[VTUBER] Boba Demon Tackles the Nether | Minecraft & Chill

Video Information

[Applause] [Applause] [Applause] So [Applause] Good morning i am so sleepy oh my gosh i don’t know what time it is for for everybody else but it is um 7 45 right now and i wake up like i wake up around 6 30 usually because i have a puppy and she wakes me up

All the time to take her out um but yeah tell me tell me what time it is where you are i’m also drinking coffee hi hi welcome welcome wow there’s my pal western style guy 11 p.m oh my gosh 10 p.m wow yeah y’all should be partying i’m just gonna be just completely

Chilling and mining um it won’t be that chill because i just uh built a second portal in the nether and i want to build a third one i’m trying to just like see where else i can pop out in the world i’m gonna drink water um 12 pm is the good time

10 a.m cool okay i’m gonna switch to gaming xenomorph jimmy thank you for following what a good name hell yeah xenomorph jimmy okay here we go let’s go i figured i would leave the music on just because it’s kind of nice so let me know if um oh no

Yeah it’s that’s okay though that’s okay it’s hard to make like every debut because they all happen at the same time and most of them only happen on the weekends so um yeah hi um thank you for following uh someone uh slotty thank you for following slotty boy too

Okay cool um i’m playing minecraft in my friend’s server um he made like a realm for some friends so i already have a few things please don’t laugh at my house this is my dog this is my dog his name is um ah yeah ty’s here this is my dog his name

Is uh let’s call him chris uh because chai makes me think of chris from outlast i’m gonna turn the volume down in game like i like to hear zombies and stuff but it’s not that big of a deal okay i was just about to go back

To the nether this is my house it’s it’s not so pretty from the inside but look my friends built me like this really pretty path and like flowers and i look i live up in this mountain i’ll show you guys around the town uh this is my friend shio’s

Uh oh enderman perfect here we go oh he’s he’s going all over the place this is the main house it’s really pretty but there’s like berry plants everywhere i’m not trying to get to get uh poked by that i saw that enderman where’d he go come here oh i see him look

He’s over there ah come here no stop teleporting give me your money give me give me your pearl i want it oh thank you for following guys i’m not paying the closest attention to my notifications uh so i’m sorry but i will thank you later for sure

Also let me know if my music is too loud i lost him um that’s okay okay so here’s like our main little town area do you see all these berry bushes i feel like this is like evil like why would anybody want to put these here uh sushi put those there

Um oh here’s kimmy uh kimmy’s is streaming too so if you want her perspective she’s streaming as well okay this is very pretty but like look how dangerous all this is oh my gosh okay let’s go to the nether i’m also our nether portal i don’t know if you can see it but

It’s at the very top of boba mountain um we put it up there because like we figure if someone falls through it it’s just a sacrifice to the bubble gods so it’s okay it’s okay if we lose someone okay let me go and get all my themes

Um what do you what do you guys have going on for a monday my mondays are like i don’t know i i don’t want to work today i might just not work i might just decide not to work Okay also i’m sorry if my i don’t have much of a voice right now because so early and i’m also drinking coffee so if i’m clearing my throat a bunch like that that’s why do i not have any more food that could be a problem dang i wasn’t even making any food okay

Let me go and get some food i’m just gonna go rob uh i’m gonna go rob my friends uh imagine doing homework honestly good on you though because i homework is not my forte um at all so good on you i hear the word homework and i cry oh look at you hi

I don’t have anything to give you but can i pet you all right who has food for me i’m gonna take half of this bread and is there anything else i can take okay i don’t i forget whose house this is but i’ll let them know oh no yuri class

That’s okay i hope i hope it goes well i hope it’s easy peasy um also funny story like i have that i have my chatting song up really loud because i really like it i took a while to choose like my background music because initially i was gonna

Commission it and i probably will at some point but i also um i think i have like a very specific taste for what what i wanted my music to be i wanted it to be like kind of funky until um and so i just went through the dovah

Library dova syndrome library and i found this song and i made it my background music and then i found um oh my gosh why did my auto mod block that for sexual content um and then i found like the the artists the composers youtube and i found the song and apparently

Um someone uses it oh boton botan uses it um yeah i don’t know which what she uses it for exactly but she she uses it for something okay so i have sword pickaxe shovel i need Who’s here Go oh there and mine if you want if you need stuff at the very bottom there’s a mine shaft okay morning morning morning morning echo hell yeah percy okay i do i have everything am i missing anything i’m like going into the nether so with so little so

Somebody so so little things i can’t speak i can’t speak yeah it’s yummy i was gonna hit up cha because um chad did chad’s like doing a ton of commissions right now so a she’s busy and like i i just don’t want like a piano

Thing i love her music so much i don’t know like i just don’t know which composer could encompass my style in a way that i feel really good about um it’s let me actually look because it’s it’s a dovah syndrome song but i should put the actual like artist

Somewhere let me pull up my let me pull this up i think it’s flat no it’s not feminine oh it’s let me copy this artist’s name the song is called uh 2 23 a.m That’s uh that’s the artist’s name oh isaac okay cool yeah i’ll check i’ll check okay okay i i’m gonna get more cobblestone oh oh [ __ ] my game is like why is that gabe doing that now minecraft please oh there we go um okay i don’t actually think i have more cobblestone

Yeah can i borrow some oh wait i have 37 can i borrow some from you howdy hi hi oh okay i check oh you have 34 that’s good i have more than 64. okay Here we go we’re chilling it’s like monday morning till minecraft stream but also i’m gonna go to the nether so bye oh hi koi fishing oh my god there’s a [ __ ] zombie here what the [ __ ] i need to build i’m gonna build around our portal because

Oh yeah um let me no i don’t care right now i’ll go reset it later i need to build around our our portal because that is the second time okay last time i came to the nether i came by myself and there was just a wizard like

In the portal just like chilling and he poisoned me and i died and then i had to come back and get all my stuff um okay i’m just gonna use soul sand to build around us hear a baby oh no also i’m bad at building i’m i’m very slow

So i feel like damn damn she’s really slow building you’re right and you have a very valid point you know how [ __ ] i’m just gonna like kind of lock us in here and i’ll make a little path right over here i should have brought doors because okay i’m gonna go

Back and reset my spawn and also get some doors because i um i have like i made like a second little safe house area and uh yasen was there and something happened don’t ask me but it got blown up and the doors are gone oh my my alarm my alarm started going off

Um okay hi fox code i’m ty’s ty’s daughter slash sister it’s a very interesting family tree but yes welcome welcome thank you for following ah thank you for head patting me i want to get to a thousand head pats um like this week if i can without like too much spam you know

Thanks jason i’ll go check it out if i need stuff do i not have any extra doors i don’t really have much wood right now either thank you for head-patting me no need to do it too much though because i don’t want to spam the chat oh let me reset did it reset

The two demons oh are you talking about um selena too ty’s other daughter sister because we’ve yeah we’ve talked about um we’ve talked about playing games together and collabing too yay i also talked to chai about doing like a collab with me and because we’re like we’re chai and brian babies

The three of us so yeah it’s nice please please sleep i’m waiting ah yeah me too me too fox code he’s like he’s just like way too good he’s way too good i’m gonna just put my model um stuff in there and let me see if i can

