Unleashing Chaos: Tekkit 2!

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yeah all right hello and welcome I’m uh so he is super duper sick and I tried convincing him not to stream and he’s like [ __ ] it we a no [ __ ] uh so if you hear me cough and stuff sorry but I’m dying so um today we’re playing Tech I know that we have been playing hexit in the past which hexit had some nice qualities but at the same time it uh it ran like [ __ ] towards the end and um what no I enjoyed the constant so we’re going to stick withing te it uh te 2 specifically uh there is a difference um let me go ahead and send this to Discord that way Discord knows if you’re not part of our Discord join it um we stream daily so subscribe please I usually don’t mention that but I mean you usually mention it towards the end of the stream yeah which I should start to do you know for because there are a lot of people that watch streams after um yeah that’s true so um we’re kind of still sad that there isn’t oh What U what that there isn’t anything called dirt armor or whatever uh I think there was for hexit hexit had really dirt armor yeah I think they had Netherrack armor too um but uh I forget it’s different than hexen we have to actually grab all of the pieces yeah I mean we don’t have The Medallion I think there’s crafting stations no no there’s not damn here’s a crafting bench yeah dude actually the crafting station was you just made one I’m pretty sure there is something better there’s like a workbench too or but it literally maybe it’s that one it’s something maybe it’s not in this one Auto workbench I think think yeah I think that’s the one oh but Auto one like that you would like have to have pipes and then like you would have to like have a pre-made recipe already that’s only if we were like trying to make that’s magnetic that’s magnetic oh I’m pretty sure that’s the magnetic one okay if you say so let me find some Stone I was about to say there’s a there’s like a little like Stone peeping out through here yeah wait why did it just give you the achievement what the [ __ ] well cuz I’m also mining stone oh are you oh okay I was like yeah they popped up at the same time yeah I know God uh oky dokie and then we’re also going to make a stone axe once that should be enough right I just need to make two Stone gears dum dum uh so you remember what we need to make right uh by make do are talking about like the the Talisman of repair mhm that’s probably the first thing that you want to get started with yeah absolutely uh two two two a stone sword and why not a shovel too because we can I’m also going to make a furnace quickly just so then you know we can um kind of get that out of the way did you want me to make you one I don’t mind okay Auto workbench oh there’s some coal here it’s not never mind I [ __ ] up damn dude is it not in this version [ __ ] yeah it’s fine dude don’t worry H but there was one where uh you actually used to have a a panel on it and anything that was your in inventory or in the chest next to it you could craft with like it’s actually really cool interesting I think it was actually somehow better than uh mhm the uh other [ __ ] right the crafting station which I think it’s teeken one that had oh um the crafting the auto workbench oh okay cuz there are technically four versions for Tech it oh wow four didn’t tell me that there is a version where they mix Tech it and hex it there is it doesn’t work so there’s that kind of sucks but yeah all right I just got 28 um coal nice and there’s already it’s already night damn some food here yeah uh I’ve got a furnace I’m putting it down getting us some food as well bless you my goodness I’m dying I’m Dy [ __ ] you good [ __ ] no I was up from my desk trying to blow my nose that’s what I get I should I should have C over and helped holy [ __ ] the little ones are fast they always have them I remember when they didn’t have little ones what up my yo [Music] my way to go all right good gravy oh heavens all right we’ve got steak uh I’ll get some mut quickly oh and the perfect cuz we also need um beds yeah uh I’ve got oh I need one more sheep one more more white sheep I got I got one wool all right give it I can make a bed and then I can make a daytime at least wait let me uh break this little [ __ ] it’s kind of crazy how long the bush takes I know I hear that there we goce I did have 10 blueberries no I have them on me I’m sorry all right and then we sleep I feel like I’m like speed running this game like I’m trying so hard to progress as you should why are you burning okay uh mutton oh coal all right there we go how do we uh how do we get charcoal again is it lanks or is it wood wood okay oh little baby chicken oh [ __ ] there’s two what are there four chicklets here yeah yeah wow that was one egg that was one egg that bro you must have gotten Super Lucky is that that’s actually insane n n vanilla I don’t think that’s possible in this game either no that has to be maybe it’s like super rare I don’t know look’s going on you want to put some wood yeah I’m trying to there we go and then yeah I know dude literally um yeah I I I know I took out the the coal I’m about to go ahead and uh am I getting hurt so badly lack of armor or something I don’t know the fall wasn’t even that bad L like two blocks is this damage I guess it is did you uh set your spawn point no okay I mean to be fair we didn’t really we didn’t really build out too far um honestly this kind of good placement though you all right buddy yeah I’m fine all right I have to make an axe yeah I was about to say you definitely should do you need some Cobble to for the ax all right cool all right and then I’m going to start making a charcoal see if the text one actually worked mhm that’d be pretty fun yeah just because the project e dude cuz like yeah project e with all that on top of it had so many like wasteful items yeah it’s very tall [Music] axe um did you guys see the eclipse today I did it was underwhelming cuz it wasn’t um complete totality unfortunately you’re doxing us certain and not the whole I mean I feel like if I feel like though like if I were to say oh yeah I know we were in complete totality that’d be even worse yeah another reason why I’m not really too sad about the the missing it the um the YouTube thing being blocked no I mean like just oh that do yeah that was I was like [ __ ] oh no I really D goof didn’t I wait I need these okay so we need to make the Talisman of repair which I know it reques diamond and a coal loc veillance which is Cobble and a charcoal which I mean I can make that right now mhm oh I’ll put the charcoal in the big chest there okay um get more Cobble um you’re about to kill me aren’t you no don’t do it [ __ ] I’m sorry where was the skeleton at bro I didn’t literally right where I [ __ ] was mining and [ __ ] that’s I’m going to try to find um so did you want to stay around this area um we could okay I think it’d be pretty easy to level this area and make it flat and [ __ ] I I agree with you here I’m going to put the uh some of the food and the uh chest as well we will have to venture for rubber trees and such that is true but that’s we can get pretty easily cuz all we need to do is cut it down and get one sapling and then yeah easy peasy lemon squeezy all right there we go there we go and poop low Co veillance do nice all right for medium calance we need red stone and iron okay um now last time we were playing twiy found that [ __ ] like [ __ ] right away right right right what happened to all my mutton did that get cooked uh yeah I put it in the other chest course I’m getting more right now with the blueberries uh not the blueberries but I could put them in as soon as I can okay I just like how quick the berries are to consume I understand what’s the what’s the level for Redstone do you know no I really don’t it’s not like it’s not like hexit where you could just find whatever just kind of almost lying around no not controls [ __ ] brightness is all the way up oh that’s one thing that I did love about tech it okay or uh hexit as well was the fact that you can take a torch and have it in your hand oh yeah that’s right that’s called Dynamic lighting I know that mhm um some mod packs did have it but it’s uh it takes a lot to run in the background like that so I understand I understand why mod packs don’t have it CU that’s a lot for your computer to run oh well here’s iron hey that’s pretty good KY doie it’s too bad I’m sick with ligma yeah I was about to say dude just just get better dude truly a skill issue it’s too bad that ninja has the ultimate form of ligma yeah I I mean I I didn’t really like it just sucks you know I didn’t I don’t really like care too much about Ninja you know his content you know fortnite well anytime a younger person gets a actual disease that I mean it sucks but yeah but I I was trying to say like yeah know it’s it’s still but who would have thought if you sit on your ass and [ __ ] drink energy drinks all day that you could be like those energy drinks are really bad for you though like I don’t know yeah you’re talking about like the G subs and all that everything dude G fuel G Celsius bang ghost monster monster all that [ __ ] is not good for you yeah no they’re terrible for you no absolutely the amount of caffeine could cause a cardiac arrest not only that but um if you’re diabetic can actually cause um uh keto acidosis I believe is what what it’s called yeah no it’s just which um basically the Sugar’s uh yo-yo but because diabetics can’t actually process uh the sugars that it’s making it into mhm it yeah just absolutely destroys them and can actually kill them yeah skill issue you could say that ninja got sniped out of nowhere no oh byebye best elect to ninja my regards as always can’t say that and then laugh dude that’s [ __ ] up shout out to ninja all right yeah there is a small there’s small content creator named ninja he needs support just send him the last four digits of your Social Security number oh already nighttime that’s crazy can you smell what The Red is cooking all right cooked a bunch of muton got more coal cooking or charcoal I should say wait where is way what you looking for huh need more sticks one two three so I have this sickness right dude and I can’t tell you how hard it is to actually like breathe through my nose because it like you know when it’s cold outside right mhm yeah and um like like s like like fridge it out right um and it it burns your nostrils breathing through through your nose yeah yeah that is how this feels and it’s it’s yeah are you sure you don’t have a fever at all too dude oh no no I definitely do yeah okay yeah dude honestly I remember having a fever of like 103 is that was not fun and the fact that my family still expected me to like do normal day-to-day [ __ ] on top of that I remember when I I was uh sick last year oh some more iron dude hell yeah um around Thanksgiving mhm and um I was like dying on Asia’s couch and uh it was to the point that I couldn’t even get home dude I was so [ __ ] cold well like I mean by temperature wise I’m hot but everything like you get the chills you got the chills easy and um oh my [ __ ] god dude my fever was like so [ __ ] high that there was that you know that forehead thing like you you uh the forehead temperature gauge right like you rub it on your forehead uh I mean I know there’s like the the automat like the electric thermometer just point Y yeah you just one this one was before that well not technically not before that cuz that one uses but the the yeah one that I’m talking about you like rubbed it on your forehead dude my temperature was so [ __ ] high it was just reading error error and it was actually working my temperature was so high that it couldn’t read it I was about to say and you didn’t go to the hospital why uh cuz I’ll be all right [ __ ] it out he says you know I’ll be all right I was just it took me a second to lock in that’s all oh yeah the MOG the MOG streak was strong with you yeah I mean just look at look how chiseled your like you you can’t tell me you’ve not mewed before actually I’m I’m I’m actually still confused about what meing is not going to lie like I I’ve it several times cuz I’m actually confused about what it is me is the act of pushing the like the back of your tongue towards the roof of your mouth or like flexing it right okay okay yeah I’ve never done while clenching while clenching your teeth you see I clench my jaw in general um but now like but now kind of like try to like block your Airway through your mouth with your tongue using the back of your tongue right and that’s technically meing seems kind of dumb and you’re what supposed to do this like all the time for a long like like yeah for long periods of the day and then apparently supposed to uh give you a better jawline which honestly I I can I can kind of see it but at the same time I don’t know how really effective it is apparently it is effective I was uh watching a video on somebody trying to explain it which I was still confused about what I’m supposed to do with the tongue and stuff yeah but um uh she said that you would have to do this like over and over every day for years and still like the results will be kind of like minuscule yeah I was about to say like at that point just chew gum right or do get like sugarless uh sugarless Gum sugarless gum and Diet Coke just just just chew or just I have you seen like those I’ve never seen a skinny person drink diet coke just in yeah uh uh I was about to say like heav do you know like those um that like uh the thing that like not adol it’s not it’s not a drug it’s a it’s like a it’s a thing that you bite down on and apparently it’s supposed to work out your jaw isn’t that for autistics it’s for autists no no no well there’s like actually I know orig it originally started for autists it was like uh yeah I’m pretty sure that’s what it is I’m pretty sure that’s what talking about it goes on a necklace yeah and then like apparently like yeah it’s funny as [ __ ] that started that started for people with Autism really yeah because they fidget and [ __ ] well I mean apparently like there are like companies out there that like sell those like and like they increase it so like you really have to bite down and um apparently research has shown like sure it it is effective but like it um it’s like the problem with like doing mechanical workouts like you know machines is that it then like conditions your muscle in a certain way and it actually in the long run could actually cause issues yeah no it it does I don’t know why people want the like chisel jawlines and these you know muscles cuz it longterm it it isn’t good for you yeah but if that’s what you want I mean do it why not I mean it is your life yeah this is a free country [Music] mhm you can do as you please um [ __ ] I do wish that um one uh tree chopping mod was in this one as well you know just like chop uh and then pretty satisfying I really like that actually I mean I’m glad the the leaves don’t stay up there yeah you know as long as you get all the wood uh the leaves will despawn immediately that one was really nice on heit peek mhm like there are certain things about hexit that I just really liked and I’d love to have it in here it it doesn’t seem as bad now now that we know how [ __ ] works and [ __ ] like that mhm it doesn’t seem that bad at the same time it took so [ __ ] long to find everything yeah and there’s like still so much confusion especially with tinker’s construct and [ __ ] dude what the [ __ ] dumb with a capital yeah I feel that d d for dick I was going to say D’s Nuts but okay I don’t know technically Mee right technically yeah what I was doing when I was younger and I did it all the time even at you know when I worked at uh warehouse and [ __ ] right yeah M um was I it’s not mewing but I would take my tongue push it on the roof of my mouth and create like a vacuum with my tongue