Ultimate Minecraft Mod Adventure – EP 44 – Mind-Blowing Comeback

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He D Just real my mic is off hello everybody good day how you doing uh welcome back to the stream just getting a couple things set up now so bear with me here just a moment if you will give me just a second sorry just a second

Almost cool deal there we go I got set my wife is coming down here to help take care of the kitty she decided she wanted some attention right as I started to stream didn’t you but she wants some crunchy treats uh so yeah we’re back in all the mods eight

You coming over okay well we’ll have some kitty time we’re back at all the mods 8 um we’re doing it Revisited this is a pack that we played for a couple of months in the fall and now we are back at it uh because they’ve done an update yes come

Here they’ve done an update and added some new achievement Pages uh that are focused on a couple of mods I don’t normally use am I just a bridge to you my goodness uh so there are some updates to it and that’s kind of why we’re back in so we did this last

Night there we go and and uh two of the pages primary pages that they added number one was evil craft and that’s what we dedicated last night to we got most everything done to it there’s a couple components here that we may try to get back to at the end of today but

Today we’re going to be focusing on the second page which is occultism uh which is another mod that I really haven’t spent any time with uh per se now that that said you make this is a cultism that is a cultism we had to do it for something to get the all the

Mods star which was one of the main focuses of our original playthrough of this pack uh but really I just looked up how to do the thing I needed and then left at the time there were no achievements so while there’s stuff kicking around we’re gonna kind of start it from scratch Hey

Stephen uh I did spend a little time I didn’t have a ton of time today unfortunately Monday is our busiest day of the week at my job and so I had very little time to put into it today but I did get to do a little uh I did gather

Up a few more powders I’ve been letting blood fill up it doesn’t look like much but I made uh the ultimate fluid tank so it’s it’s a huge tank so there’s more in there than it looks and I’m going to let that run and then if we have time we’ll

Do a little of the blood magic at the end uh but right now we are going to jump into occultism and we’re going to be streaming for hold on one second sorry my wife dropped something she’s getting it uh so occultism we’re going to dabble into and we’re going to follow the

Achievement path um part of this is because again I’ve never really messed with occultism and it’s a good opportunity for me to learn how to use a little bit so I can share that knowledge with other people uh what’s up Mr Colonel good day sir all right so this is where we start

At dreaming of demons who hasn’t done that welcome to occultism aims to help the player in many different ways by enlisting the help of spirits don’t worry they’re friendly mostly uh we need to get some Demon fruit seeds now we’ve got that earlier so we’re good here so let’s grab ourselves some Demon

Seeds there’s some achievement all right get that ball rolling gives us some experience now we need to make a little book of demons that’s understandable need to book to craft several items in the packs you kind of have to make it legit so you have to have it demon seeds

In a book all right that one’s easy so let’s see I should have books in here I do demon book achievement delicious more experience okay now it wants us to get some Demon fruit now I believe I’ve already grown some you consume when you have chance to get the

Effect of the third eye allowing you to see into the other world world may not be what they seem and you’ll need this Vision to find certain items for progression or if you can set it on fire and Skip finding most of them that’s up to you I like setting on fire that

Sounds flammable demon fruit I believe uh oh that did not come up oh yeah did 1,800 we’ve got some B bam more achievement so basically for those of you who are why do you already have these things that we’re just starting I have a garden and

I planted every seed that I could get they’re autof farmed so what’s this oh that’s where I put the wheel together so uh yeah yeah so I already have some in here planted somewhere I don’t think they’re still going ow but I have them uh at one point so we

Have a bunch built up so we’ve got some of those seeds so I guess eating it it says gives me the third eye maybe nothing happened well I guess we’ll figure it out when we get there let’s go achievements delicious all right what have I told you that Demon’s fruit is

Swimable I believe you sh our demon fruit down and setting on fire will create Spirit fire this is how we’ll convert some Overworld items into Overworld materials it’s also pretty I respect that this machine looks backwards it’s not backwards for some reason when in this world they load in

Like they look like they’re backwards sometimes very strange dra normal D oh I’m sorry to hear that sir hope you get the feeling better we will need a flint and all right so let’s uh throw one of these on the ground q and then W bash fire I

Approve more fruit more XP there’s a little alternator hunting for Overworld materials a divination Rod you must materials using Spirit fire you can also use divination rods to locate these materials you need to tune the rod to the material you’re looking for I don’t know if we’re going to do all that I

Guess it depends on how much it’s needed I’m pouring beverages so bear with me prob we should have check the date on this make sure it hadn’t gone back uh no we’re good uh tune the rot so let’s get the rot and you can use rod on andite to

Help locate other world okay antisite and ah threw a fruit by accident my bad up fruit cake how it goes boss all right so we need to make this thing a divination Rod a spirit attuned gem that’s diamond and fire seems I’ve already made some of those at some point

Because it’s not telling me I need it and then treated oh then just a stick okay divination Rod not attuned to any material okay uh we got that and then Spirit fire conversions using Spirit fire conversions we can convert several Overworld mats that’s materials for those of you who didn’t

Know what that meant into otherw World variants okay and the third eye and venturing into the world to make it easier they are crafting recipes for the basic materials by throwing them into Spirit fire I like that so andesite converts to other Stone like a permanent Spirit fire well that’s

Handy oak sapling converts to Oak saplings but they are not the same grown they look exactly Greg oak tree they will be able to harvest the other World variant okay diamonds will turn into the gems okay so we need and toite first and deite chicken lover all right there we

Go so I uh wait where there it is andash I got a whole stack of it now I said that’s permanent right so let me test that yay no that’s not the same liar ow oh burn my butt okay that did not do the same

Thing but maybe I can aha there we go cool and then the other thing was I needed to throw Oak saplings we got to have some of those I do we shouldn’t need more than a few hopefully get in there did I not throw it away I didn’t the same but purple

Cool and we should have diamonds of Plenty right yeah 82,000 that should be enough even though I’ve got some of these let’s go ahead and make extra achievement we’ve made all of the things we have mastered the game I’m just kidding I got a turum Essence well that’s uh that’s a little

Unimpressive the turum essence but that’s okay that’s all right um we’ll hang on to all that till we know what to do um okay so we did that a lot of these are broken up I don’t see a lot of uh connection to these achievements uh so this is the ne

Locked oh looks like here we are okay here’s where we’re starting our first ritual that sounds evil I like it I want to summon a foliot Crusher demon he will crush osaurus which is something you need to make some of the higher level chocks okay combine my Unbound Bith with my dictionary of

Spirits I don’t I don’t think it had us make a dictionary of spirits yet did it let’s throw these things in here now till we figure out we need dictionary of spirit oh there’s all these books oh wow there’s a lot here okay hold on let me find dictionary of spirits book book

Book book de I don’t see it uh oh dictionary Spirits is what I’ve got okay so I need Unbound book I’m looking for the wrong one I already had that one that’s not where it would be Unbound book I don’t I don’t see an Unbound book book is this where I’m supposed to

Be next oh yeah that’s Way Beyond it so that’s got to be that’s the only thing that’s gray okay Unbound book with your dictionary Spirits okay let’s see if we can find Unbound book let me go back to occult and see if we can find that Ault um

Bound see some of these say bound and some of them don’t what said we want to do a folat so maybe it’s asking me to do this purified ink already has some okay is that it did I do what they wanted me to

