EPIC Underwater House Build with KosekiBijou!

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For Mina Min yours was so much more energetic nice nice nice I hope that you got a lot of good sleep weo hold on I’m a my side is a little loud over here I can’t hear you that loud oh that’s okay all good I’m just chilling in a very scary room full of

Dripping water that we haven’t really cleaned clean up yet okay hello hello everyone who’s this yeah I I’ve been asleep for a long time I needed it though I think I’ve been like training for like 2 days straight so good the lot of sleep was good but hello everyone who

Is this who are you hello mean it’s me Mory kaiy whole alive english’s hardworking Shinigami Desu thank you so much everybody for dropping by again for for more underwater house creating Shenanigans who is with me today who’s this uh I am bomu I’m kizu sparkling Gem

Of H life English Advent and today rock hard constructions is continuing our work on our underwater house yeah I got to get over there though take your time take your time I know this is better with a hoe but V is bringing the hoe over so don’t worry yeah I’m I got the

Hoe yeah thank you be you cuz yeah I don’t have I don’t have any here to use sadly I know it’s it’s better that way but sh so I’m just going to keep working so I’m just going to keep um breaking some of these sponges that we

Already filled with water yeah today the big the big thing is we’re going to be trying to really soak up all this water and start I don’t know designing our home yeah yeah cuz we’re so close to theun heading over oh can we do you have

A bed there it’s getting night time who is here I don’t have one in here but let me see if I can tunnel out of here hold on a sec we’ll get there okay just a I’m such a dumbass all right we’re fine we’re fine sorry sorry sorry

I’m not the smartest okay can we eat let’s see um I’ll disconnect oh okay yeah it’s just easier that way okay now you can Eep thank you you’re welcome I Eed you can come back in now I’m coming back all right back to the jaming screen I’m

Going to head over there yeah welcome oh good take your time take your time I remember directions um great question you have the the coordinates that I sent you right the cords okay usually remember how to read of course of course I of course I knew

That I knew that I knew I know you know how to read people despite baby you know I love the pacifier yeah the PA you too no it’s okay biu I know that you CH you chose the pacifier because it’s a reference to Old R culture I I didn’t

Choose it you know wait what it was I didn’t know it was there I found it in my inventory my mama just put it there wait so your mom literally gave you a pacifier yeah she didn’t she didn’t even tell Manan Manan didn’t know I didn’t

Know we just found it what in my inventory and I was like oh okay what yo that’s beautiful though I think that’s amazing you can literally say that your mom gave you a pacifier she did mhm yep that was literally something that your mom gave you so no one can no

One can say anything like be bo is baby so what’s this about Rave culture yeah yeah so it’s a real thing so um old school Rave culture they would they would like put pacifiers in their mouths cuz it had something to do with like the constant jumping up and down and like

You know jostling your body your teeth are kind of in danger you know yeah if you like grind them too hard smack onto yeah yeah yeah if you grind your teeth too hard and stuff like that they had a bunch of different uses I guess yeah but no it’s

That’s that’s a real thing yeah believe it or not you don’t have to believe me but you know believe what you will I believe you the people will believe what they want to believe but that’s just that’s what I heard so it was actually for other no okay well other

Things all right we’re just keeping it kid-friendly today because cuz we have a baby here I mean just kidding just kidding nothing nothing nothing just just a little joke just jokes jokes don’t get don’t get angry also today is the first day we get to wear our uh New

Year’s outfits together cuz I finally have mine right I love your Bonnet and the way that the flowers look so 3D oh my gosh just beautiful here yeah so beautiful Rusty Rusty’s waiting for you Rusty is here hi rusty rusty now see if you can get in um without destroying the

World I guess oh wasn’t there like a tunnel that we made oh there yeah we did I just don’t know if we stopped it up or not but oh you should be able to to get cut through pretty easily I think okay let me drop off my

Stuff yeah take your time we still have our little Outpost there so we’re really mining today guys we’re mining today I didn’t bring coal but I brought planks I didn’t have coal sure we can just can use it for fire yeah we’re going to dry some sponges you guys

That’s that’s the plan drying sponges so let me pick some of these up we go dry these bad boys uh-oh I hear the sound of water there’s a guy here there’s a guy with alpacas in the tunnel no by the by the place oh that’s kind of weird why is he

There if I do this ah never mind there’s no more guy oh it’s cool what there was a guy never mind of what he left I know what you’re talking yeah he left he left that’s a shame okay it’s fine okay maybe we’ll see him again someday yeah yeah we might

We might see him again maybe oh no we probably going to need a hoe for these these sponges over here I’ll see if I can go dry some of these but yeah the underwater tunnel um is still intact he left he was wait what chat huh I’m seeing something different from chat

Huh they’re saying that he was killed bi boo he li no he just laugh bi boo killing is my job come on now oh boy oh man ooh wait why are we what are we doing with the llamas here can you can you make a fence for me

Real fast yeah here here here have make a fence oh you do you do okay cool okay hold up uh-oh sorry I’m a bit of a bad assistant hold on a second okay hold on I got you oh my God what was that little Pitfall is the sand really free Willie oh my

Lord please no no no no I’m just trying to be helpful here look I got his llamas you did thank you very much thank you bi Boo for the llamas we can have we have llama pets now cuz the guy left them I don’t know why he left them here that’s

Kind of mean boo I know what you did and I forgive you but but bio uh killing is a serious offense but don’t you do it all the time I do but it’s my job so Shinigami do it’s a serious offense aren’t I a Shinigami in training weren you training me before I

Can train you if you want me to but yeah all right um all right yeah sure why not could be fun I’m missing a piece of fence for now I’m just going to put blocks there oh I see what you mean uh yeah free Willie I got you hang on maybe I can

Help can help her yeah I can be useful yay thank you you’re welcome okay there we go look they’re not mad at me anymore well yeah they like you because uh they forgot that you killed killed their owner because animals have short-term memory so good job on that one Yay good

Job very proud of you B okay I have here take this where are you hi you got planks take the hoe ooh the hoe thank you very much and here’s the place let’s go ooh Sakura wood that’s like some nice wood yeah okay if

It’s really okay for me to use oh have I not built a furnace oh there it is JK okay so we have some dried sponges here where are the dried sponges anyway this is wet sponge sponge sponge we actually have a ton of sponges I didn’t realize

That’s good we have a lot to dry up still yes we do yes we do hi Rusty dry dry dry dry dry wet okay I’m going to give you some sponges bo boo okay cuz we’ll need them here’s uh 64 29 that should be enough for you and then

Um yeah that’s our big thing we’re going to do today oh there’s actually a lot of coal in here I’m just going to use the planks because we can use I want to store the coal okay I want to store it okie dokie um now let’s see we have

Trees around us too if we ever need yeah stuff nice okay very nice very nice trees yeah some of them grew back while we were gone okie dokie let’s go ahead and enter again and you know we can leave as many times as we need need to but down the

Shoot down down the shoot oh oh yeah there we go hang on I got this I just got to crouch right I just got to crouch I’m stuck on the ladder let me in let me in it’s fine hang on I’m stuck too maybe this is not the most effective

You can’t go down while crouching really then how do we go down at all there’s fish in here in the tunnel let in in the in the house in the house oh yeah we have a a thingy so I don’t have to worry about drowning nice yeah yeah yeah the conduit the Conduit okay there we go and down the ladder no just climb down the ladder yeah I we built this last time mhm this big underwater dome and then we got to clear the water out of it and then we’re going to Des M wait Rusty no

Don’t come in here you’re going to die you’re going to die you’re going to die you can’t do that he’ll be fine he’ll be fine he he’s going to die it’s okay no actually you know he actually needs a little um a little air so it’s it’s kind of a good area for

Him yeah I guess so he’s a MMO oh yeah he can he can get here but what if he doesn’t know to come back in here well the that’s Survival of the Fittest and he should learn and his species should learn learning experience for the do that’ll be fine he’s like where’s the

Where’s the airy no it’s okay he just got he just got a huge gulp of air it’s okay okay he’ll be fine he’ll be fine don’t you worry too much about him he will be a okay now the sponges we kind of wasted a little bit here cuz we didn’t really

Know what we were doing now we know what we’re doing we have to block off sections section by section and then work down yeah I think we should use sand again yeah sand for sure maybe we should go collect some sand let’s go let’s go get some sand what that

Annoying there is a ton of sand here so it’s just a Rushing Water yeah but I’m going to grab some of these wet sponges so that we have you know some to dry after this Embrace death yeah every time that someone comes to hang out with me

They Embrace death because they give me a hug don’t worry too much about him he’ll be okay wait wait I won’t Embrace him I’m sorry I’m gathering some sponges I’m gathering some sponges embrace me you want oh you want to embrace death are you sure yeah but you’re baby you’re

Young Vio you’re still young it’s okay I I’ve lived my life to its fullest it’s a big transition to the to the underworld it’s a big transition rocks can’t die it’s okay yeah they just persist for millions and millions and trillions of years I a rock it’s okay

Yeah do you ever think that some of the sand and rocks that exist like how long have they been there since the dawn of time cuz they can’t die you know how are rocks even made do you know people te technically I’m millions of years old because that’s how

Long it takes to form so wow I was just asleep for most of that time but technically I am millions of years old that’s kind of crazy nice but compared to death you’re still a baby yeah so we got to just a little baby all right um I think I’ve got a

Bunch of sponges now so I’m going to go outside and help colle sand I’m going to collect sand too yeah let’s grab a bunch of sand okay hold hold on I’m on my way how did the Rocks get there they were formed I just don’t know how they

Were under immense pressure well at least that was how I was formed immense pressure immense pressure yeah that’s why you’re so calm in the face of of scary things cuz you’re used to the pressure oh it’s night time whoops maybe we should sleep how did you feel

Yesterday were you nervous at all um I was really kind of I tried to to be laidback but not defe because the first year that I entered the the Mario Kart tournament I was very defe and I was still laidback because what’s the fetus mean it it’s a the opposite of you it’s

The mindset of like oh well I’m not going to do well anyway so I might as well just like joke around and not take it seriously and Etc because because I won’t be able to do it right um yeah that was my mindset it was bad it was

Pessimistic yeah um this year I decided I’m just going to do my best to win um and if I don’t win it’s whatever it is what it is it’s just a game so oh boy monsters you did good this year thank you maybe it was because I actually

Tried I don’t know I did my best rainbow wow bioo running beneath the rainbow is a beautiful sight look at her slaying zombies beneath the rainbow what a s good what a sight I said this when before we started streaming but Molly is actually the reason I got

Good at using items because she gave me the idea to go online cuz you tweeted like oh guess that practice with a bunch of random Japanese players um help so that gave me the idea oh I should probably play online to practice like items and getting hit by people so I’m

Glad I did very well partly because of you oh I’m really glad that that you did because I think yeah training online with random people is the only way to like to really gain the EXP that I feel like you need for this kind of tournament so I’m glad you did that

Makes me really happy like time trials you’re given like mushrooms but for like when you’re like playing with other people you know so many other items item usage and like using mushrooms and places to catch up and stuff like that so helpful than you for helping me oh I’m just I’m

Really glad to hear hear that to be honest cuz I I wanted to help I want to help in some way because there are so many really good players in including you especially you so I feel like if we can all train together then maybe um

Next year we can we can even maybe get on the podium for I yeah next year even farther I got a little bit unlucky yeah you had some terrible luck but I also did good mhm so that’s what matters did you did that blue shell I felt that I

Felt that blue shell that you too yeah but yours was right at the finish line that was that was really rough to see yeah ooh a j j I did see you want here you want it I want it yeah I have a lead take it yay yeah go grab that bad

Boy I don’t have a name tag but you know you can still grab them and and tie them to where we have the the llamas if you want come on George yours let’s go look vibo in her new pet yay thank you ah Joy see guys I got my child a horse for

Her birthday I was able to do it it’s what every young princess wants for her birthday I don’t think so you might want to make a path for them okay make a path okay maybe I’ll just go around yeah Jor it’s a joy horse Jor Kobo Ming right now

Kobo’s got to deal with some tough love you got to understand I laugh so hard at that Discord thing who z c you I was just trying to be helpful I thought that she was asking because she didn’t know if she made it into it or not so I was like

Oh yeah you were you’re in there but I guess it came off a little Brash sorry goo sorry goo have you ever collabed with Kobo before um not like an official stream but I have talked with her directly um when I was collabing with Kyla and then

She came by oh nice yeah I feel like you guys would have an amazing collab together if you ever we’re each other’s moms yeah you and Kobo yeah and since we’re collecting moms we have to be each other’s mom to finish the collection so we have mutually decided to be each

Other’s mom I see the Ian family tree is getting more and more convoluted but I’m kind of down for it I don’t know it’s fun yeah it’s turning into school days oh I mean not quite what I meant but hey you’re also not wrong be you you’re not wrong

Um yeah yeah it is you know people maybe come to Holo live especially Holo Ian thinking oh yeah we’re going to get like some some cute gal house hanging out together cute girlfriends just chilling having fun but did you ever think that you would find cute mom’s daughters Sons uncles aunts Grandma’s

Grandfather’s Etc having fun maybe not right right yep and they’re all still cute girls you have not sand uh yeah I have some dirt here take some dirt thank I’m trying to make a bridge yeah to get your safely across I believe in you okay don’t

Die wow this sand is just melting in front of me we’ve got a ton of I think we have enough I think we have enough sand might might be too much sand actually but it’s fine that’s that’s okay though it’s it’s pretty big don’t underestimate how big we made our thing H yeah

Exactly all right I’m spotting you you know if we have we don’t need sponges yeah it’s working he’s like a little off the side but you know we’re it’s close enough that he won’t fall in so yay yay welcome to the pastures the past yours never such a thing is too much

Sand I don’t know dead beats I don’t know it really is a lot of sand how is Red Dead by the way so fun I’m going to play it again in the next couple days but way more fun than I thought it would be I’m having a great time with it I

Think you would also really enjoy it I’ve accidentally killed a lot of people though accidents accidents happen s tier G game and on the PC I didn’t realize how beautiful it looks bioo it’s like it’s one of the most gorgeous games I’ve ever seen in my life and it came out in

2019 wow yeah I got to I really want to try it out especially because you can kill people yeah oh you really are getting into the The shinigami’s Apprentice role huh yeah I respect that I just like you know open world games where you can like cause chaos you know

Yeah that’s cool you’re definitely definitely a chaotic one but in a good way in a in a good way why why are you saying that hesitantly no no no I’m just saying it is I don’t I don’t wish to offend it’s just anyway don’t worry about it you saw my stream my

Song yeah I did I saw you being very confused yeah but at a certain point I did just accept it you know I did and that’s fine I understand understand that everybody has different mes and yeah exactly like I bet that you that you don’t know about or find funny um the

The gorillas dare meme do you know that what’s that that’s what I thought so there’s do you know gorillas yes do you know the song dare yeah no it’s dare I I might know I might know it if I heard it I don’t know songs by their names okay no problem no so

There’s How does it go is that a meme I think it’s a meme cuz I saw it as a me so there’s a song it goes I don’t want to get dmca um it’s there it’s coming up it’s coming up it’s coming up it’s coming up it’s coming up it’s

Dead you’ve got to press it on you you one yeah yeah yeah I know that one so there’s a so there’s like a live version of that song with the guy that like sings it and he goes he’s the guy that goes it’s coming up it’s coming up it’s

De and when he sings something’s wrong with him I don’t know what what he did before the show but he gets on stage and it’s just he’s offbeat and he’s just all it’s dead it’s coming up he coming up this dead oh he was drunk at the performance

Yes sorry I was trying to censor myself for you I’m sorry oh you had to censor yourself it’s fine okay making sure I don’t but yeah so there’s a video of it where somebody like slowed it down like 10 times in the way that he sings it is

Just crazy anyway that’s that’s kind of what that’s what I find funny I don’t know if i’ call it a meme it was definitely circulating the internet a lot when I found it but yeah he was a showed he’s not a real child what do you

Mean look at this boy pacifi I watch I watch hako BS be drunk all the time Ba OH BS drunk needs to sing it to emulate it I want ba and Iris too but I feel like neither of them will know that song but yeah anyway everybody’s got different taste you know recently

There’s like a fine meme that I’m enjoying um with have you seen the toothless dancing to the drift Veil yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes it stuck in my head yep me too I’ll just be sitting down you know making some curry in my kitchen or sitting down playing

Games and I’ll just start humming it theth dancing it’s so cute why is it so cute it’s so cute I can’t take it that’s a good that’s a good meme I like that one that that is a good meme I’m glad you agree yeah that theme is so good

Though I didn’t realize that the drift Veil theme was so good yeah yeah it’s from Pokemon I didn’t play gen so I didn’t know oh but yeah it’s from black and white yeah from black and white yeah I like cuz I heard it and I didn’t know what it was from and I

Thought this is a Pokemon song but I don’t know where it’s from and so I did some research and was like Ah that’s right this random City this random City in Pokemon Black and White wow beautiful you look beautiful right now with the sunset behind you be oh thank you you’re welcome sparkling

Gem catching the light I’m going to get I’m take a little rest here but okay okay sorry just so I can get light outside yeah black and white was your time yeah yeah I also was really I remember waiting outside lining up um to get diamond and pearl at the game store

And then black and white as well I also lined up for when did you start or stop playing Pokémon B I started I don’t gen 3 oh yeah that’s the best one it is the best one thank you thank you thank you thank you oh that’s the best

One for sure that was also my first yeah Bing a day but you didn’t play black and white right no I missed that one I don’t know why I missed that one but I missed that one that’s okay I missed uh X and Y personally yeah Ive played I’ve played all them

Except black and white a it is very good and I do recommend it but yeah I think it aged pretty well personally I just think Pokémon games age well in general yeah oops I’m getting pulled back by the Cur I wish we could play them I know

Right well sometimes when a new one comes out we can play them for a limited time so not all hope is lost thankfully yeah all right I’m going to make a little pseudo stairway here can start dropping some sand up here in a minute uhoh okay that’s bad that’s bad I’ll get the

Hole is must he still in there or is he dead now oh I think he’s probably still alive we just haven’t seen him uh yes maybe he escaped you know away he might have he might have escaped I mean that would be for the better to be honest I would

Hope well that’s okay I didn’t AC L flood the room we drained I did not that I didn’t all right hold on I’m just making um maybe I should use gravel for this part oh no gravel also falls down just trying to make a little start sectioning off this area yeah sure go

For it uh-oh uh-oh it’s okay I stopped it I stopped it there was a bit of a leak but I stopped it we’re good we’re good um why is it still flowing is it because it’s sand uh-oh I only have sand I have sandstone a there’s a hole in

There it’s cool I clogged it at least sand is easy to get rid of so when it’s time to like get rid of all this it’ll be pretty fast yeah yeah I think it’ll be no problem Oh Boy the shovel is a little stronger than I thought that’s a strong

Shovel that’s a strong weapon yeah just too good at killing I guess see oh I love shovels lethal company I love shovels now yeah you’re the shovel Master you have to be yeah that’s your new job speaking of we company this isn’t our only collab this

Week that’s right it’s not so guys the timing is crazy you’re not going to believe this but guess what um so we finished our myth collab um we finished it everybody was you know stream off otar and then the next message that appears in Discord is we have obtained

Permission for the mod that lets you have more than four players yeah so I went ahead and uh and gathered a bunch of people for a big lethal company collab that’s happening yeah time and date is on uh bio’s schedule so go go look it up I believe

It’s the Sunday yeah 15th jst 14th PST yes 14 PST um 700 p.m. PST yeah I think there’s seven of us right now yeah there’s a lot yeah but we’ll welcome the others if they want to join in I think so if there are others that

Want to join we we’ll join them we’ll have them join us but yeah we need more we’ll see who’s available we shall see it’s going to be chaotic yes yes it is but it’ll be so great I’m sure and it’ll be worth so I see okay

You’re on the other side of this wall sectioning off that area right yeah okay cool let me know um whenever you finish sectioning it off maybe I should help I feel bad just being up here here let me see I’ll come down my elevator see it’s so easy sand

Elevator yeah he I love sand elevator gravel here and it’s not only it’s and idid as well yeah mhm see Hello y hello ooh let’s make a big section yeah I’m just going to go all the way to the wall nice that could be good yep oh yeah um also also right now

I’m I’m currently I’m making um a plan a document to present um to uh Ian staff about an international Mario Kart tournament ooh I think that would be really fun but I’m writing up the plans for it right now what does that mean um Mario Kart between Ian and ID tournament oh yeah

Yeah it’s me am Mario yeah but I don’t think it’ll be like for a while because we just had a tournament but I do want to do it I think that would be fun that would be fun yeah for the the international branches at least 3 days three days is

That because you find JP scary no no no not at all I just think it would be hey hey heyo she she thinks she’s calling me out V boo V boo I don’t want to I mean look no it’s not that they’re too op to include

It’s just I don’t want to steal their Thunder you know organizing another Mario Kart tournament that’s their thing you know oh whoopsies I guess I’m I’m kind of getting in the way I’ll just let you finish I’ll let you finish booo and let’s see it would also be nice

To have a tournament that’s like on like each time for Ian fans to be able to show up without like having to uh you know wake up at 3:00 in the morning right yeah that would be nice all right we’ve sectioned off um

All of this and I forget how we do it do we drop the sand blocks in here um I think we just put sponges no sponges down maybe let me close this off first okay make sure everything is all airtight you sp sponges on the ceiling

Gotcha you have the sponges I gave you I do okay cool all righty everything’s closed off almost one second no one no worries take your time just making sure that I don’t accidentally do something mess something up okay go ahead okay hold on I’m just blocking off this entrance too just in

Case okay should be good all right let’s run it is this is this like small enough or I hope it’s not oh boy hope it’s not oh it kind of looks like it’s working oh it’s yeah yeah yeah it’s working yeah it’s go yay it’s going down it’s coming up it’s

Coming up it’s de it’s coming up it’s it’s coming up it’s Dad all right ni I’m glad that all the JPS got to witness though your song your special song yeah it’s like sharing a fine piece of American culture with them mainly I did it to advertise aent

As a whole that’s good to get to get aent out there it’s called good marketing so what and the funny thing is all the GP GP Senpai and and everybody were like oh that’s that’s so cute oh cute and then and then the Ian audience is like

No stop it was so funny yeah the ju toos was pretty pretty hilarious got to say yeah they said it was cute it it was cute cute yeah you know I would I’m inclined to agree it was definitely cute despite how I may feel about the song itself which is you know

It’s not my cup of tea but I think think that your marketing skills are on point BBU and that’s yeah anything to Market Advent exactly there you go that’s called using your brain that’s a big brain move proud you proud of this rock proud of look it’s where it’s actually moving

Yeah looks like it’s working nice yeah it’ll just take a while to dry some of these sponges is though yeah cuz they they okay we we have a lot Y and we can alternate between sectioning off and yeah sounds like a good idea to me and then once it’s it

Has no water in it it’s going to be so amazing yeah and then we can decorate yeah decorating that’s what I’m looking forward to most the decorations the the interior design oh oopsies you like interior design mhm mhm I’m a fan of interior design yeah but I don’t really know if I’m any

Good at it though to be honest but I do enjoy it that’s a wet sponge going to get rid of some of these sponges I can’t wait to see your ideas for this place oh yeah I mean maybe something kind of modern yet refined yeah this this looks like a pretty

Modern Dome yeah maybe maybe modern Sleek furniture or something yeah exactly maybe tree yeah Onsen we got to have onen in here yeah and then we should have a tree in it yeah I want to plant a tree in here if we can plant a tree oh can we plant a

Sakura tree yeah let’s do that if we can I really want to especially a sakura tree wouldn’t that just be so beautiful and romantic yeah bones all over the place no no no we don’t need to have bones everywhere I I can compromise my my sensibilities this should be a place for

