Joey Graceffa Games – A FAMILIAR NEW BEGINNING!!! Minecraft X Life SMP Ep.1

Video Information

Ah good day everyone and welcome back to X live New Generation so I decided to bring X life back from the dead because it was one of my favorite smps that I was a part of and you know what it was really the only thing that was inspired

To play Minecraft and get me back into the spirit so I decided to shift it up a little bit so I updated the mods and I decided to reverse it so in the original X life you started with one heart and when you died you came back with two

Hearts and so on and so forth until your last life which would be 10 Hearts but I was like you know what what if we start with ten hearts and every time you die you come back with one less heart which actually was the original plan of

Ex-life when I was coming up with the idea with Lizzy and Scott but we decided to shift it to that so anyways this version of X life uh is going to be a little bit different it’s gonna be crazier there’s Dimensions there’s really cool mods and it’s gonna be

Harder so I’m very much looking forward to this there are a few OG members from the original Act life and a bunch of new members that’s why it’s called New Generation or next Generation sorry so without further Ado let’s get on to the video so we’re here at spawn look at

This gorgeous heart and here are some of the members we have some potential others that might be joining but yes let’s go to my shulker right here which comes with a bed some supplies oh look at that animation okay we’re getting high tech up in here so if you guys saw

My previous episode of why I quit Minecraft you’d know that I decided to shift back to my old style of Minecraft which is more casual and not really too many edits so these are going to be long episodes that are just kind of like me goofing around and being crazy and being

Chaotic Joey so yeah enjoy the ride I’m so excited okay what do we need it what do we need to do well first of all these flowers are stunning this is a gorgeous location and it’s also a gorgeous place for you to be slaughtered thank you so

Much you know what I honestly didn’t need to do that because I do have food so I am so sorry I killed your mother listening she was really mean to you wasn’t she she was and you’re happy that I killed her oh you’re not you’re not happy we are gonna be happy because

You’re gonna be joining her in the afterlife shout out to afterlife So speaking of afterlife afterlife AKA Now new life so the reason why I really wasn’t able to uh make content there is because the server did not work oh my God a chocobo I haven’t seen you

Since hexit with Stacy how you doing girl fabulous um okay so yeah the reason why I wasn’t able to post videos aside from the fact that I really just wasn’t like in the headspace to film was the server was hosted on an IP address that for some

Reason just does not align it is getting dark and I’m actually getting scared um let’s go back to spawn or let’s just go somewhere where we won’t die and lose our first heart yeah for some reason it would just not align with my internet provider and so I after that first

Episode was unable to connect and did you just spit on me do you know what happened to the two sheeps over there they were slaughtered and don’t think I won’t you know kill you as well because I did um so anyways I did invite all the previous ex-life members but the

Majority of them are busy with new life which totally understand listen this was originally just going to be a a solo series I was like I really want to just bring X life back for myself and then I was like you know what maybe I’ll just

Reach out and just see if anyone wants to join and there were a couple members from the original that were like yeah I’m down so I was like you know what let’s just make this a full-on SM Bertha just died Bertha just died Bertha is dead it’s just not looking so good

For her girl that is tragic she surrendered a heart okay we gotta be careful we gotta be cautious look at these flowers oh my gosh there’s so much to explore and see I don’t even know which way to go but I do want to go find

A place where we can set up camp and go get some armor and good stuff to keep us protected and I need to turn auto jump off because that is probably going to be the bane of my existence uh it feels good this is like the first time I’ve

Been excited about Minecraft in a while so I hope you guys are excited for this new series because I okay you know what we honestly just need to go find the mines and get some armor but I kind of want to do that with someone I feel like mining would be a

Lot more fun if I had a friend that is a giant butterfly girl you are humongous oh my gosh I want to catch you in a bottle and suffocate you and then hang you up on oh my God why is there an Enderman out here oh why is it Zippity

Doodah and around it is the daytime okay these are the things that jacobo’s like if I find that jacobo I could probably tame it and then ride it if it doesn’t need a saddle who are you wait don’t run away from me please you’re beautiful no please I want to be your friend

Can I ride you are you a mount please you’re so scared look at me sweet fine don’t just think about killing it but I’m not going to because I still need armor I don’t know if they’ll retaliate what the hell are you why is everyone scared of me I just want friends

Over there let’s go investigate we are investigative journalists all right we’re gonna risk our first life by jumping into the water oh look at us go look at us Hungry Hungry Hippo I’m sure this building has already been compromised oh God oh God what is that

What is that I don’t know why is there a flame I’m scared why is there a blue flame that looks cursed what was that I don’t even want to know but I do want to know but I’m scared it’s a spirit it’s a ghost it’s haunted get me inside oh

