The Most OP Bauble of Spellbound!: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #40

Video Information

Hello again welcome back to asgard and welcome back to atm spellbound uh so since the last episode i have done a massive amount of work i did a lot on the exterior you can see there’s a roof up there uh there’s a roof on the us and and i also started

Running some of the supports they still need detail of course but i started running some of the supports beneath these walkways and added this little sidewalkway i still got a lot of cleanup to do and a lot of detail work to do but it is definitely

It is definitely coming along i tried to one of my main focuses this week this weekend was getting just the structure all there for the most part the only part of the structure that is not presently there is this back part because of course that’s got to come up

And i’m thinking that once it is all done we should be able to see that right there and it’s going to make kind of like a almost like a triangle shape for the structure and i also got the windmill set up and you can see a little bit more detail back in there

And uh if we come around to the side i did bring up some sections of wall here trying to just close everything in i know it’s really really boxy on this side at the moment but if you recall this side over here was extremely boxy as well

Until we got detail work also around to the side brought that back once again very very boxy at the moment but we’re getting there so a lot of work a lot of work on the exterior actually took me a decent amount of time now if we come in

I did a lot of work on the inside too uh there’s actually some places where uh like if we come down to here i did get this all plugged up and i wanted to show you something kind of nifty uh well it’s not in here anymore because i moved it but uh

I did have to add soul compost and all the medium sites so i just did a double chest here moved the uh drawer controller to back here i know we can’t access it i really don’t mind it was easier than moving the slave and it just doesn’t it’s not something we’re

Going to use uh so whether it was a slave there or the the controller didn’t really matter for us so but this over here i have a special output routing node purpose of this apparently something i did not know these guys would give like i knew they would give most of the stuff

And i actually knew they gave all the money inside i just forgot about it because if you recall we were getting it from the uh the pigmen farm down in the blood magic area where our soul stuff is you know we were getting like all this stuff but something we never got

They can drop all the modium boots so this farm is producing all the modium boots which of course are massive defense if we wanted like boots that made us unkillable then you know we’ve pretty much got them right here like i said i’m i don’t think i’m gonna

Go with that because i actually like uh the boots that we’ve got i like the setup that we’ve got and i don’t feel like we need god tier armor at least at the moment so i also started running this back a ways we’re going to be setting this up

Here soon but you can kind of get an idea of what’s what’s going to happen i put a lot of our spawners out we’re going to be changing them of course with spawn eggs and ran this back and added a little segment here as well now the next thing let’s go ahead and

Just pop home uh let’s see i did do a bit of work down in the occultism area because i’ve been trying to finish up certain areas so i finished up this i’m not going to run all the way back there but the area back in the far back

Has the walls brought up and stuff but i still have a little bit of work especially the ceiling and whatnot and i still got some decorating to do down there but starting to get that occultism area finished out now if we head up we’re going to go back

There here shortly but if we head up all that big open space that was on the inside you know we were down there flying around with the broom when we were doing astral sorcery i finally got the the inside pretty much all laid out and that was actually a big achievement

For me because laying out rooms and figuring out how i’m gonna lay things out takes a while now i’m still gonna i’ve still gotta actually frame in rooms and stuff but that big old open space we now have set up and we have this area so very very unfinished but

You could probably guess what’s going to happen up here because we’re going to be crafting our atm stars up here we’ve got to fill it with mechanical crafters which is fine and you can actually see shafts and cogs ran across the ceiling they actually come in over here because

Pretty much all of our create stuff is on this side now these aren’t currently plugged up at the moment but pretty much all of our creative stuff is on this side of the castle so they’ll come in they’ll run through and then get sent down and plug into our mechanical crafter they’re actually

Going to plug in right in here so these are trapdoors just moonstone blocks because we we have so much moonstone uh this comes back this part i’ve still got to build it out i lied i don’t actually have all the rooms all the space filled i actually kind of forgot about that

The the stars up here by the way these are luminizers we’re going to be using some of those for exterior travel and uh this connects out to this balcony here which is still unfinished and then i did go ahead and ran the stairs so we have