and then make that sound but I can make it super loud I’m not going to do it cuz there people sleeping but yeah yeah yeah I used to do that incessantly and try to get it as loud as I can and it was to the point that like I would get sores on the roof of my mouth from how hard I would pull a vacuum in my mouth and you can too like it takes a while but after a while like you get that muscle going I mean I can I can click and do that [ __ ] but I don’t know how you and Diego do that dude years years of training with that tell you right now yeah see that’s how yours sound but um I’m going to do mine I mean I guess I could but I don’t even know if it’ll pick it up with the m i mean CU there’s a uh limiter yeah I know I was supp say just don’t like you were just telling me that you shouldn’t because you got family don’t um but but I can’t detest it is loud like it literally Echoes yeah there’s videos of me doing it in high school that was loud as [ __ ] mine’s at a different pitch than Diego’s is Diego’s is at a higher pitch but but I back to the Mee thing though I think it’s all [ __ ] by the way uh just so you know cuz yeah yeah no like like one there are filters and stuff to improve that kind of look and there is also genetics at play I mean I can tell you for a fact my dad had a jawline just like mine mine is just more pronounced because of how skinny I am well that’s skinny but just defined I guess yeah mhm and not to mention like also uh you like to shave I know that your dad likes to rock a beard my dad rocks a beard yeah yeah if I grew out a beard though I would definitely look like a [ __ ] Arab just saying from Mexican to Arab let’s go that’s how I would probably look though could you imagine we in a full [ __ ] beard though uh I don’t know cuz here’s the thing I’ve seen like your facial hair it doesn’t seem like it’s like super fluffy or in anyway it seems almost very coarse it is very Co like very strandy well right now yeah cuz I don’t I don’t put any products in it I know I should mhm but but I mean like usually the clean cut anyway yeah yeah I care more about the hair on my head than the [ __ ] hair on my face behind your chin to a certain degree at least cuz the problem is I I trim it a lot and I probably trim it too much which is why it turns strandy cuz it’s so heavy that it’s used to just conforming into a certain direction right and when you cut it shorter it starts to like stand alone back with tech it yes we’re back to te it bless you I’m just trying to get that Redstone man the Redstone and then we need diamond and then step already complete I’m just trying to get as much charcoal as umly possible nice do you want to start uh building building um a house no the pipes for it stuff do you want to build oh like with the with the gears and whatnot yeah do you know how I used to do it how’ you used to do it do like I’m asking if you remember how I did it do you not uh that’s fine if you don’t yeah I mean I remember like you start off with like wood yeah you start with the wooden transport with the redstone engine cuz the other engines are kind of pointless because I mean the red is the only way to go mhm um it just takes a while to build up but um then you go over and you have it go to the top uh lead to the top of a furnace yeah and then have another wooden transport on the right side of the Furnace pulling out and putting inside a chest mhm and then all the well you have Cobble gold you know all the ore and [ __ ] going right in there yeah unless you want to start on a murator actually that would M that would be pretty handy okay I I’ll uh I’ll see what I can do oh man no [Music] promises that’s fair did you guys pretty much play it like two times already though technically but also technically four times nobody’s sees yeah the other ones nobody probably I almost turned into a video yeah we you took too long too long we both agreed that yeah no it was pointless well yeah cuz it was like four four months later that we were like you know what just stream it mhm um I think you need a more uh Flint I mean I I saw some gravel near me okay we say our goodbyes to the Wii U and 3DS didn’t their services shut down a while ago yeah we well the 3DS uh ended last month end of May or no end of March it I don’t know about the Wii U though oh the shop closed that’s what it was right well no uh all like a shop closed like a while ago yeah the shop is what closed that’s that’s what I’m I’m thinking of yeah but uh the the services the services finally shut down uh the end of March yeah and then they dude but the thing is though like it completely sucks for anyone like who plays Pokemon cuz um now all like older Pokemon games are cut off from the Wii the or the switch I mean really yeah no they’re like after terrible business mod whatever yeah I was about to say like they they they completely uh they’re extending you able to transfer Pokemon from from Generation 3 physical copies all the way to generation 5 and then there’s also the Virtual Console for Gen one one and two the poor person that’s in a coma right now with all of the and it’s like bro I have so many shinies and now you’re telling me that I can’t even transfer them up if I feel like it it’s whatever because I have a ton of 3DS’s and DS cartridges yeah yeah I mean you can still play games on it it’s just like you can no longer buy like the digital copies and physical copies for certain games are just hella expensive CU you know they ain’t they ain’t making those games anymore uh okay midor yeah I think you need three flints for that I believe for from industrial craft right uh is it build craft or industrial craft yeah uh from yeah industrial craft yeah okay uh I need Redstone dude oh yeah I help me dig down here sure how the heck do I go down there okay I got to make more pickaxes too mhm bless you I’m I’m sick sorry guys the Wii U was the [ __ ] though aronis it was the [ __ ] Lego cover or Lego undercover C don’t laugh it was a good game no no I I’m I’m agreeing with you it’s just I love like out of all the Wii U games that’s the one that really like sticks out to you you know that was the one that I was addicted to for the longest time and it had some of the funniest dialogue I can’t deny that see okay bu bum bum bum bum bum bum there’s a craft ton of Flint that I’m or Cobble oh I found Redstone by the way oh [ __ ] yeah I have an iron pick okay yeah I about say yeah get your booty down here my booty hole I just said booty and there’s lapis nice it’s worth quite a bit of EMC mhm mhm and uranium oh heck yeah dude and plus there’s a lot of coal here too so more fuel bless you Minecraft was on 3DS I believe was there a 3DS I think there was yeah that sounds right I think there yeah I know that it’s on switch yeah no there’s definitely a switch version ah yeah see the good thing about hexit it made a use of your levels yeah but now it’s just like I mean switch kind of need it to still switch Minecraft kind of sucks it always crashes for you um I know my little sister plays it not my dude I don’t think there’s a way to make a Iron Golem by the way in the switch version you don’t think so I tried and I was like what the [ __ ] is this it unless it’s like they Chang the [ __ ] recipe for it what what was it like just four iron and then the pumpkin right I thought so yeah I tried that it didn’t not work and then my little sister and then my family was looking at me like I was crazy but I know I know that it’s real I know the truth you just left me down here please you can’t leave me here I got the meme you can’t leave me here dude shut the [ __ ] up Instagram well the switch old Tech apparently so it’s not surprising that Minecraft doesn’t run well yeah how’s it going death yo D I’m sick sorry that umor SI we yeah sorry that John’s sick and sorry that the uh the AMD stream ended early my boy Diego was tired that’s what he gets for being epie mhm no watch hours I mean you guys did get a sub from that but oh did we we’re at 37 now oh 36 oh oh no 36 yeah that’s from the last stream oh okay I thought you were still at 13 n so I was like oh wow also that guy that was in your chat that said hi can I join hi hi hi yeah no he just left immediately that guy that guy was uh live streaming Pokemon unite vertically yesterday vertically oh dear I mean we gave him a chance to join but like he never did um it’s weird but yeah I remember that guy cuz I was like I was like scrolling I was like what the [ __ ] is this it was on the shorts page I was like what the [ __ ] that’s actually really funny um so do you did you bring the Redstone up yeah I could start working on the murator and um all that good stuff yes so we can make the medium calance dust lovely now we just need to go look for diamonds yep diamond is uh 13 diamonds 1311 can’t wait till I make a bunch more money because you bet I’m going to buy a bunch of DS and 3DS cartridges yeah I just had uh me and ASA just set up our 401ks oh wow that’s such an old thing to say but like that’s really important to do yeah literally say my job doesn’t even oh I mean they you should yeah but like I haven’t said it up oh yeah you should cuz they’re a big company they’ll price uh well not price match it’s a uh [ __ ] what’s it called stock match do it because it’s free it’s it’s legit free [ __ ] money so you $20 and they’ll dollar for doll match that up to like a certain percentage which is like you know you do that that’s what’s up MH this is not Financial advice um yeah what’s the probability of our company getting sold very likely given that our company that we work for Asia is diversifying at an unbelievable rate uh almost quicker than it’s you know yeah quicker than it should to be honest okay [Music] Redstone be sure to buy 3DS with the Pokemon transfer tool yeah mhm I mean that’s the thing though death so so the way that works right um no uh is it doing this is it doing this I I I really hope not it’s this new version of dude oh damn as I was trying to explain so if you have um a DS Pokemon game so Pokemon Pearl diamond platinum hard gold soul silver black white black white 2 um you can put that into your 3DS and then if you have a uh Gen 6 or higher so X Y Omega Ruby l a sapphire a sun moon Ultra Sun Ultra moon when do you think a you can transfer Pokemon arm and leg is coming out never that’s not a real thing I don’t think so it will be I’ll make sure of it unless it’s like a knock off it’s it’s not going to be no it will be a thing I’m going to I’m going to buy on Pokemon make sure it’s I mean the closest thing that we have to that is sword cuz you hold it with your arm and shield which you can say it’s armor for your legs you hold your sword with your with your arm not your hand I mean what about hands and Toes that’s fingers and toes Pokemon fingers and toes never going to happen but basically you could transfer DS Pokemon to 3DS Pokemon and then if you have a um a regular DS or DS Light you can transfer Game Boy Pokémon from leaf green fire red emeralds rubies Sapphire you could transfer up that to the DS games and then from the DS games to the 3DS games and you only have less than a month to transfer any of those Pokemon including the virtual type virtual game consoles so that’s yellow red blue uh gold silver Crystal to the switch you have less than a month to do that is this mod pack available on curse Forge we’re playing it on the technic launcher so the Technic Launcher you just have to make sure that you have 64bit um Java um and uh don’t update Java I made the mistake and now my game runs like [ __ ] every now and again it crashes it still runs it just crashes um but do it through the Technic Launcher curse forges isn’t updated so just know that I think the only one that’s updated on curse forges is uh project E I think which is kind of the important [Applause] one God I got to go blow my nose dude I’m so [ __ ] no I hear you you go do your thing I got to make a chisel too gosh darn it you don’t need a chisel just use regular Cobble oh I can just use regular Cobble you should be able to okay try it if it doesn’t work use Cobble or use make it sh right right right I don’t think maybe you will I forgot to grab iron gosh darn it another reason why the crafting station would have been nice but yeah oh it’s all call into there dude yeah I gave Asia my old DS my DS Light actually oh hell yeah the only thing that’s [ __ ] up about it is uh the hinge is a little floppy yeah but uh that happened to almost all oh [ __ ] DS’s mhm [Music] why is the music so quiet there we go all right we got a stone midor and to make it into a regular masor we are going to need refined iron and then also an elect electronic circuit which requires uh copper cables so we have a regular Stone massat yeah Stone midor the other one we only need if we’re that that’s later that’s later yeah yeah yeah okay um and what does the murator do again we just put um or into it and then we get extra stuff all right all right I was about say did you want um did you want to make your own bed we have enough wool to make another one really mine was SI no no no the the hinge used to loosen up as you like if you dropped it or something that [ __ ] would just instantly [ __ ] just the hinge was [ __ ] it break very easily is what I mean to say what were you saying red oh uh did you want another did you want another bed or like make your own bed yeah or you can have that one I can just make a second one right now there you go bless you but we have a midor now oh yeah iron dust which then we can then smell into so uh AA luckily because uh it’s C418 the copy it’s copyright free so you can actually play Tech It is fine but the current version of Minecraft doesn’t use just C418 it uses uh other music artists which is nice but that music is copyrighted um so Microsoft will copyright you for that but because uh Notch page for C418 or it the licensing agreement for it I don’t know but c41 18’s music like the one that plays for techet is safe that I know for a fact you me some more that iron okay okay then I make another chest um yeah I’m uh I’m making gears right now to make the [Music] Redstone okay uh redstone engine need to make another piston which ke why did I put that on there that there we go no any one moreo no problem tiller yeah uh YouTube usually tells you uh what’s safe to play and you can actually Google um if it’s copyright free and stuff like that but c41 18s is um I mean I can probably pull up the old um te it streams and show you yeah I’ll uh because at first I was worried about that but uh uh I’ll just Google it uh um all right well it is copyrighted but you can have it playing I believe you are welcome to use our approved Minecraft own music tracks in any non-commercial content and any commercial content that meets the Minecraft usage guidelines um I don’t know if they changed the guidelines or anything like that but you can play the music M unless they decide to change that which I mean knowing [ __ ] how money hungry Microsoft is it’s likely but yeah usually I don’t like having music playing for games but oh dude mhm yeah my sinuses man I know don’t worry you’ll get through it I feel worse than I look guys all right all right we just need diamonds and then we also need to make an energy condenser that’s the expensive one uh yes you can have several 401ks with different companies as long as you’ve worked for them um or if you no longer work for that company you can actually transfer your 401k to the new company whatever company you’re going to we already reached Bedrock really I was about to say Bedrock is at zero my guy diamonds at 11 12 13 I believe yeah I already reached D or uh better a rock weird yeah guess I should go this way oh shoot it’s the other way around oh I didn’t need okay you didn’t need what I didn’t I needed um two glass Diamond starts at level seven damn starts at seven damn you lied to me already I’m sorry I mean I I don’t remember Minecraft off the top