We got some bread I I don’t know if I actually like this animation it’s kind of putting my eyeballs hello any more treasure thank you ooh a bow and arrow shooting literally shoot me you know what should we try and attack be right I’m really scared actually

Maybe it’s like pixie dust maybe it’s not demonic maybe it’s like actually nice oh a whey Stone what is this button do welcome you know I probably should have done that at the beginning but it’s fine all right we’re gonna wait here for Bertha and then we’re gonna go on a little

Mining Expedition go get some arm armor Bertha what happened I saw you took a tumble uh it’s happened twice now calling twice I died twice yes no what is on your face oh it’s a slice of cheese you want to smell no you smell stinky excuse me yeah

Um so how did you die the first time the first time it was to a drown in the ocean the girl you need to be more cautious what do you think this is well I don’t know craft okay I know I I freaking know at

This point I it’s you know what I was so used to just being killed all the time on that dance series letting you all kill me I should mention yeah I should know things have changed I guess okay well do you have armor uh I do I’m

Wearing full iron armor right now oh well perfect that means you can help me get iron armor do you want to go mining with me oh sure why not it’s always nice to do some charity work yes it is now it is where should we go do you want any

Good moms I don’t know any particular but I think we’re on a hill right now and I’m pretty sure there’ll be quite a few so if you just want to you know come this way okay I can carry you if you like no please I don’t trust you and

Your two lives you’ve already lost or just with you I wouldn’t trust me either so that’s a fair point okay let’s go okay let’s what are these berries they slow me down I’m scared I do okay so what are things that can kill you in this world um

Iron already look at me go lucky you um you can die oh my gosh Jerry I don’t know if you’re prepared for the caves honestly wait are the caves scary listen they are there’s mobs down there that I didn’t even know existed in this world so oh yeah nerve damaged you’re nerve

Damaged I do I have nerve damage what does that mean it means I’m nervous why are you blocking yourself up you know what fine I’ll go my own way no I was I was making a joke that I was gonna kill myself oh okay well you already

Have a diamond pickaxe how long have you been on the server for I’ve been on for about two hours darling catch up what oh do you have torches it’s darksided I do I have I oh you know what else I have everything I need to make full obsidian

Armor I just haven’t got around to it yet you know what maybe that would have saved you the first time you died yeah and maybe and maybe even the second yeah give me some of those torches give them here and give them now and give them

Good I take them take them take all of them what is the like there’s like a star that sometimes appears on these items like my bed had one oh it’s an it’s when you get a new item it has a little tiny star so that you know it’s

Like the new item in your invention oh that’s cool yeah so have you already built your starter house not yet no I was actually on my way there and then you rang and I couldn’t refuse yeah you know what happened I’ll just sit here and you know just look pretty back here

I’ll watch our back nothing’s changed [Laughter] no nothing at all right well I just came back from a Minecraft quitting so you know I just need to be taken care of and treated very kindly and have everything done for me otherwise I’ll quit again so

Okay yes of course uh um get to work you yeah I’m just going as quick as I can make it faster freaking duh do you have food do you have food sir here you can have one piece of steak make it last no I thought you guys I I

Was actually asking because I was going to give you some I have plenty but thank you oh my gosh wow oh you tricked me did you find diamonds for me yet yes I did ah yeah Ewa that looks rotten what’s something’s uh with that diamond it looked a little

Green it’s in it’s a little crispy um what is wrong with it it was in my inventory a little while yeah no I must get things on my own except for this mining the ride on issue this you can still do okay sure wait that’s my

Experience no you know what I have I have a ring of experience so I get it all regardless what do you mean so you can mine it I can take it not you what is a ring of experience I found it in a chess and it says all XP

Orbs towards the play so um very well so why are you getting experienced I sure am ah you might want to return that my plan are you okay doing that Jerry it’s not too strenuous is it you know I just saw how bad you were doing it I needed to step in and

Just you know do it myself you’re a little slow with that stone pickaxe you know what I got a little tired you go what are we doing why are we just mining wow I don’t know it’s been a long time since I played Minecraft um yeah

All right okay do you have a crafting table um no do you have a crafting table no okay you keep mining I’m gonna go get some wood okay see you in a bit okay I need to make a furnace so I can make my armor and then I can get away from this

Sick crazy person who’s trying to give me rotten diamonds I know it was cursed there’s something off of that birther girl oh oh I love it I love it a felling tree thing wait if I break this well the whole tree no I won’t do that I’ll do it

To this one did it have felling or is it just that’s just what happens when you break trees because that’s incredible oh Max size of a hundred that’s fine it’s fine does it look like I give a crap because I don’t ow okay let’s go see if she found some

Iron hello hello hello Joey I’m down here coming oh you tried to trick me I know exactly what you were trying to do excuse me come here Joey I will push you into that lava when I fall down there so you better watch it oh you are evil excuse me

