The Big Secret in Minecraft Story Mode

Video Information

Hey what’s going on guys my name’s Anthony or a Big B stats and we are finally playing minecraft story mode episode 5 so if you did miss any previous episodes there should be a link down below in the video that will take you to the most previous one episode 5

Is brand new just came out today so I’m really looking forward to playing and also remember to drop the video like and share it it is much appreciated and shows you support for the channel but I’m super excited to this because the way episode 4 ended we’re going to the sky city that

We know of now but we just kind of had to figure out everything’s gonna go after you know crowning you to be like the new order so nonetheless let’s get this started alright so here it is you got some super super excited about this so let the games begin

Ok it was a dark coat night Oh ocelots it’s like the first time we actually we’ve actually seen some ocelots Oh looks like they already starting off with the intro as well Oh Jesse sneaking around what is Jesse doing oh so this way oh I’ll even know what

Weapon that is okay is that isn’t it alright alright let’s go oh this this looks intense already oh we just knock three back knock three back again – okay fair enough three I am so excited about this you guys nice nicely done oh thanks hey Jesse check this out pretty cool right that

Was awesome that was amazing axle hmm where did Jesse get these moves from you’re getting pretty good at this that’s what I was thinking wow you guys are working way too hard see Olivia’s being smart Olivia smartsheet there’s probably arrow the power of redstone the power of redstone you’re always looking to one-up

Us aren’t you Oh Jesse that is one seriously cool MC yeah points rive where I guess this was a good tip well Jesse uh danger here will come let we do some treasure I think let’s do some treasure I think wait I think order of the stone let’s get some treasure

So maybe Ivor told us about this place that’s what I’m assuming this is the place this really look like treasure though so much for treasure this cupboard is bare come on you know how these places work the treasures never just out in the open let’s fan out and

Search the place he’s right he’s right we should probably search the place explore the temple okay I’m sewing look at this lever I don’t want to pull it just yet ah my old friend the lever ha ha ha all right let’s I think there’s another left there’s a floor gutter down here

I’m going to look at that and I’ll lead to the center of the room they look like they’re designed to let lava flow from those channels in the wall hmm why would you want to do that I’m sure there’s probably a secret if I pull these levers

So I’m gonna go ahead and pull it oh there’s one I think we got to do it like probably for all sides such as I’m thinking so let’s get into it let’s talk to Petra though let’s see how Petra’s doing hi Petra who’s Petra Oh

Skating uh I’ve got work to do how are you feeling lately what do you think of the stunts on this place I think I’d rather be in a straight fight than doing all the Switch appalling stuff but I’m glad I’ve Wars and tell about this place was good

That’s true how did I ever know about this time or knew about this place who knows that guy’s word like a million books traveled all over the world you probably start to know just overworking or – oh you know how are you feeling lately memories all back as far as I can

Tell now I’m just trying to get used to having teammates and people who worry about me that’s pretty new for me it’s nice though okay I’m gonna keep trying to solve this okay just gonna pull this lever I guess we just pull all of them

And then I guess of course it will be eventually see that’s what I’m thinking all right you probably got a few more on this side let’s talk to Olivia though we haven’t really talked to Danny at all yeah I’m gonna figure this out got any bright ideas for how to fix this

Well these channels of lava are blocked in strategic locations by those sticky pistons unblock them and I’m guessing something cool ah well we know that we know that what says are you measured you hope we find in here well I’ve been working on a bill that could use another

Couple dispensers but some cocoa beans would be cool too oh we could get cocoa beans I’m gonna figure this out enjoy sir Ivan Lintin having a good time hunting for treasure it’s been a while so we have to question everyone you guys I would never have thought I would like

All this adventuring and treasure hunting stuff but this has actually been a really good time and I’ve been getting lots of great stuff to build with okay I’m gonna figure this out never doubted you for a minute alright let’s get let’s do this yeah locked again I’m assuming there’s some

Type of order to do this let’s see what axel has in mind hey axel what you need buddy uh I don’t even want to know thing from axel situation um I don’t know about the situation I kind of do more blowing stuff up so if you need someone to do stuff like that