Do no I have to oh I have to add it to this book okay grab that book and that book gives me a bound book is that what it wanted book of binding foliate bound book of binding foliate bound gnarling gnarling no summon the foliate cisus I had the wrong one I need

Cisus oh it didn’t use up that book though okay so I need cisus hererm dein car Al the one it’s asking me for is not in here huh I’m confused a book with your dictionary of spirits so bind a demon to the book have your seal dance do it some a new fiend

Friend I don’t I don’t see any other books there’s only one page of these things so I don’t know how to do what it’s asking me to do wow we hit a wall pretty quick there didn’t we book of binding foliate okay I made that and some purified ink all right let

Me Gra grab the purifi how do you make purified in again somebody might be watching this trying to learn how to do stuff throw a black Dy into a spirit fire okay well we’ve done that but we’ll do it just to be on the safe side black Dy okay there’s no black dye

Here ink ink I’m pretty sure there it is purified ink I need a black dye do I have dye Essence I don’t do I have nothing that would give me black oh I’ve got one of those there we go long as I make one so people can see how to do

It there it is book of binding book of Binding okay so I don’t know how to do this everything in the book your world is super helpful B down four sacrificial bows wo this is a lot considering that’s this increased in difficulty from here to here that’s the demon king oh man there could be a boss I’m all excited about

That preparing I don’t know if there’s a see these lead look oh oh the arrows going towards the middle not the the other way around I have to make all four of these things to get to that that makes way more sense okay so I need four candles of any kind and two

Spirit attuned crystals okay all right where’s the candles at I don’t see any there is a second page okay I need four of these I need Tallow kill animals speak cashew with and llamas with the butcher knife to a tame Tallow do I have a butcher knife I

Do all right you know what I’ve got a lot of chickens did chickens give Tallow it would appear that they do not chickens oh it did say llamas oh you stupid llamas you are in so much trouble did I get some towo there I did I got three okay sweet finally these llamas

Are good for something eat butcher give me your Tallow I don’t know how much of this I need I better get a few while these guys are kicking around what KN all the to I wonder if it works on bone skeletons if I get fat out

Of a bone skeleton I’m going to be totally impressed okay I didn’t that would have been silly if I had though whoa skeleton hole are there any more more llama llamas oh llama Heaven over here what’s up guys prepare for llama death llama lama ding dong probably wondering Draven why is

There strained glass in the middle of nowhere it’s because my machines downstairs underground need to have sunlight so occasionally I have to have a shaft leading to the Sun but that’s all right right okay I think that could be enough Tallow to get us started so I’ll put the butcher knife

My extra chicken things away those away better hang on to that okay so for candles I’m the wrong I’m in a chest why did I put them in a chest that’s all right puts it in the inventory all right I need four candles one forgot to put that in there two

Three four okay and then two spirit attuned crystals oh we made some of these excellent achievements I love it when that happens no rewards story of my life okay chalk all right I need impure white chalk that’s burnt other Stone and other excuse me otherw world ashes so burnt

Stone is the thing we made already other word ashes is otherw World wood so that would been the saplings I got okay so I need Otherworld things again I have have some of this already but we’re we’re going to do it as if we haven’t uh so I need

Saplings they were purple weren’t they oak sapling that’s them okay all right so I got to burn some of these here burn those that’s probably too many I’m getting greedy we’ll burn half of these did it it didn’t burn it hang on one moment Otherworld ashes why am I not getting me

Ashes other oh you just cook them that makes life easier where is this is the chest that leaves to my smelting right yes been a while been a while since I could hold my head up okay and then otherw World ashes that’s the wood you throw in there okay so we got

To grow some trees real quick luckily we have dirt would appear the butt wiggling does not work in this mod pack I had forgotten do I have any bone meal I have some bone meal oh wait don’t have to be under the effect of that weird eye I better get

Some of that demon fruit and Munch on it prepare for the munching there it is give me your Woods it seemed to have worked even though it gave me regular saplings back okay knowledge has been wow boy I hope that doesn’t last that long that’s gonna hurt my eyeballs and nobody wants draven’s

Eyeballs to get hurt absolutely nobody give me your ashes there they are how many wait how many of those did I need though because there was a there was a quest for that I needed uh oh I needed three so I need impure chalk okay impure white chalk dirty minded chalk my favorite

Kind white chalk okay what do I need for white chalk white chalk oh I throw impure Chalk in the white okay well that’s that makes sense purify by fire if you will good achievement excellent and the last thing I needed for that one was a chalk brush okay chalk brush

Requires just regular stuff that’s good I like regular stuff Quest another Quest completed achievement there’s no reward for that one again and last I need four sacrificial bowls and a golden sacrificial Bowl which is like a regular sacrificial Bowl but golden let’s see uh let’s see there we are four of

These that was pretty easy and one of these oh I need okay I better make an extra one because it wants me to use one for this seems I had some extra ones already more achievements did it just give me an achievement for raw iron and raw copper I’m very

Confused I’m very excited by demon Mining and that’s that seems interesting to me plus I think we saw a boss so I’m okay with that too all right now we can do our first ritual I have all of those I need some raw silver oh have I never had raw

Silver it’s OD to gave me credit for the other ones that aren’t in my inventory we won’t question it it worked all of the things the rods are just there for lighting what rods are there for lighting I have to draw that okay turn un open it on the left click

Pentacles Tab and click on av’s Circle AVR Circle my book my book here we go uh I’ve already opened one of these at some point AVR Pentacles where’s AVR Circle I don’t see we’ve done a bunch of this before by accident oh not by accident we did a

Bunch of this because we were trying to get the thing we needed for the almod star so I had to advance through some of this at some point divination brush book of binding first ritual I don’t I don’t see what it’s asking for hold on click on the Pentacles Tab and click

On avrs Circle okay that’s the Pentacles tab oh there it is we found it summon a foliot yes on the weak only the weakest F can be summoned yes oh Lord there it is okay here’s the thing okay before we mess with that I guess I’m gonna have to oh Lord I’ve got

It stuck I need to break this other one I made I guess I could slap it right there it won’t let me slap it there it did let me slap it I slapped it slap it a base okay so now I got to build this I there’s that white candles right got white

Candles the doesn’t look like it matters what as long as there’s some candles here white candles and then there’s the gold thing and I remember that four of these need to go like this that I remember now I have to chalk these things but I I

Don’t know what symbol it needs to be that’s going to be hard man um huh Welly I wish I could keep that picture up without clicking on it every time so arrow thing and two teeth all right I guess we’ll do arrow thing that’s arrow thing I think and two

Teeth there’s two teeth is that right we’re going to be going back and forth a lot arrow thing and two teeth now the two teeth aren’t facing the right direction see so that means this one needs to be the arrow thing in the two teeth I’m doing it wrong so this is the

Arrow thing no now the two teeth still aren’t facing the right direction is there a different two teeth no that’s the only two teeth I guess we’ll just go as is okay well we’re go back up here then since at least is Le this is right side

Up okay then I need uh backwards three and two more teeth oh wait there was a third one in the middle backwards three wait that’s the wrong arrow thing that’s a different arrow thing which arrow I’ve got the wrong arrow thing wow oh that was a backwards three backwards three