Excuse you is right I’ll just take this iron then shall I oh iron and Bernstein sword coming my way wait what’s an advanced iron sword oh you don’t remember darling it’s been quite a few years hasn’t it do you not remember that series um it was another life series you were

On and one life one life yes and you could get Advanced iron sword yes oh my gosh I remember you know what else we can get on here nether star swords oh I am triggered I remember wait I shouldn’t say it but as a fan I suppose but I remember watching you

Spending so long trying to find those dark golden apples chanted gold yeah say it took all the young centuries you know I heard a little rumor that an enchanted golden apple will get you a life back ah it’s just a rumor though oh but then

It’s like well what do you do do you use the enchanted golden apple for a life or do you use it for your nether star sword I suppose it’s priorities you’re right and they are very hard to come across I do know myself although in this world I

Don’t know because it seems like there was a lot of chats there is a lot of Chess although I will say that it is very balanced there’s not a lot of stuff in chess although if you you find a gold chest yeah let me know I have a gold key

I can use on it what is that wait are they locked Samar yes look I have this key hold on hold on hold on let me see I need it okay thank you so much that was so kind of you you can give that back now no I need to hold on

Just in case what’d you call me I called you Joey’s Joyce no it’s just like Joe is I guess Joyce can I call you Joyce I’m cooking up some iron that was such a nice welcome gift to be given a gold in a koi key

Um toy yes lost your darn mind why do you have cheese on your face I still don’t understand do you wanna you wanna know oh the Stinky Cheese Man do you take my key but you don’t take my cheese nah that’s all right you know you’d think after watching my

Videos all these years and centuries you’d know you can’t just give me things and expect them back she did she taught me so much and that was one of them and one and the other one was just just not be near you honestly why why because you’re a menace

You know what that’s where I get it from it’s you it’s me yeah also put some coal in this oven while you’re at it yes um oh my God yeah let me look at the armor types is Obsidian armor like the boss or something um no it’s it’s the best that you can

Get right now until yeah you can get better stuff okay so that gives you plus things yeah um I don’t know what the best armor is I think it’s Marine Diamond chess plate that was the slimy Diamond you gave me oh well I guess I’ll just keep them all

To myself wow wait where did you get that just asking for friends um well for that friend tell them I found it in a underwater chat that’s just random I will let them know okay Frozen Diamond chest plate that I want that you know the one that I like

The most I like the end of netherite armor because it gives you speed and not resistance did you hear that no that was scary what was it it was a demonic ghast sound oh they’re coming I’m not sure if I like this animation when you like put

Something in your inventory oh you can take that one but I said I I’m not sure okay right I’m certain got it okay well I like it without anything places for a little dress a necklace a backpack a belt okay um a harmonica aha Monica I don’t know something for your feet oh

Oh Monica I think it’s I just think it’s like a belt for your feet not a darn oh yeah that’s normal it’s the fashion darling you’ve been away for quite a while wait have you found my iron I found no I think we need a cave oh I’m

Scared okay yeah I’m down okay let’s find okay okay I think I see one up ahead oh careful actually where do you see it don’t be careful I think you need to lose another life or two to really just you know teach yourself a lesson listen I’m not going to be allowed in

That Dawn 10 heart club Northern nine heart club oh yes I’m gonna be in the 10 heart club for at least 10 weeks no no not if I have anything to do with it oh my God in the original x-life series I think I made the best clubhouse I think

It was the sixth heart club and it was a gorgeous planet that sat above the spawn area and it was sickening the house down boots really I’ve never seen it don’t pretend like it wasn’t your favorite you know what I would say it was but I do like flips pre-house

The three heart club it was four oh wow okay but yours was a close second girl mine you know really brought spawn together it was sickening and everybody in the comments knows it don’t you guys wasn’t it the best it was they all agreed and they think that you deserve 10 lashings

For that response I can breathe ten sorry I’m gonna die you literally have plenty of Hearts no but I don’t that’s the thing I have two less than you remember that please well yes as you should so I always have you know what I’m going to do this for

Myself and for the audience and what I’m going to do is I’m going to make sure that at one point I have more life than you oh that sounds like a threat it is a threat take it as one file a report right now on a cave I’m scared good I’m

Scared you’re crazy yeah that’s what got me killed the two the first two times Bertha I’m scared don’t be scared it’s okay there’s nothing I think it’s a dead end honestly yes but break this pot hmm oh oh lovely lovely um there’s some creepers oh it’s over

Here oh we should go there my pickaxe is about to break oh that sucks oh I could make a uh iron one actually oh okay I found it you’re not gonna like this what are you shooting at Reapers there’s a lot of babies too oh my gosh the babies run the babies run

Babies what the babies run the baby creepers run baby creepers yes no no no no no no oh gosh I don’t I don’t like that okay I got it oh my gosh breath I’m scared but this place I see some iron we gotta light up the world like nobody else

