Twiistz – I Spent 100 Days in a Fantasy Realm in Minecraft

Video Information

A new day a new world come join me on this adventure through a fantasy realm filled with new biomes mobs and bosses dungeons that stretch into the sky follow my journey from a simple farmer to the ultimate warrior this world is filled with danger but also beauty minecraft just keeps getting better and

Better this would be my toughest challenge yet but i had never played minecraft quite like this prepare yourselves because this is 100 days of fantasy minecraft this modpack includes an all-new combat system so one of my goals would be to level up and become powerful enough to

Face a dragon second i will get all netherride gear and lastly build the ultimate redstone face i wanted to make the best 100 days video that i can make so i spent over 40 hours in this world before we get started i just want to thank all of you that watch and support

My channel i’m glad we could share these memories together enjoy day one in this new world and i was already in awe of its beauty i was excited to head out and explore this world and find a good spot to make my base there were so many choices it was

Hard to pick the pumpkin plains or the mountains with these lovely pink trees but i eventually found some planes that would be perfect for a huge base which is what i wanted to build as this world would be more deadly than any that i’ve played in before but i didn’t have too

Much time to explore i didn’t want to be caught out at night so here is where i would make my base so i made my bigger tools and i gathered some food because i was already hungry this hole in the ground would make for a perfect base as

The sun was setting i didn’t have much time i quickly cleared it out and went to gather some wool to make my bed i got some food as well and cooked those up during the night i was able to mine some coal to make some torches by day two i

Had four skill points i spent them all on increasing my health i needed a high health if i was going to survive in this world behind my house was this huge ship i would definitely have to come back and explore that i gathered the remaining sheep keeping two alive to make a farm

Because when testing this mod pack one of the hardest things was finding a proper food source i don’t know if i would ever encounter cows or any sort of bobs so i got those sheep and after that i cleared out an area for where i wanted

To build my base and gathered wood to lead into day three after storing away my items i needed to mine coal i would need a lot of torches to make my base safe and while i was doing this i saw my first zombie this guy was a skilled

Zombie and luckily the sun took away most of his health because it was pretty challenging taking him down next skeleton came by and with one arrow took out a quarter of my health now you see why i’m in such a rush to mob proof this area i don’t want these guys spotting

Down i finished clearing the space and that would make a perfect spot for a farm then i headed down into the mines to find iron because although i didn’t need to mine i would still need a basic armor to attack any dungeon and get those items i’d love to say that was

Fearless but then i saw a poisonous zombie i quickly got out of there taking the one single iron that i needed to make a weapon i used two more skill points on ranking up my health smelted some food as well as the iron and then used it to make a boomerang a ranged

Weapon which i could possibly use to do some damage on this super high leveled elite zombie i eventually killed it and when i did it spawned a whole bunch of silver fish and you can see how difficult this would be as i took two steps into the cave and already i fought

An elite zombie but he did drop a few enchanted books for me so it was kind of worth it after that encounter i needed some more food so i found some sheep as well as that epic dungeon just like the ship i would need to come back when i

Was stronger but on day four i went into the mines to find iron and find diamonds i didn’t know at this point that i really didn’t need to do any mining in this mod pack i would need to raid dungeons but it would still be difficult

For me to do it at such a low power level so either way it would help in the future i got a bunch of iron and i would use the skill points to level up my health as well as to create some basic tools and armor now that i had a bucket

And a hoe i started my farm i really needed this because i only had two lamb chops left so i planted the seeds hoping they would grow quickly and expanded my farm very optimistically i hope i get a lot of food out of it after that i

Cleared out the area because i realized that having all of these tall flowers around would make it very hard to see sneaky creepers so after i did that it was time to head into the forest to gather some wood and actually one of the reasons why i chose the space area was

Because of this forest nearby this wood was one of my favorites to build with and guys remember how i said this world is beautiful look at that i mean just an incredible moment after that i found some cows so now a cow farm was possible then i battled into the night playing

Around with this boomerang as you can see if i hit them from too close the boomerang falls out to the floor it’s a really awesome weapon to use and the combat system in these mods is just so epic i mean look at that i rolled and ducked and dodged and killed that spider

Under the moonlight next was a skilled zombie i would fight this guy because he has a whole bunch of cool effects around him but i would eventually take him down and get myself another enchanted book this was a little bit more difficult you can see that since they’re closer again

The boomerang containing the floor but i still love the rhythm of fighting using it one of my favorite weapons actually from this mod pack let me check this out So cool then i had to eventually pull out the axe on that spider because he’s getting a little bit too close to me a little bit too close for comfort but now a legendary creeper pops out out of nowhere taking me down to 0.1 health i narrowly escaped and used my one skill

Point to increase my strength this would give me as best of a chance as possible as defeating the legendary creepers you could see three stars above its name poison all around it and i tried to hit it from very far i did this for a really

Long time until it used magic to kill me yes brandon magic and then i lost all of my items this creeper was on my base it was daytime i didn’t have a lot of options i thought i’m just gonna hit this thing and let it explode that’s the

Only choice i have i did not expect this yeah i didn’t think the explosion would be that big it literally destroyed the entire area this was really a miscalculation on my part i had no idea that the creepers would be this powerful but i went to gathering up some blocks

To fill out this hole as much as i could because i wasn’t gonna move base again this is not the worst thing that’s happened to me so far i remade my tools remade my armor with the remaining iron that i had and use another skill point

To level up my health back into the minds i went because i needed some more cold because i didn’t want what happened to me before to happen again imagine if i built a super complicated redstone house and then that happened i would literally cry at this point i was more

Scared for my base than for myself but anyways i had a few good fights and continued mining at this point again i didn’t know i didn’t need to mine but i went all out i gathered everything that i could find so much iron and made a

Huge smelting area now i had tons and tons of iron and at least i could use this to make beacons in the future full iron armor and tons of big i used it to go all the way until i found a cavern this cavern wasn’t any

Normal cavern it was a modded one and it had diamonds on the inside there you go guys day seven we had diamonds so i went back up to the surface where i encountered a legendary zombie not again i avoided him and then i gathered up some wood and brought my sheep over to

My new farm after that an elita became after me i tried as hard as i could but he took me down no matter what i did i wasn’t any match for this elite zombie eventually died to the sunlight but this really shows you what power level i am

At the moment will i be able to defeat the only time in the future would i be able to defeat a dragon or a mythical beast wait and see but i began terraforming on day nine i would need a massive space not just for a house but a

Protective wall surrounding it i could also use all this dirt to fill in that massive hole created by the creeper and doing this surely would not create a problem where mobs spawned underground but there you have it we’re back the base is fixed i bread my first sheep and

The farm is expanding i mean a giant sword at the end of the stage swinging around a bit that was pretty fun it looks cool but it’s kind of useless i added two more points to my health and called it a day back down at the

Mineshaft i thought why not let’s take a look around and see what i could find i got some gold some redstone and after looking around for a while i went back upstairs to enchant my iron pick with fortune one i learned from my past survival videos i need to squeeze every

Single diamonds out of these blocks so i got the diamonds that i found earlier some magma blocks some more redstone and a few more diamonds for good measure gathered those up and used my skill points to increase my health i got some food i bred the sheep a bit and made a

Diamond boomerang once i had this i made an iron shield and a diamond saber enchanted that and now i was ready to tackle my first dungeon that ship here we go into the water they started spawning immediately i didn’t expect there to be spawners on the outside i