Go there’s the backwards three so I’m looking for that is that the arrow thing maybe that’s the arrow thing hell if I know boy I wish there was an easier way to see what these look like um ritual for you in the world this is super helpful well it’s kind of super

Helpful be way more super helpful if it gave me more instructions on this so this is the first arrow thing and two more teeth okay no not that arrow thing that arrow thing and this is the easiest ritual my Lord I don’t remember doing

This I mean I must have look at all them weird numbers that are over there I must have but I don’t remember doing this before okay so uh next row is upside down J right kind of I think uh I don’t even know what the hell to call that and an

N okay let me do the one that I don’t have a name for because I won’t remember that okay is that it yeah that’s it okay cool cool upside down J upside down J that’s just a two wait maybe it’s not upside down for me

Maybe it’s an upside down J if I’m this way line and a hook why am I not saying line and a hook I guess that’s it it it looks like a number two here no there it is that’s a hook with the J uh this guy no this is all the mods 8

Sir uh we played it last fall uh did the hard achievement which was to make the all the mods star but then they did a big update that added two new pages of achievements uh one for whoops didn’t mean to do that uh one for evil craft which we did last night

And today we’re visit doing a call just kind of revisiting this pack I still had the world um scary Thunder and then uh just to kind you there’s new content here and it’s a very popular pack it’s a good pack I recommend it there were some frustrations like you

Know I had to do some things I hate to do but overall uh pretty very good pack the bees were a lot of fun my biggest frustration in it is they released the pack before it was done and there were a lot of things that didn’t work right they fixed a lot of

Them now still a few things that aren’t working right but they fixed a lot like this sign doesn’t work anymore it keeps the traiter from appearing but I still get his llamas all over the damn place it’s irritating okay to continue uh let’s see so here now this

Side gets confusing V and another J XX okay v v and the J so I need another looks like that one over there um there we go and an X and an X I think that’s the X X and an X okay let’s see okay so now we’re on the next row

And that one’s going to be two teeth I don’t know what the hell that is and a v so like a squiggle two and a v okay all right wait two teeth is first we know that one uh squiggle two that’s a squiggle two and then what

I what I say was at the end oh a v okay that should be pretty easy I don’t think that’s it there it is that’s a v okay um this Prestige world that depends on the point of view okay uh new pack account when you get done yeah definitely set Sky Factory 5

When that comes out I will 100% be doing that whatever I’m working on stops again I hope hope he takes this time time and gets it awesome I’m in no rush I’d much rather him uh get to a point that he’s comfortable with it before releasing

It that sucks Terry I’m sorry to hear that okay back to more squiggles that are boy this is going to take forever if I got to do this with all of them uh that’s an upside down F that’s our original Arrow but pointing in another direction for some boy I hope the

Directions don’t matter man or I’m screwed um and then another F I don’t know why they’re opposite like that oh crap that was the F no there was another F oh no there might be multiple FS that could be a problem okay there’s that F that way let see if there’s

Another F another way that F was right side up that’s back up down again okay let’s see all right so okay what was the middle thing between the fs was the arrow looking hook thing did wait did it have a squiggle or was it straight boy this is hard it did it did

Have a arrow with a big and a little no that’s a that’s a that’s not it that’s it that’s it right there okay so last last row let’s see we got for this one um a two and a j okay two wait is it that two is it the two that’s already

There wow this overly complicated now that’s a squiggle two so I don’t want regular two I need the squiggle two that’s squiggle two and then the J that was over there okay that’s not it is that is that it yeah that’s it okay okay I think that’s right don’t hold me to that

Um there’s always stuff in every pack I don’t like hopefully he just doesn’t make me use it put anything you like in a pack give me the option though uh got powered par box R sech cap 20 chest s point I know to do with and still have

Not gone oh yeah understand well that’ll do it for you automating it’s not super hard but it’s super useful okay so I think we’ve got it drawn now don’t hold me to that though none of that made sense uh place down four S and use the required items on

Them golden sacrificial Bowl the ritual will start okay what are the four items easy set up okay I want the crusher oh here we go that’s the four ingots it wanted me to have so I need iron silver copper gold okay iron silver copper gold Iron silver copper gold all right hopefully no particular order because that’s G to make this harder iron silver copper gold should put them down there to begin with okay iron silver copper gold and then the UN what happened to my Unbound book my book oh there it is okay

Sweet now I should have to just put that in there invalid Pentacle missing white chock glyph at position how am I supposed to find where that is I’m missing one 2 three three 4 332 oh oh I didn’t change is this one did I change this one this one looks

Gray those ones look white that must be what I’m missing okay so that was two teeth oh no I had the two teeth okay I had the two teeth so what’s the no two Chief what’s to the is a two with a DOT on top that’s what that is but I

Guess it wants me to actually draw it there okay now it’s got it aha excellent well hope this guy doesn’t Crush my house or anything no two disappeared nope three I was worried it wasn’t going to work hey little dude that’s the guy what’s up all right talking with your new friend see

They’re all bad prop you’ll now have very own fullo Crush demon these demons are great crushing down items for you just throw it nearby and it’ll pick up the item and crush it you can also sneak right click on open up the inventory won’t last very long this one

Can also double your hour output for oh that’s a good see there you go now that’s a good example of making me do something really silly for a long time but at least gave me a reason to do it it doubles my ore output let’s uh let’s give them

Something to crush so we say we did it iron what I do with that where the the iron there’s one sir I need you to crush this did not throw it on the ground correctly sound effects man you going to crush that today wow that took a long time

But he did it so I guess that’s cool not the most useful thing I’ve ever seen but it did say it’s the weak one so that’s all right all right so we’ve got this now we’re here chalking it up I need a yellow chalk and a purple chalk

Okay let’s see how to do that yellow chalk I need these things so gold dust and glowstone I’ve got both of those and another impure white chalk a dirty Chu yellow Chu success task completed yay and a purple one also needs a dirty chalk dirty and crushed endstone oh I’ve

Already done that he must have crushed some already cool more achievements I also got an achievement for Diamond I don’t don’t know why I got that but okay this opens up pass let’s see um familiars remote access sounds kind of cool upgrading our magical storage all

Right we’re gonna go this way first I think uh left like D and D rules yes okay other methods to move demons around this is also needed for the AL Theon star I’ve already done this partially we need to do a more advanced ritual called stroger’s higher binding eight

Sacrificial balls as well as the items required for the quest remember you can always use the multi-block preview by finding the pentacle in the dictionary of spirits to help you find the structure streer goer G’s higher binding ing okay streer gager higher binding how do we get back to

The how do we get back to the page before this oh there we go so I need to go here no close that out ster garer binding stga Maga muga Naga is binding Hamer there he is ster gers okay for binding the jins in objects should not be attended by the novice no

Worries here uh supported by Spirit attuned crystals and stabilized by candles it is highly P suitable for permanent infusion of objects with Spirits now I believe I’ve already built this looking at four candles yes that’s this one down here so I’ve already built this I’m not going to

Go to trouble of clicking all that over again since we know how to do how do I get rid of the eyeball streger gers get out of here I don’t want to see it anymore thank you so I’ve built this one but what do I do

For the achievement do I have to rebuild it again no I don’t so I need four Soul Sands copper Ingot and a silver Ingot okay don’t think I need those Soul Sand excuse me that’s soul soil Soul Sand block times one I don’t have any Soul Sand interesting now I do one

