Unbelievable gameplay! Chibidoki dominates Minecraft

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I want to go back and like a show yes I want to know to see every day every night for love every every for every day every night for love into the dark of me every time everywhere crazy for love and now my spirit on fire czy

For baby want to leave me alone I know you know the sing song got no respect for love of Flesh and Bone oh baby you blow my mind away 1 3 [Applause] 2 on Fire Baby for you baby get me power get me higher new emotion me do You Name Of be she go to find what you need take see [Applause] Bab Dancing win Dan the DJ Dancing to Feel the 4 3 2 1 two pinned messages and they’re both balls Tat they’re both both of them come on be creative think of something else be creative 777 7777 I’m to get her water out right back going to behave Okay I will be right back okay yes yes understand yes yes yes get water I want to get water activ m Activ [Applause] Iain 777 Milli 7 Checks you’re an idiot you’re stupid [Applause] Be Lu to i s p like that I forgot to get rid of it it’s like the inner tub no I hate ketchup I asked for ranch and they gave me ketchup I was pissed I was pissed Off ketchup is too Sweet oh nugget hates ketchup or I love ketchup it’s my favorite thing in the world actually I was baptized in ketchup I love it dude it’s [Applause] Greatever disting Dr forever we it together I don’t want to believe it The rocks on the Rocks bab you got to keep your life together back on the rocks on the rocksy you got [Applause] forever let’s Go Song’s the Thinger like I love You Baby in my Mindol got it no too best crazy dance Miami mon the best sexy Co of the nation Dany wake you up of the nation and I want to know everyone wake you up of the nation take me home I’ll be the I’m my boy Again hi what do you mean Darkness POG you want the darkness you want it you want to just chill in the boy together you want to chill in the void together do you like Ro chicken I love dude I the rotary chicken at Walmart is only $5

$5 and I get them all the time and I don’t eat the skin I only eat the white meat I don’t eat the legs or the wings I only eat the breasticles it’s so freaking good chy toilet hi good morning the skin is the best no I disagree it’s slimy good morning good

Morning hi what is that pinned message chibi how do you respond to the allegations that you are in fact the Tennessee triple Fister it’s not an allegation it’s an identity it’s an identity brother it’s an identity little bro it’s who I am I fist I prolaps every hole in your mother’s body let’s just say that dude I don’t elbows deep Bro so if you take the skin of the chicken nugget and

The great meat of a bone in chicken is that what you want I like bread like guys okay okay guys guys guys guys guys H me out H me out you want to know why I peel the chicken nuggets because I like the breading with an essence of chicken

I don’t want to eat chicken I like the essence of chicken understand it’s the same reason why when I get a breakfast sandwich I order it with sausage and oh no I microwave a breakfast sandwich and I leave the sausage on and then after it’s cooked I take off the sausage and

Throw it away the bread has an essence of sausage flavor it doesn’t have sausage on it it has the sausage flavor I like bread and I don’t like meat but I like the flavor of meat see what I mean there wasting food [ __ ] you’re wasting your early 20s in my chat shut

The freak up you’re wasting your Prime in this chat room shut the freak up I love you have a good day you’re 31 yes no I’m just kidding I think early 30s are your actual Prime 20s or mid 20s or mid look what I’m doing I do this 5

Hours a day every day for 2 years no 20s or mid help out the scouting the food drive definitely got a good leg workout in though I have to get up at the ungodly hour of 8:45 what’s a full drive are you like a an Uber driver Are you delivering

Food that’s pretty good that’s pretty good walk in she be talking about jackhammering our mom’s walk out what is a jackhammer what a jackhammer what I don’t know what that is yeah hello my cute and handsome homies let’s enjoy another night of filling up each other’s guge kiss me kiss

Me wait whose birthday is it someone said birthday stop winking at me dude really bro you got to be really delusion freaking Wonder Boy 2000 just said stop winking at me this is why you’re single let’s say hypothetically I was winking at you mother Freer and you tell me to stop

[ __ ] dude you’re supposed to be like hey what’s up baby you know what you know what stop winking you we can do about it we I don’t want it pissed off are you pissed what you I do about it you have won the internet fire 100 I saw

This stream and I was like inhales smiley face keep being cool beans fio skid R Ohio so you know so used to be a normal chatter and then he downloaded League of Legends and this is what it does to the mind of our youth it corrupts them it

Corrupts them do not download that game do not download that game it corrupts your brain like he spends a dollar a day to say scoid Riz Ohio a dollar like $2 a day to say that sometimes more sometimes more I’m corrupting people why corrupting anyone I don’t corrupt anyone I’m a good

Little man stop breathing my air stop eating our treats those are stop being pink stop being pink okay wrong button let me tell you so on my other Model Seven no sorry eight turns me brown like brown here on this model it’s a different butet it does something else

CH hi good morning good morning should we have a hat today I was thinking we should wear a silly hat today but I don’t know which one I’m going to pick the first one I see hold up the first one I see why am I not see any am I blind are

You kidding me the one I found it just says chat no I’m not wearing that one that’s not going to get me killed someone’s going to shoot me with a sniper this one okay really dude I didn’t even read what was on it I just picked it pick me pick me there you

Go fine chat do you want the Chad hold up I can give it to you you you can have a little ched look little CH you’re so hands aome look up look do you see it do you feel it look you’re so cute poer oh you look so

Handsome you look so handsome I mean you’d look even better if it was a bag over your head but I mean we can go with the hat for Now cover with that reeding hairline am I right that’s friendly fire bro my hair is falling out dude I

Literally shed like a dog dude it’s really bad I shed more than my dog like literally whenever I brush my hair with a hairbrush like you could like you know like use like you can use like wool to like make like stuffed animals you could like use my hair after one brush through

My hair to make like a little like Pokemon plush hey primis why did you just say balls lick balls lick balls lick and it got denied by automod so I had to see it it got blocked by automod so it got highlighted in Red so I had to read

That so I you made it go okay stop saying scrotum stop saying scrotum I hate it every day the scrotum Army the scrotum Army Rises up and spam scrot in my chat and it gets banned by Auto mod G I wonder why let it be known that every time I

See scrotum in my chat I click allow but twitch keeps blocking it okay pineapple stop saying Scrotum SC SC SC SC scw them screw them God like literally dude I remember like um like some weird things are banned like if you type in chat like I think like gay is a block term or like something about woman is a block term

And I’m like dude I don’t want it to be kick I don’t want it to be kick but like I want to like come on dude come on dude come on we there’s something things you can’t even say erect [ __ ] can you say full chub D wait mil banned I know D is

Allowed mil used to be banned it used to be DAV it than you’re 1 month away from a year how do you feel do you feel dirty do you feel alone how do you feel do you feel cold man I love frogs hey guys look mil do you know what mil stands for

It stands for man I love frogs man I yeah he’s your brother I’m built like him dude all back it’s crazy dude that’s a potato no it’s not it’s not a potato it is a frog it is not a potato Mar and I love Freddy does your mom still think you’re a

Furry it’s more like she believes I’m a so like the thing is because I was just sitting there I was just explaining to my mom for those you who weren’t here for the story time I just came up in conversation don’t ask I explained what

A furry was oh I remember this is your fault this is your fault I was talking about I talking to my mom about coming on my stream and talking and I said they’re going to say weird things about me like I like furries and stuff and she goes oh what’s

A furry aren’t those people who like animals and I’m like kind of but not in a weird way and she’s like oh cuz you’re a furry right and I was like no are you kidding me it’s kind of like when I invited my mom to watch anime

With me and she said no I’m not into hentai when I was like 14 I was watching freaking what is it called the freaking uh norami or whatever I forget what it’s called and bro she’s like n dude I’m not really into the tentac the freaking hentai stuff and I’m like what she

Thinks all anime is porn she does she thinks all of it is porn all of it all of it all of it w take based mom I I was Anon I was not watching smut with my mother how dare you even put that in the air Jesus might have read

That and he’s going to have a lot of questions for me at the Pearly Gates motherfcker that’s not true that’s not sure she did check my YouTube history when I was a kid sign some stuff but that’s different that’s different hi thank you hi you need to talk to okay CH pretend

I’m my mother here hold up I’m going to hold up we’re going to do hi chibi I can’t stick around for the stream today but I hope everyone has fun today thank you pretend on my mother and you’re going to we’re going to practice because she’s going to be

Playing on this be here during the subathon hi everyone my name is um Mama this chick this thing on the screen popped out of my uterus what’s up girl nothing much what’s up with you what does I lost mean guys what does that mean my dick is uncomfortably right what does that mean

I I don’t know what that means because I’m just a mother so what does that mean guys why would you say that did you make her busy okay so I mean in character as my mother yeah I did make her chusy technically she said

That to me bro I was taking a dump she walked in and I said hey don’t look and she said why not I made that sh busy never teach your parents what words mean I’m not even kidding I taught her what iy means and she uses it all the time

All the time it there’s a hole in anything she’s like a dude look at that iy over there dude For you page on Twitch if you follow me from the for you page that means you’re mentally ill that means one of three things you’re lonely your dad left or your green L for therapy one of those three things if you found me from the 4u page and my My Stream was

Recommended to you that means you need to seek help seek God go to church find your dad go play catch make friends get laid have fun find something else in life dude I’m not even kidding mother tricker if I’m recommended to you Jesus Christ hello chibi just got back from a

Choir concert got to love singing Don’t diing Square game today thumbs up oh my God oh my God I just oh my God Mars only the mods know what’s happening right now apparently the number I put in chat is banned so literally everyone is spamming it but it’s getting put

Into you guys are getting flagged for for spamming what the like literally it was like oh my God what the stop putting it hey check today I bought a mushroom cup with a I’m not even kidding guys I said it was a mushro that was just stop chat stop oh my

God it spams my chat likeing Waring Waring I can’t see anything the one message I saw was Pikman are you kidding me that’s the the one freaking sifting through the shot and I get a golden nugget of Pikmin I am a sty what’s your number H seven seven dud that’s my [Applause] Number Hi chibi scouting for food is an annual event started in 1985 by G slack and brings a lot of food to local food banks oh that’s awesome I’ve donated food to food banks before when I was in high school we had food drives and I’d always

Done it a lot because we’d have like a lot of food we like like we like do any other Americans relate to this where like your family goes through a thing chibi’s head is only Globe sized to contain her Globe sized brain she is so smart and cute and just the ideal woman

What please remember to remove this part of the message thank you paid actor service goes a long way I really needed to hear this s skipping that [ __ ] M 10hour ban 10hour ban get him out of here I get him out 10 hour ban ban him for 10

Hours as I was saying has anyone in America got stop kicking I swear to God well basically we’re like Americans are super unhealthy like trust me since I’ve been here for like 10 years oh my God Jesus Christ I mean like it’s just the unhealthiness is so accessible and

Affordable and it’s like you know what I mean like to a degree it’s part of the life you know what I mean well like you go through this point where you’re like oh dude maybe we could be healthy so you get like a lot of like fresh food and

Vegetables right you’re like oh I could do better I could do better and then it all goes bad in a week cuz you forgot about it so then you start getting like Frozen and canned goods and then you forget about them for 3 years and then you donate them to the

Food bank in high school that’s what happened to me every single year every single year every year chat look at me chat don’t look at your numbers remember what’s important balls K you’re actually a pretty healthy American prove it prove prove it right now prove it CH be really could you

Bench press me to run out of breath on the toilet okay yeah but like to be fair we’ve all been on the toilet and like you know like we’ve all been on the toilet and you’re like taking a dump and you think it’s going to be your last

Dump you think it’s going to be your last one you think you’re going to you’re going to you’re going to they’re going to find you dead there they’re going to find you dead there killed over covered and sweat with your freaking pants on the floor across the room we’ve all been there bro

Curling your toes so hard you like scratch up the tiles we’ve all been there dud what is this pull is chibi real yes no only without my medicines and then I’m scared of woman with 65 votes oh make it 68 boom I’m not a woman you think him scared of

You you should be I got gains brother I’m the healthiest American on the man I only get a little bit out of breath when I go upstairs that’s right for an American that’s really good highlight my message hi your mom man do you do you

Want to get a what was it what were you spamming you want the green Eminem to give you a colonoscopy chat’s going to go huh huh even though when he says you guys can’t but when I say it Chi Wasing about a real issue there chat throw all

The things Davey metal Dave metal Davey metal they’re not going to listen sent to you for a $1 donation it’s one it’s $1 it’s $1 what am I your mother I cost more than a dollar the way stands are for food spread to areas all across the us over the Years woman I’ve accepted it okay I’ve accepted it I’ve accepted it I’ll come to peace with it I’ll come I’ve come to peace with it I I I accept it I accepted it which one of the mods did That I want nams I want nams we didn’t meet to undervalue you here’s $2 stop okay I’m stop I am not worth $2 mother frecker dude whatever I’m in the clearance aisle bro mother Freer thank you for the subers AR thank you thank you very much see

That’s a good portion right there see right there that’s a good portion right there not harassing me supporting me in a kind way actually beautiful hello poppy speaking of stinky people poppy is here every God dang it did I had a dream last night I went into a

Forest and I went to like um I remember I was walking around and it was really fun but it was like also like VR chat but VR chat was real like oh my God I had another dream I dreamed on VR chat the other day where like I had a dream

That like VR was like super futuristic and like realistic like you actually like get boot like like your brain gets put in the game and I dream I went to a convention with the you know what I mean and I went there and it was freaking pogers it was actually pogers dude

Imagine did the VR chat should host conventions bro instead of art Booth so you could have nft booths that’d be puggers dude that’d be epic SC thank you like I agree actually I never understood why people in Sword Art Online were depressed dude I would have been poging so freaking hard dude like