Zoom i’ll zoom in and i’ll show you i love to show off my tears because they’re so jiggly brian has a lot of babies yeah that’s because he’s been he’s been doing uh he’s been doing live 2d forever i’m a little too big is that good yeah

I’m gonna mute for a second so i can cough okay back to game um okay i’m gonna make a door oh i need to oh i reset my spawn okay let’s make a door Door i don’t get it what do i need i thought that i could uh i thought i just needed planks do i need something else oh there it is okay i’m gonna bring extra i’ll bring six floors okay there you go good boy okay there’s kimmy’s i think this is kimi’s um

First time playing minecraft ever so it’s very cute to see her just like running around and trying to build a house and stuff Oh no i don’t want that [Laughter] i was talking about like sacrificing people to the boba god and then i die i guess it’s only fitting that the boba demon uh dies falling off bobo mountain you know at least i didn’t die in the nether i

Could get all my all my things back oh that’s oh i kind of want to go down there at some point yeah accidental sacrifice [Laughter] i died no yasen you can’t make it safer i feel like this is like this is the the charm of boba mountain you know we have to have

It be a little dangerous also i’m i still have your simon pickaxe why is that i thought i gave it back Thanks for praying with me y’all i’m like i love to think that i’m uh very prepared and then realize i just realized that oh no not as prepared as i thought that’s okay hmm i don’t uh no i don’t believe in attacking zombie pigmen because i know that uh i know i know

What happens there oh i have so many sticks check that [ __ ] out if anybody needs sticks you know where to find me okay that’s lots of torches and then hmm did i use all my okay let’s go thank you for following catfish 10 13 37 catfish chin meat elite

At one of my previous uh one of my previous jobs uh we had a password to the like our password to the security system or whatever um and it was a bunch of like you know it was we were all like anime kids uh who worked there

And uh the password to the security was just one three three seven and i’m like if anybody wanted oh there’s a [ __ ] creeper here no no no no really oh my gosh man okay i gotta build right here i also need to add some light maybe i need to

Up my brightness in the game i don’t know it’s kind of dark okay i’m actually not going to worry about this right now maybe maybe foolish of me but uh and then i’m gonna um can i build a door right here let’s see okay it sounds like there’s just so many

Guys out there i’m very scared there we go and then over here i’m just gonna okay let’s see that should be good i don’t think we need like anything super fancy okay wish me luck so basically i built a second uh portal uh kind of just like halfway also

Listening back to my pods i realized that i say like and uh a lot i’m from california so it’s just i guess just part of my vocabulary but i’m going to try to cut down on it because see can you see It’s not like i’m shy or anything i just i don’t know i don’t know okay so the only thing is if i keep going that way i’m going to end up at there’s a fortress so i need to maybe see if there’s a way for me to go the other way

We’re kind of in a shitty spot we’re kind of just in a weird area right now because there’s nothing around us we have to explore more maybe i should go down like i wanna find a blue forest I’m just gonna explore the edge and try not to fall off i hear a baby Hmm oh there’s the fortress okay um oh [ __ ] i’m being shot i’m being shot i gotta go i gotta go here we go okay this is our second little house right here i need to build a door and then the the other portal that i made is here

But i’ll show you where it takes us so it just takes us kind of we’re still in the in the well i guess we’re in a mushroom biome i’m gonna drink coffee The blue fire is um it’s soul flame so you can i actually have a bunch of soul torches i can give you they’re really pretty they’re just torches but with blue fire so i can give you some of those so okay so what if i tried to this is very very dangerous

But what if i tried to get past the uh past the fortress this is a staircase down to the fortress that yasen built thank you by the way um here let me just shout let me shout him out if you guys don’t follow yasen yet you totally should because

Um his streams are really fun and uh he gets very real talk and last night he cried for a really long time and um i think i fell asleep towards the end but uh yeah he’s a good person who’s been helping me lots so yeah give him follow

Okay let’s see where are we if i dig through here okay we’re at the at the fortress now i just don’t want anyone to see me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god this this [ __ ] i kind of want to get down there and

Just like run and see where i get but i also i’m cool off dying look at him i don’t have any arrows well i guess i can’t go that way unless i okay let me try to do something oh yeah i drink water Mornings are definitely like not good for my voice because especially because i’ve been talking a lot lately and uh yeah they just thought the best we need um i don’t really remember what we did like how this is into the i’m just gonna go back

Up and see if i can find another way thank you for following bak tui do you like bok choy because i do i like bok choy sauteed with garlic and soy sauce that [ __ ] is so good chronic Okay so this is the second area i’m gonna build it i’m gonna go out and add a door i’m gonna break down this door with my door oh there’s a picky oh i want that sword though oh there’s a skeleton over there too i gotta be careful okay

I’m just gonna maybe try to go this way it’s so dark i need to turn i’m gonna turn my brightness up again can i do that video settings oh moody [ __ ] no [Laughter] why did i have it i had it down at the oh my gosh

I am a fool i am a fool thank you doragon06 why did i have my brightness all the way down what a silly oh there’s more fortress i hate those flame [ __ ] excuse my french um maybe we go this way i’m basically just trying to see like

Where i can get to that isn’t too sketchy to build um what i’m trying to do is i’m trying to build a another portal down here and pop out in a different biome and my other server we basically we basically just went so far we found a blue forest

And we put a portal there and we went into the portal and we came out in an ocean biome and it was just like amazing it was so nice oh okay i should have maybe brought another pickaxe but that’s okay Bro come on i’ll take it lucky lucky me yes yeah i want to make our railroad nicer like our our path nicer because we don’t have much of a path now it’s just like yasen and i just like kind of ran until we found an area

Um and a lot of that area that you have to run through is sand and it’s really slow running through sand oh [ __ ] my my pickaxe might break i might have to just use josten’s diamond pickaxe oh blackstone um i might be let me dig up here it goes

We have to be close to something right oh basalt let’s see i’m gonna [ __ ] i’m gonna dig up and like lava is gonna come out i’m pretty brave have um in my uh apricot welcome welcome welcome please promote your debut please please please because i’m blanking on the date and

Time right now but i know it’s coming up another another brian another brian baby we have to we have to game sometime i want to find my way out of here like i have to be close to something right oh bye dr walrus wall ross is it walrus or wall ross who knows

Don’t i have to like oh okay so we are under Oh [ __ ] oh my god oh no get me out of here oh my gosh oh my gosh that was uh oh [ __ ] i knew it i i knew it i knew it i was like hmm there’s gonna be some lava here and there it is [ __ ] okay let’s see

I might just have to run around outside for a little bit thank you for the follow thank you thank you wow hi hi hi we’re just chilling um early monday morning stream ah okay oh more gold maybe build down to there it looks pretty good oh i see lots of glowstone too

Let’s see hi welcome oh bye barf hmm okay i’m gonna just dig down a little bit this works this way oh how do i eat uh i’ll be shot oh my god i’m being shot i’m being shot i’m being shot that’s that’s not good oh there’s the good the nice picky guys here