Stairs that come up here and of course stairs that come up on the other side we’ve got stairs that run up here that lead out to this balcony here and they’ll actually come around and you’ll be able to access some of this area here i’m going to make

It so we can access a little bit of it for some stuff but and then this steps up to this area which is unfinished and then these stairs here and there’s also some stairs on the other side basically to the same place but these come up

And you can see where those come up and then this comes up to the astral area so i actually finally have a way for you to by foot to get to the astral area up at the top of the castle it’s a long jaunt from the from if you’re outside the castle

Uh like let’s say you’re down way down there uh it’s actually a bit of a joint to get to the the very very top so uh but yeah so anyways i got all of that stuff worked out it was a very very busy building weekend for me as you might imagine

Oh and i also did just a little bit of work down in the living quarters but anyways what we’re going to be doing today of course is we’re going to start into the eidolon mod we do have a few quests here to turn in we’re going to

Get a mallam spirit pile we’re going to get a mallam spirit pile and we’re going to get a mallom spirit pile and a medium wind curio’s grab bag the plastic drinking hat so let’s just dump all that in there we don’t need any of that but anyways we’re

Going to be starting into the idyllon mod we do have a check mark quest here we’re going to go ahead and just say okay and we will need to make the ours ecclesia book really quickly and then we’re going to step into the room that we’re going to be doing all of our

Work in so there’s that and then if we step into our new idol on room i spent a bit of time in here because i wanted to actually be able to work on a mod and have a room that’s already decorated and planned out for the mod so we have ourselves

A little space for eidolon very very gray it is a very um kind of dark mod so i figured we’re going to go with a lot of grays and blacks we got some phones and we got these banners here that i threw together not the craziest

Thing but then we got some shelves here we have some cabinets here but uh and these we’re gonna get into using these here shortly so anyways we got our book here this is actually kind of a useful book uh because we’re gonna have to be trading it uh to get knowledge

Later on but for right now uh they want us to make pewter and we’re gonna have to blend together 10 and lead for that we actually do not have any 10 apparently there’s a b that can give it and i don’t think it’s actually come up on any mod that we’ve actually done

Anything with and if it did we only mined a very specific amount of it so we are going to first up be mining it looks like and what’s strange it is it actually doesn’t come from the dimensional mine shaft you’ll notice neither does mystical world tim or

Now it’s possible that it might only come from the all the mod dimension timber is quartz and stoned uh so honestly it’s something that we could just breed for the only thing is we need a block of ten oh my gosh uh it might be that we have to go to all

The mods dimension and if it’s not the us really that’s it we have how much uh we have 103 all the modium nuggets at the moment so i think we can pull that off mining dimension and other places placing the world sneak right click empty hands i was actually wanting to start that

Soon anyway so not a big deal that’s how it works you know i ca i can’t remember if we’ve covered it on camera or not but i don’t think so we would have had faster breeding if we had done if we had done it uh on camera i think okay

Yeah let’s do the the teleport pad here and there we go now we are in the mining dimension so it’s a flat world at why 75 so let’s hope if we go down in this area and i think this is the dimension where the ice and fire dragon spawn

If i recall was that uh no that was yeah we got 10 okay so it is from this dimension like i said i thought i was like really really prepared for this video didn’t even think about not having 10 for pewter that’s okay that is all right

Because i was like oh we got a space built out you know we’re going to be in a good spot yeah that should be enough honestly because we’re gonna we’re gonna get times five processing on it so okay i thought i hit record i did not uh

Didn’t miss that much i made up the pewter so we finished that quest and then i made up the brazier and the stone hands uh and i was thinking the quest wants us to make eight stone hands uh now it has been a while since i did idle on

But i don’t remember needing eight hands for anything so i just got them in here i’ve got the six set up we’ll take a look at it here in a second i do apologize i thought i’d hit record uh but at this point i’m gonna go out and i’m gonna capture some

Zombies because we need to start getting into making soul shards but uh i was gonna say that that’s when i realized i wasn’t recording uh if you want like more of an optimal setup for idyllon what you would want to do is have a spawner and maybe vector plates push

