lizard in there there that’s glitching out in the sky yes yes so go and approach that and drag it over towards here like it should aggro on you and follow you and like they’re not super good at

Attacking at a range like they try they’re not great like you should build out swimming get away from it okay it’s all you saw you saw you so i swim back here yeah i can hear it coming yeah it’s coming so basically it’s got a slipping attack where it’ll slip down

And try to get you and it shoots poison oh so you let it go on me hi goddammit ah got ya can you kill that apparently i have now oh god i didn’t know i’d kill it that quickly oh my god yeah i actually missed that i

Could like see it coming i decided to run because you mentioned poison and yeah it’s just a poison ball thing but it’s super obvious it’s obviously it’s a terrifying thing we’ve got a ranger attack like i got chased by one at the very start of the series and with nowhere to

Counter it so i just got chased like hundreds of blocks by the thing on a boat it’s like i literally i think it was on like one heart against it so it’s like so close to dying why i pick up why why is there two pulses in here oh

Look you’re famous oh my god i made it you’re famous you caught a poster you’re worth killing even have one in here i don’t like right now as this means my money hasn’t been updated should it be i’ve killed a lot of marines yeah see when you see how much

You said jules was worth yeah was it 20 times yours yeah i’m at least one thousand two hundred thirty two are you wanting me to process eye again uh all right i was gonna look i just saw an enemy in the map it just disappeared uh when it rained

All right what to do uh we’ll grab your poster first don’t leave that behind okay you should always remember your first um did i get it oh i got it it goes to your inventory it won’t show the image in your inventory but like it’s there no because it looked like i

Just broke it oh no did i have to beat that a pacific way nah you just break things there’s a lot of bandits around here bloody hell all right lads calm down i’m just trying to get my fists powered up yeah no wonder there’s an endless supply of them

Okay it’s endless fire up here uh someone’s done something to make something explode it could be a door for it could be something else i’ve no idea oh that was all right right if you’re going to the island we’re in the start oh um we’ll throw

This thing again see where it takes us so it should assume we’re still on the same rate track it should point is northeast so that way towards the stuff there so uh give it come over here give it a wee throw see what happens throw yes it’s pointing slightly more

North now okay so we just head north now can i grab that all right so um i think we’re heading online now so i head over here no i don’t want to be on land i mean we kind of have to at this point like it’s

It’s kind of hitland here have we killed all these bandits wait why is there something exploding big lads no die you here come kill this big guy i mean let you get big guys maybe because to give you more dorky and obviously why increase your dorky as

Much as possible so you can learn more fish man cry yeah that would be handy oh god if you jump attack with your sword too no don’t don’t don’t spam it don’t spam me you remember really the sword recharge instead it’s a big thing between 1.7 and 1.12 is remembering the sword charge

It’s just end general fighting the only other minecraft i’m played like you can do spa yeah you want 1.7 you’re able to spam it and when you go from that to this it because it can be kind of tricky to like remember what you’re allowed to do where you’re

Not please don’t fall down i’m all right i do like the skippering thing therefore you think’s very handy okay i’m going to hear is this hill if you want to head to me this is so good for getting around okay uh you want to release it here see where it takes us

Ah sure yeah more north suddenly northeast don’t fall and break please no it won’t break from falling like you’ll see explode in the sky basically if it’s gonna break tons of mobs yeah die no [ __ ] zombie skeleton please watch out for the creeper all right well that just blew up

There we go die right off again get full yeah you can go so far in front of me because of that it’s so good i love it yeah i don’t wait i i’m running straight north don’t worry i’m just i’m gonna bring in our good point and we can release the thing again

Yeah you’re just gonna lift me up you may have slightly just teleported walls in there there hello fancy hello yo okay zombie i know i’ve developed one of them he’s kitted willow i always feel bad for murdering him but he’s like an enchanted diamond sword and stuff he must be

Who are you i can’t watch it for the battle playing this kill the bandits you killed abandoned oh no i wanted the big guy all right you kill him then go for it i don’t know how much health he’s got i don’t know who he is yeah i don’t know either

We gonna find out i mean does he drop stuff is he from a dungeon oh there’s a dungeon nearby oh look up oh ow ow oh no oh god there’s a squad here to kill me yeah i kind of hope you die i’m not gonna die that would have been funny i’m just

Murdering make sure you don’t die yeah i would die yeah you say that i just died of falling god of silly sausage okay don’t yeah again don’t spam it later sword recharge nice big swings essentially yeah i need to eat some food i’m kind of keep fighting up