Oh this is scary um i really want that cool bruh bruh i really want that glowstone but there was a bad guy over here ah that’s okay i’ll skip it um okay this is this is very scary this is like why is this happening to me Why am i getting on fire oh i’m being shot by that that flame guy upstairs Look at this oh shoot there’s the um the jumpy guys we are in a very uh spot right now i just want to get across and maybe like over there and build another portal because yeah we’re just way too close to the fortress right now i want you so bad i love you

Can i just maybe i’m just gonna hmm don’t mind me hi oh do i have something for him what do i give him again what do i give him to get something nice oh gold bar oh i don’t have that that’s okay oh i have gold ingots where’d it go oh come here

Gold nugget is that good oh never mind can i give him nugget can i give him a gold can i give him a chicken nugget oh can i do that though right now yeah our crafting our crafting table is a little far that’s okay back to what i was doing

Let me just get this uh look at all this glowstone i want to make like a really i want to make like a whole house made out of glowstone because it’s so pretty it’s always been i think my favorite material in minecraft because it’s like you know i don’t know it’s so nice

To look at okay let me just get some oh i’m just gonna mine and if i get some i get some if it falls it falls like no big deal i got some glowstone yesterday and realized like i don’t really have that much and so i gave it to yosen because i was

Like there’s not enough for me to like do anything with it look at all that though and maybe maybe someday i will come back and get some i hear a baby i don’t like that oh sh i hear you yeah this looks chill oh Damn look at all this magma look at i want his sword bro share bro share okay let me build into the wall because i hear a baby and it’s making me scared it’s like water checking thank you percy okay i can’t risk like breaking this is that gravel

Okay i don’t think i’m gonna hit anywhere so i’m gonna build out here yes horizon sheet tell us a random animal fact please i could use a good fat toys i love i love me a good fact what’s that area up there and i can get all the way across

Y’all i am so sorry that i’m just i’m so indecisive i’m like oh this is fine oh but look out there mr piggy the pigs are cute you know like if they’re not attacking me then they’re fine and as long as you have gold armor on they won’t attack you

Okay i just gotta build a little staircase the thing that sucks is like i i have to also be able to make it back to our village oh [ __ ] there’s a baby uh the skull of a saltwater crocodile can weigh as much as 440 pounds or 199.5 kilograms

Damn that’s huge that’s huge i want my head to weigh that much where’d he go where’d he go i’m very afraid right now like i’m afraid but am i afraid enough to not go for this area no i think i’m good i’m gonna go

I just have to build up a little bit and i’m gonna break this pickaxe and then i will have a pickaxe and then i’ll mess up my portal and then where is he What is that what is that what is this oh just basalt oh there’s skeletons okay i’m going saltwater crocodiles can grow the size of a school bus in lakes holy [ __ ] so if i mine gold will they attack me if i mine gold right by them is that how that works

Okay no okay oops [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] why did y’all oh my god this is this is not good this is not good justin said no okay i’ll make a gold helmet do i have any iron to make anything else i have an extra pair of boots [ __ ] um

Scared now i have to go back all right i’m just gonna go back as is because then if i die it’s okay i won’t lose anything yeah i i had i had thought i had heard something about like mining gold near them makes them upset

And uh but i didn’t remember this is why i asked oh no okay let’s see oh man i don’t have anything on me so oh [ __ ] there’s a [ __ ] enderman are you kidding me [ __ ] i don’t even have food okay i kind of remember where i was i know that i

Admittedly no i don’t really remember where i was but i guess that’s okay because i’m gonna go to the second house and then i’ll go to the second house and then i will see what happens okay the music is good right i really love this song i love to vibe

I love having a good vibe okay i went this way right and then i went this way oh that’s okay that’s all right that’s all right no need to apologize i’m just gonna try to go find my stuff now i know that i went this way

Okay did i go down oh i went down here yeah yeah i remember yay i just hope i don’t die on the way there because i only have five minutes and then i fell from here so i’m just going to dig a little with my hands

I don’t want to hurt myself too much hi shiro luffy luffy welcome welcome you saw my stream recommended nice hi rinlin thank you for coming excuse me i’m just um well i was playing some initially i was playing some like chill minecraft and then uh i

Made the mistake of trying to mine gold near these pigs and they uh killed me and uh that’s my story oh great these guys are up now to shoot um i just have to take the risk because i can’t not get my stuff back this is the way that i went before right

Oh yeah right here here we go and then i went up more right yeah okay see you next time was it somewhere over here oh yeah i saw that And then i went down this way yeah [ __ ] god [ __ ] i might as well just accept my death right oh welcome i’m really sad right now like i’m i might i might honestly cry if i lost all that obsidian i’m really really sad i just sucks i’m gonna bring

Some another rocks i can build um it’s okay it’s okay i uh it’s fine and then i sh look at me i only have five minutes honestly i probably lost it already i probably lost it already it’s okay i’m so sad i’m taking this carrot so i can eat it man

You have no food really that is just like such a bummer man i have one carrot i’m going back let’s i will drink water as soon as i’m in the portal so i have like time yeah but can i just eat them or do i need to cook them because i don’t

Actually know honestly i almost like just broke all those berries earlier okay let’s go let’s go let’s go i need to build a path here so i can get across without slowing down in the sand okay i’m so sad right now i’m just gonna die that’s okay let’s go again oh wait i

Need gold armor I’m gonna give up on that that was nice while it lasted And it’s reading i’m going to see if everyone else wants to see aya hi hi welcome oh go to class class is important my dog is chewing up my bra hold on Oh yeah you know what it’s funny because i forgot that um i forgot that uh classes are online oh my dog uh she’s like i don’t know 100 what she is because i rescued her they told me that she was like a chihuahua poodle yorkie mix but she’s

Not i don’t think she has any chihuahua in her or poodle i think she’s like a yorkie uh jack russell mix she’s very very cute and she’s seven months old and she just caught her first heat which is unfortunate because she has an appointment today at 2 30 to get fixed

But she’s not getting fixed so that’s that’s that she’s she’s baby this is baby baby okay i can make some porchies so can i really just eat these okay um Oh traumatized the same that’s okay you and me both boomer time oh i don’t have cobblestone okay um i’ll make some torches i thought i was going to be able to make some um like stone tools but i don’t have cobblestone so i’m going to go check other people’s chests to see if

They have it and hope they won’t be mad at me let’s see water i need to finish my coffee too it’s a bad habit i just let it sit around ah um the puppy’s name is puppy i just gonna call her puppy i’ve said her name on stream before but i realized like

I might dox myself i think the people who yeah i don’t want dogs myself so i won’t say her name uh that’s okay but you could call her puppy oh community chest oh ow what is this little area kimmy’s house this looks so Cute so cute where do i where’s the community chest at okay bye mang have a have a good class good luck i hope it’s i hope it’s uh good um hey don’t don’t do it don’t do it come here come hey whatever i lost her in front of sheo’s building isn’t this

She has building Thanks for following rick gasly oh further down oh okay uh the one with the tree stuff oh this stuff so is it this over here um nothing of much use and that one oh an almost broken iron pickaxe that’ll at least help me get some cobblestone depression um for those who are just

Tuning in i went into the nether to build us like to build us another uh portal because i wanted to see what kind of biomes i could find and uh i had like 20 uh 20 obsidian and i had a diamond pickaxe and i had all my tools and armor and some other