Everyone not just people who like bones I like bones really I guess you kind of have to if you’re going to be a murderer be boo okay nice we’re making progress um it’s kind of it’s slow going but we can’t rush perfection yeah you cannot rush perfection and I’m just glad that it’s

Definitely going down I hear another Rusty or Rusty not another Rusty but the same Rusty like they’re all the same they’re all the same rusties they’re all the same the same dolphin yeah of course of course imagine doing all of this without a conduit I I can’t yeah oh my gosh just

Lose your mind there’s fish in here they’re going to it’s fine I guess they’re they got to accept their fate they came in here they knew that this wasn’t their territory it is their territory though kind of it is kind of their territory they’re going to have to forgive

Us fish please forgive us we can make it up to you by turning you into Sashimi so that you have a purpose in life yeah use yours yeah use your body for fuel yeah exactly okay this is a weird question because like you won’t die cuz you’re

Death right right but if you died and your cat ate your body how would you feel about that um good good right that’s what I said yeah you know people thought it was messed up but like what’s going to what what’s going to what what are you going to do you’re dead what

What’s the point look there is such a thing as as unconditional love all right there is such a thing as unconditional love and I feel it for tutu and ghost cat and if they need to survive by eating my body until someone can find them and give them better homes I’m F

I’m not using it anymore yeah see exactly heck I’m not using my body anymore so might as well be fuel for my cats exactly unconditional surrender come on I’m just I’m thinking practically about it okay yeah see you you and I share a similar line of thinking there people good

Question it’s a good question definitely a deep one and I can I’m not saying that those of you that say no are wrong it’s a personal choice but I would choose to exactly exactly I would choose to be fuel for my cats you guys got to respect that decision as I respect your

Decision to not be eaten by your cats and I do I do respect it I understand where you guys are are coming from after they eat one body to I wouldn’t want to be eaten by my cats if like they were if I was still alive yeah that would be

Weird that would be weird for sure do you think that if you were still alive and like you and your cats were maybe trapped in your house and starving together do you think that they would like turn on you and start trying to eat you oh that’s a good question I wonder I

Would just be when you’re dead because you are bigger than them and yeah of course you can fight them off but would they be aggressive instantly 100% I’m eating my cat first the cat’s yeah here’s an alternate question if you and your cat were stuck

Would you turn on your cat uh no I would die yeah me too I’m sorry I can’t that’s too mind an are too preure precious precious yeah they’re too too too sweet save the cat beep myself yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly so you you get it you

Get it sorry guys we’re we’re really big animal lovers here maybe maybe our sensibilities are a little clouded by being animal lovers but so and I you’re too precious why you would last the cats longer than they would last you true true exactly and then by the time

That you know your body is depleted because the cats ate all of it um then maybe uh someone finds your home where you died and they find your cats and give them a new home yeah you know yeah what about dogs do dogs not eat the human corpse afterward I don’t

Know but like there was a cat versus dog battle and they were like dog dogs wouldn’t eat your dead body after you die but cats would so that’s why I was asking interesting I see mixed so Chad is 50/50 for me 50/50 yes they’d eat you 50% no they wouldn’t

Yeah interesting I could imagine f m eating me for survival yeah yeah I can see those I don’t think they could though because I’m a rock so I don’t think that would work the is yeah a little hard to wrap their their doggy Jaws around I

Think yeah why is this a topic of conversation uh because the world needs to know the truth yeah you know um why not exactly things are going to continue to get weird this week tomorrow I’m overanalyzing children’s movies with shot you what o overanalyzing children’s movies with shii basically um you’ll

Have to see the stream to understand but I’m making my presentation today um and I gave shot a list talk about lamb Before Time shot hasn’t seen land before time I did request that one because I gave her a list of like have you seen this movie

Etc and so we’re only doing ones we’ve both seen thank God she’s seen The Lorax thank God she’s seen The Lorax but she hasn’t seen Space Jam have you seen Space Jam bioo no oh my God how many advents haven’t seen Space Jam time to all watch Space Jam together

I’m organizing a watch along for space gym it’s definitely the the movie of all time before Mor I I know that come on and slam and welcome to the jam yeah yeah yeah I know that Space Jam mhm yep it’s interesting cuz like a lot of the the ones that that I

Saw as a child I realized were like really kind of maybe too cursed for other kids to have watched cuz I was recommending some really cursed really cursed ones um that I’m not surprised okay so Land Before Time Has curse moments it does uh have you seen water

Ship down before no oh it’s the rabbit one don’t don’t look it up look it up the rabbit one yeah it’s a it’s a rabbit story uh The Last Unicorn have you seen The Last Unicorn I was shown it recently I didn’t see the whole thing was it the one where it was

Like a little cute unicorn yeah but why would you suggest that I’m sorry I just I watched them as a kid they’re kids movies is that the same thing I don’t know actually I don’t know if that’s the same that was the same unicorn movie I’m

Not sure it’s um um it’s about a unicorn and um there’s like this red bull that chases her her kind to like somewhere far away like across the ocean and she goes to find them and at one point she becomes like a girl and then like meets

A guy and like falls in love with him unn okay gotta That’s The Last Unicorn 9s kids movies really hit different yeah but I mean I don’t even really think I’d consider myself a ’90s kid cuz I’m no years old right but Mama Mory always chose those movies to show

Me and they were messed up some of them but and then have you seen sharktail bi Boo the Will Smith okay shod has not seen shark tail which really surprised me I like shark tail yeah isn’t it good did you ever play the video game you

Play the it’s a video game yeah it has like a rhythm game and stuff like that the Will Smith fish that’s the one that’s the one with the Will Smith who’s a fish right and there’s like a gold Digger fish yeah yeah yeah played by Angelina Jolie yeah yeah yeah I remember that

Movie yeah I have a really good and they work at like a whale Wash yeah yeah yeah the car wash working at and there’s like a mafia yeah yeah and then the shark yes Lenny the shark yeah ah good memories you come into my house you kill my son

Or something yeah The Godfather references popped off um I have a friend of mine who like has never been a drinker at all like she’s just never been one to drink but then one night she got together with her friends and was like all right fine I’ll do it and drank

And they were going to watch shark tail they were going to get drunk and watch shark tail and so they did um and she said that at the second that she saw Will Smith’s like fish face she threw up everywhere everywhere because the side of his face and then she went to the

Bathroom and couldn’t throw up again and she just thought about it and threw up again no Rusty why are you dying oh sorry it was the shark tail slander dangy was so offended by shark tail I’m sorry I didn’t mean Rusty I didn’t mean it Rusty forgive me oh

Rusty it’s okay he’ll be fine he’ll be fine SMI fish face Will Smith F fish face is enough to make anyone grow up it seems I mean true not wrong not wrong it it was so crazy to me that they modeled like the fish face after his face why they

Do I mean did they want to make sure that we saw like Will Smith when we looked at the fish cuz the character is a fish but whose idea was this what uses like FNS is it ho that that yeah so sorry I have the only hoe

Right now oh that’s fine I’ll just I’ll just share it but I feel like need to make a new one thank you so much oh I have diamonds I can make a hole oh nice nice nice okay cool diamond hoe yeah I’m going to I’m going to go do that

Actually yeah yeah go for it I’m just going to get rid of some of these sponges up here so that we can um dry them out dry out the sponges dry out the sponges nice nice nice ah yeah a lot of dead beats are bringing up some some older effed up

Movies that I’m like dang I should have suggested these but I feel like I feel like yeah yeah maybe it’s too much of a a generational difference I don’t know but not not everybody has seen those effed up ones Mama Mory loves those though the messed up kids movies I don’t

Know why probably cuz she didn’t watch them she just chose them cuz oh funny cartoon yeah I want to see F out kid movies okay we’ll do a little movie marathon and we’ll see what you think about some of them waterers ship down Last Unicorn secret and Nim let’s

Go let’s go you’re going to love them darkis the The Black Cauldron oh my God no these are so bad but in In fairness I think it would be hilarious I I don’t know any of these wow that’s crazy I mean I believe it but I’ll have to

Enlighten you watching effed up old kids movies is a great great idea I’ll do it we’ll do it oh man please no a lot of people are saying Dark Crystal yeah that’s a popular one that definitely a popular one what about Anastasia that was another one that I recommended to Shor

That she’d actually seen before Oh Anastasia is good yeah it’s good I just feel like we might need to refrain from that one um just to be extra careful cuz there maybe is a little too much in there that might oh is there wait what what was bad

About Anastasia I don’t know just might need to be careful don’t want to oh Matilda was messed up I also recommended Matilda actually as well maybe we’ll do that one um I don’t know it’s not really I also recommended brid to Terabithia and she hasn’t seen that one either um

Oh it’s it’s because of the history of it yeah yeah I think we might just need to be careful it’s going to be hard for me to overanalyze some of these um with uh just trying to be restrictive but we might get a little cursed we could be a

Little cursed with there are so many fish in Here regular sponge found it just got to be careful but you know I’m making a presentation and I’m I’m using a bunch of like stock images to like present my points and we’ll see what shiori thinks

Of it if she thinks that I’m I’m on about nothing or if I have a point we’ll see use the hoe oh it’s cuz I’m under water how how do you dry sponges so you just got to cook them in the furnace oh okay you can use coal or wood we also

Have coal um it’s in one of the chests I think it’s in my Ender Chest I’ll need to pull it out you can use the coal for now though there should be enough planks I think unless I’m holding them R yeah all right you can also place them

In another gly movies are you are you are you a gly movie fan I like them I’m a fan I was watching Spirited Away on Japanese TV the other day I watch princess okayi like super young and and I remember you know the parts where like the limbs fly off and stuff like

That yeah that’s a bloody one that was a lot for me as a kid I can imagine that being a sight definitely a sight for you especially so young oh my gosh no that one’s super bloody I also remember the beginning part like the the four like disintegrating freaks me out so much

That like if I watch that movie again like I would actively like not look at that part because it help me out so much mhm yeah know that was definitely that was a rough one that was a rough one for sure but still very good very good movie Very insightful

Interesting but but yeah messed up Porco the best portical Roso did you ever see por Roso I didn’t that’s one I haven’t seen yet it’s so good it’s a it’s a sweet movie but it’s it definitely is one of the less popular jibli movies and I kind

Of see why um you know the M the main character is like um a guy that got turned into a pig oh yeah he’s not like eaman or anything like that but he’s like I don’t know I I feel like a likable character you know I love that movie how’s Moving

Castle H you have the sponges right I’m going to start sectioning off other places I have sure yeah you got it no I have some sponges don’t worry um but yeah I uh isn’t that am’s favorite oh por oroso base taste how is Moving Castle I actually um have not SE

Ever finished what what yeah you finished it that one’s my favorite oh really wow I guess I got to finish it sometime if I’m going to make you watch all of these these messed up kids movies man what what what the entire chat uhoh uhoh uhoh small leak it’s

Okay safe safe safe I’m trying to get in the other way without all good yeah sticking these on the wall is actually really good for sopping up the water how do we get to the other area you got to start from the top or actually if you start from the

Bottom it’s from the bottom but you can’t have it be sand cuz then it will fall down and then cause a leak at the top the way that I got in here for example is a tiny doorway um you can see that there’s like sponges so hold on I’ll go ahead and oh

Nice I’ll make it over over here here’s what we’ll do there’s going to be a small leak real quick uh-oh oh God Ah that’s bad hold on hold on hold on all right maybe Idea Idea Idea wait wait wait hold on um under the conduit cuz the conduit is glass o

Smart that’s a good idea it looks like the leak stopped so that’s good come on move there we go okay I’m on the other side now nice smart nice one boo oh maybe I’ll place here nice idea chat nice nice sir hopefully nothing’s leaking I think think maybe it’s okay

Uh-oh uhoh we’re good we’re good we’re good I thought that there was a leak but it seems that there was not we’re good we are good just taking a while and then weird yeah clumps of water here and there but that’s all right we’ll be able to dry it all

Out oh our kids movie is not the same anymore like there’s no recent cursed kids movie or anything I don’t think so everything’s very very safe and uh and rate a g for everybody I think yeah what a shame what a shame we don’t have to deal with what we

Did did you ever watch any cursed movies as a kid I don’t you think of any that messed you up aside from Princess mon messed me up I mean princess monoke is a pretty is a pretty solid not really cursed one but it was definitely intense for

Kids I call that an intense movie for children for sure elfant Le oh God that’s not that’s just not media for children though that’s not for it was media for my childhood oh my God I mean I can understand finding it as a kid but I can’t I can’t understand mark it for

Children and that makes a lot of sense o anime oh my God yeah this has a cute girl in it wow she seems really fun yeah but I also found Higurashi as a kid so as much as as a kid you can be at no years old let’s see

There’s still is there a leak over here oh is that oh I need more sand I’m going to go collect more sand I know we need more sand no problem okay so we just have one section of water oh how is it going oh look it’s going

Down pretty it’s going still have um still have some oh it’s kind of coming across the bottom I hope there’s not a leak somewhere oh there might be I hope not cuz I came back through let’s see it might be under the conduit okay let me go find

It four fish I’ll just go ahead and block it just in case see use the hoe let’s get rid of some of these there we go oh we got one dry sponges that’s good nice yeah we just have one area of water one section of water left

Over and we’ll be done with this area and that’s huge cuz that’s like half yeah where was the coal um I took it out and put it in I forget which chest I put I think it’s in the same chest as the glass and the Sea

Lanterns it might not be though hold on oh no I’m holding it I’m holding it I got it I got it I got it hold on there’s more there’s more wet sponges in excellent but we if we could sleep that’d be good so I can go out and

Collect more sand sure as soon as I please let me swim game game please let me swim all right I’m going to disconnect cuz I cannot get through here okay DC time disconnect okay Rusty died again rip no no no no Rusty don’t say that you’re scaring her chat you’re scaring her

Don’t all right I’m coming back ow uh-oh it’s by is it really yeah are you sure yeah just a little boom it’s fine okay ah creeper must be creeper then all right I think I have enough sponges to finish up this area Okay and then I’ll go put the coal in the

Oven going to collect sand and then section of yeah nice nice nice almost there almost there come on yeah they say that we can also place them in the nether apparently thing that we can do I feel like it should be soaking up more water but we don’t really have do

We have I mean I guess we could fly to a portal yeah we could that we because okay maybe it is working the cleanup is going to be fun oh boy it’s okay we have hose yeah e be a thing I just surprised there’s not an easier way to like clear out what

Right me too what if there’s a better way there’s a leak right what if there is a better way definitely feel like there’s a leak though easy console commands you say that it’s easy but that doesn’t sound easy to me okay we’ll start at the top then okay this part isn’t refilling so

Maybe it’s fine okay I have sand I on my way back okay okay okay okay it’s just this big pillar of water here all right just take all the water and put it somewhere else Patrick yeah that’s uh easier said than done that’s also something I missed in

My childhood I SpongBob to watch SpongeBob yeah a I’m sorry you missed out it’s it’s pretty funny I feel like I’ve missed out on so much so many memes yeah well it’s it’s a big part of of meme culture for people that are May maybe like me no years old I think it

Was definitely a a very something very special a product of its time yeah all right we’re cooking some sponges and uh maybe I’ll try dropping some sand for now and then clearing that out just for the time being yeah old sponge Bob is like is like the Star Wars prequels every frame

Is a meme pretty much Star Wars prequels Mhm yeah SpongeBob was definitely a big part of my childhood because Mama Mory was working really hard reaping at the time um and I was often sitting in front of the TV waiting for her to come home and it was always SpongeBob yeah that’s better than me I

Remember like Mom SEI working hard um and like she would be out for most of the day at work and I would just sit at the window like a cat and just wait for her car to oh that’s cute though come home mom SEI come home that’s cute like a cat

A yeah yeah that’s kind of adorable just to Envision we waiting I drop all the sand here for now and then that should help a bit and then I’ll do sponges that have dried for the rest of the water you’re still you’re sectioning off the other part right yep

Gotcha why do I feel like it’s getting taller where would the leak even be no sand is it is it leaking still I don’t know sometimes I feel like the amount of water is growing but maybe it isn’t I might be wrong you have to just get the sword

Horse blocks apparently ah I see wish I wish I knew how to find which ones in particular it’s okay no problem we’ll make it work I’m not worried and sand is easy to get rid of yeah just need a shovel that’s why sectioning off of sand

Is good cuz you can just break the sand so much easier the only problem is getting the sponges out ah yeah this kind of annoying for sure got to break them down definitely good to have a hoe for that finally the hoe has a use besides planting things yeah yeah maybe they

Decided the hoe needed a use all right let’s see go okay I think it’s working um chat that’s not ho oh they misbehaving uh you misbehaving chat don’t get it twisted they’re getting it twisted they’re getting it twisted he ho haha vibo’s chat Sheriff Emoji don’t don’t bully him dead beats

Don’t bully him we’re all tombstones here but Vio VI’s not baby’s not baby sorry you’re not a baby I’m not baby but yeah but chat get your minds out of the gutter did you ever watch any other like Nickelodeon cartoons did you just watch did you not watch cartoons as a kid no

Because I didn’t have the channels I watch PBS oh yeah Mr Rogers yeah a beautiful day in the neighborhood okay okay I think with all this sand we should be able to sponge up the rest of the water with the dry sponges I can get around it into the

Water all right there we go what about Cartoon Network didn’t have it but I watched like once we we got cable pretty late so once I did get cable I watch a lot of Cartoon Network so like Adventure Time Gumball yeah I see around the that stuff I love I love that nice

Nice I see I see around those times cool that’s not too far off where did my entrance I’m getting so old these days y I don’t want to get old I don’t want to be old dead beats yada you’re not old it’s about the youth

In your heart that’s a good way to look at it nice and positive I’ll try to remember that I’ve gone ancient like the rest of them no no no ancient Define oh yeah look at this it’s all it’s all down and stuff oh what happened here there’s so much sand here

Yeah I put that up there so that we’d have like it’ll block out the water so less water to pick up with the sponges it doesn’t pick up the water but it does like get in the way so if if you sponge up all the water and then you get

Rid of the sand then there won’t be water left behind yeah so it doesn’t necessarily soak it up but it’s still useful okay I got my new new sponges I’m on the way let me through I’m going to start from the top cuz apparently you’re supposed to start from the top oh okay

Nice it’s working it’s working wow yeah y let’s go is that it one last bit of water yeah all right now we can clean this place out yeah okay yeah you get rid of the sand and now there’s no water left behind yeah it immediately got drained oh

Boy that scared me we’re good we’re good I thought I saw water falling out we’re good no worries just a bit of a jump scare okay just got to be careful not to hit the part you sectioned off yeah yeah stick to the same we can

At least clear this half the room oh yeah true and the wall that we had between the first section and the second section nice wow so relaxing yeah and also that glass up there we can get rid of that that was glass that I put there cuz I didn’t have

Any other blocks oh okay yeah get rid of all that this would also be so much easier to do on creative mode cuz you can like fly and stuff like that but where’s the fun in that you can’t have monsters run and that exactly yeah like I like you know

Getting I don’t think I’ve ever played Minecraft like this where like you have to like get your materials and then like oh really build stuff with always played on creative mode before I think I’ve only ever played Minecraft on creative mode yeah wow interesting

But I like it I like this a lot more yeah it feels more rewarding don’t you think yeah plus it’s not that bad when you have KLA she does make it much much easier the Minecraft NPC that’s what I want to be in stardo oh yeah stardew is really fun I

Want to keep playing it but you know Mario Kart tourament now Red Dead there are other things on the menu but I’ll still prepare some streams like I have to I got to go back um to my homeland for a little bit again um and so I’m probably going to prepare another

Chill stard do stream um yeah I’ll join you if you what oh really that would be nice I think that would be really fun yeah even better if you would like to hopefully when Nissa gets back to she’ll play with us again yeah yeah yeah that would be really

Fun I’m always down to play stardo with you guys so cool I know what you mean though like with the Mario Kart stuff like I’ve been wanting to play DMC so bad but I like held back because you know I had to practice and everything but I’ve been in

Like physical pain from not being able to play that game yeah you’re really loving it it’s so good it’s so good I think you should play it too I want to I want to I feel like um I feel like now um how do I say I’m kind of um I’m

Feeling kind of less like oh I don’t want to play this game when other people are playing it because I mostly just don’t want to play the same game at the same time as someone I think you know but like like the same time of day kind

Of thing you know but if we’re if we’re both playing the same game like within the same time frame like finishing the same game at the same time that’s okay I I kind of like it though because like we can talk to each other how good it is

Because we’re experiencing it at the same time so I kind of like that that’s a really good point I think yeah it depends on on the game for overlap yeah exactly you know I just I feel kind of like how do I how do I say um I don’t

Want to like get in the way like if I’m playing armored Core at 9:00 a.m. and someone else is playing armored Core at 9:00 a.m. kind of thing yeah but if like if I’m playing I’m record 9:00 a.m. and someone’s playing at like 12:00 p.m.