You got it Joe I’m scared I hear something I’m scared I’m gonna die again so thank you I’m scared uh it’s what are you hearing I’m not hearing anything the Skeletron oh Cherry oh my God it doesn’t have a shield you have full iron armor oh you’re right actually you know what I’ll

Cut you some slack Enderman Enderman Enderman it’s fine just don’t look at him don’t oh there’s iron down here there’s something over there there’s something over there there is look at a ton of stuff oh that yeah what is that oh I don’t know should we be investigative reporters we could I do

Feel like I’m gonna be shot off and die again but you know what it’s worth it could be such cold in there oh no oh oh Bertha I think I need to get out of it she really needs another golden help or Not Another it just needs a golden apple wow

Um well battle teacher a lesson oh my gosh oops oh no poor Bertha Lynn she’s having a rough rough cover she really needs a golden apple life’s just getting higher and harder can’t relate though clumsina she’s gonna be the first one out of the server I feel like I should probably

Um go back to the surface maybe find someone else to go on an adventure with because clearly she’s not the one I knew person that has just joined the server I think I see their purple head on the mini map hello why are you running away from me and why are you

Deafened there you are hello there hi oh I’m dumb no you’re just Kate yeah exactly well welcome to X life thanks you ready to die I hear it uh are you I got it I got a I’m not afraid to use it well it matches your head uh look at it so

Cute she’s coordinated so what you’ve been doing so far um honestly just taking in how flipping expansive this is I looked at let the biome book and I’m very overwhelmed and then I started looking at like how much furniture There is I’m freaking out I actually a typical Joey didn’t even read

The books that I was given so yeah I’m like trying to figure out if I were to build a home which biome would I build it in oh what are you thinking I don’t know um I really love I mean I’m a spooky one okay so the bulbous Gardens looks super

Cool like a purple and also in the end you want to build it yeah but then we have to get to the end exactly so maybe we’ll start in the Jacaranda Forest sure how about Rainbow Beach should we go explore and see if we come across anything that’s a lovely idea also getting

Awesome armor would probably be a smart thing for me to do I know look it there’s so many different types of armor you could have Cactus armor I mean it’s only two armor but what yeah it’s not really that good Redstone chest plate okay I’m freaking out okay okay there’s there’s too many

Options I’m I’m very indecisive I’m a Libra sun and moon and you’re telling me that I need to make a choice with all of these options well most of them aren’t really that good but it’s fine I have iron armor can you see it on or is it hidden yeah

Oh okay you have like a little bracelet too or is that a shackle a shackle that’s that’s my shield oh ready to see your Shield huh I think my shield I’m kind of nervous for you but I prefer to see it as a shackle it’s gonna be on you

Forever yeah I that’s part of my lore I’ve actually I’m trying to break free from my owner’s grasps That’s like blowing up in a really cute okay I’m worried about you because you don’t have any armor so yeah what should should we get you just like some wood armor yeah or I could do off this cliff and steal yours well actually we have keep inventory hang on that’s my bad so

Uh um wait we have what on keep inventory so when you die you keep it wait I want to try and tame this jacobo where oh my gosh this is your truck how did you get it to love you uh with this what are these things oh

Come here that thing I don’t know how to mount it does it need a um a thing that you sit on what’s that called a saddle yeah that one potentially oh shoot the sun’s going down I’m scared if you know what I do when I don’t want to die in Minecraft I

Keep a bunch of dirt on me and I build a Panic Room out of dirt oh I love that that’s very smart so 10 out of 10 recommend let’s maybe go and grab a bunch of dirt or we could just be really fast sleep before it gets too dark side

It’s a frisky business we’re having a slumber party hey good night good night well I’ll be taking that okay I’m trying to see where we should go explore um it looks like southeast of us there’s a forgotten Forest a forgotten Forest Southwest okay I’m gonna go sell these I’m a

Professional check this out boom boom boom boom I don’t even care I don’t even care I see that oh okay so quick you’re scaring me Kate you’ll scatter me this is so pretty flowers I took a you know what it came back faster than it was even gone

Your head’s splitting in with the flowers you sit next to the purple one oh where did it go yeah hopefully we can find like a village with a bunch of cool loot or like a castle something that can give us all the good good gumdrops what’s that I don’t know I’m gonna pet

It okay be careful am I gonna witness another death today did you pet it oh gosh she’s gonna drown oh my God what where’d she go Kate don’t do this your life it’s too precious punched it it’s a bass Oh I thought it was like a piranha or something yeah or

Like a bear What are you come here let me kill you wait is that a Goose Mother Goose just a silly little goose why did it laugh when I killed it did you hear that that was horrendous I hate that did it make that noise oh see that’s much better