Stuff and i saw some gold and i asked chad if i could mine the gold or if the pigs would attack me because i remember hearing but the pigs would attack me if i tried to mind the gold in front of them and one person one person

Said that the pigs would attack and everyone else said no they wouldn’t and then i died so then i went back to get my stuff and then i died again so that’s that’s what happened oh okay lost it now i’m gonna go back and make some tools

Wow thank you thank you for calling me pretty that’s nice my my mama made me very colory okay let’s make some stuff my dog pulled my bra out of the out of my like i have clean clothes and like a thing right here to fold and she pulled my bra

Out for a second time stop stop stop stop i don’t want you getting blood on it i’m putting it on my desk okay okay i can make one whole stone pickaxe um let’s go into my little shaft enter my shaft Yeah i am glad it’s chill i try to i try to keep i try to keep the vibes good so the the music mixed with just like minecraft i think is pretty pretty chill impeccable vibes that’s what i go for yay they were impeccable until i died

And lost all my stuff and now i’m sad but that’s okay all right i’m gonna mine try to find some stuff oh actually oh i thought i found like okay there is some areas over here there’s a bunch of caverns under my house so Uh there’s a bunch of caverns under my house so i need to i’m gonna go find those uh actually where did that come from look at all that obsidian depression because i no longer have a diamond pickaxe either okay i’m just gonna go this way let’s see what i can find whoa whoa

No one told me that there was a there was like a mine mine area down here how come no one told me that oh my gosh wow my job oh it’s really short but i bet you there’s more go look for it oh berries don’t give you much huh okay

Hmm i feel like there has to be more oh i’m stuck oh spider webs okay let’s see i’m just gonna mine for materials since i don’t have many now why did sushi put so many freaking berries if all they do is hurt us and they don’t really benefit us in any way

Why did sushi do that bro i’m coming for him about i’m i’m really about to i’m about to kick his ass oh there’s a skeleton i don’t want to mess with him but now i’m a little lost i don’t really remember where i was

Like where i go how do i get back home from here skeleton is that way so let’s go this way i think i came down thank you for following me sad homo hours that’s a amazing amazing name it’s always sad homo hours okay did i come from here

I didn’t come from here but i’m gonna go up this way basically we found my we found this this area the other day and so we’ve just been like exploring it since oh i’m at a dead end what layer am i on right now 29. oh oops i forgot f3 is like [Laughter]

Okay let’s go oh so i guess i’m just lost i’m lost in here let’s see okay okay that’s where it just was so i must have come from this way yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay great i came from this long hallway did i ah okay there’s only one way out of here

Well there’s up or let’s down i think i did it i did it i thought i was gonna get lost okay there’s a lot of just caverns over here so let me go back and go to where i oh okay here’s this so i go here and then i go right

That’s where i want to go and then this is where i was mining at yesterday hey oh really one block yeah okay i’m gonna keep seeing if there’s more area here’s my little hallway so there’s basically gonna be cavern like all over obsidian just makes me so sad to look at

I can’t even look at it right now cole look at all this [ __ ] obsidian yeah yeah yeah come over here come here your little guy i heard that an axe does more damage than a sword but it’s just slower to use look how pretty this little area is very very danger

But danger danger thank you for following all of you bubs lee karangi and arkway ark was taken yeah thank you thank you welcome welcome i don’t know how you how you found me but i’m happy that you’re here i’m just mining away because i just lost a bunch of stuff in the nether

And i’m a depression real real sad girl hours over here damn this area is so cool i love it’s my curse that i just love lava because i’ve died to it so many times but i just want to be near it because it’s it like look how bright it

Is in here with no no need for torches bruh we love to see it thank you for following yay okay cool let’s go do i have torches on me no i don’t please look at me here how do i do it again how do i show myself f5

Uh why does it do this oh did you guys just go i think i just got upskirted do you see me look at me i’m filled with arrows also i made my my skin um oh yeah oh there’s so many friends in here um i

Made my skin but i’m not very happy with it i want a new one so um i might try to make a different one i don’t know but here’s me with all these arrows in me still from another where i died okay f5 turns on my blushy my blushy face too

When y’all were upskirting me my mistake i was blushing that’s probably you know that means it was fine that means you are forgiven Okay we got some stuff there i came from there so i’m just gonna explore this area a tiny bit I would like some more iron please oh there we go get what you wish for Hi hi i could just bring my mic a little bit closer is that better i don’t like to be too loud so is it good now audio good we’re good level’s good i’m also just not talking very loud because it’s so it’s still pretty early for me it’s 8 56 awesome

Damn i i hid an iron uh an iron jackpot hell yeah i know i’ve been streaming since like 7 20. 7 30. oops i don’t want the bugs to come out i gotta get out of here okay i hit bedrock um so also i’m mining with the stone pickaxe

Because i lost all my tools which is why i’m down here mining with the stone pickaxe so i can get iron so i can make iron tools but when i came down here i didn’t have anything huh um excuse me that’s gotta go that’s gotta go how do we delete it

Please do i have any of my mods in here please all right delete that comment delete that comment right above please Percy oh my gosh like first of all it was gross and second of all it was just rude like why would you say that what’s the point of saying that you know it’s mean thank you i um i don’t he probably didn’t need to get banned but whatever it’s mine ah

Yeah don’t it’s okay it’s okay yeah don’t it’s okay no need to ask questions just a comment that needed to go you know oh i don’t oh okay i didn’t know i didn’t get anything i’m i’m silly um okay i’m gonna go make some tools is this how i go oh no

Sorry guys i wasn’t like paying attention to ch i saw you guys say something about redstone but i wasn’t paying enough attention i should have i should have just looked oops oopsie uh yeah that comment was like i um i like to have like a fun on my stream you know and i’m

Pretty gross and not super say so but also um i’m not an r18 streamer i’m like a family friendly i’m just gonna try to break this with this i’m a family friendly ish streamer so making a comment like taro must give a nasty bj you know just can’t can’t be here

Thank you for following okay i’m gonna try to go back now let’s see if i can oh that’s fine i need to go make tools this is where it came from okay yeah okay because i made didn’t i make this pass i made this path so i must have come this way

I also need to eat how to get out of here oh is this the exit why are there so many torches here oh hey oh i thought i saw outside but my computer was just being weird i’m lost oh oh shoot there’s more cavern up there hard to tell creeper

Oh man oh [ __ ] hey i want to find this place again there’s more cavern okay so i clearly didn’t come from there what about here is Um this way isn’t this where it came from Though ah someone can’t get me i lost oh [ __ ] i’m lost ah thank you for following everyone we’re just chilling we’re playing minecraft i’m a little lost right now so i’m lost in the caverns underneath my house this way okay i just went up that way but this way nope

Ah thank you for all the follows yeah i’m honestly about to dig up but i only have one tool huh yeah i can’t do that i can’t dig up like this let’s see let’s see [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what about down here no that’s where i hit bedrock this way

Hi kick me out of here champ okay austin came down to get me oh I must have missed that thank you oh a slime a slime slimes slimes i want them slime slime slime slime oh [ __ ] fly okay now where No but i want to go out i need to know the way out i follow this way wow i’m going so slow i need to eat thank you yasen i don’t think i have much wood i need to like go outside get some wood kill some animals

