Unbelievable Survival on PS4 – Enter the Realm Now!

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And we’re live from Minecraft guys we are live from Minecraft how’s everyone doing tonight or today hope everyone’s doing well we’ll get into it very very soon there is an update for Minecraft unfortunately fortunately as well but um soon as that is updated we’ll definitely get into it definitely get into

It all righty let’s just change that up let’s just go there all righty apparently it has been updated what’s up Mystic yeah easy peasy it is a little bit late um I had to have some important conversations with a few family members tonight so um that’s the reason why

We’re starting one minute to midnight but um yeah just uh I couldn’t put those conversations aside sorry guys um unfortunately there is a few things in life which is more important than streaming as much as I love streaming um it’s always close to number one but it

Isn’t quite number one 100% of the time thank you easy peasy all right we’re loading up well there goes my phone we don’t want that to happen all right we’ll get into Minecraft in a few short moments time yep it is now Saturday you’re right it is now Saturday happy Saturday everyone

I’m just throwing things around nearly threw my phone into my spare laptop for a moment there all right this is all this is just loading up so please give me a few moments guys let that load up um I think it’s quite boring to have that screen um

Up and running so let it do its thing all right I’m going to quickly just get some uh chips cuz I’m hungry that’s taking forever hold on guys we’ll be back in a second we’re just waiting on the game that’s all we’re waiting for NOP still Friday for you just watch it’s

Saturday for me in Australia 16th of December 12 a.m. all right I’ll be back in a second what’s up sper Raptor this game is taking forever we shouldn’t be too much longer shouldn’t be too much longer I hope have family over just wanted to come in and say hi that’s right

Dishwasher no problems uh stream almost didn’t happen tonight because of my family but uh nothing negative nothing negative it’s just uh few conversations took place and few discussions were discuss right those Burger Rings taste like absolute garbage all right we’re nearly on we’re nearly on guys apologies got to make sure this game’s

Updated maybe I should check it like once a day important news Mystic I can’t even read that breaking news Cisco’s base has been a minuted yep sure has all right I can’t see that um those signs all right we’re heading into the realm now we’re heading into the realm finally finally I’m hungry

Though all right I’m Mystic all right now let’s see what’s happening is it night time of course it is of course it is so update since the last stream guys I have a new personal storage shed I don’t know what’s happening here the last couple of days but I’m assuming

Everything has not been moved around um this will benefit the realm in the long run because um over time if stores aren’t being supplied um or people’s bases and houses aren’t being stocked up they can always ask me it’s all you have to do is ask I do prefer if people don’t steal

But it is Minecraft after all I have my own there’s creeper up up there I’m pretty sure I have my own little mining system what’s up Isabella so um this goes quite the way down it goes all the way to deep slate I just thought I’d keep you guys

Up to date with what I’ve been doing off stream I try to stream this as much as possible but there are days where I just want to play Minecraft and um sometimes streaming it is a bit of a bit of a chore once I get into streaming it’s

Fine but um some days it can feel like a chore just getting it set up just did have a concert yesterday let’s go is a bill up that sounds like fun welcome back easy peasy so yeah it goes all the way down to deep slate um I don’t think we’re down to the

Bottom layer yet um so the lowest layer possible but we are certainly getting there all right so we go back up now I’m going to go check out them signs Mystic if they’re still there all right at the farm I hope doofus is all right if there’s only like three

Chickens left I did that um so don’t be too stressed you got bullied today easy peasy by who that’s pretty L it was a fourth and fifth program okay that sounds pretty fun though Isabella were you a part of a concert or did you watch one either way that sounds pretty

W um all right hold on hopefully it’s day time doubt it two old friends bullied me well I wouldn’t consider them uh friends for too much longer easy peasy um friends never bully each other appreciate it um Mystic increase the chicken population W’s that’s good that’s what I want I

Like to see increases I don’t like seeing decreases you were a part of a concert nice that’s cool Isabella that’s that’s a massive w ah this sucks during the night but I will ah skeleton screw off buddy dubs dubs all right what does these sign

Say it’s time this ends every once in a while over 50% of the chickens on this Farm dies is the remaining chickens hold on for de life no no that was me Mystic that was me I I do agree with the signage there’s iron there I do agree with that but that was

Me off stream um so everyone if you can get regular seeds and breed the chickens you can use the eggs for the cooker but that is all thank you Mystic true true good point now w point there Mystic but um I didn’t rebreed cuz I ran out of time that that’s my

Bad but um W’s nice there’s doofus let’s go doofus look at these zombies bro get out of here I don’t want these zombies to just give me XP bro I want the XP I want better enchantments bro these enchantments sort of suck knock back one thank you Mystic for

Um keeping an eye on the farm now there is five cows but um yeah I’ll fix that up down the line but thank you Mystic I actually do appreciate that um I Tred to run away but they punched me and kicked me yeah um you should probably tell someone closer to you easy

Peasy um I would recommend probably telling like a a family member or something um that way they can advise you uh maybe the best approach um so that way you’re not getting harmed cuz that sounds like a bit bit of an L situation there easy peasy that really sucks to

Hear um and hopefully that resolves the matter over time if it doesn’t happen straight away easy peasy just tell um those close to you what’s going on each and every time they did not care well that sucks you need to tell someone who um can definitely help you out easy

Peasy if it’s not family then um look if you go to school um if you go to a college or something just tell maybe a an adult somebody’s got to be caring easy peasy there ain’t no way that everyone doesn’t care that that sounds ridiculous what’s up semi how you doing

Today how long will I stream um probably 3 hours probably three hours but I’m not particularly sure told everyone easy peasy uh Isabella one part we did bucket drumming with glow sticks in the dark using the music called Wizards in water okay that sounds that sounds like a lot of fun

Actually nobody cares um there has to be someone easy peasy there has to be someone I’m very sorry that’s happening to you easy peasy but there’s really not much I can do as a streamer I can offer advice but I can’t do anything more than that except one friend well maybe just

Stick to them I did not see it today okay yeah maybe just stick to them um easy peasy I think when is mon going to get on I still have a court case with him I don’t I think mon is quite busy at the moment uh

Mystic um yeah he might be doing a few things outside of stream not a lot of people have been coming on cuz it’s just that time of the year yes it might be holidays but yeah people are catching up with family and whatnot you said water not

Winter Wizards in Winter ah okay my bad hedge is joining what’s up Hedge all right I’m going to continue um doing what I was doing off stream uh a few days ago is just Gathering resources cuz I want my personal shed to be the what it why H cuz he doesn’t want

To play anymore um Mystic hey Edge cuz he doesn’t want to play anymore I wasn’t offended by that at all I know people just interest levels dip interest levels return um from time to time it happens you know easy peasy not a problem enjoy the rest of your day or

Night so you again soon hope everything goes all right B man okay there’s a bell yeah these enchantments absolutely suck Smite through and efficiency 3 isn’t too bad but Edge when do you ever have food man I gave you food off stream the other day do I have apples I’ve got one never

Yeah you got seven chicken uh Mystic I got seven chicken as well half a stack of bread wow anyway when I wavered you in the game I’m trying to say hi in full guys that’s all right just um sometimes Isabella when there’s so much going on um I try to

Weave back but sometimes it’s a bit uh there’s too much going on Isabella um don’t take it the wrong way okay don’t take it the wrong way hey guys never take things the wrong way especially if there’s so much happening all right so I just want to be building a whole bunch of

Chests so what’s up brush so um have I got saplings I do not many I got three saplings from that that’s crazy what there’s another Apple here hedge take that hedge take it sometimes apples will fall out of these Trees school just ended welcome back brush you’re part of Team trees yeah you’re

Damn right I’m not officially just you know theal purposes um but yeah um yeah we always replenish what we um take down Isabella I like to be efficient in the virtual world as well resourceful efficient and renewable uh I’ve played Minecraft for 1,191 hours yeah I I don’t know how long I’ve played

For doesn’t tell me but then again I’ve been playing uh for I feel like I’ve been playing ever since there was a thing on like Xbox live like all the way back then that was a long long time ago there’s another Apple here Edge look there’s another Apple I’ll put it in the

Chest if you want it put it in the chest Christmas is in 10 days oh gosh don’t remind me yeah it’s close it’s close oops I don’t want to put that in now I need that I actually need that um does anyone want wool it’s a 20%

Discount but due to inflation it’s more like 15% discount you can check in the uh I don’t think you can on PlayStation 4 but then again it’s not going to count all the time I’ve played on Xbox back in the day and whatever else on my friends consoles back in the

Day why not remind you I haven’t uh okay so I’ve started Christmas shopping barely barely what messages are you reading none of them Rush none of them no I’m trying to read everyone’s um messages um my mother seems to be non-existent why there’s another Apple there look at this

The amount of apples is wild here you go there’s some rotten flesh in there too if you’re interested it is free um why is that brush that sounds like a bit of an odd scenario yeah if you ever on app’s um hedge um trees cutting down trees is a

Really good way of getting them sometimes not all the time come on bro why did I fall I don’t want to be knocking down terrain jeez what happened there uh I don’t know where TF uh she is what thanks for that M yeah are you doing all right brush cuz

I’m a little bit I’m a little bit bit concerned what’s going on here with you and uh the situation buddy uh yeah Isabella don’t indicate age all right um that’s why discords an option um and it’s their TOS not mine so um look they make the rules not

Me but um just just don’t indicate it okay Isabelle lot we don’t do ages here so without you telling me your age I can sort of figure out that you’re you know and I’d rather not know that the chat would rather not know that either that’s why it’s always an option

This is why YouTubers say um look if you can get it get it if not don’t worry about it just the thing is um B Advent you need Discord un unfortunately oh no I never knew that brush that’s totally why you’re not a Discord mod hey CJ what’s up buddy my English

Teacher just drove past excuse me very tall tree yeah hedge that was wild I notice the more that you chop down sometimes the more that they end up growing especially if you’re replanting the saplings I swear this tree wasn’t here before or this one so yeah I just want to be

Um I want to be massively like resource Gathering that’s what I really want to be doing he’s eating and running at the same time nice he has such a noticeable back head like like that’s wild brush bro what do you want me to say about

That what do you want me to say what do you want me to logically reply with for that Rush CJ says I’m quite weak and sick and hot and I’m my most conf room uh are you all right CJ it sounds like you’re sick man no not really Mystic we’re chill not

Really it’s probably best if we’re out of the courtroom to be honest so much better that way um M I’m shaky shaky when typ yeah just take it easy CJ you know I appreciate you being here but if you’re sick um health comes first don’t worry about the

Stream I don’t mind you’re watching the stream but if you can’t be in chat don’t be in chat health is always First Health family close friends always first so many leaves yeah I know there’s so many some would say too many but uh it just shows how how um green this environment

Is we love floating trees you’re going to get frostbite brush that’s wild I’m in the Minecraft courtroom for today’s gift and gone ad what’s up man it’s like one degree what’s Celsius or Fahrenheit you got to remember guys there’s two types of uh uh degrees um what do you call

It uh temperature ranges whatever whatever it’s called I’m cutting trees down and it feels like I’m in a maze yeah it would be we build a tent outside the courtroom no idea no idea not me me are you sure about that yeah at least I miss half a day of school but I

Regret they watch movies without me it’s like minus 4 in England Rush yeah bet it is uh CJ bet it is CJ all right I’m going to head back to my house all right I’m going to head back to my house gift and G like d and dash it’s

Illegal in most of the states of YouTube and comes up do have find of a link to your YouTube channel wow I don’t know why I can run and eat at the same time that’s a pretty you’re right answer to about that um yeah hedge I don’t know why you

Can do that but I guess that’s a WBY was the championship stream good earlier yeah it was pretty damn good um ra won his first title ever and we had about four or five title changes which I thought was uh a pretty massive W School ended 25 minutes ago true