Then I’m like oh okay whatever I see I see you know I just don’t want to get in the way or like I don’t know that’s just it’s it’s me just being self-conscious as usual need to stop that well I I would never care a thanks just know that

I would I would never care even if we happen to play the exact same team at the exact same time I wouldn’t care yeah a okay I’m glad well thanks uhoh we’re good we’re good now correct me if I’m wrong but I think we might be able to open it up this

Way let me see hold on did some water come up I think we’re good now okay so here’s what we’re going to do okay oh I see there’s there’s water there hold on it’ll come out for a second and then it stops yeah cuzz it’s not a source yeah yeah

Yeah exactly so I think we can just go through yeah here let me try and make like a pathway here use the sponge Taco get out of the way I know that it’s it’s kind of useless to put it oh okay yeah so I think we’re safe in here now there shouldn’t

Be cool and we blocked up the way to the other room right oh there we go yeah whoo wo wo I’m really bouncing here put down the block yeah it doesn’t look like water leaked into the other side so I think we’re good okay nice cool cool cool all

Safe okay so which side are we on first that we’re going to drain oh this side I see it better be outside Rusty I hear you dying did you die what happened oh no oh Rusty what a terrible fate to hear your own dolphin Dying that’s pretty rough it’s okay that’s rough budy oh no it’s okay it’s fine that’s rough it’s okay Rusty will always come back Rusty’s basically Immortal if you really think about it yeah like the real Rusty right exactly exactly who’s definitely alive who who’s alive and happy right yep and living his

Best life life right yeah for 100% all right nice nice nice going to the nether might be a good idea it’s just kind of scary cuz we have to place all those blocks and then what if like a big a big white octopus comes out of

Nowhere and blasts us from the sky you know we can we can go to like ky’s safe area in the nether ooh that could be a good idea I like that idea maybe we should do that and then really just dry all of these and then we’ll definitely

Have enough to finish the last part and this part maybe first let’s lay down these until we don’t have any sponges anymore which for me that’s going to be pretty soon I think but I don’t know about you yeah I have I have one SC okay that’s

Good yeah be just trying to place them strategically ether trip sorry I was reading chat and someone said Vio but trip with tax you’re so viu tax dead beat what is that okay can you explain what that is to me because that I know about the

Rizzler um I just want to be your Sigma I know that one but I don’t get the tax one what’s that one I have come to know bio TX as like I am dropping people’s sanity by spreading my curs means every that’s how I so for example I bioo tax JP

Senpai and everybody who was watching the tournament right and you just bio taxed me right now yeah I bi tax you yeah is that what the original Phantom tax means no uh that what Phantom is a streamer I think and Phantom tax means like the streamer just was known for

Stealing food off of people’s plates and that was Fant tax okay yeah I didn’t understand like I didn’t understand what that word was so now I now I know thank you okay makes sense thank you for telling me wow you’re so knowledgeable people but I don’t steal people’s food

So that doesn’t apply to me stealing food off people’s plates that’s not nice that’s impolite also what if they’ve touched it and you got their germs in your mouth and I don’t know it’s polite it’s impolite and then it’s also unsanitary yeah so I see ta is taxing someone’s sanity

Away I like that one better yeah yeah perfect stealing sanity and our hearts beo yeah wow that’s let’s go let’s go all right it’s coming a long well I feel like I’ve learned so much today already and we’ve barely been streaming for like a little over an hour time flies

Though I’m really flies when you’re soaking up water in an underwater house yeah I’ll see do more things over time don’t worry about it sure yeah I mean I’m happy to learn I may you know make a face and and be a little grossed out but but I’m always excited to

Learn you know I’m always excited to get some new knowledge can’t tax me on something I don’t have I’m trying to come up with the myth version of it but like the lyrics are hard for me to think of oh I see I have to really think about it I

Wish that myy had two syllables because it would be really in theme to I got yours I got yours uh what is it did I see was it sticking out your sh for the reaper oh my God oh my God it’s perfect little Reaper

A myth version let’s go I mean oh no but I’m kind of interested I can’t lie I’m I’m pretty interested actually because promis version is scking out your rat for izler that’s a really good one that’s a really good one more rler I could be the morler that’s true morler

Yeah yeah that works I mean it all works Reaper also works however you want to write it songwriting Legend bio who’s going to be the T ta you are so oh boy um o almost died there who who’s the tax G tax so or Ena could be Ena Ena I just

Want to be your Kiara you’re so wah you’re so w you’re so you’re so Taco tax Taco tax I just want to be your army your a yeah I just want to be your shiori is just so genius though like that’s what genius looks like genius lyric

Writing G invented the Senpai tax true she did I just want to be your enan oh should should it be girl tags then if she invented Senpai tax yeah that might be good nobody really calls Ena enan but it works it’s still three syllables and that is her

Name you’re so w you’re so gack I just want to be your en then am’s got to be in there well how about sticking out your um STI what are we sticking out sticking out your Watson for dang it so close for more Rler why am I helping you with this why are you helping I don’t know sticking out your W for more oh true yeah yeah yeah that’s good yeah yeah yeah W for more razor yeah you’re you’re so wah you’re so you’re so good attack I just want to

Be your okay that works that there we go that’s that’s that’s the official lyrics everyone we found it it works Co written by Mory KY yay wait no don’t don’t credit me I don’t want the credit we got a credit you know I got to give proper credit words do all right

You can take the royalties for this one bioo you can take the royalties I’m good I’m good I don’t need them I don’t need them um I guess we can go to the nether okay oh yeah you’re still you still got some um yeah I only have a few more though okay

Cool just leave these here for now nice nice nice now I do wonder how we get to the nether it’s really kind of not something that I know a lot about I know where a portal is MHM I just need the coordinates back to Hall alive okay we will find those cords for

You yeah I think that the I we have them I can at least get us back to the haunted house oh yeah if you have if you have the The Haunted House Coates that’s close enough okay you got it all right I’ll grab them we’ll make our way

Back let me just get out of here might as well use NE portal where ky’s place is anyway because it’s safer over there True I just want to be your Watson I like that more I think I just want to be your Watson yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah these lyrics are my magnum opus it’s bio’s idea biu came up up with it so the myth version is a remix of a cover of a remix

A cover wait no a cover a remix of a cover of a remix so my my the Avent one is the original parody of the original and then the promised one is the parody of the Advent one and then the myth one is also the parody of the Advent one

Okay gotcha all right it’s all making sense to me now got it understood understood all right let’s see I still have some elytra right yep my elytra is just fine and then for the blocks I’m just going to separate some things dirt Etc put dirt in there oh but the

Original is also a parody of a song oh really a real song so wait wait hold on so the original is a parody of an actual song mine is a parody of a parody and yours is a parody of a parody of a parody okay got it it all makes sense

Now thank you for letting me know okay it’s all making sense now let me go ahead and look for those cords bring them up right now okay Chate do you have all the sponges yep I grabbed all the wet sponges and I’ll throw some at you so we can um we can

Set them out equally when we get to the nether so let’s see where is the Minecraft CH there it is found it okay found it okay so here it is X here I’m just going to write it down X is Ty it in the game chat yeah sure let’s see y4

Z is negative 1877 okay I got it okie dokie Chate that’s a game can I paste in here yeah I can okay I guess we can yeah we’ll fly together I’m going let’s see F3 117 okay so this this looks like the direction maybe one one this yeah yeah

This this direction yeah and then diagonally this way all right gotcha oh okay hold on I got this it’s got to be on the fireworks I saw which Rockets yeah I do hello oh there she is just follow the flying Rock just follow the flying Rock I’ve

Only got four of these but that’s okay I don’t think we’re super far away wait I have more wait can you land on the sand here oh okay hold on let’s see if I can go find the sand first oh this sand area oh wow hold on are you near Coyote’s

Thing oh are you near Coyote’s thing yeah the big pink Dome okay with all the lava around it don’t land in the lava that would not be good it would not be good that’s terrifying quot thing yeah isn’t this quot thing maybe I’m lost uh-oh that’s okay it’s probably

Fine she’s got a mine cart here actually maybe it takes takes us back to civilization yeah no worries guys I’ll just get in the cart I hope it takes us back to civilization you have a way back okay I’ll meet yeah don’t worry about it oh there’s another portal right here

True but is it safe is the question oh this is Neco Neco Island it’s Oka oh are you going to go into the nether portal there or we going to head back I don’t know it’s not as safe so let’s just head back okay um can I grab this bamboo I don’t know

It seems like it’s hers I don’t want to take it let’s see get a mine cart okay this way right as long as you don’t break the bottom block it regrows okay noted we’ll definitely go back there wow Mine Cart loud mine cart is

Loud okay I made it back okay I’m on my way why does it go that way hold on I need to make sure I don’t go that way you okay hold on hold on if you need more fireworks just give me your cords and I’ll give you some okay thank

Thanks I don’t know what this counts as ambient environments yeah that should be fine well I’m going Somewhere let’s see where’s this you want to go to sleep okay okay are you in a spot to yeah I’m in a bed plane flight sounds yeah a little too ambient it’s a long railroad wonder where we are me SOI is this right I wonder let me find out yeah I’m back

Home yay I’m at Kyla’s Temple oh so am I cool all right I’ll go inside wow I feel like there have been this wasn’t here last time you’re inside nope um I’m going around oh my god oh don’t die don’t die I’m okay there’s lava where did I fall hold

On where did I fall down that’s a weird trap door why would you do that to me is this miki’s house let me out okay I’m going around it’s not a waste of a firework we can get a bunch of them right I’m here thanks to Watson’s was it Watson’s

Vending machine or ena’s vending machine I forget who they both are really great at making stuff oh hello Eno I’m here here oh thank you that’s a lot of fireworks here’s some wet sponges for you thank you okay follow me okay we’ll do lead the way I’m just going to walk because I

Think I remember where it is but I don’t yeah I remember yeah whatever works just in case I’ll follow you I’ll follow you nice Wings beautiful thank you I got them myself oh yeah you did yeah oh by yourself I just realized I have no food uhoh oh here here here

Where sorry I don’t know why I put I must have put it away well not all by myself but I did win them nice nice nice congrats on the win thank you very much WoW pumpkin pie for days is it really that easy to make ah don’t you get so I’m

Spoiled I see I bet Kyla gave you a bunch right yep wow what a legend and and Ollie Ollie gave me some too ID Village I took a little tour of the ID Village and ID Village is so there’s so much stuff there free food for days yeah they really pop off too

That’s for sure lots of and lots of Minecrafting okay this nether portal is safe wow that’s really that has a really pointy top yeah cool all right let’s go dry these sponges whoa I’m feeling a little funky there we go I think yeah yeah you just set him down and then PR

Nice wow the sizzle the sizzle and then you hit it with the hole easy oh nice I see so they have um a lot of like plates here or rather um they’re not full blocks because that means that Monsters can’t spawn on them oh I see yeah Monsters can’t spawn on slabs yeah

Cool okay man I missed playing Minecraft me too it’s nice and relaxing yeah I feel something sometimes stressful yeah then it’s not as it’s not so relaxing but usually it is it’s nice and chill can build so many cool things whatever you can dream up you can build it it’s nice lots of

Fun all right the sizzle is really satisfying isn’t it yeah this is where we need to come more often to dry our sponges oh I still have more wet sponges I have two stacks yeah might take a minute but that’s okay it’ll be worth and it’s still faster than using an oven I

Think much faster matter of fact must be really H we’re safe here yeah I hear those bad guys out there we’re see they can’t touch us they can’t touch us what’s in here I just love snooping through people’s stuff even if I don’t take it I can’t

Help myself like o what do you have in your chest what you been collecting I can’t help it I’m like a look like I’m playing Skyrim or something can’t be helped how many more do I have I still have one more stack of I have two stacks take your time take your

Time sponge regular sponge sponge okay oh I heard some fireworks what are we celebrating how are you we’re celebrating a us hanging out together of course thank you for shooting off some some fireworks to celebrate us being together Epic Loot warped Forest that sounds kind of

Neat sometimes it would be fun to just explore what everyone else has made I think yeah there’s another reason I brought you here why we’re going to go raid some stuff oh for decoration sure hey look as long as you’re with me bio I’m in even if it’s a little

Scary oh it’s not scary don’t worry yeah cuz I didn’t I didn’t bring any gold with me or anything oh no don’t worry about it you don’t need any money all right if you say so he was pretty brave warped Forest is a natural biome oh nice could make some good decoration

We uhoh find good stuff uh let’s see I don’t have any glass with me right now but I have sand oh nice lucky safe for safe no problem they can’t touch us oh that’s an Enderman up there hey Andy it’s fine we’re safe in here yeah good thing the glass is

Fixed otherwise he would be here with us right now I think I got all the sponge en be my boy sp sp Spa what spawns what spawn okay here want help me with this last you bet put me in coach put me in yeah yeah

My’s up at the plate yep base here we go knock them out of the park fastest sponge Placer in the West yeah that felt good he better better so angry oh that’s a big golem over there he’s trapped okay and just eight left Okay 10 left for me okay all good all done now we just got to grab them Mhm okay uh you ready mhm okay come with me let’s go let’s run it whoa mine cart oops should I have grabbed the mine cart oh okay no get just get on and then go forward okay are you coming with me yeah yeah yeah okay

I’m right behind you she wanted me to go first so I could have the best view thank you wow that’s crazy wow I can’t believe this place exists yeah right wow like how did you make this without dying yeah I know unbelievable but also kind of believable because if KY made this

But I think ID in general is just kind of cracked in the nether I don’t know they are they’re crazy that’s amazing I think I have been here before actually I’m starting to remember this does this lead to ky’s Island it does that’s what we’re raing

Nice oh okay cool might as well while we’re in the neighborhood right yeah yeah spoiler alert Kyla died multiple oops multiple times yeah I mean I’m also not surprised at that but anyone would wa wait uhoh did she go backwards just jump out your C shift

Wait take your time it’s fine I’ll walk take oh take your time I’m going to put this in the chest it’s okay no no no you need that still happens to the oh the cart oh we get back again huh and into another Railway oh I see moon is Island don’t go that

Late okay Uh oh yeah put it back on the rail oie doggy here I go whoa we’re moving 35 love 69 niik 69 is Kaa I was going to say how but then of course now it all makes sense how could I ever have doubted uh-oh something fell out of my eye your eye yeah

Yeah I have special lenses in my eyes so that my Reaper sight can be extra strong ah yes I see hold on a sec let me invert okay now I feel blind without it I got special eyes it’s the reaper site it’s back your special eyes what do

You see with your special eyes okay there we go let’s go okay um do we walk through yes go ahead okay me first huh just in case there’s anything scary waiting on the other side I can handle my brand my brand is that a mushroom cow yeah oh my

God that’s crazy do they make mushroom steaks I don’t know can you aren’t those like poison because they’re spotted I mean you would think so right what a peaceful land down here oh yeah the storage hold on I’m coming it’s just there’s an AEL loal in the way oh yeah don’t worry please

Move please move it’s a mushroom please move he says no move you ke there he’s not leaving he said no you shall not pass push him yeah push him move get get out get out I think he’s legit stuck how do I fix it let me put a sponge underneath

Him and then break oh nice he say no oh wow he is stuck oh hey yeah what if I put a sponge underneath him that prop him up oh no uhoh oh no no that’s not what I meant to do no no no no no no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine where’

The sponge go yeah it’s I got it I got it okay oh that was very scary why a sponge of all things wait what happened to the water huh oh it’s fine oh it’s fine it’s fine please please no please we’re okay it worked he moved

Ta we’re here okay so whatever want for decoration we can it’s okay to take this thing right here but I know we can’t take it as it is but to make this oh like the pot yeah how do we make that I wonder how do we make that oh

Mushroom ooh I’ll take some mushroom blocks if if it’s allowed am I allowed to take these things yeah you’re allowed to take them okay yeah we stealing no no it’s not stealing bio said it was okay it’s okay Tyler said I could come here anytime and take stuff let’s

See and and and what is it and if I don’t have stuffff she’ll usually give it to me anyway she’s the supplier she’s the supplier yeah we need Ender rods yeah I want end or end rods borrowing permanently okay all right if it’s okay then I’ll do

It I’ll take it there’s so much good stuff here I can’t even believe that we’re allowed to take it but I guess if we are then all right I’ll take some things wait we’re not stealing I I guess he said I could take whatever at any time wow so

Nice that’s very nice so kind she’s so laid back oh we’re going to need some bookshelves as well cuz that’ll just look really cool for decoration I won’t take anything that we don’t need though to make something cool maybe some pretty blocks this is a really pretty

Block what is this this is co it kind of looks like a like a Starlight yeah yeah that’ be pretty skull I’m going to take the skull I want my bed to be encrusted in skull yeah I hope she doesn’t need it for anything stop worrying Mor it’s probably

Fine it’s probably fine let’s see oo is this a honey if anything she’ll get mad at me not you but I really doubt she’ll get mad at me okie dokie if you say so all right let’s see what else we got maybe we should have a

Garden yeah there’s a lot of like plant stuff over here yeah cool aelia flowering aelia aelia I probably should put some stuff in the ender chest too then there’s pink petals Cherry leaves Cherry sapling yes yeah we need those hopefully that’s okay and I’ll return anything that I don’t

Use there’s so many pink petals she has so many I I’m taking a dragon head nice wow cool Cherry leaves it’s okay take all have fun building she was here thank you thank you I appreciate it let’s go thank you so much Kyla the new place is going to

Look amazing you got to come check it out sometime all right I’m GNA drop some of this stuff in the Ender Chest Ky love all right see here are the decoration I’ll take another dragon head maybe maybe we’ll take a couple bookshelves um we also want really cozy

Couches I wonder how we should make them maybe out of mushrooms oh I know how you can sit on them if you use trap doors and mine carts take some mine cart actually don’t take some mine carts he gave me a whole Sher box full of mine

Carts I I got the couches I got the couches I’ll go collect that at my house later sounds good there’s so much elytra in here kylo what is what is right with you Kyla what the heck what am I looking at legendary all right I’m going to take

Some cherry logs so that we can make pink Furniture it’ll be really cute we just some spare elytra about 30 spare elytras you know whatever no big deal what is this strange thing you haven’t even seen her Have You Seen Her elytra dragon head no what is that even a thing

It’s a thing what is this I don’t know what these runes are what is this box smithing template Smith wayfinder armor wild armor Sentry armor this is crazy these are super rare I won’t touch them but what is that that’s crazy kylo what the heck oo pretty block of

Amethyst oh I have plenty of those you you do okay cool then I’ll leave it in there emth this shards bricks Nether Bricks oh you know I want those Nether Bricks dead beats you guys know I want those Nether Bricks cool we have a ton of uh seal

Lanterns so we should be good there pretty blue coral blocks brain coral fire Coral there’s so much guys we can put Coral around the home yeah we were hoping for that okay great we’ll go grab that in a Sec um let me go ahead and oh yeah the ender chest is over here whoops okay these okay bed and then I think the last I’m going to take is the coral Coral if we put enough Coral down in the place where at can we like change

The biome so it spawns tropical fish or does it not work like that I wonder it’s a good question no a that’s fine that’s okay that’s fine no worries we got Dolphins that’s all that matters we got Dolphins mhm and we’ll still make it look pretty yeah we can find like some

Some grass or let’s see there’s a lot of redstone in here jeez um what’s this ooh Soul Sand could be good for an Onan cuz you guys know I want to make an Onan um let’s see block of Quartz wow those are beautiful blocks of quartz could be really good uh just for

Building in I have plenty of tropical fish so we can make an aquarium inside ooh nice idea house yeah an aquarium inside an outdoor aquarium yeah perfect I wish I brought my Sher box dang it dang it well you can make one where is her thing you’re right what the

Heck here come here yeah I see it wow what is it okay I’ll I’ll put it back when I’m done okay it’s okay it’s okay don’t worry really quick I’m just going to she hands the Sher boxes out like candy wow that’s insane no thank you Kyla wow you just put everything in

There okay I’ll put it in yeah free sample Sher boxes just like Costco wow that’s amazing I’ll take one more and then I’ll I’ll turn these um next time I come visit here okay now let’s there’s a bunch of really nice Coral out here as well all

These ideas I’m getting look at this is actual coral sea pickle that’s kind of silly sea pickle pick I love Costco it’s KY Co Kyo yeah C KY yeah Kyo sounds like um a cat wow she really designed like some terracotta with beautiful patterns on it that could be really nice to use

That okay and then let’s see um is there aaia logs I wonder cuz we’ll definitely need that for an onen aaia logs aiaa aaia AAS aaia acaia yeah there is aaia planks all right let’s give a big on sensea there we go we also might want to make an

Infinite water source that might be a good idea what is I have buckets don’t worry awesome okay I think um might be good good then for now at this point in time let me just check over to make sure I didn’t miss any opportunities but and

You say you have a lot of amethyst so we don’t need to worry about that I do cool okay then I think we might be good yeah okay let’s go turn yeah okay first I’m going to grab um the Sher boxes let’s see uh it’s a glass cutter all right let’s go let’s

Go a a IA see you later AA see you soon AA see you soon bye-bye this is a really nice conduit it has all the Buffs speed and everything I think you I think we need to refill the water yeah we do um do we have any bucket we’ll need to

Maybe make one I don’t know if we have any iron on us but there I’ll go check if she has buckets I don’t want to leave it like this yeah agreed we need to refill it we definitely do cows 69 and then we can just make a bucket

Without a crafting table if if she doesn’t have any buckets maybe we can just use iron hello bucket bucket bucket do I have a bucket there’s a crafting I found a bucket oh you found a bucket okay I’ll put it back afterward but for now all right give me the water

Okay call Bae is here I didn’t see Bae ba here hi ba hey Bae sorry I didn’t see you oh my God was I not looking the whole time I’m sorry ah H H she raided ah man I’m sorry what’s up Bae Bae safe travels yeah see safe travels she see

You later airport yeah I saw she was lost in an airport singing nice I just came from the airport where the hell do I land right here pretty that was pretty brave you know just singing out in the middle of an airport yeah wow what a legend hakos

Bales I like that you guys call each other by your full names no one else does that it’s just you guys yeah hak yeah Ki be Kaki be anyway yeah there we go all right all good all refilled yeah let’s head back what a cool Island that’s amazing let’s SE it’s safe here

Yeah be fair mon don’t spawn in in Mushroom Island really fun to say yeah I just saw a pig dude with a sword walk by though that was kind of weird oh don’t worry about it am I in the right place yeah go go other side other side other

Side God that would be really it was a close call oh that could have been bad unfortunately some of the the mushroom cows go through the portal I can’t stop all the cows from going through the portal I feel bad awesome though I mean and I just kind of wander

Around that’s okay I mean I’m I think it contributes to the the aesthetic of the island you know yeah at least I I think so L Cali you guys know I’m like zor from one piece I just I can’t orientate myself I don’t know where anywhere

Is you know here was where I Zen lost for the first time like majorly Zen lost why no darn it it’s okay take walk can two people fit in a cart no I’ll fly no bioo no no Z lost be you Ally oh God where did I go H you want the

Coordinates yeah all right hold on hold on um I’m going to give them to you give me a sec Let Me Wait wait so I get to a stop oh no no no it’s fine it’s fine I found it you good oh there’s my old mine cart Zoros multiplied today that they did

Wait darn it oh Minecarts oh Minecarts Minecraft Minecarts oh both of us are not very directionally stable are we beo nope wait it’s fine I found my way good good good that that’s what matters hey me too also made it back I’m not afraid I live on the edge I

Say is this is where I Zen lost and lost everything the first time wo everything everything like aely andol so there were there was um Merchant that with the llamas yeah um that spawned at Kyla’s Island and I I wanted to adopt the llamas but like I

Had to bring the llamas back through the nether to my house yeah um so I grabbed some leads and I tried to bring the llamas but the llamas weren’t very happy so they like went they they um uh they tried to die one of them died but I

Tried to save the llamas and lost in the lava yeah okay so they would rather die than be with you I see it was pretty sad but I saved one I saved one I saved one and it lives in my house now so the the Llama that lives in my house is the

Accumulation of my zen loss yeah yeah yeah the the result of you um never giving up even after a Zen loss cool I think that’s cool nice we found some really great Great Furniture so I’m excited now we just got to make our way back can we sleep somewhere sure sounds

Good to me oh there’s a bed here oh there’s only one is there another bed I’ll go find let me see if I can find another one I bet there is I’ll check the guild is this the guild no I don’t think so but anyway I’ll I’ll go to sleep you

Know collecting some bamboo to make um what is it what are they called we stop by my place sure whatever you want to do all right I’m going to steal this home hello cats this is a a shop I think L can I climb up the steps this is this is a

Really cool stairway I like the idea of the stairway being slabs that are just on the wall it’s a really good idea let’s do that the house of Nine Lives okay where are you coming back I was in the house of nine lives lives House of Nine Lives lots of kitty cats

Here I’m leaving let’s see where are were you I’m going to go near the nether portal that we came out of I’m back at the portal yeah okay we can just see fly together back got to find I sent you the coordinates before but I’ll put them in

The the chat here uh follow me okay we go to your house first yeah yeah uh we I think we can just fly straight across this way okay lead the way lead the way I’m like a bird W uhoh don’t go faster than don’t go faster than bioo there she

Goes I’ve lost sight of her okay we’re here there it is Mo Mo there’s the scaffolding wow great scaffolding uhoh thank you what what is it because I ran into the scaffolding Huh well I’m going to need to walk over there my stuff should be there I got your stuff don’t worry thank you sorry what scaffolding does that how can you fly in peace thank you bi boo I’m on my way I’m pretty sure I remember where it

Is just got to look for fauna’s tree I’m not blind I just didn’t know that scaffolding would do that I thought I’d continue flying even if I passed through the scaffolding oh well was a pretty sharp descent I’m on my way I know I’m just putting her stuff

In random chest but we don’t have time that’s okay I appreciate that do whatever you got to do I’m on my way I’m on my way I learned something today I learned something all right okay I got yourself thank you I’ll be there soon I’m almost there but yeah do

Whatever you have to do I can slowly organize your stuff yeah now that I know it’s safe yeahoo thank goodness I could have I could have lost my stuff somewhere else it would have been really bad if B wasn’t there so let’s see here’s fauna’s

Tree now I have to find bio’s place we walk around I bet we’ll find it is it over there PR PR PR PR PR there it is all righty forward hole oo TOS thank you okay here’s one box of stuff oh thanks I think uh this head is

Yours headon yeah there’s a dragon head oh that’s fine yeah you can hold on to it okay yeah okay um I put some of your stuff in this one okay see if you recognize anything all right the coral yup and then Diamond Hoe iron pickaxe no not that one gravel AIA yeah es s69 some of the names for these things are crazy oh that’s mine yeah I forget what armor I was wearing um oh here’s death Wing here’s your death Wing thank you ah thank goodness that was definitely the the

Thing I really was afraid to lose okay got the death wing and then let’s see did all of the stuff I put in the Shuler box also fall out no when when a Shuler box Falls it stuff stays inside oh okay so one of these which one is it