I’m so sad i lost so much stuff i’m just oh jason gave me 25 obsidian right thank you i might go back to the nether do you want to go you want to go you want to go you want to go i am still just covered in

Why am i why do i have all these [ __ ] swords in me or do you want to go to the nether yay or nay all right okay no rush i just want to build this i just really want to build this third portal because i feel like that area was so

Oh really he gave me a diamond pick oh [ __ ] i can make my own yasa and i lost the diamond pickaxe you brought i’m sorry um oh no it’s so late 1am okay good night thank you for thank you for coming uh i don’t think i want any loots in me

What is going on where do you all come from where did you come from ronan wander tell me where did you come from Okay let me make some tools oh i need iron Oh yasen i need food do you have any food like i definitely need some food if we’re gonna go to another uh what’s my armor stitch nothing okay awesome let’s see do you also have any gold i need like a gold um i need a gold uh helmet or something hi hi welcome

Thank you for following okay i am gonna make one diamond pickaxe um uh okay i can’t make anything else yet oh wait i have gold boots oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] don’t worry ronan i don’t like i don’t mind it’s nice that you asked i’m glad you asked instead of you know

Like me just seeing it on the internet or something so no need to apologize okay i’m just waiting on this iron to be made and then i’m gonna make the rest of my armor and then i’m gonna head to another okay oh i can’t make anything yet thank you for following

Every there’s so many people who are like joining and following right now i don’t know where you guys are coming from so i hope i wasn’t like recommended to follow from like minecraft from the minecraft streams because i i mean i’ll be streaming minecraft like a bit but

That’s not going to be my my main type of streams you know you’re welcome to follow uh anytime unfollow unfollow anytime you get bored test piece oh did i already make one i am so foolish i am just so foolish [Laughter] did you come from like the minecraft recommendations like on twitch

Oh my gosh that’s so funny oh i should i should build a smelter how do i do that at least um people who are coming here from minecraft can like the minecraft recommendations can kind of school me on stuff and tell me what i need to do for certain things which i would

Appreciate so much oh my gosh okay i don’t think i can make it right now but that’s fine i just need to make a helmet and then uh okay i’m about to head out what is this oh potato potato potato uh i’m not a real gamer you guys missed

You’re all late but like thank you for joining anyway but i went to the nether with a bunch of stuff to build a portal and i lost it and i died and i lost everything that i had [Laughter] yay good okay i think i’m almost ready to go

Oh i need to make some torches uh okay i have a bunch of oh i coals need you oh i need flint and steel so Justin do you have one you have some oh okay oh fancy hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah okay let me make some torches and then we about to head out damn very swag channel thank you so much forgive me for being a little slow at this game

Do i have everything i need i have two diamond pickaxes damn wait where are you yasen come here oh i have flint i don’t have any iron though i unless i can like can i melt down this extra armor that i made oh i can oh [ __ ] what do i melt it down

In here yes and i’m gonna toss these out to you oh i have some iron i have one iron how much do you need oh furnace blast furnace okay here we go okay bye koi fizz have a good exam oh my gosh i hope no one’s tuning in like during class

You guys should all be uh you know do i got one [ __ ] iron nugget from that oh yes oh yes xeno okay i need flint’s steel yasan we need it so i i don’t have like here’s my flint and here’s my iron and here’s this because i don’t have

Anything can you take this why do i keep getting the flint back okay you make something and then you forgot you had class today dude it’s monday why are you giving it back to me oh you gave it to me thank you my dog is sitting here so upset um

I have 25 cobblestone i’m gonna put this i’m just gonna put this furnace right here and then i don’t need this extras actually i do need these sticks because i need to make iron oh [ __ ] i don’t have iron i don’t want to just use diamond stuff i need a sword

I’m just going to make a diamond sword bucket all right y’all shall we go son drink water okay y’all said ready ready let’s go all right we’re about to build that portal that i tried to build inside oh i’m so glad all my stuff is still gonna be outside

I just saw an enderman oh my god oh [ __ ] get out of here you [ __ ] get out of here [Laughter] okay i have nothing and i’m being attacked oh [ __ ] you piece of [ __ ] did i get everything let’s see oh my gosh that’s that’s the second time that that’s happened to me

Just falling it’s okay because i’m a sacrifice i’m the boba mountain sacrifice um uh i lost the flint and steel oh thank you hiko that’s nice i love beetlejuice okay let’s go up thank you so much for following even though you guys are coming from like minecraft recommendation recommended streamers and uh

I’m not like a minecraft player i just play for fun so all right assange let’s go bruh bruh oh [ __ ] get out of here little [ __ ] okay let me eat and then oh the youtubers uh recommendation oh cool okay i’m gonna drink some coffee okay i’m gonna just make sure i’m full

Okay i don’t have much food but let’s go are you yasen i’m not even gonna go outside oh yeah the model just like if you put something in front of your face just freezes um new v tubers are like way more common than that i think

It’s v tubing is just getting way more popular i oh i have a shield um oh thank you catnip circuitry that’s helpful um oh thank you thank you um uh there’s new youtubers all the time because it’s getting more popular i know that i did not even have like the desire to

Become a vtuber until i started watching pikami streams like i of course i think like coco’s designs i love coco’s design so much and uh corona and all the hololive girls and i love a lot of the niji sanji designs too but um i my japanese skills are very poor

So i couldn’t really get into them as much and then once i started watching pikmi i was like wow i uh oh [ __ ] i am i need to do this you know and i’ve been streaming for a bit um but i wanted to you know i don’t know it’s i wanted to

Like have an and i wanted to be an anime girl who doesn’t want to be an anime girl or an anime boy or an anime non-binary person you know like i think we all want to be cute and stream so it’s just like yeah it’s getting more popular too like

People are debuting every single day um so it’s really cool and there’s just like so many different designs and so many different personalities and people do so much different stuff on stream that it’s just really really cool okay yes and let’s go bruh what the hell this is like

This is like what are they doing they’re just chilling they’re just hanging out hi hi welcome Uh how did i get well that’s fine oh wait no this isn’t the way that i went gossip stay up there i hear a baby where did i go from here to get to the thingy um okay so that’s where the safe house is i came out oh yeah

Yeah is that it this is wrong this is wrong right yeah this is wrong that’s to the fortress yeah but if your social skills are trash i feel like it i don’t know it kind of helps because having a face to your to your interactions makes things tougher it’s easy

It’s easy to be more shy and have a harder time with socializing when your face is attached to you you know what i mean um and so i feel like i feel like being a youtuber makes that just a little bit less uh stressful who’s rating me

Kimi’s thank you i’m not reading the in-game chat so i didn’t realize that that she had logged off um i’m so lost does anybody remember where i went from the safe house to get to the new portal area there’s a baby right there hey hero love you love you guys

Is this trans awareness week oh [ __ ] hell yeah um i did i did come out this way i know that i did so this might take me just a sec um hi hero you’re my wife here is debuting soon too so uh promote your debut because i uh