All right I’m just going to be chilling in here for a few moments I better eat something now well w r bloody o yes mate all right PS5 with controller chips on the side but it only has Apex what do you mean by that um hold

On got to see R wins two times in a row I didn’t but yeah hey rewatch The Stream rewatch The Stream what I’m going to do eventually Adda and I know this is a bit ambitious right now but um and it should have been done uh like season 1 season 2 but I

Wanted to um like download the streams or clip the streams some parts are clipped um and I’ve got clips of those streams but um I wanted to like gather every single like Champion win on stream and just like compile them together as a montage yeah highlights yeah just

Highlights of all the title changes across all seasons um but yeah I’ll get to it one day um eventually eventually like I do have some clips of uh certain title wins like skulls is a short right he’s the first ever Champion ever I have that as a short where he won the

Title all right give me a second nor four guys on Minecrafts wait what’s this for CJ hold on give me a sec Oops should I be naughty naughty uh probably not I don’t think Santa goes to naughty people sorry games I don’t have on this PS5 in front of me do you need wood or have a lot of wood I just um I just chopped down like 10

Trees um yeah see mystic not a problem um yeah you can give it to me hedge if you want I’m at my house I’m not at base one the actual like spawn base I’m at my house house you know the Santa secret M right I’m just reminding you I’m just reminding

You yeah Isabella is currently hidden on the main Channel sorry Isabella but um yeah you’re actually going to die no you’re not you better not why brush I’m just multitasking sorry excuse me thank you hedge hold on thank you is there anything you want in return hedge is there anything you want in

Return oh I can give you one one dirt uh um okay give me one second I’ll give you one dirt oh I need that nope wrong one wait where is he see this shed’s going to be so useful eventually there’s one stuck one dirt is very valuable you got

One stack who cares about one piece of dirt have it have it no hedge have it I don’t want it why do you only want one dirt can I have it yeah add start I went from not having enough dirt to having way too much to not having

Enough again to having quite a fair bit I wouldn’t consider it too much though cuz um you can’t have too much of anything right now in a shared Realm bro this controller is just killing me man I mean you can go in and uh if I’m there doesn’t mean keep out entirely if

You want to come in while I’m in here I don’t care I really don’t care as long as you don’t break anything you break anything I’ll be very mad I’m not going to lie cuz this took forever this took ages man should have done it on stream but

Like just some days you know setting up a stream can be a bit of pain yeah you can’t shut the door currently I’m going to have to make another L what was the fastest way to not exist anymore says uh brush no idea dirt for farming find a river and turn

It into a farm I’ve got a massive Farm I’ll show you Isabella I went past it before Oh there’s a chicken there I’ll show you I’ll be back uh hedge what a chest room WBY thank you um ana I really should have done it on

Stream that’s bit of a bit of a regret but like I just needed resources and look I’m looking for the longterm um longevity of this realm not the shortterm everyone’s sort of just building for the short term and that’s fine that’s fine but I want to be doing

This for a long long time this is the farm is about vop stealing I hope no one steals but it’s Minecraft and it’s bound to happen that’s why I just want a lot of things so if someone steals a bit of something I don’t care right I won’t even bother if um someone

Like yeah steals a bit of something it’ll get to the point where if something gets stolen I don’t care yeah I understand why you do the chest room off stream yeah valuable resources right yeah valuable and uh pretty much a bit of everything ad St pretty much a bit of

Everything my friend’s competing in a Minecraft Mr Beast challenge soon so I’m was invited you were invited CJ damn Edge what are you up to I’m wondering I’m going to go back to my house I was just showing um Isabella the farm stupid that they still send you to

School even though it’s so cold for you yeah that’s tough um c yeah that sucks brush to be honest um CJ says I have ps5s in the house my one has the games Minecraft Fall Guys Rock Roblox Apex fortnite and Rocket league so my dad’s

In front and just has Apex but I got Roblox for free so I might update that all right bet what is bro doing I ain’t winning at this point can you guess why no idea CJ there’s probably a lot of top tier Builders bro he’s got a magma block well

Well all right see you brush hopefully everything’s all right man hope to see you again soon brush make sure you’re doing all right okay I am a lover of that one game wrong I’m sick that’s why I mean true damn there’s a lot of people getting sick lately it’s a bit

Concerning it really is all right what the hell what is this it’s an experimental thing uh hedge um it works for like a few seconds then it stopped working so I’ll explain later what that is um but you’ll have to just wait lots of people in stream um CJ lots of

People it was meant to be a um very simple uh thing that I wanted to build but it just didn’t turn out that way so it is what it is what have I got here that I need to get rid of a bone bone meal

Eggs okay so I don’t have a chest for everything yet to be honest um okay on the spot decisions all right this can be just a mixed chest for now screw it let’s get rid of those eggs if it turns into chickens it turns into chickens ra is in the Stream

Uh uh because I’m thinking about the long-term Hedge see if this realm continues on for years right I’m not saying it will I’m not saying it won’t um it’s better to have more of something then not enough I know Minecraft is a grind but um look I just want to have

Stuff I just want to have stuff ready look at pixel’s realm okay he’s got like four people in his realm okay but for them to create massive builds look at the spectacle pixel’s world is right in his realm an absolute spectacle it looks incredible it is literally one

Of the most incredible things I’ve seen in a long long time on Minecraft all right but he has storage areas that are way bigger than this with literally every material Isabella you’ve seen it yep yep so you know it’s better to have more than not enough

Um in my opinion hi I’ve got Discord what is your main Channel code um Channel code ah so ad I don’t have the bots in yet but next stream they should be here uh because there needs to be a little bit of tweaking done um yeah I think I made a few mistakes

With it um I’m home alone and my mom went out to see our neighbor at hospital so damn CJ that’s tough they basically ready for hardcore no no no um pixels is going to be going from realm to server um all right going to count how many that maybe I don’t

Need I have Enders or blaze rods maybe someone can give me the Ender maybe uh eggy just give me a moment give me a moment eggy hold on are you’re looking for our Discord link eggy if you’re looking for our Discord link um it’s in the description

But I can place it in the chat if you really want me to um hold on let me just place it in here there you go that’s the um server link eggy bro what ises this look lava yeah I see it watch this man it’s right CJ I’m just inviting

It um not inviting it I’m just um I think eggy wanted the main Channel code so I’m assuming uh eggy meant the link I was giving that to eggy what’s going on here BR what is this what is that what is that BR look what you made me do bro Ain’t No

Way ain’t no way I ruined the Natural Stone H Cobble just looks terrible it looks horrid BR what is this hedge what is this what is this what is this what is this the is this the dirt I gave you all right sure sure all right back to business back to business

Busyness busy busyness nice did I just turn all those into chests damn right I did damn right I did most valuable piece of dirt cuz it’s our special nice I like it I like it see if I want to be making massive builds like all the things I’ve talked about with my

Chat so still don’t have your sword well I don’t have it man my sword is almost broken it’s knock back one the enchantments are crap uh oh yeah but um if I want to make these massive builds like I’ve been talking about with my chat uh for quite some

Time even before it was a realm um without a storage room none of that’s going to be possible that’s just going to be all talk and nothing’s going to ever happen so that’s why Pixel is able to build like these massive things that’s why bearon his um realm can make all these wonderful

Things uh you know because she has all the materials there’s a massive storage like area that’s probably like I don’t know 30 times bigger than this so um this is nowhere near um oh crap I need that I need that yeah HED I’ll get there I’ll get there sorry I

Forgot whoops what I do that for thank you I haven’t got enough space here yeah right no worries Isabella not a problem not a problem enjoy it enjoy it hopefully that’s fun damn how much dirt not how much dirt how much uh wood did you get from that that’s

Crazy not a bad thing but hey ader welcome back I’m going to tell you when you a drum roll happens when I say drum roll and when I say message success got the controller to PS5 and I’ll say not a success when I haven’t got it okay all

Right and know um CJ that link for Discord is for eggy okay just so there’s no misunderstanding about that so want to get an elytra so I can fly around yeah I had an elytra that atachi gave me but um someone stole and someone stole the Ender Chest in my house so um

Until I get another end chest that’s not exactly possible yay let’s go look at all the chests I’ve got General please you going to be watching Isabella all right WS I appreciate it yeah all right I’ve got enough to maybe make a fourth um maybe make a fourth uh what’s

It called yeah it probably did hedge um whilst it does take a bit of time to despawn objects in this realm I’ve noticed eventually they will but it does take a bit of time yeah I don’t have it hedge if I had it I would have definitely have said uh

Who’s who’s who owns this but I don’t have it unfortunately ah anster I I explained it when you weren’t here so I didn’t know you left us for a moment there um so next stream will be here aner uh it needs a little bit more tweaking and I

Think I made a few mistakes with some of the links so um yeah I was going to rush it tonight and have it ready but the thing is that’s if that would have happened I probably wouldn’t have streamed until like 1:00 a.m. 2 a.m. so um next stream

Yeah the bot should be in place um with any luck maybe a creeper made a hole in your storage sh I accidentally gave it to you I don’t have it hedge hedge I literally don’t have it look I literally don’t have it if you really want a sword you can

Have this one but it’s nearly broken you can look through all the chests if you want I don’t have it yeah Fair well have most of the commands from the main Channel or any new ones um so it’s not going to be as um wild as the other um nightbot and

Chatbot um ad start uh it’ll be just a simplified version for now um but like all the commands won’t be the same uh there might be a few but yeah won’t be all the same no no well yeah that’s pretty obvious S I don’t care about

S yeah hedge I don’t have your sword I don’t TR try to take from other players intentionally and if there’s something I have and it’s just not mine I usually say something on stream and I’ve been off stream quite a bit so if I’ve ran into

It um I would have put it in one of my chests anyway so you can go through them I guarantee I don’t have a your sword so it’s a championship have to win two points and I’m the Champ for now is that how that works yes you got to win

Two shows in a row yep correct guys you just got to stop I’m not trying to be rud I know it’s Minecraft and I’m not trying to you know say you directly hedge but it’s becoming a bit of a common theme when I go on stream and um when someone’s lost

Something or when someone um you know has been killed and they just don’t know where their stuff is I always seem to cop a lot of the you know do you know where this is do you have it um look guys I show my infantry every

Stream I go through all my chests every stream if I don’t have it in those areas I don’t have it okay um the end portal um Itachi might Itachi or glorious I don’t know what happened to Glorious he’s gone uh Missing an action on Discord um he’s I don’t know his profile

Picture is like darkened like there’s nothing there I don’t know what’s going on he’s sending people weird messages or just random letters and spam I don’t know I hope he’s all right but um yeah um rosik man I would say he would but then glorious would be in charge of all

That I think rosik would have just followed suit to whatever um glorious has done in the realm had a nice little conversation with was like the other day on stream it’s quite interesting go into it but yeah what’s Su CJ yeah I just said it did Isabella yep

You Inn two shows in a row you’re the champion yes give me a second ad star you going to test something all right bet uh did you hear what I just said before um atach you or you didn’t I thought of this mosh but I don’t know if

I said it yesterday since you mentioned it you want mods to have more access to nightbot did you want to test out for R just came yes yes I do let me get my Al in here real quick okay Bachi while you here want to talk to you about something too by the

Way yeah we we’ll do a lot of testing on this channel ad start even if it’s even if this channel does grow um substantially even if we end up getting like 1,000 or more subs uh there’s going to be a lot of testing and experimental stuff going on with chats and Bots and

Whatever else content even I guess well if I’m going to be doing variety games uh eventually then yeah um so I had a bit of a conversation recently with rosik man um atachi and glorious has just been off the map and what do I mean by off the map um just

Being very quiet sending spam and a whole bunch of letters to everyone uh his profile pictures on all all of his socials is just blank like it’s all darkened off um and a few people that are very close with him matachi um in terms of trust and this is no disrespect at all