Yeah cuz that one fell too I wonder where it went got to be in one of these but you can’t put a Sher box inside a Sher box oh I put stuff I have one I have uh this one oh yeah this is one of them I think

Uh oh the one I looted it’s cuz I emptied it gotcha makes sense it was this one it was this one okay gotcha whoopsies it’s cuz I looted it oh okay it’s all good I’m not Pawn I got it I got it that everything on your side I think yeah yeah we should

Be good we should be good nice quick recovery we’re good guys don’t worry don’t worry okay all fine I’m still holding on to it where is the glass cutter Pig guys I’m just missing the glass cutter and then we should be good now let’s see I remember seeing glass cutter it

Should be there somewhere yeah let’s see I’ll find it oh yeah these are mine as well oh I found it oh here go thank you thank you very much my glass cutter all right and then my armor um let’s See yeah yeah okay should be good should be good really need to organize better the colors are really nice though get my leggings oh yeah I forgot about my leggings hold on a sec and then some water might be good to bring so that we can make an on Sand I’ll take this

Water and my leggings oh the Soul Sand too yeah okay wait was it an iron helmet that I had it was an iron I’ll just hold on to it for now can’t remember let me stretch that sounded like a good stret that was pretty good rip the Sakura well let me

See where’ the Sakura go I have more Sakura if you want sure yeah the pedals and stuff like that I’m not really sure where I put it see we have one Cherry sapling it should be there somewhere it’s got to be in one of these Sher

Boxes CU I got I got all of your stuff yeah I’m sure it’s in one of these there’s the coral huh that’s weird let me just keep checking somewhere let me just keep checking oh the Ender Chest I put it in the Ender Chest oh okay so we’re fine

How did you get all these Axel loal how did you get oh okay I got you I’m trying to I’m trying to get a blue one yeah that’s the rare one right yeah oh come over here yeah oh just a sec see this is this is couches let me

Grab these really quick I think I may have accidentally picked up the wrong one hold on a sec hold on this is yours okay yeah couches see it looks like a couch and you can sit in it yeah so I have the materials in a

Sher box so we can make perfect maybe we can make a double couch we can sit together you want to visit my Cafe yeah show me it’s a baby chair it does kind of give me baby chair Vibes hello who moo Cafe cool and if you go upstairs you can

Have a nice view of the mo statue wow nice that’s amazing what a good CAF and you can read and sip some tea you can read and eat and appreciate the mo statue wow doky dokie the the petal’s falling down too we got to we got to put this these

Kind of blocks in the yeah I have I have I have a bunch I have I have two stacks of cherry Bloss and pedal so we can use that let’s go this is amazing yada thank you for showing me literally Heaven it’s romantic isn’t it yeah and there’s like

A nice little sunroof too nice nice you really put a lot of hard work into this Cafe thank you I didn’t make the Sheep though Kyle made that oh the Sheep the Sheep oh I see nice the big sheep up there oh that sheep I thought you meant the Sheep

Walking around I was like okay no that that sheep I don’t know how you make sheep now it all makes sense the Jeep and you can look through the glass cool okay also let’s get this box this has my Amethyst in it yeah yeah okay we might want to

Sleep oh okay I have beds in here nice slumber party of Vio slumber party together cool good morning oh ohaz check the Ender Chest oh yeah I have a bunch of stuff in the Ender Chest don’t worry guys which one yeah it’s gem LW this is the Llama cute that’s amazing armor must

Have been hard to make oh no you’ll just dye it it seems so rare looking I’ve never seen any llama that has this kind of clothing yeah you’ll just use carpet and dye and you can dye the the Llama color whatever you want what that’s amazing

Wow I want a black and pink one someday we make a black and P I don’t know if there’s a black and pink one oh maybe they they only have like pre-made designs yeah they have pre-made colors for every like dye I think I see that’s

Kind of cool are you snooping you can take whatever oh no it’s okay I I like just like to Snoop I just want to look and see what you have cuz I like seeing people’s stuff just don’t comment on my disorganized ization I’m working on it

I’m not really working on it all good all good you know pink candles might be kind of cool yeah go ahead and take them with us if you want okay yeah I’ll take them thanks pink and then purple for bioo yeah pink and purple perfect for us why is this llama upside

Down because it can be dinner bone why is there a reason you’ve chosen to name him this oh dinner bone is how it turns upside down if you name it that it Turns Upside Down why yeah it’s Easter egg or something like that interesting it makes mobs upside

Down incredible yeah it can make anything upside down I wonder why specifically those two words strange huh just Minecraft things do you know about jab no what’s that oh okay come here okay follow me show me show me I want to know jab up the leg underscore Jeb I’m looking up

What you have an obsession no this was KY really see this was her gift look look she’s even over here watching over what they have so many different designs I think there’s one of every color up here I believe course it’s not Jeep ha but yeah see oh it was it was

KY what supposed to be Jeep’s bed dang she really wrangled a bunch of them yeah I don’t know how she got them all up here I’m still like surprised but anyway over here is Jeb Jeb oh this one he changes colors RV what no way

How you name it jabore and it turns RG be that that’s crazy I I wonder how people figure these things out it’s a little Easter egg wow but anyway to fly we can go out its butt really oh the butt oh the butt of the sheep right yeah

Okay it’s a good flying spot sure sounds good I wonder which way we should fly um it would be nice if we just had to go forward but I have let me put the coordinates I sent them to you I’ll just copy paste them and put them in here okay

Okay and then back to game here they are thank you yeah no problem so let’s get okay so where are we we can um we have to go yeah we have no we have to go negative X never mind this is the wrong way okay so we need to turn around

Completely yeah okay let’s go back down the leg then okay no problem don’t want to risk running into any more scaffolding M down the leg let me make sure they don’t fall down all right uh-oh put the sponge away Mory put it away all right okay um so let’s figure

Out just we need to figure out the orientation 582 X Negative X netive Z okay so yep XA Z so this way hold on T stop with the T this waya x so this way yeah and negative Z all right go and I’ll be there soon okay hold on hang

On okay I’ll see you there and then we wait for 500x and then we’ll just go Z yeah I can record it now okay and then just go negative Z okay okay uh let’s see yeah it’s in the 3000s okay we holding this the wrong way no there we go

Almost there I think yeah me too me too I think be there soon is we we yeah 4090 I kneel oh are you guys looking at my you guys are looking at the PC stats you have a 4090 I don’t even have a strong boy so strong he’s beefy that’s for

Sure that’s a beefy PC water nice we’re home yay yeah look cie it’s beautiful we can’t help but look needs a new USBC cable true it’s the one thing right all right it’s a bit of a mess out here right now but don’t worry guys everything will get nice and organized

After we finish the project yeah yeah now we have one last task Mar Will organize it yeah leave it to me leave it I hey I like organizing things I really do so no sweat off my back that’s for sure mushroom blocks uhoh where did my

Hey did I leave my my sword at home I think I left my sword at home that’s I got you to us can PR there you go thank you back away there I got Him nice ooh striking lightning over there’s fire appearing oh we should go to to sleep yeah yeah we should hold on let’s go to bed you may not you’re oh bed’s too far okay I’m going to bed nighty noodles nighty noodles okay okay how beautiful rainbow again we have such

A great area rainbow I love these shaders whatever shaders it’s so good we picked the best area ever now I’m on fire Mor’s on fire that’s okay Ocean’s right there time to throw away this stuff okay yeah I left my defense at home that’s okay maybe you can build a new one I

Have diamonds you want a new one oh no it’s okay you sure I can I can I don’t want to waste it I don’t want to waste the diamonds I mean I have like 61 right oh okay yeah I have a lot of Diamonds oh 31 still it’s it’s just one diamond or

Three diamonds just don’t worry about it it’s easy and then planks wooden planks see wood yeah oh I had a bunch of aacal logs no way sticks okay diamond sword it’s not Enchanted or anything but it’ll be enough that’s fine I will treasure it regardless yeah here you go thank you no problem

Let’s see I’ll go ahead and put this wood away I’ll go ahead and kind of um try to how do I say oh I have a block uh I have your Sher box full of amethyst here oh yeah you can just put it down anywhere yeah we can use that for decoration

Later yeah I’ll set it down right there maybe maybe I’ll make a amethyst bed for me ooh cool and then I’ll have the the skuller one that could be pretty neat nice I like that idea I’ll put this in dirt and sand block of Quartz block of

Quartz put in Rocking Stone and I’ll put it here with the mushroom and then the coral is really neat I’m excited to set that out that’s going to be fun yeah we can put that outside yeah it dies if it’s not underwater though so we got to be

Careful oh it do okay yeah so like for example this this pink I’m going to try and see if I can set it down we’re swimming okay so let’s say I want some Coral here oo it works I’m putting it on top of sea lanterns yay yeah nice and

Then we’ve got a bunch of different colors try yeah okay back to sponging yeah sponging we’re very close do you do you have the rest of the stacks of the sponges I do I’ll bring it right over okay just a sec just setting down some Coral out

Here just a little bit we’re going to need to make it like a forest out here a forest of beautiful coral okay on zo way I think we should have enough sponges now to do the rest of the thing I don’t think we’ll need to make another trip back

Yeah okay entering our it going down I’m entering now I think so maybe possibly could be fingers crossed right lots and lots of sponge here and I can give it to you anytime is it not going down let’s see I don’t have I need to section it off even more I could do

That we’ll get these sponges back don’t worry um maybe I’ll section it off diagonally yeah kind of hungry eat some pumpkin pie oh yeah don’t worry just in game yeah okay sand to jump up I’m coming there we go all right um oh this is horn coral that’s

Not a sponge I feel like I’m going to easily confuse that for a sponge I feel like it’s working okay I’m going to section it off for us to make it easier for us sure just going to split this whole thing in half okay sure thing whatever works

I wish I was better at figuring out where the source blocks are yeah I I mean I think you can like it’s usually in the middle of like something that like if you see it flowing outward then that’s the source block I like like this might be the source block

Yeah yeah if you put the water on the source block if you find it and just put it on the Block it should take a lot of it out nice yeah I just did it nice let’s go it’s a little harder to tell here cuz it’s very even but we’ll find

It I will find you Source block got to go have fun thank you very much for dropping by we’ve got lots of work to do yeah peace peace peace okay almost have this area section now it should be easier after this all right sounds good getting a lot of good work done

It’s defin Ely going down though so that’s the good news that’s good yeah yeah yeah yeah kind of easier to work down this way cuz we can just float downward and then place blocks upward wo that that really took a lot away okay almost there Okay it’s sectioned off now this should be easier to remove nice thank you oh yeah I can see you did that yeah is this a source block Boop let’s find out wait wait wait Boop yes it was nice that feels satisfying I understand I understand now extremely satisfying

Ah I get it maybe it’ll be easier to find them if you put some on the side like this oh whoops that was a little too high Up okay okay I’m going to clean up the top while you Source the blocks up up you got it good progress maybe one of these found it I found you you know after you know being here for so long and like streaming so many games do you ever struggle to like think about

What game you want to play next or anything like that it’s more like I feel like my list is just too long like the list always keeps getting longer and longer and there are all these games I want to play but there’s just not enough

Time you know even with as much as I’ve been streaming recently it’s tough to figure out which of the many ones that I want to play to prioritize that’s why I stream so much because it’s like oh there’s so many games on my list that I want to play

Right too many good ones it’s tough Rusty I heard Rusty yeah today I just got my copy of um armored Core 4 in the mail now I’m waiting for my PS3 to arrive and also I need to get for answer but it’s so expensive the physical copy is like

Crazy expensive and I wanted to play the physical copies because apparently downloading from the PS store is like pretty difficult um we’ll see uh armor Core for Answer four oh it’s armor core the sequel to four so I bought four so that I can at least start off playing four

First and then we’re going to play for answer but yeah it’s going to be fun I hope we can play armor together soon again well yeah we can can’t we don’t we have a little thing coming yeah yeah we have a thing yeah it’s me wink wink we have so many

Collabs together like this whole coming week yeah it’s too bad that we can’t make it a tournament sadly um but but at least we can still have fun like four people is still a lot of people to to play together and have like a good time playing it’s me you Iris And I love R mhm she’s buying the PC version to be able to play with us oh it’s so nice yeah so I’m going to give my save data transfer to her and tell her how to do it yeah cuz this it’s really not that hard to get save data um on the

PC so should be fine well in the future I have a PS5 now so congrats congrats on the PS5 go yay what games are you going to play on it have you been thinking I don’t not sure yet blood such a good game you’re going to love

It no I can’t play it you can’t oh is it not available on PS5 I mean I guess no we we can’t play it on PS5 oh yeah even if you ask for permission I asked yeah yeah but my vods are still up I don’t it something changed I’m not

Sure but you sure it isn’t it just isn’t that you didn’t put in the request early enough no it a straight up no yeah yeah so if I wanted to play it again for my play through they’re going to be like no what about seiro SEO yes uh yeah SEO is

Fine what the heck that sounds weird well I want to get their explanation for it so I’m going to ask them I’m going to ask him cuz oh I can’t explain it to you I just don’t want to explain it gotcha on stream okay let me know later then let me know

Later oh what about Lia P did you finish that I did it’s so good oh does sound really fun but I’m having a hard time with that first boss not not going to lie basically it’s not the game it’s the console oh okay okay well that makes a

Lot that makes a lot more sense yeah well I wish I could send my PS4 to you it’s okay I will keep hope that bloodborn will go on PC one day yeah wouldn’t that be great if there was a PC oh I definitely heard the sound of dolphin death there that was

Wild that was pretty wacky sorry about that Rusty I think a ton of people would love a bloodborne PC Port maybe someday yeah but for now there are still other really good from soft games maybe we can play so yeah I’m just it’s just the big one

That I haven’t played but it’s the game that I want to play the most ever that’s rating dang it dang it dang it okay what other games are you looking at for playing this year uh I’m starting SEO next week after I finish DMC um but

I’m going to try to make it harder for myself like I want to do some sort of challenge cool um for SE roll make it more interesting um I want to start either GTA 5 live or Red Dead Redemption because um I haven’t played those games

Before and it’s like chaos in a game and I really want to play it for sure I know we’re trying to get um a GTA online server for um for holos sometime soon yeah so cuz I’ve been really begging them for that um and I think it would

Just be better to um have it be all of all of um H live um because I think just en and ID is kind of like it’s hard so I want to invite the JP girls because it’s just more people would be better more people is better you know cuz then there’s more

Chaos and there’s more stuff going on and we can play Red Dead online together I hear it’s kind of weird the dead beats will like stay away from it but I don’t know stay away from it yeah I know what’s up with it yeah just just just H live for the GTA

Server that I’m wanting to do yeah so we’ll see if it works out I don’t know um but I think you know JP girls would be really fun to play with cuz cuz M and P would be a riot trying to talk to them too it would

Be like rust all over again just less toxic you know yeah the the rust Arc looked fun I wish you were here for it I feel like you would have had a grand time with us I feel like I would have been a menace too

It was a bit toxic but still fun you know oh yeah I would have been toxic you toxic not toxic but fully okay that I can envision Vision rust was indeed a time yeah but it was it was one that I’ll always remember in whole history the

Rust Arc cuz I had also really wanted to play it for a long time so I couldn’t believe that we got the okay for it and when we did I was just so happy someone said rust Ark was one of the best arcs apparently it was yes it was

Better than any other Trend game that’s ever appeared or anything like that because the interactions were just golden yeah I hope I hope something like that I can participate in in the future that’s why I really hope the GTA server pops off we’ll see we’ll see what

Happens but I’m gonna be a criminal yeah that’s the best way to play yeah so no one get mad at me if I really play up the Criminal part of it let’s go the idea that I have currently is to be um the sheriff but by day but by night I’m a

Criminal like Oh I thought you were going to say by night you’re Batman see sheriff and Batman have two similar um motivations right I’d want to be the sheriff by day but maybe it’s like a Jael and hide thing you know at night the sheriff like has these strange dreams and doesn’t

Realize that that they’re a criminal that they’re like the the one of the biggest Mafia bosses um in the city yeah and like doesn’t know and it’s like a split person personality that was actually an idea that I I had for like a comic a long time ago when I was writing Comics

Back in the day I thought of like um somebody who was like um the the police chief who didn’t realize that they were when they went to sleep they were like this in they were this insane Mafia Lord crime Lord kind of thing yeah that was an idea I had a long time

Ago yeah so like Jacqueline Hyde kind of thing yeah pretty crazy so Hank shider and Walter White share a body exactly God I love Breaking Bad sorry sorry I love Breaking Bad too oh let’s go Mor can’t go on stream without breaking back Mr Robot what’s

That it’s a show about a hacker but oh that sounds kind of cool I think you’ll like it yeah hackers are fun I mean not in real life but you know in shows in fiction yeah let’s go Mr Robot is old I think I remembered seeing commercials for that actually now

That you mention it Hank Hank they’re minerals Marie minerals sure they are yeah bi Boo don’t wind up in Hank sher’s collection bi boo I’ll do my best H shers collection a those So Random and what a random Arc Breaking Bad there’s a show I could over analyze uh-oh there’s surely not a

Leak right is there a hole somewhere I don’t think so there shouldn’t be I think it just seems like it’s coming back but it really is still going down it’s just not a lot I don’t think there’s a hole since we’ve managed to go so far down I think it should be fine

Fine is there a source block I’m missing or something that I let’s see maybe we just go down from here oh there we go working it went back down nice oh here’s some Source sourcy looking stuff yeah looks pretty sourcy to me there we go snipe that Source let’s

Go yeah putting them putting them down from the bottom also really helps a lot in general I think yeah from top down you think we’ll have enough sponges for the last area a maybe maybe we might it’s a possibility yeah I’m going to go I’m

Going to go start to dry them I think yeah just so we might just in case yeah oh okay okay wow that’s a big chunk left Over okay we’re almost all done in here yay there’s still another chunk though because I yeah yeah honestly that probably helped a lot though yeah that one section do you like Skyler white or are you an average Skyler white hater um I don’t like her but I don’t see here’s

Mory she’s going to be a fence sitter again look I don’t um I don’t hate her I can’t I can’t I think the first time I watched Breaking Bad I did M but the second and third time I started to kind of get it I don’t agree with all of her

Actions and I do think towards the end of the series the way that she reacted was maybe too extreme in some cases but I started to kind of feel a little bad for her actually quite feel quite bad for her I think it’s okay to admit that

Walter White isn’t a good guy I know that his intentions were like he had good intentions but that doesn’t automatically make you a good guy um and good in but still did bad things exactly and you know guess what guys you can still like villains you can like bad

Guys I love bad guys I love villains I love dudes that are morally gray or morally compromised I love that stuff you don’t need to always rationalize why your favorite is a moral good character you don’t you don’t need to you can like the bad boys why that’s why

People like them I guess and also his intentions did did kind of change over time and then you started to realize um why he really did what he did heed he started off like you know for my family but he changes over time either that or he was coping from the beginning cuz

There’s also that theory that he really that was just person all along and he just he just wanted to feel something in his life yeah um and then it was never really about like you know the circumstances that drive a person to like do those sort of things it’s

Interesting mhm it really is what about Ted look Skyler is not a perfect character either right I just don’t hate her I don’t like her though I think her attitude is bad I think she’s annoying but I don’t hate her and I feel bad for her anyway well I don’t like her

Either are you a skyler hater Vu yeah I I like Jesse Yeah Jesse is the best do you think Marie is worse than Skyler which one was Marie again Hank’s wife H wife cuz I dislike her more than Skyler what does she do she’s annoying for the entire series oh um and just

Entitled and rude and like don’t remember her cuz I blocked her off yeah she does kind of suck um but yeah she steal and Skyler’s like upset at her and stuff like that and she keeps pretending like she doesn’t have a stealing problem Oh and then she has like a mind break

Arc um during that part she moans a lot and steals yeah exactly and she’s like one of those really like morally hoyy toyy people you know um yeah like at the smallest sign of criminal activity she gets on a high horse and is just like oh my God no you

Cannot you cannot be hanging out with this person Etc or you cannot be associating with this person cuz he he did this he had one of this substance or something it was bad it was bad so judgy yeah judgy she’s very judgy so yeah I don’t like her they’re minerals

Marie they’re minerals they’re minerals oh this is interesting so water should be leaking out of the this part but it’s not huh wonder why uhoh oh now it is prank just prank it it’s fine he disappeared cut off the source it disappears it looks so good

When it’s like empty though W I know right we’ve been making some really good progress now just this last part we can fill it with furniture and stuff we got to get new floors though we got to tear out these floors and put some good FL with carpets yeah yeah cool

Cool does look really cool all right I have another stack of sponges how many do you have I only have 29 sponges and the rest of these are wet so I’m going to go see if we can cook and there should be a cooked stack that’s done oh

I took the cooked stack darn it but I put a new stack in to cook oh nice okay so maybe maybe it’s done cooking and then we I’ll just put some of these wet ones in there we need to make more furnaces that’s what we need um I’ll go make some more furnaces

Okay I’m going to go make a bunch it didn’t it didn’t it’s really slow at cooking it’s a slow cooker rock and stone let’s see rock and stone rock and stone dang it dang it dang it um let’s see maybe I can make something out of this It’s called furnace we we make furnace we need Cobblestone or a bunch of just regular Stone I don’t think I have that right now I only have stone that I refined let’s see guess I’m going to have to go look for stone cobbly Stone there might be some

In the chest Place Stone hit with pickaxe oh true actually Place Stone and hit with pickaxe but what if it oh yeah mine has silk touch so I guess it might work place it and mine it wait if you use a pickaxe a silk touch on a stone it would come back as

Stone oh okay uh then I’ll use a different pickaxe yeah use not silk touch okay no silk touch pickaxe yeah Cobblestone okay nice y all right there we go wonder why it has to be C pebl Pebbles don’t look it’s for a good cause trust me it’ll be worth it you’re

Just getting refined into something else it’s fine exactly exactly don’t don’t even worry you guys all right furnace I can make one furnace but that’s okay one furnace makes the difference don’t you want to be a furnace that’s a pretty cool thing to be yeah I suppose you could cook all day

Long yeah you could cook let them cook all day let them cook we’re cooking we always cook Pebbles yeah we need to cook so this is really interesting if I place this down does it die no it’s still alive why oh no it’s dead turns into dead coral

Dead horn coral block very interesting I should watch Breaking Bad again I’ve only ever watched it one time yeah go refresh your your memory go refresh your memory I’ve probably seen it about 10 times now oh wow I just would put it on in the background sometimes yeah just a have in the

Background oh there’s a lot of good stuff for underwater that we collected okay I’m going to grab some of the coral then and place it in the underwater just do some item organization while I wait for this sponge to dry up drop this in here brain coral looks so

Crazy it’s a crazy name to brain brain like w is like a real brain it just it just reminds me of armor core yeah yeah brainwash brain coral yeah a coral the coral is people isn’t that crazy wow insane okay oh the humanity now let’s see oh you know what

Fire Coral we can put in there okay is this going down is it it is okay nice that some Ro where are the source blocks get it at the source that’s oh I’m doing it yes you are beo keep it up all right it’s this raw chicken I’ll

Go ahead and put it in the food okay um let’s see I think I have enough sponges to do Something just take all of it and then I’ll take all of the ones here and just put more in how strong on my L wise compared to Callie H great question I mean she’s death I’m not a concept I’m a thing yeah it’s tough to go against the concept that’s for sure

But but I have I have this idea right where if I crack you know right now I have influence over human emotions but what if I get cuz you know you don’t really see me mad right but what if I get so mad and so cracked and corrupted that I

Can start manipulating the emotions of like other powerful beings and gods and Concepts and stuff that’s my theory so maybe I might not be a strong like physically like physical wise but I think maybe emotional damage yeah emotional damage strong in emotional damage mhm that can be rough you know on the