Literally like you like like if I put the headset on and I started hearing this if I put if I put the headset on and this started playing dude I’d be like yes yes yes yeah yeah yeah yes yes I’m like [ __ ] woo Bab W you

Know what I mean I’d be like poging dude [ __ ] dude I’d be freaking pogging and I I’d be like dude like I’d rather die in a hype simulation rather than live in a boring one right like like then like like I like listen what are my Alternatives dying of

Uh Cardiac Arrest at the age of 60 after working a 9 to5 for 40 years or do I go die at age 30 while fighting a dragon and making out with a Catgirl oh yeah Easy Choice bro Easy Choice dude easy D easy M you had a dream that you were in

A forest and then you were attacked by a bunch of kids running past you no it’s not the I’m not Michael I’m not Michael I’m not I’m not I’m not Michael you would have to find a headset to fit the big old melon of yours you know the orb in Las Vegas

Doubles is a is a hat for me it’s crazy dude they actually modeled it after my head did I like how I look at chat and the one thing I see is just gay this guy just said gay wow you really are really helping the chat here you’re really

Helping the convers do you wipe or let it crust do you wipe or let it crust like most high value Alpha men I actually shat exclusively in socks all Alpha high value men have a poop sock under their bed to the left every single one mhm it’s true everyone

Freaking out low value man will die alone I will die surrounded by big chested woman you will die alone okay there’s a difference I got a poop sock under my bed and you don’t cry about it yours just to the right I should try that half a year of being bullied by the

Goblin Che down thank you thank you very much do I eat a baked potato like an apple I okay chat is this weird I have never eaten the skin of a potato I peel it like an apple like if I get a baked potato before I cut it I peel the skin

Off like a banana and then I I turn it into mashed tato sound noral omel let do fromage I don’t sound like Dexter I don’t I don’t I don’t Brier thank you Brier Elizabeth is best girl I don’t know who that is dude I had so much fun with Mario RPG actually such

A goated game I love it so much sorry better than Wonder so good freaking love it let the green M andm give me a colonoscopy I 1984 bits dude I’m not even kid I was like feel I was cuz like basically our undertale video on YouTube

Did really well like crazy well and uh and recent videos have been doing really well also so I went on Twitter and I was like thank you guys for all the Love on YouTube recently and then I checked the random statistic from an old video from

Like two months ago and I’m not even kidding it said the The View count for the last 48 hours was not 1,984 viewers I hit my desk and I’m not even kidding I saw it immediately after I posted thank you guys for supporting me on YouTube

Like I’m not like 3 seconds later I’m not even kidding cuz I like to go through like my statistics and L see cuz the the older videos are the less views they get so was a pretty old one so it’s getting very little views

1984 I was fuming and it was like it was like 2:00 in the morning or something I was late at night or something so I couldn’t even get mad about it couldn’t even get mad about it you know how they say all dreams of meanings so what the

Hell does it mean if I drink a gallon of Pepa Bismol in a dream okay I’m an English major do you want give you some BS all right here’s how you get like an a an A in Phil philosophy or anything this is how you BS it bro so you filling

Yourself with Pepto-Bismol represents an emptiness inside of you and you’re so desperate to fill that void with anything something bizarre is pepto bismal anything to make you feel like The Emptiness is gone even though the Pepto bismo will flow through you and it’ll be gone and the void will still be

There it’s a temporary satiation of happiness for you that’s how you get an A bro freaking BS the most freaking water level deepness ever bro literally Bor dude that’s literally how you you like literally an English degree is a joke it’ll be like it was raining outside and the curtains were blue and

Then you have to write a five page essay about how that represents depression what oh my God it’s so irritating or like literally we’ll be reading like literature from like uh like 500 years ago and it’s the worst writing ever the most boring story ever

And we have to pretend like it’s good we have to pretend like oh my God it’s groundbreaking good all of like whoever read like The Green the Green Knight mother Freer the story is so freaking bad it’s literally about a guy who gets challenged by the green light and he

Chops off his head he puts his head back on he’s like I’m going to kill you in a year or whatever unless we play again and it’s like it’s like every woman in that story is only there to either like get her coochie filled or to betray the

Main character it’s the freaking dude I’m not even kidding I cannot freaking stand English degrees I love English but holy crap can we stop worshiping old literature as if it pro provid besides anything to society besides evidence that we are stupid I hate it dude Shakespeare even can’t even stand it so

Freaking boring I’m sorry the stories are mid the plot is mid the writing is mid I don’t like it dude can we read some Modern stuff some Modern beautiful things cuz freaking dude I’m tired cuz I have to freaking lie and suck up to my profession be like oh my God it’s so

Freaking good I mean like it just really shows like how a society there were people of our time who are just so like emotional and so well written and they really know what they’re talking about know the freak they didn’t bro like I hate giving meaning to surface level

Things like okay so the fact that he locked eyes and turned away represents the he it doesn’t Bean anything it’s oh my God anyways I get pissed off dude I’m so glad I dropped off 1984 Leto it’s so irritating cuz 90% of old literature is just about hating woman

Getting laid and Jesus it’s stupid my hay Chiefs currently having a blast right now at Six Flags Over Georgia despite half of hope you’re doing well with day chiby doy love Mother Freer PA socials at Six Flags and donating bits go have fun stop donating chibi explain to me in your own

Words what the author meant when they said the curtains were blue blue waffle don’t Google that I I fell victim to that when I was a kid don’t do it still a better story than modern harim manime honestly debatable honestly debatable at least heram has a cohesive

Idea how about that chaos thank you for the k s but tonight okay never mind die 1984 thank you got try living where Shakespeare was born where was he born thank you what’s your name on thank you thank you very much thank you hold up we have a birthday

Today we have a birthday today it’s my 21st birthday it’s it is time it is time it is time this is the modern 1984 if you are going to post bows of gifts in general please delete them after for the love of God the fact that

I have to make a r about this is Humiliating happy birthday buy happy birthday happy birthday I’m excited for you you’ve lived to be 21 years old that is freaking pogers dude you’re you’re like the oldest person in my chat that’s crazy 21 po 21 happy birthday now give me plans for your birthday today are you going to pop

Off are you going to ult what kind of cake are you going to have what do you want for your birthday what’s 9 + 10 21 you stupid Chad I want to play dead by daylight tomorrow I freaking I’ve been addicted to watching o Dara I always say this

Once once a year I get in dead by daylight for like 2 months and I watch all of his videos and then I get bored of the game don’t touch it and then a year passes and then I go back into it every single year every single he’s the

Only only dead by daylight player I can watch I don’t like anyone else he’s the only cuz he’s nice and he’s funny and he’s just a little guy I love him dude dude and the xenomorph could get it bro I have I have a crush on on on on

Can I show you who I have a crush on can I show you who I have a can I show you who I have a crush on stop saying no stop saying no I really like him the man who invented the the web B file needs to be shant the god having a

Huge birthday party today there’s going to be so much fancy cheese and nice chocolate There’s cheesecake some of has truffles in it awesome dude that’s so cool I’m so glad you’re having an awesome party I don’t really do stuff for my birthday so I love hearing about

Other people I have a crush on him I think he he’s really handsome he he is really handsome I like why are you Ling that guy why that guy that guy’s why you let like three people laughed at me he he has a nice voice and look he has little

Stompers you know chat you want to know I’m just going to play this noise and you can do with this as you will y he’s handsome I like his story and um I like his voice and I like his design smile he’s handsome I need therapy I listen chat

The word keep I don’t know listen D there’s got to be at least one person in chat who understands but like the scarier something is the more attractive it is like you get it right does anyone understand me thank you s thank no no no no no come on so okay smash BL

Wait listen listen to his voice listen to his voice listen he has a nice voice listen listen you should do such things I’m at work so I can’t hear you but I just wanted to say hi imagine watching this with no audio Contex don’t be mean to me while I’m deaf do you

Think this is weirder with the context the image or without the context like listen Do’s voice you shouldn’t do such Things SM SM I love him I also have a crush on the dredge but honestly his mouth looks like a but hole with teeth oh yeah it’s like a British person’s butle just full of teeth look at the D ready for your comedy stream uh okay comedy I see we’re throwing that

Around we’re using that word like it means nothing anymore dude I’m the Amy schwimer of vtubers no no com no comedy again get mov it along brother keep going keep going get out of here oh yes we got a funny unbanned request we did get a funny unban request

Chad I want you to decide if they should get unbanned hold up I want you to decide you are the Council of cringe and you decide if they get banned let me open it real quick pop out sorry it is a little bit complicated to get it to show all

Right is this no almost leaked my entire thing here we go all right chat please let me know if we should unbe this guy all right here we go how do I get it to how do I get it to my other monitor there we go um let’s see Hello chonic the deedge

Hog hey chibi I just edged to your horns timed out for 39 seconds what a weird number nugget why 39 chibi I hate I just edged again to your wings chibi do you give consent to me edging to your horns chibi let me your hor spr it please spr

It please to the cherry on top bam I’m back and also I was suspended and I have learned the way my actions and words have consequences and I got clowned on chiy on Twitter J can I please shoot me in the balls J I don’t want my balls anymore you want them

Motherfucker’s never going to use them of course you don’t want them uh so what do you guys think chat what do we think in here what do we uh what are we thinking boys most sane chapy dokie chatter what the [ __ ] all right well Perma I think

They’re too young for twitch I don’t even think they know what an IP is honestly can I be real with you I don’t even know what an IP is on God I don’t really know what that is it’s like the the is it like your your your your position IP IP internet points

IP hold up what what is IP what is this chat chat Chad look chat look chat look I Googled what is IP and look look you don’t know your IP address I’ll try and dig it up for you look at cute cute I love stupid dog memes cute cute so in IP I don’t know what it

Is really I have multiple routers does that mean I have like a million IPS dude IP in bro chat Spell I cup no the dog isn’t stupid I mean the joke is stupid cuz whenever you reset your router you get a new IP address right right that’s

What you do it right when you get when you reset it you get a new one cuz I that’s why one time I thought my 3D model broke because like my powered went out and like disabled my router and I had like reset it and then it it like

Totally I to like rehook up everything all my programs and cuz like the numbers had changed all of them it was crazy IP is a unique number to your computer can be used to find your Lo oh that’s crazy dude all right my IP starts with the letter eight there you

Go in game don’t ban me I’m kidding or am I it’s my spawn point oh my God it’s like Minecraft coordinates oh guys Buggers I really I really missed like may like is it common for like when you buy internet like they claim like they’ll give you like a m like super fast speed and then it’s always like 40% slower than what they said you’d get every time like they’re like a dude

1,000 megabyte upload or download speed and then I have like 400 on a good day like dude man like what the [ __ ] like 400 is more than enough I’m not really a big Tech person I just need enough to like play games and stream and but you know what I mean like

Sometimes it’s like oh my God my upload speed will go like it says I’m supposed to have 80 but I only ever have 40 and when I sometimes it’ll Dro to like two and it’s like I wish I had good internet no no my internet is not that

Expensive it’s thankfully yeah if it ain’t crashing it’s good enough it goes through like phases of problems you know what I mean it’s the way to scam you to a higher price yeah dude I know I know stay safe everyone I disagree everyone fight to the death right

Now I really what is the like what is like the fancy internet all the rich people use in the rich areas of the of United States the freaking uh where it’s like underground what is that bricks if your penis is capturing a freaking Wi-Fi signal holy crap you’re

Packing if you’re you using that thing is like a like a freaking like a freaking connector Jesus they have fiber that’s like I wish I live lived in a rich part of the USA are you kidding me I literally dude I am so so infinitely jealous of people who live in good

Places in the United States oh my god dude I I like there’s stuff to do there’s no like not as much crime there’s like there’s like you can like dude I hate I I need to get out of here I want to live somewhere with like like

Like safety stuff to do like dude it’s so move to Florida I would rather no no are there good places in the US yes I’ve lived in number before when I was younger absolutely the US isn’t like that bad it just it’s flawed like in different ways is you know what I mean

Everywhere in the world is flawed you know so like America America’s got its own flaws but one of the things I like about America is I do like um the variety of places to live you know what I mean like there’s so much to go go to

Ohio dude does he know does he know Boston Boston Norway is much better dude okay that’s really funny I hate when people are like oh you’re American just freaking go to Norway go to Swedish land okay all right I’m going to move there tomorrow you think I can just get up and

Go all right all right let’s go going to go meet PewDiePie go to Japan dude oh my God all right see you later walks out the door I would love to live I my my dream is to live overseas and uh I used to and just stream on American time you

Know what I mean yeah am I going to do a face reveal no cuz people will refund those their subs if I show this face they’ll they’ll pull out their mommy’s credit card and call their bank and say it was fraud can’t do that yet I will in the future

One day I would love to do like just wear like a face mask like a medical one and do like face cam stuff I would love that you know what I mean show then show your feet once again I hate when people leave in my CH I hate when people talk

In my chat and they’re like show your feet show your feet [ __ ] I don’t have cute girl feet I have like Uncle feet like like they’re like my toes are long and my toenails could cut through like like a freaking bulletproof vest when I walk they like click on the floor

My they’re like waffle Stompers concrete slappers they’re like I got hairy like toe Knuckles bro I could peel a banana with these bad boys did show your Hooves that’s more like it that’s more like it then but no I would love to do IRL content I think it’s pluggers and like I

Always say this but I feel like I’m a vtuber in model sake but I feel like content wise I feel like I don’t really lean into the vtuber stuff very much so I feel like it’d be really cool to like do both because you know what I mean