Uh a little bit eh about the way he’s been lately um so yeah I just wanted to uh maybe say I do want him on the uh Discord restructure team but I don’t think it’s a good element to have right now I don’t know if I should be talking

About it on stream but while I’m thinking about it yeah yeah is that youi okay that’s your okay interesting I’m not judging I’m not judging I’m just saying interesting yeah that was you yeah I know I know 28th out of 30th Place lost damn basically you can’t steal stuff

From people in Minecraft right oh you can um look it’s pretty easy to get away with unfortunately but like I just have enough trust in people in the realm not to overdo it he’s banned forever from the server who who is who is the old I want uh going to use

To get mod but it’s too much work okay um the mod here or wait hold on T you what hold on give me a second i’ got to charge my phone hold on I’m still here no no no he wasn’t doing it to me Isabella he’s been doing it to people

Who who are very very close with him um and we just don’t know what’s happening with him um I’m going to be completely honest but uh yeah when I said I was going to use an Al to get mod on a new account but you would not know

It was me but it was way too much work okay okay that would have been interesting H that would have been extremely interesting atachi BR I don’t want to die I don’t trust this end right now it’s an easy kill but just I don’t trust him right now I don’t know

Glorious is all right he can just flip sometimes what could mess things up yeah does he really need okay it’s AR and I don’t want to talk about it on stream but while I’ve got you here and I think we have discussed this in private does he need transfer of

Ownership for the stuff he wants to do on the server I don’t think so I don’t actually think so so do I need arrows um OMG the mob farm has so much loot yeah does anyone uh yeah you can put some arrows in there if you

Want uh he kind of does is but he could AR you since it’s kind of simple okay yeah I don’t know I’m just going to get things so Itachi um there is a couple others that I kind of want on the team but like I’m not quite sure about what they can do

And what they can’t do cuz they’re not really giving me much so I’ve been just making small changes just recently um and trying to figure things out for myself as well as aru eventually and I think it’ll just be us to um working on it mainly I don’t know just glorious is off

The map right now and uh I don’t want to hassle him maybe his brother made him get kicked by doing that no idea Isabella no idea I don’t know what’s happening with him like I said um his close friends have no idea what’s going on I don’t know his family don’t wish to

Know his family that’s his private business right um but yeah they’re close friends within the community just don’t know what’s going don’t know no idea so a bit of a bit of a mystery I don’t know what I I don’t actually know what’s going on no

Idea I just hope he’s all right though but yeah I don’t know I don’t know it’s weird it’s weird yeah I don’t know damn that’s a lot of arrows I’ll definitely take those thank you hedge yeah H it’s definitely an odd one atachi I knew you’d be here for the Minecraft

Stream yeah I was going to DM you about it but just yeah just couldn’t be bothered sometimes with Discord oops I my controller is look I’ll put my controll down look at this I’m clicking with both hands this is how bad my stick drift is oh oh I can’t do

Anything oh my freaking goodness I can’t do anything oh my goodness this is making me dizzy hold on go well there we go that fixed it yeah that’s how bad my drift is man that’s that’s quite bad what’s up hedge did you see that [Laughter] yeah would have been there for four guys

But kind of been busy as always that’s all right Itachi have some chicken that was an accident but yeah thanks ad yeah now CJ not a problem WBY stream for real thanks easy peasy really appreciate it we’re not ending yet guys we’re not ending there is a few people

That have to go but um no um CJ enjoy the rest of your stream see you again soon thanks for dropping in um but yeah yeah that stick drift just threw me off Big Time Marshall said to you have 18 s wait what mosh I said to you have sand 18

Times I send message saying to you have sand I don’t see it though Edge do you understand what I’m um saying here I I get it but I don’t see it from my end but sure do I have sand probably in here nope um wait wait wait wait wait wait

Yeah I forgot where my sand was I knew I had a a chest with some I just forgot where it was cuz I was working on this at like 4 in the morning do you have I just gave you sand there take take it take it take it take

It that’s right hedge take your sand all right see you hedge yeah his chat your chat wasn’t working hedge so look I do apologize but yeah guys just have to let me know that’s all I know Minecraft’s a little bit buggy I don’t know why yeah it’s a right hedge it’s not going

To be a massively long one it’s not going to be 4 hours it’s not going to be um uh five or six unfortunately but um yeah we should be should be around still by the time you get back hopefully um all right I’m going

To be a no actually I’m going to go to base two oh what wait did that glitch I swear the diamond axe had the same enchantments as the diamond sword unless I was seeing things that glitch or am I seeing things I don’t know it’s nearly 1: in the

Morning so I wouldn’t be surprised if I’m seeing things wouldn’t be the first time wouldn’t be the last time anyway I’ll speak to you later or something if you’re on Discord and yeah ah sounds good Itachi yeah so I didn’t want to bring it up on stream or anything um but

Yeah I don’t want people going out their way to like spread all this because I have had conversations of Glorious um multiple times about things like this so it’s not like it’s the first time um but I just hope he’s doing all right right I’m going to enchant this uh

Sword I now I’ve only got 20 XP but it’ll do yep sounds good atachi thanks for dropping in I appreciate it so um Cisco doesn’t play anymore as well guys he’s um his base has been abandoned um so we’re not going to enter steel or

Destroy it uh cuz I just want it there for a pie of history for now I mean eventually it will get destroyed eventually maybe someone will move in but uh as for now I think it’s just a an early part of the realm’s history all right for now auctioned maybe over

Time maybe over time ad stop I think someone should be able to move in there after um a certain amount of time you’ll buy it for 65 dirt yeah actually I’m going to take gizzy’s hopefully there’s a um mine cart I’m going to take gizzy’s uh what’s it called uh roller

Coaster SL train oh oh this stick drift is really bad tonight holy nope of course there isn’t any lucky I’ve got iron where is a um crafting table without going into someone’s base probably nowhere near here do I have to go to the dite store just to go to

Oh there should be one up here there used to be one up here I’m nearly sure of it I any plans for WWE stream uh stream in a few days yes yeah probably this weekend and St um so actually thought this weekend was going to be busy but um it will be

To a degree of course course but um turns out it mightn’t be as busy as what I once thought so so um if that’s the case then uh should be able to stream a lot more there was like four or five of these mine carts originally at gizzy’s

Um train station but uh just seems like everyone takes them by the way that’s not the stream um that’s a bit pixelated it’s actually the game no it’s raining and that does happen but looks a bit more pixelated than normal actually not by much but all right up to base two we

Go should be all right for me Saturday or today but Sunday may be busy but should be able to watch the WW stream at night all right bet yeah it’ll probably be um late uh late at night the uh WWE stream it just is more suited those four gu players are on

During those times and um because my wrestling fans were used to uh the late wrestling streams back in the day some of them pop back in uh sometimes AJ will pop in too which is really cool doesn’t happen all the time sometimes it’s uh nearly dead stream but

It’s chill and you know I’m glad I’m able to still do it and have some support so I can’t complain too much all right we’re just here to enchant a damn sword that’s all we’re here for cuz it’s got the bookshelves not just the uh enchantment

Table all right what are you going to give us something crap whatever how many XP did that take from me probably like five I was nearly level 21 what are we up to 18 okay whatever yeah bloody I there yeah sounds good to me knock back one I mean it’s not the

Worst but like come on a damn man all right back to base one whoops uh it’s not the best is it it’s not the best I just want mending but I know I’m not near the levels of um being off at mending I don’t even have the um enchantment box to be

Fair like against creepers it’s real useful but skeletons plays anything range in general yeah not yeah it’s pretty me it’s pretty meh right I’m going to take this cuz that’s using my iron not to be selfish or anything but um I am collecting a bit of iron but

Like not enough to just be like oh yeah you can have this I’m not really worried o XP thank you yeah you get them through the books don’t you ader I forget I honestly do forget I can’t remember crap to be honest but I know there’s better enchantments from the table than what

I’ve gotten just there I know that I can’t remember that stuff it’s been a long while since I’ve gotten to uh play this sort of um survival to this extent it’s been a few years hold on why is this door open all right just give me a

Second I’m not AFK I’m not BRB just what’s up Charlie yeah generally through chests uh fishing as most people get it uh through libarian Villages yeah that’s right that’s the one librarian villagers I swear I’ve had this conversation and if it wasn’t you then it was someone

Else my brain is not grinding and St what’s up Robin how you doing today uh Robin 2 seconds 2 seconds you’re eating CAD bre I’m eating Burger Rings bro that’s what you want to try if you want an Australian classic you can’t beat um burgering h Burger Rings that’s why I said 2

Seconds so good yeah oh yeah I have them with me but yeah I wasn’t trying to eat on stream but I ate at the start and they just been looking at me I’m like uh what are they um they’re a chip or a crisp whatever you want to call them they’re like a

Um they’re like a red or orange ring and they’re meant to replicate a burger taste but I don’t know it’s more like a I don’t know it’s more like a sacer like I don’t know how to describe it it’s like a very like Saucy somewhat Tangy taste they’re really

Nice and yes you can put them around your fingers if your fingers are not like massive or anything and a lot of people just eat them from their fingers I typically don’t anymore sort of pass that stage but yeah just they’re very nice yeah there are Smith branded chips

And apparently um Pepsi has some sort of uh it says on the back okay I was just interested myself so the Smith snack food company made in Australia um so that’s where it comes from right with the address and blah blah blah blah blah but it’s also a registered

Trademark of the PepsiCo group of companies so it’s under the Pepsi umbrella but it’s a Smith branded chip which is hard to believe because um Burger rings and Smith’s chips are whilst they’re on the same a most of the time they’re not like put next to each other on the Shelf it’s

Very interesting that’s wild that burger Rings like when you think about it that’s wild that burger Rings is a Smith branded chip not shocking because all these companies merge and go under umbrellas and you know trade off each other and all this stuff but yeah that’s

Wild I kind of knew that but I also kind of didn’t till I had a refresher just and I’m like oh interesting all right Charlie no problems no problems all right I’m just going to get rid of all these stray animals because XP and food more resources leather from the cows I need

More of those freaking uh frames so I need leather and sticks um just give me a second guys I’m going to fix up this sound the sounds just not um hold on I’ll read your message in a moment all right let me just try something yep okay um I’m surprised my

Brain is running right now considering I was close to falling asleep on the train back home at about 9:30 p.m. damn a this stream nearly didn’t happen to be honest ad St um not because I’m tired but uh cuz I just had a few conversations with the family about some very important stuff

Nothing bad nothing think I’ll get into on stream either but um yeah I was like okay interesting I guess oh mang gr planks that’s nice I don’t have any coal left do I going to check all these furnaces n I’ve already used enchantments all my diamond um all of my

Diamond tools have been Enchanted not with the greatest uh things at attached to them but yeah thanks though Charlie I’ve actually got a secret area of uh an enchantment table but I used the public one I’m at base two because it’s got a bookshelf around it family talking about what to do for

Your 7K special that’s definitely what I was about nah nah um a few of my members of my family know I’m pretty close to 7K um and those uh particular members hope I get there which is nice so you reached uh 6.83k today and last week I think I was stagnant at 6.8k

Yeah yeah yeah some some days and some weeks ader yeah just stagnates and that’s a shame uh but yeah a lot of weeks like this week just I don’t know like I know there’s that many variables it’s hard to like rule it down to one thing I’ve got no coal at all that’s

Crazy I’ve got two coal actually I might just try and push these through uh cuz see 6.99k by end of December yeah yeah uh does your family celebrate your subscriber Milestones uh okay so some just don’t seem to care right um not in a rude way well I hope

Not um because this is an unusual career choice right um some some know about it right some know about it and uh I just shocked by some of the uh numbers that I’ve been pulling um for all the work I’ve been putting in and they’re like oh wow