Battlefield like a mind manipulator yeah a mind manipulator like imagine me manipulating death yeah that be pretty cool that would be pretty sick as well I would say would be very hard but you could you could I do feel like um working up to promise there was definitely some

Kind of power creep going on cuz those guys are really strong right yeah they they got some really really strong um people to join whole life English with you guys I think you guys how get though yeah you guys are still very strong um but I think that you you aren’t like um

You aren’t as like chuny as promise yeah you know that’s what I feel personally but I want to be tuny so that’s my thing emotionally manipulate the strong people to do my bidding that’s how I am strong all right well good luck with your training take over the minds of the

Strong ones so they work for me yeah it’s a smart tactic it’s pretty good you’re pretty good I mean it’s working so far yeah see how much cach for Arisa has spread across it there a s off the whole time people with the scop okay I’ve pretty much cleaned the open area

Nice looking good don’t worry guys the Glass isn’t actually breaking uh-oh myy you got to be careful myy you’re going to kill yourself myy you got to be careful you can’t do that you’re dead I know right doesn’t make any sense it’s okay I almost did it again but we’re

Good pick up all the blocks okay looking for Source climb back up oh that’s a good one ooh that’s a good one too feels good to pop a really good source yeah it feels good to pop a source block it really does it’s very satisfying yeah nice Source block pop good one Bio okay this should be good oh I see a big one over here yeah nice nice nice get him V get him Okay go yeah we still got to do some kind of like 12-hour collab sometime that would be nice yeah I’d love to I think today I’m too exhausted for a 12-hour collab but yeah the the Mario Kart really took it out of us me we’ll get there we’ll do one someday I

Believe but for now we can still we can still if I wasn’t streaming I was practicing yeah right so that’s why it took so much out of me mhm I mean you there’s a lot you have to focus on if you want to like actually actually learn

How to like get good and do good yeah I started off really bad too so I had to just like condense learning everything learning how to drive good learning how to drift learning how to use items yeah the item management is is really extremely vital I feel it’s just so

Important like for it was worth it because I I got better pretty quickly so I think the training was worth it yeah you know yesterday I was trying to Shadow join you when you were practicing to surprise you but I couldn’t it wouldn’t let me uh yeah it’s kind of

Weird sometimes with uh who it accepts and who it doesn’t yeah nice drain um well I keep thinking about the Red Shell I could have thrown at Coyote and like that’s I would have gotten into SE Cup if I had thrown it the last minute instead of holding on to

It yeah what have taken first for that race oh well I I was too being too cautious but I mean little mistakes like that can really affect how you do in Mario Kart so next time next time I’m not going to worry too much about it I’m going to

Clean up some of these sponges either that or the blue shell dang the blue shell was kind of Shogun ey but I should have stopped before the the ramp I didn’t really know the track well you know track memorization is also pretty important but that’s kind of the thing

That I feel like some of us have the least time for you know yeah if I can next year know the tracks as good as I know Yoshi circuit I think I’ll feel better mhm y didn’t you also choose the night City one or whatever it was yeah I know

That one pretty well too yeah that’s a really tough one yeah ah yeah oh I see coyote had the banana block dang didn’t even realize realized that okay well glad that I don’t feel bad about it that does make me feel better cuz I kept thinking about it like dang it why

Didn’t I throw the shell but it was a tough match overall you know what we should do what for for our if you’re going to do a i International Tournament yeah make it 200 cc yeah yeah that sounds extreme ex chaotic insane and also amazing let’s do it let’s do

It yeah that way it’s a little bit different right and that way it’ll even the playing Ground even more yeah the super speed Cup oh man I want to see fuam Moko at 200 C that that’s going to be something for the book I I was really funny too Alon oh my God

I was watching her Clips she was hilarious oh it was so funny the I I actually um I left to go grab something um during the ribbon Road one with the bullet the the Bullet Bill um into the the weight that was just chilling there and then the electricity

What what was that I can’t believe I missed that part live that was something special I don’t think that can ever be Repeated what a Mario Kart Prodigy y look at how clear it is almost oh oh no wait hang on we’re good we’re good hang on it just the shovel really kind of messed me up there hold on we’re good we’re good it’s fine it’s fine no problem no problem no

Problem all good see oh still kind of leaking out okay no problem no problem no problem no problem there we go all safe yay no Source block okay yeah the sand got to be careful with the sand oh okay there we go nice now we only have

Um a little section left it’s not really little but it is a section I’m going to go check on the we’re more than we’re more than three point I’m going to go cook some more sponges ask bi Boo the kid if she’s going to get a gun and cowboy hat in the

Future I don’t know is that something you want to do bi Boo the kid maybe in Red Dead I want good cowboy yea yeaw cowboy baby yeah everybody wants to be Cowboy but of course yeah I visit I visited Amy bar I’m be with a kid Outlaw I saw that that was

Amazing hold on uh there is a zombie there’s a zombone over there watch out also there’s a skeleton with a crossbow but I don’t think he’s going to hurt us he’s too far away okay all right would you like to take these the stack of sponges here in the stove yes please

Yeah nice let’s see any more and I will put another stack in okay yeah back to work back to work nice nice nice making good progress Yeehaw Yeehaw boy howdy there we go I love your outfits you can be like oh what do I want to wear today

I do have a lot of different ones and I’m I’m so glad I’m playing red dead because finally I feel like yeah you can use it it’s perfect for the sheriff star Sheriff you know it’s nice it is nice now how are we going to get to the

Other side should we make a tunnel do you have a favorite my favorite is definitely um pajamas or red dust oh I like that one a lot for you too here come here we can go under the uh oh the conduit that way nice nice

Idea I need to be fast but that’s okay okay can just put a sponge up here just to kind of make it into a doorway let’s see if it’s still leaking out it’s it’s fine there’s no Source over there so it’ll just it’ll just drain out

As soon as we so oh close it yeah we got to close it first yeah we we just close it got it understood I’m coming if it would let me through come on why can’t I get in no that’s not going to help here walk through okay thank you let’s close it up

There we go there we go okay now we can work on all blocked this all right back to work back to work yeah sponge sponge sponge yeah the second thing was a good idea mhm definitely definitely a lot easier mhm less to worry about smaller sections is just yeah better overall I

Think oh voice crack you can focus I want pajamas too that’ be really cute yeah you I like your messy hair yeah that was like um that was something that like wasn’t really they didn’t really intend to do it but then I asked for it not really last minute but I was

Like oh this might be kind of interesting and then it ended up being a lot of people’s favorite yeah but I know it’s kind of fun to go out of the box sometimes you know instead of um just doing hairstyles want to do something kind of different you

Know I liked what you guys did with the the face paint oh yeah it’s fun I I like I like putting my Naruto cheeks on hold on whose idea was that whose idea was it yeah oh it it it was your because she punished us that’s awesome she do on our faces

Let’s go what did you guys do to be punished have you been bad we were we were playing a game she she was just being silly ah Batu game Batu game those are the best kind of games that’s for sure H tonight I think I’m going to make curry

Rice oh I had Curry like that’s funny because I literally ran out of Curry yesterday oh really you you made Curry yourself I did and then it lasted for like a couple of days and then yeah for leftovers really good for for leftovers yeah nice what kind of Curry um I put

Potato and chicken and um and and and and carrots and onions you know the classic the best ingredients this sounds like the perfect Curry already nice [ __ ] I put a little bit of dark chocolate in it too oh nice mature flavor it helps deepen the flavor yeah

Do you like very spicy curry though bio I do yeah I like cocoa Curry’s level 10 spice oh my God what a legend what a freaking Legend I don’t think I could ever keep up with that I like spicy a lot too um as spicy as possible without me having

To you know have heart palpitations or yeah you know as long as I can breathe but I’m a big spice fan as well that’s cool I got to learn your recipe weo I got to learn I usually just make the the typical um Japanese Curry but it’s become like the one thing

That I’m really really good at making so I like to make it for as many people as possible that will try it make it for me sure I already made it for I want to get your opinion she thought it wasn’t spicy and I really tried to make it as spicy

As possible but maybe I just need to grind up more chili powder or something I don’t know we’ll see I hope you like it though but yeah she thought it was great she said it was amazing so yeah I use um gugu which is Korean red chili flakes

In mine makes it more spicy that sounds extremely spicy unless you put a lot though you don’t really taste it because Curry is strong flavors in of so you have to C quite a bit for it to come out that’s a really good point yeah interesting wow well you got to

Come over I want allive Advent to come over sometime yeah I’ll be waiting and my cats will be waiting too hopefully no cat allergies that would be sad you want to go Japan with Advent like all together yeah well and then we can visit you yeah yeah I mentioned that and onand yeah

Yeah yeah rang we got to go stay at a traditional rang yeah yep and then they bring the food to you like in your room and it’s amazing and you can just hang out together w wow hello fish you will make a delicious meal oh I

Oh yeah I can hang out and just like tell stories and like get in the Onsen together it’s fun I put it out of its misery that’s all right I don’t I it didn’t want to I wouldn’t want it to like suffocate death that was very kind of you got to clean

Up all these sponges now this is where scaffolding I guess would be pretty useful but oh I had some oh well yeah you had a bunch uh near the the moai statue I think I put some in the chest but that’s okay okay we have sand bo

Bo just going to climb up and get rid of some of these yeah you you’ll buy party with Callie yeah come over it’ll be fun oh uhoh oh oh you got this you have glass I don’t have glass all let’s see for now let’s just put dirt okay hold on is that up

Here okay all good no problem okay I got got it just dirt it’s fine for sponge yeah I’ll just put a sponge there oh I got it you good yay we’ll replace it later everything can be fixed and replaced and whatnot so all fine what is

Yoai it’s it’s a sleepover party oh I didn’t know that for sleepover wow learn something new every day taught it to me cool I had no idea learn something new every day wait I get the feeling that that’s not what that means why is chat acting like that’s not

What that means I think you should ask for a MOA okay yeah I’ll ask look they tricked me I in turn will trick Moy I mean what what is night what do you mean by Night crawling I don’t know what that what that’s supposed to mean but I it’s a very particular type

Of Sleepover come on man what the heck bad dogs yeah well M had a Japanese class right uh and they taught us you’ll buy m sleepover and then there was some art on um there was some art of like Advent in like sleepover outfit and I

Commented like oh cute you buy party and then and then in the comments he B like bab no b no b no so now I was like what does it mean and then I found out what it meant ah I see now F Mo I’m going to flick those dogs

On the nose I swear to God I’m going to flick them right on the nose they not going to like it but bad dogs down down guys when I learn new Japanese words or any words in general the best best way for me to remember is to use it

A lot well I certainly learned as well thank you for the knowledge do you know what does that mean hold on say it one more time please if if you lick it I don’t even want to continue this I don’t I don’t want to know wait did they trick me again

N did they take me again come on man wait they really check me again I know where they learn these things I don’t even know why I’m oh it’s correct oh it has two meanings oh it they told me it it meant beep off uh don’t underestimate me you silly

Head is what they told me it means don’t underestimate me you silly head all righty if you say so um so oh boy I’m fine I’m fine I’m alive I’m alive um so basically I’m also going to teach you something this one I’m actually not going to trick you I

Actually want to teach you this because I feel like um you could use this a lot when F JPS in like tournaments and stuff like that for example yeah I used um for when I was uh when I was doing kori’s uh collab I I used b a lot because I

Remembered it from you yeah good job excellent I got that one from Kiara myself but um so another one that you can use like for example with Nika um is kakat Koi kakat Koi K Koy kak Koy what does that mean means come at me oh okay come

At me mother F kaky okay kakoy yeah yeah yeah excellent fight me okay yeah fight me in the yeah come at me yeah Makai very good it’s like a come and get me bro come and get it kind of thing oh okay yeah fight me bro okay yeah exactly

Just like that c the coy you got it kakat the kak the excellent good job good job viu nice thank you I’m going to use that a lot now yeah use it with Rika during the armored Core collaboration okay that’s going to be funny I want to see her reaction I think

She’ll think it’s funny I wonder what their builds are I wonder too I wonder if it’s the typical cheese build you know dual am I going to be the only one with the silly Millie build I I got to practice we both got to practice I’m also a little out of

Practice come on man how see night that’s my favorite line how she was night I won’t miss I almost used that for the Mario Kart tournament yeah while throwing a shell yeah what a cool guy love Rusty big Rusty love but I wish hates rust H yeah

She really doesn’t like the guy huh can’t understand why he’s great all right let’s see how we’re doing we have one pizza slice left it’s so tiny it’s a little pizza slice and then we’re done yeah then we have the whole room is our oyster we just have to

You know tear out the floors yeah cool you can put a torch at the bottom of sand that’s pretty cool going to go from I guess I’ll go from in here how many I only have have 13 sponges left so I’m going to go I have I think I have

Enough but go go see if we have more I’ll go roast them anyway yeah nice progress I wonder how one makes sponges in the first place is it with coral I don’t know I don’t know Kyla Kyla she knows the secret recipe I don’t need to know Kyla make some for

Me so helpful oh it’s night time w I’ll just try to be really quick we have enough light here should be fine get some help oh she heard me get some help some help bio thank you thank you for the help why is the chest always open like that oh

It’s closed now all right I’m on the way hopefully no monst Kyle is also part of the big lethal company collab by the way yeah Kyle’s joining in too yep going to be fun need to give a full member list at some point here but anyway lots and lots of friends

Joining apparently she’s like super pro like really good at it I want to see your SK yeah I was watching her play solo I was like who plays lethal company solo she does a legend wow kind of crazy please let me in y there we go Oh wrong way dang

Itang it but yeah it was really funny that like it was just if you had had the collab like maybe one day later you could have I know right with everybody in myth yeah just inconvenient that’s timing baby I’m not going to abandon bibu like

I abandoned Kobo and G I promise I won’t I won’t do it I won’t do oh there’s a little leak here I’m just going to go inside through here instead and then block it up people are exing to doubt I’ll show you I’ll prove them wrong I’ll prove them wrong you’ll see I

Can carry too it’s just I am mischievous yeah how you company brings out my mischievous side you knew that that land mine was going to go off you knew that it would the land mine and you’re like hey guys let me just mess with this land

Mine I bet we can pick it up with the shovel yeah yeah I do oh VI it was pretty funny though it was a good moment yeah it was a good moment I will say for the content yeah sure that’s pretty good silly bi boo but I promise I won’t

Leave you behind I’m going to really make sure even if even if there’s a monster coming into the ship even if there even if I have to leave in order to save the whole crew I will not leave you I promise I’ve learned from my mistakes I’ve learned worry don’t jinx it

Yeah they’re going to clip they’re going to CLI me keeping my word for going to like one of the hard yeah we really got to especially cuz there’s so many of us I just really feel like yeah we should easily be able to get there at some

Point get as much wonder the mod increases the quota I wonder that’s a really good question guess we’ll just have to see I don’t know have you guys played it chat do you guys know if it increases there’s a new update now nice don’t think so it does not increase it

Okay yeah then we should be able to hopefully but there isn’t like a way to win lethal company is there the quota just keeps going up and up and up until you you just last as long as you can maybe so you can’t really win lethal company you can just get scary

Good it goes on forever what a sad story forever you’re forever enslaved slave to the company to the corporation what a shame I guess it makes sense though how deep it’s like a reflection of life if you think about it yeah exactly mm man I feel like a philosopher I’m

Going to be in Prime shape for tomorrow’s stream with shiori I can’t make a myself going down y yay oh one more I want to do it oh oh sorry there’s hey you can do one over here look oh okay okay yay nice and just like that the house is

Drained and now we just got to clean up yep clean up time let’s get to work well done team all right and the sand too I guess we can just sand get the sand away with Reckless abandon cuz there’s no water anymore o look at that Dome

Y can’t wait start pulling up the floors W look at that random dirt block it doesn’t feel great but that’s okay we can fix it and then we got to have underground rooms too in here and we can build them easily because we already drained all the water

Nice yeah it would be cool to have the onmi underground what kind of floor do you want great question um I don’t know maybe it should be Sakura the Sakura blocks oo yeah cherry that could be nice a nice light feeling wood floor yeah nice wood floors could be good okie

Dokie nice there’s the conduit now we just got to get rid of all the stuff up there do you want it all sa go for do you want it to be like ch ha or do you want it great question I don’t know Wonder Maybe I think a pattern might

Hurt my eyes too much but maybe we can just start off having it be and then we can put carpet on top of it afterward yeah you know to separate the different areas yeah I wonder how we’ll make rooms I guess they would need to be underground

Either that or we can make like a second floor maybe made of glass an entirely glass we section of things with things yeah it doesn’t just need to be one big room here that would be kind of nice I don’t know I’m kind of conflicted how about amethyst amethyst

Might be cool yeah very beautiful to look at and quartz quartz is really nice what’ll look good I wonder with the couch you want to make m something that compliments gray and light pink well oh yeah that’s like us gray and light pink I yeah it’s like our

Colors the yours is more of like a grayish purple but still let’s see I’m rock colored yeah the color of rock or at least my hair is M yeah I am also going to start make clearing the floor yeah let’s yeah do that and I’m going to I’ll go ahead and

Get rid of the sponges I’ll make that my mission okay what concerning bi boo sounds are you okay everything’s fine yep there’s no water sources in here so we’re good even if there’s a little leak okay that’s good yeah the majority of the hard work has been done here so that’s the good

News okay almost done with all these sponges blinkink blinkink all right getting rid the floors I’m just clearing out the floor so that way we will be ready to put the Saka down yeah oh help oh boy I see I see what you mean now yeah yeah gotcha understood understood

Just need to be careful around the edges I suppose I love the reflection of the water right from down here like it’s on the floor cool I wonder what would look the coolest for that maybe quartz yeah what if we what if we put a floor down

That can like show this off more yeah maybe quartz are amethyst I want to see if that if it reflects off of that cuz that would be really neat good idea yeah quartz slabs might be kind of nice I don’t know but I want to make

Sure we can put furniture on top of it that’s very important I think it should be a white floor yeah because that will reflect it the most oh nice idea maybe quartz then yeah cool all right let’s do it I’m down I’m down do we have any yeah I got

A bunch um I don’t know if I put it in the ender chest or not I’m pretty sure if you check my Shuler boxes you might be able to find it there please please please no leaks please no leaks want to guy just can’t forget the slabs and

Carpets and stuff so you can prevent spawn no it’s likely with the light level it’s um oh things can spawn in here I don’t think they can to be honest because there’s too much light um but at the same time also guys um if I put down

If we put down slabs um then we can’t place the furniture without it looking strange so we need to just do regular Checker pattern to match both of your colors that might be cool for maybe a different area but for the main area feel like it’s going to hurt my

Eyes yeah yeah plus I really like the reflection of the floor and I want to show that off yeah exactly let’s do it I’m down you know it some random copper in here what the copper doing oh oops I’m not getting copper I’m getting the actual blocks cuz silk

Touch maybe I can cut this Stone into something nice I don’t know if we’ll use it in here here but stone wall for like an area downstairs like a dunge we don’t need a dungeon we don’t need a dungeon why not you want a dungeon people I mean why not a

Dungeon see you do want a d if we can have a dungeon why not have a d sorry sorry it’s just your dungeon suggestion shocked me a little bit why dungeons are great for activities yeah like torture all right if you say so if you say

So want to talk about it bi boo wait what hey I was just reading chat when I said dungeons are for activities okay that was chat saying that what activities are you thinking about torture boo boo yeah torture why would we who do you want to do that

To I don’t know our enemies do you have a candidate who’s our enemy everybody want myy thank you thank you thank you for joining in that felt liberating ah stop I really have to get a new keyboard keyboard drawer I have no enemies probably to have just in case we have enemies you

Know we might not have enemies now but we might have enemies later true my only enemies are necromancers but even then I’ve made some like uh exceptions same with zombies I feel yeah then torture them oh my God I feel like my natural enemies are the ones that I make the

Best friends with though my zombie friends and then Kiara being a phoenix dang it oh yeah life versus death yeah it to be like that anyway let’s see all right maybe it would be kind of cool to have some skeletons down there I don’t know how the dead beats would feel

About that though they might not like it de beats you okay with being put in the dungeon I’m sure they wouldn’t mind oops yeah yes yes yes I volunteer okay I’m just kidding they’re much more excited about it than I thought they’d be okay we’ll put you guys in the you

Want be in the dungeon too PWS you want to be tortured ooh that will probably so 24-hour Loop of GAD for the rizzler down there yeah that’s super easy bibo all we have to do is get a a cell like this just like an empty area and then

Just there there’s the pebble wow hey Pebble and then we can do and then we can we can do this yeah yeah there you go it’s perfect it works I take it back I take it back no you don’t no take back sees no take baxis not the G I think that’s probably

More torturous to be honest yeah psychological torture hey you said that that’s what you wanted to do right psychological warfare well there you go step one of emotional damage that’s me that’s you yeah be proud beo wear it like a badge of honor incredible yeah I just got to sing that

Song while they’re tied up in fact do the one hour loop yeah there’s 10 hour Loops too I’m not surprised I’m not surprised at all this is kind of crazy there’s like a whole area area beneath here maybe it would be good for making rooms kind of annoying there’s water in

There but that’s fine we still have sponges guess it would be too easy unless we mine directly into um like stones if there’s like an underwater Cavern beneath then it’s kind of shog there’s going to be water in there but anyway nice clean up I think I have too much stuff I need

To make some trash runs and then we can start placing the blocks all right I’m going to do trash run and let me actually this is really annoying I’m just going to get the water out of here at this point okay nice no more water in here let’s

Go just need to do a little organization okay and I’ll put sponges in here I don’t care looks like I can’t are we going to keep that our entrance by the way no no no we’ll make a proper one with stairs it’ll look really cool okay but just for

Now it’s like the utility entrance for now yeah the construction entrance yeah exactly bunch of sponges cool I’m G to make some trash runs I see a spider over there hey spider don’t get any funny ideas I’m just going to get rid of the gravel but I’ll properly stow away the

Stone we go that’s a lot of rock and stone quartz I found the blocks of quartz as for sand I’ll put it in underwater can I reach this it’s fine yeah it’s fine okay I fixed the dirt block that was dirting over there nice nice nice nice going

Bio I’m going to replace these two I think miscellaneous miscellaneous put the candle miscellaneous let’s see do I have anything for tools where’s the tools one need a toolbox random put it in random I guess there we go no more OCD yeah nice probably need an axe

Actually the dragon heads in there nice Cherry saplings and lots of them ooh these per purle stairs might be really nice as well purle yeah it’s they’re purple oh you know what I bet I can make a staircase with these by making slabs okay it’s my idea G to turn it all into

Slabs we can make quartz slabs too those will make good stairways wow so many different patterns for quartz I don’t know which one will like more oh there’s patterns ooh I like the squiggly pattern one that’s really cool squiggle pattern that could look really beautiful well Let’s

See we can’t just make them straight up out of blocks it seems it does look kind of dark maybe I should put a torch but no it’s night time it should be fine right yeah right I nothing has spawned so far yeah should be fine it should be fine I’m going to

Show you the chiseled quart quartz that I grabbed and you can let me know how you feel about it Okay okay mixes of regular plus patterned quartz look amazing yeah maybe we can do like a normal block of Quartz and then a yeah O all right let’s see I’ll show you I’m coming so here’s what I got okay so here’s the regular block and then here’s the squiggle hold on a sec so it would be kind of like a oh you like that yeah let’s do it let’s do it yeah maybe we should start from

The corner okay yeah just to be safe okay yay hold on I’ll give you quartz too yeah let me just eat some sand into a corner and I’m going to go make a bunch of blocks okay pass me yeah I got to finish making the squiggly ones I didn’t make a

Bunch of them cuz I wanted your okay first all right now I’m going to go make a bunch okay all right that’s kind of a lot of slabs how many hold on where I put the quartz is that all the quartz that we had man it’s way less than I thought