Get away from me i need to oh yes one get away from dead oh he has a ship up there um how do you get up there i could block jump up there but i mean i could try to get point off and see if it can make the height

I mean there’s water underneath so if i fall i’ll fall into water care package i was updating my bernie after i murdered that pirate captain uh main captain maybe i got them all right i’m going to try i’m going to try and get up there hold on let’s

Uh you have a goal because literally there’s no way i’m doing it die no no not enough not enough oh machine’s right okay i can’t make it up there legitimately i can’t we could like tear a block up there if we really want to get up and have a look

I mean we may as well because i’ve never seen it i’ve never seen this one particular before either um okay what we can do then i fell in water i’ll quickly grab some dirt so we’re sort of abandoning looking for the end right now we can finish that whenever

Yeah that’s okay you huh you see that you’ve never been to the end i don’t need to be i know that she’s better i don’t know maybe looted already i don’t know if that one’s been up there already i don’t know but it looks cool so that means i’ll try and

The only thing i’m thinking is it might not be listed is because uh there’s no terror going up to it oh yeah true surely oh more of those unique zombies spawning underneath it wait so it’s that’s like a special place yeah yeah yeah it’s a dungeon so

That it’s a dungeon from a particular mod that got removed oh there’s two of those but guys yeah maybe i just ignore them now because like i i think it’s worth trying to kill them oh god they can shoot balls at you as well seriously marines seriously we’re doing this

That’s like a marines just picking a fake with me there just trying to [ __ ] me while i’m like climbing up that’s always okay i’m gonna tear up a bunch of blocks i can get on to the roof of the thing yeah just let me know when you’re up there

Now i know it looks it looks like it might be opened already i don’t know maybe something maybe someone with a flying ability is going up but having to block up wait you get flying about isn’t it i mean you saw the guy with the gravity for it

Oh yeah he could have been there are people like him there’s also the phoenix fruit user he can turn into literal birds oh yeah the phoenix street user turns into a phoenix so he’s just able to fly that would be a cool one oh god get though

What happened a skeleton shot at me i can see a muscle sleep movement oh god i nearly fell are you up are you seeing i’m up but i’m not exactly safe i’m surrounded by enemies hold on yeah something shocked me there’s a [ __ ] skeleton waiting at

The top and just shot me as i got up there off the edge there i mean he did his job okay i’m okay i’m up now there’s nothing that gave me okay i’m on right i never think how safe this is we’re on one of the wings oh no the phantoms

Oh god um where is this skeleton oh what do we do maybe inside oh i see a chest over there yeah we want to get into them hold on right where we need to be careful if the skeleton [ __ ] says we could fall you could die from a fall from this height

Like i can get and get around yeah well not over water so yeah i’m definitely dead if that happened oh i’m going to jump up here wait can you not block across i mean blocking across is one not sure okay there we go i’m over here now

It does look like a sexist has been blown off i don’t know i think maybe this has already been listed right below you is where the chest is so take down one if you want and go through the roof uh i’m looking for like a natural okay yeah there’s a staircase here

All right cool hello baby yeah okay yeah someone’s already been here the welding bushes yeah the ship looked about waiting once i got up here yeah guys and nothing’s okay yeah it’s unfortunate but it doesn’t look like we’ve already been beat here what’s the hell actually shot by a bone

I don’t know where from oh there you are oh it’s a weather skeleton i know it’s dead uh it’s a with a skeleton it’s a it’s a type of skeleton it spawns in the nailer oh okay wait why is it here then i don’t know i guess the dungeon just made it spawn

Okay yeah there’s there’s nothing here we can just leave like this is the stuff yeah how did juice leave we’re kind of above cloud level uh jumping water would be one option i can’t see down that farting over the water as plus i like i can technically get down i can get down

But i really wish there was some i put a mod into like carry players but there’s nothing like i don’t think i’m 1.14 i can’t see it’s all clouds okay right the ships get basically nothing of interest i’m looking around quickly just on the main ship parties to see if there’s

Anything here oh yeah i found a part where someone blocked up yeah that was me oh i i literally just did that okay well there’s a cool looking [ __ ] but alas yeah i think i found what we’re going for oh oh oh yeah okay yeah it’s been listed

Someone’s left little junk in here oh god someone’s left wait let’s go jump in here um there’s a wire down below anywhere yeah go out i’m down again okay i’m going to try and make my way down as well now um yeah i wish i could tell you what say that was that