Tried my best to avoid all these mobs swimming through to find a way onto the ship but it was completely surrounded you could see the amounts of mobs i was there i had to go back for some food i eventually decided to you know what let’s just build over the water avoid

Him completely and break into the back of the ship the closest part near me you could see the amount of lag i was having and look at the amount of food that was tucked into the back of the ship i was going to take every single piece and in

My first chest i found over 40 pieces of iron and a diamond helmet now i knew what was on that ship i had to get onto it mobs kept spawning until the entire ocean floor was completely covered with them and on the ship there was even more

I honestly stood no chance against this instantly died but i wasn’t gonna give up as i turned around the ship caught on fire what a turn of events that explosion from the last mob set the entire ship of blaze and now all i had

Left to do was to go around and take out the spawners this itself was pretty hard i had to navigate around these mobs and try not to die in the process i got a few of them until the creepers exploded from that distance i mean i jumped in

Just to show you guys the amount of mobs i was spawning and why i was lagging the spawning was definitely bugging out but here you have it nine diamonds and a diamond chest plate including other amazing things in all of these chests and barrels this was a huge dungeon and

Getting this would allow me to slingshot into this world and i know it looks like a lot but this is really nothing compared to what you can do in this modback it’s only the beginning i had to eventually turn off my shaders to get rid of these last few remaining spawners

Because they are still spawning endlessly i had to go around do some parkour you could see it was still pretty difficult and it took quite some time but i eventually take out every spawner so i can loot this ship in peace i went away for a bit for the mobs to

Despawn there’s like a thousand of them guys i couldn’t find every single one of them i did get a gold apple near this nether portal though and now i was back to loot the ship and bask in the riches that it would provide to me potions quartz emeralds and lots and lots of

Diamonds just look at my hot bar i have the diamonds there as well as all the emeralds i had to make so many trips and so many chests just to fill it up with all of these amazing things including golden apples and yes i would also take

The barrels and beds and anything i could really salvage because you know i’m a builder i need all these things in the future if i was going to build something epic i also got those cobwebs because who knows maybe i’ll make a defense of some sort there’s a diamond

Sword casual diamond sword with looting three sharpness four and sweeping edge three i mean after this i really set my goals high for this video i thought i could do pretty much anything i wanted now that i knew that this was only the beginning here we have a full diamond

Armory even some enchantments with 22 levels day 14 would be the beginning of my first major project i was going to finally start building up my base and the first thing i was going to make was a wall to protect me i was going to make this out of diorite quartz would have

Been nice but i hadn’t even gotten to the nether yet and it also could be quite expensive i was going to need a lot of it so i went down into the mines and got so much thyroid as much as i could carry then i started terraforming

Flattening the hills and removing all of those flowers around my face creating the foundation for my walls these walls were going to be massive i wanted it to surround a very large place large enough for me to build my farm as well as my house after i cleared enough blocks i

Started to build the wall with the first layer just to see how big i wanted to build this thing i wrapped it around the farm did a bit of a cheap terror for me here to take it all the way to the other end and that is the first layer so far i

Went to the other corner and did a bit of terraforming in order to connect the wall to the lake i was going to use a part of the lake as a part of the wall that way i didn’t have to build a complete circle this would save a lot of

Time and a lot of resources because i was going to need a lot of diorite then i started building up the walls now i could have made this out of stone but i think it looks much better with the white diorite i would eventually run out

Halfway through and have to go back down into the mines to get some more i set those trees on fire it was now time for some serious terraforming i had to flatten this entire area and also use a diorite to build up the wall i got all

The way around to the front side almost completing the first layer but now i had to transfer all of the dirt from the center to the corner where the farm was this was perfect because i could not only flatten the middle but also fill out those gaps in the ground that i

Needed to of course i needed a lot of building space and a lot of dirt was required to do this i got almost halfway there until i needed to go back down and get some more diorite to finish up the wall i took a quick lunch break and then

It was time to work on that second layer of the wall diorite was getting harder to find so after i ran out i went back to terraforming the area and transferring over that dirt this would have been a lot easier if i had an enchanted diamond

Shop i know i could wait until the end of the video to do it but i really wanted that level of protection before i set out on any adventure and this would definitely be worth it for me as i would have a really cool base and really something to fight for

And look at that after everything had been cleared the base looks so much better i was so happy i continued mining till the end of day 18. i just wanted to get all of the diorite out of the way i was really tired of seeing this block

And then i continued adding that last few remaining bits to the top of the wall until i finally had this epic looking wall even though it was unfinished that last little layer really adds some character to it and i was really happy that i took the extra time

To make it look so cool i took a little break here to harvest my farm and also to breed my sheep just a little pace down from what i was doing and went straight back into it by first making a gate and i would use this gate to

Transfer in all of the wood that i would need to get to finish the final layer of the wall day 20 came and i started to build up the front gauge and add that last layer of the wall which would be made completely out of wooden logs this

Would make the wall look really nice but would require a lot of wood so i headed back into the force to gather up some more looking over my shoulder every two seconds for creepers i made some friends on the way back i thought why not let’s bring them in corral them because i

Might need them later i continued work on the front gate and i wanted this to look as nice as possible but this was going to be the entrance to my entire base so i put in that extra effort and it required a lot of wood as well so i

Made a few more trips and once i had the one i added in ladders and started to build up the third story that diorite really does look nice with this one especially that i added in the bed because this would be a much better spot than sleeping in the cave a little

Upgrade for me one more trip to the forest and i completed the roof after clearing out the front i had now this epic looking wall at the end of the day 20 guys this turned out really well let me know what you guys think on day 21

Before setting up on my next big adventure i went ahead and expanded my farm until it was absolutely massive then on day 22 i set off in the direction of my tree farm eventually reaching a dead end but this wasn’t going to stop me i would travel above

The swamp until i could find an enemy to challenge me i didn’t know what waited for me on the other side but i would take on all covers now i did eventually run into a dungeon and as soon as i did i headed straight forward i was itching

For a challenge and i finally had it i started making my way up the tower and i soon realized that this type of dungeon is what i should have thought in the beginning that ship was an extremely high level dungeon i was super lucky to come across it i fought a ferocious

Battle through the night into early morning i love the combat mechanics especially fighting one-on-one it’s just so much fun my reward would be an iron sword and some silver ingot so you can tell now that the rewards are much more realistic add one more level to clear luckily the sunlight made the spiders

Docile and i defeated the final witch to conquer this entire tower on day 23 as i was heading back i found this ruin it didn’t have much inside of it and no enemies in sight so i stripped it for what i could but i wasn’t

Finished yet i still had to make it home through the night I had survived now with a new level of strength and confidence i sorted through my rewards adding feather falling to my diamond boots as i began to clear out the area around my base i added two points to my strength and made a wizard staff with this staff i could use my xp

Which i would not be using to craft enchanted books to cast spells like turning the sheep into a baby sheep very cute i can also use the staff to place down blocks that were in my inventory this would really help terraforming and just speed things up on day 25 i set my

Sights to the castle dungeon after defeating the tower so easily i was up for a challenge i headed in and battled a floating head after that i took a peek in the chest and there was some awesome lead so i had to clear this place out

There were tons of spiders but i took out some of the spawners and defeated the last remaining spiders until i could finally do some looting i took everything including the carpet and bookcases until i eventually encountered my first real challenge at armored knight this guy was pretty tough i

Thought i had him here with the sick move but then he drank a health potion luckily for me i did outsmart him and eventually hit him with a boomerang to get the final blow i went back to my base because there was just so much loot