Them to one end and that way you just have a bunch of like zombies or whatever on hand all the time i’m not going to do that just because it doesn’t look as good and it doesn’t really fit into my room very well so our progress today through idol on is not optimal

Uh for what we could do but form over function is of course one of my mottos and so we are going to be actually capturing our zombies and sticking them into cages because it just seems like more fun to me so just a heads up if you want a lot faster um

Kind of idle on progression and idle on crafting that would be a great method for it but i’m not going for that i saw you zombie but yeah i mean if you had a spawner kind of pushing them over to your altar area it would be a lot more efficient but

Like i said i’m not really going for that it doesn’t fit this level of the castle um and that’s why that’s another reason a lot of this stuff we could easily automate but it’s just not clean and i want everything to kind of look nice this is a perfect pack to just

Focus on making a nice castle that looks nice and doing some magic while we’re at it anyways i’ve got our stone hands laid out like this now if i have to add another two i’ll just add them over here it’s not ideal but i can make it work

But like i said i think we’re only gonna need six for our crafting but we’ll see we’re gonna need to start getting into doing our prayers pretty quick but we’re going to go ahead and lock up our zombies now one thing i have not tested before uh with the idol on mod though

Is seeing if the stone hands and the sacrifices can be on different y levels than the brazier because i know the mod intends for you to use enchanted dash you lay it on the ground and it basically makes like a mob proof uh salt line that mobs can’t cross across

It doesn’t look pretty so i’m hoping i think we can have maybe our zombies up here in our cages uh so we’re gonna give it a shot see what happens so anyways uh the for this ritual we’re gonna need two redstone and bone meal uh the one the

Item that goes here goes onto the braiser the items that go here uh go into your stone hand so we’re just going to click click click and then all we have to do is just light this with our flint and steel some sparks are going to happen and what should happen is

It’s going to consume the redstone it is working good and then it’s going to kill nearby mobs perfect and in return we’re going to get some soul shards so we got four not a lot that’s okay and uh we get eight more though from the quest that’s great okay

Now at this point they want us to get the magic workbench so let’s go ahead boom there’s that uh and then we’re going to get the pewter inlays a few of those now our magic workbench we are just going to be setting this up like right

Over here ish right there is good uh so basically we have a crafting table with four additional slots uh then they’re going to want us to get crucibles and that’s a lot of the reason i made so much pewter i’m actually going to be getting four of these

Somewhat for decoration but also because uh ideally you’ll want at least two of these anyways and we’re going to go ahead and just put these down in our smoky pit now they do require a heat source underneath them we’re going to be using campfires but you could use something else if you wanted

It’s actually kind of nice it blocks a lot of the smoke and then a little bit of it comes through so it’s not as smoky i could have built a chimney but i just didn’t really have space with the door there and it’s a theoretical chimney let’s say that it’s theoretical chimney uh

Maybe it goes up the side somehow i don’t know it’s magic we’re in a magic castle okay uh so then they want us to make arcane gold uh yeah we’re gonna be making a bit of the us honestly we’re gonna eat two redstone and two gold

Uh you’re gonna see steps here like this is step number one this is step number two okay so what we’re going to do let’s grab this stuff out and something that we don’t have is a good way to get water do we want to make a water sigil

Yeah we’re going to go ahead and make ourselves a water sigil there’s a lot of different methods for kind of infinite water like we could go with something like evil craft or you know whatever and of course just a two by two of water but i think we’re gonna go with a water

Sigil though i’m not 100 sure if it’s going to be able to fill up the crucibles and if not that’s going to create a small issue but uh we’ll see hello there we go always handy there we go bind it to us and we should be all set now

Okay now if all goes well we should just be able to right click nope it doesn’t work now another option could be men in artifice of course we haven’t progressed in man and artify so it’s not an option for us but if you have uh i can’t remember is it the wellspring pillar

Maybe but i seem to remember a block from man and artifice that can fill up uh nearby things that can hold water basically um let’s see let me try this then yeah it does work with uh cauldrons okay so in that case what we’re going to do

