Vengeful Heart of Ender Boss! – Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Walkthrough Part 39 – Echoing Void DLC!

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Hello zebra herd welcome back to Minecraft dungeons today we are hopping into what might be the final level in the end DLC with broken Citadel as you can see here uh take a look at the story time to end this you’ve reached the very heart of the void and found the last

Bastion of the enemy’s power it’s time to end the tale of the orb of dominance and put a stop to this chaos let’s go for it so we’ve made our way through everything in this game all the story mode all the DLCs to this very moment

And I could have the power a little bit but that’d be I’d be at a disadvantage so I think I’ll keep it like this we still have lots of gear and a new artifact to find so hopefully we can stumble across that as we head in I’m

Pretty nervous but I’m also just excited to experience this because last level super difficult super intense and reached the last bustier of the enemy’s power seek out the enemy that lacks you and bring an end to this madness all right will do might not be easy but we gotta navigate

The outer Island so let’s take a look at the map really quickly we already have a chest waiting for us somewhere yep right over here and speaking of Chess we have nine normal chests and seven secrets to find as of right now and more stuff might pop up along the way typically

That’s how it works out right so yeah will this be a super difficult thing I guess with the wait and see but of course if you haven’t seen last episode you definitely should we unlock the electrolings flying which is so cool I’m gonna land in this little thing and just

Try to zap these guys away because there is a ton of them oh my gosh even some enemies over that way I think they’re coming over to me now oh my gosh yeah that’s quite the start already I want to get rid of the yellow guys there we go

There’s a lot going on in these little Islands so fly it around with the light drawings quite a lot there are so many enemies wow potion that was close yo let me jump over to this thing if I can and just like with all the other levels they’ve explored in this adventure I’ll

Be trying to be as diligent as possible all right I think I can just yeah float across like that The Ledger rings are so cool I hope I get to keep those just wherever we go it’s not just these levels but I guess I’ll have to wait and see right now though

Yeah let’s wait for you I’ll get rid of you I’m gonna find like whatever areas we can explore because I’m supposed to go to the right so we’ll explore around on the left a little bit more I’m also be trying to get level ups and

Stuff I think we should whoa be able to get level 76 at the least in today’s episode depending on how long this level is maybe even more what’s going on up this way little guys are jumping down on me I don’t know where from do you see that jump pad I

Think I’ll double back on that once we check out all this stuff and I already got a brand new unique call of the Void so we’ll check that out later not too much over here no what I thought I found a Vine I’m fine but I can only imagine this is gonna be

Super intense super difficult we’ve worked through the entire game to get to this point all the DLC and everything it has been quite the wonderful Adventure I think I want to maybe get up here trying to always get rid of this range guy as soon as I can the yellow one

And we did we managed it got it and I guess I want to hey oh they got me stuck too which is not good luckily they’re very weak like the one hit takes them down no problem the problem is sad the rest of them will swarm in this

Bouncing me back over to where I’ve already been so I think we’re fine to get across this side where there’s a lot of them there we go I got them though we’re fine we’re fine it wants me to go over here this guy blocked me off from doing that

That doesn’t seem right oh I see okay maybe I shouldn’t have done that because there’s still so much more to explore uh oh um I wanted to go back over there okay I’m good I’m good awesome I’ll toss that TNT over but look where they’re all gonna show up over here instead great

It’s sort of hard to get them that way yeah I definitely don’t want to move on with the level just yet if there’s still so much more left to find okay so falling across to here this is a lot this is a whole bunch I need to get rid of them

We got him luckily our crowd control with the lightning arrows if no amount of a mouth is still pretty good what about down this way oh there’s a lot more waiting for us trying to wake them up now so that hopefully they can just come out and deal with them as a group

Come on we’re gonna run gonna run got it oh that was great so looking good I think that looks all super cleared out I’m gonna use this potion and we can rush back over so we’ve done a great job of clearing everything this is so exciting though I can’t wait

To get to the end and see what this monster is all about you know and what does this up here is this anything nothing okay if I think we’re truly good to just fly over well there we go the first one didn’t work and oh wow there’s a bunch of villagers

And stuff here A bunch of them trying to make some space so I can yeah turn around no I don’t want to get hit by that do not I am getting destroyed left and right wow the plant was there too that was too much I got myself in way too much trouble

That was ridiculous well we got rid of a lot of them and now all the food is popping up after I get taken out not good hmm nothing over there oh another ice guy the ice guys are such a pain to deal with because I just don’t have the space

Don’t have the space okay that works out pretty well and I’m just sort of going one way at a time we’ll see where it lands US ah that could have been bad that could have been really bad and I don’t know if I can get across from here