That’s that’s that’s actually crazy nice job and then there are some that are just like really wanting me to achieve um you know success with what I’m doing so it’s a bit of a mixxed bag but uh you got to expect it it’s not a typical

Career choice it’s not a typical job uh you know that people often um get the opportunity to have if that makes sense don’t know about it what’s that St my school ended today Charlie so yeah I don’t know it’s a bit of a mixed bag but I guess some supports better than no

Support um yeah I’m sure all are happy for me and everything like that but I don’t know it’s just it’s intriguing and then there’s a lot of close friends uh look the majority that I’ve told is look the okay so um my close friends uh pretty much all of them

Know about it uh but just those who are just like just friends some kind of know and some a lot of them don’t and I’d rather keep it that way um to be completely honest yeah I appreciate that Charlie I know I know it’s just um I do appreciate it

Charlie and I really really do but like when I’m struggling through things where the stream does have to know about certain elements of my life I try to reach out to them um you know every single time it’s nothing against the community or the chat but like there’s only so

Much you can tell your audience and your supporters and your channel in your chat um and the rest of it just family and close friends I know I don’t really like talking about personal stuff on stream to be honest because whatever happens off stream is what I have to deal with

To be honest yeah family over off hands down you can’t tell them at all yeah true true yeah fair but i’ probably let less of my friends know unless I reach a certain Milestone like 1K or okay yeah um it just ad gets looked down upon um until you get the

Numbers um I I’ll say this ader and I’ll simplify it without going into too much detail okay so I had a few doubs within my family right um at the start um throughout the early days especially when I wasn’t getting much traction wasn’t getting paid blah blah blah blah

Blah okay now anyone could imagine how that is right um but yeah once I started hitting like 1K 2K 3K um and 5K and uh now Beyond um let’s just say their opinions and you know doubts and and whatever else they feeling at the time has definitely decreased um

Dramatically it I don’t know it’s just a tough one it’s I don’t know like I enjoy what I do but like not everyone understands um what I do and why I do it like they just don’t seem to quite um grasp the concept what’s up

Magma ah it’s a realm Marco it’s a realm and uh we’ve got a lot of people uh lined up to join so um you get either have to join the queue for that or um or watch along it’s up to you just woke up let’s go magma how are you magma feeling all

Right yeah there’s a Discord server join up to the server and uh just send me a DM and I’ll let you know um if you’re able to join in the future just the q’s pretty long and uh I do have a few people wanting to join and I’ll let them

In um uh very soon once applicable M will you be happy with 50k as your alltime max I don’t know I I think Charlie I’m going to be honest I think there’s a limit to how many subscribers I’m going to get with four guys unless it has a reemergence of

Popularity um I feel unless you’re like a Centric who reaches out to multiple platforms and has his own little um system in place um which is a really really smart system to reach out to other platforms and have a team and you know sort of have his content appeal to like casual

People um I think you’re only limited to like to to to what’s out there um Charlie in terms of four guys um and because the player count seems to be so low um there’s not only so much you can do Char you know what I mean so that’s why I’m reaching out to

Other avenues this second Channel um trying to focus more on Twitch when I can um getting back into the wrestling stuff to fall back on um and there might be Charlie with the way things are Man Gaming sucks let’s be real gaming sort of sucks right now um I’m kind of hoping

For the next big game to just drop um I’m not saying be similar to fall guys but I’m looking for something where you know 50 people can play um and it’s not something close to a a fortnite yeah know mag not a problem not a

Problem so yeah I don’t know I’m just in a way like I’m not relying on something massive to drop but um if I could you know uh just keep my eyes open and see for a game that has 50 people and it’s similar to Four Guys doesn’t have to be

You know the same concept as four guys not at all but like if it’s something similar that’s not too overly violent or resemblant of a fortnite or Battle Royale um yeah then that may be the game I pick up on next I don’t know it’s just hard

To it’s really hard to uh figure out honestly Charlie just got to take it day by day and that’s why I’ve been really focusing on this realm um in this series as well because um if four guys close down tomorrow then uh I’m not as screwed

As what I would be if I didn’t have this you know yeah it’s just uh it’s an interesting one Charlie really is really is all right I’m going to do some mining real quick for a little bit so I’m trying to look for some coal I don’t have any torches that’s the worst

Part sorry guys if it sounds like I’m rambling on I’m just trying to describe it in the best uh manner is what I can CU it’s an it’s an interesting situation I still don’t know who stole my pick no idea Charlie CU um it feels like everyone’s getting their pickaxe stolen

And I’m kind of over it um at this point because every time I hear about it and just don’t know where people’s pickaxes have gone I really don’t know um look I do apologize if it had good enchantments on it or anything like that but like I don’t know

I should always kind of trace your steps oh is that what I’m after yes yeah I know Charlie I know it’s just every time I jump on a live stream that’s all I hear that someone’s pickaxe or someone’s sword or someone’s uh you know valuable tools I mean either stolen or

Lost and I just don’t know how to react to it yeah know CH I’m just saying I’m just saying yes this is exactly what I was after thank freaking goodness yeah what’s up Mark go any more coal around here I think that’s all of it all

Right all right I will come back and mine a little bit I just need to make torches though it is getting a bit difficult to uh see I’m only going to make like I don’t know maybe 20 torches maybe y what’s up Marco how are you

Man have I got in here not really much that’s all right crafting table uh haven’t got sticks well that would be helpful of add sticks uh let’s see I say like 204 17 all right we’ll go to 15 so that’ll be 28 yep yep stick

Chest um I sort of burnt a lot of sticks uh ader you know what I burnt them on uh the frames you know the frames where the uh chests are in the uh storage shed does that still exist yeah yeah I kind of burnt them

All yeah cuz you need a lot of sticks and uh leather for these damn frames for these things could have just made signs but I don’t know I just wanted a visual uh a visually appealing like look I guess fair enough I thought you meant actually burn no burnt through them not

Uh burnt them there’s a c marker I’ve already told you what this is the third time I feel like now um so with all due respect Marco um please maybe just uh take it on board to join our Discord server um you can uh you can send a DM

Through there and I’ll let you know when you’re able to join thank you ad yeah um look if you can’t hear me through the stream or there’s some misunderstanding or there’s like a translation um barrier I’m sure the mods will be able to help you out ader’s there adster is an incredible

Mod and we should have Bots next stream thatw as well finally so all you have to do in the future aner is just exclamation mark Discord once we uh get to next stream all right Marco this will be the last time I’m telling you all right if

You’d like to join the realm in the future all right there’s a q okay cuz there’s a lot of people wanting to join Marco there is a q now to enter that que you need to DM me on Discord I just don’t give out the share code for the

Realm uh in a public live chat um I could let you enter and refresh the code but uh if someone sneaks in and I’m not aware of it then uh people can just come in to grief the entire realm uh something I don’t think anyone wants

Okay um you know especially if you are investing in a realm so um if you join up to a Discord server um send me a DM I’ll let you know when you’re able to join in the future if I don’t get back to you send a second

DM and uh we’ll figure things out so I know um not every single Minecraft stream has that sort of a process it’s just um this is something I’m investing in for the long term not something for shortterm entertainment and fun all right I don’t want people coming in here griefing and blowing everything

Up thank you princess Slayer appreciate it hopefully you’re doing well too princess layout and uh if I don’t see you too much between now and Christmas happy uh I’m happy Merry Christmas I think you’ve been quite busy lately so I appreciate you dropping in yeah the q’s ridiculous ad start um

Half the DMS just get lost in the shuffle sometimes I’ve been trying to keep up with it but like there’s just so many people that just newer people to ad St not like people from the main Channel I’m talking about people that just find my channel this one

Here that just um do go through the process and I’m like who is this person where are they from are they from the main channel are they from gaming oh yes more coal it’s like Christmas that’s that’s very unironic appreciate princess layout oh yes

Sir I needed a lot of coal that was the uh Mission here very successful Mission Ana’s here what’s up Ana bit of a mess but I well there’s some gold there I’ll take that I’m able to smelt more stuff let’s go 45 C yes it’s definitely like Christmas yeah if anyone’s not here

During the Christmas period um Merry Christmas in advance too so how are you anel or if people aren’t here as much I will be streaming every day um Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year’s Eve New Year’s Day so I’ll be here every day not on

This channel but the main Channel at least I happen to stream here I kind of no actually I kind of doubt it because um I’m doing streams on those days it’s probably going to be two hours um and one stream only so it’s probably going to be four guys

Obviously I’m doing well how about you I’m doing all right W you any have all next week off so I finally have more time hey let’s go I know you’ve been working hard player people have been asking where you were later and I just assume that

Um uh that either you’re busy with um work and whatever or um you’re just spending more time with family I was like okay I know it was one of the two like I don’t exactly know I can’t speak for her but I just hope she’s all

Right I try not to speak for people but I just try and make the best logical um assumptions if people are like always asking but I always disclaim I can’t speak for them I don’t know what’s happening exactly I always try and make sure I disain that

And know just that it does ease people um if people think um the worst yeah a bit of both and time zones don’t make it easy staying up till 3:00 every morning was taken a talk see you should listen to my advice princess layout when I say go to bed it

Means go to bed oh that’s n understood though understood I respect that hey isella welcome back you have to update yeah same yeah I had to update uh before went well at the start of the live stream actually uh do you want to make a Chinese friend whose English is not very good

Um well I’m not here to make friends Robin to be honest um look I’m happy to connect um from streamer to viewer over time obviously I’m more comfortable with people who are here more often obviously um so I guess in a way sort of there was a friendship form through that

Uh but I’m not really here to make friends from streamer to viewer um especially if you’re offering me like that um and also secondly if they only speak Chinese uh bringing them into a stream where I only encourage just English only uh wouldn’t be a good

Approach either so I’m going to have to probably decline on that Robin I don’t mind if they watch but if they try and speak in the chat and all they know is Chinese Unfortunately they may get timed out no disrespects um it’s just I can’t communicate with someone who speaks a different language

Entirely um so yeah just I don’t know that’s a very intriguing question I don’t think I’ve ever been asked that before so I don’t know if I answered it the right way or not it’s just um yeah that’s very that’s very unique Robin they are more than welcome to watch the

Stream anyone can watch the stream it’s just uh if they’re going to chat in the chat um if they want to talk to people of this community and uh myself then uh obviously English is what they need to have uh when they’re typing if they want to watch stream to learn English then

That’s a massive W but um there’s only so much I can do I’m not a English teacher I’m a live streamer so please don’t take that the wrong way it’s just yeah I just don’t know how to answer that to be honest with you I have a feeling of listening to English

Now all right bet that’s fine all good Robin yeah they’re more than welcome to watch the stream uh Robin of course anyone can watch even people here like I don’t encourage this but um even people who are hidden from the channel can still watch I’ve got no control over that when you’re live

Streaming to a public platform and it’s a public stream on YouTube um anyone can watch pretty much even people without an account can watch so I don’t know if I answer that the best of my ability to be honest but yeah I hope I did all

Right so I don’t want to offend anyone I really don’t I look I really feel bad for people who want to watch my streams but only can speak a different language it’s just out of my hands for communication um though unfortunately useless dirt bro I’ll take it

But I will have to be careful um in this mine too because if I so you see this um M way if you go right to the end you drop off into a massive cave um and if you land in the right spot you will land in water luckily oh Charlie that’s rather

Unfortunate I’m very very sorry it definitely wasn’t me though wait which one Charlie like where was it last time Jolly do I have any on no you hidden one oh uh no I believe you Charlie it’s just um I’m quite a little bit away from you right

Now um plus if it was the hidden area I’m not going to show that on stream that’s tough man where am I at my um mining uh area underneath my house man I’m going to be at my house for most of the stream today uh

Charlie um so I’m not going to be making any efforts to um go too far unless I absolutely have to yeah Charlie there’s there’s been um there is a enchantment table with a bookshelf at base 2 that has been public for quite some time so if you need one just to use I’d