We’re going to set up a cauldron honestly i might just remove one of these crucibles so it’s a little bit cleaner and we’ll put a cauldron in right there and then that way we can just click that it does mean that we’ll have to have this turned off because we’re gonna

Have to have the bucket but that’s okay and then we’ll just store all this stuff on a shelf the water sigil and stuff okay so once this stuff starts boiling what we are going to do all right so we toss that in we throw that in

And there we go there’s our two arcane gold and then of course we’ll fill it back up with water uh now we’re actually gonna have to make a lot of this stuff but they do give us four from the quest that’s actually quite nice uh now next

Up we have a quest for the soul enchanter i’m not going to get into that this episode uh but we will probably be using that in an upcoming kind of gearing episode you know ever ever so many episodes i like to do kind of a gearing episode just

Where we update our gear with some of the stuff that we’ve got available and that is something that we will probably uh dabble in slightly but so we’re just going to move on past that today the let’s see for the lesser soul gm or we go let’s actually go down to dark

Worship because this is actually going to be really important for us uh and i’d like to get this up and going because it’s kind of a little bit of a time sensitive thing to some degree because it takes a bit of time because there is a cooldown of a day

That it takes for us to be able to do it again so let’s go ahead and get this underway but i am going to have to go out find that’s a witch but you can see now we can make really nice wooden tables and then we can take our straw effigy it

Just goes right there and we’re gonna upgrade that later uh but then we can take our goblet we’re gonna put right here and then can we pull off candles i think we can wait i need tallow rotten flesh okay i getting near this create area create cobblegends i have really really

Bad luck with them now sometimes this one is laggy like this sometimes it’s not it really just depends on the day in its mood i think because you know we’ve been in this room a lot of times it isn’t likey today it’s laggy i don’t know i don’t know why it’s

Completely random as to how it feels but i think it has a mind of its own but we got ourselves some tallow because for our table uh there’s a couple things that we’re going to need in addition to our effigy now if we take a look inside the

Book i think it lists all of them but i think i remember them from memory it’s going to be theorgy alters yeah alter lighting ultra skulls alter herbs there’s going to be different stuff listed and you could say different power or different capacity we’re going to be going with candles

Inside of candlesticks because they’re very very easy to craft and they just look better uh wither skeleton skulls the best skull that we can do with a rose is the best flower that we can do and then everything else is pretty straightforward so all right so let’s go ahead we’re going

To set up our candlestick our candlestick let’s see let’s move our goblet to the center and we’re going to put our wither skeleton skull there and i think this is the layout that i want for our altar plus it looks really really dark and evil and then they’re going to want us to

Well at this point actually let’s go ahead open up our ours ecclesia and let’s take a look at mystical signs actually we don’t have any at this point we need to pop out to let’s see village and such this way stone right here uh and we need to fly out just a little

Ways because we’re going to need to give our book to a witch and a cleric villager we’ll get to that in just a moment but the other day whenever i was flying out i actually marked it here but we do have a hexary structure over here and those are

Actually really good structures to pair with idolon because they’re full of witches so it’s a perfect place for us to kind of stop by and trade our book off so we can learn our very first sign which is the most important one so of course i open my map so i’m chugging

Right now here we go and i’ve got to make some of these herb drying racks so i think that’s honestly the decor is the best part about hexary getting added to the pack uh but anyways there is a witch i also need to just steal all this

We’re gonna throw our book at her she’s gonna take it after a few seconds she’s gonna throw it on the ground there we go and we unlocked the wicked sign and let me also just go ahead and make up a waste stone real quick that way we can just teleport here next time

Because we’re going to be using this a little bit later on uh now at this point we can go ahead and pop on home i need to empty out these soul gems anyways so let’s go ahead and just put our mobs inside let’s try it from these i’m sure it’s

Going to say it there we go and boom awesome it’s going to give us a few more of these you can never really have too many of these you don’t need a ton of them um but we will still need a bit all right so we’re going to open this up

And you can see we’ve got this right here this is the wicked sign and what we’re going to do is click that that’s that and we’re going to chant it boom uh now we didn’t get anything and if we try to do it again today like if we go