Two three four okay for Soul Sand excellent I like that and then I need copper and a silver okay Copper and a Silver there it is and the last thing was a book of binding to Jin can be used to summon the Gin carers car carvir carvir I think we’ll go with car virus so I need book of binding de Jin and my other book okay book of binding de Jin all

Right get in here book of foliate the Jin that’s the one I’m looking for what I need one of these need some of those cool thein thein thein thein got it okay I close that I put that in here and that in there and now it is a bound book of

Dein excellent okay oh apologize my I I have had nothing but trouble this year so far so I had two teeth taken out last week and it’s really infected so it’s really swollen up and I’m in quite a bit of pain uh which is why I’m only streaming two hours tonight because

After two hours my mouth will be killing me and then I go to get new glasses this past weekend and I’ve been having problems with my left eye for a couple of months and they tell me that the glands in there are all infected and I

Got all sorts of stuff I got to do to try to fix that and I had to get new glasses that are way more powerful they’re not in yet that’ll take two weeks boy were those not cheap okay so I’ve got all these we got the achievements to make this remember you

Can always use the book do I actually do it oh I proably need to Empty Soul Gem first that would make sense to capture the thing use on a creature to capture it how do I make one oh good lord so that’s all the stuff I forgot the

Diamond get all these out of the way so I can put all the other stuff down I got four of those how does that pattern work um so two in the middle eight do I have eight three four I do have eight I don’t know if the pattern

Matters because that’s not how mine are set up well we’ll just put them all in and see if it matters there’s one for you and there’s one for you one for you one for you and then Diamond this thing that thing what am I missing gold I have a gold ingot oh okay

Why didn’t ask me for a gold ingot okay you and you and you and you and then my book started binding okay okay it works so the placement itself doesn’t matter you just got to have all the right materials okay okay so let’s see here I have a

Snack that came in the mail that I’m munching on last couple days a a couple streams ago somebody recommended that I try this Australian snack um I’d never had it before but it was something that I could order on Amazon so I went ahead and I

Bought it uh and so I’m going to do a review of something called shapes arnit shapes original they specifically said to get barbecue because barbecue was the best there are eight packs I’ve eaten five of them already so the review is I’ve already eaten them but they uh uh

Review pretty good uh I mean they’re not like something I’m gonna rush out or reorder but as far as crackers go yeah pretty good the flavor is strong which I like I hate when something’s barbecue flavor and you barely get any flavor out of it the strong is the flavor is quite

Potent I would probably enjoy them more if I could choose successfully because my mouth hurts right so I have to put my mouth kind of wait for him to soften and then chew them because I’m not supposed to be eating a lot of hard stuff right

Now giggity um but I will say uh pretty good as far as C crackers go uh I put in my top 10 favorite crackers of all time I would go with that so yes very interesting oh there it is Crystal yay hey there’s a question I meant to ask

Because someone uh someone asked me if I’d be interested doing it would people be interested in seeing little five or six minute videos of me trying different foods from around the world for the first time uh if you would let me know and I I’ll do some of that because that was

Fun people have been recommending stuff lately and I’ve been trying it and it’s been pretty good I’m sure I’ll get a something eventually that’s just dog ass nasty but for right now majority of the things people have been suggesting I’ve been pretty good uh so if you’d like to see

Draven tries weird International let me know and we’ll see what we can do you still hanging out I thought he timed out after a while all right so we got our Crystal next is a familiar more than just demons to crush your ores well that’s handy to know

There are demons that can move stuff for you chop down wood and more summon cool friends I should be fiends no smars that give you special Buffs and even fight for you now that sounds interesting make sure to check out the familiar rituals in your guide book oh so it doesn’t tell

Me I have to do one for time I worry that we’re not going to have time to do all the steps if I do that so we’ll check that off but if we have time we’ll come back and get a familiar because it’s not actually saying I have

To do that but if there’s a boss I’d love to get to the point we fight the boss so let’s do this thing over here now such an old school snack populars over here my wife has some upstairs but she hasn’t tried them yet uh she got tim tams for the first

Time she’s never I’ve had them I think I’ve had tim tams but she got some uh she’s very interested in let me organize that a little bit here okay all right so I need to make two of these dimensional chalai oh you got to make those with oh wow that’s a whole another

Thing oh no go back and read that better too many items playing this mod pack it’s just it works I think I G say it’s just how it works if you haven’t figured out your storage situation yet dimensional storage might just be right for you magical storage

Solution I it’s a storage solution I didn’t know existed that intrigues me need to craft the dimensional storage actuator place down in the world this acts just like a shulker box meaning if you break it it won’t lose any of the items stored inside 128 storage slots each slot holding up to 16

Stacks that’s that’s not bad except for items with NBT that’s understandable it’s not stack will not and we’ll take a whole if you aren’t sure what that means I know what that means so we’re good there NBT is something that’s got random stats on it a helmet of this and that or

Something with durability that’s been weakened try Tim Tam slam I don’t know what that is and Sip Coffee through it well see I would I don’t like coffee so that’s not going to do well for me I can’t stand coffee at all uh okay so I need to make Dimension sters higher

Binding that’s the one I made right that’s this thing over here so I’ve already got a sters so I can make the thing for one of the things already so let’s make the one we can already make so I need block of three blocks of quartz and

An ender pearl and my dein okay I can do that three blocks of quartz uh block of Quartz one two three and my book of Deen wa where’ my book go it ate my book bastard I didn’t realize it ate my book I got make another one I gotta make

Another one of these I’m G have to make a few of these probably oh well they’re not stackable that’s okay book of to Jen yes get rid of that bind it bound it did it done it and what was the last component for that one that’s not it

That was not it an ender pearl okay hot chocolate a hot chocolate I could do I could very easily do a hot chocolate that’s good stuff hot chocolate is always welcome and it is winter oh in the book excellent so um there’s a store here called World Market what 20 minutes

Away in Knoxville and they sell stuff from all over the world foods and snacks everything up to pastas and meats they had some Italian cheeses that were like were they Italian cheese or German cheese I think they German cheeses it was like 13 bucks for a little tiny Block it’s a lot of

Money they had all sorts of crazy hot sauces and marinades they got stuff from all around the world uh that’s where my wife got her tim tams I I’d went there for Christmas because they sell a whole lot of Hello Kitty stuff from Japan including some Hello

Kitty snacks I got her some of those big hillo Kitty Fan most of her Christmas gifts were Hello Kitty stuff uh for those of you that weren’t here yesterday look what I got for Christmas first of all I got a Funko ow bear from dungeon dragons which is

Awesome I got a bunch of cool stuff but check this out it’s a piggy bank it is a Minecraft pig piggy bank my wife got me that it’s good go these are going to go on the the decoration shelves I’m going to retire some old stuff and put some up

There but a Minecraft piggy bank that’s pretty boss Bo this is taking forever rain well number three is gone one more to go uh but yeah if you guys are interested in seeing me try different things from around the world I don’t care to put a little money into getting

This stuff if it’s something you’d be interested in see and I’d be open for recommendations but try to pick something you enjoy right don’t pick something just because it’s gross Lord knows there’s going to be enough of those that people already enjoy but if there’s something

Out there that is in your country that you really enjoy it’s okay if it’s a bit strange or you don’t really like it but it’s really popular that would also work you know don’t pick weird off the cusp only two people in your whole country eat it made me some recommendations and