Recommend using that one uh I wouldn’t recommend taking it though because that’s where I go and get my enchantments all the time now um I do have an old one uh an old one I do have a uh uh a secret one on my own which I’m

Not going to say where that is um but that was from Cisco’s old base um and he allowed me to take whatever I wanted from there and he had an enchantment table which has been there since he entered so I decided to take how long to end the stream uh probably

Another hour or two and maybe another hour at most I feel I might not push for like I might get close to 4 hours but I’m not going to go over 4 hours kind of want to sleep um added somewhat decent time so probably another hour ad stop I

Reckon wait what are we at an hour of 40 so that’s nearly 2 hours another hour would be 3 maybe another hour another hour and a half maybe I don’t know yet we’ll see we’ll see all I’m going to smelt um let me just take half of

This I’ll do some uh two for one smelting it um all right Cobble Stone what’s up Charlie what the hell what up thing you can do that what the okay was it about to ask you going to push till 4:00 a.m. oh you want me to stream that long

Ad I’m not overly tired but like it’d be nice to get um some decent sleep on some nights no but yeah go on read last Um what are you doing Charlie better not be stealing if you want something ask for it otherwise yeah I will not be Happy there 100% of this I gathered myself so I mean eventually just looking all right that’s all right all Goods I’ll take your word for it but eventually um once this does become all full I won’t actually care people steal little bits here and that I I would still prefer

People asks but it’s Minecraft so people of course are going to take bits and pieces yeah a lot of it’s empty Charlie um anything with signage might have a little bit like Direct L next to it so as you can see the chest with uh stuff directly Bes

The signs uh will have stuff in it the rest of it’s pretty much empty um magma I can’t find your last message a um do you mind typing it again or not I don’t know um hedge put it there no idea we’ll see Ed still we’ll see it’s a precious piece of dirt

Apparently all right Isabella enjoyed enjoy your rest of your day at school no problems you know what this is Al also useful uh this place I could just lock I’m just kidding I won’t do that I’m just kidding can also lock people in there going to need you to stream until

The end of my workday K thanks I didn’t agree to that princess leer I mean look I am happy to stream for as long as I can but uh sure I mean we’re nearly two hours in could do another two and a half hours you’re not hidden magma just don’t see

Your messages it’s probably YouTube bugging this where you dios Charlie I’m not playing these games tonight sorry it’s only eight more hours you got this eight more hours that is wild eight more hours I mean that’s tempting because I really want to grind this channel honestly uh princess lout I guess 10:

A.m. then MOS yeah I all right time to go to about at 10: a.m. how many times have I done that I’ve done that a few times over the years but um that that’s extremely rare there’s motivation till 4:00 a.m. MOS yeah magma I think the

Uh that’s where I did kill you oh I don’t even remember that Charlie to be honest um what was I saying I forgot I forgot I love that I forgot um m Burger rings I joined my friend in his 2our stream last weekend that was rough oh 24hour stream

Damn Charlie we’re not doing this we’re not doing this good good I’m not answering no comment thank you hope this is not bait for something and I’ll take it ad says de uh done it once earlier this year definitely was a good night good walk for my dog in the

Morning got a bit sunburn though sleeping at 10: a.m. oh my gosh I really dislike sleeping at daytime but I mean after an all night up um sometimes it happens sometimes it happens he how long AG it did you watch for um Leo sorry I’m trying not to e but I am I’m

Hungry see you later Charlie hey magma I’m being absolutely serious and I can screenshot if you want I actually cannot see your message I see mosh I see white am i hidden I I’ll tell you what I see mosh wait am i hidden mosh did you read last and then literally there’s a

Massive Gap um I’m okay just going to get ready for school is that what you put no believe you I refreshed the chat only showing the small messages yeah what is this what is this that’s a terrible angle I know it’s a picture frame in a picture frame but what is this

Why is it here why is it here tell me Charlie why is this yeah I don’t even know what we’re doing me and Vives played with him the whole time but we C it quit to 22 hours uh cuz it wasn’t worth it anymore yeah yeah there’s a limit to it

Le um I remember the one time I did a well it was meant to be a 24-hour Minecraft stream on Twitch uh about 3 years ago I got to the 23rd hour mark this is when like two or three people were watching right for the majority of

The time I think I picked at like six viewers at one point for like half hour all be clear when the fog is gone bro that makes no sense what do you mean the there is no fog there’s clouds yeah I fell asleep at the 23rd

Hour mark very very close to the 24 and then I woke up like I don’t know 6 hours later and then I looked at the uh stream time it was 29 hours I’m like are you kidding me are you kidding me and then I just end the stream I was so mad at

Myself I was so mad at myself myself there was a few explosives cuz on Twitch I do allow some explosives even back then I’m like ho what the like no ah yeah i’ started massive regret massive regret actually I need to go to sleep actually can I say my message into two

To three split messages because it’s not showing how long messages yep yep yep do it magma it’s YouTube being a pain yeah that was my one and only attempt at a 24-hour stream ad stop um I think I got some clips of it ad St this was

2020 so I’d have to go through like all of my um external devices my hard drives and all that stuff but um yeah I don’t know unless I’ve lost it I hope not but it should be somewhere in the archives um I don’t know how much of it would have downloaded though

Adster cuz I don’t think I can download a 29h hour stream straight even from twitch so I don’t know if it gets split up I can’t remember so maybe there’s split parts of it I’m not particularly sure just reminded me no no rush CU seemed important hope you see this I see

That now I would have expired by now ad stop on Twitch um if you’re a non-affiliate or a non-p partner you get seven days to download your content before it disappears forever if you’re an affiliate which I’m pretty sure I was at the time there’s 14

Days to download it um if you’re a partner 90 days oh magma I know what you’re talking about how long are you here for the stream magma I forgot to DM you I’m an idiot I forgot to DM you I forgot to DM zenat I’ve forgot to DM ra

Whoops the reason is magma I got caught up with family and I and it slipp my mind I’m sorry um yep I will DM you soon how long are you going to be here for right um okay just hold on uh actually you know what you know

What screw the DM magma I’ll just tell you what I was going to say to you um so I was thinking all right I know Magma’s a chat guard on the main Channel all right and I don’t have any plans to promote you quite yet cuz I

Think you’re doing great as chatard okay but um would you like to be uh maybe attemp mod Here Charlie what are you doing bro what are you doing up to you you can say no if you want but I mean what is bro doing bro is

Bored so um would you like to be a uh I wasn’t waiting for DM all right I’m done hold on all right there you go you should have it Charlie why would I have it I have one from Cisco’s base but it’s nowhere near this

House so if you want to go through it go through it but I will tell you this you’re wasting your time hey there we go magma with a blue name this is going to be awesome you’re welcome magma you’re welcome Charlie if I had it I’d give it to

You guys this is see the repeat occurrence first hedge with the sword and now Charlie with the enchantment tank why does everyone blame me I don’t get it we cannot hear you what do you mean yes I took an enchantment table from Cisco’s base I’ll ask him if you want me

To he had one there nowhere in this house though cuz everything I put in this house seems to get stolen so you know Charlie come with me have a look at this so there was a reason why I took it from Cisco’s house I’ll show you no I’m not repeating it

Charlie yeah congratulations to magma you’re uh temp mod indefinitely on this channel so I’m sure you’ll definitely make good use of it so the only reason why I have an enchantment table yeah I’ll definitely um have a command for that ader so um Charlie I’ll show you some

So Cisco has already mentioned it in our Discord server that he doesn’t play Minecraft anymore and he just doesn’t want to be in the realm um so this base his house was abandoned a couple days ago and uh I just want this house left here for now

Do not enter steel destroy but before I boarded it up all right and put that sign on there he had an enchantment table and it was round about here inside and I know he’s had that for a long time so that’s why I have an enchantment table do you want food all

Right now massive W magma congratulations I’ll show you where an enchantment table is I wouldn’t recommend stealing it Charlie because I use this one a lot cuz it’s got bookshelves but um I I’ll show you hold on come on guys it’s Minecraft if you lose something make another one even if

It does take a bit of a grind I just don’t understand it not trying to be disrespectful I’m not trying to be rude but um I’ll show you where this other enchantment table is why I be lying this is what I don’t get I don’t see the benefit of lying

Especially if I’m the streamer can you get in Charlie or not wait can two people get into a mine card or not I can’t remember ah crap I’ve only got one mine cart hold on is there a um where’s the crafting table all right I’ll meet you over there

I’ll made you over there sorry I should have had this more prepared no wa wait oh my goodness oh my goodness bro ah ah only one in mine cart yeah damn it o I wasn’t meant to do that I was meant to get in I was meant to get

In oh my goodness there goes my five iron bro oh well it’s all right who knows where that went anyway just uh just follow [Laughter] that was terrible just going to take the trip without the uh mine cart screw it that mosart yeah for real oh my goodness Charlie’s overt me overtaking

Me whatever but there’s a trick for a boat which fits two in a mine cart I don’t know how to do it cuz I never tried it no that’s fair bro this is slow slow why man there we go look at this yes sir this is going to be very

Steep this part but oh well we don’t talk about it we’re almost there no no Charlie that’s a rare mistake I wasn’t meant to do what I did I pressed the button I was meant to get in oh whoops we don’t talk about that so this is the public base

To enchantment table this has been here for a while now this has been here for multiple streams so if you want to use it to enchant you can but um yeah there’s there’s there’s a few enchantment tables across the realm Charlie you might have to just do a

Better job at hiding it next time um it just wasn’t me because I just don’t see the point in stealing yours I just there was a time where I wasn’t even using the enchantment tables at all I was just using diamonds cuz um I wanted to grind for it myself

To be honest all right here we go or go for Enchantment books or go trade with um oh or going um do the uh what’s it called the Villager stuff all see Charlie no problems but uh I didn’t take a man I just don’t see the benefit I took

Cisos or ask Cisco like later if you want me to if he had an enchantment table he definitely did but uh yeah no it’s all good man just enjoy the rest of your day and night Charlie and I’ll see you again soon don’t take it the wrong way I’m not

Complaining it’s just um every time I come on to a live stream everyone just is like where’s this where’s that have you got this have you got that why would I have any of your stuff guys I don’t get it if I took it off you whilst on stream you would have seen

It and when I’m off stream mining okay or building right no one’s hardly on so I just don’t get it I don’t understand guys why does it always pick on mosh thanks magma what do you think about the realm in all honesty mcraft yeah it should be cool

That what do you think about this realm so far magma honest opinions but ad you seeing that now that’s um two people now the stream I’m surprised Mystic didn’t uh claim that I had anything of his cuz he typically does that too guys I don’t have your stuff I appreciate a magma

W’s look my infantry is literally there my chests are open they’re not hidden I have a massive storage shed yes I would I would prefer people ARS to go in there there to have a look but go and have a look everyone asks why MOS and not how

Yeah I know I know it’s annoying ah there was someone on this realm in the early days of the uh series ad Stone I don’t remember who it was um who complained about losing something literally uh weeks ago and would always like tell me about it

And I’m like um you might have to just find it yourself I don’t know where it is MH my yeah you can have princess Le you can have all 15 of these there you go watch oops whoops bro I can’t even drop the damn diamonds watch this bro there you go

Oh see MH on my netherite on my single player server yeah it it just is about ridiculous you see the trend now Adar like I’m not going to fully complain about it’s a game it’s whatever but like I’m just here to chill there’s something called magma in

Minecraft yeah there is um someone had a couple of blocks earlier in the Stream actually magma ironically there you go you can have your 15 uh diamonds back but it’s every stream lately I don’t know mosh flexing his diamonds yeah cuz I went down to the Deep slate layer of