Yes and i don’t know where you are um i don’t remember your debut date off the top of my head so please promote your debut in here please please please tell if someone tell uh tell the chat when heroes debut is and shout shout her out because she’s

The best and she’s a really cute duck youtuber so for the people in here who are like you know interested in becoming youtubers um definitely check her out why are you crying my dog is crying at me for no reason okay huh uh are you sure are you sure

Where oh yeah but i fell so just fall right here see like this there’s a piggy hello hi you’re nice can i help you my dog is whining hi okay let’s go ah what happened why am i burning okay uh i need to eat huh

Who is mommy milky in here why would why are you even saying that no one in here is even mommy milky’s okay uh i came down and then where i’m honestly i’m really lost okay i went this way i went to say let’s go yasen that said nelson where are you

Where are you bruh oh treaty okay cool get something nice come here come here oh yeah so heroes here’s debut is uh november 30th so it’s coming up i’m gonna actually yasen i’m gonna build a house around me really fast because my dog is whining so i’m gonna take her out to pee

Oh do you want to come in okay uh yasen protect me i’m gonna go to my be right back screen and uh take my dog out really fast so i’ll be right back Hi i ran up the stairs okay um let’s go back hi oh [ __ ] the fortress is right above us okay i went this way let’s go and then wow everyone’s talking about yes and crying last night it was a very emotional time and then i fell asleep and then

I had i didn’t have nightmares but like i had weird dreams because i fell asleep to like yes and crying but justin’s very strong strong boy so shout out shout out yasen follow yasa thanks for following okay so this is kind of the area where i was

Um oh there’s a baby right there i just want to get like as far away as oh my stuff my stuff is here my stuff is here my stuff is still here oh my gosh oh my gosh yeah austin pick up the rest of my stuff please please please

I know there’s a baby but please pick it up please pick up my stuff please please please oh my gosh you guys all my stuff is here even my obsidian okay let’s go and remember no mining gold i know you said it was safe but uh it’s not so oh i almost jumped

Okay let’s see what’s over here bruh fasten let’s go let’s go morning gucci i missed You i’m being careful um okay let’s see okay can someone who i know there’s a lot of people who play minecraft watching right now um but can somebody who plays minecraft tell me like what this area is over here yason and i found an area like this the other day what is this

It’s just like a big basalt area wow that’s cool i really want to find a blue forest i want to find a i want to find a forest yosen where are you oh i thought you were gone okay let’s find a good spot in here to

I want to go up i’m just like i’m in explore mode which is dangerous when you’re in the nether let’s go oh thank you uh do i have an iron pickaxe in here oh no i don’t because i was using a diamond one yeah my friends and i um and my other

Server we made it to like a blue forest and it was the prettiest thing ever and we made a portal there and when we came out we were in an ocean biome and it was just like the nicest we made a beach house okay i kind of want to build up but

Uh i also want to find something prettier oh yeah i can hear them i hear the little like scratchy scratchy uh noises things cool um um okay i want to build up so actually i shouldn’t i need to i have to go to work soon um let’s go down yosen and build a

Portal down there there’s also the jumpy guys what do they call us to jump you guys okay um let’s build let’s go over here hi piggies look at them they’re all Bye look they’re so nice ah thank you for following okay there’s gold here yasen don’t mind it please i’m gonna get this glowstone oh wait i don’t have room i’m gonna throw away something i’m gonna throw away the scrabble see ya let me just get this glowstone and i

Think we could just build right here and see where it puts us i forgot that we also have to like make it back to the portal uh to the main one okay that’s good um okay i’m gonna just build we could walk back from the overworld but it’s it’s usually

Harder to like find stuff if you do it that way um can you build around us i have doors so we can make like a little safe uh safe house here i should have put torches down but i didn’t um let’s see oh it’s three i [ __ ] up okay sorry

Um yeah i think like i think we’re just gonna keep seeing more and more of youtubers i think though that you shouldn’t worry about it being saturated or anything because everybody brings something new to the table um i think there’s a lot of like opportunities with me tubing that haven’t been taking

Taken yet for example like uh youtuber influencers are really popular in china and japan and no one’s really doing that here you know and i think there are a lot of youtubers who have the skills to do some really cool like work and get paid for that kind of stuff which is awesome

Um but yeah i think everyone brings something new and different to the table so don’t worry too much about it being saturated it shouldn’t stop you from doing it if it’s something that you want to do you know um okay i’m gonna put a door here

Yeah my name is face my basically i am um i am oh did i not oh uh justin you picked up my doors basically i’m taro boba so um on my youtube channel here let me let me just put it here socials um on my youtube channel i have like my debut

I don’t have i don’t have any room in my inventory okay there um in my debut i kind of explained like my lore and why i look like this and my name is taro so it’s like basically taro boba i don’t know if you’ve had it but if you haven’t

You totally should okay ready awesome let’s go okay wish us luck nice meeting you too hika thank you for joining have a good day it’s still loading [Laughter] oh no uh idc oh i made it we’re kind of just in the same [ __ ] as where we Started oh shoot look at that i guess if if anyone needs birch this is the place to go i’m just gonna kill some some animals oh i have no room what am i doing i don’t need any of this another rock i don’t need this so soil um i just want meat

Okay so good morning claire you showed up like before i’m i’m gonna end i’m gonna end soon because i have to start work and i have to go see my grandma and put her eye drops in her eyes um i told this story last night or yesterday

Yesterday morning um but there’s a lot of new people here so i’m gonna tell it again because it’s funny yes and where’d you go um my grandma i go to her house every day lately because she had lasik on her eyes and she has lots of cataracts um and she has to

Put there’s a village okay but where are you hey you built up i see you let’s go let’s go to the village really fast um basically she she needs eye drops twice a day and at first hi at first she was like okay um i’m yeah

I’ve been putting my eye drops in and this was like a year ago when she first got her lasik she’s like i’m putting my eye drops in yeah and then we went over there to watch her do it because she lives by herself she’s like she’s chilling she’s old but she’s she’s

Chilling um and she was like yeah i’m putting him in and so we watched her put them in and uh first of all um she was closing her eyes um and second of all she was missing her eyes so the whole time that she told us she was putting her eye drops in

She wasn’t and so now i go over there in the morning and my sister goes over at night so we can do her drops and when i when we put her eye drops in at first she’s like really opening her eyes it’s just like yeah i’m ready i’m ready um and then when

Like right when we’re gonna put her her eye drops in she’s she clenches her eyes closed so i have to like grip her eyes open this area is so scary there’s so many like drops and stuff pretty village hey um i’m gonna get some of these flowers because

Gucci likes these so i’ll get them for him do i have room oh no i gotta get rid of stuff uh bye-bye bye-bye i got rid of all this another rug i don’t know why i picked it up bye-bye don’t whine at me stop whining at me go eat your stick go

Eat your stick flowers for gucci flowers for gucci stop whining at me oh an iron golem can we take him a cat a cat a cat a cat a cat a cat i want to go let me go in the water and see if i can find some fish

I don’t know how we’d get the cat back though i’m so sad the water’s not deep enough here that’s a bummer that’s okay we’ll get uh we will get cats at some point white horses um yasen can we see if they have saddles because we could get horses