I saw what was in there and now i wanted it tons and tons of loot i returned back to the second floor to claim what is mine defeating a wither skeleton and now this is where the fun begins I got completely surrounded there time to pull back and use some magic well that’s it absolutely nothing time to attack i’m not afraid of you i don’t know it goes down he goes down oh the issue here is that they stun you when they attack i couldn’t escape i couldn’t

They got me fair and square but now this is the redemption arc up one more level here we go back again overnight i don’t think so i know all your tricks potion coming in it’s going out i tanked it i took all of it i’m gonna take this enchantment table too they

Never stop coming these wither skeletons riding spiders fire jockeys come on get out of here i just want to get to the next level man oh no creeper the magic does nothing skilled creeper back away boomerang please help me up there you go i got it here i am dropping

Off some loot but i had to myth bust this real quick does the boomerang actually do no damage yeah it does no damage neither does the magic and here i got paralyzed by the magic of the spider and got exploited by two creepers luckily i survived that’s

How powerful i am right now but i still wouldn’t be powerful enough to face what is to come and speaking of what is to come here is a legendary zombie what has this got what is this flames flying out of everywhere three stars i am pretty intimidated but i wanted to take this

Guy down the sunlight should be helping me i did a lot of damage to him i would run back and forth to try to you know get little take a little bit of health off him still trying to use the magic i didn’t give up on it yet but it this

Looks really cool i gotta give you that especially those moves and just wow this battle i was doing well making some progress until i realized hey you’re on fire and yeah i didn’t escape the time obviously i was on fire so i just died until i

Finally got the zombie when he fell down into the cave i mean he roasted in the sun for about 10 minutes that kind of helped but i’m gonna count that as a win i headed back over to the dungeon because i had some unfinished business this part was really fun because it felt

Like i was playing a hack and slash game as i was fighting wither skeletons before now i was fighting regular spiders there were tons of them though so it felt like i was cutting through just a billion spot do you see that a billion spiders i would just run

Straight in there and destroy the spotters i got really efficient at this and then i would eventually just clear out all the mobs here’s an elite zombie i totally went straight in for this one that’s how you defeat them i learned that i just go all out i do not pull my

Punches whatsoever i reach finally to the top here where i immediately removed all the spawners i headed back home where i dropped off some items cleared my inventory and returned by of course building all the way to the top because it was just faster as i returned there

Were a few mobs waiting there to greet me i must have forgotten to spawn or somewhere but after taking these guys out i found the hidden spawner right up in the roof got rid of that and now the loot was all mine you can see that compared to the

Shipwreck the loot isn’t as amazing just to show you how insane the shipwreck actually was but there were still tons of diamonds emerald enchanted books pieces of diamond armor and tons of awesome items and yes i take those lamps the most valuable thing in that tower

And now i returned home to gaze upon my horde my horde because i will never use any of these items i just like looting that is that is just too accurate so this inside of all my chests are the loot which i obtained in the last couple of days you

Can see just the sheer amount of oars i was going to have to do something crazy at the end of this video to use up all of these items but the number of bones i even got two wither skeleton skulls because i was actually fighting wither skeletons in there so i could possibly

Get a beacon as well as go to the end and fight the wither and tons of diamond armor as well and books feather falling four fortune four razors edge four bane of arthropods sharpness five efficiency power four sharpness four again mending and many many more i added razer’s edge to

My boomerang in a desperate attempt to improve it and out by the gate i started to flatten out the lens while i was doing this a slime showed up giving me the perfect opportunity to test this thing out and yep it was totally useless

Then i used that dirt that i got to fill in the holes made by the creepers and also fill in some more places using the wizard staff along the walls i added water where the farm would be located and also some lights along the inside

And outside of the wall take a look at how things look now and after that i started to teal the ground to add in the seeds and completely planted the outside with wheat after i had done this i added in a pathway and this pathway would be made

Out of cobblestone i think it looks really nice i mined for so much that i actually needed to upgrade my pickaxe once again and then i continued terraforming the outside just trying to flatten all of this before i set off on my next adventure here’s where i encountered a legendary skeleton

My first ever i was going to battle this guy and since there was stunning in the game and he was a bow and arrow mob he really stood no chance against me i went straight in and completely destroyed this legendary skeleton i was no longer

In fear skeletons he did drop a few cool books i used all the xp that i’d gotten over the last couple days to use magic to place down all of those dirt blocks and really help me clean up this side of the wall i added in water and i also tilled the

Ground and planted it As day 36 came to an end i could really say that i was finally making this place my home and wow did it look good day 37 and it was time for a real adventure i wanted to travel far beyond the edges of my base and before i got

There i encountered this ferocious beast this thing had a really cool sweeping attack if you know what this is called tell me down below but he also had a poison attack and i would try my best to do some damage to this thing with only a sword and boomerang he dodged my

Boomerangs and his poison sent me back fighting into the night i would have some really cool looking scenes but i just didn’t have the bow to take him down i returned home to grab that bow and by the time i returned he was gone a wise choice indeed onto the planes i

Went and enemy outposts awaited me and i took it upon myself to clear them out to free this village a hero would be needed in this world and i would become that hero With each swing of the sword i came nearer to victory and not too long after the outpost would be cleared my reward two golden apples then i would encounter the skeleton of a fallen dragon giving me a glimpse of what i might face i spent the night in a

Grateful village and in the morning battled the sun chief there were a few cocky trices i needed to take care of because being poisoned at this moment was not good the beams coming from the sky would make it hard to stand still but that wouldn’t stop me from landing

My first blow only to be propelled back into the hands of his minions i would battle them until i figured out that they spawned endlessly so i was going to need a new strategy but before that the intensity of his attacks was increasing i needed to run away otherwise i wasn’t

Gonna survive when i would try to land a cheap hit off the corner that’s not gonna work right up close to it’s not going to work either i needed to get the bow and once i had the bow i got it down to 50 health and then he would show off his

True sun powers that is really cool attack i would continue fighting and one of the coolest thing about the sun chief is that beam that he shoots out just creating for a really epic looking moment i mean that’s so awesome the beams will just creep increasing in power but i

Eventually get to a point where i could take out a bunch of his minions after grouping them up together with one stroke of my sword giving me enough time to fire the arrows to defeat the sun chief the king is dead all hail the king

The only real loot i got out of that was the sun chief’s mask this gave me the ability to control my very own army now it did look really cool to summon these guys but it would be pretty useless as i would have to replace my diamond helmets

Now i looked up the recipe for the lightning dragon bone sword this would be the next major upgrade to my gear so i headed out to find it i continued in the direction of the village this time i would fight into the night and i would

Not stop until i found a hint of a dragon i needed that sword clearly my strength had grown to the point where i didn’t fear tonight i reveled in the challenge i wanted these skeletons and spiders to attack me it was so satisfying to take them out

Including the swordsman him this pet did not stand a chance as we fought under the moonlight my strength only grew okay that’s a bit dramatic but i was getting better at this new combat system i was learning better timing and keeping my distance in between my attacks to make

Sure i don’t get hit by the mobs you saw that spider didn’t stand a chance and when i stun this elite zombie he really didn’t have an opportunity to strike back even using my shield a bit more often to then sweep in with the attack i was getting good at it then i

Encountered an ultimate skeleton this was the highest level skeleton in the mod and he had some amazing powers you could see with the flaming attacks as well as super speed he didn’t even get affected by the sun it took a lot of attacks to eventually get him down to