This mine that’s where I found um the majority of these diamonds yeah I got given some um Charlie gave me a few um couple others on stream have gave me a few but I went all the way down there to get them like ad it’s getting a little bit

Irritating I don’t know I don’t know what they expect they must know that I don’t steal the stuff and just expect oh yep if I got a spare one I’ll give it to them I don’t know what annoys me more that um or uh there used to be a thing in the uh

You might have seen this to ad Stu when um someone dies in front of me and even though I’m like way back here let’s just say this this is the person that gets killed right they get killed in front of me and I’m like back here and they can

See on stream that I’m back here they die and all their loot goes flying not to here maybe to like here right I’m nowhere near it I’m minding my own business they lose something oh mosh have you got my sword oh mosh have you got my pickaxe I’m right here dude I

Didn’t pick any of it I didn’t take any loot it’s on the stream too that’s the worst part I don’t get it like bro if I’m back here and nothing is added to my inventory I don’t have it it’s either you find it or you’re taking

It and you went ah mus didn’t see me take that I might as well see if he’s got another like it doesn’t work like that bro come on that was happening in the earlier days of this realm that was so frustrating that’s why I don’t let people follow me much anymore cuz

Um you know people are following me dying and then they’re like you know where’s my stuff I’d be like 20 ft away from them and still like ah ah bro I don’t like complaining this is the worst part I don’t like complaining but here I am complaining but guys there’s just

There’s a limit to how much I can take of all this crap I know it’s a game it’s Minecraft I got to expect some of it I do but um it’s just getting a bit too much cuz it’s every live stream there’s not one live stream where I can come on

Here and just chill unless it’s like extremely late but even then like stuff happens at the beginning of the stream expecting investigator M yeah I know right does this happen on every real uh real I was trying to combine the two words does this happen on every realm and server is this

Normal what happens here you know what ader I wasn’t going to point it out but because it’s happening so much um before anyone says anything I’m like yep might as well just say it cuz someone’s going to say it for me when you’re a streamer yes I mean yeah I

Get it I don’t mind a little bit of but I uh like almost expect it but when it’s every stream every stream like come on give me a break give me a break wait until I make this storage shed then no one be able to make anything up then we just like yeah

Go to the storage shed just take what you want leave me let me continue my projects that’s what I sort of want to to be honest and if it becomes a server and there’s like you know 50 60 people all all on all on at once and if I’m

Streaming then uh yeah just be like yep to the shed go to the shed you shouldn’t have to deal with it but yeah unfortunately it do be that way yeah I know I’m sure sometimes it’s for the memes layer or it’s for the you know 5 minutes of just having a laugh or

Whatever being entertained by it I get it but like come on it’s getting so apparently obvious that it’s not me taking this stuff or it’s not me who’s collected the stuff like come on there’s only so much of it like they have to come up with something more believable than

That enter room playing survival in Minecraft but I’m being framed by members yes that’s right I left for like 40 minutes and magma got mod W’s yep temp mod uh any temp mod I was going to discuss in DMS but like I got caught up with family tonight

Before I went live so I forgot to DM magma and two others there’s still chat God on the main Channel um Anya but I’ve decided to give them an opportunity here um at a bigger role at a bigger role and I’m sure they’ll do well so

This is why I like own my this is why I like my own private server yeah yeah I’m thinking about purchasing another subscription uh layer and just um leaving that as my own like personal timeout like off stream server or realm whatever very tempted I’m I’m nearly out

Of food ain’t I uh but I go and get some suppose I could copy and paste this but then again like uh it’s hard as a streamer because any sort of progress I’d like to show to the community W magma for real I think I got 10 mod out the blue

No pun in 10 on this channel two weeks before decided this mod on my channel yeah that’s true that’s true let’s be 100% real though ad St soon as you got mod like you you knew what to do you know what to do no pun intendent

Yeah so I think that was a no-brainer as Temp and uh main Channel mod I need food that’s what I’m after I forgot what I come up for that’s crazy surprised I did not going to lie okay well it’s amazing when you give someone some responsibility and

Uh you know that they’re going to do well oh all I say is blue in the chat that’s d yeah magma I think you’re going to do well as temp mod too an is just good at everything true yeah ad is pretty talented in multiple areas and AD is very

Like um aware and ads is very open-minded answer says cuz this the first channel I became mod for plus the time I did get temp mod with GRE and pixels because of that impersonator when there were no mods available at the time yeah that was

Wild why did I put the food back I need that oh well I didn’t feel like I did much then uh you was you were very trusted at that time ader you still are obviously but um just from the viewers in chat whilst that was all happening um pixels is a streamer he

Knows how to mod his own chat I’ve seen him do it um whilst there was times I was working and I just couldn’t do what he wanted at the time and I felt really bad I really don’t like leaving people hanging like that uh so only happened

Once or twice but yeah there’s been a couple times I’ve worked or had an earb in in a different room and he’s like oh there’s no mods in chat I better do it myself I’m like oh no um so pixel’s you know temp mod that’s a no brain up plus that stupid

Impersonator um to distinguish the difference Greg was a chat guard um and ader I feel like you had the most um I don’t think you had a role at the time ader but like you were there quite regularly quite trusted I was like yeah just give him some temp mod responsibilities

Okay I’m going to school give me 3 minutes to I’ll be back for 20 minutes and I got to go yeah okay magal yeah it was I’m not going to lie M uh not magma ad so that was a pretty difficult uh pretty difficult situation to be thrusted into to be honest

Because um that stream was wild um and unfortunately that group of people or that individual um really ruin that that wonderful W stream which I’m glad we’re able to redo later but like it really threw everything off ra wanted me to stay as mod when they came back to chat

Yeah yeah there was quite a lot of people ring for you to be uh mod M stuff um to be completely honest I don’t know if I I shouldn’t reveal this but um we won’t say too much other than this but if you go through the private mod

Chat um your name’s been brought up multiple times for High Rolls so yeah I’ll I’ll just leave it at that I won’t reveal too much but yeah um the community is behind you st it’s not just me it’s the the community and also those with other higher roles

Too I don’t know if you’ve been through it but yeah you scroll up through the private mod chat to early November okay yeah I won’t go too much into it but yeah your name came up quite a bit I will say I don’t think anyone would be surprised by that at all

So I think I’m quite comfortable with saying that saw my name quite the time for both mod and chat guard roll yep yep yep there you go there was a few times where I thought um you’d make a good chat G but then I just knew you had mod quality so I was

Like uh you know after being temp mod here and um having that situation handled the way that you handled it after that incident I was like uh it’s pretty hard to pass up someone with Mod qualities for a chat Card roll what’s up vrit how are you all right magma no problems no

Problems all right let me go back to this chest real quick bro this is so lengthy Granite dirt I’ll put the lapis in there screw it um yes I’m just going to mine a little bit more yes thank you ad stop hey hedge must try to trap you what what are you talking

About trap you where what’s bro talking about stuck in the storage yet oh oh yeah because you despawned in there that’s not my fault but you should have got out of there it’s all right you can break it and just reput the uh Cobble back in its place near the

Doors good yeah someone trapped me in there the other day off stream and I’m like oh why was a new hedge was it it was someone I can’t remember who who was online then uh I don’t know someone might have been Mystic I don’t know on me I have uh

15 I have 15 on my person so what are the Minecraft’s exclusive Bedrock features ah off the top of my head this TR I’m not sure but there are some uh there are some exclusives but I can’t remember what they are specifically off the top of my

Head the only reason why I like Bedrock is because it’s time to um console I’m going get some sleep I don’t know how I haven’t fallen asleep yet all right no worries ader enjoy the rest of your night man and I’ll see you again later today thanks for help ad

St magma you want to drop your first link if you’d like if you know how to do it could you drop aders link honestly how well you go matches remember for your brain to brain today and I hope you continue to stream to 10 a.m. I don’t know about

That do you know how to do it ader not ader magma sorry have a great n ad still thank you hey there we go as add’s link guys I’m pretty sure sure the majority of you know but if there’s any like new viewers just lurking around um there’s ad’s link that be

Member of this community WOD they make thumbnails they help out quite a lot not just on stream but behind the scenes as well always good to have up Dad yeah same so is this not Minecraft it is it is it is I just don’t remember off the top of my head

Vis it’s been about 3 or 4 years I’m not going to lie I’m not going to exaggerate it’s been about three or four years since I’ve watched one of those um Java to bedrock comparison videos so I can’t tell you off the top of my head especially not at 2:30 in the

Morning and uh considering I’ve never played Java at all um I couldn’t tell you what the exclusives are I’ve watched people play Java I actually think Java could be indeed the better version uh despite my bias and uh love for Bedrock um where am I now I’m in my

M sorry hedge has just a lot lot of stuff going on in the chat man the YouTube chat sorry the in-game chat is very important but also the uh YouTube chat is quite important to Ed so I’m just trying to make sure that um you know everyone’s getting

Oh their messages read if I can if it’s possible uh could be YouTube bugging do I have food are you in the storage shed there’s food to the left of it man I don’t have food on me I have to go to the storage shed uh what the oh oh he’s back

Oh well I didn’t see that oh there’s iron down here too yes all right I’ll come back I’ve got to get rid of some of this junk uh there was some arrow thing like there was a s Arrow which a Fletcher villager gave yeah okay that’s fair are this trip I don’t

Know I haven’t watched any of those videos in a long long time and a lot has changed in both editions like the 1.19 or the 1.19 and the 1.20 editions of uh Minecraft um we’re huge and anything after that huge like the deep dark and all that

Stuff The New Forest like um elements of those biomes all that stuff was massive yeah well I did see it it’s just I read all of it Edge that’s all I can see sorry hedge if it’s not displaying I don’t know what else to do the Minecraft chat bugs just as much as

The YouTube chat I feel there’s been times people have told me in the YouTube chat why aren’t you reading the chat and then I put it up and it’s not displaying the stuff that they told me was said and I’m like I don’t know guys you just got to keep in mind

If it’s not on your screen uh this is the same scream I’m looking at all right so if it’s not there it’s not there I can’t delete messages I look I don’t know you remember Arrow block yeah n look I still watch Minecraft videos and whatnot um even Minecraft

Streams some time to time but like um in terms of actual like features with within the game I I really haven’t kept up with a lot of it um there was some certain YouTubers back in the day like um RBX toy cat and stuff like that I used to watch him

Quite a bit for updates and features and all that stuff but then live just took over um and there was also times where YouTube wasn’t recommending his content anymore so um if it’s not recommended it’s hard for me to keep up as well he was quite good at explaining uh

How the game um what sort of updates and whatnot he still does a wonderful job I watched one of his videos just recently and yeah he’s still quite on top of things I know how to get links now for adses I had to search his name but I

Realize a faster method yeah just click on their name if you’re on phone um I’m assuming this is what you did but click on their name and then uh go over to the three dots and uh share link copy link uh head back to chat

Paste and uh he he used to be one of my main sources um of YouTubers for Minecraft um but yeah Master Strat yes let’s go magma W for real W for real magma you found Iran I literally found it just then great timing right timing hedge not a

Wall you like looking at Wall’s hedge h well I can’t really say the same thing but sure I could perhaps see why you’re so intrigued at looking at a wall there was a time on YouTube Once where 50,000 people watched paint dry might have been

More you can have it I don’t care I’ve already got enough fine I’ll find more anyway you can have it are you sure just have it I’ll take it then yeah so I think um pixels is going to be having his uh Minecraft stream on Sunday which is

Also my honorary stream and I think I might be uh obtaining uh temporary access to his roomm to build something for um NDP um I’ve thought about a few things that I may want to build but I don’t know how it’s going to exactly work um in terms of building all right

I’m just going to put this in the chest real quick uh hedge I’ll be back so I don’t know whether there’s going to be a chest of where um of materials where I’m going to be building at or whether I have to go um backwards and forth from uh pixel’s um