And then just ride the horses back but we gotta hurry up i’m technically i’m supposed to work at 10. Do the villagers get mad if you i haven’t been to a village in a few years do you do they get mad if you kill their livestock hello um okay just let’s try to find uh let’s try to find saddles so we can ride horses back Hello have you already been to all the front houses yeah you have nothing nothing good hi um look at these i’ll get these for gucci too bruh if i pick up netherrock one more time i’m gonna go drop it in the water hi hi welcome get out of me inventory

Else can i just toss out nothing really okay that sucks okay that’s okay um we’re gonna have to figure out how to head back so either we’re gonna go back through the nether which honestly is probably a better idea so we don’t run into like bad guys at

Night you know oh did you go all the way up to the top house by the way because there’s a house up there okay Yeah these guys don’t have [ __ ] um okay yes and let’s go back and then we can uh at least we know that there is a village over here and there’s probably some other stuff too but all in all it’s just kind of the same biome that we’re already in

So woof woof bark bark Let’s go i know well i’ve already been up for uh three and a half hours oh wait two and a half i’ve been up since seven yes and meet me in the front of the village please let’s go unless you want to chill i could just go back

But since you’re the reason i died that first time and lost all my stuff you should come back with me because you owe me ow why’d you hit me oh let me let me toss out some stuff you got a pretty guinea lion yay thank you for following okay let’s go

Are we going back through the another we should right okay let’s go back through another because i just i feel like it’ll be faster but also it might not it might not what are the cords of our house what are our cords like of where maybe 1965 and where are we right now

If only we had saddles i’m so sad i mean okay we should we should stay we should stay on overworld because i just have a feeling we’re gonna it’s i just yeah it is faster but yeah like what cat catnip circuitry said it’s yeah let’s go through overworld

It’s not faster at night though i mean safer at night hi kunamo thank you um i think like there hasn’t been any toxic behavior towards me and uh not much toxic behavior towards my friends so i i appreciate i appreciate that but i i do appreciate the well wishes thank you

Okay let’s go let’s go through overworld let’s go let’s go let’s go but should we sleep oh we don’t have beds should we make beds and sleep and then break them okay let’s go let’s go let’s go okay i’m gonna sleep in this one or is this just a watchtower what is this

Oh this is a watchtower does this have a bed no this is a barn oh my gosh please god where’s the [ __ ] where’s the where’s the [ __ ] exit oh here we go yeah i’m trying to sleep in the stables because i’m a pig i’m a greedy little pig

Okay i go here oh how do we get him out there’s man in there oh this isn’t anything oh okay i’m about to go sleep with this villager scoot over okay sleeping is someone else in game gucci sleep right now gucci sleep sleeper log up now

Thank you okay yeah gucci that was toxic why’d you make us wait like that let’s go let’s go let’s go i follow you okay i wish we had saddles look at the kitty oh let me put my uh why do i have two shields justin you need a shield okay let’s go

Sugar cream thank you um there’s a command for model so it tells you who made who designed my my uh my character and who rigged who rigged me so i moved like this um we’ve been playing for a while so now we’re just trying to get back home

Because we built we built a portal in the nether and now we’re trying to find i want these flowers hold on i really like these they’re pretty okay hi hi welcome i’m gonna be ending the stream once we get home we just have to swap yeah saying get out of me swap

Oh [ __ ] a fishy oh man oh man i needed that for the kitty where are you where are you thank you for following welcome welcome welcome to the boba bar look at all these fishies is any of this good to get mine sugarcane okay let’s go let’s go oh you’re already over there

Here come hi donkey where are you where are you where’d you go i lost i’m going to the top of the hill where are you i see you so many trees ah thank you so much for following guys um where are you coming from minecraft recommended streamers or youtuber recommended

I feel so bad for everyone who came for from minecraft recommended because i’m not a very good minecraft player are we going through minecraft okay cool i’m not very good i’m sorry um but basically we were in the nether and we built a portal and uh i’ll go

Up oh we built a portal and uh to go to see where it would take us oh sh and uh this is where we ended up so now we’re trying to get back home oh [ __ ] move it you cow oh [ __ ] damn this cow really said you calling me a cow a bee

A bee i love them where are you um if you can’t tell i need a lot of hand-holding in this game i get i get so scared when i get lost let’s go let’s How do i eat oh there we go i always forget how to like use my right hand when i have this shield eclipse this loose soup i’ll follow you look at all these pretty flowers oh i should make i should get a taro trekking I can’t wait until uh until my emotes until people can use my emotes because i’m really really i love them so much oh no i’m not scary it’s in my lore i’m very not scary oh fishies let’s go let’s go let’s go thank you for following kapushin

I’m sorry that i haven’t been thinking everyone who’s followed i’ve been like so so uh just so into the game we’re going up okay let’s go damn are we gonna make it home before it’s nighttime again that would be so sick yay probably not okay that’s okay too

We don’t have beds to sleep in hero’s talking to us in chat but carol i can’t talk right now we’re trying to get home i’m trying to get home bro just sleep in your bed that’s underwater just go to sleep let me eat where are you oh hi ren hi Welcome you you joined like right before i’m gonna end i’m gonna end once we get home oh hey why am i getting hurt that little [ __ ] [ __ ] them kids are we going up going up and over okay where are you every time i lose you awesome i’m just like

Wait for me wait for yeah me yeah okay okay Mushroom stop whining at me i do love the mushroom biome so cause they’re just pretty had so much fun i died and then we had to go back and get all my stuff and now we’re like so far from home but we’re trying to make it there

I can’t end the stream until we make it back i mean i guess i could and i would just like wake up in that village but i prefer not to okay hey snowy snow snow if we see a jungle i’m really i’m stopping if we see a jungle i gotta stop

Oh i hear something i also need to empty out my inventory because it’s full again what the heck is wrong with you my dog is being a nightmare okay let’s go my dog is like you’ve been streaming for too long it’s time to give me attention die no nobody shoots yasen

Get out of here okay oh more swamp get out of me swap oh shoot i’ve been streaming oh am i frozen is my model frozen oh my phone might be dying hold on okay sorry about that i forgot to uh plug my phone in which is exactly what i’ve oh hey is

There a boat for me oh yay let’s go pity thank you so much for following yay i like the background music too it’s called 2 23 am by uh by uh dovah syndrome um they do uh free like copyright free background music oh zombies are already out awesome

Look at all these guys what the heck not today suckers awesome where are you where are you where are you oh are you serious on twitch that’s that is wild really that is so fast oh my gosh what the heck it’s because all these everyone’s coming over because uh from for minecraft

You know creeper oh man ah so close yeah that’s really awesome um i’m trying to get i’m trying to hit affiliate like on sunday a week from my debut because we made it oh my gosh we made it oh my gosh i was really scared i was really scared i cannot

What do you mean a crater not in my house oh my gosh i’m so happy i’m so happy guys we made it yay i think there’s a skeleton now i saw one oh sorry jason let’s go check on on the crater laughs i broke i broke hero’s bed okay let’s go

To sleep guys so i can respawn and then um set my respawn point let’s go to sleep ct Where’s my dog awesome okay cool um i’m gonna go ahead And yeah um cool thank you guys so much for tuning in and i hope that you had fun and if you’re new here welcome i am i am a youtuber i’m a boba demon youtuber who plays video games and sings and just kind of does a bunch of different things a variety streamer