I can the actual range we get from the elytra wings is so cool and I hope it’s something we can actually keep for the other levels there’s still so much here wow okay so I’ll definitely have to do some backtracking and stuff to make sure

I find everything but for now whoa we go back over here oh The Shield guys are always a challenge I’m so used to the uh Enderman or whatever they are uh jumping behind me that one these guys don’t jump behind me I’m sort of surprised there we go and that’s just

Gonna launch me right back where it was okay which is great and everything oh no I’m foolish that’s not what I meant to do you just gotta be careful the extra why didn’t that work there we go I gotta be careful the extra range we

Get from doing this now oh no oh get out of there that could have been bad oh not another one uh I dodged it I think we now have somebody to go that way oh I think it already was never mind no no no gotcha that was good

No I gotta Dodge it I tried but there was a brick in the way that’s not good that’s still not everything though we still have a lot more the problem is I can’t get it from here so let’s wait seriously okay well luckily I got back to where I

Wanted gotta use this potion now I don’t know if I can it looks like it’s all sort of downhill from there did I seriously miss out on that much I wonder if I can and then use that to fly over here not really oh that’s so disappointing I can’t get up that way

So I missed a huge chunk of stuff again and I can’t get over that way I could try from there but I don’t think it’s enough so I go up like this and I just don’t think I can maybe if I was sneaky about it and went around because I can’t

There’s no way you know how was I supposed to know that feels so silly let me try it like that I feel like I could maybe but this is not very fun to try oh I made it okay so with some fancy footwork I’m back over here so now my

Goal is just to try to find out I guess I could oh I could have probably just jumped over to this the whole time either way you know I did it so I’m proud let’s see what’s going on on this side I’m so happy I I did find a way

Eventually there we go there is something on this button there’s so much here it was absolutely worth putting that time in even if I fall into a pit or two oh my gosh got it anything else on this island I’ll look like it actually I should check this little spot out

Just want to make sure our chest won’t pop up or something because sometimes that happens well here is a TNT I’ll make the most of or it’ll fall right off the side okay is it two oh an evoker somewhere where oh probably up here all right

Let’s take them on then that’s not him where’s the yacht I have no clue there’s too much going on there’s way too much oh there you are he’s running from me I’m on my watch music is so intense but we got him and that’s gonna be a swiftest potion for us

Is there really no chest or anything for doing all that I guess not but hey we still have one more little island to explore back over this way oh got it oh no come on there’s so many this is always so scary so yeah let’s focus the evoker down first because he

Does the most of the damage and that’s it okay so we get another void bow and a burning Brew so I really want to make the most of that I’m gonna have to move it now because chances are it’s gonna be all out by the time I get back to where

There’s more enemies we finally did it we cleared out everything I can find so far so now we need to fly back over okay we made it so let’s fly and try this out so whoa so this looks like a stronghold or something Ascend the mountain oh gosh the tone has really

Changed now oh there’s a lot of them oh there’s so many get that lightning the chain through all of them now nope this way got some more of that chorus fruit toss it over there and it falls off again I’m not doing so well with the TNT so far that’s for sure

Got it grabbing that chest a couple of those Endermen waiting for me got it so that means we’re getting somewhere you know get the supply chest which oh there it is again we’re coming up on that scene I can only imagine it’s been waiting for us so evil

I’m gonna think okay it’s not good there we go these guys do a lot better if we use melee against them opposed terrain terrain just doesn’t seem to hurt them up much which is usually the opposite for a lot of the enemies we do better with it

The range attacks I gotta not go near those when they’re about to explore those little trees because they do damage either way I’m missing a lot I need to I need to go back down oh that was maybe a mistake I made it work I actually didn’t take fall damage

From that maybe that’s like a benefit of the electro wings not really sure I wouldn’t imagine they would remove all fall damage from electro rings but I guess we’ll see oh there’s a burning Brew that’s actually gonna be really helpful as we head into this huge crowd

Okay it’s not that huge of a crowd but I didn’t know so oh and there is a chest there see that’s why you got to take those little spots out like that that’s gonna be two out of seven for secrets and three out of nine for chests so hopefully that means we

Still have a lot more level left to explore got it and grab that one because we also have a lot of emeralds here there wasn’t too much really worth buying in the last episode so I saved my emeralds and down this way there’s just one more

Of these guys so with that we can head back out that way and focus on the main thing the climb in the mountain which it doesn’t feel like much of a mountain I suppose it is okay here we go oh no and oh no new event Arena Battle it’s an Enderman for now

Uh it’s in the more I can looks like yeah there’s some guys over here also oh we get our level up so we are now level uh 76. that’s really good there’s a lot of enemies over this fight I need to slice away as well sometimes it’s better to focus on them