Like I feel like it’d be really fun why not and uh I just would want to show my face for privacy stuff I don’t care what anyone thinks about me I really don’t care like literally I feel like how like I really don’t care if you find me hot I

Don’t care if you find me ugly really don’t care really don’t care honestly I would be I would be kind of uncomfortable if you found me hot because then that’s when people get weird that’s when they’re like my lady can I lick inside your belly BL and and

I’d be like hey two or three sub maybe Maybe but no um I really like face cam content I think it’s really funny and um I don’t know if I’d be good at it but maybe I could like record a YouTube video for practice and see what it’s like but I don’t know maybe I mean hit

Me up see what happens looking for a sugar daddy hit me up are you super cuz I can be your Mario shut the freak up are you ready cuz I can be your man shut up Mother Freer got that restraining order is every time Raymond pisses me off he just Smiles he’s just

Like I’m I’m I’m my name is rman but I will say this I’ve met like so many YouTubers in person like almost like at all my friends I’ve met in person every single one is attractive every single one there’s not I have I I have not I swear to God out

Of all my friends I have met I have not met an unattractive YouTuber every single one is cute every single one chibi how does it feel being the flattest stuber how does it feel being born for tax benefits at a wedlock Beach Sor that was friendly fire that was an

Accident no I’m not done bad I don’t like like like I’m like I don’t get interested in People based on appearance so like I literally not down bad at all I just support my homies and I think they’re all attractive and I think they’re all very cute like everyone is

Very pretty like um when I went out to dinner with um Joel and the others and Mags literally everyone was so cute dude like everyone is I just want to like everyone is so cute and um much love to everyone I met in person like very cute

Everyone is and to be fair like I find literally everyone beautiful but like I genuinely mean it you’re all so [Applause] cute yeah I love I love um my friends they’re all very cute and um yeah know I I I love platonically shiing for my friends you know what I mean like it’s

Not in a romantic way it’s like a oh dude I freaking love this guy I love this guy you know what I mean like I love having like like like do you guys ever have like a friend crush on someone where you really want to be their friend

But you’re like you know what I mean I have friend crushes on people all the time and I’m like oh I want to be that friend that’s me all the time all the time someone just said nags is hot in my opinion swag is it are you my

Grandma my grandma thinks nags is really hot you know how pissed off I was whenever my grandma was visiting and she’s like so Deary can you show me what the streaming thing you do is I don’t really understand it and I was like okay Grandma all right I’ll show you and I

Was like the Ving stuff is a little bit too complicated so I’ll just show you a normal stream a normal streamer so I’m like let’s see who’s live who’s a face cam streamer oh NAX is live I pull him up full screen him I point at him I’m like that’s my friend

NS he’s live right now and he’s playing games with his viewers and she goes oo he’s a hot one isn’t oh he’s a hot one isn’t he and I’m like and my mom thinks she’s attractive too pisses me off it pisses me off Chi m speaking of nugs have you ever noticed

He looks like an acorn Dil huh Acorn [Applause] Dil what the freak said nag looks like this Dude this guy looks like he walks when he this guy looks like when he walks this sound effect plays look like he’s so cute you know I’ve grown I’ve been trying to get a little bit less scared of bugs cuz I’m terrified of well I used to be like I don’t know if

Like I got lobotomized or something but I used to be like totally totally totally terrified of bugs and then I started streaming and now I’m numb to fear and I’m not afraid of anything anymore besides like I guess being murdered you know what I mean like I

Don’t know why but like the fear is gone I get startled and then it goes away I think I got lobotomized like I don’t feel any fear anymore like ever I think my brain was ripped out and like someone like like suckled it or something you scream at mice no I don’t

They startle me they don’t scare me they scare me or you know social interaction [ __ ] I the last social social interaction I had was freaking we was freaking twitchcon mother she has no shame no fear what about the cutout in your closet okay that’s different motherfcker you see a blond man

Shirtless holding beer staring at you you’re going to scream that’s different [Applause] Out of my get out of my heart baby get out of my head get out of my [Applause] heart nobody nobody Nobody dude this playlist is a banger it has like all my faves in it I love it dude that made me dizzy that made me dizzy Chad today we’re playing Minecraft today and I’m hoping we can we found the ne Fortress last time Chad do my mro mates pay rent oh they

Leave dookies on my desk sometimes I guess that’s them paying lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore green M and mcore coloscopy uncore colonoscopy uncore the only nether you’ll explore what does that mean do you mean like the only nether region I’ll explore mother

Freer oh do I need to make your joke actually funny oh did I oh sorry did you need did you need me you needed me to make it funny huh you need you needed my help I got it bro don’t worry I got you bro I’ll car you there you

Go okay first of all what the freck do you mean by exploring nether regions motherfcker I need a compass I need a compass I need a freaking I need a freaking I need to leave breadcrumbs over my shoulder so I don’t get lost huh huh okay guys guys please don’t

Make playy please I’m so excited for the new trolls movie this guy just said Has anyone seen the new trolls movie you’re a giga chat I love trolls it’s stupid and silly and goofy and I love it the the the animation is incredible it’s just so well it’s well animated it’s

Cute and the third one looks so cute Poppy and Branch get married and they have to find their their their long lost siblings do you have a link to your playlist this playlist is called eurobeat D non-stop selection 200 euro beat I Googled eurobeat mix and clicked it there you go there you

Go than you I’m than of your mom man can we get a huh in chat for your mom man dude for those who don’t know antore 0534 is your mom man on Twitter under like under all of my tweets no matter what I post he replies with your mom like hold

Up every single one of my posts he responds with your mom on and everyone thought he was a bot everyone thought he was a bot he’s a real person he’s a gigachad because at first it was freaking irritating at first I was like Jesus Christ I muted him and the alerts

Were still going through and I was like to a point my hatred became respect I freaking respect the mental illness delusion I I I don’t know what makes you spend every morning of your day responding to all my tweets even responses to other people your mom your

Mom your mom your mom all in caps I really respect it you are a giga CH you have more dedication than anyone in my chat did yeah oh he’s been doing it for over a year freaking love that guy gigachad I was irritated for like a

Month and then I was like you know what all right you’re pretty cool all right he just said I am very mentally ill M really I have no idea probably a B nope it’s a real person it’s a real person all right up should we jump in a Minecraft we’re playing Minecraft today

And we’re going on an adventure in the ne yay most neural typical chippy DOI viewer dude literally chat you know what to say you know what to say you know what to say you know what to say you know what to say let’s play Let’s Play Not Pikman let’s Play Let’s Play wait can I actually Chad I’m actually really mad at you right now as always you guys pin me in any sexy bowser art you see on Twitter including the porn guys I don’t need to see the porn I love you and I hope you have a good

Day I love you and I hope you have a good day but please stop I got tagged in some wonderful Bowser art it was him working out and all sweaty oh yeah so I instantly followed the artist and I was like oh what if they’ve drawn other Bowser stuff

So I scroll through their profile I instantly see a buff elephant man with his penis out uncircumcised unfollowed motherfcker you people suck you people suck I respect the hustle and it was really well drawn it was really well drawn like really like like the the anatomy was

Great I was saring that thing in the eye for like 30 seconds it was really well done you like that stuff shout out to them very good the only reason I unfollowed cuz I would have stayed followed is because I’m a I’m a public figure if people see me following a

Twitter account that draws penis that’s not going to look good for me I already follow a couple and if I follow anymore they’re going to start they’re going to start like calling me out on it like one time I swear to God I’m not even trolling I’m not even

Trolling like on my life I’m not even like I swear I’m not coping like on my life I randomly got gay furry porn in my f in my following page and I was like wait what why is it in my following page so I went to the account and I was following

It a a a like it was called Gay yers only like it was like literally and I was like what what and I’ve been following them for like three months I swear on my left lebia I have never ever ever sought that out sometimes we get curious okay cuz like

Honestly bro sometimes we’ll see like a really weird like drawing and we’ll click on it and we’ll like zoom in and be like huh that gets someone full chub huh huh interesting so what about Sonic the Hedgehog getting inflated to the size of a water balloon gets you going you know

What I mean [ __ ] dude what is there to ponder about fures having sex I mean I guess when their dad left I don’t know what else what question would go through my my head I literally didn’t even look for that okay fire cynical dude I never watched

Him dude when she when she says she’s not a fan booy she’s just a girl God D he’s just getting milk you Dory Dory just said I watch stuff like that sometimes Dory wait I think we’re having a misunderstanding what kind of stuff do you watch Dory

Dory I think something was Lost in Translation Dory what stuff Dory for those you who don’t know he’s Russian I think something got oh gay furry stuff oh never mind you’re a gigachad never mind I thought you were talking about inflation no you’re a gigachad pop off King gigachad never

Mind yeah never mind that’s fine that’s gigachad actually pop off King yeah pop off King am I mod just said same that’s okay yeah that’s no problem D gay for stuff that’s not weird to me that’s fine like dude I I always say that’s not weird because it’s like just cuz I’m not

Into it doesn’t like it’s just weird to me doesn’t mean it’s weird to you you know what I mean that’s fine I love Dory for who he is even if he likes gay furry boys that’s fine I I love that about him that’s another reason to love Dory I just I just want

To study him for science I just want to like peel his peel his Scout back and dissect his brain I love that guy he a kitty [Applause] poty well they have good art three just said well they have good art don’t you don’t need to justify it

All right because can I be real with you I don’t think anyone is doubting that you like gay furry porn like I’m going to be real Dory you literally you literally dress up as thick furry girls in VR chat so I’m pretty sure like we all we all believe it

Yeah I think we believe it don’t worry don’t I sometimes I join V chat with my subs and he’s always like a Hi how are you thanks for the content you make me happy in my darkest the time keep it up even though you’re weird thank you Sonic dude want to know

Something funny I had a friend I had a friend okay I had a friend in middle school and his name was Sonic I won’t give the full username but his name was Sonic and we would play Minecraft PVP stuff together all the time and we were

Friends for like a while and I would always beat him every time every time okay I would always beat him and then one day he randomly said he was like listen chibi I don’t think we can be friends with with me anymore cuz you’re way better at me at than video you’re

Way better than vid you’re way better at video games than me and you never let me win and then he logged off and never spoke to me again again also hi Judy hops motherfcker dude logged off and never spoke to me again I’ve never had that experience being

Better at someone at a video game that means you suck dude if I’m better than you you suck bro you’re bad you’re bad I was like 13 and I was like what the freak dude men sometimes not all men but like you know like the the the weird

Ones when when girls are better at anything to them they get so mad like not you guys cuz you guys are chill but like you like there’s so you know what I mean there are some people that get so mad when girls pop off and ult all over

The place you know what I mean I don’t get it yeah yeah that’s not all men for sure it’s like I would say younger men you know what I mean for me when I see girls who are good at video I used to be a Pik me when

I was a kid if you’re a girl and you grew up like as a girl you’d get it like when back in the day women were taught to hate women men were taught to hate women like when you were a kid you know what I mean like it was like you know

What I mean and so like when I play video games and i’ hear another girl I’d get pissed off cuz I’m like oh great there’s a girl here stay to get me I’m a girl you know what I mean and uh nowadays I’ve outgrown that because I’m not 8 years

Old anymore and now now I hear a girl in the lobby or I see a girl better at video games than me I see a girl popping off I’m like yes yes now I hate them equally just as much as I hate men you know what I mean I

Just hate everyone I really like I don’t discriminate like my hatred NOS no bounce I don’t care you are all hated you know what I mean I’m a girl yeah I’m a girl but no um that’s a weird thing like growing up like it’s you know what I

Mean you hate us okay chat like I only hate you like 40% 40% and I’m a Raymond I hope you change your name one day so you can never talk about it again godang it so we’re wa wait why are you screaming wait why are you screaming what happened why are you

Screaming what happened where are we screaming hey yo Real Talk donkey probably looked like wet cat after getting all up in there underscore how many of you guys remember that how many because I swear to God every like six months you guys bring back a classic old joke that only like three people

Remember and it pisses me off because everyone laughs even though no one gets it except for like two people in the chat room raise your hand if you remember gu just said rut R raggy hey ban that’s banned that’s a baned conversation that’s a baned conversation baned

B all right are you ready Minecraft I forgot to open Minecraft hold up I chat in the meantime have a dance off winner gets a treat winner gets a treat Fugers all right up wait there was an update and it’s going to be like a like a I have to download an update in the meantime create a Gamba of how I will die chat today we we will be doing gambas again I will let you know

We are going to the nether today so a little hint maybe you should choose something like lava or fire or gas or Pigmen understand maybe that’ll help you in the right direction I got one thing to say to you what it’s spelled r a t e By the way

Jesus Christ I she help seven 777 777777777777 77777777777 777777777777 7777777777 7777 7777777777 77 7 7 7777777777777 7777777777777 777 you quadren tilian 777 un quadr gentian 777 quadran 777 nolian 777 Octan 700 77 seinan 777 seinan 777 Quint Regent and 777 7 my wait why you counting down you’re scaring me7 youon 7 you stop SC 7an 777 octo ventian 777 septi 777 sex vinan 777 Queen vinan 777 777 777 777 virin Chan 777 vinan 777 777 OCT 777 sep 777 desan 777 Quin desan 77 desan 7 you hit me with a hamburger

That was your thing you hit me with a hamburger that was your thing that was your thing that’s why you count it down lcore lcore lcore lcore lore lcore lore lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore lore lore lcore lcore lcore lcore lcore lore crashed lcore