of my head you don’t remember Minecraft FL and you call yourself a real gamer I’m more of a gamer than you are John don’t act like you knew no I don’t know well they got rid of it a while uh after Tech it didn’t they yeah no once uh once they added the cave updates that that’s where I really decided not to pay attention bro yeah after they got rid of Herobrine my favorite guy he was just silly did you guys know that Herobrine was actually on Epstein Island okay uh Wood Pipes how does one make a Wood Pipe wood hi death I know you were you were big on the hexit too uh have you ever played te he was the one being trafficked no you did it yay I did it oh you’ve never played modded Minecraft damn oh you learned by osmosis that’s fair that’s fair God remember Osmosis Jones Osmosis Jones yeah dude I watched that for a health class I think it was like a requirement we never got to finish it in my class uh super sad that’s sad this is a really good movie wasn’t it like Chris Rock or something as the main character it was something like that yeah yes you are using that phrase correctly I didn’t know that was a phrase but we’ll just say you’re using it correctly it’s silver I believe yeah remember remember the BR Bri’s in chat yo how’s it going BR uh okay oh thank thank you Atilla that means a lot I love the little as long as your subscriptions are public let’s go so glad Alec showed me the the the streamlabs yeah now John for the the the redstone piston the redstone engine do you need a lever or do you need a no you can use either uh I prefer a lever just cuz you can turn it on and off you won’t have to keep like breaking the thing and it’s technically cheaper EMC wise technically yeah so lever that’s Leever Li Li Li Li it’s a stick and Cobble yes be careful which area you put it in cuz I think there’s like you can put I don’t even have any stick to show um yeah just make sure it’s in the right spot [Music] mhm dude it’s going to be forever till we reach [ __ ] Diamond mhm but how’s everybody’s day going I had to actually call off a work I felt that shitty honestly it’s it’s more than just feeling shitty I mean I’ve worked when I felt shitty but I just sound shitty too so any key bind it breaking your game um is that what it maybe is pick block the [ __ ] is Middle click probably like your mouse wheel your mouse wheel yeah I think so what is key control well that that one should be F how do I fix the keybinds death and options no well open spaceship inventory oh my God this is so much to uh show conflicts okay that’s working well that should be left shift is there a way to like h oh wait this one actually needs to stay as B armor effects [ __ ] that okay so that one’s oh wait [ __ ] boom boom okay SE boom boom boom boom show all show conflicts play next song [Music] dumb dumb dumb uh open music player dumb okay so now the spaceship one is there an S1 oh well that wouldn’t be S you would not want that as s um locomotive whistle alt n what is that even conflicting with why Sprint this oh OBS just why does OBS disconnect and then reconnect like this shit’s normal no idea Dam how do I how do I make it like uh double double click uh not sure touchcreen on what if I what if I make it nothing no clue I can still Sprint when I press forward twice why would I seems dumb mhm okay so that one’s good what the [ __ ] is a boost key oh well okay open command slash okay that that makes sense what is that conflicting with nothing altim middle slash that shouldn’t be a problem honestly I don’t need a locomotive but what the [ __ ] is locomotive mode dude I’m guessing um when you go into like a um a mine cart or something like that if I had to guess side inventory key I don’t think that goes to anything I know extra function does uh that just clear that honestly that seems good right maybe that could be the issue that it’s crashing I don’t know I mean I don’t need locomotive [ __ ] so right worst case I can fix it keyins later but I don’t think I’ll need them now right right right bless you good Lord dude I’m dying in that John but you know what you’ve got a thing to do oh yeah I got a stream to finish you thank you Bri I appreciate that I like how there’s still pigs on the map yeah got a bunch of red stone dude hell [ __ ] yeah nice and uh I’ve got the that Mador all hooked up with um with some stuff nice nice yeah the electric one you want to get uh once you have enough supplies and stuff cuz uh or maybe it’s a rotary one over time it actually picks up speed M there is Moon Dimension there’s also Mars Saturn uh [ __ ] what oh I cleared the [ __ ] thing didn’t I Venus I think also uh yeah there’s let me [ __ ] [Music] um Galaxy map gee there it is so there’s even asteroids Overworld is where we’re at Osama Ben Laden no hello I love your name actually oh [ __ ] you’re telling me Osama is in the chat right now uh Osama Ben Laden okay no relation or maybe there is I don’t know maybe this one’s a better pilot he never was on the planes you know that yeah he wasn’t he was too busy playing csgo in a cave yeah oh I found gold hey let’s go what we actually do need for pipes yeah I know and the EMC value is pretty pretty tight mhm Poor Pluto was Pluto not on this list maybe that’s the as might he’s not on the Galaxy map R I’m got to blow my nose dude [ __ ] dying where where does this come from dude can’t you mix Redstone with iron to make an alloy like a light red one I think it’s used to make jetpacks ah don’t get too ahead of yourself death but you’re right yeah I don’t think it’s red uh it’s a redstone alloy maybe it is with iron but there’s a couple different jetpacks you can make uh the ones I like are uh what’s that advanced circuit that we need M uh you need a lot of lapis it’s actually fairly cheap uh the har Parts building the solar ones remember that red oh I do remember that I do remember that yeah we spent roughly it had to have been like 2 weeks try like making solar panels and it was to the point that I had converters EMC converters there are rings which are way better I don’t know I know why you would you are going to reach men you find many Golds and I love you thank you Osama Ben Laden America loves you wholesome we don’t care what your older brother did unless you’re a New Yorker but isn’t level seven death that has the diamond maybe I’m just unlucky I love your name your name is awesome thank you I I always thought um again I’m going to say the again I always thought it was um 11 12 13 like maybe 1410 also uh okay we’re just going to dig down one can you in the chest uh no I I I think I still have it in my inventory iron silver aluminum there should be copper can you mate the copper in the hey I already did you did okay you didn’t turn into ingots right no not yet I or I I might have actually yeah know I did okay I saw some more copper though didn’t you yeah I got it all right see Osama B Laden knows we can do this we can reach 500 Subs oh my goodness H oh hi it’s a little messy but it works um well no well wait what in what the [ __ ] why is it well no this so I had a system for when I was madting everything and then I disconnected it and then made another way for you know there’s a less ugly way of doing this but I understand I mean if I I if I had it like right in the front uh well no I’m surprised it’s working you’re talking about like yeah the pipe the wooden pipe to extract is supposed to be on the right side of it so it’s weird that it actually works interesting uh I hate it but it works I mean is it done smelting everything all right and then I flip the switch and then it’s going to take the next thing which is the Tim dust and then once the tin dust is done then I’ll do the silver no there’s an easier way where you can just leave it idle that’s I well the thing is it’s going to start then taking everything out yes from the chest yeah but there’s a way to make it so it you can you can just keep letting it cycle oh yeah but I really don’t want to do it’s way less pipe is what it is come on buddy do you want do you want the pipes here you can you can do that then I’m going to hate it I hate this I forgot I know I’m telling that’s that’s what I’m telling you this way more this this way is ugly it’s ugly ugly bro it’s ugly dude ugly well then take the pipes take the pipes they’re right there where wait where didd you get the glass I I I found sand and I made it myself can you find some more sand please I already how much all right well here take the take the rest of the glass take the rest of the glass it’s right behind you oh [ __ ] it’s it’s grabbing more [ __ ] yeah oh yeah that’s what I’m saying like that’s why see but if you did it my way it’ll work I but like there it would take everything including the um yes trust trust friend trust trust like the lapis and the charcoal and no no no well you’re supposed to move that you’re supposed to just put ores in one chest and then put everything I know but like I’m just saying like we don’t exactly have if you could subscribe Osama Bin Laden that would mean a lot death goodbye have a good night you have a good rest of your night hopefully we see you run yeah yeah I’m as sleep okay we’re going to put the chest up here okay mhm and then oh by the way here’s the copper I’m sorry oh well I don’t need the ingots I’ll need the ings later for the wires mhm yeah yeah yeah but you need the the more of the Dust first yeah oh cuz aren’t you trying to um sword bronze yeah okay so now we’re going to take take this take this uh can you put the gold dust in the Mercator into the uh the other uh other furnace yeah um you want me to smell all the gold by the way uh yes yes okay okay so that is right there this way is going to go up okay and then turn that into gold it’s turning to gold right now dude hell yeah or uh uh gold uh gold pipes oh gold pipes okay gold peees why do you have the rest of my glass uh oh yeah here thank you okay how many do you want by the way um a fair bit a fair bit um and then we’re going to go up like this down and around oh [ __ ] not like that not like that I technically you could mhm should I should I do it that way no no no no cuz I I’ll need diamond for that way okay like that he joint I do not have a diamond sword yet uh we haven’t even found diamond yeah one day pretty probably pretty soon did you want me to go down in the mines and try to find something yeah yeah maybe check your level too mhm uh Osama Bin Laden says they they love you me yeah you oh thank you about say it’s been I I don’t know what to say got me all blushing and stuff all right uh what’s the name of the server um here there is the gold I love OBS crashing like this um and I’ll put the rest of the pipe um in the big chest that’s connected to the Mercator nice rest the gold is in the other thing Redstone Glass Oak Flint okay just like that see like that see buddy I’m a little busy goodness okay [Music] gold all right well why isn’t I going oh CU it goes on the side right mhm it goes somewhere no I thought it was through the top it is the top okay weird [Music] whatever okay but [Music] now there we go easy and that way we just leave it all we need to do is put ore and stuff into here and [Music] then I’ll take that in a second um wooden transport need to grab the redstone engine okay all right take that out um I’m bringing um 30 copper ore too which is going to be 60 copper dust so if you could possibly make armor for the both of us that’d be fantastic bet just put the put the ore in the chest over here um okay [ __ ] wait oh I would have to do a chest I would have to do it to a chest oh boy um well you probably shouldn’t be watching this kind of stuff uh you’re that young we’re a little inappropriate uh Osama Ben Laden um [Music] when my friend joint Ser is this dead okay that way that goes to there just like that easy peasy I’m squeezing all right that way those are constantly running just fine and then oh well oh I would have to make another uh redstone engine because I don’t I don’t have any diamond to do the other way which is good cable [Music] management and we’ need two diamond for that but we’re trying to make uh a repair talsman at the moment uh Al been you probably should not share your real name on the internet with complete strangers just saying cuz there’s weirdos online so for real um when you’re seven years in jail yeah for real um okay all right where we going to put so I’ll just leave that there and then I’ll leave this here for now too mhm I’m going to leave the the transport pipes and stuff in this chest with all the ore right on yeah uh I it’s just more for your safety too anything mhm sorry yeah know uh I was about to say I’m coming back to the base I need to uh more dummy pickax well I found more like or that you just left around but I I need to I need to make um yeah cuz I was just on a mission to find the Redstone red yeah yeah uh yeah need to make another uh iron pickaxe or two and then bring some food down with me just so then you know I’m down here for a while not constantly coming back and forth okay I’m going to make a iron chest mhm there we go um just going to put all this crap in here I need to go have a nice day you as well Osama be safe take care all right boom boom dirt why not uh okay one two three I do need that there oh yeah the red stone too leave that here M oh did you want the Redstone in the other one I mean you could if you wanted to but it doesn’t matter I’m just doing it for storage purposes okay okay um there’s also some silver dust in uh this chest over here if you needed some I’ll smelt it okay dude where does this snot keep coming from um so technically when you have tears right you have tear ducts I mean I know being sick but like yeah but like it’s so much yeah I know I understand completely I’m also going to sleep cabbages and greens potatoes and beans where did that come from um make another iron chest where did you come from huh yam I came from yam oh got him be me to it be me to it I’m just going to put a whole bunch of random stuff in this iron chest okay okay so if you’re wondering what’s in it just don’t even bother asking I was about to say I left a some rotten flesh and feathers in one of with this chest actually okay okay um look at that look at that copper copper dust that’s how it’s done I feel you man allergies kill me too for real see I’m I’m actually really I have like a respiratory thing right now but like I’m not excited for this spring this spring allergies are always really [ __ ] bad not good thank you ailla um there’s more iron put the iron in here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that looks like Among Us yeah yeah yeah um I’m sorry did you say that looks like Among Us why would I say that I don’t know doesn’t sound like something I’d say h actually you’d be surprised with the things that you say don’t know what you’re talking about about there’s hours and hours and hours of you saying many different things on the internet John mhm I don’t I don’t know what you want me to say I don’t know what you want me to say get a Lo of this guy I’m I’m just saying don’t don’t deny that you’ve said hella sus things on this channel be true to who you are a monster yourself oh I’m a villain not a monster jeez oh God what am I doing dude I’m what am I doing you were it’s 10 isn’t it for bronze so to make bronze dust tin [ __ ] tin oh [ __ ] that was right [Music] Tin Tin Tin he’s our man if he can’t do it no one can do you think 911 was an inside drop job red that’s not a question you should be asking and uh judging by George Bush’s face when um he learned about the second tower or at least the first Tower I think it was more of him being stunned that the third one didn’t land correctly into the Pentagon see I don’t know about that one Chief have you seen the conspiracy is on the one for the Pentagon yeah I know you were telling me all about it the last time we did our um IRL stream there wasn’t much of a plane left yeah you know you can