First all the range enemies and stuff and if I keep hitting them with the arrows I will at least get my health back the problem with these guys is they teleport got it so that’s gonna be another void bow but we’re not done oh these guys are so tough another grouping of them

This is where I could use the TNT block in all right there we go that’s got to be the rest of them now we need to breach the gates I’m guessing we’ll need some keys for that but right now anything back here not looking like it grab that even though I don’t really

Need it too much just sort of checking out all the different ends to make sure that there’s nothing more to find so with that done oh no you don’t even if we take some damage we earn it back pretty quickly these guys are just chilling out here oh no gotcha

That’s pretty good I see that swiftness potion which I might want to save well I picked it up so I guess making the most of it then because this area over here like there’s a whole another Fortress over here it’s pretty crazy not too much on this

Side of it but you can see that there’s something over here so let’s figure that out an illusioner oh boy where’s the illusioner at it whoa everywhere that’s where he is trying to find them but I have to get rid of all the other people first oh my gosh we haven’t fought an

Illusioner in so long this is cool so many unique enemies to this game okay it’s you it’s you oh he got me really powerful shot there I need to be careful of that we’re heading back into it right now come on gotcha much better but there is still more to flying down

This way so what is that oh no it’s the ice cube again I’m throwing that TNT and I’m just gonna run back wasn’t the most necessary thing but oh could have thrown it here too I do get another one uh no it kept falling towards me oh the burning Brew

That’ll be good but this whole group I’ll find if I do and we get is that a unique I think it is the unstable robes wow okay that almost was really not good um you had to sort of Bounce me into all those enemies okay that’s everything from the side

Paths that was cool getting a new unique is always an exciting thing is there any chest up here nope And I will get rid of you but I think we’re gonna move up this main staircase again oh no ah come on there we go there we go now we’re doing a little bit better please I think oh gosh shoot it I don’t think that does much we gotta keep following

It I wonder where I want to land here up here down there because I’ve missed out on Secrets because I didn’t quite know where to land and I didn’t land in the best spot so I think the higher I can land the better enter the gate Tower

Where is that I’m not quite sure oh right here so I’m gonna do everything but that for now I want to find extra stuff looks like there’s actually two teleports there what’s your sign or two uh like entrances got it oh no Dodge that sort of there’s always another one now

Those are the guys I wouldn’t mind if they stop popping up as much but they’re everywhere oh here we go grab that fruit for sure and turn back around and deal with those guys oh there’s a lot over here villagers they’re working together now that hardly feels Fair what alliance could they have

Come together with you know I bet they’re on totally different wavelengths oh no my potion it fell right off the side that’s a shame I couldn’t really even get the chance to grab it but there is still more I don’t know if that stuff is explorable though

It doesn’t really look like it at least not from where I’m at I do see something land on there though that’s where I just might be up too late I was supposed to fly up there one way or another and I just missed my chance because I don’t really see a way up

There because this isn’t a bounce pad right nope yeah I’m not really seeing a way over that way so I might be able to come back to it from higher up so I’m not gonna worry about it too much right now unlock the monolithic gate whoa okay do what I can

Yeah as you can see there’s sort of different ways to get through and we’ll get a chest for one of them but Oh no you’re teleporting around too seeing those bigger range guys teleport around that much that was interesting they definitely pack a punch I heard a potion there it is

I think I’ll just sorta swipe out one of them yeah that worked I’m surely just about closing the distance with the glaive is that all of them did I miss one I mean the actions stopped so I guess that’s it this door is still not open

But this one is oh we got the shulkers again huh what do I need to do oh dude this one not that okay this is not fair you’re done for I think I just yeah open it right over here so come on Joker you can just spit it

Right over to this I think or the towel to be honest with you that gets it I can’t really get up there so I don’t think there’s anything more for me there oh here comes some more of them but we know where to bring them this time so a lot simpler

No there’s so many to dodge out oh my gosh this is a lot of work to manage like the enemies and doing that choker thing I did it though so that’s good well sort of there’s still one more and he’s blossoming there we go I got my revenge

So I guess we’re going this way now oh no uh still not what I wanted okay let’s get out of here before another one ah so what’s going on with all this up here huh trying to find this monolithic gate somewhere oh that’s a lot of enemies okay

Definitely time for lightning then wow I chose a good time because they all popped up at once is there gonna be more oh you know we probably need to head down here yeah hit that button I don’t know what that button did but I might have unlocked the chest at the beginning

Or something you never really know or might have just done that I do need to backtrack for that at some point but a little confused as to when there’s a strength potion that’ll definitely help me for fighting all these guys come on oh I’m getting beat up from them