Lcore lcore lcore it crashed are you kidding me are crash are you kidding me sh up hello chat no more breaking Chad we’re going to put on some nice music and we’re going to and we’re going to have a nice time okay CH we’re a nice time Hi here me go that’s not relaxing welcome to CH land are you excited to enter CH land welcome to Jurassic penis Yeah oh I’m lagging what the raid is making me lag oh what the fre yo what up hey I generated Minecraft SK oh I know why I know why had it stuck in traffic so to pass time I decided to listen to I off more of my brain cells in the meantime

Anyways go shower you smell like your average Discord M I’m literally in the rain I’m literally in the rain all right up look okay wait I died oh man we need to go get iron all right CH before we go to the nether today oh wait maybe there’s

Some in the in here maybe we left some in there chat dicks Jurassic penis Jurassic penis uncore jurass why does Minecraft do this to you guys penis uncore Jurassic penis Jurassic penis uncore jur jic penis uncore penis my Pi is in the wrong penis Jurassic penis Jurassic penis uncore Jurassic

Penis uncore Jurassic penis uncore Jurassic how do I get it out of my left hand Jurassic penis Jurassic penis uncore Jurassic penis okay mother Freer shut the freak up nothing Jurassic about your penis Jurassic penis uncore Jurassic penis underscore Jurassic penis uncore Jurassic penis uncore can you see Me Chad you need to be more clear let me be clear Chad I want to play more Super Mario RPG it’s sorry my balls popped out I put them back in I want to play that like every day it was so good why are you kicking shut the the freak

Up shut the freak up did I fail no I have not died yet today I’m talking right now little B boy I hate this wood it’s so ugly did my baby boys grow up grow up grow up Pigman Pigman Pigman Pigman there’s a pigman in my house hi are you friendly they’re friendly

Friendly I tell you get to name him what do you want to name him what do you want to name Him hog Frank Boris okay fine his name is Pikmin come here no no no no go in here go in yay you go byby that’s his name only so you shut the flip up understand all right let’s see I think we should get well maybe we actually

Don’t need iron as long as we do not die clueless I think we don’t stop s oh my God stop making you guys Happy is a mistake because you just don’t shut up like I swear serotonin enters your brain and you start hitting the Gritty okay let’s see let’s see so we let’s not bring our diamond pickaxe but we’ll bring a iron pickaxe and we’ll bring the wood and then oh we need food CH okay maybe we should get food what do I need to bring to the ne chop can you

Help me prepare oh we’ll make we’ll just make a stone sword where’s I don’t have any stone at three what I need a pickaxe yes yes what is that what is that oh it’s you shut the freak up all right let’s go get some snackies can I get a mulch nice love

Mulch mulch gang for life I’m a mulch pilled Mulcher are you guys coming to mulch giving oh do you want to hear like my favorite uh Minecraft music literally the best it’s my favorite hold up freaking Pixelmon music is so goated I uh used to be Gym Leaders on Pixelmon

Servers as a kid this stuff is goed dude it’s so good I like was so in the pixel mod as a kid and uh I played it it was the first mod I ever really played and I love it did what is that what is that what is

That W I’ve never seen this before wa I’ve never seen this what is this yo wait cool I I’ve never seen this before CH we found a new land no this is so cool yay sorry I need your flesh c fishing what does that mean This is so freaking cool dude what is this is dude is this like like an abandoned Village I think we went through all of them do we go through this one yeah do you go through this this one yeah dude this is so cool I really

Thought there was going to be like a booby trap or something but it’s like all good there’s there’s no trap it’s it’s legit there’s no traps it’s it’s just loot this is so cool yay no booby traps in this stream shut the freak up wait this is so Cool and we found treasure mops we found three of them and I want to see what curse of Vanishing does curse of Vanishing what do I get from it one treat please oops one treat please one treat please come on come on come on come on are they doing anything mending c l

Cool that was really cool I love that they added a new like building this is poers CH would you go on an adventure with me this music is so nostalgic we could plug all over the please what genre of music is this like beer like isn’t this one like like

People who like beer listen to and they like got their leader hosing on you know what I mean yeah I’m hungry you’re eating me I’m going be real bro the only use you get out of killing me is turning my bones into soup cuz I got no meat on me sorry

Dude this is metal core yeah dude I think this guy’s on the oh yeah freaking this goes hard it’s freaking Metal all right so did I explore everything about the ruins welcome to the underground give us your B did I do you think I explored everything it’s Jazz okay cool Chad I can make you a cookie would you want a cookie would you want a cookie let’s see I think we explored everything

O yeah I don’t think there’s anything we got okay let’s take the chest yeah you’re biting Bers spicy there’s one on the water’s edge oh did we not get this one hello hello hello did I not turn ski hello I had a stroke where am I ah we’re playing Minecraft today hello rers hello I need to go back to my house we’re about to go to the nether you’re

About to see something pogers okay I’m speaking the language of the Gods I’m speaking in italics wait why is that on fire angel thank you Angel and Delta thank you as well okay let’s see come here look child I did you do that Mega question mark is this herob Bryan herob

Brian hero Brian wa where where’s my house oh no I’m lost oh no oh no egg ch I’m lost wait wait I think it’s this way this way I think okay go ruins look for a mountain if I want to look for a mountain I just look up at my [Applause]

Master oh no oh God what what crash the water crash the water you promise no it’s this this way it’s this way karma for what all I did was kill some innocent animals that’s not that’s not evil that’s called a skill issue okay you get to live cuz I let you

Live not cuz I miss okay where’s my house chat tell me which direction to go my hand is in the air I will turn when you say to go after I kill these guys I hate taxes isn’t it true that like you’re supposed to pay your taxes

Like four times a year in like increments isn’t that like the smart way you’re supposed to do it yeah yeah yeah I tried doing that this year and I’m freaking depressed I wish I could tell you how much I have to py it’s freaking horrible dude they always

Say go to America be a woman-owned business pop off be an independent business and then they tax you into the ground like literally they’re like oh you can do it you can do it freaking be an independent girl boss make your own thing and then they literally take like 40% of your

Income the American dream is is literally the American dream is licking the boots of those above you and I freaking love it oh he h brother take my money for Amazon I am an Amazon employee technically so I was born a boot licker when my income tax is over 60%

Dude you real taxes motherucker I just like Yi I have to spend I twitch takes 50% PayPal takes a cut and then the US government of the United States takes a cut as well I end up only keeping like freaking like what like 30% it’s freaking

Bad all right let’s get some wood then we’re going to cook our food and then we’re going to go to bed and then we’re going to go to the nether can you take a cut yeah chat you get paid in uh you get paid in peanuts you get paid in peanuts ah shooting

Blanks tdch tdch okay f B okay go to bed oh God I have a freaking arrow in my foot if only someone could you know my dad the other day we went to like Walmart or something and he found a card and he showed it to

Me and I was laughing so hard it it was um someone’s foot and all swollen and red and it sat on top it said I love you so much I’d pee on you if you got stung by a jellyfish which by the way he showed that to me and we laughed and I

And then I thought I was like mother freer’s a liar mother freer’s a liar because I got stung by jellyfish 2 years ago and all he did was laugh at me so uh really Dad you love me that much mother freaking lived at me dude all he did was

Laugh at me I got stung by jellyfish all over dude I went to like a a beach and they they they they got my my thighs and my legs and my feet n thank you all right here you go we’re going to cook our food shop

Everyone this isn’t a beach this is a f where’s some advice for the nether fortress we need a shield that’s for sure right p on it doesn’t help I know it’s a meme why is one of my stream tags Bowser feet he you really you’re really

Honestly honest to God like in like in a Jesus kind of way you don’t want to know for your mental sake you don’t want to know just Nodge your head watch the Minecraft stream don’t ask questions just don’t look don’t look just freaking L next you’re going

To ask about the furry tag I didn’t add that I keep deleting it and twitch keeps adding It all right are you ready are you ready new chatter are always the meanest to me they come in here being like why why do you have Bowser feet in your tags why do you want to suck Bowser’s toes um I don’t know why do I breathe a same

Reason I Was Born This Way move On okay how do we do treasure mops wait CH gone she gone all right chat I’m about to give Birth I did microwave my uterus with a gaming laptop for like 3 years so that really doesn’t surprise me I don’t know what’s more irritating POG rer or Pikmin I really don’t know it’s a close it’s a close B battle dude Epic Rap Battles back unfortunately hi Epic Rap Battles of History Pikmin

Versus hug Rider so help me God if there’s ever a Pikmin Ridder I think I would actually like stop like should I kill my wait CH can I jump off a roof to reset my hunger and it doesn’t count cuz we’re only level five we don’t really need those levels this doesn’t

Count it doesn’t count it doesn’t count I’m just going to I’m just going to do a flip all right I’m going to do a flip all right it doesn’t count I know what’s going to happen I’m going to jump off and everyone’s going to be like www plus

Points I win I win and then when I say again when I say it again it doesn’t count you’re going to get mad at me okay that’s embarrassing okay okay that’s embarrassing okay come on there we Go stop say w shut the freak up T it didn’t count it doesn’t count it doesn’t C don’t mag at me we had this discussion I know you weren’t listening cuz you were like freaking elbows deep at a craft mac and cheese single serving shut the freak

Up don’t match at me don’t mag at me I told you it doesn’t count okay half of you didn’t even vote for fall you’re just maging for no Reason all right torches good good good good good sticks good good good good good good good good good good good good good good wood good good good good and now I think CH oh shield shield shc with the do no you know there’s an emote for that now no one’s used it yet

No one’s really used it yet I don’t think I don’t know if it works but it’s chibitty toilet yeah I don’t think it works uh 7tv has been not the EM new emotes have not been uploading good good good good good good good good good good good good oh he’s gone stop Stop E RM e what the are you Kidding Cher man no way home here’s what we have to do chat here’s what we have to do we have to go to the nether fortress get everything we need bring it back put it in the chest kill ourselves that’s what we have to do that’s what we have to do understand

Understood operation Operation pogers all right what’s some good we need we need to put on hold up we need to set the moon here we go get [ __ ] here we go yeah here we go all right let me turn it down a little Bit all right we need operation pop off ult all over the place get the Nether wart the blaz blaze rods and get out here we go no I can’t turn it up the the bottle gets deleted here we go entering G isy overdrive okay come on things are

Looking bad maybe if we call Minecraft Master a he can us out all right I I’ll hit him up D I’ll hit him up if I asked him for help in Minecraft he’d probably say like jump off a cliff hi you want to be my friend I just lost

Everything so now I need to make a new life in this new world will you be my friend will you be my friend my name is chibi will you be my friend don’t do not go this way what are you doing there you go k themselves like the last one way I

Misclicked there is something behind you did you live are you okay oh God wa so I’m stuck here now the locals hate me this is not going well bro I like I swear it was an accident press cute all I took a I took a

Dump hi are we chill yeah I I don’t know about that other guy he just jumped off a cliff really I think his mental health was really bad I think yeah go go check on him go check on him yeah go go See here we go here we go I’m surprised his friends don’t hate me I thought they would want me to die but they’re chill up up up up up okay now that we’re close we need to focus and listen we can turn on that’s fine music is fine if it please we need to focus hi

Buddy okay here we go focus focus focus focus focus focus no Pikmin in my brain always feel the same got chat the blame got my vtuber clout Fame going to pop off it’s so loud on my handt it’s so loud I’m not like it’s not even a bit it’s so

Freaking loud on my handt and I like keep hearing things like scratching and like moving not like in my room like the mice but like in game like I hear like okay we need to focus we need to focus we need to focus don’t get scared we

Need to focus okay imagine eating pork in front of the Pigman they probably eat each other oops okay here you go can you hear my space bar okay it’s right over here I hear an Enderman okay up now it is time for us to ult okay you can also hear the mice SP

Me those squeaking is my keyboard it’s really old hello everyone I’m back hi hi hi someone send me the Pikmin and hog rider sound bites and I’ll make Pikmin Rider a thing no do not you think I’d have to add it I’m not going to add it BL get Microsoft King

Hey I’m walking here idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot idiot no you died for not an idiot God dang it okay someone should leak Skrillex say lots I want to see that wangang dude why would you name yourself Predator gaming like I’m sure you play Apex but like come on dude

Like don’t freaking call yourself Predator gaming stop stop stop oh shet dude I like I really it really like it’s so weird like why they call like the highest rank in freaking apex predator like dude come on like come on something else like anything else doesn’t have to be called Predator cuz

Like you’ll notice like on Twitter like it’s not a good look when you’re like a smaller account and you want to flex that you’re like really good at Apex so you put like number one PR # number one predator in your bio like oh dude all right cool he’s number one

Predator ranked number like ranked number seven Predator at a like what the freak there’s a terer list what the freak did you get to get number seven how do I get how did I get down there how did I do it oh this way probably hi excuse me I killed your

Brother I’ll kill you too hi Kitty Pigman Pigman all over the floor Pigman Pigman at the front door Pigman Pigman popping off Pigman okay it should be somewhere somewhere over Here Pig Pigman on the floor Pigman in the sky Pigman Never Say Goodbye Pigman Pigman p pig pig pig what’s that what is that what’s that what is that what is that yo yo wait I died over there maybe my items are oh no I fell into the lava didn’t I just eat

Okay I can make that jump all right let’s did listen to One my feet lock that’s a satisfying samp let’s see if my items are still there do you think they are CH I died right here over there hello hello no it’s not here anymore shut there’s a little baby men

Can I drop on their head no the the items did not despawn I think they fell into lava oh the items only despawn if you touch the chunk for like to get them spawned in I left the the world so they did not despawn you can try I think I would die