bring torches guy yeah I know but I wasn’t really like digging you left all that coal there okay dude I’m trying to find diamond not coal besides do you want do you want like open like just out M I know I know oh oh mind oh my bad tisk tisk tisk listen man can’t just come here when you when you when you do [ __ ] like this dude listen I don’t understand why you get to judge me for things that I do uh and yet you know you’re over here you’re just so perfect oh look at you the face of the channel and everything yep pretty much that’s how it works yeah yeah that’s yeah I mean it’s in my cont nothing yeah who says I’m a co-host exactly your shares definitely don’t you think I’m getting paid you think that we have a company bro yeah it’s crazy this company’s actually in a deficit so red actually has to pay to be a part of this channel so if you want to support is that actually so that way he doesn’t have to pay me to to to be here um go on patreon.com or don’t and then force me to pay him yeah I do owe him like 60 bucks all or is it 60 or would you say I owe you more at this point I don’t know I found more bronze I hope you I hope you like bronze I need tin copper tin I have a bunch of copper which is nice uh I mean I I gave you 10 over there I I mean I like I’m just saying if you find tin for sure I need that I mean I do have some tin on me right now I am Tin Man nobody wants [Music] him okay I got 60 things of bronze you’re a bronzy boy I hope you’ve been sleeping when it comes to night time un you I have not been sleeping what okay as about say he hasn’t been night time yet okay okay I think you mention it why isn’t it night time actually it’s midday I mean I did sleep like not too long ago for you I think I think at least that could be it that could be it you want a bronze pickaxe buddy uh I mean be honest I mean if without the the repair talsman like I feel like it I might accidentally break it or waste it you know I got your bronze pickaxe buddy I got it oh thanks man wait actually I need one too craft this boop boop boop boop boop hey if you’re coming down here could you also bring some sticks too that’d be much appreciated no please I beg of you we’re all out oh we ever that is impossible can’t do it it’s just not possible why not how many sticks do you need like a stack uh probably at least like maybe half a stack to a stack yeah all right four sticks you got it am I supposed to light up my way if I don’t have torches man you know when I was very young like 7 years old okay so I think this after I moved here 2 years after yeah um I saw a book it was a science book and I don’t know what the page was but I at this point most of these words don’t really make sense to me okay mhm okay but I remember seeing someone uh I mean now I know what it was but it looked like they were able to light up their way by breathing because they had like highlighted their breath cuz at this point I know like you can’t see your breath unless it’s cold out right right well even I don’t even know that um but I’m like you can’t see your breath right yeah but this page is showing his breath working and right next to it which I guess I correlated the two photos together which given the background of everything it was like a transition but I could see the transition very well right shows hit a cave that is lit up so I’m like if you breathe in like pitch black darkness you could see your way and I remember like was it about echolocation no it was it was the first page was about how cold it the climate is in in this specific cave and the next one just showed the light up the lit up version of the cave on the next page like the first page is here second page is here mhm absolutely stupid that’s how D why exactly are you sharing this with me now John I so that way you’ll understand it when I say you can just breathe and you’ll light my way you light up your way oh just breathe yeah oh but what happens if the cave is also underw how am I supposed to do it then well what you’re going to want to do is put some some Dawn soap all right with your hand right and then blow a bubble and then use that bubble for oxygen know what I don’t think anyone’s ever tried that I mean no one’s ever tried it so I can’t say not I have I have so just it works yep mhm it works it works when I was seven in the bathroom it worked like a split second wow oh split oh so I only have a split second of air I you have to think about the smaller lung capacity that I had as as a child so oh so you’re telling me I have a full second of air is what I’m hearing about yeah yeah you got like maybe maybe maybe a full second more you know oh wow you know what with that in mind I might actually make it through this underwater cave mhm thank you John you’re welcome buddy so next time you guys are in a cave in know underwater cave and you just all you have on you is is Dawn dish soap you’ll live for a second more maybe maybe wait hold on I thought you tested this um it depends how quick you can get the dish soap out dude all right some people aren’t as quick with the their their double bubble baby blowing bubble powers trouble oh okay you know yeah you uh you still coming down here to give me that uh bronze pick check your inventory sticks oh wow would you look at that fastest inventory in the Westy dokie we’re going to Gold here nice all right so that’s all working mhm A+ there right sure um now just need diamonds dude that’s it I’m I’m looking man I’m trying where are they I don’t know I’ve been I’m trying to find them stop pressuring me you know I can’t do to well under pressure under pressure did you know for the longest time I thought that under pressure and um Ice Ice Baby were the same song for a while uh well uh Vanilla Ice actually got sued because of that cuz he stole the melon yeah he literally yeah he literally stole that he stole that [ __ ] from Freddy m mind that was [Music] today uhhuh I think he’s trying to tell me guys think he’s trying to tell me something yeah I’m trying to clear my throat in Morse code you can’t hear it but I actually said the N word oh ho ho wo wo wo see it [Music] again dumbest oh dear what are you what are you up to I’m mining dude you’re mining as well dang I guess you can say we’re both miners BL you sorry I’m allergic to bad jokes man oh well I’m surprised you didn’t sneeze after your own joke it’s called timing friend and mine wasn’t good timing I feel like maybe you’re a little biased with your coughs and sneezes what that’s crazy sounds like someone’s a narcissist also see tell a joke well when I’m under pressure not like that oh see yeah see my my awkwardness is the funny that was just the comedy starts now he says no but it’s definitely you you’re the problem yep oh okay yeah know I yep trust me I’ve been told that my entire life that makes sense yeah is that what the divorce lawyer said to you no that’s what my priest told me oh it’s like quit being a little [ __ ] teas no father but I’m just in my Sunday clothes I’m just an acolyte please my nose all right again I’ll I’ll keep mining you know what I do wish about this um Society this mod pack though is that there was something we could do with the level system oh yeah no like what hexit did yeah I mean I guess we could also put more stuff into enchantments but like at a certain point in this game there’s no point no a little factoid for you I can’t use tissues um when I blow my nose why not um like I don’t know if it’s the particular way I blow my nose but um I exert like my full lungs in order to loosen my you know my deliciousness or whatever you want to call it right don’t call it that that’s gross um but any who right so if I use a tissue um it will Rip the [ __ ] apart and it will end up going all over my face all over over like and it doesn’t even catch catch anything like like maybe it does catch some stuff but the amount of shreds that go everywhere it actually ends up leaving more of a mess than a clean it’s worth yeah see how you didn’t cough after that joke yeah see because that was a good one that was a good one right I thought you coughed because it was a good joke no I cough because it’s a bad joke oh okay see like you tell a joke I’m good trust me get it cuz you’re red oh oh no okay this is level 11 there has to be good [ __ ] up here in around here right how many people died during the Armenian Genocide um not quite sure John also I found diamond how many please tell me please tell me you found five six five six please tell me you found six hold on well let me let me let me pray red where’s your God bro I am literally trying to build through this lava right now give me give me one second it’s going to be one now [ __ ] no I I know there’s at least two guaranteed two okay that’s decent that’s decent just pee on the lava peee on the lava yes pee on the lava cuz then you’ll make uh make obsidian there isn’t peeing in teet my guy there wasn’t even in he maybe there should be listen the only reason why you want pee in this game is so then you could just pee all over me yeah [ __ ] the R Kelly mod all right we got diamond and it looks like it’s only we need string too [ __ ] only two diamond where is dear God [ __ ] there he is yeah yep I was about to say it right there that or is the Indian one that’s in charge of um Karma either way it was welld deserved yes the timing impeccable what if I what if I wasted this to make that iron sword that one guy asked earlier you mean diamond sword diamond sword um okay I don’t know why you would do that [ __ ] it just kind of like [ __ ] us both over because honestly like a bronze sword I think does the same amount as a diamond sword but if you had the Talisman you know what I’m saying man yeah I hear [Music] you deep in the AR Kelly archives what if I just pissed down this cave just flooded it man stop talking about okay um do I want to know do I want to know perhaps do you want want a sword buddy do you want a bronze sword you should you should probably come with me do you want a bronze sword buddy should he really was just like nah I’m do my own thing I I think I should be fine I’m just more worried about the stuff I bet the one thing that got lost is going to be the one [ __ ] thing we need it’s going to be pretty funny when that happens I mean so far it looks pretty contained all right I have to go find some spers spiders where are you I see you damn how much health do these [ __ ] have [ __ ] creep man and guess what it’s safe and sound all right now get your ass up here bring that ass here boy you’d like that wouldn’t you yeah that’s why I asked what the [ __ ] are you doing are you trying to parkour me [ __ ] Spiderman just Speer no he was just trying to get a critical hit you know jump up and then on the way down smart y understandable There’s a Zombie when you come up by the way okay I’ll fight it with my stone sword get the [ __ ] out of here all right just need one more string for you okay Bubby okay I found it I can promise you that dwy will probably be on this mhm oh I almost forgot to send her the IP oh yeah she’s actually um packing she actually yeah no I streak yeah she sent that I was like what it it’s funny cuz we were literally just talking about it the other day too it’s like huh uh I’m not even entirely sure if she’s a place or not you have the diamonds yeah I do can you yeah you need a napkin there buddy this is a certified tissue moment actually that’s sooss that’s gross sorry oh I need paper I need paper red I need paper well why don’t you go ask Diego for some okay I’ll go out I I’ll go out and look for a said paper I will be back in a fortnite hello Peter welcome to fortnite going Northeast so that means I have to go Southwest when I I got a bow and some arrows for you that’s great John isn’t it isn’t it absolutely wonderful Oh What a Beautiful Morning Oh What a Beautiful Day there’s a cherry tree dude aha I found the thing that I was looking for I got a beautiful um no no um no I don’t even smoke dude no I said readed not weed oh uh anyway I found um sugar cane bless you that is no good what son of a [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] crevice yeah I know there was you didn’t see it coming up when you were on the on your way over here no bro was not paying attention for real I completely yeah bless you man God oh it’s a dungeon down here where’s my boots man I don’t know dude get the dude [ __ ] this cobweb dude come on oh [ __ ] it doesn’t even go all the way up God damn it oh wait I luckily I have like several stacks of com Cobblestone hey let’s go goes right back down it mhm nope nope nope leave me alone [ __ ] off God okay what was I doing oh you have the sugar cane did you make paper uh I’m trying to make a little farm for said sugarcane so then you know we have a renewable source [Music] sorry I’m I’m allergic to bad ideas too my bad oh well didn’t know that my co my host was an absolute [ __ ] well anyway I have three paper is that is that enough that is all right well take my papers and Deport me thank you okay ah where’s the string where’s this you had the string on you buddy I’ll be back I have to go back down the [ __ ] dungeon damn it no son of a [ __ ] [ __ ] how’s that the one thing I didn’t collect yeah cuz it’s thin and uh whispy but yeah no tombstone mod did you make armor too huh oh did you make me armor by the way no I did not oh I understand all right I got it [Music] all okay okay okay nice John that was a good one thanks man oh yeah I’m sorry for everyone at careful don’t be careful make good choices you just killed our viewers how could you with my cringe I’m sorry that was that was pretty bad that was pretty [ __ ] bad I know that’s the whole point of it S I think that made my kidneys fail oh thank finally I’m trying to make them fail forever bro oh I have you yeah sorry my kidneys are so resilient all right you’re telling me that you haven’t hit jaundice yet bro that’s liver failure oh might be silly silly yeah you these are the hardest working livers you’ve ever seen boy I mean I actually I do believe that though you got some like super livers bro livers liver liers liver Li livers could you would you be able to take double the amount of alcohol if you had two livers you’d be able to process the You’ be able to process the that yeah oh wait I got to make one more oh wait just one just one can you stand in front of me uh sure there you go yipp hoay now all my things will magically recraft them you know if you make a so if you find more paper and more string I can make you another one the more you have in your inventory it doubles the the the amount that it heals over nice yeah clear this [ __ ] out we’ll build our base I’m not a fan of grass yeah this is a certified brass hater moment you know they call him Bill hater cuz he hates bills oh is that true I don’t know oh you know from from Barry yeah I do I love that guy what a good actor yeah he really is a good right he’s a great actor phenomenal what why do you [ __ ] beine for me what the [ __ ] is your problem you [ __ ] little [ __ ] hey yo you can’t say that nowaday I watch me I’ll say the m word go ahead do it these midg that might give me in trouble all right guys I’m going go to bed you guys have a lovely night just remember I was not here all right I I think I remember you being here remember that one time red remember that one time you were here I think he might have left call actually yeah he did leave call O that’s a certified of Vernon moment right there dum dum dum uh that’s the moment that gets me a YouTube strike [Applause] more dirt give me more dirt give me more dirt it’s funny cuz we we haven’t even of the the fun work yet cuz we still need more uh more [Applause] [Music] diamonds oh so we have one Diamond so technically we can make this thing and of course for that I need a [ __ ] chisel so let’s do that and that makes a chisel boom boom Oh my God my eyes are dry and my busy is wet not a good combination dude I bet