Got it and that’s gonna be it for that not too bad so I’ll keep running for now maybe we’ll backtrack soon I’ve not been in this room yet more buttons to press sure it’s important to you so might as well oh no atomies everywhere and another button

Oh and that opens that one in the center so much gotcha oh and the next group is showing up too wasn’t even done with the first group promise I just gotta run from side to side because as soon as I get to one group another group hops up on the other side

Of the room got it and then if I could just yep got it I think that’s all of them that door still is not open there’s a couple things we can do that first off click that one uh oh I made a mistake double Enderman attack

Oh I’m in huge trouble huge trouble but if they’re grouped together that actually makes it much easier to fight them off come on that was good I think I hope uh I almost I’m almost done with one of them there it is there it is I can use the potion

While fighting the other one and they’re done excellent now I get the shadow Brew after I need it oh and that just brings me here never mind then teleportation robes not too bad okay so now we can go through this door and we’re way up here this is exactly

What I was hoping for so um I could press that button and we can fly to the Citadel over that way okay this is actually yeah basically exactly what I was hoping for oh no that not so much let’s try that again careful going down this little side

And then do that okay we got it all figured out very nice well I guess there’s still more stuff up there but I might just be able to get it to it from here see what if I turn that over here I think that’s what I was supposed

To do okay whoa the imploding crossbow another unique week always good to see I’m gonna use my potion now okay see like I don’t think we were supposed to go this way but we get a bonus for it so that’s good that hurt me all the way down

Those aren’t supposed to hurt you that was pretty weird I’m gonna just throw that for now I don’t need it so going back over here my potion will be available eventually you might as well just keep making progress in the meantime where else can I go though uh good question I don’t know

Oh this way okay you can see the little guide marks um can I land on these no no you can’t that’s that’s a little misleading luckily you know I’ve already lost my health it’s fine okay going back over I think we can do this yep right there come on gotcha

A little slow down right now but now I can pick up the pace a little bit the shulkers are back of course they are where am I supposed to bring these ones in because there’s they’re shooting a lot of them at me I don’t see any doors available

Oh no there was are we about to fight it I think so this is not good am I ready for this am I really ready for this I hope so oh is there a chest over here it’s a pot okay so I’ll take it because sometimes it can drop food or

Something you never know and I’ll save this for one like right now I really need it when there’s a lot of stuff going on oh big explosion these guys are so tough to chop through okay I really need those lighting arrows there are so many enemies there we go oh

That’s a game changer another one up there gotcha saving that bread for later but there we go we can explore the Citadel that was intense okay so I’ll grab the spread then I think that I left some arrows back here whoops I got it out there so much to this wow

Okay so we’ll go to the right first if the the garden zero wants us to go to the left you know oh no come on that’s too much see sometimes you can destroy those enemies sometimes you can’t oh look at this whoa we’re up here we’re just gonna get a couple of extra

Pots pretty cool is there anything off this way I don’t think so oh no okay there we go and that time I was able to destroy the shulker is her chest up here if I walk around not really I got rid of it that time still supposed to go so check in this way out this is all sort of bonus I gotta be able to get the choker shoot it up here it does come back luckily so this is gonna be like a whole secret area then right I’d hope

Got it oh man enemy’s waiting for me oh and I didn’t even see you in time is that just gonna be another annoyance kind of thing or is there another door to open up with them doesn’t look like it there we go I got rid of it for now

Because that’s nice uh try to dodge it it chases you for so long so we’re with this tour lead wow just a whole nother extra area this level just keeps giving and giving I’ll definitely grab that the void touched blades those are new to jump across that hmm

I guess we gotta go like that of some of them are teleporting over there trying to get me too late I’m over here now see I could be just as fast as I can right maybe not that fast but pretty fast oh no oh no that’s a lot of them and

There’s even more coming in and over there yeah this guy there’s so many of these little ones not too bad though we got through it is there anything whoa there is let’s check this out a side Island and already a side area that’s crazy let me think about it just

The layers of secrets that we’re finding so that seems good I don’t know about that one over there but there is a jumper so I’d imagine somewhere I can oh maybe from there that seems like it would be how it works so I think if we

Keep exploring for now I can jump bring me up here press this button I don’t know what kind of trouble that’s gonna make more buttons to press so there’s a lot more of these guys popping up so I think using lightning arrows it’s good I still can’t believe that we’re coming

Up on the end of the game here like this is crazy the end of the game sort of twice you know we’ve already beaten the main game and explored all that so is this a elevator I think it might be but it’s not on yet can I oh okay so