Okay it’s up we’re going to make a little entrance all right chat watch this watch this ah ah ah a a what T your T your should we stop watching On Excellent that’s Johnny change okay I’m pissed off I’m destroying it you’re annoying me [Laughter] no Stop I can’t okay ra Johnny Cage okay who the freak are you who what the freak are you doing over There mother Freer all right next Fighting song Here We Go no just want to say I’m glad you didn’t trip down your mom’s leg you’re pretty cool I’m glad they kept me they didn’t know I was cooking in there for a while no get up here get up here two BL with no one for G three I got three I know where another spawner is Boys don’t do it don’t do it [Applause] Don’t fly away don’t fly away don’t do It good job as already create Smile I’m not losing these I’m not I’m not Losing I have an idea I have an idea I have an idea I’ll hit them with the with this oh wait that’s going to destroy it no wait did it work did I killed him but they didn’t drop it isop can I you’re annoying me I’m out of food I’m out of

Food all right well I think our adventure has come to an end well it seems that our adventure has come to an end it is time for us to die and then come back chat it doesn’t count what is that you’re kind of cool again he he cool cool oh God they’re having

Sex they’re friends look they’re friends look at them hi you’re little guy look at them look at them they’re little guys wait what are they call again like wither right wither are they friendly they do not look friendly I want to see if they can do an EP hold up where’ they

Go where did they go where they’re gone they left me guys hey are we Chill are we chill are we are we friends okay we’re going to do a trust exercise okay yeah good job you tried to kill me you tried to kill me wait how should I kill myself should I let him do it it doesn’t count I’m killing myself intentionally it doesn’t count

Goodbye I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry it was an accident it was maybe I should return to the sauce like I need like a poetic way to die I was like thinking about having a speech no that’s not points it doesn’t count it was on purpose TB your head

Gives them a big Target does here is this chibi’s lar provides a large the blaz projectiles can hit this per to deliver their strikes th putting Chi to distinct disadvantage which is what lead to the depletion of your food supplies and eventually to your death we need

Food how poetic lava is red chibi is pink she fell in the nether T I bit my tongue ah Ah I bleeding honestly blood tastes kind of Good I think it tastes pretty good tastes like like pennies you intended to die but you didn’t intend to die way therefore it wasn’t an Intentional in the chat like it tastes like blood it’s good that’s a red flag no I don’t want to like I would not taste anyone else’s blood I only like my blood oh did the mods cancel the Gambo no I enjoy the taste of my own Blood pet the mods they are doing their best even if you do not agree they are nice and they are doing their best it’s all for fun of them you can make something fun they are they’re doing their best and having a good time I didn’t die I killed myself

Poggers okay we have a lot of wood thought about Judy hops all right and now God maybe CH should we make a wait what if we said SC what if we said what if we said what if we said screw the nether and we played Farmville instead and we make a

Farm yeah we can make a farm and we can like plant and like get food and we can make a Hole yeah yeah we can make a farm like right here here right here with the chickens and then we will never run out of food again or should we murder the local animals and eat their skin which one which One or or instead of farming we can get we can bring a bunch of we can get a bunch of animals into a Farm how about that chat you want to do That okay here we go we can make a farm imagine chibi as a boxer I didn’t lose I intentionally got knocked out it doesn’t matter you’re stupid you are literally the person I was making fun of 20 minutes ago where it’s like I’m going to intentionally kill myself and and

Communicate it doesn’t count and there’s going to be someone crying about it it was you you’re the one okay we’re going to make this extra inhumane because I am American it’s only going to be this big we are inhumane eny there we go and we have enough wheat

Okay now we need to get the ARA killed everything though we need to find some animals this way okay CH we need to do like a mating call I’ll go first here’s my Ming call come on can you parkour he will never be poggers come on come

On your cat got scared what do you mean okay go balls balls come to the ball Dimension my child I’m going to get you laid and I’m going to eat your children and then I’m going to eat the Hideous incest baby that comes out of you come

On come on come on get your tus in there come on get your TUS in there thank you that’s Minecraft though did you know when The Lion King so you know how lion herds what was that what was that what was that I thought that was a

Cow did you know in the LI lion King the lions in real life there’s one male and then like a million females so it’s like a harm right well in The Lion King like all of them are like dating their siblings and stuff and now like I can’t

Watch it cuz I just think of that yeah it’s true they’re like dating and like getting with like all their like brothers and yeah that’s nature I guess but I’m like ah PRP got to go watch it yeah fact check me yeah that’s it’s in NE in nature

That’s just nature though the animals do not understand they’re just poing all over the place you know what I mean yeah I needed more things wait did I kill a sheep wait I killed it oh I was an autopilot lucky number s chib doy celebrate thirst for

Blood all animals knows how to come in Grass okay so you probably weren’t allowed to have small pets as a kid I can tell hello sheep sheep I wish there were goats in Minecraft I like coats more than sheep hello hello wao oh we’ve already been there let’s go to

Bed they need to add monkeys why are there no monkeys one thing I’m irritated with Minecraft is that like they so basically they used they were going to add fireflies but they removed them because apparently like frogs eating fireflies is like deadly to them and they don’t want to like spread

Misinformation and stuff mother frecker you know what else is deadly slicing a sheep open with a freaking sword mother Freer like dude I want fireflies I want fireflies you know what I need that cool no cuz and they were really pretty and they deleted them frogs don’t play Minecraft um I

Disagree I had a pet frog once his name was pink and he was fat why would they need monkeys you’re already Playing don’t L out it’s so mid yeah monkey L what if I get a sheep in a boat Austin thank you Austin banana banana I FR she Sheep get up sheep sheep what’s that what’s That oh this is it’s the same one it’s the same one someone said it was booby trapped but it’s not chat like you actually made me nervous I thought it was going to [Laughter] Explode why did you she can sword it oh yeah you just wanted to say booby okay dude all right you can say booby once you’re going to be disappointed see what about Jola W thank you thank you m monkey Monkeys why are all the animals hiding from me it’s like woman dude they smell me before they see me and they go into Hiding chicken Pig you know I actually don’t know how to snort I literally cannot snort that’s me trying to say I don’t know how to do It actually this might be enough oh no I don’t know if that’s enough sheep sheep she po po H H come on come on you’re going to create incest babies that will scare God back into heaven come on come on it’s going to take a while come on come on come on

Egg come on come on come on come on all right Chad which one you tag yourself as a sheep come on come on come on come on all you got to F come on on stinker come on I love grass minus the G come on we’re almost there we’re almost There come on okay you things are pissing me off off can you hurry it up please come on come on stop beyblading come On we’re almost there this way come on come on I I always call now we’re St there to they Care this is where you want to be I don’t get come on come on come on stop cockers stop come on oh my God come on stop stop stop stop it stop stop stop come on are you kidding me are are you kid are you kidding me are you kidding are

You kidding come On come on okay I’m building a bridge mother freckers I always cers come on guys come on good boy good boy yeah 1987 got On ready come on Hey another sheep another friend another one I just don’t get it why do you want to say by Night ready Come on come on it’s a long walk I’m going to turn you into into into my new bed come on come on come on come on stop having sex thank you I am their Jesus so they will listen to me come on come on there you go this Way come on my children come on my children where’s number four where’s number four mother Freer get up this way this way come On oh did I walk past it I did this way guys good boys five night at Fredy it’s this where you want to be I just don’t get it why do you want to stay I got that pry this pretty one to be I just don’t get It he shbi here is a joke what did the CH say when he realized he was a cop I am one of the BS stop no sucking each other off come on come on wi number four WI come on come on stinky sheep come come this way come number four wait what come

On What stop guys guys guys guys guys come On come on come on we’re taking this way come on everyone single File one two okay guys come on guys guys come on guys are you kidding me okay just leave them they’re lost cause come on are you kidding me thank you thank you thank you they’re making a penis what kind of sex move is this dude what the freak are they

Doing they’re making a sheep penis come on thank you guys come on we still have so long to go come on guys come on everyone do not fall down the water this way no no no no no no No no no hey don’t the water [ __ ] the water stop stop stop stop stop do not go in the water on I’m going to die guys come on stop goofing around stop going in the water stop guys come on we already lost two of you where are you

Going okay we need to walk over the water everyone over no no no no okay everyone come on guys over the Water over the water everyone everyone over the water this way this way on the bridge get job do not no no no no no no no no on the bridge on the bridge on the bridge on the bridge good job good job good job good job come

On no no oh we could have just mcraft moment in a while seeing the Sheep slowly float away as you’re screaming is Peak com come on where’s my house wait I don’t know what wait where’s my house is it this way is it this way is it this is it this

Way yeah oh this is piss Mountain for when I get lost it doesn’t really help but a little bit friend said yes so I’m assuming that’s the wrong way come on chibi I think you’re lost come on Guys stop stop it’s okay I got him I got him I got him I got him I got it’s okay they Liv this way maybe come on up this up this no no No That one still Going guys stop it’s not funny you need to come to my house so I can Slaughter and skin you alive come on guys I I think it’s this way so we can take the water down look come on and then they don’t take the water and then they don’t take the

Water are you kidding me come on everyone this way what the is that where [Applause] a the water helped the water saved me but the my sheep are gone sheep sheep I think they are on the L okay I’m just going to go home and then I’ll come back free the Sheep I

Need to go home I need to go home where’s my home where’s my home is it up here I think it’s up here I think it’s over here I think it’s up this mountain I swear to God if there’s a sheep here and my house is up here I’m

Going to lose my mind if my house is here and that sheep was there the whole time I’m going to be pissed the Freak off okay good my house is not here where the freak is my House it has to be on that mod than I thought all right I’m going back to piss Mountain chibi is this your first time playing Minecraft let’s play the water penis the water Penis this guy just said W plus points balls kick I can’t let’s go to bed I’m going to clip that clip off your first skin and use it as a freaking scrunchy [ __ ] shut the freak up and there’s a pig here the whole time don’t that’s my dinner

Motherfcker where did I die you’re telling me I was 10 ft away from my house that entire time all right let’s follow the water spout that’s where I died this way I think no no not this way I was going the opposite direction of where I needed to go are you kidding me

I literally had to go the opposite way hey motherfcker where did I die what did I die of again oh fall damage I died in a tree or something right like at a tree likeit Here I don’t remember where I died chy to remember I I don’t know I had a lot of food where did I die next Mountain oh that one okay on top of a on top of a tree okay if you made money during that gamble you’re getting banned oh here no

Here no here here here no no hello hello screw them screw down no I didn’t die from the tower did I did that kill me I already blacked out I already forgot you’re telling me this dirt Tower killed me wait so I actually killed myself really I jumped off this and

Died that’s what killed me I don’t think you’re right I don’t think you’re right because there’s no items here none there none there I think you’re wrong and stupid right CH where did I die do you remember I landed on a tree well I no idea Dragon

It’s almost like we’ve said that seven times oh my god look towards the mountain this way this way this way yeah yeah yeah yeah okay find the birch tree shut the flip up for I’m popping off in Minecraft dude hello hold let’s put on some music

For the Raiders cuz it’s like silent cuz I’m I’m angry right now hold up there you go you can get some undertale music cuz I’m a freaking virgin there you go there you go hi I think it’s watch the what were you up to today L hello L what

We up to today so I just got the numbers chibi approximately 28,000 cans of food were donated to the local food pantry and I ate them All G fireflies are in the game you just need to beehive and set it on fire actually I’m down to try it but oh my God I forgot my nether my my portal is busted yeah that’s kind of fogers I thought they I read on Twitter that they

Deleted them but hello rers did you have a nice time with lime there lime eat beans on toast I need to know wait when the freak did you get what the freak are you doing here how did you get this is your family I killed them how are

You I have a carrot for you I have a carrot for you will you be my friend come on yay come on Come on C get in there Brother come on get in y I did it sent it to the nether maybe I can put a chicken in the nether oh a shut suddenly suddenly this game has morals with babies suddenly I can’t put them in the nether are you kidding me

What he’s not allowed where are you going no one loves you your parents are dead I’m going to eat them why what like why does it suddenly have a moral compass we really did not get that much food I thought we had a lot more wait where’s all my

Chicken oh I didn’t pick up the chicken oh it’s in the how’s the farm going I’m farming chat pretty good pays the bills you know what I mean I wish there was a meat tree chat should I one in chat if I should go get my freaking sheep two if I should just

Jump off a bridge and G I need the Sheep Dude all Right [Applause] Wonder wonder wonder wonder water water water sheep sheep Sheep did you go all the way down the slip and slide motherfcker I swear to God where did they go oh there’s one he’s still in the water come on where are you going come On come on you can do it you can do it come on yes come on I’ll just take one of you I’m desperate come On come On Oh my God oh my God oh my God come on come on come on come on yes yes yes no no no yes yes Yes yes come on come on come on come on come on yes yes come on come on Raiders this has been like a 2hour ordeal come on come on no water no water yes this way come on my child you will create a [Applause] hor hey chibi do you know the story of

Sir Adrien carton the Wyatt you should ask your dad come On why we have a good day wait come on come on mosquitoes in my ear be like Like can I get a poger yay Pogers yay pogers poers poers poers poers no no no no no poker poker poers po no no piggy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on in in no in pigy come on come on come on come on biggy come on carrots delicious carrot

Get down the block you want the carrot you want the carrot delicious carrot so good you like the carrot oh yeah you like it get in there I did it y Y yo yo and now we can Farm them and now we can Farm them CH I did it I made a farm trigger excuse me me you guys can uh have sex as well pop off plugers all right a baby has popped out chck we’re getting closer to having sustainable fool it yeah

Y okay do you think we have enough food to try again shop we might need to go mining for iron no no no we have tools at the thing we can bring Stone oh we don’t have any stone we need to mine some all right I’m going to mine some