Not better it’s not better at all it still makes me so sad oh look at that cow it has spots wait here hi caliber you’re so beautiful I love you yeah you’re so cute yeah kill it yeah oh gosh this does not seem fun let me

Come out this thing’s so fun it’s just like a cute little lost forest are you sure wait if we go the distance to the right a little or the left there’s something over there we should go explore this way whoa yeah yeah I see that first one there gets all the treasure

Okay get inside Kate there’s pillagers on the loose here oh gosh you think that I can handle that I don’t even know look out Keith it’s not safe here oh I don’t think this is actually I don’t think this is good excuse me sir sorry we didn’t mean to solicit that’s our bad

We’re just kidding wait we need to set him free so he can battle them go protect us Iron Golem okay well while you’re doing that I’m just gonna collect all of this stuff be there mad because I’m ruining all of their things look out look out look out

Oh yeah I don’t like the way that oh yeah oh yeah yeah Iron Golem okay oh he’s strong oh sir you think he protected us because he had the crush I think so he’s in love oh we need to infiltrate this building you said I can make wood armor I think so

Yeah what type of wood do you have um I have oak logs and planks yeah just make them into planks and then just make them like regular armor and you’ll be good um yeah yes I know how to make armor oh okay the joke is that I don’t but I’m figuring it out

I don’t know the recipes by heart I just press them in the books this is dangerous Maneuvers I don’t think I like this but I really want to go into this house and steal what’s in there okay okay great so far um it’s all but the top middle one okay

Okay and how did you shoot it’s four so two on each side at the bottom She’s a tree yeah I’m swag okay she’s a little bit protected now um let’s try to break in through the roof just don’t fall to your dad any promises oh that’s a that’s a that’s a big drop okay I only took two and a half ‘s coming in

Yeah it looked like it I see him out here he’s very angry oh he’s just right there I’ll shoot him to death oh death be with you sir cow you think you can hurt me oh gosh oh they’re mad Kate I’m scared be careful I’ll just go in oh they’re shooting each

Other they’re mad at each other um yeah you might want to come in oh look at the loot look at the loot oh iron ingot to eat some arrows okay I gotta crossbow so then I can like try doing anything to help what is a rare bag I don’t know but I

Got one too okay right click it and maybe something crazy comes up nope I right clicked it and oh I got a willy head a willy Yeah Willy head look at look at my face what what do you think it’s cute right obsessive I’m so jealous look at the

Little eyebrows why do they do they I don’t know okay please tell me I get something good hold on let me put some stuff away actually oh my gosh why is this this is the best day of my life truly okay let’s see what I get sunglasses I’m gonna be so cool

Oh my gosh they’re like right above your oh no my skin isn’t in the right position that’s okay I’m cool yeah you’re wearing them like up on your head like a yeah exactly like you have sunglasses but you don’t need to use them I don’t know okay do we think there’s more pressure

Hidden in this building hey um I’ve been I didn’t I was like a little bit embarrassed to show you this but I’ve been working really hard on um performance I really hope you enjoy it what do you think oh are you a Bard I’m a Bard A Barden training careful there

Could be dangerous guys down here don’t worry I have a sword in my eyebrows okay I think we’ve completed everything here so we should probably leave we got our Goods there might be stuff down here actually oh some rope what are you what is rope I don’t know oh look at this

Tides when you come up to um nervous look at it hey buddy oh he’s scared maybe what if he creep towards him I want to put them in a jar okay well maybe I’ll sing to him for you little buddy it just busted his ear drums he’ll never hear again coming out again

Oh oh okay there’s a man lurking behind over there he’s a pervert staring at us ew look at you just looking oh wait no no he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming okay Kate wow baby okay we have to go we have to go oh yeah there’s two of them I

Killed one but there’s two of them oh it doesn’t even like hurt okay not so bad literally nothing I don’t know if you know this but uh we’re kind of Gamers we’re so good look at this poor is there someone swimming Iron Golem what this is so important this is

So much more important than anything you have an error sticking out of your face but look at this what there’s an odd wait where’d it go where did where’d he go dipped there was an otter in the water hey we’re having a moment here Potter oh there’s so many under here

Over there hi this is the bed look at this they’re so otters are my favorite animal okay back to business I’m gonna let you out of here but you better protect me at all costs of any of these perverts come okay why do you wanna oh no we have a

Hundred dollars oh maybe he wants a seashells because don’t otters like seashells yeah give them one yeah we don’t need that flower schmauer look he’s just looking come here hey little buddy look do you like seashell love me oh there’s one right here there’s one right here take it take it please

Love me nope they don’t like him thanks we need to figure out what they like probably fish careful there’s a drown in that water we can’t go in there anymore it could kill us but we’re Gamers oh you’re right you know how many pillagers we just killed too many to count