Storage yet or not or whether I have to gain my own materials I’m not particularly sure I didn’t exactly ask about that I didn’t think about that uh once I was off it but um yeah I don’t know exactly what I’m going to be building yet but it’ be some sort of

Um I don’t know I don’t know whether it’s going to be a building or just um a sign um paying respect to andd P but yeah I got access to his realm but haven’t been in yet okay yeah it’s just going to be temporary for the stream um later like

He’s not going to kick me out sort of thing but um he trusts me enough not to enter afterwards because it’s exclusive between you know the the people currently in there and I respect that um so um I’m going to be honest princess Slayer once I’m in there and

I’ve done what I had to do and I’m gotten out um I will remove that code um and just get rid of it entirely and not join back up at all cuz uh I’m kind of too focus on my own realm um so yeah I’m happy to honor his

Requests and happy to give respects to ND Pape and all that stuff but yeah after that stream yeah um I’ll just get rid of the code and uh yeah just enjoy the time for um what it was for when I was there and uh yeah it should be good you

Found 26 coal with one Bane or whatever you call it oh nice nice so yeah now I wasn’t I I really wasn’t expecting him to uh allow me to do that honestly uh definitely honored uh happy to do it I just don’t know what to build I’ve had a few ideas but

Just H I don’t know what the process is going to be um for that I don’t know what part of the stream that’s going to happen for cuz it’s going to be a um link sharing stream half of it’s link sharing half of it’s chill um I think that’s what we agreed

On don’t remember which half is uh what but um yeah I don’t know when I’m going to be free on Sunday I’ll just be there as soon as I wake up in the morning if he’s live and just turn up I’ll be like hello hello pixels then I can join this

Whenever I’m sure he be doing his own thing and I’ll be probably building I guess I don’t know no pressure a no pressure under pressure yeah no is magma not a problem please enjoy the rest of your day or night and I’ll see you again soon uh thanks for turning up magma

Sorry I didn’t DM you but um yeah I’m glad we’re able to talk about what we got to talk about no pressure at all yeah I know right yeah ton wasn’t the best builder um time for school yeah good luck magma can’t wait to be in the entire stream

For four guys no worries sounds good magma W congrats on your temp mod you’re still chat guard on the main Channel um you need gravel I’ve got some uh where is it again got to get used to these uh how much do you need oh you

Found yeah but you went I found gravel I need gravel an iron door hedge don’t go down there hey br’s got freaking x-ray don’t go down there don’t go down there you can have a look but just don’t reveal what it is please hedge please don’t cuz um I’m look I

Want to have my own areas hedge and if everyone discovers them it just I can’t help it if they do Discover it it’s just um look I want to I want to make some areas exclusive to where I’m able to do stuff if that makes sense cuz I’m sick of people stealing

Stuff all right hedge I trust you if it’s gone uh you’re the only one that knows about it so all right Rose us an x-ray or something I me what who does that a no way um pass um I’ll I’ll send the link in

Chat go to the server send a DM to me um and I’ll try and get you in the realm uh at a later date it’s just a bit of a queue with that okay I was joking by the way when I said that I wasn’t being serious Hedge

But if you want gravel there’s a lot of it above ground or you can go back to where the uh the mines are and there should be some down there just saying just everyone’s trying to F my secret Areas bro that was a massive gulp um hold on um actually

Oh there is someone here smelting don’t you dare Edge don’t you think about it that’ll be like an instant van that’ be end of the stream too I’ll be so mad I wonder why I need a gravel I don’t know no idea how you guys have TNT bro I haven’t even thought about getting TNT yet that’s

Wild you’re not the only one who has TNT on the um I feel like making base one honestly yeah I know how to make it I know how to make it it’s just I don’t know why you guys have it I’m going to have to make a rule for

Base one no TNT if you got it you’ll be uh deported yeah I’ve got gunpowder from creepers too and so I know how to make it I’m not asking how to make it I know how to make it I just don’t know why people have made it no fair enough M explode yeah

Okay that’s all right as long as it’s being used correctly um I guess I won’t ban it at base one but um at the end of the day if I feel the need to ban it from base one I will ban it and if anyone’s

Caught with it then uh yeah you’ll be in trouble and if you don’t like the rules you can find another Island cuz if you blow stuff up in another Island I don’t care am I being silly a little bit a little bit I’m just eating allor right hey you got Flint w

Well want the um what am I doing whoa do I have torches bra don’t you have coal yeah I do there you go I’m can have nine whoops there you go what is bro doing what is bro doing oh my goodness hedge that’s a bit

Close so I can make 99 torches well make them make them bro make them BR you got to stuck in here man well you need torches don’t you why wait what what is bro doing I’m so confused BR you’ve locked these doors man not be doing that

Um I’m trying to figure out what I want to do next oh that’s loud yeah oh my gosh what is he doing dir is on fire yep yep it is it is you and your TNT bro you wait until you make something mess Edge and you wait until I have TNT and

I’ll play with it I will I will play with it and I’ll be like well you did this to me so where’s bro going Bruh Bruh I forgot to smelt um the uh what’s it called the copper might as well smelt it might as well smelt it what what OMG what almost died

Well got to be careful man you got to be careful man might as well smelt that too big not explored cave yeah yep wait that’s freaking loud bro I’m gaining XP from doing this so it’s not as bad excuse me announcements what is this what the why is it to anoun

M h so I was just looking at something uh interesting sorry sorry chat sorry uh I’m bored I want to time out my old account sorry any I was just Hing at Discord I can actually look at my Discord um 10 seconds oh my goodness 60 seconds oh my goodness what

Did you even say I can’t even say the messages why can’t I click on them BR my YouTube’s bugging hold on oh got to close that tap and then I got to get back into here uh it’s just dots oh okay BR who is on CH man they should be hidden I’m just

Kidding just kidding just kidding Anda too much of a w to be uh treated that way all right where the freaks the gold here we go all right in and this can go over here this can go over here this is fun not going to lie yeah I can tell you’re

Having a lot of fun with this might try and stream for another half hour or so um approximately I don’t know if I can do any more than that um I was going to push for the normal 4 and a half but like it’s already nearly 3 a.m. I don’t want to

Disappoint anyone but like yeah I’m struggling a bit tonight what’s up hedge help help with what hidden unhidden hidden unhidden never thought I’d see that on Chan hidden by any that is just that’s just mindblowing an why do you not have food hedge like ever bro what the

Hell why does bro never have food why did I do that do what do what what is bir doing oh my gosh what the hell why the hell why man unhidden any oh my gosh your TR got stuck on the roof well what do you want me to do about it I

Can’t even see it bro it’s confusing yeah it’s very confusing picked it up oh anyway I’m going to go back to mining so yeah if you don’t want to be locked inuh oh I went the wrong way AFK all right bet bye-bye byebye see you Hedge for now once we

Fall all right let’s do a little bit of mining ah I should have put the copper in the damn chest I I’m getting so confused all right who cares I feel like making noodles after this it’s like 3 in the morning but I really want noodles but then again I also couldn’t

Be bothered cuz uh bed would be uh a great option too less work more sleeping so I don’t know tough choice you got Pringles yeah I got Burger rings but I’m just overeating junk like junk food’s great for a snack but like as proper food not really the

Best got to go now good night Robert yeah thanks Anya on Chan have a great rest of your um day or night all right thanks for help and W for reals for real for reals and a Noah Michelle Robert yeah it’s the one the fact that you remember that oh

Gosh hey any you before you go I should start uploading videos again on the main Channel even if it is uh crap guys because um every time I uploaded a video um you are always one of the first people to comment or um you know or one of the people that would

Consistently comment from video to video so I thought that was cool hopefully uh Channel wise uh hopefully we can make um less m stakes from what we did in 2023 leading over to 2024 uh I’m to be honest then I kind of scrapped it because I think the main reason was Anda

I enjoyed it um it was a unique like it was cool cuz I was able to play the game and talk about things but there was just a see the thing is and when you stream every day um and the way my audience is sometimes uh I do like talk about what I

Want to do with the channel um later down the line whether it’s for the short term or for the long term so I felt like after a while with extreme party weekly I just didn’t see the point because I was sort of revealing a lot of those plans um in

Streams uh or you know at least um you know brainstorming uh ideas um with people in the live streams so yeah probably hedge so um I just felt like the majority of those watching Extreme party weekly um ana were like the people who watch the streams so if that’s pretty much the

Case I didn’t see the point in continuing it um but yeah that was a lot of fun it’s just just um I ran out of things to go over anyel because I was I think before I was going to make week 10 I think that was

The uh next one to come out I was like do I really have to make another one of these cuz I’m like thinking about what I’m going to say in the video right and I’m just like yeah but I think I’ve talked about the majority of this stuff

In the Stream so why am I going out of my way just to repeat in a video sort of thing yeah I understand even though I don’t uh stream yeah so yeah I don’t know it’s just um yeah I just didn’t want to repeat myself any yet especially the same viewers were

Coming across from streams to watching that series why can’t I say kumbo now I do not get tagged or whatever uh it’s because of the combination of certain letters uh I guess I don’t know I ain’t saying what I think’s going to be centered in that because I know

What it is and I just don’t want to uh say it out loud cuz that’s weird just uh not not appropriate I might bring it back and you I might just bring it back as like a challenge format rather than talking about the channel and ideas and what I think about the game

Ranked mode is coming up right uh if not if I’m not wrong y yeah I don’t know when though Anya but it’s getting very very close you ran out of food again bro I can’t keep giving you my food man oh my gosh hedge this is why the food in the um

Base one went so quickly yeah pretty much any yeah so that’ll be good maybe I make a series out of that cuz I want videos to come back um next year but uh with the team as well as um being more efficient uh with the way I

Do videos and the way that it gets edited um yeah we should be okay hopefully hopefully all right see you hedge please enjoy the rest of your day or night and I’ll see you again soon yeah I don’t know I miss extreme party weekly not going to

Lie even have my own like creative uh background for it I don’t know yeah I don’t know I might just make it into like a a challenge I might just reformat it I might bring it back for week 10 under the same format and I might just

Announce at the end um so next time we do extreme party weekly it’s going to be challenge based it’s not me talking about four guys it’s just going to be a challenge um so I want to change the format I’m just I don’t know and plus a lot of the plans I’m

Mentioned an extreme party weekly um a lot of the plans didn’t eventuate or they got scrapped so for people watching those things back and some some ideas haven’t happened it’s because they got scrapped or they just never eventuate it um not saying any of that stuff can’t

Be uh something we do in the future but like I was going to do um public squads and lobbies champion ships uh as painful as that could have been for like a concept bit of a trial and error one um I do have a championship design I haven’t revealed it

Yet um yeah I don’t know creative mode is not really fun anymore in my opinion uh there’s less fun elements to it Anya um won’t lie any you when I’m doing members Monday and members only that’s the only time I really enjoy playing creative mode uh cuz on and off stream

I’ve even lost motivation to make maps um I’m starting to gain a little bit of it back but it’s not the same as what it was when it first came out um or in the first few months of it coming out I don’t know it’s a bit of an odd

Uh bit of an odd one because you’ve got all the tools to make your own amazing map but yeah I don’t know I just I think it’s also Anya that there’s no survival it’s just race rounds and I’m over race rounds there’s no survival there’s no Rising slime there’s no Crown

Grab I know apparently we meant to get one of them in uh either January or February I keep hearing January and apparently do survival um I don’t want to get anyone’s hopes up but um I’m kind of sick of the Apparently and I’m kind of sick of

Hearing about it I want to just see it and I just want to just experience it I feel like that’ll kickart my motivation for Creative not just playing but also making Maps a little bit more not going to lie any you um the the fact that they put like

Background music or osts if you will I me you get to choose your own OST and background music is kind of cool um the sky boxes are kind of cool some of the new obstacles are kind of cool but like there’s a massive difference between