Stone I’m using a diamond pickaxe on dirt how does that make you feel pro has more diamonds and stone shut the freak Up here we go you feel nothing what if I punch you in the balls I bet you’d feel something there Checkmate why do I have a hoe just never I’ve never heard that dilemma before 34 5 6 7 8 9 there you go okay here we go oh wait I’m so far Down CH how many how many blaze rods do I need do you think how many is three enough hypothetically hypothetically is that enough would I be POG ultimate if I only had 10 I mean three I need five okay okay we can do five on the carrot that’s my favorite carrot I

Cannot let it die why no armor wait you could Farm obsidian like this right huh you can Farm it cool here we go boys why no armor because I don’t need any I only die cuz of I’m an idiot and mobs never kill me here we

Go I I don’t need armor I’m good if another hi chibi and chat I hope everyone’s doing well tonight hi ghost welcome back buddy how you doing today okay oh I forgot about glow stone should we grab some we should build a house I still don’t have a house I keep for

Gloring CH guess what I had for wait I forgot I have coffee I have not really had caffeine today okay wait no one voted I die by blaz I I could do the funniest thing who gurgles coffee your mother gurgles something Else wa Parkour excuse me okay hi hello Bliss welcome we’re trying to find another Fortress well we found it we’re trying to get blaze rods it’s kind of far away hi I like slimes they look like they’re happy you know what I mean no no no no stop I swear if he land on my

Head I swear if you land wait where where does this go does it go the oh my God I did the same thing as last time this is a fake path I invented on accident Oops Best undertale song Did [Applause] doie likes CA chiy doie likes CA the memory card is full chiy doie likes CA chippy doie likes CA chiy doie likes CA the memory card is full oh chiy doie likes camera but chiy doie likes camera but chiy doie likes camera but the M card Is I love this song it’s so good like the way like the emotion in it is Insane this might be your new favorite song dude you need to play undertale it’s so freaking good entering gy Overdrive here’s the best Part that’s my favorite Part oh no this is the best Part I’ve listened to the song for like four hours I love I’m just going to get rid of these for an unrelated reason I’m going to get the flowers out of my inventory just going to just going to leave those going to leave those just going to

Leave just going to drop those out of my inventory all right here we Go [Applause] [Laughter] it’s this way Remember ah my Atus wait it’s not this way oh This you know for some reason for some reason This song reminds me of this song I don’t know why but it reminds me like something in it reminds me of this one it’s got the same energy to [Applause] Me okay this is why I didn’t bring any Armor here we Go you dropped Something why is one of the tag stop asking about the Bowser feet tag guys They’re not dropping Any I listen to the song in middle school I was a big Vocaloid the next game B mother Freaker’s cheating dude check his PC Ah that guy just tickled my paint he took his sword shoved it up my anus freaking dissected my insides [ __ ] gave me a colonoscopy with a freaking sword dude I guess we’re speed running here we go never mind I’m sleepy get back to you in the morning wait no one voted for

W he chibi what was that about mobs not killing you I said that’s why no you okay I said I don’t need armor because on the way there I wasn’t going to die to mobs on the way there there did I die to mobs no thanks for the dollar idiot just kidding thank

You all right we need iron for a sword a shield cuz that thing was almost dead brother here we Go oh my God I sound like a Minecraft song zombie what the freak I’m going start it over my PC can’t play Minecraft it’s too weak that’s sad this game like is like well to be fair I grew up playing this game on like I’m not even getting 12 FPS so uh been

There dude I’ve been there all right I guess we’re speed running boys H is there a quicker way to get to the mother freaking nether what if I like um built another portal at the nether fortress would that be a good thing I’m going to try That I’m going to do that I’m going to PG no I know come have somewhere else but I’ll just put my bed there dum dum OMG you do produtions yeah I do do Productions yeah I was a Minecraft iOS gamer as a kid as well but I I Minecraft

And what was your first PC game my first PC game was uh Binding of Isaac Wait it takes eight times longer in the Overworld to get there so it takes 15 minutes in the nether so in the Overworld it would take oh my God like 2 hours I know I only need it obsidian so I take 8 hours that’s stupid dude God dang

It yep but it would take like 2 hours I’m really impatient dude what am I doing we’re getting nether uh sorry obsidian to build another portal but now I don’t think it’s even going to freaking work the nether is in fact a shortcut I didn’t know that nice pickaxe thank

You does she know You I was CH you can’t get mad at me I was looking at you I was looking at you I was looking at you fro blind here I’ll play without my glasses I’ll play without my they’re off I took I can’t see anything God if you

Want to know what it’s like having bad Vision it’s like opening your eyes underwater holy crap oh my God this is weird this is weird it’s boring I tried to save money for a new PC to I can’t see you I don’t know where my money goes I’m a pink blob

I can’t see anything I can oh God oh God what am I looking at oh God a what the fre iron iron iron chicken chicken in the furnace a oh carrot I can’t see anything wait we can go breed our our our our Food make bib make Bibb yeah CH I can’t see you you’re old for you’ve never looked better [Applause] chat all right should we go and get our stuff well maybe chat so the stuff won’t I’m putting my glasses back on hi I see you I can see you now hi if you’re blind

Then you can stop my donation from saying Bowser rubbing his wet busy across the bathroom tile snail okay CH should I get some iron we’re running off wait do we have any in the nether maybe we do oh the Waluigi Waluigi obsidian block no we don’t have any all right CH let’s

Look for a little bit of iron I should get more Diamond really but I you think so really I don’t know dud I think I have Enough all Right we’re going to go mining for a little bit of iron okay CH okay no evental we talked about this earlier if the chunk is not loading they do not start Des they do not start despawning so we have as much time as I want at the moment right so at least that’s how it worked when I Played I have not died yet today right chat smile smile smile my wife Baby what the freak screw this I’m going in the straight line smell you later no I didn’t die yet today right chat sniper Monkey here we go are you on a server yeah do you want to join all you have to do is type poopy butthole in the chat and I’ll let you join it’s all it takes one poopy Ball iron iron iron iron and we’ll get some cool as well hi cute welcome nice to see you all right you got well CH guess what we’re doing a on for uh the gifted sub discount in December mother frea we will have a sub only Minecraft server

Open so if you want to play be a sub in December bro and I will play on it all the time like during the subon it might be the main thing I do is play Minecraft with you guys and we’re going to have building competitions as well so it’ll be like

I’ll give you guys a theme it’ll be like Chipman or like a community meme I’ll give the winner like a 100 bucks or something like in gift cards or something cuz I’ve decided like if I do cash giveaways I’m going to do gift cards I think that’s a lot better I

Think it’s a lot easier you know what I mean isas busy you’re going to build a wooden penis Church all right that’s fine do it like steam gift cards it’ll probably be I’ll probably give you like an option like Amazon steam iTunes whatever you want just something that I’m okay with you

Know what I mean leave me the flip alone stop iron iron Olive dude I could give you $100 Olive G Garden gift card I could I don’t mind that’s funny uh how about this and the winner we can interview them we can get them on stream ask them about their

Bild yep that’s probably how the car we out of f what is wrong with me what is wrong with me don’t answer don’t answer not answer where’s the iron oh my God the Thunder the Thunder and the Pikmin bro Jesus Christ all right I’m leaving dude 59 IR that’s enough for now I’m scared Dude iron oh wa I didn’t Far iive Garden is Bland but if you want it I I love you that’s okay you can I love you and your flaw chat it’s bland sorry chat challenges you to a burp ble burp louder than us and you win easy I burp all the time all right let’s leave let chat

Let’s make like a treat what the fck oh my god dude literally we’ve got experience as a vtuber holy crap one thing you know what a weird thing that happens as a content creator that I don’t like let’s say I’m hanging out with my mods at a convention and someone

Recognizes me they just follow me around the convention and then like a posy forms behind me and I’m like dude no offense but I don’t know you why the freak I going to walk you like a dog it’s weird it’s well like no it’s not if it’s

A regular that’s whatever but like it’s like people like I’ve never spoken to and it’s like I need to know you you want to know how I how I get away from it I pull one of my mods and I’m like hey let’s go let’s run away and then we just run

Away literally so what I do is like go Gra B okay want to go want to run away and we just like we literally point a different direction duck and go through the crowd and go the other way it works every time I just run away I’m not sharing it works every

Time I did that with hi I love hi she’s my budy okay byebye we got McNuggets can I have the Skin got 20 arm CH that’s pretty good I think we did pretty good our CH what music do you want to listen to now I’ll let you pick I picked virgin undertale music now you get to pick chop what do you want to listen to oh there’s Nintendo Music Stop don’t embarrass me please please don’t tell me you bought the Bowser thing please I don’t want that to pop up please please I’m not even kidding please please oh God oh God he’s getting there.com oh no please don’t stop [ __ ] Tia sentv thr.com Build a sent v.com Destroyer you only buy me things when there’s something embarrassing on there you always wait can I adopt you till the sentv thr.com oh wait Destroyer thank you I actually really need a new keyboard because this one is from 5 years ago and it it’s

Missing a key and it’s and when I press the space bar it squeaks do you hear it dude Destroyer thank you I really appreciate it I shouldn’t have gotten a white one though cuz it’s going to be St this guy said can you adopt me um sorry if your own

Parents don’t love you I don’t think I can love you either sorry dude sorry I already have too many kids look how many I have in chat dude that’s way too many I can’t take on another child would I make I think I’d be a good parent I’ve never cleaned my keyboard

I’ve never cleaned a keyboard before one time I licked a Q-tip and like rubbed like all over the dirt I’d make a good par I would I would thank you that Nintendo brand realistic life siiz Plug and Play Bowser bow princess bed companion purchased via thr.com What what do you gain out of lying what do you gain out of lying that’s not real that’s not real that’s not real what why is there Cobblestone all over the floor it’s there’s some there’s some here too oh it’s a hole I don’t remember putting it there dig

Down it looks like I I pillared out of the floor what D thank you forwards you’re so sweet okay CH how can I be more effective with killing the flame people what could I do better maybe a bone arrow.com TAA let’s see maybe a bone arrow diamond sword you think as long as

You’re saying you’re a good parent and not in Minecraft I believe you do you like my sword so my diamond sword you cannot AFF my diamond sword okay I feel like I feel like a millennial never mind o yikes I feel like a millennial man hearing this stuff

Back oh man that’s pretty cringe all right never mind my bad guys scrap that delete it cut it out never mind oh yuck that feels ah man I feel like I just said ooh AO taco doggo oh God I feel like oh God I feel like a boomer oh

God I didn’t even grow up with that song I just think it’s funny God dang it God dang it what what oh I grew up with Diggy Diggy Hole and the M like like other Minecraft covers not that though play Safety Torch match I didn’t like that one I like

Nugget biscuit the best let’s see wait where’s on my phone oh it’s in the nether okay chat here we go it is is time it is time for us to embark on a journey you know what I have confidence watch this wait I’ll eat this is this bad for you I’m stinky I’m

Stinky this guy said f all Furies I mean if you want to bang Furies that’s fine just just don’t tell me about it said f all 3es I mean I doubt you could pleasure them but you can try need to hear the wind Bros version of Diggy Diggy

Hold why do I keep getting stinky come on stop stop I’m stinky how long it last for 30 seconds all right let’s see I think we’re good to go chat she doesn’t know what what don’t I know what don’t I know stop you’re scaring me you’re scaring me don’t call me Stinky

Dinky here we Go it’s okay to old I say this all the time I like that my viewers um very in age I think we have like very different experiences and I think that’s Cool you know what I mean like I think it’s really cool that like you you you’re like an old man yet you still hang out with me that’s poggers yeah can you tell me what what um it was like watching TV in black and white was it

Like ah I like that toot what was it like when they invented the wheel you’re only 24 okay remove the only you’re old dude you’re old this guy’s coping can we to cop him in the chat I’m only 24 he says with his hands shaking while he pours some juice

And he’s got arthritis he guys hearing Aiden okay I’m not creeped up by old people I don’t like honestly I’m more creep thought by children that I am old people not going to lie kids are freaking weird one time I went uh one time in high

School I was 18 at the time I went p pting and a group of like five 12-year-old boys all blond hair blue-eyed little guys walked up to me and they all asked for my number and I looked at them I said what you looking for a babysitter and they got pissed bro

They just left but they were like four for two looking I get your number can one of us get your number you want a babyit Bro Look forgot 18 I think I was 17 at the time but like dude what the freak am I supposed to

Say N is a furry I love you mat have a good day you want my number all right write this down one wait Minecraft music is playing one two they thought you were the same man AG they thought you were their age shut up you mother freaking single brained organisms you freaking idiot shut the freak up [ __ ] was shaking in excitement typing that Dono out dude don’t say hi of M let’s go first of all people think I’m 16

That’s to the age I always get 15 or 16 Vegas I got ID like every 5 Seconds constantly and um well I don’t think it how I wear a face mask the whole time so they couldn’t see my face I’m just petite it’s not like I don’t look like

An 8-year-old I’m just petite so and like I I guess I carry myself in like a younger way you know like thr.com life siiz Bowser doll with toes and 12 in long gay okay yeah that one’s real thanks I actually already have that I just wanted to back up thanks shout out

To [ __ ] thank you bro thank you bro dud I literally am so sad because I found a keychain I really wanted on Etsy it was a Bowser all tied up in rope and I freaking wanted it dude but my mom goes through my mail on accident every time I get really annoyed

With her cuz I’m like dude read the name on the package if it says chibi it’s me if it says your name it’s you don’t open my garbage bro I’ve had to like dude I literally Jesus Christ I can never order anything dude I I literally everything orders