But if we kill it what if it drops a trident and where the first people gotta try them Okay are you racing your eyebrows afterwards it’s like okay think about it we need to get you better armor like this is just not what if we kill the Iron Guard oh go oh gosh oh don’t let the Iron Golem kill you oh hello who’s there oh hi I’m not I’m

Not I’m not a uh villager I promise sure that’s what the last one prove it um um would a villager have a a really gay cowboy hat on he makes a point I make a point thank you yeah sorry I was just passing through to go to my

Don’t wiggle your eyebrows at me please what cue your hat at me how fast he didn’t go to my house and then I saw a Pillager killing an iron golem and I just got really heartbroken like do you live around here um I live that way and on a mountain oh

Sorry hold on real quick I love you please love me I love you okay sorry that was the cutest dang thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life it’s so sweet you love to fish why did I think the animal stuck you for a second because I got so

Confused well I’m gonna go to my house and you guys be safe here take some of this I don’t need this so um I present to you now um the song of my people can I hear it again yeah sorry just give me a second let me just

I’m sorry I’m practicing gotta go wet my lips oh I love that you’re just gonna I’m just gonna leave here’s the song of crown oh it’s gonna despawn oh my gosh I’ll leave you with the song of my people I don’t I don’t think I like his people

Is that okay is that problematic to say um I don’t think you should say that again I think maybe I think maybe some thoughts we keep to ourselves oh okay sorry all right where do we go now I don’t know how do I spend my entire life

Beating otters so you really gotta Lead Me Away otherwise I will be here with a snail and Otter for the rest of my life uh okay yeah let’s try to Traverse this mountain there looks like a really pretty field up here that I kind of want to go explore Maybe bills

I made it oh yeah hey Kate Kate careful around the ledge I hear I hear a pill oh yeah just don’t just go no no no no you don’t hit Joey I’m the only one who’s gonna kill him if anyone’s gonna kill Joe it’s gonna be made oh by the way

Um in the new update you really like spam kit it doesn’t really work that way anymore well he’s dead isn’t he oh let’s sleep little lava heart because I love you oh look at this flower feel that’s so pretty oh I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine just be careful where you’re walking how

Dare you just say that standing in front of a hidden hole it that’s why I oh this is gorgeous this is stunning this is beauty this is great oh oh that looks so where do you rock that was God I just want to hit you off the ledge

So bad don’t do it you are uh this is so difficult for me to not just commit absolute murder I can’t otherwise I’ll have to do it to you but oh a village I bet there’s chest here wait where bro do you just have like crazy eyes how do you see the village

It’s my sunglasses also the map and it’s the math oh there’s a raid happening no no sorry happening because we killed pillagers I is oh we brought this upon us I’m so sorry people that we did this to you we’re actually we’re the raid we’re here to steal all there

Stuff for real they’re like oh no where’s your goods hi little B give us all your goody goody truck oh some obsidian oh an iron sword you’re dead what oh okay where are you okay needs my help Kate needs my help Kate Kate are you alive ooh I’m breaking oh what’d you find

Um I found a hanging pot and then a bunch of other random stuff I found a chest that had obsidian in it what’s this that’s how you were able to get that yes Bucket Challenge and I thought that you like literally poured look I got another hat bag here

Right here it’s kind of trash I prefer my sunglasses the glasses are better the glasses are much better what is that noise you know the rest of the raid s that sounds like the big dude that like donks you up like Maxi with his face that would be an insta kill for us

Here you have to come in here and get the obsidian that’s fine oh my gosh that’s like a lot of obsidian uh yeah and an iron sword I will be taking that also ooh and more bread okay let’s leave this place they can fend for themselves go let them die yeah they’re

Better off without us yeah it’s true it technically will follow us it actually technically won’t add we’re cursed well I think they’re underground so those are like actual creepers yes gosh I want to make an entire hide and seek place with this tall girl wait I kind of

Love it here I might build my house here like right here in the center ah they’ll where the ground ends oh I love it I think I might claim this as my area right here’s someone eating I hear that too what is that surfing up what animal

Is that where did I come from I don’t know it’s not me but I hear it look at my lovely view I’ll have I don’t know this is a maybe what’d you find it’s just a little snail he’s the one who’s the Enderman oh you just killed the snail no I just I

Didn’t kill him he’s still there he’s just somewhere else no he’s alive I swear look at he’s right there oh okay me okay it’s time I think I killed him you know what maybe this is the cursed land I don’t know if I can live here now the land of snail murders

Oh my God it’s a maybe for me oh I want to jump should we do it I’ll jump if you jump she’s gonna fully die don’t do it don’t do it you’re gonna die I did not die I just almost did I broke both of my ankles