If I can get a hold of it I’ll do it I’ll make a little video on it no I’m not doing ass tasting veite still the worst tasting thing I’ve ever eaten my charity stream this year eating vomite was one of the uh challenges which I did

It’s disgusting ate it on toast like an Australian explained it to me like they literally sat there I trust Paul he’s been with me pretty much longer than about everybody Paul’s a great dude he’s also from Australia and uh he walked me through tons of butt it didn’t help it

And then I had somebody make a high donation for me to add it to the pizza I was making of all the other different stuff boy that didn’t help either vites horrendous so no vomite it has to be something I haven’t tried yet I think that’s fair right okay so now I

Need other Stone pedestals okay so I got to make some other Stone pedestals that I that I should be able to do where’s the regular pedestal that’s odd oh here it is I need some of these okay I need two of these right because I need two of the gold

Ones I think that’s correct right for the gold one dimensional storage actuator base okay base base base okay that didn’t show it conventional storage AC oh I need a base and an act those are different things okay okay so oh oh I hold on I got to make sure I’m doing this

Right upgrading our magical storage that’s interesting okay so again I’m confused so do I actually need both of these or do I make the first one and then add it to this to get the second one I think that’s the case I think that’s all I have to do so dimensional

Storage okay so I got make the base first so that’s three gold and a black one gold okay three gold and a black one one two three and we’ll do that but I think this is a different thing alog together so I have to draw out a whole

New this takes up a lot of space I have to say that is one thing so far I I’m not a big fan of from the occultism is it just takes up so much space to draw these things out en zuses okay if that’s in zuses what’s

This one enus okay so I gotta use enu usus twice all right where’s my book so I can find out how to draw enu usus uh avens Abram fat man’s fat man’s oh fat M okay see any with an E there it is good Lord that one’s even that’s another complicated

One two two two two two two two hang on let me see if I’ve got this one anywhere else no that one’s all white oh I already had that one once crap okay well I got some room over here so I guess we’ll drop it down over here

Okay now I got to do all this stuff again okay well first of all I’ll tell you I’m gonna come over here and Ste I’m gonna pillage this one because I didn’t know it was out here give me that get my candle back and some dirt this thing’s too powerful get my

Candle trying to break it and not the dirt underneath of it okay I don’t need the numbers I don’t know what to do with those okay so these have to wait I needed uh that and these so that goes there and I have to put four of these here even though

They’re not as part of the diagram you still have to have them I don’t know if these oh that’s not what I meant to put there I don’t know if these number twos like they have to be something else or not that doesn’t even go there why

Did I do that that’s one of those purple crystals uh how do I make the purple crystals uh purple crystals we’ve seen those already wants or that there they are two of those like do I just have to change them to anything or does it does it have to

Be the specific picture this is what I don’t know we’re just going to try changing them to a something and see if that works see if that if that doesn’t work then I have to find the right ones yellow H it’s not letting me draw with the yellow one why not that’s not

It well it worked with the white one impure oh I probably got to cook it hold on that’s the I didn’t cook cook it my fault I didn’t cook the purple one either I don’t think there we go now it’s pure just like Draven pure sweet and innocent four

Words most commonly used to describe D and you’re saying definitely three words delicious is the other one okay three gold and this thing right yes so you gold gold gold oh I didn’t look and see what book I need though um what purpose in zuvio permanent crystals I’m trying to make a storage

Actuator base there we go foliot again oh I gotta make a foliot book okay foliot that we can do foliot and then put that in there gives me the good foliot excellent oh you could just use any symbol oh that makes life so much easier I’m so excited I’m going to eat a

Mint as celebration because they’re pretty soft All right all right and the next stage uses the same diagram all right now I just have to go into the crafting table and add that to that actuator delicious I got a a piece of redstone rewards not that good in this pack all right upgrading we went that way this time

Do the amount of stacks your magical storage can hold you’ll need to make storage stabilizers directly at dimensional base not the base actuator not the base oh I am going to need another actuator crap so I’m building this these can be up to five but must

Have clear line of sight to The Matrix Neo what does it mean by you can upgrade your thing tier one dimensional storage okay tier two tier three tier four dimensional M shaft that sounds crazy so this is what I’m looking for auses wait was this auses crap I don’t know if that was

Aevus God I hope it was that’s not where I wanted to go yes yes no that’s a storage stabilizer hold on it is oh good I don’t have to build another one we can use this one again can I just go to tier four no looks like I have to have tier

One gonna need more plates more plates I think I have one yes I do um and then they can be anywhere how did I do those ones over there they at the end that’s not going to work work over here I didn’t leave enough room all right well we’re just going to

Do this and hope that works okay there’s eight the placement area didn’t seem to matter before so we’re going to hope I have to make another one of those matrixes I should go back and do that real quick before we move forward or else I’m going to forget

About it why do I have Redstone oh that was a reward um so go back and make this one I had to go to strer ders I need three quartz a pearl and a dein okay we could do that one that was pretty good and while that’s making we can go do the

Other thing Pearl hey Hanzo how’s it going buddy and a pearl sorry hurting um in a book gives me a special book okay so this gets see if it let me do just one not if you put it in the wrong spot dven it doesn’t Okay that that that

Book trying to create Pinnacle streer higher binding this is trier’s higher binding isn’t it damn it already made this once I what am I doing wrong St Ming three quarts of Pearl and a bound d Jin book bound to Jin three quartz and a pearl quartz quartz

Quartz oh when I put the quartz down it erased a thing oh okay oh goodness all right all right at least I know where the problem is now let me go find steer nugger ders boring steer ners no go away steer strer nergers okay

Uh so it’s a white one I need a white one in that spot okay that’s what happened that got erased that’s why it wasn’t letting me do it no missing chalk position did I delete another one I did delete another one with that other quartz that’s also a white one how

About now there it is Draven fixed his failure it just took a minute many minutes way too many minutes that’s okay though all right so that’s that one so that’s working on that and we’ll go back over here uh we were working on the next component which was tier one two three

And four well you know I’m going to make all I’ll make all the highest one if we’re going to do this I want to do it right get over here oh it’s down here now all right so I need another base and I need four of these so I need four bases

Okay I’ve got one help if I was in a crafting grid I need more of these oh oh we ran out hold on hold on let me get over here and make some more of the stuff I need a bunch of it andesite I should have some

Right was it an andesite I don’t know if it was andesite we’re going to find out it was kind of where the other ones go didn’t I throw a whole stack in there oh I did okay and aite let’s make a few of those oh the Fire doesn’t burn me

That makes this way easier there we go lots of Mojo now now we’re in the money okay four more pedestals okay so we got four pedestals I need that to make four of these things I don’t know why I did that I already know what I needed it’s on page

Two uh four copper blocks okay uh I got four copper blocks one two three four we got to do this four times the making of all the books that part’s I’m not liking that it just seems redundant I think the book should be I I think it would be better if the

Books were reusable because it’s not that they’re hard to make it’s just irritating gem a tune two three four okay and then for the book I need is book of binding folat again okay so I’m gonna need four of the folio books whoops and I’m out of ink

Crap how many of these have I got oh 64 that works forgot I made a whole bunch of those good deal do that cool while I’m here I’ll make four folio books one now I need more of these damn it and now I’m out of regular in