Half health and about 20 arrows to finish out the job after he was out of range of me luckily i made the last and final blow taking him down and getting a few enchanted books nothing of note unfortunately even though he was the highest level zombie i returned home

Gathered up some supplies on the horse and headed out towards another direction where i stopped by this village checked the trades and saw this tower i couldn’t resist so i went into the tower to get some loot there’s mostly food at the bottom and a few pesky mobs i continued

Fighting my way up the tower now if you notice the floor there are creatures popping up from it i guess this is some sort of enchanted defense that the witches created i got past that though got two diamonds from that chest and then i encountered the witch spawner

There were tons of witches spotting and i just tried as fast as i could to stun them and take them out before they threw any potions at me only one of them managed to throw a potion at me luckily he missed but i was able to defeat them

Quite easily and i returned to the village to sleep before heading out and in the morning i encountered a very high level creeper i tried to run away but this creeper had super speed and stunned me with magic and exploded again i died by a super powerful creeper i lost a few

Items so i had to make a quick stop home but after that i went out exploring and this time during the day so i could get really really far and now you will witness the true beauty of this mod pack i mean it feels like a completely different game everything was just so

Unique and gorgeous and nothing compared to vanilla minecraft i mean what do you guys think but i eventually came to a dead end first an ocean and then a swap this would force me to switch directions and head directly into a graveyard this graveyard of course would be haunted by

Ghosts though if this was the star of the series this guy could easily kill me but it’s not it’s day 42 and he didn’t stand a chance night time wasn’t too far away but i still wanted to take a look around so i built up and here you could

See the dead end of the ocean and where i was headed that village beyond the swamp i had to quickly get down from the tower and race towards that village but i didn’t make it in time as night would fall upon me and so with these birds these guys were absolutely vicious

Shooting me with tons of arrows or feathers i guess they’re really unique and very fun to fight i took them out though and continued my mad dash towards the village where i stole this villager’s bed he’s probably not happy about that like dude just let me sleep

And before i could get to the mountains this overnight tried to stop me and he did do a lot of damage to me i had to bring out my bow and then after that i continued up the mountain where i found a hippogriff just chilling there i still

Didn’t have the items to tame him during this entire time exploring i didn’t find a single bunny i mean come on there’s another hippogriff i also spotted this coliseum so at the end of day 43 i started my journey to the colosseum and on day 44 arrived to fight the guardians

On the outside had to actually increase my strength here to take these guys on because they did have quite a lot of armor once i was inside my plan was just to run straight for the spotter but before i could get there they did spawn they had like these floating arrows

Which was kind of scary because i could take some fall damage i did play some block sound preparing myself for the second dash please get that spotter i want to just fight three of them not an infinite amount there you go i got the spawner and now i just had to take out

These phantoms this gave me flashbacks to battling shulkers in my hardcore 200 days video i definitely recommend going back and checking that out because that was one of my favorites i fought into the morning where i would defeat the final skeleton as i headed up now into the mountains behind the coliseum you

Can see there right above the lava is where i built up to the top of the mountain and i was gonna continue heading in this direction into this lovely blue forest and oh my goodness this forest looks awesome i wish i built my house here and rabbits a miracle but

They didn’t drop any rabbit feeds i came across this outpost i just wanted to see what was in this chest i’m sorry dudes they did have a few slime balls and no my taco died i would take out my anger upon this entire forest fighting throughout the entire night as i was

Exploring just ignore that i’m the one who actually hit the dog don’t tell anybody i was just having fun with the combat system i did this until morning and then i came across another horde of birds i actually really enjoy encountering these dudes because they’re just so cool to battle

With and then i came towards the ends of my journey a massive ocean i wasn’t going to cross that so i started to head back where i encountered an elite creeper i thought i would be able to shoot this dude with an arrow but luckily i pulled out my shield

Just in time and as i was heading down the mountain a siren called to me i fell in love and went towards her oh no don’t do it twist don’t do it oh she’s gonna eat you and quickly she turned hostile butts you’re not gonna trick me okay i got

Some shiny scales out of that don’t mind if i do i’ll just take that on my way back to the village i spotted this really weird looking purple thing i have no idea what it was but it spawned out purple slime and it seemed like the rain

Is what’s causing these things to spawn because they were everywhere i couldn’t figure it out though so by the morning i left the village to head back towards my base i can seriously spend hours just walking around in this game how good it looks on my way back i stumbled across

This pillager camp i didn’t see it on the way out so i stopped just to see what loot they would have to offer me my strategy at this point was just to tank all the shots and race towards the spawners once i had that done it was easy clearing out the camp

Now i was free to loot and these guys i guess were up and comers there weren’t elite bandits just yet they only had two slime balls to offer me and yes i was gonna take it i killed these pigs while i was heading home and with my looting

Three sword i actually got a full stack of pork chops from that i cooked them up and then i increased my strength and here are some of the changing books i found on that last adventure including power 5 smite 4 and projectile protection 4. i headed out again because

They didn’t find the dragon and came across another hypocrite please rabbits come to me i still haven’t found a rabbit spot i found this dungeon though right behind the hippogriff and these guys were protecting something i was gonna figure out what it was and oh my

God it was slime you guys have no idea how happy i was to find this at this stage in the series i didn’t even know this existed and for those of you that don’t understand as a redstone builder getting slime out in a spotter like this is so good it’s better than diamonds

Even it took me such a long time in my hardcore 200 days video to make a slime form that having this was just so good now i don’t know if you guys noticed but some of those zombies have diamond armor on so for those of you that think my

Armor is a little bit op these guys are spawning with enchanted diamond armor which i think is crazy now i wasn’t gonna let any of these slides escape so i fought until they were all gone and they kept on spawning i wasn’t gonna complain i’ll take the extra slime i can

Only imagine all the crazy things i can now build with an unlimited supply of slime i was super excited after defeating those guys at the bottom i started to make my way up the tower i was gonna just conquer this entire thing i now would remove the spawners because

There’s no point i only need really one to spawn slime as i was moving through i searched all of these barrels and they had loot inside of it all of these barrels they had mostly iron i would take those though maybe getting a few stacks of iron wouldn’t be too bad for

Me if you pay attention to my health they were doing some serious damage to me i had come far but it was nothing compared to where i would need to be to face a dragon as i continued fighting upwards i approached the end of day 49 and the midway point of this adventure

In the sunlight i stood against the enemy with my head held high against the last remnants of the foes that i would defeat they plotted their final defense one i would crush in order to claim what was mine this dungeon i had conquered into the night i fought until the sun

Arose i claimed my prize slime and iron gold and name tags it was all mine i returned home stronger than ever but something was still missing i took one last look at all that i had done and headed back out to find those dragons hear me now i will find you my destiny

Is your defeat i looked in almost every direction out of my base except for one i was headed there and this time i would avoid getting into any battles until i ran into a dragon and off in the distance i spotted a dragon flying in the air and

My heart just sank i prepared for this moment but i was still worried about getting one-shotted and losing all my gear but i went straight for him and he came at me as i stuck my sword into him he released a breath of fire onto me and

As i fought into flames i couldn’t help but think about my gear burning up i kept an eye on that health bar and ran clear when i needed to regen health i definitely learned lessons from my fast battles and once i had my energy back i kept on fighting his flame attack came

Directly at me i was trapped beneath his jaws but i rolled free down the hill to avoid his dragon’s breath i ran towards the water it would be my only hope i jumped in and as i turned around he swooped down above and the fight was