Kind of cool and uh this is amazing I don’t want to stop playing it I don’t want to stop creating I don’t want to stop you know messing around with uh all this new stuff sorry any I think you had to go I’m holding you up I’m sorry Ana not the

First time probably won’t be the last time no but I’ll give you props any you um there’s a lot of people who have stopped playing four guys and I know you’ve like stopped playing it a little bit and I understand why and I get it and I respect it but at least you

Haven’t crapped on the game on your way out um so I do give you props for that because um it’s becoming a bit of a trend within the four guys Community not just streamers and YouTubers right but also the community just like viewers and stuff like that um saying that the board

They hate four guys they don’t want nothing to do with four guys and they just crap on it on the way out and it’s it’s demoralizing survival will come out in 2025 like GTA I mean true true uh good point good point imagine but like those people who just

Don’t really play it much anymore or rarely play it or just don’t play it at all now um those who don’t crap on the game on their way up I respect a lot cuz trust me we all have we all have our own opinions on the game um

It’s it’s like a roller coaster 1 minute it does extremely well the next minute it does terrible but um yeah I don’t know it’s just I don’t know I just don’t see the point of overcapping on it so I just think of all the good times I actually enjoyed the game to the

Fullest extent like ss1 streaming this um streaming that on the main Channel sorry um was like a fav dream and uh just the Nostalgia of that even though it was just over a bit over a year ago like wow that season really took my main Channel off like in in terms of

Like it took off what’s up Dr Pepsi so yeah I don’t know I miss those times I mean we all do but I don’t know how are you Dr Pepsi what’s happening man lupus lapis lupus lapis lapis lupus sorry that’s just a whole mem now the one time I called lapis lopus and

Yeah the rest is history that’s the way dog Pepsi all right I’ll stream for another half hour and then I’m going to call it a night ah it’s all right Dr Pepsi I’ll be off soon anyway I’m just going to mine for until I fill up this I’m going to

Mine then after that uh I don’t know what I’m going to do yeah and that’s fine see you any W enjoy the rest of your um day or night and I’ll see you again soon it’s all right I’ll be off in half now anyway sorry held up I didn’t mean to it’s just

Yeah I don’t even know how that happened it just did thanks for the copper right wait which way this way I think I hope so yep yep yep uh W Zeno this red stone W no W onch I go hun yourself anymore and oh gosh

Now go to bed I know some of you guys um when you say you have to go and sleep whatever don’t but um yeah please sleep you really had to do that and I was just a DOT oh my gosh one last time oh oh my gosh there a’t no

Way bro go to sleep man go to sleep man you need it oh my gosh oh my gosh that’s hilarious bro uh hold on watch this watch this any I know you have to go watch this hold on Dr Pepsi watch this watch this hold on

Um oh my goodness I did not just do that I did not just do that I don’t know if you guys can see it it doesn’t show on my phone hold on please tell me that oh does it show does it show what I just

Did please tell me it just showed what I just did it doesn’t show me on here yeah there we [Laughter] go oh I just couldn’t help myself that’s freaking funny that’s freaking funny oh gosh anyway there you go and you hopeful that made your that’s wild that is really

Wild never thought I’d do that but oh well there we go oh gosh let me just try to type hold on Dr Pepsi I’m not ignoring you You’ been placed in timeout by the owner of this video or moderator oh that’s what it says oh I never knew that I don’t think

I’ve ever been timed out there we go oh well the more you know it’s useful to to know that so it actually tells people they”re being timed out with a little red thing Mig beside their name what’s up AJ H interesting so people know they’re been timed out

Okay I always thought just Dum you weren’t able to put anything in the chat I didn’t know it indicated interesting oh I’ve never been timed out that’s the thing so all right see you Anya for reals I I get it why the mines have long Pathways

But it somehow get lost in them a lot yeah I definitely agree with that Dr Pepsi sorry I wasn’t ignoring you Dr Pepsi just uh we had some wild events in the chat inspired by uh and your on CH hopefully he goes to bed and you you better go to

Bed if not then uh yeah I can’t force you to but you should all right bet bro was meant to leave like 25 to where people go oh um sorry M got to go to bed blah blah blah blah blah and 10 minutes later they say something just

Casually and I’m thinking to myself wait this is the same person that said they had to go to bed 10 minutes ago why are they still here but um yeah it happens more on the Casual Chiller streams I don’t know it’s intriguing I never thought that would be a

Thing Once in a Lifetime moment I she was time by ro scaming on all right for 24 hours that is wild truly a Monumental moment yeah oh yeah for sure you’ll never see such events ever again I mean you probably might but it’s going to be extremely rare because um I

Don’t do stuff like that that often oh goodness I was curious I was curious I know Dr Pepsi even though he’s not a like a mod here I noticed Dr Pepsi reacted that quite quickly cuz he must saw the message disappear Master saw the message disappear is I what

The oh gosh all right Cobblestone come with meate I wish I had Sher boxes man I did have a Shuler but uh that’s in an ender chest and there is no ender chests um around all right let’s go to bed real quick D all right more Cobble stupid sticky controller stupid sticky controller bro ah All right bet so yeah I’m going to be trying to do um a couple Minecraft streams over the weekend guys and um maybe early next week um as well as doing main Channel stuff and twitch um but yeah uh that’s the hope it’s not exactly a guaranteed plan but

Uh uh join the Discord C join the Discord don’t spam I’ll put a link in the uh chat yeah just don’t spam it out so join the Discord send me a DM and uh I’ll try and get you in uh next available moment uh probably won’t be straight away there’s a massive

Q I just don’t want everyone having the code all at Once ah yeah let’s go to the second chest dang it I should have been uh dang it I should have made a platform in Gand my base but I don’t have enough resources to what do you need for it uh Dr Pepsi what do you need for it

Man yeah I’m just Mass Gathering resources I’m not going to be adding you to the uh to the realm you have to uh do the same process as everyone else man click on the Discord server link drop me a DM and I’ll get back to you yeah the queue is really growing Dr

Pepsi unfortunately it’s got to the point where I can’t even keep track of it it’s just these new viewers have to understand with all du respect that um this is something that’s going to be a long-term uh series uh it’s also something I’m investing in so obviously I have to pay for a

Subscription pay for PlayStation Plus uh there’s going to be money that I put into it um and eventually once this channel gets monetized um I’ll be making money out of it so whatever I put in will be pretty much you know invested wisely because I’ll be profiting which does help both this

Channel and the main Channel um down the line so um I I just don’t want to be spending money and someone gets in and just blows up the entire thing yeah you can use previous versions of the uh realm I get it there’s backups I could easily download it I could use that

Variation that version but it’s just not the same I like to have everything in real time and whatever happens sort of happens sort of thing but um I just don’t want people destroying it I’m not saying I don’t you know look I’m not saying I wouldn’t be able to trust someone uh you

Know um you know but after a few times I’ve been here and whatever but at the same time they got to be here quite a bit to get more of a chance of getting that access there has to be a bit of trust between uh streamer to viewer sort of

Thing hopefully I explain that correctly I’m so tired OMG my stream thanks to an ad got delayed for five minutes what is that ads on my channel Dr Pepsi how’s the H YouTube That’s not cool I’m not monetized yet Dr Pepsi but also apparently if you’re getting ads on your channel before

You’re monetized chances are that you know they’re just tring things out so once you are monetized they’re more um I don’t know I think it’s just um them tring it cuz I probably got a good indicator that your channel will be monetized Um uh what am I grenates this Di so much copper Granite is on the other side that’s I got about five minutes left in stream so I’m just really take my time out yeah AJ great timing man there’s 5 minutes left in stream anyway sorry layout I would go longer

But yeah just I’m feeling the effects I need to get some uh I need food before I go to bed like proper food so um I have to go out and get some noodles or something um and then I’ll go to bed 3 hours yeah I usually push for 4

And a half though Dr Pepsi but um I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to 4 and a half tonight right so I’m just going to smelt this as five minutes it won’t be any longer than that um but yeah we are getting very close so main Channel custom obious

Championships twitch um later tonight as well uh tomorrow will be you know four guys on the main Channel there’ll be Sunday Snipes um and and a lot more stuff throughout next week all right nor Dr Pepsi enjoy the rest of your day or night see you again soon WBY Dr Pepsi appreciate

You appreciate it know you have six more hours to make it down in my shift I know I know I wish I could honestly lay out not even capping I wish I could um I will say this Slayer if I could do 24 hours um seven days a week

Of streaming I would um but it’s just not entirely possible uh I wish I could I wish but um yeah unfortunately uh it’s near the end I I tried I nearly got there I mean it’s closer to 4:00 so I was yeah 6 hours off 6 hours off very close very

Close I wouldn’t mind run in this channel um to that extent honestly but yeah know I’d end up falling asleep on stream imagine that see on Twitch if that happens I’m not really that concerned but um on YouTube that’s a different story I don’t like the the thought of

Falling asleep um during a YouTube stream just something about it not a big fan of falling asleep sleep on stream in general but yeah just if it was to happen I’d be more comfortable on Twitch than you are come on smelt all right with that being said guys thanks for being here really

Appreciate it thank you so much mods thank you so much everyone who has um either participated watched um chatted along really appreciate it stay safe quality ASMR mush snoring in no hell no I mean told I don’t really lose snore AJ so um I’m going to take their words for

It um but yeah guys thank you so much for being here um we’re getting very very close to monetization on this channel yay isn’t that a great thing um but yeah please stay safe look after yourselves have a great rest of your day all your night um and we’ll try and

Stream some more Minecraft throughout the weekend and I’ll see you all later bye everyone give me a second all right bye rning thank you so so much guys magma I’m about to end but um thank you magma appreciate you as well oh that’s wild what’s going on out there Wait hold on the heck is going on out here all right bye thank you so much I’ll see you all soon thanks guys all thanks guys I’m out for real h Happ

This video, titled ‘ENTER REALM – PLAYING SURVIVAL in MINECRAFT but I’M ACTUALLY TRYING TO SURVIVE (PS4) CHILL STREAM’, was uploaded by OutrageousGaming on 2023-12-15 16:40:04. It has garnered 133 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:56 or 12656 seconds.

Today, I am playing Survival Mode in Minecraft whilst trying to Survive on YouTube for PS4! My other channel is: https://www.youtube.com/outrageousmoshiba My Twitch channel is: https://www.twitch.tv/outrageousmoshiba Our Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/pFDNv4W2Ew

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  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/darayanlp​​ ○ Discord: https://discord.gg/SSK6yzyk9H #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

    URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraftVideo Information I realized that we were getting a cape uh oh yeah you should am I oh I think my game crashed This video, titled ‘This is your reminder to free up space on your hard drive… #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-28 16:00:08. It has garnered 634 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. I may or may not have run out of storage space while playing minecraft… Read More

  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

    Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information how to play subwoofer lullabi from Minecraft on piano easy [Music] Edition now add the left hand [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft – Subwoofer lullaby easy tutorial #piano#nostalgia#minecraft#c418’, was uploaded by Parsa shaaker on 2024-06-22 18:32:03. It has garnered 515 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. This is my piano tutorial for Subwoofer lullaby from Minecraft soundtrack that is made by c418 . . minecraft nostalgia – Subwoofer lullaby tutorial Recorded by parsa shaaker . . 🎹Don’t forget to Subscribe, like and comments! And please click on the bell 🔔… Read More

  • Shadow SMP

    Shadow SMPShadow SMP is an exciting online multiplayer experience with a focus on building and survival. The server offers various plugins, tools, and resources to ensure an enjoyable and challenging gameplay environment. Shadow SMP encourages collaboration and community, giving players opportunities to interact and collaborate with others or engage in solo adventures. Explore the vast world, build unique structures, and create lasting memories on Shadow SMP! Read More

  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More