Bowser related and she always sees all of it it’s so embarrassing so if you buy me something my mom sees it every time every time every time I also God dang it did oh I got carded at a Hello Kitty cafe I feel you bro she shouldn’t be invading your

Privacy it’s not that it’s an accident I don’t take it personally chat here we go Earth thank you Earth thank you Earth I’m not going the wrong way I’m going the right way SEL I’m going the right way Earth Earth is there a PO a poo box I don’t have a poo

Box I think I might get one one day but I don’t know like I don’t want you guys to send me stuff because like first of all this music is so loud I don’t want you to send me anything like expensive or anything like that and I really don’t

Want a pipe bomb can you join me yeah okay so if you want to join to get the IP it’s exclamation point I like penis no spaces submitted and the IP will pop up get this music dude Jesus Christ I didn’t pick that code sorry if it’s

Weird I did a random generator and that’s what it gave me dude this is so Loud exclamation Mary like beis I mean good job that’s the gold Hell CH I knew I heard something I knew it I swear to God I heard I heard walking that would have been that could have been bad dude that could have been real bad this way we don’t have any gold on us I got Diamond you peasants little piss boy with his piss

Pants I know oh he scared of me wait why is he scared of me wait why is he is it the stink wait me wait Mee why are you not getting the IP is the code not working why is he scared of me wait what is it the

Stink oh my god get the freak away from me till devia thr.com sexy Pikmin statue with sound effects huge Bongo okay that’s fake that’s fake that is fakeness that’s not real Chad I know you’re smart enough not why are they scared of me what the [ __ ]

Why are they Frid of me is it the smell I don’t understand right there it is oh this is the wrong way oops see it didn’t despawn silly goose see it stays silly everything stays right where you left it everything STS can you Spa dude I killed seven and they’ve

Dropped none all right I think we need to bring back some Hype music here we go boys here we go let’s see let’s see here we [Applause] Go I’m a wi I’m the power to fight the One Drops in the hole are you kidding Me come On I can’t reach You come on On come on can’t hit me can hit me come on oh there’s a chest plate down there Stop go to get SE Smile 15 minute walk incoming shut the freak up no one loves you no one loves you no one loves you 15 minute walk wait none of you half of you most people didn’t vote for Blaze you’re so stupid you deserve to be poor are you kidding Me you’re so stupid our goal is to get blaze rods and we keep dying to blaze and you didn’t vote for Blaze this you deserve to lose your money F in the chat you deserve it you deserve it your streams are always so H much

Love you know what maybe we’ll win if we set the mood with a little bit of a some NPC I music D cuz I I am an NPC at this point might as well might as well set the mood don’t freaking alien dance don’t no you’re not allowed to enjoy the stop no

You’re not allowed to enjoy the music no no no you you you’re going to suffer with me you literally dude I hate streaming Minecraft dude because it’s literally dying simulator and you guys sit here and watch all of it it’s I’m a little cow when I play this game I’m

Actually going to try and not die this time why did I hear some go wait I thought that was another Fortress I was like was it right there the whole time no [Applause] watch This watch This I bet I got a lot of nerds to vote for gas there they just got farmed I bet I bet little little Jimmy just rush to the freaking bet 10,000 points on gas right there little Jimmy just bet $10,000 on freaking gas nope get scammed

Nerd they’re Pigmen not pig man Chad I want to play Super Mario RPG again so badly like I feel like I could play that game for 10 hours it’s like so low energy because it’s just so fun to play you know like some games you have to

Compensate to make it fun I love it so what but should we play should we play it tomorrow or should we do it next week it was so good Pikmin cuz I was thinking maybe tomorrow we could do dead by daylight I don’t know well the thing is like I don’t know

Like I don’t want to play it too much for the people who don’t enjoy it cuz I get it you know what I mean you know what I mean but I love it I really want to play as Princess Peach she’s my favorite video game character

Of all time like I love I literally DIY my hair blonde cuz of her did I literally destroy get out of my hole Pikmin get out get out of my hole get out kill Pikman what is this a raccoon in a butth hole get the freck out

Bowser’s left the chat he’s been calm for a long time I like dead by daylight but I’m really bad at it as long as you guys enjoy watching me play it I don’t mind being Bad I’m a little bit uh traumatized though because the last time we streamed dead by daylight a sniper got in the lobby and told me to follow him and I followed him and then he pointed at me and then pointed at garbage and then we both died he called me garbage and then

We both died playing Super Mario RPG nonstop I’m in the final dungeon poggers and I was like maybe he was trying to communicate something we were trying to like break it down and then he joined my chat and was like no I’m that was my little brother he was just

Calling you garbage I was the other guy in the lobby I was so piss pissed off oh bull you’re so sweet bull bull I need more people like you in the chat room less spamming balls more saying nice things about me and inflating my head with an ego that’s what I

Need CH am I going to starve to death bows Lima bows she be so cool can someone edit you know that Meme where it’s like I’m at the bean store buying beans and then like two people reach for it at the same time and he looks up hat make spell

I I see you P oh you I may have Overreacted Shut no Dodge he a Dodge I hate seeing that prediction result Banner it pisses me off every time I die prediction to she fell to her death bers shut the fak Up chat do you want to hear the the song that got me into electric music hold up I was just think what is it called what is it what is it it was which one not that one not that one I W okay this one if you recognize

What game this is from you’re progress this I would listen to all the time I would listen to this when I was 11 years old if you recognize what this is from you’re you’re pogress it’s a video what the are You This doesn’t count it doesn’t count wait I got to put this in a chest wait doesn’t count mother Freer no not Geometry Dash good guess though yeah impossible game yeah before Geometry Dash was the thing it’s from level three this was one like the first time like I found music I really likeed

Stop it’s kind of a banger right it’s kind of good I like It I used to listen to this in like sixth or seventh Grade I’ve no no I’ve never streamed The Impossible game before it’s not honestly if it’s on PC I’m bound to give it a try I like it more than Geometry Dash because the reason why I don’t like Geometry Dash that much is because it’s not the focus is not being difficult the

Focus is being like gimmicky and I don’t like that I don’t like the Transformations I like the early levels a lot but when it’s like oh you’re a car you’re it’s just like it’s like fortnite I don’t need all that I just want a good

Game you know what I mean I don’t need the over complicated gimmicks that’s why I like impossible game it’s like just like press the button did you ever play The Impossible Quiz yes I [Applause] Did here we Go Impossible Whopper I actually really enjoy veggie burgers like if they’re not Bean based I enjoy them can I jump in the okay Raymond I will not die the lava just cuz you said that yeah I don’t think like that like the fortnite effect is kind of annoying

Where everything has to have a gimmick to be relevant I don’t like it now hold up do you want to hear the song that got me into DNB hold up this wa know it’s uh what what was it called oh God what was it called I forgot the name of

It no oh I found it just kidding here we go this was my childhood I would listen to this while playing Minecraft for 12 hours a day this dude did anyone else grow up with Fox Stevenson Stan SB I freaking dude his music is so good it’s like corny but I like

It jump off a cliff in game or in real life you need to clarify before I know how to react to that message what the get out get the fre get the Freak Out get the Freak Out get the freak out we just talk okay I chat are you

Listening chat look at me are you listening this guy just said do you know about Geometry Dash mother Freer we just had a conversation about Geometry Dash mother Freer I’ve never heard of it I’ve actually never played it before what’s Geometry Dash H what is it never heard it

Before I swear dud I know I speak at like a tone that like you want to tune me out I me all right fine I’m leaving gez dude gets criticized once dies by I a it’s literally that ratou beam gets criticized once literally fing dies [Laughter]

What I swear some people on Twitch D it are so weird thank you thank you do thank you very much are my favorite kind of chatters are the ones who can dish crap and also take it it’s freaking funny dude this is I up with this song D have you heard of Minecraft not dud this is modded Roblox 27 months being tier 3 the homies make it worth all the wine if you feel like it’s over and nothing feels right no more there something New you think you been Here this guy just said Pikmin pin this [ __ ] God you’re like the people in my YouTube section who’s like look I drew a penis with emojis can you pin this please pin this please pin this please please pin please pin dog you P it oh my God feel

Like no more and you’re in need of something new play games on not back in the day if so which ones were your favorite no I’ve never heard of it before what’s it Like I like his music it’s just like happy you know what I mean has a good energy to it even though the the lyrics are like super corny I love it dude his modern stuff is okay too I really love his old stuff though not to be a Hipster my eyes and I ears to you what do she like like an Oregon Harvester did all right we’re going to put this stuff in here what could I do oh be thank you Be all right chat we’re back we’re so back have you heard of Chibi [ __ ] God no I’m mentally healthy here’s another good one hold on what is it called wait this came out when I was in soft what was it called no not that one what was it

Called here we’ll just listen to a playlist this is all his good stuff all right CH here we go oh my God I used to listen to this playlist while playing Binding of Isaac on my little MacBook thing God dang it did all right CH here

We go oh wait no wait we have Minecraft music yay yay come on ah stay down there stay down there find got an Update are the blazes saying that I know he dropped one chat before you he dropped one doesn’t this kind of look like like a taquito like a cheese stick like a cheese stick like a cheese stick like a cheese stick like a cheese stick n not not what we’re doing better chat we’re

Learning we’re learning A Okay okay T thank you I will remember that ball balls itch pinless Noble if you pin that you’re getting demoted you pin that you’re getting demoted [ __ ] all right demoted demoted chat always remember 1984 no no should I have to I have to pee okay okay we need to focus we need to

Focus we need to focus you don’t get the 1984 joke literally 90% of my chat doesn’t get it they just do it cuz it annoys me that is chat’s humor they don’t understand any they don’t understand any anything they just say things that gets a reaction out of me that’s that’s the Joke chicken get down of here brother can someone drop something what’s the pinned message I like penis we Know walls Che 1984 B among Can you stop flying away stay in the Death Room stay in the Death Room stop Death Room we live in die by the death room that wasn’t singing that was Screaming get away from me get away from me get away I feel a little a little bit just a little bit it’s not a concern just a little bit spawn if you’re gay spawn if you like man I didn’t kill him cuz he likes M I killed him cuz he scared me

That’s not Singing We please don’t do it you think chibi’s actually funny guys please stop lying in the chat it’s really making me uncomfortable mute button goes hard when chibi is singing what if I use my real voice and Will there you go B I dropped out my balls bro who sing that song don’t do it I know what you’re going to say [ __ ] I actually thr jokes on you I don’t know who sing it that way shut the [ __ ] up put my balls back all right hold

Up all right I put them back in he’s [ __ ] he’s [ __ ] he’s staring at me shall we have five is that enough do you think do you think that’s enough I sound like Patrick when I sounds like Patrick what do you mean okay I hear it a little bit a tiny bit

I hear it like a little bit Spa more spawn faster spawn more and Faster High hard way spawn now spawn now spawn now yeah oh there’s two I’m not going to kill them cuz it the other two cuz it’ll get me killed they’re in inconvenient places so I’m just going to leave unless Mega I could but if it gets me killed you’re getting banned

Okay maybe I don’t want more to spawn I’m kind of comfortable with the level of spawning we have going on I really don’t want more to spawn that was really scary dude wait what’s the pinned message the streamer’s genuinely pretty cool okay I’m ah a yeah I’m pretty

Co I’m pretty cool seems even the blocks have more curve than you other than that I hope you’re having a good day oh and you might want to get a colonoscopy for all the butt hurt okay and you might want to get a freaking better lawyer who

Lets you spend money on an anime woman did you give me like a 100 bucks nearly 2 years Sho B seag can we get a oh I don’t know what seagel sound like but we we get a seagel in the chat I don’t know what they sound like so I’ll give you a

Pigeon just go to the beach each let’s get away they see what they say I’m going laughs this is the gameplay of all time hold out some chips I’m not droing money ah stop we have 12 is that good CH you think that’s enough let’s try 12 let’s get out of here wa Stop I think this is a good amount chat 17 17 y poers we can there’s a doorway how do I get out of here I remember I remember okay don’t burn my chest I swear to God wa why is there fire everywhere of course there’s enemies where I need to go Batman come

On just run just run just run just run get out get out go I’m not looking at shot I need to focus I’m not looking at shot I need to focus okay stop stop you save it for whatever I need to like freaking God dang it anime cringe bro I agreeded and is

Cringe okay okay go this way we’re almost there chop okay hi end wait we need end pearls we could Farm ender pearls a little bit all we need to do is look do this and then they can’t kill us see if we do this we have a little hidy hole right right

Right get off the roof Shanta die they’re pissed at me ah where is he get off the roof get off the oh my god get off the RO I like this one I I I don’t want to kill him wa okay we’re going to cover up the roof

Cuz they’re being Inno K up how can I cover it up though I don’t know hi where’d you go where you going come on ah ah ah he’s holding grass yay my grass my grass it’s mine is he M any no hello I’m farming them like I farm my viewers did they [Applause]

Leave yeah we have three that’s pretty good good hello Hello hello hello I hear you I hear you I like I date one would you hello Oh my God that scared the it’s like a jump scar come on come on yay that Yellow they’re in love with me dude look at them lining up for me okay you can join sure just don’t you sure yeah come on in come on in what’s up what’s up no you’re getting in the way I’m going to hit you guys move I can’t control myself I might hurt

You get out of the Way I have five Ender pears is that enough do you think we probably need a lot more huh maybe we should just go put our stuff back we can always come back another time I know the Enderman betters are freaking believing so hard they’re believing all over the place right

Now I think the road was over here oh no where’s the way out of here oh no oh no it’s this way no oh God I’m lost oh no ch that way no has to be that way I think that a peed it’s a problem there’s so many