But i mean i can guess though it’s just i’ve got like i need to let my guess recharge every now and then oh god there’s so many pirates here i can’t swim help help oh yeah you can’t swim i can’t swim i’m surrounded see you can’t swim though i don’t know where

You are with the mcp i’m in the water hi what have you done i fell i didn’t get one time i jumped in the water i jumped in the water thinking yeah i’m in the water i’ll be fine and then vicky you just yeah yeah like things didn’t quite go the plan is

What i’m saying gonna say well trying to use my bubbles just to beat all these guys right now it’s actually kind of working hair drowned right now yeah you’re not doing dude i mean i can just get from here i’m free yeah as long as i have air on the water

I can get and do one big gap for the try and get out there we go i found a furnace that was interesting Oh my god yeah i literally i could have guessed i wouldn’t stop myself on the water but i didn’t think about it i just i was aiming for the water completely forgetting about my devil fruit yeah we’ve seen that yeah we all started well guys there’s more guys up here

I like this spot there’s tons of dark spots where i like lots of enemies this one yeah funny how i don’t like it because of that i mean for me is this a good place to train um why is that an absolutely gigantic tree over here uh it’s probably our modded instructor

Where are you currently i can see the map not far across from where you are just run over get built yeah there’s an absolutely yeah yeah it’s a structure from the mods the same one that spawned in the airship i think oh it’s from a different one i don’t know

It’s probably already been listening i mean it’s too close not to have been looking right yeah just every structure we’ve been listed at this point i mean i’ve just bowled you there slightly yeah i thought something else hit me there i’m looking i’m vote for you yeah it was me

Oh i got it no you move out the door he just hit 5000 oh no on your thousand yeah what made it oh i’m at twelve hundred and six good again there i don’t know when your next move will unlock those let gonna have to wait and see what happens

There yeah now this have already been listed i mean you can take a look i don’t know if anything even sponsor still ender person ender pearl oh it’s the things oh what hit me there it’s these things the flyers ah they are literally chased together and turn around hit them or shoot them

With your bow like if you manage to shoot them while they’re descending on you they will uh back off i kill one oh yeah something hit them oh you could use your water projectile as well actually if you in it straight at them while they’re um coming straight for you there you go

Yeah that was so much easier than what you were telling me i mean the ball works too is yeah you’re going to be good at shooting the ball yeah but there’s like a big three of life looking thing there cool i’m gonna run away from it i mean

You can go to i just don’t think there’ll be anything acid are you sure no i have no idea it could be on it oh my god look at all the pirates that just dropped or uh what the hell yeah the snow open this hill right right behind you no yeah that just

Happens on no i died i fell and died he fell and died i fell and died how and where like that’s like just next to you what you tp to me no yeah right there but oh there’s my Yeah i didn’t realize i was on that massive cliff because it was snowing up there maybe just the thought but maybe she also makes your health topped up before you like you know throw yourself off cliffs i know i’ve heard that’s a smart thing here’s this one right at the bottom

When you die you lose two thirds of your dorky so you may have lost your fish man move you’ll have to get rid of it again oh no way that’s part of the reason why we’re trying to power you up so you don’t die that’s why we’re not giving

You your devil fruit until you can survive yeah that makes so in future maybe we should have filler falling onto your shoes so you don’t take as much fall damage oh so i can’t stop if you don’t manage your health yeah my daughter is down at 417 yeah goddammit i

Can earn it back it’s just gonna take time but right looking at the time though between this part and the party obviously where we come uh we should probably think we’re ending the video here so we did get a bit distracted by lucid airship but you know there was

Fun things dropping out of it someone in there took the stuff and didn’t break the spotters so that’s a good way to do it it is unfortunate i had to take the mod out for those structures because like it spawned lots of big structures with too

Many mobs in it and it literally just lagged the server to hell and back whenever someone get near it yeah so there’s a few structures but most of them are going to be listed at this point bailey still look cool great anyway people thank you very much for watching hope y’all enjoyed

This show we shall see you all next time for some more one piece of conquest where but we’re looking for the end i think so we’re gonna go there straight away but we just want to know where it is then we can think of it going there you

Know we’re going to go in eventually we’d be out here because there are good things in there would like to get hold off it’s just the weather like we do there whether we do it later but they’re very good to go fight the dragon since you’ve never done it before