you red is either using the bathroom watching the stream and waiting for the perfect time to hop in or he’s getting food R just said I was about to rejoin of course you were then you said that [ __ ] you can’t not expect me to say that [ __ ] though right [ __ ] acting like I’m the weirdo why do I have a loading icon on my Oh weird boom boom boom boom boom boom boom need eight eight eight chests put that [ __ ] in throw that ass in a circle and then oh I need oh [ __ ] all right alchemical chest okay and that one go we can put that this one right there what a beauty isn’t it pretty and I believe if you throw this God damn oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold your horses hold your horses oh my God there’s no [ __ ] coal in here I was wondering why there was no [ __ ] [ __ ] smelting we’ll just blame that on red we’ll just blame that little whoopsy on red um definitely not my fault he’s not here to defend himself anyway so okay let’s uh do some terraforming here no no red wasn’t in the mines guys it’s um yeah [Applause] yeah [Applause] yeah if only red were here to defend himself okay so I think the the alchemical chest will actually heal it uh stuff if if there’s the repair talsman inside the the chest I think unless they changed it which is highly likely I don’t think so I don’t think it’s working um who just leaves a tree like this huh physics a there we go don’t judge me that’s how you’re supposed to dig dirt throw that ass in a circle okay oh it does work it does work in this thing look at it so we can leave all old gear in here right there oh it does work look at that um so leave old gear in here for now I mean once I get uh need obsidian and four [ __ ] four [ __ ] diamonds once we get that then we’ll be unstoppable I’m going to tear four more cuz Red’s not here just you guys know red I’m say going to say that all right um sometimes I can still hear red in chat Rest in Piss planting all this [ __ ] out and then we’ll start actually building a a legitimate [ __ ] base one that doesn’t look like complete [Applause] [ __ ] technically if you had these two on see there it goes again it’s just like he’s messaging in chat rest in peace red he’s definitely making food right now too definitely making food I bet I’m right too aren I [Applause] red yeah I am right yeah you [Applause] classic you guys don’t know this but red actually Kills baby otter in his free time super [ __ ] up yeah and he’ll deny it too but he yeah it’s pretty [ __ ] up though this thing will work oh also in here we actually oh [ __ ] wait so it’s at it’s at 250 right now we’ll see I don’t think it will unless there’s this yeah so there one of these has to be in there there we go we’re going to move these beds over hereo um probably uh look it’s like we have Little Foot Lockers yeah there we go Red’s going to hate that um still going still going I I didn’t even make him armor yet I don’t think [Applause] um [Applause] just get this area entirely [Applause] flat and then start building a base out of dirt obviously cuz that’s the best one to build out [Applause] of now I’m just getting Cobble gang for [Applause] life I really was about to say you better not make a base out of dirt now I want [Applause] to who’s going to stop me I’m sorry who’s going to stop me I will in a in a minute or two I just kick you besides you just said Cobble gang for life you’re not a hypocrite you’re John you’re a Vernon yeah which is even worse somehow you wouldn’t lie to us now would you I lie to everybody also what a terrible thing to say about me the slander I love baby otter dude they’re so cute that’s not what you were saying when you were putting down Mr wles who the hell my pet bab you don’t even remember his name your kind makes me sick you baby otter euthanizer euthanizer what the hell yeah told you chat he would deny it I feel like he was sick in the head John besides how the hell am I supposed to get my hands on baby honor around here I don’t know I’ve seen you wrap your hands around them quite a lot [Applause] so I do know such [Applause] thing what did we say whatever you say really who did that who did that that’s crazy damn bro that’s insane [ __ ] hurt like the battle pass I still hate that the Hops and the hemp seeds don’t uh don’t disappear can’t get rid yeah I know I know uh why do I have grave wall H I do not know doesn’t this look better it’s a little bit easier to get down I was going to build it a little bit better right and then here we go keep her going keep her going keep digging keep digging going keep digging some nice passion [Applause] passion you show a lot of passion killing baby otter so man F you and your dumb [ __ ] slander I could I could sue you for defamation okay could you imagine taking someone a court because they accuse you of killing baby animals yeah which is just very outlandish yeah know I mean know it would actually uphold right I mean I feel like in some s like in very specif like if it was like someone using like a zoo right well yeah I feel like maybe then they could actually doable yeah but if it’s just some like random person on the street who has like no history whatsoever with animals it’s like okay look at that lovely so I don’t know if I don’t think this one works with that in there maybe it does what do you mean by that no it doesn’t [Music] doesn’t okay it doesn’t it doesn’t work what are you [Music] doing oh make sure I don’t burn the roof of my mouth doesn’t this look really nice what a pleasant area what a very beautiful landscape what a pleasant prair whoa Living on a Prayer I used to be when I was a kid I thought I was living on a prairie cuz that made more sense than living on a prayer yeah at least to a kid right yeah take my hand andwhere chair squ on chair lizard on a square fresh prince of [Music] Blair so I actually I actually bought these supplements right um you’ve been taking supplements no I bought supplements today okay um cuz I feel like the multivitamin doesn’t I don’t I don’t I haven’t noticed a real like too big of a difference you know mhm so I was doing my research and I found these um these fungi supplements yeah no so I’m going to be taking ceps and lions man CPS being the one that was famous for The Last of Us yeah which apparently it’s actually banned in uh in the Olympics because of uh it increases respiration stamina yeah like unheard of amounts so like you can run and like not get as tired very easily which is pretty sick very sick more passion more passion or energy I’m sorry I don’t know why that keeps popping up in my head did you set your spawn uh no I did not to be fair if I died here I’d be like right there you know damn what’s your favorite color red no it’s not uh I mean it’s either red or blue genuinely or oh purple purple purple’s a nice color now are you a dark purple lover a light purple lover or a bright purple lover probably a dark purple lover I’m a bright purple lover I like a much of Pops pop that I think I just kind of like how like not unnatural but like you don’t see dark purple I believe the most unnatural color isn’t it yeah I think so like especially nature I think is what it is okay we need to find uh we need to make iron buckets I have one you have one I have a single iron bucket why did you say it like that I don’t know I just felt appropriate that’s [ __ ] up man um and then we need to get some obsidian oh [ __ ] wait we need [ __ ] Diamond picks oh [ __ ] yeah yeah we need more diamonds seven diamonds yeah and then I actually it’s okay John I have to make uh uh uh you can’t hear it but I’m actually already out of breath um [ __ ] we need another for that [ __ ] too [ __ ] H this is a certified creative Mo moment the fact that it took me that long to figure that [ __ ] out but at the same time like that’s dumb I can lift you up I can show you where you want to see and take you where you want to be you going be my go my my cup I don’t know I thought it was my love no probably even if this guy is falling down falling down I know that we’ll be safe and sound then sick trumpet yeah that could have been you John you could have been that trumpet solo yeah absolutely not no wasn’t that One Republic band no that was like that was like a one hit wonder type band was it I thought so uh oh that’s who it was Capital Cities capital cities has other stuff right do they I mean I only know them for that one particularly no not in the [ __ ] State no no banned um their debut EP was released on June 7th 2011 with lead single safe and sound which became their first and only top 10 hit single okay what what songs they have sounds about right there’s one that says Tour the States but I think that’s wrong um Kangaroo Court never I vowels never heard of it never heard of those yeah one more minute was another one sounds familiar but I don’t think I have um yeah what’s the song that One Republic had that I used to listen to all the time counting stars that was oh yeah dude that was literally like Middle School yeah wild we’re old I think that was my eighth eth eth grade I think that was when that when I really it was I think I want I want to say like maybe seventh is when it came out seven is probably well you’re you’re seventh I was when you’re ahead of you guys oh yeah I know so yeah same age just I think that was when when Starbucks used to give these um these cards out with QRS on them mhm with uh free games and music on it and one of them was that song oh wow by the way we don’t need to worry about obsidian there’s like a crap ton right next to me over here okay I mean given that you had found lava earlier I had assume that yeah did you did you make yourself armor buddy or no no I did not it’s all right I’m thugging it out I feel that you said you found out on floor what 10 11 uh 11 10 uh 11 12 13 yeah uh it was technically level 12 when I found where I found the diamond yes the 12’s this one right here so I I I should I should be able to find some soon hope yeah I mean that’s all you can really do just hope love me love me say that you love say you love me move me move me oh how you move me kiss me kiss me I don’t remember the rest the fact that you knew that much earned my respect I don’t know oh thank you I don’t care about anything but you I can’t do the pitches right now my throat is absolutely mangled mhm mangled like from the Freddy Fazbear just being honest there might be a Lego Batman 3 playthrough tomorrow that is you know what a okay I feel like as silly as the game is I get respect for it yeah no I I completely agree with you it’s a good game it is dude honestly like but I don’t know something about the third one there there is this um Lego DC heroes yes I’ve played that I think two dude that one was actually really fun he played as both the heroes and the villains mhm and they like had their own like teams and Squadron you know who had like the best [ __ ] game ever and I don’t know if it’s on Steam let me actually check if it’s on Steam if it’s on Steam I’ll buy it right now okay steam steam okay it is called I know it’s it’s is that what it is superheroes 2 Blu yeah it’s Lego’s superheroes too there’s actually a lot of DLCs for this game is there yeah what you say superheroes or DC did you want to get it we’ll play it it’s actually killer of a game it’s it’s 20 bucks uh I could I could I mean I don’t know if my computer can really handle a Lego game I know as lame as it s four gigs of RAM I’m pretty sure you’ll be fine okay and it just needs 16 gigabytes of storage and the recommended you need four gigs of [ __ ] Ram wait wait wait could you uh could you go back to it just so that I could see it on stream the game oh the game this one yeah the game Super Heroes two two is the good [Music] one and it has Marvel it has the OG’s yeah it’s Marvel okay but it has the OG uh look the characters and stuff as well as the regular one there’s different skins for characters yeah honestly I think this is uh I think slip and Jimmy has this game too it’s a really good game I play on PlayStation 3 yeah no I’d be down to try it you said it’s 20 bucks 20 bucks okay they actually had the the THS or Scrolls Scrolls in this game mhm say did you um oh what do you still want to do um Batman tomorrow or no we can do this one I think Batman’s still 20 bucks okay I actually almost bought it when it was on sale and I should have cuz I thought it would have been really funny mhm to do it honestly there’s another game I still have to play called ter Tech uh but I don’t know if your computer can handle that one and it’s more of a multiplayer game oh is it yeah my bad chief that my computer’s sinky I bought it when it was on sale it’s like a honestly I don’t even think Asia’s or uh dios could run [Music] it cuz big open world you know yeah it’s more of a tower game so maybe yours could but I I don’t know let me let me look let me look um $25 wait no it’s terch worlds oh that one’s 30 oh lovely Early Access right now um this one requires 16 gigs of [Music] RAM so well maybe one day John maybe any any more diamonds buing uh I don’t know what I’m to mine I’ll mine this anyways it wasn’t Diamond my day to find some diamond M diamonds M Diamond diamonds mine [Music] DS M diamonds cuz even trying to get the voice crack it doesn’t sound right I M them to creeper oh man oh man we got uh I don’t know lyrics actually I wish I did I feel like I know the lyrics to a lot of songs but like meme songs it just takes a while yeah I mean but four big yeah four big guys yeah actually know the lyrics to four big guys and three big balls oh W one of my proudest achievements truly you ever uh you ever heard this song Red wait I’m going to have to mute my mic um it actually is way catchier than I thought it was going to be cabbages and greens broccoli and beans where where’s that from no idea no ideaa no idea uh but yeah well they’re literally spawn camping our [ __ ] who is zombies and [ __ ] well I mean we need to put down torches to be fair so it’s kind of on us but you know man I just want to sleep man then sleep it’s going to be like no there are monsters nearby I’m going to be like freak said oh man well I think Tech it they it’s different so you know like how the original Minecraft is like if any monsters are nearby won’t let you sleep this one will let you sleep as long as there’s no like monsters in the immediate area yeah no I’m telling you they were like right on our beds oh they’re trying to sleep with us double eight oh with the skeleton hell no bro I wasn’t even close and he still blow up did he blow up our [ __ ] or no he he blew up like the entrance to the mine oh that’s right we fix that easy fix I can fix that I can fix [Music] it you guys don’t know this but red is actually built like Rick and Ral I am what what is that a compliment or no I think that’s a compliment but the thing is I’m not even like like anywhere near his size no don’t don’t test it aha my bed my bed no I’m the red one no I’m the red one mine’s I’m the red one no I’m the red one bro my name is literally red I thought the red one was mine no I made that one for me I thought the red one was mine really genuinely yeah cuz you made the white one first and then you set up your spawn there so I thought then I was like you could have the white one I didn’t remember that there you go rockol and beans isn’t it isn’t it pretty catchy though no it is though I was going to actually add that so you know Snapchat you can actually create your own sound effects okay and I did that with the uh forever ago if you remember that streak I zoomed on the N key and then I put the the goblin Green Goblin coward yeah oh yeah did um but you can you can add any any sound effects and stuff technically it’s supposed to be music but yeah but you know you know who cares right right but yeah I’m going to definitely add that as a sound effect and then like send that to people really just get them like just completely stuck in their heads yeah what do they