I’m totally your guy well he could blow up the middle give or take so don’t think what’s gonna loot you think we’re gonna find in here oh man well I want to make a room with an emerald floor right who doesn’t I’m like for emeralds away so getting some emeralds would be pretty

Sweet fair enough may have the best nested entrance we’re yeah it’s pretty sweet I was worried I wouldn’t be cool enough for smart enough for whatever enough to be in the order of the stone I’ll actually always believe it everybody you know it okay I’m gonna

Keep working on this sounds good I think we may have to do this in a particular order I’ll check that’s something I think we got to do this in a particular order unless let’s flick this one first so that one closes it off that one

Closes it off um let me see if Olivia has anything okay I’m gonna figure this out never doubted you for a minute okay fair enough fair enough we have to figure this out all right um let’s look here let’s look at the lava duct all right so maybe we

Just got to pull it in this in a particular order hey it’s working wait no it’s not never mind or or how about this so we know this one stays so let’s go ahead and pull this lever so this one stays now what we should probably do is pull I don’t think

We can actually can’t go around there I can say what we could do is pull not this one because we did that one already we’ll pull this one next we’ll pull this one next now do we pull this one like back again this one cuts off both though all right

Let’s try this again well this one let’s pull this one there we go that one cuts off okay we know that cuts off now we’re going to try and turn it back on and see what happens now we care we go okay so now all we have to do is now probably

Cut on the last one that some things let’s try this again hopefully this works yes finally a little tricky but we got it ooh I think I actually would have been disappointed if the floor didn’t open that wasn’t in dark creepy passageway this kind of reminds me of when we first

Found the orders temple we were such as scared we were so unprepared that’s a shame I was scared I have no idea what – it’s yeah I had no idea we were getting into hide have uh and to think that was just the beginning yeah that was before we’d fought weirder

Storms hung out with ever and we United the border so crazy I’m so glad the weather storm is over bingo there it is we got some chests alright let’s see what we’ve got alright let’s go check I hope this is not like trap not a night wrap dress I

Don’t think what do we got hey it’s a cake oh it’s not really like me like treasure it’s just I really love cake is the best I’m out this practice I’ll be nice to Axl as yours if you want hey if you want it it’s all you

Oh man oh man great leader great leader Jesse huh a pumpkin not bad I suppose that could be useful if we run into Enderman and looks like we’ve got one more thing in here it’s what did you find what are you guys talking about whoa that’s super cool I’ve never seen

Flint and steel like that but whatever is a mine is that an enchantment home is it some sort of enchantment I don’t know I’ve seen people put on a breaking enchantment on a flint and steel before but that’s not a breaking you could give it a shot and find out

Okay flint and steel do your thing oh I have definitely never seen flint and steel do that before Oh that was awesome whatever that was looks like some monsters have a death wish so what’s the plan yes me seems like a good folder bum redstone trap reefer grab redstone trap

Obviously uh I think you mean the warrior whip obviously I do warrior will I’ll try that come on Jesse make it good whoa you guys that was amazing that was so awesome take that oh by the way Oh jesse has some skills the lava took the

Mound in the staircase we need to get out of here Ned fire spreads on as well of course vice prey yeah the vines maybe we’re trapped now one quick jump there we go okay look at all right come on oh man this is this is intense

I think we just go and can actually go straight Oh spiders while I’m gonna guide only way out of here is through them from get ready like that got you like that the tunnel oh we’re not gonna make it I am leaving that was amazing why is no one freaking

Now becoming like my lucky oh come on come on oh come on that was intense here is actually really scary just then I tell you guys huh doing that never gets old woo yeah not too bad killing a bunch of monsters getting sweet I don’t know good

Textures not shown up but it’s a strange lowing I’d be curious to see it again too when you give it a try Axl what should I burn first um oh I forgot ah simple Flint steel Boosh I guess we’ll just try to light something ignite well