I need to do that a few more times but before I do there’s more stuff to explore so I don’t want to do that just yet oh you know what I might have to as I’m looking at this a certain way shoot at me again and then I’ll activate there

There’s no choker on this side go come on you know the way gotta go up over and around and one more should do the trick takes a while doesn’t it got it okay we’re going up I hope or not I’ll gonna press the button silly because I don’t see anything else in

This area can reach you it won’t only let me go over there but now that I’m getting a better look at it it definitely is up music’s picking up something’s oh no I’ve been thinking they’re not too bad oh no so what’s going on up here even more of them

Honestly they’re sort of the easiest enemy of this biome though so I don’t mind it too much these guys are a bit more of a problem one more lightning Arrow just trying to make sure I use it when I absolutely need it that everything so far

It’s suddenly got a lot easier oh no I haven’t been time autonomously using normal arrows against them sometimes is better because I get the health restore from the normal arrows but not the lightning arrows excited oh no he does hit back pretty hard though got him so that’s gonna be a spear for

Us a big chest with a heavy crossbow nothing on this side actually anyways so let’s hope there’s more stuff over here and it looks like there is oh the burning Brew getting some work done and I think I was right about this oh sort of I missed one pot I don’t think

That’s a problem I can I can jump over anyways yeah I think he jumped over with me please got it and look at this exactly what I thought it’s not quite the way to get there that I anticipated they’ll teleport over to me I don’t have to worry about having them catch up

Got it okay so that should be this entire side section completed then we did great with that and we’re on our way to level 77 so at this point it looks like we really might get two levels in one episode which is great doesn’t happen a ton but

There were still more on this side path over here too probably not a ton actually might not want to speak so soon there might actually be a ton here because this is a whole other door to go into oh my gosh oh okay I see where we are so

We’re way up up here that’s so cool so we got some extra stuff for that nothing too crazy but back through all this I need to go around and look to see what else we can maybe find right now down this way shulkers are shooting at me again I

Appreciate it but I guess I could as long as one of them can get over here I don’t mind it all works out in the end come on I almost got him that’s it and what’s up here then besides another shulker that one I can’t destroy it

Seems there’s probably a meme for him somewhere oh these guys are enchanted as like why are they taking so much damage I would answer it okay that time I oh there was like two of them weird they always come back though is the thing is there anything

At least not from here so if I go back like this go the long way around I just I gotta do it I gotta find every single Pathway to make sure I’m not missing anything even though it’s mostly just these guys mean jerks oh wait a minute no this is not anything okay

I thought it could be something I think I might have missed a pot in this building yep there we go so now we’re good to get back over there so we’re finally back over here and this is just oh there’s so much more so much more

Trying to be as fishing as I can with it but these guys don’t make that so easy there’s just so much you don’t really know where to start most the time got it I’m just gonna head down this way and see what we can find and looks like we’re finding a lot from

It this is just gonna go on forever isn’t it jeez that’s crazy get rid of this shulker because oh no he still got me somehow or maybe that was a shulker shot from another one down this way too wow okay it’s gonna storm down One Direction until it gets me something

Ah there’s another one it looks like I finally reached a dead end over here as far as I can tell ah come on yep definitely a dead end so that’s a good thing it’s just one last area that we’ve like missed anything with but there’s still more to it so let’s

Not give up just yet okay now we could give up and turn back because clearly there’s nothing here it’s so weird when we do have these Super Side pass and like they don’t have a ton of enemies they don’t have any chests it feels like either I’m missing

Something or they forgot to add something you know oh there’s a pot here so I’ll take that it looks like up this staircase we’ve got a little extra definitely a couple of enemies and have we been inside of this one I don’t think we have

Yeah no no I guess we haven’t whoa get a good view though these guys are just sort of skipping around I guess because of how far away they are that’s cool nice little reward from that one I like it so now we’re good to go back up there continue

Is there still stuff on that side we haven’t seen it’s definitely gonna be bonus I guess I could have gone for that first oh yeah this is where we just had a good view on that’s not why I wanted to throw that come on get rid of these guys but geez these

Guys are so annoying because they just it’s hard to do anything about it oh hold on if I could get a shulker this is probably another chest come on come on right here you got it excellent so will this be a chest or what or nothing you’re not gonna give me anything

That feels horribly Fair and it doesn’t feel fair at all okay I’m just gonna hop down this thing we’re gonna get out of here leave it in the past nothing over here though use my lightning shots and a couple of these guys since there’s a decent group of them

I think you want to go over here wow a lot of them that’s a ton jeez and this is another side area so it’s telling me to go back at the moment but not interested in doing that if we’re just you know going through the end I’m gonna make sure I find