mean by this just zoom in on a fake audio file and pretend like that’s like what I that I released that Banger Chad doesn’t even know what you’re talking about but and it sucks that my phone for some reason won’t let it upload to Discord right mhm yeah so it’s not like I can post it on Discord and they’ll know what I’m talking about I can only do pictures only pictures only pictures man no that’s some racist [ __ ] right there right mhm discriminatory for the moving pictures they work so hard I’m hard I hard I’m red uh what the [ __ ] are you eating dude Ramen what kind of ramen um it’s like this niss no no it’s um actually like Chef pings or whatever and it tastes it’s more like a curry but it has ramen noodles actually has like a nice like kick to it and everything and then Chinese companies or Chinese food companies never cease to amaze me at the names that they come up with truly Chef pings or something like that I you know there’s a there’s a pot sticker one called Ling Lings it’s actually really it’s really good though it’s got a panda on it yeah yellow bag yeahh dude um when I was visiting my sister down in California she had a Costco membership and uh she bought like these um they’re either dumplings or like pot stickers and they came with like its own like soy sauce it was so good genuinely is the one from Costco it might be cuz um it’s that one it’s so fire cuz the thing is it also was like uh it was like microwavable yeah well they all are they all are yeah okay and then like um like it was in like a plastic container not really a bag I think like the like the the casing where the wrapping was like yellow I could be wrong I’d have to ask my sister if she remembers this boy do I miss them brocc and beans it’s such a good song though right no yeah it’s super catchy I don’t I don’t know why yeah it’s funny cuz that’s only a fraction of the song too yeah I know it’s not even the full one oh it sounds like a chorus if anything it is yeah come on give me diamonds [ __ ] I found gold and redstone I’m not going to yiy for no gold okay I have to reach I’m looking at the mini map wait mm well you I can’t even zoom in for chat uh but I think I’m going to reach a tunnel soon okay so hopefully there hopefully there I find some goody goodies mhm the good stuff you know oh yeah all right keep her going slow and steady wins the race you know I mean sure yeah except you know if it’s Street rules then you know goes f as fast as [ __ ] see a lot of people say slow and steady right but at the same time you need to be working efficiently when you’re moving at that kind of pace otherwise you’re just [ __ ] have we are we sure that’s allowed I know that we say it is but like is it actually I don’t know what you’re talking about okay that’s just a word that we created as friends has no real meaning in the real word uh real real world and has no similarities or implications of anyone yep no idea what anybody else is talking about M plausible deniability absolutely the moment you ask those questions this uh it’s moment that it’s all over so we’ll just uh pretend like um we’re one big happy arted family okay y because of the implications no not the implications the fact that his face also was super serious every time he said he phal always because not not just him though all of them are yeah no 100% Danny deito too like Danny Deo Broadway star mhm then you have Charlie Day Rob whatever his name is who’s actually married to D funny enough oh wow nice I believe he is um but yeah no that that whole cast is funny as [ __ ] I’m the trash man the trash throw trash in the ring God it’s so so amazing truly mhm you know I was watching that series I was trying to watch all of it oh yeah when uh I was little cuz it was getting removed from uh from Hulu so I was getting my Mo most out of it cuz I was like they’re going to remove it soon they ended up delaying it so then I was like oh then I got more time mhm bro NOP like a week later it was gone I’m like [ __ ] I think now it’s it’s back on Hulu it’s like [ __ ] it might be it was either Hulu or Netflix that it was on originally and I was watching it through that phenomenal show mhm it’s one of those shows that you have to watch and you know that like people that watch that show have a have a good good sense of humor sense of humor yeah they can take a jel show they can take a joke they know like you know these are characters it’s a [ __ ] joke mhm some of these people nowadays man yeah mhm but I feel that’s also the world we live in it’s been this slippery slope of censorship and it’s like a I feel like it I mean the past like 10 to 20 years it’s definitely been going down that route like there’s certain words that like 10 years ago you could say and they’re not but I mean they do have certain like they do have a meaning you know mhm but you know it’s not like you know a s or anything it’s just alluding to a certain like like uh Mo Lester mhm I remember when smos did a bit on that moon emoji that it looks like yeah right yeah you can’t have that word anymore nope you can’t say it you can’t like and it’s like dude you know that uh you talking about we literally just watched a a super mega skit about well yeah well no I mean like in the sense of monetization oh yeah yeah yeah no I figure um but like uh there’s certain words you can say it as long as you have your own like as long as you’re okay with it not getting monetized which which I guess if you have sponsors you’ll be fine and stuff but yeah seems a bit silly all right I thought I was going to run into the dungeon turns out mhm not so much I understand but um yeah know I feel like cuz I think we were on like a good path with um you know like getting rid of certain words right like yeah back in those days you know and I never really used this derogatory term but like um um like the other meaning for gay you know the more harsher word yeah the bundle sticks yeah I think I think so basically starts with an F yep ends with a G and I never really used it well technically ends with a T but oh yeah well I’m thinking like the shorter the shorter one technically is a it’s a cigar but it’s actually one of the meanings but yeah yeah basically I just remember like like for example like niggaa he did like the whole how to be a ninja and he dropped that and you know back then that was basically a okay obviously you know controversial but like at the end of the day people laughed about it right nowadays you know I think ever since like social media and like the whole push for you know certain censorship you know hate speech and like you know all these movements and whatnot like I’m all for empowerment and all that but like you also have to like I don’t know don’t be a [ __ ] [ __ ] about it that’s one way to put it I mean like seriously though like it it’s different when somebody in tend [Applause] on like you know it’s different when it’s bullying right mhm cuz yeah if it’s directed at someone and they mean that kind of form of like you know right verbal abuse whatever you want to call it verbal assault basically but like I remember like to simpler times when if you had a problem with someone or a problem with a certain aspect of the internet you’re just [ __ ] you know what you do you just turn that [ __ ] off now it’s different when it’s cyber bullying right obviously but like if you find a video that offends you and stuff just move on like I mean like even I like there there’s stuff that like really makes me like [ __ ] man like that bothers me but at the end of the day it’s oh well like I have a problem with it that’s my opinion I’m entitled to that but you think you’re funny if you think I’m reporting that and going over going like you ruined my day my life is Ru Because of You me like you know try to actively ruin their you know mhm their you know their use of the internet yeah even people that go over and go yeah getting them canceled telling their jobs and [ __ ] like yo that’s so [ __ ] yeah 100% And like I I feel like there are certain things where that’s appropriate but for like for other things you know like come on when it comes to hate speech and stuff like that yeah I feel like or like people like trying to actively like spread dangerous ideologies or like ideas which it’s a very gray Thin Line I feel like if you use your brain and you’re not trying to like overthink it like your initial gut reaction if it seems bad then more than likely it is yeah but again there are Al also people that are sensitive to that type of stuff so it’s like where do you draw the line right did I tell them that they’re wrong I think you might have already I mean you go through those berries quick dude thought I had cherries though uh I I don’t know I don’t know what kind of berries you pick I just remember you had blueberries and probably already ate all of those I ate those yeah like right away yeah um yeah like I feel like ever since like people started trying to be more um what’s politically correct yeah um ever since that you know it started like really popping off through Twitter and whatnot um I feel like we kind of backtracked on the whole like oh you get words meaning and power right there’s this really funny bit with this person with Down Syndrome right and he’s in a classroom and the teacher is like talking about how like not to say that the the r word is what she says right and the the kid with down goes over and just yells it right he goes like it’s re and like yells it and then he goes goes um uh brothers and sisters uh we give words meaning and like those are uh gives a whole speech gives a whole [ __ ] speech and [ __ ] about how like how are we supposed to talk about it if we can’t talk about it right and then and then uh the teacher goes like why don’t you have a seat sweetheart and then he goes like uh I’m not your sweetheart [ __ ] whoa that’s funny see like that’s that’s funny yeah no exactly that’s real humor that’s where we that’s the humor I grew up that’s why this side of [Laughter] dude I I keep making this joke to my brother saying like oh you know we’re both genz cuz he’s like what seven years old younger than me I was like I’m I’m the good part of gen Z you’re the cringe part of it for some [ __ ] right and you’re part of the problem yeah at the same time you know it like I I think it’s just because it feels so different just because the way that the internet evolved in like the past 20 to 30 years is insane and like technology like if you look at the advancements that humans have done done it’s actually insane wow like bro the way like floppy discs were actually not that far away like yeah a put into like [ __ ] like wow it’s the [ __ ] man so yeah my brother actually um he’s really into like old Vint stuff old vintage stuff and um he uh recently got his hands on a cassette player and like a receiver and like uh he got um a Jeff Buckley um cassette and uh yeah he’s been playing it I actually have a cassette player nice I handheld one um ooh do you still want it it still actually has the cartridge in it and everything um it has some uh doctor stuff on it uh from one uh my parents were in the military on the hospital base if you want it it still works um actually runs on Double A’s oh that’s awesome and then um he also so my mom had a Polaroid camera and my brother cleaned out her old uh her old room or I guess we used that room more for storage but then we cleaned it out and my brother found it and um he’s been he bought like um Polaroid film and everything and like yeah no it’s actually kind of sick what he’s yeah it works 100% hey yeah good like we we took um like what three to four photos with it already looks it looks like it genuinely like it’s really cool shake it shake it shake it that doesn’t picture no that that’s what they used to do it’s supposed to dry it doesn’t yeah it absolutely does nothing it might accidentally crease the picture instead yeah no yeah I had this old uh Sony handy cam I think is it’s called I give it to my brother um but the battery that’s required for it it’s like one that like was using uh not H it’s about the same time as cassettes it’s from the 80s or 70s just about that time oh is like the weird like brick looking thing it’s uh [ __ ] let me pull up a picture of it okay for stream and [ __ ] uh Sony handy cam it’s from the 80s oh it could be from 70s actually looking at these pictures um oh here it is here it is MH yeah uh this is it right here okay oh wow yeah that’s a cassette player it’s not a cassette it’s um I forget what it’s called I forget what it uses it’s super like only Sony was what the [ __ ] man what whoa whoa who hey booty cheeks in my face you weirdo why you like it facts what what but um no my brother tried fixing it and stuff like that but um the battery that it uses is like M it’s like impossible to find and it’s it doesn’t really work like even if find one it would be like Beyond dead oh wow okay like I’m sure you probably buy a converter and stuff to convert the power uh you know from that battery into like you know something that we have nowadays like the um God double A and [ __ ] M put more in here um you used all the wood uh no no I still I still have 50 on me why do you need it no no no I made more wood so oh wood and there’s more sticks too nice oh my god dude I’m dying I I understand do you want to like cut it off in like maybe 15 minutes [Music] maybe oh [ __ ] is that playing in the background Benghazi Ben Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi these nuts oh what what why did you say that to me I’m just saying man this bronze pickaxe um I’ve had to stop mining multiple times because it nearly breaks I can make another one another tal that way it works a little quicker there is enough read and I think I do have enough string okay I mean if you if you want yeah go for it uh let’s go ahead and make some paper uh uh where is the string oh you know you know what’s a game that I think you would really enjoy or at least you know find somewhat entertaining I only have one string oh that’s fine um but it’s this game called papers please I think you’d actually like appreciate it death was saying that it’s it’s a really good game like genuinely yeah and like there are certain like strategies you can use and blah blah blah like choices do matter and like there’s a lot of different things like definitely like try looking it up if you’re uh interested I know that Mark played it and uh some a bunch of other people did too there’s this uh other game I uh been wanting to play just because uh I watch this Indie gamer igp he’s got a l w there it goes um mhm he’s got a lot of subs and stuff like that um pretty popular but he plays indie games and uh there’s this one where uh it’s not like papers please though it’s um but it is a despotic uh kind of you know spy big brother kind of game um I forget what it’s called I’ll look it up it’s like neighbor or something basically uh you are landlord and you have to report anybody that you know isn’t does not have uh the interests of the state at heart so if you find like uh you know uh uh a gun or poison or a manual to [Music] like uh take over the with the build a bomb stuff like that yeah right right right but I forget what the game’s called I got more string by the way nice nice oh you know what that kind of reminds me we should or I say we but um it’s more more most likely going to be you unless like you asked me to it’s um to print out the PDF for the rules for um keep talking keep talking nobody explod [Music] yeah yeah to go to the local library Li baby the baby okay so I got the string mm that could have been dangerous sorry here [Music] by laa oh I can only make two okay well that works okay so low medium [Music] high I’ll throw these in here um just grab whatever you want okay yeah absolutely let’s see that’s what dying sounds like guys um I need to build like more uh no no point in building more chests right now bless you so take um take