You can follow me here um my next stream is tomorrow evening at 8pm pst it’s uh i’m playing valorent so if you if you like valorant i know it’s pretty different from minecraft but i’m playing tomorrow night at 8pm um i’m gonna just check and see

If any of my friends are streaming right now just to check oh no only one of my friends is streaming and and oh he’s playing minecraft too he speaks japanese can i send you guys there he’s he’s very very very baby do you guys want to go there his name is Yay um he’s really good he’s the best and he does lots of art streams he’s and he’s like a really cute youtuber too um yay okay cool i’m gonna read him boba raid boba raid boba raid yeah take it take it take it boba raid boba raid boomerang go go go

I hope he’s okay raid oh no i hope he’s okay with me raiding him [Laughter] yay [Laughter] yay i hope you i hope you guys i hope you guys enjoy enjoy uh can you hear me you can hear me right no no he’s streaming i hear him

Yeah have fun he’s he’s really really great and and is just an amazing artist and yeah thank you guys so much for watching me play minecraft and i will see you tomorrow at 8pm pst okay bye bye Oh Go

This video, titled ‘[VTUBER] Boba Demon Tackles the Nether | Minecraft & Chill’, was uploaded by Taro Ch. on 2020-11-19 07:08:52. It has garnered 517 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 02:29:06 or 8946 seconds.

The first video in my new series, Minecraft & Chill! I’m trying to get better at Minecraft so I’m streaming it every day and getting lots of help from the community! Enjoy ♡

[Stream starts at 2:50]

Watch me live: https://www.twitch.tv/vttaro Tweet at me: https://twitter.com/VTTaro

Credits: ♡ Model art – Yueko AKA Chai https://www.twitch.tv/yueko ♡ Model rig – Brian Tsui https://twitter.com/BrianTsuii ♡ Twitch assets – Luni https://www.twitch.tv/AmatsukiLuni ♡ BGM – Dova Syndrome https://dova-s.jp/ ♡ Starting screen Taro art – nyonsense https://twitter.com/nyonsense ♡ BRB screen Taro art – Yoona https://twitter.com/yoonyoon_art ♡ Ending screen art – Wakiobake https://twitter.com/wakiobake ♡ Follow alert art – Gucci https://twitter.com/GucciYang1 ♡ Donation alert art – Cel https://twitter.com/C_Art_Box ♡ Subscriber alert art – Subaru https://twitter.com/ChaDeEstrelas

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

    Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2 Minecraft Let’s Play: Building, Exploring, and Villager Trading Adventure! Building a Temporary Villager Breeding and Trading Space In this episode of the Let’s Play series, Phyre embarks on a mission to convert an area into a temporary villager breeding and trading space. Fencing off the area to ensure the safety of the villagers, Phyre plans to populate the space with librarians and smiths for trading iron and acquiring enchant books. Exploring New Villages and Acquiring Resources Venturing into different villages, Phyre encounters various challenges and opportunities. From convincing villagers to relocate to a new village to exploring desert villages… Read More

  • Crafting Justice: Trial Chambers in Minecraft UKR

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  • TNT Cave House Build

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  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft No K, No Way!

    Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft No K, No Way! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m the news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. From updates to features, I’ll spin them with flair, In a world of creativity, beyond compare. With a grin and a spin, I’ll keep you in the loop, Sharing Minecraft news, in a playful group. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, For in this world of blocks, I’ll play my part. From funny animations to songs that adapt, I’ll bring you the news, with a playful rap. So follow along, as we journey through the game, In… Read More

  • Killing the Ender Dragon in Minecraft – Survival World Ep. 10

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  • Bobby’s New House Tour on Minecraft Server!

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  • Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank

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  • AntVenom’s Reputation Ruined?

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  • Minecraft Mayhem: Too Loud to Handle

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  • Last Minute Fright: Herobrine Haunts Minecraft Mod!

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  • Discover the Deadly Shulkercraft Dimension!

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  • Chinchilla SMP

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  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

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  • Lava Craft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

    I guess you could say they really mined for that high score! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

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  • Trapping kids in Minecraft!! Join the event now!

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  • Unbelievable Nether Adventure – Ep. 4

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  • Minecraft HD Water Bending: Unleash the Power!

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  • Craziest Minecraft Cafe Renovation Ever! Nanashi V-Tuber

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  • Free Games 006: Stunning Bed Texture Pack Mcpe 1.20! 😍

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  • PS5 Minecraft: Insane Survival – Epic Live Stream!

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  • Insane Transformation: Loggy is Now a Truck Wala!

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  • MaxiJODD Reveals Insane Mobile PvP Combo Tricks in Minecraft!

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  • Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!

    Homestuck: Epic Minecraft Noteblock Battle!Video Information n n [Music] n n This video, titled ‘Homestuck: Beatdown Round 2 – Minecraft Noteblock Cover’, was uploaded by -Gladios Animations- on 2024-01-17 15:02:04. It has garnered 85 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. haha bro strider go brrrrrrrrrr Read More

  • Play.creste.ro

    Play.creste.roplay.creste.ro Server de minecraft din România. Relaxare, distracție și voie bună. Joacă mereu pe play.creste.ro play.creste.ro Read More

  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

    TheCelestialRealm [modded] {geopol} Ad sponsored by The Wineland. Learn more about this nation in the server summarized below: You’re the perfect player. We want to win you over with anything you could desire. Constant Innovation: Our dedicated server staff are always hard at work. With regular improvements, there’s always something new to discover. We add new tech trees, new origins, new magic powers, new recipes/items, AI Factions, places to explore, and much more. Thriving Economy: Forge your path to riches with our robust economics. Trade stocks, invest in bonds, secure loans from banks, and explore the bustling quest based hub… Read More

  • CreationSMP

    ———————— Economic Server based around Automation- Small Community- Bustling Combat- War rules will be controlled by the players!———————— Mods like:- CREATE- Immersive Engineering- Oreganized- Quark- Alex’s Mobs———————–Join Today! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Accurate AF in Minecraft"Looks like the creeper is taking its sweet time to load into the game! Maybe it’s trying to blend in with the background. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷https://x.com/PunkichiGames ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9ahZ5SFuo Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme on Fire! 🔥 When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in the fiery pits of hell, but at least you brought your diamond pickaxe to mine some demon ore. #minecraftlogic #oops #shouldhavelistenedtominecrafttutorials Read More

  • Before Minecraft: Notch’s Secret Project

    Before Minecraft: Notch's Secret Project The Evolution of Notch: What Came Before Minecraft? Early Beginnings: A Journey into Game Development Notch, also known as Markus Persson, embarked on his programming journey at a tender age in the 1980s. His first foray into game development occurred at the age of 8 in 1987, crafting a text-based adventure game for the Commodore 128 system. This early start laid the foundation for his future endeavors in the gaming industry. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, Notch established BitSeven Productions, a gaming company where he experimented with various game concepts. Although these games were never released to the public,… Read More

  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

[VTUBER] Boba Demon Tackles the Nether | Minecraft & Chill