Boom boom boom enchant it you can see it did the fizzle sound that’s because we’re limited to to a chant once per day basically to the gods you know so what we’re going to have to do is basically just wait uh because you’re going to get different

Signs here that we’re going to be unlocking and you can do like combinations of them by just clicking you know do a lot of them or clear and this is the way that and we’re going to have to do these basically to learn uh new signs and basically progress with the theory side

Of the mod so there’s a lot of stuff here that’s locked like dark prayer we’re chanting to the dark lord and attempting to draw their favor and then the unholy symbol we’re not gonna be able to get that just yet uh but that’s gonna be used for a pewter

Inlay uh but at this point we can go ahead oh i’m actually surprised we’re going to make one uh i was thinking that there would be a quest for one we’re going to go ahead and make ourselves an apothecary stand just one should be fine but basically these are just an

Alternative to making potions and they have to be placed on top of the crucible here and you can see that we don’t need blaze powder for that for making basic potions i don’t actually need it but i just want to set one up for decoration then we’re going to use

These two of course for crafting so uh let’s see the shadow gm yeah this is a few steps this will be a good example of multiple steps and we’re going to need some essence of death zombie heart rotten flesh okay so let’s go ahead if you take a look at essence of death

It’s going to have like bone meal and then it’s got these symbols here basically that means we have to stir the cauldron after throwing those in we’re going to stir it twice so what we’re going to do let’s go ahead and let’s toss in without tossing that

We’ll give it just a moment here change colors we’re going to toss in the bone meal oh no man i actually hate this crafting mechanic by the way because of that exact thing all right we’re going to throw in that throw let’s see i hate trying to aim this unless you

Stand right on top of it like i didn’t want my crucible to have to like stand on top of it but i’m starting to think that i might have to do that there we go stir twice throw in our charcoal there we go and we got our essence of death perfect

I mean yeah we could set it up with droppers or we could stand right on top of it but i want to be able to craft just like this like just taking it and throwing it in you know okay so we got that now to make our

Shadow gm it’s going to be cold it’s going to be gas t or an essence of death star soul shard essence of death star and diamond let’s try this again maybe my stuff won’t get caught on the lip of the crucible it does it does okay

Okay i tell you what i’m getting very very irritated with my stuff catching on the side of the crucible it does not lend itself very well to trying to toss things in from the side it’s almost like it wants you to have to set it up like this so

We’re going to set it up like this just for simplicity’s sake it’s going to make it a little bit easier for us to craft so we’re going to throw in coal there we go that that right click that that that right click and then our diamond

And there we go you know so much easier to craft i i wanted it to look nice but i think we’re just going to set it up out here go through the mod and then just have that up there you know uh okay so now

Uh they want us to get the lesser soul jam which is done in the crucible so we can just throw in that throw in that give it a second throw in that stir stir throw in the nether quartz to finish it off i’m gonna go ahead and make uh

I’m gonna go ahead and make like two more crafts of this glass hand yeah which is suggested not to use this because you take five times more damage but i actually think with our current situation and armor i’m gonna try using this because i almost feel like we could pull

It off because we take no damage and in addition all the damage we take a huge chunk of that is reflected back at enemies so i’m honestly leaning towards the glass hands now if we didn’t have our situation with armor i would say yeah no let’s not use that

But i actually i really want the glass hand uh oh but we’re gonna need a wraith heart we’re gonna have to hunt rights or we’re just gonna make a spawner for rice we have to go find a cleric villager and it’s basically just progressing thiergy you know i really

Need to just take some of these guys like yeah he’s got the codex arcana let’s take him there you go goodbye and while we’re at it because we’re going to start into some mana artifacts soon enough let’s go ahead and take some rune forges free rune forges

And might as well take these two there’s a ritualist yes i need you and i’m gonna go ahead and take you too oh there’s a mana weaver too okay let me pop back home let me jump off these guys in the prison there we go party in the prison

Uh wait where did you there you are no there you are and because i can i’m going to take the rest of these there you go lots of villagers because we actually need those once we start demanding artifice okay backs back for what i actually want to do let me grab