Back on nearing the end he would try one more time to crunch me but my diamond armor was too strong one final blow and the dragon was defeated here on day 51 such an accomplishment i would set up a temporary base and harvest the dragon’s blood and bones to craft that special

Dragon bone sword i looted his nest taking all of his loot as well as dragon’s gold i still had inventory space and i brought my bed with me so i thought why not let’s just go out and see what we could find that was a level

1 dragon i really want to see what a level 3 or 4 dragon looks like maybe even a lightning or ice dragon but then i found a bunny these things are more rare than dragons at this point and in this biome as well there was a dungeon i

Took a look at it got the spawners out of the way and inside of this chest had a diamond horse arbor i had to take that and also fight these invisible skeletons i wasn’t sure if it was a glitch that was making him invisible but fighting in

The confined space was pretty easy as i made my way up to the top i saw this doctor strange looking dude and i think he was responsible for all of those wacky things that was happening in the desert i spotted a mere max ness and off

In the distance on the top of the hills i saw from afar a dragon terrorizing a town this looks really cinematic so i was just there looking at the dragon’s breath coming down on those helpless villagers i would have helped him but by the time i got there because i was

Looking for so long he had float away so i headed back down to the mirror max ness i was really confident at battling these dudes and yes i was handling them quite easily but they had poison so i had to sort of back out and for the

Second time add a skill point to intelligence where i could then take out the queen i didn’t want to breed and raise my own colony of giant ants so i just went off and found a desert temple as i was fighting these guys you can see together they are very strong as they

Stun me and have no chance of hitting back or escaping as i said though i learned my lessons from those past defeats i’m gonna get roasted on this so i might as well mention it yep i know i’m not really utilizing my shield to its full potential i know i’m just

Terrible at i’m a builder okay leave me alone i ran around taking out all the spawners because you know less enemies spawning down i have a better chance and then i could just fight them one at a time now here is where i figured out you know what i’m not using the shield

Anyway let’s put two swords in my hands i was made for this so this mod allows me to fight at my true potential having two swords my hands worked out quite well there was so much loot i didn’t have space for anything so i decided just to head back home Once i was back home i gathered all of my gold iron and emeralds and converted all of the nuggets into ingots and then into blocks i got 58 blocks of gold 42 blocks of iron and 39 blocks of emeralds and my reward for defeating the dragon a

Special flame the dragon bone sword this would deal a lot of damage to mobs and special damage against any dragon i would face i practiced dual wielding it fed my sheep and cows and headed off to find more adventure in the mountains i spotted this chunk of iron i wasn’t

Desperate for iron i mean you saw the amount that i had but which one of you could honestly say that you wouldn’t do the same thing i took the entire day 54 mining out all this iron it’s kind of worth it i got like eight stacks of iron

The next day i went to the cyclops lair but as a dragon slayer he didn’t stand a chance against me with his defeat this was the second mythical piece that i had bested and i took his eye as a trophy i then continued my search As the world fell silent out of nowhere an ice dragon attacked instantly killing my horse and covering the ground in deadly spikes his attack slowed me but luckily i had the perfect weapon to face him without that sword i don’t think i would have been able to win just look at the

Amount of damage that dragon did i looted the body then i headed over to his nest here i almost fell into lava so close to death there inside of his chest i found a few sapphires i wasn’t sure what i could do with these but i took them anyways along with two diamonds

Then i spotted another hippogriff man i really want these rabbits so i could get the hippogriff mounds as i was crossing this river a sea serpent came up to me and i just ran away because those guys are really powerful and i don’t think i

Was ready for that by the end of day 56 i would make it back home while i was here i would clear out my inventory place down a bunch of furnaces and utilize all of that coal that i had saved up to smelt the iron i had to

Repair my gear which was almost completely damaged from those last few battles i added efficiency 4 to my pickaxe and also increased my critical damage rates i headed out again to find another dragon without the fear of this world my exploration went down faster and before long i spotted another dragon

Death and destruction was all he knew so i gave it to him as he towered over me i couldn’t help but think a hero a warrior a legend where would this path take me who would i become and as i struck my final blow i knew i would be a dragon slayer

So long i spent in fear but it was now my time to be the hunter i mean just look at me i was in my element i wasn’t just winning i was winning with style although i was fighting a much larger dragon i wouldn’t use any golden apples i was so confident

In myself i went straight for it he put up a fight but he didn’t really stand a chance he couldn’t hold me back i was climbing the ladder and nothing was gonna stop me over the horizon i spotted another dragon’s nest so i went to it listen to that more

Watch as i pushed him back lightning coming from his jaws that wouldn’t be enough to stop his own defeat but i wasn’t done i would climb higher who among them could stop me who among them can say they have witnessed greatness here comes a new challenger does he think he could stop me

His attacks were strong setting ablaze the entire ship i tried one more time to board but i couldn’t i had to retreat his attacks from coming in too quickly i had nowhere to go the flames were surrounding me until i fell oh we had some fun there didn’t we

Now let’s take a step back and enjoy the view It was now day 16 and i was having so much fun exploring this world i came across this field of roses and then a den which had a three-headed serpent inside that poison caught me off guard i’m not gonna lie i was a little bit worried but after defeating so many

Dragons i just went for it the flaming sword did so much damage to him and my diamond sword sliced off one of the heads not long after i would defeat him adding another mythical beast to my line of victories i looted his lair to get an efficiency 4 and mending book and

Explored this awesome looking mushroom biome i didn’t want to raid another tower though so i kept on moving until i found another dragon as i was heading back i thought why not let’s just pick this guy up let’s get his loose because at the moment i am unstoppable he did

Put up a fight though for such a tiny dragon getting me down to half health but my moves were on point this time i returned on day 61 with no mini map i might add i resupplied and then headed back out to find a hippogriff you could

Actually make a mount out of these guys and i wanted one but they were so hard to find i had to look everywhere i went in almost every single direction i don’t know why they’re so rare almost as rare as rabbits but i did find some rabbits

On this journey and eventually at the very end i found a hippogriff and it was on the ground i was so happy you guys have no idea i tried feeding him the rabbit needs but then i discovered it’s not rabbit meat it’s rabbit feet oh no that was gonna be impossible to get

Especially with how rare the rabbits are i kept on looking though until i got attacked by a level four dragon this guy was massive spring fire all over me he bit me into his jaws i’ve been devastating the entire dragon population so it was about time that one came after

Me this guy was no joke i had to eat a golden apple and even that would take me down so many hearts because i just wasn’t good against flames this dude was huge and i was really worried because dying to fire means i lose all of my

Gear and i did not want that to happen just look how relentless he is with his flaming breath but i went for it he stopped for a moment and i took the shot and got him down there you have it i defeated a level four dragon with the entire earth

Now scorched i claimed my prize and went on to fight even more beasts including the sand worm and as i was traveling another dragon came they were coming from everywhere and this actually was making me really paranoid because i kept on killing my horses but i wasn’t mad

Because this was the best looking fight i had so far the dragon with his awesome sweeping attacks and me with the double swords it just looks so cinematic just look at me pushing him back into the hill so epic i was on foot now so i found a desert

Temple and just watched how efficient i had become no messing around just straight for their spawners now all that was left was to take out those pesky guards he’s got moves he’s got moves who needs a shield i need a backpack though because i literally left without taking anything

But back home on day 63 i went down into the mines i had emptied my inventory but i was still itching for a fight i took on those horde of zombies and then encountered a legendary zombie this guy was actually more powerful than a dragon