Okay I’m going to go store some stuff too to make some room slabs will save you some resources so let me get this straight I can put stuff on top of slabs KLA has a lot the squiggling one yeah it’s more of a Greek look we’re going to need more

Use a stone cutter okay let’s go use the stone cutter I know we have one just don’t know where only if the slab is level with the ground okay top slabs okay got it let’s do that then make a ton of slabs oh I get it now I

See stone cutter I see what the idea is oh there’s a lot of hey get away from my horse my oh hey yeah yeah get out of the way guy sun’s coming up bucko yeah oh you think that you have because you have golden Jordans you can defeat us away with you golden

Jordans yeah he thought his golden Jordans were real sick well too bad I steal sadly I can’t steal them I’m going to make a stone cutter I just need Stone and iron I’m pretty sure I can find some iron let me see some Stone sure that we have yeah there it is

Okay let’s make it guys okay yeah they’re okay stone cutter made don’t you do it don’t you do it oh boy it’s fine we have a pool beside our house all right Surf’s Up yeah let’s go all right let this quartz we can make a bunch of slabs so

Let’s only make a bunch of slabs now we have a bunch of them now I want to make the squiggle the little squiggle guys so let’s see there so I think this will be interesting Andy I definitely heard one but I don’t know where he is I haven’t

Seen him so I’m just going to move right along anyway now let’s see how this turns out we can always go get more quartz I suppose it’s really pretty though so I hope we can get it to work out this is very annoying please let me in please okay let’s take a

Look so if we go to the corner we have one of these chisel ones in the corner oh I see like that That how is it looking oo really nice to be honest and then we would do this here but we’re going to need more yeah we’re definitely going to need more give me some I want to help yeah here are the regular slabs and then here are the squiggly ones thank you yeah

We’re going to need more for sure I out yeah so I think we might need to make a trip back to the nether r r look at how shiny and beautiful it is though it’s going to be worth it it’s going to be worth it yeah sometimes sometimes it’s worth the sacrifice

Can you see the reflections further from the edge it’s kind of like these in particular really pop off these uh sea lanterns look really nice but you know it’s kind of hard to tell exactly what it’s going to look like either way it is very nice and slick

Okay oh good yeah it looks so great the one the ones at the end match I was going to have a little bit of OCD if the ones at the end didn’t match true but we still haven’t made it to the end so fingers crossed I mean I think that we

Were pretty mathematically precise though I remember cuz you definitely wanted to be mathematically precise with it yeah math math yeah it’s actually pretty simple laying down these blocks have you heard of girl math what’s that is that another Zoom meme it’s girl logic so for example

Mhm if you were to say make a return for an it that means hey I can buy more stuff because I return an item so I have so basically whatever I purchase next is free or another girl math is like hey if I eat this food with a tiny

Spoon that means there’s more food huh or um does this mean I’m not a girl cuz I don’t understand oh is it more like it’s like girl logic right yeah girl logic yeah just girl logic oh well the size of the spoon I think definitely does not change definitely doesn’t change um how

Much food you you get but I I guess I can see why maybe someone would think that or or like um oh I’ve only had Starbucks once this week uh-huh meaning I can I see on something else I’m starting to get it like that yes I see what you’re cooking I do I

Don’t know if I like it but but I do see I see it wow I feel like my eyes have been opened crazy thank you for letting me know now any time it’s literally girl copio ah I see I see no no no these are words I definitely understand all good all

Good thank you for telling me I need some Tik Tok yes girl math is from Tik Tok dang it I mean I think most everybody had that feeling not going to lie everybody kind of figured all right okay but I had a new idea from the idea of girl math is gamer

Math okay so gamer math is oh there’s a steam sale going on I should buy as many games as possible because I was going to buy these games anyway and I’m totally going to play them all so I might as well buy them all right now because I

That way I would save money and I’m totally going to play all of them within a year yeah before the next sale comes around yeah I see that’s that’s gamer math I get it I understand where the math C is coming from I I do I see so you probably understand

Gamer math quite well yes poto she’s especially good at that I get it I lose money by not getting these because I’m totally going to play all of these games right before the next sale so I’m not losing any money excellent justif I was going to buy them

Anyway yeah there you go it’s perfect ask her about girl copium that’s what we were just talking about that’s where all of this began isn’t that right bo boo y I’m I mean I’m definitely seeing the light I guess like I said don’t know if

I can relate to it but I’m starting to I’ve never been good at math people everybody kind of knows I’ve never been good at math so yeah I can kind of I can simpath empathize empathize empathize is the word that you use when you you haven’t been in the same situation but

You can kind of understand how they feel sympathize means you’ve been in that situation before yeah think I kind of get it all right we’re going to need more quartz but now I’m going to work on for now until we make another trip back to kylo is um unless there’s another place we

Can get Quartz I wish there was like a quartz Farm or something but it seems difficult to make something like that I’ll work on the outside oh or gam mat oh I got these characters super early I like oh it only took me like 10 PS to

Get this character so I should keep rolling because I saved so much money um because I got it so early so I can spend more money cuz I saved the money that I would have spent y hey this one I kind of get this one I kind of

Understand though I would never do it I’ve seen I’ve seen friends go mad I’ve seen them lose their minds so yeah I can see that just the gacha copium that’s probably one of the stronger examples actually yeah M I see I see I’m not I’m not good with

Examples of girl math because I don’t girl math too much but I definitely gamer math yeah and sometimes a tiny bit got a math yeah just a little tinit just a little bit not old enough I see I see she’s cooking that money’s already been put aside for ging anyway

Yeah hey look if you’re having fun you’re having fun that’s what matters just have fun you said quartz slab right yeah but we don’t have have any um right now I’m not sure where we can find more besides ky’s place and I feel bad taking

All her quarts but gosh if it’s our main floor we might need to Kyla can I have your quarts raising your voice this is going to make me hear you better Bo I want to polish bi’s head but I can’t cuz her bonnet’s in the way oh yeah I’ll take it off oh

Really y I can polish it wow that’s a neat toggle all right come here you there we go well you you know you know she might be listening you never know the true she says you can take all the quartz I don’t use it anyway I need

To clear the storage room wow she’s kind enough to make us feel like we’re helping her by taking it thank you Kyla I appreciate it there I’ve polished I’ve polished your head now you can put your Bonnet back on I’ll leave it all for a bit o okay sorry I’ll stop I’ll

Stop she’s so small look at the little one look at the little one can’t believe yelling worked wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yes okay all four corners are going to be the same block yes let’s go nice one math oh she DM me oh what’s

Wrong we’re going to need a big tree got to figure out where the exact center is oh it’s getting dark pause jum time to sleep thanks C and be have a good one have yourself a lovely evening rose quartz would be kind of cool but I feel like that’s isn’t it kind of

Rare all right and there’s got to be a tree and I wanted to put it here but I feel like maybe it won’t grow okay thank You yeah everything all right everything’s good did we break something no no no no it was a it’s a good thing I can’t tell you yet okay no problem it’s slightly off okay no problem no problem no problem no problem no problem no problems only solutions wow I love surprises most of the

Time okay no that’s not where I wanted to plant it there no problem she just wants to help a bit yay I love El I don’t know if this will grow maybe we could do sakura trees around it oo instead of just one well we could have a sakura tree

Will it grow it won’t because the glass is too low so we need to do like a circle around let me try and figure out no she’s not helping right now just something for later cool love some help but we are free to take the quartz though

Yay maybe make the ground lower that could also work but I don’t want to put the the tree in a ditch it’s okay we’ll just do a bunch of trees though it actually might look kind of good if instead we just dug down and then have the tree coming outside oh

Yeah no that would look good that’s a good idea that would look good yeah I do like that idea let me just make sure everything is even is that the dead center nope it’s just one back this way the the conduit should be at the dead center yeah exactly make like a

Little pit here for the tree so here yeah we’re going to need to dig a little bit deeper oh you think so yeah and we want the trees the wall around the trees to be beautiful maybe the purple blocks or something I don’t know we can replace them later

Though yeah and then if we put dirt in here that might be good yeah so like I wonder how we can get light in here though that might be kind can we bone meal it bone meal what does that do gr you can do that yeah I didn’t know

That cool sea lanterns work okay that could also be cool you know what sea lanterns inside of there would just look good and in general we can put four of them bone meal makes plants grow faster nice nice nice let’s definitely do that all right dead beats offer your bones

Please please grind Them Bones please bones please I put it if I put it here will it grow uh one sec I’ll come take a look just a Moment here you go hey thank you for the bones now how do we get them into Minecraft no now the question is how do we get him into Minecraft Dead beats it’s for a good cause I promise okay for now then let’s see I’ll just put some oh is that going

To make it qu I wonder if it like won’t Branch out I don’t know I’m I’m not sure I wonder we maybe we need to make it wider let’s make it a wider hole why why we just for now put these on four corners so it grows oh yeah okay Yeah oh we getting rid of those okay yeah and then we’ll put some really beautiful blocks around it yeah yeah and then we can put like um some cute like plants around it too I don’t know a little later we’ll grow it first and then decorate

It or the bone meal will turn it into full grown with one click I wonder if KY has bone me bone meal we can go get some quarts see if she has some and then we can grow it in me just kidding oh my God good

Lord I kind of want a mushroom couch mushroom couch a mushroom couch ooh yeah the Red’s a little too stunning I’m just going to what breaks it fastest I wonder anyway for now we’ll keep it like this oh what did I do no it’s fine

Okay nice nice nice no just take it she says angrily muss just take it she probably doesn’t want to have to give permission for everything well that’s what I said look Kyla listen you weren’t here before but earlier people were like oh bi she’s

Going to get mad at you if you don’t ask permission all people that’s stealing and I was trying to say she was the one who said just take anything right I was trying to tell them and now I’m asking permission now you’re getting mad at me

So that yeah see I told you guys I’m going to flick you guys on the nose flick you on the nose okay now let’s see shall we go back to ky’s place anything else you want to do here real quick it’s polite to ask but it you don’t but asking every time

You don’t have to ask every time when you already know you know yeah then that’s just annoying yeah let’s see for a cherry blossom tree you need a 5×5 space above the sapling that goes nine blocks up the sapling itself needs no horizontal space on its level

Okay a 5×5 space above the sapling that goes nine blocks yeah it looks like nine so it needs to be a bigger hole okay 3×3 is fine but the glass is in the way so let’s see if we can dig it deeper let’s see I need to pause my plate up every

Single time you ask hers okay I won’t ask anymore see I won’t ask I’ll just take and I’ll say thank doesn’t want to pause the game let let her play her game let her play her game it’ll grow anyway with the bone meal man maybe we really should just go get some bone

Meal this is really deep for a tree enjoy your tomato wow it really needs that much space yeah I was saying nine blocks up I wonder I bet we can just put the dirt here and I’ll put some lights in the wall let’s see there we there we

Go now let’s see I’ll put a sea lantern in here okay see it works oh in the wall yeah it works so some people are saying that light doesn’t influence it but I’m just going to be careful anyway and we can make these walls cool and like not just

Stone is it going to is it going to grow to that tall I think so yeah okay the tree is nine blocks high apparently well let’s try using the bone meal and if it doesn’t work and it’s still then we can just make it deeper okay no problem and

Then we’re going to need more sea lanterns for here and here just for the design but anyway let’s get out of here let’s get out of here I need something like stairs wrong huh it needs 5x five not 3×3 squar okay so we need to make it bigger yeah well

Cuz cuz somebody else in chat said 3×3 is also fine the space needs to be wait isn’t isn’t 3×3 fine I feel like I have a 3X3 I don’t know who to trust I think I think I I think 3×3 is time cuz didn’t

Nissa put a 3X3 Tree on let’s see on top of my Mo statue you can trim it down afterward depends on the tree type you know what actually sloping it downward sounds like a good idea so like what we do is we just kind of make it like bigger around

Oh and have it like kind of yeah it’s like a slope it can work but it’s kind of oh I guess it’s because there’s walls around it I see yeah yeah trees are pretty big makes sense yeah get rid of this yeah it needs 5 five empty space I

See I see not a h okay yeah or we’re getting there oh yeah I just had a really random thought bibo have you ever played a game called Blasphemous before no but I’ve heard of it oh that game would so be your thing I think that you would love

It dark like Dark Souls right but it’s like a 2d thing yeah it’s a pixel it’s a pixel art game I think you would love it it’s so good I want to play the sequel pretty soon but I haven’t found time for it yet it’s really good though I think you’d

Love it dark souls but 2D ooh super good I recommend it I know you have a gazillion games that you need to play SL want to play but I’m going to recommend it to you anyway yeah yeah it’s nice and edgy it’s good my big recommendation

Yeah okay now this is going to be the last area where I slope it down hopefully it won’t look wonky I haven’t played many Metroid vanas I don’t think oh have you ever played Castlevania Symphony of the Night nope oh that’s another really good one it’s one of my

Faves Hollow Knight is the one that I’ve played and I loved it and now I’m just on waiting for silk song limbo let’s see this one’s a little it’s not even dang it oh it is dang it dang it what what genre of game what you say

You’re interested in maybe I can think of some recommendations for you too let me see for me I like hard games but like hard but fair you know any Souls like yeah any Souls like I’ll probably enjoy for the most part um and I love pixel art ooh

I’m a big pixel art fan me too yeah you like pixel art games yeah I do let’s go good taste yeah just anything with beautiful art in general is really nice though have you played solash before uh no but it’s been recommended to me multiple times people really that might

Be something you would like I haven’t played it well I played a little bit but I haven’t played the whole thing um but it’s really pretty pretty pretty pixel art and it’s really fun nice thanks for the recommendation yeah maybe I’ll check it out I know a lot of other people have

Recommended it so I’ll have to give it a shot let’s see oh that’s why you like jump King so much huh yeah I love jump King it really is my favorite game though I haven’t been playing it much recently but that’s cuz the last DLC is really kicking my

Butt oh it’s a tough one it’s such a tough one that’s okay I’ll take the challenge I’ll get there someday who knows maybe even 2024 Mory will be able to get the ghost babe ghost babe yeah I’m trying to get the ghost babe she’s like a ghost and also a

Babe and she’s at the top of a room really really difficult to scale Tower I need more dirt dang it oh actually you know what it doesn’t need to be dirt it can be Stone it can be whatever blocks we want it to be but then I I like how you also say

Dang it well you made you made me well you didn’t make me that was that my influence yeah cute usually I’d say like darn it or something like that but when you’re around I feel influenced by you I just end up saying dang it it without thinking about it well it’s not just

When I’m around because sometimes I hear you say it okay well caught red-handed I guess okay let’s see hopefully yeah I think the tree will grow very nicely but this hole is very big so I think I’m going to make it smaller and we can replace these stone blocks with something else

Sometime wow oh I see your vision now yeah mhm well it could be like a little seeding pit around yeah yeah I think it would be cool it’s a nice entryway you know yeah so once we finish the quartz floor it’s especially going to look good you know those couches that like sink

Into the floor yeah what rich people have yeah yeah yeah oh those are cool those are pretty all right looking good cool so what’s next should we go to Kyla’s Place yeah let’s go get more quart yeah wow nice you did a great job checkerboarding this whole place yeah

For the chisle squiggly ones now it’s kind of just like a jumping puzzle yeah am I going to fall am I going to fall am I going to fall hey this could be good for like a relay race yeah yeah don’t fall don’t fall

Just we you got to you got to up again don’t remind me you did so good though you won I was also all anxiety I can imagine though that must have been so scary hand shaking hands sweaty arm spaghetti maximum sweat spaghetti yeah totally understandable okay let go I remember the

Way I’m finally directionally confident for once yay yep I remember the diagonal that we took let me go ahead and empty out my inventory just in case we need to carry a ton of quartz uh bring I’ll bring an empty Sher do I have an empty

Sh I do have an empty shulker I’m going to bring back these ones that I borrowed after I I have to organize the inventory sorry it’s a lot of sand and sponges oh my God okay hold on a sec dang inventory is getting really full how a

Dirt lot I’ll put extra Stone left over in here as well as sand random we’ll put sponges in there Bowl did you feel nervous and competitions like this at all like did you feel like the arms shaky anything cuz I know for this one I definitely did

A little bit yeah I mean it depends to be honest I feel because um for me like if I’m not really too worried about it I really hate feeling nervous so I feel like I Gaslight myself into thinking like oh it’s not really like a big deal

Or anything like that you know even though it is um and so yeah I definitely kind of I know what you mean um and I definitely I can’t stop my heart from beating really fast sometimes it just happens out of nowhere but um but like usually um yeah I try to just remain

Calm it doesn’t always work I know how to gas light my body because like my mind will be like Oh I’m totally fine and I like there’s nothing to worry about like my my my head space I’m like it’s totally fine but my body feels nervous for no reason I don’t understand

How that happen my head feels fine my body is just like oh we’re going to die and I’m like why why do you feel like that yeah it’s the subconscious I think to be honest let get rid of this there’s too much sand we don’t need all this sand

Yeah I don’t know I think it’s just the body being subconsciously like afraid like you can’t really I wish I could Gaslight my body yeah it’s just your your human animal instincts you know even if some human or animal I know right but the way that I feel about it

Is well if I’m sitting here having a human body there’s nothing I can do about it because it’s a human body and it reacts to wanting to survive survival instincts you know why am I shaking all right uh I think I can take the yellow now I’ll just put um these

Sponges where should I put the sponges I wonder I’ll figure it out this pink bed I’ll put here should we sleep oh let’s let’s eat uh let me kill this guy boink ni J all right yeah sleep y s nice good call good call yeah you’re a

You’re a rock of emotion right so of course you’re going to feel emotions no matter what yeah it’s going to happen oh yeah they’re going to drown oh creepers please don’t come over here please please do not all right um oh oh hello sir Oh no you’re not allowed to

Live there you know what I have an idea I’m going to take this s and give it to Kyla so that way she can ooh that’s the glass if she wants to that’s actually a really good idea to be honest we can return the sponges too yeah yeah yeah I

Mean they’re wet but if we’re in the nether then we can we can make them not wet I can contribute sand I didn’t just throw all of it away please listen I didn’t know I’ll give back um pris where did the sand go did you take it uh I threw

It away that’s okay I have more Oh I thought we were supposed to get rid of it no it’s okay I have it what what I’m contributing to your resources we’re thinking about you sorry it’s fine we’re fine we’re fine all right I got it I put more sand

In there the sand is back let’s go oh the fireworks I forgot about my fireworks fireworks please oh the skull blocks are so beautiful all right let’s go okay um it’s that way right yeah I was this this toward the sun okay I follow you toward the

Sun um what is Skull is that like a a new area in Minecraft that I just don’t know about skull skull yeah like skull or whatever like oh Kyla what’s skull she’s going to have to pause again she’s going to be mad at me no it comes from the deep

Dark deep under the map where there are spooky things now really that’s a real thing cool think we oh follow the railroad oh the railroad okay I want to go there hey don’t you love that yeah I want to go ancient city don’t go there unless you’re prepared Focus the warden’s Place

Warden I want to go there too yeah that sounds amazing yay we made it back we can do the ancient city raid together that would be really fun yeah you know I’m in that sounds amazing okay okay Kyla Temple oh is she telling you yeah in the chat oh she gave

Up on me I guess no no no it’s hard to be in two chats at the same time let’s go let’s go together Kyle or something time sounds fun I’ll definitely bring my my sword my best sword get some help why are you so nice to Callie but then you like get

Some help and yelling at me on my side huh it’s it’s the same way that I am with Kobo and you ah Kobo gets bullied for some reason can’t really say why Kobo ends up getting bullied for some reason then Boo Boo is different is this G I get spoiled

Yeah you can drop the wet sponges under the temple really like where the lava is let me in it’s like around here she’s got a furnace yeah furnaces use the machine there oh okay the auto smelter nice the machine the machine so like wet Sponges let’s see have you used the auto smelter before no but she showed me it before oh okay and she’s she was also like not a lot of people know that it’s here so spread the word that this is here cool I wonder do I put it in

Here yes dump it all in there okay I did wow we could have been drawing it here yeah cool wow technology is amazing nice she he showed me how to use it but I don’t remember so I think maybe the lever I don’t want to touch anything just in case yeah I’m waiting

Until it goes into the box pull the lever by the input chest I pulled it different lever Where Oh by the input chest where you input it over here oh that this lever uhoh sorry sorry sorry I didn’t mean to hold that that’s not a lever it’s this one it’s this

One yay yeah feel it should a caveman be it should it should be over here it should be over here at least I remember that look wait that’s lava oh down here oh I see it it’s going in yeah see I remembered yeah banga o ooh let’s

Go wow I feel like we learned how to make fire or something o fire fire shiny o shiny fire fire like the fire fire hot o oo fire hot W sponge dry wow put food strong cook wow manga banga wheel discovered y okay so we can properly return the sponges to

Kyla now yeah y let’s go horay fire fire I’ll probably keep like five sponges just in case we encounter a place underground that has water but the rest of them let’s give them back got to got to give back yep that’s what a good Senpai would do

But truly KY is like the Minecraft Senpai I feel yeah more like God God forget Senpai God cool and gorilla cab when never we’re not gorillas Idols K kyen kyen kyen kyama she yeah come me she’s lisening get some help in three two one get some

Help oh I got to drink my cold coffee now my coffee is so cold people I forget can you drink coffee yes I do I have some right here oh nice nice nice I wasn’t sure if you were a coffee drinker yeah how do you feel about like Frappuccinos and stuff

I love them yeah I figured as much you seem like a Starbucks girl bo boo I’m not too much of a Starbucks girl anymore cuz I make my own coffee I have my own coffee machine it’s better when you have your own yeah I got a curig for

Christmas for my family I have a Nestle wow Rivals espresso yeah I wonder who has the better flavors H anyway this isn’t a sponsored stream so I’ll stop it right there I I don’t I don’t use the flavors I just put my own like syrup or like in if I want flavor

Oh cool you like coffee creamer and stuff like that no I don’t like creamer I just I just like milk and then I just put like either mocha sauce or like raspberry sauce or something like that a nice that’s cool yeah I’m a black coffee drinker to be honest but I won’t turn

Down a good Frappuccino we must I I want to be a black coffee drinker because like it people who drink black coffee seem so cool like they’re like M I can taste the chocolate and fruity notes in this dark roast or whatever and I just

Want to be cool like that sounds like a whiskey drinker but I can see coffee drinkers being that way to be honest M this bitterness is delicious or something like that I don’t know I people who can like drink drink it without yeah it is also good for you but good for you

I like my sweet I guess can’t be helped can’t be helped sweet is good yeah I really want some pondu rings now that the twins mentioned Ponder Rings I’ve never had one before oh they yummy I want to try it yeah they’re super yum I’ve had them

I’ve had some from the convenience store but it’s not the same I I think that Fu Moko like the really like Gourmet ones you get from the bakery yeah we’re going to need to get their recommendation when you guys all come to Japan someday I want a strawberry one yeah wow strawberry

Frosting that sounds good all right let’s go let’s go okay all right IIM Mr donut do you know who Mr donut is I don’t know who Mr donut is but I know that Mr donut is very popular in Japan as a a store wait wait is this oh exit yes exit it’s like

The the Duncan Donuts of Japan people really like it and they got like a gazillion different flavors of donuts we should go to sleep yeah we should well Kyla’s place has tons of bed sleepover yay normal sleepover normal sleepover at Kyla’s place with no other name other than normal sleepover here we

Go wow sleepy sleepy all right wakey wakey let’s go off we go two letter let me let me let me just hi Jeep hello got to say hi hello I miss youah hi are you going to look at me look at me look at

Me J look at me when I’m talking to you he refuses Jeep’s looking at me I’m too sad let’s go come stand oh look he looked at you oh de de look at me de yeah look let’s go okay all right we won’t bring it up anymore out here we won’t

Bring it up anymore it’s all right hey very excited about the nether let’s go yeah let’s go it’s going to be fun yeah we can go straight to grab some quartz Adventures await us and we’ll definitely not lose our mine carts yep it’ll be fine let’s see now where was it you know