Well where’d you get the new toy Oh Aiden looks a little uh sophisticated for you Jesse order of the losers yeah losers ah who let you guys out of your cave jokes on who are you again uh what grief are you here to give us now look who’s talking

So what are you ocelots doing here anyway the ocelots were Lucas’s gang we ditched that name just like we ditched him yeah we rebranded for the blaze rods now please Rob oh it’s not you enough for me like the texture isn’t sorry boss I like ah slice better Oh God

Too bad I thought ocelots was way cooler that’s right set shut up kill it where’s Lucas huh the minute the order decided you were cool but everything he wouldn’t stop sniffing around you like a tame dog you take that back hmm no that’s right know him ten times

The guy wanted to save you left us to risk his neck and save you guys and this is how you talk about him you probably think that thing makes you so special classic Jessie you take all the best up and never give anyone else a chance that

Should have been ours oh yeah yeah we end this Ernest all right fair and square yeah we fought monsters lava and levers to get this thing and we ain’t giving it up huh lasers untaken son it’s been fair and square Chitti hand over the flint and steel Jesse

Don’t make me ask again you don’t get that one it’s supposed to be mine draw so much some hero you are Jesse I’ll see this scared this game who’s four against three what hope do we have when heroes like you are throwing your weight around like this it’s not always going to be

This way though come on you guys let’s get out of here uh I told you to shut up let it out Jesse I don’t even think they want to be really eating being that angry before ding a bathroom hey I’m officially starting to get a bad feeling about Aidan threatening people scary

Enchantments on his sword he doesn’t hurt anyone yeah we need to keep an eye out man and all because he wanted that flint and steel what are you gonna do with it I’ve Orr’s the one that told us about this temple Oh sí voy bell you know something about it

Hopefully Ivor can tell us more about it can’t believe we’re actually trusting a boar but I boys i boy I’ve always I’ve always on the team so it’s gonna be interesting back home home sweet Billy’s starting to recognize stuff again feels good to almost be home cheers to

That friend I just can’t shake what Aiden was saying about us back there we do get a lot of treasure and I guess sometimes we might throw our weight around what no Aidan’s got a bad case of treasure Andy this is jealous come on Aidan’s just jealous isn’t that obvious

He sees us with our fancy armor cool treasure and he wishes he had it too I guess Reuben posted well no matter what Aidan thinks there’s one thing I know what’s that they think we’re awesome back you got it back ha ha ha tell everyone that our heroes have

Returned oh that is so awesome that it’s so awesome I love it yep you order the showed he’s back in town oh you have a turn it’s party time this place looks amazing Wow you’ve done with this place it looks freakin awesome high-five oh yeah I hope

She doesn’t come back and like betray us or something like that that wasn’t happy to see a screen wow that’s new it somehow manages to a boat hug we built that seems unsafe Oh barfing lava thing yeesh that thing most completely dangerous and not my fault

That sounds like AI boy oh stop your whining what are your pathetic injuries in comparison to my majestic tower I’ve warned of course Oh Jesse you’re back don’t listen to a word these fools tell you it’s a fire hazard your face is ugly hazard causing trouble a demur nothing

Just a little spirited debate with the local community brain function is proving difficult for them you need to remove this now I don’t want to have to choose any man wants a little house of my own with loads of lava pouring off it Ivor I know you mean well but your house

Wants to kill people dude you made a killer how you should be creative bill shut up you should related words right people have got to be free to build huh but that’s so irresponsible I hate that look that fireball back to carrot ow we can’t let that monstrosity stand

It’s my house Jessie I have just as much a right to build something as all these people don’t I early will obviously put a lot of work into his new house we need to show it the same respect that we would show a house not dripping with

Lava believe it ah people won’t like it but everything a face may be morally right although it is houses long live lava thanks Jessie that’s right walking keep walking always nice to see a gracious winner ha ha haven’t seen you around in a while so what can I do for you Jessie Flynn

Steel I was hoping you could help me out we checked the jungle for us we’ve got sign will show you now something in that temple you told us about what you did you again let’s do lunch I’ll bring the carrots there’s no telling who’s listening beat me in the