No i don’t want the fletcher i want the villager there we go and now let’s take him home with us and we’re going to turn him into a cleric down inside of this cage there we go we got ourselves a cleric and a bit of lag too there you go

Why don’t you tell me about that book there we go we have unlocked the sacred sign all right so at this point if we take a look we will have unlocked a second sign here the sacred sign there we go that time it went off and you could see that we

Got the blood sign since we got that we should have rituals theorgy uh we did unlock sacrifice animals so at this point what we can do is uh basically bring an animal over and kill it so it’s gonna be like that so let’s go grab ourselves a sheep actually i’m actually going to

Take my one white sheep we’re going to be setting up a sheep spawner down in the dungeon uh in an upcoming episode so we’ll just set him up right there kill him and you can see our goblet our goblet filled up with blood it has to be animal blood so sheep or

A cow or something like that will work but then i think we have to wait until the next day since i did a chance to die yeah it fizzles so we’re going to wait for the next day but that’s fine now at this point let’s take a look at

Yeah we’re going to need wraith hearts let’s actually go out let’s see do we just want to set up a spawner for them they’re not going to be like super vital to us but we will use them a little bit they actually see a wraith on the map

But i don’t actually see it on screen i don’t know why it’s lagging so bad maybe it’s underground i may actually have to restart yeah there we go there’s an idol on wraith we’re going to grab him yeah i think i have to restart i’ve noticed some uh yeah

Okay i’m gonna have to restart back it seems better it’s it happens i’ve noticed uh whenever i fly around a lot or something uh it’ll get kind of chuggy like that sometimes i just assume it’s the map does it where are you going there’s nowhere there’s nowhere down here for you to be

Like this isn’t i don’t know i think i’ll have to get rid of them i love them but they’re just really derpy and i think that’s the same one and it seems to happen on like whenever i restart a world or something it seems to happen

All right so let’s go ahead we are going to A second my spectral glasses are in here they are indestructible now though we really don’t have to put them on uh let’s grab this one yeah that one’s already emptied let’s grab this and let’s bring him over to our box and look at that we got a wraith heart

What luck is that i’ve killed so many rights it’s i mean it’s not like a crazy uncommon drop or anything like that but uh it’s also not crazy common either but we’ll go ahead and let that run that way we’ve got it because we will need additional wraith hearts later

Because i want to try this out because this is one of the things that made me want to get into idyllon is the glass hand so we can craft this now and we will need a basic amulet i’ll have to craft more arcane gold

Uh i did leave that yeah i left that set up out there okay so This this this that that that like that uh we’re going to get ourselves the glass hand necklace we’re going to lose the amulet of mana regen but honestly well i’d love to have both of them but i think i really want this one uh so what it’s going to do it’s going

To double the damage we deal but we’re going to take five times more damage now let’s pop into the overworld and see if we actually take any damage this is probably a terrible dimension to spawn the wither just because we might get blinded randomly let’s actually see if uh

Yeah it seems like uh we still don’t take damage but it seems like they kill themselves they kill themselves in a single hit because of all of our reflect yes yes that’s what that’s exactly what i was hoping would happen actually is the mobs would deal so much damage themselves because

We’re taking five times more damage i don’t know i don’t know if it’s doubling that five times damage because you know it doubles the damage that we deal too on top of that now if he hits me with a range attack yeah he’s going to kill himself look at this look at this

I can literally just stand here and the wither is going to murder himself oh this is great i mean it’s not as fast as if i was actually hitting him but uh i don’t seem to be taking any damage whatsoever you’re about to die buddy there you go you’re dead

Yes i have broke the game wait till we fight dragons with that it’s gonna be amazing not to mention we deal more you know we deal double damage which actually kind of gives us a balancing effect because we’re not running the really crazy atm weapons but now all that reflect pays off even

More it looks like weather can actually hurt us but we might just get some weather protection because it’s not that hard to get okay whatever you do don’t try to do the daylight ritual from eidolon while in the blue skies dimension i tried to do that because i was going to try to