uh the bottom two so that way you’ll have three um okay I’m going to get more string which I know where there’s some at mhm give me them blueberries give me the blueberries the blueberries give me the blue b there’s a cherry tree oh that’s nice man I just want to get more diamonds but they don’t want to show me any I think this game’s a little prejudice against my kind the miners oh that could be true I don’t know if you look at uh the trend of the people that loved playing Honestly though that that that goes to the demographic though that they’re playing for though okay about the the minor Minecraft yeah I mean it I don’t I I don’t know right like some of them obviously it’s a mental issue like guy is Minecraft that guy is just not to begin with yeah and also I don’t think his like excessive use of substances have helped either did a [ __ ] I mean look at I mean look at where he is now yeah but that wasn’t his fault he was blamed yeah yeah no that that really did [ __ ] though you don’t think that he’d ever get to where he is now on his own like ever you mean like kill his own career yeah I mean like ever well he was super like kid-friendly true but like and then all this this cancel culture happened and he lost like everything yeah like I mean he still has his supporters and stuff but now he advocates for like [ __ ] up jokes and yeah I I think the cancel culture did this to him on a truthfully at least in his case I know it’s it is different person to person but in his case 100% yeah okay which sucks because I mean he was he was a big part of my childhood not the big is understand yeah I understand I mean I think no you know Nugget in a Biscuit will always hold it a nice place in my heart yeah I even watched his uh playthroughs and stuff ah not that closely but I know about Fort Buscus and stuff completely missed the base damn yeah no I understand it’s just that he he was also like a very like he was a big party person like he’d host parties and apparently he’d let um underage people drink at those parties as well like do you remember teens reacting stuff like that uh yeah yeah that they’ve gone on saying like oh yeah no we’ve been to his parties and we we drink you know and like I mean hanging out with you know uh not that uh Johnny Depp yeah drugs to miners not that I advocate it but like you know even successful people have done [ __ ] like that yeah which I mean it kind of like you can’t exactly look over that right now I will say it’s not the same as you know what Johnny Depp did but it’s also just like come on you’re an adult and it’s your party right you’ve got to be a little bit more responsible I think the point is that he could yeah and it’s also the thing of like he was like probably thinking oh I was a kid at one point you know mhm I always wanted to drink I take the European approach when it comes to drinking oh God I need uh I need the coal make me some more torches you going to grab your uh talismans I probably should at some point I made you two oh wow so now you’ll have three and your gear should be like good to go hoay so the quicker you grab it the better yeah better but it also it also takes up inventory space because I’m pretty sure you can’t stack the talism on top each other right no yeah so but I mean you know I think uh like it’s just like the cowl man so much Cobble and I want to hold on to it cuz that’s free just build a chest down there do you want me to build a chest down there halfway through no no you don’t have to bless you what how how much is an enchantment table good gravy uh it’s like what four obsidian a book two diamonds I want to see if I can at least enchant this stuff probably at some point but like we need diamonds my guy and that’s the issue right now yeah we just don’t have diamonds we just need money just need diamonds loves me watch out agent Ross is coming I [ __ ] hate how stupid that song is but damn is it good oh yeah I remember you showing me that you are still eating that [ __ ] Ramen how long have you been [ __ ] eating it is it cold by now it’s lukewarm and it’s on and off what whatever sometimes I eat too fast sometimes I take my time with it shut the say normally you’re oh God BBQ sounds good I mean that would really clear up your sinuses that would really clear up yeah tomorrow what time uh I’m probably going to have to do it to go but um yeah I understand uh I don’t know whenever I wake up if I can even get sleep honestly it’s been so hard for me to sleep with this [ __ ] and the worst part is that I like to breathe through my nose when I sleep I don’t like mouth breathing oh yeah no I mean you should always try to breathe through your no when but obviously right now it’s a struggle to talk without you know like my nose yeah but dude it it it burns when I breathe in it’s yeah I was about to say would you rather just have me drop the Sho the food off and then you can take that off my debt oh that is right you do have a debt yeah I do have okay then consider it at least someone taken care of I know what you like and then I’m guessing like uh what a Mountain Dew or two on top of that yeah and you just want the chicken you don’t want any sides or anything no no pickles no pickled dadish diamonds only one no come on me no really man I mean one’s better than none I mean that’s true hey that rhymed it grew at uh n okay okay man Redstone I hate I I would hate the idea that like this entire time I’ve been digging at 11 and there could have been a diamond like one level like two levels below me so I’m literally walking do you see how I’m building mine you should see how I’m building mine dude leave no stone unturned you’re are you digging to bedrock no no no no oh no no no no no you should see come down to the end of the stairwell and just see admire its beauty I don’t know maybe I’m actually going to go back track I’m going to go back track and like at least dig one level down okay okay I’m I’m standing on 10 and below me is nine I’m digging at 12 and I’m standing on 10 okay but you should see how I’m digging though mhm it’s a peak utmost well honestly we can we can build uh computers and stuff too that can actually dig for us oh yeah oh yeah we could do a whole um a quar that requires actually a [ __ ] ton diamonds on top of it oh does it actually it does it does yeah honestly at that point it’s like just condense everything like why why would you waste and then just get energy collector right mhm mhm mhm mhm cuz they can’t even do obsidian or go through water so why would you right like right kind of dumb ah I see and then I was going to dig two more under h under this yeah the the bottom cuz we’re at we’re at 12 on the top mhm yeah I don’t know if you wanted to continue this I mean up to my guy my journey God where are you we could pick it up we could pick it up another day dude I know that like you’re dying uh I’m dying but this relaxing is the only thing that’s keeping me from absolutely Robin Williams in myself oh what why you got to switch it up I was expecting Kurt Cain but now it’s Robin Williams yeah oh that that actually is [ __ ] up though yeah I miss Robin Williams you know my uncle took a selfie with Robin Williams like the week before that happened no I didn’t yeah he posted it and he was like what the [ __ ] man like it’s hard to believe BR seemed so happy honestly in the picture he seemed like it was a force smile like you could tell he was dealing with some [ __ ] mhm sucks for his daughter Zelda yeah I did think it was really cool that he didn’t name the daughter Zelda after the video game character well you know they used to play and stuff too yeah exactly wild I remember um there was a whole ad on the 3DS when they released Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask for the 3DS and it was um Robin Williams doing a whole ad read and then it just ends with him like um zeld going dad and like he like breaks characters like oh I’m sorry like he says something like super sweet in front of her like something magical you’re just so magical or something like that you know and it was like really wholesome damn yeah I was about to say you could probably like find it if you look it [Music] up there’s a lot of comedians though that like uh I feel like being a comedian nowadays is just even harder than it was you’re not only just because like it’s harder to make fun of certain stuff nowadays but also like there’s already been so many jokes told about so many things that it’s hard yeah to not have like I I feel like you’re have to be like topical if you want to be a comedian or you have to be like really good at improv and like working the audience and all that you know yeah like nowadays it’s almost like a requirement to like be really good at working with your audience to make more comedy but I mean if you look at Gabriel e glacius he’s one of the cleanest comedians oh yeah yeah no and he comes in perfectly pretty impressive I I remember George Carlin Jim Gaff again Dave Chappelle’s awesome Rich prior’s amazing um honestly I really never got into um oh I found more Diamond how many no hold on I’m going to dig around it and see if there’s anything extra oh there’s at least two what’s his name from Bost three nature loves oh um give me a second I know the the bald guy that’s also redhead right yes yes um bber yeah I found three by the way four five oh we need one more one more one more literally one [ __ ] more well well we got five and funny part is technically we need two more because we need one to actually condense mhm yeah but what if I want to make armor oh [ __ ] I broke my pck I mean you’re more than welcome to Buddy after we’ve done condensed it I wasn’t paying attention to the durability even with three talismans though yeah I know dude it is just insane you got to get you got to let this [ __ ] rest you know dude apparently you got to let that [ __ ] sit for a second mhm cuz I feel like it doesn’t it doesn’t repair as you’re doing the whole mining animation it does the thing is it it um uh it I think it uses more durability doing certain things like mining for iron or costs more you know other stuff so you end up get ending up in a deficit mhm well I have five diamonds on me and some other stuff and ahead of me I see a creeper and I don’t have enough food or health to really try oh and a zombie just showed up too L creeper a Man 1 two three boom boom boom boom boom boom honestly with The Mending and stuff right I kind of like the Golden Heart not going to lie yeah it wasn’t too bad it wasn’t it wasn’t as quick as the Talisman of repair yeah but I mean it had regen with it which hix it was kind of baller with that not going to lie pretty impressive normally mhm it’s not uh it’s not like that it doesn’t have two good aspects to it it’s usually just one aspect so it’s cool that and I mean it does it it just sucks that like the mending was just so hard to attain like yeah and and like you could you couldn’t just add it on to anything you know yeah and I hate the go find the book it did say like one Ingot repairs a quarter of the the durability for it oh more diamonds yes nice five oh yes all right well I’m already almost home okay hey I like the stairwell you made I didn’t make a stairwell out of the dirt made that a while ago oh well this is the first time I realized it I’m sorry get a load of this guy hey don’t don’t make fun of me you’re welcome that was for you chat chat is this real chat Chad is this real okay so now I need to make a diamond pick you can keep it if you’d like um all right and then you go get that obsidian cuz you know where it’s at yeah you know where the body’s buried I I’ll leave the I I’ll make the I’ll make the pick myself uh you uh I’m leaving the diamond in the the chest at the white beds Locker cuz now there’s confusion between whose bed is whose so now the white bed’s mine I I thought it was I mean if you want I could Dy it a different color I don’t think you after you put it down I tried to D it yellow earlier do you want me do you want me to make it a do you want me to make you a yellow bed no I don’t want to Yellow bed that was a joke but it was a joke to get it’s fine wait dude you didn’t even gra you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] don’t worry I’ll grab when I get back I kind of forgot that you made those for me and also I assume that you also just took them for your own cuz you’re told me how you hadv I already have three all right no that’s so cool stupid stupid man don’t call me stupid you know I have a disability yeah tell me about it it all started when I was born that’s a SpongeBob reference mhm yeah but this time this wasn’t reference this is real life IRL IRL irf in real fortnite why the [ __ ] did I drop that okay I do not know how many obsidian do you want I need I need just grab a whole bunch as many as you can handle like eight you know what whatever all right I’m trying to make sure that this doesn’t fall into the lava beneath me all right so now I have that I need the obsidian which you’re getting and then four Ms lovely all right we have everything we need lovely that was my dick damn yeah even though I see you cracking your knuckles right now I can Flex my that’s [Laughter] bad you wanted the best part about me getting you food John is that because you’re going to be at home well I guess never mind well I mean yeah no you know what the best part waking up is you plan on I’m I’m afraid to ask what is this fers in your cup I’m sorry the ad you don’t know the ad Foggers I don’t know that part of waking up this fers in your cup no I don’t think so Jesus I didn’t have cable growing up you’re from this country maybe this entire time I’ve just been a Russian spy you know maybe they could have caught some of these Minecraft players sooner if they named Minecon minor land then just arrest everybody [Applause] you know John you might be on to something with that one I think it’d work right M minor land yeah sure or Minor Details and then give them minor felonies but they’re they’re actually major filies they are major filies what are you talking about [Applause] uhoh uhoh oh no my boy left I did that can I do that I did that oh shoot I was trying to mine it with the you like miners no I was trying to mine this obsidian with the copper or the yeah the copper pick for a sec for a second you [Applause] know nice pretty soothing [Applause] [Applause] mhm boom boom boom boom I want you in my room room room spend the night together from now until forever boom boom boom boom I want a double boom did you can you bring the OB up yeah sure I mean I was still I was still trying to mine some more but okay oh are you okay just bring up f i yeah I was about to say I have 21 I think that’s enough I just I just want to condense all this crap and then well how many do we need for for the the nether portal cuz I want to get globest uh eight for minimum no uh minimum hold on 3 six 7 eight 2 two six is it 10 No 10 10 10 maybe minimum 10 you could also um technically do 14 true all righty lovely now where do you where do where do you want this bad boy huh here well throw me four right now just so I can condense all this crap okay uh and then you you you get to put it wherever your little pretty heart desires if you wanted to put it above the Min shaft over there cuz I cleared out that area right there mhm there you go over that away I was thinking about maybe right here yeah oh okay like I mean look at this naturally occurring stone wall I mean I dug that out but you know you’re free to think that you’re ruining the immersion John am I good good all right and now we can make diamonds all right throw all your [ __ ] in here dude all my Cobble and whatnot mhm lovely all right you have a flint and steel my friend I saw you had a flint in your hand but if you want me to make one I I I mean I can make a flint still don’t worry yeah if you if you can make it I don’t have any Flint in my inventory there’s iron right