Socks can’t win for losing how do I get ink sacks I don’t have those how many of these have I got wow I got a lot of these beak things I’ll take those uh so let’s try that again two three four two three four and we take our regular book bind

It bind it by Lord of the Rings and one book to bind them okay now we got all Those so I got to do this four times oh wait before that despawns let me pick up the thing I made over here there it is I got to find a place to build this storage I didn’t think about that let’s see if I build one of these

Here yeah that’ll work I can build it there um so let’s go ahead and do that there oh I didn’t have to make oh wait is it telling me I need one there no I already had it I made that for no reason okay so here’s my storage

System can I smell things right in it I have a dirt in there that’s pretty cool bear with me while I take medicine come on too many fell out that’s tooo many better well it will be in about 30 minutes okay that’s a bigger table than

I thought it was all right let’s make it a magic magic magic magic magic in a book magic EX excellent I just got to wait for it to get done and then we’re going to upgrade these to tier two we should start looking at what we need for tier two

Right well that that’s not a fast process so what do I need here I need silver I need eight crystals and four silver blocks okay tun so I’ll need eight of those two three four five six eight silver excuse me one two three four get away and then four gas tiers

Okay H oh Draven has only one gas tier drama uh don’t have that how do I not have that and how do how do I have that okay well I’ll take the one but that’s I did deep mob learning like a mo in this thing why do I not have any

Halations okay I don’t know why I don’t have any oh that’s the wrong machine but at least we can fix it it’s got to throw something in that produces hell uh that’d be a blaze model you’ll you’ll work there get to making the stuff that I

Need wait did I throw that in the trash it might be going into the trash I don’t know if it’s going into the trash hold on let me test uh no it doesn’t look like anything trash there do I have anything down here I do have a trash I remove the

Trash can okay good I was gonna say I thought I did don’t ever hold me to that what’s Su stun life what’s going on buddy all right let’s see if that’s making me some hellacious nness where are they going see I just saw one go that should put it in

Here are they not called hell what are they called again all right I’m obviously looking at the wrong thing hang on say what’s it called nether prediction wow nay five okay well they’re getting in there that’s what matters okay let’s go get the I got to get the

Second one of these other things done there it is okay why do I have a cobblestone I don’t even understand what I’m doing anymore okay that that that and that and then a book okay back injury well hopefully you’re feeling better Bud okay so I need a ghast tier what’s this

Oh I did the thing okay well that’s cool I’ll take the achievement what no llamas I hate those guys llama llama I’m good with the hell fruit for a while probably good with the iron and that better hang on to the chalk that’s for familiar which I’m probably not going to

End up doing today because I won’t have time that way we made extra I think I’m good on those for a bit just trying to make some room here eight of those eight of those then I need gas tiers of which I made two but I need

Four those that makes me three okay good good good good good job to stream yeah loving the new job the new job is still pretty awesome um we just finished so school just started not today but last Monday so I finished my first full session advising and helping people get

Signed up uh it went pretty well I got quite a few people signed up and then today was my first day signing up people for the next session which starts around the 1 of March uh and I was able to get two people signed up on the first day

Which is pretty good for anybody um because usually you get a couple of week you know and uh it went really really well so I had I had actually a really good day today other than my mouth hurts like hell from I had some teeth taken out last

Week and they’re infected and it hurts but aside from that the job part’s fine so that’s cool okay so I got the gas here that’s what else do I need for that so we got those that oh it’s the component I’m making right now that would make sense wouldn’t it those

So we’re almost done we’re making our third one now then we’ll make our four we’re going all the way to to top I don’t know if we’re going to get to fight all of this stuff down here but I really want to get I’m very interested in this storage

System I’m invested now I want because this materials we’re making are not super highlevel materials the gas tier and Pearls would probably be the hardest material so far to get so if you’re looking for an early game storage I’m just interested to see how much stuff this will

Hold thank you that that that I forgot to put the other book in there that and book okay so now G be that that that that and these oh God I’ll need books I forgot about books crap uh uh what book do I need for this one

Deen Deen okay Deen I can do Deen so oh right that’s not it is it I clicked on the wrong D am I in here yeah let me make a couple more of these one two three four that’s how many I’m going to need maybe we’ll just upgrade it this

One more time and then we’ll we’ll go for from there cuz I do want to get as much as I can how am I out of green okay maybe we won’t okay well I got two green out of that um what else can I get green

From that’s it oh cooking Cactus do I have any Cactus I have 32 well that’ll get me how many I need to get going hello Amy hello hello and hello bonic everybody popping in welcome so nice to see everybody again today it is a pleasure to have you

Today we’re dealing with occultism like not in real life in the game calm down calm down okay I need the books we’re making the books okay making the book actually I’ve got the book Let’s Make A let’s get the first one going so you uh you you you you and a book

You must crapped it oh I didn’t I didn’t do the okay I didn’t do the other part hold on we’ll get we’ll get there in a second two three four okay I’ve got to bind them with this one and in the darkness bind them again with the Lord of the Rings references okay

Movie were you trying to perform rituals started binding foliate and stabiliz missing other Stone P I am confused strier higher binding wait a minute ah ah I know where I am I know what’s wrong this one’s got to be done over on this one I didn’t realize that we’d switched okay that

One and no not that one and that one and you get one of these somewhere one of those somewhere and one of these some uh where have I not put one yet there I’ll put it on that one and then you get a book there we

Go I’m doing all right Bon little uh little uncomfortable but other than that I’m okay all right so that’ll make this we make four of these and then we’re going to put it in the storage system to see how it works and I’ll figure out how advanced it gets off

Cam so what we’re doing at occultism today is right now we’re building an occultism storage system something I did not know existed this will hold 28 different items of up to like six stacks of six or 16 stacks of it so 16 stacks of dirt would count as one

Item then it would count as the second it if I put more in there the stabilizers I’m making increase those so we’re just testing out how this works but it’s not the fastest process it is working though it’s eating up these materials one at a time ohop he

Just ate the gas tier I got to do this four times then we’ll have the storage system I guess while I’m doing that let’s look ahead at the achievements and see what’s next so there’s remote access to your storage system that’s pretty cool that acquires some stuff we we may

Come back to that but I want to see what else there is to be offered down here because there might be a boss somewhere your ability to harvest is nesium come on the demons to are bidding in the mines definitely not exploding demons R dimensional Minecraft there you go exactly so that’s

Why I’m back in all the mods 8 we played this last fall but they added a big they did a big update and they added an achievement page for evilcraft which we did last night and they’ve done one for occultism uh which is great two mods I

Never touched with I would have had no idea there’s a storage system if it wasn’t for these pages so it’s a cool thing to go back into this mod revisit it today we’re doing a we did uh the other one yesterday cultism today and then next week I’m going to be starting

A new Sky Factory 4 playthrough using one of the alternative World options uh is the goal anyways we’ll see I haven’t decided which one yet the fact that that looks like a Beholder is awesome to me okay is it done oh it’s done it’s done okay hang on let me load up the

Next one you you you you you I I didn’t put a book down there book okay that’s doing the second one all right so let’s look at the next step what we’re doing here okay we can go hot demons or we could do quit eating that

Fruit fruit I’m going to have to do hot demons just cuz I’m dirty no not that kind damn it fre demons demons of fire more advanced demons which some are friends and some are not want to collect all of the chocks we’ll need to summon a