Get it to pass time using our night ritual in our day ritual to quickly change the day however it crashed me and it got into a crash loop and i had to restore backup and fix everything and get back go back through progression a little bit my

Backup was about halfway through idle on progress so in this alternate timeline i do not have all the villagers and i did not kill the wither i also came out with one more essence of undeath because i didn’t waste it i used our cauldron down there but our crucible

But yeah so the glass hand was really the big thing that i was after uh but i do want to finish out the progression i know we’re getting on in time and there is one other bauble that i do want to make here in just a moment

But anyways let’s go ahead grab one of our pewter inlays and what we’re going to do is if we open this up and we look at theargy the touch of darkness it’s going to be that and then that and then that and that so what we’re going to do

I think i’m actually wearing a magnet right now let’s toss this down toss this down and we’re gonna go boom boom boom boom chant it and there we go we got our unholy symbol all right now at this point we can make the reaper scythe and this is one thing

That i really really want to get uh tattered cloth and it’s important to note the unholy symbol is not consumed uh whenever we craft so we can go ahead and get that now we’ve got an alternate scythe from the malam scythe that we run we have the

Reaper scythe and uh crude scythe is still higher attack damage but this has a little bit higher attack speed now let’s go pop down to the britannia area i’m gonna throw i don’t need a lot of enchantments on this to be perfectly honest uh what i do want is i want indestructible

I want looting i want sharpness uh the rest of these i feel like probably would just be wasting mana on this because it’s not something that we’re gonna be using a ton of uh so let’s go ahead and enchant this up i’m so happy that uh

I’m so happy that that bauble worked out that way actually i’ll tell you what we’re going to go to down to the blood magic area because we should be able to get the spirits off of the wither skeleton i don’t need to worry about him okay yeah it crashed me i didn’t throw

Me back much basically right before we came into the blood magic area so and we’ll see if we get any i just saw one actually okay so it doesn’t have anything to do with the scythe it was just i don’t know random crash they happen from time to time

And it’s not it’s not nothing to do with this pack really it’s just a 1.16 thing i was really worried at first because i was like man i don’t want to have to go back wow we got a lot of soul shards uh i gotta sort these do these not have

No they don’t have void upgrades we have 1536 stacks of gas tiers so we got our scythe there’s an axe here that cleaves off heads we’re not going to get that the gear we’re going to make some for armor stand but we’re not that worried about it same

With the ones but i do want to upgrade our altar we need to make the stone altar and the elder statue uh we’re actually going to be making probably a bit of both of these for decoration all right so let’s go ahead and get two stone altars or two crafts of them

And then for the elder statue we’re gonna need most of this is just stone uh but we are going to need a gold inlay uh this right here all right i got us eight arcane gold for right now but i’m gonna be making a bit of it probably after

This episode because i do want to use a bit of these statues for decorating with get ourselves i love crafts like this where once you have the stuff out of the way they’re actually not terrible to make for like decoration but there’s four of those

And at this point what we can do is we can actually break down our wood altar so we’re going to do that and we’re going to replace it now with the stone altar and then we’re going to break down our effigy and we’re going to replace it with the elder statue

Beautiful decoration oh yeah i need to put my candles back on here because they fell off but there we go that is our final tier altar so at this point what we’re going to do is we’re going to sacrifice one last animal to our dark god

Uh so let’s take a sheep up here kill it there we go and then sacrifice animal was that so let’s go ahead boom boom boom chant that all right we got new knowledge and now at this point we have the last section of theory unlocked which is sacrifice villager

And this is what’s going to allow us to learn our very last mystical sign which i’ve got a villager down in the basement let me go grab it it’s the one i use for the cleric villager and we’re gonna take his blood he has served his use

Uh now i will say i don’t think this uh this sign is actually used for anything but i figure we’ll unlock it anyways because that way we kind of have maximum devotion to our dark god we’ll set him down slaughter him and there we go now we have some villager blood

Uh inside of our goblet okay and now i imagine we’re probably still going to be on cooldown yeah we’re still on cooldown right now that’s fine uh now another thing that i want to go ahead and make is the necrotic focus i’m going to be using this for