Oh my gosh that was too close I’ve been playing Minecraft for at least a year it’s been 30 minutes uh today yeah yeah look at I found another place over here to build traps look at there’s a village oh we could rest there for the night

No this is different get out of this bed ah I’m taking it over Wake up should I try and get the cat oh I like one fish that’s all you need but also be careful but look it’s right here look how fluffy it is oh that looks like it has mange get the mange cat why is it not coming to me come here come here

It didn’t take the one no okay wait there’s something over there’s more Village over here what are oh my god I’ve never seen one of these before a Golem oh I don’t know how to activate them okay so the crystal Caverns are up here but there are is a

Huge drop oh my goodness I would like to get diamonds to make a diamond pickaxe so maybe we should go down there we could take the water elevator down um remember the last time I tried to jump into water yeah but we won’t how well that was we can start from the top

And just float down yeah this thing’s good whoa oh I I I that is very big and probably lots of danger no what a little creature I don’t see it hanging out oh this is actually way easier oh I see what you’re talking about oh what is this oh it’s so magical

It’s a sparkle I need a sparkle look at it look at it want it eat it with these oh maybe try to feed it a shark did you hear that noise it was beautiful oh zombies coming zombies coming zombies coming I got it I got it you’re so brave here

It does not need that okay there’s a chest okay more of those cool grab bags so pretty it has iron in it oh and a golden key and a name tag here you could use it for Odin what oh wait you’ll get one of your own

I think if you open it right oh my gosh wait I decided if you I bet hi can I make leather armor oh I bet you could make something out of it oh another chest is down here these chests are so exhilarating another cat I probably should get

Obsidian armor oh wait don’t you have a bunch of iron to make iron armor I do yeah I need to make that here I’ll place a crafting table Oh yay okay good and I don’t have to memorize how to make it that sounded like uh oh yeah I’m just killing someone

What the heck is that what is that I don’t know but I shot it and I bet it’s mad it looks like a little Goblin okay I’m scared what you shot him and he’s mad no okay you got it okay [Applause] I did it so I have to fight

Oh my God oh my gosh listen I did not sign up to be your knight in shining armor okay hey what the that bro don’t Smack me it’s so rude and also disrespectful death be with you oh my gosh now you defended me yeah saved me thank you oh common hot ground

A swimmer cap nah ow e you just made a more babies what the heck does that mean I don’t know Kate Kate I’m scared okay there’s a baby skeleton shooting at me where the more babies got him child Adams okay so I ended up leaving the mining Expedition because I couldn’t

Find any diamond so I was like whatever I’m just gonna go spend my time looking for the perfect place to build my house so I’m thinking I want to build and there’s a beautiful flower Forest that I came across and it is just so it just

Gives me such happy Vibe like when I’m here I’m just like oh my God I just feel so safe and protected and just surrounded by flowers it’s giving me very much first season of One Life when I just like found the flower fields and I was like yes this is it so I’m

Thinking of building a house here and look at I have this pretty view up there I’m kind of like in a ditch though so I feel very low to the ground and the flowers do kind of cover me up so oh I I had a spot up there that I was

Potentially thinking which you know what maybe I’ll show you guys so this is option one you guys need a let me know in the comments down below by voting one two or three so the ditch is one number two is up on this Hilltop click click

Click okay so the hilltop is right here it has stunning views of the area I would definitely have to tear oh my gosh not me almost dying um I would have to terraform it a bit but that’s okay okay so this is option number two look at the views from up here

It’s stunning and then so I could build the house up here and then I could have like a pathway that like wraps around the hill right here that like leads me down and around and I have a view of that area that we raided me and Kate and

Then it could just go down there I think it’s just it’s like pretty to like be up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky so there’s that or the final option which is a little bit different than the flower Fields let’s let’s head

Over there okay option three is at the top of this hill which has this pretty backdrop but it’s more like Birch foresty a little bit more simple less flowers and it’s kind of just like flat across there’s not too much Dimension but looking out here which would be the

Front of the house I would have this view which now that I’m like kind of looking at I’m like it’s really not that great of a deal it’s decent it’s fine and there’s like a cute Village down there that I could connect to but I don’t know this is option three but I’m

Gonna let you guys help me decide by letting your voices be heard and the comments down below because that is it for this episode of X life I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you did please hit that like button and subscribe if you’re not already and tune in next time

For episode two I’m gonna try to get two to three episodes a week and just make it super chill and not too crazy of episodes so yeah tune in next time to see more casual Minecraft gaming good and bye

This video, titled ‘A FAMILIAR NEW BEGINNING!!! Minecraft X Life SMP Ep.1’, was uploaded by Joey Graceffa Games on 2023-09-11 19:00:15. It has garnered 86569 views and 6913 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:39 or 3219 seconds.

In today’s video, Joey starts his way through a familiar adventure on a brand new season of X Life! Where do you think he should build his new base? Comment below!!