Everything at every dead end of the end nothing on that side of me but it’s crazy that the long journey we’ve had with this game we’ve been playing it for years now technically because it was one in 2020 the game launched and through all this DLC and stuff it’s been two years so

That’s just crazy to think about in my opinion okay oh no and I can’t get into there huh what do I do about that oh wait wait no is there a bun to press on the side there is okay that’s exactly what I was looking for

And that will get me in trouble with the big Enderman oh no where’d he go where’d he go oh gosh I’ve seen this sort of stick around for as long as possible that’s sort of the struggle is that it usually disappears really quickly got it there we go I

Don’t get a burning Brew not really too many enemies on the way back though so we just gotta run all the way back over and continue down the main line okay so we’re back to where we were and it looks like I’m supposed to go that way so you know what that means

Going this way instead another shulker of course getting a little riptided up with these guys I thought they put them in too many parts of the level for how easily they disrupt you well I got rid of that choker before it could do much so that’s good

I did miss a couple of pots down there though is it worth going all the way down there for a couple of pots that’ll give me emeralds when I have over 7 000 probably not oh no got around gotta run because oh gosh there it is there it is

It’s getting close new event Arena Battle are we about to fight it for real this time I don’t know I want to see if I can grab this I can cool I can’t go up any of these staircases all about just fighting here then looks like there’s even some enemies over that way

Grab some more of the fruit oh I want that shadow brew and then just slice them there you go I want to take down with that one oh no maybe I should have saved it because the under sensor here and they don’t mess around we have over

480 eras we have so much here so hopefully I can use all that to fight you off oh I dodged that one ow did not Dodge that one I’m gonna get some of my health back though just by shooting arrows where do they go oh there you are there you are way up

There that doesn’t feel Fair get down here and I guess there stuck so I can hit him up a little bit but I wanted ah come on okay using my potion just gonna try to Brute Force this one a little bit so bad and you’re back up there again

That’s so weird I’ve never seen them do that before but if it works it works they’re almost done but my stuff okay it fell down thank goodness wow so now what’s next find the capital and the broken Citadel I’ll work on it that was ridiculous oh no come on shulker number one million

But it looks like for this one I do need to find a key somewhere finding it over here that’s for sure no no there is oh actually maybe there is a door over there then yeah up this way how’d I miss this no door up here but a pathway

Oh and there it is level 77 after all this hard work happy to see that for sure can’t believe ROMs at level 80. like I said we’ve gone a long way from our Early Adventures of the feeling the arch illager trying to get rid of you there I guess

One Little Slice will do the job sometimes I think that’s gonna be it for the side path already been all the way over there so we’re good to head back I’ll grab the burning Brew oh no you don’t get out of here the burning board did the job hmm

Still no key though so we can’t proceed the main way well I can’t get into this thing though does it have anything for me no I thought that would have been a really rewarding secret oh come on instead I’m stuck down here Okay so this is definitely one of the longest

Levels though I feel like we’ve been on it for a while now oh no oh no gotcha back over here it’s pretty good got him this area is also a dead end though oh I hear the key though and there it is so hopefully we can grab that no problem

Yep just up here like that and I gotcha oh but now the enemies are spawning and of course so they’re gonna try to stop me from getting away with the little key friend which I cannot stand for not one bit oh no they took it again oh my God I got it

So I don’t think we’ll reach level 78 in today’s episode I mean I’ll certainly try but I still think it’s gonna happen but that’s everything so we’re good to continue battle across the bridge don’t mind if I do oh I see it again wiggling down there it’s been stalking us every

Step of the way through the adventure of the end and we’ve finally I think our at least finally are starting to reach its end point been waiting for this moment but so have I so we’ll see who’s more prepared right oh no oh no I should finish him off it

Does sort of actually not no it doesn’t at all got it okay it’s more though while they’re grouped I just need to take advantage of that and really start slicing them oh no this is very short range for an Enderman fight okay well I’m gonna stay stand outside

Of that makes it a little bit easier but it’s definitely still I think the most productive to yeah hit him with the arrows and then immediately swipe after and we get a big chest for it that’s going to give us um some Grim armor I see you again

Oh gosh there we go so we’re over 500 arrows now well there you are stop them oh no oh no this isn’t good what is happening whoa foreign oh that is so much worse it’s on fire defeat the vengeful heart Avenger oh man it means business

Well I’m gonna give it everything I got I’m a little scared if we die here what it’ll mean for us you don’t have to redo it this whole level wow okay I don’t think I want to touch that thing oh no I think I might want to hide

Behind that or something no I guess not oh I see oh this is gonna get messy it’s gonna get real messy gonna try to dodge as much as I can but it’s not easy to do that out okay use my potion that’s what it’s there for and I can’t