This video, titled ‘Getting Started!!! ◆ Minecraft: Tekkit 2’, was uploaded by Avernon on 2024-04-09 11:05:18. It has garnered 79 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:36:19 or 12979 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Survival Live! 😱 Road to 700 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival Live!!!😉😉 || Road to 700 Subscribers!! || #Problizz #live #verticalstream’, was uploaded by Problizz Animations on 2024-04-29 22:41:40. It has garnered 522 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:37 or 6877 seconds. 🌈 Thanks for Tuning In to Problizz Animations! 🌟 If you’ve made it here, you’ve just experienced a whirlwind of creativity and entertainment! 🚀 We hope our animation took you on an unforgettable journey filled with laughs, thrills, and maybe even a sprinkle of magic. 🎨✨ 👍 Loved what you saw? Don’t forget to hit that Like… Read More

  • EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. Friends

    EPIC Survival Challenge in Minecraft Oneblock 😵 | Ft. FriendsVideo Information [संगीत] हम सरवाइव करने वाले 15 डेज इस मा फन ब्लॉक पे और यहां पर दूर दूर तक कुछ नहीं है और आज के इस वाली वीडियो में हमारे दो गोल है एक घर बनाना और इस गेम को बीट करना चलो तो जैसे ही मैं गेम के अंदर आया मैंने देखा इसमें एक ब्लॉक पहले से ही साइड में लगा है फर्स्ट ऑफ अपनी सेफ्टी के लिए क्योंकि यह मोड बहुत अच्छा है आपको चाहिए तो कमेंट कर देना मैं दे दूंगा और जैसे मैंने फिर ब्लॉक पर आया और मैं मैंने मांग स्टार्ट कर द फटाफट… Read More

  • Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Gameplay: Valorant and Minecraft Madness!Video Information stream I don’t know what I’m doing here I am um playing Minecraft but Minecraft isn’t loading which is crazy but sure Minecraft load thank [Music] you hold up I’m wait still working on my stream uh hello or whatever other language you speak we’re playing m today because you know Minecraft is a game I play sometimes anyways stream say hello to this guy I’m playing with I it’s restarted so I’m yeah he’s there anyways he’s he’s there yeah he’s there don’t worry about him he’s a little special n if anyone if anyone’s special it’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Minecraft BUS HAUS Challenge: NOOB vs PRO!Video Information heute machen wir eine riesen busbauchallenge aber ich werde heimlich Hacks benutzen um meine Freunde le Lucky und B komplett zu Pranken mit dem hackerk slash/p wer ich einen riesigen Bus spawnen aber was meine Freunde auch nicht wissen dass ich die coolsten tnts am Schluss aller Zeiten benutzen werde der ganze Bus wird am Schluss mit dem krassten TNT in die Luft gejagt und jetzt l uns schauen wo unsere Freunde stecken so Freunde seid ihr bereit für die coolste bauchallenge aller Zeiten heute machen wir eine wer weiß es wer weiß es wer weiß es Challenge… Read More

  • Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!

    Bingus goes bananas in Minecraft Hive w/baby monke & chaos!Video Information [Music] hello guys right okay I I apologize for everything that is going wrong here it seems like everything’s kind of glitching out but um I hope you guys are having a good day today is Sunday we’re kind of vibing I was doing a bit of background things I’m trying to get points to work at the moment uh with streamlabs but streamlabs decided not to work so instead of um everything going smoothly like I wanted you got stuff like that so uh we’re going to we’re going to move on from that now though we’re… Read More

  • AspectSMP

    AspectSMPDM me on discord so i can whitelist you, my username in MrAspect, The server is on 1.19.4 and it is on Java. and also join the discord server. DISCORD RULES: NO Bullying, Racism, Sexism, NO Disturbing pictures/videos NO Spaming NO Self promos (unless in self promo channel) NO Threats. SERVER RULES: NO greefing NO racism NO being mean aspectyes.apexmc.co Read More

  • YourVillageSMP – smp, Towns, Unique world gen, Web map

    Welcome to Our Minecraft Server! Experience a world like never before with unique biomes, over 200 custom structures, and persistent progress. No resets, no wipes—just endless exploration and building. Defeat custom bosses for valuable rewards and forge crate keys in-game. Our town system is user-friendly and offers a seamless experience. Join us on Saturday, June 15 for an unforgettable adventure! Join Our Community: Discord: discord.urvillage.net Map: map.urvillage.net Teaser: TikTok Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – They’re coming…RUN!

    Looks like those creepers are sneaking up on them faster than they can calculate their meme scores! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme

    Crafting a spicy Minecraft meme Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him! #minecraft #memes #meme Read More

  • Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen!

    Defeating the Twilight Forest Queen! Minecraft: Defeating the Queen of the Twilight Forest In a recent Minecraft video by S5João, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ice Queen in the Twilight Forest. The video promises an action-packed experience filled with surprises and challenges. Conquering the Ice Queen The player, accompanied by a loyal wolf companion, faces off against the Ice Queen with determination. Despite the Queen’s formidable attacks, the player remains resolute in their quest to emerge victorious. Building Strategies As the battle intensifies, the player strategically constructs defenses and prepares for the Queen’s onslaught. With precision and skill, they… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Zman’s Epic Minecraft Adventure!

    Unleash Chaos: Zman's Epic Minecraft Adventure!Video Information we’re [Music] live yes we are live we are indeed live all right this thing is just being stupid here but we are live any who what’s going on everybody hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday evening it’s JY and today we are playing some aged Minecraft mod pack as I I forget where I was going with that but by request I should say that’s what I was trying to say some people were wanting to see me go ahead and play this mod packs once again so why not go ahead and jump right into it… Read More

  • Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?

    Insane MLG Plays in Minecraft?Video Information This video, titled ‘MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo’, was uploaded by Storm Light on 2024-05-09 06:55:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MLG in minecraft #2 #minecraft #shorts #trending #viral #trendingshorts #viralvideo minecraft shorts animation,minecraft aesthetic … Read More

  • Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!

    Hermitcraft 10: Scar Gets Roasted for 3 Hrs!Video Information it’s time here we go guys are we ready are we ready are we ready are we ready to move the mobs to the nether through a portal and not die in an endless death Loop why is Minecraft not showing Again Minecraft why are you being elusive every stream you don’t show up for me come on show up for me today I need you it’s going to be a dangerous it’s going to be a deadly day thank you Minecraft showed up for us today big day important day remember guys there’s going be some big… Read More

  • INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!

    INSANE Adventure in Minecraft Ep 1!Video Information we’re back guys so I’m just going to spawn like I’m I made like I’m still working on that so one two three four four five six seven okay I’m going to spawn seven Villagers 4 five 6 7 just to make [Music] sure okay want to know what what those Iron Golems are doing down there there’s four of them unless one dies so I’m going to replace the chest there nope no wait so I go so I’m I’m going to think I’m going to go [Music] upstairs and then remove the remaining blocks there and… Read More

  • Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!

    Gaming Marathon: 48-Hour Minecraft Stream Challenge!Video Information working now I just need to change the window capture or I need to change it to game capture only problem is sometimes like Minecraft that’s a weird thing uh with a full screen that I don’t like so that’s sometimes like uh it’s like alt tabbing I don’t remember man usually I play in window just because of that and I don’t really notice the bar uh how do I do it I forget how to do it because I have OptiFine installed and it’s different I don’t like change it’s different you don’t like it because… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Gameplay – MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Gameplay - MUST SEE! 🔥🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘LIKE AND SUSCRIBE |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #gg |🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:26:51. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT BINGO GAME w/ FRIENDS!!Video Information how are we doing ladies and gentlemen hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream it’s Bingo time baby and we ain’t play Bingo for a little while banging tune love it Mr bead Stone here again Mr bead Stone how are you doing my man hope you’re doing well welcome to the stream my friend guys welcome along Minecraft bingo today with the gang uh we’ve got myself we got PX we got Callum CPK we’ve got Oli the sound we got mythical sausage we got in the little world we got the whole gang playing a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!

    EPIC Minecraft Castle Siege in Game of Thrones!Video Information This video, titled ‘Game OF Thrones: Minecraft Castle Siege PvP SERVER [NEW] 1.12+’, was uploaded by ize__ on 2024-06-19 10:14:47. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. GameOfThrones New PvP Game CastleWars WAR 0.1 #IP: ————————————— make-kid.gl.joinmc.link ————————————— WEBSITE OF SERVER: https://t.me/+noxO1qZvuIszOGY6 #Minecraft #GOTWIC #Server #new #rp #castlesiege #pvp #war #war01 #PVE #CastleWar #castlewars #mineblaze #skycave #new #1.12 #+ Read More

  • Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6

    Ultimate Horror in Minecraft Cursed Version #6Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Versi Terkutuk #6 #minecraft #shorts #creepypasta #horror #mcpe #test’, was uploaded by Razz Gaming on 2024-05-20 05:00:35. It has garnered 318 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Previous Video: Riot Playlist in Minecraft: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73Gu00VDNSoOIEfi3Jt-zHJR&si=hoFE8RQiQvY3nQnF Minecraft Mysteries: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvSdH50Kr73HQ_k7jZJlsJR1LfPeDSN3E&si=581gWXJ-OB4DaKcl Support me by: https://saweria.co/RazzGaming (gopay, dana, ovo, just link) SOCIAL MEDIA: 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0nGpa6n7j6aROfLn4IX_Q Subscribe : http://bit.ly/razzgaming Instagram : http://bit.ly/Razzgaming Tiktok : https://vt.tiktok.com/rHEYDL/ Join this channel to get access to various benefits: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3f3SJ2rQGly1D3J5C-GSAQ/join ==================================================== Gathering Darkness oleh Kevin MacLeod berlisensi Creative Commons Attribution (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100849 Artis: http://incompetech.com/ Long… Read More

  • Axen Network

    Axen NetworkWe are Axen Network, a Minecraft server network with a gaming experience like no other! We have two server gamemodes currently: – Heaven & hell SMP, a Minecraft SMP with a twist; when you die, you can become a demon, however if you pray enough, your sins may be forgiven, and you will go to heaven. Beware, however, as if you die whilst being one of these, you become a ghost, cursed to haunt the living. – Knockback PvP, a spin on the classic PvP or Sumo server, where your only weapon to fend for yourself with being a trusty… Read More

  • CrabCraft SMP

    CrabCraft 🦀 A whitelisted, community-focused vanilla survival server. Season 2️⃣ commences 15th June, on 1.21 We are looking for active community members to join us. Vanilla Perfection! We emphasize keeping the vanilla feel of Minecraft alive, inspired by HermitCraft gameplay. Voice Chat: We use Simple Voice Chat and require all members to have this mod installed. Thriving Community! Join a close-knit group of players who share the same passion for Minecraft. Active Discord: Our server’s Discord is used frequently for communication. Whitelisted Security: Our server is protected with a whitelist for a safe and friendly environment. Chunk Backups: In case… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When I saw the new update trailer I knew what to do

    Minecraft Memes - When I saw the new update trailer I knew what to doWhen you see that new update trailer, it’s like a beacon of hope shining down on your pixelated world. Everything else can wait, there are new blocks to mine and mobs to defeat! Read More