Welcome to X Life: Next Gen! A twist on the original SMP where each player starts with ten hearts and when they die, they come back with one less heart!

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  • 7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas

    7 Sneaky Minecraft Build Ideas Exploring Creative Building Ideas in Minecraft Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft building skills to the next level? Look no further! Here are 7 cool building ideas that will inspire your creativity and help you create stunning structures in the blocky world of Minecraft. 1. Redstone Contraptions Galore Redstone is a powerful tool in Minecraft that allows players to create intricate contraptions and mechanisms. From automated farms to hidden doors, the possibilities are endless. Challenge yourself to build a complex redstone contraption that will impress your friends and showcase your engineering skills. 2. Underwater City Take your building… Read More

  • Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?

    Minecraft POMNI Farts Non-Stop! Can JAX Rescue Her?Video Information today we are at the water slides with Jax it’s very cool here and I really like the water maybe we should swim already is that why you decided to bring me here well actually yes just to have a good time together it’s really fun by the way calmo has something new over there that I wanted to show you I don’t even know maybe it’s a good idea but what about the slides we can always ride the slides but kfmo might not have what I want to get later okay then let’s be very careful… Read More

  • SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey Survived

    SWAT vs Zombie Army in Minecraft: How JJ and Mikey SurvivedVideo Information [Music] let’s get started today I’m here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you’re going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wao that’s a zombie villager right that’s right Bud he wasn’t always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I’ve done a lot of research but I still haven’t found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I’ve tried everything I can think of H here have some more are those cookies yeah… Read More

  • EPIC S4 BOY XD – Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!

    EPIC S4 BOY XD - Get Full Diamond Armor in Minecraft SMP!!Video Information डे टू ऑन जेएस आर एस एमपी तो मैंने और डीसी प्लेयर ने इतना ग्राइंड कल ऑफलाइन में किया था और डीसी प्लेज कल वीडियो में नहीं था आज रेक्स डोर है डीसी प्लेज है और रुद्रांश भी है तो चलो ग्राइंडिंग करने के लिए निकलते हैं और आज मैं लेफ्ट हैंड यूज कर रहा हूं मैं अभी जा रहा हूं स्पन पे क्योंकि यह रेडर और रुद्रांश को मुझे यहां पर लेके आना है और रुद्रांश कह रहा था मैं 3:00 बजे खेलूंगा तो अभी थोड़ा सा ऐसे खेल के अभी वो लीव कर देगा और यह… Read More

  • DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICK

    DARAYANS WILD Minecraft Iron Farm TRICKVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Easy Iron Farm | Einfache Eisenfarm’, was uploaded by Darayans World of Gaming on 2023-12-28 12:28:09. It has garnered 81 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. A simple and quick to build iron farm without redstone. If you like the video, please leave me a like. 😇 Visit my other social media links ○ Instagram:​​ ○ Discord: #minecraft #shorts #eisenfarm Read More

  • Saucari Live – EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch Now

    Saucari Live - EPIC Minecraft Hive Part 3! Must Watch NowVideo Information oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sar’s live no way I love that guy you’re making five streams bro I’m not going to lie Shout Out b Cari yeah I played with cardi and Uzi thumbnails so far flag I mean whatever the [ __ ] is I miss the old cardi the cash cardi cardi my b m my B woke up to is my new video cooked my new video fire my new video one out of 10 remember video one out of 10 nine n is pretty good hold on let me check… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Circle Madness!Video Information Sunny wake up we’re stuck in a circle Minecraft again bro let me sleep how can you sleep in times like this this isn’t right this is cursed by Craft is aut about blocks not circles I hate circles I kind of like them especially if we’re playing hide and seek melon bro it’s time for hide and go seek I’m going to wreck you brother we’ll see about that one sunny I guess it’s just a normal day in Minecraft no moded hide and seek nothing weird going to have wait what’s going on what the heck… Read More

  • Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11

    Unleashing The Terrifying Minecraft Curse! 🔥👹 #11Video Information yo pohon tanpa daun lagi guys di sini guys kita cek keadaan sekitar yuk Guys kita mukan pohon tanpa daun lagi nih Mantap nih Kita coba hancurin kali ya kalau misal kita hancurin apa yang bakal terjadi sama kita ya Wah mantap Guys kita Menan pohon tanpa daun lagi let’s go [Musik] nah J Kita akan ambil daging-daging What the hell guys What the hell what what the hell guys Yo what Wah ini guys ini sih ini ini ini gila gila wah di sini kita menemukan This video, titled ‘Ini Adalah Minecraft Versi Kutukan #11 #minecraft #mod… Read More

Joey Graceffa Games  – A FAMILIAR NEW BEGINNING!!! Minecraft X Life SMP Ep.1