Treasure room 10 minutes and bring the thing you found okay well if we’re going to keep that thing up we should at least in case the law bettin supplies to make it safer but like not too safe come on help me collect axel he’s just like Maggie sure

That when we make it into glass the right amount of safe okay we’ll catch up with you later yeah once we make sure this trouble respect it deserves stay out of trouble you two you stay out of trouble Thanks later guys come on let’s go find Ivor

That was amazing that was awesome just then wow this place is really shaping up oh this is oh look at that look at Magnus over there oh this is good this is like another like for all Lukas oh we got the the wither star thing there whoa

Lukas I don’t believe it oh hey guys you have some pretty cool stuff in here good to see you buddy it’s great to see you it’s been a while I really missed you guys we missed you too we have so many other treasures boy you’ve sure been busy oh

Wow you that’s crazy I was get to see that he’s actually again on the team well of course yeah how are you doing ah Reuben I stuff I really miss him I’m really really missing him every morning I wake up and just for a minute I can pretend that he’s just in another

Room or rooting around outside looking for carrots and then every morning I get to remember all over that he’s gone I’m so sorry okay guys I promise I wasn’t just here to bomb everybody out I actually came back because I need to tell you something it’s about this weird run-in I had with

Aiden ah I hate that guy what did he say and what did he have to say apparently someone told him about I’ve were giving you a tip some kind of treasure he really wanted to find it first ha beat him he’s just been so jealous of

You and the rest of the order ever since you saved the world from the wither storm it’s convinced that he was supposed to be a hero ever since he took over the Ocelot the blaze rods she sweeps me yeah gotten meaner he’s pushing my head Gil

Around yeah when we saw him he kind of freaked me out I’m making crazy threats knocking his own gang around so what’d you find that got Aiden so excited anyway feel like what if Lucas is on the other side check it out Wow what a weird glow yeah I know I’m

Supposed to show it to you rode it yeah dude what’s wrong with you this is the greatest find of our time I can’t believe you’re actually really so special tell us what I know what to do it proves what I’ve always suspected that glow that enchantment is the work

Of a very old group of builders a group so old that they existed even before the order of the stone oh yeah they’d build the temple dramatic Wow so that temple we went to was that built by these old builders that’s my suspicion but it’s what’s inside the

Temple that interests me even more you see if these builders truly existed and if you found their temple that means we’re one step closer to finding the ever source what a beautiful sight sounds violent I said I made up name Lucas did you just make that up no I

Found books mysterious tomes referencing it on my travels mysterious home uh-oh this is gonna be crazy said to be an object of incredible power possessed by the old builders it was some sort of treasure or artifact that gave them an endless supply of precious materials think about it Jessie that temple must

Have been a hiding place Wow old duh you learn something new every day how can we be so sure steel might have this old builder enchantment but how do you know that’s where this eversource thing is I’ve traveled near and far Jessie and that temple that flint and steel is the

Only firm proof that I’ve ever seen of the old builders that does seem like a pretty good bet oh this is insane never sources ancient mysteries you know I’m in excellent I’ll pack my adventuring things immediately wait oh he’s coming Wow sounds like you guys have a lot to get

To I guess I’ll take off you’re coming oh you’re coming with us Lucas you’re coming with this me and Ivor let’s get moving all right so I’m gonna end the video there you guys if you want to see the next part I’ll be uploading that very shortly I’ll link it down below in

Description so feel free to check it out this is insane we’re gonna find out where we’re gonna be actually going in this new adventure this is gonna be crazy but thank you all so much for watching remember to subscribe for more minecraft story mode and I will see you all in the

Next video bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode – Episode 5 – THE BIG SECRET! (1)’, was uploaded by BigB on 2016-03-29 07:21:40. It has garnered 362800 views and 4987 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:50 or 1670 seconds.

Stay Updated With Story Mode –

Minecraft Story Mode Episode 5 “Order Up” After becoming the new order we get a tip from Ivor to a New Temple with a Big Secret.I hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching.

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    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷 ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram:​​ ○ Discord: #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More