Where it is people yeah it’s over this way and bone meal do we need bone meal yeah yeah yeah we wanted to see if we could get the soccer tree to grow okay yeah oh nice skeleton painting we got to get paintings for the new place too that’ be

Cool yeah and flowers what’s this this looks fun o I like those flowers cookies in a heart wow these are pretty what does that say What something Shion wants to say do you do you understand what Shon wants to say oh hard cookie to to I know what to is but I don’t know what con is let me look it up this is my reply to your marriage request you know what I’m trying to say

Also the heart means yes oh congratulations congrats on the marriage marriage certificate wow to I’m G to remember that to wow I don’t know if I’d ever used that though but I’m going to remember it To what’s that mean marriage request is it not marriage certificate certificate marage certificate to yeah yeah Marriage certificate got passed around passed around does it really make it a legit a legit certificate call tot is marriage registration oh I see register to marry people going to use it on you no no no no no no no never maybe for star yeah maybe for stardo yeah good to

Remember all right there you go go ahead thanks you sure all right I’ll go I said oh button oh you you just have to just go all right with My Own Strength see on the other side Vio I’ll make sure that I I stop the cart in time so that it won’t turn

Around turn the C around so much people seems complicated is n t that means like Troublesome yeah like a that’s rough that’s R buddy that’s tough that’s rough that’s rough and tough what you need to do is take your cart off the track you got it I’ll do it right away s this

S this you’re learning yeah yay well done see I was really fast that time where’ the cart go oh I have it it’s fine wait wait is that my shoulder wait hold on hold on hold on hold on I’m fine don’t worry about it don’t worry don’t worry okay

Yeah okay nothing gave me a heart attack there here you go okay did I give it to you no I didn’t here you go there thanks let’s hope it doesn’t go away from me all right wrong wrong wrong rail wrong rail okay okay wrong rail hold on

It’s fine it’s fine we’re not going to muna’s Island though her storage is pretty incredible I will say PR waa look at that big buddy has anyone ever died oh Big Buddy cuz I feel like if there’s no glass there he probably if someone shoots something at you you’re

Dead the nether is a dangerous place sure is oh road block yeah I keep bumping into another cart hopefully it keeps going straight now I’m going to have to destroy two mine carts before bioo comes comes back oh go go go quick I’m right behind you uhoh that’s

Kind of rough I I destroyed it I destroyed it oh nice nice nice nice let’s move yeah okay yes speedrun accomp accomplished right I’ll just store it in here for now RTA okay yeah we were zooming I was real is there any Japanese that I should know

To like be able to pass in Japanese with my Senpai better yeah um well I think you know a lot of basic ones like Dai Dai yeah yeah and uh if if you’re going to give them like a present or something just say and then give the

Present and then you can just you can just say present yeah mhm Doo yeah and they’ll be like give me money I mean I guess if you want to ask them for money I guess naruhodo will take you very far even though it’s a lie that is

Lying Japanese naruhodo means a I get it ah which is why not yeah you got it all right time for quartz oh bone there’s bones and bone meal yeah boys I got 64 bone meal now is the opposite right yeah that means I don’t get it I don’t understand all right

Quartz oh there’s so much there’s so much quartz I’m taking it I’m taking it if you really need it yeah I can’t it so we’re going to have to put the Shuler down and fill that with quartz as well I think we’re going to need all of this if

We don’t just put it back we can we can just put it back yeah yeah might as well take it oh my she has so many that she has two categories for it oh my gosh how’d she find all this she did say just take all of it so don’t ask just believe

Okay all right sounds good enough for me and then this is her her yellow Shuler and I’m giving it back so where were those Shuler boxes over here it’s the one with the lid yeah end stuff okay end stuff’s over here this has sand in it um none of this stuff is holding

Anything I’m just going to drop it in there it be a nice pleasant surprise okay I think we’re good nice anything else you you want to grab um blue lanterns might be pretty yeah yeah that could be cool I only grabb and Red Lanterns yeah we’ll grab both thank

You thank you kaella thank you uh I think we’re good I don’t really I can’t think of anything else I wanted just mostly wanted the these this SK is pretty cool but I think I have enough SCH sensor these are really crazy we definitely got to go to the ancient city

Sometime that would be amazing yeah Ancient City Raid sounds fun bone meal if you need want to make the dragon head move you need to get redstone block oh thank you oh yeah also Redstone and quartz crystals makes the rose quartz which sounds amazing but I

Don’t know what that looks like so I don’t know if it’s worth making quartz crystals that’s different than quartz right this one this oh the sh thing I forgot the Sher I’m a bit of a dumbass hold on yeah okay hold on I forgot the Shuler box

Dang it dang it dang it dang it oh I got it don’t worry you did cool did you get redstone I got I got blocks of redstone yeah cool okay I wonder are quartz crystals different from quartz 2 Guys prismarine crystals ah yeah there’s nether quartz which is kind of different but I

Don’t know I don’t know I’m going to have to ask chat and then we can leave oh I see it doesn’t exist in vanilla it’s a modded thing well what are we doing here let’s leave okay let’s get out of Here wait hold on mine crystals make one block you got the bone meal right yep okay I have a bunch 64 it’s okay bio got the Shuler box you guys bio got it by the way maybe you need some End Rod okay I’ll get End Rod oh yeah I have a couple

Of those I actually picked up quite a few but I didn’t want to take all of it felt bad taking all of it how are you guys still staying robbed when she keeps telling me to go get more stuff who she’s still watching where would endod be um I think it’s

With all the end stuff like near the elytra and stuff like that skill issue and this no yeah hold on I’ll show you oh my God please let me go down he says no stop I wonder if Kyla has a blue one of these guys I bet she does just don’t know where

Turn this oh I found it I found it you did just in time I was coming back down really learned how to travel up elevators today let’s go she has two of them wa cool she is breeding for one yeah I I’m just going to take them

Just in case and then what I don’t use I’ll put F okay might not be bad to have a little extra yeah why not that’s just being safe cool better to have more than less thank you so much Kyla we’re going to go make a great house whoa pretty are these crystals amethyst

Crystals you you have some of those right oh yeah I have crystals I have a whole box of amethyst and Amethyst stuff so we got to place these we got to place these all over the place did you leave already yeah okay just went through the okay wrong way wrong

Way wrong freaking way Mory right I’ll wait right Here howdy there’s bio okay yeah just ask biu to spawn some amethyst for you guys true that should be something that you can do right B yeah just take my tandr your tandr I can turn that into quartz okay I’m going to start chiseling with my Sharp ch

Chin like a drill like a power drill yeah I thought that your dandruff would be glitter no no I should have used a pickaxe oh well dang it no well guess time to fly again no please don’t please I’ll just walk just take the cart no it’s okay it’s fine it’s my fault

Okay hope you can run fast bioo cuz here I come you catching up yep I’ll slow down a little bit I can’t slow it down I can’t slow it down push me yeah give her a little Push give her a push I’m coming oh Lord I’m coming oh oh you didn’t push me sorry just not how Minecraft physics work I guess she coming I ran you over but I’m glad that I didn’t do any damage to you I was worried about that it’s okay I’m a rock I’m stup

True that you are oh I got scared I thought that that doorway with The Rock was a person scary where where’ the cart go oh it it disappears automatically it’s automated wow that that’s technology I don’t get it but cool nice okay want to see yeah look my hair has just taken

Amethyst from my hair okay yeah just yoink it yeah yoink wow sparkly cool shall we go let’s go she wants to be bald I don’t think that’s that’s what she wants no I’m not saying take my hair I’m saying take the Amethyst from my hair yeah like it’s a garden or something

Wow you have face paint that makes it look like you have whiskers yeah cute like a cat now yeah cool now the way that we go back try and remember it’s night time so maybe we should sleep whose house can we raid ooh The Guild is like right here PR PR

Prank let’s see see oh you know what this house has a has stuff this is the house of Nine Lives I like close the door behind you say good I like rolling my arms wow you can roll your RS too yeah it’s been a whole character Arc wow I

Started I came into Hall life not knowing how to do it really ba that’s crazy oh man that’s niut can you whistle kind of it’s like a little bit but it’s it’s a bit off is today a whistle day I have whistle days so some days I can’t

Whistle some days I can it’s today a whistle day a tiny whistle tiny tiny whistle hey that was pretty good weoo that was a good whistle whistle okay let’s see um direction direction so what I said before the coordinates it’s the first coordinates it’s the 117 and then

1877 wait no Cho wrong it’s a second 582 yeaha 582 and- 3105 okay so NE x netive z so we go this way yeah we go diagonally this way okay okay gotcha we okay nice let me make sure yeah yeah this way nice Direction sense Buu yeah see

I’m not totally helpless no no no very good direction sense yeah so this is the right way and then 3,105 and then I have to Switch okay and then we go only Z now until we reach 3,000 oh I’m really high above the clouds there we go I found it I’ll be there have you ever have you ever been jump scared by something while you’re flying not in Minecraft I mean outside of Minecraft I don’t know where it would be but I don’t

Know what happened but TW it twice it’s happened now where I’m just randomly flying and this thing like you know goes in front of my screen and it makes a loud noise I don’t know what it means but wait I don’t know if anybody knows what it means in Minecraft yeah in

Minecraft it’s kind of weird something goes in front of your screen and screams yeah it it’s like a Bo while I was flying and it ocean Monument Herobrine it wasn’t Herobrine that’s old happened twice and it was while I was flying over the ocean really and it looked like a ghost it

Looked like a white ghost and it like flew over my screen and then it scared me it’s kind of weird I don’t oh Guardian oh Guardian hang on I need to make this number go Down oh there it is um that’s weird has it ever happened it hasn’t happened on stream has it no it hasn’t happened on stream but it’s happened off stream really here before like I was flying over the ocean that’s a really scary jump scare I want to know what

That looks like maybe I’ll look it happened once in the resource server too really dang that’s scary here I’m going to I’m going to throw all the stuff at you okay here is the quartz for you and then mine’s going to be in the shulker box that you’re holding

Uh here you go thank you can you hold all this no okay well I am out of room now but I have a Sher box okay then you can just yeah put I I’ll also just hold on to a bunch oh man I’m really excited how do you make the pattern one

Uh so go to the stone cutter and then just put the block of Quartz in the stone cutter and then look for the one that has the four corners with swirlies in them and just make a t of those how you see how do you see that um okay so at

Your stone cutter pick up the block of Quartz uh-huh put it in the Square to the left yeah what do you see chisel quartz block bricks that’s the one with the squigglies in it yeah okay I’ll believe you mm does it not look like that for you well it’s tiny yeah it’s pretty

Small if it’s kind of hard to see but that should be the one okay nice what do you see my screen and then there’s also chiseled stuff in the Shuler but that’s okay I already grabbed it all right we have a ton of quartz

Right now but I want to go use the bone meal first oh my gosh oh W wo it really grew we didn’t even need bone meal it kind of grew funny though yeah it looks kind of silly like lopsided boobs or something I don’t know I wonder we could probably

Still make it look cool I mean it’s still pretty maybe we we grow we could grow a new one and just Harvest that one for um yeah just try it over and over and over again until we get a formation light patter yeah let’s Harvest it he’s

Like no I grew all on my own for you too bad all right start shopping and hey we can use these these petals yeah they become resour materials and stuff yeah and how do we get rid of those uh pickaxe uh axe you’ll use an Axe and

Take the wood out first yeah but the petals how do we get rid of those silk touch uh oh yeah silk touch oh yeah Yep looks like it’s silk touch you think that’s the shape they always grow in well they don’t all look the same so I think it will beand are

Randomized they’re random they go away with no logs so we got to we got to harvest the petals first and then get rid of the logs okay I’m going to plant a new one darn it I don’t have my cherry saplings here one sec I wonder if any got left up there

Anyway oh I forgot my slabs I’ll go get slabs too maybe not I bet it will if I use this yeah there I got a sapling all right then I’m going to use the bone meal on it once we get everything out of here there’s a lot of tree cutting to do

It grew really fast and it grew huge yeah super surprised but at least we have the bone meal so we can randomize if we don’t like it nowly yeah there’s still going to be a lot of chopping oh yeah iron makes shears I forgot that shears do it much faster but

I want the silk touch so that we can get like the actual blocks you know yeah yeah like this oh and we still got more saplings nice it’s only point1 second faster gosh this is crazy the floor looks nice oh you can get the actual thing with the shears too

Okay cool yeah it’s looking good so far thank you for working on it while I work on the tree yeah I like how there’s like water constantly leaking from the ceiling like it’s going to collapse at any moment yeah it’s kind of I don’t know it’s here is dangerous I

Like that living on the edge you could technically build your own tree from what you have now true we could just reconstruct the tree in whatever way we wanted to that is true but you know maybe we should just let nature take its course and if enough time passes and it doesn’t turn

Out the way we want then yeah we’ll do that oh I artificial tree yeah it sure is pretty drippy yeah you could wake up one day underwater M yeah well I think you wouldn’t wake up you’d be dead yeah you know what I’ve always wanted to

Do what I’ve always wanted to be pranked like yeah um like I want someone to like take me while I’m sleeping and put me somewhere else like the middle of the ocean oh and then wake up like what I’m in the middle of the ocean that cuz I’ve seen I’ve seen like

A Japanese prank show right and the person was sleeping and I don’t know how the person slept through the entire thing but basically they brought the person to a water slide and and they were like oh hi elas and threw their bed down the water slide wow can

You imagine going to sleep at night and then waking up and you’re just on a water slide I want to know what that feels like I mean Viv you say you want that but then it happens but then it happens and then you realize that’s not what you want is this oh

Wa what okay we’re done it how does it look it looks like a a big tree let’s go wow whoa it grew way more than I thought it would we can if we trim it down it might look nice oh people are saying it’s fake way to ruin my dreams oh oh the

Prank yeah fake like this tree is going to become after trimming it but ah you know that’s Entertainment baby that’s just how it goes people just do that but can you imagine like going to sleep at night and then waking up and you’re like going down a water slide and

You’re like what the beep is going on I mean at that point wouldn’t you just like think it was a dream true I don’t know that’s the that’s the feeling that I get but yeah that kind of thing happened to me once for like um a school event

Auction thing um Mama Mory got like this uh this auction Prize or something that was like um like a surprise like kidnapping of your kid and then they take you to breakfast I know it sounds crazy but it was organized by the moms it was a it was a parent thing and they

Kidnap the kids and they take them to like a breakfast at IHOP or something and it’s like a day of fun oh yeah I remember you have a day of fun it was pretty fun I will say we went to like the movies and stuff like that it

Was cool but um I kept every night I’d go to sleep thinking this is going to be the night cuz I knew that she had bought it I just didn’t know when it was going to happen and I was like this is the night and then it was never the night

And then it took months and then I had a feeling that it was happening because Mama Mory was saying things like you make sure that you sleep in something warm or something like that oh so did they kidnap you while you were sleeping yeah in the morning at 6:00 a.m.

Oh yeah it was like that it was cute it was a cute idea for for sure yeah one of the more exciting things that happened that year I think yeah that seems cute it was a cute idea but that that idea is just wild to me right going to sleep at night you

Know in your bed and up somewhere waking up somewhere completely different that’s the wildest thing ever I know right you never know maybe someone’s going to do it to you someday viu you got to be prepared for that day please don’t kidnap me okay if you say so if you say

So bi boo I respect it oh you can I mean you you can oh okay cool I’ll do it then be careful bi be careful be careful if you allow me to do that because who knows where old Mor will take you yeah do take me somewhere fun like

Like your mom did okay we’ll go for breakfast yeah yeah yeah some place good and not a waffle house cuz things get kind of scary WAFF they get kind of scary over there why people fight there a lot it’s like the Thunderdome of restaurants where people fight at what

Yeah people fight at Waffle Houses oh yeah they throw down there I’m surprised you haven’t seen any of it on Tik Tok let’s go let’s go all right now she’s excited let’s go indeed square up at the Waffle House at the Waffle House yeah at the Waffle House breakfast and entertainment mhm yeah

Breakfast and a show what what about waffles makes people want to violence so much I don’t know good question it’s the hunger it’s it has to be something with to do with the hunger I think but I don’t know you know I’ve never been to one of those like

Medieval restaurants where you like eat and then watch people joust or whatever a medieval times yeah I’ve always wanted to go to one it seems interesting the food is kind of subpar it’s really not great sadly yeah wish it was good but I remember it being kind of cold like cold

Chicken and stuff it depends on the one you go to I suppose yeah it wasn’t very great the acting was pretty cool though they hired some really really nice stump people I mean Knights and ladies uh to be a part of the show night and ladies yes I’ve never been to a

Renaissance fair either that’s something that would be something I’ve never been to one either be a neat experience to try yeah cool then I could tuni and no one would care yeah exactly you would be right at home and people wouldn’t call you out for being strange or anything

It’s the Renaissance Fair everyone’s a little strange yeah cuz like when I went to when I went to uh bney right um I felt so chuny there because like I I had bought like a little or I was wearing my crown right I was wearing my crown so

All the NPCs would stop by and be like hello princess and they would bow and would call Princess and I was like this is the best thing ever and now you always come equipped with the crown yeah yeah I feel like if I did that it would be a little bit

Different I don’t think I’d be called a princess just because I feel like I it’s not that I’m like older or anything I mean full grown adult and whatnot it’s just I get the feeling that that’s they would just look past me that’s nice though if you get to live

That fantasy then and it makes you happy how much older than I am now it’s just cuz you’re small oh yeah I have friends that get mistaken for 12y olds all the time it’s okay it happens it happens that’s all right what I want to do is wear a pirate

Hat and go there and have them speak to me in Pirate language lady and then they’re going to be I want to surprise them because I want to like jump really really hard into the role play and be like y gooy me ship is over there could you guide me

Young scallywag and like see the surprise on their face yeah I want to challenge them I want to challenge the NPCs to make sure how how in character can you be yeah yeah look at their faces for like surprise at your roleplay and see how they react to it and if I see

Even a flicker of surprise it’s a noggo you’re not doing your job correctly you have to be invested I think that’ be kind of funny yeah that would be fun mhm nice we’re making a nice honeycomb here with these and then ask some like really like lore in depth questions to

Yeah like who is the captain of your ship uh when when you arrived here young Skelly wag and like see what they say good idea that’s a really good idea Vio I dig it this is kind of a crazy looking tree now that I’m looking at

It but you know it’s fun what if we made the um like the uh the petals go like crawl up the sides of the conduit and like go onto the top it would be so pretty ooh yeah and cring grabbing it like it’s growing like Vines ooh yeah wouldn’t that be

Sick that would be cool let’s do That yeah I got to make some slabs now fill in all these crevices these carasses wao the floor it looks like a rich person’s house yeah right we’re rich we’re rich or we can we can be pretend Rich yeah pretend rich and then we’re going to put carpet of course and

Then the inside I’m going to like maybe we should do quartz also for the inside of here where the tree is yeah that might be really fancy looking either that or some kind of pink block looks like an ice arena so nice I know right I didn’t I didn’t know that

It would be so beautiful and Regal but let’s go let’s see what we got going to make a ton of slabs return the slab or suffer my curse here we go then we’re going to have to work on the entrance too to make it something really like nice stairway going up but

We got to protect it to make sure that there’s no water that’s going to flood the home what’s this stairway thing for this pink thing on the side oh that’s going to be stairs to the second floor oh okay mm whenever we make It ooh oh look at wow looking good huh yeah nice getting some good work done I’ll start filling in these blanks got a nice honeycomb honestly the water just serves to better polish the floor so it’s extra slick and clean that’s all do you have enough slabs for the rest of

This yeah I think it should be fine okay I think I got it wow it’s almost yeah pretty much done that’s huge now we can start designing maybe I’ll have a secret path um underneath the the tree area oh I should put some stairs in there similar

To the ones on the wall and it’ll lead to like a room underneath a special room oo yeah underground that could be cool first we got to design this area Beneath let’s see yeah I with water earlier what was is that oh imagine this was filled with water hours before right and now it’s become this it’s really amazing man technology I hope Ry comes to visit that would be nice huh it would be nice to say hi to old rusty after a

While he can be proud of us and be like wow look at how much they’ve grown we’re going to need to work on outside view yeah do we have did you bring the Coral in the yeah it’s in the boxes if you go to the underwater labeled boxes you’ll

Find it there okay maybe I’ll I’ll put some around yeah sure do it go for it oh well we can do regular blocks of quartz actually instead of slabs for these areas including here I kind of want to see what the end rods look like they’re so pretty they’ll make it look even

Ritzier and even more for rich people rich people house bougie house house of beu yeah and myy in parenthesis oh we’re so rich I know right doesn’t it get totally give that Vibe cool whoa double oopsie doodle that was a little mistake there we go nice oops what are you what are you

Doing for the floor here uh I’m just going to make it be quartz again I think oh okay for the floor inside of the um the tree area yeah and then you can lay down carpets wherever you want if you want to put down some color ful

Carpets okay and then the coral outside yeah we’re definitely going to want to do some terraforming outside so that it’s just beautiful coral outside everywhere oh it’s so bright my eyes they burn but it’s kind of nice okay a little here PR we’ll definitely need to repair my

Tools before the next time that we that we work on this place for sure let’s see this layer will be regular quartz the next layer will be squiggly quartz well if monsters weren’t spawning here before they definitely won’t now yeah it’s nice and bright let’s take a look wo pretty W

Pretty dang just rich people things it definitely gives rich people is this what it’s like it must be it must be to to be this bougie and have this nice of a house that we built ourselves yeah we didn’t even need money for this we built this we built it all

Ourselves yeah it kind of goes inward like an angle oh you don’t want to like um do like let’s see like this and then like this that’s kind of a cool idea I’m going to need to change the block here real quick then I like that idea that’s pretty

Cool put quartz blocks in here yeah that looks better that looks really cool actually nice idea cool yes yes sponsored by Kyla kovalski yes sponsored by KY thank you very much for all of the goodies it feels like playing on creative mode thanks to her what a

Legend this message is sponsored by Kyla get some help Chad get some help you’re going to need it is this what it’s like to be born into into a rich family and then inherit and then use the parents credit card for it must be wow it must be there’s something uneven here and

It’s bugging me I didn’t feel uneven before so I don’t know what the deal is let’s see I think I know uh regular quartz regular quartz found it oh nice quick work and this next bottom one I’m going to have be the squiggly one oh smart yeah okay this one’s going to be

Squiggly it’s so modern mhm never thought I’d own something so modern in my life Wow Let’s Go chisel you’re really fast with with those lights they just look so good I know right Sakura out of the way sure there we go we can trim the

Tree a bit later too yeah of course we can always do some trimming it doesn’t look so thick yeah it’s very very wiy right now not tamed at all okay trim it to like one of those animal Hedges yeah nice idea okay let’s see regular block of Quartz

Here it looks kind of glittery the the blocks of quartz with this um particular Shader really nice really really nice yeah look at that Glitter the texture on it is so detailed I love the water reflection ooh it’s nice I’m distracted me too me too that let’s see this is only

One I’ll make this one also only one it’s a little off but that’s okay it’s okay just a little bit yeah that’s a good deal in here guess I’m going down hope I don’t get buried in here forever oh no I can totally see somebody pulling a terrible prank like

That give any ideas oh no that’ be horrible going to sleep and then wake up buried the lot that’s the opposite of exciting oh my gosh now you’ve got your mind on it too let’s see maybe this leads down to the onsan I don’t know ooh Underground on yeah I’ve

Tried to do that before um and to some success but I feel like now that I’m enjoying Minecraft more I could definitely make it amazing oh speaking of buried al lie yeah continue this is just a PSA warning okay okay I’m ready if ham if you have a

Hamster and it you think it’s dead and it’s not moving it might just be be because it’s too cold hamsters hibernate when it gets too cold and sometimes people mistake it for being dead oh no so if you think your hamster is dead uh