Not so friendly a fre and kill it oh this is like a boss we’ll need a live sacrifice the ritual will not start until you sacrifice the living creature nearby it this sentence will be sacrificing a crowd story again Betsy excellent excellent all right so I need

A fre Essence what oh I can do it this way Abraham’s open conjure sacrifice cow summoned underbound why has it got to be so many of these chalk things again this is my biggest thing I would say so far that I don’t like about the occultism is you need so many of these

Things and they just take up so much space right I I mean there’s I mean look at this that’s one two three I’m about to make a fourth one and you’re they you’re Draven that’s not that bad yeah well there’s this many of them

So if I wanted to have them all you can imagine how much it would take up the whole base area and then probably some so that I don’t like that that’s probably so far I only complained about that this mod but and it teased me with hot demons it knew

What it was thinking obviously pers all right so I need the what one was it abas open something or other okay AVR abas open something or other here we go and I didn’t click the button right there it is oh god look how big this one is this one’s a

Humongous okay all right so we’ve got the thing down now I just got to make all the things for the thing why not off stream doing a room placing him in there the well I could but I’m investing one day in this again this is

A pack in a world that we played last fall I’ve done several different other mods since then we’re just revising it to look at the update I’m just dedicating the one day to it but even if it was one room it would have to be a massive room for

Sure uh a massive room okay let me move that out of the way so purple chalk we’ll start with purple chalk purple purple purple purple purple nurple purple purple okay I’m we’ll switch that out for white chalk white white white white white things did speed up when I found

Out you didn’t have to actually figure out the exact diagrams that made life easier I get them all oh I missed that one uh yes okay so I need a lot of candles here we got one two three four so that’ be eight eight candles who just growled at me bastards

Uh candles do I have any extras already made four I’ve got four already we’re halfway there living on one two three four okay so we got the eight can handles oh my other other thing I’m working on sorry multitasking there’s three of those so one one one

One oh no that’s the wrong spot hold on now I don’t have a pickaxe because I was using my chop give me that that was supposed to go over there and then I need the demon book there we go okay that one’s doing that one uh and we were doing the candles can

Hold candle okay there we go and I need looks like that’s a Wither Skull two reg no two wither skulls two regular skulls okay boy I hope I have some of that boy I wish I could spell all right we got two of these two these okay wither skulls

First wither I hope the angle you know what I’m just going to assume it matters and then two regular skulls regular skull regular skull I need to gold one of those things which means I need one of these slap that down and then I need

Four of these and I need to to be in the crafting grid to do it four hoping it’s only four all right so that’ll be the next thing we do let me go check on this still working on it okay still working on it all right so I believe we

Have that ready to go so now we have to figure out what it was we were doing all right a fre Essence yes okay so I need a flint and steel quartz gunpowder and Netherrack everybody remember all that I’m just kidding I’m not going to remember all of it either

Netherrack do I have any of that’s okay I’ve got one piece luckily that’s all I need flint and flint and steel unused Beauty now I’ve forgotten it so now we’re going to go back in and look again um quartz and gunpowder okay quartz and Gunpowder and then what book do I need I need bounding a fre well that makes sense really okay back to the books uh a a fre if fre those are two different creatures I guess it’s a fre because I thought it was if really mad if I make the wrong

One no it’s AF okay uh afit what why do I have no purple dye I don’t even know if I can make purple dye whoops that’s not good I need more than that fre purple dye I bet I got grapes for days though I had some that’s enough so

What oh that’s for the oh let’s go do the hang on okay so now last one of these you you silver I hate when I do that uh uh silver tier weird thing book book book book book okay that’s the last one of those um the die seed yeah I I I

Specifically in this playthrough tried not to use mystical agriculture it was the CH sometimes I had to but I tried to keep it to a minimum uh I have bees and I was primarily using bees as resources uh since it’s kind of what the pack is set

Around I I just I use mystical in so many packs that I play I wanted to try doing one without it so that’s why you’re that’s why you’re not seeing me use mystical currently okay I only need one of these so there’s ‘s my book and that and that

And that and that yes okay cool co co co co cool so that that that that that Unbound wait I have to fight that thing don’t I I forgot about it I gotta I gotta slap him silly one of these reflexes like lightning free freak Essence oh yeah I’ve mastered freak

Essence not my wife before anybody says anything uh what else did I get for Christmas that I could show you guys oh uh I love D and Dragons I got a displacer beast plushy which is very cool my wife got me that and if you didn’t know this about me I’m a huge

Garfield fan I hav’t put this in my car yet it’s a suction cup thing goes on the car totally going to put that out there I love Garfield I’ve wed one of those for years here’s something that’s very cool me roll back a little bit here this just the stuff I have close

By I got a keano John Wick metal sign I’m a hang up uh you have to change your life if you’re not happy and wake up if things aren’t going the way you want Little Kiana Reeves quote on there love that um my wife’s mother-in-law got me this this something I’ve wanted for

Years this is a special edition hardcore uh of the James Oar Crow original Crow series which my skin is the crow I’m a huge Crow fan Eric Draven is where I got only Draven from very happy to get that book loved it and then a little something that I order

I bought for myself right after Christmas I got a little money I found this at the bookstore it’s a ke Reeves coloring book look at all the pictures of Keanu that you could color with your keor Rees look at that pimp right there keor re’s coloring

Book clear your mind and meditate on how perfect the world is with Keanu in it allow the Zephyr of his flawlessness world is around you and let him be your Zen right see this one here here’s him typing listen to the clicking of the typewriter Keys as Keanu writes your

Romance filled with mystery Intrigue and passion this one will make the best sellers list it’s hilarious here’s him cooking food it’s a culinary fantasy done right with the chef of your dreams he’ll tempt you with flavor tease you a style and cook up a sizzling evening just for you I found it

Hilarious and I had to have it nothing’s happening why is this not happening the cow I forgot the cow I guess sacrifice a cow oh God uh what are they called what are we using to grab animals in this one um yers that’s what it is I don’t think

I have a cow though Crow goat D me villag villager Sheba Crow starle cat villagers no we have to find a cow oh no this could take up time we only got 20 minutes left we’re definitely not going to get this done you guys want me to do one more

Episode in this next week finish up these two before we jump into Sky Factory 4 or would you rather me just do Sky Factory 4 let me know so I can always start Sky Factory 4 next Sunday Saturday we could do this oh these skeleton horses are

Everywhere I think that’s a glitch with this pack looking for cows and all the wrong play Oh cow come here you all right I got to go kill this cow I forgot about about the cow kill it there was a zebra as well many cool animals in this pack

Lions and tigers and bears oh my uh we are ending at 10 o’clock yes uh we’re closing it I and I apologize for that it’s just after talking all day at work my mouth is killing me right now like said my I had teeth taken out I’ve

Say a lot but not everybody’s been there I had some teeth taken out last week and it’s gotten infected okay my jaw’s very swollen and it hurts so I am going to stop a little early today but I don’t care to do a little bit more of this

Next week if you guys want uh I’m I’m fine doing that here we go cow okay I got purple sparkly there it is now it’s working me grab another one of these real quick I got all this cow stuff I don’t need what is this animal fat okay