I had to equip both swords but he still got me down to half hp i used the bow to get some cheeky shots off on him but you can see just the amount of arrows that it takes he almost killed me here down at six hp but you know zombies are very

Slow he didn’t even drop anything that good but luckily there was tons of loot in the mines gunpowder and redstone i should have come down here a lot earlier i could have been making so many redstone things now i was motivated just to clear out the entire mine just check

Out the amount of redstone lamps repeaters rails i took absolutely everything that i could this was an absolute gold mine i think some of the best looting that i ever did because i love redstone guys come on don’t you know this about me sorry i just freaked out about redstone

But back here on day 65 i’m gonna do what you guys probably have been thinking i should have done a long time ago which is just go to the very top of these dungeons and look at this yeah so immediately after that happened i just went inside because that was way

Too close my heart literally stopped i just love this because you can just see how much i’ve grown since i went out adventuring i’m a little bit less cautious and more just going after all of the diamonds all the best loot which is what i’m doing right here 25 diamonds

Already a full stack of emeralds and iron i went from cringing in the corner and darkness trying to hide from any mob that came my way to become a complete warrior no longer am i a farmer i’m not a builder i’m a beast heading into battle against multiple foes for the fun

Of it here at the end of day 66 i had completely transformed myself and i would defeat the skeletons and head back to my base to complete this dungeon i know you guys have been waiting for this and so have i so i lit up the portal and headed into the nether these

Guys came after me straight away but i wasn’t worried because i mean look at all the things i faced before i grabbed this weird looking vlog i wasn’t sure what it was but i was going to take it back with me i defeated this creature that dropped a bunch of silverfish

That’s kind of creepy then i got a bunch of purple wood and saw this really awesome looking terrain right after that there was also another cool looking biome in the nether here you could see completely on fire and covered with spikes i had a lot of fun exploring until i came across another

Fortress this is what i was here for so i went ahead and defeated the blazes to get those blaze rods i continued fighting until i had enough blaze rods to where i didn’t need to come back to the nether there was so much stuff left

To do and it was already day 68 i couldn’t spend too much time exploring the nether plus i ran out of food so back in the overworld i crafted a mending and efficiency 4 book and added it to my axe then i spawned in the weather you guys saw the last time i

Fought the wither in my 200 days video i found him underground and defeated him pretty easily this time i won the challenge so i spawned him on the outside this is the first time ever i spawned the wither on the outside and legitly fought him in survival mode

Which is not that surprising since i am a builder i continue shooting with my boat to obviously get him down to the ground but then i noticed that his explosions was actually sending me deep into a hole and that was very dangerous as i could become easily stuck and die

My health went down to 15 hp until i started to run around for a really long time i edited it out but i ran around for quite a while until i could get some food and then i figured out his patterns i was able to get a few more shots in

Until he came down to my level and then it was open season with the double bladed sword i mean it was over for him now that he was on my level there was nothing that he could do i got another star and back at my base i made a

Blindfold got on a boat and went out to a temple that i saw earlier can you guess what i’m gonna fight next based on the blindfold yes medusa another mythical beast for me to defeat i fought on with the blindfold so she wouldn’t turn me to stone i defeated her and then

Posed for this epic shot but i wasn’t done yet i wasn’t gonna head back i was going to continue exploring this time the objective was ocean exploration let’s see what we could find across the ocean look at that amazing shot i also found a lovely bio with some pandas

Munching on some bamboo that was just so cool i had to stop and check it out until i found my first sea serpent luckily he was a really small sea serpent and i mastered the art of third person bow fighting i took down that sea serpent and got his fangs now i was

Crossing this massive ocean you guys have no idea how scared i was to do this i could die and my items could drop to the bottom of the ocean where i could never find it again at any moment a level five serpent could show up out of

Nowhere and being on the ocean i would be at a major disadvantage luckily i made it across and then my most epic dragon fight yet This was a small dragon but it was such a difficult battle instead of landing right in front of me this dragon would hover over and bathe me in flames i got worried for a second that i might actually die and lose all of my gear but i never give up

Let’s go let’s go get him another victory and my legend grows here comes a level five sea serpent you think he’s ready for it i don’t think so i got a few shots even before he came near me jumps up here today and bam he goes down

He goes down i got the fangs his friend comes on short this is like really weird i think i’m not sure but once he figured out your fighting patterns i easily took him down underwater there were a few hippocampus so i swim down there tamed one of them

And now i had this super fast mount i could go anywhere in the ocean by day 72 i was back home but i wouldn’t stay for long because i wanted to go out and check out those high level tower dungeons i remember seeing one in this

Direction and while i stopped by to try to get some rabbits foot i mean i didn’t think that was gonna happen i was just taking out my frustrations on them i found that tower set up a temporary base and with my high level loot i finally

Broke into the tower and began the fight there were a few spotters in there and tons of mobs already on the first level i wonder what’s going to be at the top this mod pack seriously changed the entire game i could never imagine fighting so many mobs in vanilla

Minecraft even this little spin just knocking out all the skeletons with one move i took out the spawners and the remaining mobs and peeked inside the chest to see a crazy amount of loots there was so much loot that i decided just to take the diamonds i was hoping

For better things at the top but what could be better than diamonds at least i could carry full stacks of 64. surely my inventory would not fill up obviously this is a very high level dungeon i needed to be very high level in order to even enter here without

Dying instantly do you guys remember me at the beginning of this video struggling just to kill a single spider now look at me it is some crazy progression inside these two chests was over a stack of iron including emeralds gold and diamonds my goal now would be

To gather all the materials in order to make netherrite armor and that level 4 beacon i ran into some vindicators which would give me a sign of the battle to come as i continued climbing the tower defeating the last few remaining skeletons before entering the main part

Of the tower for the first time i had to level up my damage and critical hit rate because although i had such powerful diamond swords there were no batch for the amount of health these bobs were getting soon i was finding myself fighting ravagers and their spawners

Were at the top of these towers by the time i killed one a whole bunch more spawn so as i was running down to the bottom of the stairs i had to quickly fight and defeat them to get back to that spotter i had to use everything i

Had in my arsenal including my golden apples until i found myself fighting under the moonlight in this epic shot and you can see i ran into a bunch of indicators who weren’t messing around they took me down to half health and you can see that it’s still a challenge for

Me here on day 73 i eventually got a hang of their spawning went around and destroyed all the spotters and just went to fighting the remaining mobs i took down a few more vindicators got a few vaccines and the fight continued all these towers were interconnected so

Getting them all to stop spotting was quite a challenge the loot would make it all worth it though but i don’t know about you guys i expected a few more diamonds here at the top since it was more challenging than at the bottom but either way i couldn’t even carry most of

The loot including the loot inside this chest at this point it’s safe to say that i mastered this dungeon On day 74 my inventory was filled so i started to head back home excited to upgrade all of my gear back at my base just take a look at my inventory even my mending with a bane of arthropods four sword was nothing compared to what i

Could make i even had to retire that flaming sword and put away a few totems of the undying that i got i upgraded my health one more time and then made a diamond bow this was the most powerful boat that i could get and it was very

Accurate at long range you can even spot a single rabbit’s foot in my inventory after that i made a new pair of pants and sword added infinity to my bow along with projectile protection 4 and bending to my pants then feather falling forward to my boots along with mending as well

As protection 4 added sharpness 5 to my diamond sword as well as looting three then i use my name tag to name my mount maximus but i wasn’t done yet before this chapter ended i wanted to convert all of my diamond gear into netherride gear so