Try to put it in a warm place for a little bit first um before you decide that it’s dead because a lot of people accidentally bury their hamsters alive because they think it’s dead so just just a word of warning that is horrific that’s the saddest thing I’ve

Heard microwave when did I say microwave it I just said put it in a what the heck bunch of freaks in here Jesus yeah oh if that’s what you’re thinking get help yeah so not some help house is not moving and like you think it’s dead

Try to warm it up first and see if like warm it up in a warm place in a blanket or something not microwave dang it freaks Jesus no one was thinking that except for you guys no one here was thinking that oh my gosh I’m just trying to save a hamster’s

Life okay because a lot of people make that mistake yeah thank you for letting me know I don’t think I’ll ever get a hamster but in case I do yeah thank thank you cuz I’ll always have cats and you know cats and hamsters they just don’t

Mix they just don’t mix cuz the cats will find a way to get the hamster they will not they they’ll have fun but it won’t be fun for the Hamster let’s see nice all right and then I can start planning like how do we get down but we’re going to need to climb out of here to this corner which corner what what’s happening with the corners why is this one even it’s a little off and then what

What if we wanted if we wanted it to be like even with the tree in the middle it was going to have to be a little off oh isn’t it even it is look one two one two I mean it’s right dead at the center

Three four 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 three then why is it why is it like this let’s see see um and this way oh yeah this one’s also kind of off it’s off on Layer Two dang all of them are all of them are off except for

This one yeah that’s weird why is that that is weird you dug too far upper layers maybe maybe we can fix the upper layers let’s try and fix it maybe was this supposed to be how do we get up yeah that’s a problem so we’re

Going to have to use like Stone to like make some kind of ladder upward maybe and then just delete them later like this so if all right if let’s try and use the rods as like a guide can you please not do that thank

You so if this is where this one is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 it’s eight across 1 2 3 4 four five six it’s six this way that doesn’t seem right hold on these are going down fine here it’s just that this is

Wrong so we need to delete that okay so this one is wrong mhm this one would have to be here and then here and then here and then here so this would be bye goodbye bye goodbye only problem is I think the tree won be Center but that’s

Okay I think the tree will be Center cuz it’s in the center you think so of it so we just need to make the squares more Square okay wouldn’t this be like a corner one no we can uh we can Bop this yeah Boop that okay this needs to be the cuz this

One cuz this one isn’t at the corner it’s off like to the right hold on so it would need to be like this so hold on let me just it should be 3579 so it would be here here my brain hurts my brain also hurts

So like that so it would be this one seems correct like that yeah this is correct this one also looks fine though so this one and this one look fine it’s just that there’s like one layer that’s wrong on this one that’s the last layer yeah that’s that’s correct this is correct

So kind of annoying with the tree here I’m not going to lie oh I get it this one needs to go in Oh yeah now this is about two blocks in and then the other side’s still one though yeah so this we have to fix that this wall we have to we have to turn this into a wall this wall needs to go in put hamster and Onin if it’s not moving got it

Incorrect incorrect do you not do that okay so that what should we do with this light with this light Rod because it’s not really diagonal it’s off to the side which one this one right here that is in front would it be like this so we have to make another wall here we’re

Missing a wall gotcha for for it to be even we’d have to add a wall got it yeah okay like this yeah yeah nice nice nice and Then now it should be even here nice nice nice nice it should be even now okay I think one two three four one two so this side’s good but the inside needs to be changed a little the inside needs to be changed a little but the outside is even

Yeah 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 One Two 3 so this side this side need one more Okay yeah we should we should I make the tree a little bit thinner though so it you can see everything yeah for sure we can trim it just needs a little bit of gardening care yeah you know maybe this could be kind of like a stair I don’t know stairway down

It’s probably useful for that to be there design points I really like this though it’s really pretty isn’t it Cool wow our underwater house is finally really starting to feel like a home yeah sponsored by Kyla kosia thank you Kyla look it looks like a heart yeah seriously that was really kind we could trim it into a heart yeah nice idea that could be cool pretty

Nice hopefully no cracks in the glass no no no no no it’s only the most well supported in the world I I put lanters here so it’ be cute nice and then I’m going to put the door to the onen here there’s going to be a Stairway down and the light

Above yeah I’ll make some stairs there’ll be stairs here let’s just hope that um we don’t have any uh issues yeah it’ll be there going to need some lights though to light the way for now but that’s going to lead to the onen wait could can I like oh oh yeah go

For it yeah yeah looking sweet I we could have some like flowers here yeah nice idea uh-oh yeah cool ooh Beautiful wait I sense a disturbance in the hor in it’s uneven even though it looks even right here but yeah it’s this side right here well the stairs I thought that this would be stairs going down huh let’s look from the outside yeah is a little off

Huh this side over here needs to be longer okay this is wrong I’m going to let her cook and I’m going to go get some light okay not going to not going to touch no touch no touch okay hold on so this isn’t even Square so this is

Correct why is this side not correct no this side is correct oh so we need Stone taken too much quartz well Sakura the beautiful see where did I put that Sakura wood I only have 14 right now I believe that it will become even yeah probably I’m sure it’ll be fine I have

Belief Cherry fence that’s kind maybe I’ll start from the be okay so that like that yes and then random randies W pink petals that would be nice decoration like that okay is this that’s that’s correct that’s correct the quartz away this is not correct the quartz away I’ll put the quartz in

Here this is also not correct let’s see ooh look at all these pretty pink things I like how you’re like ooh pretty and I like M my head my head hurts I don’t know the the number the m maths the it hurts my head

Too I’ll take a look in a sec let me make some fence wanted to make a bunch of fences there we go cuz it’s going to look really good you’ll see I believe yeah it’s nice we should make some trap doors Yeah no not doors three is fine I meant trap Doors for decorating we’re doing it stairs true need stairs let’s see okay going to need quite a few stairs this time I’m pretty sure my math is not off I believe I’m sure it’ll be great go take a look in a sec this time let’s go look I’ll spot you from the

Outside okie dokie yeah looks good to me wait haven’t seen from the side yet though wait no it looks correct oh wait yes hold on it is maybe the back this one wait oh ah it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay are you sure B Bo are you really sure stop

Gaslighting her chat it looks good I’m focused let me let her cook she’s focusing right now let me cook it’s four levels so this needs to go and then this needs I don’t really need it maybe on the side expand and then this and Then I like the fence but only for the side one two three four okay one two three 4 One 2 3 4 and then we have to fix this side yeah stor really storming out there really storming fence takes away from the the modern look so I’m just going to save it

For the onset need it to be modern could be kind of cool here yeah okay it’s even now y let’s go fixed it my brain thank you bioo for for taking the brain the the brain Bust from that much appreciated and now I can replace these

Ones I wish I could be more helpful when it comes to math I feel like I always screw it up oh it’s okay I Winged It Well you winged it perfectly cuz it looks great thank you you’re welcome I love how the Sakura fence looks um against the walls too by the

Way it’s nice pretty where right here uh along the walls I like that fancy yeah it makes it extra pink need to make more fence though yeah okay it’s even now right 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 looks good 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 yeah we

Made a square we made a perfect square I think it’s mostly perfect square just just kidding it’s perfect it’s perfect I’m just gaslighting you it’s perfect don’t worry about it no it’s not perfect no no it’s I can fix it no it’s just jokes I fix it people no please

Believe me it’s just jokes I promise you it’s just jokes should probably use some regular wood to make that cuz it’s less rare we don’t even really have very good regular wood in the first place though going to need more Sakura wood I guess yeah but how do we get down here

What would you like some kind of Stairway would be kind of nice yeah I think personally but I already made some Sakura stairs so maybe we can use those or like planks maybe or uh slabs W I’ll make some Sakura slabs cuz that could be a nice really

Modern staircase yeah I think we’re going and modernize the theme so that’s got to stick to that theme of M monity modern modernity modernity yeah being modern boom all right I’ll give you the slabs and you can kind of arrange it how you want okay sounds like a storm is approaching

Oh true I do have enough bone meals so I can probably also just make a bunch of sakura trees down here and harvest them for more wood yeah good idea we do have that ton of bone meal all right here here you go some Sakura slabs for you and just arrange them

However you want that should be enough I think for some kind of interesting staircase thank you you’re welcome I’m also out of light so I need to go get some sea lanterns cuz that would be a cool way to light the onsan sea lanterns and soul lanterns

Yeah oh that’s where all the course was if we what if we could go down from the B the bottom seea lanterns oh here they are nice 5 hours already it’s actually almost 6 wow mhm been playing for a while it’s starting to get dark in the studio oh you’re in the

Studio yeah yeah my own studio and my home oh shoot there’s a bad guy right there he won’t come in here but yeah starting to get dark in here usually it gets dark at around like 300 p.m. though so I’m kind of confused as to why it’s not as dark right now but

It is getting dark let’s see Um some pumpkin pie okay you know I wonder probably probably not good to have that in the way fence is too cluttered cute as it is too cluttery all right and here I have a feeling we should have just used stairs but that’s okay I can do this Yeah I’m just going to keep tunneling you want stairs well on let’s just see how this look cuz I can give you some this doesn’t look bad I’m going to have to get rid of the sea lanter I’ll just make it one up there we go or should I make it like hold

On we should we should probably do a stairs so we can walk down instead of jump down yeah well if you do the slabs like one on top of each other you can turn them in the St but still this is this is good I see but you still you

Still can’t walk yeah I was thinking of like a spiral here you go you can go ahead and grab they’re it’s on the ground right there you want do you want a spiral staircase instead no this is better I think let’s go I was thinking spiral but then it would interfere with

The lights that we have the lights going down yeah then no problem this is good okay this is good me have it go a little bit Lower nice narrow narrow area I’ll need some stairs here if you want to save maybe one staircase for me I very much appreciate it we won’t make it be too long of a hallway there’s just no need for that okay here you go I have use all of these

I’m done with the stairs thank you boy doggy can you put one here I’m too short thank you nice nice nice nice she got it yeah we won’t make it too far away I just want to make sure if we choose to do other underground rooms it doesn’t interfere too much yeah

It’s going to be shovel oh that’s not shovel I don’t know what that is they have a bit of an abstract Placement yeah surely nothing bad will spawn down here I don’t think so there’s enough light surely there’s enough light it’ll be fine I’m going to do the central Lobby welcome room right here guess I got to be careful of gravel oh man that’s scary for now I’m just

Terraforming so we can change it up later yeah plug that up oh whoops must fill the room with suas never that’s the opposite of relaxation what do you want about dead be what are you talking about that’s the opposite of relaxation no one will be able to chill in

There do this going to be on S yep yeah sure is hopefully no monster spawns in the open areas that might get left behind I think it’ll be okay if they do we just kill him okay maybe maybe up here okay just WEA hiding in the bunk aroni

Then I don’t know crony seems to love suffering in like a weird like masochistic way which you know good for her but I’m not going to follow that example with my own sin it’s a lot of dirt just falling down that’s okay I have a lot of

Stone so I am going to change the walls a bit later Look Who’s Talking oh you’re talk no look I don’t play rage games cuz I like to rage I like to challenge myself kind of similar to bi boo right yeah but difference is um I have a bit

Harder of a time keeping my cool it’s not the worst I don’t get too salty but I do still get salty that’s just I wish I could rage more because that’s content I mean maybe I don’t know after a while I feel like it gets frustrating seeing someone

Get frustrated over and over again but yeah I don’t know maybe everybody has certain things that make them laugh I guess it’s all about the presentation I guess if you’re if you’re light and like seem like you’re having fun with it still that’s good A little rage can be

Good but suddenly when we’re when we get all like quiet and stuff like that right dead beats when myy gets quiet it’s like oh no myy you good I’m fine don’t worry about it but am I really fine I don’t think so probably not can you not put Lantern on top of a

Cherry ball or something I guess not maybe not that sounds like something that could probably maybe not happen they wouldn’t allow Minecraft wouldn’t allow it kind of silly lots and lots of gravel around here though kind of unlucky with the placement but we are we are under the

Sea imagine going to an onsan Under the Sea o I know there’s like hotels you can go and it’s under the sea that’s pretty cool w really oh man you can sleep and like you can see the fishies that’s really amazing must be super expensive yeah right I wonder where like in what

Countries sounds like something you see in Dubai or something like that underwater hotel like a six star hotel Imagine The Sounds you think it wouldn’t get annoying I don’t know maybe it would Bikini Bottom Dubai has an underwater city of sorts yeah I believe that I believe that they got crazy stuff

There it seems I’ve never been but sounds crazy do I hear monster noises far away they’re pretty far away so I think it it’s Fine nice little entrance room might want it to be a bit more spacious there’s an underwater hotel in Florida and one in Australia on the reef cool okay girls trip let’s go let’s go let’s go hu Ian goes to Australia the rat can show us around Haka Bells yeah let’s go Place

Yeah and then the underwater hotel ideas a man I love vacations with friends solo travel isn’t as fun for me anymore I mostly just want to go with friends these days take me with you okay side’s a little longer yeah let’s do it three four one two three four I guess I’m I

Hope Nissa and are having fun yeah they’re on vacation in the mives Mal Maldives not mal is it Maldives or Maldives it’s males oh it’s Mal I’m just meing I’m being stupid but yeah I was invited to go too um but I I said no because I’m

Too busy and I also just I want them to have a good time together you know and be with each other cuz I’ve met Kiara like a gazillion bajillion times we’ve vacationed together and stuff like that I wanted them to get to hang out you know with each other

So plus I don’t know the tra traveling is like it takes so much energy out of me these days you know yeah yeah plane plane plane is planes make me tired planes make me tired but you did travel pretty recently so I get it yeah and I have like hospital

Visits I have to do cuz I have like this this uh operation that I’m getting done so I have to go back to the stat for a bit oh I’ll be fine don’t worry okay I’ll be okay it’ll be just it’ll be be just fine I’m less worried about it now

You know I’m a very healthy person so it it should be okay no big deal no big deal but yeah I’m in the states very often these days oh so you like travel back and forth a lot yeah I have to cuz doctors don’t want to do

Zoom calls they’re like we can’t like properly check on you yeah and I’m like a I guess that would be hard yeah I need to be here with my cats and my streaming setup it’s my everything you know please stop freaking out over there why are you spazzing out block stop that enough

Jesus all right hold I guess I’m hesitant to travel too because of that like how am I supposed to stream yeah what if I don’t want to leave the Pebbles alone for too long exactly but then meanwhile the dead beats are like get some rest Mor enough

And I’m like no sorry guys I will eventually I’m I have to do that this this month so you you’ll get that but I’m preparing pre-made content pre-made content cuz I’m not going to leave them with nothing not working is part of the vacation I know I know it’s the point I

Know I do it’s just yada yeah well it’s hard yeah I know I just genuinely find it fun I have like one of the funnest jobs ever yeah exactly this is seriously one of the funnest jobs ever exactly I just feel blessed you know me too

Yeah so but I’ll try to take it e how is it going over here it’s going yeah just going to have to you know of course um tear out the walls ceiling floor Etc and then start making rooms that Branch off into different baths and saunas and

Stuff like that so there’s nothing in there yet but it’s going to be like that and then and maybe there’s a door here that goes somewhere that’s pretty cool oh Lord that’s not great glad I found that that Ser serious Pitfall um let me get some Stone okie dokie and

Um maybe I want we need we need places for food too don’t forget that oh yeah food that’s right I totally forgot onen onen has like food and stuff right yeah yeah like fridge that have yeah we got to cook oven and stuff yeah there’s usually

Like um some kind of like lobby area where customers sit and then they get fed by the onen people the onen people the staff milk yeah there’s the milk vending machine so we got to have a milk vending machine I’m pretty sure we can make one strawberry milk okay if that’s what you

Want bioo yeah if the game will let us but I don’t I don’t know if Minecraft will sadly a it’s kind of a situation where I know how to make a vending machine and I’ve seen ena’s milk vending machine before so I know it can be done

Just need to look up the manual for it we have a room here nice that’s two rooms so far kind of looks like a scary maze um right now so maybe we’ll add some more a dungeon yeah like you you must choose left right or forward or

Else you get lost and Etc so we’ll definitely spice it up I got an idea with signs oh torture dungeon yeah nice idea yeah all right Pebble talk start talking he’s not talking what do I want where are you hiding then or else you’ll get the pickaxe what do we

Want to what do we want him to talk about bio um all right Pebble you you must perform stick out your gach for nisler in order to make bi boo happy and if you don’t you get that’s right I’ll do it again I’ll do it again I’m crazy I’m crazy

Pebble she’s crazy she’s crazy don’t test me don’t test there’s no there’s no good cop here only two bad ones only two bad cops yeah I’m sorry he didn’t like that look you start to crack oh baby you can’t kill him right away oops I I lost control for a second

There you can’t kill him right away then we can’t have fun with them that’s all right I have 57 more Pebbles oh yeah we have another one yeah and another I’m going to make you stare at this bright light ooh yeah which way is your face

Which way well now you can’t look away yeah now he’s trapped nice one Whatever Direction you look at mhm you’ll be blind yeah it hurts and if you close your eyes we’ll just tape them open how about that yeah yeah this is pretty good idea I like the the torture dungeon idea

Maybe not in the onim but you’re cooking you’re cooking something good you know we’ve got the relax hurt yeah exactly you go to the torture dungeon to get tortured and then you go to the onson to relax afterward yeah wait people are voluntarily going to the dungeon to get

Tortured yeah I’m kind of not surprised about that to be honest get some help please in the words of our sponsor Kyla get some help please Chad please get some help you need it you need it wow we’ve been streaming for 6 hours I think I’m ready to call to day cuz I’m

Exhausted it’s midnight now yeah yeah you us get some it didn’t feel like it it felt like so so much fun time flew time just completely flew working on this place and look at how much progress we got done we made so much progress wow from still having like more than half of

The Dome full of water and sponges to to this beautiful floors a tree the on sense getting getting started really great stuff thank you so much for playing with me today thank you too thank you for inviting me I’m glad we got to work on this again next time

We’ll furnish it yeah furniture for next time and then then we can start working on a second floor and other rooms it’s going to be torture dungon machine yeah don’t forget to look up that vending machine okay you got it I’m going to look up the

Blueprint or how to do it and whatnot leave it to me it’s going to be good yeah but thanks for watching everyone yeah thanks guys you have anything you want to announce Boo Boo or anything you want to tell people about uh this week is DMC week I’m playing all DMC but

Before Advent lethal company clout I’m going to do a super reading stream because um we got a lot from New Year’s reveal and the Mario Kart tournament and I want adequate time to thank everyone for that so that’ll be on Friday before Advent collab it’ll only be like for

About 2 hours and then also big Leal company Club hosted by my KY on Sunday it’s going to be fun lots and lots of members nice nice announcements for Mor I’m collabing with shiori tomorrow on my channel um I’m giving really in-depth analyses of uh children’s movies and shiori is going to

Help commentate um I need to go make my presentations now oh yeah yeah I have fun going to be intense um definitely going to going to ruin some lives I’m excited it’s going to be fun um ruin some memories for everybody it’s tomorrow it’s tomorrow um jst I’m pretty

Sure yeah it’s the 10th Japan time I think it’ll be 11 a.m. which is usually like 6:00 p.m. PST but I’ll let you guys know with the full schedule soon um so yeah anyway I’m looking forward to it f yeah um I’ll see you guys I’ll catch you

Guys on the flip side I’m your Mor hope you’ll remember me and who’s this and I’m your B boo bom B boo boom boo later that’s later and yasumori byebye yasumi byebye tombstones by every catch you later peace peace Out

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT COLLAB】Underwater House is Coming Along Nicely! with @KosekiBijou’, was uploaded by Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-01-09 08:26:18. It has garnered 91373 views and 9241 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:07 or 21727 seconds.

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  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

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  • Play.creste.ro

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  • The Celestial Realm – modded, nations

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  • CreationSMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Accurate AF in Minecraft”

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!

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  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

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  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

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  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

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  • URGENT! Clear space on drive NOW!! 🚨 #minecraft

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  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

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  • Shadow SMP

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  • MoistCraft – SMP Modded Whitelist

    Welcome to MoistCraft! MoistCraft is a technical Minecraft server founded in October 2021. Our focus is on large scale projects and helping players improve their skills. If you’re interested in joining us, please visit our Discord server: https://discord.gg/KPTCc8ZMVY We are currently seeking grinders and decorators. Check out our progress updates channel for past projects and achievements. Carpet Rules: flippinCactus antiCheatsDisabled xpNoCooldown and more… Mods Used: Carpet, Lithium, Carpet Extra, Starlight, and more. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Real ones know… he’s always lurking.

    Real ones know… Steve’s been stuck in that minecart for years, waiting for someone to press the button to let him out. And apparently, 439 people find that hilarious. Read More

  • Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂

    Minecraft meme MLG 🔥😂 When you accidentally mine straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but you survive because you’re wearing your MLG pro gamer glasses. 😎 Read More

  • Phyrewing: Silent Survival Build | Ep. 2

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  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

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  • Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!

    Stranded ONE RAFT with JOHNNY in Minecraft!!!Video Information no guys what are you doing get out of the water there’s so many sharks around guys Johnny just got eaten by a shark it’s just be left quickly I got to use my fishing rod and get these logs over here yes I just got a stack of them guys oh no why did Johnny have to jump in guys he said he’ll save us all but he didn’t even have to jump oh he’s an interesting fell okay let me grab all of this iron wao look how much I just gotten W there’s so many… Read More

  • Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!

    Secretly Cheating in Mob Battle Competition!Video Information today we’re doing a Minecraft M battle but we’re in the SCP Dimension however my friend Dino has no idea that I’m secretly cheating with one weight glass so I’ll be able to see everything that Dino spawns and then spawn the perfect counters to them so let’s meet Dino on the platform and pretend we’re going to do a real M battle hey Dino hey there flaky are you ready to do the most awesomest as mod battle ever I am but I’m definitely going to win today oh yeah you think so hey who do you… Read More

  • Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱

    Redwolf DAY 3: Solo Karne will LEVEL UP in Minecraft! 😱Video Information [संगीत] ज मस हैकन ग रा फम आ स् आ फकस फ वेलकम गाइस वेलकम वेलकम वेलकम टू अनदर माइ कफ्ट एसएमपी स्ट्रीम वी आर बैक अगेन एसएमपी दो जन है ऑलरेडी सर्वर में हा भाई मेरे को लगा सोलो ही है चलो सर्वर के अंदर जाते हैं देखते हैं क्या है कल का तो भाही यह हो गया था अरे लाला ग्रुप में आजा लाला तो पहले तो यह होने दे हेलो लाला हेलो हा चल रही है हा तो फिर मुक भी क्या हा आ रहा है वो कहां पर तुम लोग ब अरे कहां पर… Read More

  • Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!

    Insane Engineering Students Troll Minecraft PVPers!Video Information no oh here’s pickaxe all right someone’s coming I got a sharp two Stone store let’s go sweet that’s a lot of damage 6.5 I want you to stand right here right right here I’m going to try and make a little Crusher auto click I don’t know if that’s a lot or not we can just see who’s all alive we have good fresh sub mustach here is that foot right there someone’s coming when he starts attacking you if he gets real close let me know okay he ran he ran he left I this is… Read More

  • Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in Minecraft

    Insane PVP Gameplay with Babydoll in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘babydoll 🥰 #minecraft #pvp #pojavalauncher #youtube #shorts #viral #trending #pojav’, was uploaded by Itz Istormy playz on 2024-01-15 12:53:04. It has garnered 278 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. pojav launcher it’s istormy it’s stormy minecraft minecraft pvp lifesteal viral pvp montage video trending lapata smp pojavlauncher pojav launcher pvp tips best controls for pojavlauncher pojav launcher control pojav launcher lag fix pojav launcher pvp control pojav launcher gameplay pvp texture pack minecraft video shorts minecraft texture pack pvp in pojav launcher minecraft pvp texture pack fps boost… Read More