It’s eating up the things while we’re waiting I’m trying to set this down that is not how it looked in the picture okay we’re have to figure out why that didn’t work oh there he is he’s a tur come here you and your blizz friends I don’t like any of your friends either

Come here I’m gonna smack you around a fre Essence I got it stop that dven n unkillable you’re messing up a chalk man stop it I think he did in fact maybe mess up my chalk ow how dare you sir is that all of them okay I think that’s all of them I

Got three of freed Essences oh look at maybe fancy I don’t need those don’t need that that that and now we’re done with the Yer okay we’re going to do this we’re going to do the storage and thing here in a second okay let’s finish the one we’re

Doing uh so I need to make impure red chalk oh okay that doesn’t require magic stuff impure red chalk I will need an impure white chalk oh no I’m out of Otherworldly ashes we have to grow a tree I will grow a tree oak oak special oak

Sapling and we’ll put you in there and then I need demon fruit excuse me and then I what’s this that’s Al de modium and then I need uh what is the the other thing bone meal one moment we’re going to get high on demon fruit that one didn’t do it

That one did it we’re high on demon fruit oh crap tree I need your wood let me in here I can see the things it hurts my eyeballs to do that though okay then I need to throw this in here that was a wrong button what did

That do I don’t know how I open that menu oh I threw I threw the wrong thing dusties I did not get a lot of dusties though that’s a problem white chalk padap okay purple Chu am I not oh no I’m making fire chalk sorry impure oh no I cooked it and I

Didn’t need to I got to make more trees okay that’s my fault okay got me again got me again there’s not a lot of wood in these short little trees more dusties didn’t need that extra white chalk I didn’t realize I needed the impure chalk to make the

Thing red Chuck hot demons false advertising but that’s okay and I got an iron ingot for that boy Big Spenders thank you for the massive rewards oh eight oh what was I thinking throw that away put that away put that okay so now we got to figure out the storage thing

So how do you can I use anything to stick them up I don’t feel like that’s true I feel like I need something special let me go back yeah those appear to be stuck on something special but it doesn’t tell me what right those look like other

Stone but what are they’re not a whole block that’s not a square it’s almost like a slab on its side but I don’t think you can put a slab on its side in this pack I will see no no see it’s not yeah that doesn’t so that’s not it so is there something

Here that holds it that’s the whole thing other Stone other stone slab H I mean I guess I could just try other stone blocks but that’s not how they have it built uh other stone g give it more room one two see one two three one two three one two three

Yep now it says 2,176 items can be held so that that definitely worked so any block will probably work there but that’s cool so here we have another inventory system which is not super impossible to do I’m intrigued to know what these buttons do can I just cook stuff

Directly in there hang on let me grab some Cobblestone just on a whim oh wait wait what if I click on that and then put that in there okay that didn’t do anything well I’m not sure what these buttons do but you know still I’ll take it all right so that’s the storage

System side of things and I think that’s probably as far as we’ll go with storage we got 15 minutes left let’s get down to married Crusher the fastest crushing on this side of the Mississippi now if you live on the other side of the Mississippi you might have a better

Crusher I don’t know I need a book of binding merid observe a mared demon and a block of eum okay first FL demon was cool but what if I told you that you could summon a demon that gives you six dust per raw or it crushes that’s probably pretty

Good you’ll need to use fatma’s incentive attraction didn’t isn’t that the one I made isn’t that that one no that’s are there more than one fat I got rid of my book damn it uh crap what’s it called dictionary of spirits okay do a search for dick here I had three of

These I’m on top of things all right Abrams Fatma and cenus oh no I saw we did Abrams oh I haven’t done fat man’s yet this one’s massive I don’t even have a space big enough for that one check that I might to the teleporters okay that might fit up here this batania

Land look at all these skeletal horses okay I might be able to fit this in here see uh well okay that complicates things I think no because it has to have it oh is that fitting oh it just barely fit holy smokems that’s a lot but doable doable okay I think it’s

Doable okay let me grab my chalks I did not cook my chalk I got to go cook my chalk CH okay I forget where this one goes I guess it would help if I stood on it oh this is bees okay I remember that that’s bees sorry I forgotten where that one went

Batan all right so let’s get these done first red red red red red red all oops oh no oh oh hang on I need a chalk brush nope red red red shut up skeleton horses nobody likes you everybody thinks you look funny okay so we got that and then white white

White all the white ones yes I need yellow old yellow new yellow will not do okay excellent excellent okay so we got all those I need four wither skulls okay I need four regular skulls okay wither skulls I don’t think alignment matters that much and then for regular

Skulls all right I need eight candles again we may not have enough candle material one shot Story of My Life hold on a minute let me grab the butcher we’ll go I got to kill an animal with meat what animals have meats see the problem I’m having is these skeleton horses are

Spawning everywhere so I’m not getting any other animals and it’s irritating giraffes do you oh pigs I know pigs do come here you I get some I think I did oh yeah we already learned chickens didn’t I didn’t get any fat that’s disappointing oh there it is found

It look at all these skeleton freaking horses again one of the things about the pack they haven’t fixed yet okay so I need one more candle no I hit him with a butcher knife I was hitting him with a with a butcher knife let me put all those away and one

More candle can hold a candle okay hopefully these other things in the way aren’t going to affect things okay so now I need one of those which is that and then I’m gonna need four of these I think it’s only four I guess we’ll find out okay all right so we did

That you need to use par red white and gold chalk as well as a lot of space yeah I got that part let me find Fat Man’s thing here it is Fat Man’s thing mered Crusher it is for what is this this ritual does not create any

Items oh that’s okay then all right so I need Diamond emerald and eum wait eum how do you get easum eum blocks of course who would not have known that okay but how do I get is it is it minable do I have any e i s I don’t have any

Easum I don’t even know I’ve never come across it that’s interesting no that comes from regular stuff Crusher Spirit Well the crusher will crush it well that’s great but I got to have some before the crusher can crush it trash trash trash still need to have it first still need to have it

First I guess it yeah could be something you only can mine now

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – All The Mods 8 – First Playthrough – Episode 44 – Revisited’, was uploaded by Onlydraven Gaming on 2024-01-09 15:09:07. It has garnered 145 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:01 or 6661 seconds.

This is a playthrough of the Minecraft Modpack All The Mods 8.

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    Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍Video Information फ्री गेमस आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में क्या आप लोगों को भी m के बेड का टेक्सचर बहुत ही बेकार लगता है या या या तो आज मैं आप लोगों के लिए लेकर आया हूं एक ऐसा टेक्सचर पैक जो कि आप लोगों के नॉर्मल बेड को डिजाइन में बदलकर बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्यूटीफुल कर देगा तो वीडियो को एंड तक देखते रहना वरना कुछ भी समझ में नहीं आएगा और अगर चैनल पर नए आए हो तो चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करना और वीडियो को लाइक करना बिल्कुल मत भूलना और… Read More

  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

    PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival - Epic Live Stream!Video Information there [Music] has the stream started yet there it is there we [Music] go cool um anyway C [Music] cow I don’t know if you’re in the Stream yet so I’ll just type it in [Music] there we go burrito burrito burrito oh my God Allison please stop with the burritos I swear to God [Music] well that’s not two of them that’s one of them but that’s fine I can get another one I can get another one uh do I have whe in my invent yeah I don’t think your stream was glitching out while you… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More