On day 76 i headed into the nether to start looking for ancient debris i was using an enchanted diamond pickaxe as well as seven other regular diamond pickaxes in order to bind out enough netherrack to find at this ancient debris and even with the chunk borders

On and all of this gear it still took me about an hour and a half you could see the amount i was mining just in a straight line trying to find one or two pieces of ancient debris i think it could give me a break on this one as we

Have barely 20 days left and it would get much harder to find ancient debris especially in this area eventually though i would get enough to head back to the surface and start crafting some items you can just see the amount of diamond pickaxes i used as well as how

Much netherrack i brought back now for the fun part i crafted at that netherride ingot and the first thing i did was upgrade my pickaxe i combined two pickaxes that i had to make an efficiency five unbreaking three mending and fortune three pickaxe that’s never right that is crazy and i continued now

By crafting some new armor using the dragon scales that i had i wasn’t gonna get all of the dragon scales to make another weapon so i decided just to make a cool looking armor and now the best part converting all of my armor into another right armor keeping those

Amazing enchantments i was still missing one more netherite sword so i headed back in i wasn’t going to keep the set incomplete after about 40 minutes of mining i came back with nothing i couldn’t find any more ancient debris so i decided to try out a new method using

The tnt that i found in the cavern i went back and exploded a bunch of them to try to find any bit of nether right that was left in this area i did find one little area of netherride and this was just enough for me to craft that

Final sword so here we go the final sword to complete the full set of netherride armor double swords all enchantments at the end of day 79 i started day 80 by showing off my collection of loot inside these chests i had so many rare items decorative blocks enchanted pieces of armor ores and

Enchanted books just to show you the amount of battles i’ve been in and i didn’t even take half of the loot that i got my real task today was to start building my house and this house would be made out of course one of the most expensive blocks in minecraft i know

Some of you probably cringed at my diorite wall so now i’m about to flex on you with a full quartz house the house would require hundreds of blocks of quartz which would lead me to very interesting mining techniques but doing this i was able to pick up a few more

Pieces of ancient debris which i could use to upgrade my remaining gear i mined out probably over 10 000 blocks of netherrack over the course of 45 minutes clearing out this entire area to get about five stacks of quartz blocks back on the surface i got some wood to make a

Chest and just melt down my ancient debris you could just see the amount of quartz that i had next i made another right ax and shovel adding efficiency 4 to the shovel and on breaking three to the axe ending of the day by adding one more skill point of strength the next

Day it was time to start clearing out the area the best way to do this of course was to set all the trees on fire and wait for it to burn as the trees were burning i removed the farm because most of my food came from looting

Anyways i also took the time to make the entrance of my base look a little nicer by flattening and terraforming all of the dirt after this i noticed that the trees were burning a little bit weird i’m not sure if it was because of the

Mod pack but it left a lot of floating blocks which i had to remove before beginning construction i don’t think i’ve seen anyone wait this long in their video to start building your house but that’s exactly what i did this would allow me to build it out of the best

Materials with the least amount of time possible since i had all of the best gear but anyways i started off by building up the front of the house lining it up with my gate because i wanted the effect of when you walked through the gates of my base you saw

This amazing looking house i also didn’t use one type of quartz i tried to use the chisel quartz and the quartz bricks to give it a bit of texture if you thought that was crazy i also decided to make this two stories tall i wanted a really majestic building a throne fit

For a king after conquering this very dangerous world in order to reduce the cost of all of the courts i added in a lot of windows i also want you guys to pay attention to the design of my house it’s pretty square right now but it will

Get better over time next i went out to fight a few mobs because i needed a break plus i needed their xp in order to use magic here i defeated a legendary spider and you can see that as my power increases the mobs in the world become more dangerous

Now with this xp i was able to add infinity to my bow as well as clearing out the area at the front i used the magic staff to add in a cobblestone floor finishing it off with some cobblestone slabs back on the roof i decided to add an outline of slabs to

Give it more depth then i figured that the center was too short so i extended the middle of the front area all the way up to the top and added in that slab roof it looked way better and the construction of the sides can now begin

But i ran out of cord so i had to go back into the nether to begin mining once again the good part about this is that i kept finding ancient debris the bad part is that quartz became more and more rare and you saw that the sides of

My house was actually a lot larger than the front meaning i would need even more quartz at this point i realized how difficult this task would be i couldn’t have done this without mending on my pickaxe i would literally mine until my pickaxe was about to break hoping to

Find quartz to give me the xp to repair my pickaxe and here you can see just one tunnel that i mined using my mining method which was just pick a direction and try to find chords i would go on for about one hour just doing this just a

Glimpse of this huge scale of operation that i was undertaking just to find a small amount of quartz back on the surface i realized you know i’m not gonna build this entire thing out of course let me add some windows so i headed over to the beach got a lot of

Sand smelted that down along with the ancient debris made some more nether right ingots and then a samurai sword this was actually my favorite weapon in the mod pack it looked really cool and it sounds awesome unfortunately it was one of the weakest netherrite weapons after playing around with that i went

Back to building the house and you could see where i added in those massive windows the windows would take up maybe 50 of the wall making the wall itself a lot cheaper and you can see here exactly where the walls connected to the front of the house i then took the slabs from

The front and extended it all the way around the side towards the back and towards the second wall that i would eventually build now i had this really awesome frame the house was coming together the next thing was to add in the floor i started by removing the dirt

And then deciding what color wood that i wanted and as i was going to get that one maximus was just chilling outside so i decided to add him to our lake now he had his very own giant lake to frolick in i had to travel a bit to find this

Birch but i think it would be the best way to compliment the cords as the sun was rising i added in that floor here at the end of day 89 and now you can check out the progress so far day 90 started with the construction of

The second floor roof which was made out of cord slabs it looks good and it saved on cost but as i was building this i ran out of courts so i had to go not to the nether but out to find a dungeon in order to get some xp to repair my broken

Pickaxe and shovel you could see in my inventory as i was making my way there i was attacked Here i thought i was untouchable with this leather right armor but this dragon would humble me not only did he do fire damage to me but here comes a slime to poison me and nakaku tries to do withering damage every time i tried to escape i kept getting clinched back into

His jaws he was so strong i found myself hiding in a hole again like it was day one after leveling up my strength it was time for round two here he comes flying in this time i would use my double netherrite swords because i needed to

Give it my all to defeat this piece down he goes another dragon defeated and on i went to the dungeon this was the first time i’ve had a full nether right gear so i was interested to see how i would do in the dungeon this time around so

Here i go a pickaxe in one hand and a sword in the other as i cut through these mobs like butter what’s really cool is that you guys are actually seeing the first time ever i’ve legitimately gotten netherride armor in survival mode it’s so awesome that i can

Create these memories and also share them with you so that they can become your memories i picked up the pace here busting out my flaming infinity bow to get rid of the few remaining mobs so i could destroy the spawners once these spawners were gone i was able to loot

And get a ton of ores i would actually get a full stack of diamonds which is crazy i would now be able to finish my max level beacon here he goes i just chest five diamonds already and doing this one-handed can you imagine a double netherrite sword that will be crazy and

We’re about to see it don’t you worry i kept on fighting now down the tower as i encountered more and more diamonds like i said full stack of diamonds and here is where things got a bit serious and it got a lot of fun so i would bust out the

Double sword to take all these endless hordes of mobs and as you can see it was absolutely crazy i would cut through with all these very cool attacks and just do so much damage it was a lot of fun guys especially with golden apples i would just go at it non-stop here’s