Decoration i just want to briefly want to talk about it basically if you have the us near abrasion you can use this and set a very specific item to dictate what your ritual is going to do we’re not actually going to be doing it but let’s say you were doing um uh not

Not lesser summoning uh for example the sword of sapping you would put an iron sword into uh the necrotic focus or basic amulet into the necrotic focus for the sanguine amulet but like i said i don’t think that there’s actually any rituals that take eight i think six is still the maximum

It looks like because these were always the most expensive things and they only require six so the quest i think just maybe want you to make them just maybe for decoration i’m gonna assume i love decorating so i’m not assuming that’s what it is uh now the last thing

We’re going to do we are going to pray to our god and use our villager blood here in just a moment but i also do want to make the warted mail so there we go fairly cheap at this point and this is going to help protect us against magic

Attacks just because it’s another layer of defense so we’ll go ahead and grab that it’s a good body slot option too okay enough time should have passed by now let’s go ahead chant there we go and we unlocked the mind sign which is this one right here now like i

Said it’s not really used for anything same with this one both of these are just kind of we unlock them for fun you know there’s not much that we’re going to use them for the mod is still pretty much in development but the sanguine stuff is pretty useful uh earlier on but

I think we’re pretty much sorted and no way would i want to trade out our necklace for you know healing and i don’t really care to have a sword that withers uh enemies and stuff so uh there’s also a few other bobbles here the warlock armor is really really good if you’re

Just starting out a lot of these baubles are actually really powerful if you’re just starting out uh but there’s not really any others that we would really want uh in our current situation i don’t think but anyways i know it is wrapping up point it is past wrapping up point at

This point uh so we’re gonna end this episode out here uh like i said i just wanted to push eyeline get a few decorative things that i really really wanted and get the glass necklace because i was hoping that that was going to be crazy insane because damage reflection is actually extremely powerful

And we’ve turned our astral sorcery defensive perks into astro sorcery defensive and offensive parks it’s great ricketing like a double dip from the astro sorcery tree now but anyways i hope you guys enjoyed the episode if you did as always be sure and hit that like button and go ahead and subscribe

If you’re not already to stay updated with when new videos come out and i hope to see you guys next time so until then as always do take care stay safe and i’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘The Most OP Bauble of Spellbound!: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #40’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2022-02-08 18:59:08. It has garnered 3488 views and 116 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:13 or 2953 seconds.

Today we delve in the eidolon mod, a dark magic themed mod similar to malum that see’s us collecting souls from the undead and praying to our dark overlord. However underneath it’s exterior lies a powerful bauble, one that could simply break the very reality of how combat should work… —————————————————————

Find the rest of the series here: —————————————————————————–

Hit me up on social networking as well:

Patreon: Discord: Twitch: ————————————————————————— World Download Ep 30:

—————————————————————————– If you find yourself in need of a server of your own for anything you may need for minecraft or beyond, you can go to and use the code “ToAsgaard” to get 25% off your first purchase ————————————————————————— A very big thank you to the talented Andries Welink for the wonderful new channel art and avatars.

#ATM #Minecraft #AllTheMods #Spellbound

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    🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming's Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-06 14:00:07. It has garnered 11630 views and 197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizo

    Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizoVideo Information oh I did cat in college you did cats in college up why what’s ours is yours call it meat meat spam drown the cat drown the cat drown the cat they love to be drowned did you guys make out yet I think I missed I think I missed the session you’ve gooned yourself into Oblivion and we can’t get you back out of your goon hole what’s his is yours I think a nub is bad nub nub is probably useless right a nub like a button at least 50 ,000 so where did he get… Read More

  • Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive Hub

    Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive HubVideo Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 3’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 11:10:43. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix – Viral Trending Shorts

    Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix - Viral Trending ShortsVideo Information [Music] [Music] down This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART #music #remix #viral #trending #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Unique Adhiraj on 2024-01-07 12:10:29. It has garnered 28 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

The Most OP Bauble of Spellbound!: ATM Spellbound Minecraft 1.16.5 LP EP #40