Enderman is it not this way chat I thought it was hey chibi I just wanted to drop by and say your streams are like a cozy hangout with a good friend your warmth and authenticity make everyone feel at home what keep being the ray of sunshine you are your community was that AI

Generated that was AI generated that was AI generated cuz that’s not true chibi my friend hear me out please go off yourself to the blazes it’s for me motherfcker please what do I get out of this um this change B do I get like 100 gifted Subs cuz I’ll think about it little

Bro wait it might be down it might be beneath we might have to have to go down maybe you tried goat meat what dude what a freaking weird first message I tried goat meat for the of the world cool um next uh next you can try human flesh get

Back to me on that I tried goat meat for the first time today all right get on get on human flesh get on with it no it might be I think it’s over there oh God okay go that way you put 5K on Blaze okay okay chat like literally this is not a

It’s scit this is not an environment of kindness and love chat crushes my balls every day okay ch am I have you ever wanted to eat spider no I’ve never had that come across my mind I mean I’ve had the opportunity and they probably crawled into my mouth when I

Was asleep ta thank you but beyond that no I’m good CH I’m lost I’m lost hey chibi just wanted to drop by and say your streams are like a cozy hangout in a dumpster with a meth addicted friend the warmth of your crackpipe makes me feel at home you know there something funny not funny it’s horrible is at a lovely

Temperature funny my mom was in California yikes and she wanted to find a place to stay and my family is very cheap so we stayed in a so she stayed in a hotel that was so cheap she actually found the crack pipe in the bathroom and she showed it to the

Freaking to the people at the front office they gave her they they let her stay for free she’s like I thought a crack pipe she sent me a photo of it too I was like what the freak where are you staying you want to stay for free just

Smoke crack put the pipe there and say you found it there just kidding don’t do that my mom does not smoke crack maybe never mind how where am I Chad I need help which direction hey chibi just wanted to say your streams remind me of highlight my

Message I’m going to cry I’m going to cry down are you sure down there maybe I should go back to the blazes and like oh God where the blazes that I’m going down screw this okay down here I don’t think so cuz I don’t remember lava being close at all Maybe

I I don’t think So no it’s not maybe up there till the sent vi.com slightly used crack pipe slightly used bers CH I’m so lost I just want to feel again death is coming oh yeah absolutely no you’d be dumb if you think I’m living dude I’m going to die I’m going

To at least I have a lot of food SM chat I think I’m dying today wait maybe maybe up there maybe May maybe that might be it this is familiar this is familiar maybe maybe look for a hole in the wall good show by the way no it was higher

Up just keep going maybe we’ll find the T oh no I need to stop taking damage what is wrong with me maybe we’ll find it okay Laughin you should have told me no okay okay ch I think it’s j I think it’s j oh I don’t know what that

Is let’s get some Lots let’s go back to the blaze area which is up I think let’s go over there and then up why don’t you save your coordinates cuz I’ve already I already said I don’t use coordinates I don’t like them the coordinates are boring I think

It’s more fun exploring without them tiller sentv thr.com 10,000 G of pure Colombian nose can it was right there oh my god oh the blocks the I all I had to do is look up I was like a pig without the neck muscles to look up ah

Ah screw you off you were wrong love you have a good day I love you thank you for being here ofan it’s always a joy to see you in chat Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin I’ll allow the Pikmin I’ll allow it we did it boys

Yay well now we get to walk for like 15 minutes great I’ll put on your be you Go well thank you for the $3 thank you I dropped medicine on the Floor Dude we had no food our pickax is almost gone wait the game has been cropped wrong this entire time oh my God editors are going to have a f day with that dude God dang it dud CH should I order dinner tonight I could get I could get corn why you Leo shut

The fre it’s not even funny dude it’s so irritating you just want to laugh at me I’ll Sprint screw my food now Cor it’s so irritating cuz you know like when something me all the lurkers They freaking come out of the darkness to type whatever pisses me off like I like if they hear Pikmin they come out of the darkness like Batman thy rat gets to Live Another Day shut up I just want to be you thank you SE hey chibi good job on Surviving shibo thank you it was dude I if I hadn’t looked up there we would

Have laugh and that would have been so annoying dude Dory what did you vote for on how I will die we have no food now blaze a 07 for your points buddy Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin no one will pick your Men chibi Mario plus rabbits Sparks of Hope Cosmic Edition is 15 bucks on sale at Best Buy would you consider it I’d have to drive 4 hours to have a to go to a Best Buy uh no I’m not in if Texas loses this game against K State I will

Not be okay tomorrow wait you like Texas dude my family hates the Texas teams cuz I’m not going to lie the most oh Panda thank you for $4 I can’t stand Texan teams cuz they’re the most annoying they’re the most egotistical they’re the most obsessed with themselves it’s I don’t even like

Sports make their whole personality P do Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin Pikman Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin Pikmin Pikman you you could have bought the Pikmin Pikmin okay we’re almost there Chu don’t I hate when the Pikmin you do Pikmin shoot cuz it’s oh my God it looks like it’s actually shooting

Me Jingle Bells chibi smells r and he knows how to irritate me cuz he he just role play I don’t he’s probably like freaking 15 and he role plays as a oh my God this stream needs more Pikmin no Pikmin Pikmin how about Pik I’ll make it a subathon goal in December we’ll

Play a pikin game Deal I’ll make it a thing I wouldn’t say I’m a lurker but I definitely join in on clowning on you if it’s funny I know although I like clowning on everyone especially if it’s comparing nexts to a long noosed bun I love n I’m glad I get such a good subathon

Dude he popped off it is December what chalky Dino balls are you having a stroke it is not December here we go the Pikmin games look like the most boring games ever devised by man I don’t know they I feel that way about animal crashing but people love it we did it yes

Y so CH should we I think next stream look what chibi taught them Pikmin smoke time I hope I hope Pikmin smoke smoke I hope they do I hope they smoke five packs a day I hope they smoke over a bonfire by the Way P good song I think next stream we combine these guys and we ult all over the place oh wait wait Y y Biers Biers can you make a saon go to highlight my message if you have any uh subathon uh goal incentive ideas you can oh my God wait do we have enough no we don’t Pikmin smoking that Premium Pack we’re getting there chat if you know you

Know we’re getting there we’re getting there chat all right I think we’ll end here mostly cuz I have to piss really bad um this has been really fun playing Minecraft um I think tomorrow okay M could we get a quick pull would you prefer uh Super Mario RPG or would you

Prefer dead by daylight tomorrow I’ll do whatever whichever one we don’t do we’ll do maybe on Wednesday why watching your stream on a GTA 5 tv what send me a screenshot that’s okay jingle I’ll be back tomorrow thank you guys so TR out today it was actually very a lot of Fun let’s see we’re going to put this back on hold up all right thank you guys so much foring out it was a lot of fun I will see you guys tomorrow chibi thank you for always being in thank you for being a cutie Patootie let’s see all right um thank you thank you for hanging out today [Applause] um outro music that’s Ray Ray he’s playing Super Mario RPG I can’t watch cuz I don’t want sponsors but he is playing it yay I love seeing people playing that game I’m not going to watch because of because of spoilers so um if you if you want to go

Through my playthrough don’t watch spoiler warning uh much love and I promise I won’t bother you as a theme park ever again I should actually be back in time to catch yeah no I put at the theme park all right we’ll do Super Mario RPG tomorrow have

Fun with Ray uh one of the best streamers great guy great person we’re playing lethal company with him on Tuesday we’re playing with nags Matt and Ray I’m so excited I have been avoiding all of the funny Tik toks all of the content I’m going in a million per blind

I am so excited I cannot wait if it’s really good I would love to make it like maybe like played again the week after as well I’m very excited I will see you guys later thank you guys so foring out me yeah can we get a let’s play raid bye bye byby

See you tomorrow byebye see you tomorrow um go get some food some water I’m going to go hang out with my parents actually I don’t think I think they’re at a party right now that my parents are cooler than me they party are you kidding me I

Played Minecraft for 5 hours today 4 hours today my parents were off partying bro what happened dude they’re way cooler than me bye bye High night Shadow we’re just ending but it’s nice to see you by man byebye have fun I’ll see you tomorrow 400 p.m. CST byebye have a good day

This video, titled ‘Chibidoki Streams Minecraft #52’, was uploaded by Chibidoki Archives on 2023-12-21 22:00:19. It has garnered 185 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:08:20 or 14900 seconds.

Her Info: -Twitter: twitter.com/chibidokii -Twitch: twitch.tv/chibidoki -Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCoqNvjhUxJRYW4JsT5fBK6w

Note: This is just a fanmade channel, it is not owned by chibi.

Timestamps: 0:00 Pre-Stream Music 10:35 Stream Starts 1:15:00 Minecraft

This was streamed live at https://www.twitch.tv/chibidoki on 「November 18th, 2023」 under the 「Minecraft」 Gaming Category

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • TNT Cave House Build

    TNT Cave House Build Creating an Easy Cave House with TNT in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly exploring new ways to build and create unique structures. One popular method involves using TNT to carve out a cave and transform it into a cozy home. Let’s delve into the process of building an easy cave house with TNT in Minecraft. Building the Foundation To start, players can use TNT to blast a hole in the ground, creating a cave-like structure. Once the cave is formed, it’s time to start building the house. Players can fill the cave with materials like… Read More

  • Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness

    Crafting Cuts: Minecraft Makeover Madness In the world of Minecraft, a haircut’s the talk, Before and after, the difference is stark. From looking messy to looking so clean, The reactions are wild, a hilarious scene. No diamonds in sight, just a mining quest, But keep on searching, you’ll find the best. A sister’s late for school, a brother’s in a rush, The chaos ensues, oh what a hush. Dad’s off to play cards, mom’s coming home, The homework’s not done, oh what a tone. But in the game, there’s always a surprise, A secret passage, right before your eyes. With 3D drops and diamond… Read More

  • Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge

    Ultimate FNAF Statue Build Challenge Exploring the NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE in Minecraft The Minecraft community is always buzzing with exciting challenges and creative builds. One such popular challenge is the NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDY’S STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE. In this challenge, players of different skill levels compete to create stunning statues inspired by the iconic characters from the Five Nights at Freddy’s series. Building in Minecraft Building in Minecraft is a fundamental aspect of the game that allows players to unleash their creativity. From simple houses to intricate statues, the possibilities… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • Lost in Space: Alien Encounter in Minecraft RTX

    Lost in Space: Alien Encounter in Minecraft RTX Minecraft RTX: Alien Encounter Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft RTX as you find yourself on an abandoned spaceship in the vastness of space. Join Toothless Fury as they navigate through this mysterious world created by NVIDIA, where things have clearly gone awry. Follow along as they uncover the secrets of the spaceship and try to survive the alien encounter. Exploring the Abandoned Ship As Toothless Fury delves deeper into the spaceship, they encounter various challenges and puzzles that need to be solved. From finding an ID card to activating elevators, every step brings them closer to unraveling… Read More

  • Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1

    Escape Reality: Minecraft Survival Day 1 Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Journey Through Minecraft Welcome to a brand new Survival Let’s Play series in Minecraft with Solomon, also known as PCG on YouTube. This vanilla survival let’s play is a daily escape from reality where you can join Solomon in exploring, building, and collecting all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. Get ready for a relaxed and engaging gameplay experience as you dive deep into the world of Minecraft. A Daily Journey Through Minecraft Solomon’s series is a daily upload, providing a consistent and comforting experience for viewers. Each episode is around… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick

    Minecraft's Sneaky Auto Crafter Trick Minecraft Auto Crafter: A Compact Solution for Efficient Farming Are you looking to streamline your Minecraft farming operations with a compact and efficient auto crafter? Look no further! This easy-to-build, observerless one wide tileable auto crafter is the perfect addition to your Minecraft world. Whether you’re playing Minecraft Bedrock Edition or Minecraft Java Edition, this system is designed to enhance your gameplay experience. How It Works This auto crafter operates on a simple principle similar to item filters. By placing iron ingots in one slot and redstone in another, you can witness the system independently crafting these items. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

    Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!Video Information यो यो यो व्हाट्स हैपनिंग गाइस माय नेम इज लॉगी और आज हम एक बारी फिर से अपनी माफिया वाली सिटी के अंदर मौजूद हैं तो पिछली वीडियो में गाइस आपको याद होगा हमने यहां पर थोड़े से पैसे यहां पर कमा लिए थे तो अगर गाइस मैं अपनी इन्वेंटरी खोल के देखूं तो मेरे पास यहां पर आ चुके हैं पूरे 1500 और भाई वो जो टिंकू वाला बंदा यहां पर आया था ना यार वो उसके पास बहुत ज्यादा पैसा था तो इसलिए हमारे पास अभी 1500 भी आ चुके हैं और ये रहे चपाती भाई… Read More

  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

    MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!Video Information हेलो जड आर्मी मेरा नाम है मैक्सी और आपका स्वागत है मेरे चैनल में और आज के वीडियो में आपको सिखाने वाले हैं हाउ टू डू कमो आप कमो कैसे मार सकते हैं आगे वाले को वह भी एमसीपीई में सो अभी हम तीन इंपॉर्टेंट चीजों के बारे में बात करने वाले हैं सबसे पहला थिंक है इन गेम सेटिंग सेकंड वन इज प्रैक्टिस द एम थर्ड वन इज इंप्रूव द मूवमेंट सो सबसे पहले हम पहले नंबर के साइड बढ़ने लगते हैं रुको रुको जरा पहले नंबर का टिप देखने से पहले आप चैन को सब्सक्राइब कर… Read More

  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darayanlp​​ ○ Discord: https://discord.gg/SSK6yzyk9H #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More