Where the modpack shines i couldn’t imagine facing so many enemies in vanilla minecraft it would be so tedious but here i could use my power to just cut through these crowds this is also the first time i think i’ve ever played a third person minecraft and the first

Time on my channel and i’m telling you that there’s no other way i’d rather play survival than this it’s honestly one of the best mods in minecraft day 92 how many mobs do you think i killed in this one building because after all of this i only gained one skill point

Believe it or not here was now the final level i jumped down into this massive crowd of mobs again the spawning system was kind of broken and the mobs kept spawning endlessly this time i decided just to hop out of the tower i wasn’t gonna be able to defeat that and as i

Was leaving i found that dragon’s nest for the dragon i defeated earlier time was running out so i raced back home and jumped straight into the nether two days i would spend looking for quartz to finish up that roof and at this point i was getting kind of upset when i was

Fighting netherrite because quartz was a lot rarer than i thought but somehow netherride was everywhere i mean just look at the amount that i mined out the size of this cavity is absolutely huge and this is only one section after that back in the overworld i deposited all of

The netherrack just to show you how much i had been mining all of that courts in my inventory as well i continued building out the roof and it was so satisfying to see this come together a full quartz house can you believe it i actually would do this but unfortunately

It still wasn’t enough to finish out the roof i would have to make another trip but in the meantime i cleared out an area behind my house in order to make that beacon i would first need to craft a new network shovel with max level enchantments of course got to use up

That xp this is the perfect example of why i waited until the very end to build my house because if i did it at the beginning like in my other 100 days video it would take me about 40 days but here i’m doing it in just 20 this

Massive mansion here i gathered up some stone in order to make a new floor behind my house but before i did that i ranked up my katana and added power 5 to my diamond bow then i went back and used the wizard staff to place down a bunch

Of stone in the back almost killing myself because of course i didn’t have enough xp so it used up part of my health black magic either way now i was going to add some redstone creations into my house just some doors a hipster doorway using some of the redstone items

That i found in the cavern i would be able to easily create a simple two by one hipster doorway i would do this on both sides of the house allowing it to open simultaneously by connecting it up to one system i would actually have a lot of fun doing this i just love

Creating redstone smart houses and if you guys love seeing this check out my redstone house series it’s really awesome and you’re able to just do so much more in minecraft when you have a cool house but here i’m clearing out an area now to add in the inputs i would

Just wing it based on the null to have of redstone creating a bunch of hoppers to create a hidden input on the inside and the outside and here is a little preview of where i actually built that and me messing around with all of this cool redstone i would really love to add

In way more redstone like i did in my first 100 days video but like i said this was mainly fighting focus but at this point i’m just flexing my resources as well as my redstone scales it’s completely unnecessary but what is necessary in minecraft here we go we

Have the doorways now working i drop an item into the floor and both doorways open up very very cool now it was time to build up the back of the house as well as the frame for the top add it in the glass and then i added in this dye

Right towards the back because you guys can see just that the amount of course i needed to finish up the back wall it was going to be impossible on day 98 now it was time to build up my beacon the first layer was going to be made out of

Emerald since i had so many the next layer would be made out of gold the next iron and finally just to flex on you even more i would make the final layer out of pure diamond blocks after making my beacon i laid down those diamond

Blocks and bam i placed it down to make a max level beacon here on d 98 before the 100 days was over i now had a max level beacon with full netherride and a max enchanted pickaxe that wasn’t edited i was seriously eating through the terrain i even had nine diamond blocks

And 36 emerald blocks left over then i continued now decorating the inside of my house i would make it into an epic throne room with the skulls of dragons that i slain on the wall including this massive level five dragon towards the back that i found a little bit earlier

In the wilderness i also added in some flames and then made a throne i am a king after all i would mess around with the decorations here on day 99 to day 101 i would not finish out this video until i had the perfect house i went

Around exploring getting all the items i needed to just make everything look good all of the small tasks i was going to take care of reorganizing my chest shearing all of those sheep because i just had to and finally moving my bed over to my house on day 100 i finished

Up some decorations inside my house headed outside to add in a few more flattening out the terrain and then going back to now add in a stained glass backing for my throat yes i thought it would look much cooler as well as i moved over some of the diorite to hide

It a bit better now i removed the glass blocks and added glass panes and a carpet to complete the throne room there you have it guys that was my 100 days of fantasy minecraft i wanted to do so much more i didn’t even get to the end or

Really explore the nether but i had so much fun with the spot pack and i hope you guys enjoyed this video it was such an amazing experience to make this and i’m really hoping you guys enjoyed it if you did please take one second to crush that like button subscribe to my channel

To see more awesome videos but anyways this was twist and i’ll see you all next time

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days in a Fantasy Realm in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Twiistz on 2022-06-30 22:00:13. It has garnered 179735 views and 5719 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:34 or 4834 seconds.

In this video I try surviving 100 Days Of Minecraft in a fantasy realm. This modpack completely transforms Minecraft with all new biomes, mobs and beautiful realistic graphics. I spent over 40 hours in this world to make the best Minecraft 100 days video I could. This is 100 days of Fantasy Minecraft!

🔶100 Days Of Hardcore Minecraft: + 🔶200 Days of Hardcore Minecraft +

Modpack + WORLD DOWNLOAD: (Download on the members only page)

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Modlist: Danny’s Expansion Blame Desolation EpicFightMod CameraOverhaul Playerrex Iceandfire mowziesmobs Justenoughitems SpartanShields ShoulderSurfing Spartan Weaponry Champions Terraforge

In this video: Minecraft 100 days Minecraft Hardcore Survival I survived 100 days of minecraft 100 Days in a Fantasy Realm Minecraft Modded Survival Minecraft Graphics Mod Minecraft hardcore survival let’s play

Timestamps 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:05 Chapter 1 – New Dangers 00:13:09 Chapter 2 – Staking My Claim 00:19:01 Chapter 3 – Ascension 00:27:23 Chapter 4 – The Wandering Hero 00:41:12 Chapter 5 – The Dragon Slayer 00:49:56 Chapter 6 – The Grandmaster 00:55:40 Chapter 7 – The Chaos Realm 01:04:02 Chapter 8 – A Throne For A King 01:20:05 Outro

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  • 🔥ULTIMATE TNT RUN!! King Gaming’s Insane Minecraft Run! #MinecraftMadness

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  • Volcano ERUPTS during Hat Films Minecraft gaming #shizo

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  • Unbelievable! CraftingPerfection in GameHive Hub

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  • Epic Minecraft Pixel Art Music Remix – Viral Trending Shorts

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  • Yeenon Network

    Yeenon NetworkYeenon Network, otherwise known as the new Redesky, is a server for Skywars, and will soon have bedwars and murder mystery, me and my7 brother Matan create this masterpiece of a server to help the community and make the world a better place. Read More

  • TheCelestialRealm – modded | geopol

    Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Discover a nation with constant innovation, a thriving economy, a robust justice system, and epic adventures. Customize your avatar, join factions, or go factionless in a vast world full of possibilities. Join us in CelestialRealm Cold War Edition 24. Join at Read More

  • SoftSlayer (1.9-1.20) Play MC meet your future spouse! ☻

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • 2s1m

    2s1m2s1m: A new minecraft server that i made! It is inspired by 2b2t, and this server originated in ClassiCube. MC Server opened on June 4th, 2024, Server Opened on CC (Now Closed) somewhere in mid-2023. Read More

Twiistz – I Spent 100 Days in a Fantasy Realm in Minecraft