Hit them when they’re like that it’s totally shielded so this is where I’ve gotten so many arrows and I’m just gonna try to use both as much as I can right there that was great actually I got a lot done I was gonna keep attacking them until

It doesn’t let me do it anymore there we go cause that’s just buying me time before I need to use my potion again so whenever they’re shielded with the purple that means I can’t do any damage against them so I need to focus fully on oh man surviving and not taking damage

So they’ll do those explosions and if we’re too close it’ll do damage these guys are so tough because they’re Enchanted oh man didn’t even realize okay still can’t hurt them oh now I can I don’t know what those are but they explode come on I still have arrows to use though so

Here’s my time though there’s Punch Kick do everything I can so we’re making it farther already this is pretty impactful uh this was not easy performance hold my potion maybe just hiding in a little corner like this is my best bet so once they start bouncing off the wall That’s

When things get wild but I think by staying back here whoa that almost got me they do a lot of damage we still have a ton of arrows out and your health is back so whoa the charge the charge looks silly because it looks like a big Angry caterpillar but

That’s doing some major combo damage oh and you’re back to uh just normal we don’t get too much time to really lay on the numbers no we gotta go Gotta Go Fly Away that’s it that’s it Enchanted guys are coming back which makes it so much more difficult okay got it

Just waiting for your health you have to be available to be attached again I think this might be the last stretch of it it really depends on how many of these guys spawn into come on oh my goodness here come these Childs again so just need to dodge them I have my potion

Available things get really really unfortunate but I can do this I could do this there we go I didn’t take any damage that time that’s awesome ‘s gonna start shooting now so I can be ready for you when they’re available charge at me now we run over and just

Start going crazy on it and hopefully maybe just maybe oh it’s charging again oh no use my potion there I think it was a good move we didn’t quite finish it off happen now a whole another one and I don’t have my potion this time so this will be close

That’s gonna watch around and just try to be careful but that one that one that’s hitting me okay uh it’s not good I do have another bit of Health though so okay these explode but I’m able to do some damage from afar here we go here we go this is our chance

Is our chance come on we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re doing it we got it oh man the vengeful heart might be enough because it’s exploding oh my goodness it fell apart you think we did it whoa oh gosh and they’re still attacking me

Hold on hold on I was in awe I was enjoying the moment these guys are attacking me I do not want to get a game over against these little guys that would be the worst there we go and we get the beginning and the end unique weapon whoa that’s so cool

I can’t believe it we did it we defeated the the vengeful heart and there’s still a little bit more to grab too so let’s get all that that was crazy what an experience an awesome boss fight and we found the final portal so what happens now we just go ahead

And the pig’s here too and he’s dancing so all of our adventures have been finished what a fantastic experience this is all been with the heart of Ender defeated the Overworld was finally and truly free from the orbs influence but even as this story ends is it Hero’s work ever done

Oh no as long with Adventures await Heroes will answer the call and we are one of those Heroes as I said there is still a lot more to experience in this game including like daily trials and different things like that that we’ll take a look at in a moment but

That is the end of the core experience for Minecraft dungeons and I’m glad that we finally got to get through it and as you can see we get the tasty bone which is something we’ve had before but yeah what an experience it was I had so much

Fun through all that and then we got the broken Citadel completed but yeah there’s things like daily trials that we can do and with those it’s just sort of I guess like a varying um level each time or each day uh but beyond that if we want to experience new

Content I think that there’s the ancient hunts which I I don’t know if these are even new content but we can put weapons in and do Seth um I think there’s something else too on the mainland right not the stronghold maybe not I thought there might have

Been over here the tower that’s what I’m thinking of uh maybe we can do an episode taking out the tower but right now I just I’m so excited that we were able to explore everything and experience this game especially to prepare for the upcoming new Minecraft game Minecraft Legends which I’ll

Definitely be playing a lot of that too in the meantime though let’s check out some of the new stuff we got we got a brand new unique weapon at the beginning and the end forged by the survivors of the doomed expedition to the end these twin bleeds carry dark

Secrets and with this one it leeches health for mobs and applies Rising damage multiplier so I’ll try those out now they’re a little low like I would like to boost them up I think a little bit because like this has three upgrade slots we have double sharpness and refreshment but

I’d have to see what we have here but let’s just see what his normal attack is I definitely need to try these out for a bit though you know oh that’s so cool well when they do some consistent damage too I like it so there’s that we also got two unique bows

We got the imploding crossbow the imploding crossbow has been magically fine-tuned to maximize the impact of explosion this one of course pulls enemy’s end and is that oh no I did the wrong one whoops see that’s not it right there whoa that’s so cool though so maybe that’s something we could try