Yeah i’ve actually never been there yeah so good for you is the experience to go and try that out assuming we don’t die a lot i’m seeing the benefit of being human though they’re getting very good you get your little first taste of fish man karate yeah the bubbles are okay like i

Think it’s bubbles i think technically [ __ ] like are sharp shots of water people with your fin hands yeah it feels more like bubbles but i will take your award on it you’re the karate person yeah but yeah if you get your door key up even more you should unlock a few

More moves as tangles and some of them might even stronger so something to look forward to all right anyway people leave a like if you enjoyed the link should be down below if you want to check uh his stealth bits he gets up to including like the

Series of pixelmon which i’m in i’m not recording um yeah anyway thanks for watching see you next time for more of this go by everybody bye guys also just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special

Thank you and shout out to our elite members the journey members austin quinsenberry afro cage it’s ender steve pe sebastian ramsey blackish sage leo lalonde majin ki silforn alexander and infinity and our andrew members are rapid rook gold dragon nathaniel prue eragon and colton wood thank you all very much for the

Extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘THE BEST SKILL SKY WALK! || One Piece Conquest Episode 16 (Minecraft One Piece Mod)’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2021-04-08 23:00:08. It has garnered 3774 views and 234 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:38 or 3158 seconds.


Minecraft One Piece Mod –

Brother’s channel (MiraiGaming) –

THE BEST SKILL SKY WALK! || One Piece Conquest Episode 16 (Minecraft One Piece Mod)

#OnePiece #Minecraft

Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel Rapids Rogue Nathaniel Prue GoldDragon Eragon

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  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More

  • WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!

    WARNING: 7 NIGHTMARE Mistakes in Johnny Minecraft!Video Information guys today was the worst day at school ever we got our grades back for the year don’t just like not show them Marty oh gosh these are really bad guys everything is f Min is two me these are actually better than what I easy get what how are they better Gooby this is the worst grades you could possibly get easy to say that um I just get zero you usually get zeros yeah scoby yeah wow that’s pretty bad an F is a zero well then I’m just very consistent well guys hopefully the school… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!

    INSANE Minecraft Speedrun in the Rain!Video Information yeah I guess all right I’m going title my [ __ ] speed running the new Minecraft update bet Yow see if my shit’s live and we’re live all right bet [ __ ] says excellent connection not the first hell yeah hell yeah sh says excellent connection not the first yo chat yo chat what’s good bacon what’s good what’s good I’ll make the world all [Music] bet I’m going to drop a video today um after this too like immediately after you get off I’m going to start working on a cubecraft uh video that’s just… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18

    UNBELIEVABLE! The Ultimate Sword in Vault Hunters 1.18Video Information I’m very interested by this sword because it has a legendary plus 63.5 attack damage let’s just take a look at this now I can’t wait until next episode actually since this is empty what could I craft for Lucky hit 5 to 6% chance come on 6% okay let’s try that again second time the chance sorry I meant third times the charm fourth times the charm okay I’m giving this one more shot okay I guess we’re having 5% lucky hit because I’ve already put way too much gold into this ooh I think that is… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Pulse Counter: NO items, instant reset!Video Information hey guys Michael 23b here and welcome back to another Redstone video and it’s a bit of a simpler video today but what I want to show you today are these customizable end pulse counters so what that means is that each one of these circuits will only give an output after a certain amount of pulses so before we start out I just want to point out that there are many different designs that you could do for a pulse counter many of them use hoppers and droppers and just items flowing through those uh but the… Read More

  • Sneeds Mine n Craft

    Sneeds Mine n CraftSneed’s Mine n Craft is an anarchy server running on Minecraft version 1.20.2, with player commands such as /tpa, /sethome, and /spawn! There are no rules, other than to not intentionally harm the functionality of the server. Read More

  • The Lands of Valoria – semi-vanilla

    JOIN THE LANDS OF VALORIA TODAY! Based on Protagnst’s “Players Simulate Medieval Minecraft”, Valoria is a bedrock realm filled with opportunities and fun! We have a well-organized discord server and unique ideas for you to experience. Join now as the server is launching within days! Valoria is based on medieval Minecraft with a medieval armor mod and a beautiful spawn. It heavily relies on player lore and stories, with its own hidden secrets to uncover! Join us and unravel the mystery to reunite The Lands of Valoria! Contact “bigg_money7” or “Deadgear788” on DC to join! Join our Discord server now! Read More

THE BEST SKILL SKY WALK! || One Piece Conquest Episode 16 (Minecraft One Piece Mod)