But also we have another new boat right over here call the void you can feel the void Whispering from deep within this bow but behind that sound is another voice in the Darkness so let’s try it with that really quickly whoa and with this one what does it do

It applies Rising damage multiplier and chances for errors to explode got you um I think I like the other one a bit more the exploding one so maybe we’ll be able to explore some stuff with some new weapons um on top of that we get yeah the unstable robes this Ender robe Sparks

With static as you say sachet across the battlefield with this one we have roll teleport 50 Souls gathered trigger explosion on rolling teleport do I currently yeah I don’t have the Ultra Wings roll anymore that’s so sad but let’s try that out there whoa so we could have like a crazy setup

With all this because this is all like void stuff I’m not convinced this is the one I like the most though I think I do like the explosion one of it better but is that a void one it’s just an important crossbow was there anything else new that we got like

The void bow when we pluck the string in the void bow an unsettling silence reverberates across the battlefield and then I think avoid touch blades these blades are infused with a disturbing purpose after countless ages trapped in the end how cool is that so we now have

A unique set that looks amazing maybe we’ll just keep up with this and try that um with some other things but in the meantime is there anything new here we do have some unique stuff that I don’t know if I have like the flail this Angel weapon influx grave blunt damage to

Those who cannot evade the deadly metal ball I don’t think I have this one it’s a unique I might as well collect them and then we have the Amber robe the Ember robe was created by illiger evokers to distinguish themselves from the common guard that’s awesome so that

Has a artifact cooldown move speed Aura Burns nearby enemies seems good to me for the mystery Merchant let’s go ahead and get a uh a thing scatter mines I’ve already gotten before still though that’s awesome and I think it’s not really too much I could do there so yeah if we wanted to

Keep playing the game there’s still more stuff we can do we can earn through the different seasons and we could play through the tower stuff um I haven’t tried this at all so it would be a totally new experience remember we do decide to do that and then there’s still plenty of other

Things trying to replay levels so that we can unlock things that we’ve missed different artifacts and weapons and such like in the stronghold there’s even still another piece of gear in there and on top of that there’s daily trials all over the place that we just haven’t

Tried before we’ve never done a daily trial so maybe we could do some of that kind of stuff if you guys want to see it be sure to let me know but for right now that is gonna wrap it up for today’s episode of Minecraft dungeons thank you

Guys so much for watching I’ll see you next time bye bye

This video, titled ‘Vengeful Heart of Ender Boss! – Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Walkthrough Part 39 – Echoing Void DLC!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2022-09-06 20:00:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Welcome to Minecraft Dungeons Part 39! We continue our new Minecraft adventure with the Echoing Void DLC exploring the …

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    Ultimate Minecraft Enchantment: Lv255 Wind Burst!Video Information ウインドバーストレベル255つけたら どこまで飛んでちゃうのかなまずウインド バーストなしだと0マス1だと10マス2 は17マスサバイバル最強の3だと大体 25マスぐらい飛び上がるんだよね サバイバルならこれが限界だな上限突破し たウンドバースト4だと30マス5は40 マスで6は46マスと1レベルごとに5 マス10マス増えるみたいで一気にウンド バースト10まで上げると確かに80マス ぐらい上空へ飛ぶようになったみたい吉 団長レベル35でコード限界来ちゃったよ なるほどいいこと思いついたウインド パースのレベルを最大255に設定したら さ高さ上限Y320突破しちゃって宇宙に なっていけるんじゃないかなA高さ上限を 突破するBY320より上にはいけない 正解だと思う方2回押したら答えを コメントでも教えてねそれでは一生タイム ておものすごい勢いでY3800まで到達 したからスキンが焦げてしまったみたい This video, titled ‘爆風エンチャントLv255?(ウインドバースト) #マイクラ #マインクラフト #Minecraft #まいくら #クイズ #ゲーム #Shorts’, was uploaded by ぷんきち【マイクラ】 on 2024-06-22 03:44:17. It has garnered 65611 views and 2972 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Windburst is too dangerous to use🤣 If you know the answer, please comment✨ 🔷 ============================ ▼Please also refer to this channel (titles omitted) ======================== Should Chiropi’s guests come in? Or not? House-sitting Minecraft 😅[Minecraft] Poppins participated in a terrifying dodgeball… Read More

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  • Parsa Shaaker reveals SECRET to playing Subwoofer Lullaby on piano! 🎹🎮 #MinecraftMadness

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Vengeful Heart of Ender Boss! –  Minecraft Dungeons Gameplay Walkthrough Part 39 – Echoing Void DLC!